c> -n*.. .\ ^'V: .V ./>, A> <\ ' 0 . . * .^ I -fl -.'^ \. ,<^^ V^^ '^Z'. .„ .-b^^ \ <^\ » ■\.. ,->^' '^ .^^ .^^^. '.^'■^L^^^ -^ '■ 0 A ^r cV>^ !vN' '/ -^^ a" ■/ Ak .' .N^^ .V ■/'. - - ' ^ .A> ^oo' ■^0^#^^.% %.. ^.c/ ■x^^- iS^' 4-7' * ■■: o5 - ^ «/*. ,-^^' ^^.. .^V^ ■^, •i" '■■^.^ .^v^' ^ v^ : xO°<. 'i'r ;> O '', '%.,< .-iS' r '^o ■ ":\ ■- O .>^'' •*bo'^ ,\ cP' "oO^ '^ > :V V--' v>^. ,V .r,_ .^"^ .^ .^ V .0 0^ 6 ^ ■%. "^^ 0°' c nOo,, ,0o^ ^^, ,^' *^' \' '"'■f'. %."^' .x^- 'U ■" -ei '"o %. v^^ : ^'•. '"^A v^^ ■o- .^' aV .^'^^^^ .^^ x^^' % x^q. A"^' 4^\ ■•^'^ .^^' ^"^^^^•.^^X^ ^ >. ^^ ■^''^. ^ 0 • )l .,-i>* V v^"^ -^. \^ "VC. ^ x^^-^' ■% ,0o W^ A<^^ '^^ % ■-..^ '^ .vN^ \V^' -"r. CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE TO THE HOLY SCRIPTURES^ EDITED BY JOHN EADIE, D.D., LL.D., PKOFBSSOB OF BIBLICAL LITERATURE TO THE UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, SCOTLAXD. WHOLLY REVISED, AND PRINTED FROM NEW ELECTROTYPE PLATES EXPRESSLY FOR HITCHCOCK'S COMPLETE ANALYSIS OF THE HOLY BIBLE. Entered^ according to Act of Congress, in the year 18G9, by A. J. Johnson, in tlie ClerKs Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Neiu York. ABH AAROIV. LuJce 1:5 wife of daughteraof A. Acts 7:40 saying to A. make gods Ikb. 5:4 called of God, as was A. 7:11 not called after order of A. 9:4 A's rod that budded AARONITES. lC'Ar.l2:27; 27:17 ABADDON. Beo. 9:11 ABAGTHA. Est. 1:10 ABANA. 2 K. 5:12 ABASE. Job 40:11 Behold proud, and a. Is. .31:4 lion will not a. himself Eze. 21:20 and a. him thatishi^'h Dan. 4:37 in pride is able to a. ABA.SED. Mat. 23:12 exalt, shall be a. Luke 14:11 : 18:14 Phil. 4:12 I know how to be a. ABASIXG. 2 Cor. 11:7 olleuce in a. myself ABATED. Oen. 8:.3 waters were a. 8:11 Lev. 27:18 be a. from thy estim. Deut. ;i4:7 was Moses' force a. Jud. 8:3 their anf,'(;r was a. ABBA. Mark H-./ifS a. Fatlujr, all things Jimn,. 8:15 we cry, a. Father Gat. 4:8 crying a. Father ABDA. 1 K. 4:0; Neh. 11:17 ABDI. 2 Chr. 29:12; Ezr. 10:20 ABDIEL. 1 Chr. 5:15 ABDON. Jud. 12: 13; 2 67(^.34:20 ABKD-NEGO. />»rtrt.l:7;2:49; 3:2;J ABEL, person, or place. 1 Sam. 0:18 stone of A. they set 2 Sam. 20:18 ask counsel at A. Mat. 2:J:35 blood of A. Luke 1I:!)1 Heb. 11:4 by faith A. ofTcrod 12:24 things than blood of A. ABKr.-BETlI-MAACIIAn. \K. 1.5:20; 2 A'. 15:29 ABEL-MAIM. 2 67w. 10:4 ABEI.-MEIIOLAII. Jud. 7:22; 1 A'. 19:10 ABEL-MIZUAIM. Oen. 50:11 AHIIOR. Lev. 20:11 soul sIkiII not a. you IB your soul ii. my judguients SO my soul shall u. y'l\:\\\ \w\- ,1. In padisonh'hl I's. 15:1 shiill II. Ill liilicniiieley 01: 1 1 will a. In thy tulurimclu ABI Ps. 7 he shall a. before God 91:1 shall a. under the shadow Proe. 7:11 her feet a. not iu 19:23 shall a. satisfied Ec. 8:15 shall a. of his labor Jer. 10:10 not a. his indigna. 49:18 no man a. there, ;«; 50:40 ■Jod 2:11 terrible, who can a. it? Mic. 5:4 they shall a. for now Nah. 1:0 can a. in his anger? Mat. 3:2 whom may a. diiy of Mat. 10:11 there a. Mark 6:10; Luke 9:4 Luke 19:5 I must a. at thy house 24:29 a. with us ■John. 12:40 not a. in darkness 14:10 Comforter that he may a. 1.5:4 a. in me, except ye a. 7 0 i f a man a. not in me 10 a. in my love, a. in his love Acts 27:31 these a. in ship 1 Cor. 3:14 if any man's work a. 7:8 good if they a. even as I 20 let every man a. in same 40 happier if she so a. Phil. 1:24 to a. in the flesh 1 Jolin 2:24 let that a. in you 27 ye shall a. ; 28 children a. ABIDBTH. 2 Sam,. 10:3 he a. at Jerua. Ps. 49:12 man in honor, a. not 5.5:19 i!vf'ii he that (i. of old 119:90 earth, audita. 12.5:1 Zioii, which a. ever Pion. 1.5:31 a. among the wise Ec. 1:4 the earth a. for ever John 3:;!0 wrath of (!od a on 8::J5 servai t u. not. son a. 12:34 he:-.. (I that Christ a. 15:5 \w that a. in ine bringeth 1 Cor. i:!:13 now a. faith, hope 2 Tim. 2:13 vet he a. faithful llib. 7::! Melchi/edek a. a j)riest 1 Pet. 1:2.3 word of (iod which «. 1 .hiliii 2:0 he a. in him i. 2.3:0 man been a. to stand 1 Sam. 6:20 who a. to stand 1 K. 3:9 who is a. to judge 2 Chr. 2:6 who is a. to build 20:6 none is a. to withstand thee 25:9 Lord is a. to give Jch 41:10 who a. to stand Pi-ov. 27:4 who a. to stand bef. Van. 3:17 our God is a. to deliv. 6:20 God is a. to deliver from Mat. 3:9 God is a. of these stones to raise up, Lvke 3:8 9:28 believe ye I am a. to do 19:12 he that is a. to receive it 20:22 are ye a. to drink 22:46 no man was a. to answer A^';;*4:33 as they were a. to hear Jo!in 10:29 no man is a. to pluck Act.i 15: 10 yoke fathers nor we a. 20:32 word of grace, a. to build Eom. 4:21 he was a. to perform 11:23 for God is a. to graff them 14:4 God is a. to make him 15:14 ye are a. also to admonish 1 Cor. 3:2 ye were not a. nor yet 10:13 above that ye are a. 2 Cor. 3:6 made us a. ministers of 9:8 God is a. to make all grace EpJi. 3:20 that is a. to do PIiU. 3:21 he is a. to subdue all 2 7'im. l:12heisa. tokeep that I 3: 7 nevera. tocometotheknow. 15 scriptures a. to make wise. Heb. 2:18 he is a. to succor them 5:7 to him that was a. to save 7:35 is a. to save to uttermost 11:19 that God was a. to raise Jam. 1:21 which is a. to save 3:2 a. tobridle the whole body 4: 12 one lawgiver a. to save and J>ide 24 to hiin that is a. to keep Per. 5:3 no man was a. to open 13:4 who is a. to make war with 15:18 no man was a. to enter Be ABLE. Jb9. 1:5 any man be a. to stand Dent. 7:24 no man be a. to. 11:25 2 Chr. 32:14 should 5« a. to deliv. Is. 47:12 thou shalt be a. to profit Eze. 33:12 righteous be a. to live L'ike 14:31 he be a. with 10.000 Pom. 8:39 Se a. to separate us 1 Cor. 10:13 may be a. to bear Eph. 3:18 be a. "to comprehend 6:11 that ye may be a. to stand 16 ye shall be a. to qnench 2 Tim. 2:2 who shall be a. to t. T?'. 1:9 may be a. by sound 2 P«<. 1:15 6e a. after my decease Pev. 6: 17 who shall be a. to stand IVot be ABLE. 2 K. 18:29 ra. *« a. to de. Zs. 36:14 Ps. .36:12 shall no< S« a. to rise ^fc. 8:17 yet not be a. to find it Is. 47:11 shall rwt be a. to put Jer. 11:11 to escape; 49:10 to hide Ezek. 7:19 gold shall not be a. to LiiJce 13:24"seek, n. be a.; 21:15 to IVot ABLE. Xiiin. 13:31 we be not a. to go up 14:16 Lord was «. a. Penl. 9:28 Ezr. 10:13 we are not a. to stand jY«A. 4:10 we are not a. to build P<. 18:.38 woimded not a. to rise 21:11 are not a. to perform 40:12 I am not a. to look up Amos 7:10 land is not a. to bear Z'/fe 12:26 »«< a. to do that is 1. 14:29 laid found, and not a. to John 21:6 not a. to draw for the f. Acts 6:10 not a. to resist the w. ABIVER. 1 Sam. 14:51 Xer father of A. 17:55 said to A. whose son ? 26:7 but A. and the people lay 14 cried answer thou not A. 2 Sam. 2:14 A. said, let vour men 3:25 A. the s. of Ner. .30,:«,3;3,.37 4:1 Saul's son heard A. was d. 12 Ish-bosheth in A. sepnl. 1 J?:. 2:5 what Joab did to A. 1 Chr. 26:28all that A. dedicated 27:21 Jaasiel son of A. rul. of B. ABOARD. Acts 21:2 went a. and set forth ABODE, Substantive. 2 K. 10:27 I know thy a. /*. .37:28 John 14:23 come and make our a. ABODE, Verb. Gen. 29:14 .Jacob a. \rith him 49:24 but his bowa. in strength Er. 21: 16 glorv of God a. on "Si. ^'■'m. 9:17 cloiid a. 18 20 they a. in their tents. 22 11::J5 tlie people a. at Hazeroth ABO 2^i/m. 20:1 the p. a. Jud. 11:17 22:8 princes of Jloab. a. with B. Deut. 1:46 so ye a. in Kadesh 3:29 we a. in the valley 9:9 I a. in the mount Jos. 5:8 they a. in their places 8:9 they a. between Bethel Jud. 5:17 Gilead a. beyond Jor. Asher a. in his breaches 19:4 Levite a. with him 3 days 20:47 and a. in the rock Eim. 1 Sam. 1:23 the woman a. and g. 7:2 while the ark a. in Kirjatn 13:16 Saul and Jona. a. in Gib. 22:6 Saul a.: 2.3:14.Dav.o.25:26:3 2:3:18 a. in wood: 2 Sam.V.X Zik. 2 Sa.m. 14:12 Uriah a. in Jerusa. 15:8 vowed while I a. at 1 K. 17:19 a loft where he a. ■ler. .38:28 Jeremiah a. in the ct. Mat. 17:22 while they a. in Gal. Luke 1:56 Mary a. ■nith her a. 8:27 nor a. in any house, but John 1:.32 Spirit and it a. on him 39 they came and a. mth him 7:9 he a. in Galilee 8:44 murderer and a. not in t. 11:6 he a. two days still Acts 1:13 room where a. Peter 14:3 lon^ time a. they speaking 18:3 Paul a. irith them and w. 21:7 came and a. with brethren 8 house of Philip and a. with Gal. 1:18 and a. with Peter ABODE there, or there ABODE. Jud. 21:2 people a. there tiU e. Ezr. 8: 15 there a. we in tents John 4:40 Jesus a. there two d. 10:40 John bapt. and there a. Acts 14:28 there they a. long t. 17:14 Silas and Tim. a. there ABODEST. Jud. 5:16 why a. among the sh. ABOLISH. Is. 2:18 idols he shall utterly a. ABOLISHED. Is. 51:6 right shall not be a. EzeJc. 6:6 your works may be o. 2 Cor. 3:13 that which is a. Eph. 2:15 ha\-ing a. in his flesh 2 Tim. 1:10 C. who hath a. death ABOMI\ABLE. Lev. 7:21 touch any a. thing 11:43 make yourselves a. with 18:.30 commit not these a. cus. 19:7 on the third day. it is a. 20:25 make souls a. by beast Deut. 14:3 eat any a. thing 1 Chr. 21:6 king's word was a. to 2 Chr. 15:8 Asa put away a. idols Job. 15:16 much more a. is man Ps. 14:1 have done a. works 5.3:1 have done a. iniquity Is. 14:19 like an a. branch 65:4 broth of a. things is in .ler. 16:18 carcasses of their a. 44:4 this a. thing I hate EzeJc. 4:14 came a. flesh into my 8:10 and behold a. beasts 16:52 sins committed more a. Mlc. 6: 10 scant measure that is a. Xah. 3:6 I will cast a. filth on Tit. 1:16 deny him being a. 1 Pet. 4:3 walked in a. idolatries Pev. 21:8 unbelieving and the a. ABOMIXABLV. 1 K. 21:26 Ahab did very a. ABOMIX.VTION. Gen. 43:32 is an a. to Egyptians 46:.34 shepherds is a. toEsvp. Ex. 8:26 sacrifice the a. of Esvp. Lev. 7:18 be an a. to von. 12.20.23 11:10 be an a. to vou. 12. 20. 2:3 18:22 womankind' it is a. 20:13 Dent. 7:25 it is a. to the Ld. 17:1 26 bring an a. into thy house 12:31 every a. they have done 13:14 such a. is wrought, 17:4 18:12 that do these are a. 22:5 23:18 these are an a. to God 24:4 is an a. before the Lord 25:16 that do unright. are a. 27:15 that maketh a. to Lord 1 K. 11:5 Milcom the a. of Am. 7 Chcmosh the a. of Moah 2 A'. 2-3:13 Ashtoretli a of Zid. Ps. 88:8 thou hast made me an a. Pror. 3:.32 froward is an a. 6:16 seven thinirs are an a. 8:17 wickedness is an a. 11:1 a false balance is a. to Lord 20 froward heart are a. 12:22 lying lips are a. to 13:19 d. to fools to depai-t ABO Prov. 15:8 sacrifi. of w. is a. 21:27 9 of the wicked is an a. 26 of wicked are a. to L. 16:5 one proud in heart is a. 12 a. to kings to commit 17:15 both are an a. to the Lord 20:10 both of them are alike a. 23 weights are an a. to Lord 24:9 the scorner is an a. to men 28:9 even his prayer shall be a. 29:27 unjust man is a. to just, upright in the way a. to Is. 1:13 incense is an a. to me 41:24 an a. is he that 44:19 residue thereof an a. f 66:17 eating swine's flesh an c. Jer. 2:7 my neritage an a. 6:15 theycommitted a. 8:12 .32:.35 that they should do this a. Ezek. 16:50 and committed a. 18: 12 to idols and committed a. 22:11 a. with neighbor's wife .33:26 and ye work a. Dan. 11::31 a. that maketh 12:11 a. that maketh desolate Mat. 2:11 an a. is committed Mat. 24:15 a. of desol. Mar. 13:14 Luke 16:15 is a. with God Pev. 21:27 enter that worketh a. ABO.'WIAATIOXS. Deut. 18:9 not learn to do after a. 32:16witha. provoked they him 1 K. 14:24 did all a. of nations 2 K. 21:2 a. of heathen, 2 Chr. 3:3:2. 23:24 a. Jos. put away, 2 Chr. 34:2 2 Chr. 36:8 Jehoiakimandhisa. 14 transgressed after all a. Prov. 26:25 seven a. in his heart Jer. 44:22L. could not bear for a. Ezek. 6:11 alas for all the evil a. 8:6 shalt see greater a. 13, 15 9 wicked a. that they do here 17 light thing to commit a. 9:4 that sigh and crj- for the a. 11:18 take away all a. thereof 14:6 your faces from your a. 16:2 Jerusa. to know her a. 18:24 when rishteous doth a 20:4 the a. of their fathers 7 cast ye away a. of eyes 22:2 show her all her a. 36:31 loathe yourselves for a. 44:6 O Israel, let it suffice of a. Dan. 9:27 overspreading of a. Zee. 9:7 a. from between Pev. 17:4 golden cup full of a. 5 harlots and a. of earth Tlieir ABO.MLVATIOXS. Deut. 20:18 not afters, a. Ezr. 9:11 t. a. which have /•.-. 66:3 dclighteth in their a. ■Ter. 7:.30 setr^ a. in the. .32:34 Ezek. 11:21 walketh after t. a. 12:16 declare all t. a. 16:47 done after t. a. 23:.36 declare to them t. a. .33:29 desolate because of t. a. 43:8 holy name by t. a. 44:13 bear their shame and t. a. Hos. 9:10 t. a. were as they loved These AB0.>HXATl6xS. Ler. 18:26 not com. any of/, a. Deut. 18:12 bee. of/, a. L. doth 2 K. 21:11 hath done /. a. Ezr. 9:14 with people of/, a. ■ler. 7:10 to do all these a. Ezek. 18:13 done /. a. shall Thine AB0MI\AT10\S. Jer. 4:1 wilt put away thine a. 13:'27 I have seen /. a. on hills Ezek. 5:9 not because of/, a. 11 my sanctuaiy with /. a. 7:3 recompense all /. a. 4, 8, 9 16:.36 the idols of thine a. 43 lewdness above all /. a. 51 multiplied /. a. more 58 hast borne /. a. saith ABOVE. Deut. 28:13 shalt be a. only ■Tos. 3:13 that came from a. 16 2 .Sam.22:17 sent from a. P*'.18:16 lohn 8:23 I am from a. ye of 19:11 were given from a. Col. ;3:1 seek things which area. 2 set your aft'ection on things a. ABOVE all. .Tohn 3:31 from heaven is a. all Eph. 3:'20 a. all that we ask 4:6 one God a. all Col. 3:14 a. all these put on 2 The-!. 2:4 esalteth a. all called ■lam. 5:12a. a//things, swearnot 1 Pet. 4:8 a. all things have ch. ABS ABOVJi aU GODS. See gods. ABO%^ heaven. See heaven. Stood AB0"V:E. See stood. ABOUXD. Prov. 28:20 faithful a. with Mat. 24:12 iniquity shall a. Porn. 5:20 the ofl'ence might a. 6:1 in sin, that grace may a. ! 15:13 that ye may a. in hope iCor. 1:5 as sufferings a. so 8:7 as ye a. in every thing, see 9:8 make all grace a. to yoa Phil. 1:9 love may a. more 4:12 I know how to a. both to a. 17 may a. to your account 18 I have all and a. I am full 1 Thes. 3:12 make yon to a.in love 4:1 would a. more and more 2 Pet. 1:8 things be in you and a. ABOUXDED, eth, ixg. Prov. 8:24 no fount, a. with 29:22 furious man a. in Pom. 3:7 of God hath more a. 5:15 grace by J. C. hath a. to 20 sin a. grace did more a. ICor. 15:58 always a. in the 2 Co;'. 8:2 poverty a. to riches Eph. 1:8 he hath a. tov\-ard Col. 2:7 a. therein with thanksg. 2 Thes. 1:3 charity to ea. other a. ABOijT. ■John 7:19 go yet a. to kill me ? See Goxi:, KOtnro, stood, time, WENT. ABRAHAM with father. Gen. 26:3 the oath to A. thy/. 24Godof A. thv/. 28:13 .32:9 G. of/. A. and God of ■Jos. 24:3 took/. A. from Is. 51:2 look to A. your/. Mat. 3:9 A. to our/., Luke 3:8 Luke 1:73 he sware to/ A. 16:24/ A. have mercy on me .30 nay,/ A. but if one from John 8:39 A. is our/ 53 greater than f. A.l 56/ A. rejoiced to see Acts 7:2 appeared to/ A. Eom. 4:1 that A. our/ hath 12 in the steps of faith of/. A. 16 of A. who is/ of us all Jam. 2:21 A. oxvcf. justified by ABRAH.\>f joined with seed. 2 Chr. 20:7 gavest it to seed of A. Ps. 105:6 O ye s. of A. his Is. 41:8 thou Israel, the s. of A. ■ler. 33:26 rulers over s. of A. Lu/x 1:55 spake to A. and his s. John 8::33 A.'s «. never in bond. 37 A. s. but ye seek to kill me Pom. 4:13 promise not to A. or s. 9:7 thev are the seed of A. 11:1 ofthe«. of A. 2. Cor. 11:22 Gal. 3:16 to A. and s. prom. 3:29 then A. s. and heirs Heb. 2:16 on him the s. of A. ABROAD. Ex. 12:46 aught of flesh a. Lev. 18:9 born at home or a, ■Tud. 12:9 daughters from a. 2 K. 4:3 bonoV thee vessels a. •2Chr. 31:5 as com. came a. ■lob 15:23 wandereth a. for bread Ps. 41:6 he gocth a. telleth it Pror. 5:16 be dispersed a. Is. 44:24 spreadcth a. the earth ■ler. 6:11 on children a. Lam. 1:'20 a. the sword Mark 1:45 blaze a. the matter 4:22 it should come a. Luke 1:65 sayings were noised a. 2:17 a. the saying about Acts 2:6 noised a. the multitude Pom. 5:5 love of God shed a in 16:19 your obedience is come a. See CiST. SPREAD, STAND, SCAT- TER, WENT. ABSEXCp. Luke 22:6 betray him in a. of Phil. 2:12 much more in my a. ABSEXT. ff«n. 31:49 we are a. one from 1 Cor 5:3 verily as a. in body 2 Cor. 5:6 at home in body are a. 8 willins to be a. from body 9 present o' a. accepted 10:1 being a. am bold 11 bv lettei-s when a. such 13:2 being a. now I \mte, 10 Phil. 1:271 come, or else a. Col. 2:5 I be a. in the fle.sh ABST.VIX. Acts 15:20 a. from pollutions 29 that ye a. from meats 1 Thei. 4:3 a. from fornication CHUDEN'-S CON-CORDANCE. 753 ^> £ ACC Thes. 5:22 a. from all appear. Tim. 4:3 com. to a. from meats Pet. 2:11 a. from fleshly lusts abstixe:vce. ctsZHril after lon;^ o.Paul stood ABUXDAX€E. ^eut. 33:19 suck of the a. of the 1 Sa/ii. 1:U> out of a. of my 1 /C 18:41 sound of a. of rain 2 <7/i/". '. :9 spices gi-eat a. Jb6 22:11 n. waters cover. .38:;34 Ps. 72:7 shall be a. of peace .fifc. 5:10 that loveth a. with 12 a. of the rich not suffer Is. 15:7 the a. they liave gotten 47:9 a. of thy enchantments 60:5 the a. of the sea 66:11 with the a. of her glory Jer. 33:6 reveal a. of peace Bzek. 16:49 a. of idleness was • Zee. 14:14 apparel in great a. Mai. 12:.34 a. of heart. Lvke 6:45 13:12 have more a. 25:29 iifarA 12:44 of their a. Luke 21:4 .ffowi. 5:17 receive a. of grace 2 C'o?\ 8:2 «. of their joy 14 your a. a supply, their a. 12:7 «. of the revelations Hev. 18.3 thro' a. of delicacies In ABUiVDArVCE. Ps. .37:11 delight in a. of peace 52:7 in the a. of his riches Luke 12:15 consisteth not in a. 2 Cor. 8:20 blame us i/j this a. ABUIVDAIVT. Ex. 34:6 God a. in goodness 7«. 56:12 this day and more a. 1 C'or.Vi-.iiS bestow more a. hon. 24 more a. honor to that jjart 2 Cor. 4:15 a. gi-ace might 7:15 inwanl affection is more a. 9:12 the administration is «. 11:23 labors more a. in stripes Phil. l:2(i rejoicing he more a. ITim. 1:14 was exceeding a. 1 P«<. 1:3 his a. mercy ABUIVDAIVTLY. Gen. 1:20 waters bring forth a. 21 8:17 that they may breed a. 9:7 multiply, bring forth a. Ex. 1:7 Israel increased a. Num. 20:11 water came out a. 1 Chr. 22:5 so David prepared a. 8 thou hast shod blood a. Jul) 12:6 wliose hand G. bring a. 36:28 distil upon man a. Ps. 36:8 a. satislied with fatness 6.5:10 thou waterest the ridges «. 132:15 I will a. bless her 145:7 sliall a. nllcr the memory Cant. 5:1 yea drink a. O beloved is. 15:3 sliall howl, weeping a. 35:2 blossom a. and rejoice 55:7 for he will a. pardon John, 10:10 have life more a. 1 Cor. 1.5:10 I laljored more a. 2 Cor. 1:12 and more a. to you 2:4 lov<; I li.'ivi; more a. to you 10:15 according to our rule a. 12:1.5 1 hough I lie more a. I love Epii.. 3:2()al)le lo do exceeding a. 1 Thes. 2:17 more a. to sec^ your Tit. 3:6 he shed a. through lleb. 6:17 God willing more a. to 2 Pet. 1:11 be ministen^d a. ABUSE, ED. .//('/. 19:25 a. her all the night 1 tSmn. 31:4 lest uncircum. a. me 1 Chr. 10:4 1 Cor. 9:18 I b. not my power ABII.SERK, IiV(;. 1 Cor. 6:9 nyr a. of themselves 71:31 UBo thiij world as not a. il ACCEPT. I)eiit. .13:11 and a. the work 1 Sum. 26:19 lilin ii. an olVcrlng 2,S'«;rt. 21:2.3 the I,. Iliy God a. Job. I3:H will yir it. his jierson y 10lfye:22 A>A-. 20:10 ihirr will I a. (hem 41 wlll«. you wllh Bwerl savor 4:1:27 ami 1 will i;. vou.Halthl.. Mnl. 1:H pleaHcd, or «. Ihy U) nor will I (/, an ollcrlni' 13 should I (J. this of your h.? Ada iM;8 wu «. Il alwuy'r, and 48 ACC ACCEPTABLE. Pent. 33:24 be a. to his brethren Ps. 19:14 med. of my heart be a. 69:13 my prayer is in ana. time Proo. 10:.32 know what is a. 21:3 to do justice is more a. Ee. 12:10 sought a. words [s. 49:8 in an a time have I .58:5 call this an a. day 61:2 to proclaim thea. yr. of L. Jer. 6:20 burnt-ofl'erings are n. a. Dan. 4:27 let my counsel be a. Luke 4:19 to preach the a. year Pom. 12:1 holy, a. to God 2 that good "and a. will of God 14:18 is a. to God and approved 15:16 of Gentiles might be a. Eph. 5:10 proving what is n unto Phil. 4:18 sac. a. well-pleasing 1 Tim. 2:3 a. in the sight of God 5:4 good and a. before God 1 Pet. 2:5 sacrifices a. to God 20 this is a. with God ACCEPTABLY. Eeb. 12:28 we may -serve God a. ACCEPTAIVCE. Is. 60:7 with a. on mine altar ACCEPTATIO.\. 1 Tim. 1:15 worthy of all a. 4:9 ACCEPTED. Gen. 4:7 shalt thou not be a. 19:21 I have a. thee concerning Ex. 28:38 may be a. before T^ev. 1:4 offering shall be a. 22:27 7:18 not be a. 19:7 ; 22:23, 25 10:19 should it have been a. in 22:21 offering perfect, to be a. 1 Sam. 18:5 he was a. in the sight 25:35 see I have a. thy person Est. 10:3 a. of his brethren ■lob 42:9 the Lord also a. Job Is. 56:7 their sacrifice shall be a. Jer. 37:20 let sup|>licati<>n be a. 42:2 let our suppHc:itlonbe a. Luke 4:24 no prophet is a. in liis Acts 10:.35 righteousness is a. Rom. 15:31 service may be a. 2 Cor. 5:9 or pres. we may be a. 6:2 in a time a. now is a. time 8:12 a. according to that a man 17 indeed ho a. the exhortation 11:4 gospel which ye have not a. Eph. 1:6 us a. in tlie Beloved .\CCEPTESr. Ltike 20:21 neither a. thou ACCEPTETSL ■Tob .31:19 a. not jicrsons of prin, Ec. 9:7 for God now a. thy works Uos. 8:13 Lord a. them not Gal. 2:6 God a. no man's person ACCEPTINf!. See delivekance ACCESS. Tfom. 5:2 also we ha\'o a. Eph. 2:18 have a. to the Father 3:12 boldness and a. by faith ACCnO. Jud. 1:31 ACCOM I'AN Y. See salvation. ACCOMPAMIEO. Acts 10:2;j brelh. from Joppa a. 11:12 these six brethren a. me 20:4 Sopater a. Paul into Asia 38 and they «. him to the ship ACCOMPANYING. See AitK of Cod. ACCOMPLI.SH. Job 14:0 shall n. as hireling Ps. 64:6 thev a. a diligent Is. .55:11 it shall a. that I please Jer. 44:25 surely a. your vows Er.<-k. 6:12 wiU'r a. my fury 7:H will I «. mine anger on thee 13:15 (I. my wralh ftn the wall 20:8 fury lo a. my angiT, 21 l)nn. 9:2 he v. onid a. 70 years l.uke 9:31 should a. at .le'rusalem ACCOMPLISHED. Est. 2:12 da. of purl. a. /,«/,-<; S:S2 Jot) 1.5:32 shall be ((. before I'roiK i;!:19 desire a. Is sweet Is. 40:2 her warl'ari' Is n. Jtr. 2.5:12 70 years are <;. 29:10 .39:16 my words shall lie ((. Ijdiii. ■\:i\ I.cn-d halli ii. his fury 22 punish, of Ihlne Inh]. Is «." /'/VX'. 5:l:i shall mine anger boH, /M/i. ll::ili Indii'inilldii bed. 12:7 (/. Ill scalier llni power l.iikf 1:2.3 his nilnlstrallou a. 2:6 the days wen- ii. Ihnl she 21 when elghl (lavs were (I. 1'J:5()ain I ~lrailened till 11 Wtl. IK:.'II eoneernitig Son shall bu a. 22:37 nuisl yet bo d. lu mo ACQ ■lohn 19:28 things were now a. Acts 21:5 had a. those days 1 P«<. 5:9 same afflictions are a. ACCOMPLISHING. See SEn- VICE. ACCOMPLISHMENT. Acts 21:26 a. of days of purifica. ACCORD. Lev. 25:5 groweth of its own a. Acts 1:14 with one a. in prayer 2:1 all with one a. in one place 46 dally with one a. in temple 4:24 voice to God with one a. 5:12 one a. in Solomon's porch 7:.57 upon Stephen with one a. 8:6 with one a. gave heed 12:10 opened of "his o%\ti a. 20 but they came with one a. 15:25 assembled with one a. 18:12 with one a. made insur. 19:29 one a. into the theatre 2 Cor. 8:17 forward of his own a. Phil. 2:2 of one a. of one mind 4CC0RDmG. Ps. 7:8 judge a. to my righteous. 17 praise a. to his "righteous. 25:7 a. to thy mercy remember, 51:1: 106:45: 109:26; 119:124 28:4 give them a. to their deeds 33:22 a. as we hope in thee 35:24 judge a. to thy right. 48:10 «. to thy name, so 62:12 to every man a. to his work, Pi'ov. 24:12, 29 79:11 a. to greatness of 90:11 a. to thy fear, so is 103:10 rewarded us a. to iniq. 119:25 a. to thy word.28,41.. 58,65. 76, 107. 116. 154, 169, 170 1.59 a. to thy kindness, fc. 6.3:7 150:2 praise him a. to his Is. 8:20 speak not a. to this ACCORDING to all. See all. ACCORDING to (hat. 2 Co?'. 8:12 a. to that a man hath ACCORDINGLY. See repay. ACCOUNT, Substantive. .Job .33:13 giveth not a. of his Ps. 144:3 son of man that thou makest a. of him Ec. 7:27 to find the a. Dan. G;2 princes miglit give a. Mat. 12:36 give a. thereof 18:23 take a. of his servants Liike 16:2 an a. of stewardship .■\cls 19:40 give an a. of this liom. 14:12 give a. of himself Phil. 4:17 abound to your a. Pliile. 18 put that on mine a. Ilch. 13:17 that must give a. iPet. 4:5 a. to him that judgeth ACCOUNT, ED, ING. 1 K. 1:21 shall be a. olVenders 10:21 silver noth. a. 2i"'r,9:20 Ps. 22:30 a. for a geneiatlon Is. 2:22 is he to be a. ( f ? .\fark 10:42 a. to rule over Luke 20:.35 be a. worthy 22:24 should be n. gn-atest Hoin. 8:36 we are a. as sheep 1 Cor. 4:1 man so a. of us as Gal. 3:6 a. to him for right. lleb. 11:19 a. that God was able 2 Pet. 3:15 a. that Iho long-suff. ACCURSED. Deut. 21:23 hanged is o. of G. Jos. 6:17 shall \w a. it and 18 keep IVo'U a. thing 7:1 trespass in Iho (/.thing 11 taken of lluiu. thing 12 because they were a. destroy Iho (/. flon» 13 (here is an a. tiling In 15 that is taken wllli a. thing 22:20 trespass in it. thing \Chr. 2:7 IransgresM'd In thiiigd. Is. 65:20 100 years old shidl be d. /■'»/«. 9:3 could wish nivselfd. {Cor. 12:3 spirit calleth" Jesus ii. (■'<(/. 1:8gos|iel, let hiui bo ii. 9 A«<"rs\TION. /•':r. 4:11 an n. against .Indah Milt .'i~:^\~ head liUd. .l/.i;* m;3(i l.uke 6:7 llnd an i>. nirnlust 1!l:Sany thing bv ftilscd. John 1H:'*» what (i. Iirlng ve .Xi'ls S.MH they biMUght no /. 2:2 to the ,i. of I lie myslory Vcm AINT. KI>. I\«. .;i>^> '22:21 d. thysiirwilh him I's. 1.'19:3 d. Willi all my ways Ec 2:3 d. my heart with 7.«. 53:!) Borrows, and u, with 754 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. ADD ACQCAIiVTAiVCE. 2 K. 12;5 every man of his a. 1 no more money of yom- a. Job 19:13 mine a. are estranged 42:11 all that had been of his a. Ph. ;31:11 a reproach to mine a. 55:l;3 mine equal, and mine a. . 8o:8 hast put away mine a. far 18 and my a. into darliuess Luke 2:44 sought among theira. 23:49 all his a. stood alar oil" Acts 24:2:3 1'orbi d Jioue of his a. to ACQUIT, Job 10:14 not a. me from mine Ma/i. l:'i L. not at all a. wicked ACRE, S, 1 Sa7n. 14:14 lialf an a. of land Is. 5:10 ten a. of vineyard ACT. 7s. 28:21 his a. his strange a. 59:6 and the a. of violence Johti 8:4 adultery, in the very a. ACTS. Deut. 11:7 seen the great a. of Jud. 5:11 tlie righteous c. 1 Sam. 12:7 all rigliteous a. 2 .SaTra. .23:20 Bmiaiah ^^-ho had done many a. 1 Chr. 11:22 1 IC. 10:6 true report of tliy a. 11:41 the«.ofSolomon,2C7ir.9:3 2/s'. 10:34 the a. of Jehu 23:28 tlie a. of Josiah 1 CAn 29:29 the a. of David ^ CAr. 16:11 tlie a. of Ata 20:;34 the a. of Jehoshaphat 32:;32 a. of Hezeldah, 2 A'. 20:20 Est. 10:2 all the a. of his power fs. 103:7 his a. to the children 106:2 can utter the mighty a. 145:4 declare thy mighty a. 6:12 150:2 praise liim for mighty a. ACT50.\S. 1 Sam. 2:3 by L. a. are weighed ACTIVITY. Gen.iT.Q knowest any man of a. ADAM. Gen. 2:20 A. gave names to all 5:2 and called their name A. Dtut. 32:8 separated sons of A. Job 31:3:3 transgressions as A. Rom. 5:14 death reigned from A. 1 Cor. 15:22 for as in A. all die 45 first man A. the last A. 1 Tim. 2:13 A. was first formed 14 and A. was not deceived Jude 14 Enoch the 7th from A. ADAM. ./ws. .3:16 the city A. ADAMAi%"T. Ezek. 3:9 as an a. have I made Zee. 7:12 heart as an a. stone ADAR. Ezr. 6:15 finished on 3d day of A. Est. 3:7 twelfth month A. 13 day of month A. 8:12; 9:1,17 9:15 gathered on 14th day of A. ADD. Gen. 30:24 L. shall cl to me Deut. 4:2 not a. to, 12::32 29:19 to a. drunkenness 2 K. 20:6 I a. 15 years. Is. 3S:5 1 Chr. 22:14 may est a. thereto 2 Chr. 28:13 to a. more to sins Ps. 69:27 a. iniquity to iniquity Prov. 3:2 long life shall they a. 30:6 a. thou not to liis words Is. 29:1 a. ye year to year 30:1 may a. sin to sin Mat.&:2t can a. one cul).,Z«.12:25 PhU. 1:16 supposing to a. afflict. 2 Pet. 1:5 a. to your faith virtue liev. 22:18 G. shall a. to him ADDED. Deut. 5:22 and he a. no more 1 Sam. 12:19 a. to all our sing Jer. 36:32 there were a. besides 45:3 Lord hath a. grief Dan. 4:36 majesly was a. to me J/a^ 6:33 shall be a. to you Luke 3:20 Herod «, yet this 19:11 he a. and spake a parable Acts 2:41 were a. 3,000 souls 47 a. to the church daily such 5:14 believers were the more a. 11:24 people was a. to the L. Vat. 2:6 a. notliing to me. 3:19 the law ^,as «. because of ADDER. Oen. 49:17 Dan shall be an a. Ps. .58:4 the deaf a. that stops 91:13 thou shalt tread on the a. 140:3 a.V poison is under Prov. 23:32 stiugeth like an a. ADU ADDETH. Job 34:37 he a. rebellion Proc. 10:22 he a. no sorrow 16:2:3 wise a. learning Gal. 3:15 disaimuUeth or a. ADDlCTEIii. 1 Cor. 16:15 a. themselves ADJURE, ED. Jos. 6:26 Joshua a. them 1 Sam. 14:24 Saul had a. 1 K. 22:16 how many times shall I a. thee. 2 Chr. 18:15 Hat. 26:63 I a. thee by the living ilarli 5:7 I a. thee by God Acts 19:13 we a. you by Jesus AD.'VIAH. Gen. 14:2 Shiuab king of A. Deut. 29:23 the overthrow of A. IIos. 11:8 make thee as A. ADMIiVISTERED. 2 Cor. 8:19 a. by us to the glory 20 this abundance which is a. AD.MIXtSTRATIOiV, S. 1 Cor. 12:5 diiferences of a. 2 Cor. 9:12 a. of this service ADMIRATIOrW. ■lude 16 men's persons in a. Per. 17:6 wondered with great a. . ADMIRED. 2 Thes. 1:10 to be a. in all ADMOi^'ISH, ED. Ec. 4:13 will no more be a. 12:12 by these, my son, be a. Jer. 42:19 certainly I have a. Acts 27:9 Paul a. them Iiom. 15:14 to a. one another Col. 3:16 a. one another 1 Thes. 5:12 over you and a. yon 2 Tlies. 3:15 a. him as a brother lleb. 8:5 as Moses was a. of God ADMOMTIOIV. Iftir.lO:!! are written for our a. r.'ih. 0:4 bring them np in the a. Tit. 3:10 after first and second a. ADO. jiark 5:39 why make ye this a. ,U)0!>ri-BEZEK. Jud. 1:5 ADOiVIJAH. 2 Sam. 3:4 A. son of Haggith 1 K. 1:5 A. exalted himself 25 God save king A. 2:21 let Abishag be given to A. 26'/(;TOLl7:8sentLev.to teach A. Seh. 10:16 the people sealed, A. ADONIKAM. Ezr.^AS; iVeA.7:18 ADOPTION. ^om.8:15received thespirit of a. 23 waiting for tlie a. 9:4 to whom pertaiiieth the a. Gal. 4:5 receive the a. of sons Eph. 1:5 predestinated us to a. ADORIV, ED, ETH, IIVG. 7s. 61:10 as a bride a. herself ■Jer. 31:4 again a. with tabrets Luke 21:5 temple a. with goodly 1 Tim. 2:9 women a. in modest Tit. 2:10 a. the doctrine of God lPet.:i:3 whose a. not outward a. 5 women a. themselves Sev. 21:2 prepared as a bride a. ADRAMMELECH. 2 IC 17:31 burnt children to A. 19:37 A. and Sharezer, Is. :37:38 ADRAMTTTITIM. Acts 27:2 ADELA. Acts 27:27 ADULLAM. 1 Sam. 25:1 cave A. 1 Chr. 11:15 2:%\ Almijjhty, he not a. Pi. 44:2 tho?i didst a. the pco. 5519 God shall hear and a. f'!):23 eon of wickedness a. '. 4:5 they a. thy heritage 14:3:12 all that a. my soul Js, ',':! grievously a. her M:2;3fhem that «. thee C'i,:^ for a man to a. his soul &1:12 wilt thou a. us very sore ? t7(?A 31:28 as I watched to a. Lam. 3:33 Lord not a. willinf;ly A-inoH 5:12 they a. the just, they Kah. 1:12 I will a. thee no more Zep. 3:19 I will undo all that a. AFFLICTED. Ex. 1:12 more a. more grew 'i,i''am. 22:28 o. people wilt save 1 /u 2:26 «. in all father was a. Job fi:14 to a. pity should be 30:11 loosed cord, and a. me 31:28 heareth cry of the a. Ps. 18:27 save the a. people 22:24 al)liorred affliction of a. 25:16 1 am desolate and a. 82:3 do justice to the a. 88:7 hast a. me with waves 15 I am a. and ready to die 90:15 wherein thou hast a. us 107:17 fools because of iniq. a. 1]G:]0 I was greatly a. 119:67 before I was a. 71 tjood that I have been a. 75 in faithfulness hast a, me 107 am a. very much, tiuicken ]2ff:l have a. me from youth, 2 140:12 L. maintain cause of a. Prov. 15: 15 days of the a. arc evil 22:22 neilhcr oppress a. in gate £'i:'28 lying tongue hatefli a. 31:5 lest pervertjudgmeutof a. P. 9:1 lighlly a. tlie land 49:13 L. have mercy on his a. 51:21 hear now tliis, tliou a. 53:4 smitten of God and a. 7 and was a. yet he opened not 54:11 O thou a. tossed with 58:3 have we a. our souls 10 if thou satisfy the a. soul 60:14 sons of them that a. thee ()3:9 their allliction he was a. Lam. 1:12 sorrow wherew. L. a. Mic. 4:6 gatlier her that I have a. Nail. 1:12 a. alllict no more Z'T?. 3:12 leave an a. people ^[at. 24:9 deliver you up to be a. SC'or. 1:6 whether we be a. it is iTim. 5:10 if slio relieved the a. Jleb. 11:37 being destitute, a. Jam.i:^^ a. and mourn and weep 5:13 is any among you a. ? let afflk;tioiv. Gen. 41:52 fruilliil in land of a. JEx. 3:17 a. of my p. AcIh 7:34 3:17 out of the a. of Egypt Peut. 16:3 shalt eat bread of a. l/r. 22:27; ^C'/ir. 18:26 26:7 L. heard and looked on a. 2Sam. 16:12 L. look on my a. 2 /r. 14:26 Lord saw a. of fsrael 2C,7ir.20:9 cry In a. wilt hear 33:12 ManasBeh was in a. JVfih. 1:3 remnant an; in great a. Job 5:6 a. Cometh not forth 10:15 confusion Kee mine a. 80:16 days of a. have tal) 5:21 nor he a. of destruction 19:2!) bii ve i- \FR AID. Ihiil. 1:17 iikI III II. of face 7: 18 shall nut he a. of, 1H:22 I's. ;!:6 iKil he II. often IIiouh. 56: 1 1 mil be a. what man can do 91:5 nut be. a. lor terror by night AGE Ps. 112:7 not be a. of evil tidings 8 estab'd, he shall not be a. Prov. 3:24 liest downi not be a. Is. 12:2 trust and not be a. 31:4 not be a. of their voice AinosZ'.fi blown, people not be a. Rom. 13:3 not be a. of the power Re not AFRAID. Deut. 20:1 be not a. of them, Jos. 11:6; Neh. 4:14; Jer. 10:5; Ezek.Z-.Q; LukeliA 1 /?am. 28:13 be not a. what saw. Ps. 49:16 be not a. when one is Prov. 3:25 be not a. of sudden Is. 40:9 up thy voice, be not a. ■Ter. 1:8 be not a. of their faces Mat. 14:27 it is I, be not a. Mark 6:50; .lohn&.iO 17:7 Jesus said. Arise, be not a. 28:10 be not a. go tell brethren Mark 5:36 ruler^fie 7tot a. only Aets 18:9 be not a. but speak 1 Pet. 3:14 be not a. of their Sore AFRAID. Nvm. 22:3 Moab s. a. of people Jos. 9:2^1 s. a. of our lives 1 8am. 17:24 from Goliah s. a. 28:20 Saul fell along sore a. 31:4armor-bearcrs. a. 1 CAr.l0:4 Maik 9:6 for they were sore a. Luke 3:9 and they were sore a. Was AFRAID. Gen. 3:10 thy voice and w. a. Ex. 3:6 Moses w. a, to look Deut. 9:19 I was a. of the anger 1 Sam. 18:12 was a. of David, 15 28:5 saw Philistines, he was a. 2 Sam. 6:9 David was a. of the L. ICkr. 13:12 Job 3:25 that I was a. is come 32:6 I was a. and durst not Pan. 8:17 was a. and fell Ilab. .3:2 thy speech and laas a. Mai. 2:5 feared me and was a. Mat. 2:22 was a. to go thither 14:30 saw wind boisterous, w.a. 25:25 was a. and hid thy talent John 19:8 was the more a. Acts 10:4 Corn's looked, he w.a. AFRE.Sm. Heb. 6:6 crucify Son of God a. AFTER. Jos. 10:14 no day like that a. it AFTER that. Luke 12:4 a. f. have no more that 1 Cor. 15:6 a. t. was .seen of 500 after;voox. Jud. 19:8 they tarried till a. AFTERWARD, S. Ps. 7.3:24 a. receive me to glory Prov. 29:11 keeiieth it in till a. John 13;.36 shall follow me a. 1 Cor. 1.5:23 a. that are Christ's Ileb. 12:11 a. yieideth fruit AGABUS. ylrf.s' 11:28; 21:10 AGAG. Nvm^. 24:7 be higher tlian A. 1 Sam. 1.5:9 the ])eo])l(^ spared A. 33 Samuel hewed A. in pieces AGAGITE. Seenx-SHM. AGAIXRT. Gen. 16:12 hand will be a. evcrv Mat. 10:;i5 nuin a. his f. 7,«.12:5ii ]2;.30 he not with me, is a. me Luke 2:;il for a sign spoken a. 14:31 conielh a. him with 20,(X)0 ,4c/.s' 19:;!6 cannot be si)oken a. 28:22 sect cverywh. spoken a. See ANOTIIKIt, , JKUUSALBM, ISUAKl., I.OltU, OVUR. AGAR. Gut. 4:3^1, 25 AGATE, S. Ex. 28:19 third row. an a. 39:12 Is. .54:12 (hy windows of «. Ezek. 27:16 Syria occup. with a. AGE. Qen. 47:28 a. of Jacob 147 ypttrs 48:10 eyes of Israel dim for a. Xuiii. 8:25 (I. of till V cease I Sum. 2:;i3 llcnver of thelrn. I A'. 14:4 set by reason ofd. •iChr. 36:17 thill stooped forrt. Jiiti .5:26 come to grave In a l^lll a. 8:8 Iniiilire of the former ii. 1 1:17 lliy II clearer than I'd. 39:5 iny ii. is as nothing Is. ;I8:12 inv a. Ih departed y.ie. 8: 1 wllh his slalVlor a. Murk 5: 12 a. of 12 .vcais, /.i/.H:ia l.iikr 'i.'.V'i .\nnaorH great <;. 3:'J.'l .IcHUH abi>ut 30 yvHV ofd. John U:21 he Ih u(u. iisk htm, 2^1 AHA 1 Cor. 7:36 pass flower ofa. Heb. 5:14 strong meat to full a. See OLD, STP.ICKEX. AGES. Epii. 2:7 a. to come he might 3:5 other a. not made kno-w-n 21 in church throuifh all a. Col. 1:26 mystery hid from a. AGED. iSam. 19:32 Barzillai very a. Job 12:20 the understanding ofa. 15:10 grey-headed and very a. 29:8 the a. arose and stood up 32:9 do the a. understand Jer. 6:11 a. with him full of days Tit. 2:2 that the a. men be sober 3 the a. women be in behavior Phile. 9 such a one as Paul the a. AGO. 1 Sam. 9:20 asses lost 3 days a. 1 K. 19:25 lon^ a. Is. 37:26 Ezr. 5:11 builded many vearsa. Mat. 11:21 long a. i:«te"l0:13 Mark 9:21 how long a. since this Ads 10:30 four days a. I was / 1.5:7 a good while a. aCor. 8:10 be forward a year a. 9:2 Achaia was ready aycar a. 12:2 above fourteen years a. AGO.\E. ISam. 30:13 three days a. I fell AGO."VY. Luke 22:44 in an a. he prayed AGREE, ED, ETH. Amos 3:3 walk except they be a. Mat. 5:25 a. with adversary 18:19 if two shall a. on earth 20:2 had a. with laborers 13 not a. with me for a penny? Mark ]4:.56 witness a. not, 59 ' 70 Galilean, and thy speech a. Li/ke 5:36 out of new, a. not John 9:22 Jews had a. already Ads 5:9 ye have a. to tempt 40 and to him they a. and 15:15 to this a. words of proph. 2:3:20 Jews have a. to desire 28:25 a. not among themselves 1 John 5:8 blood, tliese a. in one Pev. 17:17 a. to give their kingd. AGREEME\T. 2 7t . 18:31 a. by a prcs. Is. 36:16 Is. 28:15 with hell arc we at a. 18 a. with hell sliall not stand Pan. 11:6 of north, to make a. '2Cor. 6:16 what a. hath the AGRIPPA. Ads. 25:13 A. and Bernice came 22 A. said, I would also hear 26:7 which hope's sake, king A. 28 A. said, almost thou per. AGROriVD. Acts 27:41 they ran the ship a. AGIE. Lev. 26:10 api>olnt burning a. AGITR. Pro». 30:1 AH. Ps. 35:25 a. so would wc have it Is. 1:4 ((. sinful nation, a people 24 a. I will easr me of Jir. 1:6 a. Lord (!iid, I cannot 4:10 «. Lord thini hast 22:18 u. brother, u. sister, «. L. .32:17 a. Lord, thou made .'11:5 lament tliee, saving a. L. Kzik. »:S a. Lord, wilt thou Mark 15:29 u. thou that AIIA. I's. .35:21 a. our eve hath seen 40:15 that say unto me «. 70:3 Imiied back tbiil sav (7. a. Is. 41:16 II. I am warm. I have A';<'X:. 25:3 saidsl a. against S4\nc. 26:3 Tyrus said, ci. she is brok. 36:2 rt. the ancient places AIIAR. 1 K. 16:30, .'V) ; 18:6, 9. 42, 46 ; 20:13; 21:4. 21. '2.5. 29; "22:20 2 A'. 1:1; 3:5 : H: IS, 27 ; 9:7, 8, 2;> ; 10:11; 21;.'l. 13 iChr. 21:13whored. of ho. of A. Ar. 29:21 sallli the Lord of A. 23 the L. nnike Ihce like .\. .Vh: 6:16 works of house of .\. VIIASVEHIS. A'rr 4:6 reign of .\. wrote P.:!. 1:1 Is .\, which rtti;m-»l Dun. 9:1 orUarliiH. sou or.\. AUAYAU. /■■-•r. ,S:1,'., ai, 31 All\'/.. a A'. 10:8 .\. \va» '.V j curb 756 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. ALA , IChr. 8:35 Mic. Pithon, A. 9:41 26'Ar. 28:l'JJii(lah low, bee. of A. Is. 1:1 the vision in days of A. lIo«. 1:1 ; mc. 1:1. . 7:3 go foiih to meet A. 10 AIIAKIAII. 1 A'. 22:40 A. his son, 2 K. 8:24 2 A'. 1:2 A. fell throu^'h 8:29 A. king of Jiuliili, went 10:13 the brethren of A. ■iChr. 20:35 Jehosh. join with A. 22'7 destruction of A. waa of AIIIAII. 1 Sam. 14:3 ; 1 K. 4:3 AIIiJAII. 1 K. 11:2!); 12:15; 14:2, 4, G 15:27 Bnaslia. son of A. 1 Chr. 2:25 sons of Jeralimeel, A. AHIKAM. 2 K. 22:12 Josiah eonimanded A. to inqnire, 2 (Hir. ;i4:20 25:22 (Jemiliaii the son of A. ./(?'. 2(1:21 liand of A. was with 40:() (iedaliah the son of A. See GEDAI.IMI. AIIIMAAZ. 1 Sam. 14:51) the rianffhter of A. '2 Sam. 17:17 Jormthan and A. 18:27 is Jilie the rnnninf? of A. 1 A'. 4:15 A. in Naphtali ' 1 Vhr. (i:8 and Zadoli begat A. AIIIMVIV. Num. 13:22 A. of the children Jiiit. l:in,fndali slew A. \Chr. I):17 and tlu' iioi-ters, A. AllI.IIFLKrJII. 1 Sam. 21:1 A. was ariaid at the 22:!l son of, (esse coming to A. l(i thiMi sliall snrelv die A. 2(i:(i David said to A. wlio iSam. 8: 17 Zadoli and A. 1 Ohr. 18:lfi 1 Chr. 24:3 A. of the sonH of, 0, 31 AIIINOAM. 1 Sam. 14:50; 25:43 AHIO. 2,V««(. ():3; 16'//)-. 13:7 AllISAMAC'U. Kr. a5:;j4 AHITIIOPIIEL. 2 Sam. 15: 12 Alisaloin sent for A. 10:15 came to Jeriisal. and A. 2;) c<)\uisi'l of A. was as if a 17:7 counsel of A, is not good 15 llius did A. counsel. M \Clir. 27:;l;i A. was tlie liing's AIIITIK. 1 Sam. 22:12 tliou son of A. 'iSam. 8:17 Zadol; tlie son of A. 1 Chr. 18:l(i AIIOLAII, VIIOMHAII. EZ'k. 2.3:4 Sania. is A. Jeru.s. A. 31) wilt tlion judge A. and A.y AlIOLIAB. a;.!'. .30:1 AUOLIBAMAII. r/en. 3():2, 5 Al, or BIAI. Gen. 13:3 lietw. Betli-el and A. JOK. 7:4 before the \w.\\ of A. 8:1 up to A. 10:2 greater than A. Ezr. 2:28 tlie inc'n of Betliel and A. N,'h. 7::« Jer. 4!).31iowl, O Ileshbcni.for .\. AIATII. /«. 10:28 AILED, ETII. Ge)}. 21:17 wluit a. tlu>e, ringnr? JiKl. 18:2.3 Mieali. wliat a. tliee y 1 Sam. 11:5 what a. the peojjh' 2 Sam. 14:5 the liing said nnto her, what a. tliei^y 2 A'. (;:28 Ps. 114:5 what n. tiiee. () sea Is. 22:1 what u. thee now tluit AIR. 2 Sam. 21:10 birds of tin; a. Job 41:l(i no a. can come bet. Pror. 30:1!) an eagle In the a. Ee. 10:20 bird of the a. carry Mai. 8:20 birds of a. have nests 13::!2 l)irdsof then, lodge in the ilarl; 4::!->; Awic <):.58 ArlK 22:2:! threw dust into the a. 1 Car. '.I:2(i one that beateth a. 14:!l ve shall speak into the a. Eph. 2:2i)rinceof jiowerofthea. 1 Th'S. 4:17 meet IheL. intheo. Per. !l:2 sun and a. were dark 1(>: 17 jjoured out vial into the a. See FOWLS. AJALON. JoK. 10:12 ALARM. Num. 10:5 when ye blow an a. G 7 blow, but not sound an a. <^ if yi' go to war, blow an a. iChr. 13:12 trumpets to cry ana. Jer. 4:1!) () my soul, a. of war 4'J:il will cause an a. of war ALI Joel 2:1 an a. in myholymonnt Zep. 1:16 a. against fenced cities .\LAS. Num. 24:23 a. \\ho sliall live Jiir/. fi:22 a. I have seen an nnge) 11:35 a. daugliter thou hast 1 /r. 13:30 a. my brother 2 A'. 6:5 a. master, for it was 15 a. master, how shall we do? Ezek.&.il stampwith foot, say o ./oel 1:15 a. for the day of the L. Amm .5:1G sav in highways, a. a. Pen. 18:10 fl."n. that great, Hi,!!) ALUEIT. Kze. 1.3:7 L. saith, a. I have not Phile. 19 a. I say not, how thou ALEXA\nER. -l/nr^' 15:21 Simon, father of A. Acts V.iS Annas, Caiaphns, A. 19:;i3 thi-y dr<;w A. out of the 1 Tiin. 1:20 Ilymem'us and A. 'iThn. 4:14 A. the coppersmith AI-EXA^DRIA, AX.SS. Arfs (1:1) of the Libei'tiiiesand A. 18:24 nam. .Apollos, born at A. 27:0 centurion found ship of A. AL1E!V, S. Ex. 18:3 been a. in a strange Deal. 14:21 mayest sell to an a. ■Toll 1!):15 am an re. in their sight /^.v. 09:8 a. to my mother's child. 7s. (11:5 of a. your plouglnne:i Lam. 5:2 oiu' houses turiu'd to a. Ki)h.'2:\ia. from commonwealth lleb. n-.-M flight the armies of a. ALIEXATE, EI>. Kze, 2-3:17 her niiiid was e,. from 18 my mind was((. from lierns 22 from whom thy mind isrt. 28 48:14 not a. Ilrst-frnits of land Enh. 4:18 a. fi-om lil'eof G. thro' Col. 1:21 that were .soinetinKJ o. ALIKE. \Sam. 30:21 they shall part a. ■Job 21:20 lie down a. in dust Ps. ;13:15 fashion, their heartsfl!. l:i!l:12 darkn. and light both a. Kr. 9:2 all thinirs coini; a. to all 11:0 \\ he. both shall be a. good llom. 14:5 esteemeth cv. day a. ALIVE. Gen. 7:23 Noah remained a. and 12:12 kill me. and save thee a. .50:20 to .save much people a. E.v. 1:17 men-children a. 18 22 daughter ye shall save a. 22:1 if the theft be found nr. Lee. 10:10 be was angry with Aaron's sons left a. ,Vwm.10:33 went down a. into pit 22:33 slain thee, and sav. her n. 31:15 ye saved all the women a. Dent. 4:4 a. every one this day .5:3 all of us a. here this day (i:'24 might pres. us a. this day. 20:10 save a. notlr. that breath. 32:39 and Imakeci. \Sam. 2:0 ./ov. 2:13 ve save a. mv lather 14:10 the Lord liatb kept men. Ji«l. 8:19 saved them a. I would 1 Sam.. 1.5:8 he took Agag a. 27:9 left man nor woman a. 1 A'. 20:18 ))eace or war take a. 21:15 Naboth is not a. but dead 2 A'. .5:7 (J. to kill and make a.:^ 7:4 if they save us a. we live 12 we shall ealeh tlu'm a. 10:14 andthev look them a. 2 Chr. '2.5:12 other 10,000 left a. Ps. .30:3 L. thou hast kept me a. Pror. 1:12 swal. a. as the grave ■fer. 49:11 I will preserve a. Kze. 13:18 the souls a. that come 19 souls a. that should not live 18:'27 hi! shall save his soul a. Dan. .5:19 whom woidd, kept a. ifa>-k 10:11 heard that ho was a. Luke 15:24 was deiul and is a. 38 ■24:2;} angels wlio said he was a. Acta 1:3 a. after his passion 9:41 widows, prc^sented her a. 20:12 brought Iheycnuigmann. '2.5:19 wh(mi P. alUrined to ben. Pom. 0:11 n. to (iod through C. 13 as those a. ft-oni the deild 7:9 for T was a. willuiul i he law 1 Cor. 15:22 Christ all be made «, 1 Thes. 4:15 are a. and remain, 17 iter. 1:18 I am a. forc^vennore 2:8 which was dead, and is a. 1!);20 cast o. into lake of Are Keep A LIVE. See keep. Yet ALIVE. Oen. 48:7 is your father yet a. f ALL Gen. 43:27 he yet a.f 28 is yet a. 4.5:20 .loseph is yet a. 28 40:;10 bee. thou art yet a. E.r. 4:18 see thi'y ho. yet a. Dent. 31:27 I am yel a. with yon 2,S'nw(. 12:18 child yet a. 21, 82 18:14 yet a. in midst of the oak 1 A". 20:32 he yc^ ' he is my bro. Ee. 4:2 than the living yrt'u. Ezek. 7:13 .sold, although yet a. Mat. 27:03 said while yet a. ALL. Gen. '24:30 given a. that he hath 1 Sarn. !):l!)'tell thee a. in thy h. :10:8 aiul without fail recover a. 1 A'. 20:4 I am thine, and a. I AW/, !):0 L. prescrvest them a. Joh'.a-.V.) Ihey a. are works of his Ps. 14:3 are a. gone aside, a. 31:19 deliv, him out of them a. 44:17 a. this is come npim us Pror. 2-2:2 L. is maker of themn. fjzek. 20:40 a. of them shall sen-e .'17:'22 .shall be king to them a. Pan. 1:19 among a. none like I). Jfos. .5:2 a. rehuker of them a. .)fal. '2:10 have we not a. one If. Mat. 13:.5() sisters, are they not n. 22:28 lor thev a. had her Mark 12:41 a. she had. Lii. 21:4 Luke 4:7 if thou worship me. a. 1.5:31 son. a. that I haveisthiiu 17:10 when ye have d(nie a. say John 4:39 told me a. ever I did 13:10 ye are clean, but not a. 17:21 ihat they a. may be one .iri.s- 1:.'!;) great'graee was on a. 10:28 Ihyself no harm, wearen. 1 for. 3:'i2 n. are yours, ye are /'/■;'/ 4:18 I have n. and abound 2 Tim. 3:11 out of them a. the L. 1 Pet. 3:8 be ye a. of one mind 1 John 2:19 were not a. of us Abore .\LT,. See above. .•\ccordin{; to ALT,. Gen. 0:'22 N. did arror. to a. 7:5 Ex. 31:11 or. toa. L. commanded :jO:l; ;i9::fi. 42:40:10: Nimi. 2:;«: 8:'20;!):5; -HMO; Deul. l:;l. 41 Jos. 11:23 look thelandn/?. toa. 1 A'. 8:50 given rest (ir. to a. 11:37 Shalt reign ac. to a. thv 22:.53 nr. to a. his fatlu^r had d. 2 A'. '2;j:32, ;i7: 24:9, V); 2 C'Ar. 20:4:27:2 2 A'. 10:30 or. to a. in mv heart 18:3 ar. to a. David. 2 Chr. 2!):2 1 Chr. 17:15 nc. ^on. these words AW/. .5:1!) for good, ae. to a. I h. Jer. -fi'.iOar.'loa. L. shall sav .50:29 ar. to a. Babvl. hath done Eze. 2h. 1:'23 him that 11 II. all in a. Col. 3:11 Christ is all in a. ALL Night. See night. Over -VLL. a Sam. 3:21 mayest reipi or.ieru. 1 Chr. 29:12 th6nroiciiestow;n. Ps. 103: 1!) kingdom rnlet'n over a. Mat. '24:47 ruler orer a. Lv. 12:44 John 17:2 giv. him power o/wo. Rom. 9:5 orer a. (iod blessed for 10:12 Lord orer a. is rich to all To or I'nto .-tiLL. Ps. 145:9 the Lord is good to a. Ee. 2:14 one event to n. 9:3, 11 9:2 all things come ahke to .;. Is. 'lOiO Pharaoh loa. that trust Mark l:i::i7 I sav union, wntcn l.iikr 12:41 s]ira1;est to ns. toa.t Arh 2::i!) pnnnise Is to a. afiiroff 1:10 manliest to a. that dwell Horn. 10:12 rich nnlo a. Ihat call 1.3:7 render to a. their dues 1 ('or. 9:1!) a servant iinin a. 1 Tim. 4:15 proflt. may app. toa. Upon -\LL. Pom. 3:'22 ii/wn a. them that be. .4LL these. Oen. 15:10 took to him a. tliese ALM Gen. 42:.30n. rt c.se are against mc A'.r.l0:l (t. spake n. tliese words Job 12:9 know, not that in a. t. llab. 2:0 shall not a. t. take up Mat. (i:a3 a. t. shall be, Lu. 12:31 ALL this. Gen. 41:.39 God showed thee n. t. Ptvt. .32:^7 hath not done n. this Jud. 0:13 a. this befallen us ! 1 Sam. 22:15 k. nothing of a. (. 2 Sam. 14: 19 of Joab in a. Ihisf Job 1:'J2 a. t. J. sinned not, '2:10 13:1 mine eyi' hath seen a. this Ps. 44:17 a. thi't is come npon ns 78:32 for a. this they sinned still Kr. 8:9 a. this have I seen and 9:1 a. this I considered in heart Is. 5:'25 forn. this his anger is not turned 9:12, 17.21; 1C:4 48:6 thou hasi heai'd. see a. this Ilan. 5:22 lliou knewest a. this 7:10 asked h. the truth of a. t. llos. 7:10 nor seek him for n. t. Mlc. 1:5 transgress, of .Tac. isn. t. Mai. 1:'22 a. C\\i\» done that i)ro- phetsbe fulfilled 21:4; 20:5G Lrike 10:20 a. t. Ihere is a gulf 24:21 a. t. to-day is the third d. ALL that he Imd. Gen. V2:'Jj P. ii;ul a. t. h. h. 13:1 A. out of E. and a. t. h. h. 25:5 Ahr. i;ave a. t. h. h. to 31:21 Jacob lied with a. t. h. h. 39:4 a. 1. h. h. into .Joseph's G 5 bl. of the L. was on a. t. h. li. Mai. 18:25 he sold u. t. he liatl Mark 5:'20 she spent a. I. slie had 12:44 cast in a. t. s. h. Lu. 21:4 ALL (he while. Job 27:3 a. the w. my breath See further other usual Substan- tives: CONOREOATION- DAY, i:AKTIt, IS- RAEL, KEN, PEOPLE, Tm.NGS,<;/C. ALLEiJllVG. Acts 17:3 a. C. must have suf. ALLEGORY. Oal. 4:24 which things are an n. ALLKLIIA!!. Per. 19:1 great voice say a. 3, 4, 6 ALLOW. Luke 11:48 that yc ((. the; deeds ylc/.t 24:15 themselves al.-'oo. that Pom. 7:15 wliich I do, 1 a. not ALi.OWEI), ETIL Pom. 11:22 that thing \\h. he a. 1 T/ies. 2:4 as were n." of God ALLOWAXCE. 2 A'. 25:'20 his n.was continual a. ALLURE. ITos. 2:14 a. her into the wild. •iPet. 2:18 they a. through lusts ALMIGHTY. Oen. 17:1 I am the a. God, walk '28:3 (iod n. bless thi'e and make 25:11 I em God a. be fruitful 43:14 Gotl a. give yon mercy 4!):25 by a. w lio shall bless thee A'.r. 0:3 !ii>peared by name (lod a. .\uiii. 24:4 saw the vision of a. 10 Path 1:20 a. hath dealt bitterly 21 the a. hath alllictcd me Job .5:17 desp. not chasten, of a. (i:4 arrows of the a. are with, me 14 forsakelh the fear of then. 0:3 doth the n. pervert justice ? 5 thy supplication to the a. 11:7 tlnd out a. to perfection ? i:i:3 surely 1 would speak to 14»M), H. Oe.n.. 'l;i:ll iiiyirh, iiiilM, and a. Ki: iry.Xi Uk'rlo n. 'M ; 37:1!), 20 Niiiii. 17:H rod ol' Aaron yii'ld. a. Kf. I'j;r) a. live Hhull llonriHh ./(•;•. 1:11 1 H u rod ol'aii a. troo AI.MOHT. ./v. 73:2 my I'ccl. won; r<. fi;(me '.11:17 my hoiiI «. dwi'll, in Hilcncc^ ll!l:H7«.. conHiiiiicd \\w, upon o. J' rill). 5: 11 I waH ,'ive. rt. provide baKH. Actii'.y'.'i n('ein(,' I', and .T. uh1<. a. 10:2 ( 'oriMiliuH Kiive much a. A lliine (I. for ii memorial, 31 21:17 l.o brinjj a. to my uatiou ALMS»I',I-M)H. AcW.\:\\{\ Dorcas hill of a. ALMKJ-rUKKH. 1 K. 10:11 fr, Oi)hirj)leiity()f«-<. 12 made of «-/. jn liars AM)i:S. 7'.v. 45:^ (.^armeiilK Hiiiell of «. J'v(ii). 7:17 perf. my lic'd wiLli a. ('mil.. A-.W myrrh, «. with HjilceH John, iy:;W broii;,dit a mix. of a. ALO IV 15. (Ii'n. 2:lKKood man fhoiildbef/. /to. IH: 18 not able IhyMcIf a. 24:2 MoseH a. hIuiII I'oine near Mum. 11: II notable lo bear ;ill this |)eo|)le^/. Jll-iil. 1:0, 12 23:!)llie peo|ih' Hliall dwell a. J)kiiI. :i2:12 as Lord ii. did lead li. 3:!:28 iHf. Hliall (Iwi'll in nafely a. 2 Siaii. 1H:21 a man run. ii. yi'i 1 A'. 11:20 they tw(>«. in Held 2 K. 10: IT) art d«, (ol. 1«, 17, 10 'J:K«. Hpreadelhont llie, heaveiiH l.l:!!) lo whom a. earth waHf,'iv. 81:17 have I ealen my inorwlf/. /'«. K!; IK wliOHe name ^r, Ih .leli. 13li:l wlio It. doelli jrreat wonil. MH:l3liiH nani(!«. Ih e,\eelh-iit Kr. 4:8 one a. and not a Hccoiid 10 lliatiHa. when hcf fallelh Jk. 2:11 I,, a. hliail be exalted, 17 11:31 noiie«.inappolnled liincH 51:2 I called liiiii ii. and hii'Mfed (13.3 Iroddeii Ihe wine |in'.' m a. J.iiiit. ;i:JH hillelh «.niid Keepelh MiiLA'.S live' liv hivail ii. l.u.-iA 11:2;) h(^ wn^ii. /,»/.-■ 0; IK IK:!.') helween IhiMMHul liiiii a. Murk l::)l were u.. iieevponnded 0:17 Hca, .'iiid he. . 1:10 it lialh I ii ii. of old Mill. 17^12 ICIIaH Ih <'oni(! a. ■Jiiliii :i:lH ('(mdemiicd a. I'liil. 3:10 we have ii. ill tallied lieo. 2:2J that ye have a. hold f. ALKO. Cm. 0:3 for tlial he k. Ih llenh 1 Haul. 14:44 S. annw. (iod do ho, and 111. a. 2 Sniii. \\:\\'i\ 10:13 /'«. ()H:18t;il'lH for rebellioiiH «. '/.vi\ 8:21 loHceU Lord 1 will^ro«. Mai. (i:21 w. heart hew. I,ii. 12:34 2(i:73 lliou art a. (Uie of I hem Jiiliii.Xr.V.) Ihese a. dolli I hi! Son l:;:2() where 1 am, llieri! Hhall u. I 1:3 where! 1 am, ye may be a. 1 I'or. l.'):8 li(! wiiH Hcen of mo a. 'iTim. 1:5 pei-Huaded in tlioo a. ALT A 11. (Ini. 8:20Noali bnilded an a. 12:7 Aliraham liiiilt an a. 22:0 :).'): 1 Heth-el, niiiUe Ihereuna. Ki\ 17:1.') MoHcH built an a. 20:21 an ii. of earlli make lo me 20:;i7 ."anelify it, a. nioHt holy 41 I will Haiiclify the a. :)0:27 a. of iiiceime 40:10 «. of burnt oIleriiiK Ki'i). (1:0 lire of a. Hhall be Imni. Num. 7:H1 dedicalimi of I he a. 18:3 Hhall not come iiif;li tlu! a. JiKi. 22::(l c,ill,.(l llie«, lid. ./"'/. f'cih (brow down a. of Ii. 2 l^iim. 21:18 rear an a. to Ihe L. 1 A'. 13:2 cried aj'aiiiHt tli(!«.() «. 1K::iO Mlljah repaired tlii! r(. 3."i Ihe wilier ran iihoiit the d. 2 K. 18:22 Hhall wiavliii) before thin II. In. ;i(i:7 /*x. 2li:li will I ciimpiiHH lliine «. 43:4 then will I ^o lo ii. of (Iod fn. 10: 10 an it. In niidnt of K,(;y|)t 27:0 HloiicH of II, iiH chiilk-Hlo. 50:7 Hiieri. accepled on mine a. 1,11.111. 2:7 Loril h. cant olV IiIh a. J''::i'k. H;l(l belw n porch and a. Jiii'l 1:13 howl, yi! ininiHt. of it. 2:17pricHlH wei'pb.porch and a. .■\liutH 2:8 lo pledi^'i! by every it. Mill. 1:7 polliiled bread oii,'r^ 10 tire on mine it. for iiaii;;lit 2:l:| ciiveriiij.' ii. with tearn ,!/.(/. 5:2:i thou biiii!.;(.;ift to llir. 0:13 imrlak. with u. 10:18 llih. 7:l:ialteiidiinceiit the((. l;i:l(l we have an ii. whereof l,'i'i\ (i:0 under Ihe a. houIh of 8:;i prayerK on ( he ^joideii a. 0:13 from lioriiH of golden a. Si'l' 111 1 1 1, T. ALTXUH. I A'. 10:10 thrown down a. II /'.(. Hl:3cvc'ii (hliief/. () Lord. 1.1. 11:8 hIiiiII not look lo I he a. ./(('. 17:1 hIii >.'raveii on lioriiHof «. 2 Iheir I'hlldreii reuii'iu. ii. I'>.ik. fi; I voiir It, Hhall he denol. tliM. H:ll u. IohIii, a. hIiiiII be 12:1 1 It. iiH IhiipM ill the fiirroWH ,4//(fM;!:ll vIhII, Wwu. of llelli cI lliiili. 11:3 di(,";ed down thine «. AL'I'Klt. Kzr. (1:11 whoHo. hIiiiII a. tlilH I'K. H»:3I not ii. the tiling \!inw ALTKIMCII. Lukis 11:20 coiiiiti'iiaiice wiih a. ALTOiJICTIIKII. /'«. VV.Wu. Illthy, I'D. 5;i:3 10:0 Jiid).;uieiilH are rii^'hteoiiH a. 511:21 (^ Hiich a mie im thynelf l;iO:l lo. thou kiiowcHt It'/. Cuiil. .'i;I(l yea, he Ih ((, lovely JiiUii.\K\\ wiiHi, «. born In idim ArtH 211:20 iiliii. and it. hiicIi uh I ALWW. H. Jith. 7:1(1 I would not liven. 27:10 will he>/. <'iill iiiion (loily I't. 1(1:8 liu\.' net I,. .(. beforiMlie AME Vs. 103:0 ho will not a. cliido Mai. 28:20 I am with you a. Mark 14:7 su have not «../«. 12:8 Jiiliii 8:20 I do a. thoHO things II: 12 llicm hearcHt mo a. I'li'il. 1:4 «. in every prayer 20 an a. ho now Chrint hIiuU 4:4 rijoiei! In lliu Lord a. 1 Thus. 2:1« nil lip their bIiib a. AM I. Mat. 18:20 tiiere am, I'm. the m. I A.\f, I AM that I AM. V:x. :i:ll I am lliul I iim lialh Jul, 0;:12 he in not a man an / ittii Is. 41:(i I iim tile lliHt, I am tlie liiHt, 18:12; H,u\ 1:11 47:8 I itiii, none (4He, Zij,. 2:15 Liiki' 22:70 ye Hay that / am Juhii. 8:,W liefore Abr. wan, / am 12:20 w here I iim there nhall my 17:2-1 Willi UK! where ] am Aiis 20:20 allo^,'. Hiich an / am 1 Cur. 15:ll)of (1. /amwhid /am (Jut. 4:12 bi! an /am, for I am, an IIiA'/j';i>. Ji,l, 32:15 11. aiiHwered no more /.I. i;i:8 b(! 11. one at another /',:-:ik. :ii:IO peiiphw/. nt thee Mai. 10:25 the (lihcipleH were a. Mark 2: 12 were ail a, /.»/,■<; 5:20 1 1::13 he l)e;,'aii to he Hon; a. /,iiki' 4::i()aH a. and Hpakeamonp; 0:43 were III I it. at nilKhly pow. ActaW-.'U all thai heard S.weri)«. A.^IAy.K,>lli\T. AchiV.W llll.'d wllh u. at what 1 I'd. 3:0 not afraid witli any a. A.M\'/ylAII. 2 A'. 12:21 A. reimi., 2 Ch. 24:27 i;i:l2 fought a!;aiiiHt A. 14:15 11:11 but A. would not bear I5:;i A. Iiad d •, 2 I'lir. 2(i:4 1 C/ir. (1:45 A. hoii of ililklah 2 ('/(/■. 2.'i:27 A. dill I urn the L. Anwsr.M A. pri.'Ht of Hetli (4 AMII\SK\nOI<. I'rni). I:!:l7al'iiilhtul a. iHlieallli Jir. 10:1 lif.Heiii lobeatli. t)li. I /'!lih. (i:20 I iiin an it. in IioikIh AM»\SK\I)OItS. Jus. 0:1 ii.'t if I hey had 1 ii it. 2 Chr. 35:21 he nent it. Hiiylii;,' /«. l8:2Heiidelli a. by Ihi'Hea 30:4 IiIh a. came to llaiicH :i:):7 a. of |ieaee Hhall wei'ii A',.'./.-. 17:15 r.'lielled In Heii(lln!,'f/. 2 i'ur. 5:20 wear(!((. for chriHt. ami»\hha<;k. I.iiki' 1 1:;)2 Hcndelh an a. AMIlKlt. -SVrcoi.oii. AMItl Sll, VM. Jos. 8:2 an u. lor I lie city. J«r. 51:12 iiiepme the a. AMIillNIIMICiX'l', H. 2 (,'/(/'. 13:i:i .liMiib. caiiHcd an a. 20:22 Lord nvla. a^'aliiHl Am. AMI<:iV. ,Viim. 5:22 woman hIiiiII nay a. a. Drat. 27:15 people hIiiiII Hii'y (/. I A'. l:3(Mteiialali aiiHWered rt. 1 Chr. 10:3(1 I pie Hiild a. and I's. 41:1!) I'verliiHliiig, a. and a. 72:10 with IiIh n'oiy, a. and ii. 80:52 blcHHi'd evenmn-c!, (Mind a. l(l(l:4H lel all Ihe peo|ile Hity a. Jir. 2H:(I even .lereinlah hoJiI a. Mat. 0:l:i thl!^'lory lor ever, ri. 1 Cur. 1 1:1(1 nnleiirned Hiiy ((. 2 Cur. 1:2(1 In liliii yea and ii. /,'<(!. I:l8iihvi! for evi'rinine (1. :i:t t IheHC IhlliKHHiillli the a. 5:1 I Ihe four beiiHlH aid IAI)\II. A>-. 0:23 Aiirim look diiULih. of A //ulhAM A. begat N. Mat. 1:4 AMMI-NADIH. Cant. 0:12 AMMO\. Gen. 10:.'!8 f. of cliildreu of A. AMMOIVITK, H. Drill. 2;i:3 A. iiol enter congrog. I Sam. 11:11 hIcw A. till lu'iit of 1 A'. 11:1 S. loved women of A. 2 Chr. 2(1:8 A. gifis to U/.ziah lizr, 0:1 tlie ubomliialion of A. AM^'0\. 2 Sam. 3:2 D'h nrHl-honi wiih .\. 13:2, 20,28; 1 (Jhr. 3:1 ; 4:20 AMOIX. 1 /r. 22:20 liack to A. 2 A'. 21:18 A. r.igned; 2ii nlain 2 Chr. 3:):22 A. Hacrillced lo ling. AVA. 7:.50oiil of eiijil. child, of A. Mat. 1:10 ManiiHHcH begat A. AMoiirn:, n. (Ii'li. 15:1(1 inhp of A. not full. 48:22 I took I'r. A. with my hw. M'(//.20:l7iillerlydeHtrov tluiA. ./us. 10:12 L. di llveivd up A. .hill. 11:23 L. (liKpoHHcKMed lli(!A. 1 Sinn. 7:14 hel. IhinuM ami A. 2.SV/;/(,21:2(iili illeHwere of A. A',;<,*. Ki::! fiilli. an A. iiiotli., 45 AMOK, ur AMOZ. 2 A'. 10:2 Ih. the Hen of A. 20; 20:1; 2 ('///■. 20:22; 32:20, 32; /«. 1:1; 2:1; i;i:l ; 20:2;. 37:2, 21; 38:1 Amos 7: 1 1 A . naid I wiih no prop. /.akr 3:25 Malta, wiih hoii of A. AMI'IIU'OLIS, ,l(7« 17:1 AMI'LIAS. Jtum. 1(1:8 AMK \M. A';J!. (l;18w)iiHof Kohiith, A. 1 Chr. 1:41 hoiih of Dinhon, A. 0:3 children of A. Aaron /<:::r. 10::!l hiuih of II., Maiull, A. ANAIl. (,'('//. 30:21 AWK. Xiim.. 13:28 children of A. 33 Drat.\\:-i bef, Ihe children of A. f Jus. 15:llHonHof A. .hill. 1:20 AiWKIM. Drill. 2:10 I pie lull an A. 0:2 .his. 11:22 nolle of tlie .\. were 1 1:15 Arba huh great among A. ANAMMKLKCII. 2 A'. 17:31 A\ \\I\H. .\rts 5:5 A. heiirin;' 041 down 0:12 vIhIoii A. coming, 22:12 2:i:2 .\. ('omnianded to Hiiiito 24:1 A. d(w ded A\A'niKMA. 1 Cor. 10:22 be (/. maranatlia A^ \'l'IIO'|-|l. ./us. 21:18 A. wllh h.r Miibiirbd I A'. 2:20 to A. to lliine own 1 ('/(/•. 7:H hoiih of lleih.T, A. ami .\rh. 10:10 A. Healed (lie cov. /.v. I()::i0lliv voice, O I ■ A. ./.;•. 1 1:2:1 evil on lb.' men of A. 2!l;27 reproved .Icicmlah of A. ;i2:7 my lb4il that Ih In A. 8. \^^•KK'^•ollH, /.>'!>. 30:15 coveiiaiil of their (I. AI\'(ilOII, H. .4.'/.<27:l«) would have cnA ,i. Iltti. 0:11) hope we have iih an il. A\ began at the a. men J)(i». 7:9 the a. of days did sit 13 like Stm of man came to a. 22 till the a. of days came AXCIEXTS. 1 Safii. 21:1:3 proverb of the a. Ps. 119:100 more than the a. Is. 3:14 into judgment ^^^th a. 24:2:3 L. shall feign bef. his a. Jer. 10:1 of a. of people and a. Euk. 7:2(i shall per. from the a. 8:12 hast seen what the a. do '! 27:9 a. of Gebal thy calkurs AXCLE-noH'ES. Acts 3:7 a.-b. received strength. AXCLES. Ez(k. 47:3 waters were to the a. A\OREW. Mark 13:3 A. asked privately Ji>!rn 1:40 which heard was A. ANDRONICrS. Bmi. 1C:7 ANER. Gen. 14:24 ; 1 Chr. 6:70 a:vgel. Gen. 22:11 a. said. Abraham 21:7 send his a. before thee, 40 48:16 the a. who redeemed me Ex. 23:20 send «. before thee. 23 : 32:34 : :«:2 Nmn. 20:16 sent an a. Ji'd. 13:19 a. did wondrously 2 Sam. 24:16 the n. stretched" out his hand. thcB. 1 C/o: 21:15 17 he saw the a. that smote 1 JC. 13:18 a. s]iake by the word 19:5 an a. touched Elijah 1 C/u: 21:15 G. sent an a. to Jern. 20 Oman turned and saw the a. 27 Lord com. a. and he put up 2 ('/)>•. 32:21 an a. which cut off E<\ 5:6 bef. a. it was an error /-■. 03:9 the a. of his presence Dan. 3:28 God who hath sent a. 6:22 sent his a. and shut up Hos. 12:4 had power over the a. Zee. 1:9 a. that talked, 4:5 3:4 stood before a. Mat. 2S:5 a. answer, the women Liike 1:13 a. said, fear not. Zach. 19 a. answered, I am Gabriel 26 in sixth month the a. Gab'l 'Aft the a. said. Fear not. Jlary :35 a. answ., Holy Ghost shall 2:10 a. said to the shepherds 13 suddenly with a. a multit. 21 so named of the a. 22:43 an a. strengthening him John .5:4 a. went down at a c. s. 12:29 an a. spake to him Acts 6:15 as the face of an a. 7:35 a. that appear, in the bush 38 in wilderness with the a. 10:7 a. which spake to Cornel. 22 warned by a holy a. to send 11:13 he had seen a. in house 12:8 the a. said to Peter, bind 9 true which was done by a. 10 the a. departed from him 11 sent his a. and delivered me 15 then said they, it is his a. 2.3:8 say. neither a. nor spirit 9 if an a. hath spoken to him 2 Cor. 11:14 transf. into a. of 1. Gal. 1:8 though we or an a. liev. 1:1 sig. it by a. to John 2:1 a. of ch., 8, 12, 18: 3:1, 7, 14 5:2 I saw strong a. proclaiming 7:2 a. ascending from the east 8:3 a. came and stood at the al 4 ascended out of the a. hand 5. a. took the censer 7 first a. sounded : 8 second a. 8:10 third a.; 12 fourth a. 13 I heard an a. flvinir through 9:1 fifth a. s. 13 sixth a. 11 the a. of the bottomless pit 14 si.xth a. loose the four angs. 10:1 a. come down, 18:1 ; 20:1 5 a. whicli I saw stand on sea 7 in daysof voice of seventh a. 8 take the book in hand of a. 11:15 seventh a. sounded 14:6 a. fly in the midst ofheav. 8 another a. saying. Babylon is 19 the 17. thrust in his sickle 16: 1 a. poured out vial, 3, 4, etc. 5 a. of the waters 17:7 a. said, wherefore man-el * 18:21 mighty a. took up a stone ANG Eer. 10:17 an a. standing in the 21:17 of a man. that is of the a. 22:16 I Jesus have sent mine a. AXGEL of God. Ex. 14:19 a. of God removed .Tud. 1.3:6 cpiinteu. of «. of God 1 fam. 29:9 good as an a'of God 2 Sa7n. 14:17 an a. of God'. 19:27 20 accord, to wisd. of «. of G. Acts 27:2:3 by me the a. of G. Gal. 4:14 rec. me as an a. of God AXGEL of the Lord. Gen. 16:7 a. of the L. foundHag. 22:11 a. of the L. called 15 3^"OT. 22:23 a. of the L. 25. 27 31 Balaam saw a. of Lord ■T^id. 5:23 Meroz, said a. of L. 6:11 a. of the Lord sat nrider 12 a. of the L. appeared to G. 21 a. of L. put forth end of st. 13:3(7. ofL. appeared to woman 16 he was an a. of L. 21 20 a. of the L. ascended 2 Sam. 24:16 a. of the L. was bv the thresh-pl. 1 Chr. 21:15 " 2 K. ]9:.35 a. of the L. smote in camp. Is. '37:.36 1 dir. 21:12 a. of the L. destroy. 18 a. of the L. commanded G. .30 because of s. of a. of the L. Ps. 34:7 a. of the L. encampcth 35:5 let a. of the L. chase them 6 lot a. of the L. perse, them Zee. 1:12 a. of the L. answered .3:5 a. of the L. stood by Joshua (i a.of the L. protested 12:8 as the a. of the L. before Mat.V.W a. or'Z.ap.in dm. 2:13,9 24 Jos. did as a. of L. had bid. 28:2 a. of L. descended Lvke l:li Zaeharias an a of L. 2:9 a. of L. come upon them Ac's 5:19 a. of L. opened prison 8:20 a. of the L. spake to Philip 12:23 a. of the L. smote Herod. AXGELS. Gen. 19:1 came two a. to Sodom Ps. 8:5 low. than a. Heb. 2:7, 9 68:17 are thousands of (7. 78:25 man did eat a.'s food 49 sending evil a. amon-r them Ma'. 4:11 a.'ministerecl.J/X-. 1:13 13:39 the reapers are the a. 49 the a. shall sever the wick. 18:10 their a. behold face of G. 24:36 a. of heaven. Mark 13:.32 2.5:31 all the holy tt. with him 26:.53 twelve legions of a. Mark 8:38 Son of man cometh with the holy a. Lvke 9:26 12:25 are as the a. in heaven Luke 2:15 as the a. were gone 16:22 was carried bv the a. 20:36 equal unto the a. 24:23 also seen a vision of a. .John 20:12 seeth two a. in white .Acts 7:.5:3 by disposition of a. liom. 8:38 noro. able to separate 1 Cor. 4:9 spect. to world, to a. 6:3 that we shall judge a. ? 11:10 power because of the a. 13:1 tongues of men and a. Gal. 3:19 ordained by a. Col. 2:18 in worship." of a. 2 Th(s. 1:7 rev. with miehtv a. 1 Tim. 3:16 of a. preached to Ge. .5:21 before G. and the elect a. Ilcb. 1:4 much better than the a. 5 to which of the a. said he, 13 7 who maketh his a. spirits 2:2 word spoken by (7. steadfast 5 to the a. not put in subject. 16 not nature of a. but seed 12:22 innum. company of a. 13:2 entertained a. unawares 1 Pet. 1:12 a. desire to look into 3:22 a. and powers being subj. 2 Pc/.2:4 if God spared not the a. 11 whereas a greater in power .I^ide 6 a. kept not tirst estate Per. 1:20 stars a. of churches .5:11 voice of many a. about th. 7:1 four 0. on the four corners 2 with loud voice to the four a. 11 the a. stood round the th. 8:13 trumpet of n. yet to sound 9:14 loose the four (7. bound 15 the a. were loosed 14:10 torment, in pres. of h. a. 21:12 and the gates twelve a. AXGELS of God. Gen. 28:12 a. of G. asc. .lohn 1:.51 32:1 Jacob went his way, and o. of God met him Mat. 22::30 but as a. of God in heaven, Mark 12:25 ANG Luke 12:8 him shall the Son con- fess before a. of God 9 be denied before the a. nf G. 1.5:10 in presence of a. of God Heb. 1:6 the a. of God worship His AXGELS. ■Tob 4:18 his a. charged with Ps. 91:11 give his a. charge, Jfa?. 4:6: i'rf-«4:10 103:20 ve Aw a. that excel 104:4 hU a. spirits. Ileb. 1:7 148:2 praise ve him all his a. Mat. 13:41 shall send forth hi^a. 16:27 srlorv of his F. with his a. 24:31 hu a. with s., Mark 13:27 25:41 fire for devil and his a. Per. 3:5 vill confess before hU a. 12:7 M. and his a. the dragon 9 drag, was cast out, and hisa. A.XGER, Verb. Pom. 10:19 fool, nation I will a. AXGER. Gen. 27:45 thy brother's a. turn 44:18 let not" thine a. bum 49:7 cursed be their a. Ex. 32:19 Moses" n. waxed hot Pent. 9:19 I was afr:iid of the a. 13:17 the fierceness of his a. 29:^ the beat of this sreat a. ? ■Tud. 8:3 their a. was abated .M) 9:13 G. vill not withdrawn. Ps. 21:9 oven m time of thine a. 30:5 his a. endureth but a mom. 37:8 cease from a. and forsake S'SrS no soundness because of a. 69:24 \^Tathful <7. take hold 74:1 why doth thy a. smoke 78:21 a. came up asainst Israel 3S m.nny a time turn, he his a. 49 cast the fierceness of his a. ,50 he made a way to his a. 85:3 tnmed from fierceness of a. 4 cause a. towards us to cease 5 out a. to all srenerations 90:7 consumed by thine a. 11 knowelh power of thine a. 103:9 his a. for ever. .Jer. 3:5 Prov. 1.5:1 griev. words stir up (T. 19:11 discretion deferretb his (7. 21:14aL'ift in secret pacifieth a. 22:8 the rod of his a. shall foil 27:4 and a. is outrageous Ec. 7:9 a. resteth in bo.^om /s. 5:25 hisa. is not turned away. 9:12, 17. 21 : 10:4 7:4 fear not for the a. of "Resin 10:5 the rod of mine o, and staff 25 my a. in their destruction 12:1 anirry. thine a. is turned 13:9 cometh with fierce a. 13 day of fierce a. Lam. 1:12 .30:27 liame of L. bum. with a. .30 the indignation of his a. 42:25 on him fur}" of his a. 48:9 will I defer mine a. 66:15 come to render his a. .Jer. 2:35 his a. shall turn 3:12 cause mine (7. to fall on you, I will not keep mine 77." 4:26 cities brok. down by his a. 7:20 a. be poured on this place 18:23 deal with them in thine (7. 25::38 desolate because of his a. .32.31 city, provocat. of mine 77. 3fi:7£rreatisthe7(. L.hath pron. 42:18 as mine a. on Jerusalem 44:6 mine a. was poured forth 49:.37 evil on them, my fierce a. Lam.^:1 his footstool in day of <7. 6 in the inditrnation of his a. 21 hast slain them in thine 77. 92 the Lord's 77, nime escaped 3:43 thou hast covered with a. 4:11 poured out his fierce a. Ezek. ,5:13 thus a. be accompl. 7:3 send mine a. upon thee 8 accomp. 77. on thee. 20:8. 21 35:11 will do accord, to thine 77. Pan. 9:16 let thine a. be turned TIos. 11:9 not execute mine 77. 14:4 for mine a. is turned away .\mos 1:11 his a. did tear ■Ion. 3:0 God turn f)-om fierce a. Mir. 7:18 his a. for ever Nah. 1:6 who can abide his a. ? Hah. 3:8 thine a. ag. the rivers 7,ep. 3:8 to ponr allmy fierce a. Mark .3:5 looked on tbcm with <7. Eph. 4:31 (7. be put. Co!. .3:8 AXGER of the Lord. y>nn. 2.5:4 fierce 77. of the L. .32:14 to augment a', of the L. Pe>it. 29:20 a. of the t. shall 8. Jvd. 2:14 77. ofthe L. against Is- rael,'20 ; 3:8 ; 10:7 AXG 2 K. 24:20 thro' the a. of the L. it came to pass. Ter. .52:3 Jer. 4:8 a. of the Lord is not t. 12:13 fierce a. of the L. 2.5::37 2.3:20 77. of the L. shall not, 30:24 51 :45 from a. of the L. iMm. 4:16 :2pr. me to a. with sins, 2 A'. 17:11 : Jer. 11:17 ; 32:29, 32 : Ezek. 16:26 2 K. 21:15;;7'. to a. since day 22:17 forsaken me that "they misrht pro. me to a. 2 Chr. 34:25 : .Jer. 25:7 Ps. 78:58 pio. him (0 a. w ith high places. 106:29 Pror. 20:2 whoso /)7'0. to a. Is. 1:4 pro. Iloly One of Is. fo a. 65:3 a people that p70. me fo a. ITos. 12:14 Ephr. pro. him fo a. Col. 3:21 pro. not your chil. to a. Slow to AXGER. ]Teh. 9:17 pardon, sloia to a. Ps. ia3-8 sloK fo a. 145:8 Pror. 15:18 ho .'. fo a. appeaseth 16::32 s. fo a. better than mighty ./oel 2:lZslow to a. of great kind- ness, Jon. 4:2 Nah. 1:3 Lord is si. fo a. AXGERED. Ps. 106:32 77. him at waters AXGLE. Is. 19:8 all they that cast 71. Hab. 1:15 they take up with a. AXGRV. Gen. 18:.30 let not L. be a. 32 45:5 be not 77. that ye sold me Lev. 10:16 Sloses a. with Eleazar Deut. 1:')7 L. a. with me 4:21 9:20 L. was very a. with Aaron Jud. 18:25 lest 77. fellows run on 1 K. 8:46 thou be 77. 2 Chr. 6::36 11:9 L. was tj. with Solomon 2 K. 17:18 was 77. with Israel E:r. 9:14 wouldst be tj. with ns Ps. 2:12 k:9s the S.. lest he be a. 7:11 God is a. with the wicked 76:7 when thou art a. CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 769 ANO Fs. 79:5 how long a.? 80:4; 8": 5 Pron). 14:17 eoon a. deaieth tool 21:19 than with an a. woman 22:24 friendship with an a. man 25:2:} so doth an a. countenance 29:22 a. man stirreth up strife Ec. 5:6 God be a. at thy voice ? 7:9 be not hasty in spirit to be a. Cant. 1:G children were a. In. 12:1 tliou wast a. with me EzeJc. 16:42 will be no more a. Jon. 4:1 Jonah was very a. 4:4 doest thou well to be a.? 9 I do well to be a. unto death Mai. 5:22 is a. with brother Luke 14:21 master of h. being a. 15:28 a. and would not John 7:23 are ye a. at mo bee. Eph. 4:26 be a. and sin not Tit. 1:7 a bishop not soon a. Rev. 11:18 the nations were a. ANGUISH. Ex. 6:9 not to M. for a. Deut. 2:25 tremble, and be in a. 2 Sam. 1:9 slay mo, fore, is come JobT.ll I will speak in «. of spir. 15:24 a. sliall make him afraid Ps. 119:14:3 and a. have taken Prov. 1:27 when distress and a. Is. 8:22 and behold dimness of a. 30:6 into land of trouble and a. Jer. 4:31 the a. as of her that John 16:21 no more her a. for joy 7?om. 2:9 tribulation and a. upon 2 C'07: 2:4 out of a. of heart A^'ISE. Mat. 23:23 pay tit: e of mint, a. ANNA. Luke 2:36 ANNAS. Lu. 3:2; John 18:13, 2-1 ANOIIVT. Ex. 28:41 Shalt a. .30:;W; 40:15 29:7 take oil and a. liim. 40:13 .36 Shalt a. the altar. 40:10 .30:26 a. the tabernacle, 40:9 Leo. 16:32 whom he shall a. Veul. 28:40 shall not a. thyself Jud. 9:8 trees went to a. a king 15 if in truth ye a. me king 1 Sam. 9:16 a. him captain 15:1 sent me to a. thee king 16:3 a. him whom I name 12 L. said. Arise, a. him 2 Sam. 14:2 a. not thys. with oil 1 K. 1:34 Zadok a. him king 19:15 a. Ilazael king 16 a. Jehu, a. Elislia In. 21:5 princes, a. the shield Dan. 9:24 and a. the most Holy 10:3 neither did I a. myself AmoniV.Ha. themselves Mic. 6:15 the olives, but not a. Mat.a-.n when thou fastest a. Mark 14:8 is come to u. my body 16:1 spices that they might a. Luke 7:46 hejid thou didst not a. Mev. 3:18 a. tliinc eyes AIVOJiVTED. Zfj'. 8:10«. the taljernacle 11 n. tile altar, Num. 7:1 12 A.'s head, and a. him 1 ,')'.///?.. 10:1 the L. a. thee capt. 15:17 a. Saul 16:13 a. Oavid, 2 -9«m. 2:4, 7 ; 5:8,17; 12:7; 2 A'. 9:3,6, 12; 1 Chr. 11:3 ; 14:8 2 /SViW. 2:7 Judah have a. mo k. 3:39 I am weak, though a. king 12:20 David arose, and a liiras. 23:1 David the a. of (Jod said In. 61:1 a. me to pn'aeh, Av*. 4:18 Tfe^A:. 28:14 a. elicriib that covers Lukel::'i^ kissi'd his Icet and a. 46 this woman hatha, my fi'ct John 9:6 \]cn. the eyes with clay 11:2 Mary which a. the Lord 12:3 Mary a. feet of Jesus yir/s 4:27 child J. thou hast a. 10::!H (Jod «. Jc^HUH of Nazar. 2 Cor. 1:21 hath a. hh Ih (iod A\()IlVTKn On.-M. Zee. 4:14 a. oiiiin which sland IIIh AI\OI\Tr.I>. 1 Sam. 2:10 exalt horn uUiia a. 12:3 against IIk^ I., and hi.i a. 5 lhal'ler an of it. ;tt colli, afli'r art of u. .'17:29 A,V. 10:1 lUes cause olnt of d. APPVREL. •i Sam. 15:-.>0 D. changed his APPERTAIN. Num. 16:.30 swallow them, with all that a. Jer. 10:7 for to thee doth it a. See PERTAIN. APPERTAINED. Num. 10:32 that a. to Korah, 33 APPERTAINETH, ING. Lev. 6:5 give it to whom it a. Pom. 4:1 Abr. our father, as a. APPETITE. Job 38:39 fill the a. of lions Prov. 23:2 a man given to a. Ec. 6:7 yet a. not filled Is. 29:8 and his soul hath a. APPII-FORUM. Acts 28:15 APPLE of the eye. DexU. 32:10kepthimas«. o/A. e. Ps. 17:8 keep me as a. of eye Prov. 7:2 law as a. of thine eye. Lam. 2:18 let not a. of thine eye Zee. 2:8 toucheth a. of his eye. APPLE-TREE. Cant. 2:3 as a.-tree among trees S:5 raised thee up under a.-tree ■IqcI 1:12 and a.-^;-ee are withered APPLES. Prov. 25:11 like a. of goldinpic. Cant. 2:5 comfort me with a. 7:8 smell of tliy nose like a. APPLIED. Ec. 7:25 I a. my heart to know 8:9 I a. my heart to every work 16 I a. heart to know wisdom APPLY. Ps. 90:12 a. our hearts to wisd. Prov. 2:2 a. heart to understand 22:17 a. thy heart to my know. 23:12 a thyheart to instruction APPOINT. Lev. 26:16 will a. over you terror 2 Sam. 6:21 to a. me ruler 7:10 a. a place for my people Job 14:13 a. me a set time Is. 26:1 will God a. for walls 61:3 to n. them that mourn in Z. Jer. 15:3 a. over them four kinds 49:19 who is a chosen man, I may a. "Who will a. me the time? 50:44 Ezek. 21:19 a. thee two ways 20 a. a way that the sword Hos. 1:11 they shall a. one head Mat. 24:51 a. his portion Luke 12:46 a. his portion 22:29 I a. you a kingdom Acts 6:3 seven men whom we a. APPOINTED. Num. 9:2 passover in a. sea. 3 7 offering of L. in his a. season 1 Sam. 13:11 not within days a. 1 K. 1:35 a. him to be ruler. 20:42 a man a. to destruction Neh. 6:7 thou hast a. prophets 9:17 a. a captain to retm-n, but Job 7:3 wearisome nights are a. 14:5 thou hast a. his bounds 20:29 the heritage a. to him 30:23 the house a. for all living Ps. 44:11 like .sheep a. for meat 78:5 a. a law in Israel 79:11 preserve those a. to die 102:20 to loose those a. to death Prov. 7:20 come homo at day a. 8:29 he a. the foundations 31:8 as are a. to destruction Is. 1:14 your a. feasts my soul 44:7 I a. the ancient people Jer. 5:24 reservcth the a. weeks 47:7 sea-shore, there hath he a. Ezek. 4:6 a. each day for a year Mic. 6:9 and who hath a. Lvke 3:13 exact what is a. you 10:1 Lord a. other seventy 22:29 as Father a. me Acts 1:23 they a. two, Joseph and 17:31 he hath a. a day in which 1 Cor. 4:9 apostles last, a. to d. 1 TV/ft!. .3:3 that we are a. thereto 5:9 God hath not a. us to wrath 2 Tim. 1:11 I am «. a preacher Heh. 3:2 faithful to him that a. 9:27 a. to men once to die IPet. 2:8 wherenntothey werea. APPOINTED, (ime ami times. 1 Sam. 13:8 to set tim^ Sam. a. ARE Job 7:1 an a. time to man 14:14 all thedaysof my a. tim.e. Ps. 81:3 trumpet in time a. Is. 14:31 be alone in his a. time ■Jer. 8:7 kuoweth her a. times Dan. 8:19 at time a. the end 10:1 but the time a. was long 11:27 end be at the time a. 29 at the time a. shall return 35 it is yet for a time a. Hub. 2:3 is yet -for an a. time Acts 17:26 determ. tinws bef. a. Gal. 4:2 until time a. APPOINTETH. Ps. 104:19 a. moons for seasons Dan. 5:21 a whomsoever he will APPOINTSIENT. ■Idb 2:11 made a. together to c. APPREHEND. 2 C(yr. 11:32 garrison desir. to a. Phil. 3:12 may a. that for which APPREHENDED. Actf: 12:4 wlien he a. Peter Phil. 3:12 I am a. of Christ J. 13 count not myself to have a. APPROACH. Deut. 31:14 thy days a. that thou Job 40:19 his sword to a. to him Ps. 65:4 whom thoucausesttoa. Jer. 30:21 engaged heart to a. 1 Tim. 6:10 in light no man c. a. APPRO.iCHETH, ING. Is. 58:2 take delight in a. God Luke 12:33 where no thief a. Heb. 10:25 as ye see the day a. APPROVE. Ps. 49:13 posterity a. their say. 1 Cor. 16:3 shall a. by your let. Phil. 1:10 that ye may a. things APPROVED. Acts 2:22 Jesus, a man a. of God Pom. 14:18 accept to G. a. of m. 16:10 Apellcs a. in Christ 1 Cor. 11:19 they a. be made m. 2 Cor. 7:11 all tilings you have a. 10:18 commendeth himself is a. 13:7 that wo should appear a. 2 Tim.. 2:15 thyself a. unto God APPROVEST, ETH. La7n. 3:36 subvert a man, a. not Eom. 2:18 a. things more excel. APPROVING. 2 Cor. 6:4 in all things a. oursel. APRON, S. Gen. .3:7 fi"-leaves, made a. Acts 19:12 brought to the sick a. APT. 1 Tim. 3:2 a. teach, 2 Tim. 2:24 AQUILA. Acts 18:2, 20 ; Pom.. 16:3 ; 1 Cor. 16:19 ; 2 Tim. 4:19 AS.. Num.. 21:28 ; Deut. 2:9 ; Is. 15:1 ARABIA. 1 K. 10:15 had kings of A. Is. 21:13 the burden upon A. Jer. 25:24 the cup to kings of A. Gal. 1:17 I went into A."4:25 ARABIAN, S. 2 Clir. 17:11 the A. brought Jeh. 20:7 helped Uzziah ag. the A. Is. 13:20 nor shall A. pitch tent Jer. 3:2 as A. in the wilderness Acts 2:11 Cretes and A. we hear ARAM. Gen. 10:22 sons of Sh. Lud, A. Num. 2:3:7 B. brought me fr. A. Mat. 1:3 Esrom begat A. 4 Lvke 3:33 Amiuadab son of A. See PADAN. ARARAT. Gen. 8:4; Jer. 51:27 ARAUNAH. 2 Sam. 21:16, 23 AREA. Jos. 14:15:21:11 ARCHANGEL. 1 Thes. 4:16 with voice of a. Jude 9 Michael the a. contend. ABCHELAUS. Mat. 2:22 ARCHER, S. Gen. 21:20 Ishmael became an a. 49:2;? the a. sorely grieved him 1 Sam. 31:3 a. hit him, 1 Chr. 10:3 Job 16:13 his a. comp. me round Is. 22:3 rulers are bound by a. Jer. 51:3 bendeth let a. bend bow ARCHES. Ezek. 40:16 windows to the a. ARCHIPPUS. Col. 4:17 ■,Phile.i ARCTURUS. Job 9:9 ; 38:32 ARE. JVum. 15:15 as ye a. so stranger Job 38:35 say to thee, here we a. ARK Lam. 5:7 sinned, and a. not Mat. 2:18 not comf bee. they a Liike 13:25 whence you a. 27 18:11 I am )iot as other men a. ■lohn 17:11 may be one as we a. 1 Cor. 1:28 things which a. not Rev. 1:19 the things which a. AREOPAGITE. Acts 17:34 AREOPAGlfS. ^cY.* 17:19 ARETAS. 2 Cor. 11:32 AKGOB. Deut. 3:4, 13, 14 ; 1 X 4:13 ARGUING. ■lob 6:25 what doth your a. rep. ARGUMENTS. Job 23:4 fill my mouth with a. ARIEL. Ezr. 8:16 I sent for E. and A. Is. 29:1 woe to A. the city, 2, 7 ARIGHT. Ps. 50:23 ord. his conversa. a. 78:8 that set not their heart a. Prov. 15:2 wise useth know. a. 23:.31 when it moveth itself a. Jer.S-.a I heark. they spake not a. ARfSIATHE.A. Mat. 27:57 Joseph of A. who was, Mark 15:43 ; iwfo 23:51 ; John 19:38 ARIOCH. GcM. 14:1 in the days of A. king Dan. 2:25 A. brought Daniel ARISE. Jos. 1:2 a. go o\er this Jordan Jud. 5:12 a. Barak, lead 2 Sam. 2:14 young men a. 1 K. 3:12 any a. like thee 1 Chr. 22:16 a. he doing Job 7:4 I a. and night be gone? 25:3 doth not hislight a. ? Ps. 3:7 a. O Lord, sa\e me 7:6 a. O Lord, in thine anger 12:5 will I a. saith the Loi-d 4-1:26 a. for help, and redeem 68:1 let God a. let his enemies 88:10 shall dead a. praise thee? 89:9 w-aves of sea a. thou stil. 102:13 a. and have mercy on Z. Prov. 6:9 a. out of thy sleep ? Cant. 2:13 a. my love, fair one Is. 21:5 a. ye princes 26:19 my dead body shall a. 49:7 kings shall a. princes wor. 60:1 a. shine, thy light is come 60:2 Lord shall a. upon thee Jer. 2:27 in trouble will sav, a. 8:4 shall they fall, and not a.? 31:6 a. ye, let us go up to Zion Lam. 2:19 a. cry out in the night Dan. 2::39 shall a. another kingd. Amos 7:2 whom shall Jacob a. 5 Mic. 2:10 a. this is not your rest 4:13 a. and thresh. O daughter 7:8 enemy, I fall I shall a. Hab. 2:19 to the dumb stone a. Mai. 4:2 Sun of righteousness a. Mat. 9:5 easier to say a. Mark%'A 24:24 shall a. false Christs Mark 7:41 damsel, a. Luke 8:5^1 Luke 7:14 L. said, young man a. 15:18 I will a. and go to my f. 24:.38 thoughts a. in yottf hearts .lohn 14:31 a. let us go hence Acts 9:40 said. Tabitha, a. 20:30 own selves shall men a. 22:16 a. and be baptized Ei)h. 5:14 a. from the dead 2 Pe.t. 1:19 till the day-star a. See RISE. ARISETH. 1 JT. 18:44 a. little cloud Ps. 112:4 to the upright a. light Is. 2:19 a. to shake terribly, 21 Mat. 13:21 persec. a. Mark 4:17 John 7:52 out of Galilee a. Eeb. 7:15 similitude of Melch. a. See SUN ARISTARCHUS. Acts 19:29 caught Gains and A. 20:4 A. accompanied Paul 27:2 one A, a Macedonian Col. 4:10 A. f. -prisoner, Phile. 24 ARISTOBULUS. Pom. 16:10 ARK. Gen. 6:14 an a. of gopher-wood 7:18 a. went on face of waters Ex. 2:3 took an a. of bulrush. 25:16 put into the a. the testi- mony, 21 : 40:3. 20 37:1 made the a. of shittim-w. Num. .3:31 charge shall be the ff. Jos. 4:11 a. of Lord, 6:12 ; liSam. 4:6;6:l;2^a/«.6:9 CRUDEN'S CONCORDAis'CE. 761 ARM 1 Sam. 6:19 looked into a. 2 Sam. 11:11 a. and Israel abide 1 K. 2:2G bee. thou barest the a. 8:9 nothing in a. save the two 1 C/ir. (i:31 the a. had rest 13:3 let us bring again the a. 9 put forth hand to hold the a. 15:1 D. prepared a place for a. 2 Chr. 6:41 a. of thy strength, Ps. 132:8 8:11 whereunto a. hath come Mat. a4:;38 Noah ent. a. Lu. 17:27 ITcb. 11:7 Noah prepared an a. 1 Pet. 3:20 G. waited while the a. Rev. 11:19 in his temple the a. Before the ARK. Ex. 40:5 set altar of gold a. Jos. 4:7 w. of Jordan cut off' a. 7:6 J. fell on his face be. the a. 1 Sam. 5:3 D. was fallen be. the a. 1 Chr. 16; 37 left before the a. A. 2 CAr. 5:6 S. and congr. be. the a. ABK of the Covenant. Nutn. 10::i3 a. c. of L. went bef. Z^euZ. 31:26 inside of a. c. Jos. 4:7 waters cut off before a. c. JurZ. 20:27 a. c. of God was there 1 Sam. 4:3 let us fetch the a. c. 2 Sam. 15:24Levitcs bearing a. c. 1 Chr. 17:1 «. c. under curtains Jer. 3:16 shall say no more, a. c. Heb. 9:4 tabern. which had a. c. ARK of God. 1 Sam. 3:3 where a. of G. was 4:11 a. of a. WHS taken, 17, 22 6:3 if ye send away the a. 2 Sam. 6:7 there he died before a. 7:2 a. dwcUcth witinn 15:25 a. of God into the city \Chr. 13:12 bring the a. home 15:2 none carry a. of G. but L. ARM. Ex. 15:16 greatness of thine a. Dtut. 33:20 teareth the a. with \Sam. 2:31 I will cut off thy a. and the a. of tliy father's h. 2 Chr. 32:8 with him is a. of Ilcsh Job 26:2 savest a. tliat hatli 31:22 a. fall from my shoulder 35:9 cry out by reason of the a. 3S:15 high a. shall be broken 40:9 hast thou an a. like God? Fs. 10:15 the a. of tlio wicked 44:3 nor tlieir own a. save them 77:15 with tliy a. red. thy peo. 89:13 thou hast a mighty a. 21 mine a. sliall strengthen 98:1 his holy a. luilh gotten him Cant. 8:0 as a seal on thine a. Is. 9:20thcneshof liisa. 33:2 l)c their a. every morning 40:10 his a. shall rule for him 11 gatluT the laml)S with a. 51:5 sliall wait upon me, on mine a. shall thc^y trust 9 put on strengtli, O a. of Lord 52: 10 hatli made liare his holy a. 53:1 to wlioni i.s llie a. of theL. revealed? John 12:33 59:16 his a. broU'.;lit salv. 63:5 62:8 hath sworn liy tlio a. 63:12 witli liis glorious a. Jer. 17:5lli!it inalirtli Ilesh hisa. 21:5 I will figliL with strong a. Ezek. 4:7 lliine a. sliall be unc. 30:21 broken a. of I'haiaoh 81:17 into hell that were his a. J)nii. 11:6 retain j)ower of the a. '/jC-i:. 11:17 on his a. his a. J, like V.'A showed str. with his a. Ads 13: IV with a high a. brought ARM, Vorl). 1 Vet. 4:1 a. yours, with samem. Ktrc(Hi<'ration Ihut kmnv not I lie l.iu'd 5:7 till I Dehonih a. a mother 20:8 the |ieo|ile a. as one man 1 Sam. 9:26 a. early, Is. 37:36 17:35 be (I. against me 2 A'. 2'1:25 all, liliii a. there any ■IChr. .')6:l(i wiiilli of the Konla. .Iiib 29:8 ageil a. and slood up I's. 76:9 (!od a, to )mlu'inent /'/■(,'. 1:5 Him liastilb where lie a. ART Dan. 6:19 the king a. early Mat. 2:14 he a. and took child,21 8:15 a. and ministered, Lu. 4:;39 26 he a. and rebuked winds, i1/arA4:.39; iwfe 8:24 9:9 a. and follow. 19; Mark^-.U 25 the hand, and the maid a. 27:.52 saints which slept a. Mark 9:27 J. lifted him up, he a. Lnke 6:48 when the flood a. 15:20 he a. and came to his f. ^f^*' 11:19 persec. which a. about 19:23 there a. no small stir 23:7 so said a. a dissension, 10 rl). ti, n. 32:17 wlnme a, lluui? .III,/. H; 18 lis tboii (I. ASH 1 IC. 22:4 as thou a. 2K. .3:7 ■ler. 14:22 a. not thou he, O L. Li/ke 7:19 a. he that should Pec. 11:17 a. and w. and a. 10:5 ART, S, Substantive. Ex. .30:25 ointment alter the a. 2 Chr. 16:14 spices prep, by a. Ar/.t 17:29 stones graven by a. 19:19 which used curious "a. ARTAXERXES. Ezr.i-.n; 6:14: 7:1,11.21 Xeh. 2:1 in 20th year of A. wine 5:14 from 20th to 33d year of A. ARTEMAS. Tit. 3:12 ARTIFICER, S. Gen. 4:22 T.-Cain an instr. of a. 1 Clir. 29:5 works made by a. 2 Chr. 34:11 to a. gave they m. Is. 3:3 away the cunning a. ARTILLERY. 1 Sam. 20:40 Jonath. gave his a. ASA. 1 K. 1.5:11 A. did rii;ht.2C%r.l4:2, 12,13; iChr. 15:2,17; 16:2 1 Chr. 9:16 Berechiah. son of A. 2 Chr. 14:11 A. cried to the Lord ASAHEL. 2 Sam. 2:18, 21, 32 ; 1 air. 2:16 3:27 Abner died for blood of A. 2:3:24 A. was one, 1 Chr. 11:26 ASAIAH. 1 C^ir. 4:.36 Jeshohaiah and A. 6:30 sons of Merari. A. 9:5 %Chr. 34:20 king Josiah sent A. A.SAPH. ZK. 18:18Joab thesonof A. the recorder, 37 ; />•. 36:3. 22 1 Chr. 6:;39 A. son of, 9:15: 1.5:17 16:7 delivered this psalm to A. 25:1 of the sons of A. 2; 2(>:1; 2 (',',;•. 5:12; 20:14; 29:13; 3.5:15; Ezr. 2:41; 3:10; Nek. 7:44; 11:17,22; 12:;35 ASCEXD. ■Jos. 6:5 people shall a. Tip Ps. 24:3 a. into hill. Pom. 10:6 135:7 vap. to a. Ju: 10:13; 51:16 139:8 if I a. up into heaven />•. 14:13 I will a. to heaven, 14 Eztk. 38:9 a. and come Jvlin 6:li2-Son of man a. np 20:17 I a. to my Father Peo. 17:8 shall a. out of pit ASCEXDED. Jad. 13:20 angel a. in the Ps. 68:18 thou h.ast a. on high Prcn. 30:4 hath a. into heaven John 3:13 no man hath a. 20:17 not yet a. to my Father Acts 2:.'34 1). is not a. into the h. EpIi. 4:8 when he a. up 9 that he a. 10 same that a. Per. 8:4 smoke of the incense a. 11:12 a. up to heaven ASCE.XDETII. Rer. 11:7 the beast that a. out 14:11 smoke of their torment a. ASCE.VDIXG. Gen. 28:12 the angels of God a. 1 Sam. 28:13 1 saw gods a. out Luke 19:28 before a. up to Jem. John 1:51 angels of (iod a. and Pcv. 7:2 angel a. from the cast ASCEXT. 2 Sam. 15:!!0 l)av. went up bv the a. of Olivet 1 K. 10:5 and his a. by which ho went up, 2 Chr. VA ASCRIIIE. Deiil. 32:3 a. ve greatness ./(* .36:3 I will a. to mv Maker Ps. 68:34 a. ye stivnglli to God ASCII iiiicn. 15am. 18:8 a. to David 10,000 ASENATU. and confounded. See ' CONFOUNDED. Be ASHAMED. P^^ 6:10 let my enemies he a. 25:3 that wait on thee be a. let them be a. who transgress 31:1 let me never be a. 17 not be a. wicked be a. 35:26 69:6 wait be a. for my sake 86:17 wh. hate me, may be a. 109:28 let them be a. 119:78 lot proud be a. Is. 1:29 sliall be a. of the oaks 2.3:4 be thou a. O Zidon 26:11 and be a. for their envy 42:17 be greatly a. that trust in 44:9 know, that they may be a. 11 all his fellows shall be a. 45:34 against hira shall be a. 65:13 rejoice, ye shall be c. 68:5 and they "shall be a. Jer. 2:36 shalt be a. of Egypt 3:3 refusedst to be a. 12: 13 shall 6e a. of your rev. 17:13 forsake thee shall be a 20:11 my persecutors shall tea. 43:13 Moab shall be a. of C. 50:12 your mother shall be a. E-ek. i6:61 and be a. 4:3:10 they may be a. of their nos. 4:19 be a. bee. of their sac. 10:6 Is. be a. of his own counsel Joel 1:11 be yea. O ye husbandm. 2:26 shall never be a. 27 Zee. 9:5 expectation shall be a. 13:4 every one be a. of his vis. Mark 8:38 be a. of me. Luke 9:2ri 2 Cor. 9:4 we (that we say not you) should be a. Phil. 1:20 in nothing I shall S. a. 2 T/ie.9. 3:14 that may be a. Tit. 2:8 contrary part may be a. 1 Pet. 3:16 may be a. that falsely Not be, or Be not ASHAr.IED. Num. 12:14 she b. a. seven days? Ps. 25:2 in thee, let me ;;. b. ci. 31:17 let me ». b. a. 119:116 37:19 shall n. b. a. in the evil 119:6 a. when I have respect 46 testimonies, and 7i. be a. 80 be sound, that I be ?i. a. 127:5 shall n. be a. but speak /■.■. 29:22 Jacob shall not be a. 4.j:17 a. world without end 49:2:3 shall not be a. that wait 50:7 like a flint, I shall n. be a. 54:4 for thou shalt not be a. Zep. 3:11 that day shalt thou a. Pom. 9:a3 believ. shall a. 10:11 2 Cor. 10:8 I should not be a. 2 Tim. 1:8 a. of testimony of L. 2:15 that needeth not be a. 1 Pet. 4:16 as a Clir. let him a. 1 John 2:28 a. before him ASHDOD. ISam. 5:1 the ark to A. 6 2Chr. 26:6 wall of A. cit. ab. A. 2i'eh. 13:23 mar. wives of A. 24 Amos 1:8 ; 3:9 ; Zep.2:A ; Zee. 9:6 ASHEB Gen. 30:13 L. called his name A. 49:20 out of A. his bread fat Deut. 33:34 of A. he said A. Jud. 5:17 A. on the sea-shore Tribe of ASHEB. A'uOT. 1:41 the tribe of K. 41,500 2:27 the tribe of \. shall 10:26 the host of tril>e of A. 13:13 tribe of K. to spy, ai:27 Jos. 19:34 lot for tribe of A. 31 21:6 out of the tribe of A. 30 1 C'hr. 6:02,74; Luke 2:.36; Pev.T.6 ASK ASHES. Gen. 18:27 am but dust and a. Lev. 6:11 the a. without camp yum. 19:9 gather the a. 1 K. 13:3 and a. poured out 30:38 disguised himself with a. E.'^t. 4:3 lay in sackcloth and a. ■Job 2:8 sat down among the a. 1:3:12 your rememb. like a. :30:19 "become like dust and a. 42:6 and repent in dust and a. Ps. 102:9 eaten a. like bread 147:16 the hoar-frost like a. Is. 44:20 he feedeth on a. 58:5 to spread a. under him 61:3 to give them be;nty for a. ■Ttr. 6:26 daughter, wallow in a. Lam. :3:16 covered me with b. Ezek. 28:18 bring thee to a,, on Ban. 9:3 to seek in sack, and a. Jon. 3:6 king sat in a. Mai. 4:3 wicKed be a. imder Mat. 11:21 repented long ago in sackcloth and a. L'ul;e 10:13 Heb. 9:13 if the a. of a heifer ■2 Pet. 2:6 cities of Sodom into a. ASHTAROTH. Dent. 1:4 at A. Jos. 9:10; 12:4 ■lud. 2:13 Is. served A. 10:6 1 Sam. 7:3 strange gods and A. 4 1 2: 10 because we have served A. 31:10 S.'s armor in house of A. 1 K. 11.33 have worshipped A. 1 Chr. 6:71 Gershom was giv. A. ASHOl, or ASSUR. Cfcn. 10:11 A. went forth. 22 Sum. 24:22 A. shall carrv. 24 1 Chr. 2:34 H. wife bare "him A. 4:5 A. had two wives, H. and Ezr. 4:2 Esar-haddon. king of A. Ps. 83:8 A. also Is joined with Ezek. 27:2:3 A. and Chil. 32:22 Hos. 14:3 A. shall not save us ASIA. Acts 6:9 of A. disputing Stephen 19:10 all they in A. heard 27 whom all A. worshippeth 1 Pet. 1:1 to strangers scat, in A. ASJDS. 2 IC. 4:4 set a. Unit which Mark "7:33 a. from the multitude ■lohn 13:4 laid a. his garments Beb. 12:1 lay a. every weight See GO, GONE, TURN, WENT, LAT. ASK. Gen. 32:29 w. a. after my name 34:12 a. me never so much dow- ry and gift, and I will give Deut. 4::32 a. of the days that are 32:7 a. thy father Jud. 18:5 a. counsel of God 1 Sam. 13:19 this e\il to a. us 28:16 why dost thou a. of me 1 A". .3:5 God said. a. what I shall give thee, H Chr. 1:7 3 K. 2:9 a. what I sliall do 2 Chr. 30:4 J. gatheredtoa. help Job 12:7 a. the beasts Ps. 2:8 a. of me, and I will give Is. 7:11 a. thee a sign of L. a 12 I will not a. neither tempt 45:11 L. a. of things to come .58:2 they a. ordinances ■Jer. 6:16 a. for the old paths 1.5:5 aside to a. how thou doest 18:13 a. among the heathen 38:14 I will a. thee a thing 48:19 a. him that fleeth 50:5 shall a. the way to Zion La/n. 4:4 children a. bread Dan. 6:7 shall a. a petition IIos. 4:12 people a. counsel JTaff. 2:11 a. priests concerning Zee. 10:1 a. rain in time Mat. 6:8 need of, before ye a. 7:7 a. and it shall be, Ltike 11:9 9 his son a. bread, Luke 11:11 11 good things to them that a. 14:7 whatsoever she would a. 18:19 touch, any thing they a. 20:22 what ye a'. Mark 10:38 31:33 whatsoever ye a. 22:46 a. him more questions, Mark 12:.^ ; Luke 20:40 Mark 6:32 a. what thou wilt. 33 9:32 afraid to a. him, Luke 9:45 Luke 6:30 goods, a. them not 11:13 Holy S. to them that a. 12:48ofhim they will fl. John 1:19 sent priests to a. him 9:21 he is of age, a. him, 33 11:22 whatsoever thou a. of G. 14:13 ye a. in my name, 15:16 14 if ye a. in my name I will 15:7 abide in me, a. what ye 16:19 they were desirous to a. ASS John 16:23 ye shall a. me nothing 34 a. and receive that yom- joy .30 that any should a. 18:21 a. them which heard ms Acts 10:29 I a. for what intent 1 Cor. 14:35 a. their husbands Eph. 3:20 above all we can a. Jam. 1:5 lack wisdom, let him a. 6 but let him a. in faith 4:2 ye have not, bee. ye a. not 3 ye a. and rec. not. bee. ye a. 1 John 3:22 we a. we receive 5: 14 we a. according to his ■will 15 heareth us, whatever we a. 16 not unto death, he shall a. See COUNSEL. ASKED. Jud. 5:25 he a. water 13:6 I a. not whence he was 1 Sam. 1:17 petition thou a. 1 A'. 3:11 thou a. this thing 2 K. S:10 hast a. hard thing Ezr. 5:10 we a. their names Job 21:29 a. them that so by Po-. 21:4 he n. life of thee 105:40 people a. he brought Is. 30:3 not a. at my mouth 41:28 when I a. of them, could 65:1 sought of them that a. not Dan. 2: 10" no king that a. 7:16 a. him the truth Mat. 16:13 he a. his disciples, .Vn)*8:27; LukedaS 23:33 Sadducees a. him, 35; .l/a;*»:ll; 10:3; 13:18 Li/ke 18:40 when near he a. John 4:10 woaldest have a. 16:34 have ye a. nothing Pom. 10:20 to them that a. not ASKELOX, or ASHKELOW ■Jiul. 1:13 Jadah took G. and A. 14:19 Samson went down to A. 1 Sam. 6:17 for A. one. for Gath 2 Sam. 1:20 in the streets of A. Jer. 25:20 I made A. and Azzah 47:5 A. is cut off ^ith rem. 7 .imos 1:8 holds sceptre from A. .Zep. 2:4 A. a desolation, 7 Zee. 9:5 A. shall see ; A. shall ASREST. .7>;^. 13:18 why fl. after my name? .John 4:9 a. drink of me 18:21 why a. thou me? ASKETH. E.V. 13:14 thy son a. Deut. 6:30 Mic. 7:3 prince a. for a reward Mat. 5:43 him that a. Luke 6:30 7:8 that a. receiv. Luke 11:10 ■John 16:5 none a. whither goest 1 Pet. 3:15 a. you a reason of ASKING. Ps. 78:18 tempting God by a. Luke 2:46 a. them questions John 8:7 they continued a 1 Cor. 10:35 a. no question, 27 ASLEEP. ■Jud. 4:21 Sisera was fast a. Cant. 7:9 lips of those a. to speak ■Ion. 1:5 Jonah was fast a. Mat. 8:34 he was a. Mark 4:38 26:40 disciples a. Mark 14:40 Acts 7:60 Stephen fell a. 1 Cor. 15:6 but some are fallen a. 18 which are fallen a. in C. 1 The^. 4:13 concerning them a. 15 prevent them that are a. 2 Pet. :3:4 since fathers fell a. all ASNAPPAR. Ezr. 4:10 ASP, S. Deut. .32:33 wine is venom of a. Job 20:14 meat is the gall of a. 16 he shall suck poison of a. Is. 11:8 on the hole of the a. Pom. 3:13 poison of a. ASSAILT, ED. Acts 14:5 and a. made of the G. 17:5 they a. the house of Jason ASSAY, ED, I.\G. Deut. 4:34 hath God a. to take 1 Sam. 17:39 Da\id a. to go Job 4:2 if we a. to commune Acts 9:26 Saul a. to join himself 10:7 thcv a. to go to Bithynia Heb. 11:2"9 the Egyptians a. ASS. Gen. 22:3 Aorah. saddled his a. 5 abide vou here with the a. 49:14 Issachar is a strong a. Ex. 13:13 firstling of an a. 33:4 if thou meet enemy's a. 12 thine ox and thine a. Sum. 16:15 not taken one a. 22:33 a. saw the angel, 25. 27 28 opened the moiith of a. 30 ASS Deut. 22:10 with ox and a. Jos. 15:18 lighted off her a. Jud. 1:14; 1 Sam. 25:23 Jud. 15:16 jawbone of an a. 1 K. 13:28 had not torn the a. 2 K. 6:25 a. head sold lor 80 p. ■Job 24:3 the a. of the fatherless Pror. 30:3 a bridle for the a. Is. 1:3 the a. his master's crib 32:20 send feet of the ox and a. Jer. 32:19 the burial of an a. Zee. 9:9 cometh lowly riding on a. the foal of an a. J/a^.21:5 14:15 so be the plague of the o. Mat. 21:2 shall find an a. tied Luke 1:3:15 each loose his a. 14:5 have an a. fallen into pit John 12:14 had found a young a. 2 Pet. 2:16 dumb a. speaking See SADDLE. ASS'S COLT. Gen. 49:11 binding his a. c. Job 11:12 bom like a wild a. e. John 12:15 sitting on an a. c. Wild ASS. ■Job 6:5 a. bray when he hath g. 39:5 sent out iv. a. free Jer. 2:34 «'. a. used to the w'ness Hos. 8:9 w. a. alone by himself ASSES. Jud. 5:10 ride on w. a. 1 Sam. 8:16 wiil take your a. 9:3 a. of Kish were lost. 10:2 2 Sam. 10:2 a. for k. household 1 Chr. 27:30 over a. was Jehd. 2 C'hr. 28:15 carried feeble on a. Job 42:12 J. had a thousand shea. Is. 21:7 he i=aw a chariot of a. Ezek. 2:3:20 flesh as flesh of a. Wild ASSES. ■Job 34:5 as wild a. go they forth Ps. 104:11 lu. a. quench Is. 32:14 shall be a joy of w. a. ■ler. 14:6 ici/d a. snuffed wind Dan. 5:21 dwell, was with w. a. Young ASSES. Is. 30:6 riches on ijounrj a. 2i ij. a that ear the ground ASSEMBLE. I9. 11:12 he shall a. outcasts 45:30 a. and come, and draw n. 48:14 all ye a. yourselves ■Jer. 4:5 a. and let us go 8:14 why sit still ? a. let ns Ezek. 11:17 I will a. you out of 39:17 a. gather to my sacrifice Hos. 7:14"a. for com and wine Joel 2:16 a. elders, gather 3:11 a. and come, all ye heathen A7nos 3:9 a. on mt. Samaria Mic. 2:12 I will surelv a. 0 J. 4:6 I will a. her that" halteth Zep. 3:8 I will a. the kingdoms ASSE.MBLED. 1 Sa7n. 2:22 lay with w. that a. Ezr. 9:4 a. every one that trem. Seh. 9:1 ch. of Is. a. with fast. Ps. 48:4 lo the kings were a. Is. 43:9 let the people be a. who Jer. 5:7 a. by troops in harlot's h. Mat. 28:12 when a. gave large John 20:19 disciples a. for fear of Acts 1.4 being a. not to depart 4:31 where they were a. 11:26 w. year a. with church 15:25 it seemed good to us a. ASSEJIBLIXG. Heb. 10:25 forsake not the a. ASSE.^IBLY. Gen. 49:6 their a. mine honor Ex. 16:3 kill a. with hunger Ler. 4:13 from the eyes of the a. Deut. 9:10 L. spake out of fire in day of a. 10:4: 18:16 1 Sam. 17:47 a. shall know Lord 3 Chr. 30:33 a. took counsel Ps. 32:16 the a. of the wicked 89:7 feared in a. of the saints 107:33 praise him in a. 111:1 I will praise him in a. Prov. 5:14 was in all evil in a. Jer. 6:11 on a. of young men 9:3 an a. of treacherous men 15:17 sat not in a. of mockers Lam. 2:6 dest. places of the a. Ezek. 13:9 shall not be in the o. Acts 19:;32 the a. was confused .39 deter, in a lawful a. 41 Heb. 13:33 to the general a. Jam. 2:3 come to your a. a man Solemn ASSEMBLY. Lev. 2.3:30 eighth dav is a s. a. Num. 29:35; AV(. 8:18 Deut. 16:8 seventh day «. a. to L. CEUDEN-'S CONCORDAlNTCE. 763 ■AST 2 K. 10:20 a s. a. for Baal 2 C/ir. 7:9 eiglith d. made a s. a. Joel 1:14 called a s. a. 2:15 Zep. 3:18 sorrowful for the«. a. ASSEMBLIES. Ps. 8B:14 a. of violent men Ec. l:i:ll fas. by masters of a. /<. 1:1:3 calling of o. 4:5 create on her a. a cloud .E^eA. 44:24 in all mine a. Arnos 5:21 not smell in your a. ASSEXTEW. ^c/« 24:9 Jews also a. ASSOCIATE. Is. 8:9 a. and be broken in p. ASSUAGE, ED. Gen. 8:1 and the wafers a. Job 1C:5 mov. of lips should a. 6 my grief is not a. ASSURANCE. I)eid. 28:06 shall have none a. Is. 32:17 effect of righteous, a. Acts Vi:Z\ he hath given a. Col. 2:2 full a of understanding 1 Tkes. 1:5 came in much a. Hb. ii:ll to the full a. of hope 10:22 draw near in full a. ASSURE. 1 John 3:19 shall a. our hearts ASSURED. Jer. 14:13 give you a. peace 2 T'mi. 3:14 thou hast been a. ASSUREDLY. Acts 2:30 house of Israel Itnow a. 16:10 a. gathering, L. called us ASSYRIA. Oen. 2:14 toward the cast of A. 25:18 dwelt as thou goest to A. 2 71'. 15:29 cap. to A. 17:6; 18:11 Is. 7:18 that is a land of A. 11:11 recover people from A. 16 19:2:5 out of Egypt to A. 24. 25 27:13 were ready to perish in A. Jer. 2:18 in the way of A. ? 36 Ezek. 23:7 with men of A. ZTos. 7:11 to A. 8:9 up to A. 9:3 cat unclean things in A. 19:6 carried to A. for a present 11:11 dove out of the land of A. Win. 5:6 waste the land of A. 7:12 come to thee from A. Zep. 2:13 destroy A. and Nin. 7.ec. 10:10 g. them out of A. 11 Sec KING, KfNGS. ASTONISHED. Lei\ 26:33 enemies shall be a. l/f. 9:3 shall bo a. Jer. 18:16; 19:8; 49:17; 50:13 Ezr. 9:3 and sat down a. Job 17:8 upriglit shall be a. 18:20 couu; after shall be a. 26:11 i)il!ars of heaven are a. Is. 52:14 many were a. at fheo Jer. 2:12 be a. O ye heavens 4:9 the priests shall be a. 11:9 why be as a man a. Ezek. 3:15 I remained n. seven d. 4:17 a. one with another 26:16 shall tremble and be a. 28:19 know thee shall bo a. Dan. 3:21 Ncbuchadnoz. waaoi. 4:19 Daniel was a. for one hour 5:9 his lords n. 8:27 Daniel was a. at (he vision Mul. 7:28 (I. i\\ his. 22::K: Murk 1:22; 0:2; 11:18; Luke-V.'M Mark 5:42 a. with great nsf on ish. 7:37 bej'ond measure a. 10:20 10:21 disciples wori) a. Luke 2:47 a. at his nnswers 5:9 was a. at drafiglit of fishes 8:56 h(T ])ar('nts wer<^ a. but he 24:22 certain woukmi made us «. Acfs 9:6 Saul IrriTililing and a. 10:45 whicli l)i'li<'ved weri' a. 12:16 saw J'eliT. Ihcy were a. 13:12 (le|)Ufy believed, being «. AKTO\IS!IV1KNT. Dcf//. 28:28 shall sniile wllli a. 87 heeonie an a. and a proverb 2 a/ir. 7:2) shall be an a. 29:Hhatli delivered lliem \ii a. Ps. 60:3 fo drink llie win,- of a. Jer. 8:21 I am blacl>, a. halli 2.5:9 I will niiiUe IIktu an a. 18 II land b(' ii (leHolalhin and a. 29:18 deliver IIumil to bean a. 42: IK exrcni, aiiil an ti. 44:12 44:22 llieref. is ycair land an a. 51:1)7 Itabvl, shall beeoni.^ an ». E:rk. 4:16 ilrlnic w. with ii. 12:19 5:15 an ii. lo tlie naliiam 2.3:;!;ibe lllled wllli cup of n. XdO. 12:4 Hinltu horse with a. AUG ASTRAY. See went, go, gone. ASTROLOGERS. Is. 47:13 let now a. star-gazers Ban. 1:20 ten times better th. a. 2:27 cannot the a. show 4:7 came in magicians and a. 5:7 king cried to bring in the a. ASUNDER. See ci-bave, cut. DIVIDE, PUT. ASYNCRlTrS. Pom. 10:14 ATAD. &e;i. 50:10, 11 ATE. Ps. 106:23 a. sacrifi. of the dead Dan. 10:3 I a. no pleasant bread Pev. 10:10 book, and a. it up ATHAL8AH. 2 /r. 8:26 Ahaz. mother was A. 11:1 A. destroyed. 2 Chr. 22:10 2 hid Joash from A. 20 1 Chr. 8:26 Ben. Shehari. and A. 2 C/ir. 24:7 the sons of A. 22:11 Ezr. 8:7 Jeshaiah son of A. ATHENIAXS. Acts 17:21 ATHENS. Acfs 17:15 bro't Paul to A. 16, 22 18:1 Paul departed from A. 1 r/ies. 3:1 good to be left at A. ATSHRST. Mat. 25:44 when saw we theeo. Pev. 21:6 prive to him that is a. 22:17 let him that is a. come ATO\'EMENT. Ex. 30:16 shall take a. money Lev. 4:20 a. for them, 26, 31, 35; 5:6; 6:7; 8:.34; 12:8; 14:18; Num. 15:23 9:7 make a. for thyself, 16:24 16:10 the scape-goat to make a. 17 there, when maketh a. 34 to make a. once a year 23:28 no work, it is a day of a. 25:9 day of a. make trumpet Num. 16:46 make a. for wrath 31:.50 ear-rings to make an a. 2 Sam. 21:3 wherewith make a. Pom. 5:11 we have rec. a. ATTAIN. Ps. 1.39:6 I cannot a. unto it Pron. 1:5 man of u. a. wisdom TTos. 8:5 they n. to innoeeney ? Phil. 3:11 might a. to resurrec. ATTAINED. Gen. 47:9 not a. to days of fath. Pom. 9::50 G have a. to right. 31 Is. hath not a. to law Phil. 3:12 I had already a. 16 already a. let us walk 1 Tiin. 4:6 whereto thou a. ATTALIA. Acts 14:25 ATTEND. Ps. 17:1a. to my c. 01:1; 142:6 55:2 a. to mo, t mourn 86:6 a. to the voice Prnv. 4:1 a. to know understand. 20 son, a. to my words, 7:34 5:1 my s(m, a. to my wisdom 1 Cm: 7:;j5 a. on Lord ATTENDANCE. 1 Tim,. 4: 13 j;i ve n. to reading Ileb. 7:13 gave a. at altar ATTENDED. .Toh 32:12 1 a. none convinced J. Ps. 06:19 hath a. fo niv j)raver Acts 16:1 1 she a. fo things spok. ATTE\D1\G. Pom. 13:6 ministers a. confin. ATTENT. 2 Chr. 0:40 let thine ears be a. 7:15 shall be (/. to tlu' jirayer ATTENTIVE. Neh. 1:6 li'f tliine ear now be a. 11: I's. 1:10:2 8:3 pc^ople w<>re a. Luke 19:48 ATTENTIVELY. Job 37:2 hear a. noise of his v. ATTIHE. Prm). 7:10 with a. of harlot -At. 2:32 a bride fort'ef her a. T Ezck. 2.3:15 exceeding in dy(!d«. AUDIENCE. E.r. 21:7 anil read in «. t CUr. 28:8 in a. of our God Neh. 13:1 they read In the rt. I.iike 7:1 his sayings In the a. 20:45 ill a. of the people Arts 13: IC ,c that fear (i. L'ive rt. 15:12 inu. I It ude L'ave a. 22:22 AlKJIIT. ,S',,(>|t(iiiT. AUGMENT. Num. 32:11 lo a. Uereu angiT AWA AUGUSTUS. Lnke 2:1 decree from Cesar A. Acts 25:21 P. appealed to A. 25 27:1 Julius, a centurion of A. AUNT. Lev. 18:14 his wife, she is thy a. AUSTERE. Luke 19:21 thou art an a. man AUTHOR. 1 Cot. 14:33 not a. of confusion Het). 5:9 became a. of salvation 12:2 Jesus, the a. and finisher AUTHORITY, lES. Prore. 29:2 righteous are in a. Mat. 7:29 havinir a. Mark 1:22 8:9 a man under a. Liike 7:8 20:25 exercise a. Mark 10:42 21:23 by what a. Mark 11:28 Mark 1:27 for with a. com. un- clean spirits, Luke 4:36. 13:34 gave a. to his servants Lvke 9:1 power and a. over 19:17 have thou a. over 20:20 deliver him to a. 22:25 exercise a. called benef. ,Iohn 5:27 a. to execute judgm. Acts 8:27 eunuch of great a. 9:14 hath a. to bind, 26:10, 12 1 Ccn\ 15:24 put down all a. 2 Cor. 10:8 boast more of a. 1 Tim. 2:2 suppli. for all in «. 12 women to usurp a. over Tit. 2:15 rebuke with all a. 1 Pet. 3:22 and a. made subject to Pev. 13:2 gave him great a. AVAILETH. Gal. 5:6 Christ cir. a. not, 6:15 Jam. 5:16 prayer of right a. AVEN. Ezek. 30:17 men of A. fall IIos. 10:8 high of A. Amos 1:5 AVENGE. Lev. 19:18 thou shall not a. 20:25 a. the quarrel of my cov. Num. 31:2 a. Is. of Midianites, 3 Deut. 32:43 a. blood of servants 1 -501^.24:12 Lord a. me of thee Isa. 1:24 a. me of mine enemies Jer. 46:10 that he may a. IIos. 1:4 will a. blood of Jezreel Luke 18:3 a. me of mine adxer. 7 shall not God a. his own el. 8 he will a. them speedily Pom. 12:19 a. not yourselves Pev. 0:10 dost thou not a. our AVENGED. Gen. 4:24 Cain be a. seven-fold ■/OS. 10:13 stayed till peo. had a. Juil. 15:7 yet I will be a. 10:28 «. of Philis. of my 1 Sam. 14:24 that I may be a. 18:25 foreskins to be a. 25:.31 my Lord hath a. himself 2 Sam. 4:8 hath a. my lord 18:19 the Lord hath a. him .Tcr. 5:9 my soul beo. 29 : 9:9 Arts 7:24 a. him opi)ressed Per. 18:20 Ood hath a. you 19:2 a. blood of his servants AVENGER. Num. 35:12 from a. Jos. 20:3 Deut. 19:6 lest a. pursue 12 the elders deliver him to a. Jos. 20:5 if the a. pursue Px. 8:2 mightest still the a. 44:10 by re. of tlu' enemy and a. 1 77(cw. 4:6 Lord is a. of all such AVENGETII. 2 ..Sam. 22: 18 G. a. me, Ps. 18:47 AVENGING. Jud. 5:2 praise L. for a. of Isru. AVERSE. Mic. 2:8 as men a. from war AVOID. Prof. 4:15 a. if, pass not by It Pom. 1(i:17 divisions, and a. 2 Tim. 2:23 mil. (pieslions a. Tit. ;):9 ». foolish (piestions AVOIDING. 2 Cor. 8:20 a. this, tliat no man 1 Tim. 0:20 a. piotane babblings AVOl CIIKD. Deut. 2ped 18:21 if H. be God. follow him 19:18 7,(XH) In Israel which liavo not boved to B. Horn. 11:4 2 A'. 10:19 sac. fo do fo B. 20 11:18 brake down hiuLS' of B. 17:16 host (ifheavi'n served It. 21::> Manas, reared illfnrs for B. 2;!:1 bring all the vessels for B. ■ler. 2:8iuopli, prophesied hv B. 7:9 inc. fo n y 1 1: 13, 17; :12:29 !2:lti to swear bv 11. 19:5 built hii,'li I'llaee- of B. •J!:13proi)hesied in H. 27 IIos. 2:8 sih er and •;o!d for H. l:l:l Kiihraim otVended In B. '/.ill. 1:1 cut olt'iviuiiaiit ol II. B.\.\l, BI'.LMTll. Jud. S::l:l IIA \l, IIAMON. <((H^8:1I IIAAl.l. /Aw. 2:16 nwiJM. Jud. 2:11 I... s. B. .1:7; llVO, 10 8;:m Isr. wriil whoring ••it'ler R. 1 Sam. 7:4 Icriiel put Bwny H. 764 CRUDEN'S CONCORDA>^CE. BAG 1 K. 18:18 hast followed B. 2 GJir. 17:3 J. sought not to B. 24:7 dedic. things on B. 28:2 3:?;3 M. reared altars tor B. 34:4 brake thit altars ot B. Jcr. 2:23 liave not gone after B. 9:14 have walked after B. IIos. 2:13 on her days of B. 17 BAALIS. Jtr. 40:14 BAAL-MEOX. Ezek. 25:9 BAAL-PEOR. Num. 25:3 Is. ioined himself to B. 5: Ps. mrM: Ho^. 9:10 Diijt. 4;:3 Lord did because of B. BAAL-PERAZUI. 2 Sam. 5:20 : 1 CJir. 14:11 BAAL-SHALISHA. 2 K. 4:42 BAAL-TAMAR. Jiid. 20::33 BAAL-ZEBLT3. 2 K. 1:2, 16 BAAL-ZEPHOX. Ex. 14:2: Num. 33:7 B4A^4H. 2 Sam. 4:0 Rechab and B. esc. 23:29 Heleb the son of B. 1 K. 4:10 B. the son of H. Ezr. 2:2 B. c. to. Neh. 7:7; 10:27 BA.\SH.\. 1 K. 1.5:16, 19. 27; 16:1, 6, 11, 12; 21:22: 2 K. 9:9; 2 Clir. 16;3; Jer. 41:9 BABBLER. Ec. 10:11 and a 6. is no better Acts 17:13 what will this J), say? BABBLI\G, S. Prov. 2:a:29 who hath 6. ? 1 riwi. 6:20 avoidins vain 5. 2 Tim. 2:16 profane and vain 6. BABE, S. ^r. 2:6 behold the *. wept Lii'ke 1:41 b. leaped in her womb 4i b. leaped in my womb 2:12 find b. wrapped in swad. 16 theft, lying in a manger Heb. 5:13 for he is a b. P.i. 8-2 mouth of 6. Mat. 21:16 17:14 leave substance to their 6. Is. 3:4 princes and b. shall rule Mat. 11:25 rev. t. to b. Luke 10:21 Pom. 2:20 a teacher of 6. 1 Cor. 3 1 as unto b. m Christ 1 Pet. 2:2 as new-born b desire BABEL, e^^rt. 10-10; 11:9 BABYLOX. Mat. 1.17 the carrying into B. Acts 7:43 carrv awav bevond B. 1 Pd. 5.13 church at B. Sitluteth Pel-. 14-8 B. is fallen, is fallen 16'19 B. came in remembrance 17:5 B. the mother of harlots 18:10 alas, that city B. 21 See DAUGHTER. BABYLONIANS. Ezek.n:Va. 17 BABYLOXISH. Jos. 7:21 BACA. Ps. 84-6 BACK. 1 K. 14:9 behind t. b. Ezek. 23:33 Ps. 21:12 turn their 6. 129:3 ploughed on mv 5. Pror. 10:13"rod for 6. 19:29; 26:3 Is. :J3.17 my sins behind thy b. \ 50:6 my b'. to the smiters l Jer. 2:27 have turned b. unto me 18:17 will show b. not the face I 32::}3 turned to me b. and not ! 48:39 turned the b. with shame Rom. 11:10 bow down their b. BACK, Adjective. Ex. 33:23 shalt see my h. parts BACKS. Neh. 9:26 thy law behind their 6. Ezek. 8:16 their b. toward the 10:12 body, and b. full of See TUR>-ED. B.VOKBITERS. Bom. 1::30 b. haters of God B.\CKBITETH. Ps. 15:3 that *. not with his BACRBITIXG, S. Prov. 25-2:j a b. tongue a Cor. 12:20 tliere be debates, b. BACKSLIDER. Pron. 14:14 b. in heart be fiUed BACRSLIQI.XG, S. Jer. 2:19 thy b. shall reprove 3:6 what b. Israel hath done 8 whereby b. Israel com. ad. 3:11 h Is. hath justified herself 12 return thou h. Israel, 14 O b. children, saith L. 22 5 6 because their b. increased 8.5 back by a perpetual b. BAL Jer. 14:7 for our b. are many 31:22 O b. daughter, 40:4 Hof. 4:16 Is. slideth back as a 6. 11:7 are bent to b. from me 14:4 I will heal their b. I will BACKWARD. Gen. 9:23 b. their faces were 5. 49:17 his rider shall fall b. 2 K. 20:10 return b. Is. 38:8 Job 23:8 b. I cannot perceive h. Ps. 40:14 driven b. that wish me 70:2 turned b. that desire Is. 1:4 they are gone awav b. 28:13 they might go and foil 6. 44:25 that turheth wise men b. 59:14 judgm. is turned away b. Jer. 7:24 went 6. not forward 15:0 thou art gone b. therefore Lam. 1:8 sigheth and turn. b. John 18:6 wx-nt b. and fell to BAD. Gen. 24:50 speak b. or good 31:24 to Jacob ^ood or b. 29 Lev. 27:10 a good for a i. or a b. Num. 13:9 land if good or b. 24:13 to do either good or b. 2 Sam. 13:22 spake^rood nor b. 14:17 to discern good or b. 1 K. 3:9 discern good and b. Mat. 13:48 but cast the b. away 22:10 good and h. and the wed. 2 Cor. 5:10 wliether good or b. BADXESS. Gen. 41:19 never saw in E. for b. B.\OE, EST. Gen. 27:19 have done as thou b. Lvke 14:9 he that b. thee, 10 16 a supper, and b. many Acts 11:12 Spirit b. me so 18:21 but b. them farewell BADGERS. Et. 26:14 cov. above of 6. skins 35:7 skins dyed red. b. skins Ezek. 16:10 I shod thee w. b. sk. BAG. Deut. 25:13 in thy b. div. weig. 1 Sam. 17:40 sm. stones in a b. Job 14:17 trans, is sealed in a b. Pror. 7:20 taken a b. of money 16:11 weights of 6. are his w. Is. 46.6 lavish gold out of the b. Mic. 0:11 b. of deceitful weights Iliig. 1:6 wages to put in a o. w. ■Joltn 12:6 a fhief. and had the b. 13:29 because Judas had the b. DAGS. 2 K. 5:23 two talents in two b. 12:10 they put up in b. Luke 12:33 prov. b. that wax not BAHIRIM. 2 Sam. 3-16 behind her to B. 10:5 wlien David came to B. 17:18 came to a liouse in B. 19.16 a Benj. ofB. 1 K. 2-8 BAJITH. Is. 15:2 he is gone up to B. BARE. Ex. 16-23 b. that voir will b. Lev. 24:5 and b. twelve cakes 26:26 ten women shall 6. 1 Sam. 28:24 woman at E. dM b. Ezek. 4:12 shall b. it with B.\RE->IEATS. Gen. 40:17 b.-meats for Pharaoh DAKEW 1 K. 19:6 was b, on the coals BARER. Gen. 40:1 b. had oftended the k. 22 hanged b. as Jo. interpreted 41:10 in ward me and chiefs. Eos. 7:4 oven heated by the b. 6 their b. sleepeth all the n. BARERS. Gen. 40:2 ii\Toih ag. chief of ft. 1 Sam. 8:13 daushlers to be ft. Jer. 37:21 bread out of ft. street BARETH. Is. 34:15 he ft. bread, yea, he B.\LA.VM. Num. 22:5. 9. 14. 2.5. 31. .35: 2.3:4, 30:24:-2, .3, 25:31:8.16 Deut. 23-4 hired B. 5; Neh. 13:2 Joy. 24:9 B. sent and called B. Mic. 6:5 rem. what B. answ. 2 Pet. 2:15 fol. the way of B. Jurle 11 greedilv after error of B. Rev. 2:14 hold the doctrine of B. BALAR. Nu7n. 22:4. 16; 2.3:2. 7, 18: 2 4:13 Jos. 24:9 B. arose and warred Jud. 11:25 better than B. ? BAN Mic. 6:5 remember what B. k. Rev. 2:14 who taught B. to cast | BALD. Lev. 13:40 he is 6. yet clean, 41 2 K. 2:-28 go up thou ft. head ■ler. 16:6 make themselves ft. 48:37 every head shall be 6. Ezek. 27:31 make themselves ft. 29:18 every head was made ft. Mic. 1:1U make thee ft. and poU BALD-LOCUST. Lev. 11:22 ye may eat the b.4 B.\LD.\ESS. Lev. 21:5 make ft. on their head Deut. 14:1 ft. between your eyes Is. 3:24 inst. of well-set hair." ft. 15:2 on heads ft. and beard cut 22:12 the Lord did call to ft. ■Jer. 47:5 b. is come upon Gaza. i'^frA-. 7:18 ft. on their h. ^ot.8:10 Mic. 1:16 enlarge thy ft. BALANCE. ■lob 31:6 be weighed in even ft. Ps. 62:9 laid in the ft. are van. Prov. 11:1 a false ft. 20:23 16:11 just w. and ft. are Lord's Is. 40:12 weighed hills in a ft. 15 as small dust of the ft. 46:6 and weighs silver in the 6. bala:vces. Lev. 19:.36 just ft. Ezek. 45:10 ■lob 6:2 calamity laid in the ft. Ezek. 5:1 take ft. to weigh Dan. 5:27 in the ft. and found Hos. 12:7 ft. of deceit Amos 8:5 falsifying the ft. Mic. 6:11 pure with wicked ft. f Rev. 6:5 he that sat on h. had 6. balaxcixgs. Job 37:16 kn. the ft. of t. clouds BALL. Is. -22:18 will toss thee like a ft. BAL.M. Gen. 37:25 Ishmaelites bearing ft. 43:11 take a little ft. and honey ■Jer. 8:22 is there no 6. in Gilead? 46:11 to Gilead and take ft. O 51:8 howl take ft. for her pain Ezek. 27:17 J. traded in honey ft. BAMAH. Ezek.-2(i:i. Acts 23:12 certain of the Jews ft. BAXH. Gen. 41:17 I stood on the 6. ' Deut. 4:48 Aroer bv the ft. of Ar- non, .Jos. 1-2:2:" 18:9, 16 2 Sam. 20:15 a ft. ag. the city BAP 2 A'. 2:13 E. stood by the 5. iy:;32 not cast a ft. 2s. 37::33 Ezek. 47:7 at ft. of river Dan. 12:5 one on this side, other on that side of the ft. Luke 19:23 money into the ft. ? BAXRS. Jos. .3:15 Jord. overtl. his 6. 4:18 BAXXER. Ps. 00:4 a ft. to them that fear Cant. 2:4 his ft. over me was Is. 13:2 lift ye up a ft. BAXX"ERS. Ps. 20:5 n. of G. set up our 5. Cant. 6:4 terr. as an army w. ft. BAXISHED. 2 Sam. 14:13 fetch home his 6. 14 that his ft. be not expeUed BAXISHMEXT. Ezr. 7:26 whether to deiith or ft. Lam 2:14 have seen causes of ft. BAXQl'ET. Eit. 5:4 Hamau come to ft. 5, 8 6 to Esther at ft. of w"ine, 7:2 Job 41:6 ma'iie a ft. of him A7nos 6:7 ft. of them that BAXQUET-HOrSE. Dan. 5:10 came into the b.-h. BAXQUETIXG, S. Cant. 2:4 brought me to the 6. 1 Pet. 4:3 we walked in lusts, 5. BAPTIS>I, S. Mat. 3:7 Pharisees come to his 6. 20:-22 bap. %\ith ft. Mark 10:38 21:-25 the 6. of J., whence was it? Mark 11::»: L"ke -20:4 Ma}-k 1:4 J. did baptize, and pre. the ft. of repent.. Luke :3:3 Luke 7:-29 publicans with ft. of J. 1-2:50 a ft. to be baptiz. %vith Acts 1:22 beginning from b. of J. 10:37 after ft. which J. preached 13:-24 J. prea. ft. of repentance 18:25 Apollos knowing only ft. 19:3 they said unto John's 6. 4 John" bap. with ft. of repent. Rom. 6:4 buried \nth him by ft. Eph. 4:5 one L.. one faith, one*. Col- 2:12 buried with him in 6. Hed. 6:2 doctrine of ft. and lay'g. 1 Pet. 3:21 wheretmto, even 6. B.4PTIST. Mat. 3:1 came John ft. preaching 11:11 hath not nsen a greater than J. the ft. Luke 7:-28 12 the days of John the 6. 14.2 this IS J. the ft. he is risen 8 give me John the ft. head 16-14 art John ft. Mark 8:-28 17:13 he spake of John the ft. Mai-k 6:14 John the ft. was risen 25 give me head of John the ft. Luke "1:20 John the ft. hath sent 'ii J. the ft. eating nor dnnk. 9:19 answering said, J. the 6. BAPTIZE. Mat. 3:11 1 ft. with w.. he shall ft. with Holv Ghost, Mark 1:8, Luke3:lii: .John 1:26 Mark 1:4 J. did ft. in wilderness ■lohn 1::3:3 he that sent me to ft. 1 Cor. 1:17 Ch. sent me not to ft. BAPTIZED. Mat. 3:6 were ft. in J. Mark 1:5 13 then cometh Jesus to be ft. 14 I have need to be 6. of thee 10 J. when he was 6. went up Mark 1:9 Jesus was ft. of John 10:.39 baptism I am ft. withal 16:16 believeth and is ft. shall Luke 3:7 mult, came to be ft. 12 came publicans to be ft. '7:29 21 Jesus being ft. and praying 7:30 lawyers, being not ft. John .3:22 he tarried, and ft. 23 and they were 6. 4:1 J. madeand ft. more disci. 2 though Jesus himself ft. not 10:40 place where J. at first ft. Acts 1:5 J. ft. with water, but ve shall te ft. with H.G. 11:16 2:.38 be ft. every one of yon 41 received his word were ft. 8:12 were 6. both men and w. 13 Simon, and when he was ft. 16 were A. in the name of J. 36 w. doth hinder me to be ft. .? .38 P. and eunuch, and he ft. 9:18 Saul arose and was ft. 10:47 these should not be ft. 48 P. commanded them to beft. 16:15 Lydia when she was 6. ;33 jailer was ft. and all his 18:8 C. behevcd, and were ft. CRUDEN'S CONCORDAI^rCE. 765 BAR Acts 19:3 to what were ye b. 5 w. they heard this, wore b, 22:16 arise, and be S#and wash Mom. 6:3 6. into Jesus, b. into 1 Cor. 1:13 b. in the name of P.? 14 thanlc God that I h. none 16 I 6. household of S. not b. 10:2 and were all b. to Jfoses 12: 13 one Spirit 6. into one body 15:29 are they b. for the dead Gal. 3:27 as many as b. into Ch. BAPTIZEST. John 1:25 why b. thou BAPTIZETH. John 1:33 who b. with the TI. O. 3:26 the same J. .all men come BAPTIZING. Mat. 28:19 t. all nations, b. them John 1:28 Jordan where J. was 6. 31 am I come b. with water 3:23 John was also b. in Enon BAR. Neh. 7:3 shut the doors, b. them BAR, Sulistantive. Jud. 16:3 took doo:'s. posts, b. Amos 1:5 break b. of Damas BARS. Dent. 3:5 cit. fenced w. gates and 5. 2 A'. 4:13; 2 C7ir.'8:5; 14:7 1 Sam. 23:7 a town that hath b. Job 17:1G to the b. of the pit 38:10 and set b. for the sea 40:18 Beh. his bones 6. of Iron Pfi. 107:16 b. of iron, Ik 45:2 147:13 strength, h. of thy gates ProD. 18:19 cont. are like the b. Jer. 49:;il neither gates nor 6. 51:30 Babylon, her b. arc brok. Lam. 2:9 he hath broken her b. lizek. 38:11 having gates nor b. Jon. 2:6 the earth with her b. Nah. 3:13 fire shall dov. thy b. BARACHEL. Job?a.:% BARABBAS. Mat. 27 ; Mark 15 ; Lvke. 23 ; Jolm 18 BARACHIAS. Mat. 23:35 BARAK. Jvd. 4:6, 9; 5:1,12; Ileb. 11:32 BARBARIAIV. 1 Cor. 14:11 a b. and ho a h. Col. 3:11 nei. Greek nor Jew, b. BARB.ARIAIVS. Acls 28:4 b. saw venomous beast Bom. 1:14 both to Greeks and b. DARBABOUS. Acts 28:2 b. people showed kind BARBEt). Job 41:7 liis »!ciii with b. irons BARBER. Ezek. 5:1 take thee a b. razor B \1\.Vj— carried. Ex. 19:4 I b. you on ea'de's w. ])eut. 1:31 thy God b. thee as Is. .53:12 h(! b. the sin of many 63:9 he b. them all the days ^fal. 8:17 h. our sicknesses i(?fe7:H tlicy tliiit 6. hir.i stood John Vy.i't bag, b. v:\v.\l jjiit Ih. 1 Pet. 2:24 his own self b. our s. BARE. Ocrt. 31:8 the cattl(! />. speckled 44:27 my wife b. mo two sous Ji/j;. 6:20 Jochebed b. Moses Jud. 13:2 Maiioah's wife b. not 1 r,7/r. 4:9 Jnbez, I 4. him i';m'. 17::;5 bill, to her that b. 2:!:25ll:al b. thee shall rejoice Caul. 6:9 (-h. oiu; other that 6. 8:5 Hint, /;. thee Ix. 51:2 look unto S. that h. vou Jer. 16:3 mollicr that h. tlicn'i 20:11 (he day my mollui-i'A me 22:26 cast our niollier that b. .50:12 /;. you shall be aslnuued Jjiike 11:27 blcssi'd is w. that h. 2():29 the wombs that never b. BARK fruit. I.vke 8:8 iiiHl h. /■, 11 hundred-fold y.V.0. 22:2 tree (.nifei'A/. twelve BARK riil<-. Nell.. 5:15 I heir sea-van tsi. r. over BVHK witiii-HH, and rrronU /l/((/7,- 11:56/;. f. v. iig. hini, 57 Lillet' 1:22 all b. Iiliii w. and won. ./'////( \:\:,h. v. of him, ,'12, (M [)::!:i .lohn li. /c(7«<'j,v(l<)llie irulh 12:17 (111! jieople wllh h. /;. ree. r.»:;i5 lid lliat saw It b. reeiird .Aels 15:8 kn. the hearts, b. lo. liei). 1:2 b. r. of lliu word of God BAS ' BAREST. /'. 03:19 thou never b. mle over John 3:26 to whom thou b. witn. BARE, Adjective. Lev. 13:45 cl. rent, head b. 55 /.t. ;32:11 strip ye, make ye b. 47:2 make b. the leg, uncover 52:10 made b. hfs holy arm Jer. 13:22 thy heels made b. 49:10 I have made Esau b. Ezek. 16:7 wast naked and b. 22 39 naked and b. 23:29 .Toel 1:7 my flg-tree clean b. 1 Car. 15:;37 sKall be, but 6. grain BAREFOOT. 2 Sam. ]5:;30 went 6. and the p. Is. 20:2 Is. did so, walking b. 3 4 the Egyptians, naked and b. BAR-TESUS. Acts 13:6 BAR-JONA. 3Iat. 10:17 BARR. /s. 56:10 dumb dogs cannot 6. BARLEY. Ex. 9:31 b. was smitten, for b. Levi. 8:8 a land of wheat and b. Jud. 7:13 a cake of S. tumbled Padh 1:22 begin, of*, harvest 3:2 B. winnoweth b. to-night 2 Sam. 14:30 Joab's field, b. there 17:28 Barzillai brought beds, b. 2 K. 4:12 brought 20 loaves of &, 7:1 two mea=rof &. for sh. 16, 18 2 Chr. 2:10 20.000 measures of h. 15 wheat, and b. let him send 27:5 Am. gave 10.000 me. of 6. ■lob 31:40 let co. grow inst. of 5. Is. 28:25 wheat, and appointed b. Jer. 41:8 we have treasures of 6. Ezek. 4:9 take to thee wh. and b. 12 shalt eat it as i. cakes ].3:19handfulsof6. Hos. 3:2 for a homer of 6. Joel 1:11 howl for wheat and b. John 6:9 hath five b. loaves 13 frag, of the five b. loaves Pev 6:6 meas. of J. for a penny BARIV. 2 K. .6:27 out of the 6. floor ? Job .39:12 g. thy seed into the b. Ilaq. 2:19 is seed yet in b. vine Mot. 13:30 g. wheat into my b. Luke 12:24 no storehouse nor b. BAR\.S. Preyv. 3:10 shall thy b. be filled Joeil 1:17 the ft. are broken down Mat. 0:26 nor gather into ft. Lnke 12:18 will pull down my ft. B.4R1VABAS. Acts 4:.36; 11:22, 2.5, 30; 12:25; 13:1,2,50; 14:12; 1.5:2, 12, 37 1 Cor. 9:6 or I only and B. have Oal. 2:1 I went up with B. 9, 13 Col. 4:10 Marc, sister's son to B. BARREL, S. 1 K. 17:14 the A. of meal shall 18:33 fill four ft. with water BARREIV. Clen. 11:.30 but Sarai was ft. 25:21 Reb. ft. 29:31 Raeliel ft. Ex. 2.3:26 cast youmr nor be 6. Deut. 7:14 male or female ft. Jud. 13:2 Man.'s wife was ft. 3 1 Sam. 2:5 the b. hath borne scv. 2 K. 8:19 and the ground ft. 21 shall not be death, or ft. ./oft 2^1:21 evil eiilreatelh Iheft. 39:6 theft, laud his dwellings Ps. 11,3:9 \\u: ft. wcunan to keep Pror. 30:16 ft. womb not satis. Cant. 4:2 and none is 6. 6:6 Is. .51:1 sing, O ft. that didst not .loel 2:20 drive him into a land ft. Luke 1:7 bee. Klizabelh was ft. 36 with her. who was called b. 23:29 blessed are the b. and Cal.'V.'Xl written. Rejoice I hou ft. 2 /W. 1:8 neither ft. nor unfruitful BARRE\NESS. Ps. 107:31 fruitful land into ft. BARSABAS. Arl^ 1:2.'! ; 15:22 liARTIIOI.OMEW. Mat. 10:3; ;)/'//•..'!: 18; A». 6:14; ,!<•/.« 1:13 BARTIMEUS. Mark 10:16 BARHril. Neh. .■1:20 It, sonofZab. repair. .ler. 32:12; 36:4, "26; 4:i:3; 45:1 ltARZlI,I;AI. a.s'am. 17:27; 19:32. 39; 21:8; 1 /r. •2:7; A'?r. 2:61 n\KK. 'Aec. B:ll upon her own ft. U\BK, AiUiTllvc. 8 Sam. 0;)J2 6. In mine own bI^;!!! BAT Job -30:8 were children of ft. men /■••. .3:5 b. against the honorable Ezek. 17:14 kingdom might be ft. 29:14 shall be a ft. kingdom Mai. 2:9 I have made you ft. 1 Cor. 1:28 ft. things G. hath ch. ^Cor. 10:1 who in presence am ft. BASER. Acts 17:5 fellows of the ft. sort BASEST. Ezek. 29:15 Patros b. of kingd. Van. 4:17 set. over it ft. of nien BASHAW. mm .'i.\:?,%\U:^i: Lent . 1: 1 : 3:1. .9.4. 10, 11:4:47; ./«-. 1:3:12 Ps. 22:12 strona bulls of B. 63:15B. ah. hill. B, why leap.22 U. .3:3:9 B. and Carrael shake ■ler. 22:20 lift up thv voice in B. 50:19 feed on Carmel .and B. i^^eX-. .39:18 fatlings of B. Amos 4:1 ve kine of B. Mic. 7:14 let them feed in B. JVah. 1:4 B. languished, Carmel BASHEMATH. Gen. 26:34 to wife B. 36:3 BASJiV. 1 Chr. 28:17 gold for every ft. John 13:5 he poureth w. into a 6. BASIXS. 2 Sam. 17:28 Barzillai brought 6. Jer. 52:19 ft. captain took away BASKET. Gen. 40:17 in the ft. all manner of bake-meats Ex. 29:23 ft. of unleavened bread, ZcB. 8:2, 26: Num. 6:15, 17 Lev. 8:31 6. of consecrations i Deut. 28:5 blessed shall be thy ft. 17 cursed shall be thv 6. Jud. 0:19 Gid. put flesh in a ft. Jer. 24:2 one ft. had good figs Amos 8:1 a ft. of summer fruit, 2 Acts 9:25 w. in a ft. 2 Cor. 11:33 BASKETS. Gen. 40:16 I had three white ft. 18 the three ft. are three days 2 K. 10:7 their heads in 6. Jer. 6:9 as g.-gatherer into the ft. 24:1 ft, of figs before the temple 3Iat. 14:29 twelve ft. Mark 6:43 X//A- ft. .38 one laver contained 40 ft. 2 Chr. 2:10 give 2,000 ft. of wine 4:5 the sea held 3,000 ft. Ezr. 7:22 ft. of wine, 100 ft. oil Ezek. 45:14 ten b. arc a homer BATn-SHEBA. 2 Sam. 11:3; 12:2-l; 1 A'. 1:1.5, 31 ; 2:13 BATTLE. Pent. 20:3 O Israel vou ap. to ft. 5 lest he die in the ft. (;, 7 .riid. 20:28 shall I yet go to ft. f 1 Sam. 17:'28 art come to see ft. 47ft. is the L.'s, 2 Chr.'XUrt 26:10 descend into ft. and perish 28:1 thou sliall go with me toft. 2Sa>n. 11:1 when kings go forth toft, 1 Chr. '20:1 ]5s<^tl'rlah in foref^-ont of ft. 19:10 AlMilom is dead in ft. 1 A'. 8:11 thv peo]ilego toft. 2(l::llllhv serv. Into midst of ft, 22: 1 go wilh mi' to ft, j" 2 A', 3:7 1 Chr. 5:'.'0 cried (oGod iiitln-ft, 12:HGailili's men lit for theft, ,/oft I5;'J4 a Uliig readv to theft, '.m-a hi' sniellelh the ft. iilar otV 11:8 reniein, the ft, do no more I's. 18:39 L'Irdeil with sir, loft, 21:8 the I.in-d mighty In ft. 55:18 dellv. niv soul ft-on\ theft. 70:3 br. the BlileUl, and Iho ft. BEA P.s\ 89:43 not made tost, in theft. Ec. 9:11 nor b. to the strong Is. 9:5 every ft. of the warrior 1.3:4 L. must, the host of the ft. 22:2 slain are not dead in ft. 27:4 set briars ag. me in ft. 28:6 turn the ft. to the gate 42:25 the strength of the 6. Jer. 8:6 horse rusheth into the 6. 18:21 young men be slain in ft. 50:22 a sound of ft. is in land Ezek. 7:14 none goeth to the ft. 13:5 in the ft. in'the day of L. Eos. 1:7 not save them by ft. 2:18 break ft. out of the earth 10:9 ft. in Gibeah not overlukc Joel 2:5 strong people in ft. array Zee. 10:3 goodly horse in the ft. 5 tread their enemies in the ft. 14:2 all nations against J. to ft. 1 Cor. 14:8 shall pfep. to the ft. 7?;;!'. 9:7 like horses prepare toft. 9 chariots running to ft. 16:14 ft, of that great day, 20:8 Day of BATTLE. Job .38:23 reserved ag. d. ofb. Ps. 78:9 Eph. turned in d. ofb. 140:7 covered my head in d. ofb. Prov. 21:31 horse is prep. ag. ft. BATTLE-AXE. See .\xe. BATTLE-BOW. Zee. 9:10 the b.-bow shall be cut 10:4 out of him came the b.-b. BATTLES. 1 Sam. 18:17 fight the Lord's ft. 25:28 my lord'fighteth ft. of L. 1 Chr. 26:27 spoils won in ft. ded. 2 Chr. .32:8 is God. to fight ourft. Is. 30:32 and in ft. of shaking BATTERING. Ezek. 4:2 and set ft. rams round 21:22 to ap. ft. rams ag. gates b.\ttleme:vt, s. Deut. 22:8 a ft. for thy roof Jer. 5:10 take away her ft. B-VY. Zee. 6:3 in fourth chariot ft. h. 7 the ft. went forth and sought B.W-TREE. Ps. 37:35 w. like a green b.-t. BDELLIUM. Gen. 2:12 in Ilavilah there is ft. Num. 11:7 color of manna as b. BE. Jud. 6:13 the Lord be with us 2 Chr. .36:2:3 L.fte w. him. Ezr. 1:3 John 3:9 can these things bef Pom. 4:17 things wliich be not 8:31 if G. be for us, who can be Gal. 4:12 be as I am, for I am Shall BE, or slialt BE. Er. ]:9is that which .vftr(ff ft,; Mat. 24:21 ever.s-A, ft,', Mark 1:3:1!) Mark !):19 how long shall I be will] you, Luke 9:41 .Toh.n 14:17 with you, and .'■7;, 6(' 1 John 3:2 ajipear Mh.at we sh. be Pev. 16:5 and wast, and shalt be Shall no(, or ahalt not BE. Ps. 37:10 shall not be, J, r. 48:.30 ; Dan. 11:29; AinosT.H f. Eos. 3::! shall not be for another .Uaf. 16:22 .^hal/ not be to thee 20:'2/i shalt not be so among vou, Mark 10:13; Luke-ii:M' To BE. Ec. 3:15 that to be hath already BEEN. Sec after nuE. BEACOX. Is. 30:17 left as a ft. on the top BEAM. .liid. 16:14 went away wilh theft. 1 Sam. 17:7 spe:ir 'was like .•! weaver's*. 1 Chr. 11.-23 ; '20:5 2 A". 6:2 J., and take llu-nee n ft. 5 was felling a ft. «,\e-lieail /fab. 2:11 theft, shall answer .tA(/, 7:3nol ft, AiMv 6:41, 4'i I a ft, is in Ihine own eve f) cast out theft, /.like t:H Ps. 1(H:.'i lavelh theft. In wateni Cant, 1:17 the ft, of our liouso BKVXS. 'iSam, 17:'i8 ll.ir,'lllal brouirhlft, A'.vA-. 4:!l t. uulo thee whi-at ft. BEAR rnrry, (>;• <>iiiliirt', Ci)i, l:l:t Is u'reaier Mian I can i>. |:l:6nol able lo ft, them. ;Mi:7 4:i:lllel mi'ft. lilt' Maine, •ll:.'W 4U:in bowed liU KhouUlvr to ft. 766 CRUDEN'S COI^COKDANCE. BEA Ex. 18:22 shall b. the burclen ! 25:27 to b. tnf tabif, 27:T: 30:4; j »7:5; Deut. 10.8; Joi>'.3:8, 13; 4:16; 'i.S^tm. 15:24 ! 28:12 A. shall b. their names Num. 11:14 h. all this, i?«(/<. 1:9 14:27 how lon^ b. with this 33 children shall 6. your whore- doms, Eze}:. 23::35 Deut. 1:31 a man doth h. his son 2A'. 18:14 put. on me, I will b. Ps. 75:3 I 6. pillars of the e;irth 89:50 how I do b. the reproach 91:12 b. thee up,.l/a^4:6:iu.-l:ll Prov. 9:12 thou shalt b. it 18:14 w. spn-it who can b. ? 30:21 for four which it cannot 6. Is. 1:14 feasts, I am weary to b. 46:4 I have made and will b. you 7 b. him upon the shoulder 52:11 clean that b. vessels of L. Jer. 10:19 and I must b. it 17:21 b. no burden on Sab. 27 31:19 b. the rejjroach of my y. 44:22 Lord could no longer b. Lam. 3:27 good he b. yoke Ezek. 12:6 in their sight shalt 6. 16:52 b. own shame. 54 34:29 5. shame of heath. 36:15 Mic. 6:16 b. rep. of my people 7:9 I will b. indignation of L. Zee. 5:1» whither b. the ephah ? 6:13 he shall b. glory, and rule Mat. 3:11 shoes not worthy to 6. 27:32 Simon to b. his cross, ilar. 15:21; Luke^-.m Luke 14:27 doth not b. his cross 18:7 av. his elect, though he b. John 16:12 ye cannot b. them Acts: 9:15 vessel to b. my name 15:10 nor we were able to b. 18:14 reason would I should 6. Eom. 15:1 b. iuflrm. of the weak 1 Cor. 3:2 hitlurto not able to b. 10:13 that ye may be able to b. 15:49 b. the image 2Cbr. 11:1 would to G. ye couldd. 4 ye might \viA\ b. with him Gal. 6:2 b. one another's burd. 5 shall b. his own burden 17 b. in my body the marks Jam. 3:12 fig-tree b. ol.-berries? Itev. 2:2 auist not b. them BEAR— &?-z;!<7 forth. Gen. 17:17 S. 90 year's old b. ? 18:13 shall I b. a child Jad. 13:3 conceive and b. a son 1 K. 3:21 not my son I did b. Cant. 4:2 ev. one b. twins. 6:6 7s. 7:14 a virgin shall con. and b. 54:1 sing, thou that didst not b. Jer. 29;6lhat they may b. sons Luke 1:13 Elisab. shall 6. a son 1 Tim. 5:14 marry, b. children BEAK fruit. See FKniT. BEAR iniquity. Ex. 28:38 A. may b. in. of holy 43 A. and his sons b. not in. Lev. 5:1 he shall b. his iniq. 17; 7:18; 17:16; 19:8; 20:17 10: 17 given Xob.in.ot the cong. 16:22 shall b. all their in. 20:19 shall b. their in. Num. 18:1, 2:3; Eze!:. 44:10, 12 Num. 14:34 ye shall b. your in. Is. 53:11 my righteous servant shall b. their in. Ezek. 4:4 shalt b. their in. 5, 6 18:20 son shall not b. in. of the BE.\R judgment. Ex.W:30A. shall 6. J. Gal. 5: 10 troub. you shall b.tiisj. BEAR record. See recokd. BEAR rule. Est. 1:22 every man should b. r. in his own house Prov. 12:24 of diligent b. r. Jer. 5:31 priests 6.'r. by their m. BE.AR sin. Lev. 24:15 shall b. his sin. Ezek. i;J:49 b. the ,f. of your idols Meb. 9:28 once offered to b. sin BEAR witness. Ex. 20:16 not. b. false w. ag. thy, I>eut.5:20; .Mat.l9:18; Pom..ri:'.> 1 K. 21:10 sons of B. to b. wit. Mark 10:19 not ft. f. w. Luke 18:20 Luke 11:48 ye b. wit. that John 1:7 came for a wit. to 6. w. 8 to 6. witness of that light 3:28 ye ft. me w. that I s.aid 5:31 if I ft. wit. of myself 36 ft. witness of me, 10:25 8:18 I am one that b. icitness 15:27 ye shall also ft. witness BEA ■John 18:23 ft. witness of the evil 37 that I should ft. witness Acts 22:5 h. -priest doth 6. rae iv. 2:3:11 so must thou ft. w. at R. 1 John 1:2 have seen it, andft. w, 5:8 three that ft. witness BEAR EST. Ps. 106:4 favor thou ft. to thy John 5:13 ft. record of thyself liom. 11:18 ft. not the root, Gal. 4:27 rej. barren that 6. not BEARETH. Num. 11:12 a nursing father 6. Deut. 29:18 a root that ft. gall 2:3 it is not sown, nor ft. nor 32:11 as an eagle ft. her young Job 24:21 entreateth barren th.~ft. Cant. 6:6 every one ft. twins ■Toel 2:22 for the tree 6. her fruit Mat. 13:2:3 which also ft. fruit John 15:2 ev. branch that ft. not Pom. 13:4 ft. not the sword 1 Cor. 13:7 cliarity ft. all things Heb. 6:8 which 6. thorns BEARETH rule. Prov. 29:2 wicked ft. r. people m. BEARETH witness. ■Job 16:8 my leanness ft. icitness Prov. 25:18 that ft. false witness ■John 5:32 another that ft. wit. 8:18 the Father ft. witness Rom. 8:16 S. ft. w. with our sp. 1 John 5:6 it is the S. that ft. w. BEARING. Gen. 1:29 every herb 6. seed 16:2 hath restrained me from ft. Jos. 3:36. the ark, 14; 2.Sam.l5:a4 Ps. 126:6 forth ft. precious seed Mark 14:13 ft. a pitcher of water, i;M-e 22:10 John 19:17 he ft. his cross, went Rom. 2:15 their conscience ft. w. 9:1 my con. also ft. me witness 2 Cor. 4:10 ft. in the body Ilcb. 2:4 G. also ft. them witness 13:13 6. his reproach 1 Tim. 2:15 be saved in child-ft. BE.AR, S. 1 Sam. 17:34 came a lion and a 6. 36 thy servant slew lion andft. 2 Sam. 17:8 chafed as a ft. robbed 2 K. 2:24 came f. two she-ft. Prov. 17:12 aft. robbed of whelps 28:15 and a ranging ft. Is. 11:7 cow and 6. shall feed 59:11 we roar all like ft. Lam. 3:10 he was to me as a ft. Dan. 7:5 a second like to a ft. Hos. 13:8 as a ft. bereaved Amos .5:19 a man did flee fr. a ft. Rev. 13:2 his feet were as of a 6. BEARD, S. Lev. 13:29 plague on head or ft. 14:9 his hair off his head and ft. 19:27 mar corners of ft. 21:5 1 Sam. 17:.35 caught him by 6. 21:13 let his spittle fall on 6. 2 Sam. 10:5 tarry till ft. be gr. 1 Chr. 19:5 19:24 JI. trimmed not his ft. 20:9 A. by the ft. to kiss him ^'^?•. 9:3hairoSrmyft. Ps. 1:33:2 on the ft. even A.'s ft. Is. 7:20 shall also consume ft. 15:2 and every 6. cut oft' Jer. 41:5 men ft. shaven 48:37 every head bald, ft. clip. Ezek. 5:1 to pass on thy ft. BEAST. Gen. 1:24 earth bring forth ft. 3:1 more subtle than any ft. 37:20 evil 6. hath devoured, .33 £':c].3:12 firstling of aft. 22:5 put his ft. in another 10 deliver any ft. to keep 19 lieth with a 6. Lev. 18:23 ; 20:15,16; Dent. 27:21 23:29 the ft. multiply Lev. 11:47 ft. that may be eaten Deut. 4:17 the likeness of any ft. Neh. 2:12 save the 6. I rode on Ps. 73:22 as a ft. before thee 147:9 giveth to the ft. his food Prov. 12:10 regards life of his ft. Ec. 3:19 pre-eminence above ft. Is. 43:20 the ft. shall honor me 63:14 as a ft. that goeth Dan. 4:16 let a ft. heart be given 7:11 till the ft. was slain 19 the truth of the fourth ft. Luke 10:34 on his own ft. Acts 28:5 Paul shook off the ft. Ileb. 12:20 if so much as a ft. Rev. 4:7 lirstft. like a lion, sec. ft. 6:3 second ft. say, Come BEA Rev. 11:7 ft. that ascendeth out of 1:3:1 a 6. rise up out of the sea lift, coming out of the earth 15:2 got the victory over the ft. 16:13 unclean spirits out of 6. 17:8 ft. that was, and is not, 11 lit: 19 saw the ft. and the kings 20:10 the 6. and false prophet Every BE.\ST. Gen. 1:.30 to ec. ft. I have given 2:19 God formed ev. ft. 20 Adam gave names to ev. ft. 3:14 art cursed above ereiij ft. 7:2 erenj clean 6. by sevens, 8 14 and every ft. after his kind 8:19 every ft. went out 20 oierenj clean ft. he offered 9:2 shall be on every 6. 5 blood at hand of every ft. 10 every b. I estab. covenant .34:2:3 shall not ev. ft. of theirs Lev. 11:26 ev. b. which divideth the hoof, Deut. 14:6 Ps. 50:10 ever^j ft. of the forest 104:11 give drink to every ft. Ezek 34f8 flock meat to every ft. 39:17 speak to every ft. BEAST, joined with Man. Gen. 6:7 destroy both m. and ft. E.r. 11:7 move tongue a. m. or ft. 12:12 smite first-born of ?;i. and 6. 1:3:15; Ps. 1:35:8 13:2 first-born of 711. and ft. is mine. Num.. 8:17 19:13 m. or ft. it shall not live Ps. 36:6 preserves! m. and ft. ./er. 7:20 fury on ?n. and ft. 21:G 36:29; Ezek. 14:1:3, 17. 19, 21 ; 25:13; 29:8; Zep. 1:3 27:5 I have made man and ft. > .31:27 sow J. with seed of !/).a.S. 32:43 without m. or 6. :33:10, 12 ; 36:29; 51:62 50:3 shall depart m. and ft. Ezek. :36:11 mul. on you m. and 6. Jon. 3:7 let not m. or 6. taste Unclean BE.VST. Lev. 5:2 touchrany u. ft. 7:21 27:11 if it be u. ft. of which, 27 Wild BEAST. 27f. 14:9 w. ft. in L. 2 Chr. 25:18 Job 39:15 forgettefh w. ft. Ps. 80:13 u'. ft. doth devour it Hos. 13:8 the w. ft. shall tear BE.\STS. Gen. 31:.39 toni of ft. Ex. 22:31 ; iff. 7:24: 17:15; 22:8 .36:6 Esau took all his ft. 45:17 lade your ft. and i;o Ex. 11:5 the first-b. of ft! Lev. 11:2 ft. eat, Deut. 14:4 3 chew cud among 6. Deut.U-.Ct 26:6 will rid evil ft. out of land Deut. 33:24 will send teeth of ft. 1 IC. 4::>3 Solomon spake of ft. Ezr. 1:4 help him with gold. 6. Job 12:7 ask the 6. they-teach 18:3 are we counted as ft. 37:8 then the ft. go into dens Ps. 49:12 the ft. that perish, 20 104:20 wherein ft. of forest creep 25 sea, both small and great ft. 148:10 ft. and all cattle, praise Prov. 9:2 hath killed her ft. .30:.30 lion strongest among 6. Ec. 3:18 themselves are ft. 19 befalleth men, before ft. /■;. 30:6 of ft. of the south 40:16 nor ft. thereof a bumt-off. 46:1 idols on the ft. and cattle 66:20 upon swift ft. to ray holy .Ter. 9:10 ft. fled, 12:4 consumed Ezek. 5:17 send evil 6. 14:15 32:4 fill 6. of whole earth 13 destroy all the ft. 34:25, 28 Dan. 4:14 ft. get away 15 his portion be with the ft. 7:17 four great ft. are kings 8:4 no 6. might stand before h. .foel 1:18 how" do the ft. groan ZZnft. 2:17 spoil of ft. Zep. 2:15 become a place for 6. Zee. 14:15 plague of all the 6. Acts 7:42 offered to me slain ft. .? 23:24 ft. that ye may set Paul 7?om.l:23 image made like to 6. 1 Cor.l5:-32 I have fought with 6. Jam. 3:7 ft. is tamed, but tongue 2 Pet. 2:12 as natural brute ft." ■fude 10 naturally as brute ft. Rev. 4:6 four 6. full of eyes 8 four ft. had each six wings 9 when those ft. give glory 5:6 in midst of foiirft. stood a L. 14 the four ft. said, Amen 6:1 6. saying, Come, 15:7 BEA Rev. 7:11 stood about fonr ft. 14:3 song before the four ft. 19:4 and four ft. fell down BEASTS of the Earth. Deut. 28:26 care, meat to all ft. ISatn. 17:46 carcasses of P. toft. Job .5:22 nor be afraid of the 6. 35:11 teacheth us more than ft. Ps. 79:2 flesh of thy saints to ft. Is. 18:6 they shall be left to ft. Jer. 7:33 care, of peop.meat for ft. of the earth, 16:4; 19:7; 34:20 15:3 I will appoint over them ft. Ads 10:12 of four-footed ft. 11:6 Rev. 6:8 kill with hunger andft. BE.\STS of the Field. Ex. 23:11 leaved ft. may cat Deut. 7:22 lest ft. increase ISam. 17:44 give thy flesh to ft. ■2 Sam. 21:10 nor ft. of the field Job 5:23 ft. shall be at peace 40:20 mountains where ft. play Ps. 8:7 put ft. under his feet Is. 56:9 ye ft. come to devour Jer. 12:9 assem. all ft. of the field 27:6 ft. given, 28:14; Dan. 2"::38 Ezek. 29:5 I have given thee for meat to theft. U:'>\ :3!;:4 31:6 under branches ft. bring 13 ft. shall be on his branches 38:20 ft. shall shake Dan. 4:12 the ft. had shadow 25 thy dwelling with ft. 32 His. 2:18 cov. fcr them with ft. 4:3 shall land mourn with ft. Jo3l 1;CJ ft. cry also to thee 2:22 ye ft. pastures >, Wild BEASTS. Lev. 28:22 I will send «•. ft. 1 Sam. 17:46 care, of Phil, to w. 6. Ps. 50:11 the iv. b. are mine Is. 13:21 w. ft. shall lie there 22 wild ft. of the islands 34:14 (f.ft.ofdes. shall meft with tu. 6. of the island, Jf ;-..50::39 Mark 1:1:3 C. was with the «•. ft. Acts 10:12 wh. were all w. ft. 11:6 BE.IT. Jud. 9:45 A. ft. down the city 19:22 sons of B. ft. at the door 2 Sam. 22:43 I ft. them, Ps. 18:42 Ps. 89:23 will ft. down his foes Prov. 23:14 ft. him with the rod Is. 2:4 ft. their swords, Mic. 4:3 3:15 that ye 6. my people 27:12 6. off from the channel 41:15 mountains, ft. them small ■Joel'i:W ft. your ploughsh;ire3 Mic. 4:13 shalt ft. in pieces Mat. 7:25 ft. on house, 27; Luke 6:48, 49 21:.35 his servants and ft. one, Mark 12:3; Xwie 20:10, 11 Mark 4:37 waves ft. into the ship Luke 12:45 begin to ft. Acts 16:22 commanded toft, them 18:17 took Sosthenesand ft. him 22: 19 ft. in every synagogue BEATEIV. 2 Chr. .34:7 ft. images to powder Prov. 23;;35 they li^avc ft. me Is. 28:27 fitches are 6. with staff Jer. 46:5 mighty ones are ft. down Mic. 1:7 images shall be ft. Mark 13:9 synag. ye shall be ft. Luke 12:47 did not shall be ft. Acts 5:40 apostles and ft. them 16:37 have ft. us opcnlv 2 Cor. 11:25 thrice was I ft. BEATEIV Oil. Ex. 27:20 oil ft. Lev. 24:2 29:40 hin of ft. oil. Num. 28:5 BEATEST. Deut. 24:20 when thou ft. thv ol. Proi). 23:13 if thou ft. him BE.VTETH. 1 Cor. 9:26 as one that ft. the air BEATIXG. 1 Sam. 14:16 ft. down one anoth. Mark 12:5 6. some and killing BEAUTY. Ex. 28:2 for glory and ft. 2 Sam. 1:19 theft, of Israel 14:25 praised as Absalom for 6. \l'hr 16:29ft. of hoi. />v.2.9-2: 90:9 2CT)r. 20:21 praise ft. of holiness Est. 1:11 the people her ft. Job 40:10 array thyself with ft. Ps. 27:4 behold the ft. of the L. 39:11 made his ft. to consume 45:11 king greatly desire thy ft. 49:14 their o. shall consume 50:2 the perfection of ft. 90:17 the 6. of Lord be on ks CRUDEN'S CON"CORDAN"CE. 767 BED Ps. 96:6 and b. in sanctnary Prm. 6:25 lust not after her 6. 20:29 the b. of old is g-ray head 31:30 favor is deceitful, b. is v. /?. 3:24 burnr -j instead of*. 13:19 Baby i).i the b. of the C. 28:1 6. is a fading flower. 4 5 a diadem of 6. to residue 33:17 see the King in his b. 44:13 according to the b. 53:2 no b. that we should desire 61:3 that moum b. for afhes Za?n.. 1:6 Ziou all her b. is dep. 2:1 from heaven the b. of Israel 15 men call perfection of b. ? Ezek. 7:20 6. of his ornament 1Q:14 renown am. he.ith. for b. 15 didst trust in thine own b. 25 made thy 6. to be abhorred 27:3 I am of perfect b. 2P:12 4 builders perfected thy b. 11 28:7 s'.\ ords ag. the 6. of tl-.y IT lifted up because of thy 6. 31:8 no tree like Assyrian in b. 32:19 whom dost pass in b. Hon. 14:6 Israel's b. shall be Zee. 9:17 how great is his h. 11:T staves^ one I called b. 10 BEAVTIES. Ps. 110:3 in the b. of holiness BEAITIFV. P^zr. 7:27 king's heart, to 6. Ps. 149:4 b. the meek with salv. Is. 60:13 6. place of my sanctu. BEAITIFIL. Gen. 29:17 Rachel was ft. I)eut. 21:11 am. cap. aft. woman 1 Ham. 16:12 was of a b. country 2.5:3 Abigail was of a b. count. 2 Ham. 11:2 Balh. was verv b. Ext. 2:7 Esther was fair and b. Ps. 48:2 6. for situation is Zion Ec. 3:11 every thing b. Cant. 6:4 thou art 6. O my love 7:1 how 6. thy feet witli shoes 7«. 4:2 the branch of L. be b. 52:1 O Zion, put on thy b. gar. 7 how b. the Ceet, Pom. 10:15 61:11 and ft. house is burnt up Jer. 13:20 where is thy ft. flock ? 48:17 broken, and the b. rod Ezek. 16:12 ft. crown on thy head 13 thou wast exceeding ft. 23:42 Sabcaus put 6. crowns ]\faf. 2:^:27 sopuleh. which ap. ft. Acts 3:2 at the gate called ft. 10 BErA:>iE. 1 Cm-. 9:20 to the .Tews T ft. a Jew 7/eft. 7:26 such a Iligh-priestft. us BECAMEST. 1 Chr. 17:22 thou L. ft. their God EzeJc. 1G:8 and thou ft. mine BECKOXBD. LvTce 1:22 Zacharias ft. speechl. 5:7 they ft. to (heir partners John i:i:24 Peterft. heshould ask Afts 19:33 Alex. ft. and would 21:40 P. stood on stairs, and ft. BECKOM^a. Artsn-.M Peterft. unto them 13:16 Paul ft. with his hand BECOME. Gen. 3:22 man is ft. as one of us Ejc. 15:2 is ft. my .salvation, Ps. 118:14; Ts. 12:2 32:1 as for M. wc; wot not what is ft. of him, 2.3; ArtsT.M) T)mt. 27:9 art ft. the people Mat. 21:42 is ft. the head. Marli 12:10; I.vl-e W:\l : Arls'\:\\ John 1:12 to ft, the sons of (Jod 2 Cor. .5:17 all tilings are ft. new Jiev. 11:15ft. tlu' kiiigd. of our L. BECOMETII. Ps. 93:5 holiness ft. thy house ]'ror. 10:1 ft. ))o()r thai dcalelh 17:7 excel), speech ft. not a fool IK void of understand, ft. surety Kr. 4:M horn in his kingd. b. Mat. 3:15 it ft. us to fullll 13:22 cliolcith the word, and he ft. unfniiirul, .l^«r/-l:19 Iiiiin. 16:2 ri'ceive P. as ft. saints I'hU. 1:27 as ft. gospel I yV;/!. 2:10 as ft. women nt. 2:3 women us ft. holincsH IIEI). den. 47:31 bow. on ft, 1 A'. 1:47 49:1 thv father's ft. 1 Chr. 5:1 I'}.r. 21: (H hut Ucejictli ft. 1 Sam. 19:13 and laid it In 6. 2 Sam. 4:5 who lay -m\ 23:22 to thy father that ft. ■Jer. 16:3 their father that ft. them nan. 11:6 and he that ft. her Z(c. 1:1:3 and m. th:it ft. him ■lam. 1:18 his own will ft. he us 1 Jo/m 5:1 loveth him that 6. BEGET. Gen. 17:28 i)riuees shall he ft. Dent. 4:25 thou shall ft. children 2fi:41 ft. sous 2 A'. 20:18sonsthou shaltft. s-hall tliev make eunuchs. Is. .39:7 Er. 6:3 if a man 6. 100 children ■f;r. 29:6 take wives, and b. sons Ezek. 18:10 if he ft. a son 14 if he ft. a s. Ill elde-.! Acts V.'i-i ft. ihiin ImptlBin of J. BEG BEGINNI.NG, Substantive. Gen. 49:3 Reuben, ft. of my st. Ex. 12:2 the ft. of months Deut. 21:17 is ft. of his strength .Job 8:7 thy 6. was small 42:12 end of Job more than ft. Ps. 111:10 ft. of wis. Pror. 9:10 Prov. 1:7 fear of L. ft. of kcowl. 17:14 ft. of strife, as when one Ec. 7:8 end of a thin<; than 6. 10:13 ft. of words is foolishness 7s. 64:4 since ft. of world, men Mic. 1:13 is ft. of sin todanchter Mat. 24:8 o. of sor. Mark 13:3 21 as was not since 6. Marie 1:1 the ft. of the gospel ■lokn 2:11 this ft. of miracles Col. 1:18 who is the ft. the flrst-b. Ileb. 3:14 ft. of our confidence 7:3 having neither ft. of davs 2 Prf. 2:20 "is worse than the ft. 7?,'!'. 1:8 I am ft. 21:0; 22:13 3:14 saith the ft. of the creation At the BEGLNNING. Pvik 3:10 kinrlness than at 6. 1 C/ir. 17:9 wicked, waste as ft. Pror. 20:21 in. eotten hastily ft. Is. 1:26 counsellors as «< the b. Dan. 9:2:3 «. ft. of thy supplica. ^^/o^ 19:4 at the ft. made them ■lo/in 16:4 I said not to you ft. 4c;.s 11:15 H. G. as on us a. t. ft. From the BEGINNING. Pent. 11:12 eyes of L. on it ft. Ps. 119:100 true from the ber/in. Pi-ov. 8:2:3 I was set up/', ft. Ec. 13:11 no man C4in find out the work God malceth f. t. 6. Is. 1S:2 peop. teiTible/. t. ft. 7 40:21 been told/. ^ ft. .!* 41:26 hath declared/, t. b.f 46:10 declaring the end /. t. ft. 48:16 not spoken in secret/, t. ft. ■Ter. 17:12 high throne f. t. ft. J/o/. 19:8./>. the ft. it was not so Luke 1:2/. ft. were eye-wit. .lo/in 6:l>! knew/, ft. who helicv. 8:25 same I said to you/, ft. 44 a murderer//w« W)« begin. 1.5:27 have beeii with me /". ft. Enh. 3:il /'. ^ ft. of the world 2 r/ie.«. 2:13 God hath/, r. ftejen. chosen you to salvation 2 Pet. 3:4 coiitinue as,/";'. ^ beoin. 1 ./o//rt 2:7 ye have heard ft. 3:11 13 knowii him that is/, t. ft. .3:8 the devil siimeth/r'o«i. /. ft. 2 .lolin 5 that which we had/, t. 6 In the BEGINNING. Gen. 1:1 ;'. t. ft. Gml created h. P/oc. 8:'22 the Lord possessed me in the ber/in. of his way ■lo/in 1:1 in the ft. was the Word 2 the same was in the ft. Phil. 4:15 know ft. of thegospel Ileb. 1:10 L. ft. hast laid founda. BEGINNINGS. Xufn. 10:10 ft. ofvour m. 28:11 E-ek. 36:11 bet. tlian at your 6. BEGINNEST. Deut. 16:9 thou ft. to put sicklo BEGOTTEN. yum. 11:12 havi' 1 ft. ihom? Dtut. 23:8 children ft. of Iheni ./uil. 8::)0 Gideon had 70 sous b. ./oil 38:'28 hath ft. drops of dew Ps. 2:7 Ibis day have I ft. Ihee, Acts 1.'i:;i:i;"//rlni,'eth In fir.il-fi. Per. 1:5 who Is/, ft, of llio dwid BEGI'ILK. Col. 2:4 lesl liny ft. yiui 18 let no man ft. voil BK4a'll KI>. I\«. Gi-n. 3:13 seriunl ft, nu' S(t;'J5 wherefoie hast tlioii h. .Vi/m, 25:18 Ihey have ft. ym. In the mailer iif Pi'or ./fw, 9:"i'.' wluTefore Imve ve ft 9 (\>r. 11:3 u» the serpent ft. K*o 768 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. BEH i Pet. 2:14caiiuotceasefromsin, b. unstable souls ' BEGUi\. Dent. 3:34 b. to show thy great. Mat. 18:24 he had b. to reckon 2 Cor. 8:6 had 6. so would finish 10 for you who have b. before Gal. 3:3 having *. in the Spirit P/iil. 1:6 hath 6. a good work 1 Tim. 5:11 b. to wax wanton BEHALF. Ex. 27:21 a statute on b. of Is. 2 Sam. 3:12 Abner sent on his ft. 2 Chr. 16:9 sh. hiras. strong in b. Job 36:2 yet to speak on God's 6. Dan. 11:18 prince for his own ft. Jiom. 16:19 I am glad on your ft. 1 Cor. 1:4 I thank God on your ft. 2 Cor. 1:11 th. be given on our ft. 5:12 to glory on our ft. mu. 1:29 given in ft. of Christ 1 Pet. 4:16 glorify God on this ft. BEHAVE. Deut. 32:27 lest adversaries ft. 1 Ofir. 19:13 let us ft. valiantly Ps. 101:2 I will A. wisely Is. 3:5 child shall ft. proudly 1 Cor. 13:5 not ft. unseemly 1 Tim. 3:15 how thou ought est to ft. in the house of God DEHAVED. 1 Sam. 18:5 D. ft. wisely, 14, 15, .30 Ps. 35:14 I ft. as he hai beeu f. 131:2 have ft. as child weaned Mic. 3:4 as they have ft. ill 1 Tkes. 2:10 unblamably we ft. 2 Thes. 3:7 ft. not disorderly BEHAVET!!. 1 Cor. 7:3G tliink he ft. uncomely BEHAVIOR. 1 Sam. 21:13 D. chanted his ft. 1 Ti?n. 3:2 a bishop of good ft. 2'it. 2:3 women in ft. as'becom. BEHEADED. 2 Sam. 4:7 Ish. and ft. him Mat. 14:10 ft. John, Mark. 6:16, 27; L>tke'.k9 Sev. 20:4 I saw the souls of 6. BEHELD. Num. 21:9 ft. serpent of brass 23:21 hath not ft. iniquity in J. 1 Chr. 21:15 destroying, the L. ft. Job 31:26 if I ft. the sun when Ps. 119:158 I ft. transgressors 142:4 I ft. but there was no man Prov. 7:7 ft. among the simple Ec. 8:17 I 6. all the work of God Is. 41:23 I ft. and there was no man, Jer. 4:25 Jer. 4:23 I ft. the e.arth Mark 1.5:47 ft. where he was laid, L-iks 23:55 Liilce 10:18 I ft. Satan as light. 19:41 he ft. the city and wept John 1:14 we ft. his glory Acts 1:9 they 6. J. was taken up 17:23 and ft. your devotions liev. 5:6 I ft. and lo, a lamb 11:12 their enemies ft. them BEHEMOTH. Job 40:15 behold now ft. BEHI?«D. Is. 38:17 all my sins ft. thy back 1 Cor. 1:7 ye come ft. in no gift 2 Cor. 11:5 whit ft. chiefest. 12:11 Phil. 3:13 forgetting things ft. Col. 1:24 fill up what is ft.' See BEFORE. BEHOLD. Gen. 28:15 ft. I am with thee JobV.llb. all he hath 28:28 ft. the fear of the Lord 40:4 ft. I am vile what shall I Ps. 1:39:8 bed in hell, ft. thou Is. 8.18 ft. I and chil. Heb. 2:13 12:2 ft. God is my salvation 41:27 say to Ziou, ft. ft. them 05:1 I said, ft. me, to a nation Lam. 1:12 ft. and see if any sor. Zee. 9:9 ft. thy King coraeth, .1/n?. 21:5; John i'2:15 Mark 16:6 ft. place where they Luke 24:39 ft. my hands and feet 49 ft. I send pi-om, of my Fath. John 1:29 ft. the Lamb of God 19:5 Pilate saith, ft. the man Acts 9:11 Saul, for ft. he prayeth 1 Joli n 3: 1 ft. what manner of love Pev. 3:20 ft. I stand at the door 10:13 ft. I come as a thief 22:7 ft. I come quickly, 12 BEHOLD i» is. Is. 52:6 I speak, ft. it is I BEL Ezek. 7:10 ft. the day, ft. it is come 39:8 ft. it is come, and it is Kow BEHOLD, or BEHOLD now. Job 16:19 71. ft. my witness is in Jer. 40:4 now ft. I loose thee Mat. 26:65 ft. n. ye heard Acts 13:11 n. b. hand of Lord 20:22 now ft. I go bound 2 Cor. 6:2 ft. n. is the accepted t. BEHOLD it was, BEHOLD tlicre was. See WAS. BEHOLD, Verb, Nvm. 12:8 simil. of L. shall he ft. 23:9 from the hills I ft. him 24:17 shall ft. him, but not nigh Deut. 3:27 ft. it with thine eyes Job 19:27 shall ft. ana not anoth. 20:9 his place any more ft. him 23:9 work, but I cannot ft. him 34:29 his face, who can ft. .? 36:24 magnify his work men ft. Ps. 11:4 his eyes ft. his eyelids 7 doth ft. the upright 17:2 let thine eyes ft. things 15 I will ft. thy fiice jn right. 27:4 to ft. the beauty of the L. 37:37 perfect, ft. the upright 46:8 ft. the works of the Lord 59:4 awake to help me. and ft. 66:7 his eyes 6. the nations 80:14 look from heaven, ft. 91:8 eyes shalt thou ft. and see 102:19 from heaven did L. ft. 113:6 he humbleth hims. to ft. 119:18 mine eyes, that I may ft. Prov. 2;3:;33 ft. strange women Ec. 11:7 pleasant it is to ft. Is. 26:10 will not ft. the majesty ;38:11 I shall ft. man no more 41:23 do good or evil that we ft. 63:15 ft. from habita. of thy holi. Jer. 20:4 thine eves shall ft. 29:32 nor ft. the"ffood I will do 32:4 his eyes shall ft. 34:3 42:2 as thine eyes do ft. us Lam. 1:18 and ft. my sorrow :3:.")0 till Lord ft. from heaven 5:1 consider and ft. our reproach Ezek. 8:9 ft. wicked abomma. 28:17 that they may ft. 18 in sight of all that ft. 40:4 Son of man, ft. 44:5 Dan. 9:18 and ft. our desolations Mic. 7:9 I shall ft. his righteous, mine eyes shall ft. her Hab. 1:3 why cause me to ft. 13 purer eyes than to ft. evil Mat. 1S:10 their angels ft. face Luke 14:29 all that ft. it mock 21:6 as for these ye ft. the days John 17:24 they may ft. my glory Acts 7:31 he drew near to ft. it 33 Moses durst not ft. 2 Cor. 3:7 Is. could not ft. face 1 Pet. 2:12 works they shall ft. 3:2 ft. your chaste conversaticm Per. 17:8 when they ft. the beast BEHOLDEST. Ps. 10:14 thou ft. all mischief Mat. 7:3 w. ft. mote? Luke 6:41 Luke 0:42 ft. not the beam BEHOLQETIL Job 24:18 lie ft. not tlie way Ps. 33:13 Lord ft. all the sons Jam. 1:24 ft. himself and goeth BEHOLDi;\G. Ps. 119:37 mine eyes from ft. Prov. 15:3 ft. the evil and good Ec. 5:11 saving the ft. of thera Mat. 27:55 women ft. Luke 23:49 Mark 10:21 Jesus ft. hiin. loved Luke 23:35 people stood ft. 48 ft. things done.smote breasts Acts 4:14 and ft. man healed 2.3:1 and Paul ft. the council 2 Cor. 3:18 ft. as in a glass the g. Col. 2:5 joying, and ft. your order Jam. 1:23 ft. his natural face BEHOVED. Luke 24:46 t'.ms it 6. Christ Heb. 2:17 ft. him to be made BE!>!G. Ps. 104;.33 I have ft. 146:2 Acts 17:28 move, and have our ft. BEKAU. E.r. 38:26 BEL. Is. 46:1 ; Jer. 50:2 ; 51:44 BELCH. Ps. 59:7 behold they ft. out BELIAL. Deut. 13:13 children of B. BEL Jud. 19:22 certain sons of B. 20:13 the children of B. 1 Satn. 1:16 a daughter of B. 2:12 sons of Eli were sons of B. 10:27 children of B. said, how 25:17 is such a son of B. 25 30:22 then answ. the men of B. 2 Sani. 16:7 come out, man of B. 20:1 a man of B. 23:6 sons of B. shall be as th. 1 K. 21:10 two sons of B. 13 2 Chr. 1:3:7 Jerob. children of B. 2 Co?-. 6:15 hath Christ with B.? BELIED. .Jer. .5:12 they have ft. the L. BELIEF. 2 Thes. 2:13 of Spirit and ft. BELIEVE. E.i: 4:5 may ft. L. hath appeared 19:9 may ft. thee for ever 2iiim. 14:11 ere they ft. me? 2 Chr. 20:20 ft. in the L. his p. Is. 43:10 may know and ft. me. Mat. 9:28 ft. I am able to do this ? 18:6 ones which ft, Mark 9:42 21:;32 that ye might ft. him 27:42 and we will ft. him M irk 1:15 repent and ft. gospel. 5:36 be not af. only ft. Lu. 8:50 9:23 if thou canst ft. all things 24 L. I ft. help unb. John 9:.58 11:23 ft. things he saith 24 6. ye receive them, and ye 13::32 descend, that we may ft. 10:17 signs fol. them which ft. Luke 8:12 the word lest they 6. 13 which for a while 6. 24:25 and slow of heart to ft. Jolin 1:7 all thro' him might ft. 12 them that ft. on his name 3:12 shall ye 6. if I tell you 4:21 woman ft. me 42 we ft. not bee. of thy saying 5:44 can ye ft. which receive 47 how shall ye ft. my words ? 0:29 that ye ft. on him he sent 7:5 did his brethren ft. in him 39 Spirit, which they that ft. 9:33 dost thou ft. on S. of God ? 36 who is he that I might ft. 10:38 ft. the w. tliat ye may ft. 11:15 to the intent ye mav ft. 27 I ft. thou art the Christ 40 said I not, if wouldest ft. 42 may ft. thou hast sent me 4i let him alone all will ft. I2::36 ye have lisht, ft. in the 1. 13:19 ye may ft.l am he 1 1:1 ye ft. in God, ft. also in me 11 or ft. for the work's sake 29 come to pass, ye might ft. lfi:.30 we ft. thou earnest Irom G. 31 J. answered. Do ye now ft. .? 17:20 for them which shall ft. 21 world may ft. thou sent me 19:35 that ye might ft. 20:31 written that ye might ft. Arts 8:37 I ft. J. C. is theS. of G. 13:39 by him all that ft. 41 you shall in no wise ft. 13:7"Gentiles by me should ft. 11 ft. thro' grace we sh. be sav. 10:31 ft. on .Tes. shalt be saved 19:4 ft. on him that should come 21:20 seest how many Jews ft. 25 touching Gentiles which ft. 27:25 I ft. God that it shall be Bom. 3:22 on all that ft. 4:11 of all that 6. 24 if we ft. on him 6:8 we ft. we shall also live 10:9 shalt ft. that G. raised him 14 how shall thev ft. in him 1 Cor. 1:21 tosave that ft. 14:22 tongues a sign, not to th. that ft. but prophesying 2 Cor. 4:13 we ft. therefore speak Gal. 3:22 pro:nise to them that I . Kph. 1:19 to us who 6. Pi'iil. 1::29 given not only to ft. 1 Thes. 1:7 ensamplestoall th.ft. 2:10 behaved am. you that ft. 13 worketh in you that ft. 4:14 if we ft. Jesus died 2 Thes. 1:10 admi. in all that ft. 2:11 that they should ft. a lie 1 Tim. 1:16 pat. to them that ft. 4:3 thanksg. of them that ft. 10 Saviour, spec, of th. that ft. Ilcb. 10::39 ft. to saving of soul 11:6 to God must ft. that he is Jam. 2:19 devils also ft. Pet. 1:21 by him do ft. in God 2:7 to you wh. ft. he is precious John 3:23 com. that we ft. 5:13 to you that ft. ye may 6. BEL BELIEVE not, or Hot BE- LIEVE. Ex. 4:1 they will not ft. me Deut. 1:32 ye did not ft. the Lord 2 K. 17:14 fathers did notb.in'L. Job 9:16 I not ft. he had heark. Prov. 26:25 fair, ft. him not Is. 7:9 will not ft. not be esta. Jer. 12:6 ft. not tho' they speak Hab. 1:5 ye will not 6. Mat. 21:25 not ft. him il/or* 11:31 24:23 h. is C. ft. n.id: Mark 13:21 Luke 22:67 you will not ft. John 3:12 earthly th.andyeft. n. 4:48 ex. ye see signs will not ft. 5:38 he hath sent'^ him ye ft. n. 47 how shall ye ft. my words ? 6:36 ye have seen me and ft. not 64 some of you which ft. not 8:24 if je ft. n. I am he, die 45 tell the truth, ye 6. me not 46 say the truth, why n. ft. me 10:26 ye 6. n. bee. not of my s. 37 do not works of F. ft. me n. 38 ye ft. not me, be. the works 12:.30 could not ft. because Isa. 47 hear words, and ft. 7iot 16:9 bee. they ft. not on me 20:25 into his side, I will n. ft. Bom. 3:3 if some did not ft. 15:31 from them that do not b. 1 Cor. 10:27 that ft. not bid to a f. 14:22 sign to them that ft. not 2 Cor. 4:4 blinded th. ft. not 2 Tim. 2:13 if we ft. not, heabid. 1 John 4:1 ft. 7iot every spirit BELIEVED. Ge7i. 15:6 he ft. counted it. Bom. 4:3; Gal. 3:6; Ja?n.'i:'£i Ex. 4:31 A. spake, people ft. 14:31 they ft. the L. and Moses f;<. 27:13 fainted, unless I ft. 106:12 then ft. they his words 116:10 I ft. therefore have I spoken. 2 C«.4:13 119:66 I have ft. thy command. Is. 53:1 who hath 6. our report? John 12:3o; Po/n. 10:16 Dan. 6:23 bee. he ft. in G. Jon. 3:3 peo. of Xincve'u ft. G. 3Iat. 8:13 ft. so belt done to thee 21:32 publicans and harlots ft. Mark 16:13 neither ft. they Luke 1:1 things most surely ft. 45 blessed is she that ft. for John 2:11 his disciples ft. onhira 22 they ft. tho scripture 4:50 the man ft. word J. spoke 53 the father himself ft. 5:46 had ye ft. Jloses 7:48 have Pharisees ft. on him ? 8:31 said Jesus to Jews that ft. 11:45 seen thin^js Jesus did, ft. 12:11 many of the Jews ft. on J. 16:27 loveth you, bee. you ft. 17:3 have ft. thou didst send me 20:8 other disciple, saw and ft. 29 have not seen, and y(;t ft. Acts 2:44 all that ft. wercto^eth. 4:4 many wh. h. the word o. 32 thatft. were of one heart 8:12 ft. Phil, preaching things 13 then Simon himself ft. 10:45 who ft. were astonished 11:17 like gift as to us who ft. 21 a great number ft. turned 13:12 then deputy ft. 48 ordained to eternal life ft. 14:1 both Jews and Greeks ft. 23 to Lord on whom they ft. 17:4 ft. and consorted with Paul 34 certain clave to him and ft. 1S:8 Crispus ch. ruler of sjti. ft. 27 had ft. through grace 19:2 rec. ye H. G. since ye ft. .? 22:19 I beat them that ft. 27:11 centur. ft. master of ship 23:24 some ft. and some ft. not Bom. 4:18 against hope ft. in h. 13:11 neare'r than when we ft. 1 Cor. 3:5 minis, by whom ye ft. 1.5:2 unless ye have ft. in vain 11 so we preach, and so ye ft. Gal. 2:16 we have ft. in Jesus C. Eph. 1:13 after ye ft. ye were 2 Thes. 1:10 our tcstim. was ft. 1 Tim. 3:16 ft. on in the world 2 Tim. 1:12 whom I have ft. Tit. 3:8 which have ft. in God Heb. 4:3 we which ft. do enter 1 John 4:16 ft. the love of God. Many BELIEVED. John 2:23 a't the pass, mamj 6. 4::39 7nan7/ of the Samaritans ft. 11:45 ;«. Jews wh. came toM. ft. 12:42 chief rulers also wiarey ft. Acts 18:8 m. Corinth, hearing ft. CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 769 BEL Acts 19:18m. 6. confess, their d. BELIEVED not, or not BELIEVED. Gen.. 45:26 h. fainted, he b. not Num. 30:12 ye 6. me not Deut. 9:23 and 6. him not Jof) 29:24 they b. it not Pa. 78:22 they b. not in God 32 b. not for his wond. works 106:24despiaedland, *. n. hisw. Jer. 40:14 but G. *. them not Lam. 4:12 world would re. have b. Mat. 21:32 J. came, yeft. him not Mark 16:11 he was alive, b. not 14 upbr. because they b. not Lvlce 20:5 say, WTiy b. ye jwt f 24:41 while they b. not for joy John 3:18 because he hath notb. 6:64 Jesus Itnew who b. not 10:25 I told you, and ye b. not 12:87 miracles, yet they b. not Acts 9:26 b. not he was a disc. 17:5 .Jews wh. b. not 19:9 were hardened, 6. Tiot Bom. 10:14 they have not b. 11:30 times past have not b. G. 31 these also now not b. 2 Thes. 2:12 damned who b. not Heb. 3:18 his rest that *. not 11:31 R. per. not with them b. n. Jude 5 destroyed them that b. re. BELIEVERS. Acts B:14 b. were the more added 1 2^im. 4:12 an example of the b. BELIEVEST. Luk£ 1:20 dumb, bee. thou b. not John 1:50 under the tig tree, b. 11:26 never die, b. thou this ? 14:10 b. thou not I am in the F. Acts 8:37 b. with all thy heart 26:27 b. thou the prophets? Jam.^i-.li) thou 6. there is one God BBLIBVETil. Job 15:22 b. not he shall return Proo. 14:15 simple b. every word Is. 28:16 that *. not make haste Mark 9:2;j possible to him that 6. 16:16 he that b. shall be saved, he th. b. not shall be damn. John 3:15 b. in him, 16 18 b. not is condemned already 36 b. hath everlasting life, 6:47 5:24 b. oil him that sent me 6:.35 b. on me shall never thirst 40 Son, and b. on him, hath 1. 7::38 b. on me, out of his belly 11:25 b. though dead, yet shall 26 b. in me shall never die 12:44 b. not on me, but on him 46 whoso b. not abide in dark. 14:12 6. on me the works Acts 10:43 b. receive remission Pom. 1:16 of G. to ev. that />. 3:26 .iustilier of him that b. in J. 4:5 tiiat worketh not, but b. on 9:.33 whoso b. not be asha. 10:11 10:4 end of law to cv. oneth. b. 10 th(! heart man b. to right. 14:2 one b. he may eat 1 Cbr. 7:12 a wife that b. not l;i:7)ovo6. all things 14:24 come in one that b. not 2 Cor. 6:15 hath he that 6. 1 Tim.. .5:16 if any tlial h. 1 I'lit. 2:6 b. shall not be conf. 1 John 5:1 whoso b. .1. is the 0. 5 overoometh, but hc^ that h. 10 b. on the Hon ; he that b. n. G. bee. he b. not the record BELIEVIIVG. Mat. 21:22 ask 6. ye shall receive John 20:27 not faithless, but b. 31 that b. ye might have life Ads 16:34 6. in (iod 2'1:14 b. all things written Horn. 1.5:13 joy and peace in b. 1 Tim. 6-2 tlial have b. masters 1 J'ct. 1:8 yet b. yt; rejoice BBLL, N. E.C. 28::M goldc^ii b. ,1!»:26 7,i'i-. 11:20 U|)()n (lie b. of horses UKM.cnV. ,SV><' mii.i,s. HKLLOWH. Jer. 6:2!) tlie b. are burnt HELLV. , Oen. 3:14 on Ihv b. sh.it thou go Li'iK 11:42 goelh on Ihe/y. NiDii. 5:^1 and thy h, \n swell 25:H man niid wdni. llirouL'h b .IikL ;1:2I (lug. thrusl It in his b. ) A', 7:20 ponirg. over ai/iiiMsl b. .hill ;(:ll when f <(iinii nul of li. \WM III! his 6. with (•asl wind 3r> llic'lr 6. nrepaiclh deceit 20:15 G. Hliiill CHBl out of IiIh 6. 49 BEL Jb6 20:20 not feel quietness in b. 23 when about to fill his b. 32:19 my b. is as wine which Ps. 17:14 whose 6. flUest 22:10 from my mother's b. 44:25 our b. cleaveth to earth Proti. 13:25 b. of wicked 18:8 innermost parts of b. S6:2i 20 a man"s b. shall be satisfied 20:27 inward parts of b. 30 stripes inward parts of b. Cant. .5:14 his b. is as br. ivory 7:2 thy b. is like wheat Is. 46:3 borne by me from the b. ■Jer. 1:5 formed thee in b. I k. 51:.34 his b. with my delicates Ezek. 3:3 cause thy b. to eat Dan. 2:32 image's 6. of brass Jon. 1:17 in b. offish. Mat. 12:40 2:2 out of the b. of hell cried I HaJb. .3:16 my b. trembled Mat. 15:17 into the b. and is cast out, Markr.Vi Luke 15:16 his b. with the husks .John 7:;J8 out of his b. flow riv. Pom. 16:18 serve their own b. 1 Cnr. 6:13 meats for the b. Phil. .3:19 whose God is their b. Rev. 10:9 shall make thy b. bit. 10 eaten it, my b. was bitter. BELLIES. Tit. 1:12 the Cretians are slow 6. BELONG. Lev. 27:24 to whom it did b. Deut. 29:29 secret things b. to G. Ps. 47:9 shields of earth b. to G. 68:20 to our God b. the issues Prm. 24:2 these b. to the wise Dan. 9:9 to the Lord b. mercies Mark 9:41 bee. ye b. to Christ Luke 19:42 which b. to thy p. 1 Car. 7:32 things b. to Lord BELOIVUED, EST. 1 Sam. 30:13 to whom b. thou? Luke 23:7 b. to Herod's jurisd. BELOIVGETH. Devt. 32:35 to me b. vengeance, Ps. 94:1 : IJeb. 10:.30 Ps. 3:8 salvation 6. unto the L. 62:11 power 6. unto God 12 unto thee, O Lord, b. mercy Dan. 9:7 righteousness*, to thee 8 to us 6. confusion of face Heb. 5:14 strong meat b. BELOlVGIiVG. PrCK. 26:17 strife b. not to him BELOVED. Dent. 21:15 two wives, the one*. 33:12 h. of Lord dwell in safety Neh. 13:26 Solomon, b. of his G. Ps. m:5 thy 6. may be d. 108:6 127:2 so he giveth his b. sleep Praih 4:3 only 6. in sight of m. Cant. .5:1 drink abundantly, 0 6. 9 thy 6. more than another 6. .^ 61: whither is thy b. gone 't 8:5 Cometh leaning on her 6. f Dan. 9:23 greatly 6. 10:11, 19 JIos. 31 a w(mian 6. of her. fr. 9:16 I will slay the 6. fruit Acts 15:25 with 6. B. and Paul /torn. 1:7 all in Rome b. of God 9:25 call her b. wh. was not b. 11:28 are 6. for Father's sake 16:12 6. Pcrsis wlio labored Kpb. 1:6 aceeptc^d in the 6. 6:21 T. a 6. brother. Col. 4:7 Col: 3:12 elect of G. holy and 6. 4:9 Onesimus, a 6. brother M Luke the 6. physician 1 Thes. 1:4 kn. 6. your election 1 Tim. 6:2 serv. b'ec. they are A. Phile. 16 a servant a brother 6. Ileb. (i:9 6. we are persuaded 2 I'el. 3:8 6. be not iiriiorant 15 even as our 6. brother Paul 1 John',\:ib. now wearc'thesons 21 6. if our heart condemn 4:1 6. believe not every Hj)irit 7 6. let us lovi' one another 116. if (Jod so loved us. wo :\John 11 6. follow not (•vll, Ji/IC. iiilh Hi-ir. .\rark:i:-i\ .•»aid he Is 6. Iilmself .l<7w 26:21 P. thou art 6. lh\self 2 Vor. ft:i;t whether we be b. BKSIKGK. Deut. 38:52 6. thee In Ihv gales 1 A'. 8:.'17 enemloi 6. 2 Chr. 6:2,S h. 21:2 O Klam, 6. O Media UKSIKGKD. 2 K. 19:24 rIveiH of 6, pi. Is. 37:25 A.<'. 9:14 a great king and 6. It Is. 1:8 Zion is lell as a 6, ellv Etek. U:ia 6. xhall die by liiuiliio IIKM»I. Is. 1 1:2.3 the A. of deslrucllou UKSOU. 1 Sam. 30:11 770 CRUDEj^'S COIsTCOEDANCE. BET BESOUGHT. Gen. 42:21 0. us, we would not Ex. 32:11 Moses 6. L. Deut. 3:23 2 Sam. 12:10 b. G. for the child 1 A'. 13:6 man of God b. the L. 2 K. 1:3:4 Jehoahaz b. the Lord 2 CAr. a3:12 Mauasseh in affl. b. Ezr. 8:23 b. our God for this Jer. 26:19 Hezekiah b. the Lord J/(Z<. 8:31 the devils b. him,i/a?-A: 5:10, 12; iufo; 8:31, 32 34 b. him to depart, Luke 8:37 Mark 5:23 Jairus 6. iwfe 8:41 John 4:40 S. 6. he would tany 47 nobleman of Caper, b. him 19:38 b. he might take the body Acts 13:42 b. tliat these words 16:15 Lydia b. us saying 39 magistrates b. them 21:12 we b. him not to go to J. 2 Cor. 12:8 for this I b. the Lord BEST. Fs. 39:5 man at his b. state iw/;c 15:22 bring forth the b. 1 Cor. 12:31 covet the 6. gifts BESTEAD. Is. 8:21 pass thro' it hardly 6. BESTIR. 2 Sam. 5:24 hcarest the sound ft. BESTOW. Ex. 32:29 may b. on you Bent. 14:26 ft. money for what 2 Chr. 24:7 thev did ft. on Baalim Ezr. 7:20 ft. it out of k.'s treas. Luke 12:17 to ft. my fruits 1 Uor. 12:23 on these we ft. more 13:3 though I 6. all my goods BESTOWED. Ji. 63:7 ac. to all Lord ft. on us John 4:38 to reap whereon ye ft. Rom. 16:6 Mary, who ft. much 1 Cor. 15:10 grace ft. not in vain 2 Cor. 1:11 gift ft. on us by many 8:1 grace ft. on the churches &28 Le7i. 19:20 lieth with a woman ft. Deut. 20:7 who hath 6. a wife 22:23 find a virgin ft. and lie 27 ft. damsel cried, none to save BETTER. Gen. 29:19 ft. I give her to thee Ex. 14:12 ft, serv. the Egyptians yum. 14:3 ft. to return toE.f ■/ud. 8:2 gleanings 6. than vint. 11:25 art thou ft. than Balak 1 Sam. 1:8 am not I ft. than ten s. 27:1 nothing ft. than go 1 K. 1:47 made name of k. Sol. ft. 2:32 two men 6. than he 19:4 am not ft. than my fathers 21:2 give thee a ft. vineyard 2 A'. 5:12 rivers of Damascus 6. 2 C%r.21:13 slain brethren ft.than Ps. 69:31 please ft. than ox Ec. 2:24 nothing ft. than to eat 3:22 nothing ft7 than rejoice 4:3 ft. is he than both they 9 two are 6. 6:11 what is man ft..? 7:10 former days were ft. 10:11 and a babbler is no ft. Is. 56:5 a name 6. than of sons Lam. 4:9 that be slain are ft. Ezek. 36:11 settle you and do ft. Dan. 1:20 ten times 6. tlos. 2:7 then was it 6. with me Amos 6:2 be they ft. than these yah. 3:8 ft. than populous No? Mat. 6:26 f. of the air, are ve not ft. than they ? Luke 12:24 12:12 a man ft. than a sheep ? 18:6 6. that a millstone, Mark 9:42 ; Luke 17:2 Boot. 3:9 are we 6. than they ? 1 Cor. 7:38 marriage, doth ft. 8:8 neither if we eat are we ft. 9:15 ft. for me to die 11:17 come together not for 6. P.iil. 2:3 esteem other ft. than //(ft. 1:4 much ft. than the angels 6:9 persuaded ft. things of you 7:7 the less is blessed of the 6. 19 bringing in of a ft. hope did 22 a surety of a ft. testament 8:6 Mediator of a 6. covenant, established on ft. promises 9:23 things with ft. sacrifices 10::34 a ft. and enduring sub. 11:16 desire a ft. country BEW //eft. 11:35 obtain a ft. resurrec. 40 some ft. thing for us 12:24 ft. things than that of A. 2 Pet. 2:21 ft. not to have known BETTER is. Praii. 15:16 ft. ii' little withf.ofL. 17 ft. is dinner of herbs 16:8 ft. is a little with right. 16 ft. is it to get wisdom 17:1 ft. is a dry morsel 19:1 ft. is poor 28:6 27:10 ft. is a neighbor near Ec. 4:6 6. is handful with quiet 13 ft. is a poor wise child than 6:9 ft. is the sight of tU-;! eyes 7:8 ft. is the end than the beg. Cant. 4:10 ft. is thy love Is BETTER, or is it BET- TER.* Jud. 9:2 whether is ft. all reign 18:19 is it ft. to be a priest Puth 4:15 thy daughter is ft. 1 Sam. 15:22 to obey is ft. 28 neighbor that is ft. 2 Sam. 17:14 counsel of H. is ft. Est. 1:19 another that is ft. Ps. .37:16 righteous hath is ft. 63:3 thy loving-kind, is ft. 84:10 a day in thy courts is ft. 119:72 is ft. to me than gold Prov. 3:14 wisdom is ft. 8:11 wisdom is ft. than rubies 19 my fruit is ft. than gold 12:9 IS ft. than he that honoreth 16:32 that is slow to anger is ft. 19:^2 poor man is ft. than a liar 27:5 rebuke is ft. than secret 1. Ec. 6:3 an untimely birth is ft. 7:1 a good name is ft. than oint. 3 sorrow is ft. than laughter, by sad. of conn. h. is made ft. 8 tlie patient in spirit is ft. 9:4 a liv. dog isb. than a d. lion 16 wisdom is ft. than strength 18 wisd. is ft. than w. of war Cant. 1:2 love is ft. than wine Luke 5:39 he saith, the old is ft. Phil. 1:23 with C. wh. is far ft. It is BETTER, or BETTER it is. Ps. 118:8 it is ft. to trust in L. 9 Prov. 10:19 ft. to be of humble 21:9 ft. to dwell in a, 25:24 19 it is ft. to dwell in the wild. 25:7 ft. it is it be said. Come up Ec. 5:5 ft. it is thou sh. not vow 7:2 it is ft. to go to house of m. 5 ft. to hear reb. of wise men ■Ion. 4:3 it is ft. for me, 8 Mat. 18:8 it is ft. to enter into life halt, 9 ; Mccrk 9:4:3, 4.5, 47 1 Cor. 7:9 6. to marry than to b. 1 Pet. 3:17 ft. ye sutler for well-d. BETTERED. Mark 5:26 she was nothing ft. BETWIXT. Phil. 1:23 I am in a strait ft. two BEUL.\H. Is. 62:4 BEWAIL. Lev. 10:6 ft. the burning L. kind. Deut. 21:13 and ft. her father .lud. 11:37 ft. my virginity. 33 /-'. 16:9 will ft. with the weep. 2 Cor. 12:21 ft. manv who have s. Pev. 18:19 shall ft. tier BEW.IILED, ETH. ■ler. 4:31 daughter of Zion thpt 6. Luke 8:52 and all wept and ft. 23:27 of women which also ft. BEWARE. Gen. 34:6 ft. bring not my son Ex. 23:21 ft. of him, obey his v. Peut. 6:13 ft. thou forget L. 8:11 1.5:9 ft. there be not a thought ./(/'/ 13:4 ft. drink no wine. 13 2 Sam. 18:12 ft. none t. y. man 3 K. 6:9 ft. thou pass not .lob .36:18 ft. lest he take thee a. Prov. 19:25 the simple will ft. Is. ;36:18 ft. lest H. persuade Mat. 7:15 ft. of false prophets 10:17 ft. of men 16:6 ft. of the leaven, 11 ; Mark 8:15; Luke 12:1 Math 12:38 ft. of s. Ltike 20:46 Lvke 12:15 ft. of covetousness Acts 13:40 ft. lest that come Phil. 3:2 6. of dogs, ft. of evil w. Col. 2:8 ft. lest any man spoil 2 Pet. 3:17 ft. lest being led BEWITCHED. Acts 8:9 Simon ft. the people, 11 Gal. 3:1 who hath ft. you? BEWR.W. Is. 16:3 ft. not him that wand. BIN BEWRAYETH. Prov. 27:16 oint. of right h. 6. 29:24 cursing, and ft. it not Mat. 26:73 thy speech 6. thee BEYOXD. Nitm. 22:18 B. said, I cannot go ft. the word of the L. 34:13 Deut. 30:13 nor is it ft. the sea 2 Sam. 10:16 ft. the river, 1 K. 14:15; 1 Chr.W:16\ Ezr.i:rt, SO ; 6:6, 8 ; 7:31, 25 • A'«A.3:7, 9; /s. 7:20; 18:1; Zqj. 3:10 Mark 6:51 amazed ft. mcas. 7:37 2 Cor. 8:3 ft. their power willing 10:14 stretch not ft. our meas. Gal. 1:13 ft. measure I persecut. 1 Thes. 4:6 that no man go ft. BEYOND Jordan. See Jordan. BEZALEEL. Ex. 31:2; 36:1; 38:22 BEZEH. ■lud. 1:4 slew in B. 10,000 men, 5 1 Sam. 11:8 Is. in B. 300,000 BIBBER. See wikb. BICHRI. 2 Sam. 30:1, 2, 6, 22 BID. 1 Sam. 9:27 ft. the servant pass 2 Sam. 3:26 6. the people return 3 K. 5:13 ft. thee do great thing 10:5 all that thou shalt ft. us Zep. 1:7 L. hath ft. his guests 3Iat. 14:28 6. me come on the w. 32:9 find 6. to the marriage 2:3:3 what they 6. you observe Luke 9:61 firstft. farewell 10:40 ft. her that she help mc 14:12 they also ft. thee again 1 Cor. 10:27 any that bel. not ft. 3 John 10 nor ft. him God speed BIDDEN. 1 Sam. 9:13 they eat that be ft. 2 Sam. 16:11 for the L. hath ft. Mat. 1:24 as angel had 6. him 22:3 to call them that were 6. 4 tell them ft. I have prepared 8 they ft. were not worthy Luke 7:39 Pharisee who had b. 14:7 to those who were ft. 8 art ft. lest a more hon. be ft. 10 art ft. sit in lowest room 24 none of those men ft. BIDDETH, IXG. 1 Sam. 22:14 goeth at thy ft. 2 John 11 that 6. him Gtid speed BIDE. Pom,. 11:23 ft. not still in uub. BIDKAR. 2 A'. 9:25 BIER. 2 Sam. 3:31 Da\id followed theft. Luke 7:14 and touched the ft. BIGTHAN. Est. 2:21 ; 6:2 BILDAD. Job 3:11 ; 8:1 ; 18:1 ; 25:1; 43:9 BILHAH. Gen. 29:39 ; 35:33, 25 BILL. Luke 16:6 thy ft. and wTite, 7 See DivoECE. BILLOWS. Ps. 42:7 ft. are gone over, Jon. 2:3 BIND. Xum. 30:2 an oath to 6. his soul Deut. 6:8 ft. them for a sign .lud. 15:10 to 6. Samson 16:5 ft. Samson to afflict him ■lob 31:36 I will ft. it as a crown .38:31 6. influence of Pleiades .39:10 canst thou 6. the unicorn 40:13 ft. their faces in secret 41:5 wilt thou ft. Leviathan Ps. 105:22 to ft. his princes 118:27 ft. the sacrifice 149:8 to ft. their kings Prov. 3:3 ft. them about thy neck 6:21 ft. them upon thy heart 7:3 ft. them on thy fingers Is. 8:16 ft. up the testimony 49:18 ft. them on thee as a bride 61:1 to ft. up the broken-hearted Ezek. 34:16 I will ft. up broken Hos. 6:1 smitten and will ft. us Mic. 1:1.3'''. the chariot Mat. -2:43 first 6. the strong man, Mark 3:27 13:30 6. tares to hum them 16:19 shall ft. on earth, 18:18 22:13 ft. him hand and foot 33:4 ft. heavy burdens grievous Mark 5:3 no "man could ft. him Acts 9:14 authority to ft. all that 12:8 angel said ft. on sandals 21:11 so shall the Jews ft. CRUDEN''S CONCORDANCE. 771 BIT BIiXDETH. Job 5:18 maketh sore and h. up 26:8 he b. up the waters 28:11 he b. floods from overfl. 30:18 b. me about as the collar 3(i:13 hyp. cry not when he b. Pt(. 129:7 he that b. sheaves 147:3 he hcaleth and b. up Prov. 26:8 b. a stone in a sling Is. 30:26 Lord b. up breach BINDIIVG. Gen. 49:11 b. his foal to the vine Acts 22:6 b. and delivering men BIRD. Gen. 7:14 every b. went into Let). 14;52 cleanse with living b. ■Tob 41:5 i)lay as with a b. Ps. 11:1 as a i. to mountain 12-1:7 our soul is escaped as a b. Prov. 1:17 in sight of any b. 6:5 as a b. from the fowler 7:2:? as a b. hastcth to the snare 2(3:2 as the b. by wandering 27:8 as a b. that wandereth Ec. 10:20 b. shall tell the matter 12:4 rise at the voice of the b. Is: 16:2 as a wandering b. 46:11 ravenous b. from the east ,Ier. 12:9 heritage as a speck, b. Lam. 3:52 chased me like a b. Hos. 9:11 fly away like a b. 11:11 they shall tremble as a b. Arivos 3:5 a 6. fall where no gin Bav. 18:2 every unclean b. BIRDS. Gen. 15:10 the b. divided he not 40:19 the b. shall eat thy flesh i««. 14:4 to take two b. alive Deiil. 14:11 clean b. shall eat 2 Ham. 21:10 b. to rest by day P<. 104:17 the b. make nests Ec. 9:12 as b. caught Cant. 2.12 time of singing of b. Is. 31:5 as b. flying Jer. 4:25 b. of heaven were fled 5:27 as a cage full of 6. so are li:4 are consumed and the b. 9 the 6. round about I>.ek. 30:4 will gi. thee torav. b. Dm. 4:33 nails like b. claws M'll. 8:20 b. have n. Luke 9:58 13::32 b. lodge in the branches Tioiii. 1:2.3 an image like to b. 1 Cor. 1.5:39 another of J. .lam. 3:7 every kind of 6. istam. BIRSHA. Gen. 14:2 BIRTH. 2 K. 19:3 children are come to the b. U. 37:3 JoJ) 3:10 as a hidden untimely b. I's. .58:8 like the untimely b. Ec. 6:3 untimely 6. is better 7:1 better than day of one's b. Is. 66:9 shall I bring to the b. Ezek. 16:3 thy b. is of Canaan /ft*. 9:11 shall fly from the b. Mat. 1:18 the b. of Jesus Christ Luke 1:14 shall rejoice at his b. Gal. 4:19 I travail in b. liei). 12:2 she cried, trav. in b. BIRTIIDAV. Gen. 40:20 which was Ph.'s b. Mat. 14:6 Herod's b. Mark 6:21 llll. in horses' in. nrr, v as a raven Jer. 4:28 shall lu^avens he b. K:21 I am hurl, I am b. 14:2 Ihegalc^s (hereof are ft. Lain. 5:10 our skin was b. Zee. (;;2 in sceonti ehiiriot l>. h. 6 t>. horses go forth into north ^nt. 5:;!6 oinr hair winter or b. h'( I'. (1:5 anil lo, a li. horso 12 the mn Ih'cmmk^ b. ni.ACKKR. Law. 4:8 vis;ige is b. than coal III. VCKISII. .lilt) 6:16 b. by reason of the Ico III.AC KMCSS. ./«/< :l:5 lei A. of I he (III V Is. 5l)::i elolhe heiivriw wilh b. ./i/'/2;liMliiill galh. b. .Will. 2:10 III li. P.!: I.S ye are not come lo b. .hide C) to whom Is reserved b. III. MIE. ./"'/. .'1:22 went In iiller tlu' h. .lob -.itri-i fill ly shoiililrr7*. BLA Mat. 13:26 6. was spr. 3Iark 4:28 BLAINS. Ex. 9:9 a boil with b. 10 BLAME. Gen. 43:9 bear the b. 44:32 2 Cor. 8:20 no man should b. ns Eph. 1:4 holy and without b. BLAMED. 2 Cor. 6:3 the ministry be not b. Gal. 2:11 bee. he was to be b. BLAMELESS. ■los. 2:17 be b. of thine oath Mat. 12:5 prof. Sab. and are b. Luke 1:6 in ordin. of the L. b. 1 Cor. 1:8 b. in the day of our L. Phil. 2:15 be b. and harmless 3:6 in the law b. 1 TA^s. 5:23 body be preserved 6. 1 Tim. 3:2 bishop be b. Tit. 1:7 10 use office of deacon being 5. 5:7 give in charge, they be b. Tit. 1:6 if any be b. the husband 2 Pet. 3:14 ye may be found b. BLASPHEME. 2 Sam. 12:14 enemies to b. 1 K. 21:10 didst &. God, 13 Ps. 74:10 shall the enemy b. Mark 3:28 they shall b 29 that shall be ag. Holy G. Acts 26: 1 1 I compelled them to b. 1 Tim. 1:20 may leani not to b. Jam. 2-7 b. that worthy name Rev. 13:6 to b. his name BLASPHEMED. Lev. 24:11 Israelitish wom. son b. 2 K. 19:6 servants of king of As- syria b. me, 22 ; Is. 37:6, 23 Ps 74:18 have b. thy name Is. 52:5 my name every day is b. (i5:7 and b. me on the hills Ezek. 20:27 your fathers have b. Acts 18:6 op. themselves and b. Rom. 2:24 name of God is b. 1 Tim. 6:1 his doctrine be notS. Tit. 2:5 that the word be not b. Rev. 16:9 were scorched and b. 11 b. because of their pains 21 b. God because of the hail BLASPHEMEST, ETH. Lev. 24:16 wlioso b. the Lord Ps. 44:16 voice of him that b. Mat. 9:3 scribes said. This m. 6. John 10:36 F. sanctilied thou b. BL.ASPHEMi:VG. Acts 13:45 J. coutradieUngand&. BL.4SPHEMER, S. Acts Vi:'A~ are not b. of your god. 1 Tim. 1:13 who was before at. 2 Tim. 3:2 men shall be b. BLASPHE.MY. •i K. 19:3 adav of ft. Is. 37:3 Mat. 12:31 all manner of ft. shall be forgiven, but ft. against 26:65 heiirit his ft. .]hirl; U:M Mark 7:22 out of heart proceed ft. .John 10::33 st. thee not but fori. Col. 3:8 now ye also put ofl'ft. Rer. 2:9 theft, of them that i:i:l and upon his heads 6. 6 opened his mouth in ft. BLASPHEMIES. Ezek. .3.5:12 have licnril all thy ft. Mat. l,5:19mit of thehe;irt ft. Mark 2:7 man thus speak ft. .>' 3:28 ft. they shall blaspheme Luke .5:21 w'ho is (his speak. 6. .*' Rev. 13:5 speaking ft. HL\SPIIEMOrS. ActsiV.W lieiu-il hini speak ft. w. 13 ceaseth not lo speak ft. w. BLASPIIE,>IOlSLY. Luke 22:65 other things ft. sjiake BLAST. A'.i'. 15:8 ft. of thy nostrils .los. 6:5 a long ft. wilh horns 2 i^am. 22:16 tlu^ ft. of (he breath of his nostrils, I's. 18:15 2 A'. 19:7 ft. on Sen. Is. :17:7 .lob 1:9 hv ft. of God they perish Is. 25:1 liieft otllu! terrible IIL \STK». Gen. 4V« tliiiieaisft. 23:27 2 A'. 111:26 as corn ft. Is. 37:27 «L\STI\i'oail the matter BLE BLEATING, S. ■lud. 5:16 to hear ft. of flocks 1 Sam. 15:14 this 6. of sheep BLEMISH. Ex. 12:5 without 6. ie». 9:3; 14:10; 2:5:12; Num. 6:14 29:1 two rams with 6. Leo. 5:15, 18; 6:6; 9:12; Ezek. 46:4 Lev. 1.3 male wathout ft. 10; 4:23; 22:19 21:17 hath ft. not appr. 21:23 22:20 hath a 6. Deut. 15:21 21 frcewill-oftering no ft. 24:19 cause a 6. in his neighbor Num. 19:2 a red heifer with. ft. 29:2 seven lambs without ft. 2 Sam. 14:25 no 6. in Absalom Dan. 1:4 in whom was no 6. Eph. 5'27 holy and without 6. 1 Pet. 1:19 of a lamb without 6. BLEMISHES. Lev. 22:25 6. in them not accept. 2 Pet. 2:13 spots they are and b. BLESS. 1 Cor. 10:16 cnp of bless, we 5. BLESS, CrOd being arjent. Gen. 12:2 I will ft. thee, 16:3, 24 3 I will 6. them that 6. thee 17:16 will ft. her, and give thee 22:17 1 will ft. Heb. 6:14 28:3 ft. thee, and multiply thee .32:26 except thou ft. me 48:16 ft. the lads 49:25 by Aim. who shall ft. thee Ex. 20:24 and I will ft. thee 2:3:25 he shall ft. thy biead Num. 6:24 Lord ft. and keep thee 27 on Israel, and I will 6. them 24:1 pleased the L. to ft. Israel Deut. 7:13 ft. the fruit of thy w. 15:4 no poor, for L. shall ft. t. 18 God shall ft. thee, 30:16 16:15 bee. Lord shall ft. thee 26:15 look down and ft. Israel 28:8 ft. (hee in the laud 12 6. all (he work of thy hand 33:11 ft. Lord his substance 2 Sam. 7:29 to ft. the house of thy servant, 1 Chr. 17:27 1 Chr. 4:10 wouldst ft. me indeed Ps. 5:12 wilt ft. the righteous 28:9 ft. thine iuheritance 29:11 ft. his people with peace 67:6 our own God shall 6. us, 7 115:12 L. will ft. us, he will ft. the houseof Israel, of Aaron 13 he will ft. them that fear L. 128:5 shall ft. thee out of Zion 1132:15 abundantly ft. her prov. 134:3 the Lord ft. thee out of Z. Is. 19:25 L. of hosts shall ft. Ilaij. 2:19 from this day will I ft. Acts 3:2(i sent him to ft. you BLESS, God belnn the object. Jhiut. 8:10 art full, shall ft. Lord .lud. 5;9ft. theL. Ps. 103:21 ; V^A 1 ('///■. 29:20 Dav. said, now ft.TT. Nth. 9:5 stand up and ft. L. lor Ps. 16:7 ft. L. who hath given 26:12 in the cong. will I ft. Lord :34:1 ft. the Lord at all times (i;3.4 will 1 ft. thee while I live (16:8 O ft. our (iod (;S:2i; ft. ye ( !od in conm-egations 96:2 sing to (he 1,. ft.liis name 100:1 ft. his name. 103:1 103:1 ft. L. O my soul, 2,22; 104:1, .35 20 ft. ye his ang. 21 ft. h. hosts 22 ft. the Lord all Ins W(n-ks 115:18 will ft. L. from (his timo 134:2 lift up vourh. ft. the L. 1.35:19 ft. the L. G house of Is. 20 1) Levi. ft. the Lord 14.5:1 will ft. (by name forever 2 every diiv will I ft. iheo 10 thv saiilts shall ft. Iheo •Jl let' all llesh ft. his holy n. Jam. 3:9 therewith ft. we t!od BLESS, Man iii/cnt and ot(iirt. Gin. 27: 1 ft. thee before 1 die, 25 31 ft. me. O my fallu'r, ,38 48:9 bring llii'in to me, 1 will ft. 20 in Ihei' shnll Israel ft. saying A'.r. I2:.'12 bi'gone.aiul ft. me«il»o .\uni. 6:23 on llll^ wise ft. Israel 23:20 I liiive received com lo ft. 25 curse (hem nor ft. Iliein Ihiit. 10:H separ. I.i-vl (oft. 21:."l 27:12 sdind on Gerl/.im. lo ft. 29:19 lieiiriilli curse, Me ft. Iiim 1 .Sum. 9:13 doth ft. the xiicrllleo 2 Siiin. 6:2(1 David reliiiiii-il lo ft. his llOll^ellold, 1 Cftl. 16:13 8:10 .loniiii III- "Oil (o ft. hiiMd •,'l::llhat yi' ft, mil. olllie l.ortl 772 CRUDEX^S CONCORDAXCE. BLE IK. 1:47 came to ft. onr lord k. D. 1 Chr. •Zi.li to ft. lu his name Fs. 62:4 6 with their mouth 109:2S let them ciirse. but ft. 129:8 b. you in the name of L. Pror. 30:11 dolh not b. their m. Is. 65:15 ft. himself iu God Jer. 4"2 nations shall ft. them Mai. 5:44 ft. that curse. Luke 6:23 i?o??i. 13:14 ft. and curse not 1 Ger. 4:12 being resiled we 6. 14:16 shall 6. with the spirit BLESSED, Man agent and object. Gen. 14:19 ilelchized. 6. Ahra. 24:60 they ft. Rebekah 27:23 so Isaac ft. Jacob. 27 29 ft. he he that blesseth thee 33 have ft. him, he shall be ft. 41 his father ft. him 28:1 Isaac called Jacob. 6. him 30:13 daughters vill call me ft. 31:55 kissed his sons, and ft. 47:7 ft. Phar. 10: 48:15 Joseph 48:20 Jacob ft. M. Heb. 11:21 49:28 Jacob ft. his sons Ex. m-.a M. ft. them. Dent. 33:1 Lev. 9:22 Aaron ft. them 23 il. and A. ft. the people JVuw. 22:6 w. thou blesseth is ft. 23:11 ha-st ft. altosether. 24:10 Dent. 3:3:20 ft. that'enlarseth G. 24 Asher be ft. with children t7o.<^. 22:6 ft. sent them away, 7 24:10 Balaam ft. you still Jwl. 5d4 ft. above women J. be 1 Sim. 2:20 Eli ft. Elkanah 25:.3'3 ft. be thy advice 25:25 Saul said ft. be thou 2 Srim. 13:2") bat ft. him 19::39 kissed Barzillai, and 6. I K. 2:45 Solomon shall be ft. 8:14 Solomon ft. congre?. 55 C6 coujre?. ft. Sol. 2 Chr. 6:3 Job 20:11 car heard me. ft. me 31:20 his loins have not 6. me Ps. 49:18 lived he 6. his soul 72:17 men be ft. in him 113:S') ft. ho lie that ometh in name of the L. we ha. ft. you Proc. 31:23 children call her "ft. Ec. 10:17 6. art thou, O land Card. 6:9 the daughters ft. her II 66:3 as if he b. an idol Jer. 20:14 let not the day be ft. Mai. 3:12 ail nations call you 6. MarkW-.V:, 6. be king, of our f. Luhe 1:48 gen. shall ^11 me ft. 2:.34 Simeon ft. them, and said Acif 20:35 it is more 6. to cive Tit. 2:13 looking for that ftThope Seb. 7:1 met Abraham ft. him, 6 7 the less is ft. of the better BLESSED, God the agent. Gen. 1:32 ft. Be fruitful. 23 ; 5:2 2:3 ft. seventh day, Er. 23:11 12:3 in thee shall all families be ft. 18:18: 22:18; 26:4: 23:14: X<-fe3:25; Gal. -3:8 17:20 ft. Ish. 24:1 ft. Abraham 24:31 thou ft. of the Lord 25:-ll God 6. Isaac, 26:12 26: 2^ thou art now the ft. of L. 27:27 which the Lord hath ft. 30:27 hath ft. me for thy sake 30 L. ft. thee since mv coming 33:29 ft. J. there. 35:9:' 43:3 39:5 Lord ft. Egjptian's house Xum. 22:12 for the people are ft. 23:20 ft. I cannot reverse it Deut. 2:7 thv God hath ft. thee. 12:7; 15:14; 16:10 7:14 shall be ft. above all people 2S:3 6. Shalt thou be iu city. ft. 4 ft. be fruit of bodv. 5 baslvct a3:13 of Joseph he said. ft. of L. Jos. 17:14 the Lord hath ft. me Jud. 13:34 Lord ft. Samson Eutk 3:10 ft. be thou mv daught. 1 Sam. 2:3:21 ft. be ve. iSamT^-.b 2Sam.Q:\\ ft. Obed-cdom, 12; 1 Chr. 1:3:14: 26:5 7:20 hou-ip of thv servant be 6. 1 Chr. 17.27 bless'est, it shall be ft. 2 Chr. 31:10 ha;h 6. his people Job 1:10 ft. the work of his hands 43:12 Lord ft. latter end of Job Ps. 21:6 hast made hira most ft. 3:3:12 b. is the nation whose (iod 37:22 as be ft. of hira shall inh. 26 Icndeth. and his seed is ft. 41:2 and he sha'll be ft. 4.5:2 therefore God hath ft. thee 89:15 ft. is the people that k:iow 112:2 gen. of upright sha'l be ft. 113:1.5 yon are ft. of the Lord 119:1 ft' are the nndcfilcd BLE Ps. 128:1 ft. is every one that fear. 4 man be ft. that fear, the L. 147:13 he hath ft. thy children Pror. 5.18 let thy fountain be ft. 10:7 memory of the just is ft. 20:7 just man"s children are ft. 21 end thereof shall not be ft. 23:9 bountiful eye shall be ft. Is. 19:35 ft. be Egypt my people 51:2 I called him alone and ft. 61:9 seed Lord hath ft. 65:2:3 Mat. 5:3 ft. poor in spirit. 5 meek 7 merciful, 8 pure in heart 9 peacemakers, 10 persecuted 1.3:16 ft. are v. eves. L'Jce 10:2:3 14:19 ft. and br. 26:26; Mark 6:41; 14:33; iufe-9:16; 24:.30 16:17 ft. art thou, S. Bar-jona 24:46 ft. is that serv. Luke 12:43 35::34 come, ye ft. of my Father Mark 10:16 in his arms" and ft. 14:61 thou Christ, son of the ft. Luke 1:28 6. among women, 42 45 6. is she that believed 6:20 ft. be ys poor 11:27 b. iswomb that bare thee 12:37 ft. are ser\-. watching. :38 14:14 thou Shalt be ft. not rec. lfl::3S 6. be the king that com. 23:29 ft. are the barren 24:50 he ft. them. 51 while he ft. Gal. 3:9 ft. with faithful Abrah. Eph. 1:3 6. us with spiritual bl. Jam. 1:25 shall be ft. in his deed Eev. 14:13 6. are the dead BLESSED, God the object. Gen. 14:30 ft. be met high God Jos. 22::}:3 children of Is.~6. God 2 Sam. 22:47 ft. be mv r. Ps. 18:46 1 Chr. 29:10 D. ft. the L. ft. be L. 20 all the cong. ft. the Lord God 2 CAr.20:-26 for there thev ft. L. Xeh. 9:5 ft. bethyglo. n. Ps. 72:19 Job 1:21 ft. be name. Ps. 113:2 Ps. 66:20 ft. be G. 63::35 ; 2 Cor. 1:3 119:12 ft. art thou. 0 Lord Ezek. 3:12 saving, 6. the glory Dan. 2:19 ft. the""G. of heaven. 20 4:;J4 Ncbuch. ft. the Most High Lv-ke 2:3S in his arms and ft. ffod .lohn 12:13 6. is the King of Is. Bom. 1:25 who is ft. for ever 9:5 over all, God ft. for ever 2 Cor. 11:31 is 6. for evermore Eph. 1:3 ft. be the F. 1 Pet. 1:3 1 Tim. 1:11 gospel of the ft. God 6:15 ft. and only Potentate BLESSED are they. Ps. 2:12 ft. a. t. that trust 84:4 ft. a. t. that dwell in thy h. 103:3 ft. a. they that keep judg. 119:2 ft. a. t. that keep histesli. Pror. 8:32 b.a.t. that keep mv w. Is. .30:13 ft. are t. that wait for h. Mat. 5:4 ft. are they that mourn 6 ft. who hunger, 10 persecuted , L^ike 11:23 rath"cr ft. hear the w. ; John 20:29 ft. have not seen j Pom. 4:7 ft. are they whose iniq. liit. 19:19 ft. called to mar. sup. 22:14 ft. a. t. do his command. BLESSED are ye. Is. .32:20 6. a. ye sow beside w. Mat. 5:11 ft. when m. shall revile Lvke 6:21 ft. are ye that hunger, be filled ; ft. a. ye that weep 22 ft. a. ye when men shall hate BLES TIED is he. Xum. 24:9 ft. is he that blesseth Ps. .32:1 ft. is he who trausg. 41:1 ft. j« he that consldercth p. Dan. 12:12 ft. is he that waiteth Mat. 11:6 ft. f.sfte whoso, shall not be offended. Luke 7:23 21:9 ft. is he that cometh In the name of the Lord, 23:39: J/f(rfcll:9; irfe 13:;35 Lrike 14:15 ft. shall eat bread Per. 1:3 ft. t? he that readcth 16:15 6. U he that watcheth 20:6 6. that hath part in first res. 22:7 6. keepeth sayings BLESSED is the man. Ps. 1:1 ft. i^• the m. that walk, not 32:2 ft. i-: tJie m. to whom the L. impu. not iniquity. Pom. 4:8 34:8 ft. is the m. trusteth in him, 84:12; Jtr. 17:7 40:4 ft. m. that maketh Lord 65:4 ft. i.>' t. in. whom thou ch. 84:5 ft. m. whose str. is in thee 94:12 ft. i-< m. whom thou chast. 112:1 ft. is th. ra. that feareth L. Prav. 8::}1 ft. m. that heareth me h. 56:3 ft. is //'. m. that dooth this Jam. 1:12ft. that end. temptation BLI BLESSED\ESS. Pom. 4:6 as D. describelh the 6. 9 Cometh this ft. on cir. only Gal. 4:15 the ft. ye spake of BLESSEST. Xum. 22:6 whom thou ft. is bl. : 1 Chr. 17:37 thou ft. O Lord Ps. 65:10 tuou ft. the springing i BLESSETH. ^ j Gen. 27:29 that ft. thee, A '/TO. 24:9 Devi. 15:6 ft. thee as he promised Ps. 10:3 ft. covetous ' 107::38 he ft. they are multiplied Prov. .3::33 ft. habita. of the just 27:14 ft. his friend with a loud Is. 65:16 ft. himself in the earth I BLESSIXG, Substantive. ' Gen. 13:2 thou shalt be a ft. I 22:17 in ft. I wUl bl. UeJ). 6:14 27:12 a curse on me. not a ft. ' 35 thy brother taken thy ft. i .38 but one ft. my father ? ^:4 give thee ft. of Abraham ; .3:3:11 my ft. that is brought i .39:5 ft. was on all he had I 49:28 ev. one ac. to his ft. he bl. Ex. 32:29 bestow on you a ft. Lev. 25:21 I com. mv ft. on von Deut. 11:26 before you a ft. 30:19 27 a ft. if ye obey the com. I 29 shalt put the ft. on Gerizim 12:15 ac. to ft. of the L. 16:17 23:5 turned the curse into a ft. 28:8 com. a ft. on storehouse 3:3:1 ft. wherewith Moses bl. 7 16 let theft, come upon .Joseph 23 Xaphtali full with the ft. ■los. 15:19 g. me a ft. Jud. 1:15 1 Sam. 25:27 this ft. thv handm. 2 Sain. 7:29 thy ft. let the house 2 K. 5:15 take a ft. of thy serv. Xeh. 9:5 exalted above all 6. 13:2 God turned curse into a ft. ■Idb 29:13 ft. of him ready to per. Ps. 3:8 thy ft. Is on thy people 24:5 shall receive ft. from Lord 100:17 he delighteth not in ft. 123:8 ft. of the L. be upon you 1:33:3 L. comm. the ft. even life Prov. 10:22 ft. of L. maketh rich 11:11 by the ft. of the upright 25 a ft. on him that selleth it 24:23 a srood ft. on them Is. 19:24 a ft. in midst of the 1. 44:3 my ft. on thy offspring 65:8 dcstrov it not, a ft. is"'in it Ezek. 34:26' about my hill a ft. there shall be showers of ft. 44:.30 ft. to rest in thy house ■loel 2:14 leave a ft. behind him Zee. 8:13 and ye shall be a ft. Mai. 3:10 and pour you out a ft. Luke 24:53 in the temple ft. God Pom. 15:29 fulness of the ft. 1 Cor. 10:16 the cap of ft. we bless . 6. to thy people's ch. 1 Sam. 19:5 sin asainst in. ft. 1 K. 2:31 take away in. ft. 2 K. 21:10 Man. shed in. ft. 24:4 Ps. 94:21 they condemn in. ft. 100:38 in. b. even ft. of sons PrmK 6:17hateth hands sh, in. b. fs. 59:7 haste to shed in. ft. Jcr. 7:6 shed not innocent ft. 22:17 are to shed innocent b. 26:15 shall surely bring inno. b. JoelZ:W bee. they shed inno. ft. ■fon. l:14L.]aynot onustnno. ft. Mat. 27:4 I betrayed innocent ft. Shed BLOOD. Gen. 9:6 m's ft. by m. h. ft. be s. 37:22 Keuheii said, shed no 6. Lev. 17:4 shed ft. shall be cut off Xnm. 35:.33 cl. of ft. s. but by ft. Dent. 21:7 hands not shed tliisft. 1 K. 2:5 shed ft. of war in peace 1 Chr. 22:8 shM b. much ft. 28:3 Ps. 79:3 their ft. .ihed like water 10 reveng. ft. of thy servants sh . Prcm. 1:16 h. to shed ft. liom.Z-.Vi T,fim. 4:13 shed the ft. of the iust Kzelc. 16:38 women thats. ft. 23:45 22:4 guilty in ft. th. hast shed, 6 33:25 ve s. 6. and shall ye pos. 36:18 for the ft. «ft(!rf Mat. 2:!:;35 the rigliteous ft. s. Mark 14:24 this is my 6. which is shed, Lvke 22:20 Lvke IV.Ta ft. of all the proph. s. .icts 22:20 when ft. of S. was s. Pev. 10:6 s. the ft. of the saints Sprinkle BLOOD. Ex. 29:20 sprinkle ft. on altar. Lev. 1:5, 11; 3:2,8, 13; 7:2; 17:6; A'um. 18:17 BLOOD Hprinkled. Ex. 24:8 M. sp. ft. on the people /*. 63:3 their ft. shall be sprinkled on mv garment Jfeb. 9:21 he sp. with ft. AVilh BLOOD. Ec. .30:10 A. make atone, vlth ft. LeiK 19:26 not eat any th. ir/lh ft. I A'. 2:9 bring thou down irith b. I's. ]06:38,laiid waspol. w)th ft. Is. .34:6 sword of L. filled with ft. 7 land shall be soaked nnlh It. 49:26 drunken »'i/ft llieirowii ft. .'■,9:3 hands are defiled with ft. ■hr. 19:4 this place?/', ft. of iiinoc. 46:10 drunk with their ft. J.am. 4:14 pol. thems. with ft. /*rf-. 38:22 [ilead ag. him vithb. Ifns. 6:8 (lilead iiolluted with ft. .;/;-•. :): 10 build up /.loii vitli ft. //((ft. 2:12 Innld, a town vilh ft. (!al. 1:16 I coiirerrcd not irllli ft. /Aft. 9:22 tlie law ))iirgc(l vilh ft. /,'((', 8:7 (Ire. niini'Icd o'ilh ft, 17:6 the woman driiuken /('. ft, l!LOOD.(;rDI,TI\KSS. Ps. T)!:! I deliver nu' tiMin b.-cj. r.L,<-. 34:2 shall make her ft. Uon>.'i.:\~ iiiakesi tliv ft, ofdod at makest Ihy ft. of the law no VST, Veil.. 1 K. 20- II not ft, as he 2 Chr. 25:19 liltelh thee up toft, Ps. 44-8 in (!o(l we ft. all the day 49:6 ft. themselves 91:1 workers of Iniqiiltv ft, 97:7 ciiiifoundeil Unit ft, of idols /Vol'. 27:1 ft, not oftonmrrow Is. 10:15 shall tbea.veft, itself (il:6 III tlii'lr '.'lory shall yiui ft. l!on^. 11:18 ft. not iig, branches BOD 2 Cor. 9:2 I ft, to them of Maced. 10:13 ft. without our measure 16 to ft. in another man's line 11:16 receive me that I may ft. Eph. 2;9 of works, lest any 6. BOASTED. Ezek. 3.5:13 with mouth ye h. ft. 2 Cor. 7:14 if I have ft. any thing BOASTERS. Rom. 1:.30 ft. inventors of evil th. 2 Tim. 3.2 covetous, ft. proud BOASTEST, ETH. P.S-. 10:3 wicked ft. of his heart's 52:1 whv ft. tlivself in mischief Proi). 20:14 then heft. 25:14 whoso ft. of a false gift Jam. 3:5 tongue 6. great things BOASTING, Participle. .\cts 5:-3H Theudas ft. himself 2 Cor. 10:15 not ft. without meas. BOASTI\G, Substantive. R07n. 3:27 where is ft. then ? 2 Cor. 7:14 our ft. before Titus 8:"24 show ye the proof of our ft. 9:3 lest our 6. of you be in vain 4 in this same confident ft. 11:10 no man stoji me of this 6. 17 in this confidence of ft. Jam. 4:16 ye rejoice iu your ft. BOAT, S. ■John 6:22 no other ft. there, Jesus went not into the ft. 23 came other ft. from Tiberias Acis'Tl:\% work to come bv theft. 30 they had let down the ft. 32 cut ofl' tin* ropes of the ft. BOAZ. 1 K. 7:21: 2 Chr. .3:17; Ruthl-.X^V^. 3:2:4:1; i(/.3::32 BOCHIM. Jud. 2:1 angel came up to B. 5 BODV, Ex. 24:10 as the 6. of heaven 1 Sam. 31:12 ft. of S. 1 Clir. 10:12 Job 19:17 child. 's sake of my ft. 26 worms destroy ft. 20:25 and cometh out of the 6. Prov. 5:11 flesh and ft. are cons. Is. 10:18 consume soul and ft. 51;2;j hast laid thy ft, as ground Ezek. 10:12 whole ft. full of eyes Dan. 7:15 in midst of my ft. Mat. 5:29 ft. be cast into hell, 30 6:22 light of ft. LukeXV:.\\\ ft. fullof light, Luke 1I:.34, :16 23 ft. shall be full of darkness 25 thought for ft. Luke 12:22 10:28 kill theft, Luke 12:4 14:12 John's diseii). took the ft. 26:12 this oinlineiit on my ft, 26 this is mv ft, .l/rtrA' "l4:22; 7,«^v 22:19; 1 Cor. 11:24 27:.58 Joseiih bcirged the ft. of J. Mark 15:43 : Lvke 2:1:52 Mark ,5:29 she felt in her ft. 14:8 aforehand to anoint my ft. 51 linen cloth cast about his ft. 1.5:45 P. gave the ft. Mat. 27:.58 Luke 12:2:1 ft. mori' than rainu'iit ]7::37ft. is. thither the eagles 2l::i found not theft. oW.ord John 20:12 ft. of Jesus bad lain Rom. 6:6 ft. of sin he destroved 7:4 dead to the law bv ft, oft'. 21 from the ft. of this death 8:10 ft. is dead because of sin i:) Spirit mortify deeds of ft. 23 the redemption of our ft. 1 (■(,/'. 6:13 ft. is not for fornica- tion, but for 1,. and I,. I'orft. 18 every sin is without the ft. 6:19 your ft, is the temple 7: 1 no jiower ov<'r her own 6, 9:27 1 keep under mv ft and 10:16 conimiinion of'tbeft of C. II 27 guilty of the ft, and blood 29 not discerning the l.oi'd'sft. 1211 theft, is not one member 15 therefore not of the ft. r Hi 17 if whole ft, « ere an eve 19 wh, were the ft,.' 20 one ft. 27 now ye are the ft. ofChrivl l:!:l 1 give mv ft, to be burned l.'.::!5 w. what ft. do dead eoiiief 37 sowest not that ft, that shall 38 (iod givelh a ft. as it hiilh 41 sown a iial. ft raised spir, ft. 2 Cnr. 5:8 to lie absent IVoni ft. Fph. :l:6 bell--' of the saiiu' ft, I 12 the .'ililvliig otft, of CliriHt 16 from whom llu' whole ft, 5-21 he Is I lie .Saviour of the ft. I'hd. .'121 sliiill ehaiiL'e Nile ft. Col. 1:18 head of the ft. the eh. 2:11 ill pill I In:: oil the ''. ofHliut 774 CRUDEIS^'S COXCORDAXCE. BOI I Col. 2:17 shadow, the b. is of Ch. • 19 from which the 6. by joiuts , 23 a show of wisdom in neg. b. 1 1 Thes. 5:23 yotir soul and b. ' Seb. 10:5 a ft.hast thou prepared i 10 offering of the b. ot Jesus Jam. 2:16 things needful to 6. 26 the b. without the spirit • 3:2 to bridle the whole b. 3 we turn about their whole b. 6 tonsue defileth the whole 6. Jude 9 disputed about b. of II. Dead BODY. Kvm. 19:11 d. b. nnclean. 16 2 K. 8:5 he had restored d. b. Is. 26:19 my d. b. sh. they arise Jer. 26:23 cast his d. b. into gra. 36:30 dead b. shall be cast out Frait of the BODY. SeJ/t. 28:4 blessed be /. o/thij b. 18 cui-sed shall be fi: of thy b. 53 Shalt e-at the fr' of thy b. A". l:32:li/. b. will I set on thy Mic. 6:7/. of mj b. for sin of soul His BODY. 1 Sam.. 31:10 fast, his b. to -n-all 1)011.4:32 his b. wet w. dew, 5:21 7:11 beast was slain, and hi? b. 10:6 ?iis b. was like the beryl iiffe 2:3:55 b. how his b. was laid 24:23 they found not his b. John 2:21 temple oiM-s b. Acts 19:12 from his b. were br. Eom,. 4:19 con. not h. h. now d. 1 Cor. 6:18 sinneth against hUb. 7:4 power of h Is own 6. 2 Cor. 5:10 things done in Ms b. Epli. 1:23 whiclTis his b. fulness PhU. 3:21 like ?ils glorious b. Col. 1:24 for his b. sake 1 Pet. 2:24 bare our sins in Ms b. In BODY. Lam. 4:7 i« 6. than rubies Horn. 6:12 i«. your mortal 6. 1 Cor. 5:3 I verilv as absent in b. 6:20 glorify God in your b. 7:34 that she may be holy in b. 12:18 members every one in b. 25 no schism in the b. 2 Cor. 4:10 in b. the dy. of theL. : that life be manif. in our b. 5:6 whilst we are at home in b. 12:2 whether ift b. or out of J. Gal. 6:17 I bear i» b. the marks jP/ii/. 1:30 be masnificd in mv S. Col. 1:22 i« 6. ofltis flesh ffeb. 13:3 being yours, in the ft. One BODY. Horn. 12:4 members in o«« b. 5 are on« 6. in C. 1 fV)/'. 10:17 1 Co/'. 6:16 joined to a h.iso/ied. 12:12 as the b. is one, and hath 13 we are baptized into o/ie b. 20 many members, yet one b. Eph. 2:16"rec. both toG. Sxioneb. 44 there is one b. and one S. Col. 3:15 also called in one b. BODIES. Job 13:12 your b. like 6. of clay Ezek. 1:11 wings covered 6. 2:3 Dan.%:^ on i.'tire had no power Mat. 2T:.)2 b. of saints arose John 19:31 h. should not remain Pom. 1:24 dishonor their own b. 8:11 quicken your mortal b. 12:1 your 6. a U\-ing sacriflce 1 Cor. 6:15 your b. members 15:40 celestial b. and b. Epti.. 5:28 love wives as own b. Beb. 10:22 b. washed with pure 13:11 b. of beasts, whose blood Dead BODIES. 2 Chr. 20:24 were d. b. fallen Ps. 79:2 d. b. of thy senauts 110:6 fill places with d. b. Jer. 31:40 valkv ot dead b. 33:5 to fill them with d. b. 34:20 d. b. shall be for meat 41:9 Ishm. cast dead b. of men Amo.'< 8:3 d. b. in everv pl.ice Bev. 11:8 dead b. in the street 9 their dead b. three days and a half, nor suffer d. b.' BODILY. Lrilce 3:^2 desc. in a b. shape 2 Cor. 10:10 b. presence is weak Col. 2:9 fulness of the Godh. b. 1 Tim. 4:8 b. exer. profiteth little BOIL, S, Substantive. E-V. 9:10 it became a b. 2 K. 20:7 figs on b. Is. 38:21 Job 2:7 Satan smote Job with b. BOIL. job 41:31 the deep to b. like a pot BOX /<.-. 64:2 fire causeth waters to b. Ezek. 24:5 make it b. well, 46.20 BOILED. 1 K. 19:21 yoke of oxen and b. 2 K. 6:29 so we 6. my sou ■Job 30:27 my bowels" 6. BoisTERors. Hat. 14:30 he saw the wind b. BOLD. Pror. 28:1 riirht. are b. as a lion Acts 13:46 P^and Bar. waxed b. Eom. 10:20 tsaias is very b. 2 Cor. 10:1 bein? absent, am b. 2 wherewith Tthink to be b. 11:21 any is b. I am b. also PhU. 1:14' are much more b. 1 77(ftt. 2:2 we were b. in oitr G. Phile. 8 I might be much 6. in C. BOLDLY. ilarlc 15:43 Joseph went in 6. ■Johii 7:26 he speakethd. Acts 9:27 preached b. at Dam. 29 he spake b. in name of L. J. 14:3 abode they, speaking b. 18:26 Apollos began to speak b. 19:8 spake b. forlhree months Pom. 15:35 written more b. Eph. 6:19 open my month b. 20 I may speak b. as I ought Heb. 4:16 b. to the thr. of grace 13:6 b. say. Lord is my helper BOLD^TESS. Ec. 8:1 b. of his face be changed Acts 4:13 b. of Peter and John 29 with all b. they may speak 31 spake word of God with b. 2 Cor. 7:4 great is mj" b. of speech Eph. 3:12 we have 6. and access Ph il. 1:20 with all b. as always 1 Tim. 3:13 thev purchase D, Adjective. 4 Cor. 12:13 one body, b. or free See FEEE. BO\D. Ezek. 20:37 bring you into b. Luke 13:16 from"his b. on sab. Acts 8:23 art in the b. of iniquity £>jA. 4:3 Spirit, in 6. of peace Col. 3:14 charity, b. of perfect. BO\DS. ■Tob 12:13 looseth the b. of kings P.'t. 116:16 hast loosed my b. Jer. 5:5 the yoke, and burst thei. 27:2 make thee b. and yokes 30:8 his voke. and burst thv b. yah. 1:1:3' I will burst thv 6^ Acts 20:23 that b. and aff. abide 2:3:29 wor. of death or b. 26:31 25:14 a certain man left in b. 26:29 as I am, except these b. Eph. 6:20 am an ambassa. in b. PItil. 1:7 in 6. ye are all partak. 13 so my b. in C. are manifest 14 waxiug confident b.v my b. 16 to add affliction to my 6. Col. 4:3 in b.: 18 rem. my b. 2 7'!»i.2:9 suffer trouble even to 6. Phile. 10 begotten in my b. 13 in the o. of the gospel //-6. 10:34 compassion of me in*. 11:36 others had trial of 6. and 13:3 rem. them in b. as bound BO\D.4.GE. E-x. 1:14 bitter with hard b. 2:23 Israel sighed b.v reason of J. 13:14 Lord brought "us out of the house of 6. 20:2; Deut.o.fi; 6:12; 8:14; 13:5, 10; Jos. %i:\l:J>id. 6:3 Dent. 26:6 E. laid on ns hard b. Xeh. 9:17 captain to return to b. />'. 14:3 rest from thy hard b. Pom. 8:15 received spirit of b. 21 from 6. of corruption G(d. 4:24 which gendcreth to b. 5:1 not entangled with y. of 6. Heb. 2:15 lifetime subject to b. In, into, or under BOXDAGE. Ezr. 9:8 revi\-ing in our b. 9 God hath not fors. us in b. John 8:23 never in b. to any Acts 7:6 bring them ii'to b'. 7 to whom they shall be in b. 1 Cor. 7:15 is not vnderb. 2 Cor.ll :20 man bring you inwb. Gal. 2:4 might bring us into b. 4:3 in b. under thedements U ye desire to be in b. BOX GaI.i:2o answ. to J. which is in 6. 2 Pet. 2:19 is he'brouijht into b. BO.\D.>IAlb. Gal. 4:22 one by a b. the other BOXDJIAX. Pent. 15:15 wast a 6. in Earvpt, L. red. thee. 16:12: 24:18^ 22 Pev. 6:15 every 6. hid themselves BOXD.MEX. Lev. 25:44 b. shall ve be of the h. Le'it. 28:68 ye sh. 'be sold for b. 2 K. 4:1 mv two sons to be b. 2 Chr. 28:10 children of J. for b. Ezr. 9;9 we were b. yet God Est. 7:4 had been sold for b. Jer. 34:13 out of the house of 6. BOXDSERVICE. 1 K. 9:21 a tribute of b. BOXDWO>IAX. (fen. 21:10 cast out this J., and her son. Gal. 4:30 13 son of b. will I make a nat. ea/. 4:2:3 son of 6. bom 31 are not children of the b. BONDWOIIEX. &eB0XD3EE>-. BO\E. Gen. 2:23 this is b. of my bones 29:14 art my b. and my flesh Ex. 12:46 neither shall ye break ad. Xvm. 9:12 2 Sam. 5:1 are thy b. 1 Chr. 11:1 Job 2:5 touch his b. and flesh i 19:20 my b. cleav. to my skin 31:22 my arm be bro. from the 6. \Pjvv 25:15 tongue break, the J. Ezek. 37:7 together, b. to his b. ■John 19:36 a b. of Mm sh. n. be b. BOXES. K-c. 13:19 31. took *. of Joseph ■Jos. 24:32 b. of Joseph buried 2 Sam. 21:12 took 6. of Sanl 1 K. 13:2 men's *. shall be bttmt ■2K. 13:21 touched b. of Elisha 23:20 burnt men"s b. 2 Clir. 34:5 burnt 6. of the priests ■Job 10:11 hast fenced me with b. Ps. 51:8 b. thou hast broken 53:5 G. scattereth the b. of him 141:7 b. are scat, at grave's m. Prov. 3:8 marrow to thv b. 14:30 the rottenness of the b. 15:30 good report maketh b. fat 16:24 pleas, words health to b. 17:22 broken spirit drieth the 6. Ec. 11:5 how the b. do arow Is. 58:11 shall make fat'thy b. 66:14 your ft. shall flourish ■/er. 8:1 ft. of the kings, priests, prophets, inhabitants Ezek. 6:5 scat, your 6. about 24:4 choice ft. ? 5 bum ft. 10 37:1 valley full of ft. ,• 3 ft. live? 4 prophesy and say. O ye dry J. 11 ft. are house of Isr. bur ft", Amos 6:10 to bring out the ft. Zep. 3:3 they gnaw not the ft. Mat. 23:27 full' of dead men's ft. Luke 24:39 a spirit hath not ft. I His BOXES. I I K. 13:31 lay my ft. beside hisb. 2 K. 2:3:18 no man move his ft. .fob 20:n his b. are full I 21:'24 Ai.:! ft. moistened 33:19 his ft. with strong pain 21 and his ft. stick out I 40:1^ his b. as br. his ft. as Iron Ps. 34:20 he keepeth all his ft. 109:18 come like oil into his ft. Pmr. 12:4 rottenness in his 6. Enh. 5:30 members of his ft. i/eft. 11:22 com. concern, his b. Mv BOXES. Gen. 50:25 u"p ?ny ft. £r. 13:19 2 Sarn. 19:12 are wy ft. and flesh 1 A'. 13:31 my ft. beside his ft. .7oft 4:14 made all my ft. to shake 30:17 tny ft. are pierced in me 30 and my ft. burnt with heat Ps. 6:2 heal me, my ft. are vexed 22:14 all my ft. are out of joint 17 I may tell aU my ft. 31:10 my b. are consumed 32:3 my ft. waxed old 33:10 my ft. shall say. Lord 38:3 neither any rest in my ft. 42:10 as with a sword in my ft. 102:3 my ft. are burnt as a hearth 5 my b. cleave to my skin Is. 38:13 will he break all my ft. Jer. 20:9 a burning fire in ?ny b. 23:9 all my ft. shake Lam. 1:13 sent fire into my ft. 3:4 he hath broken my ft. I .Haft. 3:16 entered into my 6. BOO Their BOXES. X'lm. 24:8 Is. shall hreii^ their b. 1 .^am. 31:13 their b. buried them Lam. 4:8 skin cleaveth to theirb. Ezek. 32:27 iniquity on their b. Dan. 6:24 lions brake all theirb. Mic. 3:2 flesh from their ft. BOXXETS. Is. 3:-30 L wiU take away the b. Ezek. 44:18 shall have linen ft. BOOK. Ex. 17' 14 memorial in a b. 32:32 blot me out of thy ft. 33 will I blot out of my ft. Xum. 2114 ft. of the wars Deut. 17:18 of this law in a ft. ■las. 10:13 ft. of J. -2 Sam. 1:18 1 Sam. 10:25 S. wrote it in a ft. 1 K. 11:41 ft. of acts of Solomon 2 K. 22:8 Hilk. gave ft. to Shap. ■23:24 perform words in ft. Ezr. 4:15 s. may be made in 6. Seh. S:5 Ezra opened the ft. Job 19:"23 they were prin. in a ft. 31:35 adver.'had wntten a ft. Ps. 40:7 vol. of the ft. Sed. 10:7 56:8 are thev not in thy 6. .? 69:28 blotted out of ft. 1-39: 16 in thy 6. all my members Is. -29:11 as words of a' ft. sealed 12 ft. is deliv. to him not Icam. 18 shaU hear words of the 6. 30:8 now go and note it in a ft. 34:16 seek ye cut of the ft. of L. Jer. 30:2 write the words in a 5. 38:2 roll of a ft. ,■ 10 read in ft. 451 words in a ft. from Jerem. Ezek. 2:9 roll of a ft. was therein Dan. 12:1 ev. one writ, in the ft. 4 O Daniel, seal the ft. Xah. 1:1 ft. of vision of Nahnm Mai. 3:16 a ft. of remembrance Mat. 1:1 ft. of the gen. of Jesus Lu7:e 3:4 WTitten in the ft. of E. 4:17 deliv. to J. theft, of Esaias, when he opened the ft. 20 he closed the ft. and gave it 20:42 in ft. of Psalms. Act." 1:20 Acts 7:42 in ft. of the prophets Heb. 9:19 sprinkled the ft. and Pev. 1:11 write in a ft. 5:1 a ft. '.vritten within, on the 2 is worthy to open the ft. 3 10:2 in his hand a little ft. open 9 little ft. ; 10 I took the ft. 20:12 ft. was opened, ft. oflife 22:19 if any take from w. of ft. See COTENAXT. BOOH of the Law. Deut. 31:-26 ft. ot'l. put it in ark ■Ms. 1:8 ft. or" to'io shall not depart 2 K. '22:8 I "have found ft. of law Seh. 8:8 read in the ft. of law Gal. 3:10 in ft. ofl. to do them BOOH of Life. PhU. 4:3 writ, in the ft. oflife Pev. 3:5 name out of ft. ofl. 13:8 not wTit. in ft. oflife. 17:8 20:12 an. ft. opened, ft. oflife 15 not written in ft. oj life 21:27 written in L.'s 6. oj life 22:19 part out of the ft. ofbfe BOOH of Moses. 2 Chr. 25:4 as in ft. of M. 35:12: Ezr. 6:18 Xek. 1:3:1 read in the ft. ofM. Mark 12:26 ye not read in b. Tliis BOOH. DeJit. 2S:58 it t. ft. 2 Chr. 34:21 2 A'. 22:13 to the words of/, ft. 23:3 perf. the words in tltls b. Jer. 25:13 all that is in this ft. 51:63 an end of reading this ft. John 20:;3O not \vritten in this ft. Pev. "22:9 keep the say. of this b. 10 the sa.vings of this b. 18 plagues iii this ft. 19 things in this ft. BOOKS. Ec. 12:12 of making b. Dan. 7:10 ft. were op. Per. 20:12 .John 21:'25 could not cont. the ft. Acts 19:19 their 6. and bm-ned 2 Tim. 4:13 bring the ft. espec. Pev. 20:12 out of things in ft. BOOTH. Job 27:18 as a ft. the keeper .Ion. 4:5 Jonah made him a ft. BOOTHS. Gen. 33:17 and Jacob made ft. Lev. 23:42 dwell in ft. seven days 43 I made Is. dwell in ft. Xeh. 8:14 Isr. should dwell in ft. CRUDEN'S CO^^CORDANCE. 775 BOR BOOTY, lES. Jer. 49:32 camels shall be a h. Hub. 2:7 be for b. unto them Zep. 1:13 goods shall bee. a b. BORDER. Ex. 19:12 touth b. of mount Uetit. 12:20 w. L. enlarge thy b. 1 K. 4.21 Solomon reigned unto b. of Egypt, 2 Chr. 9:26 Pi). 78:54 b. of liis sanctuary Prov. 15:25 estalilish b. of widow Js. Ta'iA the height of his *. Jer. 31:17 chil. ajjain to their 5. Joel 3:6 remove tlieni from b. Amos 1:13 enlarge their b. 6:2 their b. great, than your b. Ob. 7 even to the b. Zep. 2:8 magnified ag. their b. Mai. 1:4 the b. of wickedness 5 L. will be mag. fr. b. of Isr. Mark 6:.50 if it were but b. Luke 8:44 touched b. of garment See EAST, SOUTH. BORBER, Verb. Zee. 9:2 II. shall 6. tliereby BORDERS. Ex. 16:35 come to b. Canaan 34:24 I will enlarge thy b. 2 K. 19:23 enter lodg. of his S. Ps. 74:17 set the b. of the earth 147:14 malceth peace In thy b. Cant. 1:11 will make 6. of gold Is. 54:12 b. of pleasant stones Jer. 15:13 thy sins in all thy b. Ezek. 45:1 be holy in all the b. ilic. 5:6 treadeth within our b. Mat. 4:13 in the b. of Zehulim 2:3:5 enlarge b. of their garments BORE. Ex. 21:6 master shall b. his ear Job 41:2 6. his jaw with thont? BORIV, /»/■ bro'ight forth. Gen. 17:17 6. him 100 yrs. old, 21:5 Ex. 1:22 every son b. into river Lev. 19:34 as one b. among yum. 15:29 one law for him b. Jos. 8:33 the stranger as he b. Jud. 13:8 child I hat shall be b. 'iSam. 12:14 tlie child b. shall die 1 K. 13:2 a child shall be b. to the house of David 1 Chr. 22:9 son shall heft, to thee Job 3:3 day perish wh. I -was b. 5:7 yet man is i. to trouble 11:12 b. like a wild ass's colt a.5:7 first man that was b. f 38:21 bee. tliou wast then b. ? Ps. 22:31 people that shall be b. .'j8:3 as soon as they be b. 78:6 cliildren that should be ft. 87:4 ft. there, 0; 5 that man 6. Pron. 17:17 a brother is ft. Ec. 3:2 a time to ))e 6. 4:14 ft. in his kingdom /■.■. 9:6 unto us a child is ft. 66:8 shall a nat. be ft. at once? Jn: 16:3 com. sons and daugh. ft. 20:14 cursed be day 1 was 3. 22:26 where not ft. shall ye die Ezek, 16:4 the day thou wast ft. Ti loath, of thy person in day ft. Mat. 2:2 is ft. king of the Jews 4 where Christ should be ft. 19:12 some eunuchs \\m- so ft. 26:24 good if not ft. Mark 14:21 Luke ]:.i5 thing ll)at shall be ft. 2:11 Ut you is ft. this day Jiili.n 3: t lie ft. wlien he is old? 5 exccpl a man l)e ft. of water 6 ft. of llesh is llesh, that ft. 8 so is every oiU! ft. of llie Sp. 8:11 we he not ft. of fornication 9:2 did sin, that he was ft. blind ."J4 wast altogether ft. in sins 16:21 for joy that a man is ft. 18:37 to tlilH end was I ft. Acts 2:8 wliereiii we were ft. 7:20 which time Moses was ft, 22:3 ft. in 'I'.- 28 I was lice ft. Jiom. 9:11 chil. being nol yet ft. 1 (.'or. \W.Hb. on I of due tiine Oal. 4:23 ft. aflcr Ihe llesh. 29 JM). 11:23 by failli M. wlicn ft. 1 J'c.t. 2:2 as new ft, 1)m1)cs desire 1 John 2:29 rlglilc. is ft. of him liev. 12:4 dev. child as soon us ft. BOB\ DKnln. Jolin 3:3 e.\cept a man ho 6. a. 6 7 ye nnihl he ft. iifiiiiii 1 I'rt. 1:2.3 ft. ((. not of corruptible (SV« PIllSTllOliN, WITNKHS. BORK or(ii>il. .lohn 1:1;! ft. n. of blood, l>ut«/' (!. 1 .A/A/t 3:9 6. (jf' God mil coin'. mIu EOT 1 ,Tohn 4:7 one that lov. ft. o/" &'. 5:1 Jesus is Christ is ft. of God 4 whatsoever is ft. o/ 6^o19 ft. image of the e. BORNE, endured. Job 34::31 I have ft. ch.istisement Ps. 55:12 then I could have ft. 69:7 thy sake I have ft. reproach Is. 53:4 surely he hath ft. griefs Lam. 3:28 hath ft. it upon him 5:7 we h.ave ft. their iniquities Ezek. 16:58 hast ft. thy lewd. :32:24 ft. shame, 36:6; 39:26 Mat. 20:12 ft. burden and heat 2:3:4 griov. to be ft. Luke 11:46 Bev. 2:3 hast ft. and hast patience BORROW. Ex. .3:22 ev. wom. shall 6. 11:2 22:14 if a man ft. aught Jkut. 15:6 Shalt not ft. 28:12 2 A'. 4:3 E. said. Go ft. vessels Mat. *:42 him that \\'0uld ft. BORROWED. Ex. 12:35 ft. of Egyptians 2 K. 6:5 master, for it was ft. BORROWER. Prov. 22:7 ft. is servant to lender Is. 24:2 with lender, so with 6. BORROWETH. Ps. 37:21 ft. and payoth n.ot BOSOM. Gen. 16:5 my maid into thy 6. Ex. 4:6 put hand into thy ft. 7 Num. 11:12 carry th. in thy ft. Ruth 4:16 Naomi laid it in her 6. iSam. 12:3 and lay in his ft, 8 master's wives into thy ft. 1 A'. 1:2 let her lie in thy ft. 3:20 laid it in her ft. and laid her dead child in mv ft. 17:19 E. look him out of her 6. ./oft 31::33 iiiding iniq. in my ft. J's. 35:13 returned to my ft. 71:11 thy right hand out of ft. 79:12 sevenfold into their ft. 89:.50 I do b(^ar in my ft. 129:7 bindeth sheaves, his ft. Prov. 5:20 emb. ft. of stranger? 6:27 man take (ire in his ft. / 17:23 a gift out of tlu'ft. 19:21 his liimd in ft, 2(i:15 21:14 a reward in the ft. A'r. 7:9 restctli in ft. of fools Is. 40:11 the lambs in his ft. 6.'):() recompense into their ft. 7 former work into their ft, ./(T, .32:18 ini(|, of fathers into ft. Lam. 2:12 soul into mother's ft. .Uir. 7:5 lieth in thy ft. A'//.y' 6::!8 good m, into your ft. 16:22 liy angel's into Ah.'s ft. 23 .'\bnih, and I. a/, i]i Ills ft, Jv/in 1:18 theft, of the Kalher l:i:23 leaning on .lesus' ft. BOSKKK. Job 1C:2« thick ft, of his bucklers BOT<'ll. Deut. 28:87 sniiti' with Ihe ft. :I5 Btn'i'i.ic. Gin. 21:11 ft. of water gavi' It II. 15 w. spent in ft. ,• 19 lllli'il ft. ./»-/. 4:19 opened aft, of milk I ,S'f;//(, 1:21 II. look ft, of wliui 1U:3 another eurj-yhig ft. of w. BOU 1 Sam. 16:20 Jesse took aft. of w. Pif. 56:8 my tears into thy ft. 119:a3 like a ft. in the smoke Jer. 13:12 every ft. tilled with w. 19:1 a potter's ft. ,■ 10 break ft. //aft. 2:15 puttest thy ft. to him BOTTLES. Jos. 9:4 Gibeonites took ■wine ft. 13 these ft. of wine were new Job 32:19 to burst like new 6. 38:37 can stay ft. of heaven ? Hos. 7:5 sick with ft. of wine Mat. 9:17 new wine into old ft. else ft. break, Mark 2:22; Luke 5:.37, 38 BOTTOM. Ex. 15:5 they sank into the ft. ■lob 36::30 covereth ft. of the sea Cant. .3:10 made the ft. of gold Dan. 6:24 they came at ft. Amos 9:3 from my sight in ft. ' ■Ion. 2:6 to 6. of the mount. Zee. 1:8 myrtle-trees in ft. Mat. 27:51 veil rent from top to ft. Mark 15:38 BOTTOMLESS. Per. 9:1 to him key of the ft. pit 2 he opened ft. pit, arose smoke 11 had a king, angel of ft. pit 11:7 that ascend, oitt of ft. pit 17:8 ascend out of the ft. pit 30:1 an angel hav. key of J. pit 3 cast him into the ft. pit BOUGH. Gen. 49:22 Joseph is fruitful ft. ■lud. 9:48 Abim. cut down a ft. 49 cut down every man his ft. Is. \0::& Lord shall lop ft. 17:6 in top of uppermost ft. 9 cities be as a forsaken ft. BOUGHS. Lev. 23:40 ft. of goodly trees, ft. of Deut. 24:20 go over the ft. 2 Sam. 18:9 mule went nnder ft, .lob 14:9 brought forth ft. Ps. 80:10 ft. like goodly cedars 11 sent out her ft. to the sea Cant. 7:8 take hold of the ft. Is. 27:11 when the ft. are with. Ezek. 17:23 it shall bring forth ft. 31:3 his top among thick ft. 14 6 nests in his ft. Dan. 4:12 BOUGHT. Gen. .33:19 J. ft. field, Jo.i. 24:32 :39:1 Potiphar 6. Joseph 47:20 Joseph ft. all land of E. 23 49::30 Abr. ft. .50:13 : Acts 7:16 Lev. 27:24 of whom it was 6. Deut. 32:6 father that ft. thee ? 2,'^a!n. 12:3 ewe-lamb he had 6. 24:24 David 6. threshing-lloor 1 A'. 16:24 O. ft. hill Samaria Neh. 5:16 nor ft. we any land ■ler. .32:9 I ft. field of lianameel Ilns. 3:2 so I ft, her for fifteen p. Mat. 13:46 sold all, ft. that field 21:12 sold and ft. in the temple, 3/art- 11:15; Luke V.M6 27:7 6. with them potter's field A^fark 15:46 Josei)h ft. fine linen 16:1 ft. sweet spices to anoint Luke 14:18 have ft. a piece of gro. 19 I have ft. five yoke of oxen 17:28 drank, they ft. and sold 1 Cor. 6:20 ve are ft. 7:2:3 '2 Pet. 2:1 deny. L. that ft. them BOUND, active!!/ Gen. 22:9 ft. Isaac his son 42:24 took Simeon, and ft. him Xu/n. 30:1 had ft. her soul, 11 ./urt. 15:13 ft. Samson wjlli new 16:8wilhs; 12ropes; 21 fetters 2 A'. 5:2:! heft, two talents 17:4 he shut up lloshea and 6. 2.5:7 ft. Zedcklahwifh fetters 2rft/-. 3;!:11 ft. ManasseU .36:6 6. Jehoiakim /'(■(/('. .30: 1 ft. waters In a garm. /his. 7:15 I have ft. their arms .\fat. 14:3 II. ft. John, Murk 6:17 27:2 ft. J. .Uiirk 15:1 ; John 18:12 /.ukc 13:16 daughter S. hath ft. ,lr7,v21:ll Agabusft. his hands 22:25 as tlu'v ft. I'aul, 2!) 2:i:12ft. tliem uniler, 11:21 AV I'. 20:2 ft, S, a thousand yours BOl'M), pasKinly. Gin. !i9:'20 king's pris. are ft. •12: 19 line of v' ft. was renewed I's. 41:6 will not trust in my b. 46:9 he breaketh Ihe 6. cutleth 76:3 there brake he arrows of 6, 78:.57 aside like a di'ci'itful ft. /«. 41:2 as stubble to his 6. Jtr. 6:23 shall lav hold on ft. 49:.35 I will break the ft. of E. Lain. 2:4 bent his ft, E:li Noun- .A;'. 51:,'i6 everv one of their ft. Ezek. 39:9 they fhall burn llio b. I 776 CRUDEN-'S CONCORDANCE. BOW DOW-SHOT. Gen. 21:10 as it were a b.-s. BOW, Verb. Jos. 23:7 nor ft. yourselves to tlieir ''ods, 2 K. H:;K 2 K. 5:18 r ft. in house of Rim. Job 39:3 ft. themselves Fa. 22:29 to the dust shall ft. 72:9 iu wilder, sh. ft. before him 141:5 6. thy heavens, O Lord Prov. 5:1 ft. thine ear 14:19 evil ft. before the good Ec. 12:3 strong men shall ft. Mic. G:0 b. myself bef. high G. ? Ilab. .3:6 perpetual hills (Jid 6. Epii. 3:146. my knees to the F. BOW down. Gen. 27:29 nations ft. do^vn 37:10 mother, brethren ft. down 49:8 father's children shall ft. d. Ex. 11:8 serv. shall 6. d. to me 20:3 not ft. d. Deut. 5:9 23:24 Shalt not ft. d. to their g. Lev. 2'):1 any image to 6. d. to it Jud. 2:19 other gods to ft. d. 2 K. 5:18 ft. d. in house of Rim. 19:16 L. ft. d. thine ear, Ps. 86:1 Job 31:10 others 6. d. upon her Ps. 31:2 ft. d. th. ear, Prov. 22:17 95:6 worship and 6. down Is. 10:4 without me 6. dorwn 43:2 they stoop, they ft. dovjn 49:2:3 kings and queens sh. ft. d. 51:23 6. d. that we may go over 58:5 to ft. d. head as a bulrush ? 60:14 despised thee shall ft. d. 65: 12 all 6. d. to slaughter Bom. 11:10 ft. d. their pack BOW knee. Gen. 41:43 before him ft. the k. Is. 45:23 k. shall ft. Bam. 14:11 Eph. 3: 14 I 6. my knee to F. Pkil. 2:10 every knee shall ft. BOWED. Gen. 43:26 Jos. brethren 6. 49:15 Issachar ft. shoulder Jos. 23:16 served other gods, and ft. to them, J^id. 2:12, 17 Jud. 5:27 at her feet he ft. ISam. 19:14 David ft. 22:10 he ft. heavens, Ps. 18:9 1 K. 19:18 not ft. to B. Rom. 11:4 2 A'. 2:15 prophets ft. before E. 2 C'Ar. 7:3 ft. upon the pavement 23:29 king and all pre.sent 6. Eit. .3:5 Mordecai ft. not Mat. 27:29 6. the knee Luke 13:11 spirit of infir. and 6. BOWED down. Gen. 42:6 J. brethren ft. d. 43:28 Jud. 7:6 rest of the people ft. d. Ps. 35:14 I ft. d. heavily as one 33:6 I am ft. d. greatly, 41:25 soul is ft. d. to the dust 57:6 ray soul is ft. d. 145:14 rais. up all ft. d. 146:8 Is. 2:11 hau,E:ht. of men be 6. d. 17 lofti. ot man shall be ft. d. 21:3 was ft. d. at hearing of it Luke 24:5 and ft. d. their faces BOWED head. Gen. 43:28 they ft. their Uads Ex. 4:31 they ft. their headi and worship. 12:27 ; Neh. 8:6 34:8 Mos. made haste and 6. h. Num. 22:31 Balaam ft. his head 1 Chr. 29:20 ft. down their head 2 Chr. 20:18 Jehosh. ft. his head 29:30 praises and ft. their head John 19:30 Jesus ft. his head BOWED himself. Gen. 18:2 A. 6. Umnelf, 23:7, 12 19:1 Lot ft. himself 33:3 Jacob ft. himself 4T.31 48:12 Joseph ft. himself Jud. 16:.30 S. ft. A. with might 2 -S'ara. 24:20 A. ft. h. 1 CAr. 21:21 1 K. 1:2:3 N. ft. A. • 47 king ft. h. 43 Adonijah ft. h. to king Sol. 2: 19 Solomon 6. A. to his mother BOWETH. Jud. 7:5 that 6. on knees Is. 2:9 m. man ft. ;46:1 Bel. ft. BOWIIVG. Gen. 2<1:52 Eliezer ft. h. to earth Ps. 17:11 set their eyes, ft. dovvn 62:3 as a ft. wall shall ye be Mark 15:19 spit on him, ft. knees BOWELS. Gen. 15:4 out of own 6. thy heir 25:23 manner of people from ft. 43:30 ft. did yearn on brother 2 Sam. 7:12 which pro. out of ft. 16:11 which came forth of my ft. BRA ^Sam.. 20:10 Jo. sh. Amasa'sft. 1 K. 3:26 ft. yearned on her sou 2 CVu: 21:15 sick, by disease of ft. 21:18 smote him in ft. 19 32:21 of his own ft. slew him Job 20:14 meat in his ft. is turn. 30:27 ft. boiled, and rested not Ps. 22:14 it is melted in my 6. 71:6 out of my mother's ft. 109:18 come into his ft. Cant. 5:4 ft. were moved for him Is. 16:11 ft. sound like a harp 48:19 the offspring of thy ft.. 49:1 from ft. of my mother 63:15 sounding of thy ft. Jer. 4:19 my ft. I am pained 31:20 my ft. are troubled Lam. 1:20 ft. are troubled, 2:11 Ezek. 3:3 fill thy 6. with this roll 7;19 their souls, nor fill their ft. Aces 1:18 J. burst, and all his ft. 2 Cor. 6:12 strait, in your own ft. Phil. 1:8 in ft. of Christ 2:1 if there be any ft. Col. 3:12 put on ft. of mercies Phile. 7 ft. of saints are refreshed 12 rec. him that is my own ft. 20 refresh my ft. in the Lord 1 John 3:17 shut, up ft. of comp. BOWL. Jud. 6:38 a ft. full of water Ec. 12:6 or golden ft. be broken Zee. 4:2 candlestick with a ft. BOWLS. Amos 6:6 that drink wine in 6. Zee. 9:15 shall be filled like ft. 14:20 the pots shall be like ft. bowme:v. Jer. 4:29 for the noise of the ft. BOX. 2 K. 9:1 take this ft. of oil. 3 Mat. 26:7 alaba. ft. Mark 14:3 Mark 14:3 brake the ft. LukeT.3,7 box-tree. Is. 41:19 set in the desert h.-tree 60:13 glory of Lebanon b.-tree BOY, S. Gen. 25:27 the ft. grew Joel 3:3 given a ft. for a harlot Zee. 8:5 shall be full of ft. BOZRAH. Is. 34:6 hath a sacrifice in B. 63:1 dyed garments from B. ■ler. 48:24 jiidg. is come upon B. 48:13 B. shallbec. desolation, 22 .imos 1:12 dev. the palaces of B. Mic. 2:12 put as the sheep of B. BRACELET, S. Gen. 24:30 ft. on sister's hands .38:18 signet, ft. and staii; 25 Ex. 35:22 brought ft. Num. 31:50 2 Sam. 1:10 the ft. on his arm Is. 3:19 I will take away the ft. Ezek. 16:11 I put ft. on thy hands BRAKE. Ex. 32:19 tables out of his hands and ft. them, Deut. 9:17 ■lud. 7:19 they ft. pitchers, 20 16:9 ft. withs, 12 ft. new ropes 1 Sam. 4:18 Eli fell, his neck ft. 1 K. 19:11 a strong wind ft. in pieces the rocks 2 K. ,11:18 Baal's images ft. they 18:4 ft. images, ft. brazen serp. 23: 14 Josi. ft. images, 2 Chr. 34:4 2 Chr. 21:17 Arabians ft. into J. Job 38:8 shut sea wh. it ft. forth ? 10 ft. up for it my decreed place Ps. 76:3 there ft. he the arrows 105:16 ft. the whole staft'of bread 33 ft. trees of their coast 106:29 plague 6. in upon them 107:14 ft. their bands in sunder .ler. 28:10 yoke from Jer. ft. it 31:32 my covenant they ft. Ezek. 17:16 and covenant he ft. Dan. 2:1 sleep ft. from him 34 6:24 the lions ft. all their bones 7:7 fourth beast ft. in pieces 8:7 ram, and b. his two horns Mat. 14:19 he blessed and ft. and gave the loaves, 15:.36 ; 26:26 : J/«ri- 6:41; 8:6; 14:22; Luke 9:16; 22:19; 24:30; 1 Cor. 11:24 Mark 8:19 I ft. the five loaves 14:3 she ft. the box, and poured Luke 5:6 net ft. ; 8:29 ft.the bands John 19::32 soldiers ft. legs 33 they ft. not his legs BR.AREdown. 2 K. 10:27 ft. rfo!t)« image of Baal, 2 Chr. 2;3:17 11:18 6. down the house of Baal BRA 2 A'. 14:13 ft. downw. of J. 2 Chr. 25:23 ; 36:19 ;Jf A 39:8: 52:14 23:7 ft. d. houses of Sodomites 2 Chr. 26:6 Uzziah ft. d. wall of G. 34:4 ft. down altars of Baalim BRAREST. Ex. 34:1 first table ft. Deut. 10:2 Ps. 74:13 ft. heads of dragons, 14 Ezek. 29:7 leaned on thee, thou 6. BRAMBLE, S. Jud. 9:14 said trees to the ft. 15 let fire come out of the ft. Is. 34:13 ft. shall come up Luke 6:44 of a ft. -bush grapes BRAiVCH. Nvm. 13:23 cut a ft. Job 8:16 his ft. shooteth forth 14:7 tender ft. thereof not cease 15:32 his ft. shall not be green 18:16 shall his 6. be cut off 29:19 lay all night on my ft. Ps. 80:15 ft. thou madest strong Prov. 11:28 shall flour, as a ft. Is. 4:2 shall ft. of the L. hebean. 9:14 Lord will cut off ft. 11:1 a 6. shall grow out 14:19 cast out like abomina. ft. 17:9 cities as an uppermost 6. 19:15 work, 6. or rush may do 25:5 the ft. of terrible ones low 60:21 the ft. of my planting Jer. 23:5 to David a righteous ft. 33:15 cause ft. of righteousness Ezek. 8:17 put ft. to their nose 15:2 more than any ft. ? 17:3 took the highest ft. 22 Dan. 11:7 a ft. of her roots Zee. 3:8 forth my servant the ft. 6:13 man whose name is the ft. Mai. 4:1 it shall leave root norft. Mat. 24:.32 ft. yet t. Mark 13:28 ./ohn 15:2 every ft. that beareth 4 as ft. cannot bear fruit 6 he is cast forth as a ft. BRA^CHES. Gen. 40:12 the three ft. are three 49:22 bough, whose ft. run over Lev. 2.3:40 6. of tree, Neh. 8:15 Job 15:30 shall dry up his ft. Ps. 80:11 sent out her 6. to river 104:12 sing among the 6. Is. 16:8 Moab's 6. are stretched 17:6 four or five in outmost 6. 18:5 he shall cut down the 6. 27:10 there lie and consume 6. Jer. 11:16 and 6. of it are broken Ezek. 17:6 spread, vine whose 6. 19:10 fruitful and full of 6. 14 fire out of a rod of her ft. 31:8 not like the Assyrian's ft. 36:8 O mount, ye shall shoot 6. Dan. 4:14 cut oft' his ft. IIos. 11:6 consume Ephraim's 6. 14:6 his ft. shall spread, and ./oel 1:7 ft. thereof are m. white Nah. 2:2 marred their vine ft. Zee. 4:12 these two olive ft. ? Mat. 13:32 lodge in ft. Luke 13:19 21:8 cut ft. i/art 11:8; JoAra 12:13 Ma?'k 4:32 shooteth 6. John 15:5 the vine, ye the ft. Pom. 11:16 if root be Holy, so 6. 17 if some 6. be broken oft", 19 18 boast not against the ft. 21 spared not the natural ft. BRA\D, S. ■lud. 15:5 had set the ft. on fire Zee. 3:2 ft. plucked out of fire ? BRAiVDISH. Ezek. 32:10 when I ft. my sword. BRASS. Er. 38:29 6. of ofter. 70 talents Num. 21:9 serpent of ft. when he beheld serpent of 6. he lived Deut. 8:9 thou mavest dig 6. 28:2;3 the heaven "shall be 6. 1 Sam. 17:6 greaves of 6. on legs 2 Sam. 8:8 David took much 1). 1 Chr. 18:8 1 K. 7:14 Hiram worker in 6. 2 K. 25:7 Zed. with fetters of 6. 13 6. to Babylon, Jer. 52:17 1 Chr. 15:19 with cymbals of 6. 22:3 David prepared 6. 29:7 29:2 prepared ft. for things of ft. .Job 6:12 or is my flesh ft. f 40:18 as strong pieces of ft. 41:27 esteemeth ft. as rotten Ps. 107:16 broken the gates of 6. Is. 45:2 in pieces the gates of 6. 00:17 for wood 6. for 6. gold Ezek. 24:11 the ft. may be hot Dan. 2::32 his thiirhs were of ft. 39 third kingdom of ft. 7:19 the foui'th beast nails of ft. BRE Dan. 10:6 like in color to pol. ft. Mic. 4:13 will make thv hoofs ft. Zee. 6:1 were mountains of 6. Mat. 10:9 neither gold nor ft. 1 Cor. 13:1 I am as sounding ft. Rev. 1:15 feet like fine ft. 2:18 9:20 not worship idols of ft. Iron and BRASS. Gen. 4:22 T.-cain instruc. in 6. i. Lev. 26:19 heaven iron, earth ft. Nwn. 31:22 ft. i. may abide, fire Deut. .33:25 shall be iron and ft. Jos. 22:8 ret. with ft. and iron 1 Chr. 32:14 ft. i with, weight, 16 2 Chr. 2:7 a cun. man in b. ir. 14 24:12 such as wrought in ir. ft. Job 28:2 ii-on taken out ft. Is. 48:4 neck ir. sin. and brow 6. 60:17 for ft. gold, for iron silver Jer. 6:28 they are ft. i. Ezek. 22:18 Ezek. 22:20 gather iron and b. Dan. 2::35 was iron, ft. broken, 45 4:15 with hand of iron and ft. 23 5:4 praised gods of silver, 6. i. Vessels of BRASS. ,Ios. 6:19 all v. ofb. are consec. 2 A'. 25: 16 the ft. of all these ves. was with. w. Jer. 52:20 Ezek. 27:13 in v. ofb. Rev. 18:12 BR.AVERY. Is. 3:18 will take away their 6. BRAWLER, S. 1 Tim. 3:3 bishop must be no 6. Tit. 3:2 to be no ft. BBAWLIiVG. Prw. 25:24 a ft. woman, 21:19 BRAY, ED, ETH. Job 6:5 doth the wild ass 6. 30:7 among the bushes they ft. Prom. 27:22 6. a fool in a mortar BRAZE\. 2 K. 18:4 brake the ft. serpent 25:13 ft. sea Chal. Jer. 52:17 2 Chr. 6:13 Sol. made a ft. scaf. Jer. 1:18 made thee this day 6. 15:20 make thee a fenced ft. wall 52:20 ft. bulls ; Mark 7:4 6. ves. See ALTAit. BREACH. Gen. 38:29 midwife said, this h. Lev. 24:20 ft. for 6. eye for eye. Num. 14:34 my ft. of promise Jud. 21:15 a ft. in the tribes 2 Sam. 5:20 forth as 6. of watera 6:8 6. on Uzzah. 1 Chr. 13:11 2 K. 12:5 wheresoever any ft. 1 Chr. 15:13 L. made a ft. on us Neh. 6:1 and there was no 6. ■Job 16: 14 with ft. upon ft. Ps. 106:23 not Moses stood in 5. Pi-ov. 15:4 perverseness is a b. Is. 7:6 a 6. for us, 30:13 this iniq. shall be as a 6. 26 in the day L. bindeth up ft. 58:12 called the repairer of theft. Jer. 14:17 is broken with a ft. Lam.. 2:13 thy ft. is great Ezek. 26:10 city wherein a ft. BREACHES. Jud. 5:17 Asher abode in his 6. 1 K. 11:27 rep. 6. of city of Dav. 2 K. 12:5 let them repair the ft. 6 priests had not repaired the ft. Ps. 60:2 heal theft, font shakelh Is. 22:9 have seen ft. of the city Amos 4:3 shall go out at the 6. 6:11 smite great house with 6. 9:11 close up the 6. thereof BREAD. Gen. 14:18 king of S. brought ft. 18:5 w'ill fetch a morsel oi 6. 21:14 Abraham took 6. gave H. 25:34 then Jacob gave Esau ft. 27:17 savory meat and ft. to J. 41:54 in Egypt there was ft. 55 cried to Pharaoh for 6. 43:31 set on ft. ,• 4.5:23 ft. for f. 47:15 give us 6. ,• 17 ft. for h. 19 buy us and our land for 6. 49:20 out of Asher his ft. be fat Ex. 16:4 I will rain ft. from heav. 8 in morning ft. to the full. 13 29 sixth day the ft. of two days 32 u-ay see the ft. I fed you 23:25 he shall bless thy ft. 40:2;3 he set the ft. in order Lev. 8:;32 what remaineth of 6. 21:6 ft. of their G. 8, 17. 21, 22 26:26 ten women shall bake 6. Num. 4:7 continual ft. be thereon 14:9 people of the land are ft. 21:5 soul loatheth this light ft. Deut. 8:3 man doth not livebyft. only, Mat. 4:4; LuJce 4:4 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 777 BRE Deut. 23:4 met you not with 5. 29:6 ye have not eaten b. nor Jos. 9:5 b. was dry and mouldy 12 this oar b. we took hot Jiid. 7:13 a calce of b. tumbled 8:6 give b. to thy army, 15 19:5 comfort thy heart with *. 19 there is b. and wine also Rutk 1:6 in giving them b. 1 Sam. 2:5 hired out them. ford. 36 croueh for a morsel of 6. 9:T the b. is spent in our vessels 21:4 hallowed b. ; 5 b. is com. 0 priest gave him hallowed b. 22:13 hast given him b. and 28:22 let me set a morsel of ft. 2 Sam. 3:29 J. one that lacketh ft. 35 taste ft. till sun be down 6:19 to every one a cake of ft 1 K. 13:22 back and hast eaten 6. 17:6 ravens brought ft. and flesh 11 bring me a morsel of ft. 2 K. 4:42 brought man of God ft. 18:32 a land of ft. Is. 86:17 Nek. 5:14 ft. of governor 9:15 gavest them ft. from h. 13:2 they met not Israel with 6. Job 15:23 wand, abroad for ft. 22:7 withholden ft. from hungry 27:14 not be satisfied with ft. 28:5 out of it cometh ft. 33:29 his life abhorreth ft. Ps. 37:25 his seed begging ft. 73:20 can he give ft. f 80:5 with ft. of tears 102:9 eaten ashes like 6. 194:15 ft. which strcn. man's h. 1:)j:41) satisfied them with ft. 109:10 seek their ft. 132:15 satisfy her poor with ft. Prov. 9:17 6. eaten in secret 12:9 hon. hims. and lacketh J. 11 laud satisfied with ft. 28:19 20:13 Shalt be satisfied with ft. 17 ft. of deceit is sweet 22:9 he giveth of his ft. 31:37 eateth not 6. of idleness 0c. 9:11 nor ft. to wise 11:1 c-ist thy ft. upon the waters /»■. 3:1 away the whole stay of ft. 7 in my house is neither ft. nor 21:14 with their ft. him that 30:20 Lord give ft. of adversity 33:16 his b. shall be given him 44:15 baketh ft. on the coals, 19 61:14 nor that his ft. should fail 55:2 that which is not ft. 10 that it may give ft. to eater 58:7 deal thy ft. to hungry ? Jer. 42:14 nor have hunger of ft. Lam. 1:11 they seek ft. 4:4 young children ask 6. 5:6 Egyptians to be sat. with ft. 9 we gat our ft. with peril Ezek. 4:15 prep, thy ft. therewith 17 they may wantft. and water 16:49 pride, fulness of ft. and 18:7 his ft. to the hungry, 16 44:7 Strang, when ye otler my ft. IIos. 2:5 lovers that give me ft. 9:4 sacrifices as ft. of mourners Am(H 4:6 given you want of ft. 8:11 not lamine of ft. IIii'l. 2:12 his skirt do touch ft. M'll. 1:7 ye off^er polluted ft. M(U. 4:3 St. be made ft. Luke^,:^ 6:11 our daily ft. Luke 11:11 7:9 if his son askft. will he give 1.5:2.) children's ft. Mark 7:27 ;W so much ft. ? Mark H:4 16:5 forgot, to take ft. MarkB:U 11 spake it not concerning ft. 12 not beware of hiaven of ft. 20:26 Ji'.HUs took 6. Mark 14:22 Z/Mfc'7::)3 Bapt. neither catlngft. 9:3 for your journey, neithin- ft. 115:17 H(;rvants have ft. enough 22:19 took ft. gave tlianks, 24:30 24:35 in breaking ft. JohiiCy.l two hun. pennyw. of ft. 32 IVf. gave you not that ft. from h. my K. glvelli true ft. 8!) theft, ofijotl fs h<: 31 Ijord, give us this ft. 35 J am the ft. of lite, 1H 41 ft. which cani(! down 5() MealeMi of this ft. shall live ]:i:JHeat('(hft. hath lifted 21:9 llsh laid th com. ft. 6 iw ft. there but showbread 28:20 S, had eaten no b. all day ;i0:12 Kgvp. had eat no ft. 3 days 1 /r. 13:9 eat no ft. 17:22 2 A'. 25::j /lo ft. for peo. Jer. 52:6 ■/er. 3H:0 there is n/i more ft. Daii. 10::) I ate no pheasant ft. ,]fat. l(i:7 b(;auise W(^ have; taken nob. 8; Mark».m, 17 .Mark 6:8 take no scrip, ?io ft. Piece, or Pieces of BREAB. 1 Sam. 2:.36 I may eat a/;, ofb. I'ror. {'y.'Ht to a jiicrc ofb. 28:21 for i\ p. ifh. (hat man ./(■;'. 37:21 JiTci'ii. daily a/;, o/ ft. Kr.i'k. !:i:IOy(^ pdllulc mefor'/^.ft, SHOWUItK.VI). AVrsiiow. RairofBREXB. Lei). 26:26 I luiv(^ broki'ii st. ft. I>s. 105:16 he brake whole aY. nfh. Kzek. 4:16 break^d. ft. 5:16; 11:13 I'nienveiied BREVB. /';,(•. 12: IH eal w. (/. ft. Nunt. 9:11 15 si'V. days eal uni. ft. 13:6, 7; 2:):15;3i;18; /.('D.23:6; Nam. 28:17; Aw^ 16:3 Deut. 16:8 six ihivs sh. eat \ni. ft. I .SVfM. 28:21 wllrli of K. b. (/. 6. l<>.ik. 1.5:21 puHSDver of (/;». ft. ,1/((;A II: 12 first (lay ofH/i. ft. BRE Luke 22:7 day of ?/. ft. ^cAs 12:3 j4cfe 20:6 after days of «. ft. 1 Cor. 5:8 with u. ft. of sincerity /SiS« BASKET, FEAST. BREADTH. Gen. 1.3:7 through land in J. of it Deut. 2:5 so much as a foot ft. ./w(^. 20:16 could sling at a h. ft. Job 37:10 ft. of waters is strait. 38:18 perceived ft. of the earth? Is. 8:8 his wings shall fill the ft. Hah. 1:6 march through ft. of la. Zee. 2:2 measure J. to see the ft. 5:2 I see a flying roll, the ft. Eph. 3:18 the ft. and length Rev. 20:9 up on ft. of the earth 21:16 length of city Is as the ft. BREAK, Substantive. 2 Sam. 2::32 J. came at ft. of day Acts 20:11 talked till ft. of day BREAK. Gen. 27:40 ft. his yoke off thy n. Ex. 12:46 ft. a bone. Num. 9:12 84:13 ye shall ft. their images Lev. 20:19 I will ft. pride Num. 24:8 Is. shall ft. their bones 80:2 if a m.in vow, not ft. word Deut. 12:3 shall ft. their pillars 1 Sam. 25:10 ft. eve. man from m. Ezr. 9:14 should we again ft. Job 13:25 wilt ft. a leaf driven .39:15 t. wild beast may ft. them Ps. 2:3 let us ft. their bands 9 ft. them with rod of iron 10:15 ft. the arm of the wicked 58:6 ft. their teeth, O God 89:31 if they ft. my statutes 141:5 which shall not ft. my head Cant. 2:17 until day*. 4:6 Is. 14:25 I will ft. the Assyrian 28:24 ft. the clods; 28 nor ft. it .30:14 ft. it as of the potters' ves. .38:13 as a lion so will be ft. all 42:3 reed not ft. Mat. 12:20 53:6 that ye ft. every yoke ? ,Ier, 15:12 iron ft. the north. iro"n 19:10 ft. bottle, so will I ft. 11 28:4 ft. yoke 11 : 30:8 49:35 I will ft. the bow of Elara Ezek. 4:16 I will ft. the staff of bread, 5:16; 14:13 16:38 as a woman that ft. wed. 23:34 Shalt ft. the sherds 29:7 hold of thee thou didst ft. 30:18 when I ft. yokes of Egypt 22 will ft. Pharaoh's arms, 24 IIos. 1:5 will ft. the bow of Israel 2:18 1 will ft. the bow 10:11 Jacob shall ft. his clods ■Toel 2:7 and not ft. their ranks Amos 1:5 ft. the bar of Damascus Mic. 8:3 who ft. their bones Nah. 1:13 will I ft. his yoke off Zee. 11:14 ft. the brotherhood Mat. 5:19 ft. one of least com. 9:17 the bottles ft. and the; wine Acts 20:7 came tog. to ft. bread 21:13 mean yo to ft. my heart? 1 Cor. 10:16 bread we ft. is it not BREAK covenant. /yC?'. 26:44 I will not ft. mv cov. Dfut. 31:16 will ft. my c. 20 Jud. 2:1 I will never ft. my c. Ps. H9::!4 my cov. will I not ft. Jrr. 14:21 ft! not thy cov. with us :!3:2<) if ye can ft. my c. Kzek. 17:15 ft. cor. and be deliv. Zee. 11:10 1 might ft. my coc. BREAK down. Ex. 23:2t quite ft. (/. Deut. 7:5 ■hid. 8:9 I will ft. down tower .VeA. 4:3 shall ft. (/. stone wall Ps. 74:6 ft. down car\ed work Ec. 3:3 a time toft. d. Is. ,5:5 I will ft. d. wall of vine. Jer. 31:28 over them to ft. (/. 4,5:4 1 have built will I ft. down Kzek. V.\:\ 1 so will I ft. down w. 26:4 shall ft. itoirn towers of'P. Uos. 10:2 he sliull ft. d. their nl. BUKVK rordi. Ex. 10:22 I,, ft../', on them, 2-1 /». 11:7 thev ft. fin-lli Into sing- ing. 41:2'): l9:13; M:l .52:9 ft, /'. Into )ov ve w. places M:3 sli'iilt ft, /',"()U the riu'ht hand 55:12 hills shall ft. f. Iiiio sing. 5H:8 light ft, f. as t'hi' morning ,l,r. 1:11 an evil shall ft. forth Ual. hi' b. forth thai li'av. not BREVKofr. G'n. 87: II) ft, his v. ((/r 6. 1 Pet. 5:9 same alllic. in your b BRIBE, 6. 1 Sam. 8:3 Samuel's sons took 6. 12:3 hand have I received any 6. Ps. 26:10 right hand full of 6. Is. .33:15 hands from holding 6. Amos 5:12 they take a 6. and BRIBERY. Job 15:34 consume taber. of 6. BRICK, S. Gen. 11:3 make b. had 6. for st Ex. 1:14 their lives bitter in 6. 5:7 give straw to make 6. 16 8 tale of 6. lay on them 18 yet deliver the tale of 6. 19 Is. 9:10 the b. are fallen down 65:3 incense on altars of 6. BRICKKILN. iSam. 12:31 make pass thro" 6. Jer. 4.3:9 hide stones in clay in 6. Nah. 3:14 make strong the 6. BRIDE. Is. 49:18 bind them, as a 6. doth 61:10 as a 6. adorn, with jewels 62:5 bridegroom rejoic. over 6. Jer. 2::32 can a 6. forget ? 7:34 voice of the 6. 16:9; 25:10 3:3:11 shall be heard voice of 6. Joel 2:16 6. go out of her closet John 3:29 he that hath the 6. is Pc-v. 18:2:3 voice of b. heard 21:2 b. adorned for her husband 9 show the 6. the Lambs wife 22:17 Sp. and the b. say. Come BRIOECH.VMBER. 3fat. 9:15 can children 6. mourn Mark 2:19 child, of 6. f. Luke 5:34 BRIDEGR005I. Ps. 19:5 as a 6. coming out Is. 61:10 as a 6. decketh himself 62:5 as 6. rejoiceth over bride Mat. 9:15 while the b. is with them, Mark 2:19; Luke 5::34 2.5:1 ten vii-L'ins to meet the 6. 5 6. tarried; 6 6. cometh, 10 John 2:9 governor called the 6. 3:29 friend of the 6. rejoiceth greatly because of the 6. voi. See BRIDE. BRIDLE. 2 K. 19:28 6. in thy lips. Is. 37:29 Job 30:11 have let loose the 6. 41:13 to him with his double 6. Ps. 32:9 must be held with the b. 39:1 keep my mouth with a 6. Prov. 26:3 a 6. for the ass Is. 30:28 a 6. in jaws of people Jani, 1:26 and b. not his tongue 3:2 able also to 6. whole body Pev. 14:20 blood to the horse 6. BRIEFLY. Pom. 13:9 it is 6. comprehended 1 Pet. 5:12 by Sylv. I have wiit. b. BRIER. Is. 55:13 instead of the 6. Ezek. 28:24 no more a pricking 6. Mic. 7:4 best of them is as a 6. BRIERS. Jud. 8:7 tear your flesh with 6. 16 he took the elders and 6. Is. 5:6 there shall come up b. 7:23 shall even be for 6. and 24 shall become 6. and thorns 25 come thither the fear ol 6. 9:18 wicked, shall devour the 6. 10:17 devour his 6. in one day 27:4 set6. against me in battle? :32:13 on land shall come up 6. Ezek. 2:6 though 6. be with thee Heb. 6:8 which beareth 6. is rej. BRIGANDINE. Jer. 46:4 and put on the 6. 51:3 lilteth up himself in his 6. BRIGHT. Job 37:11 scattereth his 6. cloud 21 see not6. light in tlie clouds Cant. 5:14 his belly is as 6. ivory Jer. 51:11 make 6. the arrov.s Ezek. 1:13 fire was 6. and out 21:15 the sword is made 6. 21 made his ai-rows 6. 27:19 6. iron in thy market :32:8 6. lights I will make dark Nah. 3:3 lifteth up the 6. sword Zee. 10:1 shall make 6. clouds }[aL 17:5 a 6. cloud overshad. Luke 11::36 6. shining of a candle Acts 10:.30 stood in 6. clothing Pev. 22:16 6. and morning star BRIGHTNESS. 2Sam. 22:13 thro' 6. before him were coals kindled, Ps. 18:12 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 779 BRI Job 31:26 moon walking in b. Is. 59:9 we wait for b. but walk 60:3 kings to the b. of thy rising 19 for b. the moon give light 62:1 righteousness go forth as b. Ezek. 1:4 and b. was about it, 27 28 so appearance of the b. 8:2 10:4 court full of the b. of glory 23:7 strangers shall defile thy b. Yl hast corrupted by thy b. Dan. 2:31 image, b. was excell. 4:36 my h. returned unto me 12:3 shine as b. of firmament Amos 5.20 day of L. no 4. in it Hob. 3:4 his b. was as the light Acts 26:13 above b. of the sun 2 Thes. 2:8 the b. of his coming Heb. 1:3 being the b. of his glory BBIM. Jos. 3:15 dipped in b. of water John 2i7 filled them to the b. BRIMSTOIVE. Gen. 19:24 on G. b. Luke 17:29 Deut. 29:23 the whole land is b. Job 18:15 b. scattered on his hab. Pa. 11:6 on the wicked snares, fire and b, Ezek. ;38:22 Is. 30:;33 like a stream of 6. 34:9 dust thereof into b. Hev. 9:17 out of their mouths b. 18 third part killed by the b. 14:10 shall be tormented witli b, 19:20 burning with b. 20:10 21:8 part in the lake which burueth with tire and b. BRI\G. Gen. 6:17 6. a flood on the earth 19 two of every gortS. into ark 9:14 I ft. a cloud over c;u-fh 18:16 Abra. did b. on tlieir way 19 b. ou A. what he hath spo. 27:12 I shall b. a curse on mo 42:20 b. youngest brother, 34 37 if I ft. hira not, 43:9 ; 44:;32 43:16 ft. these men home 43:19 take wag. and ft. your fa. 48:9 ft. them, and I will bless Ex. 1:5:5 L. shall ft. thee, 11 18:19 mayest ft. the causes to G. 21:6 master ft. him to judges 2:J:19 first of first-fruits ft. ;J4:26 23:20 send an angel to 6. thee 35:5 a willing heart, let him 6. 36:5peopleft. more than enough Num. 14:8 if L. del. in us, will ft. 14:16 able to ft. Deut. 9:28 24 Caleb will I ft. into the land 20:12 ye shall not ft. this cong. Deut. 1:17 cause too hard, ft. 7:1 Lord shall ft. thee into land 21:12 shalt ft. her to thy hou.se 30:12 ft. it to us that we may, 13 33:7 ft. Judah to his people 1/S'aOT. 1:22 weaned, I will ft. him 9:7 said Saul, what ft. the man '/ 23 4. the portion I gave tliee 20:8 why ft. thee to thy fathcT 2 Ham. 3:12 toft, all Israel to thee 13 except thou 6. Michal when 14:10 aaith aught, ft. him to me 19:11 last toft, the king back 1 JC. 8::32 ft. his way on his head 13:18 ft. liini back to thy house 17:11 ft. me a morsel of bread 20:33 he said. Go ye, ft. him 2 /r. 2:20 ft. me u new cruse (>: 19 ft. you to wliom ye seek 2 C'hr. 16:29 ft, an olfering AWi. 13:18 our (Jod ft. this evil Job 6:22 did I say, ft. unto ine 10:9 wilt thou ft. me into dust 14:4 who can ft. a clean thing 18:14 ft. him to king of terrors 3I):;>3 thou wilt ft. im; todi-alli .'J3:.'iO ft. buck his seul from iiit Ps. 13:3 ft. me to thy holy hill 60:9 ft. me into a str. city, 108:10 72:3 shall ft. peace to i)eoi)lo 91:23 ft. on tlicm their own J'lvii. 29:H Ki-orutiil ft. a city J'Jr. '■irli shall ft. Iiiru to see 11:9 (iod will ft, tiKM! into jiidg. 12:14 ft. every work iiitojmlg. C'aiU. 8:2 ft. tliire into my m. ' Is. 7:17 Lord shall ft. on'llieu 14:2ft. them to tlirir |.lacc' 1.'J:U for 1 will ft. miir(^ iiiion 1). 25:12 sliall ft. to lhi. ground 4.5:21 tell y(! and ft. tlirni near 46:13 I ft. ne.'ir my rlirlitecnisn. C6:7 will I ft. to n'ly holv monn. 58:7 ft. the |)oor to Ihylionsu 60:17 for bnisMft, gold; for ironft. (ili: I ft. Ihclr fears n{i(m tln'm ././•. :i:ll I will ft. ynu to /.lun 111:21 lest thou ft. mo to nothing BRI Jer. 11:8 I will ft. words of this 17:18 ft. on them day of evil 31:8 ft. them from the north 32:42 ft. ou them all the good 33:6 I will ft. it health and cure 11 shall ft. sacrifice of praise 49:5 I will 6. a fear upon them Ezek. 6:3 ft. a sword upon you 11:9 ft. you out of the midst 20:15 I would not ft. them 21:29 will ft. on necks of them 23:22 ft. them against thee on 34:13 ft. to own, 36:24; :37:21 38:17 ft. thee against them Hbs. 2:14 and ft. her to wildem. Amos 4:1 ft. and let us drink, 4 Mc. 1:15 will I ft. an heir to thee Zee. 8:8 I will ft. them, and they Mat. 2:13 be there till I ft. word .5:23 ft. thv gift to the altar 17:17 ft. him to me, Mark 9:19 21:2 ft. them to me, Mark 11:2 ; Luke 19:.30 Mark 7:32 ft. to him one deaf Luke 2:10 I ft. good tidings 8:14 ft. no fruit to perfection 12:11 ft. you into the synagog. ■lohii 10:16 other sheep I niustft. 14:26 ft. all things to rememb. 18:29 what accusation ft. you? Acts .5:28 to ft. this man's blood 7:6 should ft. them into bondage 9:2 he might ft. them bound, 21 22:5 I went to ft. them bound 23:10 to ft. Paul into the castle 17 ft. this young man to capt. 1 Co;'.l:19 I will ft. to nothing 28 to ft. to naught 4:17 ft. you into remembrance 9:27 body, I ft. into subjection 16:6 may ft. me on my journey 2 Cor. 11:20 if a man ft. you Gal. 3:24 schoolm. to ft. us to C. 1 T/ies. 4:14 sleep, will God 6. 1 Pef. 3:18 ho might ft. us to G. 'i.TolLii 10 if any ft. not this doc. 3 .Tohn 0 if thou ft. on journey Rev. 21:24 do ft. their glory to it 26 ft. the glory of nations into See HOME, HITHER. BRi:VG again. Gen. 24:0 ft. not my son again, 8 28:15 ft. thee a. into land, 48:21 42:37 I will ft. him arjain, E.C. 23:4 ft. it back to hiraayazn Nu7n. 22:8 I will 6. word arjain Deut. 1:22 ft. us word ar/aid what 23:68 L. sliall ft. thee into E. a. J.i'l. 11:9 if ye ft. me homo a. 19:3 her hush, went to ft. her a. 2 Sam. 12:23 can I ft. him arjain 14:21 ft. the young man Ah. a. 15:8 if Lord ft. me a. to Jerus. 25 ft. me arjain and show me 1 K. 8:34 forg. and ft. «. 2 Ch /■.6:25 1 C'hr. 13:3 let us ft. a. the ark 21:12 what word I shall ft. a. 2 C'hr. 24:19 proph. to ft. them a. Xch. 9:29 mightestft. again Ps. 68:22 ft. ar/uin from B, I will ft. my iieople from depths of Proi). 19:24 as ft. it to mouth a. 26:15 giii'veth to ft. it again Is. :i8:8 ft, aridin shadow 46:8 ft. it ririain to mind 49:5 saith Lord to ft. Jac. again 52:8 I-tinl sli.ill ft. «<■/«(,« Zion .ler. 13:15 will ft, them a. 50:19 15:19 will I ft. thee (uiain^ 16:15 ft. «. to their l.'a):G; 32:,37 2.3:3 ft. again into their folds 2H:4 I will ft. again Jeeoniah, 6 30:3ft. again the eaptlvitv, IS; 31:23; A'«/-. .39.25 ; .XinosW.U 48:47 ft. a. captivity of Mo.ub 49:6 of Amnion ; 39 of Klam Ezek. l(i:.5:t when I ft. a. their 29:14 I will ft, rrgriin captivity 31:16 will ft, again tliat driven y.e/). 3:20 at that time ft. you a. Ze<\ 10:6 ft. tlicm again, to plaeo 101 will ft. theniV/. out of K. .Mat. 2:8 ft. word a. that 1 may See CAl'TlVITY. UIU\(} ilowii. C/<7i, 42;;!Hft, il. gniv li. 44:29,31 43:7 say, ft, brothel' . d. ; 21ft. both o. ./().». 6:22 ft. (). Ilii'iu'e Kahuh ./«(/. 6::i(> A. II. ihy sou 7^. 25: 17 U ft. me o. of iiiy dU. BRI Ps. 142:7 ft. my soul 0. of prison, 143:11 ft. my soul out oitrou.. Is 42:7 to ft. 0. the prisoners Ezek. 11:7 ft. you o!/;! of midst 20:34 A. you o. from peo. 34:13 41 ac. you, when I A. you aut 24:6 ft. it ou/ piece by piece Acts 17:5 sought to ft! them out BRIKG to pass. Cera. 41:32 God will ft. it /o p. 50:20 to ft. t /). as at this day Ps. :37:5 he shall ft. it t. ]}. Is. 28:21 ft. top. his act 46:11 I will also ft. it ^op. BBI>G up. Gen. 46:4 I will ft. thee 17) again Ex. 3:17 I will ft. you yp out of 33:12 sayest, A. ?<;; this people A'i/TO. 20:25 ft. up Aaron to ni. H. ■lud. 6:13 did not L. ft. us up 1 Sam. 19:15 ft. him vp in the b. 28:11 he said, 6. me wp Samuel 2 . 3:10 everv ti-ee that ft. not forth g. tViiit,7:19; /,»(A'. 3:9 7:17 good tree ft. f Col. 1:6 gospel A, forth fiiiit 'I'if. 2:11 grace of G. Ilial A. (wil. //.ft. 1:6 A, llrsthegot. Into world 6:7 the earth ft. forth herbs ./am. 1: 15 A. lorlh sin, uiul sin A. Sii TiDlNiiS. IIRI\GI\G. Er. ia:l2ob!.er\o(l lor A. Ihoni !I6:6 wore re.-liiunoil IVoin A, .V((w. 14::i6 liv A, iii> n shinder a .S(i«i. 19:10 ol A. tin- kliiu". 4.3 2 A'. Sl:12 I am A. khoIi o\1I /v. 126:6 rojoic. A. Ills >.lio!i\oi« E:<'k: *l:9 l^nowii In ft. llu-m Pun. U:12 ft. iipuu UH ^'ivul vvll 780 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. BRO Mat. 21:43 a nation 6. forth fruit Som. 7:2:3 b. me into captivity 2 Cor. 10:5 b. into capti. ev. tiio. He/j.Z-.W in b. many sons. 7:19 0. in of a better hope did 2 iVt 2:5 6. in the flood on world BRIXR. ilr. 2:3 laid the ark by river's J. Jbs-. 3:8 when come to b. of J. £2ek. 47:6 caused me return to 6. BROAD. i\Wi. 3-8 they fortified Jerusalem to the 6. wall, 12:38 Job ;35:18 out of :rtrait into b. pi. jPs. 119:96 thy com. is exceed, b. Cant. 3:2 in b. ways I will seek Js. 33:21 be a place of b. rivers J(r. .5:1 seek in b. places thereof 5]:.58 b. walls of Babylon 2\ah. 2:4 chariots jusfle in 6. w. Mat. 7:13 b. way to destruction 23:3 make b. their phylacteries BROADER. Job 11:9 meas. is b. than the sea BKOIDERED. Ezetz. 18:13 raim. was of 6. work 15 b. trarments and covercdst 27:? with 6. work to be thy sail IG in thy fairs with 6. work 24 thv merchants in b. work 1 rira. 2:9 nor with b. hair BROILED. Luke 24:42 a piece of a b. fish BROREX. Gtn. 17:14 b. rav cov. P$. 55:20; J-;. 24:5; 33:8: Jer. 11:10 Let. 21:19 m. 6. footed, 6. hand. 20 hath his stones b. not offer 22:23 6. ye shall not offer. 24 2G:13 b. the hands of your yoke SS when I have 6. staff of bread Jrid. 5:22 the horse-hoofs 6. by 1 heir ft. ■Job 1:13 in the eldest b. ho. 18 •30:29 I am a ft. to dragons Pror. 17:17 a ft. is born for adv. 18:9 slothful is ft. to him 19 a ft. offended is harder 24 sticketh closer than a ft. 27:10 better a neigh, than ft. far Ec. 4:8 hath neither child nor ft. ■Jer. 9:4 tr. not in any ft. for ev. ft. Ezek. 44:25 for ft. they may defile -Iff//. 1:2 was not E. .Jacob's ft. .? Mat. 10:21 ft. de.upft. .Iftritl3:12 Mark 12:19 if m.'s ft. die, Luke 20:28 ■John 11:19 J. came to co. con. ft. Acts 9:17 ft. Saul recciv. 22:13 12:2 killed .Tames theft, of John 21:20 ft. how many thous. bel. 1 Cor. 5:11 called a ft. he a fom. 6:6 ft. go;'th to law with ft. 7:12 ft. hath a wife 15 a ft. is not under bondage 8:11 thv know, weak ft. perish 2 Cor. 8:18 sent with him the ft. 2 Tfifs. 3:6 withdraw from ev. ft. 15 bnt admonish him as a 6. Pfii/c. 7 saints refresh, by thee. ft. 16 above a servant a ft. beloved His BROTHER. Gen. 25:26 after that came his ft. 42:.38 his b. is dead. 44:20 E.r.. 32:27 slay ev. man hii b. Dent. 19:19 to have done to 6. 28:54 eye be evil toward his b. Xeh. 5:7 usur)' ev. one of hi.ack the captivity ^■zcft. 38:8 land 6. ft. from thcsw. BROUGHT down. Gen. 39:1 was ft. d. into Egypt 1 Sam. 30:16 ft. him ri. they were Ps. 20:8 they are ft. rf. and fallen 107:13 he ft. d. their heart Is. .5:15 mean man shall be ft. d. 14:11 thy pomp is ft. rfOi««. 15 shall be 6. rfow;/!. to hell 20:4 shall be ft. d. speak out 43:14 ft. down all the nobles Lam. 2:2 ft. them d. to the gro. Ezek. 17:21 have ft. d. high tree 31:18 be ft. d. with trees of Eden Zee. 10:11 pride of Assy, be ft. d. Mat. 11:23 Capern. ft. d. to hell Acts 9:30 brethren 6. him d. to C. BROUGHT forth. Gen. 1:12 the earth A. /ortA grass 21 waters b. forth abundantly 14:18 king of Salem ft,/, bread 1.5:5 Lord ft. forth Abram 19:16 angels'ft. 'Lotforlh 41/47 the earth ft./or/Aby hand. Ex. S:li thou hast b.f. peop. 16:3 ye have ft. us/, into wild. 29:46 I am L. ft. them /. Lev. 2.5::^; 26:13.45 Num. 24-8 God A. him/. Dei/t. 6.12 Lord ft. thee/. 8:14 9:12 people ft./, have corrupted 26:8 L. A. us/, with a mighty h. 33:14 fruits b. forth by sun .7//r/. 6:8 ft, you/, out of house 2 /S'»//!<. 20:iO ft. mo forth into a lari;<: i)lace, Pn. 18:19 1 yr. 9:9 fi.rsook Lord who ft. /. their fathers, 2 Chr. 7:22 ' Jot) Kcmiiust thouft. me/'. 21:30 be A. f. to day of wrath Ph. 7:14 b. forth falsehood 90:2 before mountains were ft./. 105:30 their laud ft./, frogs 43 b. forth his peoi)le with joy Pror. H-21 no de|)HiM, I was ft. /' 25 before the hills was I A./ Cant. H:5 thv mothiT ft. thee/. //i. 5:2 It I), forth wild grapes 26:18 ft./, 'wind ; 45:10 w. A. /. 51:18 an'iong sons slic^ liath A. / 06:7 before slie trav. she A./. 8 as soon as Z. trav. she A'. /".. Jer. 2:27 limn hasi, A. mi^ /". 11:4 I A. Wwm forth, 3l:l3 20:3 I'MHhurft. /'. .1. out of slooks 32:21 A, /r/WA. Israel willi sliriis 50:25 l.onl ft, /•. weap. of liidlg. 51:10 1., Iiiillift,/. our right. Eyk. 12:7 I A./, my stnlfbyday 1 1:22 a reiiiiiaiit A./, sous JA/c. 5::) which trav. Iialli A, /". Iliig. 2:H»olivc^-lreeliallin ft. i» the south wind Acts 7:45 ft. jn with Jesus ffa^. 2:4 brethren unawares A. in BROUGHT into. Nvm. lfi-14 not ft. us in/o a land 1 .ycrm. 20:8 ft. thy serv. into a. cov. Ps. 22:15 ft. me into dust Cant. 1:4 king ft. me i. his cham. ./cr. 2:7 ft. you i. a plen. country Lam. 3:2 ft. me into darkness Ezek. 41:7 ft, in. my sanctuary yl(?A- 9:8 ft. him into Damascus 21:28 ft. Greeks itito the temple 1 Tim. 6:7 ft. nothing into world //eft. 13:11 whose blood is 6. into BROUGHT low. ■Tud. 11:35 dau. ft. me very low 2 Chr. 28:19 Lord ft. Judah Imo ■Lob 14:21 they are ft. lota 24:21 are gone and ft. loiv Pf. 79:8 for we are ft. very l02V 106:43 ft. tow for their iniquity 107:.39 6. low thro' oppression 116:6 I was ft. low, he helped 142:6 for I am ft. very to;« Ec. 12:4 dau?. of music be 6. low Is. 2:12 shall be ft. tow 25:5 of terrible ones ft. toip //«fe 3:5 every mountain and hill ft. loio. Is. 40:4 BROUGHT out. Gen. 1.5:7 ft. thee o. ofUr of Cha. 43:23 he ft. S. out unto them £'»;. 13:3 L. ft. you tx^C, 9, 14, 16 20:2 L. ft. thee out. Lev. 19::J6 ; iV(/m.]5:41; Deut.5:Vy, Ps.R\:\0 Lev. 23:43 I ft. them o. 1 A'. 8:21 /JeK/. 5:15 that L. ft. thee om< 9:28 6. the boium of S:uil 2 K. 17:7 sin. a". L. ft. Miem up 36 Lord who ft. you (/» 25:6 A. i/y( Z. to king. ,l,r. .39:B 2C'An 8:11 Sol. A. w/Mlaii. of P. 19:8 men ft. »/> Willi him, 10 .\VA. 9:18 is thv (Icid A. thee »/) Kst. 2:7 he A. up Kslher 21; like as when ft, »/nvIlh him ./(jft 31:18 he was A. »/; with me I's. 30:i ft. »/) mv soul 10:2 ft. me ujiuM cil horrible pit l'roi<. H::iO < ft, »/; with him /a'»1-2 noiirlslii'd mul A, »/) ehil. 49:21 who hath A. up these BUD ii. 51:18 her of sons she 6. rip mu heft, them vp,.Ier. 2:6 /er, 11:7 in day I ft. them vp 16:14 L. that ft- «. Israel. 23:7 15 ft. 7/p Israel from the n. 23-8 Lam. 2:22 those I 6. vp my en. 4:5 ft. vp in scarlet, embrace Ezek. 19: J ft. vp one of her whelps 37:13 ft. you vp out of vour gr. Amos 2:10 I ft. you n. 3:1; 9:7; Mic. 6-4 Jon. 2:6 ft, vp my life from cor. Luke 4:16 N. where he been ft, w. ^rf.s 13:1 1 been 6. wyj with Herod 22-3 ft. wp at the feet of Gamal. 1 Tim. 5:10 widow, if she ft. vp BROUGHTEST. Ex. .32:7 people ft. out have cor. Num. 14:13 A. up this people Deut. 9:28 lest land whence ft. us 29 inherit, ft. out, 1 K. 8:51 2 Sam. .5:2 he ft. in Isr. 1 Chr. 11:2 1 K. 8:53 when ft. our fathers out Neh. 9:7 ft. him forth out of Ur. 15 ft. forth water out of rocic 23 ft. them into the land Ps. 66:11 thou ft. us into the net 12 ft. us out into a wealthy pi. BROW. Ts. 48:4 thy neck iron, ft. brass Luke 4:29 led him to ft. of the hill BRO'WrV. Gen. 30:.32 all ft. cattle, 35, 40 33 every o. not ft. accounted st. BRUISE, Substantive. ■Ter. 30:12 L. thy ft. is incurable Nah. 3:19 no healing of thy 6 BRUISES. Is. 1:6 but wounds and ft. BRUISE, Verb. Gen. 3:15 ft. thy head, ft. his heel Is. 28:23 nor ft. it with horsemen 5.3:10 pleased the Lord to ft. him Dan. 2:40 as iron shall it ft. liom. 16:20 G. of peace shall 6. S. BRUISER. Lev. 22:24 not offer what is ft. 2 K. 18:21 trustest this ft. reed Is. 42:3 a ft. reed shall he not break. Mat. 12:20 53:5 he was ft. for our iniquities Ezek. 2:5:3 in Egypt ft. the teats 8 ft. thehreasts of hcrvirginity Luke 4:13 set at liberty them ft. BRUISIXG. Ezek. 23:21 in ft. thy teats by E. Luke 9:39 the spirit 6. hira BRUIT. ■Ter. 10:22 noise of the 6. is come Nah. 3:19 all that hear ft. of thee BRUTE. See beasts. BRUTISH. T^s'. 49:10 fool and ft. person 92:6 a ft. man knoweth not 91:8 underst. ye ft. am. the peo. Prov. 12:1 liateth reproof is ft. 30:2 I am more ft. tlian any Is. 19:11 the coun.sclof the coun- sellors of Phar. is become ft. Jer. 10:8 they are altogether ft. 14 man is ft. 51:17; 21 pastors Ezek. 21:31 into the hand of A. BUCKET, S. Num. 21:7 water out of his 6. Is. 40:15 nat. are as drop of a A. BUCKLER. iSam. 22:31 a ft. to all that trust in him, P.^. 1H::!0 1 Ctir. 5:18 men able to bear a ft. 12:8(!adiles that could h. ft. I's. 18:2 Lord is mv (Joil, mv ft. 35:2 take hold of Khield anil ft. 91:4 his truth shall be Ihy ft. Pror. 2'7 ft, to tlu'in walk upr. ■Ter. 46:3 order ye ft. and shield I'::ik. 2:!:2t set ii^'aiust tlu'e ft. 26:8 he shall lift up ft. against BIK^KLERS. 2 Chr. 21:9 Jeholaila delivered ft. Job 15:26 run, on bosses ofhisA, Cant. 4:4 there lianw'i'd 1.1H10A. Ezek.W:\ ^'I'eal eompaiiv wlthft. 39:9 th.'y shall set on lire A. nil), Kiibsmmivc. ./■oA :1H'2T ft, of lender Iwrb /.v, lH-5 when theft, I-; (i.Tfeet 61:11 us larlh l>rliii;elli roilli A, F'ik. 16:7 miilUplv as ft, of lleM Jlos. 8:7 6. shall yield iio meal nuns. Num. 17:8 .\tirun'8 rodb. Ibrthft. BUI BUD, Verb. Job 14:9 thr, scent of water, ft. Ps 1.32.17 horn of David to ft. Ca«?. 7:12 see if pomegranates 6. Is 27-6 Is. shall blossom and ft. 5.5:10 maketh the earth to A. Ezek. 29:21 cause horn of Is. toft. BUDDED. Gen. 40:10 was as though it A. A'«OT.17:8A. rod for house of L. ft. Cant. 6:11 to see whether pom. ft. Ezek. 7:10 pride hath ft. Heb. 9:4 ark wherein rod that ft. BUFFET. 2 Cor. 12:7 mes. of Satan toft, me BUFFETED. Mat. 26:67 ft. him, Mark 14:65 1 Cor. 4:11 to present hour ft. 1 Pet. 2:20 when ft. for your f. BUILD, referred to God. 1 Sam. 2::35 ft. him a sure h. 2 Sam.T.27: 1 K. 11::J8 1 Chr. 17:10 will ft. thee a house 25 told wilt ft. him a house Ps. 28:5 and not A. them up 51:18 ft. thou the walls of .Jer. 69:.35 will ft. the cities of Judah 89:4 6. up thy throne to all gen. 102:16 when L. shall ft. up Zion 127:1 excupt the L. ft. the house 147:3 Lorddothft. up Jerusalem Jer. 18:9 con. a nation to ft. it 24:6 I will ft. not pull d. 31:28 31:4 I will 6. thee, O virmn 3;J:7 I will A. Judah and Israel 42:10 if ye abide, I will A. you Ezek. 36:36 that I A. ruined pi. Amos 9:11 ft. it as in days of old Mat. 16:18 on this rock A. mv eh. 26:61 ft. it in three d, May-k'U-.bS Acts 15:16 ft. again tabernacle BUILD, Man the Agent. Gen. 11:4 go to, let us ft. a city Num. 32:21 ft. ye cities Deut. 20:20 sha'lf ft. bulwarks 1 K. 9:24 then did ft. Millo 11:7 Solom. did ft. a high place 16:34 did Hiel ft. Jericho 1 Chr. 22:19 ft. ye the sanctuary 29:19 give Sol. a heart to ft. 2 Chr. 14:7 let us ft, these cities Ezr. 4:2 let us ft. with vou Neh. 2:17 let us ft. the wall 4:3 which they ft. if a fox go up 10 so we are not able to b. Ec. 3:3 a time to ft. up Cant. 8:9 we will ft. on her Is. 9:10 fallen, but we will ft. 45:13 he shall A. mv city 58:12 ft. old waste places. 61:4 60:10 sons of stranirers, ft. walls 65:22 not ft. and another inhabit .ler. 1:10 set over nations to ft. Ezek. 4:2 ft. a fort against. 21:22 Dan. 9:25 to ft. Jerusalem Amos9:\\ I will ft. as in days 14 Isr. shall ft. the waste cities Mic. 3:10 A. Zion with blood Zee. 6:12 shall ft. the tem])le. 13 15 they far oir.sh. A. in templo 9:3 Tvrus did A. a stront;hola Mai. l":4 A. but I will throw d. Mat. 28:29 ye A. tombs of proph. Luke 11:47, 48 Luke 12:18 barns and ft. greater 14:28 intending to ft, a tower .30 to A. and not able to finish Acts 20:,S2 word of hisgrace ablo to A. you 11]) Rom. 1.5:2() lest I ft. on ano. niiin's 1 Cor. 3:12 A. on this foundation Gal. 2:18 If 1 ft. again things BUILD nltnis ». Ex. 20:25 ft. altar of hewn stone Num. 23:1 ft. me here sev. a 29 Diut. 2T:5 there A. an attar to L. 6 shall ft the <(. of wliole st. Jos. a2:2St God forbid we sh. ft. o. See BKOAN. ni'lLD, joined with Ilnuiip, •• T):7 nei. shall ye ft. A. nor sow Eze'^c. 11:3 is not near, let us ft. A. 23:23 and shall ft. h. Haj. 1:8 bring wood, 6. the A. Zee. 5-11 to ft. it a h. in Shinar Acts 7:49 what A. will ye ft. me BCILDED. Gen. 4:17 C. ft. city called Enoch 8:20 Noah ft. an altar to the L. 10:11 Ashur ft. Nineveh and 11:5 L. come to see lower men ft. Jo^. 22:15 you ft. an altar 1 K. 8;27 house I have 6. 43 15:23 stones wh. Baasha had ft. 2 A'. 23:13 Solo. ft. for Ashtoreth 1 Ckr. 23:5 ft. mustbemagnificai E:f. 4:13 if city be ft. 16 5:3 to the house of great God 6 11 we build house o. years ago 15 let the house of G. be ft. 6:3 6' 14 elders of Jews ft. and pros. Job 20:19 a house he ft. not p.-!. 122:3 J. is ft. a city compact Prov. 0:1 wisdom hath ft.- her h. 21:3 thr. wisdom is a house ft. E\ 2:4 I ft. me houses, I planted C '.nt. 4:4 David ft. for an armory ./-■;■. 30:18 city be ft.on her heap L im. 3:5 he hath ft. airaiust me £??'.•. 36:10 wastes shall be ft. 33 i"fe 17:23 they planted, they ft. Eph. 2:22 in whom ye are ft. tog. Ilib. 3:3 ft. house hath more hou. 4 every house is ft. by some m. BUILDEDST. Deut. 6:10 cities thou ft. not BUILDER, S. 1 K. 5:18 Solomon's and H.'s ft. 2 K. 23:6 give it toft. 2 Chr. 34:11 E:r. 3:10 when ft, laid found. Kih. 4:5 to anger before the 6. Ps. 11S:22 stoue ft. refu. Mat. 21:42; Mark 12:10; Luke 20:17; Acfi i-.n Ezek. 27:4 thy 6. have perfected // *». 11:10 city whose 6. is God 1 Pet. 2:7 the stone 6. disallowed Master-BUILDER. 1 Cor. 3:10 :;s a wise w.-ft. I have BUILOEST. Deut. 22:8 ft. a new house Keh. 6:6 for wh. cause ft. the wall .E';e/c.l6:31 ft. thine eminent place Mat. 27:40 that destroyest the temple and ft. it, Mark 15:29 BSJILDETH. Jos'. 6:26 cursed be man ft. this c. Job 27:18 ft. his house as a moth Prov. 14:1 wise woman ft. her h. ./,';■. 23:13 woe to him ft. by un. IIos. 8:14 for. maker, ft. temples Aino-"! 9:6 ft. his stories in heaven II lb. 2:12 ft. a town with blood 1 Cor. 3:10 another ft. thereon BUi!LDi:VG, Participle. 1 K. 3:1 end of ft. his own house 6:7 no tool of iron heard wh. ft. 33 seven' years in ft. it E-.r. 4:12 ft. the rebellious city Ezek. 17:17 ft. forts to cut off Jo'in 2:20 temple was 46 y. in ft. Jiide 20 ft. up on most holy faith BUlLDi:VG, Substantive. \K. 9:1 when Sol. finishel theft. 1 Chr. 28:2 made ready for the 6. 2 C!ir. 3:3 instructed for the ft. E'. 10:18 slothful, ft. dccaveth Ez^k. 40:5 measured ft. 41:15 46:23 a row of 6. round about 1 Cor. 3:9 ve are God's ♦. 2 Cor. 5:1 we have a ft. of God Eoti. 2:21 in whom ft. fitlv fra. Ilfb. 9:11 tabernacle not of th. ft. Rev. 21:18 ft. of wall was jasper BCSLDI-VOS. Mat. 24:1 show him ft. of temple Mark 13:1 see what ft. are here, 2 BUILT. Dsut. 1.3:16 it shall not be b. BUL 1 K. 22:39 cities that Ahab ft. 2 C'Ar.l4:7 they ft. and prospered 20:8 6. thee a sanctuary therein 26:9 Uzziah ft. towers in Jer. 10 27:4 Joth. ft. castles and towers Job 3:14 who ft. desolate places 12:14 and it cannot be ft. again 22:2:3 if return shalt be ft. up P.'<. 78:69 ft. his sane, liliehighp. 89:2 mercy shall be ft. up /s\ 5:2 ft. a tower in the midst 44:28 to Jeru. thou shalt be ft. Jer. 12:16 then shall they be ft. 31:4 thou Shalt be ft. O virgin 32:31 prov. from day they 6. it 45:4 which I ft. will'break d. Ezek. 16:34 hast ft. eminent place 26:14 thou shalt be ft. no more Dan. 4:30 gr. Babylon I have ft..? 9:25 street shall be ft. again Zee. 8:9 that temple be ft. Mat. 21-33 ft. a tower, Mark 12:1 Lyke 7:5 hath ft. us a svnasogue 1 Cor. 3:14 abide wh. he hath ft. Eph. 2:20 ft. on found, of apost. Col. 2:7 rooted and ft. up in him Heb. 3.4 that ft. all things is God BUILT altar. Ex. 17:15 ft. a. 24:4: 32:5 Aaron ■/OS. 8.30 Ift. a. ; 22:10 half tr. Jud. 6:24 G. b.a.; 21:4 peo. ft. a. 1 Sain. 7:17 S. b.a. ,•1-1:35 Saul ft. 2 Sam. 24:25 D. ft. a. to the Lord 1 K. 9:-25 Solo, ottered on a. heft. 18:32 with stones Elijah ft. a. 2 K. 16:11 Urijah the priest ft. a. BUILT altars. Yum. 23:14 Balak ft. seven a. 2 K. 21:4 he ft. a in house of L. 5 ft. a. for hostof h. 2 Chr. -33:5 2 Chr. 33:15 away a. he had ft. in BU5LT city. Num. 21:27 let city of Sihon be ft. Jos. 19:.50 Joshua ft. c. and dwelt 1 C'Ar. 11:8 David ft. c. from Millo Is. 25:2 to be no c. never be 6. ■Ter. 31:38 city shall be ft. to Lord Luke 4:29 hill whereon c. was ft. BUILT cities. Ex. 1:11 ft. forPhar. treasure-«<. Jo.s. 24:13 ciHes which ye ft. not 2 Clir. 14:6 Asa ft. fenced c. in J. 17:12 Jehosh. ft. cHies of store 27:4 Jotham ft. c. in mountains Is. 44:26 c. of J. ye shall be ft. BUILT house, or houses. Dent. 8:12when hastft. goodly A. 20:5 what man hath ft. new A. 1 K. .3:2 no h. ft. to name of Lord 6:9 Sol. ft. A. 14; 8:13 ft. th. a A. 8:20 have ft. a A. for name of L. 44 toward the A. I have ft. 48; 2 Chr. 6:34, 38 1 CJir. 17:6 why not ft. me a A. ? 2 Chr. 6:18 less this A. I haveft. ? Amos 5:11 j-e ft. A. of hewn stone Hag. 1:2 Lord's A. should be ft. Zee. 1:16 my A. shall be ft. in it Mat. 7:24 ft. A. on a r. Ltike 6:48 26 ft. his h. on sand, Luke 6:49 Acts 7:47. Solomon ft. him a h. 1 Pet. 2:5 ft. up a spiritual house BUILT high places. 1 K. 14:33 Jud. ft. h. p. and ima. 2 K. 17:9 chil. of Israel ft. h.]). ■ler. 7:31 6. A. p. of Tophet; 19:5 of Baal, 32::3o BUILT wall, or walls. 2 Clir. 27:3 on w. of 0. ft. much 33:5 Hezekiah ft. up w. broken 33:14 Manas, ft. w. without city JSeli. 4:6 so ft. we the vj. 7:1 Ezek. 13:10 one 6. up the lo. Dan. 9:25 street ft. ag. and the 70. Mic. 7:11 thy walls arc to be ft. BUL. 1 K. 0:38 BULL. Job 91:10 their ft. sendereth Is. 51:20 as a wild ft. in a net BULLS. Ps. 22:12 many ft. have com- passed me, strong ft. 50:13 will I eat the flesh of ft. m-.m rebuke the multitude of ft. Is. 34:7 with 6. shall come down Jer. .50:11 because ycbellowasft. 52:20 brazen ft. uiider the bases Heb. 9:13 if blood of ft. and goats 10:4 blood of ft. take away sins BULLO<"K. Ek. 29:11 kill the ft. Lev. I:.";; 9:18 Deut. 33:17 Hke firstlini of ft. Jud. 6:2.5 take the voun..' ft. 96 1 K. 18:23 choose one ft. 25 BUR 1 K. 18:33 E. cut the ft. in pieces Ps. 50:9 no ft. out of thv house 69:31 than a ft. that lia'th hor. , Is. 65:25 lion eat straw like ft. Jer. 31:18 a 6. tmaccus. to yoke BULLOCR with Sin-olTcring. Ex. 29:.36 eve. day a ft. for sin-o. Ezek. 45:22 prepare a 6. for si«-o. See BLOOD. Young BULLOCR. Lev. 16:3 holy place with a y. ft. Num. 7:15 one y. 6. 21, etc. to 81 2 CJir. 13:9 consecrate with y. 6. Ezek. 45:18 y. ft. and clea. sanct. 46:6 day of new moon a y. ft. BULLOCKS. 1 C%r. 29:21 offered a thousand ft. Ezr. 6:17 the dedication 100 6. Ps. 51:19 offer ft. on thy altar 66:15 I will offer unto thee ft. Is. 1:11 I delight not in bl. of ft. 34:7 the ft. shall come do\\-n .ler. 46:21 hired men li ke fatted ft. 50:27 Slav all her ft. let them go Ezek. 39: 18 drink the blood of ft. Hos. 12:11 they sacrifice ft. in G. See SEVEN. BULRUSH, ES. Ex. 2:3 an ark of ft. Is. 18:2 ambas. in vessels of ft. 58:5 to bow his head like a 6. .? BULWARKS. Deut. 20:20 ft. against the city 2 Chr. 26:15 engines on the ft. Ps. 48:13 mark well her ft. Ec. 9:14 a great king built ft. Is. 26il salvation ap'point for ft. BUIVCH, ES. Ex. 12:22 take a ft. of hyssop 1 Chr. 12:40 Zebnlun brought ft. Is. 30:6 treas. upon ft. of camels BUIVDLE, S. Gen. 42:35 every man's ft. 1 Sam. 2.5:29 bound in ft. of life Cant. 1:13 a ft. of mvrrh is my b. Mat. 13:30 bind the'tares in ft. Acts 28:3 P. gathered a ft. of s. BURDEIV, Substantive. Ex. 18:22 ft. with th. Kum. 11:17 2;3:5 ass lying under ft. Num.. 4:19 appoint each to his 6. 11:11 ft. of all this people on me Deut. 1:12 can I bear alone ft. ?' 2 Sam. 15:3:5 shalt be a 6. to me 19:35 thy servant be a ft. ? 2 A'. 8:9 forty camels ft. toElisha 2 Chr. 35:3 not be a ft. Nch. 13:19 no ft. on the Sabbath ■lob 7:20 I am a ft. to myself Ps. 38:4 as a ft. they are too h. 55:22 cast thy ft. on the Lord 81:6 rem. his shoulder from ft. Ec. 12:5 grasshop. shall be a ft. Is. 9:4 broken the yoke of his ft. 10:37 ft. taken off thy shoulder 13:1ft. of Babylon 14:-25 his ft. depart off 28 year Ahaz died, was this ft. 15:l"ft. of Moab ; 17:1 Damascus 19:1 ft. of Egypt ; 2:3:1 6. of T. 21:1 ft. of tlie desert of the sea 11 ft. of Du. 13 ft. on Arabia 2-3:1 ft. of the valley of vision 25 ft. upon it shall be cut off 80:6 ft. of beasts of the south 27,the ft. thereof is heavy 46:1 a ft. to weary beast 2 they could not deliver the ft. .le)'. 17:21 no ft. on Sabbath, 22, 27 2:3:33 what is the ft. of the L. ? 36 ft. of the Lord 38 but since ye say, ft. of tbeL. Ezek. 12:10 ft. conce'rninir prince Hos. 8:10 for ft. of the king Nah. 1:1 the ft. of Nineveh Zep. 3:18 rep. of it was a 6. Mat. n-.m and mv ft. is light 20:12 the ft. and heat of the day Arts 15:28 to lay no greater ft. 21:3 ship was to unlade her ft. Gal. 6:5 man bear his own ft. liev. 2:24 upon yoti none other ft. BUR BEN, ED. Zee. 12:3 ft. thems. be cut in p. 2 Car. 5:4 we groan beint' ft. 8:1'3 others be eased, and yon ft. 12:16 be it so. I did not ft. you BUBOEXS. Gen. 49:14 couching bet. two 6. Ex. 2:11 jr. looked on their ft. 5:4 kinsr said. L'et von to your 6. 6-6 under ft. of K-rvntians. 7* Num. 4:27 appoint all their ft. BUR Neh. 4:17 bare ft. held a weapon Is. 58;6 to undo the heavy ft. La?H. 2:14 seen for thee false ft. Mat. 2:3:4 heavy 6. Luke 11:46 Gal. 6:2 bear ye one another's 6. BURDENSOME. Zee. 12:3 Jerusalem a ft. stone 3 Cor. 11:9 kept from being ft. 12:13 that I was not ft. to you 14 I will not he ft. to you 1 Thes. 2:6 might been ft. BURIAL. Ec. 6:3 also that he have no 6. Is. 14:20 not j. with them in 6. .Jer. 22:19 with the ft. of an ass Mat. 26:12 she did it for my ft. Acts 8:2 carried Stephen to his ft. BURIED. Gen. 25:10 there was Abraham ft. 49:31 there they ft. Abra., Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, therelfi. L. Nv7n. 11::34 ft. the people 20:1 Miriam died, was ft. there 33:4 Egyptians ft. all first-born Deut. 10:6 Aaron, there he was ft. Jos. 24::32 bones of J. 6. in She. Pu/h 1:17 and there will I be ft. 2 Sam. 4:12 ft. head of Ish-bosh. 21:14 bones of Saul ft. in Zelah 1 A'. 13:31 \yhercin man of G. 6. Ec. 8:10 so I saw the wicked ft. ■Jer. 8:2 nor ft. 16:6; 20:6; 25::33 16:4 shall not be lamented nor 6. 22:19 be ft. with burial of an ass Ezek. 39:15 till buriers have ft. .Vat. 14:12 took body and ft. it Luke 16:22 died and" was ft. Acts 2:-29 D. is both dead and 6. 5:9 feet of them which ft. Rom. 6:4 ft. with him by baptism 1 Cor. 15:4 that he was ft. and r. Col. 2:12 ft. with him in baptism BURIED him. Deiit. 34:6 he ft. hii)i in val. inM. 2 Sa?n. 2:5 blessed be ye ft. Saul 1 K. 14:18 ft. A. all Isr. motimed Acts 5:6 the young men ft. him BURIED in. Gen. 15:15 ft. in a good old age 1 K. 2:10 D. was ft. in city of D. ./oft 27:15 shall be ft. in death. BURIERS. Ezek. 39:15 till ft. have buried BURN. Ge?i. 44;18 let not thine ano-er 5. Ex. 27:20 lamp to ft. Lev. 24:2 2 Chr. 2:6 save only to ft. sacrif. 13:11 ft. to Lord every morning 7s. 1:31 shall both ft. together 10:17 ft. and devour his thorns 27:4 I would ft. them together 40:16 Lebanon is not suf. to ft. 44:15 shall it be for man to ft. Jer. 7:20 my fury shall ft. 34:5 so shall they ft. odors 36:25 king would not ft. roll Ezek. 24:5 ft. also bones under it 11 that the brass of it may ft. 39:9 and ft. the weapons A'ah. 2:13 I will ft. her chariots Mat. 4:1 that shall ft. as oven Mat. 13::30 in bundles to ft. them Luke 3:17 the chaflhe will ft. 24::32 did not our hearts ft. inns 1 Cor. 7:9 bet. to marry than toft. 2 Cor. 11:29 offend, and 1 ft. not? BURN joined uilh fire. Dent. 5:23 mount, did ft. with/. 32-22 a/, shall ft. to the lowest hell, Jer. 17:4 Jos. 11:6 ft. chariots with /?■« Jud. 9:52 to ft. it with tire 12:1 ft. h. with/.,- 14:15ft. thee/. Ps. 79:6 thy jealousy ft. like/. .2* 89:46 thy -wiath ft. like/»Y / Is. 47:14 as stubble/, shall 6. Jer. 4:4 like/, and 6. 21:12 7:31 ft. sons and dau. in/. 19:5 21:10 N. 6. this city with /Ye, 32:29 : 34;2, 22 ; 37:8, 10 : :38:]8 Ezek. 5:2 ft. with/?t a third part 16:41 ft. thv h. vith/rf. 23:47 Mat. 3:12 ft. up the chafl with unquoTich. .fre. Ivlt 3:17 Rev. 17:16 and ft. herA\ith/)C BURN incense. Ex 30-7 A. shall ft. s^^^ct i. 8. 1 A' i:3-l Jerobcam stood to ft. t. 2 K 18:4 chil. of Is. did ft. i. to 1 Chr. 23:13 for ever to 6. t. 2 Chr 2:4 to ft. sweet hicdifc 13-11 ft. every mom. sweet wc. 26:16 U. went to 6. iiicente. 19 29-11 L. hath chosen you to 6. i. 32:12 one altar and 6. inc. on it CRUDEN'S CONCORDAN-CE. 783 BUR Jer. 7:9 J. i. to Baal? 11:13 44:17 h. i. to queun of heaven i7o.s'. 4:13 h. ince^me on hills Hab. 1:16 h. i. to their dragon Luke 1:9 Zach. his lot to b. inc. BURNED. Mv. 3:2 bush b. was not cons. Seut. 9:13 the mount b. with fire Jof>. 7:25 6. them with tire 2 CAr. 34:25 forsaken me b. inc. ]?■4cAf 19:19 books, and b. them 7toOT. 1:27 b. in their lust 1 Cor. 1:^:3 th. I give body to 5. Hiib. 6:8 whose end is to be b. 12:18 not come to mount thatS. Sei). 1:15 his feet as if they b. BURiVETH. P.^. 46:9 b. chariot in the fire 83:14 as the fire b. the wood 97:3 a fire b. up his enemies li. 9:18 wickedness b. as the fire 44:16 he b. part thereof in fire 62:1 salvation as a lamp that b. 64:2 as when melting fire b. 65:5 these are a fire o. all day 65:3 b. incense as if he blessed Ji;?\ 48:35 him that b. incense ./Oil 2:3 behind them a flame b. lieo. 21:8 lake which b. with fire BURNING. Oen. 15:17 a b. lamp passed bet. Lei). 26:16 will appoint b. ague Deut. 28:22 with extreme b. 32:24 he devoured with b. heat ,7bb 41:19 out of mo. go b. lamps P-i. 140:10 b. coals fall upon them Pro». 10:27 in his lips as b. fii'e 26:21 as coals tj) b. coals 23 b. lips and a wicked heart /■••. 30:27 name of L. com. far, b. 31:9 land shall become b. pitch Jr'i: 20:9 his jvord was as a b. fire Bre'c. 1:13 appearance like b. c. />< 4:11 a firebrand out of d. /lev. 18:9 see smoke of her b. nURNING.S. Ii. 33:14 dwell with (■verla. b. ? Jer. 31:5 with b. of tliy fathers BURN]sgii<:i>. Ezelc. 1:7 like color of/;, brass BURNT. am. 38:21 h'l \vv hy.b. Ki:. 3:3 wliy the husli is not b. D.'.id. 32:24 be b. with hunger 1 AT. 13:2 men's bom^s bo b. 15:13 4. her idol, 2 Chr. 15:10 2 K. 23:16 out of se[)ulc. b. Wwm 26:9 b. liouse of tlio L. 2 Vhr. :!(i:19: .[rr. .52:13 Job .30::iO riiy hones are b. Pit. ID'i::) uiv bones b. as hearth Proi\ 6 27 his clotliiw not be 6. f 2Haiul liis fcc't not \wb.f Jer.-i:[:-,v\\U'Ab.; 6:29 bellows*. 36:28 111 the roll Jiihoiakim b. 51:25 rnaki^ tlien a. b. mountain I'he.k. 20: 17 all facufs \wb. Wu-.rvm 21: 10 and V'l the ImiK's W. b. JikI 1:19 the llaini^ b. all I Ik; trie's Aiiu>H-i:\ bee. \wh. bones ofk. Huh. 1:5 earih h h. at his pres. 1 dor. ;!:1.5 man's work be b. Ihb. 1:M1 /; wllhoiit tlie camp BURN'i' ]n;,ied wUh tlrr. Le.r. 6:;iO slu-oller. A. In Ww fire 80:11 if II man lake a wile iiml Iier mother, Hhiill be h. w. /'. 21:9 It (laughter of imv prle'sl liio. Iicrself, Xwb. with lire. BUR Num. n-lfl. of L. S. 3 Oeut. 4:11 mountain b. wither* 12.31 sons and d. they b. in jflre Jos. 7- 15 he taken with accursed thing be b. \vith/re .lud. 15:6 b. her and fath. with^. 14 cords bee. as flax b. with^. 2 Sam. 23:7 shall be *. with^?-« 1 K. 16:18 4. king's house with/. 2 K. l-.lijire b. up two captains 17:31 Seph. b. children in fi?-e 23:11 b. chariots of sun w'ith./J. 23:9 great man's house b. vj.f. 1 Chr. 14:12 gods were b. with j?. 2 Chr. 28:3 A. b. his child, in j?. Mh. 1:3 gates b. with fl. 2:17 P^. 80:16 It is 6. with /re Is. 1:7 cities are 6. with/r« 43:2 walkest thr. /re not be 5. 64:11 house is b. with /re Jer. 38:17 city not be 6. with/. 49:2 her dau. shall be b. with/. 5i:32 reeds may have b. with/. 58 high gates be b. withjire Rev. 18:6 utterly b. with fire BURNT incense. Ex. 40:27 he 6. sweet incense 1 K. 9:25 Solomon b. i. upon alt. 12:33 Jerob. offered, and, 6. i. 22:43 people yet b. i. 2 JC 12:3 ; 14:4; 13:4,35 2 C%r. 29:7 and have not 5. i. Is. 65:7 6. i. on the mountains ./er. 18:15 my people 6. i. 44:15 that their wives had b. i. Bos. 2:13 she b. i. to them 11:2 and b. i. to graven images BURNT-OFFER ING. Gen. 22:7 where is 1. for a b.-o. ? 8 G. will provide lamb iorb.-o. Lev. 6:9 law of the 6.-o. 7:37 9:2 ram for b.-o. 10:3, 5 ; 23:18 Num. 7:15 one lamb for b.-o. 21 to 81 ; Ezek. 45:15 23:3 stand by thy b.-o. 15 28:10 the b.-o. of every sabbath .los. 22:26 altar not for a b.-o. Jud. 13:23 not have rec. a b.-o. 1 Sam. 7:10 as S. was oft", b.-o. 13'12 forced myself and oft', b.-o. 2 K. 3:27 offered him for a b.-o. 2 Chr. 7:1 fire consumed the 6.-0. 29-24 the b.-o. sh. be made Ps. 40:6 6.-0. hast thou not req. 51:16 delightest not in b.-o. 19 pi. with b.-o. whole b.-o. Is. 40:10 nor beasts th. for b.-O. 61.8 L. hate robbery for b.-o. Ezek. 46:13 daily prepare a b.-o. Continual BURNT-OFFER- ING. Ex. 29:42 n con. b-.o. Nvm. 28:3, 6, 10, 15, 24, 31; 29:11, 16, 19, 22; Ezr. 3:5; Neh. 10:33; Ezek. 46:15 Offer BURNT-OFFERING. Geit. 22:2 take I. 0. for b.-o. Jud. 11:31 o. it up for b.-o. 13:16 4.-0 o/fer it to the Lord 1 Sam. (y.l-iqp'er kine for b.-o. 7:9 o;f. sucking lamb for b.-o. 2 6'//r. 29:27 Ilez. com. to o. b.-o. Job -12:8 0. for yourselves a b.-o. BUR NT-OFFER JNG.si. Gen. 8:20 N. olVered b.-o. on altar .¥'/;/(. 10:10 Iniinpels over //.-o. 1 .SV///f. 15:22 (leiiuhl in b.-o. 1 A'. 3-15 Solomon ollered 4.-0. 2 C/ir. 2:1 b. a hons<^ for 4.-0. 29:;!t not Hla.r all tlu^ 4.-0. :15:14 busied In ollcriiig 4.-0. h'zr. 0:9 have need for 4.-0. ./ob 1:5 oil'. 4.-0. aeeor. to num. /'s. m):H not re. thee l'or4.-o. 60:13 lull) Iby house wilh 4.-0, Is. 1:11 full of 4.0. of rams 43:23 small eallle of tliy 4.-0. 56:7 4.-0. shall be accepted Jer. 0:20 4. -o. iirc! not acceptable 7;2t put your4.-o. to your sacrl. 17'26 from south hriiigiiiL' 4.-o. 19:5 burn sons for4.-o. (o Haul /hii. 0:6 know, of (i. m. I linn 4. -o. .nic. 6.6 belore him with 4.0./' .Vark 12.3:) to lovi! nelKhlmr is IiKH-e Ihiin 4 -o. rf/'b. 10:0 In 4. o. fin- sin OITcr BURNT-OFFERINGS. 2 Sum. 21:21 o. 4,-o. of thai cost me iiolliing, 1 Chr. 21:21 lA". 3:1 I00II4 o. illdSiil.imoiK/. ./ir. 3:1:18 want man loo. 4.o. .\iiios 5:22 ye iijl't r me 4.-0. m'Rvr-HvruiFirE. Num. 2:1:0 he stood by IiIm4.-». BUT Dei/t. 33:10 shall put whole b.-$. 2 Sam. 24:22 oxen for 4.-5. 1 K. 18:38 fire fell and c. b.-s. Ps. 20:3 accept thy b.-s. BURNT-S.\CRIFICES. 1 air. 23:31 to ofi-fr all b.-s. 2 Chr. 13:11 morn, and eve. b.-s. Ps. 66:15 1 will offer b.-s. BURNT up. Ji/d. 15:5 foxes 4. tip the shocks 2 K. 1:14 fire 4. up two captains ./o4 1:16 fire of God 4. vp sheep Ps. 74:8 have 4. vj} synagorae 106:18 flame 4. vp the wicked Is. 64:11 beautiful house 4. vp Jer. 9:10 4. iip none can pass, 12 Mat. 22:7 king 4. np their city 2 Pet. 3:10 earth and w. be 4. up Pev. 8:7 third part of trees and all green grass was b. vp BUTIST. .7o4 32:19 I am ready to 4. like Pro^'. 3:10 4. with new wine Jer. 2:20 I have 4. thy bands, 5:5;. 30:8; Nah. 1:13 Mark 2:22 wine 4. bot. Lu. 5:.37 Acts 1:18 he 4. asunder in midst BURSTING. Js. 30:14 in the 4. of it a sherd BURY. (?c«.2.3;44. myd.; 64. dead. 11:15 47:29 4. me not in Egypt, 49:29 50:5 let me go and 4. my father 1 IC. 2:31 fall on Joab and 4. him 13:29 old proph. came to 4. him 31 4. me in the sepulchre 14:13 Israel shall 4. him 2 K. 9:10 shall be none to 4. her 34 this cursed woman 4. her 35 went to 4. her Ps. 79:3 was none to 4. them ,/er. 7:32 shall 4. in Tophet, 19:11 14:10 shall have none to 4. them Ezek. 39:11 there shall they b. G. 13 all the people shall 4. them IIos. 9:6 Memphis shall 4. them Mat. 8:21 go 4. father, Lu. 9:59 22 dead b. their dead. Lu. 9:00 27:7 potter's field, to 4. Strang, John 19:40 manner of J. is to "4. BURYING. Gen. 23:4 4. pi. 9; 49::30; 50:13 2 A'. 13:21 as they were 4. Ezek. 39:12 sev. mon. 4. of them Mark 14:8 anoint my body to 4. ,/ohn 12:7 against my b. she kept BUSH, ES. Ex. 3:2 in the 4. Acts 7:30 4 God called to him out of J. Deut. 33:16 good-w. of him in 4. ./o4 .30:4 cut mallows by the 4. 7 among the 4. they brayed 7*. 7:19 and rest upcm nil 4. .Uark 12:26 how in 4. God spake Luke 6:44 nor of l)rainble-4. 20:37 dead r. Moses showed at 4. Ads 7:35 angel which app. in b. BUSHEL. Mat. 5:15 a candle and put it un- der a b. Mark 4:21 ; Lu. 11:33 BUSHY. Cant. 5:11 his locks are 4. BUSINESS. Gen. .39:11 J. went to do his 6. I>nn. 8:27 did the king's 4. f.ukr 2: 19 about my l''allier's 4. .\cts 0::! miiv appoint over this 4. /,'(im. 12:11 'not slolblul in 4. • 10:2 assist In 4. she liiilli need 1 T/its. 4-11 to do your own b. msY, iKO. 1 A'. 20:10 as thy serv was hnny 2 Chr. 35:1 1 sons of .\iiion b. nisYiionv, lies. a The-i. 3:11 are 4. 1 Tiiii. 5:IM 1 h't. 4:15 lei none sillier aH u b. Bl TI.KK. K. Gin. 10:9 4. told ilreiiin lo.Tos, 21 rcHlured the elilef 4. to bis 11:9 4. siilil. 1 renieiii. my riiults CAK BUTTER. Gen. 18:8 Abra. took 4. and milk Deut. 3-2:14 4. of kine .lud. 5:25 bro. 4. in lordly dish 2 Sam. 17:29 Barzillai brought 4. Jo/> 20:17 brooks of honey and 4. 29:0 I washed my steps with 4. Ps. 55:21 smoother than 4. Prov. ;30:a3 chum, of milkbrl. 4. Is. 7:15 4. shall he eat, 22 BUTTOCKS. 2 Sam. 10:4 garm. to 4. 1 Ch. 19:4 7s. 20:4 4. uncov. to shame of E. BUY. Gen. 42:7 ft. Can. to 4. food. 43:20 47:19 4. us and our land Ex. 21:2 if 4. Hebrew servant Lev. 25:44 shajl 4. bondmen. 45 Deut. 2:0 ye shall 4. meat 28:68 and no man shall b you Puth 4:5 must 4. it also of Ruth 2 Sam. 24:21 D. said, to 4. the thresh.-floor,21;l CTr. 21:24 Neh. 10:31 not 4. it on sabbath 7*. 53:1 4. eat, 4. wine and milk .ler. 32:7 4. my field in Anathoth 44 men shall 4. fields for money Mat. 14:15 4. A-ictuals. Mark 6::56 25:9 go to them that sell, and 4. 10 went to 4. bridegroom came Mark 0:37 sh. we 4. 200 p. worth Luke 9:13 4. meat for this peo. 22:;36 let h.im sell garm. and 4. ./ohn 4:8 were gone to 4. meat 6:5 whence shall wo 4. bread 13:-29 4. things we have need of 1 Cor. 7:30 4. as though they pos. .Ia?n. 4:13 4. and sell and get szain Per. 3:18 to 4. of me gold tried 13:17 no man might 4. or sell BUY corn. Gen. 41:57 all came to Jos. to b. c. 42:3 Joseph's brethren to 4. c. 5 Neh. 5:3 mort. our lands to 4. c. BUY poor. Amos 8:6 may 4. the poor for sil. BUY trutli. Prov. 23:23 4. truth, sell it not BUYER. Pr-cv. 20:14 it is naught, saith 4. A'. 24:2 as with the 4. so the s. Ezek. 7:12 let not 4. rejoice, nor BUY EST. Ler. 2.5:14 and if thou 4. aught Ruth 4:5 day 4. lield of Naomi BUYETH. Prov. 31:16 consider, field. 4. it Mat. 1-3:4-1 he selleth all, 4. field Rev. 18:11 no man 4. her mer. BUZ. Gen. 22:21 M. bare to Nahor B. 1 Chr. .5:14 J.ihdo, the son of B ./er. 2.5:23 B. to drink the cup BUZI. Ezek. 1:3. BUZITE. .7o4 :j2:2, 6 BY and BY. Mat. 13:21 4. and 4. he is ofl". Mark 6:25 give me 4. and 4. head Luke 17:7 4. and b. sit down 21:9 the pud is not 4. and b. BY-WAYS. Jud. 5:0 walked through b.-W. BYWORD. Deut. 28:;57 a 4. among nations 1 A'. 9:7 be 4. among all people 2 Chr. 7:20 make this house a 4. ./o4 17:6 made me a 4, of the :!0:9 yea 1 am their 4, /'s. 44:14 a 4. among heathen c. r.VBINS. .7h n 11:49; 18:11, 28. i'AlN. (7CH. 4:2, 5, 15. 25; ./iw, 1,5:.57. /Aft. 11:1 e.xeel. siierllUo llnm C. 1 John .3:11 not asC. wbowasof ./(/(/<; 11 gone In the way of C. CAIXAN. iiM-* .3:80 I he Him of I". .37 «'\KK, H. T.fV. 9■l:.^ bake Iwelve (•. tlielliif Jud. 7:1!) a <-. tumbled liilo I10-.1 2 .V(i/H. 0:19 1>. deiill to each n c". 784 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. CAL 2 Sam. 13:6 Tam. m. couple of c. 1 K. 17:12 I have not a c. 19:6 there was a c. baken J"1. 14:15 S. wife, have ye c. us 15:17 cast away jawb. c. place CAL ■Tud.l5:\S w. athirst, and c. on L. 16:28 Samson c. to the Lord 1 Sam. 9:9 now c. a proph. was c. 2 Sam. 6:2 name is c. by name 12:28 city be c. after my name 1 A". 1:9 Adonijah c. breth. 19, 25 18:3 Ahab c. Obadiah the gov. 26 they c. on the name of Baal 1 Chr. 4:10 Jabez c. on God 13:6 whose name is c. on it 21:26 David c. on Lord Est. 2:14 except that she were c. 4:11 I have not been c. to come Ps. 53:4 they have not e. on 6. 79:6 kingd. not c. on thy name Is. 43:22 hast not c. on nie. O J. 48-1 ye, c. by the name of Israel 12 O Jacob, my c. 61:3 be c. trees of ricrhteonsness Lam. 1:21 bring day "thou hast c. 2:22 thou hast c. my terrors Ezek. 20:29 name is c. Bamah Dan. 5:12 now let Daniel be c. Mat. 1:16 Jesus who is c. Christ 13:55 is not his mother c. Mary ? 18:2 e. a little child unto him' 20:16 many be c. few cho. 22:14 32 .Tesus stood still and c. tjiem 23:8 be not ye c. Rabbi, 10 27:17 shall I release J. e. C. 22 Mark 10:49 J. com. him to be c. 14:72 P. c. to mind word J. s.aid Luke 1:61 none of thy kind, is c. 62 how he would have him c. 15:19 worthy to be c. thy son, 21 19:15 he com. servants to be c. 23:.33 place that is c. Calvary John 1:48 before Philip c. thee I 4:25 Cometh which is c. Christ 9:11 a man c. Jesus made clav Acts 9:11 go into str. c. Straight 11:26 discinles first c. Christians 13:7 c. for Barnabas and Saul 1.5:17 on whom mv name is c. 19:40 c. in quest, for this dav's 23:6 I am c. in question, 24:21 18 Panl the prisoner c. me Po)re.l:lP. c. tobeapos. 1 r'or.l:l 6 are ye also the c. of Jesus 7 c. to be saints. 1 Cor. 1:2 2:17 thou art c. a Jew 8:23 the c. ace. to his purpose 1 Cor. 1:9 were c. to fellowsiiip 24 c. botli Jews and Greeks 26 not many noble are c. ,5:11 c. a brother be a fornicator 7:18 c. being circum.? is any c. 21 art thou c. being a servant ? 24 wherein he is c. Gal.l:6 removed from him c. you .5:13 ye have been c. to liberty Ei)h. 2:11 c. uncircum. by that c. 4:1 vocation wherew. ye are c. 4 even as ye are c. in one hope Col. 3:15 to the which ye are c. 2 Thes. 2:4 exalteth above all c. 1 Tim. 6:12 ct. life. wher. art c. 20 science falsely so c. Beb. 3:13 while it is c. to-day 9:15 they c. might rec. promise 11:16 not ash. to be c. their G. 24 to be c. son of Phar. daught. .Ta'n. 2:7 name by wh. ye are c. 1 Pet. 2:9 c. you out of darkness 21 even hereunto were ye c. .3:9 that ye are thereunto c. 2 Pet. 1:3 that hath c. us to glory 1 John ;J:1 sh. bee. the sons of G. ■h'de 1 preserved in J. Ch. and c. Rev. 8:11 star is c. Wormwood 11:8 city spiritually c. Sodora 17:18 they with him are c. 19:9 blessed are c. to mar. sup. C.\LLED, joined with God or Lord. Gen. 1:5 God c. the light Day 5:2 and c. their name Adam Er. 3:4 God c. to him 19:3 L. c. to him out of mount. 20 L. c. Moses to top of mount iVum. 12:5 L. c. A.aron and Mir. 1 Sam. 3:4 L. c. Samuel, 6. 8. 10 Ps. 50:1 c. earth from the rising Is. 41:2 Lord c. him to his foot 42:6 I have c. thee in righteous. 49:1 L. hath c. me 54:6 c. thee as a woman fors. Jer. 11:16 c. name gi-cen olive-t. 20:3 not c. thy name Pashur Amos 7:4 God c. to contend Arts 16:10 gath. that Lord c. us 1 Cor. 7:15 G. hath c. us to peace 17 L. hath c. every one, so let Gal. 1:15 who c. me hv sr.-ico 1 Thes. 2:12 c. you to his kingd. 4:7 hath not c. us to unclean. 2 T/ms. 2:14 God c. you CAL ! Tim. 1:9 c. ns with a holy call. fleb. 5:4 e. of God as was Aaron 10 c. of God a high-priest after 1 Pet. 5:10 G. who hath c. ns He CALLER. Gen. 26:18 c. names as his f. c. 35:10 he c. his name Israel Ex. 24:16 c. to M. out of cloud 2 K. 4:36 c. to Gehazi, so he c. Ps. 105:16 he c. for a famine on Lam. 1:15 c. an assembly Mat. 10:1 c. twelve; 15:10 mult. Mark 1:20 A« c. them Luke 13:12 Jesus saw her, he c. John 10:35 it he c. them gods Acts 9:41 had c. saints and wid. 10:23 c. he them in. and lodged 23:2:j hec. unto him twocentur. Bom. 8:30 he also c. whom he c. 9:24 even us whom he hath c. 1 Pet. 1:15 hath c. you is holy See CALLED th£ name. I CALLED, or I have C.\LLED. IVi/m. 24:10 Ic. thee to curse 1 Sam. 3:5 Eli said, Ic. not. 6 28:15 therefore Ihare c. thee 2 Sam. 22:7 in my distress / c. Pt. 18:6; 118:5 Job 9:16 if /had c. and he answ. 19:16 Ic. my servant, no answ. Ps. 17:6 I have c. on thee, for 31:17 not be ashamed, I have c. 88:9 I have c. daily upon thee 116:4 then c. /on name of Lord Prov. 1:24 IJiave c. and ye ref. Cant. 5:6 Tc. him Is. 1.3:3 I have c. my mighty 41:9 I have c. thee from chief 43:1 Ic. thee by thy name, 45:4 48:15 yea, I have c. him 50:2 i c. was there none to ans. 51:2 for Ic. him alone 6.5:12 Ic. ye did not a. Jer. 7:13 66:4 when Ic. none did answer ■Ter. 35:17 Ihave c. to them, but Lam. 1:19 I c. for my lovers, biU 3:.55 Ic. out of the low dungeon 57 drewest near in day I c. on Hos. 11:1 then Ic. my son out of Egypt. Mat. 2:15 Zee. 11:7 one 1 c. b. other Ic. John 15:15 Ihave c. you friends , ,4ctel3:2workwh. Ihavec. them 28:20 have Ic. for you, to see CALLED by my name. 2 Chr. 7:14 if my people which are c. by my name humble Is. 43:7 even every one c. n. 65:1 to nation not c. my n. ■ler. 7:10 this house c. ft. m. name, 11, 14, 30;32:.31;34:15 25:29 evil on city c. b>/ n. X»Kw9:12 remnant of heath, c. n. CALLED by thy name. \K. 8:43 house c. b. t. h. 2 C%;-.6:33 Is. 4:1 let us he c. by f. n. to take 43:1 1 have c. thee by t. n. 45:4 63:19 were not c. by thy name Jer. 14:9 we are c. by thy n. 15:16 am c. t. n. O L. G. ofhosts Dan. 9:18 the city c. by thy n. 19 for thy people are c. n. CALLED his name. Gen. 35:10 c. n. Is.; 18 Benoni 16'Ar.4:9Jabez;7:16Peresh:23Ber. Mat. 1:25 he c. his name Jesus Rev. 19:13 n. is c. the word of G. Sent and CALLED. Acts 20:17 «. to Ephesusc. elders Shall be CALLED. Gen. 2:23 s. c. Woman, because 17:5 name shall he c. .\braliam 21:12 in Isaac shall th v seed be c. Pom. ^-.I; neb. 11:18 32:28 .ihall be c. no more -Tacob 48:6 issue s. c. after their breth. Prov. 16:21 wise in heart s. c. 21:8 dcnscth evil s. c. mischiev. Is. 4:3 remain, in .Ter. .•{. c. holy 9:6 his name s. be c. Wonderful .32:5 no more i, 19:20 T,. c. f/. on iniiuiit Hlnal 31:29 MoseH r. f/. from nioiinl S. 2 Sinn. 22:10 bowed llie lieiivenH and c r/riirn, /'s. 18:9 /yfiwt. 1:9 Hhu c. down wondurf. CAM Pan. 4:13 holy one e. d. from h. Mic. 1:12 evil c. down from the L. Mat. 17:9 as c. d. fr. m. .l/arA:9:9 JbAre 3:13 he that c. c?. fr. heav. 6:.38 I c. down from heaven 41 bread which c. d. 51, 58 Acts 15:1 which c. down from J. CAME forth. Num. 11:20 c. we/, out of Eg. 1 Jud. 14:14 out of eater c.f. meat, out of strong c. f. sweetness 2 5to»i. 16:11 son w'hich c. /. of my bowels seeketh my life 2 Chr. 32:21 c.f. of his bowels Prov. 7:15 c. Ifm'th to meet thee .Efc. 5:15 as he c.f. naked ■ler. 20:18 c. If. out of womb ? Z«c. 10:4 of him c. f. the corner ^iorfc 1:.38 for therefore c. I f. John 16:28 Ic./. from the Father 19:5 J. c.f. wearing the crown I CAME. Gen. 30:30 thou hadst before Ic. 1 K. 10:7 I believed not till I c. half was not told, 2 Chr. 9:6 Is. 50:2 /f. was there no man ? .Ejefc. 3:15 /c. to them of capt. Ma,t. 10:-34 Ic. not to send peace jl/ar/c 2:17/0. not to call, i?/.5:32 .lohn 8:14 I know whence I c. 42 /c. from G. nor c. /of mys. 12:27 for this cause c. I 47 Ic. not to judge the world 18:37 for this cause c. /into w. ArAs 10:29 c. /, as soon as sent f. 20:18 from first day Ic. into A. 22:11 I c. into Dama.scus 1 Cor. 2:1 Ic. not with excellency 2 Cw. 1:23 to spare you Ic. not 2:3 when Ic.\ sh. have sorrow C.4ME in. Gen. 6:4 sons of God c. in 19:5 where men c. in to thee 38:18 Judah c. in unto her 1 Sam. 18:13 David went out and c. in before the people, 16 2 Sam. 11:4 she c. in to him 2 CA?'.15:5 no p. to him that went out nor him c. in. Zee. 8:10 Est. 2:14 c. in to king no more Jer. 37:4 Jer. c. in and went out Mat. 22:10 k. c. in to see guests Luke 1:28 angel c. in to Mary 7:45 since I c. in kissed my feet Gal. 2: 1 who c. in privily CAME near. Ex. 14:20 c. not n. other all night Deut. 1:22 ye c. n. to me. 5:23" ■Jos. 17:4 tliey c. n. bef. El. 21:1 1 K. 18::36 Elijah c. n. and said ler. 42: 1 least to the greatest c. n. Acts 9:3 as he c. n. Damascus CAME nigh. Mat. 15:29 Jesus c. n. to sea of G. Mark 11:1 when they c. n. to J. Luke 7:12 when he c. n. to gate CAME out. Gen. 38:28 m. said this c. o. first Ex. 13:3 remember day ye c. o. 4 Ifu7n. 16:27 Dathan and Ab. c. o. 2 Sam.6:20 Michal pnm, Ex. 12:41 II c. to ji. nl end of 4.1'> years. self-M. dnv ll <•. to p.fi\ Dthit. 8:16 c, to p. i Sam. 1.3:9S: 8 A". 15:12; At. 2:8; .lc/.«S7;U .Aw. S1:l.^ I., had spoken nil c /». 1 .SV;j;i. 1:20 ll C. />, wh. lime wttM 10:9 nil lliorte Bigim c. lo piias CA]tf 2 .yam. 2:1 it c. to p. after, 8:1 ; 10:1; 2 /r, 6:24; 2 CAr. 20:1 2,ff'. 8:15it(;. top, onthemorrow, 1 Chr. 10:8 ; J«r, 20:3 ; ^c^*4:5 Is. 48:3 and they c. to pass 5 before it c. to p. I showed it 1 Thes. 3:4 as it c. to pass. Then CAME. 2 /Saw. 5:1 l /VhA 16:3 rem. day <*, oul of Ki; 1 .Sam. 13:11 c. mil within dii.\s 17:'JS why c. lliou do\>u lillher 786 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. CAN 2 Sam. 15:20 whereas c. but yes. 1 K. 13:9 nor return by way c. IT 14 mau of God that c. from J.? 'iK. 19:28 I -sWll turn thee back by way thou c. Is. 37:29 Nell. 9:13 c. down also on M. Si. Is. 64:3 e. down, mount, flowed Jer. 1:5 before thou c. forth out of the womb I sancti. thee Ezek. 32:2 c. forth with thy rivers Mat. 22:12 friend, how c. in hit. John 6:25 Rabbi, when c. hither 16:30 we beheve thou c. from G. Acts 9:17 in the way as thou c. CAMON. Jud. 10:5 C.4SIP. Ex. 14:19 ang. of L. went bef. c. 32:17 a noise of war in e. 27 c. slay every man brother 30:6 proclaimed tlirough the c. Lev. 24:10 strove together in c. Num. 4:5 when c. setteth forw. 11:1 con. in utmost parts of c. 26 Eld. and Med. prophes. inc. Deut. 23:14 in midst of thy c. Jos. 6:18 made c. of Isr. a curse Jud. 13:25 spirit of God began to move Samson in tlie c. 21:8 none to the c. from Jabesh 1 Sam. 4:6 noise of shout in the c. 17:17 run to c. to thy brethren iK. 6:8 in such a place be my c. 7:7 left c. as it was, fled for life 8 when these lepers came to c. 19:;35 angel of L. smote in c. of Assvr. 185,000, 7s. 37::36 Ps. 78:28 let it fall in midst of c. 106:16 envied M. also in the c. Ezek. 4:2 set the c. also against it Joel 2:11 for his c. is very great Bev. 20:9 compassed c. of saints CAMP, Verb. Is. 29:3 I will c. against thee Jer. 50:29 bend the bow c. ag. it Nah. 3:17 c. in hedges in cold day CAMPED. Ex. 19:2 Israel c. before mount Into the CAMP. 1 Sam. 4:7 God is come into c. Out of the CASIP. Ex. 19:17 M. brought people o. e. Lev. 10:4 your brethren out c. 24:2:3 had cursed out c. Nton. 14:44 M. departed not o. c. Deut. 23:10 unclean shall go o. c. 1 Sam. 13:17 spoilerso. c. of Phil. 2 Sam. 1:2 came o. c. from Saul Round about the CAMP. Num. 11:31 quails r. a. c. 32 Without the C.\MP. Ex. 29:14 bullock bum w. c. Lev. 8:17; .9:11; 16:27 33:7 sought the L. went w. t. c. Deut. 2:3:12 have a place w. c. Jos. 6:23 R. left kindred w. t. c. Heb. 13:11 1>easts burnt w. the e. 13 go forth to him w. the c. CAMPS. Num. 10:2 trum. for journey of c. Amos 4:10 stink of your c. come CAMPHIRE. Cant. 1:14 my beloved is as c. 4:13 thy plants an orchard of c. CAN. Mat. 27:65 as sure as you c. John 15:4 no more c. ye except Eom. 8:7 subject to law, nor c. be How CAIV. John 3:9 said, h. c. these th. be ? Acts 8:31 h. c. I exc. some guide ? CAKA. John 2:1 marriage in C. 11 4:46 Jesus came again into C. 21:2 Thomas and Nath. of C. CA?iA.\!V. G^«. 9:18,22.25: 10:15; 28:1 Ex. 15:15 the inhabitants of C. Jnd. 3:1; 4:2,2:3; 5:19 Ps. 106:.38 to the idols of C. 135:11 smote all kingdoms of C. /*•. 19:18 speak language of C. Zep. 2:5 C. I will destrov thee Mat. 15:22 a woman of C. cried Land of CA\AA:V. Gen. 12:5 to go into land of C. CAIVAANITE. Gen. 12:6; 15:21; 24:3: 34:30 Ex. 23:28 drive out C. 33:2 : .34:11 Num.. 21:3 deliv. up C. Neh. 9:24 Mat. 10:4 Simon the C. MarkZ:\H CANAANTTESS. 1 Chr. 2:3 CAJTDACE. ^cte8:27 CAP CANDLE. Job 18:6 his c. be put out 21:17 c. of wicked put outf 29:3 his c. shined on mv head Ps. 18:28 thou wilt light" my c. Prov. 20:27 spirit of man is c. 24:20 c. of wicked be put out 31:18 c. goeth not out by ni»ht Jer. 25:10 from them light ofc. Mat. 5:15 put c. under a bushel, .UarA-4;2l; Luke9,:\&\ 11:.33 Luke 11:36 bright shining of ac. 15:8 a c. and sweep the house Bev. 18:2:3 c. shine no more 22:5 need no c. nor light of snn CANDLES. Zep. 1:12 will search Jer. withe. CANDLESTICK. Ex. 25:31 make c. 37:17 ; Num. 6:4 40:24 put c. in tent of congreg. Lev. 24:4 lamps on c. continually Num. 3:31 their charge shall bee. 2 K. 4:10 let us set for him a c. 1 Chr. 26:15 gold for every c. 2 Chr. 13:11 set they in order c. Dan. 5:5 wrote over ag. the c. Zee. 4:2 behold a c. all of gold 11 olive-trees on right side of c. Mat. 5:15 on a c. and it giveth light to all, Luke 8:16: 11:.33 Mark 4:21 not be set on c. f Heb. 9:2 first wherein was the c. Rev. 2:5 else I will remove thy c. C.4JVDLESTICR8. 1 K. 7:49 c. of p. gold, 2 Chr. 4:7 ■Jer. 52:19 he took away the c. .ffew. 11:4 two c. standing bef. G. an.. 11:8 also c. c. into Egj^t ^Ittoos 1:6 bee. they c. c. captivity 06. 11 in day strangers car. c. Carrying CAPTIVE. Jer. 1:3 to" car. of Jerusalem c. Lead, or led CAPTIVE. .7;/rf. 5:12 lead thy captivity c. 1 .if. 8:48 return unto thee in land of enemies which /. them c. 2 C7tr. .30:9 shall find compassion before them that lead c. Ps. 68:18 led captiv. c. Eph. 4:8 .7er. 22:12 die whither led him c. Amos 7:11 Israel shall be fee? c. .VaA. 2:7 Huzzab shall be led c. Luke 21:24 shall be led away c. 2 rim. 3:6 lead c. siUy women C.\PTIVES. Num. 31:9 women of Jlidian c. 12 brought c.,' 19 purify yourc. Deut. 21:11 am. c. a beauti. wo. ^:42 drunk ^vith blood of c. 1 Sam. 30:5 David's two\vivesc. iK. 24:14 from Jerus. 10.000 c. 2 CTir. 28:11 deliver the c. again 13 ye shall not bring in c. Is. 14:2 take them c. whose c. 20:4 the Ethiopians c. 45:13 let cro my c. not for price 49:25 c. of mighty be taken 61:1 libertv to the c. Luke 4:18 .Jer. 48:46 thv sons and d. are c. 50:33 took them c. held them Ezek. 1:1 as T was among c. 16:53 captivitv of thv c. Dan. 2:25 fotmd a man of c. of J. C^PTITTTV. Num. 21:29 his daushtors into c. Di'-'it. 21:13 raiment ofc. from ofl' .30-3 Lord will turn thy c. 2 TT. 24:15 carried he intoc. toB. 25:27 .3Tth vear ofc. Jer. .52:.31 \Chr. 5:22 dwelt in steads nntil c. 6:15 Jehozadftk went into c. 2 CTr. 6:37 pray in land ofc. .38 if they return to thee in c. 29;9 onr sons and wives are in c. CAR Ezr. 9:7 have been delivered to c. Neh. 1:2 Jews wh. were left ofc. 4:4 for a prey in land of their c. Est. 2:6 Mordecai carried with c. ■lob 42:10 L. turned the c. of Job Ps. 14:17 Lord bring back c. 85:1 78:61 deliv. his strength into c. 126:1 when L. turned ag. c. of Z. 4 turn again our c. O L. as str. 7*. 5:13 my peo. are gone into c. 22:17 carry thee with mighty c. 46:2 themselves are gone into c. Jer. 15:2 for the c. to the c. 48:11 29:14 I will turn awav your c. 30:3; 32:44; 33:7, li, 26 20 hear all of c. ,■ 28 c. is long 22 taken up a curse by aU c. 31 send to all them of c. 30:10 seed from land ofc. 46:27 48:11 hath Jloab gone into c. Lam. 1:3 Judah is gone into c. 5 her children are gone into c. 2:14 discov. to turn away thy c. 4:22 no more carry thee into c. Ezek 1:2 fifth y. of Jehoiae. c. 3:11 get to them ofc. and speak 11:25 I spake to them of c. all 12:7 my stufl', as stufl'for c. 16:53 bring again their c. the c. of Sodom and Samaria 25:3 went into c. thou saidst 33:21 in 12th year ofc. one esc. 39:23 house of Isr. went into c. 40:1 in the 25th year of our c. Dan. 6:13 D. of thee, of Judah 11:33 shall fall by c. many days 77os. 6:11 returned c. of my peo. Ob. 20 c. of this host, c. of Jer. Mic. 1:16 gone into c. from thee Nah. 3:10 ISTo went intoc. her ch. Eab. 1:9 gather c. as the sand Zep. 2:7 shall turn away c. 3:20 Zee. 6:10 take of them of the c. Rom. 7:23 c. to the law of sin 2 Cor. 10:5 into c. every thought See CAPTIVE. Bring CAPTH'ITY. Ps. 53:6 when God b. back c. Jer. 30:18 b. ag. c. of Jacob's t. 31:2:3 I shall b. again their e. 48:47 bring again e. of Moab 49:6 I will b. again c. of Ammon 39 will In-ing again c. of Elam Ezek. 29:14 b. again e. of Eg>-pt 39:25 now vill I 6. again c. of J. /m. 14:29 c. shall fall in wilder. 1 Sam. 17:46 I will give c. of Ph. CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 787 CAR Is. 5:25 their c. torn in streets 34:3 stink come up out of c. 66:24 c. of them transgressed Jer. 7:33 c. of this people be meat for fowls, 16:4; 19:7 16:18 filled mineinh. with thee. Ezek. 6:5 lay c. of Isr. before id. 4;i9 c. of their kings far from NaJi. .3:3 a great number of c. Heb. 3:17 c. fell in wilderness CARCHEMISH. 2 Chr. a5:20 to fight against C. Ik. 10:9 is not Caino as C. 1 Jer. 46:2 river Euphrates in C CARE. 1 Sam. 10:2 father left c. of asses 2 K. 4:13 careful with all this c. Jer. 49:31 the nation without c. Ezelc. 4:16 shall eat bread withe. L>ike 10::31 he took c. of him 35 said, Takec. of him 1 Cor. 9:9 God take c. for oxen ? 12:25 same c. one for another S Car. 7:12 c. for you might ap. 8:16 same earnest c. in Titus 11:28 c. of all the churches 1 Tim. 3:5 how take c. of church 1 Pet. 5:7 casting your e. on him CARE, ED. 2 Sam. 18:3 if we flee, not c. for Pi. 142:4 no man c. for my soul Luke 10:40 c. that my sister left John 12:6 he c. for the poor Acts 18:17 G. c.for none of those 1 Cor. 7:21 a servant? c. not PAi/. 2:20 natur. c. for your state CAREFUL. 2 /r. 4:13 thou hast been c. for us Jer. 17:8 c. in year of drought Van. 3:16 we are note, toanawer Luke 10:41 e. about many tilings Phil. 4:6 be c. for nothing, but 10 e. but lacked oijportunity Tit. 3:8 c. to maintain good w. CAREFULLY. Deut. 15:5 thou e. hearken to L. jl/ic. 1:12 inha. of M. waited c. Phil. 2:28 I sent him the more c. Heb. 12:17 sought it e. with tears CAREFULNESS. Ezek. 12:18 drink «'ater with c. 19 shall cat their bread with c. 1 Coi'. 7:32 have you without e. 2 6'or. 7:11 what c. it wrought CARELESS. ./»cZ. 18:7 saw how they dwelt c. Is. .32:9 hear, ye e. daughters 10 ye c, women ; 11 ye e. ones Ezek. 30:9 c. Ethiopians afraid CARELESSLY. Is. 47:8 thou that dvvcllcst c. Ezek. 39;fi fire am. themdwellc. Zep. 2:15 rejoicing city dwelt c. CARES. Mark 4:1^ c. of this world choke i»/i:e8:14 chok. wilh e.audrich. 21:34 overcharged with c. of life CARE.ST, ETII, ING. Deut. 11:12 a land which L. c. Mat. 22:16 r;. thou for any man Mark 4:138 c. thou not we perish 12:14 art true, and c. for no man John 10:13 hireling c. not for sh. 1 Cor. 7:32 is unmarried c. 34 33 ia married, e. for world, 34 1 Pet. 5:7 for ho c. for you CARMEL. 1 Sam. 95:2 posscH. in 0. 7, 40 1 K. 18:!9 gather all Is. to nit, 0. Cant. 7:5 head u. thee is like C. Is. 35:2 excellency of C. Jer. 46:18 as (;. liy the sea jtm/js 1-2 C. sluill wither, 9:3 Mic.T.U in tlie iiiidHt of C. CARiMKLITE. 1 Sam. 30:5 N, (;. 2 Sam. 2:2; 3:3 2 (S'awi. 2;j:35 Jleziai C. one of 1). CAUMI. r/e«. 40:9; Jo«. 7:1: 1 67«'. 2:7;'1:1 CARIVAL. Hirm. 7:14 I am c. sold under sin H:7 f;. mind iM(!iimitynguinHl, (1. 15:27 to niinlHler in <;. thingH 1 Cor. 3:1 unto <:. even to linlies 3 an; yet «. ,• 4 arc; ye not c. f 0:11 If we n^ap your e, thliigH 2 6V«'. 10:-1 w. of warfare not c. llih. 7:16 law of ii c. conniiand. 9:10 stood iji e. ordinances <'AH1\ALI,Y. Ia'V. lK:2l)nc>t lie,-. »iili n. wife IU;20 ll«;/. :!:(> e. into tlery f^l^laee 6:7 be c. into den of lions. Hi ,/(ui. 2:1 am c. out of (hy sight Milt. -1:12 .lohn was(-, Intoiirhon 5:25 and thou he c. Into pilson 29 body bee. Into hell, 30 6::!0e, into the oven, Lii. 14:28 2t:'.M mountain. He e. into si-a J/,/,'A '.t:l2e. into s.-a, /.nkf 17:2 ir. to hec. Into ll. II, 17 r.uke-.i-Mr. It Into, .I/k^ 3:10; 7:111 23: lU c. Into iirlitun, 2A CAS .7o7m 3:24 not yet c. into prison ylc^« 27:26 c. on a certain island Pev. 8:7 hail and fire c. on earth 8 mountain burning c. into sea 12:13 dragon was c. unto earth 19:20 both c. alive into the lake 20:10 the de\'il was e. into lake 14 death and hell c. into lake 15 not found in book of life, c. CAST, active. Gen. 31:38 she-goats have not c. 37:20 c. him into some pit .39:7 e. eyes on Joseph Ex. 1:22 every son c. into river 4:3 he c. rod on the ground 15:4 Ph. chariots he c. into sea 25 had e. tree into the waters 22:.31 flesh torn, e. it to the dogs 23:26 nothing c. their young 25:12 e. 4 rings, ,37:3, 13; 38:5 .32:19 Moses c. tables out NuTn. 35:23 c. it on him Deut. 29:28 L. e. into an. land Jos. 8:29 e. king of Ai at gate 10:27 c. them into cave Jud. 9:53 a woman c. a piece of millstone, 2 Sam. 11:21 1 ^'am. 18:11 S. e. javelin, 20:.33 2 Seem. 16:6 S. c. stones at Dav. 18:17 c. Absalom into a pit 1 AT. 7:46 c. them, 2 C'Ae. 4:17 14:9 c. me behind thy back 19:19 E. c. his mantle on him 2 K. 2:16 c. him on some mount. 21 spring, and e. salt in there 3:25 e. each his stone 4:41 meal he c. into the pot 6:6 he e. in stick, iron swam 9:25 e. into portion of N. 26 13:21 c. into sepulchre of Elisha 23 c. from his presence as yet 19:18 c. gods into fire. Is. :j7:19 32 c. a bank ag. it, /•>■. 37:33 Neh. 9:26 e. law behind Est. 3:7 e. Pur, 9:21 Job 20:2:3 shall c. fury of ^\Tath 27:22 God shall c. upon him 30:19 hath e. mo into mire 40:11 e. abroad rage of wrath Ps. 55:3 they e. iniquity on me 22 c. thy burden on the Lord 74:7 c. fire into thy sanctuary 78:-iy c. on them h'is wrath Prov. 1:14 c. in thy lot among us Ec. 11:1 c. thy bread on waters Is. 2:20 shall e. his idols to bats .38:17 has e. all my sins behind Jer. 26:23 c. Urijah's body into 36:23 e. it into fire on hearth :38:0 e. Jereiii. into dungeon, 9 -41:7 Ishmael e. them into pit Lam. 3:53 e. a stone upon me Ezek. 11:16 I have e. them faroff 2;3:.'i5 e. me behind thy back 28:17 I will e. thee to ground Dan. 3:20 e. them intoTuniace 'il did not we e. three into fire 6:24 c. theiu into den of lions ■Jon. 2:3 e. me into the deep .Mic. 4:7 I will make her c. off 19 e. all their sins into sea Nah. 3:6 1 will <-. tilth on thee Zee. 5:8 e. it into the ephali.e. 11:13 e. it unto potter, (-. them .^f(l/. 3:11 nor vine e. fruit before .Uat. .-5:10 is (. i:ito fire. 7:19 5:29 e. it from thee, 30; 18:8, 9 7:6 nor e. jiearls before swine 1.5:-,)t) ■ " ----- 17:-27 < 18::3() I 22:13 < 27:14 ( it todt ,-. Iliema. 2 Siini. \rH nil. Ill niighly Imc. vi. 18:10 will c. lelum to thee 26:28 saw c. 1,. wa- with thee •l:;:7 c. kiu.w Iu- would say l:\v. 3:12 c. 1 will lie willi Ihce ./(«. 9:24 it wasi-. told Ibv serv. 1 Sam. 20:9 if I knew e. evil 20:28 <•. make mv lord n sure 1 l\. 1:.30 so will"! .-. do ild^ day 2 A'. 8:10 thou mavcsl c. recover 3 (^ir. 18:27 Ife. lelurn In peace ./tc. 8:8 lo <■. In vain iiuule he It 12:19 c. 1 have lulmonished 44:17 c, vh. Zep. 2:2 day pass as the c. Mat. 3:12 b. up the c. Luke 3:17 CHAIIV. Gen. 41:42 put a gold c. about his neck, Dan. 5:7, IB, 29. Ps. 73:6 pride compasscth as a c. Cant. 4:9 ravished me with one c. Lam. 3:7 he made my c. heavy Ezek. 7:23 c. land is full of crim. 16:11 I pnt a c. on thy nock Acts 28:20 for hope bound with c. 2 Tim. 1:16 O. not ashamed of c. Bev. 20:1 angel c. in his hand CH-ilXS. Jud. 8:26 c. about camels' necks 1 K. 6:21 c. of gold before oracle Ps. 149:8 to bind kings with c. Prov 1:9 instruction shall be c. Cant. 1:10 neck comeJy with c. Is. 3:19 L. will take away thy c. 40:10 goldsmith casteth silver c. 45:14 come after thee in c. Jer. 40:4 1. thee this day from c. Ezek. 19:4 brought him with c. 9 they put him in ward in c. Mark 5:3 no not with c. Acts 12:7 Peter" s c. fell off 2 Pet. 2:4 deliv. into c. of dark. Jude 6 reserved in everlasting c. See BOTJND. CHALCEDOJVY. Eev. 21:19 foundation was a c. CHALCOL. 1 K. 4:31 Sol. was M-iser than C. 1 Chr. 2:6 sous of Z. Heman, C. CHALI)E.\. Jer. 50:10 C. shall be a spoil 51:24 to inhabitants of C. ;35 Ezek. 16:29 thy fornication to C. 23:16 messeng. to them into C. CIIALDEAX. Ezr. 5:12 them into hand of C. Dan. 2:10 such things at any C. CHALDEAiVS. Jol) 1:17 C. made out three bands Is. 23:13 C. the Assvrian foun. Dan. 1:4: 2:2; 3:8; 4:7; 5:7, 11 Hab. 1:6 lo, I raise up the C. Acts 7:4 out of the land of the C. CHALDEES. 2 K. 24:2 of the C. 2.5:4, 10, 26 2 Chr. 36:17 the king of the C. Is. 1:3:19 Bab. the beauty of C. CHALK-STO>^ES. Is. 27:9 stones of altar as c.-s. CH.VLLE\GETH. Ex. 22:9 another c. to be his CHAMBER. Gen. 43:30 J. entered into his c. Jud. 15:1 my wife into the c. ■ 16:9 in wait abiding In c. 12 2 K. 4:11 Elisha turned into c. Neh. 13:5 prepared for Tobiah c. Ps. 19:5 as bridegroom ont of c. Cant. 3:4 c. of her conceived me Jer. 36:10 book inc. of Gemariah 20 laid roll in c. of Elishama Ezek. 40:15 <■•. prospect to south Dan. 6:10 windows open in his c. CHA Joel 2:16 bridegr. go forth of c. Inner CHAMBER. 1 IC 20:.30 Benh. came into in. c. 22:25 inn^r c. 2 Chr. 18:24 2 K. 9:2 carry Jehu into inner c. Little CHAMBER. 2 K. 4:10 a litle c. on the wall Ezek. 40:7 little c. one reed, 13 Side CHAMBER. Ezek. 41:5 every side c. four cub. Upper CHAMBER. 2 .ST. 1:2 thro' a lattice in v. c. 23:12 altars on top of vpper c. Acts 9:.37 Dorcas in an vpper c. 39 P. when come into vpper c. 20:8 many lights in vpper c. CHAMBERS. 1 K. 6:5 against the wall built c. 1 Chr. 9:26 porters over c. 23:28 2 Chr. 31:11 com. to prepare c. Job 9:9 maketh c. of the south Ps. 104:3 beams of c. in waters 13 watereth hills from c. 105:30 in the c. of their kings Prov. 7:27 down to c. of death 24:4 by knowledge c. be filled Cant. 1:4 brought me into his c. Is. 26:20 c. and shut thy doors ■ler. 22:13 buildeth c. by -s^Tong 14 a wide house and large c. ;35:2 Eechabites into onc'of c. Ezek. 8:12 in c. of his imagery 21:14 sword entereth privy c. 42:13 holy c. where priests eat Mat. 24:26 he is in secret e. CHAMBERING. Rom. 13:13 c. and wantonness CHAMBERLAIN, S. 2 K. 23:11 Nathan-melech the c. Est. 1:10 seven c. that served 2:21 king's c. were -wroth Acts 12:20 Blastus the king's c. Bom. 16:23 Erastus c. saluteth CHAMELEON. Lev. 11:30 be unclean, the c. CHAMOIS. Deut. 14:5 ye shall eat, the c. CHAMP.lIGiV. Deut. 11:30 in c. over against G. CH.\MPION. 1 Sam. 17:4 there went out a c. 51 saw their c. was dead CH.4NCE. 1 Sam. 6:9 c. that happened to us Ec. 9:11 time and c. happeneth Lvke 10:31 by c. a priest came 1 Cor. 15:37 it may c. of wheat CHANCELLOR. Ezr. 4:8 Rohum the c. 9, 17 <;haivge. Gen. 45:22 each c. to Ben. iive c. Jud. 14:12 c. of garments, 13 2 K. 5:5 took ten c. of raiment 2-2 two c. of garments 23 bound two c. of garments ■lob 10:17 c. and \\-ar are ag. me 14:14 I wait till my c. come Ps. 55:19 no c. they fear not Prov. 24:21 them given to c. neb.'X:\% of necessity a c. of law change, Verb. Gen. 85:-2 and c. your garments Lev. 27:10 he sha'll not c. it 33 nor c. it, if he c. ■Iobl7:V2c. the night into the day Ps. 102:26 as vesture c. them /■.'. 9:10 M-ill c. them into cedars .ler. 2::36 so much to c. thy way ? 13:23 cm Ethiopian c. his skin Dan. 7:25 think to c. times //OS. 4:7 c. their glorj' to shame Rab. 1:11 his mind c and pass Mai. 3:6 I am the Lord I c. not .icts 6:14 shall c. the customs Potn. 1:26 women did c. the use ffa^. 4:20 I desire to c. my voice Phil. 3:21 C. shall o. our vile b. CHANGED, ETH. Gen. 31:7 your father c. wages 41:14 Joseph c. his raiment Lev. 13:16 flesh turn and be c. 55 plague have not c. his color 1 Sam. 2l:13 f. behavior before 2 Sam. 12:20 Dav. c. his apparel 2 K. 24:17 c. name to Zedekiah 25:29 c. prison gar. Jer. 52:33 ./ob .30:18 is my garment c. Ps. 15:4 sweareth to hurt, c. not 102:26 as a vesture c. Heb. 1:12 106:20 c. their glory to an ox Ee. 8:1 bold, of face shall be c. Is. 24:5 c. the ordinance CHA ■ler. 2:11 c. their gods, my people 48:11 and his scent is not c. Lam. 4:1 how is the fine gold c. Ezek. 5:6 hath c. my judgments Dan. 2:9 to speak till time be c. 21 he c. times and seasons 3:19 form of his visa'^e was c. 27 coats c. nor smell of fire 4:16 heart be c. from man's 6:8 -writing that it be not c. 15 no decree may be c. 3Iic. 2:4 c. portion of my people Acts 28:6 barbarians c. their m. Pom. 1:23 c. glory of uncor. God 25 c. truth of God into a lie 1 Cor. 15:51 we shall all be c. 52 2 Cor. 3:18 c. into same image Heb. 7:12 for priesthood being c. CHANGEST, ED, counte- nance. ■Tob 14:20 c. his c. and sendest Dan. 5:6 king's c. was c. 9 7:28 my countenance c. in me CHANGERS. Mat. 21:12 tables of money c. Mark 11:15; John 2:14, 15 CHANGING. Buth 4:7 manner concerning c. CHANNEL, S. 2 Sam. 22:16 c. of the s. Ps. 18:15 />. 8:7 shall come up over his c. 27:12 beat off" from c. of the riv. CHANT. Amos 6:5 c. to sound of the viol CHAPEL. Am/)s 7:13 it is the king's c. CHAPITER, S. Ex. 36:38 c. with gold, 38:28 38:17 overlaying of c. 19 2 K. 7:16 c. of brass, 2 7i'. 25:17; 2 CAr. 4:12, 13; J«r. 52:22 CHAPMEN. 2 Chr. 9:14 what c. brought CHAPPEB. Jer. 14:4 because the ground is c. CHARGE, Substantive. Gen. 26:5 Abraham kept my c. 28:6 Isaac gave Jacob a c. Ex. 6:13 Moses and Aaron a c. Num. 9:19 kept the c. of L. 2-3 27:23 Joshua a c. Deut. 31:23 ■los. 22:3 Renbenites kept c. 2 .Sam. 18:5 c. concerning Abs. 1 K. 11:28 Jeroboam ruler over c. 2 .r. 7:17 lord c. of the gate 1 Chr. 9:27 bee. c. was on them Xeh. 7:2 Hanani c. over Jerus. Jo6 34:13 c. over the earth ? Pi!. 35:11 c. things I knew not Jcr.39:ll c. concerning Jeremiah 47:7 seeing L. hath given it c. Ezek. 9:1 have c. over the city 44:8 not kept c. of holy things 15 kept c. of my sanctuary 48:11 my c. went not astray Acts 7:60 lay not sin to their c. 8:27 had c. of treasure 16:24 rec. c. thi-ust into prison 23:29 to his c. worthy of death Bom. 8:.33 to c. of God's elect? 1 Cor. 9:18 gospel without c. 1 Tim,. 1:1^ c. I commit to thee 2 Tim. 4:16 not be laid to their c. See KEEP. Give CHARGE. Num. 27:19 give Joshua a c. Deut. 31:14 call J. give him a c. 2 Sa7n. 14:8 I will g. c. con. thee 1 Chr. 22:12 L. g. thee wis. and c. Ps. 91:11 g. aug. c. Mat. 4:6: Lvke 4:10 1 Tim. 5:7 these things (/JDC in c. 6:13 (7ir« thee c. in siglit of God CHARGE, Verb. Ex. 19:21 go down c. the people iie(/^ 3:28 c. Joshua encourage Neh. 10:32 to c. om-selves yearly Cant. 2:7 I c. dan. 3:5 ; 5:8 ; 8:4 .5:9 that thou dost so c. us Mark 9:25 I e. thee, come out 1 Tim. 1:3 c. that they teach no 5:21 c. thee bef. God, 2 r?;;!. 4:1 6:17 c. them that are rich CH.ARGEABLE. 2 SffOT. 13:25 not all go, lest be c. Neh. 5:15 governors were c. 2 Cor. 11:9 1 was c. to no man 1 Thes. 2:9 we would not be c. 2 Thes. 3:8 might not be c. to any CHARGED. Gen. 26:11 Abimelech f. his peo. 28:1 Isaac called J. and c. him 40:4 captain c. Jos. with them 49:29 Jacob c. his sons, and said CHA Ex. 1:22 Pharaoh c. his people Deut. 1:16 I c. your judges 24:5 nor be c. with business 27:11 Moses c. people same day 1 Sam. 14:27 heard not when S. e. 2 Sam.. 18:12 hearing, king c. 1 .fir. 2:1 David c. Solomon 13:9 so c. me by word of Lord 2 Chr. 36:23 c. me to b. Ezr. 1:2 Job 1:22 nor c. God foolishly 4:17 angels he c. with folly ■Jer. 32:13 I c. Eamch saying 35:8 obeyed Jonadab in all he e. Mat. 9:30 c. that no man know it, Mark 5:43 ; Luke 9:21 11:16 J. c. not to make known Mark 7:.36 c. not to teU, 8:30 ; 9:9 ; iwyte5:14; 8:56 10:48 c. him should hold peace 1 Tlies. 2:11 c. every one of you 1 Tim^. 5:16 let not church be c. CH.\RGEDST. .Ec. 19:23 c. us, saying CHARGER, 6. Num. 7:13 oflfering silver e. 19-79 85 each c. of silver 130 shekels Ezr. 1:9 one thousand c. Mat. 14:8 head in a c. Jl/arA 6:25 CHARGES. 2 Chr. 8:14 Levites to their c. 31:17 twenty years in their c. 35:2 set priests in their c. Acts 21:24 be ai c. with them 1 Cor. 9:7 warfare at his own c. ? CHARGING. Acts 16:23 c. jailer to keep safely 2 Tim. 2:14 c. strive not about w. CHARIOT. Gen. 41:43 ride in second c. Ex. 14:25 Lord took off c. wheels 1 K. 18:44 prep, thy c. get down 20:25 number c. for c. 22:35 the blood ran into c. 2 K. 2:11 appeai'ed a c. of fire 12 cried, c. of Israel, 13:14 5:21 from c. to meet Gehazi 9:16 J. rode in c. ; 27 smite in c. 28 carried him in a c. 2-3:30 2 C/jr. 35:24 took him ont of c. Ps. 46:9 he burneth the c. in fire 76:6 c. and horse cast into sic. ■ Cant. 3:9 c. of wood of Lebanon Is. 21:7 saw a c. e. of asses ■ler. 51:21 will I break in pieces c. Mic. 1:13 bind e. to swift beast Zee. 6:2 first c. red horses 9:10 cut off c. from Ephraim Acts 8:29 join thyself to this e. 38 commanded c. to stand still His CHARIOT. Gen. 46:29 J. made ready his c. Ex. 14:6 Ph. made ready his c. Jud. 4:15 Sisera lighted ofi his c. 5:28 his c. so long in coming 1 K. 12:18 to his c. 2 Chr. 10:18 22::34 to driver oihis c. 2 K. 5:9 Naaman came with h. c. 9:21 went ont each in his c. 24 Jehoram sunk dowm in h. c. 10:16 made him ride in his c. Ps. 104:3 maketh clouds his c. Jer. 4:13 his c. like whirlwind Acts 8:28 in his c. read Esaias CHARIOT-CITIES. 2 C%?-. 1:14 placed in c.<. 8:6 Solomon built all c.-c. 9:25 bestowed the e.-c. CHARIOT-HORSES. 2 Sam. 8:4 hou. c.-h. 1 C'Ar. 18:4 2 A'. 7:14 thcv took two c.-h. CHARIOT-MAN. 2 C%r. 18:3:3 to c.-in. turn thy h. CH.\RIOTS. ffe?j. 50:9 -nent with Joseph c. Ex. 14:7 Pharaoh took COO c. 28 waters covered all the c. 1.5:4 Ph.'s c. cast into sea, 1!) J()«. 17:16 c. of iron 18; /«rf.l:19; 4:3 Jud. 5:28 wheels of his c. ISam. 8:11 king appoint ferhisc. 13:5 to fight Israel 30,000 ■- 2 Sam. 1:6 the c. foUoweti Saul 1 K. 10:26 Solomon had 1,400 e. 22:32 captains of c. saw Jeh. 2 .fir. 13:7 left but ten c. 18:24 trust on E. for c. Is. 36:9 P.?. 68:17 c. of God are 20,000 Cant. 6:12 my soul likec. of Am. Is. 2:7 nor any end of then- c. 22:18 c. of thy glory be shame 31:1 woe to them that trust in c. 37:24 bv mul. of c. am I come 66:15 ^vith c. like whurlwind, Jer. 4:13; Dan. 11:40 CRUDEN'S CON^CORDANCE. 791 CHA Jer. 47:3 at rushing of his e. Ezek. 23:24 against thee with c. 26:10 walls shake at noise of c. Joel 2:5- like noise of c. shall leap Mic. 5:10 I will destroy thy c. Nah. 2:3 c. shall be with torches 4 c. shall rage in the streets 13 I will bum her c. in smoke Uag. 2:22 I will overthrow the c. Bev. 9:9 sound of wings as of c. CHARIOTS with horses. Deut. 11:4 he did to h. and c. 30:1 seest horses and c. fear not Jos. 11:6 hough their h. bum c. 9 Josh, burnt their c. with fire 2 Sam. 15:1 Absal. pre. h. and c. 1 K. 20:1 Samaria with c. and A. 2 AT. 6:17 mount, full of c. and h. 7:6 to hear a noise of A. and c. 10:2 with you c. and horses Ph. 20:7 trust in c. some in A. Cant. 1:9 comp. to A. in Phar. c. /«. 6(>:20 bring brethren in c. Jer. 17:25 princes in c. 22:4 46:9 come up, ye h. rage ye c. 50:37 on their horses and c. ^z«A;. 26:7 Tyrus Neb. with c. 39:20 at table with h. and c. Nah. 3:2 A. and jumping c. Jlab. 3:8 thy c. of salvation Bev. 18:13 buys their h. and c. CHARITABLY. Bom. 14:15 now walkest not c. CHARITY. 1 Cor. 8:1 but c. edificth 13:1 and have not c, 2, 3 4 c. sufFcreth long, c. env. not 13 faith, hope, c. greatest is c. 14:1 follow c. desire spir. gifts 16:14 let all be done with c. Col. 3:14 above all put on c. 1 yifes. 3:6 good tidings of your c. 2 Thes. 1:3 c. to each'othcr 1 Tim. 1:5 end of command, is c. 2:15 if continue in faith and c. 4:12' example in c. in spirit 2 y^OT. 2:22 follow righteous, c. .3:10 known ray life, faith, o. Til. 2:2 aged men be sound in c. 1 Pet. 4:8 Tervent c. c. cover sins 5:14 greet with a kiss of c. 3 Pet. 1:7 brotherly kindness c. 3 .Joliii 6 borne witness of thy c. Jude 12 spots in your feasts of c. Bev. 2:19 I know thy works, c. CHARMED. Jer. 8:17 wli. will not be c. CHARMER, 8. J)eid. lfJ:ll not be found a c. Ps. 58:5 not hearken to c. CHARRAN. Acts '7:2,i CHASE. Lev. 20:8 shall c. a hundred, 36. J)eut. 32:30 c. 1,000, Jos. 23:10 Ps. 35:5 angel of L. c. tliem CHASED, ETH, IIVG. J)ertt. 1:44 Amoritcs c. you Jud. 9:40 Al)inielech c. him Meh. 13:28 I c. him iVom me Jol> 18:18 be c. out of the world 20:8 be e. as a vision of night Proil. 19:26 c. away liis mother /». 13:14 shall lie as the c. roe 17:13 they shall be c. as chaff Lam. 3:52 c. me ian. 10:12 (•. thyself bc^fore God Bev. 8:19 I rebiile>it. 21:18 llicy Imve c. him ■ ./oil XV.V.} is i: also with pain /'/(, 69:10 c. my soul 7;!: II and c. every morning 118:18 liOrd Imtli c. me soro 1 (,'iir. 11:32 r. that we be not 2 ('or. 6:9 as c. and not killed //it/. 12:10 for a few days c. us <;ilAKTE\KSr, ETH, l\0. Dint. 8:5 c. Ills son, so Ij, c. Ihco ,M/ 5:17 c. of Almighty, Prov. 8:11 ; //«*. 12:5. /'fl. 91:12 bleMH. Is whom thou e. J'mi'. l:i:2l lov, lilin, r. betimes /». 2. 12:0 whom Lord luvoth ho c. CHE Seb. 12:7 if ye end. e. what son 11 no c. seemeth to be joyous CHASTISE, ED, ETH. Lev. 26:26 I will c. seven times Deut. 22:18 elders shall c. him 1 K. 12:11 I will c. you with scor- pions, 14; 2 Chr. 10:11,14 Ps. 94:10 he that c. heathen ./er. 31:18 c. me, and I was c. Hos. 7:12 1 will c. them as cong. 10:10 I should c. them iwfe 23:16 c. him and release, 22 CHASTISEMENT. Deut. 11:2 have not seen the c. Job 34:31 1 have borne c. Is. 53:5 c. of our peace ,Ter. 30:14 with c. of a cruel one Beb. 12:8 with. c. then bastards CHATTER. Is. 38:14 so did I c. CHEBAR. Ezek. 1:1, 3 ; 3:15, 23 ; 10:15, 30 CHECK. Job 20:3 heard c. of my reproach CHECKER -WORK. 1 K. 7:17 Hir. made nets of c. CHEDORLAOMER. Gen. 14:4 CHEEK. 1 K. 22:24 Zed. smote Mic. on c. ./oS 16:10 smitten me on the c. Lam. 3:30 c. to him that smiteth Mic. 5:1 smite the judge on the c. Mat. 5:39 right c. turn other Luke 6:29 to him smiteth one c. CHEEKBONE. Ps. 3:7 smitten enemies on c. CHEEKS. Cant. 1:10 thy c. comely 5:13 his c. are as a bed of spices Is. 50:6 my c. to them Lam. 1:2 her tears are on her c. CHEEKTEETH. Joel 1:6 he hath c. of a great lion CHEER. Vffut. 24:5 shall c. up his wife Ec. 11:9 thy heart c. thee Good CHEER. Mat. 9:2 son, be oi g. c. 14:27 be of rj. c. Mark 6:50 Jb/t/i 16:.33 be oi.g. c. I have Arts 23:11 be of qood c. Paul 27:22 to be oi good c. 25, 36 CHEERETH. Jud. 9:13 which c. God and man CHEERFUL. Prov. 15:13 a c. countenance Zee. 8:19 be to Judah c. feasts 9:17 com make young men c. 2 Ccrr. 9:7 God loveth a c. giver CHEERFULLY. Acts 24:10 c. answer for myself CHEERFULIVESS. Bom. 12:8 showeth mercy with c. CHEESE, S. 1 Sam. 17:18 carry ten c. to capt. 2 Sam. 17:29 c. ofkine for David .Jot) 10:10 curdled me like c. CnEMARIM. Zep. 1:4 CIIEMOSH. Num. 21:29 O people of C. .Jud. 11:24 what C. givellif 1 A'. 11:7,33; ■/«?•. 48:7, 13, 46 CIIENAANAII. 1 K. 22:21; 2 Chr. 18:23. CHE!VAI\IAH. 1 Chr. 15:22 C. chief of Lev. 27 CII ERET II I M . Kzck. 25: 16 CIIERETIIITKS. 1 Sam. 30:1 1 invasion on the 0. 2,yuOT. 8:18 the O. 20:23; 1 Chr. 18:17. Z(7). 2:5 woo tnito nation of C. CHERISH, ED, KTII. 1 A'. 1:2 let her c. liiiii, aiul He ■I damsel c. the kin^' Kph. 5:29 c. flesh, as L. eluireh 1 7Vi(V(. 2:7 as a nurse c. children CUEUITII. 1 A'. 17:8. CHERUB. K.r. 25:19 c. on om^ end c .37:8 •i Saw. 22:11 on a c. I's. 18:10 1 /i'. 6:25 other i\ was ten cubits Ezek. 9:8 gom? up IVimi c. 10:4 10:14 first face was face of a r. 28:1(1 destroy tliee, Oeoverlngc'. 41:18 every c. had two faces CliEHIBIM. Om. 8:24 l)lucud ut the uuHt c. CHI .E>. 37:7 made two c. of gold 1 K. 6:25 both the c. of one meas. 8:7 c. covered ark, 2 Chr. 5:8; fieS. 9:5 2 CAr.3:10 most holy house two c. Ezek. 10:16 c. went wheels went 19 the c. lifted wings, 11:22 Between the CHERUBIM. Ex. 25:22 from b. two c. iVi/OT. 7:89 betw. the two c. 1 Sam. 4:4 wh. dw. let. c. 2 -Sawi. 6:2; 2 if. 19:15; /«. 37:16 P«. 80:1 dwellest bet. c. shine 99:1 he sitteth bet. t. c. Ezek. 10:2 fire (i-om bet. t. c. 6 7 hand from betw. the c. CHESED. Gen. «:22 CHESIVUT-TREE, 8. Gen. 30:37 Jac. took rods of c.-t. Ezek. 31:8 c.-t. not like his bran. CHEST, S. %K. 12:9 a c. and bored a hole 2 Chr. 24:8 at king' s com. made c. Ezek. 27:24 thy merchants in c. CHEW, ED, ETH. Lev. 11:4 c. the cud, Deut. 14:7 7 c. not the cud, Deut. 14:8 Num. 11:33 ere flesh c. wrath CHICKENS. Mat. 23:37 hen gathereth her c. CHIDE. Ex. 17:2 people did c. why c. ,Iud. 8:1 Eph. did c. with Gid. Ps. 103:9 he will not always c. CHIDING. Ex. 17:7 Meribah, because of c. CHIEF. Gen. 40:21 restored the c. butler 22 but he hanged the c. baker Num. 3:32 Ele&zar c. over the c. 2 Sam. 23:18 Abishai was c. 1 Chr. 5:2 of Judali came c. ruler 11:6 smit. Jebusites be c. Joab 18:17 the sons of David were c. 26:10 though not first-bom c. ^fey. 9:2 rulers c. in this trespass Job 12:24 taketh away heart of c. 29:25 chose out their way, sat c. 40:19 behemoth is c. of ways Ps. 78:51 c. of strength, 105:36 137:8 Jerusalem above my c. joy Prov. 1:21 crieth in c. places 16:28 whisperer sep. c. friends Is. 14:9 hell stirreth up c. ones Jer. 13:21 taught them as c. over 31:7 shout among c. of nations Lam. 1:5 her adversaries are c. Dan. 11:41 c. of children of Am. Amos 6:1 c. of the nations Mat. 20:27 whosoever will be c. 23:6 love c. scats, Mark 12:39 j)/arft6:21 supper to his <;. estates Lu. 11:15 cast, out devils thro' c. 14:1 house of one of c. Pharisees 7 they chose c. rooms, 20:46 22:26 he c. as he that serveth ,Iohn 12:42 c. rulers many believ. Acts 14:12 he was the c. sjjcaker 17:4 of c. women not a few Eph. 2:20 c. corner-st. 1 Pet. 2:6 1 Tim. 1:15 of whom I am c. \Pel. 5:4 c. Sheph. shall appejir CHIEF cantalii. 2 Sam. 5:8 he shall no c. and cap. Acts 21:31 came to c. captain 82 saw c. captain they left 23:17 bring young man to <•. c. 21:7 c. captain L. came upon us 22 c. c. sliall come, I will know <:iIiEF rnplalnH. 2Sam. 2:1:8 sat c. among the c. 2 ('//;'. 8:9 Is. c. of Solomon's cap. Acts 25:23 Ag. entered with c. c. llev. 6:15 c. c. hid themselves CHIEF riitliiTH. Num. 31:'i6 c. f. of the eongreg. 1 Chr. 9::)4 c./athtrs of l.evltes '.M;:)l c. /ViMW'S of priests 2li;;)2 2,'fOO c.f. I), nuule rulers 2 Chr. 26:12 number of (•./i/Mrr*' Kzr. l:."* rose up c.f nth. of.liul. i\V/i. 7:70<'. of/, gave to work, 71 CHIEF liniiHP. ,/<■('. 21:4 hot defile lilins. a c. in 1 Chr. 7:8 sons of I'zzl c. tnen. 21:4 more <•. inxn of Klenzar Kzr. 7:!W 1 galh. c. m. fo go up Is. 41:9 I called thee IVoni c. m. .[ct.i 18:50 .lews Htirred up c m. 15;'J2 .Indns and Silas c-. infn Acts it8:7 poHH, ol'c, r/i(i» of int. CHI CHIEF priest. 2 K. 25:18 took Ser. the c. priest 1 C'Ar. 27:5 Benaiah a c. piiest 29:22 anointed Z. to be. c. priest 2 C'A?'. 19:11 Amariah c. priest 26:20 Azariah c. p. looked on CHIEF priests. Ezr. 10:5 c. p. and all Israel Mat. 16:21 suffer of the c. priests 26:47 multitude from c.j/riests 27:12 accu. of c. p. Mark 15:3 41 c. p. mocking, Mark 15:31 Mark 14:1 c. p. sought. 55; Mat. 26:59; i«/te9:22; 22:2. Luke 2.3:23 voices of c. p. prev. ./oAre 7:.32 c. p. sent officers, 18:3 Ylcfe 9:14 auth. from c. p. 26:10 22:30 commanded c.p. to appear CHIEF prince, or princes. 1 CAr. 7:40 children of A. c. of p. Ezek. 38:2 Gog c. prince, 3 ; 39:1 Dan. 10:13 Michael one of c. p. CHIEF singer, or singers. Neh. 12:46 in days of D. c. of «. Sab. 3:19 to c. singer on instru. CHIEFEST. 1 Sam. 2:29 yoursel. fat with c. 9:22 Sam. made sit in c. place 2 CAr. 32:.33 in c. of sepnlchres Cant. 5:10 the c. among 10,000 Mark 10:44 c. shall be sen'ant 2 Cor. 11:5 c. apostles, 12:11 CHIEFLY. Bom. 3:2 c. because to them Phil. 4:22 c. they of Cesar's h. 2 jP«<. 2:10 c. them walk after fl, CHILD. Gen. 21:16 not see death ofc. 37:.30 c. is not, and I whither 42:22 do not sin against the c. Ex. 2:8 maid called c. mother 22:22 not afflict any fatherless c. Jud. IV.'H his daughter, only c. 13:8 teach us what we do to c. 1 Sam. 1:25 brought the c. to Eli 3:8 Eli perc. L. had called c. 2 Sa7}i. 12:14 the c. born shall die 15 L. stru. c. Uriah's wife bare IStDavid besought God for c. 1 K. 3:25 divide living c. in two 14:3 what shall become of c. 17:22 soul of the c. came 2 K. 4:31 told c. is not awaked 35 c. sneezed, c. opened eyes Pro». 2:1:13 correction from c. Ec. 4:8 hath neither c. nor bro. 15 second c. that shall stand 7s. 3:5 c. shall behave proudly 7:16 before c. know to refuse 8:4 before c. know to cry 11:8 c. put hand on cockatrice 65:20 c. shall die 100 years old Jer. 4:31 bring, forth her first c. 31:20 Eph. is" he a plea.-iant c. / 44:7 cut off man, woman, and c. Mat. 10:21 deliver e. to death 17:18 c. was cured fi-om that h. 2:3:15 more the c. of hell Luke 1:59 came fo circumcise c. 1:66 what manner of r. 76 c. called proi)liet of nighe.*t 80 c. grew, waxed strongr2:40 2:27 parents brought in c. Jesus 9:.'!8 look on my son, only c John 4: 19 conio down ereV. die 10:21 as soon as delivered of c -4(7,'( 4:37 against thy holy c J. 30 done bv name of thy c J. 1.3:10 Saul said. Thou c. of devil h't'C. 12:4 f o devour her c. as soon 5 her c. was caught up to Ood A CHILD. (ten . 18: 13 bear a c. who nm old ? •M:5i0 and a c. of his own age i:.r. 2:2 a goodly f. IM. 11:23 1 Sam. 2:18 <•. girded with linen 1 A'. 18:2 (( c. born to house of I). ./ob .3.3:25 flesh fivsher than a ir, Ps. 181:2 as a c. as n weaned c. Pniv. 20:11 a c. is known 22:6 f rain up (7. (•, in way he 15 foolish. Is In heart of « <\ 29:1,% (I c. left lo himself 21 bringing ni) serv. l^vm o r. Ec. 4:18 belter is ii wise <•. than 10:16 when (liy king Is i/c. /»■. 9:6 for nnfo ns a c. Is born 10:19 (I c may wrife ./.(•. 1:6 for 1 am u c. 7 20:15 (I man c. Is horn lo fheo //(W. 11:1 Is. II .-. 1 lo\ed hlin .lAi»vllt:21 he said of lie. ,36 took II ,-. set If, /.i/A«0;l7 1 Cor. 18:11 II r. 1 snake as ii. <•. GtU. 4:1 lu louK an l>u U d c. 792 CRUDEN'S CONCORDA^^CE. CHI 2 7Hm. 3:15 from a c. kno-^\Ti sc. Heb. 11:11 S. deUv. of a c. past a. Seo. 12:5 a man c. to rule nations Little CHILD. 1 K. 3:7 I am but a /. c. 11:17 H. fled beiiis vet a little c. 2 K. 5:14 the flesh of a fiCCte c. Is. 11:6 a fiWe c. shall lead them J/a<. 18:2 J.calleda /JWfe c.to him 5 receive one such I. c. in my Mark 10:15 whoso not rec. king- dom of G. as lit. c. Luke 18:17 Wo CHILD. Gen. 11:30 Sarai had?!0 c. Lev. 22:13 priest's dau. have n. c. Dmt. 25:5 brother die, have n. c. 2 Sam. 6:23 Michal had no c. 2 ^. 4-14 verily she hath no c. Luke 1:7 they had no. c. bee. E. Acts 7:5 when he had no c. Sucking CHILD. Num. 11:12 beareth sucking c. 1$. 11:8 suck. c. play on hole 49:15 woman forget suck. c. Lam. 4:4 tongue of suck. c. Tliis CHILD. Luke 2:17 told concerning this c. 34 t. c. is set for fall and rising 9:48 receive t. c. in my name With CHILD. Gen. 16:11 Hagar thou art w. c. 19:36 daughters of Lot with c. 38:24 T. thy daughter is iv. c. 25 whose these are, am I w. c. Ex. 21:22 hurt a woman w. c. 1 Sam. 4:19 Phin. wife was w. c. 2 Sam. 11:5 B. said, I am w. c. 2 K. 8:12 wilt rip up their wo- man with c. 15:16 Ec. 11:5 in womb of her w. c. Is. 20:17 icith c. that draweth 18 we have been u-ith c. 54:1 that didst not trav. with c. Jcr. 30:6 whe. a man trav. w. c. 31:8 the woman with c. Uos. 13:16 with c. shall be rip. Amos 1:13 rip. up woman, w. c. Mat. 1:18 with e. of the H. Ghost 23 a virgin shall be u^ith c. 24:19 woe to them that are w. c. J/ari 1:3:17; i«fe 21:23 Luke 2:5 Mary, great with c. 1 Thes. 5:3 travail on worn. w. c. Sev. 12:2 and she heiugwith c. Young CHILD. 1 Sam. 1:24 the c. was young Mat. 2:8 search dilig. for y. c. 13 take young c. and his moth. CHILD-BEARIIVG. 1 rim. 2:15 shall be saved inc. -6. CHILDHOOD. 1 Sam. 12:2 before you from c. Ec. 11:10 c. and youth are vanity CHILDISH. 1 Cor. 13:11 1 put away c. things CHILDLESS. Gen. 15:2 seeing I go c. Lev. 20:20 they shall die c. 1 Sam. 15:33 as thy sword made women c. so thy mother be c. Jer. 22:;50 write ye this man c. Luke 20:30 sec. took her, died c. CHILDREX. Gen. 3:16 in sorrow bring forth c. 16:2 I may obtain c. by her 25:22 the c. struggled within her 30:1 give me c. or I die 33:5 c. God hath given 49:8 thy father's c. shall bow EX: 20:5 iniq. of fath. on c. 34:7; Num. 14:18 ; Devt. 5:9 21:4 c. shall be her masters Num. 13:28 saw c. of Anak there 26:11 c. of Korah died not Lent. 9:2 before c. of Anak? 13:13 c. of Belial are gone out 14:1 ye are the c. of the Lord 23:8 c. begotten of them 24:16 fath. not put to death for c. nor c. for fath. 2 Chr. 25:4 32:20 c. in whom there is no f. 3:3:24 Asher be blessed with c. Jud. 8:18 resembled c. of king 20:13 deliver us the c. of Belial 1 Sam. 2:5 she that hath many c. is waxed feeble 2 Sam. 7:10 c. of wickedness afH. any more, 1 Chr. 17:9 1 K. 21:13 came in two c. of Bel. 2 K. 2:24 she-bears tare 42 c. 10:13 c. of king c. of queen 14:6 c. of murderers, 2 Chr. 2.5:4 17::34 as Lord com. c. of Jacob 19:3 c. are come to b. Is. 37:3 CHI 1 Chr. 2:30 Seled died without c. .32 and Jether died without c. 4:27 Shimei's bre. not many c. 16:13 ye c. of Jacob, Ps. 105:6 2 Chr. 13:7 to Jeroboam c. of B. 25:7 L. is not with all e. of E. Ezra 10:44 by whom had c. Neh. 9:23 c. mnltipliedst as stars Job 19:17 I entreated for c. sake 30:8 c. of fools, yea c. of base 41::34 king over all c. of pride Ps. 17:14 they ai'e full of c. 34:11 come ye e. hearken tome 69:8 an alien to my mother's c. 72:4 he shall save c. of needy 78:6 c. wh. sh. be bom might 82:6 all of vou c. of Most High 8:3:8 holpen e. of Lot, Selah 102:28 c. of thy serv. continue 113:9 ban-en to be mother of c. 127:3 c. are a heritage of Lord 4 as arrows in hand, so are c. 137:7 remember, c. of Edom 148:12 old men and c. praise L. 149:2 let c. of Zion be joyful Prov. 4:1 hear, ve c. the instruc- tion, 5:7: 7:24: 8:.32 17:6 glory of c. are their fathers 31:28"her c. call her blessed Ec. 6:3 if a man beget 100 c. Cant. 1:6 my mother's c. angry Is. 1:2 brought up c. they reb. 4 c. that are corrupters 2:6 in the c. of strangers 3:4 give c. to be their princes I'ic. are their oppressors 8:18 c. Lord hath giv. Heb. 2:13 13:18.eyes shall not spare c. 21:17 mighty of c. of K. dimin. 23:4 nor bring forth c. 30:1 woe to rebellious c. 9 lying c. c. will not hear law 38:19 father to o. make known 47:8 neither know loss of c. 9 loss of c. widowhood 49:20 c. shalt have, shall say 54:1 are c. of desolate than c. of married wife. Gal. 4:27 57:4 are ye not c. of transg. 5 slaying the c. in the valleys 63:8 c. that will not lie 66:8 Zion brought forth c. Jer. 3:14 0 blacKsliding c. 22 19 how put thee among the c. 4:22 my people are sottish c. 6:11 pour it out on c. abroad 7:18 c. gather wood, fathers 9:21 death entered to cut off c. 15:7 I will bereave them of c. 31:15 E. weep, for c. Mat. 2:18 Lam. 2:20 shall the women eat c. 5:13 c. fell under the wood Ezek. 2:4 are imprudent c. 20:21 the c. rebelled against me 33:.30 c. talking against thee 47:22 to strangers that beget c. Dan. 1:4 c. in whom no blemish 17 four c. God gave knowledge 12:1 Michael shall stand for c. IIos. 1:2 take c. of whoredoms 2:4 not have mercy on her e. 11:10 c. shall tremble 13:13 breaking forth of c. Joel 2:16 gather c. and those 23 be glad, then, ye c. of Zion Amos 9:7 c. of the Ethiopians ? Mic. 1:16 poll thee for delicate c. Zep. 1:8 I will punish king's c. Mai. 4:6heartof fathers toe. of c. to fathers. Luke 1:17 Mat. 2:16 Herod slew all the c. 3:9 to raise up c. Luke 3:8 5:45 be the c. of your Father 8:12 but the c. shall be cast out 9:15 c. of bridechamber mourn, iTari- 2:19; Lukeh:Zi 10:21 c. ag. parents, Mark 1.3:12 11:19 justi. of here. i«/.-« 7:.35 13:38 good seed are c. of kingd. 15:20 c. bread, Mark 7:27 17:26 then are the c. free 19:29 forsaken c. Mark 10:29 20:20 mother of Zebedee's c. 21:15 saw c. crying in temple Mark 7:27 let the c. first be filled 28 dogs eat of the c. crumbs 9:37 receive one of such c. 41 Luke 6:35 shall bee. of Highest 16:8 c. of this world are wiser 20:29 the first died without c. 34 the c. of this world marry Jolm 8:.39 were Abraham's c. Acts 3:25 ye are c. of prophets Bom. 8:17 if c. then heirs, heirs 9:7 seed of Abra. are they all c. 11 the c. being not yet bom 1 Cor. 14:20 not c. in understand. 2 Cor, 12:14 c. not lay up CHI Gal. 3:7 of faith, are c. of Abra. 4:3 when c. were in bondage 25 Jeru. in bondage with her c. 31 we are not c. of bondwoman Eph. 1:5 to the adoption of c. 2:2 in c. of disobedience 3 were by nature c. of ■nTath 4:14 ^ve be no more c. tossed 5:1 followers of God as dear c. 6 wrath on c. of dis. Col. 3:6 6:1 c. obey yom- par. Col. 3:20 1 Tim. 5:4 if any widow have c. 10 if she brought up c. Heb. 2:14 as c. are partakers 12:5 speaketh to you as c. 1 Pet. 1:14 as obedient c. 'i.Pet. 2:14 cursed c. 2 John 1 to elect lady and her c. 13 c. of elect sister greet thee Pev. 2:23 I will kill her c. See A5I3I0N, CAPTmTT. CHILDREN of Benjamin. ■lud. 20:13 c. of B. would not 2 Sam. 2:25 c. of B. gathered IChr. 12:16 c. of B. to hold to D. Jer. 6:1 O ye c. of B. gather Children's CHILDREiV. Gen. 45:10 thou and thy c. c. Ex. .34:7 iniq. of fathers on c. c. Beut. 4:25 beget c. and c. c. 2 K. 17:41 served images child, c. Ps. 10.3:17 righteousness to c. c. 128:6 Shalt see thy c. c. Prov. 13:22 inherit, to his c. c. 17:6 child, c. crown of old men Jer. 2:9 with your c. c. will I pi. Ezek. 37:25 and c. c. for ever Fatherless CHILDREN. Ps. 109:12 to favor his/, c. Jer. 49:11 leave thy/, c. CHILDREiV of God. Mat. 5:9 peacemakers c. of God Luke 20:36 c. of fforf being c. John 11:52 in one the c. of God Pom. 8:16 we are the c. of God. 21 glor. liberty of the c. of G. 9:8 c. of the flesh, not c. of G. 26 called c. of the living God Gal. 3:26 c. of God by faith in C. JohnS-.Wc. G. manifest, c. of d. 5:2 know we love c. of God His CHILDREN. Gen. 18:19 Abra. will com. 7i. c. Beut. 17:20 pro. days and hisc. .32:5 is not spot of his c. 33:9 nor knew his own c. 2 Sam. 12:3 ewe-1. grew with h. c. 2 IC 8:19 give a light, and to h. c. 2 Chr. 28:3 burnt >i. c. after h. 33:6 his c. to pass through fire Job 0:4 his c. are far from" safety 17:5 eyes of /(i? c. shall fail 20:10 h. c. shall seek to please 21:19 iniqtuty for his c. 27:14 it his c. be multiplied Ps. 89:30 if his c. forsake 103:13 as a father pitieth his c. 109:9 let his c. be fatherless 10 let Jiis c. be vagabonds Prov. 14:26 his c. shall have ref. 20:7 his c. are blessed after him Is. 14:21 slaughter for Ills c. 29:23 seeth his c. in midst Hos. 9:13 shall bring forth his c. John 4:12 his c. drank thereof 1 Thes. 2:11 ch. you as fath. A. c. 1 Tim. 3:4 his c. in subjection CHILDREN of Israel. Ex. 1:7 c. of I. were fruitful 12 grieved bee. of the c. of I. 2:25 God looked on c. Of Israel 4:31 heard L. had visited c. of I. 6:13 c. of I. o. of Eg. 26. 27; 1^:51 29:43 I \nll meet \vith c. o//. iei'. 25:.55 c. 0/"/. are servants Num.. 14:10 gl. of L. ap. bef.c. I. Jos. 7:12 c. I. not stand bef. ene. 2 Sa7n. 21:2 Gib. not of c. of L 2 K. 17:24 instead of the c. of I. Ps. 103:7 his acts to the c. of I. 148:14 c. of I. a people near Is. 27:12 gath. one by one. c. I. Ezek. 44:15 c. I. w. astray, 48:11 Amos 2:11 thus, O c. o//. ? 4:5 liketh you. 0 ye c. or" /. X!/te 1:16 c. of /s. shall tum Acts 7:23 ^asi't breth. the c. of I. '37 Moses which said to c. of/. 9:15 bear my name bef. c. of I. 10:36 word of G. sent to c. /. Bom. 9:27 c. of/, be as the sand Heb. 11:22 mention of d. of c. I. Bev. T:4 sealed 144,000 of c. of I. 21:12 twelve tribes of c. of J. CHI CHILDREN of Jndah. Num,. 1:26 c. of '. 4.5:16 inst. of fathers be thy c. 73:15 offend ag. gen. of thy c. 123:3 thy c. like olive-plants 132:12 if thy c. keep covenant 147:13 blessed thyc. within thee If. 40:17 thy e. shall make haste 25 and I will save thy c. .54:13 all thy c. be taught of L. and great be peace of thy c. Jer. 5:7 thy c. have forsaken me 31:17 thai thy c. come again ;^8:2:} bring out th?/ c. to Chald. Ezek. 16:.36 bv the blood of thy c. JIos. 4:6 I will also forget thy c. Mat. 23:37 how oft. would I have gath. thy c. Luke 13:34 lAike 19:44 lay thy c. within thee 2 John 4 thy c. walking in tnith Your CHILDREIV. Ex. 12:26 your c. shall say 22:24 your c. shall be fatherless Lev. 2(5:22 beasts rob you of y. c. Dent. 1:.39 your c. shall go in 11:2 I speak not with your c. 19 ye shall teach your c. 21 days of your c. be multiplied 32:46 com. your c. to observe Jos. 4:22 then let your c. know 1 K. 9:6 if y. c. turn from fol. me 1 Chr. 28:8 inh. to y. c. Ezr. 9:12 2 Chr. 30:9 your c. shall find Ps. 115:14 you and yoiir c. Jer. 2:30 have I smitten y. c. Mat. 7:11 gifts to y. c. Luke 11:13 12:27 by whom do y. c. cast out J.iike 23:28 weep for y. and y. c. Acts 2:39 is to you and y. c. 1 Cor. 7:14 were ynurc. unclean Ejih. 6:4 pro. not y. c. Col. 3:21 Youns ClIILnREIV. Jn7> 19:18 yoiinr/ c. despised me Lam. 4:4 y. n. ask bread Nah. a-.IO younr/ c. wen: dashed Mark 10:13 brought ?/. c. to him Ads 7:19 they cast out y. c. CITTLRAn. 2 Nam. 3:3 cinrjoN. Puthy.i.r, CniLMAI). Ezek. 27:23 CIIIMIIAM. 2 Sam. 19:;i7 (-'. let him go, 38, 40 Jer. 41:17 habitat iou of C. <;nii>ii\EY. ITos. 13:3 be as smoke out of c. OrilOS. ActsiQ:l!i CHIHLEU. Neh.i:l- Zee. 7:1 CIIITTIM. Nimi. 24:24 from conHtH ofC!. Is. 23:1 from the land of (!. 12 ./^'/•.2:10 pasHovcr tlu! iHli'sol'C;. A':c!*.27:(S Ivory out of Isli'sof (!, JIaii. 11:30 ships of (!. shall come I CIITUN. Auios tr.'in CIILOE. 1 Cor. 1:11 <;iioi)K. Ofii. 31:30 Jacob c. wllh T.nbnn Num. 20:.') jicople ,-. wllh Moses (^IIOICIC. 1 Sam. 9:2 Saul a c. young man 2,Vf(»i,. 10:;ir-. oris. 1 c/ii: 19:10 CHO 2 Chr. 2.5:5 .300.000 c. men Cant. 6:9 c. one of her that bare Acts 15:7 God made c. among us CHOICEST. Is. 5:2 planted with the c. vine 22:7 c. valleys full of chariots CHORE. 3fat. 13:22 deceitfulness of riches c. the word, Ma7'k 4: 19 CHOKED. 3fat.iS:7 thorns c. J/«?-.4:7:i»/.8:7 il/orft 5:13 c. in sea, i;;te 8:.33 Luke 8:14 and are c. with cares CHOLER. Z)an. 8:7 he-goat moved with c. 11:11 k. of south moved with c. CHOOSE, a-s an act of God. Num.l&.l man L. doth c. be holy Deut. 7:7 did not c. you because 12:5 place Lord shall c. 11, 14, 18, 26; 14:23, 24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6. 7, 15. 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6 ; 26:2; 31: 11 ;./o.';. 9:27 17:15 kins, whom Lord shall c. 1 Sam. 2:28 did I c. him of all 2 Sam. 16:18 and this people c. 21:6 hang in G. whom L. did c. 1 fC 14:21 the city the L. did c. Nell. 9:7 God who didst c. Abram Ps. 25:12 teach in way he shall c. 47:4 he shall c. our inheritance Is. 14:1 Lord will yet c. Israel 49:7 Holy One of Israel shall c. 66:4 1 will c. their delusions Zee. 1:17 Lord shall c. Jer. 2:12 CHOOSE. I)eut. 23:16 in place lie shall c. 30:19 therefore c. life that both ■Jos. 24:15 c. this day whom serve 1 Sam. 17:8 c. you a man for you 2 Sam. 17:1 let me c. 13.000 men 24:12 three, c. one. 1 Chr. 21:10 ./oft 9:14 c. my words to reason 34:4 let us c. to us judgment .33 or whether thou c. Prov. 1:29 did not c. fear of L. 3:31 and c. none of his ways Is. 7:15 know to c. good, 16 56:4 eunuchs c. things 65:12 did c. wherein I del. not E-.c-lc. 21:19 c. a place c. it Phil. 1:22 what I shall c. I wotn. CHOOSEST, ETH, IXG. ./nft 7:15 my soul c. strangling 15:5 thou c. tongue of crafty Ps. 65:4 blessed is man thou c. Is. 40:20 c. a tree will not rot 41:24 abomination is he c. you Ileb. 11:25 c. to suffer adliction CHOP. Mic. 3:3 c. bones of my people CnORAZIN.i1/rt/'.ll:21; i)/.10:13 CHOSE. Ej^. 18:25 Moses c. able men Deut. i:?/t he c. their seed, 10:15 ■Tos. 8:3 J. c. 30,000 mighty .Turl. 5:8 tluty c. new gods 2.S'i7OT.(;:21 c. mc b(^foro thy fath. 1 K. 8:16 I c. no city to build a house, 2 Chr. 6:5 1 fflr. 28:4 Lord c. me before all .Tob 29:25 I c. out their way Ps. 78:67 c. not tribe of Ephr. 68 but c. the tribe of Judah 70 he c. Pavid also his servant Is. 66:4 c. that I delighted not ICzek. 20:5 in the day I e. Israel Luke 6:13 he c. twelve apostles 1 1:7 liow they r. ehIrT rooms .l.V,v(;;5(;. Stc'phcu, full of faith i:!;17('i. of Israel e. our fathers 15:40 Paul c. Hilas and d(^parled ciiose:v. Num. 16:5 him (■. cause to conui ■Ins. 2-1:22 hav(^ c. you the Lord ■lull. 10:14 cry to gods yi- havi! i\ 1 ,SV/m. H:18 liing yc; havc<;. 12:l:i aO:;!0 liiist (.■. th(! son of Jesse I A'. 3:8 hast r. a great people H:l( city c. 4K; 2 Chr. (i:.'!4, 38 I Clir. 16:13 cliildrcn of J. c. oiu'S .IkIiWV.'U c. rallicT tli.'iu ullllctloM I's. 33:12 c for his liilicrlliinco 89:3 a coveuinit witli my c. 19 cxnllcd (IMC r. out of ])eoi)l(' 105:6 vccliild, ofjaeoh, liisc. i;» forth hts c. with gladness 1116:5 I MIMV see g I of lliv <*. 2.3 had n<;t Moses tils c. siood Pr(ti\ 16:16 unrlersl. rather c. 22:1 a good mime nillierr. Is. 13:20 to give driiili to my c. (15:15 name a curse to my C. 66:3 have c. Ilu'ir ouu ways CHR ■ler. 8:3 death shall bo c, rather 49:19 who is a c. man, 50:44 Mat. 20:16 but few e. 22:14 Mark 13:20 elect whom hath c. Luke 10:42 M. hath c. good part Acts 1:24 whether thou hast c. 9:15 for he is a c. vessel to me Itmn. 16:13 Rufus c. in Lord 2 Cor. 8:19 c. of churches to trav. 2 Tim^ 2:4 c. him to be a soldier 1 Pet. 2:9 ye are a c. generation Eev. 17:14 "they are called, and c. CHOSEIV of God. LvJce 2.3:.3.5 if C. the c. of God Acts 10:41 witnesses c.'bef of G. 1 Pet. 2:4 living stone c. of God God hath CHOSEX. Deut. 12:21 G. h. c. to put, 16:11 21:5 G. h. c. to minister 1 Chr. 29:1 Sol. whom al.G.h.c. Acts 22:14 G. of fathers h. c. 1 Cor.V.'Tt G.h.c. foolish th. G.h.c. 28 thinss despised G. h. c. 2 Thes. 2:13 G. from begin, h. c. ■Jam. 2:5 h. not G. c. poor of w. I have CHOSEIV. 1 K. 11:13 Jer. sake which/A. c. 2 /r. 21:7; 2-3:27:2 Chr. 6:6 .32 Ih. c. out of all tribes Neh. 1:9 /A. c. to set mv name Ps. 119:.30 Ih. c. way, 173 Is. 41:8 Jacob whom I have c. 9 I have c. and not cast awav 4.3:10 my serv. Ih. c. Mat. 12:18 44:1 Israel whom I h. c. 2 Jesu. 48:10 I have c. thee in furnace SS:5 the fast that I have c. f 6 nari. 2:23 I have c. thee John 1.3:18 whom I have c. 15:16 ye have not c. mc, ///. c. 19 1 have c. you out of world Lord hath CIIOSEiV. Deut.'i-.dL.h.c. theeasp.peo. 14:2 18:5 L. h. c. him out of all 1 Sa?n. 10:24 see ye him L. h. c. 16:10 Samuel said, L. h. not c. 1 Chr. 28:4 Lord hath c. Judah hL.h. c. Sol. to sit on throne,10 2 Chr. 29:11 L. h. c. you to serve Ps. 105:26 A. whom he had c. 1.32:13 L. c. Zion; 1.3.5:4 L. c. J. ./ 2 Cor. 5:20 ambassadors for C. 12:10 in distr(-sscs/or 6. Enh. 4:32 as God for C. sake Plrll. 8:7 I countinl loss for C. 2 Thei>.ii:R patient waiting/orC. JoHii.x, irith CHRIST. .Vat. 1:16 J. called 0. 27:17,82 Joliii 1:17 and truth by J. C. 17:3 may know Ihce. and J. C. .4cAs'2:.')8 in name of J. C. 3:6 in name of J. t". rise up 20 .1. (". who was iireachcd 4: 10 of.). C. doth this num 5: 12 ceaxcd not to proarli J. C H:12 1'hiiip prc.'uh, Ihiiu-s con- cern, tlie name of J. t". 37 I helleveJ. (". Is Son of God 9::U J. (". maketh thee whole 10:36 pleaching iieace by J. C. Id: IS 111 name ol J. t'. come out 17::) .lisus I iirciich to yiui Is C. IS:5 te-tilled that J,su.i was ('. SS.hv scripture. Ji.-iis was (\ 19:4 Hlunild hellcvd on (', .Af.^iw Horn. 1:1 Hcrv, of J. t". I'/iU. 1:1 3 coiieernlng his son .1. C". 6 lire ve the called of ./t'*'!/,* C. 8 I IliiuiU God tliiMiii;h J. C. a:16»ecivlsornicn liy J. 0. .3:22 by flilth of.l. ('. 21 n-ilcmplh^i In JfoiifC 794 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. CHR Bom. 5:15 gr. by one man J. C. 17 reign m life by one J. C. 6:3 baptized Into Jemi C. 8:1 to them in C. Je»m 2 C. J. made me free 16:3 my helpers in C. Jems ICor. 1:1 J. C. 2 Cor. 1:1: Ep/i. 1:1 2 call on name of J. C. 4 grace given you by J. C. 30 of him are ye in C. Jesui 2:2 save J. C. crucified 4:15 in C. J. have I begotten 2 Cor. 4:6 in face of J. C. 5:18 reconciled us by J. C. 13:5 that Jesus C. is in j-ou Ga/.2:16 justified by faith of J. C. 3:14 blessincs on G.throu^hJ.C. 28 ye are all one in C. .Msm 4:14 me as an angel, as C. J. Eph. 2:6 heav. places in C. J. 20 J. C. chief comer-stone Phil. 1:8 I in bowels oi Jesus C. 2:5 mind in you. was in C. J. 11 J. C. is Lord to glory of G. 21 seek not th. wh. are J. C. 3:8 for excellency of C. J. 12 I am apprehended of C. J. 4:19 riches in glory by C. J. Cd. 2:0 rec. C. J. so walk ye 1 Tim. 1:15 C. J. ca. to save sin. 2:5 one mediator, the man C. J. 6:13 C. Je.svs who ■n'itnessed 2 Tim. 1:9 grace given us in C. J. 13 faith and love in C. Jesus Phile. 1 P. a priso. of J. C. 9, 23 Ecb. 13:8 Jeius C. the same yes. 1 John 1:7 blood oi Jesus C. 2:1 an advocate Jesus C. 5:6 by water and blood J. C. 20 even in Jesus C. Lord Jesus CHRIST. Acts 11:17 believed on L. J. C. 15:11 through grace of L. J. C. 16:31 believe on L. J. C. 20:21 faith toward L. J. C. Emi. 5:1 p. with G. thro' L. J. C. 11 joy in God through L. J. C. 6:23 eternal life through L. J. C. 8:39 love of G. in C. JT our L 13:14 put ye on the L. J. C. 16:20 grace of L. J. C. be w. you, 24: 2 Cor. 13:14; Gal. 6:18; 2 Thes. 3:18; Eev. 22:21 1 Cor. 1:7 coming of om- L. J. C. 8:6 one L. J. C. oy whom are 15:57 victory thro" our L. J. C. 16:22 if any love not L. J. C. 2 Cor. 1:2 from G. and L. J. C. 6al. 1:S; Eph.V.H: Col. 1:2 8:9 ye know grace of L. J. C. Gal.B-.U in cross of L. J. C. Eph. 1:3 Father of L. J. C. 17 God of L.J. C. 1 Thes. 1:3 hope in L. J. C. 2:19 in presence of L. J. C. 3:13 at coming of L. J. C. 5:23 pres. to coming of L. J. C. 2 Thes. 2:1 by coming of L. J. C. 16 our L. J. C. who hath 1 Tim. 5:21 1 charge thee before L. J. C. 2 Tim. 4:1 2 Tim. 4:22 L. J. C. be -n-ith thy 2 Pet. 1:11 kingdom of L. J. C. 3:18 in knowfedge of L. J. C. In CHRIST. Acts 24:24 concerning faith m C. Som. 9:1 1 say the truth in C. 12:5 many, are one body in C. 16:7 were in C. before me 9 Trbane our helper in C. 10 ApcUes approved in C. 1 Cor. 3:1 as unto babes in C. 4:10 but ye are wise in C. 15:18 asleep in C. 19 in this life hope in C. 22 in C. all be made alive 2 Cor. 1:21 establish us in C. 2:14 to triumph in C. 17 in sight of God speak in C. 3:14 veil is done away in C. 5:17 in C. he is a new creature 19 in C. reconciling the world 20 in C. stead, be reconciled 12:2 a man in C. 14 years 19 we speak before God in C. Gal. 1:22 to churches of J. in C. 3:17 confirmed of God in C. 27 as many as baptized in C. Eph. 1:3 spiritual bless, in C. 10 in one all things in C. 12 who first trusted in C. 20 in C. when he raised 3:6 his promise in C. Phil. 1:13 my bonds in C. 2:1 if any consolation in 0. Col. 2:5 your faith in C. 1 TAes. 4:16 dead in C. rise first CHR 1 Tim. 2:7 1 speak the truth in C. lP«J.3:16good conversation in C. Is CHRIST. Mat. 24:23 h. is C. Mark 13:21 Mark 12:35 C. is son. Lvke 20:41 L-uke 2:11 a Saviour, wh. is C. 23:2 sayingj that he is C. John 7:41 said this is the C. Acts 9:22 Saul proving this is C. 17:3 Jesus I preach to you is C. Bom. 8:34 it is C. that died 1 Cor. l:lZisC. divided? 7:22 being free is C. servant 11:3 head of every man u C. 12:12" are one body, so is C. 15:13 if dead rise not, is C. 16 20 now is C. risen from dead 2 Cor. 10:7 if any trust he i" C. Gal. 2:17 i-s C. rninister of sin f .3:16 to thy seed, which is C. Phil. 1:21 to live is C. Col. 1:27 is C. in you hope Of CHRIST. Mat. 11:2 John heard works ofC. 22:42 what think ye ofC. ? Bom. 8:9 any have not S. ofC. 35 Sep. us from love of C. ? 14:10 judgment-seat of C. 1 Cor. 1:17 cross of C.'be made 2:16 we have the mind of C. 6:15 your bodies members of C. 10:16 communion of blood cjfC. 11:1 be foil, of me as I OfC. 3 the head of C. is God 12:27 }-e are the body of C. 2 Cor. 1:5 as sufferings of C. 2:10 forgave I it in person of C. 15 we are a sweet savor of C. 3:3 epistle of C. ministered 4:4 light of gospel of C. shine 5:14 love of C. cons'traineth us 8:23 they are glory of C. 10:1 by the meekness of C. 5 bringing to obedience of C. 11:10 the truth o/C. is in me 12:9 power of C. Bev. 12:10 13:3 proof of C. speaking Gal. 1:10 be servant of C. 2:16 be justified by faith of C. 6:12 persecution for cross of C. Eph. 2:13 by the blood of C. 3:4 in mystery of C. 8 the unsearchable riches of C. 19 love of 0. which passetn 4:7 measure of gift of C. 5:5 inheritance in king, of C. 6:6 as servants of C. Phil. 1:10 till the day of C. 29 it is given in behalf of C. 2:16 rejoice in the day of C. 30 work of C. nigh to death 3:18 enemies of the cross of C. Col. 1:24 afflictions of C. 2:2 mystery of God, and of C. 17 but the body is of C. 3:16 lot the word of C. dwell 4:3 to speak the mystery of C. 2 Tim. 2:19 the name of C. ITeb. 3:14 made partakers of C. 9:14 more, blood of C. purge 11:26 reproach of C. greater 1 Pet. 1:11 Spirit o/C. did signify 19 with precious blood of C. 4:13 partakers of C. suft'erings 14 reproached for name of C. Bev. 20:6 priests of G. and o/C. That CHRIST. John 1:25 if thou be not that C. 0:69 sure that thou art that C. The CHRIST. Mat. 16:20 he was the C. 26:63 whether thou be the C. Mark 8:29 saith, thou art the C. 14:61 the C. son of the B. ? Xi/fe3:15 whether he were t. C. 9:20 Peter said thou art the C. 22:67 saying art thou t/ie C. John 1:20 I am not the C. 41 found the Messias, tlte C. 3:28 I said I am not the C. 4:29 is not this th£ C. ? 42 this is indeed the C. 7:26 7:41 others said, this is t/ie C. 10:24 be the C. tell us plainly 11:27 I believe thou art tfie C 20:31 believe Jesus is tlie C. 1 John 2:22 Jesus is the C. 5:1 bclieveth Jesus is the C. With CHRIST Bom. 6:8 if we be dead with C. 8:17 then joint-heirs ivilh C. Gal. 2:20 I am crucified with C. Eph. 2:5 quickened us tog. ic. C. Phil. 1:23 a desire to be u-ith C. Col. 2:20 if dead with C. 3:1 if risen w. C. seek things CHU Col. 3:3 your life is hid vtitk O. Bev. 20:4 reigned with C. CHRlSTIAiV, S. Acts 11:26 called c. at Antioch 26:28 almost pers. me to be a c. 1 Pet. 4:16 if any suflfer as a c. CHRISTS. Mat. 24:24 false c. Mark 13:22 CHROIVICLES. 1 Chr. 27:24 number put in c. Est. 6:1 to bring the book of c. See BOOK. CHRYSOLITE. Bev. 21:20 seventh found, a c. CHRYSOPR.\SUS. i?CT.21:20 tenth foundation a c. CHURCH. Mat. 16:18 on this rock b. my c. 18:17 tell it to the c. Acts 2:47 added to c. daily such 5:11 great fear came on c. 8:1 persecution against c. 11:216 assembled with the c. 14:23 ordained elders in every c. 27 had gathered c. together 15:3 brought on way by the c. 22 it pleased elders with the c. 18:22 when he had saluted c. Bom. 16:5 greet c. in their house 1 Cor. 4:17 as I teach in every c. 14:4 prophesieth edifieth c. 5 that c. may receive edifying 23 if 0. be come into one place 16:19 c. in their house Eph. 1:?2 head over all to the c. 8:10 kno%vn by c. wisdom of G. 5:24 as c. is subject to Christ 25 as Christ loved the c. 27 might present a glorious c. 29 cherisheth it, as Lord the e. 32 speak concern. Christ and c. Phil. 3:6 persecuting the c. 4:15 no c. comraunicated Col. 1:18 head of the body the c. 24 for his body's sake, the c. 4:15 salute c. in Xj'mphas' ho. 1 Tim. 5:16 let not c. be charged Phile. 2 Paul to c. in thy house Heb. 12:2:3 to c. of first-bom 1 Pet. 5:13 c. at Babylon salnteth 3 John 6 thy charit)' before c. 9 I wrote" to the c. but Diotre In the CHURCH. Acts 7:38 that was in the c. 13:1 proph. in the c. at Antioch 1 Cor. 6:4 least esteemed in tJie c. 11:18 come together in the e. 12:28 hath set some in the c. 14:19 yet in the c. I had rather 28 keep silence in the c. 35 eh. for wo. to speak in the c. Eph. 3:21 be glory in the c. Col. 4:16 to be read in the c. Of the CHURCH. Acts 8:3 S. made havoc of the c. 11:22 came to ears of thee. 12:1 H. vexed certain of the c. 5 prayer was made of the c. 15:4 were received of the c. 20:16 Paul called elders of thee. Bom. 16:1 P. a servant of the c. 23 Gains my host and of the c. 1 Cor. 14:12 excel to edify, of c. Eph. 5:23 as C. is head of the c. Heb. 2:12 in midst of the c. 3 John 10 D. casteth out ofc. Bev. 2:1 angel of c. of Ephesus 8 Smyrna; 12'Perga. : ISThva. 3:1 Sardis ; 7Philad. ; 14 Laodi. CHURCH of God. Acts 20:28 feed the c. of God 1 Cor. 1:2 to c. of God at Corinth 10:.32 none oflfence to c. of God 11:22 despise ye the c. of God 15:9 1 pers. c. of God, Gal. 1:13 1 Tim. 5:3 take care of c. of God CHURCHES. Acts 9:31 then had the c. rest 15:41 Paul confirming the c. 16:5 c. established in the faith 19:.37 these neither robbers of c. Bom. 10:4 all c. gave thanks 10 the c. of Christ salute yon 1 Cor. 7:17 so ordain I in all c. 11:16 such custom, nei. the c. 14:33 author of peace as in all c. 34 women keep silence in c. 16:1 order to c. of Galatia 19 the c. of Asia salute you 2 Cor. 8:1 grace bestow, on thee. 19 choseri of the c. to travel 23 they are messengers of c. 11:8 I robbed other c. CIR 2 Cor. 11:28 the care of all the c. 12:13 inferior to other c. ? Gal. 1:22 unknown by face to c. 1 Thss. 2:14 fol. of the c. of God. 2 Thes. 1:4 glory in you in c. Bev. 1:4 John to the seven c. 11 send it to the seven c. 20 seven stars are angels of c. candlesticks are the seven c. 2:7 what the Spirit saith unto thee. 11,17,29; ;3:6,13,22 23 c. know I am he searcheth 22:16 testify these things in c. CHURL. Is. .32:5 c. said to be bonntifal 7 instruments of c. are evil CHURLISH. 1 Sam. 25:3 Nab. was c. and evD CHURiVING. Prov. 30:.33 surely c. of m. bring- eth butter CHUSHAN-R ISHATH AIM. Jud. 3:8 sold Is. into hand of C. CHTJZA. Luke6:Z CILICIA. Acts ^■.9; 15:2:3,41; 21:39; 22:3: 23::34; 27:5 Gal. 1:21 into regions of C. CI^'NAMOX. Ex. 30:23 sweet c. Prov. 7:17 perf. bed with e. Cant. 4:14 are an orchard ofc. Bev. 18:13 buyeth her c. CIRCLE. Is. 40:22 sitteth on c. of earth CIRCUIT, S. 1 Sam. 7:16 year to year in c. ■Tob 22:14 in c. of heaven Ps. 19:6 his c. unto the ends Ec. 1:6 according to his c. CIRCUMCISE. Gen. 17:11 ye shall c. foreskin Deuf. 10:16 c. foreskin .30:6 Lord will c. thy heart Jos. 5:2 c. again children of Isr. Jer. 4:4 c. yourselves to the L. Luke 1:.59 came to c. the child John 7:22 on Sabbath c. a man Acts 15:5 needful to c. them 21:21 they ought not to c. CIRCUMCISED. Gen. 17:10 every man-child be c. 14 not c. shall be cut oflf 26 Abraham was c. and Ishm. 34:15 every male c. 24 every male was c. Ex. 12:48 Jos. 5:3 J. c. children of Israel ■ler. 9:25 punish all c. with uncir. Acts 15: 1 except c. not saved, 24 16:3 Paul c. Timothy Bom. 4:11 though note. 1 Cor. 7:18being<;..? in uncircum- cision ? letliim not be c. Gal. 2:3 Titus compelled to bee. 5:2 if c. C. shall profit nothing 6:12 they constrain you to bee. 13 they c. keep not the law PhU. 3:5 c. eiffhth day Col. 2:11 in w-hom also ye are c. CIRCUMCISING. Luke 2:21 days accomp. for c. CIRCUMCISICV. John 7:22 M. gave unto you c. 23 if on the sabbath receive c. Bom. 2:25 c. profiteth, if thou keep the law ; thy c. is made 28 nor is that c. which is outw. 29 e. is that of the heart 3:30 shall jusUfy c. by faith 4:9 this blessedness on c. only 1 10 when he was in c. ? not in c. 1 Coi: 7:19 c. is keeping of com. Gal. 2:9 they should "o unto c. 5:6 neither c. availeth, 6:15 11 and I, if I vet preach c. Eph. 2:11 by that ciilled c. Phil. 3:3 c. which worship God Col. 2:11 c. without hands, by c. 3:11 there is nei. c. nor uncir. or CIRCUMCISIOIV. Ex. 4:26 bloody hus. bee. ofc. Acts 7:8 Abrah. covenant of c. 10:4t they of c. were astonished 11:2 ofc. contended with Peter Bom. 3:1 what profit qfc..^ 4:11 he received the sign ofc. 12 of c. to them not ofc. 15:8 J. C. was a minister ofc. Gal. 2:7 gospel ofc. com. to Pe. 8 in Peter to apostleship ofc. Col. 4:11 who are of the c. salute Tit. 1:10 unruly, especially of c. CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 795 GIT CIRCUMSPECT, LY. Ex. 23:13 in all things be c. Eph. 5:15 see that ye walk c. CISTEBiV, S. 2 K. 18:31 drink ev. one of his c. Prov. 5:15 drink of thine own c. Ec. 12:6 wheel broken at the c. Is. 36:16 every one of own c. Jer. 2:13 hewed out c. of brok. c. CITY. Gen. 4:17 Cain builded a c. 11:4 baild c. and a tower 5 Lord came down to see c. 8 they left off to build the c. 18:26 And flfty righteous in c. 34:25 came upon the c. boldly Num. 21:28 flame is gone from c. JDeut. 2:36 not one c. too strong 3:4 not a c. we took not from 13:15 smite inhabit, of that c. Jos. 3:16 very fLir from c. Adam 6:3 compass the c. six days, 7 24 burnt c. Dsut. 13:16 Jos. 8:8, 19; Jud.l:»; 18:27 8:2 lay ambush for c. behind 20 smoke of c. ascended to h. 15:13 c. of Arba, which c. is H. 19:50 gave Joshua c. he asked Jud. 6:37 he feared men of c. 9:45 c. and sowed it with salt 20:40 flame of the c. ascended Bath 1: 19 all the c. was moved 3:11 for c. of my people know 1 Sam. 1:3 out of c. yearly to w. 4:13 told it, all the c. cried out 8:22 every man to his c. 1 K. 22:.36; Ezr. 2:1; Neh.T.G 28:3 Israel b. him m his own c. 2 Sam. 12:1 two men in one c. 15:2 of what c. art thou ? 19:37 I may die in my o^vn c. 20:19 seokest to desti'oy a c. 1 K. 1:45 so that c. rang again 11:32 c. I have chosen, 36 2/ir. 6:19 neither is this the c. 11:20 and the c. was in quiet 21:10 c. Jer. was besieged, 25:2 2 CAr. 15:6 c. was destroyed of c. 10:5 and he set judges c. by c. 30:10 posts passed from c. to c. 32:18 that they might take c. Ezr. 4:12 building rebellions c, Neh.'i-.'i why not sad, c. waste, 5 11:9 Judah was second over c. Est. 8:15 thee. Shushan rcyoiced I's. 48:2 c. of gr. king, Mat. 5:35 59:6 go round about the c. 14 72:16 they of c. sliall flourish 107:4 found no c. to dwell in 122:3 Jerusalem as a c. compact 127:1 e.iccept the Lord keep c. Prov. 8:3 crieth at entry of c. 10:15 his strong c. 18:11 11' 10 the c. rejoiceth 11 by blessing of upright c. 16:32 than he that taketh a c. 25:28 like a c. broken down 29:8 scornful bring c. into snare Ee. 9:14 there was a little c. 15 poor wise man delivered c. Is. 1:26 c. of right, faithful c. 21 14:31 howl, O gate, cry 0 c. 17:1 Damascus from being a c. 10:2 sliall flglit, c. against c. 24:10 c. of confusion is broken 25:2 of a c. a heap, to be no c. 33:20 Zion c. of our solemnities 60:14 shall call thoe c. of Lord 62:12 a c. not forsaken Jer. 3:14 take you one of a c. 4:29 c. shall flee for the noise 19:12 make this c. as Tophct 25:29 c. called by my name 32:24 come to c. an(l c. is given 89:2 the c. was broken up, 52:7 46:8 I will destroy the c. 49:25 how c. of i)rftlso not !(;ft Lam. 1:1 how doth c. sit solilary 2:15 c. men call perl', of licauty Eaek. 4:1 portray c. Jerusalem 7:2;j the c. is full of violence 9:1 tliat have charge ovcu- c. 4 go thro' midst of c. Jerusa. 9 c. 1h full of ])erverseiU!S« 10:2 coals of Are over tlie c. 27:32 what c. is like Tyrus 3;i:21 saying, the c. is siultten 4H:35 name of c. he, L. is there Daii,. 9:18 c. calh^d by thy iia. 19 Jhn. 6:8 (J. c. of th. work iniq. Ahum 4:7 to rain ou one; r. 5:3 c. that w<'Mt up by tlious. jl/Jc. 0:9 Lord's voice (-rlclli lo c. /fab. 2:12 stabllHli a c. by Inlq. '/ep. 3:1 wo(! Ic) tlieo))i)r('Krtln^' f. Xec. H:3 Jernsuhsm u c. of trulli 6 Mtrecta of c, be full of boys GIT Zee. 14:2 the c. shall be taken 3fat. 5:14 a c. set on hill cannot 35 Jerusalem is c. of great King 8:34 c. came out to meet Jesus 10:11 whatsoever c. ye enter 15thatc. 3IarkQ:l\ ; i«fe 10:12 21:10 all the c. was moved 22:7 king burnt up their c. 23:34 persecute from c. to c. Mark 1:33 c. was gathered 5:14 told it In the c. Luke 8:34 Luke 2:3 taxed, ev. one to ownc. 7:12 much people of c. with her 19:41 he beheld the c. and wept 23:51 he was of Arimathea a c. John 4::39 many of th. c. believed Acts 8:8 was great joy in that c. 13:44 almost whole c. to h. 16:12 in that c. certain days 17:5 set all the c. in an uproar 19:29 c. was filled \Wth confus. 21:30 all the c. was moved Heb. 11:10 c. that hath found. 16 hath prepared for them a c. 12:22 the c. of the living God 13:14 we have no continuing c. Jam. 4:13 will go into such a c. Rev. 20:9 comp. the beloved c. 21:14 wall of c. had foundations 18 the c. was pure gold 23 c. had no need of the sun Bloody CITY. Ezek. 22:2 judge tlie bloody c. f 24:6 bloody c. 9; Nah. 3:1 Defenced CITY. 7s. 25:2 of a defenced c. a ruin 27:10 the d. c. shall be desolate Jer. 1:18 thee this day a d. c. CITY of David. 2 Sam. 5:9 c. o/D. 1 C'hr. 11:7 6:10 remove ark into c. of B. 12 brought ark into c of H. 16 1 K. 2:10 D. was buried in c. I). 3:1 Sol. brought her to c. of D. 8:1 out of c. ofD. 2 Vlir. 5:2. 11:43 bur. in c. D. 2 Ckr. 9:31 14:31 R. bur. c. D. 2 Ghr. 12:10 15:8 bur. A. c. of D. 2 Chr. 14:1 22:50 J. bur. c. D. 2 Chr. 21:1 2 K. 8:24 J. bur. c. D. 2 Chr. 21:20 9:28 A. was buried in c. of D. 12:21 J. bur. c. D. 2 Chr. 24:35 14:20 Amaziah ; 1.5:7 Azariah 15i.38Jot.2t'/M-.27:9; 28:27 Ahaz 2 Clir. 24:16 bur. Jeh. in c. of D. Is. 22:9 breaches of c. ofD. 29:1 woe to A. c. where David Luke 2:4 Joseph wont to c. of D. 11 born in c. of D. a. Saviour Elders, with CITY. Deut. 19:12 elders of his c. 21:6 elders of that c. next 20 say to e of c. our son is 32:17 cloth before elders of c. 25:8 elders of his c. shall call Jos. 20:4 dec. his cause to e. of c. Jud. 8:10 (jiideon took elders of c. liuth 4:2 took ton men of c. of c. Ezr. 10:14 ciders of every c. Every CITY'. 2/r. 3:19 smite every fenced c. 2 Clir. 31:19 of sons of A. in e. c. Jer. 4:29 every c. shall be forsuk. 48:8 spoiler shall come on e. c. Mat. 12:25 e. c. divided ag. itself lyiike 10:1 two into every c. Acts 15:21 in e. c. them that p. 36 visit brethren in every c. 20:.33 a. G. witnessethin c. c. Tit. 1:5 ordain elders in every c. Fenced CITY. 2 K. 10:2 with you a fenced c. 17:9 tower of watchmen toy", c. 2 Chr. 11:23 he dispersed of cliil. unto eviivy fenced c. <:ITY of 0(.a. />((. 46:4 make glail c. »/' Corf 48:1 to be prai.-eil in ('■. of God 8 <;. of Cod will establikh it 87:3 glorious things spoken of tliee, O c. of Cod Ileb. 12; 22 c. (/living Cml lieo. 3:12 nauie of c. . 7. c. 18:1().!6, 19,81 16:19 f/nv/Vc. was divided 17:18 woman Is that fin (it c. 21:10 lie showed nie that g. c. GIT Holy CITY. Neh. 11:1 Jerusalem the holy c. Is. 48:2 call themselves of liolyc. 52:1 put on beau. garm. O h. c. Dan. 9:24 seventy w. on thy h. c. Mat. 4:5 devil taketh him to h. c. 27:53 went to h. c. and appeared P,,ev. 11:2 holy c. shall they tread 21:2 I John saw the A. c. coming 22:19 take his part out of A. c. In, or into the CITY. Gen. 19:12 hast in the c. bring Deut. 20:14 all in the c. take 28:3 blessed shalt be in the c. 16 cursed shalt be in the c. Jos. 6:21 destroyed all in the c. 8:19 into c. and set it on fire Jud. 1:24 entrance info c. %Sam.. 15:25 car. back ark intoc. 27 return info the c. 1 K. 14:11 dieth of Jerob. in c. 12 when thy feet enter into c. 16:4 that dieth of Baasha in c. 2 K. 7:4 we will enter into c. 12 catch them, get info c. Ps. 31:21 showed me his marvel- lous kindness in a strong c. 55:9 seen violence in t/ie c. Prov. 1:21 in c. wisdom uttereth Ec. 7:19 mighty men in the c. 8:10 wicked were forgotten inc. Is. 24:12 in the c. is let't deso. Jer. 14:18 if I enter into the e. 38:9 no more bread in the c. 52:0 famine was sore in the c. Lam. 1:19 gave np ghost in c. Hos. 11:9 not enter into the c. Joel'i,:% run to and fro in the c. Amos 3:6 bebloum in the c. shall there be evil in a c. 7:17 thy wife be harlot in c. .Ton. 3:4 J. began to enter into c. Mat. 9:1 came into his own c. 10:5 c. of the Samaritans 11 into whatsoever c. ye enter 26:18 go into c. to such a man 28:11 soraeofwatch camefj^oc. Mark 14:13 into the c. 4rf.s-9;6 Lulce 2:3 every one into his c. 7:37 a woman in the c. a sinner 18:2 there was in a c. a judge 22:10 ye are entered into c. 24:49 tarry ye inc. of Jerusalem John 4:8 disciples gone into c. Acts 11:5 in tlie c. of Joppa 14:20 he came into the c. 21:29 with him in the c. 2^1:12 synagogues nor in the c. 2 Cor. 11:20 in perils in the c. Rev. 22:14 through gates into c. CITY of the Lord. Ps. 101:8 cut off all wicked doers from c. of the Lord. Is. 60:14 call thee c. of Lord Out of the CITY. Gen. 44:4 gone ou-i of the c. Ex. 9:29 soon as I am out of c. ;i3 Moses went out of the c. Jos. 8:22 issued out of the c. Jud. 1:24 saw man come o. of c. 2 Sam. 18:3 succor us out of c. 20:16 wise woman out oflhe c. 2 K. 7:12 they come out of c. 9:15 none escape out of the c. Job 24:12 groan from out oft. c. Jer. 39:4 Zed. went o. ofc. 52:7 Ezek. 48:30 are goings o. of the c. Mic. 4:10 go fortli out (f the c. Mat. 21:17 went out of'tlie c. Mark 11:19 he went out of c. Luke 4:29 thrust him out of t. c. 9:5 go out of c. shake ofl" dust John\:?>Vi they went out of c. Acts 7:58 cast Stt'i)h. out of the c. 1 1:19 drew him out ofc. 16:13 we went out of the c. 21:5 brought us tilt out of the c. CITY of nrfuKf. JVum. 3.5:25 rest, him toe. of rif Jos. 21:13 c. ofr. 1 Chr. C-.T,) 21 Shech.; 27 tiolau; 32 Ked. ThiH CITY. Gen. 19:11 L. will deslrov Ihlsc. 20 this c. Is near to llei^ unto 21 I will not overthrow litis c. •Aw. 0:26 bnliacth Ihhr. .hid. 19:11 tiiiri into ///i,v c. 1 Sam. 9:6 In this c. a man of (J. a A'. 2:10 tlih c. Is i>leii.'^niit 18:30 I. c. not lie dcllv. Is. ;)li:1.5 19:32 Into thisc. 8;); Is. 3;:;U 31 def. t. c. '».(<; /«. 37:3.'.: !1S:6 2:1:27 cast olYlhls c. Jerusnli-m 2 Chr. I!:3l |>rny toward Ihisc. K:r. 4:t:| Wlhis c. ho builded, 16 i\iih. 13:18 bring ovll on thU c. t GIT Jer. 6:6 this is the c. to be visited 17:25 this c. shall remain 19:8 will make this c. desolate 15 bring on this c. all the evil 20:5 deliver strength of this c. 21:9 abideth in this c. shall die 10 set my face against this c. 22:8 why L. done thus unto t. o. 26:6 I will make this c. a curse 15 innocent blood on this c. 27:17 this c. be laid waste 32:3 give t. c. to Chald. 28 ; 34:2 31 tliis c. been as a provocation 33:5 hid my face from this c. 34:22 cause them return to t. c. 38:17 this c. shall not be bnnit 39:16 words on this c. for evil Ezek. 11:3 this c. is the caldron, 7 Mat. 10:23 persecute in this c. Acts 18:10 much people in thisc. 22:3 brought up in this c. at feet Without CITY. Gen. 19:16 men set Lot loith. c. Num. 35:5 measure from w. c. Rev. 14:20 w.-press trodden w. c. CITIE.?. Gen. 19:29 when God destroy, c. 35:5 terror of God on c. round 47:21 he rem. people to c. Num. 1.3:19 what c. they dwell in 35:8 give of his c. to Levites Deut. 2:.37 nor to c. in mountains 3: 19 abide in c. I have given you 6: 10 to give thee goodly c. 19:5 flee to one ofthese c. ■los. 10:19 suf. th. not to enter c. 11:13 as for c. still in strenjjth 18:9 described it by c. in a book Jud. 20:48 set on fire c. 21:23 they repaired the c. 1 Sam. 31:7 Israelites forsook c. 2 Sam. 10:12 c. our God, 1 Chr. 19:13 1 A". 9:12 Hiram came to see c. 20:;34 c. father took I restore .Job 15:28 dwell, in desolate c. Ps. 9:0 O enemy, destroved c. Is. 6:11 Until c. be wasted 14:21 nor fill world with c. 19:18 day shall five c. in E. 33:8 he hath despised the c. 64:10 thy holy c. a wilderness ■ler. 2:15 his c. are burnt 28 number of thy c. 11:13 13:19 c. of south be shut np 20:16 be as the c. L. overthrew 31:21 O virgin, to these thy c. 49:13 c. be perpetual \\'aste3 50:.32 I will kindle fire in his c. Ezek. 26:19 like c. not inhabited 30:17 these c. into captivity 35:9 thy c. shall not return IIos. 8:14 send fire upon his e. 11:6 sword shall abide on his c. Amosi:% three c. to one for wat. Mic. 5:14 so will I destroy thy c. 7,1'p. 3:6 their c. are destroyed 7.ec. 1:17 my c. shall yet spread ^lat. 10:23 not have gone over <,-. 11:1 to preach in their c. Acts 20:11 persec. to strange c. 2 Pet. 2:6 c. of S. and G. to ashes Jude 7 c. about them in like m. Rev. 10:19 c. of the nations fell All CITIES. Num. 21:25 Is. took all those c. 7><;u/. 2:34; 3:4; Jos. 10:;» 31:10 burnt their c. Jud. 20: Ir* 7)eul. 20:15 thus do to all c. afar Jos. U-.Vialtc. of kings destr. 21:19 all c. of Aanm were 13 c. 41 all c. of Levites were 48 c. 1 Sum. 18:6 came out otuHe. 2 Sam. 21:7 came to all c. of 11 iv. Xeli. W:.Vi titlu'sinrt/Zlhor. ./(-;'. 4:26 all the c. broken down ;!3:12 in (/// c. habitu. ofsheph. llos. 1.3: U) save thee in all thy c. .lets 8:40 he preached in all c. Di'feno*-.! CITIKS. Is. 36:1 Sennacherib ng. (/(/. e. 37:26 to lav waste lUl'ciicfd e. J,r. 4:5 go "to dtfciict .1 <•. 8:14 34:7 dtfcnci'd c. renuiinod of J. Feiiwcl CITIES. Num. 32:17 one.t In ftiicd <•. A '//. ;l:5c. ffiiod with hlirh w. 9:1 <•. /'. to' heaven, .Aw. M:l'i ,/(W. l(i:20 enlertil tuto./i/i. f. 2 Sam. )30:6 get hhii intent e. 2 Chr. 12: 1 Shlxhak'took /(T/i. «. 1 1:6 Asa bniliyi ;»>(/<•. In Juil. 2l:3.Iehosli, gavi- noim/f H. c. Jer. 5:17 Impoverish lhy/c-/i. r. li.in. ll:l.'>k. of north t.nko/'. c. //(AS. 8: 14 J. uiu1|Iii1Uh1/c«ew?. 4:4 ye that did c. to the L. 10:20 to him shalt thou c. 11:22 ; 13:4; .30:20; Jos. 22:5 ■Tos. 23:8 c. to Lord vour God Job 38:38 the clods e. together R. In c. 2 I'et. 2:17 they are c. carried Jude 12 c. they ar<' wilhoul wnt. liev. 1:7 he co'meth with c. t'LOUDY. A'.r. .3.3:9 the <-. pillar deaci'uded NHi. 9:12 1ed(lest by a r. jiUlar I's. 99:7 he spakc^ in c, pillar \Kzck. 30:3 day of 1,. near, a c. (I. I 81:12 been scatlerud in c. day COA CLOUTED. Jos. 9:5 took old shoes and c. CLOUTS. ,7er. .38:11 Ebed. took old cast c. CLOVEIV. Lev. 11:3 c. footed that eat 7 swine c. footed, unclean Acts 2:3 appeared c. tongues CLUSTER. Num. 13:23 branch with one e. Cant. 1:14 as a c. of camphire Is. 65:8 new wine is found in c. Mic. 7:1 there is no e. to eat CLUSTERS. Gen. 40:10 c. bro. forth ripe gr. iJeut. 32:;32 their e. are bitter Cant. 7:7 thy br -asts two c. 8 liev. 14:18 gather c. of vine COAL. 2 Sam. 14:7 quench my c. left /s\ 6:6 eer. hav. livee. in hand 47:14 shall not be c. to warm at Lam. 4:8 visage blacker than a c. COALS. Lev. 16:12 take a cen. full of e. 1 K. 19:6 a cake baken on e. ■lob 41:21 his breath kindleth e. P*. 18:8 c. were kindled by it 12 hailstones and c. of fire 120:4 arrows with c. of juniper 140:10 burning c. fall on them Prov. 6:28 can one go on hot c. 25:22 e. of fire. Pom. 12:20 20:21 as c. to burning c. Co«<. 8:6 c. thereof are c. of fire Is. 44:12 smith workoth in c. 19 baked bread on e. thereof 54:16 smith that bloweth the e. Ezek. 1:13 appearance burningc. 10:2 fill thy hand with c. of fire 24:11 set it empty on the c. Ilab. 3:5 burning e. forth John 18:18 serv. made fire of e. 21:9 saw fire of c. and fish laid COAST. Num. 24:24 ships from c. of Chit. Deut. 11:24 uttermost sea yourc. 19:8 if the Lord enlarge thy e. Jos. 1:4 down of sun be your c. Jud. 11:20 Is. to pass through e. 1 Sam. 6:9 if it go by his own e. 7:13 no more into c. of Israel 27 1 seek me in any e. of Isr. 3i-''14 invasion on c. of Judah 2 A'. 14:25 Jerobo.'mi restored c. 1 Chr. 4:10 and enlarge my c. Zep. 2:7 e. for remnant of Judah Sea-COAST. Ezek. 25:16 dest. remnant ots.-c. Zep. 2:6 ^ca-c. dwell, for sbejih. Mat. 4:13 J. dwelt in C. on s.-c. Luke 0:17 from .ica-c. came COAST.?. Deut. 2:4 through e. of your hre. 1H:3 divide c. of thy laud 1 Sam. 7:14 c. did Israel deliver 11:3 send mess, into all c. 7 2 Sam. 21:5 be destroyed from c. 1 C/w. 21:12 a. destroy, tlirou. e. 2 Chr. 11:13 to Hehob. out of e. Ps. 10.5:31 lice in all their c. .33 he brake trees of their c. .ler. 23:32 a whirlwind from e. Ezek. 33:2 take a man of their c. .Joel 3:4 all the c. of Pali'sllne? Mat. 2:16 11. slew child, in all e. 8:31 out oft lu'ire. Mark W.\l 15:21 dei)arted into c. of Tyre Mark 7:31 del), from c. of Tyre Acts 13:50 expelled them out ofc. COAT. Gen. 37:3 e. of many colors, .32 Ex. 28:4 Aaron, a broidered e. At'H. 8:7 he put on him tlie c. 16:4 put on the holy linen c. 1 .SWOT. 2:19 madi' liin\ a llltle c. 17:5()oliiili c. of nuiil, 38 2 Sam. 15:!)2 llusluii came c rent .lot) .30:18 bindeth as collar ofc. Vant. 5:3 I have put oll'my (•. Mai. 5:40 take awav tliv c. I.uke >\:'i'.> forbid not lo taker. Jo/in 19:2.3 c. was without seam 21:7 I'eter girt his Usher's e. COATS. Gen. 3:21 God n»id(' c. of skins I.t'iK 8:13 pule, upon A.'s sons 10:5 their c. out of camp A(;i. 3:21 were bound In their c. 27 nor were their <•. clmnged ,Wil. 10:I0nelllicr provide iwor. Mark 6:9 and put luit on two c. Liikurt COM Acts 9:39 c. which Dorcas made COCK. Mat. 26:.34 c. crow, 75; Mark 14:30, 72 ; Luke 22:34. 61 74 e. crew, Lu. 22:60 ; Jo/in 18:27 Ma?-k 13::35 Cometh at e. crowing 14:68 and the c. crew, 72 John Vi:3S c. not crow till thou hast denied me thrice COCKATRICE, S. Is. 11:8 put his hand on c. den 14:29 of serpent's root come c. 59:5 they hatch c. eggs Jer. 8:17 will send c. aiuong you COCKLE. ■Job 31:40 c. grow inst. of barley COFFER. 1 Sam. 6:8 put jewels in a c. 11 laid the c. on the cart; COFFI\. Gen. 50:26 Joseph was put in ac. COGITATIOA'S. Dan. 7:28 c. much troubled rae COLD. Gen. 8:22 e. and heat not cease ■lob 24:7 naked no covering in c. 37:9 c. Cometh out of north Ps. 147:17 stand before his c. .? Prov. 20:4 not plough by re. ofc. 23:13 as e. of snow in harvest 20 taketh away garment in c. 25 e. waters to a thii'sty soul ■ler. 18:14 e. water be forsaken ? Nah. 3:17 in hedges in e. day Mat. 10:42 a cup of e. water 24: 12 love of many wax: c. ■lohn 18:18 a fire, for it was c. Acts 28:2 received us, bee. of c. 2 Cor. 11:27 in c. and nakedness Eev. 3:15 neither c. nor hot, 10 COLLAR, e. /(/rf. 8:26 jewels beside e. Job 30:18 disease bindeth as c. COLLECTION. 2 Chr. a4;6 to bring in the c. 9 1 C'or. 16:1 cone. c. for .''aints COLLEGE. 2 K. 22:14 in c. 2 C/u: 34:22 COLLOPS. Jb6 15:27 e. of fat on his flanks COLOW. Acts 16:12 and a c. COLOR, S. Gen. 37:3 a coat of many c. Num. 11:7 the c. as bdellium ■lud. 5:30 a prey of divers c. 2 -Sfwi. 13:18 garm. of divers c. 1 CAr. 29:2 stones of divers e. Is. 54:11 lay stones with fair c. Prov. 2S:31 giveth his c. in cup Ezek. 1:4 midst as c. of amber 7 like c. of brass, Dan. W:i> 16 like e. of beryl, Dan. 10:9 22 firmament as e. of crystal 16:16 places with divers c. 17:3 eagle with divers c. to L. COLOSSE. Col. 1:2 COLT, S. Gen. 32:15 thirty camels with c. 49:11 binding ass's c. to vine Jud. 10:4 thirty s. rode oi\ 30 c. 12:14 Abdon's sons ro. on 70 c. Job 11:12 man be born like c. Zee. 9:9 riding upon a c. Mat. 21:5 ;,/()/!« 12:15 Mai. 21:2 find an nss tied, a c i1/«;/Ull:2;Z(M!<« of N. 7:41. Christ c. w/f; of Galilee? ^cte 16:18 to c. OHd of her Pom. 11:26 c. om? of Zion Dellv. 2 Cw. 6:17 c. o?/< from among 7?«S. 7:5 c. o«< of lohis of Abra. 7?e!). 16:13 spirits c. o«!! of drag. 18:4 c. 0M< of her, my people COME to pass. Num. 11:2:3 my word c. top. Deut. 13:2 wonder c. topass Jos. 23:14 all c. to pass Jud. 13:12 M. said, words c. top. 21:3 why is this c. to pass 1 K. 13:32 saying shall c. to pa5« /?. 7:7 not stand, nor c. to p. 14:24 so shall it c. top. 42:9 former things are c. to p. .7(?r. 32:24 lias spoken is c. to p. Ezek. 12:25 1 speak shall e. top. 24:14 spoken, it shall c. top. COM Dan. 2:29 what shall e. top. Zee. 6:15 this shall c. top. 7:13 c. to pass that as he cried Mat. 24:6 these mustc. topass Mark 11:23 th. he saith sh. c. top. 13:29 see these things c. top. ii/i-c 2:15 see this thing c. top. 21:7 when these c. topass? 28 24:12 wond. at what was c. top. 18 not kno^Tn things c. to pa«« John 13:19 c. top. may h. 14:29 Eev. 1:1 must shortly c. topass COME short. 7?0OT. 3:23 all c. «A. of glory of G. Heb. 4:1 seem to c. «/iort of it COME together Job 9:32 should c. <. in judgment 19:12 troops c. <. against me Jer. 3:18 c. t. out ofland of north 50:4 Israel and Judah shall c. t. Acts 1:6 wh. they were c. t. 28:17 10:27 he found many c. together 19:.32 knew not wherefore c. <. 21:22 multitude must needs c. t. 1 Cor. 7:5 c. together again, 11:17 you c. <. notfor the better 18 when ye c. t. 20, 33 ; 14:26 34 ye c. not t. to condemna. 14:23 if whole church be c. f. COME up. Ex. 19:24 c. up thou and Aaron 24:12c. Kp to me into mount 33:5 I will c. wp in a moment .34:3 no man shall c. vp with Num. 20:5 why c. j/p out of E. Jos. 10:6 c. ™ to us quickly Jud. 1:3 Jud. said c. i/p with me 15:10 why are ye c. vp ag. ns ? 16:18 Del. sent, c. «p this once 1 Sam. 14:10 if they say c. i/p 17:25 seen man that is c. up ? 1 /f. 1:35 then c. i/p after him 20:22 will c. ?;p against thee 2 K. 18:25 am I c. m. is. 36:10 Job 7:9 to grave c. «» no more Ptow 25:7 better said, c. ?/p Is. 8:7 c. wp over his channels 14:8 no feller is c. up against us 60:7 c. up with acceptance Jer. 49:19 he shall c. up, 50:44 22 shall c. up and fly as eagle Ezek. 38:16 c. wpaga. my people Has. 1:11 shall c. upovA ofland 13:15 wind of the L. shall c. up Ob. 21 saviors shall c. up on Z. Zee. 14:17 whose will not c. «p 18 if family of Egj^jt c. not i/p ^Cc's 8:31 Philip to c. wp and sit 10:4 Cornel, the alms are c. up Rev. 4:1 c. up hither, 11:12 COME,pfl««i!ie. ffc-n. 6:13 the end of all flesh is c. 18:5 are ye c. to your seri'ant 21 accord, to cry wh. c. to me Ex. 3:9 cry of Israel is c. to me Num. 22:11 there is a people c. Jos. 5:14 as captain am I c. Jw(Z 16:2 Samson is c. hither 1 Saw. 4:7 G. isc. into the camp 9:16 bee. their cry is c. to me 2 K. 8:7 man of God is c. hither Ezr. 9:13 after all that is c. Job 3:25 thin" I feared is c. 4:5 Ps. 44:17 all this is c. on us, yet 53:6 O that salvation were c. 55:5 fear, and trembling are c. 69:2 I am e. into deep waters 102:13 yea, the set time is c. Is. 10:28 he isc. toAiath 56:1 my salvation near to c. 60:1 shine, for thy light is c. 6.3:4 year of my redeemed isc, Jer. 40:3 theref this is c. on vou 50:27 their day is c. 31 thy day is c. I will visit thee 51:13 on waters, Ihy end is c. Lam. 4:18 our end isc. 5:1 rememb. what is c. npon us Ezek. 7:2 an end is c. on land, 6 7 the morning is c, upon thee 10 dav. behold it is c. 39:8 21:25 whose day is c. 29 Dan. 9:13 aU this evil ie c. on ns Ainos 8:2 the end is c. on Israel Mtc. 1:9 c. to gate of my people Mat. 12:28 kingdom of God is c. 18:11 Son of man is c. to save Mark 14:41 hour is c. Luke 19:10 c. to seek and to save John 4:25 is c. he will tell us all 11:28 Master is c. and calleth 12:23 J. answ. the hourisc. 17:1 1 Cor. 13:10 when th.it perf. isc. Col. 1:6 which gospel is c. to y. 1 John 4:3 that confesseth n. C. 13 c. in the flesh, 2 John 7 CRUDEN'S CON-CORDANCE. 799 COM 1 John 5:20 we k. Son of G. is c. I am COiME, or am I COME Ex. 18:6 / Jethro am c. to thee Num. 22:38 Bal. said. )o, 1 am c. 2 Sam. 14:32 am I c. fr. Gceh. ? P«. 69:2 /a»i c. into deep wat. Ec. 1:16 lo, lam c. Dan. 9:^i lam c. to show, 10:14 10:12 I am c. for thy words Mat. 5:17 I am c. to destroy law 9:13 I am not c. to call right. 10:34 not I am c. to send peace 35 / am c. to set at variance Luke 12:51 lam c. to give peace ? John 1:31 therefore aw /c. 5:43 I am e. in my P.'s name 7:28 lam not c. of myself 9:39 for judgment lam c. 10:10 / am c. th. might ha. life 12:46 I am,c. a light into world 16:28 / am c. again I leave wor. COME, joined with Time. Gen. 30:33 answer in t. to c. Ex. 13:14 asketh in time to c. Deut. 6:20 ; Jos. 4:6. 21 P». 102:13 the set time is c. Prov. 31:25 rejoice in t. to c. Can(. 2:12 t. of sing, of birds c. Is. 13:22 her time is near to c. 30:8 be for tim,e to c. 42:23 will hear for time to c. ? iifiA-. 7:7 t. is c. 12; Bag. 1:2 not c. iwfe 9:51 t. c. he sh. be received Gal. 4:4 when fulness of t. w. c. 1 Tim. 6:19 founda. aga. t. to c. 1 PiS<. 4:17 t. isc. judgm. mustb. Yet COMB. Devt. 12:9 not yet c. to the rest John 2:4 my hour is not yet c. 7:6 my time is not yet c. 30 hour was not yet c. 88:20 11:30 J. was not y. c. into to^vn Rev. 17:10 the other is not yet c. COMBLIiVESS. Is. 5.3:2 hath no form nor c. Ezck. 16:14 perfect through my c. 27:10 they of Lud set fo. thy c. Dan. 10:8 my c. into corruption 1 Cor. 12:23 mofe abundant c. COMELY. 1 /S'am. 16:18 David a c. person Job 41:12 con. his c. proportion Ps. 33:1 praise is c. for, 147:1 P;'oe). .30:29 four are c. m going Ec. 5:18 it is c. for one to eat Cant. 1:5 I am black, but c. 10 cheeks are c. with jewels 2:14 thy countenance is c 4:3 thy speech is c. 0:4 art c. O my love, as Jerus. Is. 4:2 the fruit shall be c. Jer. 6:2 dangh. of Zion to a c. w. 1 Cor. 7:35 f speak for that c. 12:24 c. parts have no need COMERS. Heb. 10:1 c. thereunto perfect COMEST. Deut. 28:6 blessed when thou C. 19 cursed when thou c. in Jud. 17:9 Mic. said, whence c. 19:17 old man said, whence c. 1 A'OOT. 16:4 c. pcacea. ? 1 K. 2:13 17:45 thou c. to me w. a sword 2 A'. 5:25 whence c. th. Gehazi ? Jo/> 1:7 whence c. thou? 2:2 Jon. 1:8 whence c. thou 'I Mat. 3:14 and c. tliou tome? Z/uAe 23:42 wh. c. into thy king. COMETH. Deut. 23:13 that c. from thee 1 Sum. 4:3 when ark c. 9;6 all he saith c. surely to pass 20:29 he c. not to king's table Jolt 28:20 wli. Then c. wisdom ? yv. :j0:5 but joy c. in morning 75:6 i)roniotion c. not from cast 96:13 for he c. to iudge 118:26 blessed Is he c. in name 121:2 my help c. from the Lord Ec. 0:4 he c. in with vanity Cant. 2:8 he c. leaping on mou. Is. 13:9 day of L. «. with wrath 30:27 nanu! of L. c. from far 62:11 Zion thy salvation r. 63:1 who Is this c. from Kdom Jer. 17:() not sei^ when good c. 43:11 c. he shall smile Mgypt Lam. 3:37 and It c. to pass lizck. 20:32 c. In your mind 21:7 because It c. behold It c 21:21 when this c. kn. I am Ij. 8.'):31 they come as ])eo|)lc i-. a'! wluMi Ibis c. to pass, thei. Dan. 12:12 c. to 1,330 days COM Joel 'i:\is.j of L. c. Z«c. 14:1; Thes. 5:2 J/o^. 4:1 day c. that shall bum Mat. 3:11 he that c. after is mig. Mark 1:1 \ Lvke S:1G 5:37 more than these c. of evil 8:9 come, and he c. Luke 7:8 21:5 thy king c. John 12:15 9 ble. is he c. in name of Lord, Mark 11:9 ; Lvke 13:35 ; 19:38 25:19 after long time Lord e. Mark 8:.38 when he c. in glory 9:12 Ellas c. first and restoreth 14:43 while he spake c. Judas Luke 6:47 whoso c. to me, and 12:.37 he c. shall find watching 40 c. at an hour ye think not 43 when he c. shall find 55 will be heat, and it c. 17:20 c. not with obser\'ation 13:8 c. shall he find faith John 3:8 canst not tell wh. it c. 20 nor c. to the light 4:21 woman, hour c. 23 ; 16:32 6:.35 c. to me never hunger, 37 45 learned of Father, c. to me 7:27 C. e. no man knoweth, 31 42 Christ c. of seed of David 9:4 night c. no man can work 14:6 no man c. to Father but 16:32 hour c. ye shall be scat. Acts 10:32 when hec. shall speak 1 Cor. 15:24 then c. the end 2 Cor. 11:28 beside wh. c. on me 1 Thes. 5:2 day of L. c. as a thief Heb. 11:6 c. to G. must believe Jude 14 L. c. with 10,000 saints Pev. 1:7 he c. with clouds 17:10 c. continue a short space COMETH down. Is. 55:10 rain c. d. from heaven John 6:.33 he c. dmon, 50 Jam. 1:17 every good gift c. d. Rev. 3: 12 new Jeru. wnich c. d. COMETH forth. Ex. 4:14 c. forth to meet thee Jud. 11:.31 c.fmih of doors 1 Sa7n. 11:7 c. not/, after S. Job 5:0 affliction c. not forth 14:2 hec. forth like a flower Is. 28:29 this also c. forth Ezek. 33:.30 what woi-d e. forth Mic. 1:3 L. c.f. out of his place COMETH nigh. Num. 1:51 stranger that c. n. be put to death, 3:10, 38; 18:7 COMETH out. Deut. 28:57 young one c. out Is. 20:21 Lord c. out of his place 42:5 earth, and what c. out Mat. 15:11 c. out of mouth, this deflleth a man, Mark 7:20 COMETH up. 1 Sam. 28:14 an old man c. vp Cant. 8:5 cup. from wilderness? Jer. 46:7 that c. up as a Hood ? 50:3 out of north c. vp a nation COMFORT. Job 6:10 then should I yet have c. 10:20 alone that I may take c. Ps. 119:.50 my c. in allliction 76 let kindness be for my c. Is. 57:6 sh. I receive c. in these? Ezek. 16:.54 thou art a c. to them Mat. 9:22 be of good c. Luke 8:48 .^[ark 10:49 be of g. c. he calleth Acts 9:31 walking in c. of It. O. Rom. 15:4 c. of uie scriptures 1 Cor. 14:3 speaketh toe.x.andc. 2 Cor. 1:3 blet^sed beGodof allc. 4 c. wherewith we are comfort. 7:4 I am filled with c. 13 were comfoi'ted in your c. 13:11 brethren, !)c of good <•. Phil. 2:1 if any c. of love 19 of good c. when I know Col. 4:11 been c. to me COMFORT, Verb. Gen. 5:29 c. us concerning work 18:5 <;. ye your hearts 27:42'E8au doth c. liim.xelf 37:35 sons rose to c. him Jud. 19:5 c. heart with bread. 8 2 Sum. 10:2 David sent to c. him 1 Chr. 7:22 came to c. him Job 2:11 friends came lo c him 7:13 say, My bed sluiU c. me 9:27 If I say, 1 will c. myself 21::)t how tlieii c. ye me In vain I's. 23:1 Illy slnir, tliey c. me 71:21 shall c. uic on every side 1 19:H2 when will thou c. me? Cant. 2:5 c. me willi apples Is. 'i'i:\ labor not to c nui 40:1 c. ye, c. ye my people COM Is. 51:3 L. shall c. Zion, c. was. 19 by whom shall I c. thee ? 61:2 to c. all that mourn 66:13 so will I c. you in Jeru. Jer. 8:18 when I would c. myself 16:7 nor men tear to c. them 31:13 I will c. and make rejoice Lam. 1:2 hath none to c. her, 17 21 there is none to c. me 2:13 equal, that I may c. thee? Ezek. 14:23 c. when ye see ways Zee. 1:17 Lord shall yet c. Zion 10:2 they c. in vain ■lohn 11:19 to c. them concerning 2 Cor. 1:4 maybe able to c. them 2:7 ye ought rather to comfort Eph. 6:22 might c. your hearts Col. 4:8 and c. yonr hearts 1 Thes. 3:2 to c. you cone, faith 4:18 c. one another 5:11 wherefore c. yourselves 14 c. the feeble-minded 2 7%««. 2:17 L. J. c. your hearts COMFORTABLE. 2 (Jam. 14:17 w. of L. now be c. Zee. 1:13 L. answ. with c. words COMFORTABLY. 2 Sam. 19:7 speak c. to thy serv. 2 <7Ar. 30:22 spake c. to Levites 32:6 set captains, and spake c. Is. 40:2 speak ye c. to Jerusalem Has. 2:14 I will speak c. to her COMFORTED. Cera. 24:67 Isaac was c. 37:35 Jacob refused to be c. .38:12 Judah was c. 50:21 Joseph c. his brethren Ruth 2:13 for hast e. me 2 Sam. 12:24 David c. Bath-sheba 13:39 he was c. concerning A. ■lob 42:11 brethren c. him. . Ps. 77:2 my soul refused to be c. 86:17 bee. thou L, hast c. me 119:,52 and have c. myself Is. 49:13 God c. his people, 52:9 54:11 Oh thou afflicted, not c. 66:13 shall be c. in Jerusalem Jer. 31:15 Rachel refused to bee. Ezek. 5:13 fury to rest, I w. be c. 14:22 be c. concerning 31:16 all that drink water be c. .32:31 Pharaoh shall be c. Mai. 2:18 not be c. bee. were not 5:4 mourn, for they shall be c. Luke 16:25 he is c. thou torm. ■lohn 11:31 the Jews which c. her Acts 1C:40 seen brethren, c. them 20:12 brought man alive, were c. Rom. 1:12 I may be c. with you 1 Cor. 14:31 and all be c. 2 Cor. 1:4 we are c. of God 7:6 Godc. nsby coming of Titus 7 consola. wh. he was c. in you 13 we are c. in your comfort Col. 2:2 hearts be c. being knit 1 Thes. 2:11 know how be c. yon 3:7 we were c. in our allliction COMFORTEOST. Is. 12:1 and thou c me. COMFORTER, S. 2 Sam. 10:3 sent c. 1 Cvr. 19:3 Job 10:2 miserable c. are j'c all Ps. 09:20 I looked for c. but i'f. 4:1 opijressed, had no c. Lam. 1:9 she bad no c. 16 c. that should relieve is far Nah. 8:7 whence shall I seek c. ■lohn 14:16 give you another C. 20 C. which is the Holy Ghost 15:20 when the C. is come 10:7 C. will not come COMFORTETH. ■Job 29:25 as one thatc. mounicrs Is. 51:12 I am he that c. you 66:13 as one his motl'.er c. so 2 Cor. 1:4 who c. us In trlbiila. 7:6 God tlial c. those cast down CO>IFORl'LE.^S. .John 14:18 I will nut leave youc. i'O^IFOltTS. Ps. 9'I:I9 Ihv c. di'liglit mv soul Is. 67:18 and restore c. touim. CO.MIiVU. Gen. 30:.30 since my c. Xiim. 22:16 let nolli. hinder c ,/(»/. 5:28 chariot so long in c. / 1 Num. l«:t trembled at hisc. 2'.l:() thy c. In Willi nie Is good 2 I'^ilM. 3:J5 lo Uniiw Ihv i". Ill 2 h'. 19:27 Know thy c. V.v. 37:28 7'.<. !!T:1!! seelh his day is c 121:8 L. sliall preserve Ihv c. In Is. 44:7thln:rsc. let llleiii show ,/,r. 8:7 observe lime of tli.lr c. Mic. 7: IB accord, to days of thy <•. COM Mai. 3:2 abide day of his c. f 4:5 before c. of the great day Mat. 16:28 till see Son of man c. 24:3 shall be sign of thy c. ? 27 c. of Son of man be, 37, 39 30 Son of man c. 26:64 : Mark 13:26; 14:62; i?;ie 21:27 48 Lord delayeth c. Luke 12:45 25:27 at c. received my own, Luke 19:23 Mark 6:31 many c. and going Luke 18:5 continual c. she w. me John 5:7 I am c. another step. £5 hour is c. 28; 10:12 wolf I.MA.\D. Ex.^i-.^aWIc.Jer. 1:7, 17 .34:11 obs. what I c. Deut. 12:28 LiC. 25:21 /will c my blessing Ih ul. 4:2 not add to word Ic. you 7:11 wh. / c. 8:11; 10:13; 11:8, 27: 1.3:18; 30:8 24:18 Ic. thee to do this. 22 ,3(1:16 I c. thee this day love L. .hr. 11:4 do all which I c. you ylw(0.< 9:9 / will c. and sift house John 15:14 if ye do what / c. you 17 Ic. you, that velove .Acts 16:18 /(•. thee in ua. of J. COMMAXOEI). (Kn. !>0:12 J.'s sonsdid as he c. Ex. 1:17 did not as k. c. Deut. 1:18 I c. vou, 3:18 ./a*. 4:8 child, of \. did a.s J. c. 22:2 obeved my voice in all 1 ('. Jud. 13:14 all I c. let herobsene 1 Sam. 20:"29 c. me to be there 21:2 the king c. me a business 2 .S'awi. 21:14 jierforni all kinijr. 2 yi'. 11:9 accor. toall .lehoiadac. 1(1:16 according lo nil .\haz c. 2 Chr. 8:14 so liad David c. 1 1: 1 Asa c. Jiidnh to seek Lord .32:12 llezekiali ; 3."): 16 Manas. Ksl. 4:17 Mord. did as Kslher<:. 8:9 w rit. accor. lo all Monl. c •A* .'18:12 bast thou .-. morning JIMITTED Iniquity. Ps. 106:6 we have c. iniquity Ezek. -3:3:13 inigui. c. he shall die Dan. 9:5 c. i. and done wickedly COMMITTED trespass. Jos. 7:1 Is. c. t. in accurs. thing 22:16 what t. is this ye have c. 31 because not c. this t. aga. L. Ezek. 15:8 have c. t. I will make 20:27 in that they c. a t. ag. mo COMMITTEST, ETH, ING. Ps. 10:14 c. himself to thee Ezek. 8:6 abomination Is. c. 33:15 without c. iniquity, 18 Hos. 4:2 by lying, c. adultery 5:3 O Ephraim.'e. whoredom John 8:.34 c. sin, is ser\-ant of sin 1 Cor. 6:18 c. fornication sinneth 1 John 3:4 c. sin transgresseth 1. 8 he that c. sin is of the devil COMMODIOUS. Acts 27:12 the haven was not c. COMMON. 1 Sam. 21:4 there is no c. bread Ec. 6:1 there is an evil, it is c. Jer. 31:5 eat them as c. things Ezek. 23:42 ■\rith men of c. sort Acts 2:44 had all things c. 4:32 10:14 eaten any thing c. 11:8 15 cleansed, call not c. 11:9 28 should not call any man c. 1 Cor. 10:13 no temptation but c. Tit. 1:4 my son after c. faith Jude 3 to write of c. salvation COMMON people. Jer. 26:2:3 the graves of c. people Mark 12:37 c. pco. heard him COMMONLY. See reported. COMMON"AVEALTH. Eph. 2:12 aliens from the c. of Is. .COMMOTION, 8. Jer. 10:22 a great c. out of north Luke 21:9 wten ye hear of c. be CO.MMUNE. Ex. 25:22 there c. with thee 1 Sam. 18:22 c. with D. secretly CRUDEN'S COI^COIIDANCE. 801 COM 1 8am. 19:3 I will c. with my fa. Job 4:2 if assay to c. with tliee Pii. 4:4 c. with your owm. heart (i4:5 c. of laying snares privily 77:6 night I c. with my heart COMMUNED. Om. 23:8 Abra. ; 34:(; Hamor, 8 42:24 Joseph; Jwr/. 9:1 Abim. 1 Sam. 9:25 Samuel; 25:39 David 1 K. 10:2 the queen of Sheba c. with Solomon, 2 C7(r. 9:1 2 K. 22:14 c. with Huldah Ec. 1:16 I c. with my own heart Dan. 1:19 king c. with them LuTce 6:11 c. M-nat do to Jesus 24:15 while c. Jesus drew nigh Acts 21:26 Felix c. the oftener COMMUNICATE. Gal. 6:6 c. to him that teacheth Phil. 4:14 c. with my affliction 1 Tim. 6:18 be willing to c. Eeb. 13:16 and to c. forget not COMMUNICATED. (7a?. 2:2 c. to them that gospel Pkil. 4:15 no church c. with me. COMMUNICATION, S. 2 Sam. 3:17 A. had c. with elders 2 /iT. 9:11 ye know his c. Mat. 5:37 let your c. be yea, yea Lxike 24:17 what manner of c. 1 Cor. 15:33 evil c. con-upt good Eph. 4:29 no corrupt c. Col. 3:8 Phile. 6. c. of thy faith effectual COMMUNING. Gen. 18:33 left c. with Abraham Ex. 31:18 an end of c. on Sinai COMMUNION. 1 Cvr. 10:16 c. of blood, c. of body 2 Cor. 6:14 wh. c. light with dark. 13:14 c. H. (J. be with you all 4 COMPACT. P«^22:3 Jerusalem is a city c. COMPACTED, Eph. 4:16 the whole body c. COMPANY, Substantive. Gen. 32:8 E. come to the one c. 35:11 c. of nations be of thee Nvm. 16:16 thou and all thy c. 40 be not as Korah and his c. 22:4 this c. lick up all round 26:9 strove in c. of Korah, 27:3 Jud. 9:37 another c. by plain 18:23 comest with such a c. ? 1 Sam. 30: 15 bring me to thisc. ? 2 K. 5:15 his c. came to Elisha 9:17 he spied the c. of Jehu 2 Chr. 24:24 Syriiins with small c. Job 16:7 made desolate all my c. 34:8 in c. with workers of iriiq. Ps. 55:14 to liouse of God in c. 68:30 rebuke the c. of spearmen 106:17 covered c. of Abiram 18 fire was kindled in their c. Prov. 29:3 kcepeth c. with harl. Cant. 1:9 to a c. of horses in I'h. 6:13 as it were c. of two armies Ezek. 16:40 bring a c. against thee 2.3:40 I will bring a c. on them 32:22 Ashur is lliere and her c. 38:7 prepare, Ihou and thy c. ?Io.i. 0:9 so c. of priests murder Luke 2:44 supnos. him in the c. 6:17 and c. of liis disciples 22 separate you from tlu'ir c. 9:14 sit by fillies in a c. 38 a man of the c. cried out 24:22 a woman of our c. 7nado Acln 4:23 went to their own c. 10:28 unl. for a Jew to keep c. 15:22 to send chosen men of c. 17:5 gathered a c. and set city 21:8 we of Paul's c. departed Pom. 1.5:24 filled willi your c. 1 Cor. 5:11 not to k('(!p c. with 2 T/ien. 8:14 have no c. with him /A?6. 12:22 an iniiuni. c. ofangelii /lev. 18:17 c. in ships afar oft' Great COMPANY. Cm. 50:9 willi JoM'ph a orcfit c. 2 Clir. 9:1 (|iiecn of S. wilh r/. c 20:12 no might ng. this i/rtat c. Pi. 08:11 (■/. was r. of those pub. Jer. 31:8 a (/rente, rcluru thilher Ezek. 17: 17 I'haraoh wll h r/r, at c. Jo/in 0:5 saw a i/rciit e. ccinie Ada 0:7 f/. c, ol i)riests obedient COMPANY, Verb. 1 Cor. 6:9 not to c. wilh fornlcu. COMPANIKD. Actn 1:21 which liiive <■. wilh us COMPVNIKH. J'lil. 7:10 ;100 iiilo (liivcr. J Sam. 11:11 Saul pul In Ihreor. 13:17 spoilers In three c. 61 COM 2 K. 5:2 Syrians gone by c. Nfh. 12:31 c. gave thanks, 40 Job 6:19 the c. of Sheba waited /«. 21:13 O ye travelling c. 57:13 let thy c. deliver thee i/arA 6:39 to make all sit by c. COMPANIOW. Ex. 32:27 slay e\'ery man his c. Jvd. 14:20 S.'s wife to c. 15:6 1 Chr. 27:33 Hushai king's c. Job 30:29 I am a c. to owls Ps. 119:63 c. to all that fear thee Prcrv. 13:20 c. of fools be destroy. 28:7 c. of riotous shameth fath. 24 same is c. of a destroyer Mai. 2:14 she is thy c. wile of Phil. 2:25 Epaph. my j. in labor Bev. 1:9 I Jolm youi c. in tribu. COMPANIONS. Jvd. 11:38 went with c. 14:11 thirty c. to be with him Job 35:4 will answer thee and c. 41:6 c. make a banquet of him? Ps. 4.5:14 her c. shall be brought 122:8 for my c. sake I will say Cant. 1:7 aside by flocks of thy c. 8:13 c. hearken to thy voice /«. 1:23 princes c. of thieves Ezek. .37:16 Judah and Isr. his c. Dan. 2:17 thing known to his c. Acts 19:29 caught Paul's c. Ileb. 10:33 c. 6i them so used COMPARABLE. Lam. 4:2 sons of Zion c. to gold COMPARE, ED, ING. Ph. 89:6 who in heaven c. to L. ? Prov. 3:15 not bee. 8:11 Cant. 1:9 I have c. thee /v. 40:18 wh. likeness c. to him? 46:5 to whom will ye c. me Pom. 8:18 to be c. with the glory 1 Cor. 2:13 c. spiritual things 2 Cor. 10:12 c. ours, with some that com. c. thems. amongst COMPARISON. ■7vd. 8:2 I done in c. of you 1 3 Hay. 2:3 in your eyes lii c. of it ifar/c 4:30 with wliat c. shall we COMPASS. 2 .?am. 5:23 but fetch a e. behind 2 A'. 3:9 fetched a c. of 7 days Pror. 8:27 c. on face of the deep /s-. 4-1:13 marketh it with c. Acts 28:13 fetched a c. to Rheg. COMPA.SS, Verb. iV?/m. 21:4 c. the land of Edom ./OS.' 6:3 ye shall c. the city 2 /f. 11:8 c. the king. 2 67ir. 2.3:7 Job 16:13 his archers c. me about 40:22 willows of brook c. him P.-'. 5:12 with favor c. as a shield 7:7 congregation c. tliee about 17:9 deadly enemies who c. me 26:6 so will I c. thine altar 32:7 c. me with songs of deliv. 10 trust, in Lord mercy c. him 49:5 iniquity of my heels c. me 140:9 as for head of those c. me 142:7 the righteous shall c. me Ix. 50:11 c. yoursel. with sparks Jer. 31:22 a worn, shall c. a man Itdh. 1:4 wicked c. righteous Mat. 23:15 for ye c. sea and land Lvke 19:43 thine enemies shall c. COMPASSED. Devt. 2:1 we c. Seir many days Jos. 0:11 so the ark c. the city Jud. 11:18 c. the land of Edom 10:2 they c. Samson in 1 Sam. 2i):26 Saul c. David and 2 .S'am. 22:5 wlwn waves of death c. me, Ps. 18:1; 110:3 2 A'. 0:15 behold a host c. city 2 i:iir. 21:9 Kdoniitcs which c. Job 19:0 (Jodr. nu' wilh his net 20:10 e. waters witli bouiuls !'.<. 17:11 now c. us in our steps 22:12 bulls <;. me; 16 dogs I,am. .'i:5 r. mo with gall and I. like 21:20 when ye see Jer. c. Ilib. 5:2 himself c. with inllrnilty COMP\KSED about. 2 Sam. 18:15 c. Absalom about 22:0 r. nie a'l. I's. 1H:5 2 A'. 0:1 1 Svrlans r. city aliout ■i Chr. 1H::)I c almid Jelioshaph. /'.■.■. •1(1:12 innuni. cvIIhc. me a. 8«:l7r, nw (d>. 109:3; 118:11, 12 II8:II)hII natlonsr. mr afiout ■Ion. 2:3 Moods c. lue u/ioiit lUli. 11:30 aflerc. a. www days 12:1 r. a. wllh such cloud of'w. A'c». 20:9 c. ciiinp of saints «/IPEL. Mat. 5:41 c. thee to go a mile go itark 15:21 r. one Simon to bear Luke 14:23 c. them to come in COMPELLED, EST. 2 CAr. 21:11 c. Judah thereto J/a<. 27:32 him c. to bear cross yl.'^* 20:11 c. them to blaspheme 2 rfer. 12:11 glorying, ye c. me (rfl/. 2:3 c. to be circumcised 14 c. Gentiles to live as Jews? COMPLAIN, ED, ING Num. 11:1 c. it displeased Lord Jud. 21:22 hre. come to us to c. Job 7:11 I will e. in bitterness 31:.38 the furrows thereof c. Ps. 77:3 I c. and my spirit was 144:14 be no c. in our streets Lam. 3:139 doth a living man c. ? COMPLAINERS. Jude 16 these are murmurers, c. COMPLAINT, S. 1 Sam. 1:16 ahuiidance of my c. .Tot) 7:13 couch shall ease mv c. 9:27 if I say, I will forget my c 10:1 I will leave c. on myself 21:4 is my c. to man ? 2:3:2 cv(!n to-day is my c. hitter Ps. 5.5:2 I mourn in my c. 142:2 I poured out my <•. Acts 25:7 c. against Paul CJO.MPLETE. Lev. 23:15 seven sal)baths be c. t.ol. 2:10 and yo are c. in him 4:12 that ye may stand c. in all COMPOSITION. Ex. 30:;!2 any like it after c. 37 COMP(H'\D, ETII. I'lr. .30:25 an ()iiitme:it r. 3;3 whosoever c. any like it C;OMPREIIEND. .lob .37:5 do<'lti be, we cannot f. Eph. 3:18 able toe. COMPRKIIKNDKD. Is. 40:l2c. du't of the earth .lolni 1:5 llie ^t just? 40:8 wilt thou c. me, that Ps. :37 :M nor c. him S)4.21 they c. innocent blood 109:31 those that c. his soul Pror 12:2 wick, devices will he c. Is. 50:9 who is he shall c. me? 54:17 that rise against thee c. 2dat. 12:41 shall c. it, Luke 11::32 42 queen of south shall c. it 20:13 c. him to d. Mark 10:33 L'lke 6:37 c. not, sh. not be con. John 3:17 his Son to c. the woi-ld 8:11 neither do I c. thee, go 2 Cor. 7:3 I speak not this to e. 1 John 3:20 if our heart c. us 21 if our heart c. us net, we CaiVDEM\ATIO:y. Luke 23:40 thou art in same c. John 3:19 c. that light is como . 5:24 believeth, not come into c. Bom. 5:16 judgment by one toe. 18 judgment came to c. 8:1 there is no c. to them in C. 1 Cor.ll:.34 come not toIABLE. Phil. 3:10 made c. to his death CO.\FORMED. Rom. 8:29 c. to image of his Son 12:2 be not c. to this world CO\"FOU\'D. Gen. 11:7 c. their language, 9 ./(^r. 1:17 lest I c. thee before 1 Cor. 1:57 to c. the wise, to c. COIVFOUXDED. 2 ff: 19:26 inhab. were c. Js. .37:27 Job 6:20 c. bee. they had hoped Ps. 35:4 be c. that'seek my soul 69:6 let not those seek L. be c. 71:13 be c. that are adversaries 24 are c. that seek my hurt 83:17 let them be c. for ever 97:7 c. be all that serve images 129:5 let all be c. that hate Zion Is. 1:29 c. for the gardens 19:9 that weave net-work be c. 37:27 inhabitants were c. Jer. 9:19 c. bee. we have forsaken 10:14 founder c. by image, 51:17 17:18 be c. that persecute me 46:24 dau. of E. c; 48:20 Moab 49:23 Hamath is c; 50:2 Bel. 50:12 your mother be sore c. 51:47 Babylon whole land be c. 51 c. bee. we heard reproach Ezek. 16:52 be thou c. 54, 63 ^[^c. 7:16 nations c. at their m. Zee. 10:5 riders and horses be c. Acts 2:6 multitude were c. 9:22 Saul c. Jews at Damascus Ashamed and COIVFOCIVD- ED. Ps. 40:14 ash. c. seek soul, 70:2 Is. 24:23 moon be c. sun be ash. 41:11 inc. ag. thee be a. and c. 45:16 idol niak. be a«A. and c. 54:4 not be asham. neither c. ■Tl-r. 14:3 nob. and lit. ones a. c. 15:9 borne seven been a. andc. 22:22 shalt be asha7necl and c. 31:19 ash. yea c. bee. I did bear Ezek. .36:.32 be a. a. c. for your w. Mic. 3:7 seers be a. diviners c. Xot COiVFOUlViaED. Ps. 22:5 were not c. Is. 45:17 nor c. world with, end 50:7 God will help, I not be c. 1 Pet. 2:6 believeth shall reo< be c. CO.V'FUSED. Zt. 9:5 battle is with c. noise Acts 19:32 the assembly was c. coxTrsioiv. i«». 18:23 a beast to lie, it is c. 20:12 they have wrought c. 1 Sam. 20::30 chosen D. to thy c. ^fer. 9:7 delivered to c. of face .lob 10:15 I am full ofc. Ps. 35:4 to c. that devise 44:15 my c. is cont. before me 70:2 to c. tliat desire my hurt 71:1 let me never be put to c. 109:29 cover with their o«m c. Is. 24:10 the city ofc. is broken .30:3 trust in shadow of Egypt c. 34:11 stretch on it line ofc. 41:29 their molten images are c. 45:16 makers of idols go to c. 51:7 for c. they shall rejoice in Jer. 3:25 and our c. covereth us 7;]9 provoke to the c. 20:11 everl. c, never be forgot Dan. 9:7 belongeth c. of faces, 8 Acts 19:29 citv was filled with c. 1 Cor. 14:33 God not author ofc. Jam. 3:16 where strife is, is c. CONGEALED. Ex. 15:8 depths were c. in sea COIVGRATULATE. 1 Chr. 18:10 his welfare, and c. CON COJVGREG.4TION. Lev. 10' 17 to bear iniquity ofc. 16:.33 atonement for all the c. Num. 1:16 the renowned ofc. 14:27 bear with this evil c. .? 1.5:15 one ordinance be for c. 16:21 Sep. yours, from this c. 45 get you up from am. this c. 47 Aaron ran into midst ofc. 27:16 Lord set a man over c. 35:12 bef. c. for judg. Jos. 20:6 Jud. 20:1 c. gath. as one man 21:5 came not up with c. to L. 1 K. 12:20 called Jeroboam to c. Ezr. 10:8 himself Sep. from c. Neh. 1.3:1 Moab. not come into c. Job 15::34 e. of hvpoc. desolate 30:28 and I cried in the c. Ps. 1:5 nor sinners in c. of right. 22:22 midst ofc. will I praise 26:5 hated the c. of evil-doers 58:1 speak righteousness, O c. .? 74:2 rem. c. thou hast purch. 19 forget not the c. of thy poor 75:2 wlicn I receive the c. 82:1 G. staiideth in c. of mighty 89:5 thy faithfulness in c. 107:32 exalt him also in c. 111:1 praise the Lord in c. Prov. 5: 14 in midst ofc. 21:16 remain in e. of the dead Is. 14:13 will sit on mount ofc. Jer. 6:18 O c. what is among 30:20 c. be established before Lam. 1:10 not enter into c. IIos. 7:12 chas. them as their c. ■loel 2:16 sanctify the e. Acts 13:43 when c. was broken All the COiVGREGATIOiV. Lev. 8:3 gather all the c. 16:17 atcnemeut for all the c. Wum. 16:3 all the c. are holy 22 be wroth with all the c.A 20:27 sight of a« the c. 25:6* ■los. 22:20 wrath fell on all the c. 1.2". 8:14 king blessed a/^ -ov. 20:26 be showed bef. w. c. CONGREGATIONS. Ps. 26:12 in c. will I bless L. 68:26 bless ye God in the c. 74:4 enemies roar in thy c. CONIAH. Jer. 22:24,28; 37:1 CRUDEN'S CON-CORDANCE. 803 CON COXQUER. Bev. 0:2 conquering and to c. CO-VaUERORS. Rom. 8:37 wo are more than c. COIVSCIEIVCE. John 8:9 convicted by own c. Acts 2:3:1 I liave lived in good c. 24:16 a c. void of offence Rom. 2:15 e. bearing witness 9:1 my e. bearing witness 13:5 be subject for c. salce 1 Cor. 8:7 with c. of idol eat it 10 weaic c. be emboldened 12 wound weakrc. ye sin 10:25 no question for c. sake, 27 28 eat not, for his and c. sake 29 c. I say, not thine own, but 2 Cor. 1:12 testimony of our c. 4:2 com. to every man's c. 1 Tim. 1:5 and of a good c. 19 holding faith and a good c. 3:9 mystery of faith in pure c. 4:2 c. seared with a hot iron 2 Tim. 1:3 whom I serve with c. Tit. 1:15 but their c. is defiled Heb. 9:9 as pertaining to c. 14 purge c. from dead works 10:2 worshippers no more c. 22 sprinkled from an evil c. 13:18 trust we have good c. 1 Pet. 2:19 for c. endure grief 3:16 having a good c. 21 but the answer of a good c. CO\SCIEi\CES. 3 Cor. 5:11 manifest in your c. COi\SECRATE. Ex. 29:9 c. A. and sons, :30:30 32:29 c. yourselves this day to L. 1 C7«'. 29:5 c. his service to Lord Ezek. 43:26 shall c. themselves 1 Mic. 4:13 I will c. their £ain I COrWSECRATED. Jad. 17:5 M. c. one of sons, 12 I 1 K. 13:33 whosoever would, he c. I 2 Gkr. 29:31 c. yourselves to Lord I 33 c. things six hundred oxen I 31:6 tithe of holy things c. I Heb. 7:23 Son, who is c. evermore 10:20 by a living way c. for us CO.\SBCRATIO\, S. Bx. 29:22 for it is a ram of c. Lev. 7:37 this is law of the c. 8:28 c. for sweet savor to Lord 31 with bread in basket of c. 33 days of your c. be at end Num. 6:9 defiled head of his c. COiVSEIVT, ED, IIVG. Gen. 34:23 only let us c. to them Deut. 13:8 shalt not c. to him 1 K. 20:8 hearken not, nor c. P-<. 50:18 sawest thief, thou c. Prov. 1:10 entice thee, c. tii. not Dan. 1:14 so he c. in this matter Luke 23:51 same had not c. Acts%:\ c. to his death, 22:20 18:20 to tarry longer, he c. not Rom. 7:101 c. to law 1 Tim. 6:3 c. not to whole, words COXSEiVT, Substantive. ISam. 11:7 came out with one c. Pa. 83:5 consulted with one c. Hos. 0:9 of priests murder by c. Zop. 3:9 serve him with one c. Luke 14:18 one c. to malie excuse 1 Cor. 7:5 ex. with <;. for a time CONSIDER. Deut. 4:39 c. it in thy hc^art 32:29 wise to c. latter end Ja(l. 18:11 c. wliat y<; have to do 1 Sam. 12:21 c. liow great things 25:17 <;. whiit thou wilt do Job 11:11 will lie not then e. it? 23:15 Id am afraid of hhn 34:27 would not <:. his ways 87:14 c. wondrous works of God Ph. 5:1 c. my m(!ditation 9:13 6'. my trouble 8:3 wlieu I c. thy heavens 13:3 c. and hoar, 4.5:10 25:19 c. my enemies 37:10 diligcintly c. his place 48:13 c. her i)alac(!H, that yo 50:2i c. this, ye that forgc'l God 01:9 wisely c. of his doing 119.95 1 wlllc. thy lestimoiiies 153 c. mine allliclioii, deliver 151) c. how I love tliy |irei:cplH Proi). 0:0 go lo ant, c.'her ways Z\,i'- ^v''"''" '"'fore Ihm 21:13 that pond(.n^th heart c. it? ^Ec.Mc. not that Ihev do evil ;;'.''• "■"'■'' "f Ood.whocau 14 hut in (lav of adversity c /'••. l:;!my peonlc doth jiotK 0:12 c. opfrutlou of his Imndu CON Is. 14:16 shall narrowly c. thee 18:4 c. in my dwelling-place 41:20 that they may see, and c. 43:18 nor c. the things of old .52:15 not heard shallthey c. .ler. 2:10 c. if there be such thing 23:20 in the latter days ye sh. c. it perfectly, .30:24 Lam. 2:20 c. to whom done this .5:1 O Lord, c. our reproach Ezek. 12:3 it may be they will c. Dan. 9:23 and c. the vision IJos. 7:2 c. not that I remember Hag. 1:5 c. your ways, 7 2:15 I pray c. from this day, 18 Mat. 6:28 c. the lilies, Lu. 12:27 Luke 12:24 c. the ravens John 11:.50 nor c. It is expedient ^c<.s 15:6 elders came toe. of this 2 Tim. 2:7 c. and L. give thee Heb. 3:1 brethren c. the Apostle 7:4 c. how great this man was 10:24 let us c. one another 12:3 c. him endured such con. CONSIDERED, EST. 1 K. 5:8 I have c. things ■Tob 1:8 iiast thou c. Job ? 9:3 Ps. 31:7 hast c. my trouble Prov. 24:32 then I c. it well Ec. 4:1 I c. all the oppressions 4 again I c. all travel, and 9:1 all this I c. to declare this ■ler. 33:24 c. not people have spo. Acts 12:12 when Peter hoA c. Rom. 4:19 c. not his body dead CONSIDERETH, IIVG. Ps. .33:15 he c. all their works 41:1 blessed is he c. the poor Prov. 21:12 c. house of wicked 28:22 c. not poverty shall come 29:7 righteous c. cause of poor 31:16 she c. afield, buyeth it Is. 44:19 none c. to say, I burnt .57:1 none c. right, is tak. away Ezek. 18:14 c. and doeth not, 28 Gal. 6:1 c. lest also be tempted Heb. 13:7 c. end of their conver. CONSIST, ETH. Lvke 12:15 life c. not in abund. Col. 1:17 by him all things c. CONSOLATION. ■Ter. 16:7 nor give them cup of c. Ly,ke 2:25 Simeon waiting for c. 6:24 woe to you rich, rec. yo. c. Acts 4:36 interpreted, son of c. 1.5:31 they rejoiced for the c. liom. 15:5 God of c. grant you 2 Cor. 1:5 our c. abouhdethby C. 6af]lictod for yourc. comforted 7 so ye be partakers of the c. 7:7 c. wherewith he was comf. P/iil. 2:1 if any c. in Christ 2 y/Ms. 2:10 given us everlast. c. Pliile. 7 joy and c. in thy love Heb. 0:18 might have strong c. CON.SOLATIONS. .7o6 15:11 are c. of God small 21:2 and let this he your c. Is. 66:11 with breasts of her c. CONSORTED. Acts 17:4 c. with Paul and Silas CONSPIRACY. 2 /S'ftm,. 15:12 Absalom's c. strong 2 K. 12:20 a c. and sh'w Joash " 14:19 c. ag. .\. 2 CVtr. 2,5:27 1.5:15 acts of Shalhim and c. 17:4 found c. in Hoshea Jer. 11:9 c. among men of Judah Ezek. 22:25 a c. of her prophets Aclx 2;j:13 forty wliicli made c. CONSPIRATCins. 2 Sam. 15:31 Ahith. is among c. (CONSPIRED. Gen. 37:18 c. ag. Jos. to slay him 1 Sam. 22:13 c. thou and soi'i of J. 1 A'. 1.5:27 Haashac. nga. Nadab 10:9 ZImri r. against Klah, l(i 2 K. 9:14 jjehu r. against . I oram 10:9 I c. against my maslcr 15:10 Sliallum c ag. Zccliariiih 25 I'ckali (■. against I'okalilali 21:23 serv. of Ainon r. ag. liim 2t c. agninsi, him, 2 Clir. 33:25 2 Chr. 21:21 c. aL'ainsI, Jehoiada 25 serv. of .loasli r. ag. him, 20 Xiii. 4,8 c. all (o come and (U'ht Anws 7:10 ,\mos hath c. «g. theo CONSTANT, LY. 1 Clir. 2H:7ifhebec. to do com. Proo. 21:28 lu-arelli. Hpcakctli c. Arts 18:15 slu' c. alllnncil It wttH yW. 3:8 I will Ihonainrmr-. C<»1>ISTR|. NATIONS. /*■. 13:10 c. thereof CON CONSTRAIN, ED, ETH. 2E. 4:8 women c. him to eat Job 32:18 the spirit in me c. me Mat. 14:22 J. c. disc. Mark 6:45 iwfe 24:29 c. him, saying. Abide ^c^« 16:15 Lydia c. us to come 28:19 I was c. to appeal to 2 Cor. 5:14 love of Christ c. us Gal. 6:12 c. you to be circum. CONSTRAINT. 1 Pet. 5:2 oversight, not by c. CONSULTATION. Mark 15:1 chief priests held ac. CONSULT, ED, ETH. 1 K. 12:6 Rehoboam c. 8 1 C'Ar. 13:1 D. c. with captains 2 CAr. 20:21 Jeh. c. with people Neh. 5:7 then I c. with myself Ps. 62:4 c. to cast him down 83:3 c. against hidden ones 5 have c. with one consent Ezek. 21:21 king of B. c. images Dan. 6:7 presidents and capt. c. Mic. 6:5 rem. what Balak c. Hob. 2:10 c. shame to thy house Mat. 26:4 c. might take Jesus Lu. 14:31 c. w. able with 10,000 John 12:10 c. to put L. to death CONSULTER. Deut. 18:11 a c. with spirits CONSUME. ^a;. 33:3 lest I c. thee in way, 5 Deut. 5:25 this fire will c. us 7:16 shalt c. all the people 28:38 locust shall c. it, 42 .32:22 fire kiudled in anger c. .los. 24:20 c. after done you good 1 Sam. 2:.33 to c. thine eves 2/f. 1:10 let fire c. thy fifty, 12 .Job 15:34 fire c. tahern. of brib. 20:26 a fire not blown c. him 24:19 and heat c. snow waters Ps. ;i7:20 c. into smoke shall c. 39:11 his beauty to c. away 49:14 their beauty c. in grave 78:a3 their days did he c. Is. 7:20 it shall c. the beard 10:18 c. glory of his forest 27:10 shall calf c. branches .ler. 49:27 fire c. pal. of Ben-ha Ezek. 4:17 c. away for iniquity 13:13 great hailstones to c. it 21:28 sword is furbished to c. 22:15 I will c. thy filthiness 24:10 kindle fire, c. the flesh 35:12 they are giv. us to c. Dan. 2: (4 'it shall- c. these kingd. Hos. 11:0 sword c. his branches Zep. 1:2 I will c. all off land 3 I will c. man and beast Zee. 5:4 in house and c. it 14:12 tongue shall c. away 2 7%fts. 2:8 whom L. shall>. Jam. 4:3 may c. it on your lusts CONSUME them. Ex. 32:10 that I may c. t. 12 Num. 10:21 c. ^. in a moment, 45 Dent. 7:22 mayest not c. <. AW/. 9:31 not utterly c. them Est. 9:24 U, cast lot to c. them Ps. 59:13 !•. t. in wrath, c. tJiem ■ler. 8:13 I will utterly c. t. 14:12 I will c. them i)y sword Ezek. 20:13 fury on th'em to c. t. Luke 9:54 fire to c. them CONSUMED. Gen. 19:15 be c. in the iniquity 17 escape to mount, lest be c. 31:40 in day dromrht c. me A'.r. .3:2 behold, bush was not c. l.'):7 wrath c. them as stublde 22:6 if corn be r. therewith Num. 11:1 ('. llu'in were In utter, 12: 12 of whom llesh is half r. 16:20 lest ye be c. in their sins .35 lire ctlu^ 250 men 21:28 fire bathe. .\rof Moah 25:11 that I r. not eliild. of Isr. 32:13 L'ciHT, done evil was c. Di'iil. 2: 10 men of war were c. ./lid. Ii:21 llreout of rock c. llesh 2 Sam. 21 '5 the man that c. us 1 A'. I8::!rt fell and <■, 2 Chr. 7:1 2 A', 1:10 tire c, his tlftv, 12 2 Chr. 8 8 cliilclreii of isr. c. not Ne/i. 2:1 ^'ales thereof are c. 18 Job 1:10 tire of God c. Hhecp 4:9 by breath of Ills nostrils c. 6:17 snow and ice are c, 7:9 as cloud is r and vnnlshcth 1I»:27 reins c. ,■ 83:21 llesh is c. /'s. 0:7 mino eye r. 31:0 10 mv bones' c, 102,3 .■10:10 c by Wow of thy band 71:13 let ihem be c that are CON Ps. 73:19 utterly c. with terrors 78:63 fire c. their young men 90:7 we arc c. by thine anger 104:.35 let sinners I)e c. out of 119:87 almost c. me upon earth 139 my zeal hath c. me, bccau. Prov. 5:14 flesh and body are c. Is. 16:4 oppressors c. out of land 29:20 the scorner is c. and all 64:7 c. us because of iniquities ■ler. 5:3 c. refused correction 6:29 lead is c. ; 12:4 beasts 20:18 should be c. with shame 36:2:3 till all the roll was c. 44:18 we have been c. by sword Lam. 2:22 those I swad. enemy c. 3:22 of Lord's mercies not c. Ezek. 19:12 rod.s tire c. 22:31 24:11 scum of it may be c. 43:8 wherefore I have c. them Mai. 3:6 sons of Jacob are not c. Gal. 5:15 ye be not c. Shall be CONSUMED. Num. 14:.35 wilder, sh. they be c. 17:13 shallvie be c. with dying? 1 Sam. 12:25 ye «. be c. Is. 1:28 that forsalce L. sh. be c. 66:17 eat swine's flesh, s. be c. .ler. 16:4 s. he c. by sw. 41:12, 27 Ezek. 5:12 with famine shall he c. 13:14 and ye shall he c. 34:29 sh. be no more c. 47:12 not shall fruit thereof S 13:15 the sacrifice of {Kaisec CO-V11»UBD. I COSTKT.IXCE. y^h. lill e. I with rnlcis. 17 Dmt. 28:59 pfag. and of long e. ^09 31:13 savants when they e. Px. 139C16 in c. were &shi"DETH. J&S 40:2 that (T. w:;":! Alinishiy J^r. 29:9 if wise c. with foolish COSTEXDIXG. Jwie 9 when <;. wich the devil CONTEXT. Gen. S::27 sell him. brecfarsi e. Let. 10c30 beatd that, he was c. . Jo*. 7:7 wonld we had beei e. iK. 6:3 one said. Bef. and go Job 6:23 iMm therefore be e. Prof. 6c35 nor -will he rest e. Mark lScl3 Pilate willing to e. L-jIc 3:14 be s. with yoor wages Phil. 4:11 in every state to 'bee. 1 Tim. 6A laimait. lee as be e. HA. 13:3 be e. with sach things 3 Jbftji 10 not r. with paatii^ co.vi'tj.vnox. Pror. 13:10 'o.v_pride ctHneth c 17:14 lave oh e. before it be 15:6 a fooTs lips (sua into e. ^10 cast oat sooner, e. sh. go Jer. 13:10 bonie me a man ate. Hab. 1:3 that raise np c Act* 13:39 the e. was so sharp Plnl. 1:16 iseach Christ of e. 1 TS«». 2:2 speak gospel with ; COXTE.VnOSS. Pixm. ISrlS cacseih e. to cease 19 e. like bars of a castle 19:13 c. of a wife, 27:15 ^:29 who hath e..^ 1 Opt. 1:11 there are e. am. yon Tii. 3:9 avoid e. and soivii^ cosTKsnors. J>»r. 21:19 with e. woman 26:21 a e. man to kindle ^life j 27:15 dropping and e. woman Bom. Its to than that are e. 1 Cor. 11:16 if any seem to be e. COVrEAT>rE>T. 1 Txtn. 6:6 g. ill. ~:;i ,•. is gain co.vrniXAL. Kz. 2%42 be a f. bomt-oSerii^ 2 Chr. 2:4 fore, show-bread Prw. 13:lo merry heart a e. feast I*. 14:6 sniote with a e. stroke Jer. 4S:5 XALLT. Ceu. 6:5 imagination was evil c. Btr. 28:;M on heart b^ore L. e. 1 Chr. 16:11 seek his fece c. Jo6 1:5 thns did Job e. i%. 34:1 his praise be e. 71:6 35:27 c. L. be mag. 40:16: 10:4 38:17 sorrow c. before me 40:11 truth c. nreserve me 42:3 c. say. Where is iby God! 44:15 confiosion e. before me 5i>S bam:-o5er. e. before me Er. 21:2: 153I7I. IC 13:14 tfc 2 53175. 7: . 1 .P. 2:4 I JcMz.y- P- u ■ hr. S-\-. Dan. 1I:« ila>. :3-v ■To ' A -. 14 c: z a- v; " Br' II:;-; :; ■ r^^- - - <>/. : - COVTTMTE. L. COP Dait. 19:17 beiwea> whom «. is 21:3 by char wotd e. be tried 23:1 if these be a . 4:1 1_ bath a e. with inhab. 12:2 Lord hath a e. with Jodah Jfi?fVEXIETT. LY. 7>tT. 3l(:S with food e. for me ' .Jer. 4S!>:i it seemeth c. to so, 3 ifniT. 17:1? write s ff. of Isw -/(><. S::33 c. of Uw of >I(»e^ ££r. 4:11 c. erf lener seaat, 5:6 E*t. 3:14 e. of writing. 6:13 COBi. .E^at 43:14 a bath oat of the «. COBAI^ .^>& 2S:1S no maatiora made of e. Esdt. 27:16 Syria merchant in e. CORBAX. Jfor£ 7:11 it is e. that is, a gift CORD. ■Tij*. ftl5 let spies down by a e. Job 30:11 he hath loaded my e. 41:1 dr. oat tonane with ie.f 34:25a c season. I wiQ call I i>. 4:12 thre^blS <:. not quickly - T GiTS IT? thank. God .r. sm - - ines : -it c. r t^iih "vatch -:fi;-h 1 Jckr-, ^24 Tc si^aH c. in tite Soai Bet. 13:5 powo- to ii4 win I walk ^m. UT, CORrVTH. Jrf« 1S:1 after. Psal csme to C 19:1 while AboGos w^s at C. 1 Cor. 1.-2: 2avr. L-LS 2 Tim. 4:» Er^ras acode at C. CORIATHL4AS. Aii* 18:8 of Uic C. 2 Ojr. 6:11 COBMOR.\.Vr. Ler. 11:17 oul and c. ites/.itIT <^«^^«^ h. UM. c. possess it, Zep. 2:14 ED. I COBX. ft. 51:1,3 sinnas be e. unto thee eai. 41:57 all came to hsv e. 1$. 6:10 lest e. and be healed 60:5 abundance of sea be e. Mas. 1-3:15 be e. Mart 4:12 1&3 e. and become as children Lvke 22::S when c. strensthen John 12:40 be f . J<*t 2fe27 A(ti 3:19 repoit ye and be e. Jam. 5:19 do err, and cme e. him CtWTBBTETe, KG. i^. ly:T law is pafect, c. sod Jam. 3:20 he which c. a sinng COXTKBTS. It. Ir27 her c.be rede^ned with COTTBT, ED. 1 A". 5:9 I will f. them by sea Sih. 2:7 c. me over tiB I come 422 e. in Esypt. Adt 7:12 £e. 22:6 staS^ off. be cimsimi. let. 2:16 bum part of beatai c ^14 eat In^ead nor pardied e. J> Ktm. 18:27 e. of thr^hii^-floar Dent. 16:9 put sickle to c^ £c4not muzzle ox treadeihc. 1 Cor. 9:9: 1 Tim. 3cl8 Jos. 5:11 did eat of old e. 12 S-jiA 3:7 lie down at heap of e. 1 Sam. 17:17 fH-breth. pardiede. 25:18 AbisaQ to<^ of parched e. 2 Sam. 17^ bronsfat jnrched e. 2 K. 19c26 blasted e. Ji. 37:27 XeA. ad we take up e. fbr them I ,/b6 3c26 as a ^ock of e. Cometh i 24:6 reap everv one c. in field Jonn 5:13 Jesus f. himself away [ 39:4 yom^ grow np with c .52:1 goodness of G. endureth e. Etf. 9:1 though turned to e. 71:3 whereunto I may e. resort 6 my ptaise be e. of thee 14 but I win hope e. and yet 73:23 1 am c. with thee, thba 74:23 the tmnnlt inoeaseA c. 100:15 let them be b^ore L. c 119:44 sfaan I keep thy law e. 109 mr soul is f . in my hai>d 117 r«pect to thy statutes c. 14ft2 e. are sathoed for war Pror. 6:14 deViseih mischief c. 21 bind them e. on thy heart I*. 21:3 e. upon the watch-tower 43:16 thy walls are e. before me 51:13 hast feared e. because S:5 my name e. is bla^h. 58:11 L. shall guide thee e. 60:11 gates shaU be open e. 6ac3 provoketh me to anga- e. Jer. &7 brfore me e. is snef Dam. 6:16 G. whom setTesi c SO Jto*. iStA wait on thr God c Ob. 16 heathen drin£ e. ..ok. 3:19 thy wick, pused e. f , &et. l^Mc. is in thee, art e. ' IJfof. 14r21forthewindwasf. i I' Adt 77:7 these do e. to decrees [ 1S:13 to wKH^^iip God e. to law 1 ^3 to be smitten e. to the law I 26:9 <^ to the name of Jesus : Bom. 11:24 grafied e. to nature ', 16:17 e. to doctrine ve learned ! G^l. 5:17 e. one to tfie otha- i OV. 2:14 handwritiiig «. to as I 1 7^c-«. 2:15 and are e. to an men 1 Tim. 1:10 e. to sound doctrine Tii. 2:3 he of ar. part be asham. ' COTTBIBmOX. ' Bom. 13:26 nrf. 17:S"Cv:^^-=:,.::ersofe. 1 COVYICTED, Jo/Ui 8:9 e. by their cins iaice COWrVCB, ED. ETH. Job 32:12 none of you e. Job JrJir, S:46 wiiich of yon e. me A-ft 1S:23 mig^tHy e. the Jews 1 Cor. 14:24 he is e. of alL he is Tii. 1:9 be able to e. gainsayers ■^i Jinn. 2:9 <•. of bwastiansgre^ ^ pAKfel3iof.an that are oi^odtj- COXVOCATIOX. Er. 12:16 a holv c. Iat. 43:7. 24, j .35: -V,m. 25:13: 29:1 . Sam. 2SriS first-firait a iMdy e. COXY. IBS. Let. 11:5 c. chew, cr.d: I>fHt. 14:7 iV. lDtl.3 a reliize for the e. Pror. 30:26 the c. a feeble iblk COOK, S. 1 Sam. 8:13 daughters to be «. 9^ Sam. saidlo the e. Brin^ COOL. Geik. 3:8 walking in e. of day Lmke 16:24 and c. my toogae COPIED. Pror. S:l Ta-^n c f ±ic-2ckiah e. COPIAG. 1 K. 7:9 froni :.^::i-.:io:i toe COPPER. .Er.8:2Tr^ ; ;; -"inee. COPPF"-^'! 1 H. 2 7?m.4;l4.- ^-rf. did COPLXATIOX. Let. 13::r: i^>t.-d of e. 17. IS Fi. 65:9 thoo prepares* them e. * 13 the vaDevs covered with e. > 7%16 handfhl of r. in the earth 7S24 givai of the e. of heaven I Pro€. 11:26 with. e. people carae It. 17:5 harrestnmn jatner. e. 21:10 and e. tifiaj Soar &A no more give e. to enemies ^et. -36c29 1 -^i can tore, and Bat. %9 1 win take away my e. lOtll Ephiaim loveth to tread e. 14:7 shall revive as thee, and ■lod 1:10 for the e. is wasted 17 the e. is withered Amot 8:5 that we may sell e. 9:9 like as e. sifted in sieve Jfof* 4:28 after that the foil e. John 12:24 except c. of wheat Ears of COBX. Gen. 4k3 seven eon of e. ca-=ie Let. £14 aSer green ears tg^c. Btah±S^eanear*qfe. 1 2 K. 4:^ broDsht fall earg tfc. .^ 21:24 cu: oSastarfofe. Mat. 12:1 topicckearf ^V. J.'art 2:23: L-.ti 6:1 COR.X-FLOOR. Bb*. 9:1 reward cz every c.-i. gtaafing COR.X. Ex. a* so that ji. c. be coi-s^tti. D^^t. SS:3S dar,-} f of ii^l-i-bor Jud. 13:5 fose^ _ 1 CORX 3 Gtn.ir::tiG..~- 37 with e. dr. J -. - - ited. 7:13 bless thy i- CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 80-: COR Deut. 11:14 gather in thy c. w. 12:17 tithe of thy c. w. 14:23 18:4 flxst fruit of c. and wine 28:51 leave thee c. and wine 33:28 J. shall be ou land of c. w. 2 K. 18:32 land of c. w. Is. 38:17 2 Ohr. 31:5 tirtit-fruits of c. w. 32:28 storehouses for c. and w. Kek. 5:11 part of c. and wine 10:39 offer, ofc. amlw. 13:5, 12 Pi. 4:7 in time c. w. increased* La7n. 2:12 Where is c. and w. ? llos. 2:8 I gave her c. and wine 22 the earth shall hear c. w. 7:14 assemble for c. and wine Joel 2:19 I will send you c. a. w. Harj. 1:11 drought on c. and w. Zee. 9: 17 c. make men cheer, w. CORNELIUS. Xcfel0:l,7,25,31 COBiVER. Lev. 21:5 nor shave oft'c. of beard 2 Chr. 28:24 altars in every c. Ps. 118:22 is head stone of e. Prou. 7:8 passing near her c. 12 she lieth in wait at every c. 21:9 better to dwell in c. 25:24 Is. 30:20 thy teachers into a c. Jer. 31:38 city built to gate of c. 48:45 devour c. of Moab 51:26 nor take a stone for a c. Ezek. 46:21 in every c. of court Amos 3:12 in S. in c. of a bed ^ec. 10:4 out of him came c. Mat. 21:42 same is bee. head ofc. Ps. 118:22; Mark\i:\^\ Lake 20:17; ylc. l;12eHtabllHh IIkmii lore. Zim. ;1:2 slie received not <:. 2 ?'i/rt. 3:16 scrip, prolltalih; fore. <-ORRri>T, A.I|.-cllv.-. (li'ii. 6:11 I he earth also was c. 12 Jiili 17 I my lircath it. c. Ps. 11:1 (hey nre(. 5:1:1; 73:8 38:5 my wouiids arc e l)ccau«o /Vo/i. 25:26 as II e. spring Kze.k.V):\\ nol accor lew. doings 88:11 c. Ill licr iiiorilinalo love cou Da.n,. 2:9 ye have prep. e. words Mai. 1:14 sacrificeth a e. thing Mat. 7:17 a c. tree evil fruit 18 c. tree good fruit, Luke 6:43 12::33 or else make tree c. and Epk. 4:22 put off the old man e. 29 let no c. communication 1 yim. 6:5disputingsofmenofc. 2 Tim. 3:8 men of c. minds CORRUPT, Verb. Bevt. 4:16 lest ye c. yours. 25 31:29 after my death ye will c. Dan. ]1:.32 sh. he c. by flatteries Mai. 2:3 I will c. your seed ITai. 6:19 moth and rust doth c. 20 moth nor rust doth e. 1 Cor. 1.5:.33 evil communica. c. 2 Cor. 2:17 that c. the word .7>/r/e 10 in those things they c. Rev. 19:2 c. earth with her foni. CORRl'T»TRn, ETH. Oen. 6:12 all flesh had e. his way Ex. 32:7 people have c. them- selves, Deut. 9:12: 32:5 .7'/(7. 2:19 e. more than fathers £fefA".]6:47 c. more than they 28:17 hist c. thy wisdom //o.s. 9:'l deeply e. themselves Z?,D. 3:7 and c. their doings Mai. 2:8 e. covenant of Levi Luke 12:33 nor moth e. 2 Cor. 7:2 wronged e. no man 11:3 your minds be c. Jam. 5:2 your riches are c. CORRUPTERS. Is. 1:4 children that are c. Jer. 6:28 they are all c. CORRUPTIBLE. Pom. 1:23 imaire like to e. man 1 Cor. 9:25 to obtain a c. crown 15:.53 c. must put on incorrup. 1 Pet. 1:18 not redeemed with c. 23 born again, not of c. seed 3:4 be in that which is not c. CORRUPTEVG. Dan. 11:17 dau. of women c. her CORRUPTIO.^. Zen. 22:25 their e. is in them 2 /i'. 23:13 right of mount of e. ■lot) 17:14 I said to c. my father. Ps. 16:10 nei. suffer thy H. One to see c.^e/s 2:27; 13:35 49:9 live and not see c. Is. 38:17 deliv. it from pit ofc. iJan. 10:8 comeliness intoc. ■Ion. 2:6 br. up my life from e. ,4e,',s 2:31 nei. his flesh did see c. 13:34 no more to return to c. 36 David saw c. 37 whom God raised saw no e. /?i9m. 8:21 from bondage of e. 1 Cor. 15:42 is sown in c. raised .50 c. inherit incorruption Oftl. 6:8 of the flesh reap e. J Pit. 1:4 escaped the c. that is 2:12 ))eri:-h in their own c. 19 they are servants ofc. CORRUPTLY. 2 CAr..27:2 peopled;.! yet e. -Vf A. 1:7 wo havo dealt c. ag. thee COST. 2 Sam. 19:42 eaten of king's c. .? 21:21 ofl'er of lint e. nothing 1 C/'/'. 21:21 b.-ollering withoiitc. Luke 1 l:2S and counteth the c. COSTLIXES.S. 7?ew. 18:19 made rich ))y her c. CO.'^TLY. 1 A'. 7:9 all I Iiese were ofc. stones Jo/in 12:. i took spikenard, c. 1 7'm. 2:9 not with c. array <:OTE.^. 2 CAn 32:28 lii'zekiah mado c. COTTAGE, fi. /s. 1:8 dau. of Zion in left as a e. 2*1:20 eartli be removed like a r. Zep. 2:6 coasts be e. for sheph. <;oucni, K>-i. Clen. 49:4 KiMiben went to my e. Jot) 7:13 I say my e. sliall ease I's. 6:6 I water r. with tears .■\/iU)s 3; 12 in Duiiiasciis in a, c. 6:4 that stretch iiiion tlieir e. LukeXrA'.) tiling with hisc. 21 arise! talie no tliv e. and go ActsbAT, laiil sick follisonc. <'OI<('ll, El). Jot) ,38: ID wlieii tliey e. In deiis t. 7:26e. perish from iiiieients 11:2 give wicked e. in this clly Dan. 2:14 1). answiTcd withe. l/os. 4:12 my people ask c, Mir. 4:12 understand his c. Zee. 0:I.3e. of peace between .Hark 3:6 e. ag. .les. Jatm 1I:.V1 /y«A'ii83:5t not eoiiseiileil tor. of Ji>/in 18:1 1 now ('iiiaphas gave c. .le/;i 4:28 thy e. delerinlneil lief. 5::i.'l lliey look e, to slay them !)S if this e, be of meii 9:2:l.Iews tooke. to kill lilm COU Acts 27:42 soldiers c. to kill pris. Eph. 1:11 after c. of his own mil Meb. 6:17 immutability of his c. COUIVSEL of God, or Lord. Jud. 18:5 said, Ask c. of God 20: 18 chil. of Is. asked c. of G. 23 1 Sam. 14:37 Saul asked c. of G. Ps. 33:11 c. of L. Prmi. 19:21 Is. 19:17 bee. of the c. of Lord Jer. 23:18 stood in c. of Lord 49:20 hear c. of Lord, .50:45 Luke 7:.30 rejected c. of God Acts 2:23 determinate c. of God 20:27 to declare all e. of 'God My COUNSEL. 2 Chr. 25:16 not heark. to my e. ■Job 29:21 kept silence at my c. Prott. 1:25 set at naught my c. 30 they would none of my c. Is. 46:10 my c. shall stand 11 executeth myc. Jer. 23:22 had stood in my c. Dan. 4:27 O king, let my c. be Own COUNSEL. ■lob 18:7 his o^vn c. cast do^vn Hos. 10:6 ashamed of his own c. Take COUiVSEL. Neh. 6:7 come now, let iis take c. Ps. 2:2 rulers t. c. against Lord 13:2 how long t. c. in my soul 71:10 wait for my soul, take c. Is. 8:10 t. c. it come to naught 16:3 take c. execute judgment 30:1 that take c. but not of me 45:21 yea, let them take c. COUNSEL, LED. 2 Sam. 16:2:3 which Ahith. c. 17:15 Ahithophcl e. thus I e. 21 Job 26:3 how c. him hath no wis. Ec. 8:21 c. thee to keep liev. 3:18 I c. to buy of me gold COUNSELLOR. 2 Sam. 15:12 D.'s c. 1 Chr. 27:.33 1 Chr. 26:14 Zechariah a wise c. 27:32 Jonathan was a c. 2 Chr. 22:3 Athaliah was his c. Is. 3:3 Lord taketh awav e. 9:6 be called Wonderful, C. 40:13 or who being his c. hath 41:28 for I beheld, was no c. Mic. 4:9 is thy e. perished ? Nah. 1:11 out of thee a wicked e. Mark 15:43 J. a c. Luke 23:50 Rom. 11:34 hath been his c. COUNSELLORS. 2 Chr. 22:4 c. after father's death Ezr. 4:5 hired c. against them 7:14 sent of king'and his sev. e. 28 ext. mercy to me before e. ■lob 3:14 at rest with c. of earth 12:17 leadeth c. away spoiled Ps. 119:24 thy testimonies my e. Prov. 11:14 multitude ofc. 24:6 12:20 to c. of peace is joy 15:22 in multitude of e. cstnb. Is. 1:26 restore thy c. as at begin. 19:11 wisee. of Pharaoh bru'tisli Dan. 3:27 the king's c. saw these 4:.36 my c. sought unto me 6:7 all the c. have consulted COUNSELS. ./o^ 37:12 lurned about by his c. Ps. 5:10 fall by their own' e. 81:12 walked'in their own c. I'rar. 1:5 shall attain to wise c. 12:5 e. of wicked are deceit 22:20 excellent things in e. f Is. 25:1 e. of old are faithful 47:13 wearied in nuil. of thy e. Jir. 7:24 in e. of their evil heart IIos. 11:6 beenuse of their ownc. M'lr. 6: It) in e. of house of .Vliab 1 Cor. 4:5 manifest e. ofhearl coi N r. Ia'i'. 23:15e. D'oin morrow after 25:27 let c. years of sale, .52 .^'»/H. 23:10 can e. dust of .lacob 1 Sum. 1:16 e. not ine dau. of H. .lull 1!L15 maids e. me n stranger .31. 1 dutli not hee. all mv steps I's. 87:6 1.. e. when he writelh ];!'.I:I8 if 1 I-. I hem, more I hail «. 22 1 f. them mine enemies .l//e. 6:11 sliiill 1 I-. (hem pure .lfA< 20:21 neilhere. 1 my life /'////. ;;:8 1 e. all loss, c. liul duiiff 13 I C. not to hilNe iiporelieml. 2 Thts. 1:11 e, voii wurlliy .3:15 e. him not iis nn enemy 1 Tim. 6,1 i\ iiiii-,lers worthy of IViile. 17 If (hull e. me a paiinur Jam. 1.2 e. It J.iv wli.'ii ye Oill •MI wee, lm|ipv whieli eiulur\< 9 IM. 11:13 C-. it pkviWUN to rlut "-1 806 CRUDEN''S CON-CORDANCE. cou 2 Pet. 3:9 as some men c. slackn. Mev. 13:18 c. number of beast COCi\TED. Gen. 15:6 c. it to him Ps. IXv.Zl ; Ram. 4:3; Gal.B-.H 30::j3 be c. stolen with me 31:15 are we not c. strangers 1 K. 3:8 cannot be c. for multi. 1 Chr. ^1:6 Benjamin c. he not Mh. 13:13 were c. faithful Job 18:3 where, are we c. as beas. 41:29 darts are c. as stubble Px. 44:23 we are c. as sheep for 88:4 c. with them go to the pit Prov. 17:28 hold, peace is c. wise 27:14 be c. a curse to him Is. 5:28 hoofs be c. like flint 32:15 field be c. for a forest 33:18 where is he c. towers 40:15 nations c. as small dust 17 nations c. less than nothing Hos. 8:12 were c. as strange Mat. 14:5 c. him. Mark 11:32 Luke 21:36 c. worthy to escape Ads 5:41 rejoic. were c. worthy 19:19 burn books, and c. price Som. 2:26 uncir. be c. for circ. 4:5 his faith is c. for right. 9:8 child, of promise c. for seed Phil. 3:7 those I c. lost for Christ 2 Thes. 1:5 e. worthy of kingdom 1 Tim. 1:12 he c. me faithful 5:17 elders c. worthy Heb. 3:3 c. worthy of more glory 7:6 he whose descent is not c. 10:29 c. blood of cov. unholy See ACCOUNTED. COCIVTETH, I1\G. Job 19:11 c. me of enem. 33:10 Ec. 7:27 c. one by one, to find Luke 14:28 and c. the cost COUMTEiVAiVCE, Verb. Ex. 23:3 neither c. a poor man COriVTElVAIVCE. Gen. 4:5 Cain was wroth, c. fell 31:2 Jacob beheld c. of Laban 5 father's c. not toward me Num. 6:26 lift up his c. on thee Deut. 28:50 a nation of fierce c. Jud. 13:6 his c. like c. of angel 1 Sam. 1:18 her c. no more sad 16:7 look not on his c. or height 12 David was of beau. c. 17:42 25:3 Abigail; 25'aTO. 14:27Tam. 2 K. 8:11 lie settled his c. on H. Nell. 2:2 why is thy t. sad 3 why not c. sad, when city Job 14:20 thou chau-gest his c. 29:24 light of c. cast not down Ps. 4:6 lift light of thy c. on us 10:4 pride of c. not seek God 11:7 c. doth behold upright 21:6 made him glad with thy c. 42:5 praise him for help of his c. 11 who is health of my c. 43:5 44:3 light of thy e. did save 80:16 perish at rebuke of thyc. 89:15 walk in light of thy c. 90:8 secret sins in light of thy c. Prov. 15:13 maketh a cheerful c. 16:15 in light of king's c. is life 2."):23 so angry e. a backbitinij 27: 17 so man sharpeneth c. ot Ec. 7:3 by sadness of c. Cant. 2:14 see c. thy e. is comely 5:15 his c. is as Lebanon Is. 3:9 c. doth witness ag. them Ezek. 27:35 be troubled in their c. Dan. 5:6 king's c. was changed 8:23 king of fierce c. stand up Mat. 6:16 as hypocrites, of sadc. 28:3 c. like lightning. Luke 9:29 Acts 2:28 full of joy with thy c. 2 Cor. 3:7 not behold Mos. for c. Mev. 1:16 c. was as sun shineth See CHANGED. COUIVTENAIVCES. Dan. 1:13 let our c. be looked on 15 their c. appeared fairer and COUNTERVAIL., Est. 7:4 not c. the k.'s damage COUIVTRY. Gen. 24:4 thou shalt go to my c. 29:26 not be so done in our c. 30:25 that I may go to my c. 42:.33 lord of c. said unto us Num. 15:13 bora in c. shall do 32:4 c. Lord smote before Israel Leut. 26:3 come into c. L. swarc Jos. 2:2 to search out the c. 3 7:2 go up and view the c. Juil. 11:21 Isr. possessed that c. 16:24 the destroyer of our c. Puth 1:2 came into c. of Moab 2 Ham. 15:23 all the c. wept COU 1 K. 20:27 Syrians filled the c. 2 K. 3:20 e. filled with water Is. 1:7 c. is desolate, cities burnt 22:18 like a ball in a large c. ■Jer. 22: 10 not see his native c. 31:8 bring them from north c. 48:21 judgment upon plain c. .50:9 an assembly from north c. Ezi'k. 20:33 bring them forth of c. 23:9 glory of c. Beth-jeshimoth 47:32 be to you as born in the c. ■Ion. 4:2 when yet in my c. Mat. 9:31 his fame in all that c. Mark 5:10 not send th. out of c. 14 told it in the c. Lvke 8:.34 Luke 15:15 joined to cit. of th. c. Acts 12:20 their c. was nourished 27:27 they drew near to some c. Heb. 11:9 as in a strange c. 14 plainly that they seek a c. 15 been mindful of that c. 16 desire better c. a heavenly Far COUNTRY. ■Jos. 9:6 we be come from/, c. 9 1 K. 8:41 out of a. far c. for thy sake, 2 Chr. 6:32 2 K. 20:14 fr./. c. fr. Bab. Is. 39:3 Prov. 25:25 good news from/, c. Is. 13:5 from/, c. to destroy 46:11 exec, counsel from/ore. ■Jer. 4:16 watchers come fr. /arc. 8:19 because of them in a/ar c. Mat. 21:33 householder went into far c. Mark\^:\ 25:14 a man trav. into a/ar c. Inike 15:13 journey into a/ar c. Own COUIVTRY. Lev. 16:29 one of own c. 24:22 1 /r. 10: 13 went to her o. c. 11:21 1 may go to my own c. 22:36 every man to own c. ■Ter. 51:9 every one into his o. c. Mat. 2:12 dep. into iheivown c. 1.3:.57 without honor save in his o. c. Mark 6:4 ; Lvke 4:24 Mark 6:1 came into his oivn c. I .John 4:44 proph. no lienor in o. c. Thy COUNTRY. Gen. 12:1 out of thy c. Acts 7:3 32:9 return to t. c. and kindred Num.WAl let us pass thro' t. c. ■Ion. 1:8 what is thy c. ? Luke 4:23 do here in thy c. COUNTRY Villases. 1 Sam. 6:18 both of c. villages COUNTRYMEN. 2 Cor. 11:26 in perils by own c. 1 Thes. 2:14 like things of your c. COUNTRIES. Gen. 26:3 to thy seed these c. 4 41:.57 all c. Came to buy corn 1 Chr. 22:5 glory through c. 2 Chr. 20:29 fear of G. on all c. Ezr. 3:3 because of people of c. 4:20 which ruled over all c. Ps. 110:6 wound over many c. Is. 8:9 give ear ye of far c. ■ler. 23:3 I will gather my flock out of all c. 8 ; 32:37 28:8 prophesied against many c. Ezek. 5:5Jerusaleminmidstof(;. 6 changed statutes more th. c. 6:8 when scattered through c. 11:16 I scattered them among c. little sanctuary in c. 17 out of c. 20:;J4, 41 22:4 a mocking to all c. 25:7 to perish out of c. 29:12 disperse through c. 36:19 •35:10 these two c. shall be mine Dan. 11:40 he shall enter into c. 42 fortli his hand upon the c. Zee. 10:9 remember me in far e. Luke 21:21 that are in c. enter COUPLED. 1 Pet. 3:2 conversation c. with f. COURAGE. Jos. 2:11 nor any more c. in any 2 Chr. 15:8 took c. put away idols Dan. 11:25 stir up c. ag. king Acts 28:15 thanked God took c. Good COURAGE. Num. 13:20 good c. bring fruit Deut. 31:6 strong and oigood c. 7, 23; Jos. 1:6'; 9, 18; 10:25; 1 CAr. 22:13; 28:20 2 Sam. 10:12 be of g. c. 1 Chr. 19:13; Ezr.W-A\ /s\ 41:6 Ps. 27:14 be of g. c. he shall stre. thy heart, 31:24 COURAGEOUS, LY. .Jos. 1:7 be c. 2;j:6 ; 2 Chr. 32:7 2 Smn. 13:28 be c. valiant 2 Ch): 19:11 deal c. COV Amos 2:16 he c. shall flee naked COURSE. 1 Chr. 27:1 of fivery c. 24,000 2 <7Ar. 5:11 did not wait by c. Ezr. 3:11 sang together by c. Ps. 82:5 foundations out of c. ■ler. 8:6 every one tumed to his c. 23:10 their c. is evil, their force Luke 1:5 Zacharias c. of Abla 8 in the order of his c. Acts 13:25 John fulfilled Ms c. 16:11 with straight c. 21:1 20:24 finish my c. with joy 21:7 finished c. from Tyre 1 Cor. 14:27 by three, by c. 2 Thes. 3:1 may have free c. 2 7'iTO. 4:7 1 have finished my c. Jam. 3:6 on fire the c. of nature See WATERCOUKSE. COURSES. .Jud. 5:20 the stars in their c. 1 Chr. 2:3:6 the Levites into c. 2 Chr. 23:8 Jeh. dismissednot c. 31:2 Hezekiah appointed c. 35:10 Levites stood in their c. COURT. Ex. 27:9 shalt make the c. 40:8 thou shalt set up the c. 2 K. 20:4 afore Isaiah was into c. 2 Chr. 20:5 Jehosh. bef. new c. 24:21 stoned Zechariah in c. 29:16 brought unclean, intoc. Est. 6:5 beh. H. standeth in c. Is. 34:13 shall be a c. for owls ■ler. 19:14 Jeremiah stood in c. 26:2 stand in c. of Lord's house 32:2 Jeremiah was shut up in c. of prison, a3:l;. 39:15 Ezek. 8:7 brou. me to door of c. 16 10:3 the cloud filled inner c. 40:17 to outward c. 42:1 ; 46:21 28 he brought me to inner c. 43:5 brought me to inner c. 46:21 in every cor. of c. was a c. Amos 7:13 and it is the king's e. Bev. 11:2 c. without the temple COURTS. 2 JT. 21:5 built altars for hosts of heav. in two c. 2 Chr. 33:5 1 Chr. 23:28 office to wai t in c. 28:6 Solomon shall build my c. 2 Chr. 23:5 all the people be in c. Ps. 65:4 he may dwell in thy c. 84:2 soul fainteth for c. of Lord 92:13 flourish in c. of our God 96:8 bring off'ering come into c. 100:4 enter his c. with praise 116:19 pay vows in the c. of 135:2 ye that stand in the c. of Is. 1:12 to tread my c. f 62:9 drink it in c. of holiness Ezek. 9:7 fill c. with the slain 7,ec. 3:7 shalt also keep my c. Luke 7:25 delicately in king's c. COURTEOUS, LY. Acts 27:3 Julius c. entreated P. 28:7 and Publius lodged us e. 1 Pet. 3:8 love as brethren, be c. COUSIN, S. . Luke 1:36 thy c. Elisabeth 1:58 her c. heard how COVENANT. Gen. 9:12 tok. ofc. 13, 17; 17:11 17:4 my c. is with thee 13 my c. be in your flesh 14 hath broken my c. Ex. 31:16 sab. a perpetual c. 34:28 \\Tote upon tables the c. Lev. 26:15 that ye break my c. Num. 25:12 my c. of peace 13 c. of everlasting priesthood Deut. 4:13 dec. untoyou his c. 23 lest ye forget c. of Lord 31 Lord not forget c. 9: 11 Lord gave me tables of c. 29:1 these are the words off. 12 thou shouldest enter into c. 21 ac. to all curses of c. 25 because ye have forsaken c. 31:20 they will break my c. .Tud. 2:1 I will never break c. 1 Sam. 20:8 thy serv. in c. of L. 1 K. 19:10 Israel forsaken c. 14 20:.34 send thee aw. with this c. 2 K. 1.3:23 bee. of c. with Abrah. 23:3 to perfonn c. all the people stood toe. 2 CAr. .34:31 1 air. 16:15 be mindful of his c. 2 Chr. 15:12 into c. to seek Lord Neh. 13:29 defiled <;. of priestho. Ps. 25:14 will show them his c. 44:17 neither dealt fal. in thy c. 50:16 take my c. in thy mouth .55:20 he hath broken his c. 74:20 respect to c. for dark pla. COV Ps. 78:37neit. were stead, m his c. 89:28 my c. St. fast with him 34 my c. will I not break, nor 39 made void c. of thy servant 111:5 ever be mindful of his c. 9 commanded his c. for ever Prov. 2:17 forgetteth c. of her G. Is. 28:18 c. with death be disan. 33:8 broken e. he hath despised 42:6 for c. of people, 49:8 S4: 10 nor c. of my peace be rem. 56:4 eunuchs hold of my c. 6 59:21 as for me this is my c. Jer. 11:2 hear ye words of c. 6 3 cursed obeyetli not w. of c. 14:21 break not thy c. with us 22:9 bee. they have forsaken c. 31:32 which iny c. they break 33:20 if you can break c. of day 21 may c. be broken with Da. 25 if my c. be not with day 34:18 not performed words of c. .50:5 join to L. in perpetual e. Ezek. 16:8 into a e. with thee 59 in breaking c. 17:18 61 give th. for daugh. notby c. 17: lo or break c. and be deliv. ? ]6whose c. he brake 19 my c. he hath broken, it 20:37 bring you into bond of c. 44:7 they have broken my c. Dan. 9:27 confirm c. for one week 11:22 also the prince of c. 28 his heart be against holy c. 30 indignation against"holy c. 32 do wickedly against c. JIos. 10:4 falsely in making a c. Zee. 11:10 1 misrht break my c. Mai. 2:4 my e.ne with Levi. 5 8 ye have con-up ted c. of Levi 10 by profaning c. of fathers 14 she is the wife of thy c. 3:1 messensrer of c. ye delight in Acts 3:25 children of <;. G. made 7:8 gave him c. of circumcision Pom. 1:31 c. breakers 11:27 this is my c. when I take Gal. .3:15 tho' it be but a m.'s c. 17 the c. confirmed bef. of God Heb. 8:6 mediator of a better c. 7 if first c. had been faultless 9 they continued not in my c. 9:1 first c. had also ordinances 4 and the tables of the c. See ARK, BLOOD, BREAK. • Book of the COVENANT. Ex. 24:7 Moses took book of c. 2 K. 23:2 Josiah read all the w. oXbookofc.^ Chr.U:m Establish COVENANT. Gen. 6:18 e-ttablish my c. 9:9 17:7 est. c. bet. me and Abra. 19 esta. c with I. and seed, 21 Ezek. 16:60 «. to thee an everl. c. Everlasting COVENANT. Gen. 9:16 I may remember e. c. 17:13 3'our flesh for everlast. c. 19 c. -with Isaac for an ever. c. 2 Sam. 23:5 an ever. c. ordered 1 Chr. 16:17 confirmed to Israel for an everlast. c. Ps. 105:10 Is. 24:5 have broken everlast. c. .55:3 e. c. w. you, 61:8 ; .ler. 32:40 Ezek. 37:26 everlast. c. with them Beb. 13:20 thro' blood of ever. c. Keep, Ueepeth, or kept COVE- NANT. Gen. 17:9 thou shalt keep my c. Ex. 19:5 if ye will keep my c. Deut. 7:9 God wh. k. c. 12 : 1 K. 8:23 ; 2 Ch. 6:14; Neh. 1:5; 9:.32 29:9 keep words of this c. and do 33:9 they have kept thyc. 1 A'. 11:11 hast not A. c. Ps. 78:10 Ps. 25:10 to such as k. c. 103:18 132:12 if thy child, keep my c. Ezek. 17:14 by k. of c. it might Dan. 9:4 lieep c. and mercy Made COVENANT. Gen. 15:18 same day L. m. c. 21:27 Abra. and Abini. tn. c. 32 Deut. 5:2 L. Tre. a c. with us in H. 3-m. not c. with fa. Heb. 8:9 29:1 besides c. he made in Ho. 31:16 will break my c. I made ,Ios. 24:25 Joshua m. a c. 1 Sam. 18:3 J. and D. m. c. 23:18 20:16 J. TO. c. with house of D. 1 K. 8:21 ark w. is c. of L. he m. 20::34 Ahab made c. with Benj. ■2 K. 11:4 Jehoiada »i. c. 17 made c. bet. Lord and king 17:15 <-'. made with fathers 38 c. made with you not forget 2:3:3 Josiah m. c. 2 Chr. 34:31 1 Chr. 11:3 David to. c. with eld. CRUDEN'S COJ^CORDA^CE. 807 COY 1 Chr. 16:16 mind, of <;. he made withA. iVs/t. 9:8; Pi. 105:9 2 Chr. 21:7 c. he had m. with D. 2:i:3 m. a c. with king Joash Job 31:1 TO. a c. with mine eyes Ph. 50:5 m,. a c. with me 89:.3 made a c. with my chosen Is. 28:15 wi. a e. with death 57:8 enlarg. thy bed and m. a c. Jer. 11:10 brolie dm. 31:32 not ac. to e. I m. with fa. 34:8 Zed. m. c. with people, 15 13 I made a c. with your fath. 15 ye had m.ade c. before me Ezek. 17:13 made a c. with him Mnke COVEIVAKT. Gen. 17:2 m. c. bet. me and thee 26:28 TO. c. with thee, 31:44 Ux. 2:3:32 m. no c. /)«;/<. 7:2 34:10 I m. c. before thy people 12 m. c. with inhabitants, 15 Dent. 29:14 nor with you to. c. 1 Sam. 11:2 on this cond. I to. c. 2 Chr. 29:10 in my he. to to. a c. iV(SA. 9:38 we make a sure c. Job 41:4 will he m. a c. Jir. 31:33 this is the c. I will to. ifeft. 8:10; 10:16 jFzeX;. 34:25 to. c. of peace, 37:26 Has. 2:18 to. c. for them. 12:1 do TO. c. with Assyrians New COVEiVANT. J'r. 31:31 n. c. with Is. Ileb. 8:8 J7'<'d. 8:13 a new c. the firi^t old 12:24 mediator of the ne^v c. Remember COVEN ANT. Gere. 9:15 I will r. my c. Lev. 26:42; Ezek. 16:60 iec. 26:45 for their sakes r. c. Ps. 105:8 he hath r. his c. 106:45 ylTOOx 1:9 rem. not the broth, c. Luke 1:72 and to 7-em. his holy e. COVENANT of Salt. Lev. 2:13 salt of c. to be lacking iVJ/OT. 18:19 it is a.c.of s. 2 CAn 13:5 to David by c. of salt Transgressed, Ing COVE- NANT. ])eut. 17:2 wickedness in t. his c. Jos. 7:11 tranr/re.ised my c. 15 because he t. c. of the Lord, Jwrf. 2:20; 2 /C 18:12 2.3:16 ye have trans, c. of Lord Jer. 34:18 men that tram, my c. Hos. 6:7 like men trans, the c. 8:1 they have trans, my c. COVEXAXTEO. 2 Chr. 7:18 as I have c. with D. Tfofl'. 2:5 word I c. with you ikit. 26:15 c. for thirty pieces. Luke 22:5 <;. to give him money COVENANTS. 7?0TO. 9:4 to whom pertaineth c. Gal. 4:24 two c. one from Sinai Eph. 2; 12 strangers from c. COVER. Eor.. 3.3:22 c. thee while I pass Nnm. 22:5 they c. face of earth Dent. 23:13c. wh. com. fi'om thee 3:3:12 shall c. him all the dny 1 (S'arn. 24:3 S. went toe. his feet Ni'h. 4:5 c. not their inj(]uity Job 16:18 earth, c. not thy blood 21:26 worms shall c. them 22:11 waters c. thee, 38::M 40:22 the shady trees c. him ps. 91:4 c. thee with his feath. 104:9 they turn not to c. earth 109:29c. with own confusion 139:11 darkness shall c. me 140:9 mischief of lips r. them Is. 11:9 waters c. sea, llab. 2:14 11:11 worms c. thee 22:17 L. will surely c. thee 26:21 earth no more c. her s.a.n 30:1 c. with acoverin',', but 68:7 naked, that tlioii <■. Iiim U):V) nor c. themscl. \vi:li works 00:2 darkness shall c. the em lli 0 multi. of camels sliiill c. thee .7er. 46:H I will c. the earlli Ezfik. 7:18 horror slmll r. (hem 12:6 thou slmlt r. tliy lace 12 \w shall r. his face, (hut 21:7 pour. It not on thegr. tor. J7 c. not thy IIjih, 22 ve shall iio( r. vour lljis 26:10 horses, their iliist ,-. \\wt: 19 when wad'rs shall c. Ilico 3(1: IK as for her Ji cloud r. her !)2:7 I will i\ till' heiivcu, sun !)7:« e. you wllli skin and HH:«l)e like cloud toe. land, 16 IfoH. 2:lt (lax given In r. her 10:8 mount, c. us, Lnke 2,3:30 GOV, Ob. 10 shame shall c. thee Mic. .3:7 shall all c. their lips 7:10 shame c. her said to me Hab. 2:17 violence of L. c. thee Hark 14:65 andc. his face 1 Cor. 11:7 man not to c. head 1 Pet. 4:8 charity c. mult, of sins COVERED. ffcre 7:11 mountains were c. 20 9:23 c. naked, of their father 24:65 Rebekah c. herself .38:14 Tam. c. her with a veil Ex. 14:28 waters c. chariots 15:5 the depths c. them 10 the sea c. them, .Jos. 24:7 24:15 a cloud c. the mount. 16 37:9 c. with w-ings mercy-seat 40:21 veil c. ark of testimony Num. 4:20 when holy things c. Z>ew?. 32:15 art c. with fatness ./>/rf. 4:18 Jael c. Sisera. 19 1 (^awi. 19:13 Mich. c. the image 38:14 old man cometh up c. 1 K. 1:1 c. David with clothes 8:7 Cher. c. the ark, 2 f,%?-. 5:8 2 .ST. 19:1 Hezekiah c. himself with sackcloth, /«. .37:1 ■Tob 23:17 c. dark, from my face 31:33 if I c. my transgressions Ps. 44:15 shame of face c. me 19 c. us with shadow of death 65:13 valleys c. over with com ()8:13 w. of dove c. with silver 71:13 c. with reproach that seek 89:45 hast c. him with shame 106:17 c. company of Abiram 139:13 c. me in mother's womb Prov. 26:23 a potsherd c. with 26 whose hatred isc. by deceit Ec. 6:4 his name c. with dark. Is. 6:2 with twain he c. his face 20:10 the seers hath he c. 51:16 I have c. thee in shadow 61:10 c. me with robe .Ter. 51:42 she is c. with waves Lam. 2:1 c. dau. of 2, with clo. 3:16 he hath e. me with ashes 43 hast c. with anger 44 c. thyself with a cloud ^2ffc. l:li two wings c. bod. 23 16:8 and c. thy nakedness 10 I c. thee with silk 18:7 and hath c. the naked, 16 24:8 her blood should not be c. 27:7 blue and purple c. thee 31:15 I c. the deep for him 37:8 and skin c. them above ■Ton. 3:8 and beast he c. with sa. Ifab. 3:3 his gloiy c. heavens Mat. 8:24 was c. with waves 10:26 nothing c. th.at shall not be revealed, Luke 12:2 1 Cor. 11:6 the woman be not c. COVERED face. Gen. 38:1.'> Tamarhad c. her /ace 2 ,9nTO. 19:4 but David c. his/ace £V<. 7:8 they c. Ilaman's/ace Px. 69:7 shame hath c. my face Pror. 24:31 nettles c. /ace there. Is. 6:2 with twain hoc. his/ace Jer. 51:51 shame hath c. our/ac. Head COVERED. 2 Sam. 1.5:.10 David had his h. c. Est. 6:12 Hainan, his head c. Ps. 140:7 c. my head in battle ./fr. 14:3 and c. their heads, 4 1 Cor. 11:4 cv. man praying, /j. c. COVEREDsln /•.I. .32:1 «/) is c. yf'w/i.. 4:7 85:2 thou hast c. all tlu'ir sin COVERKDS'I'. Ps. 104:6 c. it widi deep Ezek. KklHbr. garm. andc. them i'OVKRESr. Deut. 22:12 vesture wherewith c. Ps. 104:2 c. thyself with light ««<. 5:21 ; Pom. 7:7 ; 1.3:9 Mic. 2:2 thev c. fields and take 1 Cor. 12:31 "but c. the best gifts 14:.39 c. to prophesy COVETED. ,Tos. 7:21 then I c. them, and /lcA9 20:33 I c. no man's silver 1 Tim. 6:10 while some c. after COVETETH. Prmi. 21:26 c. all the day long Hab. 2:9 woe to him c. evil cov. COVETOUS. Ps. 10:3 wicked blesseth c. iwfcc 16:14 Pharis. who were c. 1 f'w. 5:10 yet not altog. with c. 11 c. with such not to eat 6:10 nor c. inherit. Eph. 5:5 1 Tim. 3:3 bishop must not bee. 2 Tim. .3:2 in last times m. be c. 2 Pei 2:14 exer. with c. practices COVETOISNESS. Ex. 18:21 men hating c. A'. 119:36 incline not heart to c. PcOT. 28:16 hateth c. sh. prolong /«. 57:17 for iniquity of his c. Jer. 6:13 given to c. 8:10 22:17 eyes are not but for thy c. 51:13 and measure of thy c. Ezek. 33:31 heart goelh alter c. //!•;/>. 2:9 that cove(eth an evil c. .l/flc* 7:22 out lu'arl iiroeeed. c. Luke 12:15 be said, beware of c. Itom. 1:29 nilod with all c. 2 Co/'.9:5 as a matti'r not of c. 7?/)//. 5:3 c. let it not be named Col. .3:5 mortify c. wh. is idola. 1 7V(C,«. 2:5 nor nsed cloak of c. //■(ft. 1.3:5 conver. be v itiiout c. 2 J'ct. 2:3 through c. make mer. C(nv. lev. 22:28 c. or ewe, sh. not kill Num. 18:17 (Irstllng of c. ./oft 21:10 their c. casteth not ts. 7:21 nourish a young c. 11:7 c. and the hear shall feed Ezek. 4:15 given thee c. dung for ylTOCM4:3 every c. at that before COZBL Num. 25:15, 18 cn vcKi.ixo. Kc. 7:6 c. of (iKirns under pot Vn \CK\EI.S. 1 A'. 14:3 take wjtii llieec. c. to prosper .Murk 14:1 take him by c. Acts 18:3 he was of same c. 19:27 not only our c. Is In dnn. lire. 1H;2"J whiitsiirver c. he bo <'n MTIXEKS. 7(V)5:in in tli.lrc. 1 Cor. 3:19 ORE Lvke 90:23 he perceived their c. 2 Cor. 4:2 not walking in c. nor j5};^. 4:14 carried by cunning c. CRAFTY. ■Job 5:12 he disap. devices of c. 15:5 thou chooseth tongue of c. Ps. 83:3 c. counsel against 2 Cor. 12:16 being c. I caught CRAFTSMAX. Devt. 27:15 the work of the c Eev. 18:22 no c. be found. CRAFTSMEN. 2 JT. 24:14 carried away c. 16 1 Chr. 4:14 for they were c. ifc/t. 11:35 the valley of c. Hos. 13:2 the work of c. Acts 19:24 no small gain to c. 38 c. have matter against any CRAG. ■Job 39:28 eagle abideth on c. CRANE. Is. 38:14 like c. so did I chaf-er ■Jer. 8:7 c. obs. time of coming CRASHIN(^ Zep. 1:10 great c. fronraills CRAVED, ETH. PrmK 16:26 for his mouth c. it J/arft 15:43 Joseph c. body of J. CREATE. Ps. 51:10 c. in me a clean heart Is. 4:5 c. on every d.-p. a cloud 45:7 c. darkness, I c. evil 57:19 I c. the fruits ofthelips 65:17 I c. new heavens 18 rejoice in that which I c. CREATED. Gen. 1:1 in the begin. God c. he. 21 God c. great whales 27 God c. man in his owai im- age, male and female, 5:2 2:3 in it rested from all he c. 6:7 will destroy man 1 have c. Deut. 4::32 day "God c. man Ps. 89:12 north and south h. c. 102:18 people to be c. 104:.30 forth spirit they are c. 148:5 com. and they were c. Is. 40:26 hath c. these things 41:20 Holy One of Is. hath c. it 42:5 he that c. the heavens 4:3:1 Lord that c. thee, O Jacob 7 1 have c. him for my glory 45:8 1 the Lord have c. it 12 I have c. man upon it 18 he c. it not in vain 48:7 c. now, not from begin. 54:16 have c. smith, c. waster ■Ter. 31:22 L. hath c. a new thing Ezek. 21:30 judge where wast c. 28:13 in day thou wast c. 15 from day thou wast c. Mai. 2:10 hath not one God c. Mark 13:19 creation G. c. 1 C(yr. 11:9 man c. for the worn. Eph. 1:10 workmanship c. in 0. 3:9 who c. all things by Jes. C. 4:24 God is c. in righteousness. Col. 1:16 were all things c. 3:10 after image of him c. him 1 Tim. 4:3 (i. c. to be ri'ceived Pev. 4:11 hast c. all things, for thy pleasure are and were c. 10:0 who c. heaven and tho CREATETIl. ^l;no^ 4:13 c. w. L. is his name CREATION. Mark 10:6 from c. male and fe. 13:19 as was not iVom the c. Pom. 1:20 from c. are clearly 8:22 that whole c. groanclh 2 Pet. .3:4 continue as IVomtbec. Rev. 8:14 beginning of c. of God CREATOR. Ec. 12:1 remeiiilier c. In yout'i Is. 40:28 c. of ends of the earth 4.3:15 1 am the I.ord.c. of l^ra.l Viim. 1:25 creature niori' Hum c. 1 Pd. 4:19 as to a faithful c. CRKATI'RK. W/i. 1:20 bring forth moving «. Ur. 11:16 this is law of evi^ry c. .Mark 16:15 gospel to e\ery ,-. Col. 1:2.3 Itom. 8:19 expectation of c. 20 c. mmie subject to vanity 21 c. he delivered ftoin bond. 39 any c. able to si'parale ui< 2 Cor. .5:17 be Is a new c. Hal. Ii•1.^ nor niiclr. 1ml new c. Cot. 1:1.^ llrstborn of I'verv c. I Tim. 4:4 every c. oft). Is piod //r-ft. 1:13 any c. not manliest AVr. 5: 13 every c. In heaven 808 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. CRO Living CREATURE. Ge>i. 1:21 God created every I. c. 24 let earth bring forth liv. c. 2:19 Adam called every Hv. c. 9:10 cov. with every liinng c. 12 between me and ev. I. c. 15 Lev. 11:46 law of everv liriru/ c. Ezek. 1:20 spirit of /. c. 21 : 10:17 10:15 I. c. I saw by Chebar, 20 CREATURES. I^. 13:21 houses full of dolefnl c. J.im. 1:18 of lirst-fruits of his c. Eeo. 8:9 third of c. in sea died Living CREATURES. Ezek. 1:5 likeness of four liv. c. 14 1, c. ran, returned as lii^ht. 19 I. c. went the wheels went 3:13 noise of \nng3 of living c. CREDITOR, S. Deut. 15:2 c. that lendeth shall 2 K. 4:1 c. to take my two sons Is. 50:1 to which of my c. Luke 7:41 c. had two debtors CREEK. . Acts 27:3aaiscovered a certain c. CREEP. Lev. 11:31 unclean all that c. Ps. 104:20 beasts of forest c. 2 Tim. 3:6 of this sort c. into CREEPETII. Gen. 1:25 every thiu.ck c. Mar. 14:08 ; iuie 22:03; John 18:27 CRIB. Job 39:9 unicorn abide by thy c. ? Prov. 14:4 no oxen are c. is clean Is. 1:3 ass know, his master's c. CRIED. See after cry. CRI.ME, S. Jnt) ;31:11 his is a heinous c. Ezek. 7:23 land is full of bloody c. Acts 25:16 cone. c. laid ag. him 27 not to signify the c. laid CRI.MSOX. 2 Chr. 2:7 cnn. to work in c. 14 3:14 he made the veil of c. 7s\ 1:18 your sins be like c. Jer. 4:30 thou clothest with c. CRIPPLE. Acts 14:8 being a c. from womb CRISPl^G-PIXS. Is. 3:22 L. will take away c.-p, CRISPUS. Acts 18:8 ; 1 Cor. 1:14 CROOR-B VCKED. Lev. 21:20 c.-b. not ajjproach CROOKED. Deut. 32:5 are a c. generation Job 20:13 formed the c. serpent Ps. 1-25:5 aside to their c. ways Prov. 2:15 whose ways are c. Ec. 1:15 c. not be m. stra. 7:13 Is. 27:1 pun. lev. that c. serpent 40:4 c. be made, 42:16: Luke 3:5 45:2 make the c. places straight 59:8 have made them c. paths Lam. 3:9 hath made my paths c. Phil. 2:15 midst of a c. "nation CROP. Lev. 1:16 he shall pluck away c. CRO CROPPED. Ezek. 17:4 c. off top of y. twigs, 22 CROSS. Mat. 10:.38taketh not his c. is not worthy of me. Luke 14:27 16:24 c. and follow me, Mark 8::34; 10:21; i(/A-« 9:23 27:32 compelled to bear c. Mark 15:21; iwjte 23:26 40 if S. of God come down from the c. 42 ; Mark 15:30. 32 John 19:17 bearing c. went forth 19 wrote title, and put it on c. 25 stood by the c. his mother 31 not remain on c. on sabbath 1 Cor. 1:17 lest c. be of none ef 18 preaching of c. foolishness Gal. 5:11 oft'ence of the c. ceased 6:12 suf persecution for c. of C. 14 should glory, save in the c. Eph. 2:16 reconcile both by c. Phil. 2:8 obedient to death of c. 3:18 are enemies of c. of Christ Col. 1:20 through blood of c. 2:14 nailing it to his c. Heb. 12:2 endured the c. CROSS-WAY. Ob. 14 nor have stood in c.-w. CROUCH, ETH. 1 Sam. 2:36 c. for piece of silver Ps. 10:10 he c. and humbleth CROW, CROWING. See cock. CROWW Ek. 25:25 a golden c. to border 29:6 holy c. upon the mitre Lev. 8:9 on his forefront holy c. 21:12 c. of anointing oil 2 K. 11:12 c. on J. 2 Chr. 23:11 Est. 1:11 Vashti with c. royal Job 31:36 bind it as a c. to me Ps. 89:39 hast profaned his c. 132:18 upon himself c. tlonrish Prov. 4:9 c. of glory deliver 12:4 a virtuous woman is a c. 14:24 c. of wise is their riches 10:31 hoary head is c. of glory 17:6 children's child, c. oj'old 27:24 c. endure to every genera. Cant. 3:11 behold S. with the c. Is. 28:1 woe to the c. of pride 5 shall be for a c. of glory 62:3 shalt also be a c. of glory Jer. 13:18 e. of glory come down Ez(k. 21:26 take ofi' the e. Zee. 9:16 as the stones of a c. ■lohn 19:5 J. wearing c. of thorns 1 Cor. 9:25 a corruptible c. Phil. 4:1 beloved, my joy and c. 1 Thes. 2:19 our c. of rejoicing 2 Tim,. 4:8 c. of righteousness Jam,. 1:12 ho shalfrec. c. of life 1 Pet. 5:4 shall receive c. of glory Pev. 2:10 give thee a c. of life 3:11 that no man take thy c. 6:2 a c. was given to him CROWN of gold. Ex. 25:11 c. of g. round about, 24; 30:3; 37:2; 11. 12, 26 Est. 8:15 Mordecai with c. of g. Ps. 21:3 c. of g. on his head CROWIV, ivith Head. Gen. 49:26 on c. of Joseph's h. Deut. 33:20 teareth arm with c. 2 Sam. 1:10 the c. on his head 12:30 c. from' h. 1 CA/-. 20:2 14:25 sole to c. of h. .lob 2:7 Ss<. 2:17 king set c. on her A. 6:8 c. royal set upon his head ■Job 19:9 taken c. from my /iearf is. 3:17 smite with a scab c. of A. Jer. 2: 16 broken c. of thy head 48:45 c. of A. of tumultuous ones Lam. 5:16 c. fallen from ourhead Ezek. 16:12 beautiful c. on thy A. Mat. 27:29 put a c. of thorns, Mark 15:11; JohnlW.i Bev. 12:1 a c. of twelve stars 14:14 on his head a golden c. CROWDED. Ps. 8:5 hast c. him with glory Prov. 14:18 c. with knowledge Cant. .3:11 his mother c. him ^YrtA. 3:17 thy c. are as locusts 2 Tim, 2:5 not c. except he strive Heb. 2:9 Jesus c. with glory CROW\EDST. Heb. 2:7 c. him with glory and CROWXEST, ETH. Ps. 65:11 c. vcar with thv goodn. 10.3:4 c. thee with loving-kind. CROWMXG. 7s. 23:8 against Tyre the c. city CROW\S. Ezek. 23:42 beau. c. on their h. fRY Zee. 6:11 make c. ; 14 c. to Helem .Rey. 4:4 elders had c. of gold 10 cast their c. before throne 9:7 on locusts' heads were c. 12:3 dragon having seven c. 13: 1 upon his horns ten c. 19:12 on his head many c. CRUCIFY. Mat. 20:19 to Gentiles, to c. him 23:.34 some of them ye shall c. 27:31 to c. him, Mark 15:20 J/or/; 15:13 cried again c. him, 14 Luke 2:3:21 c. him. c. -John 19:6, 15 Heb. 6:6 c. Son of God afresh CRUCIFIED. Mat. 26:2 bet. to be c. Luke 24:7 27:22 said, Let him be c. 2:3 26 del. him to be c. John 19:16 35 c. him, John 19:23 38 thieves c. 44 ; Mark 15:32 ; i"A-<;2:3:.3;3; JohnVy.1% 28:5 Jesus w. was c. J/ari 16:6 JisAft 19:20 where Jesus was c. 41 Acts 2:23 by wicked hands c. 30 made J. wliom ye <■. L. 4:10 Pom. 6:6 old man is c. with him 1 Cor. 1:13 was Paul c. for you ? 2:3 preach Christ c. unto Jews 2:2 Jesus Christ and him c. 8 not have c. Lord of glory 2 Cor. 13:4 tho' c. through weak. Gal. 2:20 I am c. with Christ 3:1 Chr. set forth, c. among you 5:24 are Christ's have c. flesh 6:14 by whom the world is c. Bev. 11:8 where Lord was c. CRUEL. Gen. 49:7 wrath, for it was c. E.C. 6:9 for c. bondage Deut. 32:33 e. venom of asps ■lob 30:21 art become c. to me Ps. 25:19 hate me with c. hatred 1:4 deliver out of hand of c. Prov. 5:9 thou give years to c. 11:17 he c. troubleth own flesh 12:10 mercies of wicked are e. 17:11 e. messenger be sent 27:4 wrath is e. Cant. 8:6 jealousy is c. Is. 13:9 day of Lord cometh c. 19:4 Egyptians give to c. lord Jer. 6:23 they are c. 50:42 30:14 chastisement of c. one Lam. 4:3 daughter of r.iy peo. c. Heb. 11:36 trial of c. mockings CRUELLY. Ezek. 18:18 bee. he c. oppressed CRUELTY. Gen. 49:5 instruments of c. Jud. 9:24 c. to sons of Jcriibbaal Ps. 27:12 such as breathe out c. 74:20 are full of habitations of e. Ezek. 34:4 with c. ye rided them CRU:\IBS. Mat. 15:27 eat of c. Mark 7:28 Luke 16:21 to be fed with the c. CRUSE. 1 Sam. 26:11 take the c. of water 12 so David took the c. 16 1 K. 14:3 take a c. of honey 17:12 I have a little oil in c. 14 nor c. of oil fail lill, 16 19:6 Elijah had c. of water 2 K. 2:20 bring me a new c. CRUSH. Job 39:15 forgetteth foot may c. Lam. 1:15 toe. my young 3::34 to c. all the prisoners Anws 4:1 which c. the needy CRUSHED. Lev. 22:24 not oft'er what is c. yum. 22:25 ass c. Balaam's foot Deut. 28:;3;3 and c. alway ■lob 4:19 are c. before the moth 5:4 his children c. in the gate Is. 59:5 c. breaketh into a viper ,/er. 51:34 Nebuch. hath c. me CRY, Substantive. Gen. 18:21 accord, to c. come np Ev. 2:2:3 their c. came up, 3:9 3:7 I have heard their c. I Xum. 16:34 Is. fled at c. of them 1 Sam. 5:12 c. of city went up 9:16 because their c. is come up 2 Sam. 22:7 my e. did enter 1 K. 8:28 hearken to c. and prayer, 2 t'Ar. 6:19 iYfA. 5:6 angry when I heard c. 9:9 heardest c. by Red sea Est. 4:1 cried with bitter c. 9:.31 of fastings and their c. Job 16:18 let my c. have no place 34:28 c. of poor to come to him, he heareth c. of alilicted Ps. 5:3 hearken to my c. my K. CRY Ps. 9:12 forget, not c. of humble 17:1 O Lord attend unto my c. 18:6 my c. came before him 34:15 his ears open to their c. 39:12 O Lord, give ear to my c. 40:1 inclined and heard my c. 88:2 incline thine ear to my c. 102:1 let my c. come unto thee 106:44 when he heard their c. 119:160 let my c. come near 142:6 attend to my c. I am Prov. 21:13 at c. of poor Ec. 9:17 more than c. of him Is. 5:7 for right, behold a c. 15:5 raise up c. of destruction 8 c. gone about borders of I>io. 30:19 will be gracious at thy c. 4:3:14 whose c. is in the ships Jer. 7:16 neither lift up c. 11:14 8:19 voice of c. of my people 14:2 c. of Jerusalem is gone up 18:22 c. be heard from houses 25:36 c. of shepherds be heard 46:12 thy c. hath filled land 43:4 little ones caused a c. 5 enem. heard c. of destruction 49:21 moved at c. of Edom 50:46 c. heard at takin^of Bab. 51:54 sound of c. from Babylo.i Lam. 3:56 hide not ear at my c. Ezek. 2T:28 shake at c. of piiot;i Zr-p. 1:10 be a c. from fish-gate Mat. 25:6 midnight was c. made Great CRY. Gen. 18:20 c. of S. is great, 19:13 27:34 Esau cried with a g?-ea: c. Ex. 11:6 be a great c. thnj' E^-y. 12:;30 there was great c. in Eg. Xeh. 5:1 a g. c. of the people Acts 23:9 so said, arose a great c. Hear CRY. E.r. 22:23 I will hear their c. ■lob 27:9 hear c. when trouble Ps. 61:1 hear my c. O God 145:19 he also will hear their c. Jer. 14:12 I will not A. their c. 2d:lQ hear c. in the morning CRIES. Jam. 5:4 c. of them that reaped CRY, Verb. Ex. 5:8 idle therefore thcY c. 22:23 if thou afflict and they c. 32:18 voice of them that c. Lev. 13:45 and c. Unclean Jud. 10:14 go c. to the gods 2 ^a«j. 19:28 right have I to c. 2 K. 8:3 to c. for her house 2 Chr. 20:9 c. in afllict. wilt her.r ./o6 30:20 I c. thou dost not hear 24 they c. in his destruction 35:9 oppressed to c. they c. out 12 they c. none giveth" answer 36:13 c. not when he bindetli .38:41 his young ones c. to God Ps. 22:2 1 c. in the daytime 27:7 O Lord, when I c. 28:2 28:1 to thee will I c. 2 34:17 righteous c. Lord heareth 56:9 when I c. mine enem. turn 57:2 I will c. to God mosT high 61:2 from end of earth will t c, 86:3 be merciful, for I c. daily 89:26 shall c. thou art my father 141:1 Loi'd I c. make haste 147:9 to young ravens which c. Prov. 8:1 "doth not \visdom c. and 21:13 shall c. but not be heard Is. 8:4 before child c. Mv father 13:22 beasts of islands'shall c. 14:31 c. O city, thou Palestina 15:4 and Heshbon shall c. and 33:7 their valiant ones shall c. 34:14 satyr shall c. to fellow 40:2 c. to Jerus. warfare accom. 6 voice said, c. what shall I c. .^ 42:2 he shall not c. nor lift voice 13 he shall c. yea. prevail 14 I c. like travailing woman 46:7 one shall c. to him, yet can 58:9 c. he shall say. Here I am 65:14 shall c. for sorrow of heart Jer. 2:2 go and c. in ears of Jer. 3:4 wilt not from this time c. 4:5 blow trumpet, c. gather 11:11 though they c. to me 12 c. to gods 14 ni/t hear when c. Ezek. 8:18 22:20 go up to Lebanon, and c. 25:;34 and c. 4S:20; Ezek. 21:12 31:6 watchmen on Ephraim c. Lam. 3:8 when I c. he shuttetU Ezek. 9:4 c. for abominations 24:17 forbear to c. make no 26:15 shake, when wounded c. 27::30 c. bitterly for Tyrus Hos. 8:2 Israel c. we know thee CRUDEN'S CONCORDAN"CE. 809 CRI Joel 1:19 Lord, to thee ■n-ill I c. 20 the beasts c. unto thee Jon. 3:8 man and beast c. to G. Mic. 3:5 bite with teeth, c. peace Nah. 2:3 c. but none look back Zep. 1:14 mighty sh. c. bitterly Zee. 1:14 angel eaid, c. thou Mat. 12:19 not strive nor c. Luke 18:7 avenge elect, which c. JRom. 8:15 whereby we c. Abba Gal. 4:27 c. that travailest not CRY against. Bevt. 15:9 c. to L. a. thee, 24:15 2 6%r. 1:^:12 to c. alarm aq. you Jfcft 31:38 if my land e. ail. me Jon. 1:2 go to Nineveh, c. ffii?. it CRY aloud. 1 K. 18:27 Elijah paid. c. aloud Job 19:7 I c. aloud butno jiidgm. Ps. 5.5:17 at noon will I c. aloud Is. 24:14 c. aloud from the sea 54:1 break forth into sing. c. a. 58:1 e. aloud spare not Bos. 5:8 c. a. at Beth-a. after iBc. 4:9 why c. a. .? is there no CRY to the Lord. 1 Sam. 7:8 cease not to c. for us Ps. 107:19 c. to the Lord, 28 7s. 19:20 c. to L. bee. of oppres. Joel 1:14 sanctify fast, c. to tJieL. Mic. 3:4 c. to the L. he will not CRY out. 1 Sam. 8:18 ye shall c. out Job 19:7 I c. out of wrong, 35:9 e. o. by r. of arm of mighty Is. 12:6 e. out and shout 15:4 soldiers of M. shall c. out 5 my heart shall c. out for M. 23:9 wonder, c. out. and crv Jer. 48:31 I will c. out for >ioab Lam. 2:19 c. o;/< in the night Amos 3:4 y. lion c. out of den ? //oA. 1:2 I c. out to thee 2:11 stone shall c. out of wall Mark 10:47 c. o;/^ Have mercy Luke 19:40 stones would c. out CRIED. Cfrt. 27:34 E. c. with bitter cry ."'J: 15 he heard that I c. 41:55 c. to Pharaoh for bread KuJH. 11:2 c. to Moses Z/e'rf. 22:24 dam. bee. she c. not 27 damsel c. and none to save Jiid. 5:28 mother c. through lat. 7:21 all the host ran, and c. 10:12 ye c. and I di'livered you 1 Sa7n. 17:8 CJ. c. to armies of Isr. 20:37 Jonathan c. after lad, 38 2 Sam. 20:l(i then c. a wise w. 22:7 I c. to my G. he did hear 1 K. 13:2 c. agiiinst altar, 4, 32 18:28 c. aloud and cut them. 2 /f. 2:12 Klisha c. My father 0:5 he c. Alas, it was borrowed 8:5 woman c. to king for house 11:14 Allialiah c. Treason 1 CZ/T-. 5:20 c. to God in tlio battle 2 Chr. 32:20 Isaiah c. to heaven A";?*. 9:27 they c. thou heard. 28 Job 29:12 I delivered poor that c. 30:5 they c. us after a thief I's. 18:6 in my distress I c, to G. 41 c. but none to save them 22:5 they c. and were delivered 21 c. unto him, Inr heard 30:2 0 Lord I c. to thee 8 I c. to thee O Lord and made 31:22 hcardi^st sup. when I c. 81:6 this poor man c. and tlic L. 00:17 I c. with my month, 77:1 88:1 I c. duy and night 13 I <:. O Lord, in the morning 119:1 15 If. with wholes heart 130:1 out of the depths have I c. 138::i I l: tlion answered.st Is. 6:4 moved at voice of him c. 30:7 have I c. coneernlng tlils Jer. 4:20 destru. on dcstrii. is c. lizek. 9:8 I fell on mv lace, and c. 10:13 it wasf. to lliiin Dan. 6:20 he 6-. O Daniel Ifos. 7:14 not c. to nir with heart Jon. 1:5 mariners i:. cv. nnin to 2:2 I c. by reason of allliclion to L. out of belly othelW-. I Zee. 7:13 as he c. and they would not hear, ho they c. Mat. 14:30 Peter c. Lord savci me 20:31 c. the more, lliive nurey, Mark 10:48; I,uk,- 1K:39 ^fark\^■.'M Bi)lrlt r. ami rent him John 7:37 Ji'sus e. If any thirst ylr/* 19:32 some c. one ill. 21:31 'i'i'.irX wh«n:r. they i:. so iig. him llev. 10:3 he <;. Heaven thunders 12:2 mid she c. iravulllnt' CUB Bev. 14:18 c. to him that had sic. 16:2 he c. mightily, 13 19 they c. weeping and wailing CRIED to the Lord. Ex. 8:12 Moses c. to the L. 15:25; 17:4; Nuhi. 12:13 14:10 Israel c. to the Lord, Jud. 3:9, 15; 4:3; 6:7; 10:1 Num. 20:16 we c. to the Lord he heard, Deut. 26:7 Jos. 24:7 c. to the L. he put dark. 1 Sam. 7:9 S. e. to the L. 15:11 2 Chr. 13:14 they c. to the L. Ps. 107:6,13; Jon. 1:14 14:11 Asa c. to the Lord Ps. 3:4 I c. to the L. 120:1 ; 142:1 Lam. 2:18 c. to L. O dau. of Z. CRIED with n loud voice. 1 Sam. 28:12 En-dor c. w. I. v. 2 Sam. 19:4 D. c. w. I. v. O Absa. Neh. 9:4 Levites ; Ezek. 11:13 Ez. i/a<. 27:46 ninth hour J. c. w. I. v. 50; 3Iark 15:.34, 37; i«i-e 2.3:46: John 11:43 iJ/isrA 1:26 evil spirit c. w. a I. v. Acts 7:60 S. c. u\ a loud roice 16:28 Paul c. with a loud Toice Rev. 6:10 c. w. a I. v. How long 7:2 angel c. w. I. v. 10:3 ; 19:17 10 stood bcf. Lamb e. w. I. v. CRIED out. 1 Sam 4:13 citv c. out; 5:10 Ek. 1 K. 22:32 Jehosh. 2 cfhr. 18:31 Jer. 20:8 Ic. outlaivd. violence Mat. 8:29 spirits c. out. Luke4:3Z 14:26 c. o.vfor fear, Mark 6:49 20:;j0 blind men c. out Murk 1:2:5 unclean spirit c. out 9:24 father c. out, Luke 9:38 15:13 c. o. again. Mat. 27:23; Luke 23:18 ; John 19:6 Acts 19:28 c. out Great is D. 34 22:23 c. out and threw dust 2:3:6 Paul c. out I am a Pharisee CRIEST, ETH. (7r-n. 4:10 brother's blood c. Ex. 14:15 where, c. thou to me? 22:27 when he c. I will hear 1 Sam. 2c):14 that e. to (he king? Job 24:13 soul of wounded c. Ps. 72:12 del. needy when he c. 84:2 c. out for living God Prwn. l:-20 wisd(mi c. 8:3 ; 9:3 2:3 if thou c. after knowledge li. 26:17 as a woman c. out 40:3 that c. in the wilderness .57:13 c. let companies deliver ./(/'. 12:8 my heritage c. ag. me 30:15 why c. thou Mic. 6:9 Lord's voice c. to city .Ifo/. 1.5:23 for she c. after us Luke 9:39 he c out Rnin. 9:27 f^sa.as also c. Jam. 5:4 hire of laborers c CRYI\G. 1 Sam. 4:14 Eli heard noise of c. 2 Sam. 13:19 Tamar went on c. Joli 39:7 nor re^. he c. of driver Proi\ 19:18 soul spare for his c. :jl):15 horseleech dau. c. Give Is. 22:5 day of c. to mountains 24:11 a c. for wine in streets 65:19 of c. no more heard in her Jer. 48:3 of C. be from Iloronaini 7.i'.c. 4:7 the headstone with c. .\[al. 2:13 covering altar with c. .Uat. 3:3 c. in wilderness. Murk 1:3; LukeZ:i\ John 1:23 21:15 children c. in the temple Arts 8:7 c. spirits canu^ out 1 1:14 ran among people c. out 21:28 c. out, Menof Isiael, help .36 multitude c. away with him (lal. 4'6 c. Abba, Ealher Ilib. 5:7 prayers with strong c. lito. 21:4 no more death, nor c. CRYSTAL. ■fob 28:17 and c. cannot equal it Ezek. 1:28 n» color of terrible c. Ii'ic. 4:6 a sen of glass, like c. 21:11 light of city clear us c. 22:1 u pure river, clear as c. c. be In city, c. in tl.ld 17 c. Khali he thv hjisket luul 18 c. he fruit oflhv hodv 19 c. when come.st \\\ and jroest Jos. (i:2ll c. be man h\i, .lerieho 9:2:1 vt< (ilbeonlleH uie c. Jut. {»:'i7 nnd c. .\l>inielecli 21:18 c, giveth II wife to UeiiJ. I.s',i»i. 11:21 c, thnt euteth 17:13 GoUulh c. D.tvld 810 CRUDEJf'S CONCORDANCE. cus 1 Sam. 26:19 if men, c. be they ZSam. 16:5 Shimei c. still, 7, 13 19:21 tie c. Lord's anointed 1 K. 2:8 c. me witli grievous c. 2 K. 2:24 c. them in name of Lord 9::J4 go see now this c. woman Xeh. mio I c. them Joi 1:5 it may be my eons c. G. 3:1 then Job c. his day 5:3 suddenly I c. his habitation 24:18 portion is c. in the earth Ps. 37:22 c. of him shall be cut 119:21 rebuked proud that are c. Ec. 7:22 likewise hast c. others Jer. 11:3 c. obeyeth not covenant 17:5 c. man that trust, in man 20:14 c. be the day I was bom 15 c. man brought tid. to father 48:10 c. doeth Lord's work dec. c. keepeth back sword Mai. 1:14 but c. be the deceiver 2:2 c. your blessings already 3:9 }'e are c. with a curse for Mat. 25:41 depart from me ye c. John 7:49 know not law are c. Gal. 3:10 c. that continueth not 13 c. every one hang, on a tree "iPet. 2:14 c. children, who have CURSED thing. Dent. 7:26 lest thou be a c. thing, for it is a c. thing. 13:17 cleave naught of c. thing CURSEDST. Jud. 17:2 silver about which c. Mark 11:21 fig-tree thou c. is CURSES. Num. 5:23 priest write these c. Deut. 28:15 th. c. shall come, 45 29:20 all the c. wTitten in this book, 27 : 2 Chr. 34:24 21 accord, to all the c. of cov. 30:7 put these c. on enemies CURSETH. Ex. 21:17 he th.it c. his father. Lev. 20:9; Prov. 20:C0 Lev. 24:15 whose c. his God Prov. 30:11 genera, c. their father Mat. 15:4 c. nis father or mother, let him die, Mark 7:10 CrRSI\G. Num. 5:21 charge with oath of c. Deut. 23:20 shall send on thee c. 31:19 before you blessing and c. 2 Sam. 16:12 good for his c. Ps. 10:7 fall off. i?OM. 3:14 50:12 c. and lying they speak 103:17 loved c. so let it come IS he clothed himself with c. Prov. 29:24 hear c. bewrayeth not Hib. 6:8 thorns_is nigh to c. Jam. 3:10 out of same mouth c. CURSINGS. Jos. 8:34 read blessings and c. CURTAIN. Ps. 104:2 stretchest out the hea- vens like a c. Is. 40:22 CURTAINS. Ex. 26:1 ^^^th ten c. 2; 36:9 iV^jOT. 4:25 Gershonites bear c. 2 Sam. 7:2 vithin c. 1 Chr. 17:1 <7a«<. 1:5 comely as c. of Solom. 7.<. 54:2 stretch forth the c. Jer. 4.20 my c. spoiled in a mom. 10:20 none to set up my c. 49:29 shall take their c. Hat). 3:7 c. of Midian did tremble CUSH. Gen. 10:6 Ham, C. 7; 1 Ch. 1:8, 9 Is. 11:11 remnant left from C. CUSHAN. Hah. 3:7 CUSHI. ISam. 18:21 C. tell the king, 2-3 ./«;•. 36:14 princes sent son of C. Zep. 1:1 Zephaniah, son of C. CUSTODY. Nu.m. 3:36 c. of sons of Merari Ed. 2:3 virgins to c. of Hege, 8 14 to c. 6i Shaashgaz CUSTO.>f. Gen. 31:35 c. of women is on me Jud. 11:39 was a c. in Israel 1 5'a;re. 2:13 the priest's c. was Ezr. 3:4 accord, to c. Jer. 32:11 4:13 then will they not pay c. 20 and c. was paid to them 7:24 not Impose c. on priests Mat. 9:9 saw Matthew at receipt ofc. 3/a?*2:14: iJ//fe« 5:27 17:25 whom do kings take c. ? Lukel:9 8LC. toe. of priest's office 2:27 do for him after c. of law 42 Jerusalem after c, offcast CUT Luke 4:16 as J. c. was, he went ■John 18:39 c. I should release one Pom. 13:7 c. to whom c. is due 1 Cor. 11:16 we have no such c. CUSTOMS. Lev. 1S:.30 these abominable c. ./c;'. 10:3 c. of this people Acts 6:14 shall change c. of M. 16:21 c. not lawful to receive 21:21 ought not to walk after c. 26:3 thee to be expert in all c. 28:17 I com. nothing against c. CUT, Participle. Lev. 22:24 not offer what is c. Ezek. 16:4 thy navel was not c. Acts 5:33 c. to the heart, 7:54 CUT, Verb. Beut. ii:\ shall not c. yourselves Jud. 20:6 concubine, and c. her 1 K. 18:28 c. thems. after manuer 2 A'. 24:13 he c. all the vessels of gold. 2 Chr. 23:24 ' 1 C7i;-. 20:3 he c. peop. with saws Ps. .58:7 let them be as c. 107:16 c. bars of iron, 7s. 45:2 Is. 51:9 art thou not it c. Rahab Jer. 16:6 nor c. themselves 36:23 he c. roll with penknife 41:5 having c. themselves 47:5 how long wilt c. thyself Dan. 2:5 ye will not shall be c. 3:29 speak ag. God shall be c. Amos 9:1 c. them in the head Zee. 12:3 bur. them with it be c. CUT asunder. Ps. 129:4 c. a. cords of wicked ■Jer. 50:23 hammer of earth c. a. Zee. 11:10 Beauty and c. it a. 14 I c. astin. rnine other staff Mat. 24:51 c. him a. Luke 12:46 CUT down. Ex. 34:13 c. rfO!c« their groves, Deut. 7:5; 2 if. 18:4; 2-3:14 Num. 13:23 c. down a branch, 24 iff '/?. 20:19 tr. for meat not c. d. Job 8:12 in greenness not c. d. 14:2 like a'flower. and is c. d. 7 hope of a tree if it be c. d. 22:16 wicked c. «?. out of time 20 our substance is not e. d. Ps. 37:2 shall soon be c. down 80:16 branch is burnt, it is c. (f. 90:6 in the even, it is c. do^on />'. 9:10 sycamores are c. down 14:12 how art thou c. c?. to gr. 22:25 the nail shall be c. down Jer. 22:7 c. d. thy choice cedars 25:.37 habitations c. rfo?4'» 48:2 Shalt be c. rf. O Madmen Nah. 1:12 thus shall be c. rfoit'ra ZfyO. 1:11 merch. people c. (?OM;n J/a?. 21:8 c. d. bra. J/ari 11:8 Luke 13:7 c. it doicn 9 thou Shalt c. it down CUT off. ffere. 9:11 nor all flesh be c. off Ex. 12:15 that soul be c. of. 19 : 31:14; Num. 15:.30; 19:13 23:23 and I will c. them off 30:33 be c. off from his people, 38; Lev. 7:20, 27; 17:4, 9; 19:8:2.3:29; Nuyn. 9:13 Iav. 17:10 will c. him o;f, 18:29; 20:3, 6, 18; Nujn. 19:-20 14 eateth blood shall be c. off 20:17 c. of in sight of people Num. 4:18 c. not'o/f tribe of K. 15:31 that soul utterly be c. of Deut. 12:29 6. shall c. o/f nations 19:1 God hath c. conations 23:1 hath privy member c. of 25:12 e. off her hand pity not Jos. 3:13 the waters of Jordan shall bee. off, 16:4:7 7:9 and shall c. off our name 11:21 Joshua c. ojf Anakim ,Jud. 21:6 one tribe c. off Ruth 4:10 dead be not c. ojf 1 S'/m. 2:31 I will c. of thy arm S:i man whom I shall not c. off 17:51Davidc. of Goliath's head 20:15 not c. Of thy kind. ; 24:21 when L. c. of enemies of D. 24:4 David c. off the skirt of, 5 28:9 how Saul c. of wizards 31:9 and they c. off Saul's head 2 Sain. 4:12 and c. of theirhands 10:4 H. c. off their garments in the middle, 1 Chr. 19:4 20:22 c. off the head of Sheba 1 A". 9:7 Willie, of Is. out of 11:16 c. of every male in Edom 1.3:34 to c. off Jer. house, 14:14 14:10 c. of from Jeroboam him 13:4 Jezebel c. of prophets CUT 1 K. 21:21 c. off from Ahab him that pisseth, 2 K. 9:8 1 Chr. 17:8 c. of all thine enem. 2 Chr. 22:7 c. of house of Ahab 32:21 angel c. of mighty men t/o5 4:7 wliere were right, c. off? 6:9 loose his hand, audc. me o^' 8:14 whose hope shall be c. off 11:10 if he c. of who can hinder 18:16 above, his branch bee. off' 23:17 I was not e. of before 24:24 c. off as tops of ears of c. 36:20 people e. off in their place Ps. 12:3 e. of flattering lips 31:22 e. off from bef. Ihine eyes 34:16 to e. of remem. of them 37:9 evil-doers shall be e. off 22 they cursed of him be c. off 28 seed of wicked sh. be c. off 34 wicked are e. off shalt see' it 38 end of wicked shall be c. off 54:5 f. them off in thy truth 75:10 horns of wick, will I c. off 76:12 e. o.f spirit of princes 83:4 said", let us e. them off 88:5 are e. off from thy hand 16 terrors have c. me of 94:23 e. them of in their wick. 101:5 slandereth will I e. off 8 e. of wicked doers from city 100:13 let his posterity be e. off 15 Lord may c. of memory 14:3:12 c. of enemies Ptoi'. 2:22 wicked shall be c. of 23:18 expect, not be c. off, 24:14 Js. 9:14 will e. ojf head arid tail 10:7 to e. of nations not a few 11:13 adversary of Jud. be e. off 14:22 c. of from Babylon 15:2 every beard c. off 29:20 watcli for iniquity e. of 38:12 e. me of with pining 48:9 that I c'. thee not off 19 should not been c. of 5:3:8 he was c. of out of land 55:13 that shall not be e. off 66:3 as if he e. of a dog's neck Jer. 7:28 truth is e. off fr. mouth 29 c. of thy hair, 6 Jerusalem 9:21 toe. of children fr. without 11:19 let us c. him of from land 4-1:7 e. off man and woman 11 to c. of all Judah 47:4 to e. "of from Tyrus 5 Ashkelon is e. of 48:2 c. it of frombernora nation 25 the ho'm of Moab is c. off 49:26 men of war shall be e. of 50:16 c. of sower from Babylon 51:6 be riot e. off in her iniquity 62 this place, "to e. it off Lam. 2:3 c. off in anger 3:53 c. of my life Ezek. 14:8 c. him of from people 13 e. ojf man and beast, 17, 19, 21; 25:13; 29:8 17:9 not e. of fruit thereof 17 forts toe. of many persons 21:3 c. ofi' right, and wicked. 4 25:7 I will e. thee of from peo. 16 I will e. of Cherethim 30:15 e. of raliltitude of No 31:12 ter. of nations e. himQf 35:7 I will c. off from Seir him 37:11 we are c. off for our parts Dan. 4:14 c. of his branches 9:26 Messiah shall be c. off Bos. 8:4 that they may be c. of 10:7 king is c. of as foam, 15 Joel 1:5 the new wine is c. of. 9 16 meat c. of before our eyes ? Amos 1:5 e. of inhabitant, 8 2:3 I will c. o^judge from midst 3:14 horns of altar shall be c. off Ob. 5 how art thou c. of .^^ 9 eveiy one of E. may be c. off 10 shalt be C- of for ever 14 to c. of those did escape Mic. 5:9' thine enemies be c. off 10 horses ; 12 witchcrafts 13 will I f. off. Nah. 1:14 Nah. 1:15 wicked is utterly e. off 2:13 e. off thy prey from earth 3:15 the sword shall e. thee of Hab. 3:17 tho' the flock be e. off Zep. 1:3 e. of man from land 4 c. off a remnant of Baal 11 that bear silver c. off 3:6 I have c. off the nations 7 so dwellings sh. not be e. off Zee. 5-3 sweareth, shall be e. o]f 9:6 c. off pride of Pmlistines 10 e. of chariot from Ephraira 11:8 three shepherds also I c. off 9 to be c. oJf, let it be e. of 13:2 I will e. of names of idols 8 two parts shall be e. off 14:2 residue shall not be'c. off DAM Mat. 2:12 Lord will c. of man J/o;". 5::30 if right hand oft'end c. it off. 18:8; j)/arA: 9:43, 45 Mark 14:47 e. off his ear, i«i« 22:.50; John 18:10.26 Pom. 11:22 shalt also bee. of 2 Cor. 11:12 I may c. of occasion Gal. 5:121 would they were c. of CUT out. I^ov. 10:31 fro. tongue be c. out Dan. 2::il a stone was e. out, 45 .So»t. 11:24 c. out of olive tree CUT short. 2 TT. 10:32 began to c. Israel «A. i?oni. 9:28 e. it j-Aort in right. CUT up. ■Job 30:4 ■who e. vp mallows Is. 33:12 as thorns c. vp shall CUTTEST, ETH. Deut. 24:19 when thou e. hardest ■Job 23:10 he c. out rivers Ps. 46:9 he e. the spear in sunder 141:7 as when one c. wood Piov. 26:6 mess, by fool, c. off Jir. 10:3 for one e. a tree out of 22:14 and c. him out windows CUTTING. Ex. 31:5 in c. of stones, 35:33 Is. 38:10 I said in c. off of days Hab. 2:10 by c. off many people J/a^-i 5:5 e.himself with stones CUTTINGS. Lev. 19:28 not make any c. 21:5 ■Jer. 48:37 upon all hands be c. CY.MBAL. 1 Cor. 13:1 I am as tinkling c. . CYMBALS. 2 ,5nw. 6:5 plav. on e. 1 Chr. 13:8 1 Chr. 15:16 harps and c. 10:42 16:5 Asaph made sound with c. 25:6 these ■nere for song with c. 2 Chr. 5:13 lift up voice with c. 29:25 Levites in house with e. Ezr. 3:10 sons of Asaph with c. -ft'. 150:5 upon high sounding c. CYPRESS. /s. 44:14 he taketh thee. CYPRUS. ,4ci's4:.36 country of C. 11:20 13:4 from Seleucia sailed to C. 15:39 Mark, and sailed to C. 27:4 we sailed under C. CYRENE. Mat. 27:32 found a man of C. ,lc.'s 2:10 parts of Libya about C. 11:20 men of Cyprus and C. 13:1 Lucius of C. was in church CYREXIAN. Mark 15:21 Cl'REXIANS. ^le,'* 6:9 CYEENIVS. Luke^:i CYRUS. 2 Chr. 36:22 the first year of C. Ezr. 1:7:3:7; 4:3; 5:13 Is. 44:28 that saith of C. 45:1 Dan. 1:21 to the first year of 0. 6:28 Dan. prosp. in reign of C 10:1 in the third year of C. D. DABBASHETH. Jos. 19:11 DABERATH. Jos. 19:12 ; 1 Ch. 6:72 DAGGER. Jvd. 3:16 Ehud made him a d. 21 took d. from right thigh, 22 DAGON. Jud. 16:2:3: 1 Satn. 5:2.3,7; 1 Chr. 10:10 DAILY. See after dats. DAINTY, lES. Gen. 49:20 Asher yield royal d. Job .33:20 abhorreth d. meat Ps. 141:4 let me not eat of d. Prov. 2:3:3 be not desirous of . 21:5 Jud. 18:'J0 i)ri(!sfs to i'. till cap. DAIV€E, Sub lantive. P«. 149:3 prai.-i; Uim in d. 150:4 Jer. 31:13 virgin rejoice in thod. Lam, 5:15 our U. is turned into. DAlVfR, Verb. Jud. 21:21 if dn.i. of S. come tod. Job 21:11 their children d. JCc. 3:4 and a time to il. Is. 13:21 satyrs shall d. there DA^f•PJ^. Jwrf. 21:23 number thatd. 2 .S'a»j. 6:14 David d. bef. Lord .3/0^ 11:17 liave not d. Luke 7:33 14:6 duu. of Herod, d. Markij-.'i-i DAIVCES. Jud. 11:34 (laiigli. came with d. 1 Sam. 21:11 sing of h. in d. 29:5 Jer. 31:4 siiall go fortli in tlie d. DAi\<;i:\o. Kx. 82:19 he nuv culf and d. 1 .S'am. 18:6 women came out d. ;;():)<> Hpread on all the earth d. 2 .Sam. 6:16 Dav. d. I Chr. 15:29 /v. 30:11 my mourning into d. 1/uke 15:25 as he cnnu! heard d. DA\DLEI). It. 06:12 be d. Ujion her knees d\\'<;e«. Mat. B:2I in d. of juilgmeiit, 22 22 In d. of eouneil, of licll-l!i-e Murk 3:29 In d. of eternal dam. Ac's 19:27 not only craft is in d. 40 d. to be culled in nuestlon DANfJEHOra Acts 27:9 sailing \vas now 3:5 let d. slain it 6 for that niirht, let d. seize it 5:14 mei't uitlid. in davtimo 10:22alandofd.asd, itsi'lf 19:8 hath setd. in my p:itlis 20:26 all d. be hid 22:11 ord. that canst not see 23:l7notculoin)ctored. math. Inith he covered thed. 28:;) nil end tod. stones of d. 31:22 nod. where may hide .37: 19 not order speeeli for d. 3H:9 thick d. a swaddling-liand 19 as ford, where is lliei)liice Pi, 18:11 d. his-secret place 88:18niineai-|u.MlMl. Intod. 97:2 elouibi 1111(1 (/. iilioiit lilm IOI:20nKik<'-td. aiidll is night l»5:2,Sse it d. made It dark 1.19:11 surely d. shiiU cover me 12 rf. hldeth II.. t fiom (hoe /'/•(£'. 2:i:! to w.illi III w:iys ofd. 4:1*1 way of the wicked Isasd. Ec. 0:4 name lie covered with tl. DAR Is. 5:.301ook to land, behold d. 8:22 shall look, and behold d. 45:3 give thee treasures of d. 47:5 get thee into d. O daughter 60:2 d. shall cover the earth, and gross d. the people ■Jer. 13:16 before he cause d. and make light gross d. Ezek. 32:8 set d. upon thy land ./oc^ 2:2 a day of clouds and d. 31 sun be turned to d. Ar/s 2:20 ^mo«4:13 maketh morning d. Nah, 1:8 d. pursue his enemies Mat, 6:23 full ofd. Lu/ce \1,U 8: 12 outer d. 22:13; 25:.30 27:45 sixth hour d. Mark 15:.33 Luke 22: .53 and power of d. 23:44 was d. over all the earth Acts 13:11 on him mist and d, Eph. 5-11 with works of d. * 6:12rulersof d. of this world Col. 1:13 from power of d. 1 The.'^. 5:5 not of night nor of d. Ileb. 12:18 are not come to d. 2 Pet. 2:4 deliv. into chains of d. 17 mist of d. is reserved 1 Johnl-.n d, hath blinded Jude 6 everlast. chains under d, 13 is reserved blackness of d. Rev, 16:10 kingd. was full of d. DARKIVESS, with day. .lob 3:1 let that day he d. 15:23 tliat day of d. is at hand Ec. 11:8 remember days of d. Is, 58:10 thy d. be a.? noon-day ,Ioel2;2adayo{d. Zep, 1:15 Amos 5:20 day of Lord be d. .? In D.\RK1\ESS. Deid. 28:29 grope as blind in d. 1 /5aOT. 2:9 wiclvcd be silent in d. 1 K, 8:12 L. said he would dwell i/), thick d. 2 C'A?-. 6:1 .Lob 17:13 made my bed in d. Ps, 82:5 they walk on in d, 83:6 laid me in d, in deeps 91:6 pestilence that walkethi. d. 107:10 such assitz/id. 143:3 made me dwell in d. Prov, 20:20 out in obscure d. Ec, 2:14 fool walketh in d, 5:17 cateth ; 0:4 departeth in d. Is. 42:7 sit in d, out of prison 49:9 to them in d, show yoursel. 59:9 light, but we walk in d, .Jer. 23:12 as slippery ways in d, Dan, 2:22 knoweth whatis in d, JohnS:!^ not walk in d. 12:35 walketh in d, know, not 46 shall not abide in d, 1 Thes, 5:4 but ye are not in d, 1 ./ohn 1:6 and walk in d, we lie 2:9 hatetU brother, is in d, 11 Land of DARRiVESS. ■Lob 10:21 bef. I go to lam/ ofd, 22/aHdo/'d.asd. itself. ■ler, 2:31 been to Israel /. of d, DARKIVE.SS, with llsht. Gen, 1:4 (}. t\\\\i]vi\/i(/ht fromd. 18 to divide lir/ht from d. .M/ 10:22 wlicie li///it is as d. n:Vi lir/ht is short because of d. 18:18 driven fmin lir/ht into d. 29:3 bv hrs //>//// 1 Walk. Iliro'd. ;i0:2(i I waited (or lir/ht earned. Ps. 112:4 ariseth li//hl in d. i:i9:12d. and t. are lioth alike Ec, 2:13 as ll>/hl excelleth d. /v. 5:20 that jmt d. for /. /. for d. iii2 peo. that walk, in d. have seen a great /. ,\fat, 4: 16 42:16 maked. l/r/hl liefore them 45:7 r form lir/ht aiul create d. .50:10 walketh in d. hath no /. .ler. 13:16 look for/, he make itd. Lum. 3:2 bro't nie into d. not I. .\inos 5:18 is d. and not lir/lil .Mic. 7:8 1 sit in d. L. Wnlir/ht .Mat. 6:23/. he d. howgr. thatd. 10:27 wliat I tell in d. speak in/. /,»/,-' 12::! Luke 1:79/. Ihatsltd. 7?owi.2:10 Il:;!5 Wmilli/ht In thee be not d. .AjAh 1:5/. shinelh ind. d. com. ;):I9 loved d. rather than //f//(/ I2::i5 while velmve/. lest d. .4c/.s' 26:18 from d. to/ff/A/ Itrmi. 13:12 works of d. jmt on /. 1 /W/.. 4:5 to/, hid. Ihlngsofd. 2 /'or 4:6/. to shim- out ofd. 6:14 commiiiiloii lii;hl with (/. I Ptt, 2:9 out of d. Into miirv. /. 1 John 1:5 in lllin Is no d. at all 2:8 d. Is passed true/, shinelh Out of I>VEIK\ESS. A I//. 5:'il voice (»;/(./• the ./. ,Mi 12:22 deep thing's out if U, DAU ./r/y 15:22 he shall return out of d, .30 shall not depart out rjf rl. Ps. 107:14 brought them f/utofd Is. 29:18 blind see out ofd. DARLIIVG. . Ps. 22:20 d. from power of dog 35:17 rescue my d. from lious DART, S. 2 Sam, 18:14 Joab took three d. 2 Chr, .32:5 Hezekiah made d. ./06 41:26 nor the d. cannot hold 29 d. are counted as stubble Prov, 7:23 till d. strike thro' liver Eph, 6:16 to quench fiery d. of Het>. 12:20 thrust thro' with a d. DASH. iK. 8:12 wilt d. their children /3s'. 2:9 d. in pieces like a pot. 91:12 lest thou d. foot against a stone, 31at. 4:6; i«fe4:U /s. 13:18 shall d. young men der. 1.3:14 will d. one a'g. another DASHED. Ex, 15:6 thy right hand, O L. d. Is, 13.16 child, be d. to pieces. Bos, 1:3:16; A"aA. 3:10 IIos. 10:14 mo. was d. on child. DASHETH. i3s. 137:9 d. little ones ag. stones DATHAN. See abikam. D.\IIB, ED, IXG. Ex, 2:3 she d. ark with slime i'ze/i'.1.3:10d. it with untempered 22:28 her prophets d. them DAUGHTER. Gen, 20:12 d. of my father, not d. 24:23 whose d. art thou, 47 48 master's brother's d. to son .34:7 in lying with Jacob's d. 8 my son longeth for your d. Ex, 1:16 if a d. she shall live 21:31 have gored a son or a d. Lev, 12:6 days fulfilled for a d. 18:17 nor take her daughter's d. 21:9 if d. of priest profane Nam, 27:9 if no d. give his inh. :36:8 d. that possess, an inher. Deut, 27:22 lieth with d. of father 28:56 eye be evil toward her d. Jud. 11:40 lament Jephthah's d. 1 -Sam. 1:16 handmaid a d. of B. 18:19 Saul's d. should beengiv. 2 Sam. 12:3 lamb unto him as a d. 1 7t'. 3:1 Solo, took Pharaoh's d. 11:1 many with d. of Pharaoh 2 K, 8:18 d. Jehoram's wife 9:.34 bury her, she is a king's d, 1 Chr, 2:49 d. of Caleb Achsa Est, 2:7 uncle's d. for his own Ps. 45:10 O d. and consider, and 13 king's d. glorious within Cant, 7:1 shoes, O prince's d. .ler, 31:22 backsliding 8 her d. was made whole .Mark 7:26 east di'vil out of herd. /.'//■, 8:12 he had one only d. 1:1:16 this woman being a (/. .4(/.< 7:'24 I'haiaoh'sd. nourished ll,h. 11:21 .■^on of Pharaoh's d. DAUUHTER of llnbvloii. Ps, 1.37:8 Od.V'/(. to he'destr. Is, -17:1 0 d. (f /f.sil on u-rouiul Jtr. 50:42 battle ag. Ihee tl. of IS. 51:3.'! d. 01 It. like a ihr.Moor Zee. 2:7dwellesi with (/. of li. nAl'GIITEH or Iho Chnhli-iiiiH. Is. 17:1 throne, O d. i'l' Chat. 5 Into ilarUness, (/. of Chut. D\r(il!Ti:iI of Kiloni. f.nm. 4:21 h,' );1 id. :vn«. ,/,r. 46:11 i-o l;ii.>«). d.or >•. 24 (/. if I'i/i/;'! bo coiiloinidod 812 CRUDEI^'S COXCOHDANC] DAU DAUGHTER of Oallim. Is. 10:30 tliy voice d. of Gallim His DAIGUTER. Ex.. 21:7 sell iiu d. to bo servant Num. 2T:8 to pass to hii d. :30:16 statutes bet. fa. aud his d. Veat. 7:;3 nor Ais d. take 13:10 his d. pass, 2 K. 23:10 Jtid. 21:1 not give his d. to B. 1 liam. 17:25 king give him hisd. DAUGHTER of Jerusalem. 2 A'. 19:31 d. of J. halli sliaken her head at thee. Is. 37:2i Lam. 2:13 liken to thee, d. of J. 15 was; their head at d. of J. Mic. 4:8 shall come to d. of J. Zep. 3:14 rej. with heart, cif. of J. Zee. 9:9 d. of J. thy king cometh DAUGHTER of Judah. Lam. 1:13 hath trodden d. of J. 2:2 .-^ti-ons-holfls of d. of J. 5 inc. in d. of J. mourning D.iUGHTER-IlV.LAW. Gen. 38: IB she was d. -in-law 24 Taraar thy d.-in-laio played Lev. 18:15 naked, of thy d.-in-taw 20:12 man lie with his d.-in-l. Ruth 4:15 d.-in-l. which lov. thee ISam. 4:19 d. -in-law wMh. child Ezek. 22:11 deflleth his d.-in-l. Mic. 7:6 d. an;a. mother-in-law, Mat. 10:3j ; Luke 12:53 My D.\UGHTER. Deui. 22:17 tokens of my d. virg. Jot. 15:16 him will I give mij d. Jud. 11:35 my d. hast brou. me 19:24 here is my d. a maiden Rath 2:2 she said. Go my d. 3:10 blessed be thou my d. Mat. 9:18 my d. is even now d. 15:22 my d. is vexed Mark 5:23 my d. at point of d. DAUGHTER of my people. Is. 22:4 spoiling of d. of j). Jer. 4:11 wind toward c?. of p. 6:14 healed fi. of p. 8:11 26 0 d. of my p. gird with sack. 8:19 the cry of d. of my p. 21 for hurt oi d. of my p. 22 health of d. of p. recovered 9:1 weep for slain oid. of p. 7 shall I do for d. of my p. 14:17 virgin d. of p. is broKen Lam. 2:11 destr. of \ 26-29 rlesh uf d. shall ye eat Num. 26;:33'i. of Zeloph. Jos. 17:3 27:7 d. of Zeloph. speak right .36:10 so did d. of Zelophehad Deut. 23:17 no whore oid. of Is. ,Ii(d. 3:6 took d. to be wives 2)^7 not give them of our d. 18 liuth 1:11 turn again my d. 12 1 Sam.. 8:13 d. confectiouaries Neh. 5:5 our d. into bondage 7:63 one of d.oiB. Ezr. 2:61 10:30 not give d. to peo. of land ■lob 42:15 none so fair as d. of J. Ps. 45:9 king's d. am. hou. wom. 144:12 d. be as corner-stones P)VO. 31:29 d. done virtuously Cant. 2:2 so is my love amoni; d. 6:9 the d. saw and blessed lier 7s. 32:9 ye careless d. give ear 60:4 d. be nursed at thy side .Jer. 9:20 teach your d. wailing 29:6 give your d. to husbands 49:2 her d. be burnt with fire 3 cry, ye d. of Kabbah, cird ye Lam. 3:51 bee. of d. of my city Ezek. 13: 17 set face ag. d. of peo. 16:46 Samaria and her d. Sod. 49 idlen. was in her, aud in d. 55 sister Sodom and d. return 61 give them unto thee for d. 23:2 two worn. d. of one mother 26:6 her d. be slain in field, 8 30:18 her d. go into captivity 32:16 d. of nations lament her Hos. 4:13 d. shall commit whor. 14 I will not punish your d. Luke 1:5 his wife oi d. of Aaron Arts 21:9 had four d. virg-ius 1 Pet. 3:6 whose d. ye are as long DAUGHTERS of Israel. Dent. 23:17 no wliore of d. of I. Jud. 11:40 d. of L yearly to lam. 2 Ham. 1:24 d. of I. weep over S. DAUGHTERS of Jerusalem. Cant. 1:5 coinelv, O d. of J. 2:7 you d. of J'. 3:5; 5:8; 8:4 3:10 paved with love for d.of J. 5:16 my beloved, O d. of J. Luke 23:23 d. of J. weep not DAUGHTERS of Judah. Ps. 43:11 let d. of .Ivdah be glad 97:8 the d. of Judah rejoiced D.\UGHTERS-i:V.LA\V. liuth 1:8 Naomi said d.-in-taw D.VUGHTEBS of Moab. yum. 25:1 whore, with d. of M. Is. 16:2 d. be at fords of Ai'uon DAUGHTERS of music. Ec. 12:4 d. of m. be bro. low D.AUGHTERS of the Philis- tines. iSam. 1:20 lest the d. of P. rej. Ezek. 16:27 deliver thee to d. of P. 57 the d. of P. which despise DAUGHTERS of Shlloh. ■lud. 21:21 if d. of tihiloh come DAUGHTERS, joined with sons. Gen. 5:4 begat s. d. 7, 10; 11:11 19:12 thy sons and d. bring out 31:28 not stiff, to kiss s. and d. 55 kissed his -wns and d. 37:35 .-o«s d. rose to comfort Ex. 10:9 with «. and d. will we 21:4 have borne him sons or d. 34:16 take of their d. to thy s. Num. 21:29 son^s d. into captiv. 26:133 no .fons l>ut d. .los. 17:3 Deut. 12:12 and .«. and d. rejoice 81 son.s and d. they have burnt, 2K. 17:17; Jer. 7:31; 32:.35 28:32 «. d. given to another peo. 41 begat sons d. but not enjoy 53 eat flesh of .'>ons and d. :32:19 provoking of his s. and d. Jos. 7:24 brought Ach. .«. and d. 17:6 d. oi Manassch inh. am. s. Jud. 3:6 pave tlieir d. to their s. 12:9 Ibzan :3fl d. for his sons 1 Sam. ;30:19noth. lack. ,<.. nor d. 1 Chr. 23:22 Ele. had no .s-. but d. 25:5 God gave Heman 14 s. 3 d. DAY 2 Chr. 11:21 Rchob. had 28.?. GOd. 13:21 Abijah begat 22 sons 16 rf. &?'. 9:12 d. to their s. AWi. 13:25 Neh. 4:14 fight for your «. and d. 5:2 our son^ and d. are many 10:28 s. andrf. clave to biethren Job l:2-born to Job 7 .5. 3 d. 42-13 Ps. 106:.37 sacrificed son^ and d. 38 shed blood of their s. and d. Is. 43:6 bring my s. from far. d. 49:22 bring thy sons in arms, d. .56:5 better than sons and d. Jer. 3:24 shame dev. sons and d. 16:2 nor shall have sons nor (Z. 19:9 cause eat flesh oi s. and d. 29:6 wives, beget sons and cZ. 48:46 s. and d. taken captive Ezek. 14:16 deliver sons nor cZ. 16:-20 ,<. and d. and sacrificed 23:4 mine, bare sons and d. 46 shall slay their sons and (?. 24:21 s. d. fall by sw. A?nos 7:17 25 when I take their s. aud d. Joel 2:28 c«. and d. prop. Acts 2:17 3:8 sell sons and rf. to Judah 2 Co?-. 6: 18 be my s. and rf. saith L. Tw-o DAUGHTERS. Oen. 19.8 I have two d. let me 15 take thy wife and two d. 29:16 Labau had two d Leah 31:41 1 served for thy two d. Rulh 1:7 N. went out with t. d. 1 Sam. 2:21 Hannah bare two d. 14:49 Saul's two d. were Merab Prov. 30-15 horseleech hath t. d. DAUGHTERS of the unoir- cumcised. 2 Sam. 1:20 lest d. of u. triumph DAUGHTERS of Zion. Cant. 3:11 go forth, O ye d. of Z. Is. 3:16 d. of Zion are haughty 4:4 filth oid. of Zion DAVID. R-uth 4:22 Jesse begat Z>. Mat. 1:6; Liike-A:i\ 1 Sam,. 16:13 came upon B. 2 Sam. 5:1 all tribes of Is. to P. 1 K. 2:10 Z». slept, 1 Chr. 29:28 Ps. 72:20 prayers of D. son of J. Mat. 9:27 son of P. 15:22; 20:30; il^a?-* 10:47; Zwfe 18:38 12:3 Z>. did when hungered, Mark 2:-25 ; i(;A-« 20:41 Cl:9 S. of />. 15; 22:42; j1/ff/* 12:35 Rom. 1:3 C. seed of Z>. 2 ?'j»i. 2:8 //eft. 4:7 saying in P. to-day Rev. 3:7 key oiP.; 5:5 root, 22:16 Hand of DAVID. 1 Sam. 20:16 Lord rcq. at h. of D. 2 Sam. 3:8 not into hand of I). 18 21:22 fell by A. 0/ D. 1 CVir. 20:8 House of DAVID. \K. 12:19 fol. D. but J. 2C7ir.l0:19 Pi\ 122:5 thrones of the h. of D. Is. 7:2 it was told house of P. 13 22:22 key of A. of D. I wil lay Zee. 12:7 gl. of A. o/i). 8, 10, 12 13:1 fountain opened to A. of P. Luke 1:27 Joseph, of A. of P. 69 2:4 the house and lineage oi P. DAVID, joirud with king. 1 Sam. 21:11 this P. k. of land? iSam. 2:4 anointed P. k. over J. Jer. 30:9 Lord and P. the king Hos. 3:5 seek L. and P. their A. J/a«. 1:6 P. the A-. and P. the i. ^c. my s. 22 feeA:. 34:23 even my senant P. 37:24 P. my ser. shall be king Luke 1:69 salva. in house of s. P. Acts 4:25 mouth of thy se7V. D. DAWN, ING. Jos. 6:15 rose about d. of day ./'/rf. 19:26 came woman in d. Job 3:9 nor let it see d. of day 7:4 I am full of tossings to d. Ps. 119:147 I prevented the d. Mat. 28:1 as it began to d. 2 Pet. 1:19 till the day d. and the DAY. Gen. 1:5 God called the light d. 32:26 let me go, d. breaketh Lev. 23:37 every thing on his d. Num. 14:34 each rf. for a year Pent. 4:10d. thou stoodestl^p. L. 9:24 rebellious from d. I knew 24:15 at hisd. give him his hire DAY Jos. 10:13 sun not down ab. a (7 14 was no d. like that ■lud. 16:2 when it is d. kill Sam. 1 Sam. 9:15 told S. a d. before 24:4 d. of which Lord said 26:10 or his d. shall come to die 2 Sam. 3:35 while yet d. Jer. 15:9 1 E. 2:37 on d. thou goest out 2 IC 4:8 fell on a d. Elisha, 11, 18 Neh. 4:2 make an end in a d. ? Job 1:4 feasted, every one his d. 6 was a d. when sons, 13; 2:1 3:3 d. per. wherein I was born 14:6 till he accomplish his d. 18:-20 be astouished at his d. 19:25 stand at latter (Z. on earth 21:30 reserved to d. of destruc- tion Ps. 19:2 d. unto d. uttereth 37:13 he seeth his d. is coming 78:42 nor rem. d. he delivered 84:10 a d. in thy courts better 119:164 7 times a rf. I praise P/'ai'.4:18 and more to perfect d. 7:20 home at the d. appointed 27:1 what a d. may bring forth Cant. 2:17 till the d. break, 4:6 Is. 7:17 from d. Ephraim dep. 43:13 before d. was, I am he 58:5 a d. to afflict soul '? call this an acceptable d. to Lord ? 61:2 d. of vengeance of G. a3:4 Jer. 12:3 prep. iord. of slaughter 27:22 there be till d. I visit 32:31 from the d. they built it 36:2 from the d. I spake to thee 38:28 d. Jerusalem was taken 47:4 of d. that cometh to spoil 50:27 woe, for their rf. is come Ezek. 4:6 each d. for a year 7:10 behold the d. it is come 21:25 prince, whose rf. is come 28:15 from d. thou wast created 30:2 woe worth the d.; 3 near 18 at Tehaphne. d. be darken. Pan. 6:10 petition 3 times a d. Hos. 9:5 what do in solemn d. ? Joel 2:2 a d. of darkness and Amos 5:8 maketh d. dark 8:10 end thereof as a bitter d. Mic. 3:6 d. be dark over them 7:4 the d. of thy watchmen Zep. 2:2 before d. pass as chaff 3:8 till d. I rise up to the prey Zee. 4:10 desp. d. of small things Mai. 3:2 abide d. of hie coming •? 4:1 d. cometh that shall bum Mat. 24:38 d. Noe ent. Luke 17:27 50 L. shall come in a d. when he looketh not, Lukt 12:46 25:13 know the d. nor the hour Mark 1:35 areat while before d. Luke 1:20 U. these be performed 80 d. of his showing to Israel 17:4 trespass seven times in a rf. 24 so Son of man be in his d. Jolin 6::39 raise it ag. at last d. 40 raise him at last d. 44, 34 8:56 Abra. rejoiced to see myii. 9:4 work while it is d. Acts 1:2 until d. he was tak. up 12:21 on a set d. Herod sat 16::35 it was d. 28:12; 27:39 17:31 he hath appointed a d. 27:29 they wished for d. Rom. 2:5 wrath ag. d. of wrath 13:12 d. is at hand, let us 14:6 resardeth d. to the Lord 1 Cor. 3:13 the d. shall declare it 2 Cor. 6:2 now is the d. of salv. Eph. 4:;30 sealed to d. of redem. Phil. 1:6 peif. it un. the d. of C. 1 Thes. 5:5 children of the d. 8 who are of the d. be sober Heb. 4:7 he limiteth a certain d. 8 have not spoken of anoth. d. 10:25 see the (/. approaching 2 Pet. 1:19 till the d. dawn, and 3:12 to coming oid. of God Rev. 9:15 were prepared for a d. 5ce ATONEMENT, BATTLE. CALAM- ITY, DARKNESS, EVIL, HOLX, LAST. All the DAY. Ps. 25:5 do I wait all the d. 71:15 thy salvation all the d. 89: i6 rejoice all l/ie d. 102:8 reproach me all the d. 119:97 meditation all the d. Is. 28:24 ploughman plo. a. d. 65:2 spread out hands all the d. 5 a fire bnrneth all tlie d. Lam. 1:13 desolate all the d. 3:3 his hand ag. me all t. d. 14 derision to people all the d. 62 their devices ag. me a. t. d. Mat. 20:6 stand all me d. idle CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 813 DAY All the DAY long. Dp.iit. 28:33 loiigiiigH a. t. d. I. dii.Vi cover him alt the d. I. Pa. 32:3 my roaring all the d. I. 35:28 thy praise all tlie d. I. 38:0 mourning all the d. long 12 imajjine deceits all the d. I. 44:8 we boast all tlie d. long 22 are liilled all t. d. I. "1:24 thy righteousness a. t. d. I. 73:14 a. t. a. I. have I been pla. Prov. 21:26 coveteth all the d. I. 23:17 in fear of Lord all the d. I. Rom. 10:21 a. t. d. I. stret. my h. By DAY. (?"«. 39:10 spake to Jos. d. by d. Ex. 13:21 L. went be. them l)y d. 40:38 cloud was upon the taber- nacle by d. Num. 9;16 Ku7n. 10:34 cloud on ihemby d. . 14:14; Deul. 1:33; TVeA. 9:19 Jud. 0:27 could not do it by d. 2 Chr. .30:21 praised L. d. by d. Ezr. 6:9 let it be given d. by d. Neh. 8:18 d. by d. he read in law Ps. 91:6 nor arrow flieth by d. 121:0 sun not smite thee by d. 130:8 sun to rule by d. for If:. 00:19 no more thy light by d. Jer. 31::3jsun for a light by d. Ezek. 12:3 remove Ay d. in sight Luke 11:3 give us d. by d. bread 2 Cor. 4:16 is renewed d. by d. Rev. 21:25 g. not to be shutiy d. Day of DEATH. Gen. 27:2 I know not d. of my d. Jud. 1:3:7 Nazarite lo d. of d. 1 Sam. 15:35 Saul till d. of d. 2 Sam. 20:3 shut np to d. of d. 2 K. 15:5 Uzziah Icp. to d. of d. Ec. 7:1 d. of d. better than birth 8:8 nor ha. he power \nd. of d. Jer. 52:11 in pri.-on, till d. of d. 34 a portion till d. of d. Every D.\Y. P.i. 7:11 an-'ry v.itli wicked e. d. r ):5 e. d. they wrest my words 14.';:2 evci-y d. will I bless thee />•. 51:13 hastfeared every d. 52:5 my name e. d. blasphemed L'ike 16:19 sumptuously fwrj/rf. J!oin. 14:5 esteem, every d. alike Feast DAY. ft. 81:3 blow trumpet on feaxt-d. Mat. 2;;:5 Not onf.-d. Mark U:~ John 2:x;3 infeasl-d. many bel. First DAY. Gen. l:5cveningand morn. /. d. Neh. 8:18 from/, unto last d. Dan. 10:12 from/, d. thou didst Mat. 26:17/ d. of unl. b. Mark 14:12 ylo/.? 20:18/ d. I came into A. Phil. 1:5 fellowshij) from/ d. See WEEK. Third DAY. JIoK. 6:2 tlilrd d. he will raise us Mat. 16:21 be raised a_':iin the third d. 17:2!; /,'//>:« 9:22 20:19a;idthe third d. he shall nseag:iin, Mark MM ; 10:31; LukeVA.n^; 21:7,46 iJ/fe 13:32 t. d. I sh.'ill ho pcrf. 21:21 to-day is Uu: l.'iird d. 1 Cor. 15:4 he I'ose uyaia ttjrd d. Sevrndi D.\Y. Gen 2:3 (J. bh>s. s. d. Ej\ 20:11 Z'-c. 12:15 fr. lir-it d. to x. rf. 13:6 10:20 «. rf. is Ihesabb.'ilh, 20:10; icB. 83:3; />(/^ 5:14 27 there went out sojiumhi^. d. 31:17 on xmrn'.h it. (ioil rested Jlet). 4:4 spake of .v. d. ElKbdi DVY. Zuj;. 12:3 on liijlitji it. be circum. Luke l:ZO c. d. c.iMie lo clrcutii- cisu ch. Acln 7:8 ; /%7/. 3:5 Good DAY. 1 Sam. 2.5: H we <;o. in a f/ood d. A'./. 8:17.1. li.aar/'.o,;;/. !):i;) 9:22 mourning into a ijix/d d. Great DAY. Jer. a0:7 al;is, thai d. Is f/rm/ J/os. 1:11 f//-(Yi/ shall bo d. of J. ./o.i2:ll rf. of L. is great and te. 31 bef. thef//rn/ and U'.ydUUu/. of I ho Lord tome Act.H 2:20 Z//). 1:11 g. d. of the L. 1m near Mill. 4:5 before coming utg. d. John 7:37 great d. of feast /.V/). 0:17(7. rf. of his wnitli 10:14 togatlier to baltleof j/. d. Ill llie DAY. Gen. 2:4 1. ^ d. L. iiiado the ear. DAY Gen. 2:17 in Wi« d. thou eatest 3:5 ire the d. ye eat 31:40 in d. drought consumed 35:3 in tlie d. of my distress Ex. :jii:34 in the d. when I. visit ■Job 20:28 away in d. of wrath Ps. 95:8 Jw rf. of temp. Heb. ;j:8 102:2 hide not face in d. of tro. in tlie d. when I call - 110:3 in tlie d. of thy power 5kinos in the d. of his wrath 137:7 Edom, in the d. of Jems. 1.38:3 ire d. I cried, thou answ. Prov. 6:34 not spare in d. of ven. 11:4 riches profit not ire d.ot w. 24:10 in the d. of adversity, Ec. 7:14 in the d. of prosperi. be joyful, ire d. of adversity 8:8 nor hath power ire d. of d. 12:3 in the d. keepers sh. trem. Cant. 3:11 ire d. of his espousals 8:8 in the d. she shall be spok. Is. y:4 as in the d. of Midian 10:3 what do ire tlie d. of virft. 11:16 d. come out Eg. IIos. 2:15 13:13 remove, in d. of his anger 17:11 in the d. shall make tliy plant grow, in the d. of grief 30:25 ire the d. of great slaiight. 26 in the d. Lord bindeth up 58:3 ire d. of your fast Jtn-. 16:19 in t. d. of affliction 17:17 my hope ire the d. of evil 18:17 ire the d. of calamity 36:30 body be cast out in't. d. Lam. 1:12 in d. of anger 2:1 footstool in d. of anger 3:57 drewest near in the d. Ezek. 7:19gold ngt deliver i. t. d. 16:4 in the d. thou wast born, 5 .56 Sod. not men. ind. of pride 27:27 fall in the d. of thy ruin 30:9 as ire d. ofEsrvpt iii:10in thed. of thy fall 33:12 in t. d. he tunieth from wick, not able to live ire d. JIos. 2:3 in the d. she was born 4:5 therefore shalt fall in the d. Amos 1:14 ire thed. of w'hirlwind 8:9 the earth in the clear d. Ob. 11 in d. stoodcit 12 nor rejoiced iii d. of destr. Mai. 4:3 in t. d. that I shall do Lnlce 17:30 ire the d. Son is rev. ■John 11:9 if any walk ire the d. r.om. 2:16ire d. G. shall judge . 13:13 walk honestly as in the d. 1 Cot. 1:8 blamelcss'ire I. d. of L. 3 Cor. 6:2 in d. of salvat. I stic. Phil. 2:16 rejoice ire d. of Chr. lie'). 8:9 in d. I took them 1 Pet. 2: 12 glorify G. ind. of vis. DAY of Judgment. ^lat. 10:15 more tolerable for S. in d.ofi. 11:24; Mark^:ll 11:22 Tyre and Sidon at d. of j. 12::)6 account in the d. ofju. 2 Pet. 2:9 res. unjust to ill of ju. 3:7 res. unto fire aga. d. ofju. 1 John 4:17 boldness in d. of ju. DAY of the Lord. Is. 2:12 d. of L. be on d. and night 8:'J2 d. anil ii'ii/ht sliall not cea. :il::)9 wlicllicr stolen Inv/. or jj. /•;-•. 13:21 Logo by . and II. frien. ■Iiihn 6:9 on .«. d. wiis Ihesabhalh 2i):l9 w/reu ri. J. stood In miilst iifs 1:22 sa. it. be was taken up 2:11 s. d. were added ;i,lHK) souls filiioc the D\Y. T)i'ut.4::ns. th, d. Cud created 1 Sam. 8:8 s. I. d. I bro. Iliem o. ofR. 1 K. 8.16; 1 Chr. 17:5 Jcr.T.'ilS s. thed. fathers came Col. 1:6 s\nre the d. ve hea. of It 9 s. the d. we heard It That DAY. !■:.<■. 10:28 t. d. seest niv fare 11:30 Lord hiived Israel th.d. Ihid. 21:2.3 bury hini /. (/. .'11:18 hide niv fiice In (hat d. 1 Sam. 8: 18 shall cry out In t. nos 4:2 d. c. he will take you Mat. 9:15 d. c. brideg. shall be taken, Mark 2:20; Luke 5:a5 Lvke 17:22 d. c. ye sh. des. to see 21:6 d. c. there shall not be left Heb. 8:8 d. c. I will make new c. Few DAYS. Gen. 29:20 seemed but a fC70 d. 47:9/. and evil d. of my pilgr. ■Tob 14:1 man b. of wb. is of/, d. Ps. 109:8 let his d. be few Dan. 11:20/. d. he be destroyed Heb. 12:10 for a/, d. chasten, us His DAYS. Gen. 6:3 his d. shall be 120 years 10:25 in /(. d. was earth divided Deut. 22:19 put her away all h. d. 1 K. 15:14 A, was perf all h. d. 21:29 not bring the evil in A. d. 2 K. 8:20 in his d. Edom revolted 12:2 Jehoash did right all h. d. 1 f!hr. 22:9 and quietness in h. d. Job 14:5 seeing h. d. determined 15:20 travail with pain all h. d. 24:1 know him, not see hU d. ? Ps. 72:7 in his d. right, flourish 103:15 man, his d. are as grass 144:4 Ai« d. are as a shadow Ec. 2:23 all hit d. are sorrows 5:17 all /;. d. eateth in darkness Is. 6.5:20 hath not filled hif. d. Jer. 17:11 in the midst of his d. 22:.30 a man not prosper in A. d. 23:6 in his d. J. shall be saved DAY In the DAYS. 1 K. 10:21 silver noth. accounted of in d. of Sol. 2 Chr. 9:20 1 Chr. 13:3 inq. not m d. of Saul 2 Chr. 26:5 sought G. in d. of Z. 32:26 came not in d. of Hezek. Job 29:2 in d. God preserved me 4 as I was in the d. of my you. Ps. 37:19 in d. of famine satis. 49:5 whefore fear in d. of evil ■ Ec. 2:16 in d. to come be forgot. 11:9 heart cheer thee in the d. 12:1 remember thy Creator wi !'. 23:3 ./OS. 6:3 thus shalt do six d. Ezek. 46:1 shut six working d. Luke 13:14 six d. ought to work John 12:1 J. six d. bef. passover Seven DAYS. Ts. 30:26 light of sun as of s. d. Ezek. 3:15 I remained aston. *. d. Heb. 11:30 compassed seven d. Eight D-AYS. Gen. 17:12 e. d. old. be cir. 21:4 Luke 2:21 when e. d. were ac. ■lohn 20:26 after eight d. J. came Ten DAYS. Em. 1:12 prove thv servant t. d. Bev. 2:10 have tribulation ten d. Forty DAYS. Ex. 24:18 Moses in monnt forty d. 3'1:28 ; Deut. 9:9 ; 10:10 Nvm.. 13:25 after forty d. 14:34 Deut. 9:25 I fell before L./ d. Ezek. 4:6 bear iniquity of J./, d. ■Ton. 3-1 vet f. d. Ninev. hoover. Mat. 4:3'lie had fasted/or/(/ d. CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 815 DEA Mark 1:13/ d. tempted, Lu. 4:2 Acts 1:3 seen of them forty d. Your DAYS. Deut. 11:21 y. d. may be multi. Jer. 16:9 ceasi in your d. mirth 33:7 y. d. ye sh. dwell in tents Ezek. 12:25 in ypyr d. will I say Joel 1:2 hath this been in yourll. Hob. 1:5 in your d. Acts i-i:41 DAILY. Jud. 16:16 she pressed him d. Est. 3:4 spake d. he hearic. not Ps. 13:2 sorrow in my heart d. 42:10 d. to me, Wh. is thy God ? 56:1 fighting d. oppresseth me 2 would d. swallow me up 61:8 I may rf. perform my vows 68:19 Lord, wlio '/. loadeth us 72:15 and d. shall he be praised 74:22 foolish reproach. thee d. 86:3 I cry d. ; 88:9 I called d. 88:17 about me d. like water Prm. 8:30 I was d. his delight 34 watching d. aft my gates Is. 58:2 yet they seek me d. Jer. 7:25 d. rising up early 20:7 I am in dervsiou d. 8 Ezek. 30:16 N. have distresses d. Dan. 8:11 by him the d, sacrifice was tak. away, 11:31 : 12:11 Itos. 12:1 Eph. d. increasefh Mat. 6:11 d. bread, Luke 11:3 26:55 I sat d. with you, Mark 14:49 ; Lnke 19:47 ; 22:.53 Luke 9:23 take up his cross d. Acts 2:46 continuing rf. with one 47 Lord added to church d. 6:1 neglected ind. ministration 16:5 the churches increased d. 17:11 searched the scriptures cZ. 1 Cor. I'y.'A I die d. Ileb. 3:13 but exhort d. 7:27 noedeth not d. to offer Jam. 2:15 sister desti. of d. food DAYSMAN. Job 9:33 nor any d. betwixt us DAYSPRI^G. Job 38:12 d. to know his place Lake 1:78 d. from on high visited DAY.STAR. 2Pel. 1:19 d. arise in your hearts DEACON, 8. Phil. 1:1 the saints with the d. 1 Tim. 3:8 d. must be grave 10 then use office of a d. 13 12 d. the husband of one wife DEAD. Gen. 20:3 thou art but a d. man 23:3 A. stood up from before d. Ex. 4:19 d. which sought thy li. 9:7 not one of Israel, cattle d. 12:30 where was not one d. 33 Eg. said, We be all d. men 14:30 Egyptians d. on the shore 21:34 d. beast shall be his, 30 35 d. ox they shall divide Lev. 22:4 unclean by the d. j>!\im. 5:2 whoso, is defiled by rf. 12:12 let her not be as one //. 16:48 he stood bet. d. and living Jud. 3:25 their lord was d. 4:22 behold, Sisera lay d. 13:30 d. he slew at death more Iluthi'.Ti raise up name of the d. 1 /S'a»i.4:17 Hoijhni and I', arud. 21:14 pursue alter a d. dog i.S'tm. 9:8 look on such d. dog 1 )::i3 think all king's sons d. 1 !:9 this d. dog curse my lord ? 1.1:28 father's house but d. men 1 !C. 8:22 the d. Is thy Har. Lir. 14:21 ; Num. I.".: I; 2S:l:i; 29:1 Mark 10:48 cried liioi-o ft groat (/. DEVLEil, a Is. 8l:2tr.ai!uMouH d. d.Mil.'lli 24:16 (/. dealt treiu-luTously DEM.EST, KTII, l.\'. 21:2 Iri'.iclierouH dealer (/. ;i:i:l woe 111 llieo (/. I readier. J(r. »:i:l from pro;i'i. t to prlcnt, ovurjr uuo i. fulHuly, D:io DEA John 4:9 no d. with Samaritans Heb. 12:7 God d. as with soiic DEALT. Gen. 16:6 Sar. d. hardly with her 33:11 God hath d. graciously 43:6 d. ye so ill with me Ex. 1:20 God d. well with mid%v. 14:11 wherefore d. so ill with us 18:11 in thing they d. proudly Jud. 9:16 \id. well ^vith Jeruh. Ruth 1:8 ye have d. with dead 20 Almig. d. bitterly with me 1 Sam. 24:18 d. well with me 25:31 L. have d. well with thee "iSnm. 6:19 he d. am. the people 2A'. 12:15 they d. faithfu. 22:7 21:6 d. ^vith fam. sp. 2 Chr. .33:6 2 Chr. 6:.37 we have d. wickedly 11:23 Rehoboam d. wisely Neh. 1:7 d. corrupt, against thee 9:10 knewcst d. proudly, 16, 29 ■Job 6:15 brethren d. deceitfully Ps. 13:6 d. bountifully with me 44:17 nor d. falsely in thy cov. 78:57 c?. unfaithfully like fathers 103:10 d. with us after our sins 116:7 L. d. bountifully with thee 119:65 d. well with thy servant 78 d. perversely without cause 147:20 not d. so with any nation Is. 24:16 d. very treach. .Jer. 3:20 ; 5:11; 12:6: Lam. 1:2 Ezek. 22:7 in thee d. by oppres. 25:12 Edom hath d. ag. Judah 15 Philis. have d. by revenge Hos. 5:7 they have d. treach. 6:7 d. treacherously against me Joel 2:26 God that d'. wondronsly Zee. 1:6 thought, so d. with us Mal. 2:11 Judah d. treacherously 14 whom hast d. treacherously Luke 1:25 hath L. d. with me 2:48 son, why thus d. with us Acts 7:19 d. subtil, with kindred 25:24 mult, of Jews have d. Rom. 12:3 G. hath d. to ev. man DEAR. Jer. 31:20 is Ephraim my d. sou Luk6 7:2 ser\ant who was d. Acts 20:24 neither count I life d. Eph. 5:1 foil, of God. as d. child. Col. 1:7 Epaphras our d. fel.-ser. 13 into kingdom of his d. Son 1 Thes. 2:8 bee. ye were d. to Ud DEARLY beloved. Jer. 12:7 given d. bttov. to enem. Rom. 12:19 d. beloved avenge not 1 Cor. 10:14 my d. b. Phil 4:1; 2 Tim. 1:2 2 Cor. 7:1 d. bclov. 12:19; PhU. 4:1: J7VC. 2:11 Phile. 1 unto Philemon our d. b. DEARTH. Gen. 41:.54 d. was in all lands 2 K. 4:38 was a d. in the land J Chr. 6:28 if there be (/. mildew .V<;A. 5:3 buy coin because of d. ,7i r. 14:1 word came to ,). cone. d. Acts 7:11 came a d. over all land 11:28 there should be a great d. DEATH. Gen. 21:16 let not see d. of child 24:67 after his mother's d. 27:7 bless thee bi4'ore mv d. 10 bless tlu'e before his d. F.r. 10:17 take me from this d. Xum. 16:29 common d. of all 2!:10 let me die (/. of rii.'hleoiis ;!.5:31 of ft murderer •iiiilly of i;4 after tl. of nnlier .32:33 did liliii honor nt \\\*tl. K:r. 7:'Jll(/. or biiiilKhiiieiil ./■.Aa:;! loin- fori/, Il coin, not 7:1.% my soiri clioosetli d. lti:lS Uini-burii ntu. devour 816 CRUDEN'S .COJTCORDANCE. DEA Job 27:15 remain be 'biiried in d. 28:22 destruction and d. say 30:2:3 thou wilt 'brius me to d. JPk. 6:5 in d. no I'emem. of thee 7:13 prepared instruments of d. 13:3 lest I sleej) the sleep of d. 22:15 brought me into dust of d. 48:14 God be our guide unto d. 49:14 d. shall feetton them 55:4 terrors of d. fallen on me 15 let d. seize on them 73:4 no bands in their d. 89:43 and shall not see d. ? 102:20 to loose those ap. to d. 116:15 precious \3 d. of saints 118:18 not given me over to d. Prov. 2:18 house iuclineth to d. 5:5 her feet go dowii to d. 7:27 dowTi to chambers of a. 8:3G they that hate me, love d. 11:19 pursueth it to his owa d. 12:28 m pathwavs there is no d. 13:14 from snares of d. 14:27 14:12 end, ways oi d. 16:25 32 right, hath hope in his d. 16:14 wrath of king as m. oid. 18:21 d. life in power of tongnc 21:6 van. tossed of them seek d. 24:11 deliver them drawn to d. 26:18 madman M'ho casteth d. Ec. 7:26 bitter than d. Cant. 8:6 for love is strong as d. Is. 25:8 swallow up d. in victory 33:18 d. cannot celebrate thee 53:9 with the rich in his d. 12 poured out his soul unto d. Jer. 8:3 d. chosen rather than life 9:21 d. come up to windoivs 15:2 as are for d. to d. 43:11 Lam. 1:20 at home there is as d. Ezek. 18:32 1 have no pleasure in d. of the wicked, :33:11 31:14 are all delivered unto d. Hos. 13:14 0 d. I bo thy plagues Jon. 4:9 to be angry unto d. Hah. 2:5 is as d. not satisfied Mat. 2:15 there till d. of Ilerod 10:21 del. bro. to d. J/a7* 13:12 15:4 curseth fath. or moth, let him die the d. Mark 7:10 16:28 some here shall not taste oid. MarkQ:\\ LiikeS-.il 20:18 con. him to d. Mark 10:33 26:.38 sorrowf. to d. 2Ir:rk 14:34 60 guilty oid. Mark 14:64 Mai'k 5:23 daugh. at point of d. Luke 2:28 not see d. bef. seen C. 22:33 to prison and d. 23:22 I found no cause of d. John 4:47 he was at point oid. 8:51 he shall never see d. 52 11:4 this sickness not unto d. 13 Jesus spake of his d. 12:3:3 signifying what d. 18:32 21:19 by what d. glorify Gois 7:10 sorrow of world workuth d. Phil. 1:20 whetht* by life or d. 2:8 obedient to d. the d. of cross 27 Epaph. si'-k nigh unto d. 30 work of C. lu: was nigh d. 3:10 made conformable to his d. DEA 2 Tim. 1:10 hath abolished d. Heb. 2:9 suffering oi d. crowned, that he taste d. for ev. Tirxa 14 through d. destroy him that had power of d. 15 who through fear oi d. 7:23 to continue, by reason of d. 9:15 by means of il. for redem. 16 of necessity d. of testator 11:5 that he should not see d. Jam. 1:15 sin, bringeth forth d. 1 John 3:14 not abideth in d. 5:16 sin unto d. ; 17 not unto d. Jier. 1:18 kevs of hell and oid. 2:10 be faithful nnto d. 11 not be hurt of second d. 6:8 his name sat on him was d. 9:6 shall seek d. d. shall flee 12:11 loved not lives to the d. 13:3 as it were wounded to d. 18:8 her plagues in one day, d. 20:6 second d. hath no power 13 d. and hell deliver, up dead 14 d. cast into lake, second d. 21:4 there shall be no more d. See DATT. From DE.\TH. Jos. 2:13 deliver our lives/, d. Job 5:20 redeem thee f. d. Ps. .33:19 to del. their soul f. d 50:13 del. my soul/, d. 116:8 6'i:20 to L. belong'issues/. d. 78:50 spared not their soijl f. d. Prov. 10:2 delivereth/. d. 11:4 J7os. 1.3:14 redeem them/, d. John 5:24/r. d. IJohn 3:14 Jlcb. 5:7 able to sa\e/rom d. Jam. 5:20 shall save a soul/, d. Gates of CE.VTH. .7b& 38:17 (j. of d. been opened Ps. 9:13 liftest me from n. of d. 107:18 draw near to gates of d. Put to DEATH. Gen. 20:11 this man p. to d. Ex. 35:2 who. doth work, ^;. to d. Lev. 19:20 not be;;, tod. 24:21 be p. to d. Nvm. 35:.30 Num. 1:51 stranger that coraeth nigh^x tod. 3:10, .33: 18:7 Deijt. 13:5 dreamer be put to d. 17:6 one ■\iitnes3 not be p. to d. 24:16 the fathers not be 7)wi tod. for children, 2 K. 14:6 ■Tos. 1:18 air. thy com. p. to d. ■Tnd. 6:31 plead, for B. 7;. to d. 20:13 m.ayp. tod. ISam. 11:12 ISam. n-.n'beputtod. 2 Sam. 8:2 two lines top. to d. 19:21 shall no Shi. hepvt tod. 1 IC 2:8 I will not ?«/< thee to d. 24 Adonij.ih shall be put to d. 26 at this iime put thee to d. •2C'hr. 1.5:13 seek L. he put to d. 23:7 Cometh into house, p. to d. Est. 4:11 law to jmt him to d. Jer. 18:21 their men be pnt to d. 26:15 know, if ve put me to d. 19 did J. pi't iiim at all to d. ? .38:4 this man be put to d. 16 not put thee to d. 52:27 put them to d. in Riblah 2Iaf. 10:21 cause them to be p. to d. Mark mil; ii/te 21:16 14:5 hav&put him to d. 26:59 sou. false wit. ag. J. to p. him to d. 27:1 : JlSark l-i:55 ^fark 14:1 and put him to d. Luke 13:33 shall jO!/il him to d. 23:32 maU'fact. to Via put to d. John 11:53 top\d him to d. 12:10 might put Lazarus to d. 18:31 not lawful top. any to d. Ac's 12:19 keepers to be put tod. 2'S:Wput to d. I crave rav voice 1 Pet. Z:\Bput to d. in the flesh See SURELY. Shadow of DE.VTH. Job 3-5 the shadow of d. stain it 10:21 land of dark. 'and*, ofd. 12:22 bringeth to light s. of d. 16:16 on eyelids is shadowofd. 24:17 is as the shad. ofd. 23:3 searcheth out .':had. ofd. 34:22 no ,«. ofd. sinners 38:17 doors "of the shad. ofd. ? Ps. 2:3:4 valley of shad. ofd. 44:19 covered ns with s. of d. 107:10 darkness and in g. of d. 14 darkness and stiad. ofd. Is. 9:2 in land oi shad. ofd. Jer. 2:6 land of the shacl. ofd. 13:16 he turn it to shad, of d. .Amos 5:8 s. ofd. into the morn. Mat. 4:16 that sat in s. qf d. Luke 1:79 light to them in s. in s. ofd. DEC With DE.\TH. Is. 28:15 have made cov. w. d. 18 cov. w. d. be disannulled Per. 2:23 kill her children «'. d. 6:8 power given to kill with d. Worthy of DE.4TH. Deut. 17:6 is w. ofd. 19:6 he was not w. ofd. 21:22 have com. sin w. ofd. 1 K. 2:26 Abiathar, art w. of d. Luke 23:15 nothing w. ofd. Acts 23:29 to his charge" w. ofd. 25:11 auy thing wor. ofd. 25 committed nothing w. of d. 26:.31 doth nothing w. ofd.' Rom. 1:32 com. such wor. of d. DE.\TJJS. Jer. 16:4 shall die of grievous d. Ezek. 28:8 die d. of them slaia 10 die d. of uncircumcised 2 Cor. 11:23 in d. oft DE3ASE. Is. 57:9 d. thyself unto hell DEBATE, Verb. Prcn\ 25:9 d. cause with neigh. Is. 27:8 in measure wilt d. DEBATE, S. Is. 58:4 fast fc^r strife and d. Pern. 1:29 full tjf envv. d. 2 Cor. 12:20 lest there be d. DEBORAH. Gen. .35:8 D. died, was buried J-ud. 4:4 and D. judged Israel 5:7 D. a mother in Isr. 12, 15 DEBT, S. 1 Sam. 22:2 ev. one in d. w. toD. 2 7r. 4:7 sell oil, pay thy d. Xeh. 10:31 exaction of "every d. Prov. 22:26 are sureties ior'd. M'.t. 6:12 forgive us our d. as 13:27 forgave him the d. .30 into''prison till he pay d. 32 I forgave all that d. Ham. 4:4 reward reckoned of d. DEBTOR. Ezek. 18:7 restored to d. pledge Mat. 23:16 swear bv gold, is a d. Pom. 1:14 I am d. to'the Greeks Gal. 5:3 a d. to do the whole law DEBTORS. Mat. 0:12 as we forgive our d. Luke 7:41 a creditor had two d. 16:5 he called his lord's d. Pom: 8:12 tlierefore. we are d. 15:27 and their d. they are DECAPOLIS. Mat. 4:25 followed him from J). Mark 5:20 to publish in D. 7:31 DECAY, ED, ETH. Lev. 25:35 if brother fallen in d. Xeh. 4:10 strensth of bearers d. ■lob 14:11 and as the flood d. Ec. 10:18 by sloth, building d. f'. 44:26 I will raise up d. places Heb. 8:13 d. is ready to vanish DECEASE. Luke 9:31 and spake of his d. 2 Pet. 1:15 after my d. in rem. DECEASED. Is. 26:14 d. they shall not rise Mat. 22:25 when he married, d. DECEIT, S. ■lob 15:35 belly i)repareth d. 27:4 nor my "tongue utter d. ,31:5 or if my foot hasted to d. Ps. 10:7 his mouth is full oid. 3G:3 words of his mouth are d. 38:12 imagine d. all the day 50:19 thy tongue frameth d. 55:11 fZ.and guile depart not 72:14 rcdeem'their soul from d. 101:7 worketh d. not dwell 119:118 their d. is falsehood Pror. 12:5 coun. of wicked ared. 17 false witness showeth d. 20 d. is in them that im.ag. ev. 14:8 the folly of fools is d. 20:17 bread of d. is sweet 26:24 hateth layeth up d. 26 hatred 1 covered by d. Is. :30:10 speak smooth, proph. d. 53:9 nor any d. in his mouth .ler. 5:27 their houses full of d. 8:5 they hold fast rf. they refuse 9:6 through d. refuse to know 8 their tongue, it speaketh d. 14:14 prophesy d. of their heart 23:26 are prophets of the d. of Has. 11:12 compasseth me w. d. 12:7 balances of d. in his hand .•!«!0.?8:5 falsifv. balances hyd. Zep. 1:9 master.--' houses with d. Mark 7:22 out of he. proceed d. DEC Rom. 1:29 full of debate, d. 3:13 with tongues have used d. Cot. 2:8 spoil you thro, vain d. 1 Thes. 2:3 eslrortation not oid. DECEITFUL. Pk 5:6 Lord will abhor d. man :-;5:20 devise d. matters ag. th. 43'1 deliver me from d. man. 52:4 O thou d. tongue 55:23 d. not live half their days 78:57 turned aside like d. bow 109:2 mouth of d. opened ag. me 120:2 del. my soul fr. d. tongive P/vv. 11:18 worketh a d. work 14:25 d. witness speaketh lies 2'3:3 his dainties are d. meat 27:6 kisses of enemy are d. 20:13 poor andd. meet together 31:30 favor is d. beauty vaii; •Ar. 17:9 heart is d. above all IIos. 7:16 they are like a d. bow Mic. 6:11 with bag oi d. weights 12 tongue is d. in their mouth Zep. 3:13 nor d. tonguebe found 2 Coj: 11:13 such are d. workers Eph. 4:22 according to d. lusts DECEITFULLY. Gen. 34:13 answered Hamor d. Ex. 8:29 let not Pharaoh deal d. Lev. 6:4 or the thing d. gotten Job 6:15 brethren dealt a. 13:7 will you talk d. for God Ps. 24:4 nor sworn d. 52:2 like a razor, working d. ■ler. 48:10 doeth work of Lord d. Pan. 11:23 after league work d. 2 Cor. 4:2 handling wordof G.cZ. dece!tful;vess. Mat. 13:22 the d. of rich, choke the word, Mark 4:19 Heb. 3:13 harclened thro' d. of sin deceivableivess. 2 Thes. 2:10 all d. of unrighte. DECEIVE. 2 Sam. 3:25 Abner came to d. th. 2 K. 4:28 say, do not d. me 18:29 let not Hczekiah d. you, 2 Chr. 32:15; Zf. 30:14 19:10 let not God d. Is. 37:10 Prov. 24:28 d. not with thy lips ■Per. 9:5 d. every one his neigh. 29:8 di\iners in midst d. you 37:9 eaith L. d. not yourselves Zee. 13:4 rough garment to d. Mat. 24:4 no m. d. Mark 13:5 5 d. many, 11 : Mark 13:6 24 they shall d. the very elect Pom. 16:18 f. speeches d. simple 1 Cor. 3:18 let no man d. himself Eph. 4:14 the}' lie in wait to d. 5:6 let no man d. you, 2 Thes. 2:3; IJohnZ-.t 1 John 1:8 have no sin, we d. Rev. 20:3 d. the nations no more 8 go to d. nations DECEIVED. Gen. 31:7 your father hath i. 2:14 Adam was not d. but 2 Thn. 3:13 deceiv. and being d. Tit. :3:3 were foolish, d. Rev. 18:2:3 all nations were d. 19:20 d. them received the mark 20:10 devil that d. was cast DECEIVER. Ger. 27:12 to my father ae a d. Job 12:16 deceived and d. are his Mat. 1:14 cursed d. hath a male Mat. 27:63 we rem. that d. said 2 John 7 this is a d. and antich. DECEIVERS. 2 Cor. 0:8 as d. and yet true Ti'. 1:10 many d. especially 2 John 7 for many d. are entered DECEIVETH. Prov. 26:19 so is man d. neighbor CRUDEN'S CO^nTCORDANCB. 817 DEC Joft«7:12 said, he d. thej)eople (?ai. 6:3 nothing, he<^. himself Jam. 1:26 but a. his own heart Eev. 12:9 serpent which d. 13:14 and d. them that dwell DECEIVIIVG, S. 1 yim. 3:13 d. and being decelv. Jaw. 1:22 not hearers only, d. 2 Pet. 2: 13 sporting with their d. DECENTLY. 1 Cor. 14:40 done d. and in order DECIDED. 1 K. 20:40 thyself hast d. it DECISIOIV. Jod 3:14 multi. in valley of d. DECK, ED. Jbfi 40:10 d. thyself with majesty Prcw. 7:16 I have d. my bed Jer. 10:4 they d. it with silver Ezek. 16:11 I c?. thee with orna. 13 thus wast thou d. with gold Hos. 2:13 she d. with ear-rings Eev. 17:4 worn, was d. with gold 18:16 alas, city that was d. DECREDST. Ezek. 16:16 d. thy high places 23:40 and d. with ornaments DECKEST, ETH. Is. 61:10 as a bridegroom d. Jer. 4:30 though thou d. with g. DECLARATIOIV. Job 13:17 hear my d. with ears Luke 1:1 set forth in order a d. 2 Cor. 8:19 to c;f. of ready mind DECLARE. Jos. 20:4 (^. cause in ears Jud. 14:12 ye d. it in 7 days 1 K. 22:13 proph. d. good to k. 1 Chr. 16:21 rf. his glory among the heathen, Ps. 96:3 Job 12:8 flshes shall t^. unto thee 21:31 (/. his way to his face 28:27 did he see it and d. it 31::37 d. to him numb, of steps 38:4 d. if hust understanding 40:7 d. thou to me, 42:4 Ps. 9:11 d. among people 19:1 the heavens d. glory of G. 22:31 d. his riglit. 50:6; 97:6 30:9 shall dust rf. thy truth? 40:5 I wo. d. and speak of them 50:16 to do to d. my statutes 1 64:9 all shall d. work of God 73:28 I may d. all thy works 75:1 thy wondrous works d. 78:6 d. them to their children 102:21 to d. name of Lord in Z. 107:22 d. works with rejoicing 118:17 live and d. works of L. 145:4 shall d. thy mighty acts Ec. 9:1 considered torf. all this Is. .3:9 d. thy sins as Sodom 12:4 d. his doings am. people 21:6 let him d. what he sectli 41:22 d. to us things to come 42:9 new things do I d. before 12 d. his i)raise in the islands 48:9 who among them can d. 26 d. thou mayest be justified 44:7 and who, as 1, shall d. it 45:19 I the Lord d. things right 48:6 and will not ye d. it 'I 53:8 d. his gcnicrat. ? Acts 8:.33 66:19rf. my glory among Gent. Jer. 5:20 il. this in house of Jac. 9:12 si)oken lliat he may d. 81:10 (/. it iu the isles alar off 88:15 if I rf. it to thee wilt thou 42:20 wlmt God say d. to us 50:28 d. in /. vengc^ance of L. 61:10 /•/. in Zion work of ),or(l Ezak. 12:16 I-/, their aboni. 2;i::i0 40:4 d. all thou scc'sl to Israel Mic. 3:8 (/. to .lacob his trausg. Zee. 9:12 Ir/. that I will render Mut. 13:36 d. jjarablc! of tares 15:15 said I'eter, d. tliis iiarable Acts 13:.'J)! we d. glad tidings 41 though a luau il. it to you 17:2.3 worship, him (;. I to you 20:27 d. to you eouiisel of (Jod Horn. 3:25 to d. his riglileous. 26 1 Ciir. :!:13 IIk; ;): 15 mir let d. swallow me up l(H:6covere(lstit with tliei/. as 197:21 see his woiuli'i'.-* in the d. I'rov. 8:28 strength, fount, off/. /\. 11:27 salt h totliei/. He dry 5I:IOwhi(liilrie(l waliTsof d. 6:i: l:! led I hem t hrough I he (/. K-ik. 26: 19 bring uii , 8:21 wlioii no i/, I wart hr, forlb 9:18 her guests arc \\\d. oflioll Is. 51:111 made (/. of sea a wav i::(k. 27:.3,| i-luill bo brukoii iu ii 820 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. DES Mic. 7:19 cast sins into d. of sea Bev. 2:24 not known d. of Satan DEPUTED. 2 3am,. 15:3 no man d. of the ki. DEPUTY. 1 K. 23:47 a d. was king Ads 13:8 to turn d. fr. the faith 18:12 Gallio was d. of Achaia DEPUTIES. Acts 19:38 are d. let th. implead DERBE. Acts 14:6 DERIDE, ED. Sab. 1:10 sh. d. ev. strong-hold Luke 16:14 the Pharisees d. liim 23:35 rulers also with peo. d. DERISIO:V. Job 30:1 younger, have me in d. Ps. 2:4 L. shall have them in d. 44:1:3 a d. to them ah. us, 79:4 59:8 Shalt have heathen in d. 119:51 proud have had me iu d. Jer. 20:7 in d. daily ; 8 a rf. daily 48:26 Moab shall be in d. 39 27 was not Israel a d. to thee Lam. 3:14 a d. to all my people Ezek. 23:32 shalt he had in d. 36:4 to cities which bee. a d. Hos. 7:16 be their d. in Egypt DESCEND. Ps. 49:17 glory not d. after him Ezek. 26:20 that cf. into pit, 31:16 Mark 15:32 let C. d. from cross Acts 11:5 I saw a vision, ves. d. Bom. 10:7 who d. into the deep ? 1 Thes. 4:16 L. sh. d. fr. heaven DESCE.\DED. ^a;. 19:18 L. d. on Sinai in fire ;34:5 L. d. In th» cloud Ps. 133:3 as dew that d. on Zion Prov. 30:4 as. to heaven or d. ? Mat. 7:25 rain d. floods came, 27 28:2 angel of L. d. tVom heaven Luke ;3:22H. 6. d. in bod. shape Acts 24:1 Ananias high-priest d. Eph. 4:10 he that d. is the same DESCBIVDBTH, ING. Gen. 28:12 the angels of God as- cending and d. John 1:51 Mat. 3:18 saw Sp. d. Mark 1:10 John 1:32 Spirit d. like a dove 33 on whom shalt see spirit d. Acts 10:11 a vessel d. as a sheet Jam. :3:15 this wisdom d. not Rev. 21:10 city d. out of heaven DESCENT. iwfe 19:37 d. of mount of Olives Keb. 7:3 Melchizedek without d. fl d. is not counted from them DESCRIBE, ED, ETH. Jos. 18:4 go th. land and d. it Jud. 8:14 d. to him the princes Rom. 4:6 as D. (i. the blessedn. 10:5 Mos. d. righteousn. of law DESERT, Wilderness. Ex. 5:3 three days jour, into d. Num. 27:14 rebelled in d. of Zin Job 24:5 as wild asses in d. go Ps. 78:40 grieve him in d. 102:6 I am like an owl of d. 106:14 tempted God in the d. Is. 13:21 wld beasts of d. shall lie there, 34:14 ; Jer. 50:39 21:1 so it Cometh from the d. 35:1 the d. shall rejoice 6 streams in the d. 40:3 straight in d. a highway 41:19 I wHl set in d. the flr-tree 43:19 make rivers in the d. 20 51:3 her d. like garden of Lord Jer. 17:6 sh. be like heath in d. 25:24 peo. dwell in d. sh. drink 50:12 Chaldea shall be a d. Ezek. 47:8 these waters go in. d. Mat. 24:26 behold, ho is m the d. John 6:31 did e. manna in the d. DESERT land. Deut. 32:10 found him in a d. I. DESERT place. Mark 6:31 come ye into a d. p. .32 departed into a d. place., Mat. 14:13 ; Lvke 4:42 Luke 9:10 aside priv. into a d. p. DESERTS. Is. 48:21 he led them through d. Jer. 2:6 led us thro, a land of d. JiJzek. 13:4 proph. like foxes in d. Luke 1:80 J. was in the d. till Heb. 11:38 they wandered in rf. DESERT, S. Ps. 28:4 render to them their d. Ezek. 7:27 ac. to d. will I judge DESERVE, ETH, IS, 36:5 behold, God d. not any J's. ft'.V.'.n L. il. not his prisoners J'roiK 11:12 void of wisdom il. lil:lS U. word shuU bu UuHlruycd DES PrOfB. 14:2 perv. in ways, d. him 21 d. his neighbor sinneth 15:5 fool d. father's instruction 20 foolish man d. his mother 32 refuseth instruction d. soul 19: 16 that d. his ways shall die 30:17 eye that d. to obey mother Is. ;33:15 d. gain of oppressions 49:7 to him whom man d. Luke 10:16 d. you d. me ; d. me d. Horn. 2:4 d. riches of his goodn. 1 Thes. 4:8 that d. d. not man Heb. 12:2 cross d. the shame DESPITE. Ezek. 2.5:6 thy d. against Judah Ileb. 10:29 done d. to Sp. of gr. DESPITEFUL, LY. Ezek. 25: 15 veng. with a d. heart 36:5 with d. minds Mat. 5:44 d. use you, Luke 6:28 .4cte 14:5 assault to use them d. Rom. 1:30 haters of God d. DESTITUTE. Oen. 24:27 not left d. my master Ps. 102: 17 regard prayer of ci. 141:8 leave not my soul d. Prov. 15:21 to him d. of wisdom Ezek. 32:15 d. of which it was 1 Tim. 6:5 men rf. of the truth rieb. 11:37 being d. afnicted, .7am. 2:15 if a bro. or sister be d. DESTROY. Gen. 18:23 rf. right, wi. wicked ? 28 rf. all city for lack of five f 19:13 we will rf. this place Deut. 6:15 lest anger of Lord rf. 7:24 rf. name from un. heaven 9:14 let me alone, I may rf. 31:3 he will rf. these nations 32:25 rf. voung man and virgin .3.3:27 shall say, rf. them 2 Sam. 14:7 we will rf. heir also 16 would rf. me and ray son 20:20 far be it fr. me I should rf. 22:41 rf. th. hate me, Ps. 18:40 2 K. 10:19 rf. worship, of Baal 18:25 go ag. this land and rf. it Ezr. 6:12 rf. kings put to hand ■Job 8:18 if he rf.'him fr. his place 10:8 yet thou dost rf. me 19:26 worms rf. this body Ps. 5:6 rf. them speak leasing 10 rf. thou them, O God 21:10 their fruit shalt thou rf. 28:5 he shall rf. not build up .52:5 likewise rf. thee for ever 5.5:9 rf. and divide their tongues 69:4 would rf. me are mighty 74:8 Let us rf. them together 143:12 rf. all afflict my soul 144:6 shoot arrows, rf. them 145:20 all wicked will he rf. Prov. 1:32 prosp. of fools rf. th. 11:3 perverseness of transgr. rf. 15:25 L. will rf. house of proud 21:7 robberies shall rf. them Ec. 5:6 rf. work of thy hands ? 7:10 why shouldest rf. thyself? Ts. 3:12 rf. way of thy patlis 11:9 nor rf. in holy mount. 65:25 13:9 shall rf. sinners thereof 25:7 rf. in this mount, tlu^ face ,ler. .5:10go upon walls, and rf. 6:5 by night rf. her palaces. 12:17 1 will rf. that nation 13:14 1 will not spare, but rf. 15:() stretch my hand, and rf. 17:18 rf. with double destruct. 23:1 pastors that rf. the sheep 49:9 if thieves, they will rf. lAtiii. 3:66 persecute and rf. them Ezek. 9:8 rf. all residue of Israel •< Dan. 8:25 by peace shall he rf. 9:2() shall rf. city and sanctuary ll:26fi^ed on his meat, rf. him 01). 8 rf. wis(! men out of Kdeu ? ;!/■/(;. 2:10 polluted, it slutll rf. you Mat. 12:14 how they might rf. him, 3/V(/-/i;i:6- 11:18 21:11 rf. those wicked men 27:20 ask Harab. and rf. .lesus \fiirk 12:9 rf. IiusIkmuI. hii. 20:16 ./o//;i 2:19.1. said, il. Iliis temple .Ir,'.v6:ll thls.Icsusrf. Ibis pliici' 1 Cor. 6:l:trf. both it and lliem 2 riiiK. 2:8 shall rf. with brightn. Ihli. 2:11 rf, him had ])ower 1 Joliii :i:8 might rf. works of d. Jtev. 11:18rf.th.wli.rf. the earth I will, or will I DKKTROV. ff in. I'l:" / Ht rf. nations Is. 65:8 rf. it no<, bless, is in it Dan. 2:24 rf. n. wise men of Ba. .Sow. 14:20 rf. ra. work of God To DESTROY. Gen. 19:13 hath sent us to rf. it Deuf. 9:19 was wroth to rf. you 28:63 L. will rejoice to rf. you 1 Sam,. 26:15 came one to rf. ki. 2 Sam. 1:14 not af. to rf. anoint. 20:19 to rf. city and a mother 24:16 hand on Jerusa. to rf. it 1 Chr. 21:15 angel to Jeru. to rf. 2 C/i)-. 25:16 determin. to rf. thee Est. 3:6 to rf. all the Jews, 13; 4:7,8; 9:24 ■Tob 2:3 to rf. him without cause 6:9 it would p. God to rf. me Ps. 40:14 seek soul to rf. It, 63:9 119:95 wicked waited to rf. me /.«. 10:7 it is in his heart to rf. 13:5 they come from far to rf. 23:11 Lord given a com. to rf. .32:7 wicked devices to rf. poor 51:13 as if oppressor ready to rf. 54:16 created the waster to rf. ./(??•. 1:10 set to rf. 18:7; 31:28 51:11 device ag. Baby, to rf. it & rf. ./Hrf(i5rf. them that believed not Arc IIKKI'ltOYlCD. Jo/> 1:20 (i/v rf. riiiiii mom. to u. iMiiU HO thul lliuy am li. DES Is. 9:16 they led of them are d. ■Jer. 22:20 for thy lovers are rf. Hos. 4:6 a. rf. for lack of knowL Zep. 3:6 their cities are rf. Kot DESTROYED. 2 Chr. 26:10 rf. th. n, i'«.78:.38 Dan. 7:14 his kingdom not be rf. 2 Cor. 4:9 cast down, but not rf. Shall be DESTROYED. Gen. ;34:.30 I <7iaa be rf. I and £"*<. 4:14 father's house *. be rf. Ps. 37:;38 transgressors j7t. be rf. 92:7 they ?. be rf. forever P/ov. 13:13 des. word *\ be rf. 20 companion of fools «. be rf. 29:1 hardeneth his neck s. tie rf. /?. 10:27 yoke shall tje rf. bee. ■Jer. 48:8 the plain shallbe rf. ffzet. 30:8 her helpers s. be rf. Ziara. 2:44 sh. never ftc rf. 6:26 11:20 within few days s. be rf. Hos. 10:8 the sin of Is. sh. be rf. Acts 3:2;^ will not hear s. be rf. 1 Cot. 15:26 last ene. that s. be rf. Utteily DESTROYED. Deut. 4:26 shall be k. rf. /«. 34:2 L. hath ut. rf. all nations DESTROYER. Ex. 12:23 rf. come into houses ■Jud. 16:24 the rf. of our country ■Job 15:21 in prosperity rf. come P«. 17:4 kept from paths of rf. Prov. 28:24 is companion of a rf. Jer. 4:7 rf. of Gentiles is 1 Cor. 10:10 were destroyed of rf. DESTROYERS. Job 33:22 life draweth near to rf. Is. 47:19 thy rf. go forth of thee ■Jer. 22:7 prepare rf. against thee 50:11 O rf. of my heritage DESTROYEST, ETH. Deut. 8:'20 as nat. which L. rf. Jo6 9:22 he rf. perfect and wick. 12:23 incr. nat. and rf. them 14:19 thou rf. hope of man Ih-ov. 6:32 doeth it, rf. own soul 11:9 with mouth rf. neighbor 31:3 thy ways to that rf. kings Ec. 7:7 and a gift rf. the heart 9:18 one sinner rf. much good ■Jer. 51:25 O mountain, rf. earth Mat. 27:40 rf. temple, J/arA- 15:29 DESTROYIIVG. 1 Clir, 21:15 as he was rf. L. rep. Is. 28:2 strong one, as rf. storm Jer. 2::30 sword like a rf. lion 51:1 a rf. wind ; 25 O rf. mount. Lam. 2:8. not withd. hand fi'. rf. Ezek. 9:1 rf. weaixm in his hand 20:17 eye spared from rf. them See UTTEULY. DESTRUCTIOiV. Deut. 7:23 with a mighty rf. 32:24 devoured witirbitter rf. 1 Sam. 5:9 ag. city witli great rf. 11 was a deadly d. thro, city 1 K. 20: 12 appointed to utter rf. 2 Chr. '22:4 coun.sellors lo his rf 7 rf. of Ahaziah was of (iod 26:16 heart lifted up to his rf. E,-lt ofc/. 7:!:1S ca-tedst til. down Into rf. 88:11 I'iiilhruln. declared In rf. 90:;! thou turnesi luan to rf. 91:6 rf. that wat-leth at nooii-d. 10;i:4 redeenielh Ihy life tr. lum)(Uly 822 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. DEV Prm. 'iA-.'i for their heart stu. d. 27:20 nell and d. are never full 31:8 ench as are appointed to d Is. 1:28 d. of transgr. together 10:25 anger cease in their d. 13:6 as a. from the Almighty 14:2:i Bab. ivith bosom of d. 15:5 shall raise up a cry old. 19:18 shall be called city of d. 24:12 gate is smitten with d. 49:19 land of thy d. too narrow 51:19 desol. and d. are come 59-7 wast, and d. are m th. paths 60:18 d. no more be heard in Jer. 4:6 from north a gr. d. 6:1 20 d. upon d. is cried, for 17:18 dest. th. with double d. 40:20 d. cometh out of north 48:3 a voice, spoiling and d. 5 50:22 sound of gr. d. in land Lam. 2:11 d. of dau. of my p. 3:48 3:47 and d. is come upon us 4:10 in d. of daugh of my peo. Ezek. 7:25 d. cometh, seek peace Hos. 7:13 d. to them, transgr. 9:6 are gone, because of d. 13:14 O grave, I will be thy d. Joel 1:15 as d. from Almighty Ob. 12 neither rej. in thoir d. ilic. 2:10 dest. you with sore d. Zee. 14:11 be no more utter d. Mat. 7:13 br. is way lead, to d. Bom. 3:16 d. and mis. in ways 9:22 ves. of wrath fitted to d. 1 Cw. 5:5 Satan for d. of flesh 2 Cor. 10:8 not for yoiu- d. 13:10 Phil. 3:19 walk, whose end is d. 1 Thes. 5:3 then sud. d. cometh 2 Tlics. 1:9 pun. with everlas. d. 1 Tim. 6:9 dro-wn men in d. 2 Pel. 2:1 and bring swift d. 3:16 unstable wrest to own d. DESTRUCTIOiVS. Ps. 9:6 d. come to perp. end 35:17 rescue my soul from d. 107:20 delivereth from their d. DETAIN, ED. Jud. 13:16 d. me I vnW not eat 1 Sam,. 21:7 D. was that day d. DETERMINATE. Acts 2:23 d. counsel of God DETERMINATIOIV. Zep. 3:8 d. is to gather nations DETERMINED. 1 Sam. 20:7 be sure evil is d. 25:17 evil is d. ag. our master 2 Sam. 13:32 by Absal. been d. 2 Chr. 25:16 d. to destroy thee Est. 7:7 evil d. against him Joh 14:5 seeing his days are d. Is. 19:17 counsel he liath d. Dan. 9:24 seventy weeks arefZ. 11:36 that is d. shall be done Luke 22:22 goeth, as it was d. Acts 3:13 Pil. d. to let him go 4:28 what thy counsel d. bef. 11:29 ev. man d. to send relief 15:2 d. Paul and B. to eo to Je. 37 Barn. d. to take John 17:26 d. times to bo appointed 19:39 be d. in a lawful assembly. 25:25 c?. to send him to August. 1 Cor. 2:2 I 'H{.hed. In battle Jn1lial, Uriah umy d. l/r. l:.52lf wick. iiihim/(«Kh.(/. 2:1 I)avir,'eeptsi/. l^-or. 7:15 (/. lo seeK thy face 11:27 he that d. seekelh p»od 23:1 consider (/ what Is before /.«, 21:7 he hearkened (/. fi&a huorkuu it. tu mo, auil oat 824 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. DIS Jer. 2:10 consider d. see if 12:16 d. leani ways ol' my peo. Zee. 6:15 if d. obey voice of L. Mat. 2:8 search d. for yo. child 16 d. inquired of the wise men Luke 13:8 seek d. till she find it AUs 18:25 taught d. things of L. 1 Tim. 5:10 she followed af. every 2 Tim. 1:17 in Ro. sought me d. lieb. 11:6 rew. of them d. seek 12:15 looking d. lest any fail 1 Pet. 1:10 prophets searched d. DIM. Gen. 27:1 Is. was old. his eyesti. 48:10 the eyes of Israel were d. Deut. 34:7 Moses' eye was not d. 1 Sam. 3:2 Eli's eyes wax d. 4:15 Job 17:7 mine eye is d. by son-ow Is. 32:3 that see, shall not be d. Lam. 4.1 how is gold become d. 5:17 these things our eyes d. D1MI.\ISH, ED, liVG. Ex. 5:8 you shall not d. aught Lev. 25:16 ace. to years shaft d. Deut. 4:2 nor d. aught, 12:32 Prev. 13:11 w. got.'by vanity d. Is. 21:17 men of Kedar sh. be d. Jer. 2b;2 I com. d. not a word 29:6 may be inc. and not d. Ezek. 5:11 therefore also d. ihee 16:27 I have d. thine ordi. iood 29:15 I will d. them Som. 11:12 d. of them the riches DIMiXESS. 7s. 8:22 behold, d. of anguish 9:1 d. not be such as in her DIMON. Is. 15:9 DINAH. Gen. 30:21 ; 34:5 DII\E, D. Gen. 43:16 d. with me at noon Luke 11:.37 Pha. bes. him to d. John 21:12 J. saith, Come and d. 15 had d. Jesus saith to Simon DIXXER. Proiv. 15:17bett.erisaQ;. of herbs Mat. 22:4 I have prepared my d. Luke 11:38 not washed before d. 14:12 when thou makes t a d. DIONYSIUS. Adsn-.Zi DIOTREPHES. 3JoA»9 DIP. Deut. 33:24 Asher d. foot in oil Ruth 2:14 d. morsel in vinegar Luke 16:24 that he may d. finger DIPPED, ETH. Gen. 37:31 d. coat in the blood Lev. 9:9 and he d. finger in bl. Jos. 3:15 priest's feet d. in brim 1 Sam. 14:27 d. rod in honey-co. 2 K. 5:14 Naaman d. in Jordan Ps. 63:23 thy foot be d. in blood J/fi<. 28:23 d. wi. me, jl/a?* 14:20 John 13:26 have (?. it, when he d. liev. 19:13 with vestured, in bl. DIRECT. Gen. 40:28 d. his face to Goshen Ps. 5:3 morning d. my prayer Prow. 3:6 he shall d. thy paths 11:5 righte. of the perf. shall d. Ec. 10:10 wisd. is profitable tod. Is. 45:13 I will d. all his ways 61:8 d. their work in truth Jer. 10:23 to d. his steps 1 Thes. 3:11 J. C. d. our -way to 2 Thes. 3:3 L. (Z. hearts into love DIRECTED, ETH. Job .32:14 not d. his words aga. 37:3 d. it under whole heaven Ps. 119:5 ways were d. to keep Prov. 16:9 the Lord d. his steps 21:29 upright, he d. his way Is. 40:13 who hath d. the Spirit DIRT. Jud. 3:22 and the d. came out Pi'. 18:42 I cast them out as d. Is. 57:20 whose waters cast up d. DISALLOW,. ED. Num. 30:5 father d. h"er not, 8, 11 1 Pet. 2:4 d. indeed of men, but 7 stone builders d. is made h. DIS.\iVIVtJL. Job 40:8 wilt thou d. my judg. ? /s. 14:27 L. purposed, who d. it ? (?a^. 3:17 coven, law cannot d. DISAIVNCLLED, ETH, IIVG. Is. 28:18 coven, with death be d. Gal. 3:15 no man d. or addeth Heb. 7:18 there is a d. of com. DISAPPOI\T, ED, ETH. Job 5:12 d. devices of craftv Ps. 17:13 arise, O Lord, d. "him Prov. 15:22 purposes are d. DIS DISCER\. Gen. 31:.32 d. thou what is thine iSam. 14:17 so is my Lord to d. 19:35 can I d. bet. good and ev. ? 1 K. 3:9 1 may d. betw. good 11 asked unders. to d. judg. Ezr. 3:13 notd. noise of joy Job 4:16 not d. form thereof 6-:30 tasted, perverse things? Ezek. 44:23 cause d. bet. unci. ■Jon. 4:11 d. bet. right and left Mai. 3:18 d.bet. right, and wick. Mat. 16:3 can d. sky, ii/As 12:56 Heb. 5:14 senses exer. to d. good DISCERIVED, ETH. 1 IC 20:41 king of Israel d. him /V-ow. 7:7 I d. among the youths S;. 8:5 wise d. time and judg. 1 6'w. 2:14 because spiritually d. DISCERiVER. Heb. 4:12 is a d. of the thoughts DISCERMIVG. 1 Cor. 11:29 not d. the L. body 12:10 to another, d. of spirits DISCHARGE, D. 1 K. 5:9 will cause be d. there Ec. 8:8 there is no d. in that war DISCIPLE. . Mat. 10:24 d. is not above his master, Luke 6:40 42 give cup of cold water to d. 27:57 Joseph also was Jesus' d. l?oAa.9:28 art his d. we are Mo. 18:16 went out that other d. 19:26 d. standing by. Je. loved 27 to that d. Behold thy mo. .38 being a d. but secretly 20:2 d. J'esus loved, 21:7, 20 4 the other d. did outrun Pet. 8 went in also that other d. 21:23 that that d. should not die 24 this is the d. which testifl. Acts 9:10 a certain d. at Damas. 26 believed not that he w.«Mi!. 31:8 nor be d. Jos. 1:9 ; 8:1 ; 10:25; 1 Chr. 22:13; 28:20; 2 C/jr. 20:15, 17 ; 32:7 1 Sam. 17:11 they were d. 2X. 19:26 ; 7s. 37:27 7s. 21:3 I was d. at seeing of it 41:10notd. Jer. 1:17; 10:2; 2*4; 30:10; 46:27; Ezek. 2:6; 3:9 23 that we may be d. Jer. 8:9 the wise men are d. 10:2 17:18 let them be d. let not me 46:5 have I seen them d. and 48:1 M. is d.; 49:37 Elam be d. 50:36 mighty of Babylon be d. Ob. 9 mighty men shall be d. DISMAYING. ,Ier. 48:39 Moab shall be a d. DIS.MISSED. Acts 15:30 d. they came to Anti. 19:41 spoken, bed. assembly DISOBEDIENCE. Pom. 5:19 by one man's d. 2 Co^\ 10:6 readiness to rev. d. Eph. 2:2 worketh in child, of d. 5:6 on children of d. Col. 3:6 Sc6. 2:2 d. received just recom. DISOBEDIENT. 1 K. 13:26 man of G. who was d. jVijA. 9:26 they were d. rebelled Luke 1:17 turn d. to wis. of just Acts 26:19 not d. to heav. vision Pom. 1:.30 d. to par. 2 Tjot. 3:2 10:21 forth my hands to d. peo. 1 Tim. 1:9 law was made for d. Tit. 1:16 deny Mm, being d. 3:3 we also were sometimes d. 1 Pet. 2:7 to them d. the stone 8 stumble at word, being d. 3:20 which sometime were d. DISOBEYED. 1 K. 13:21 as hast d. mouth of L. DISORDERLY. 2 r/t^'. 3:0 withd. from broth, d. CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 825 DIS 2 Th£B. 3:7 behaved not ours. d. 11 some walk among yoxxcl. DISPATCH. Ezek. 23:47 d. them with swords DSSPBIVSATIOIV, 1 Cor. 9:17 a d. of gospel Eph. 1:K) d. of fulness of times 3:2 heard of d. of grace of God Col. 1:25 minister ace. to d. of G. DISPERSE, ED. 2 CAr 11:23 Rehob. cf. of child. Eat. 3:8 certain people d. among Ps. 112:9 he hath d. 2 Cor. 9:9 Prm. 5:16 let thy fountains be d. 15:7 lips of wise d. knowledge Tii. 11:12 gather d. of Judah Ezek. 12:15 d. them in the coun. 20:23; 29:12; .30:2.3,30 22:15 d. thee in the countries 36:19 were d. throuijh countries Zep. 3:10 my d. shall bring John 7:.35 will he go to the d. Acts 5:37 obeyed him, were d. DISPERSIOIVS. Jer. 25:34 days of d. accomp. DISPLAYED. Ps. 60:4 ban. that it may be d. DISPLEASE. Num. 22::J4 if it d. thee 1 Sam. 39:7 d. not the lords 2 Sam. 11:25 Joab, let not this d. Prov. 24:18 L. see it, it d. him DISPLEASED. Gen. 48:17 hand on Ephr. it d. Num. 11:1 complained, it d. L. 10 Moses also was d. 1 Sam. 8:6 the thing cZ. Samuel 18:8 saying d. Saul, and he said 2 ,SVw«. 11:27 th. D. liad done, d. 1 K. 1:6 father had not d. him 20:43 went to his house d. 21:4 1 Chr. 21:7 God was d. with this P«. 60:1 thou has been d. Tx. .59:15 it d. hira Dan. 6:14 kin^ rf. with himself Jon. 4:1 it Hriil (iiil. 2:l.'l other Jews (/. liki'wlHc DIV DISSEMBLERS. Ps. 26:4 nor \vill I go in with d. DISSEi\SIO.\. Acts 15:2 had no small d. 23:7 arose a d. between Phari. DISSIMULATIOiV. Rom. 12:9 let love be without d. Gal. 2:13 carried away with d. DISSOLVE, ED, EST. ■Tab 30:22 thou d. my substance Ps. 75:3 Inhab. thereof are d. Is. 14:31 thou Palestina art d. 34:19 the earth is clean d. 34:4 the host of heaven be d. Dan. 5:16 thou canst d. doubts Nah. 2:6 palace shall be d. 2 Cor. 5:1 house of this taber. d. 2 Pet. 3:11 all these things be d. 12 heavens on fire shall be d. DISTAFF. Prov. 31:19 her hands hold d. DISTIL. Dei/f. 32:2 my speech d. as dew ■Job 36:28 the clouds d. on man DISTIiVCTtOlV. 1 Cor. 14:7 exc. d. In the sounds DISTINCTLY. Neh. 8:8 in book of the law d. DISTRACTED, lOlV. Ps. 88:15 I suff. thy ter. I am d. 1 Cor. 7:.35 attend without d. DISTRESS, Substontlvc. Gen. 35:3 answered me in my d. 42:21 therefore is thisi^. come Jyd. 11:7 ye come when in d. 1 Sam. 22:2 in d. came to David 2 Sam. 22:7 in my d. I called on L. Ps. 18:6; 118:5; 120:1 1 K. 1:29 redeemed soul out of rf. 2 Clir. 28:22 in d. Ahaz trespass. Neh. 2:17 ye see the d. wo are in 9:37 and we are in great d. Ps. 4:1 enlarged me when in d, Prov. 1:27 mock when d. comcth Id. 25:4 stre. to the needy in d. Lam. 1:20 O Lord, for I am in d. Ob. 12 nor spoken proudly in d. 14 nor deliv. those in day of d. Zcp. 1:15 that day is a day of d. 17 I will bring d. upon men Luke 21:23 great d. in land 25 on the earth d. of nations Pom. 8:.35 love of C. ? shall d. 1 Cor. 7:26 good for the present d. 1 Thes. 3:7 comforted in your d. DISTRESS, ED. Gen. 32:7 Jacob was greatly d. Deut. 2:9 d. not the Aloabitcs 19 d. not the Ammonites 28:53 wherewith d. thee, 55, 57 Jud. 2:15 Israel d. 10:9 1 Sam,. 13:0 the peojjle were d. 14:24 men of Is. d.; 28:15 Saul .30:6 David d. for ix-ople spake i Sam. 1:20 d. for tliee, Jonatlian 1 Chr. 28:20 king of Assy. d. A. fs. 29:2 yet I will d. Ariel 7 tliat d. her be as a dream ■Jer. 10:18 will d. tlieinluibitants 2 Cofr. 4:8 troubled yet not d. DISTRESSES. Ps. 25:17 O l)ring me out oi d. 107:6 \w. dciliv. them out of d. 13 lie saved them out of d. 19 28bringcth them out off/. Kzi'k. :!fl:IO Noph have d. daily 2 Cor. 0: 1 ap|irov. ourselves in (/, 12:10 I t:ik(! plcasuro in d. for DISTRIIIUTE. Neh. 13:13 llicir olllce was to d. Luke 1K:22 w\\ all ami d. to poor 1 Tim. 6: IH rich to be ready to d. DISTRIIUTED, ETH, Il\«. .litl) 21:17 God d . sorrows JohiUV.W .Ic. (/. tolli(Mllscii>les li(im. 12:l:W/. to nei'cs. of saints 1 Cor. 7:17 Goil lialli d. to every 2 Cm: 10:13 ae, to rulcG. liatluV. DIHTRinrTIOlV. \cts 4:35 d. niadc^ lo cvei'v ono 2 Cor. 9:1.3 for your llhenil rf. DITCH, KK. 3 K. 3:10 iiiMke vull,'\ lull of rf. JohW.'.W plungi' nu' In llierf. I's. 7:15 fallen into d. he niado Prm\ 2.3:27 a wliore Is a diM'p il. Is. 22:11 a//, hetu n two \sx\\U Mat. 15:14 fall \uU) d. /.//<■<' 6:.'19 DIVKHI^, K. /)iut. Ti:\> not sow wllli d. seed II not wi'Mrgarrni'iil off/, sorls 2.'i:i;) Shalt not have d. welghlH DIV Dent. 25:11 In house;?, measures Jud. 5:30 to S. a prey of d. colors 'iSam. 13:18 gar. of d. colors, 19 1 Chr. 29:2 stones of d. colors 2 Chr. 30:11 d. of Asher humbled Est. 3:8 their laws d. from all Ps. 78:45 sent d. sort of flies 105:31 came d. sorts of flies Prov. 20:10 d. weights, d. meas. 2:3 d. W'Cights are abomination Ec. 5:7 there are also d. vanities Ezek. 17:3 a great eagle d. colors Dan. 7:3 beasts d. one from ano. 2:3 d. from all kingdoms Mat. 4:24 sick with d. diseases, Mark 1:34; X'«/t« 4:40 24:7 earthquakes in d. places, 3Iarkn:%\ Lvke 21:11 Mark 8:3 for d. came from far Acts 19:9 when d. were hardened 1 Cor. 12:10 d. kinds of tongues 2 Ti^n. 3:6 led away with d. lusts ri/. .3:3 serving d. lusts and pie. 5i»6. 1:1 in d. manners spake 2:4 witness with d. miracles 9:10 d. washings; 13:9 d. doct. Jam. 1:2 fall into d. temptations DIVERSITIES. 1 Cw. 12:4 d. of gifts; 6 opera. 28 set in churcli d. of tongues DIVIDE. Gen. 1:6 let firmament d. waters 14 be lights to d. the day, 18 49:27 at night he shall d. spoil Ex. 14:16 over the sea and d. it 26:.33 veil shall d. between holy Num. 31:27 d. the prey into two .Jos. 1:6 d. for iiiheritance, 18:5 22:8 d. the spoil with brethren 2 Sam. 19:29 thou and Z. d. laud 1 K. 3:25 d. living child, 26 Neh. 9:11 didst d. sea, Ps. 74:13 22 didst d. them into comers Job 27:17 innocent shall d. silver Ps. 55:9 and s. 7:9 d. to thy great name 1 '2"J:2-I what haveyetot/. « ilh L. 2:!:6 d. all writl'ni In the law, 1 Chr. 10:40; iChr. 34:21 ,Tud. 7:17 as I d. so shall ye halh spok. 1 (■/(;•. I7;'J(/. all In thy lie.'irl 23 and d. as thou IniHl Niid SISi/. a««v liil<|. of Ihv Berv. 2 Chr. 19:0 lake he.-d hIihI yorf. •JtVI'J nor Know «.• what to d. «.N:8irihoii wilt J.M, f(;/. 5:27 w. w. hear it, and d. Jos. 1:16 command, us, ic. w. (/. 2 K. 10:5 (/. all thou shalt bid Jer. 42:20 and re. ?'.'. rf. it 44:17 we will certainly d. Shall we, or we shall DO. Jud. 13:8 what we ,«7ia// d. 2 i'a?/i. 16:20 what we shall d. 17:6 »Vi. 2ce d. after his saying? 2 /iT. 6:15 alas, how shall we d. ? Est. 1:15 what sh. we d. to V. ? P,j. 60:12 through God w. sh. d. valiantly, iOS:13 Cant. 8:8 what sh. we. d. Jon. 1:11 what shall we d. ? Luke 3:10 what s. we d. f 12, 14 John 6:28 d. th. we might work? Acts 2:37 what shall we d. ? 4:16 what sh. we d. to these m. ? no, joined with so. iV^i/m. 22:.30 wont to d. wtoth. ? 32:23 not d. so, ye have sinned Deut. 12:30 so will I d. 1 Sam 8:8 served oth. gods, sod. 1 K. 17:41 as fathers, w d. they P/ 0!'. 21:29 I will rf. M to him Is. 10:11 so d. to Jerusalem ./«r. 28:6 L. d. so. L. perform Mat. 7:12 sh. c/. to you, so d. ye 18:;35 so shall Father d. to yon John 14:31 Fa. gave com. so I (/. Acts 7:51 fathers did, w d. ye Co/. 3:13 forgave you, so d. ye Jam. 2:12 so d. ye, as they that DO, joined with tliis. Gen. 42:18 //ii« c/. and live 2 i'. 19:31 zeal of the Lord shall d. this. Is. 37:32 Mai. 8:9 d. this, Luke 7:8 9:28 I am able to d. this? Mark 11:3 Why d. thUf DOC Lrtke 10:28 tt. d. and thou sh. 1. 22:19 this d. in remembrance of me, 1 Cor. 11:24, 25 1 Cor. 9:17 for if I d. this Heb. 6:3 this will we d. 13:19 rather to d. this. Jam. 4:15 we wiU d. this See THING. DO well. 7s. 1:17 cease d. evil, lea. d. well ■Ton. 4:9 I d. well to be angry Zee. 8:15 to d. well to Jemsalem Mat. 12:12 to d. well on sabbath John 11:12 he shall d. well 1 Pet. 2:14 them that d. w. 20 if ye d. well and suffer for it 2 P9:6 make a noise like a d. 14 I'rov. 26:11 as a d. returneth to his vomit, 2 Pet. 2:22 17 taketh a (/. by the ears Ec. 9:4 a living d. is better than Is. 66:3 aa if he cut off d. neck DOGS. Ex. 22:31 cast it to the d. Mat. 15:26 ; Mark 7:27 \K. 14:11 d. eat, 16:4; 21:24 31:19 the place where d. licked 2.3 d. shall eat J. 2 K. 0:10, Zii 22:.38 rf. licked up his blood Job 30:1 I disd. to set with d. Ph. 22:16 d. have compassed me 68:23 and the tongue of thy d. In. 5(i:10 dumb d. ; 11 greedy d. Jer. l.''>:3ttnd the d. to tear 3[at. 7:6 which is holy unto d. 15:27 d. eat of cm. Mark 7:28 Luke 16:21 thud, licked his sores Phil. 3:2 hewaro of c/. Rev. 22:15 for witliout are d. DOIIVG. Ex. 1.5:11 (/. wonders 1 K. 22:43 d. rif,'ht, 2 67«'. 20:32 1 Chr. 22:16 arise and b(^ t(. Job .32:22 iu so d. my Maker y>». 64:9 wisely conskhriof lilsd. 66:5 he is terrible in his (/. 118:23 the Ij.'m rf. it is nuirvel- louH, ;)/«^ 21:12: Mark 12:11 Is. 56:2 Uecpclh hand Ironw/, ev. j)/«^ 21;16llnd ho d. Luke. 12:13 ylrt« H(::W went aiiout it. good 21:2(1 found any evil tl. In m(; Itoni. 12:20 III SI) il. sliiilt heai) 2 f/w. H:ll iiiTloriii llic:13; 35:15 11:18 showedst me their d. 17:10 fruit of liis d. 21:14 18:11 and make your d. good 23:2 visit on you evil of your d. 22 evil of d. 25:5; Zee. 1:4 32:19 give accord, to fruit of d. Ezek. 14:22 ye shall see their d. 20:43 shall ye remember d. 44 nor according to corrupts. 21:24 in all your d. sins do ap. 24:14 thy d. shall judge 36:17 defiled it by their own d. 19 according to d. I judged th. 31 shall remember d. not good IJos. 4:9 reward them their d. 5:4 not ft-ame d. to turn to God 7:2 their own d. have beset th. 9:15 for wicked, of d. I v/ill dr. 12:2 ace. to d. will he recomp. Mic. 2:7 are these his d. ? 3:4 have behaved ill in their d. 7:13 be desolate, for fruit of d. Zep. 3:7 corrupted all their d. 11 not be ashamed for thy d. ? Zee. 1:6 accord, to our d. so d. DOLEFUL. Is. 13:21 full of d. creatures Mic. 2:4 with a d. lamentation DOMIiVIOX. Gen. 1:26 d. over the fish, 23 27:40 thou shalt have the d. 37:8 shalt thou have d. over us? Num. 24:19 he that shall haved. Jud. 5:13 have d. over nobles 1 K. 4:24 Solomon had d. 1 Chr. 18:3 to establish his d. Nell. 9:.37 have d. over our bod. .Job 25:2 d. and fearare with him 38:.33 thou set the d. thereof Ps. 8:6 to have d. over the works 10:13 sins, let them not have d. 49:14 the upright shall have d. 72:8 have d. from sea to sea 103:22 in all places of his d. 114:2 and Israel his d. 119:133 let not any iniq.haved. 145:13 thy d. endureth Is. 26:13 other lords have had d. Dan. 4:3 his d. from generation 22 d. reacheth to end of earth 34 d. is an everlasting d. 7:14 6:26 his d. be even unto the end 7:6 d. was given to the beast 12 beasts had d. taken away 14 was given him d. and glory 26 they shall take away his d. 27 d. sh. be given to the saints 11:3 shall rule with great d. 5 Mic. 4:8 to thee, evim the first d. Zer. 9:10 bis d. be from sea Mnl. 20:25 |U'iiices e.\crcise d Horn. 6:9 death hath no more d. 14 sin not have d. over you 7:1 law hath d. over a man 2 Cor. 1:21 d. over your faith Kjih. 1:21 above might and d. i Pet. i'W to whom be praise and d. for ever, 5:11; i!eu. 1:6 Jiide 8 despise! (/. 25 to the only wlsi; Ood be d. DOMIXIOIVS. Dan. 7:27 all d. sliiill serve him Col. 1:10 whether thrones or d. DOiVK. Ex. 18:9 goodness I,, had d. to I. 31:15 six days may work be d. 35:2 ; Lei\ 23:3 Lev. 5:17 things forbid, to bo d. Nu7n. 22:2 saw all Israel had d. 27:4 niimi! of our fiillicr il. iiw. ? .32:13 all had '/. evil were cdns. A;hM0:21 lliv t d. it? Acts 26:26 was no* d. in a comer DO\E, with this. Gen. 21:26 wot n. who hath d. t. 42:28 what is this God liath d. Jud. 2:2 not obeyed, why d. t. f 6:29 Who hath d. this? 15:6 1 Sam. 28:18 hath Lord d. this Ps. 7:3 O Lord, if I have d. this 22:31 declare that he hath d. th. 51:4 and d. tliis evil in my siu'lit Is. 41:20 hand of Lord hath d. this Ezek. 23:38 moreover this they have.d. unto me Mark 5:32 her that had d. this Luke 23:41 t. man d. nothing amiss Acts 4:7 by what p. ha. ye d. t. / DOOK. Gen. 4:7 sin lieth at the d. 19:9 came near to break the d. Ex. 12:23 will pass over the d. Deut. 15:17 thrust it through oar tod. 2 Sam. 13:17 bolt the d. after h. 2 A'. 4:15 she stood in the d. 9:3 then open the d. and flee Est. 2:21 which kept the d. 6:2 Job .31:9 laid wait at neiphb. d. 34 I went not out of the d. f Ps. 141:3 keep the d. of my lips PTOf\ 26:11 as d. turneth C'«;d. 5:4 in hand by hole of d. 8:9 if she be a d. we will inclose Ezek. 8:8 in wall, behold n d. 10:19 stood at d.of the east gate 11:1 at d. of the gate 25 men 41:2 breadth ofd. ten cubits 46:3 peo. shall worship at Iherf. IIos. 2:15 valley of A. d. of hope Amos\\:\ smite the lint, of the y A'.r. 12:22 no, of von go out at d. Jud. UU26 fell down at d, 37 2 Sum. 11:9 hh'pt nt d. \\( house •i K. 5:9 Nnam. sloml nt d. otA. .V.A. .3:21 Meremolh ivp. lVi>in y. 1:5; Num. 27:2 42 burnt-offering at d.ott. 33:0, 10 ; 38:8 ; 40:28 ; Lev. 1:3 ; 3:2 ; 4:7, 18 40:6 d. of taber. Num. 25:6 JC«». 8:31 at d. of i. o.". ; 14:11 ; 16:7; \r.e,-,Num. 6:18; 10:3; Jos. 19:51 33 shall not go out of d. of t. 10:7 not go oiit from d. of t. 14:23 (?. of «. 15:14, 29; 19:21; Num.a-.n; 16:19,50; 20:6 17:4 bring, it not to d. of tab. 9 ?'um. 12:5 in d. of tab. 16:18 i?«uf. 31:15 pillar of cloud ov. d. DOOR, joined with tent. Gen. 18:1 Abra. sat in the tentd. 10 Sarah heard it in the tent d. Ex. 33:8 ev. man at his I. d. 10 Num. 11:10 weep. cv. man In d. 16:27 Abiram stood in t. d. Jud. 4:20 Stand in d. of tent DOORS. Jos. 2:19 whosoever go out of d. Jud. 3:25 opened not c?. of parlor 11:31 Cometh forth of d. '16:3 Samson took d. of the city 1 Sam. 3:15 Samuel opened t. d. 21:13 D. sci-abbled on d. of gate Job 3I::32 opened d. to traveller 38:10 set bars and d. to the sea 17 seen d. of shadow of death ? 41:14 who open. d. of his face? 7^.5. 24:7 up, ye everlasting d. 9 78:23 though opened d. of heav. Prov. 8:3 ^v^sdom crieth at the d. 34 waiting at posts of my d. T-^. 57:8 behind d. set up Ezek. 33:;30 talking in the d. Mic. 7:5 d. of moutli from her Zee. 11:1 open thyd. O Lebanon .'.fat. 24:33 at the d. Mark 13:29 Acts 5:19 angel opened prison d. 23 keepers standing before d. 16:26 all the d. were opened 27 keeper seeing prison d. op. Shut DOORS. ■Tud. 3:23 Ehud shut d. of parlor 2 CTir. 28:24 .>;. up d. of L."s ho. 29:7 have shut d. of the porch Neh. 6:10 let us shvt d. of temple 7:3 shvt thed. and bar them Job 3:10 i«ft!/< not up d. of womb 38:8 shut up the sea with d. f Ec. 12:4 cf. be s. in the streets Is. 26:20 enter, and shut thy d. jtal. 1:10 .•;/;!/< d. for naught ./o/in 20:19 d. sh. Jesus came, 26 Acts 21:30 the d. were shut DOR. Jz/rf. 1:27: 1 7^.4:11 DOKCAS. Acts 9:36, 39 DOTE, ED, IIVG. Jer. 50:36 and they shall d. Ezek. 23:5 Aholah d. on Assyrl. 1 Tim. 6:4 «!rf. 29:11 to d. of water Jos. 9:21 be d. of water, 2^ 27 DR.\WETH. Deut. 25:11 the one d. near Jwd. 19:9 day d. towards even. Job 24:22 he d. the mighty 33:23 his soul d. neaf to grave Ps. 10:9 d. him into his net 88:3 life d. nigh to the grave Is. 26:17 d. near delivery Ezek. 7:12 the day d. near .l/fl(!. 15:8 £?. nigh with their lips Luke 21:8 the time d. near 28 your redemption d. nigh Jam. 5:8 coming of L. d. nigh DRAWING. JotZ. 5:11 in places of d. water John 6:19 Jesus (7. nigh to ship DREAD, Substantive. Gen. 9:2 rf. of vou be on ev. bea?t ^.i'. 15:16 d. shall fall upon thciu Deut. 2:25 to put d. of thee upon the nations. 11:25 J(A 13:11 his d. fall upon you ? 21 lot not tl'.y d. make me afr. 76'. 8:13 and let him be your d. DREAD, Verb. Deut. 1:29 I said to vou, d. not 1 Chr. 22:13 be strong, d. not DREADFUL. Gen. 28:17 how d. is this jilace ■Tob 15:21 a d. sound is in his ears Ezik. 1:18 rings, they were d. Dan. 7:7 a fourth beast d. 19 9:4 O Lord the great and d. God Hab. 1:7 the Chaldeans are d. Mai. 1:14 name d. among heath. 4:5 great and d. day of tlie Lord DRE.4M. Substantive. Gen. 20:3 to Abimelech in a d. 31:10 Jacob saw in a d. the rams 24 God came to Lnban in a d. 37:5 Joseph dreamed a d. 9, 10 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 829 DRE Gen. 40:5 but. and ba. a d. both 41:7 it was a d. 1 K. 3:15 25 d. of Pharaoh is one, 26 Num. 12:6 L. will ppeak in a cZ. Jud. 7:13 told a rf. to liia fellow 1 K. 3:5 to Solomo.i in a d. Job 20:8 he shall fly away as a d. 33: 15 in a rf. openeth cars Ps. 73:20 as a d. when one awak. Ec. 5:3 a rf. com. through busin. Is. 29:7 flght ag. Ariel be as a rf. <7«n 23:28 hath d. let him tell d. Dan. 2:4 tell thy servants the d. 36 this is the d. 4:19 d. be to th. that hate thee 7:1 Daniel had a d. wrote d. Mat. 1:20 angol of Lord app. to Joseph in a c?. 2:13, 19 2:12 warned of God in a ci. 22 27:19 1 have suffered iu a d. DRE.\M, Verb. Ps. 120:1 were like them that d. Joel 2:28 old men d. Acts 2:17 DREAMEO. Gen. 2.S:12 Jac. d. ; .■J7:5 Jos. d. 40:5 ollicers d. ; 41:1 Phar. 15 Jer. 23:25 proph. said, I have d. 29:8 dreams you cause to be d. Dan. 2:1 Nebuchadnezzar d. DRBAiVlEa, 8, Gen. 37:19 said. This d. cometh Deut. 13:3 not hearken to d. 5 d. shall be put to death Jer. 27:9 hearken not to your d. Jude 8 filthy d. defile the flesh DRE.AM.S. Gen. 37:8 hated him for his d. 20 what will become of his d. 41.12 and he interpreted our d. 42:9 Joseph remembered the d. 1 Sam. 28:6 answer, not by d. 15 Job 7:14 thou scarest me with d. Ec. 5:7 in multitude of rf. are Jer. 23:27 forget my name Ijy d. 32 that ])rophp«y false d. Dan. 1:17 uuderstand. in d. 5:12 Zee. 10:2 diviners told false d. BRE.\METH. /*'. 29:8 hungi-y man d. a thirsty nREGS. Ps. 75:8 d. wicked shall drink Is. 51:17 drunken d. of cup, 22 DRESS. Gen. 2:15 into garden to d. it 18:7 voung man hasted to d. it De^t. 28:39 plant viney. d. them iSam. 12:4 to d. for wayfaring 13:5 Tamar d. meat in my sight 1 K. 18:25 Elijah said, d. it first I)RES.SEO. iSam. 12:4 d. poor man's lamb 19:24 Mephib. not d. his feet Ileb. 6:7 for them by wh. it is d. DRESSER. Luke 13:7 said to d. of vineyard DREW. Gen. 24:20 Kebekah d. water, 45 87:28 they d. up Josc'ph 88:29 as Zarah d. back liis hand Ex. 2:10 I d. him out of water 16 Jcthro's daughters d. water Jos. 8:26 Jos. a. not hand back Jud. 8:10 fell 120,000 d. sword 20 the youth d. not IiIm sword 20:2 400,000 that rf. sword Ruth 4:8 ho he d. oft" his slioo 2 6'am. 22:17 he rf. mk! out of many waters, J's. 18:16 23:16 mighty men d. water out wellfieth. 1 (;/ir. 11:18 24:9 In Israel 8(H),0(K) d. sword 1 Vr. 22:34 d. a bow, 2 67t/-. 18:;i;i 2/r. 9:24. ) elm rf. bow 1 Ohr. V.):Uid. forlii tlie Syrians 21:5 Israel were 1,100,(11)0 iiiat d. sword, Judah 470.0 11) Jer. HH-.lUd. up Jcrimiiiiii I/os. 11:4 d. Willi cords of a man Mat. ]3:18(/. to Hliore, .^farl; 6:.^■) 2U:6t Peter d. Ills sword, Afiirk 14:47; ./«/«» 18:10 /,»*« 2.3:,'>t and the sabbath rf. on John 2:9 HcrvaiitM (/. the water 21:11 (/. thoni^t full of llsln'S Aflstiiin d. away much pc^oplo 11:19 (/. Paul oi'u olllie city 16:10 d. P. and ,S. inln mark.-nl 87Jan(T(/. lilMswoid 17:0 (/. Jnson and ccrlaln bretli 19:33 IhcA- rf. Alexaiid.r eu/. 28:39 plant vineyards, but not rf. of wine, Amos 5:11 ■fud. 13:4 M. wife rf. no «;. 7, 14 2 Sam. 16:2 jo. ouch as faint m. rf. /v. ()0:8 rf. •«){«<( of nstonlshmoiit Proih 4:17 rf. ?(;»«! of violcnco 9:5 rf. ofutine I havo mingled 31:4 It Is not for kings to rf. w. A'c. 9:7 rf. thy w. willi a merry r((;rf. 8:2 rf. of spiced »«. A', 5:22 are mighty to rf. wine 21:!) shall not rf. w. with a song 62:8 sons of stranger not rf. H'. ,/ev<. 11:11 land rf. water of rain ■Job 6:4 poison rf. up my spirit 15:16 rf. iniquity like water .34:7 like Job who rf. scorning 40:23 behold, he rf. up a river Prov. 26:6 rf. damage Is. 29:8 he rf. but he awaketh 44:12 the smith, he rf. no water Mark 2:16 rf. with publicans? ./o/m 4:13 rf. this wa. shall thirst 14 rf. of water I shall give him 6:54 rf. my blood hath eter. life 56 rf. my blood, dwelleth in me 1 Cor. 11:29 rf. unworth. rf. dam. i?e6. 6:7 which rf. in the rain DRIXKIIVG. Gen. 24:22 camels had done rf. i?wtt 3:3 till Boaz have done rf. 1 Sam. 30:16 were eating and rf. 1 A'. 4:20 Judah and Israel rf. 10:21 Solomon's rf. vessels 16:9 E. was rf. ■ 20:12 Benhad. 1 Chr. 12:.39 with D. three days rf. Est. 1:8 rf. was according to law ■Job 1:13 sons and daughters rf. I.«. 22:13 eating flesh, and rf. w. Mat. 11:18 John came neither eating nor rf. iH'« 7::33 19 eating and rf. Luke 7:34 W:.38 andrf. till the flood came Ltike 10:7 rf. such as they give DRIVE. Ex. 6:1 with a strong hand rf. out 2:3:28 hornets, which shall rf. 29 I will not rf. ont in one vear 30 by little and little I will rf. 33:2 1 will rf. out the Canaanite .31:11 behold, I rf. out Amorite Num. 22:6 1 may rf. them out 11 able to overcome, and rf. 33:55 if ye will not rf. out the Deut. 4:.38 rf. out nations from bef. thee. 9:4,5; .los. ;3:1{) 9:3 so shall thou rf. them out 11:23 then will the Lord rf. out 18:12 Lord doth rf. them out Jos. 13:6 them will I rf. out 14:12 then I shall be able to d. 15:63 Judah could not rf. out 17:12 Manasseh could not rf. out 13 not utterly rf. out. Jud. 1:23 18 shalt rf. out the Canaanitcs 23:5 rf. them out of yonr sight 13 no more rf. out. Jud. 2:3, 21 ■Jud. 1:19 Judah could not rf. ont 21 Benjamin not rf. out Jehus. 27 Manasseh ; 29 Ephraim 31 Ashcr; a3 Naphtali 11:24 whom Lord shall rf. ont 2 A'. 4:24 rf. slack not thy riding 2 Chr. 20:7 rf. out inhabitants .Tot) 18:11 ter. rf. him to his feet 24:3 rf. away ass of fatherlcsa ft. H:2 didst rf. ont heathen 08:2 as smoke, so rf. tluiu away i'/w.22:15rod of correct ion rf. it Is. 22:19 rf. thee from thy station ■fcr. 24:9 be a curse whether 1 rf. 27:10 I should rf. you out, 15 40:15 Lord did rf. them Ezek. 4: 13 whether I will rf. thnm Dan. 4:25 rf. thee from men. :i3 Ilos. 0:15 rf. th. out of my house y(Wi2:20rf. the northern army Zep. 2:4 rf. out Ashd. at noondny .4ci» 27:15 ship, we let her rf. DRIVE\. Gen.i'.U hast rf. me out thisday Kx. 10:11 rf. fi'om Pharaoh's pre. 22:10 the beast he rf. away Num. 32:21 d. tnit his enemies Diut. 4:19 he rf. to worsliiii them ,30:1 whither Lord hath rf. theo 4 if any of thine he rf. out ,/(«. 2.1:9 L. rf. out great nations 1 .sViHi. 26:19 rf. me out this d.ay JoA 6:13 w Isdom (/. ftoin me if 1,3:25 break leaf rf. to and ft-o r 18:18 rf. ft-oni light to darkness 30:5 (/. forth flom iiiming mtit /N. 10:14 lei herf. backward 68:2 as smoke Is rf. awiiv, ro 111:3 .Jord.'in was liirkiic'os 9:13 ^Iffws 7: 16 d. not thy word ag. Is. DROPPED, ETH. Jud. 5:4 heavens d. clouds d. 1 Sam. 14:26 the honey rf. 2 /Sam. 21: 10 water d. on them Job 29:22 my speech (?. on them Ps. 68:8 heavens d. at pres. of G. Ec. 10:18 thr. idleness house d. Cant. 5:5 hands c?. with myrrh DROPPir«G. Prov. 19:13 a continual d. 27:15 Ca«^. 5: 13 his lips d. myrrh DROPSY. Luke 14:2 a man wh. had the d. DROSS. Ps. 119:119 the wicked like d. Prov.'25:i take d. from silver 26:23 covered with silver d. Is. 1:22 thy silver is become d. 25 purely purge away thy d. Ezek. 22:18 house of Israel d. 19 DROUGHT. Gen. 31:40 in day d. consumed Deut. 8:15 fiery serpents aud d. Job 24:19 d. consu. snow-waters Ps. 32:4 my moisture into thee?. Is. 58:11 L. satisfy thy soul ind. Jer. 2:6 through a land of d. 17:8 not be careful in year of d. 50:38 a d. is upon her waters Hos. 13:5 know thee in land of d. Hag. 1:11 and I called for a d. DROVE. Gen. 32:16 ev. d. by themselves 33:8 what meanest by all this d. DROVE, Verb. Gen. 3:24 so God d. out the man 15:11 Abram d. fowls away Ex. 2:17 shepherds d. them JVmot. 21:.32 d. out the Amoritea Ilab. 3:6 d. asunder the nations John 2: 15 d. them out of temple DROW\. Cant. 8:7 neither can floods c?. it 1 Tim. 6:9 d. men in perdition DROWXED. Ex. 15:4 are d. in Red sea Amos 8:8 d. as by flood of E. 9:5 Mat. 18:6 better rf. in the sea Heb. 11:29 Egyptians were d. DRY DROWSIIVESS. Prov, 23:21 d. shall clo. with rags DKU\'K. Deut. 29:6 nor have you d. -wine .32:42 my arrows d. with blood ■lud. 15:19 d. his spirit came ag. 1 Sam. 1:15 I have d. nei. wine 2-S«?re. 11:13 Dav. made Uriah (?. 1 IC 1.3:22 "hast eaten and d. 16:9 Elah drinkina: himself d. 20:16 Benha. drinkins: hims. d. 2 K. 6:23 eat. and d. he sent aw. 19:24 d. strange wat. Is. 37:25 Cant. 5:1 d. my wine /■. 51:17 hast d. cup of his fiuy 63:6 make them d. in my fury Jer. 46:10 be d. with their blood .51:.57 I will make d. her princes Ezek. 3i:lSd. of the deep waters Dan. 5:4 rf. praised sods of gold 2:3 thou and concubines have d. Ob. 16 rf. on my holy mountain Luke 5:39 having d. old \^-ine 13:26 eaten and d. in thy pres. John 2:10 well d. then worse .E))A. 5:18 d. wherein is excess liei'. 17:2 d. with wine of fornic. 18:3 all nations d. of wine DRUNKARD. Devt. 21:20 this our eon is a^d. Prov. 23:21 d. sh. come to pov. 26:9 as a thorn into hand of d. Is. 24:20 the earth reel like a d. 1 Cor. 5:11 with bro. a d. eat not DRUXKARDS. Ps. 69:12 I was song of the d. Is. 28:1 woe to d. of Ephraim, 3 Joel 1:5 awake, ye d. and weep Nah. 1:10 while drunken as d. 1 Cor. 6:10 nor d. inherit kingd. DRU\KE\. Gen. 9:21 Noah was d. 1 Sam. 1:14 How long be d. f 25:36 Nabal was very d. ■Job 12:25 stag, like d. Ps. 107:27 Is. 19:14 as a d. man staggereth 29:9 d. but not with wine, 51:21 49:26 be d. with their own blood 51:17 d. dregs of cup of tremb. ■ler. 23:9 I am like a d. man 25:27 be d. and spue, and fall 48:26 d. for he magnified hims. 49:12 they have assuredly d. 51:7 golden cup made earth d. 39 make c?. that they may sleep Lam. 3:15 d. with wormwood 4:21 thou Shalt be d. Nah. 3:11 5:4 d. our water for money Ezek. 39:19 dri. blood till ye bee?. Nah. 1:10 while d. as drunkards Hab. 2:15 and makest himc^. also Mat. 24:49 begin to eat and drink with the a. Luke 12:45 Luke 17:8 serve me till I have d. Acts 2:15 not d. as ye suppose 1 Cor. 11:21 and another is d. 1 Thes. 5:7 be d. are d. in night Pev. 17:6 woman d. ^Wth blood DRUXKEIVNESS. Devt. 29:19 to add d. to thirst Ec. 10:17 eat for strength not d. ■ler. 13:13 fill inhabitants with f?. Ezek. 23:.33 shalt be filled with d. Luke 2]:.34 overcharged with d. Pom. 13:13 not in rioting and d. Gal. 5:21 works of flesh are d. DRUSILLA. Acts 2i:-2i DRY. Lev. 13:30 it is a d. scall Jos. 9:5 bread was d. 12 ■lud. 6:37 it be d. on all the earth 39 let it be d. only on fleece ■lob 13:25 pursue the rf. stubble ? Ps. 105:41 they ran in d. places Prov. 17:1 better is a d. morsel Is. 25:5 as the heat in a d. place 32:2 be as rivers in a d. place 44:27 saith to the deep. Be d. 56:3 say, I am a d. tree Jer. 4:11 ad. wind, not to fan 51:36 I will make her springs d. Ezek. 17:24 made d. tree flourish 20:47 devour every d. tree 30:12 I \vill make the rivers y.l0:13 thy d. thy sons' d. 14 Devt. 18:3 shall be the priest's d. 1 (7A?-. 15:13 sought not after d. 10:29 the glorv d. to his name, Ps. 29:2 ; 96:8 Prov. 3:27 with, not to whom d. Mat. 18:34 pay all that was d. Luke 23:41 we receive d. reward Bom. 13:7 to whom tribute is d. 1 Cor. 7:3 to the wife d. benevol. DUE season. Lev. 26:4 in d. s. Dent. 11:14 Num. 28:2 to offer to me in d. s. Ps. 104:27 meat in d. s. 145:15 Prov. 15:23 a word spoken in d. s. Ec. 10:17 princes eat in d. s. Mat. 24:45 in d. s. Luke 12:42 Gal. 6:9 in d. s. we shall reap DUE time. Deut. 32:.35 foot slide in d. time Bom. 5:6 in d. time Christ died 1 Cor. 15:8 one born out of d. t. 1 Tim. 2:6 be testified in d. t. Tit. 1:3 in d. time manifested 1 P«<. 5:6 he may exalt you in d. t. DUES. Rom. 13:7 render to all their d. DUKE, S. Gen. 36:15 d. of sons of Esau, 19 21 d. of the Horites, 29 40 d. Alvah. d. Jetheth Ex. 15:15 d. of Edom amazed ■Jos. 13:21 Hur and Reba, d. DULCIMER. Dan. 3:5 d. and music, 10, 15 DULL. Mat. 13:15 ears are d. Acts 28:27 Heb. 5:11 ye are d. of hearing DUMAH. Gen. 25:14; Jos. 15:52; Is. 21:11 DUMB. Ex. 4:11 or who maketh the d. Ps. 38:13 I was as a d. man 39:2 I was d. with gileuce, 9 DUS Prov. 31:8 open thy mouth for (f. Is. 35:6 tongue of d. shall sing 53:7 sheep before shearers is d. 56:10 his watchmen all d. dogs Ezek. 3:26 d. and not be reprover 24:27 speak, and be no more d. 33:22 and I was no more d. Dan. 10:15 to the grou. Ibec. d. Hab. 2:18 to make him d. idols M saith to d. stone. Arise Mat. 9:32 bro. to him a d. man 33 the d. spake, Luke 11:14 12:22 and d. and he healed 15:30 ba\ing with them those d. 31 saw the d. speak, Mark 7:37 Mark 9:25 thou d. spirit, come Luke 1:20 shalt be d. until the Acts 8:32 lamb d. before shearer 1 Cor. 12:2 carried away to d. iPet. 2:16 the d. ass speaking DUiVG, Substantive. Ex. 29:14 and d. bum. Lev. 4:11 ; 8:17; 16:2"; Num. 19:5 1 K. 14:10 as taketh away d. 2 K. 6:25 cab of doves' d. 9:37 carcass of Jezebel be as the d. Is. 2:10 hide thee in the d. 26:19 and sing, ye in the d. 47:1 and sit in the d. O virgin Lam. 3:29 puttcth mouth in (. d. Dan. 12:2 sleep i/i d, shall awake Mie. 1:10 roll thyself in the d. Nah. 3:18 nobles shall dwelliraci. Like the DUST. 2 K. 13:7 like the d. by thresh. /*•. 29:5 thy strangers be like d. Of th« DUST. Oen. 2:7 L. formed man of the d. Num. 5:17 take of d. in tue tab. Dent. 32:24 serpcuts o/"rf. 1 Sa7n. 2:8 out ofd. Ps. 113:7 Job 5:6 Cometh not of the d. Pi on. 8:26 highest part of d. Ec. 3:20 all are of the d. Is. 29:4 be low out qfd. To the DUST. Ps. 22:29 that go down to the d. 44:25 soul is bowed down to d. 10-4:29 they die and return to d. 119:25 soul cleavcth to the d. Ec. 8:20 all are d. and turn to d. Is. 25:12 bring fortress to d. 26:5 bringeth city even to the d. DUTY. Ex. 21:10 d. of iiuir. not dimin. Deut. 25:5 d. of a husband's bro. Ec. 12:13 whole d. of man Luke 17:10 that which was rf. Horn. 15:27 their d. to minister DWARF. Lev. 21:20 a d. shall not come DWELL. CJen. 9:27 -laphet d. in (ents of Ex. 2:21 ;ontent to d. with man 29:45 I will d. amongst lHra(^l Lev. 13:46 unclean shall d. alone Num. 23:9 the people sh. d. alone 35;.'J4 L. d. am. child, of Israel IJeiit. 12:11 cause his name d. 88:12 d. between his HliOulders Jud. 9:41 Gaal not d. In Hliecli. 17:10 M. said Leviterf. with mo 1 Sam. 27:5 that I may d. there 1 K. 0:13 I will d. among Israel 8:12 he would d. in llilcl:ai '.^•:ll 11. the I'rtiphet.-'s (/. iit Jer. In colU),v, H Cttr. MM 832 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. EAR JEfer. 2:70 Levites, Nethinira, d. in cities, Weh. 3:26 ; 11:21 JVeh. 7:73 Israel d. in their cities Fs. 94:17 almost d. in silence Is. 13:20 shall it be d. in from generation, Jer. 50:39 Jer. 35:10 we have d. in tents Bzek. 36:17 Israel (/. in own land 39:36 c?. safely in their land iJrtre. 4:12 the fowls d. in boughs Mat. 2:2:3 Joseph d. in city Naz. 4:13 Jesus d. in Capernaum Zuke 13:4 above all that d. in J. Acst 7:2 Abraham d. in Charr. 4 19:10 they who d. in Asia heard 2 Tim. 1:5 d. in grandmother DWELT therein. Beut. 2:10 E. d. t.; aOsiantsc?. t. 1 K. 11:24 went to Dam. sa\Ad. t. 12:25 Jerob. built S. and d. th. Neh. 13:16 d. men of Tyre th. Ps. 63:10 congregation hath d. t. DWELT with. Biith 2:23 and Ruth d. with her 1 Sam. 22:4 moth. d. w. k. of M. 1 Chr 4:23 they d. with king Ps. 120:6 my soul hathloiig d. w. Jer. 40:6 J. d. w. him among peo. DYED. Is. 63:1 with d. garm. from Boz. IJzek. 23:15 d. attire upon heads DYING. See after die. E. EACH. Cfen. 15:10 Abraham laid e. piece 34:25 Sim. and Levi took e. man 40:5 e. his dr. 45:22 e. changes Ex. 18:7 asked e. other of w'elf. Num. 1:44 e. one was for house 7:3 they brought fore, one an ox 16:17 Aaron e. of you his censer Jos. 22:14 of e. chief house e. one Jud. 21:22 reserved not to«. man Buth 1:9 may find rest e. of you 1 K. 4:7 e. man his month 22:10 kings e. sat on his throne 2 K. 15:20 of «. man fifty shekels Ps. 85:10 right, and pe. kissed e. Is. 2:20 they made e. one 6:2 seraphim, e. had six wings 35:7 where e. lay, shall be grass 57:2 e. one walking in his upr. Ezek. 4:6 thee e. day for a year iwA:« 13:15 doth not«. on sabbath Acts 2:3 tongues sat upon e. of PAzf. 2:3 lot esteem other better 2 Thes. 1:3 charity toward e. oth. Bev. 4:8 beasts had e. six wings EAGLE. Lev. 11:13 «. have, Deut. 14:12 i>eu<. 28:49 swift as the e. flicfh 32:11 as an e. stin-oth her nest Job 9:26 e. that hasteth to prey 39:27 doth the e. mount up ? Prov. 23:5 riches fly away as an e. 30:19 way of an e. in the air Jer. 48:40 shall fly as an e. 14:16 make thy nest high as e. Ezek. 1:10 had face of an e. 10:14 17:3 a great e. with gr- wings, 7 Scm. 4:33 hairs gro. like e. feath. 7:4 a lion, and had e. wings IIos. 8:1 as an e. aga. the house jiLic. 1:16 thy baldness as the e. nab. 1:8 Chaldeans shall fly as e Pev. 4:7 fourth beast like fly. «.' 12:14 to woman wings of gr. e. EAGLES. Ex. 19:4 I bare you on e. wings 2 Sam. 1:23 were swifter than e. Ps. 103:5 thy youth is ren. likee. Prov. 30:17 young e. shall eat it Is. 40:.31 mount with wings as e. J«r. 4:13 his horses swifter th. e. Lam. 4:19 pers. swifter than e. Mat. 21:28 e. be gath. Luke 17:37 EAR. Ex. 21:6bore e. DeuL 15:17 1 Sam. 9:15 L. hath told S. in e. 2 K. 19:16 bow down e. Ps. 31:2; 86:1 Neh. 1:6 let thine e. be attent. 11 Job 4:12 and mine e. received 12:11 e. try words ? 34:3 13:1 mine e. hath heard 29:11 when the e. heard me 21 to me men gave e. waited 36:10 he openeth also their e. 42:5 1 heard by hearing of e. Ps. 10:17 wilt cause tliine e. 31:2 bow down thine e. to me 58:4 like adder that stoppeth e. 77:1 and he gave e. unto me 94:9 he that planted the e. EAR Ps. 116:2 he hath inclined his e. Pi'ov. 5:1 and bow thine e. to o'13 incline mine e. to them 15:31 the e. that heareth 17:4 and a liar giveth e. to 18:15 the e. of the wise seeketh 20:12 hearing e. seeing eye 22: 17 thine «. hear the words 25:12 reprover on obedient e. 28:9 turneth away e. from hear. Ec. 1:8 nor is the e. filled with Is. 48:8 time thine e. was not 50:4 he wakeneth my e. to hear 5 Lord hath opened mine e. 59:1 e. heavy that it cannot h. 64:4 nor perceived by the e. Jer. 6:10 their e. is uncircumc. 7:24 inclined their e. 26 ; 11:8 ; 17:23; 25:4; 34:14: 44:5 9:20 let your e. receive the word 35:15 ye have not inclined e. Lam. 3:56 hide not e. Amos 3:12 fr. the lion piece of e. Mat. 10:27 what ye hear in the e. 26:51 smote ofi" his e. Mark 14:47 Luke 12:3 ye have spoken in e. 22:51 touched his e. and healed John 18:26 servant whose e. Pet. 1 Cor. 2:9 not seen, nor e. heard 12:16 if the e. shall say Bev. 2:7 he that hath e. let hear, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22; 13:9 Incline EAR. Ps. 17:6 in. thine e. to me, 71:2; 88:2; /«. 37:17 ; />a«. 9:18 45:100 daughter, incline th. e. 49:4 1 will incline mine e. to Prov. 2:2 that thou in. thine e. 4:20 i«. thin-,. «. tomysaying Is. 55:3 in. your e. and come Give EAR. Ex. 15:26 if thou wilt givee. Deut. 1:45 not g. e. to your voice, 2C/jr.^:19; iVeA. 9:30 32:1 give e. O heavens Jud. 5:3 give e. O ye princes Job 34:2 give e. to me Ps. 5:1 g. e. to my words, 54:2 17:1 g. e. to my pra. 55:1 ; 8fl:6 39:12 give e. to my cry, 141:1 49:1 give. e. all ve inhabitants 78:1 (/. e. O. p. ;80:1 g. e. sheph. 84:8 give e. O God of Jacob 143:1 g. e. to my supplications Is. 1:2 givee. O earth 10 g. e. to the law of our God 8:9 gi2'e e. all of far countries 28:23 give ye e. and hear 42:23 who among you will g. e. ? 51:4 hearken and y.e. tome ■Ic-r. 13:15 give e. be not proud IIos. 5:1 arid give ye e. O house Joel 1:2 g. e. all ye inhabitants Right EAR. Ex. 29:20 tip oiright e. Lev. 8:23, 24;14:14,17, 23, 28 Luke 22:50 c. off ri. e. John 18:10 EAR, of com. Ex. 9:31 for barley was in the e. Mark 4:28 the e. fiill com in e. EAR, Verb. 1 Sam. 8:12 set them to e. ground Is. 30:24 oxen that e. the ground EARED, I\G. Gen. 45:6 neither e. nor harvest Ex. 34:21 in e. time and harvest Deut. 21:4 valley neither e. sown EARLY. Gen. 19:2 ye shall rise e. and go Jud. 7:3 let him depart e. Ps. 46:5 God shall help right e. 57:8 I \W11 awake e. 108:2 63:1 my God, e. will I seek thee 78:34 they inquired e. after God 90:14 satisfy us e. with mercy 101:8 e. destroy the wicked Prov. 1:28 they shall seek me e. 8:17 seek me e. shall find me Is. 26:9 will I seek thee e. Has. 5:15 they will seek me e. 6:4 as e. dew it goeth, 13:3 Luke 24:22 woman e. at sepulch. John 18:28 led J. and it was e. 20:1 com. Mary Magdalene e. Jam. 5:7 till he receive e. rain See AROSE, RISE, RISEN, RISING, ROSE, MORNING. EAR.RIIVG. Gen. 24:22 took a golden e.-r. 30 when Laban saw e.-r. 47 I put e.-r. upon her face Job 42:11 ev. one gave J. an e.-r, frou. 25: 12 e.-r. of gold EAR EAR-RIIVGS. Gen. 35:4 gave J. all their e.-r. Ex. 32:2 break ofi' the gold. e.-r. 35:22 brought e.-r. forofl'ering Num. 31:50 we have broug. e.-r. Jud. 8:24 give ev. man the e.-r. Is. 3:20 L. will take away e.-r. Ezek. 16:12 I put e.-r. in th. ears Eos. 2:13 decked hers, with e.-r. EARS. Gen. 44:18 speak in my lord's e. 50:4 speak in the e. of Pharaoh Ex. 10:2mayest tell in e. of son 17:14 rehearse in e. of Joshua Jud. 9:2 in e. of men of Shech. 3 1 Sam. 3:11 the e. shaij nngle, 2^. 21:12 ;./er. 19:3 2 Sam. 7:22 we heard with onr e. 1 Chr. 17:20 22:7 my cry did enter into his e. Job 15:21 dreadful sound in hise. 28:22 heard fame with our e. .33:16 he openeth the e. of men Ps. 18:6 cry came into his e. 34:15 his e. are open 44:1 we heard with our e. 115:6 have e. hear not, 135:17 Prov. 21:13 whoso stop, his e. 23:9 speak not in the e. of a fool 26:17 taketh a dog by the e. Is. 11:3 the hearing of his e. 32:3 the e. of them that hear 33:15 stoppeth e. from hearing 35:5 e. of deaf shall be unstop. 43:8 and deaf that have e. Jer. 2:2 and cry in the e. of Jer. 5:21 O people, which have e. 29:29 Zep. read in the e. of Jer. Mat. 28:14 come to governor's e. Mark 7:33 put fingers into his e. 35 his e. were opened 8:18 having e. hear ye not ? Acts 7:51 uncirc. in heart and e. 17:20 bring, strange things to e. Bern-. 11:8 hath given e. 2 Tim. 4:3 having itchin^e. lam. 5:4 e. of Lord of sabaoth 1 Pet. 3:12 and his e. are open to EARS to hear. Deut. 29:4 L. hath not g. e. toh. Ezek. 12:2 they have e. to hear Mat. 11:15 e. to h. 13:9, 43 ; Mark 4:9, 23; 7:16; ii/A:e8:8; 14:35 Mine EARS. Num. 14:28 have spoken in m. e. Jud. 17:2 spakest of in m. e. 1 Sam. 15:14 bleat, of sh. irn m. e. 2 K. 19:28 tumult come Into mine e. Is. 37:29 Ps. 40:6 m. e. hast thou opened 92:11 mine e. shall hoar Is. 5:9 in mine e. said the Lord 22:14 revealed in jnine e. Ezek. 8:18 tho' they cry in m. e. 9:1 he cried also in mine e. Luke 1:44 salut. sounded in m. e. EARS of the People. Ex. 11:2 speak in e. of the peo. Deut. 32:44 SI. spake'in e. of pe. Jud. 7:3 proclaim in e. ofpe. 1 Sam. 11:4 told tid. in e. of p. 2 K. 18:26 not in e. Is. 36:11 Neh. 8:3 e. of p. were attentive Their EARS. Gen. 35:4 ear-rings wear in t. e. Ex. 32:3 ear-rings in their e. ■iK. 2:5:2 read in their e. 2 Chr. 34:30; Jer. 36:15 Is. 6:10 t. e. heavy, lest hear with i.e. Mat. 13:15; ^eCs 28:27 3Iic. 7:16 tlieir e. shall be deaf Zee. 7:11 stopped if. e. ^c<6" 7:57 2 ri?re. 4:4 turn th. e. from truth Thine EARS. Ps. 10:17 cause thine e. to hear Prov. 2.3:12 apply //i»/e e. 7s. 30:21 thine e. shall hear 49:20 children say in thine e. Ezek. 3:10 hear w. th. e. 40:4; 44:5 16:12 I put ear-rings in Ihine e. 23:25 shall take away thi?ie e. 24:26 to hear with thine e. Your EARS. .Tob 13:17 declaration with y. e. Ps. 78:1 incline your e. to words Jer. 26:11 as heard with your e. 15 Lord sent to speak in your e. Mat. 13:16 but blessed are your e. Luke 4:21 scripture fulfil, in y. e. 9:44 let sayings sink in your e. EARS of Corn. Gen. 41:5 seven e. of corn, 22 Lev. 2:14 meat -offering, green e. 23:14 not eat green e. of corn Deut. 23:25 mayest pluck the e. EAR Buth 2:2 go and glean e. of 2IC. 4:42 brought full e. of com Mat. 12:1 discip. began to pluck e. ofc. Mark 2:23; Luke 6:1 (See SEVEN. EARNEST, Substantive. 2 Cor. 1:22 e. of the Spirit, 5:5 Eph. 1:14 e. of our inheritance Ex\RIVEST, Adjective. Bom. 8:19 e. expecta. of creature 2 Cbr. 7:7 when he told e. desire 8:16 put same e. care into Titus Phil. 1:20 accord, to mye. expec. Heb. 2:1 to give more e. heed BARIVESTLY. Num. 22:37 did I not e. send 1 Sam. 20:6 D. e. asked leave, 28 Job 7:2 serv. e. desireth shadow Jer. 11:7 1 e. protested to fathers 31:20 1 do e. remember him still 3Iic. 7:3 evil vrith both hands e. Luke 22:44 he prayed e. 56 a certain maid e. looked Acts 3:12 why look ye so e. 23:1 Paul e. beholding council 1 Cor. 12:31 covet e. the best gifts 2 Cor. 5:2 we groan e. desiring .lam. 5:17 pray. e. that it not rain Jude 3 should e. con. for faith EARIVETH. Sag. 1:6 e. wages e. to put in bag EARTH. Gen. 1:2 the e. was without form 10 God called the dry land e. 11 let e. bring forth, 24 12 e. brought forth grass 28 replenish the e. 9:1 6:11 e. was corrupt before God 7:17 the ark was lifted above e. 8:14 in second mo. was e. dried 22 e. rem. seed-time not cease 10:25 the e. divided, 1 Chr. 1:19 18:18 all nations of e. blessed in him, 22:18; 26:4; 28:14 27:28 God give thee fatness of e. 41:47 e. brought forth by hand. Ex. 9:29 e. is the Lord's, Deut. 10:14 ;P«. 24:1; 1 Cor. 10:26 15:12 the e. swallowed them 20:24 altar of e. thoushalt make Num. 16:.30 e. open her mouth 32 e. opened mouth and yval- lowed, 26:10; Ps. 106:17 34 lest e. swallow ns up Deut. 28:23 e. under thee he iron 32:1 hear, O e. the words 13 ride on hi"h places of e. 22 a fire shall consume the e. 1 Sam. 2:8 pil. of the e. are L.'s 4:5 so that the e. rang again 14:15 and the e. quaked 2 Sam. 1:2 with e. on head, 15:.32 22:8 then the e. shook, Ps. 18:7 1 K. 1:40 so that the e. rent 2 if. 5:17 two mules' burden of e. 1 Chr. 16:31 let e. rej. Ps. 96:11 33 Cometh to judge the e. Ps. 96:13: 98:9 Neh. 9:6 thou made e. Is. 45:12 Job. 5:25 off'spring as grass of e. 9:6 shaketh e. out of ner place 24 «. given into hand of wicked 11:9 measure longer than e. 15:19 to whom e. was given 16:18 O e. cover not my blood 24:4 the poor of the e. hide 26:7 hangeth e. upon nothing 30:6 to dwell in caves of the e. 8 were viler than the e. 37:17 when he quieteth the e. 38:4 I laid foundations of the j. 18 the breadth of the e. ? Ps. 2:8 uttermost parts of the e. 10 be instr. ye judges of the e. 12:6 silver tried in furnace of c. 25:13 his seed shall inherit thee. 3.3:5 e. is full of goodness of L. 37:9 wait on L. inherit e. 11, ^ 46:2 though the e. be removed 6 uttered voice, the e. melted 47:9 the shields of the e. 48:2 joy of whole e. is mount Z. 60:2 made the e. to tremble 63:9 the lower parts of the c. 65:9 thou \'isitest the e. 67:6 e. yield incr. Ezek. 34:27 68:8 e. shook, heavens dropped .32 sing, kingdoms of e. 71:20 from the depths of the e. 72:6 showers that water the e. 75:3 e. and inhabit. Is. 24:19 8 wicked of the e. shall wring 76:8 e. feared; 77:18 e. tre. 97:4 82:8 O God, judge the e. 90:2 or ever thou hadst form. e. CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. EAE Ps. 97:1 let the e. rejoice 99:1 )ot the e. be moved 102:25 laid the founda. of the e. 104:5; Prow. 8:29 ; /6\ 48:13 148:13 his glory is above the e. P7-0V. 3:19 L. founded e. Is. 24:1 8:23 or ever e. was 2G not made the c. nor fields 23:3 e. for depth unsearchable 30:16 the e. not filled with wat. 21 for three thin-^'s e. disquiet. Jfc. 1:4 the e. abideth for ever 5:9 the profit of the e. for all Is. 4:2 fruit of e. excellent 11:4 smite the e. with rod 9 e. full of knowledge of Lord 2-1:4 the e. mourneth, 33:9 19 e. broken, c. is dissolved 20 e. shall reel ; 2(j:19 cas<- out 2(i:21 e. shall disclose blood 40:22 sit. on the circle of the e. 23 the Creator of ends of the e. 45:8 let e. open ; 12 I m. the e. 22 be .saved, all ends of the e. 51:G look on e. e. shall was old 60:1 the e. is my footstool Jer. 4:23 I beheld e. with, form 28 for this shall the e. mourn 0:19 hear, 0 e.l will bring evil 22:29 O «. c. e. hear the word of the Lord, ilie. 1:2 40:8 saith, I will cover the e. 49:21 the e. is moved, 50: -16 Ezck. 7:21 give to wick, of the e. 9:9 Lord hath forsaken the e. 43:2 e. shined with his glory IIos. 2:22 the e. shall hear corn Amot 8:9 I will darken the e. Jon. 2:5 the e. with her bars Mic. 7:17 like worms of tho e. Nail. 1:3 the e. is burnt up n-ih. 2:14 «. filled with knowl. 3:3 «. was full of his praise 9 didst clea. the c. with rivers Zee. 1:10 to and fro thro. e. 6:7 4:10 eyeswh. run through thee. Mai. 4:6 I smite e. with curse Mat. 5:5 meek shall inherit e. 33 sw. not by c. it is footstool 13:5 liad not much c Mark 4:5 Mark 4:23 e. bringeth forlli fruit John, 3:31 of the e. is earthly 1 Cor. 15:47 first man of e. 2 T'mi. 2:20 ves. of wood and e. lUb. 12:26 whose voice shoolc e. Jam. 5:7 precious fruit of the c. a Pet. 3:10 e. and woi-ks therein Ilej\ 7:3 hurt not the c. nor sea 11:0 have power to smite the e. 12:16 tlio e. opened her mouth 13:12 caus. e. to worship beast 18:1 and the <;. was lightened 19:2 whore which did corrupt e. 20:11 from whose face tho e. fled Hie BE.\STS, DUST, EMJS, PACE, KINGS, IIEAVKK, 1'K0I"I,B,WH0US. All the EARTH. Oen. 1:20 dominion over aUIhe e. 7:3 seed on the face of a'l I. e. 11:9 confound lang. of all t. e. ]H:23 Judge ot alt, t. e do right: 19:31 aftr^r maniuT oi all the e. Ee. 19:5 for all Ilia e. is mine 31:10 not been done in all the e. Num. 14:21 all t. e. filled with gl. Jiw. ;!:U all t. e. 13; Zuc. 6:5 23: 14 way of all the e. 1 A'. 2:2 1 t'hr. 10: 11 judgments in all the e. Pf. 105:7 30 fear a. t. e. Ps. 33:8; 96:0 Ps. 8:1 cxcolleut in all the e. 9 4T:2 k. over aU e. 7 ; Za: 1 1:9 57:5 be above «// ('. 11; IIIH:5 66:4 (ill thee, sliall wor.«hip 8:i:18 high over all thr i>. 9i:9 Is. 10:14 I gathered aa '. e. 12:5 this is kjiown in a'l the e. Jer. 20:6 city a curse to all the e. 51:7 imihIc till tlie e. drunken 1) ui. 2::!9 kiii:;d. rule over a. t. e. Ilih. 2:20 let (M the c. kee|) sil. Zee. 1:11 Mthee. hiltetli hIIII L.^.2i; Nah. 'i:l:i 2 Sam. 12:20 I). nroH(^ from thee. Jot) IH;I7 reinemb. peVlsli/. I. e. I's. 118:7 praise \Am\frofii thee. Amos 3:5 II Kuare froiii the e. John 12;:12 If llfte'd up /'. the e. AeCsB'.'.yi lux Ilfo is taken/. //«« c. 5:$ EAR Acts 9:8 Saul arose from the e. 22:22 away with fellow/, the e. Hev. 6:4 to take peace/, the e. 14:3 144,000 redeemed/, the e. In the EARTH. Gen. 1:22 let fowl mult, in, the e. 4:12 a vagabond in the e. 14 6:5 wickedness great in the c. 10:8 Nim. mighty one in the e. 19:31 not a man in t. e. 43:7 pros, a posterity in the e. E.r.. 20:4 in the e. beneath 2 Sam. 7:9 name like great men in tlie e. 1 Chr. 17:8 23 what nat. in t. e. like Israel ? 1 Chr. 17:21 14:20 know all thincrs in the e. 1 Chr. 29:11 all in tlie e. is thine 2 C7ir.6:14no G. like thee in.?, e. ■Tob 1:7 to and fro in the e. 2:2 8 none like Job in the e. 2:3 14:8 root wax old in the e. 24:18 portion cursed in the e. .39:14 ostrich lea v. eggs in the e. Ps. 16:3 saints that are in the e. 46:8 desolations made in the c. 10 I will be exalted in the e. .58:11 God that judgeth in the e. 72:16 a handful of corn in the e. 119:19 I am a stranger in the e. Is. 20:9 thy judgm. are in the e. 18 not wrought deliver, in t. e. 40:24 stock not take root int. e. 42:4 he set .iudgment in the e. 02:7 Jerusalem a praise in thee. 05:16 blesseth himself in the e. Bweareth in the e. ■Jer. 31:22 a new thing in the e. ■Joel 2:30 show wonders in the e. Mat. 2.5:18 digtred in the e. 25 hid thy talent in the e. Mark 4:31 mustard seed sown in t. e. less than allseeds ini.e. 1 John 5:8 three that witn. i. t. e. ' On, or upon the E.VRTH. Gen. 6:12 God looked ti-pon the c. 7:4 I will cause rain vpon the e. 8:17 multiply tipon the e. and 19:33 sun was risen iij-ioti the e. 28:12 ladder sot ypon the e. Ex. 10:6 since th^y were u. thee. Dent. 4:10 live w;*. e. 12:1, 19 36 vpon thee, showed great fire 12:16 pour it ^rpon the e. 24 2 Sam-. 12:16 David lav v. the e. IK. 8:27 will God dwell on the e.? 2CAr. 6:18 17:14 L. sends rain vpon the e 1 Chr. 29:15 days on e. .lob 8:9 ■Tob 7:1 time to man on e. f 19:23 stand at latter day u. t. e. 20:4 man was placed on the c. 37:6 snow, be tliou on the e. 41:33 on e. there is not his like Ps. 7:5 enemy tread life on the e. 07:2 thy way known vpon tlie e. 73:25 none vpon e. I desire bes. Prov. 30:21 four th. little u. thee. Ee. 7:20 not a just man v. the e. 10:7 princes as sen', vpon the e. 1 1:3 clouds empty (h. upon t. e. Cant, 2:12 flowens ajjpcir on t. e. Is. 28:22 corisumptioir(/;OTn, thee, ■ter. 9:3 not valiant for truth u. e. Tawi. 2:11 liver poured u. the c. Amos 3:5 fall in snare u. the e, .Mat. 0:1!) lay not up troas. on c. 9:0 Son hatli power on e. to for- give, Mark 2:10; Luke 5:21 10::! 1 comc! to seiul peace on e. 1(i:19 tliou Shalt bind on e. 18:18 2.3:9 call no man father v. the e. .)Fark 9:3 no I'ulhir on e. can wh. Luke 2:14 glory to (3od, on c. 12: 1!) couio to send fire 0. t. e. (i\ couie to give peace on e. It 18:8slndl he find (aWh on e.f .fohn 17: 1 glorified tliee oa the c. Pom. 9:28 a sliort work on the c. Col. 3:2 aflV'c. not on things one. 5 mortify your members o. t. c. Ileb. 8:4 on e. not be a priest 11:13 strangers on the e. 12:2.3 ref. him tluit spake wi e. Jam. 5:5 lived in pleas, on, the e. 17 it rained not on the e„ Per. 3:10 that dwell iijion tho c, 5: 10 we sliall reign on e, 8:7 hail and flre cast uimn the e. 11-10 dw.o/ic. 1.3:8; ]4:«; 17:8 10:2 poured vial »y/w( thee. Out of the K\HTH. 1 Knm. 28: i:i (imccuiI. out of the.e. 2 Sum. 2:1: 1 grass out of the e. .lot) 28:2 Iron Is K\\\i.\.-\\ out qf the e. 5 e. out of It ccuneth bread EAS Ps. 85:11 truth sh. spr. o. oft. e. 104:35 sinners be cons. o. of t. e. Dan. 7:17 four kings out of thee. IIos. 2:18 battle ovi of the e. Mic. 7:2 good perish out of the e. Rev. 13:11 beast up out of the e. To, or unto the EARTH. Gen. 24:52 bow. himself to tlie e. 42:6 they bowed to thee. 43:26 .los. 5:14 Josh, fell to the e. 7:6 1 Sam. 5:3 D. on his face to thee. 17:49 Goliath his face to the e. 25:41 bow. herself to e. 1 K. 1:31 26:8 smite him to the e. 20 let not my blood fall to t. e. 2Sam. 14:11 not one hair shall fall to the e. 1 K. 1:52 2 K. 10:10 fall to t. e. no word ■Job 12:8 or speak to the e. Ps. 17:11 bowing down to the e. 4-t:23 belly clea\-eth unto the e. 50:4 he shall call to the e. 140:4 he returneth to his e. Ec. 3:21 sp. of beast goeth to e. 12:7 dust ret. to t. e. spirit to G. ■ler. 15:10 conten. to the whole e. IIos. 6:3 and former rain to the e. Acts 9:4 and Saul fell to the e. 10:11 great sheet down to the e. Per. 6:13 stars of heav. fell 1. 1. e. 12:13 dragon cast unto the e. EARTHEIV. Lev. C:2S e. ves. wherein sodden 11:33 e. vessel wherein falleth 14:5 birds killed in e. vessel, 50 Num. 5:17 water in e. vessel .ler. 19:1 a potter's e. bottle 32:14 evidences in an e. vessel iMm. 4:2 esteemed as e. pitchers 2 Cor. 4:7 treasure in e. vessels EARTHLY. .Tohii 3:12 if I told you e. things 31 he that is of the earth is e. 2 Cor. 5:1 our e. house of tabern. Phil. 3:19 who mind e. things Jam. 3:15 this wisd. is e. sensual EARTHaCARE. 1 IC. 19:11 an e. L. was not in e. 12 after the e. a fire Is. 29:6 visited of Lord with e. ,imos 1:1 two years before the e. Zee. 14:5 ye fled before the e. Mat. 27:54 centurion saw the e. 28:2 a great e. Acts 16:2'6 ; Pev. 0:12; 11:13 Pco. 8:5 thunder, and e. 11:19 16:18 great e. so mighty an e. E.\RTHQU.\KES. Mat. 21:7 famines and e. Mark 13:8; Inkeil-.U EARTHY. 1 Cor. 15:47 first num of earth, e. 49 have borne image of <;. E.ASE, Suhstantivo. Deut. 28:65 shalt tliou find no e. Jud. 20:1.3 trod down with e. .Job 12:5 of him that is at c. 16:12 at e. ; 21:23 being at e. Ps. 23:13 soul shall dwell at e. 123:4 scorning of those at e. Is. 32:9 rise up, ye women at e. 11 tremble, ye women at c. ,I,T. 48:11 Moab hath been at e. Ezek. 2;!:42 voice of multi. at c. .■\mos 0:1 woo to (liem at c. in Z. Luke 12:19 take thine c. eat EASE, Verb. Deu^t. 23:13 thou wilt c. thyself 2 (.'/(;■. 10:4 e. Iliou somewhat, 9 Is. 1:24 e. me of adversarie.n EAl'ilCl). .lot) 16:0 forbear, « li:it am I e. t 2 Cor. 8:13 that other meu bo c. EAI^IKtl. Ex. 18:22 be <■. for 111 y self Mat. 9:5 whether is e. to say, Mark'X-.'i: Luke Xy.-Z\ 19:21 e. for camel to go thro' eye, Mark 10:-i3; Luke 18:25 Luke 16:17 < . lor heaven to pns.s K VSII.Y. 1 (\w. 13:.5 is not i. provoked //(*. 12:1 sin wliicli doth c. besot E\ST. Oen. .1:21 c. otirard.'u ofKdeii i:!:11 Lot journeyed .-. 2.*1 1 al)ro:ul to (he west and e. 29:1 land of the people of llu< <'. Sum. 2.1:7 tiron^;!ii me out of i'. Jinl. i\:'.\ chlldnii of tho f. 3,3; • 7:12; 8:10; 1 /r. 4::iO . 1 A'. 7:2.^ three tow. e. S Chr. •1:» 1 Chr. lt:2l tho porters toward <>. EAT 1 C7tr. 12:15 to flight them. to. «. ■lob 1:3 of all the men of the e. P-i. 7.3:6 promotion not from e. 103:12 far as the e. is from west 107:3 gathered them from e. Is. 11:14 sp. them of e. Jer. 49:28 41:2 righteous man from the e. 4:3:5 seed from e. Zee. 8:7 46:11 bird from the e. the man Ezek. 8:16 faces toward the e. 40:6 gate toward the e. 22; 43:1 ; 44:1; 46:1, 13 47:8 waters issue toward the e. 48:10 toward the e. ten thousa. Pan. 8:9 horn great toward e. 11:44 tidings out of the e. Zee. 14:4 mo. sh. cleave tow. e. Mat. 2:1 wise men from the e. 2 seen his star in the e. 9 8:11 come from e. Lvke 13:29 24:27 as lightning out of the e. Rev. 7:3 angel ascending from e. 10:12 the way of kings of e. 21:13 on tho e. three gates EAST border. Num. 34:10 point out your e. bor. ■los. 4:19 encamped in the e. I.or. 15:5 the e. border was salt sea EA.STER. Acts 12:4 after e. to bring him EAST gate. Neh. 3:29 Shem. keeper of c. gate Jer. 19:2 entry of the e. gate Ezek. 10:19 stood at door of e. g. 11:1 Spirit brought to the e. g. EAST side. Num. 2:3 on e. side shall J. pitch ■los. 7:2 Ai, on e. side of Bctliel ■lud. 11:18 came by e. side of M. Ezek. 48:2 fr, the e. s. even unto, 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 93. 24, 25, 26. 27 Jon. 4:5 Jonah sat on e. s. of city EASTWARD. Gen. 13:14 th. eyese. Peut. 3:27 2 K. 1:5:17 open the window e. 1 Chr. 20:17 e. were six Levitts Ezek. 47:3 man with line went e. EAST wind. Gen. 41:6 blasted with e. w. 23. 27 Ex. 10:13 brought an e. w. M:21 Job 15:2 fill his belly with e. w. 38:24 scattereth the e. icind Ps. 48:7 breakest ship with e. lo. 78:26 caused e. wind to blow Is. 27:8 rough in day off. w. Ezek. 17:10"the e. ivind touch, it 19:12 and the e. wind dneth up 27:26 the e. wind hath broken IIos. 12:1 Ephra. follow, e. w, 13:15 an e. wind shall como .Ion. 4:8 God prepared*, wini Ilab. 1:9 faces suj). up as e. wind EASY. Prov. 14:6 know ledge is e. to h. Mat. 11:;!0 my yokels^, 1 Cor. 14:9 «. to be understood Jam. 8:17 wisdom from ub. is e. EAT. Oen. 2:10 of cv. tree thou may. e. 3:5 day ve e. eyes sh. beopeuod GEveilid^-./WIdide. 13 14 and dust shalt thou e. 16 iu sorrow shalt Hum ar 26:1(1 your enemies shall e. .\um. 11:.') fish we illd .. fiwly 13 llesh Ihul we nuiv «. 23:24 III! hof. oflhepn-y 25.2 the piH). fichh 1 1:21 give to sira. th. he may (", 2;i;24 tliou mayesl t. jfraj-ci 834 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. EAT Bcii.t. 28:29 for worms shall «. th. 53 e. fruit of body. Lam. 2:20 32:38 e. fat of sacJ'ifices Jos. 5:11 they e. of old com Jud. 19:8 they tarried, and did e. 1 Sam. 1:18 Hannah did e. 9:13 they e. that be bidden 14:34 ande. and fin not 20:34 Jonathan did e. no meat 2 S.im. 9:11 e. at table, 1 K. 2:7 1 if. 14:11 him that dieth of J. doars e. 10:4; 21:23; 2 K. 9:10, 33 17:12 that we may «. and die 19:5 arise e. Acts 10:13 ; 11:7 2 iT. 4:43 they shall c. and 41 they did e. and left thereof 6:23 give son that vre may e. 29 we boiled my son, and did e. 13:31 e. eve. m. of vine, /■;. 36:16 2 Chr. 30:18 yet did «. passover IT'ih. 5:2 that we mav e. fl:i5 so they did e. P: 78:^9 Jji 3:24 sighing comctU before I e. 31:8 and let another e. Pi. 22:26 the meek shall e. 29 fat on earth shall e. 50:13 will I e. the flesh of bulls 73:25 man did e. an^jels' food 123:2 thou shalt e. tic labor Prov. 1:31 e. fruit. Is. 3:10 13:21 they that love shall e. fruit 24:13 my son, e. thou honey 30:17 young eagles shall e. it Ec. 2:25 for who can e. f 5:11 are increased that e. them 12 whether he e. little or much 10:16 princes e. in the morning 17 princes e. in due season Cant. 4:16 come into gar. and e. />■. 4:1 we will e. our own bread 7:15 batter and honey sh. he «. 22 butter and honey sh. one e. 9:20 e. on left hand, e^ flesh 11:7 lion shall e. straw, 65:25 33:24 oxen and asses shall e. 37:30 plant vineyards, and e. the fruit, 65:21 ; .Jer. 29:5, 23 51:8 worms shall e. them 55:1 come ye, buy and e. 8 hearken to me, and e. good 63:4 peo. which «. swine's' flesh 13 my servants shall e. 22 not plant and another e. Jer. 13:16 found, and I did e. 19:9 shall e. the flesh of friend Ezek. 2:8 open thy mouth and c. 3:1 e. that thou findest. e. roll 4:1Q e. by w-ei. ; 5:10 fath. e. so. 18:13 thou didst e. line flour 34:3 ye e. the fat Dm. 4:33 Nebuch. did iO:Z1\ Luke 9:13 15:20 to e. with nnwash. hands 32 nothing to e. Mark 8:1, 2 26:17 prepare to e. passover? Mark 5:4:3 given her to e. 6::31 no leisure to e. Luke 22:15 to e. this passover ■lohn i-.'ii meat foe. ye know not 33 brought him aiight to e. ? 6:52 man give us hisfiesh to c. ? 1 Cor. 8:10 embolden toe. things 11:20 not to e. Lord's supper Heb. 13:10 an altar no right to e. Per. 2:7 to e. of the tree of life 14 toe. things sacrificed, 20 17 to e. of hidden manna E.AT up. (?cra. 41:4 did e. wp seven fat, 20 yum. 24:8 he shall e. vp nations Ps. 27:2 enemies came to e. vp 105:55 did e. vp all the herbs I<. 50:9 moth shall e. vp. 51:8 ■ler. 5:17 e. ap thy harvest, e. vp flocks, e. vp vines 22:22 wind e. vp all pastures /To?. 4:8 they e. vp the sin of Nah. 3:15 shall e. vp like canker i?e«. 10:9 take it, and e. it up EATESf. Cere. 3:11 hast thou e. of tree 14:24 which young men have e. 41:21 v/hen they had e. them Ex. 12:46 in one'ho. sh. it be e. 13:3 no leavened br. be e. 7 21:28 his flesh shall not be e. 29::34 not be e. because it is ho. Lev. 6:16 shall be e. in the holy place. 26 ; 7:6 23 wholly burnt not be e. 7:19 30 no sin-offering shall be e. 7:15 shall be e. the same day, 16 10:17 why not e. sin offerins? 11:13 not bee. 41; Deut.Uh^ 19:6 shall be e. same dav, 22:.30 Kum. 2S:17 br. be e. Ezek. 45:21 Deut. 6:11 shalt have e. 8:10, 12 26:14 1 ha^'c not e. in mourning 29:6 ye have not e. bread 31:20 when they shall have e. ■los. 5:12 had e. of old corn. Ruth 3:7 wlien Boaz had e. and 1 Sam. 2S:20 e. no bread all day 30:12 had e. his spirit came 1 K. 13:28 lion not e. the carcass Xeh. 5:14 have not e. the bread ■lob 6:0 unsavory e. without salt 31:17 or have e. my morsel 39 if I have e. the fruits Pi?. 69:9 zeal of thy house hath e. me np, John 2:17 102:9 I have e. ashes like bread Pror. 9:17 bread e. in secret 23:8 morsel e. shalt thou vomit Cant. 5:1 1 have e. my honey-co. Is. 3:14 ye have e. up vineyard _ .ler. 10:25 thev have e. up Jacob 21:2 could not be e. 3:8; 29:17 31:29 e. sour crapes, Ezek. 18:2 Eos. 10:13 ye Have e. the fruit ■loel 1:4 locust left c.-w. e. 25 Mat. 14:21 and they that had e. Mark 8:9 Luke 13:26 we have e. and drunk 17:8 I have e. afterward thou e. Acts 10:10 would have c. 14 I have nev. e. anyth. com. 12:2:3 he was e. of worms 27:38 when tliey hade, enough Pev. 10:10 had e. it, belly bitter EATER, S. ■Tud. 14:14 out off. came forth Pi'or. 23:30 riotous e. of flesh Is. 55:10 cive bread to the e. -VoA. 3:12 fall into mouth of e. EATEST. Gen. 2:17 day thou e. thou shalt 1 Sam. 1:8 why e. thou not ? EATETH. £'r. 12:15 who e. leav. bread, 19 Xei'. 7:18 that e. 20, 25; 17:10 Num.. 13:2 land e. up inhabit. 1 Sam. 14:24 cursed m. that e. 28 Job 5:5 harvest the hungry e. up 21:25 never e. with pleasure 40:15behcmoth e. grass as an ox Ps. 106:30 an ox that e. grass Prov. 13:25 righteous e. to satisfy EDI Pror. 30:20 she e. and wlpoth m. 31:27 she e. not bread of Idleu. Ec. 4:5 fool e. his own flesh Is. 29:8 he e. but awaketh 44:16 with part he e. flesh 59:5 that e. of their eggs J/af*. 9:11 why e. your master, ?Jark^:lii\ Luke 15:i John 6:54 whoso e. my flesh 56 thate. my flesh dwelleth in 5T so he that e. me shall live 58 he that e. of this bread Pom. 14:2 another weak e. herbs 3 let not him that e. despise 6 e. to L. that e. not, to L. e. n. 20 evil for who e. with oft'ence 23 because e. not of faith 1 Cor. 9:7 planteth vineyard and e. not '/ and e. not of milk 11:29 that e. unworth. e. danm. EATJXG. Ex. 12:4 ev. man to his e. 16:18 ./»(7. 14:9 Samson went on e. 1 Sam. 14:.34 sin not in e. withh. 2 A'. 4:40 as they were e. pottage ■lob 20:23 upon him whilehc is e. /■;. 66:17 e. swine's flesh Amos 7:2 made an end of e. grass J/o^. 26:26 were e. Jes. took br. 1 Cor. 8:4 e. of things sacrificed 11:21 in e. ev. one tak. ov.-a sup. See DRixKrN'G. EBAL. Deut. 11:29 mount E. 27:4. 13 ■Jos. 8:30 an altar in mount E. E3ED. Jud. 9:30; Ezr. 8:6 EBEa-SfELECH. .7er. 38:3 E. spake to king, 39:16 ebe:v-ezer. 1 Sam. 4:1 and pitched beside E. 5:1 bro. the ark from E. 7:12 EBER. Gen. 10:21, 25; ^'um. 24:24 ED. Jos. 22:34 edex. Gen. 2:13man into garden of E. Is. 51:3 her wilderness like E. Ezek. 28:13; 31:9, 16, IS; 3G::35 Joel 2:3 is as the garden of E. Amos 1:5 cut off sceptre from E. E!)GE. Ex. 13:20 e. of wild. Jw/m. a3:5 26:10 loops in the e. of curtain Ec. 10:10 do not whet the e. See TEETH. EDGE of the sword. Gen. 34:26 slew H. with e. ofs. Ex. 17:13 Amalek with e. ofs. 3 um. 21:24 smote S. with'e. ofs. .Jos. 8:24 smote Ai. with e. o/'*. ./»(?. 4:15 Sisera ; 21:10 Jabc.-gil. ./oi 1:15 Job's ser. with e. o/«. 17 Ps. 8S;43 turned the e. of the s. ■Jer. 21:7 smite them with e. (y'« ivi-e 21:24 Jews fall by «. of svj Ileb. 11:34 thro' faith esca. e. ofs' EDGED. Ps. 149:6 two-e. sword in hand Prov. 5:4 sharp as a two-e. sword Reb. 4:12 word of God sharper than two-e. sword Pev. 1:16 mouth sharp two-«. 6 EDGES. Ex. 28:7 joined at two e. 39:4 Jud. 3:16 Eh.'s dag. had two e. Rev. 2:12 sharp sw. with two e. EDIFICATI07J. Pezi<. 1:4 EFFECT, Substantive. Num. 30:8 make vow of no e. Py. 33:10 devices of peo. of no. e. /^■. 32:17 the e. of righteousness Exk. 12:23 and e. of every vision Mat. 15:6 com. of G. of none e. Mark'!:\Z wordof Godof none:« 2:21 22:2:3 these e. Milcah did boar Num. 29:29 €. bullocks, two vams Jud. 3:8 Israel served e. years 12:14 Abdou judged Is. e. y. 1 K. 7:10 of stones of c. cubits 2 K. C:17 Jehor. reigned c. years 22: 1 Josi. was e. years old, 2 Chr. 34:1 2 Chr. 29:17 sanct. L. in e. days Ec. 11:2 to seven, also to e. Ezek. 40:31 had e. steps, 34:.37. 41 e. tables slew sacrifices Mic. 5:5 seven shepherds, e. men Luke 9:28 about an e. days after John 20:26 after e. days Acts 9:33 E. kept his bed e. years 1 Pet. 3:20 e. souls were saved EIGHTH. Lev. 2.5:22 shall sow<;. year 1 K. 6:38 which is e. month 1 Chr. 24:10 thee, lot came forth Zee. 1:1 in e. month word came iPet. 2:5 saved Xoah thee. per. Per. 17:11 beast thatwas, is thee. 21:20 e. foundation was a beryl See DAT, DAYS. EIGHT hundrct!. Gen. 5:4 Adam lived c. h. years EIGHTEEN. 1 K. 7:15 two pillars of brass e. cubits, 2 A'. 25:17; Jer. .52:21 2 Chr. 11:21 Reho. tooke. wives Luke 13:4 e. on whom tower fell 10 Satan hath bound c. years EIGHTEE.'«TH. 1 K. 15:1 e. yearof Jer. 2 Chr. 13:1 1 Clir. 2-1:15 e. lot came forth 25:23 the e. to Ilanani Jer. 32:1. was e. year of Ncbuch. EITHER. Tohn 19:18 crucifi. on e. side one Pev. 22:2 e. side river tree of life EKBO.\. 1 Snm. 5:10 as ark came to E. 2 K. 1:2 the god of E. 3:6, 16 .'\mns 1:9 inv hand agahist E. Zcp. 2:4 E. slKill be rooted up Z,cc. 9:5 E. very sorrowful, 7 EKROMTES. ./<•«. 13:3 the land of tlu^ E. not 1 Sam. 5:10 ark ca. to Ekron, E. ELAEI. r,V«.. ,30:41 duke V.. l/i'. 4:18 \S(im. 17:2 bv the vallev of E. 21:9(iollatli in valley ofE. 1 K. 10:8 E. sou of Ba:islia 2 K. 15::i0 son of K. 17:1 ; 18:1. 9 1 Chr. 4:15 son of Caleb, E. 9:8 EL AM. Gen. 10:22 children of Shorn, E. 1 1:1 Chedoilaoiiier king of E. Is. 11:11 ri'cover jieopli' from E. 21:2 go up. () K. : 22:0 F,. bare .hr. 25:25 kings of K. 49:31. 3tl, 39 AV/.-. 32:21 there is E. and all Dan. 8:2 in the province of E. ELAMITEK. A:rr. 4:9 E. wrote letter, Acls 2:9 KLATir. 2 A'. 11:22: 16:0 K1,-I1KTI1KI,. r,v-/(. .3.5:7 ELJIAU. Num. 11:26,27 ELDER. Gen. 10:21 S. broth. 'ror.Ta. thep. 25:2:) r. serve voiiiig. Hoin. 9:12 1 K. 2:22 he Is iiilmw. brother .lot) 15:10 much c. than father A'..b 1:13 In (. brother's house, 18 John 8:9 one by one, begin, at i . lCLl"..\I.Kir. Num. 32:.37; Is. 15:4; 16:9; .hr. 18:34 ELEAZAR. A'.r.0:25; 28:1; AVm. .'i:2; 86:60; 1 f'///. 6:3; 21:1; A'.v. H:33 Ur. 10:16 M. wao angry with K, .\'iim. 3: 1 !■;. minister. In priests' 31:17 E. and Josliim mIuiII divide ./os. 17: 1 ca. lU'ar bef. K. 24:;W 1 Sam. 7:1 lliev HamliUi'd K. to AVA. 12:l2SlnHnahihaMit F.. .Mat. 1:15 Kllud b.'gat li- iiml li. ELECT. fs. 42:1 mine f. in whom my 43:1 Isiai 1 mini't. 1 have culled i;5:9 mini' .. shall inli.'ril It •.'2 mliu' (■, shall Ion;; enjoy ELI Mat. 2-1:22 for the e. those days shall be short. Mark 13:20 24 dec. the very e. Mark 13:22 31 angels gather e. Mark 13:27 Luke 18:7 G. avenge his own e. ? Pom. 8::33 to charge of God's e. f Col. 3:12 put on as e.. of G. bow. 1 Tim. 5:21 before the e. angels 2 Tim.. 2:10 endure for thee, sake Tit. 1:1 to the faith of God's e. 1 Pet. 1:2 e. according to forckn. 2:6 chief corner-stone, e. proc. 2 John 1 the elder to the e. lady 13 the children of thy e. sister ELECTED. 1 Pet. 5:13 church at Bab. e. with ELECTIO\. PoTn. 9:11 purpose accord, to e. 11:5 reran, according to the e. 7 the e. hath obtained it 28 the e. they are beloved 1 Thes. 1:4 knowing youre. of G. %Pe.t. 1:10 your calling and e. EL-ELOHE-Z Kab-shnk.'h E. 2.3:34 made i:. son. 2 ('///•. ;10:4 /.-•. 22:-J0; .30:3; ;)T:2 Mat. 1 : 13 Abitid begat E. andE. ELIAJl. 2.svm. 11:3; '23:31 ELI VSIIin. Ezr. ]0:Otl\es..n.iri:. 24, 27.;;o •Ve/i. 3:1; 1'2:10,'2.3; l;i:l,7,28 KLIE7.EII. G,n, 1.5:2 Klewaiil of house 1» K. A'.c. 18:4 name of Moses' son K. 1 Ghr. 7:8; 1.5:21 ; •2.3:1.5. 17; '.'7:16 2 Chr. 20:37 !■:. proplusied au'a. Ezr. 10:18 v.. had lak.n, 2;i, 31 l.uh 3:'2tt J ose \\ as l he son of E. KLIUOHKIMI. 1 K. 43 ELiiir. 1 Chr. 12:'.'0; ■.ri;7; •,'7:18; ./<■/' ;B:d ELIJAH, or EI.IVS. 1 A'. \\:\ v.. theTisbblle, 1.5, «J 23 Iv look ibocbll.l ilowu 18:2 i:. went l.i A. 7. 10, 10,4(1 19:1 i;. ha.WU.n.', Ui'.HI; 21:'.\) 836 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. EMB 2 K. 1:8 is E. the TishTjite, 13, 17 2:1 E. into heaven, 8, 11, 14, 15 3:11 poured wa. on hands of E. 2 Chr. 21:12 came a writing fr. E. Mai. 4:5 behold I will send you E. Mat. 11:14 E. which was to come 1(5:14 say E. Mark 6:15; Lu. 9:8 17:3 app. E. Mark 9:4 ; Ln. 9:30 11 E. shall come, Murk 9:12 12 E. come already, Mark 9:13 27:47 calleth for '&.'Mark 15:35 49 E. will come, Mark 15:36 L'ike 1:17 before in power of E. 9:.54 fire to consume as E. did John 1:21 art thou E. ? art tli. 25 Rom. 11:2 scripture saith of E. Jain. 5:17 B. was a man subject ELIM. Ex. 15:27; 16:1 ; Num. 83:9, 10 ELIMELECH. Ruth 1:2 name E. 3 ; 2:1 ; 4:9 ELIPHALET. ^Sam. 5:16 E. D. sou, 1 Chr. 3:6, 8 ELJPHAZ. Gen. .36:4, 10, 11, 12, 15; 1 Chr. 1:35 ^0*2:11; 4:1: 15:1; 22:1; 42:9 "ELISABETH. Luke 1:5,24,40,57 ELISHA, ELISEI.'S. 1 K. 19:16 E. to be proph. 17, 19 2 K. 2:5 proph. came to E. 12, 15 3:11 Here is E. 4:1,8,17 5:9 Naaraan stood at door of E. 6:20 E. said, open the eves, 31 8:4 that E. hath done 5, 14 13:14 E. fallen sick, 16, 17, 21 Luke 4:27 lepers in days of E. ELISHAH. Ezek. 27:7 ELISHAMA. Num. 1:10; 2:18; 7:48,53; 10:22 2 Sam. 5:10 E. David's son 1 Chr. 2:41; 3:6,8; 7:26; 14:7 2 Chr. 17:8 he sent with them E. Jer. 3G:12 E. the scribe, 41;1 ELISHEBA. Ex. 0:2:3 ELISHUA. 2 Sam. 5:15 E. U. sons, 1 CAr.l4:5 ELIUD. Mat. 1:14, 15 ELRAKAH. Ex. 6:24 Korah, Assir, and E. 1 Sam. 1:1 name was E. 21 ; 2:11 1 Chr. 6:23 son of E. 26, 34, ;35 ' 12:6 E. the Korhite, 9:16 15:23 E. was door-keeper for ark 2 Chr. 28:7 E. was next to king ELMODAII. Luke 3:28 ELXATHAIV. 2 K. 24:8 the daughter of E. Exr. 8:16 f sent for E. and Jarib Jer. 26:22 sent E. into, ;36:12, 25 ELo:v. Gen. 26:.34 daughter of E. 36:2 46:14 the sons of Zcbulun, E. Jud. 12:11 E. judge.d Israel, 12 ELOQUEIMT. Ex. 4:10 O my lord, I am. not e. Is. 3::j doth take away e. orator Acts 18:24 Apollos, an e. man ELSE. Deui. 4:35 God, there is none e. 39; 1 A'. 8:60; /s. 45:.5. 6, 14, 18.21, 22; 46:9; Jod%:%l Jud. 7:14noth.«. savesw. ofGid. 1 Chr. 21:12 or e. three days Ps. 51:16 not sacrifice e. give it lit. 47:8 none e. beside me, 10 John 14:11 or e. b'-'licve me Rovn. 2:15 accusing or t. cxcus. Rev. 2:5 repent, or e. I come, 16 ELUL. Neh. 6:15 ELYMAS. Ads 13:8 E.^IB.ALM, ED. Gen. 50:2 Jos. commanded phy- sician toe. his father; phy- sicians e. Israel 28 they . 7:10 after power of an g. 'life E;V0E.\V0R, ED, IXG. Acts 10:10 e. to go into Macedo. Jiph. 4:3 e. to keep unity of spir. 1 The.i. 2:17 we c. to see your f. 2 Pei. 1:15 will e. ye may be able E."VDE.\VORS. Ps. 28:4 accord, to wicked, of e. ' E.X-DOR. Jos. 1T:11 E. and her t. Ps. 8:3:10 1 Hai/i. 28:7 woman at E. hath s. EIVDOW. Kv. 22:10 e. her to be his wife E\D.S. I>eut. 33:17 push peo. to e. of e. 1 fiam. 2:10 shall judge e. of c. Jofj 28:21 looketh toe. of the e. 37:3 liglitninj/.unto e. of earth ;38:13 take hold of e. of earth Ps. l'.):6 his circuit to the e. of it 22:27 £-. of world shall remember 48:10 so is thy praise to thee, of 50:13 (i. rulethin Jacob to thee. 65:5 con shall come from the e. 2.'):31 a noise to e. of the earth M,':'c'/c. 15:4 fire dcvoureth both e. Mir.. 5:1 shall he be great to e. Zic. 0:10 his dominion to e. of jlels 13:47 be for salvation to e. JJo/n. 10:18 words toe. of world 1 Cor. 10:11 e. of world are come E.\»i'i:». C'rn. 30:20 e. me willi good dow. 2 (Jhr. 2:12 son e. witli prudence 13 eiinning man e. wilh under. i(U-e 21:4!) ye bee. wilh power Jam. 3:13 e. wilh knowledge E\DIIRE. Gen. 3:i:14 cliildri'ii be able to e. yO;. 18:23 thou slialt beableloe. A'st. 8 6 can I e. to se(! tlie evil Jolj 8:15 fast, but it shall not e. 31:23 I could note. Pti. 0:7 the Lord shall e. for over, 102:12,26; 101:31 .30:5 W(M>|)ing may e. for a nighl 72:5 fear lli<;e lis long as sun e. 17 his name shall e. as tin; sun 80:20 Ills seed to e. lor (^vcr, :I6 Pron. 27:21 crown i: to every g. /'Jjf'l.'. 22:11 can tliy heart e. Mat. 21:13 lie lli i, HJiall e. to the end, .War/.- 13:1,1 ^fll/■/.■ 1:17 so e. but for n time 2 '/V(/'.v. 1:1 iriliiiliilionstliatyee, 2 yV;//. 2::i thi'icrnn; .-. hardiiesK lOe. all|hlii|,M lor eleel's sake 4::) will Motr, sound durlriiie r>ni all lliin:,'s, e. «ni|etl(iiiK UeO. 12;7ir yut. cliu»tualiii{, Uod ENE Reb. 12:20 not e. what was com. Jai/i. 5:11 count thein hap. w. e. 1 Pet. 2:19 for conscience e. grief E.VDURED. Ps. 81:15 should have e. for ever Horn. 9:22 God e. with long-suli'. 2 Tim. 3:11 what persecut. I e. Heb. 0:15 after he had patient, e. 10:32 e. great fight of afflictions 11:27 e. as seeing him invisible 12:2 e. cross: 3 e. such contrad. EXDURETH. P.^. 30:5 anger e. but a moment !32:1 goodness of G. e. continu. 72:7 peace, so long as moon e. 100:5 trutli e. to all generations 14.5:13 dominion e. through all Mat. 10:22 e. to the end be saved ■Tolin 6:27 meat which e. unto life 1 Cor. 13:7 charity e. all things ■Tarn. 1:12 bless, that e. terapta. E.-VOURETH for ever. 1 Chr. 10:;34 his mercy e. /or e?;er, 41; 2 C7ir5:13; 7:3,0; 20:21; Ezr. 3:11: Ps. 106:1; 107:1; 118:1-4; 1:36:1-3, etc. ; 138:8: Jer. 33:11 Ps. 111:3 righte. «./. e. 112:3, 9 in his praise e.f'or ever 117:2 his truth e.for ever 110:160 thy judgments e.for e. 1.33:13 thy name. O L. e.for e, 1 Pet. 1:25 word of the L. e.f. e. EiVDURI\G. Ps. 19:9 fear of Lord clean, e. 2 Cor. 1:6 effectual in e. same //ei. 10:34 in heaven e. substance ENT5AS. Ads 9:34 ■EN-EGLAIM. Ezek. 47:10 ENEMY. Se. 15:6 right hand dashed thee. 9 the e. said, I will pursue 23:22 I will be e. to thine en. Num. 10:9 if go to war against e. .3.5:23 and was not hise. Peul. 32:27 feared wrath of thee. 42 bcu'inniiig of revenges on e. 33:27 he shall thrust out the e. Juil. 16:2:3 God delivered oure. 1 Sam. 2::32e. in my habitation 18:29 Saul became David's e. 21:19 his e. will he let him go? 1 K. 8:33 when thy people be smitten b(;fore e. 2 Chr. (i:24 46 if sin. and thou deliver to e. 2 Chr. 25:8 make thee fall bef. e. Est. 7:4 e. not counterv. damage 6 the e. is this wicked Haman Jol 33:10 counteth me for his e. 7^'. 7:5 let the e. persecute 8:2 mightest still e. and avenger 9:6 O thou e. destructions are 42:9 mourning bee. of c. f 43:2 41:10 makest us to turn from e. 5.5:3 I mourn bee. of voice of e. 12 not an e. that reproached 61::! a strong tower from the e. 64:1 jircserve life from fear oXe. 71:3 all that e. hath done 10 e. l)his]ilieme thy name? 18 remember e. hath reproach. 7K:I2 he delivered from e. 61 80:22 I he e. note.\act unon him 113:3 e. lialh persecuted I'rov. 27:6 kisses of e. arcdeceit. Is. .50:19 e. come in liko.a Hood 6:i:10 was lunied to Ik; their e. ./k. .36:2 I bee. had said, Aha lliis. 8::l Is. e. shall pursue liim Mic, 2:8 my people risen upase. Niih. 3: 1 1 seek slreiigl h bee. of e. .Mat. l:t:25 his e. sowed lares 28 said, .\ii ( . Iiiilh done Ibis ,39 <, Ihat sowed is llic de\il I.uk<' 10:19 all power of the ,. .\i-ts i:):io llioii ,. of all nirlue. 1 Cor. 15'56 llie Inst e. is deiilli (lal. 4:16 am I become your i . 2 This. ;i:15 not lis an i . Jam. 1:1 friend of worlil <■. of (1. Ilniiil or (Ik- E\EMY. Lev. 26.25 shall be delivered Into l\u- hiind iiflhr,: .\'Sye shall be sold to y. e. Jo9. 10:25 shall Lord do to y. e. 1 Sam. 12:11 L. delivered yon out of hand of y. e. 2 K. 1T::?0 Mat. 5:44 love y. e. Luke 0:27, 35 ENGAGED. Jer. 30:21 who is this e. his heart e:v-gedi. Jon. 13:02 wilder, of Judah E. 1 Sam. 2:3:29 D. dwelt at E. 24:1 2 Ckr. 20:2 Jehoshap. are in E. E\GIiVES. 2 Clir. 20:13 Uzziah made e. EzeJc. 26:9 set e. of war ag. walls ENGRAFTED. Jam. 1:21 with meekness «. wo. EXGR.WE, ES. Zee. 3:9 I will e. graving thereof 2 Cor. 3:7 ministration of dca. e. ENGRAVER. E.r. 28:11 work of an e. in stone 33:2:3 Aholiab, an e. EXJO!\", ED. Job 30:23 hath e. him his way Phile. 8 to e. what is convenient Beb. 9:20 blood which G. hath e. E?fJOY, BO. Lev. 26:34 land f. her sab. 43 Num. 36:8 Is. may?, inheritance Deut. 28:41 beget sons, not e. th. .7c).<. 1:15 ret. to land, and e. it 2 C/i7\ 36:21 till land e. sabbaths Ec. 2:1 e. pleasure, this is vanity 24 his soul e. good, 3:13; 5:18 />'. 03:22 elect long e. the work Acts 24:2 wo e. great q^uietncss 1 7'2;n. 6:17 giv. all things to e. Jleb. 11:25 th. e. pleasm'es of sin E^XARGE. Gen. 9:27 God shall e. Japheth Ex. 34:24 1 will c. thy borders 1 Ckr. 4:10 wouldst e. my coast Ps. 119:32 Shalt e. my heart /;. 54:2 e. tlie place of thy tent Amos 1:13 might e. their border J/iff. 1:10 (?. thy baldness as eagle J/ai. 23:5 e. borders of garments e:vlarged. 1 Sam. 2:1 month is e. over one. . 2 Sam. 22:37 e. steps, Ps. 18:36 p.>'. 4:1 «. me when in distress 23:17 troubles of my heart are c. /.-. 5:14 bell hathe. herself 57:8 thou hast e. thy bed G0:5 heart shall fear and bo e. 2 Cor. 0:11 O Cor. our heai-t is e. 1:3 for recompense, be ye also e. 10:15 that wc shall be e. by you EXLARGETH, IXG. Deut. 33:20 blessed be he e. Gad Job 12:2:3 he e. the nations, and E'elc. 41:7 and there was an <•. liab. 2:5 who e. his desire as hell e.\large:mext. Est. 4:14 e. from another place E^LIGHTEA/, ED. Ps. 18:28 L. will e. my darkness 1 Sam.. 14:27 Jon.'s eyes were e. .Job 33:30 e. with light of living J-\ 9T.4 his lightnmK«. world K'lh. 1:18 eyes of nnderstanrt. e. ILb. 0:4 impos. for those once«. EXLIGHTE.MXG. Ps. 19:8 IS pure, e. the eyes. EN-JIISHPAT. Gen. 14:7 ENMITY. Gen. 3:13 I will putf. betw. thee Num. 33:22 ho thrust without ^. Luke 23.12 before they were atf. T?!),-?!. 8:7 carnal mind is e. ag. (J. Bph. 2:13 abolished in his jleshc. 16 having slain the e. thereby Jam. 4.4 friendship of world is'c-. E\OC'H. Gen. 4:17 bare E. : 5:18 begat E. 5:22 E. walked witli God; Luke 3:37 Mathus. was son of E. lUb. 11:5 E. was translated Jude 14 E. also i)rophesied EXOX. John 3.%-i E^'os. Gen. 4.26 call, his son's name E. Luke 3::38 Cainan was son of E. E\OUGSI. Gen. 33:0 Esau said. T have e. 11 take my hiessing, I have e. 34:21 land is largo c. for them ENT ffe/!. 4.5:28 it is c. Jos. is yet alive E.r. 9:28 entreat Lord, for it is e. 30r3 bring much more than e. ■Jos. 17:16 hill is not e. for us 2 Sam. 24:16 it is e. 1 K. 19:4; 1 Ckr. 21:13; Jfark 14:41; Luke 22:38 2 Chr. 31:10 we have had e. to e. Prov. 30:15 things say not. It is«. 16 fire that saith not. It is e. i>. 56:11 can never haves. ■ler. 49:9 will destroy till have e. Flos. 4:10 eat. and not have e. Rarj. 1:6 ye eat, but have not e. Mai. 3:10 not room e. to rec. it Mat. 10:23 e. for disciple to be 25:9 bo not e. for us and you Luke 13:17 servants have bread e. ENQUIKE. See iNQUir.E. E\'RICH, ED, EST. 1 Sam. 17:25 king will e. him Ezek. 27::53 didst c. kings of earth Ps. 63:9 e. it with river of God 1 Cor. 1:5 in everything ye are e, 2 Cor. 9:11 being "c. in every th. E^f-ROGEL. 2 Sam.. 17:17 Aliim. stayed by E. 1 A'. 1:9 sheep and oxen by E. EXSAMPLE. PkU. 3:17 as ye havens for an«. 2 Thes. 3:9 to make onrsel. an e. 2 Pet. 2:6 Sodom and Gomor. e. e:vsasiples. 1 Cor. 10:11 hap. to them for c. 1 Tkes. 1:7 so that ye w. e. to all 1 Pet. 5:3 but being e. to the flo. ETiTSIGrV', s. Ps. 74:4 set up tlieir e. for signs Is. 5:20 he will lift up an e. 11:10 stand for an e. to people 12 set up an e. for the nations 18:3 when lie lifteth up an e. 30:17 till ye be left as e. on hill 31 :9 his princes be afraid of e. Zee. 9:16 lifted as an e. E^fSXARED. ■lob 34:30 lest people be e. EXSUE. 1 Pet. 3:11 seek peace, and e. it EXT.VNGLE, ED, ETH. &■. 14:3 they are e. in the land Mat. 22:15 liowthey might e. him frol. 5:1 bo not e. with j-oke 2 Tnn. 2:4 e. him affairs of life 2 Pd. 2:20 they are again e. E.\TER. neut. 23:8 chiklron shall e. cong. 20:12 shouldest e. into covenant 2 S'nn. 22:7 my cry did e. his c. 2 K. 7:4 if e. city, t-lien fiimine 19:23 I will e. into the lodgings of his borders. 7.-;. 37:24 2 Chr. 30:8 e. into his sanctuary ,7ob 22:4 will he e. into judgm. ? 34:23 c. into .judgment with God Ps. 37:15 sword c. their heart 4.3:13 shall e. into king's palace 100:4 e. into gates with thanks. 118:20 gate into which right, e. Prov. 18:6 fool's lips«. content. B. 2:10 e. into the rock 3:14 e. into judg. with ancients 20:2 i-ighteous nation may e. in 20 e. thou into thy chambers .57:2 ho shall e. into peace .Ter. 7:2 that e. gates, 17:20; 22:2 14:18 if I e. into the city, famine 17:25 shall «. gates, kings, 22:4 21:13 shall e. our habitations? 42:15 if ye set fiices toe. Egypt Ezek. 7:22 robbers shall e. in. it 13:9 nor e. into la'iul of Israel 26:10 as men e. into a city 37:5 cause breath to e. into you 44:2 gate shut, no man e. by it 16 shall e. into my sanctuary Dan. 11:7 shall e. into fortress 24 he shall e. peaceably 40 he shall fi. into the countries 41 he shall e. into glorious land ■Toel 2:9 e. in at the windows .Unos 5:5 nor e. into Gilgal ^[at. 5:20 in no case e. into king. 6:1) pravest e. into thy closet 7:13 e. in at str. gate, Z)/^-« 13:24 21 that .saith. Lord, shall e. in 10:11 citvyec. Luke 10:8. 10 12:29 c. str. man's h. Mark 3:27 45 e. in dwell there, LiikeW.lfi 18:8 it is better to e. into life halt, 9 ; Mark 9:4.3. 4.5, 47 19:17 if tliou wilt e. into life 24 rich man \oe. into kingdom, Mai-kW:iAi; Z«A-e 18:25 ENT Mat. 25:21 e. into joy of thy Lord Mark 1:45 no more openly e. city 5:12 e. into swine, Luke 8:32 6:10 house ye e. Luke 9:4; 10:5 9:25 and e. no more into him 14:38 e. into tempt. Luke 22:46 Luke 8:10 which e. vn may see 13:24 many will seek to «. in 24:20 and to e. into his glory ? ■John 3:4 can ho e. into womb 3 he cannot c. into king, of G. 10:9 by me if any man e. in Acta 14:22 through tribulation . Prov. 3:31 e. not the oppressor 23:17 let not heart e. sinners Is. 11:13 Ephraim sh. not e. Jnd. EX'^IED. Gen. 20:14 Philistines e. Isaac 30:1 Eachel e. her sister 37:11 Josepli's brethren e. him P.-!. 106:10 they e. Jloses also Ec. 4:4 a man is e. of neighbor Ezek. 31:9 trees in garden e. him EX^IES. 1 Pet. 2:1 laying aside malice, e. E.W'JEST, ET3I. Nun>. 11:29 e. thou Ibr my sake? 1 Cor. 13:4 charity e. not" CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 839 EPI E\VYIXG. Mom. 13:1.3 let us walk, not in e. 1 Cor. 3:3 for whereas there is e. Gal. 5:20 e. one another Jam. 3:14 but if ye have bitter e. 16 where e. is, is eonfusiou E.WYIIVGS. 2 Cor. 12:20 I fear lest there bee. Gal. 5:31 wor. of the flesh are e. EWIOUS. Ps. 37:1 e. a^a. workers of iniq. 73:3 for I was e. at the foolish Prov. 21:1 he not e. a^;. evil men I'J neither be e. at the wieked EWIROJV. Jos. 7:9 Cauaanites e. us round EPAPHRAS. Col. 1:7 as ye learned of E. onr 4:12 E. sahiteth you, P/dle. 23 EPAPHRODITUS. Phil. 2:23 send to you E. 4:18 EPENETUS. Ilo?fi. 10:5 '• EPH \If I^. 19:3S a just e. Ezek. 45:10 li. 5:10 seed of homer yield an e. Amos 8:5 making the e. small 'Zee. 5:8 and he cast it into the e. EPIIAH. ffcrt. 25:4; 1 CAr. 1:.3.3; 2:4fi, 47 ; h. 00:6 EPHES-DAMMIM. l^raOT.17:l EPHESIANS. Acts 19:28, 34, ;33 EPHESUS. Acts 18:19 P. came to E. 21 ; 19:17 1 Cor. 15:32 fought with be. at E. 2 Tim. 1:18 minis, to me at E. Rev. 1:11 to E. ; 2:1 angel at E. EPHOD. Ex. 28:4 they shall make an e. 6 Lev. 8:7 he put the e. upon him Jad. 8:27 Gideon made an e. 17:5 the man Jlicah made an e. 1 /SV(TO. 2:18 Samuel gird, with e. 23:9 David said. Bring e. 30:7 2Su)n,. 6:14 D. was girded with linen e. 1 Chr. 15:27 IIos. :J:4 many days without e. EPIIPIIATHA. i/ar* 7:34 EPHRAIM, a place. 2S'i.m. Vi-.-i^i shee))-sh. beside E. 2 iJiu: 1.3:19 A. took E. and tow. John 11:54 into city called E. Mount EPHRAIM. Jof. 17:15if OT'/. E. be too narrow Jiii.l. 2:9 buried Joshua in vi. E. 7:24 through mount E. 17:1, 8 1 Sam. 1:1 of TO. E.2Sam.20:n 9:1 Saul passed through mo. E. 2 K. 5:22 two men co. fr. m. E. Jer. 31:6 upon m. E. 50:19 EPHRAIM, a person or people. Geii. 41:52 Jos.'s s. son was E. 48:14 right hand on E. head, 20 Num. 1:10 the jjrinee of E. 7:48 2:18 shall he tlie standard of E. Dcut. 33:17 ten llioiisands of E. ■/uil. 5:14 out of K. was a root 12:( Jephthali fought witli K. 1 67;,)'. 7:22 K. their lath, mourn. 2 Ckr. 17:2 garrisons in E, 2.5:10 .30:18 K. not clea. ; 31:1 images Ps. 80:2 before E. stir up siren. /«. 7:5, 8, 0, 17 ; 9:9, 21 ; 1 1; 13 ; 2H:1 Jer. 7:15 cast out vvli. seed of E. Eze.k. ,37:16 stick of E. 19; 48:5 Jlos. .5:3, .5, 9, 1.3, 11; 6:10; 7:1, 8 8:9 E. hired lov. ; 11 K. to sin, 9:3, 8; 10:0, 11; 11:.3, 9, 12 14:8 K. s;iv. VVli. todo willi id. V Zee. 9:10 cliariot from E. 13 EPIIHMM Is. Ps. 00:7; .A/'. 31:9, 20; ITos. 4:17 //av. 7:11 E. silly d. ; 10:11 heifer EPHRAI.M. vith (rll)e. Kum,. 1:.3:) nu. of E, 13:8; ;!:!:2l ./(«. 10:8 iiilicrllanccof I-;. 21:5 J'.i. 7S.07 chose not I rllie of E. EPUUAIMITK, S. Juil. 12:.5, 0 EPIIlt \T\II. /,W/t4:ll woMliilv in K. 1 Chr. a;.50llrKl born of E, 4:1 J'<. 1.32:0 we heard of it at K. J//C. r):2Iletli leheiM K. tlio' little KIMIHATH. den. 8.5:10, 19; ■1H:7; 1 Chr.'i-.V.i EPIIUATIIITK, S. Piilk 1:2: 1 Sam. 1:1 ; 17:12: 1 A'. 11:20 KIMIKOM. den. S3.8, 10; 2,V9; 49:30; 50' 13 KPICIUIIOANS. .4,7.07:18 EPISTI.E. Acts 15:30 they dellv. e. 23:33 ERR Pom. 10:22 I Tert. who wrote e. 1 Cw. 5:9 I wrote to you m an e. 2 Cor. 3:2 ye are our e. written 3 declared to be e. of Christ 7:8 the same e. made you soiTy Col. 4:16 wh. this e. is read, like- wise read e. from Laodicea 1 Thes. 5:27 this e. be read to all 2 Thes. 2:15 taught by word or e. .3:14 if obey not word by this e. 17 which is the tok. in every e. iPet. 3:1 this sec. e. I now write EPISTLES. 2 Cor. 3:1 or need e. of commen. iPet. 3:16 as in all his e. speak. EQUAL. Ps. 17:2 eyes behold things e. 5.5:13 but it was thou, mme e. Prov. 26:7 legs of lame are not e. Ts. 40:25 to wh. sh. I be e. ? 46:5 Lam,. 2:13 e. to thee. 0 virgin Ezelc. 18:25 The way of the^Lord is not e. 29 ; .33:17, 20 29 O Isr. are not my ways e. ? .33:17 their way is not e. Mat. 20:12 hast made them e. LtiTce 20:-36 are e. unto angels ■John 5:18 himself «. with God Phil. 2:6 not rob. to bee. with G. Col. 4:1 gave servants what is e. Rev. 21:16 breadth and height e. EQUAL, Verb. ■Joh 28:17 gold and crystal not e 19 topaz of Ethi. shall not e. it EQUALITY. 2 Cor. 8:14 by an e. may be an e. EQUALS. Gal. 1:14 I profited above my e. EQUITY. Ps. 98:9 he shall judcre with e. 99:4 thou dost establish e. Prov. 1:3 to rec. instruction of e. 2:9 shalt thou understand e. 17:26 to strike princes for c. Ec. 2:21 whose labor is in e. Is. 11:4 repr. with e. for meek 59:14 and e. cannot enter ^[ic. 3:9 ye that pervert all e. Jfal. 2:6 walked with me in e. ER. Oeji. .38:3. 7; 1 Chr. 2:3; 4:21; Li//ce:i:2S ERA.STU.S. Arts 19:22 sent Tinioth. and E. 2 Tim. 4:20 E. abode at Corinth ERRAXn. Gen. 24:.33 I have told mine e. Juil. :?:19 I have a secret e. %K. 9:5 an e. to thee, O captain ERR. 2 Chr. 33:9 M. made Judah to e. Ps. 9.5:10 do e. in their heart 119:21 which do e. from thy 118 hast trodden them that e. Prov. 14:22 not e. that dev. evil ? 19:27 instruc. that causeth to e. Is. 3:12 they wh. lead thee cause thee toe. 9:16 19:14 have caused Egypt to e. 28:7 they e. in vision 30:28 a bridle caus. them to e. 35:8 wayfaring men shall not e. 0.3:17 hast thou made us to e. Jer. 23:13 the prophets caused Israel toe. .32; Mir. 3:5 IIos. 4:12 whoredoms caused to c. .'Imos 2:4 their lies caused to e. .Mat. 22:29 ye do e. not know, the scri|)tiires, ^fark. 12:3-1, 27 Ilrh. 3:10 c. in their hearts .lam. 1:10 do not e. my beloved 5:10 If any /■. from the truth ERItEI). Lev. 5:18 ignor. wherein ho c. 1 Sam.. 20:21 liavi^ e. exceedingly ,liil>{\:'l\ wherein 1 have e. 19:4 indeed that I have e. /'^, 119:110 1 e. not from thy pre. Is. 2'>;7 havi' i\ tliro" wItk?, priest and iiropliet have c. 27:21 lliiit ('. in spirit sliall come 1 Tim. iVW liave,-. IVom llielailh 21 some liavi' ,'. ccuu'erM. lailli 2 Tim. 2'1H eoncii-n. Ini. Iiave i'. EH It Kill. Prov. 10:17 refuselli reproof c. K:tk. 45:20 Ibr every one Dial e. EltltOR. 'iflam. 0:7sMiole U/.zah for his c. .lot) 19:l('. remain, with myself /'.v. 5:0 in'ither say it was an f. 10:5 Mil evil I have si'cn as an r. Is. :r.'.il to utter f. a'.'alii-l the I,. Z'a/i. U;4 nor was ('. I'oiiiid In liiiu ESC 3Iat. 27:64 last e. worse than first Rom. 1:27 recompense of their e. Jam,. 5:20 from the e. of his way iPet. 2:18 them who live in e. 3:17 led away with e. of wicked 1 John, 4:6 know we spirit of e. Jude 11 after the e. of Baalam ERRORS. Ps. 19:12 can understand his e. ? ■ler. 10:15 the work of e. 51:18 Heb. 9:7 he offer, for e. of people ESAIAS. See isaiah. ESARH ADDON. 2 K. 19:37; Ezr. 4:2 ; Is. 37:38 ESAU. Gen. 25:25 his name E. 27, 29 27:11 E. is a hairy m. 21. 24, 43 32:3 sent messengers to E. 11. IS 33:4 E. ran to meet him, 9; 35:1 36:1 genera, of E. : 4:3 fa. of E. Deut. 2:5 mt. S. to E. Jos. 24:4 ■ler. 49:10 I have made E. bare Ob. 6 E. searched out, 18:21 Mai. 1:2 E. J.^s br. ? 3 ; Rmn. 9:13 Heb. 11:20 Isaac blessed E. 12:10 profane person as E. ESCAPE, Substantive. Ps. 55:8 hasten my e. from storm ESCAPE, Verb. Gen. 19:17 e. to the mountain 20 Oh let mc e. ; 22 e. thither 32:8 the other company shall e. ■los. 8:22 they let none of them e. 1 Sam. 27:1 e. to land of Philist. •2Sa?n. 15:14 let usflee. not else e. 1 IC 18:40 let none e. 27r. 9:15 2 K. 10:24 if any of the men e. 19:31 e. out of Zion. Is. 3T:.32 Ezr. 9:8 to leave a remnant to e. Est. 4:13 think not thou shalt e. .7ob 11:20 the wicked shall not e. Ps. 56:7 shall they e. by iniq. ? 71:2 and cause me to e. 141:10 wicked fall, whilst I e. Prov. 19:5 speak, liqg. shall note. Ec. 7:20 pleaseth God shall e. Is. 20:0 and how shall we e. 00:19 those that e. to the nati. ■ler. 11:11 evil not be able to e. 2.5:.35 nor princip. of the Hock e. .32:4 Zed. not e. 34:3; 38:18. 23 42:17 go into Egypt e. 44:14 44:14 none return but such as e. 28 yet a small number that e. 40:6 let not mighty man e. 48:8 spoiler come, no city sh. e. 50:28 the voice of them that e. 29 let none e. recompense her Ezek. 0:8 may have some shall e. 9 they that e. shall remem. me 7:16 shall e. and he like doves 17:15 e. that doeth such things? 18 done these things, sh. not e. Pan. 11:41 e. out of his hand 42 the land of Egypt sh. not e. .loel 2:3 nothing shall e. them Ob. 14 cut of those that did c. Mat. 23:33 e. damnati. of hell ? Luke 21::)0 account, worthy to e. yiete 27:12 kill prison, lest anv c. Rom,. 2:3 shalt e. judg. of God ? 1 Cor. 10:13 will make a wav toe. 1 Thes. 5:3 and they shall n'ot e. IIili. 2:3 how hIi. f."if wo neglect 12:25 much more shall not we e. ESCAPEU. Gen. 14:13 there came one had e. Xum. 21:29 sons that e. into ea]). Deut. 23:15 not deliver servant <'. Juil. 3:29 e. not. \Sinn. .30:17 21:17 Inherit, for them thate. 1 Sum. 11:11 .1. t:ikeii.biit peo. c. 19:10 1). lied and,', tliat iiiglit 2 Sum. \:.\ out of the ea. am 1 c. 4:0 and Racliab and liaanali c. 1 A'. 20:20 Iteiiliadad the king e. 2 A'. 19:;!0 remnant c. of .Iiidali shall laki' root. Is. .37:31 •iChr. 10:7 is luwt of Syria f. 30:0 111' will return to yon that i\ K:r. 9:15 for we ninain vi't <■. as ./(lb 1:15 I onlv am .. 111. '17. 19 19:20 <•. with tliesk. of my ti'elh /'.>•. 121:7 our soul is c. as ii bird /.■.•. 1:2 be comely for them /■. 10:20 and siieli as are >'. of .lacoli 45:20 draw near, ye that are c. ./ir. 5I:.V1 have c. rem. I,, alar oil' l.iiin. 2'22 none t'. nor remain i E:ik. 21:27 opened to him c. ;!.3.21 one that had c. came John 10::i9c. out of their bands .4<7 sea. yet ven. j 2 Cor, 11:33 1 was let ilow'ii and i!. I EST Heb. 11:.34 through faith e. 12:25 if e. not w^o refused him iPet. 1:4 e. corruption in world 2:18 those that were clean e. 20 e. the pollutions of world ESCAPETH. 1 K. 19:17 that e. swo. of Hazael shall Jehu slay ; that e. Jehu Is. 15:9 bring lions upon him e. ■ler. 48:19ask here. Wh. isdone? Ezek. 24:20 e. sh. come unto thee Amos 9:1 he that e. not be deliv. ESCAPING. Ezr. 0:14 there should be no e. ESCHEW. IPei!. 3:11 let him e. evil, do good ESCHEWED, ETH. ■Job 1:1 feared God, e. evil, 8 ; 2:3 ESEK. Gen. 20:20 E.SHCOL. Gen. 14:13 M. brothiT of E. 24 Xum. 13:2^1 ]>Iace called brook E. 32:9 went up unto valley of E. ESLI. L?ike 3:25 ESPECIALLY. Ps. 31:11 e. am. my neighbors Acts 2.5:20 e. before thee, O king Gal. 0:10 e. the househ. of fiiith' 1 Tim. 4:10 e. of tho. that believe 5:8 prov. s. for them of his own 17 e. they who lahor in word 2 Ti7>i. 4:13bute. theparchments Phile. 16 a brother beloved s. ESPOUSALS. Cant. 3:11 crowned in day of e. Jer. 2:2 I remem. love of thine e. ESPOUSED. iSam. 3:14 deliv. me Michal I e. Mat. 1:18 when Mary was e. to .J. Luke 1:27 to a virgin e. to a man 2 Cor. 11:3 c. you to one husband E.SPY. Jos. 11:7 Moses sent me to e. Sec SPT, SPIED. ESROM. Mat. 1:3 ; Luke 3:S3 ESTABLISH. Gen. 0:18 will I e. cov. 9:9; 17:7; Ler. 20:9; Ezek. 10:62 17:19 I will e. my covenant, 21 iJeut. 8:18 that he"mav e. his cov. 28:9 L. shall e. thee "a holy peo. 29:13 he may e. thee for a peo. 1 Sam. 1:23 L. e. 2 Sam. 7:25 '2 Sam. 7:12 e. his kingdom, 13; 1 Chr. 17:11; 22:10"; 28:7 1 K. 9:5 e. throne of thy kingdom 15:4 and to e. Jerusalem 1 (,'hr. 17:12 e. his throne forever iChr. 7:18 will I, «. throne 9:8 God loved Israel to e. them. .Tab 30:7 doth e. them for e\er Ps. 7:9 e. inst ; 48:8 G. will e. it 87:5 tho Highest shall e. her 89:2 faithfulness .shalt e. 4 thy seed will I e. for ever 90:17 e. work of our hands, e. it 99:4 thou dost e. eqnitv, thoii 119:.'J8 .1. thy word to thy serv. Pi-ov. 15:25 e. border of the wid. Is. 9:7 to <>. it with.iudgment 49:8 for a cov. to e. the earth 02:7 till he e. and make .lerus. ■hr. a3:2 that f.iriiud it. toe. it /■':ek. 10:00 will < . an everla. cov. /Jan. 0:7 consult, to < . royal stat. 11:M exalt Iheiiis. to c. "vision .Imos 5:15 <'. .iudgin. in the gato /font. 3:31 yea. we e. the law 10:3 going about to e, ow n 10:25 power to i\ you 1 '/'hes. .3:2 sent 'I'im. to e. you 13.'.'. your hearts unblamiiilile 2 7V(e.i. 2:17 *'. you in ev. g. word 3:3 Lonl shall s. vou, aiid keei) /A A. 10:9 that he may c. second .liim. 5:8 patient, ,"■. voiir hearts 1 /V^ 5:10 the God of all grace .•.-. ESTAHLISHKD. Gt llienous I., let thy promise he#. Job ilM sued Is «. iu their i>l;;ht 840 CRUDEN^S COXCORDANCE. EST Ps. 24:2 hath e. it on the floods 40:3 feet on rock. e. my goiugs 78:5 e. a testimony in Jacob 69 earth he e. for ever. llfl:90 93:1 world e. ; 2 throne e. of old 112:3 his heart is c. 140:11 let not evil speaker he e. 148:1) e. the waters for ever and Prof. 3:19 L. hath e. the heavens 4:26 let all thy ways he e. 8:28 he e. the clonds above ]2::J shall not be e. by wicked. 15:22 in miilti. of coiinsell. e. 16:12 throne is e. bj' righteous. 20:13 ev. piirp. is e. by'counsel 24:3 by understand, is a house e. 30:4 hath e. ends of ihe earth Is. 7:9 if not believe, not be e. 16:3 in mercy shall throne be e. 45:18 made earth, he hath e. it Jei: 10:12 e. world, 51:15 Dan. 4:36 was e. in my kingdom ITi'j. 1:12 e. them for correction JLit. 13:16 of two witn. ev. w. e. Ac/s 16:5 churches^, in the faith liom. 1:11 to the end youm. bee. Col. 2:7 and s. in the "faith Mii. 8:6 e. upon better promises 13:9 that heart be e. with grace 2 Pet. 1:12 tho. e. in present tru. Shall be ESTABLISHED. Lev. 23:30 h. s. be e. 2 Sam. 7:16 Detit. 19:15 at mouth of two or t. wit. ,'. matter See. 'iC'oi: 13:1 1 Sam. 24:20 kingd. s. be e. in h. 2Sam. 7:16 thy house, kingdom, throne shall be e. 1 K. 2:45 1 Clii: 17:14 his throne .^-^a/; Sec. for evermore, Ps. 89:37 2 CTr. 20:20 believe in G. s. be e. Job 22:23 shalt decree, it s. be e. Ps. 89:21 my hand shall be e. 93:10 the world shall be e. 102:28 their seed shall be e. Prov. 12:19 lip of truth sh. bee. 10:3 and thy thoughts «. be e. 25:5 throne «. be e. for o. 29:14 Is. 2:2 mount, of L. house ,■;. be e. 18:5 in mercy shall tliroue be e. 54:14 in righteousn. ,<;. thou bee. Jer. 30:20 their congrega. «. be e. Mic. 4:1 mount, of ho. oTL. it. bee. Zee. 5:11 a house, and it ,«. be e. ESTABLISHETH. Prov. 29:4 by judgment e. land Dan. 6:13 no decree e. be chang. H.jb. 2:12 that e. a city by iniq".' 2 Cor. 1:21 e. us with you in Ch. ESTATE. Gen. 43:7 man asked us of our ,«. 1 Chr. 17:17 e. of man of high d. 2 Chr. 24:13 house of G. in his s. Est. 1:19 give her royal e. to an. 2:18 gifts according'to*. of king Ps. 39:5 man at best c<;. is vanity 136:23 remembered us in low e. Prov. 27:2.3 to know s. of flocks 23:2 man of knowl. s. prolonged E:. 1:16 I am come to great e. 3:18 concern, e. of sons of men Is. 22:19 thy s. pull thee down Ezek. 16:53 S. return to former e. Dan. 11:7 stand up in his e. 21 33 in his e. honor God of forces Mat. 12:45 last ,«. of that man w. than first, Lulce 11:26 LvTce 1:48 low e. of his handm. Acts 22:5 e. of elders bear witn. Pom. 12:16 con. to men of low e. Phil. 2:19 when I know your*. 29 naturally care for your s. 4:11 whatso. ,«. I am to be conf. Col. 4:7 ail my ,«. shall Tychicus 8 that he might know "your e. Jade 6 ang. who kept not first c. ESTATES. Ezcli. 36:11 settle yon after olde. Mark 6:21 a supper to his chief e. ESTEEM. Job 36:19 will he e. thy riches ? Ps. 119:123 I e. all thy precepts Is. 53:4 e. him smitten of God Phil. 2:3 e. other better than th. 1 Thes. 5:13 e. highly for work's ESTEEMED. Deut. 32:15 lightly e. rock of eal. 1 Sam. 2:30desp. me, be lightly e. 18:23 seeing I am lightly e. Job 23:12 I e. words of his month Prov. 17.23 e. a man of undersl. Is. 29.16 be e. as potter's clay 17 fruitful field be e. as a forest 53:3 and we e. him not Lam. 4:2 e. as earthen pitchers Luke 16:15 e. among men is abo. 1 Cor. 6:4 to judge who least e. EUN ESTEEMETH. Job 41:26 he e. iron as straw Pom. 14:5 e. one day ab. another 14. that e. any thing unclean ESTEEMIAG. Hel). 11:26 e. reproach of Christ ESTI.M.\TION. Lev. 5:15 bring a ram with thve. 27:2 thy e. 3, 5, 25 ; Num. 18:"l6 ESTRAXGED. ■Tob 19:13 acquaintance are e. Ps. 53:3 wicked e. from womb 73:30 they were not e. from lust Jer. 19:4 they have e. this place Ezik. 14:5 they are allc.'from me ETAM. Jud. 15:8, 11 ETERXAL. Deut. 33:27 e. God is thy refuge Is. 00:15 make thee e. excellency Mark 3.29 in danger of e. damn. Rom. 1:20 e. power and Godhead 2 Cor. 4:17 an e. weight of glory 18 which are not seen, are e. 5:1 a house e. in the heavens Eph. 3:11 ac. to e. purpose in C. 1 Tim. 1:17 to king e. be honor 2 Tim. 2:10 obt. salv. withe, glo. Heh. 5:9 author of e. salvation 6:2 the doctrine of e. judgment 9:12 obt. e. redemption for us 14 e. Spirit offered himself 15 promise of e. inheritance 1 Pet. 5:10 called us to hisc. glo. Jude 7 sufl". vengeance of e. fire ETERX.\L life. Mat. 19:16 that I may have e. I. ? 25:46 right, shall go into life e. Mark 10:17 that I may inherit e. lifer Luke W:1o;\%:\% 30 rec. in world to come e. life John 3:15 believe sh. havee. /. 4::36 gathereth fruit unto life e. 5:39 m them think ye have e. I. 6:54 drink, mv blood, hath e. I. 63 thou hast"the words of e. I. 10:28 gi^■e imto my sheep e. life 12-25 hateth life, keep it to e. I. 17:2 give e. life to as many 3 this is I. e. might know thee Acts 13:48 were oi-dained to e. I. Pom. 2:7 seek for glory, e. life 3:21 grace reign to e. life 6:23 hut the gift of Goil is e. I. 1 Tim. 6:12 lay hold on e. life, 19 Tit. 1:2 in hope of e. I. whi'ch G. 3:7 accord, to hope of e. life 1 John l:2e. /. which was w-ithF. 2:25 promise he promised, e. /. 3:15 no murderer hath e. life 5:11 that God given to us e. life 13 may know ye have e. life 20 the" true Go"d. and e. life Jude 21 for mercy of L. to'e. life ETER\ITY. Is. 57:15 lofty One that inhab. e. ETHA.'M. Ex. 13:20 encamped in E. Num. 33:6, 8 ETHAX. 1 K. 4:31 Sol. was wiser thanE. 1 CAr. 2:6sonsofZe. Zim. andE. ETHAXDI. 1 K. 8:2 ETHBA^^L. 1 A'. 16:31 ETHIOPI.\. 2 K. 19:9 king of E. 7*. 37:9 Eft. 1:1 from~India to E. 8:9 ■lob 28:19 E. shall not equal it Ps. G8:31 E. shall stretch hands 87:4 Philistia and Tvre with E. Is. 20:5 ashamed of E". 43:3 for thv ransom E. for thee 45:14 merch. ofE. Xah. 3:9 Acts 8:2 r a man of E. an eunuch ETHIOPIA.X. Xitm. 12:1 because of E. woman 2 Chr. 14:9 E. came out ag. Asa Jcr. 13.23 can E. change hfs skin? 33:0 Ebed-mcl. E. 10,12; 39:16 ETHIOPIAXS. 2 Clir. 1412: 16:8: 21:16: /•.■. 20:4 Dan. 11:43 E. sh. be at his steps Amos 9:7 are ve not chii. of E. ? Zep. 2:12 ye E. shall be slain by .•lc^*8:27 imder ciueen ofE. EUBrLrS. 2 Tun. 4:21 EUNICE. 2 Tim. 1:5 EIXICH, S. 2 K. 9:32 there looked out «. 20:18 thy sons be e. in palace of king of Babylon. /.-. 39:7 Is. 56:3 e. say I .am a dry tree 4 thus saith L. unto the e. EYE ■ler. 29:2 after e. were departed •38:7 Ebed-melech one of the e. TJan. 1:9 favor with prince of e. Mat. 19:12 some e. so born, some are made c. made themsel. e. Acts 8:27 e. had come to worship 39 the e. saw Philip no more EUODL^S. Phil. 4:2 EUPHRATES. Gen. 2:14 the fourth river is E. 15:18 great river, the river E. Deut. 1:7 go to river E. Jos. 1:4 2 K. 23:29 up to E. 2 Chr. 33:20 24:7 from Eg. to E. 1 Chr. 5:9 Jer. 13:4 go to E. 5. 7: 46:10 51:63 m. of E. Rev. 9:14; 16:12 EUROCLYDOX. Acts 27:14 arose a wind called e. ECTYCHX-S. Acts 20:9 EVAXGELIST, S. Acts 21:8 house of Philip the e. Eph. 4:11 he gave some e. 2 Tim. 4:5 do'the work of an e. EVE. Gen. 3:20; 4:1 2 Cor. 11:3 as serpent beguiled E. 1 Tim. 2:13 A. first form, then E. EVEX, Substantive. Ex. 18:14 people stand by thee from mornina; to e. Lev. 23:5 at e. is the L. passover. Num. 9:3 ; Deut. 10:6 Deut. 28:67 would God it were e. Jud. 20:2:3 they wept till c. 26 fasted till e. 2 Sam. 1:12 21:2 peo. .abode till e. before G. 1 Chr. 23:30 praise the L. every e. Eztk. 12:7 in e. I digged thro. w. Mat. 8:16 whene. was"come, 20:8 : 26:20; 27:57; Mark 4:35; 6:47; 11:19; 15:42 Mark 1:32 at e. brought disease 13:.35 at e. at midnight, or at Jolin 6:16 when e. was now come EVEX, Adverb. 1 A". 1:43 mine eyes e. seeing it Prov. 22:19 knov\-n e. to thee EVEX, Adjective. ■Tob 31:6 he weighed in e. balance Ps. 26:12 standcth in an e. ])lace Cant. 4:2 a flock of sheep e. shorn Luke 19:44 lay thee e. with gro. EVEXIXG. Ex. 12:6 Israel shall kill it in e. ■Jud. 19:9 day dr.aweth towards e. 1 Sam. 14:24 cursed eateth till e. Ps. .59:6 they retiu-n at e. they 14 at e. let them return 90:0 in the e. it is cut down 104:23 goeth to labor until e. Prov. 7:9 went to her house in e. Ec. 11:6 in c. withhold not hand ■Ter. 6:4 shadows of e. stretched Ezek. 3;3:22 hand of L. on me in e. Zep. 2:7 they lie down in e. Mat. 14:23 e. he was there alone 16:2 when it is e. ve eav. It will Luke 24:29 for it is"toward e. John 20:19 same day at e. ca. J. EVEXIXG, with morning. Gen. 1:5 e. and m. were first day Ex. 18:13 stood by M. fr. m. toe. 1 Sam. 17:16 drew near?n. and e. ■Job 4:20 destroyed from m. to e. Ps. 5.3:17 e. 7n. at noon w. I pr.ny 65:8 outgoings of ?«. e. to rej. Dan. 8:26 vision of e. and in. Acts 28:23 persuad. from m. to e. EVEXIXG, Adjective. Ezr. 9:4 astonished till e. sacri. Ps. 141:2 prayer be as e. sacrifice Dan. 9:21 touched me about e. Ilab. 1:8 mo. fierce than e. wolv. Zep. 3:3 her judges are e. wolves Zic. 14:7 at e. time it sh. be light EVEXIXGS. ■ler. 5:G wolf of the e spoil them EVEXT. Ec. 2:14 one e. to them all. 9:3 9:2 one e. to riirht. and wicked EVEX- or EVEXI\G-TIDE Gen. 24:6-3 to meditate at e.-lide A'. 17:14 behold, at e.-t. trouble Mark 11:11 e.t Jesus went out Acts 4:3 in hold, now e.-t. EVER. Num. 22:.30 e. since I was thine Deut. 4:3:3 did e. peo. hear voice 19.9 to walk e. in his ways ■lot) ill who r. perished iiino. ? Ps. ,3:11 lot theme, shout for joy 25:6 lender mercies e. of old E^TJ P.«.25:15 mine eyes are e. tow. L. 37:26 e. merciful, and lendeth 51:3 my sin ise. before me 90:2 e. "formed earth, Prov. 8:23 111:5 e. be mindful of covenant 119:98 command, aree. with mo Cant. 6:12 or e. I was aware, my ■loel 2:2 hath not been e. the like Mat. 24:21 no, nor e. shall be Mark 15:8 to do as he had e. Luke 13:31 thou art e. with me- ■John 4:29 told me all e. I did 8:35 but the Son abideth e. 1 Thes. 4:17 so e. be with the L. 5:15 e. follow that wh. is good 2 Tim. 3:7 e. learning, never able Ileb. 7:24 this man conrinueth e. 25 e. liveth to make interccs. ■lude 25 be glory, now and e. See EN-DITBETH. For EVER. Gen. 13:15 give it and to seedy, e. 43:9 bear blame/or e. 44:32 Ex. 3:15 this is my name/o?' e. 14:13 see them no jaoiefor e. 19:9 peo. may believe thee/, e. 21:6 he shall serve him/oc e. Zee. 25:30 house established/, e. 46 be your bondmen /or e. Num. 18:19 a coven, oi salt/, e. Deut. 5:29 with them /ore. 12:23 15:17 shall be thy seT\a.ntfor e. 2-3:6 not seek their peace/or e. 29:29 revealed belong to ns f. e. ■los. 4:24 ye might fear 'L.fore. 1 Sam. 2:30 walk before me/, e. 20:15 not cut off kindness^or e. 2 Sam. 7:24 confi. Is. to thee /". e. 26 thy n,ime be magnified/. «. 29 that it may contlnue/07' e. 1 K. 10:9 the L. loved Israel/. e. ll:-39 afflict D. seed. not/o?-e. 1 Chr. 17:22 make thine for e. 23:9 he will cast thee off for c. 29:18 O Lord, keep this/or c. 2 Chr. 7:16 name be there ./or e. -3:3:4 Jerusalem name he/"07' e. ■lob 4:20 they perish /or e. 14:20 prevailest/or"e. ag. him 20:7 perish/o?' c. like his dung 2.3:7deliv./. e. frommyjndgc 36:7 doth establish Wicmfore. Ps. 9:7 Lord shall endnre/or e. 18 exp. of poor not perish/', e. 12:7 shall preserve them/o?' e. 13:1 forget me, O Lord,/'or e. .? 19:9 fear clean, enduring/or e. 21:6 made liim most blessed/, e. 2:3:6 dwell in house of Lord/, e. 28:9 and lift them up /or e. 29:10 Lord sittcth King/or e. .30:12 give thanks/or eT"79:13 .3:3:11 counsel of L. standcth/. e. 37:18 their inheritance be/or e. 28 his saints preserved/ore. 29 righteons dwell in land/, e. 41:12 settest me hefore face/, e. 44:8 we praise thy name/or e. 23 arise, cast ns not off/or e. 43:2 God hath blessed tliee/. e. 49:8 red. of soul ceascth/or e. 11 houses shall continue/or e. 52:5 likewise destroy thee/, e. 9 I will praise thee/or e. 61:4 abide in tabemacle.ror e. 7 shall abide before God /or e. 8 I will sing praise/ore. 66:7 ruleth % his power /or e. 63 16 Lord will dwell in it/ore. 72:17 name shall endure /or «. 19 bless, he glorious name/, e. 73:26 God is my portion /o?- e. 74:1 why cast lis ofT for e. ? 10 blaspheme thy name fore. ? 19 forget not con. of poor/, e. 75:9 I will declare /ore. I will 77:7 will the Lord cast offfore. ? 8 his mercy clean gone/or e. f 79:5 wilt thou be angry /or e.t 81:13 their time sh. endure/, e. 8:3:17 them be confounded/, e. 85:5 wilt be angrj' with us/, e. ? 89:1 sing of mercies of L /ore. 2 mercy shall be built np/o? e. 29 his seed to endure/or e. 36 46 w'lt thou hide thyself /^.e..# 92:7 It is that he destroyed/, e. 93:5 holiness hecom. house/, e. 10:3 9 neither keep anger /ore. 105.8 icmemhcred covenant/, e. 110:4 a priest fo) e after order Ileb. 5.6: (5:20; 7:17.21 111:9 commanded covenant/, e. 112:6 shall not be moved /o?e. 125:2 from henceforth even/, e. 131:3: /?. 9-7 132.14 this is my rest/or e. CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 841 EYE Ps. 140:6 L. keepeth truth/, e. 10 tho Lord shall reigii/or e. Prov. 2T:2-1 riches are not/or e. Ec. 2:1B no rem. of wise for e. 3:14 God doeth, Bhall ha for e. !):G nor any more a portion/, e. L\ 20:4 trust ye in hovd for e. 32:17 quietness and assu./or e. 3-1:10 smoke thereof go up/, e. 17 they shall possess it for e. 40:8 \vord of G. shall stand/, e. 51:6 my salvation shall be for e. 8 my righteousness he for e. .■57:16 I will not contend/or e. 50:21 my words not depart/, e. 60:21 thy peo. inherit land/, e. 64:9 nor remember iniquity/, e. 65:18 be glad and rejoice for e. Jer. ;J:5 he reserve angeryo;' e. 12 I will not keep anger for e. 17:4 fire which shall burn /or e. 25 J. and this city remain/, e. 31:40 plucked up any more/, e. 32:30 they may fear me/or e. Lam. 3:31 will not cast oflfor c. 5:10 thou, O L. remaiiicst/or c. 20 wherefore forget us for e. ? Er.ek. 37:25 bo their prince/o?- c. 43:7 in midst of Israel /o;-m 11:11 Mat. 4: 1 by e. word that proc. 1 Cor. 4:17 as I teach e. wli. In e. 2 Cor. 10:5 iulo capliv. e. Ilioiig. A/)/*. 1:21 abo. e. name, Phil. 2:'.l 2 Tim. 2:21 ))rep. to c. good work Ifib. 12:1 lay aside e. wi4glit Jam. 1:17 c. good and jierf. gift 1 John 4:1 believo not e. spirit See IlKAST, CITY, DAV, MAN, MOllNINO, WAV, hlDH, TIIINU. EVERY one. Num., 16:3 cong. an; holy e. one l)i at. 4:4 ye are allvo «. one of y . 1 A'. 22:28 hearken fl. one of you 2 lUir. 30:18 Lord pardon c. one I's. 71:18 I hv power toe. one ll5:Hc. (). ihat trust. 'Ill, 1:15:18 /.''. 43:7 e. o. ealled by niv name 55:1 ho, ,r. o. iluit tl'iirsii'lli Jir. 25:5 (urn e. u. from I'vUway EVI Dan. 12:1 e. o. found writ, in b. Mat. 7:8 e. o. that ask. Lu. 11:10 Mark 7:14 hearken to mc e. one Luke 19:26 to e. one which hath John 3:8 so is e. one bom of Sp. 18:37 e. o. that is of truth, Acts 17:27 not far from e. o. Pom. 14:12 e. o. sh. give account 2 Tim. 2:19 e. o. that nameth EVERY where. 1 Chr. 13:2 abroad to breth. e. w. Ma?'k 16:20 and preached e. w. Luke 9:0 pre. gos. e. w. Acts 8:4 Acts 17:30 com. all e. w. to rep. 28:22 e. w. spoken against 1 Cor. 4:17 as I teach e. where in Phil. 4:12 e. ?«. in all things 1 Tim. 2:8 that men pray e. w. EVIDEIVCE. ■ler. 32:10 I subscribed thee, and Heb. 11:1 e. of things not seen • EVIDEACES. Jer. 32:44 buy fields, subscribe e. EVIDENT. Job 6:28 for it is e. to yon if I lie Gal. 3:11 justified by thelawisc. Phil. 1:28 e. token of perdition Heb. 7:14 e. L. sprang out of J. 15 it is yet far more e. for that EVIDENTLY. Gal. 3:1 Jesus C."beeu e. set forth EVIL. Gen. 19:19 some e. take me. Idle 44:5 ye have done e. in so doing 34 e. that shall come on my fa. .50:20 ye thought e. against me Ex. 5:2.3 done e. to this people 10:10 look to it, e. is before you 32:14 the L. repented of the e. 2 Sam. 24:16; 1 CAr. 21:15 Detit. 19:20 com. no more suche. 29:21 Lord sh. Sep. him unto e. 30:15 setbef thee death ande. 31:29 e. befall you in latter days Jos. 2-1:15 seem e. to serve Lord Jud. 2:15 hand of L. ag. th. fore. 9:57 e. of Shcchem did G. i-end. 20:34 they knew note, was near 1 Sam. 20:7 e. is determined 24:11 e. nor transg. in my hand 17 whereas I rewarded thee e. 2.5:17 e. isdetcrm. aga. master 28 e. hath not been found 26:18 T,-hat e. is in my hand? 29:6 I have not found e. in thee 2 Sam. 3:.39 Lord rew. doer of e. 12:11 I will raise up e. ag. thee 19:7 worse than all e. that befell 1 K. 14:9 e. above all before thee 16:25 Omri wrought e. in eyes of 22:23 the L. hath'spoken e. con- cerning thee, 2 Chr. 18:22 2 K. 21:12 bringing such e. on J. 22:20 eyes not see all the e. 1 Chr. 21:17 that have done e. 2 Chr. 20:9 if when e. comcth E.'it. 7:7 he saw e. determined Job. 1:1 and eschewed e. 8 ; 2:3 5:19 in seven no e. touch thee 31:29 lift up when e. found him 42:11 comforted him over all e. Ps. ,5:4 nor sh. e. dwell with thee 7:4 if I rewarded e. to him 1.5:3 nor doeth e. to his neighbor 21:11 intended e. against (bee 23:4 I will fear no e. for (hoii art :34:21 e. shall slay the wicked 36:4 he abhorrelh not e. 40:14 put to shiime wish mo e. 41:5 mine enemies speak e. 49:5 in days of e. y .50:19 givest thy mouth to e. 51:5 reward e. io my enemies 56:5 tlionghts aga. me for e. 90:15 years wherein we seen e. 91:10 <■'. befall thee, ./. 1 A'. 1 1: 10 /). (I. on liou.-. 17:20 also ft. f. on the widow t 21:2',>iiot ft. thee. In his days a K. 22: Ul I will ft. e. upon thin place, a Chr. 31:21 3 Chr. 31:28 eyes see ,: I will ft. />■. 31:2 ft. f. not call hack word Jer. 4:6 1 will ft. <. IVoin (he north 6:19 I will ft. e. upon (his peiiplo 11:11 I will ft. e. uiion lliein. 19::lft. e. upon (his place, 15 2:1: 12 ft. < . lln' vear of vl- Hntlon 842 CIIUDEN"'S CONCORDANCE. EVI Jer. 25:29 I begin to 6. e. on the 35:17 b. on Judah all thoe. 36:31 39:16 6. words on this city fore. 45:5 I will 6. e. upon all flesh See DID, DO. EVIL, joineil with good. Gen. 2:9 tree of kno. g. and e. 17 3:5 as gods know. g. and «. 23 44:4 wneref. rewarded e. ioxq. ? Deut. 1:39 no kno. bet. g. and e. 1 Sam. 25:21 requit. mee. forgr. 2 5'aTO. 19:35 disc. bet. g. and <■. .? 1 if. 22:8 prophesy g. but e. 18 2 Chr. 18:7 nev. prophe. f/. but e. 17 not prophesy good -but e. <7o5 2:10 receive g. and not e. .? 30:2B I looked for good, e. came Ps. 35:12 rew. me e. for gr. 109:5 38:20 renders, for g. 52:3 thou lovest e. more than g. Frov. 15:3 behold, e. and the g. 17:13 rewardeth e. for (/oofi 31:12 will do him good, not «. Is. 5:20 woe to th. call e. g. g. e. 7:15 refuse e. and choose g. 16 J«r. 18:20 e. be recomp. for g. ? 42:6 whe. g. or «. we will obey Lam. 3:33 proceed, not e. and r?. .4nW4'5:14 seek (/. and note, that 0:4 eyes on them for e. not g. Mic. 3:2 hate good and love e. Rom. 7:21 do fir. e. is present 9:11 having done good ore. IM). 5:14exerc. to disc. g. ande. 3 John 11 follow not e. but good See CHEAT. From EVIL. Gen. 48:16 redeemed me/, all e. 1 Sam. 25:39 kept his serv./. e. 1 C'/i?'. 4:10 keep ma from e. Job 28:28 to depart/, e. P.S. .34:13 keep thy tongne/ e. 14 dep./. €. 37:27; i'W!). 3:7 121:7 preserve thee/, all e. Prov. 4:27 remove thy foot/, e. 13:19 abomination to depart/, e. 14:16 a wise man departeth/. e. 16:6 men depart /rc»« e. 17 to depart/rom e. /■;. 59:15/. e. makes himself Jer. 9:3 they proceed/, e. to e. 2:3:22 should have turned/, e. way, and e. of their doings 51:64 Bab. not r'\se from the e. Mat. 6:13 del. us /. e. ii^ie 11:4 JoA« 17:15 keep them/, e. 2 y/jfs. 3:3 and keep you /. e. 1 Pet. 3:10 refrain his tong./. e. Put away EVIL. Sent. 1-3:5 j). the e. a. from m. Vr.Tput the e. a. froraam. 19:19; 21:21; 22:21, 24; 24:7 12 put e. away from Israel, 21:22 ;.7i/d.20:i3 Ec. ll-.lOput a. e. from thy flesh /;>'. 1:16 wash you^. aivaij e. EVIL in the sight of the Lord. Num. 32:13 e. in s. Jud. 3:12 Jud. 2:11 1.sr. did e. in s. of the Lord, 3:1. 12: 4:1; 6:1; 10:6; 1:3:1; IK. 11:6; 14:22; 15:26, 34 ; 16:7, 30 ; 22:.53 ; 2 IC 8:18. 27; 1.3:2, 11; 14:24; 1.5:9, 18, 24, 28; 17:2; 21:2, 20; 2 Chr. 22:4; ;3.3:2, 22; 36:5, 9, 12 1 (SrtTO. 15:19 didst e. in s. of L. 1 A'. 16:19 in doing e. in s. of L. 21:20 sold to work e. in s. of L. 2 K. 3:2 wrought e. in s. of L. 17:17 to do e^in s. of Lord 21:16 ill doing what was e. in s. of Lord, 23:32, 37; 24:9, 19 1 Chr. 2:3 Er was e. in s.of L. 2 Chr. 33:6 Man. wro. e. in s. of L. This EVIL. Ex. 32:12 repent of t. e. 1 Sam. 6:9 hath done us t. gr. e. 12:19 added t. e. to ask a k. 2 /S'am. 13:16 /. e. in send, away 1 K. 9:9 L. brought on th. t. e. 2 K. 6:3:3 behold t. e. is of Lord 2 C7w. 7:22 theref. brought t. e. Neh. 13:18 our G. bring this e. Job 2:11 J.'s friends heard of ^ e. Ps. 51:4 done t. e. in thy sight Jer. 16:10 pronounced t. e. ag. us 32:23 thou hast caused all t. e. 42 as I brought /. e. on people 40:2 pronoun, t. e. on th. i)lace 44:7 wheref. commit t. great e. 2:3 theicf. t. e. is happen, to y. Dan. 9:13 all t. e. is come on us Jon. 1:7 for whose cause t. e. 8 EVIL, Adjective. Gen. 6:5 thoughts' only e. 8:21 EVI Gen. .37:20 e. beast dev. him, 33 Ex. .5:19 did see were in. e. case 33:4 when heard these e. tidings jVum,. 14:27 how long bear e. con. 20:5 bring us unto this e. place Deut. 1:35 not one of this e. gen. 22:14 an e. name upon her, 19 23:54 his e. toward brother 56 her eye be e. toward husb. 1 Sam. 2:23 your e. dealings 1 K. 5:4 nor e. occurrent Ezr. 9: 13 come for our e. deeds Ps. 41:8 e. disease cleav. to him 64:5 onconrage in an e. matter 78:49 by sending e. angels 112:7 not be afraid of e. tidings 140:11 let not e. speaker be e'st. Prow 6:24 to keep from e. woman 14:19 the e. bow before the good Ec. 5:14 perish by e. travel 6:2 end it is an e. disease 9:12 fishes taken in e. net Is. 7:5 taken e. counsel aga. thee .32:7 instruments of churl are e. Jer. 8:3 that remain of e. family 12:14 against mine e. neighbors 13:10 e. people refuse to hear 23:10 their course is e. 24:3 e. figs, very e. 8; 29:17 49:23 they have heard e. tidings Ezek. 5:16e. arrows of famine 17 will I send' on you e. beasts 6:11 for all the e. abominations 34:25 cause e. beasts to cease .38:10 Shalt think an e. thought Hab. 2:9coveteth ane. covetous. Mat. 5:45 sun to rise on the e. 7:11 if being e. Luke U:Vi 18 cannot bring forth e. fruit 12:34 how can ye being e. speak 39 an e. generation, Luke 11:29 15:19 out "of the heart proceed e. thoughts, Mark 7:21 24:43 if e. servant say in heart Luke 6:22 cast out name as e. 35 kind to unthankful and e. John 3:19 because deeds were e. Acts 24:20 found e. doing in me 1 Cor. 15:33 e. communications Gat. 1:4 deliver lis from e. world Eph. 4:31 e. speaking be put aw. Phil. 3:2 beware of evil workers Cot. 3:5 mortify e. concupiscence 1 Tim. 6:4 cometh e. surmisings Tit. 1:12 Cretians arc e. beasts Ileb. 10:22 sprinkled from e. Jam. 2:4 judges of e. thoughts 4:16 all such rejoicing is e. 1 Pet. 2:1 laying aside'e. speak. Rev. 2:2 canst not bear them e. EVIL day or days. Gen. 47:9 few and e. d. of life Prov. 15:15 d. of afflicted are e. Ec. 12:1 e. days come not Amos 6:3 put far away e. d. Eph. 5:16 because days are e. 6:13 able to withstand in e. day Day of 'E\JL. /See evil, Subst. EVIL doer or doers. ■Job 8:20 neither will he help e. d. Ps. 26:5 hated congrega. of e. d. 37:1 fret not because of e. d. 9 e. d. shall be cut oft", but 94:16 will rise up aga. e. do. ? 119:115 depart from me ye e. d. Is. 1:4 sinful nation seed of e. d. 9:17 every one is an e. d. 14:20 seed of e. d. 31:2 will arise ag. honso of e. d. Jer. 20:13 deliv. poor from e. d. 23:14 strengthen hands of e. d. 2 Tim. 2:9 I suff'er troub. as e. d. 1 Pet. 2:12 speak ag. you as e. d. 14 sent for punishment of e. d. 3:16 speak e. of you as of e. d. 4:15 let none suffer as an e. d. See DOINGS. ETE. EVIL lieart. Gen. 8:21 imagination of h. is e. Jer. 3:17 after imagina. of e. A. 7:24 walked in imagina. of e. h. 11:8 everyone in imagi. of e. h. 16:12 after imagination of e. h. 18:12 do imagination of e. /*. Ikb. 3:12 be an e. h. of unbelief EVIL man or men. ■Toh 35:12 bee. of pride of e. men Ps. 10:15 break arm of e. man 140:1 deliver me from c. man Prov. 2:12 deli, from way of e. m. 4:14 go not in way of e. nun 12:12 wicked desir. net of e. m. 17:11 e. man sccketh only rebel. 24:1 be not envious aga. e. incn 19 fret not because of e. vien 20 shall be no reward to e. ?/i. EXA Prov. 28:5 e. m. unders. not judg. 29:0 in transg. of e. 7«.. is snare Mat. 12:35 e. to. out of e. trea- sure, bring, e. th. Luke 6:45 2 Tim. 3:13 e. in. shall wax wor. See REPORT. EVIL spirit or spirits. ■lud. 9:2:3 e. «. betw. Abimelech 1 Sam. 16:14 e. s. troub. him, 15 16 when e. *nirf< is upon thee 23 e. spirit departed ll'om him 18:10 e. spirit came on S. 19:9 Luke 7:21 cured many of e. ,t. 8:2 a woman healed of e. spirits Acts 19:12 e. s. went out of them loe.s. said, Jesus, I know, Pa. EVIL thins. jfeh. 1:3: 17 what e. t. isth. ye do? Ps. 141:4 incline not heart to e. t. Ec. 8:3 stand not in an e. thing 5 keepeth com. sh. feel no e. t. 12:14 secret t. wheth. good ore. Jer. 2:19 it is an e. th. and bitter Tit. 2:8 no e. ^. to say of you EVIL things. Jos. 23:15 bring on you all e. t. Prov. 15:28 poureth out e. t. ■ler. 3:5 hast done e. i^. J/■a^ 12:35 e. man br. forth e. f. jT/fwA; 7:23 e. )'. come from within Luke 16:25 likewise Lazarus e. t. Rom. 1:.30 inventors of e. tilings 1 C'o?\ 10:6 not lust after e. t. EVIL time. Ps. 37:19 not be ashamed in e. t. Ec. 9:12 are snared in an e. t. Amos 5:13 it is an e. t. Mic. 2:3 nor go haughtily, t. is c. EVIL wav. 1 /r. 13:33 J. ret. not"froni e. w. J^s. 119:101 refrained fr. cv. e. w. Prwi. 8:13 fear of L. to hate e. ?«. 28:10 to go astray in e. xray Jer. 18:11 return ye from e. -ic. 25:5; 26:3: 35:"l5: 30::3, 7 23:22 turned them from e. way Jon. 3:8 turn ev. one from e. iv. 10 saw they turned from e. w. EVIL ways. %K. 17:13 turn from your e. ways, Ezek. 33:11 Ezek. 30:31 remember your e. vj. Zee. 1:4 turn ye now from e. w. EVIL work or works. Ec. 4:3 hath not seen e. work 8:11 sentence against an e. loork ■lohn 7:7 works thereof are e. 7?o?ra. 13:3 terror to good but e. ?('. 2 Tim. 4:18 deliver me from e. w. Jam. 3:16 and every e. w. 1 JoAre 3:12 his o^^^l ?'j. were e EVIL, .4dverb. Ex. 5:22 e. entreated this peo. ? TJe'r?. 26:6 Egypt e. entreated us 1 Chr. 7:23 went e. with his ho. Job 24:21 e. entreated the barren .7oAa 18:23 spoken e. bear witn. Acts 7:6 entreat e. 400 years 19 same e. entreated ourfath. 14:2 e. affected against brethren 19:9 spake of e. that way before 23:5 not speak e. of ruler of peo. Rom. 14:10 not good bee. spoken 1 Cor. 10:30 am I e. spoken of Jam. 4:11 sp. not e. he that spe. e. of brother, speaks e. of law 1 Pet. 3:16 whereas they speak e. 17 than suft'er for e. doing 4:4 speaking e. of you 14 on the r part e. spoken of 2 Pet. 2:2 way of truth «. spok. of 10 speak e. of dignities. Jude 8 12 speak e. of tilings they un- derstand not, Jude 10 EVIL-I^IERODACH. 2 K. 25:27 ; Jer. 52::31 EVILS. Deut. 81:17 e. shall befall them, will say. Are not these e. Ps. 40:12 iiinnmer. e. comp. me Jer. 2:13 have committed two e. Ezek. 6:9 loathe themselves fore. 20:43 loathe yourselves for all e. Luke 3:19 for all e. II. had done EWE or EWES. Gen. 21:28 Abraham set seven e. 31:38 thy e. not cast their young Lev. 14:10 take one e. lamb 2 5'nm. 12:3 nothing save e. lamb Ps. 78:71 from following the e. EXACT. Deut 15:3 of foreigner m.ay «. ag. A'e/i. 5:10 1 likewise mi^ht e. EXA iTeA. 5:11 hundredth of mo. ye e. Ps. 89:22 enemy not e. upon him /s. 58:3 in fasts you e. all labors Luke 3:13 e. no more than is app. EXACTED, ETH. 2 K. 15:20 Menahem e. of Israel 2:3:.35 Jehoakim e. the gold Job 11:6 6. e. less than iniquity EXACTIOiV, S. AWi. 10:31 would leave e. of debt Ezek. 45:9 take away your e. EXACTORS. 76'. 00:17 make e. righteousness EXALT. Ex. 15:2 father's G. I will e. 1 Sam. 2:10 e. honi of anointed Job 17:4 Shalt thou not e. them Ps. .34:3 let us e. his name 37::34 e. thee to inherit the land 66:7 let not rebellious e. Ihems. 92:10 my horn e. like the horn 99:5 e. ye the Lord our God. 9 107:.32 let e. him in congregation 118:28 art my God, I will e. thee 140:8 lest wicked e. themselves Prov. 4:8 e. her, she shall prom. Is. 13:2 e. the voice unto them 14:13 I will e. throne above sta. 25:1 art my God, I wille. thee Ezek. 21:26 e. him that is low 29:15 nor e. itself above nations 31:14 to the end none of trees e. Dan. 11:14 robbers of thy peo. e. 36 e. himself above every god IIos. 11:7 none would e. him Ob. 4 tho' e. thyself as the eagle Mat. 2.3:12 whoso shall e. himself 2 Cor. 11:20 if a man e. himself 1 Pet. 5:6 may e. you in time EXALTED. Num. 24:7 kingdom shall be e. 1 Sa7n. 2:1 said, My horn is e. 2 Sam. 5:12 ho had e. kingdom 22:47 e. be the God of the rock of my salvation, Ps. 18:46 1 7C. 1:5 Adonijah e. himself 14:7 I e. thee from people, 16:2 2 K. 19:22 acainst whom hast thou e. thy voice ? Is. 37:23 1 CAr. 29:11 thou art e. as head Neh. 9:5 is e. above all blessing Job 5:11 mourn be e. to safety 24:24 are e. for a little while 30:7 establish, and they are e. Ps. 12:8 when the vilest are e. 13:2 how long cne. e. over me ? 21:13 be e. in thine own strcng. 40:10 I will be e. am. heathen, I will be e. in the earth 47:9 to God, he is greatly e 57:5 be e. above heavens. 11 75:10 horns of risht. shall be e. 89:10 thy right, sh. they be e. 17 in thy favor our horn be e. 19 e. one chosen out of i)eo;:le 24 In my name his horn be e. 97:9 art e. far above all gods 103:5 e. above the heavens 112.9 his horn bee. with honor 118:16 right hand of Lord is e. Prov. 11:11 by blessing city is e. Is. 2:2 mount, of Lord's house be e. above the hills, Mic. 4:1 11 L. bee. 17; 5:10 12:4 mention that his name ise. 30:18 be e. that he have mercy 33:5 L. is e. ," 10 now will I be e. 40:4 every valley shall be e. 49:11 my highways shall be e. 52:13 mv servant shall be e. Ezek. 17:24 I the Lord e. low tr. 19:11 her stature was e. 31:5 I/os. 13:1 Ephraim e. himself 6 and their heart was e. Mat. 11:23 e. to hcav. iw/.-e 10:15 23:12 humble himself shall be e. Luke 14:11; 18:14 Luke 1:.52 e. them of low degree Acts 2:33 by right hand of God e. 5::!1 him hath God e. 13:17 God of Israel e. the people 2 Cor. 11:7 that you might be e. 12:7 Ije e. above measure, 7 Phi/e. 2:9 God hath high. e. him Jam. 1:8 bro. rejoice that he ise. EXALTEST, ETH. Ex. 9:17 e. thyself against my people Job 36:22 God e. by his power Ps. 148:14e. hom of his people Prov. 14:29 hasty of sp. e. folly 34 righteousness e. a nation 17:19 e. gate, seek, destruction Luke 14:11 e. him, 18:14 2 Cor. 10:5 every thing that e. 2 Thes. 2:4 e him above all CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 843 EXC EXAMI\ATIOX Acts 25:2(i alter e. had, I might EXAMJi'VE. Esr. 10:16 Bat dowii to e. matter Ps. 2((:3 e. me O Lord 1 Cor. 9:3 answer to them that e. 11:28 let a man e. himself 2 Cor. 1:3:5 e. yourselves, prove EXAMINED, I^'G. Luke'i'i:U I have e. him Acts 4:!t if we be e. of good deed 12:19 Herod e. the keepers 22:24 should he e. by scourging 29 departed who should u.'him 24:8 by e. of whom thou mayest 28:18 e. me, would ha. let me go EXAMPLE, S. Mat. 1:19 make her apublic e. John 1:3:15 have given you an e. 1 Cor. 10:6 were our e. 1 Tim. 4:12 e. of believers Ilsb. 4:11 fall after same e. 8:5 serve unto e. of heavenly Jam. 5:10 prophets for e. suffer. 1 Pet. 2:21 C. suff. leav. us an e. Jade 7 for an e. suffering See ENSAMPLE, s. EX€EEI>. Dent. 2o:.3 forty stripes and not e. lest if he e. brother Mat. 5:20 right, e. the scribes 2 Cor. 3:9 ministration e. EXCEEDED. 1 Sam. 20:41 wept, till David c. 1 K. 10:2:3 Sol. e. all for riches EXCEEDEST, ETJI. 1 A". 10:7 wisdom e. the f.ime 2 C7tr. 9:6 e. fame tliat I heard EXCEEDIIVG. Gen. 15:1 thy e. great reward 17:1) make thoe e. fruitful 27::34 E. cried with e. bitter cry Ex. 1:7 Israel waxed e. mighty 19:16 the trumpet e. loud Num. 14:7 land we passed is e. 1 Sam. 2:.3 no more e. proudly S Hxm. 8:8 D. took?, much l)rass 12:2 man had e. many (locks 1 K. 4:29 G. gave Sol. wisdom e. 1 Chr. 23:2 broughtc. much spoil 22:5 must be e. magnifical - 2 Chr. 11:12 cities e. strong 11:14 was e. much spoil in them 16.12 Asa, disease was e. great 32:27 llez. had e. much riches Pi. 21:6 hast made him e. glad 43:4 I go unto Ood, my e. joy 119:90 thy command, ise. broad Proi). 30:21 four things are e. w. Ec. 7:34 which is e. deep Ezbk. 9:9 iniq. of Is. is e. great 10:13 and wast e. beautiful 37:10 e. great army 47:10 fish of great seai!. many San. 3:22 the funiace was e. \v~X 7:19 fourth beast wasg. dreadful 8:9 horn, which waxed e. gi-eat J^wi. 3:3 was an e. great city 4:6 Jonah was e. glad Mat. 2:10 rej. with e. great joy 16 II(M-od moclced, was e. wro. 4:Ht:ikethupinto e.\\vi\\ nioun. 5:12 rejoice and be e. glad 8:23 possess, with devils e. lirr. 26:22 they were a. Horrowful 38 e. sorrowful, Mark 14:34 Mark 0:26 the king was e. sorry 9:3 his raiment c. white as snow AcM 7:29 M. born, and was c. fa. Horn. 7:13 sin become e. sinful 2 C'o)-. 4:17 work. c. weiglit glory 9:14 for c. grace of <;od in you Ei^h. 1:19 c. greatiKiss 2:7 might show e. riche.^ of gm. 3:20 is able to do e. abundantly 1 Tim. 1:14 grace of L. e. abnnil. 1 Pd. 4:13 be glad nl. with c. joy 2 Pet. 1:1 e. great promises Jiidc. 21 you faultless with e. joy Pen. 16:21 the pla. was «. grc'at i:x<:eei)i.\<;ly. Gen. 7:19 the walcrt iircvailcd e. 13:l:i m )f S. were sinners c 10:11) I will niullinly lliy siu'dc. 17:2 I will inulliply tliei^ c 20 I wllliMUlll|>lv Ishni:icl .Ml ar::):!aud li-uae Ircnihlcd vrryc 30:13 .Ian, I) Incrc'aHerl ,>. 47:27 8-SVI//I, l:);|,-, .\nin(m hated her ^. 2 A'. 10:1 elders Saiimrlaff.afr/ilil 1 Chr. 29:2.') I,. in:e,'iilll(id Solo- mon e. 2 rV//'. 1:1 2 Chr. 17:l2.Ieli. waxed u'rent ri. 2il:H Uzzliih HlrenTlli. lilmsellV. A^i/i. 8:10 It grieved llieni*. EXC E?t. 4:4 queen was e. grieved Job 3:22 rejoice e. when they find Ps. 68:3 the righteous e. rejoice 106:14 lusted c. in the wildern. 119:167 testim. I love them e. 123:3 e. tilled with contempt, 4 Js. 24:19 the earth is moved e. Dan. 7:7 a fourth beast strong e. ■Jon. 1:10 men were e. afraid 16 the men feared the Lorde. 4:1 it displeased Jonah e. Mat. 19:25 they were e. afraid Mark 4:41 they feared e. and said 15:14 cried out the more e. Ants 16:20 these men do e. trou. 26:11 being e. mad against them 27:18 e. tossed with a tempest 2 Cor. 7:13 ande. the more joyed Gal. 1:14 c. zealousof the tradit. 1 Thes. 3:10 pravins e. 2 Thes. 1:3 your faith groweth e. Heb. 12:21 Moses said, I e. fear excel. Gen. 49:4 unsta. as wa. sh. not e. 1 Chr. 15:21 with harps on Sh. e. Ps. 103:20 that e. in strength Ts. 10:10 images did e. them 1 Cor. 14:12 seek that ye may e. EXCELLED, EST. 1 K. 1:;30 Sol's wisdom e. Egypt Prov. 31:29 but thou e. them all EXCELLETH. Ec. 2:13 wis. e. folly, lit'hte. da. 2 Cor. 3:10reasonof glory that c. EXCELLENCY. Gen. 49:3 e. of dienity. e. of pow. &. 1.5:7 greatness of thine e. Dent. 33:26 who rideth in his e. 20 who is the sword of thy e. ■Tot) 4:21 their e. go away ? 13:11 his e. make afraid ? 20:6 c. mount up to the heavens .37:4 thunder, with voice of h. e. 40:10 deck with majesty and e. Ps. 47:4 the e. of Jacob 62:4 cast him down from his e. 68:34 his e. is over Israel Ec. 7:12 the e. of knowledge is /.-. 13:10 beauty of the Chald. e. 35:2 e. of Carmcl, e. of our God 00:15 I make thee an eternal e. Ezek. 24:21 the e. of your streng. Ainos 6:8 I abhor the e. of Jacob 8:7 L. hath sworn bye. of Jacob .YnA. 2:2 e. of Jacob, the c. of Is. 1 Cor. 2:1 not with e. sjjcech :3 Cor. 4:7 that e. of j)Ow. maybe Phile. 3:8 all things lost for e. EXCELLENT. Kat. 1:4 showed e. majesty ■Jo'j .37:23 Almighty is e. in power Ps. 8:1 how c. thy name I 9 16:3 e. in wh. is all my deliuht 36:7 how c. is thy loving-kind. 76:4 morec. than the mountains 141:5 it shall be an e. oil 1 18:13 Lord, his name alone is c. 1.50:2 aocord. to his e. greatness Prov. 8:0 will speak of c. tilings 12:26 righto, more c. th. neigh. 17:7 e. speech become, n. a fool Cant. 5:15 countenance e. ]<. 4:2 fruit of earth shall be c. 12:5 L. hath done e. things 2S:29 L. of hosts p. in working h'ru'k, 16:7 come to e. ornaments Dan 2:31 whose brightn. was c. 4::i6 e. majesty was added inito 5:12 c. spirit found in 1). 6:3 14 p. wis:;H c. Ilion hiid.'-t ha-'led 2 .SV///1. ;!:i:i ,'. thcui first lirintr .M. 5:6 ('. thou l.'d. tlie jmlirment written ./I /'. 7:5<'. judu'. between man and 21:12 ('. judu'in. in the morning 22:3 <■. judLTin. and riLrhteoiisit, 23:5 brunch shall c. iudu'. :i:!:15 E:,k. 5:8 will <: jiid-". In thee, 10 15 whi'ii I hliaili . jiid:;. in tliee 11:9 1 will c. jiidir. auuuig vou 25: 1 1 I will <". jiiilu'. upon Mo.'ib ir 1 will I. veiiu'i'. upon them .30:1 1 and . . imlu'ineuls In No 19 Ihiisl will .. Jiub,'. in K-ypt 45:9 I'. |ud!.:ineut and lusllee" /A.v. 11:9 not ,-. the fierceness Mir. 5:15 and I will <■. vi'mjeancp 1:9 Mild I', iuiliiuii'iil forme y.ir. 7:9.. true lud;,'iiioiil.m:-ii iKx-. jiiHllciMinlie I,. EXP 2 Sam. 8:15 T>. e. ju. 1 CTir. 18:14 1 C/ir. 6:10 c. the priest's office 24:2 E. and Ith. e. priest's office Ezr. 7:26 let judg. be c. speedily Ps. 106:;30 Phinehas, and e. judg. Ec. 8:11 sentence not e. speedily Jer. 2:3:20 auger of the L. have e. Ezek. 11:12 nei. e. mv judg. 20:24 18:8 e. true judg. bet. man, 17 23:10 they had e. judg. upon her 28.22 I shall have e. jad'r. 26 39:21 shall see judg. I have e. Luke 1:8 wh. Z. e. priest's office EXECUTEDST. 1 Sam,. 28:18 nor e. wrath on A. EXECUTE.ST, ETH. Ps. 9:16 is known by judg. he e. 99:4 thou e. judgment in Jacob 103:6 Lord e. right, and jndgm. 146:7 L. e. judgm. for the op'pr. Is. 46:11 that c. my counsel ■7er. 5:1 if any e. judgment Joel 2:11 he is str. that c. word EXECUTING. 2 Chr. 11:14 Jero. cast off from c. 22:8 J. c. judg. ou Ahab's house EXECUTION, ER. Est. 9:1 decree to be put in e. Mark 6:27 king sent an e. EXE>3PTE». 1 K. 15:22 a procla. none was e. EXERCISE. 1 Tim. 4:8 bodily c. profit, little EXERCISE, Verb. Ps. 131:1 nor d« I e. things ■Ter. 9:24 L. which e. loving-kind. Mat. 20:25 princes of the Gen. e. dominion, that are great e. autho. J/fl;* 10:42; Z;/. 22:25 Acts 24:10 I e. mys. to have cons. 1 Tim. 4:7 e. thyself to godliness EXERCISED, ETH. Ec. 1:13 sore trav. to be e. 3:10 Ezek. 22:29 peo. of land c. robb. Iltb. 5:14 senses e. to disc, good 12:11 fruit of right, to them e. 2 Pet. 2:14 heart c. with covetous Pev. 13:12 c. power of first beast EXHORT. Acts 2:40 many ^vol■ds did he e. 27: 22 I e. you to be of good ch. 1 Thes. 4:1 brethren, and c. you 5:14 now we c. you, warn unru. 2 Thei. 3:12 comm. and e. bv C. 1 Tim. 2:1 I e. that first of all ():2 these things teach and e. 2 Tim. 4:2 e. with long-sufl'ering Tit. 1:9 may bo able lo e. and co. 2:6 young men e. lo be sober 9 e. servants to be obedient 15 speak, e. and rebuke Tit b. 3:13 e. one another daily 1 1'tt. 5:1 the <'lders am. ycii Ic. ■fade 3 for me to write aiid e. EXHORTATION. Luke 3:18 many thinirs in e. Acts 1:!:15 ye liavi- wm-d of c. say 2l):2 when P. h.'ut ;,'iven much c. Jlotn. 12:8 exluu't. let wait on e. 1 Cor. 11:3 speak, iinlo men to«. 2 Cor. 8:17 ho accepted Ihe e. 1 Thrs. 2:3 e. was not of deceit 1 Tim. 4:13 give attendance to e. Heb. 12:5 ve have forgot, (he e. 13:22 siillVr the word ofc. EXHORTED. INO. Acts U-.-iW ]{. ,\ lo cleave lo Lord 1 1:22 c. them to con. in fai. 1.5::!2 ('. brethren with in. words 18:27 brelli. wrote c. disciples lib. 10:25 but r. one anotli. nnd 1 l\t. 5:12 by S. I have writteiirt. 1 '/'/((.<. 2:11 you know how wii lu hltn, />(«('. I0:-:8c. ofwlelicd, 11:7 11:23 <■. of Ihe wicked is wnith a;):lHr'. sh. not becnl oil'. 21:14 Is. a0;.5 be iishamed of llietr c. (i behold, such Is onr . shall bo nslmined Lake 3:1.5 as peo. were In t. J. .icts 12: 1 1 dellver.tl IV. f. of .tew s I'oin. 8:10 e. of creiiluiv walleth I'Ml. 1:21) my e«riie>l f. i:xPE«"rEi), i\o. J. I'. 29; 1 1 to givo an d. ouil 844 CRUDEX^S COXCORDAXCE. EYE Acti 3:5 e. to receive something Heb. 10:13 e. enemies be miide EXPEDIEXT. John 11:50 e. for us one man die 16:7 e. for you that I go away 18:14 e. that one man die for pe. 1 Cor. 6:1-2 all things not e. 10:23 2 Cor. 8:10 e. for you who begun 12:1 it is not e. for mo to glory EXPEL, LED. Jos. 13:13 Is. e. not (Jeshurites 2:5:5 G. shall e. them before you Jud. 1:20 he e. three sons of A. 11:7 ye e. me out of house? 2 S'am. 14:14 his banish, be not e. Acts 13:50 e. them out of coasts EXPEXSES. Ezr. 6:4 e. be given out 8 I decree that e. be given to EXPERIEXCE. Gen. 30:27 by e. the Lord blessed Ec. 1:16 my heart had e. of wis. Mom. 5:4 worketh «. and e. EXPERIMEXT. 2 Cot-. 9:13 by e. of this minist. EXPERT. 1 Ckr. 12:3:5 Zeb. 50.000 e. in war 35 Danites e. in war: 36 Asher Cant. 3'S hold swords, e. in war »/■<:?•. 50:9 shall be as e. man Acts 26:3 know thee e. in custo. EXPIRED. 1 Sam. 18:26 the davs were not e. 2 .5aOT. 11:1 y. was 'e. 1 CT)-. 20:1 1 Chr. 17:11 come wh. davs be e. 2 Chr. 36:10 when year e.'Xeb. jE-'/. 1:5 when daj"3 were e. Ezek. 43:27 when days are e. Acts 7:30 fortv years were e. Htv. 20:7 lOOO" years e. S. loosed EXPLOITS. i)cn.ll:28 he shall doe. 32 shall be strong and do e. EXPOUXD, ED. J"d. 14:11 could note, riddle 14:19 L'arments to them who «. Mark 4:34 when alone e. all th. Lvlci 21:27 (. to them all script. Acts 11:4 but Peter e. it by order 18:26 Aq. and Pris. e. to him 23:2:5 Paul e. the kingdom of G. EXPRESS. JED£b. 1:3 being e. image of person EXPRESS, ED. Kum. 1:17 took men e. by names 1 Chr. 12:;51 JI. 18.000 e. by name 16.41 who were e. by name 2 CA?-. 23.15 men e. took captives 31:19 «. to give portions i'^r. 8:20 Xethinim e. by name EXPRESSLY, t Snm. 20:21 if I e. say to the lad Ezelc. 1:3 word came e. to Ezek. 1 Tim. 4:1 Spirit speak, e. some EXTEND, ED. Ezr. 7:28 e. mercy ; 9:9 to us P-i. 109:12 be none to e. mercy Is. 66:12 will e. peace like river EXTEXDETH. Ps. 16:2 goodness e. not to thee EXTIXCT. Job 17:1 my day? are e. Is. 43:17 are e. they quenched EXTOL, LED. Ps. 30:1 1 will e. thee, O Lord 66:17 he was e. with my tongue 63:4 e. him that rideth on heav. 145:1 1 will e. thee, my God Is. 52:13 my servant shall be e. Dan. 4:37 1 Xebuchad. e. King EXTORTION, ER, ERS. Ps. 109:11 e. catch all he hath /*. 16:4 e. at an end. the spoiler Ezek. ^:12 has gained by e. Mat. 23::35 they are full of «. Luke 18:11 not as other men. e. 1 Cor. 5:10 not altogether with e. 11 if any be drunTcard. an e. 6;10 nor e. inherit kingd. of G. EXTREME. Deut 28:22 L. smite with e. bum.. EXTREMITY. Job 35:15 knoweth not in great e. EYE Ex. 2124 e. for e. Lev. 24:20: Dent. 19:21 ; Mat. 5:38 26 if man smite t. of servant Xet'. 21:20 hath blemish in e. Dtiit. 28-54 his «. shall be evil 56 f . shall he evil lo. husband 32:10 as apple of his e. 34:7 his e. was not dim EYE Ezr. 5:5 e. of God was on elders Job 7:8 e. that hath seen me 10:18 and no e. had seen me 20:9 €. wh. saw sh. see no more 24: 15 e. of adulterer waiteth for twil. saying, Xo e. shall see 29:11 wh. e. saw me. it gave wi. Ps. 33:18 e. of Lord on them 35:19 nei. let them with e. 21 aha, aha, our e. hath seen it 94:9 formed e. sh. he not see ? Pivv. 10:10 winketh with the e. 20:12 the seeing e. L. hath made 22:9 bountif. e. shall be blessed 30:17 e. that mocketh at father Ec. 1:8 e. not satisfied 4:8 neither e. satis, with riches Is. 13:18 e. shall not spare child: 52:8 for they shall see e. to e. 64:4 nei. hath e. seen, 1 Cor. 2:9 Lam. 2:4 slew all pleasant to e. Ezek. 9:5 let not your e. spare Mic. 4:11 let our e. look on Zion Mat. 6:22 light of the body is the e. LukeU-.Zi 7:3 mote in brother's e. beam in thine own e. Luke 6:41. 42 18:9 if e. oifend thee pluck out 19:24 camel sro thro" e. of needle, ,lf«;-A- 10:^25; Luke 1S:25 1 Cor. 12:16 bee. I am not the e. 17 the whole body were an e. 21 e. cannot say 15:52 in twinkling of an e. Eev. 1:7 every e. shall see him Evil EYE. Prav. 23:6 bread of him hatn e. e. 2S:22 hast, to be rich hath e. e. Ma'. 6:-i3 if e. be e. Luke 1\:U 20:15 is thine e. e. Mark 7:22 of heart proceed, e. e. ■ Jline EYE. 1 Sam. 24:10 mine e. spared thee ■lob 7:7 m. e. shall no more see 13:1 mine e. hath seen all this 16:20 mine e. pour, tears to God 17:7 7nine e. is dim by sorrow 4-2:5 but mine e. seeth thee Ps. 6:7 m. e. con. with grief, 31:9 :3-2:8 guide thee with mine a 54:7 mine e. hath seen his desire 88:9 mine e. mourn, by reason 92:11 jnine e. sh. see my desire Lam. 1:16 m. e. m. e. run. 3:48 3:49 mine e. trickleth down 51 mine e. affecteth my heart Ezek. 5:ll ucith. sh. m. e. spare. 7:4,9; 8:18; 9:10: 20:17 Thine EYE. Ve^it. 7:16 thine e. sh. not pitv, 1:5:8: 19:1:5.21; 25:12 15:9 thine e. be evil a\wn t. e. and to Jturn. 3:18 no fear of (!. l)cf. /. e. 11:10 let ^/iW/w. hedarliiMicd J!eo. 7:i7 idl tears from t. e. 21: 1 TiiiiK? i;yeh. r/fn.30:27 foiuid favor in thine e. 46:4 J. put IMS liaiid on lliine e. 47:19 Hhall we die lielbreM/./KU'. Ex. 13:9 memorial between /. e. 16 frontlets helw. t.e. Ikut.iV.W Jkut. 3:21 thiwe. have seen all 27lirtnpr.'. l)eholditwilh/.r'. 4:9 liirget lliin;;s \\ h. /. e. have 7:19 leiiiplatiiiiiH /. i . saw, 29:3 ]l):21 tilings whleli thlii. ,'. seen 2H:3I slnill he r.lain hefoic /. i. '.Uili.we e. Hhail looli, and fail ."il lor IlK! HiL'lil tA'thinj c. 67 31:4 10 Hcu with thhw e. FAC Puth 2:9 let t. e. be on the field 10 have I found grace in t. e. ? 1 Ham. 2:.33 to c(msume thine e. 24:10 t. e. seen how L. delivered 25:8 men find favor in tliine e. 26:21 soul precious in Viine e. 27:5 found grace in tliine e. iSam. 12:11 thy wives bo. t. e. 22:28 I. e. are on the haughty 1 K. 8:29 t. e. open toward this house, 52 ; 2 Chr. 6:20. 40 20:0 is pleasant in thine e. 2 K. 7:2 thou shalt see it with t. e. 10:5 what is good in thing e. 19:16 open Lord /. e. Is. 37:17 22:20 t. e. shall not see all evil 1 Chr. 17:17 small thing in t. e. 2 Chr. 34:28 nor shall tliine e. see Neh. 1:6 let thine e. open ■lob 7:8 thine e. are upon me 11:4 I am clean in thine e. 14:3 dost thou open t. e. on such? 1.5:12 what do /. e. wink at? Ps. 31:22 cut off from be. t. e. 50:21 set in order before t. e. 91:8 with t. e. shalt thou behold 139:16 /. e. did see my substance Prov. 4:25 let thine e. look right 6:4 give not sleep to thine e. 20:13 open thine e. and thou 23:5 set <. «. on that wh. is not ? 26 let thine e. observe my ways 33 t. e. shall beh. strange wom. 25:7 prince whom t. e. have seen Ec. 11:9 walk in sight of thine e. Cant. 4:9 ravished heart with /. e. 6:5 turn away thine e. from me 7:4 thine e. like the flsli-pools /•.'. .30:20 t. e. shall see teachers 33:17 thine e. shall see king 20 t. e. see Jeru. quiet habitat. ■Ter. 5:3 are not t. e. on truth ? 20:4 fall by sword t. e. behold it 22:17 t. e. are not but for covet. 31:16 refrain thine e. from tears .32:19 t. c. open on ways of men 34:3 /. e. behold king of Bah. 42:2 as thine e. do behold us La?n. 2:18 let not apple of t. e. Ezek. 23:40 for wh. paintedst t. e. 21:16 take fr. thee desire of t. e. 40:4 behold with thine e. 44:5 Dan. 9:18 open t. e. and behold Luke 10:12 now hid from thinee. John 9:10 were t. e. opened? 26 17 he halh ojicned thine e. ? Rev. 3:18 anoint thine e. Your EYES. Gen. 3:5 day eat ?/. e. be opened 19:8 them as is good in your e. 34:11 Let mo And grace in y. e. 12 y. e. and eyes of brother 50:4 found grace in your e. Num. 33:55 ye let remain shall be ijrieks in y. e. Jos. 23:13 Deut. ] ::30 that he did hefore y. c. 4:31; 29:2 4:3 1/our e. have seen what Lord did, 11:7; Jos. 24:7 9:17 I brake two tables b. !'. ;■. r. 11:18 as frontlets between arisoii .\fliiig-bloek Ix^fore/. :iS:18 fury shall conu^ in my /'. /)an. 8:18' in a sle.'p on/, lli:!") 10:6 /', as appear, of llghtiiing 11:lf( lurii /", unto the i>li'S Ifos. 5:5 Is.'lestitlelh to/, 7:10 ./oel 2:6 before/, people be pain, 20 win '. Ezek. 1:28 /. on mv f. 3:2:! ; 9:8 ; 11:13; 4.'i:3; 41:4; A7n.8:17 Dan. 2:46 Nebuch./. i//)0.i hi.-i /". .Ual. 17:6 disc i. ; 26:39 J. /". on f. /.like 5:12 lepir; 17:16 S. /". onf. lliT. 11:16 21 ehler^./'. o/riheir/. F\CE of the nelJ. 2 A'. 9::i7 .1 ez, dung on./", of l/ief. VMK of llie (into. Ezek. 40; 1,5./". of the ij. of cut raiuo F.VCE of Iho firoiiiul. Gen. 2:6 mi^t watered./'. (j/'/Afi/. 7:2.3 lies! r, that wasoitT, (///iC!/. 8:8 abiited iVoiii oil' /'."( ;///(< ij. 13./'. of the ijiviini/ was dry lll.ic, lildctii, or hill F\CK. <;,n. 4:11 from Ihv/. sh. I be /I. A'.r, ;i:liand Moses /(((/ Ills/. /;,(//, :il;17 Ai. I my/, fr.'them, 24 ' 29 nor will I hide mv f. ! Jfi<;. 3:4 he will h. f. at that time ' Sev. 6:16 hide us from/, of him ; F.\CE of the house. ! Ezek. 41:14 breadth of/, of house F.\.CE of the Lord. (?#'!. 19:1:3 cry before/", of the L. 1 Sam. 28:20 blood Deibre/. or" Z. 1 yr. 1:3:6 entreat f. of the Lord P<. ;34:16 f. of t/i^ Lord asamst them" that do e\al, lPIi. 2:8 are ye saved t.f. J'U'd. 3:9 righteousn. wh. is /./. Cul. 2:12 risen t.f. of ope. of G. 2 Tim. 3:15 wisc'to salvation t.f. Jib. ():12 t.f. inherit promises ll::i t.f. we und. worlds framed U /./. S. received strength 28 thro'f. hekeptthepassover 33 tliro' f. snbd\ied kingdoms 39 obtained a good report t.f. 1 1'et. 1:5 kept I.f. to salvation Thy FAITH. Hat. 9:22 t. f. luitli made thee whole, karic 5:34; 10:52; /.///.■e8:18; 17:19 15:2S O woman, great is thy f. hiikK 7:50 t. f. h. saved th. lf<:42 22:3i |)rayeVl tliat //;///. fail not I'hile. 0 coniuiunicalionof tty/. Jam. 2:18 show t.f. without w. Vour FAITH. Mat. 9:2!) according to y.f. belt Lii/ceH'.i') where is your/./' Horn. 1:8 y.f. is spokc'U 1 Cor. 2:5 y.f. not stand in wis. 15:11 yourf. is also vain, 17 2 Cor. 1:21 "dominion over j/./. 10:15 whcji yo///'/". Is increased Klik. 1:15 aftc'r I lieard of y.f. I'hil. 2: 17 offer, on service of ;/./. CoL 1:1 since wo heard of //../'. 2:5 sl.fiiillaHtness viKy.f. \\\ \'\\. 1 Tlia. l:H yourf. to God ward 3:5 I sent to know yourf. 7 we were eomfortiMl l)y y.f. 10 what is lacking in your J . 2 Tlti'K. 1:3 //./. growelh (txceed. ,/ain. 1:3 trying i>iy.f. workelli 1 I'i'l. 1:7 trial of y./ precious 9 end of y. /. <'Vimi salvation 21 that;/./, might lie In (Jod 3 I'd. 1:5 aild to yourf. virliio FAlTllFllIi. Num.. 12:7 Mo. /'. Jlib. 3:2, 5 Dent. 7:9/. (t. whoki^epeth eov. 1 -SViwi. 2:35 will rulMu n|)/. priu. FAL 2 Sam. 20:19/ in Israel Neh. 13:13/ to distribute Ps. 12:1 the/, fail from am. men 31:2:5 the Lord preservcth the/. 89:37 as a/ witness in heaven 101:6 mine eyes shall be on f. 119:86 commandments are/. 133 thy testimonies very/. Prov. 11:13/ spirit cone, matter 1.3:17 a/, ambassador is health 14:5 a/, witness will not lie 20:6 a/, man who can find 1 27:6/. the wounds of a friend Is. 1:21 how is f. city become 26 ehalt be called the/, city 8:2 I took unto me /. witness. Jer. 42:5 L. be/, witness bet. us Dan. 6:4 forasmuch as he was /. Hos. 11:12 Ju. isf. with saints Mat. 24:45 who then is/. 25:?1 well done, good and f. se. 2:}/. in a few th. Luke 19:17 Lulce 12:42 who is/, and wise '! 16:10/ in least is/, in much 12 not/, in what'is ano. man's Acts 10:15 ye have judged me/. 1 Cor. 1:9 God is/. 10:13 4:2 stewards, that a man be f. 17 sent Timothy,/, in the L. 7:25 mercy of the Lord to be/. Gal. 3:9 blessed with/. Abraham Eph. 1:1 to saints and/, in C. J. 6:21 Tvchicus a /'. minister Col. 1:2 saints aiid/. breth.inC. 7 Ep. for you/, minister, 4:7 4:9 Onesimus, a f. brother 1 Thes. 5:24/ is he that calleth 2 Thes.?j:-i L. is/, who stablish 1 I'im. 1:12 Christ he counted/. 15 a/. saying, 4:9: Tit. 3:8 2 Tim. 2:2 same commit to f. m. 11/. saving; 13 he abidelh/. Tit. 1:6 having/ children 9 holding fast the f. word Ileb. 2:17 he might 1)0/ 3:2 f. to him that appointed h. 10:23 is f. that promised, 11:11 1 Pi:t. 4:i9 souls as to a/. Crea. 1 -John 1:9 he is f. to forc-ive us R';i\ 1:5 C. tlie /". witness, 3:14 2:10 be /■.unto death 19:11 was called/. 21:5 words are true and/. 22:6 FAITHFULLY. 2 A'. 12:15 for they dealt/. 22:7 I Chr. 31:12 brought ofiV'rings/. 31:12 men did tli'e work/. i'rov. 29:14/. judgeth the poor ■Ter. 23:23 sjjeak my word/. f.\ithfe;l\'e.s.<9. I Sam. 26:23 render to man his/. P.i. 5:9 no f. in their mouth 36:5 thy /. reacheth unto clouds 40:10 I liave declared thv f. 89:1 I will make known thy f. 2 thy/'. Shalt IIkhi establish 5 thy/, also in tlie congrega. 8 to thy /'. round about tliee ? 21 f. ami mercy b(^ with him 92:'i good to slu»v /'. every night 119:75 mf. hast aiUicted me 90 thy/, is unto all genera. 143:1 in thy f. answer me /.,■. 11:5 /•. shall be girdli; 25:1 tliy ciiuiisels of old arc/. Tjim. 3:23 gre:it lliv /". llos. 2:20 I will betroth thee in/. FAITHLKS.S. Mat. 17:17 O /'. generation, Mark 9:19; L(/7,y;9:41 ,fohn 20:27 not/, but believing FALL, fiiiliHlantlvc. Prov. 16:18 haughty spirit bef. f. 29:16 ri:/hteoiisshall see their/. ./(/■. 49:21 moved at noise of/'. .!/((/. 7:27 great was the /'. of it Luki-'i;\\ child set for/. /^o//i. 11:11 thro' tlieir/. salva- tion is coMie to tli(^ (Jcntiles 12 ify'. of tliem be riches FALL. Vcili. (,'en. 2:21 deep sleep to/, on A. '15 21 see tliiU. vc /. 11. iiut liy w. 49-17 Ins rider sliall /, l):ickwa. Lio\ 19:29 land/, to wlioiedom 26:36 sli, / when none pursiio ;17 shall/, one ii|)oii anollicr ,V"/«, 1 1:29 care. sli. /. wild. 32 ■luil. 15.12 ye will Mci'l/'. nil- IH /'. into liMiiil ot iiiK ircum. liulh 2:16 let /. some haiidliils 1 Sam.. 3:l!l none ot wonls /. gr. M:15iu>t,liMlrof heail/'. griMind, •iSniit. 11:11; 1 A'i 1:62; .4cC« 27:31 22:17 would not/, on tho prle. FAL 1 Sam. 22:18 turn th. and/, on pr. 2 Sam. 1:15/ on h. 1 A. 2:29, 31 24:14/. inhandof G. not/, into hand of man, 1 Chr. 21:13 2 K. 7:4 let us /. unto host of S. 10:10/. nothing of word of L. 1 Chr. 12:19 he will f. to master 2 Clir. 21:15 till bowels/, out 25:8 G./. before enemy Est. 0:13 thou begun to/. ■Job 13:11 his dread/, on you 31:22 arm/, fr. shoulder-blade Ps. 5:10/. by own counsels 9:3 enemies sh./ and perish 10:10 that the poor may/. 35:8 into destruction let him/. 37:24 he/, shall not be utterly 64:8 mate their tongue to /. on 82:7 shall/ like one of princes 91:7 a thousand shall/. 118:13 thrust at me I might/. 140:10 burning coals/, on them 141:10 wicked/, into own nets 145:14 Lord upholdeth all th. /. Prov. 10:8 a prating fool sh./. 10 11:5 wicked shall/. 14 wh. no counsel is thepeo./. 28 trustcth in his riches sh. /". 22:14 abhor, of L. sh. /. therein 24:16 shall/, into mischief 26:27 whoso diL'-geth pit shall/. 28:14tliathardeneth heart sh./. 18 perverse shall/, at once Ec. 4:10 if they /. one lift fellow 11:3 if the tree/, tow. the south Is. 10:4 they sh. /. nnder slain .34 Leb. shally. by mighty one 22:25 nail fast, sure place sh./. 24:18 shall/, into the pit. 20 earth shall/, and not rise 30:13 iniq. as breach ready to/. 40:30 young man sh. utterly./'. 47:11 mischiefs sh. /'. upon thee ■kr. 6:15/. am. tlieiii that/. 8:12 21 fathers and sons shall /'. 8:4 shall they/, and notarise? 9:22 carcasses of men shall/. 15:8 I have caused him to /'. 19 whirlwind/, on head, 30:23 25:27 drunken, and spue, and/. 37:14 I /■. not away to Chaldeans 44:12 shall all/, in land of Eg. 46:6 they shall stumble and/. 48:44 that fleeth shall /. intopit 49:26 young men/. 50:30 .50:32 most proud stumble and f. 51:4 slain/, in land of C. 47, 49 44 wall of Babylon shall/. Lam. 1:14 made strength to /. Ezek. 6:7 shall /. iu the mid'st 13:11 it shall /. and ye, O great hailstones, shall /. 24:6 piece by piece, let no lot f. 29:5 Shalt f. on open fields, 39:5 30:6 they that ui)liold E. sh. /. 22 I will cause the sword to f. 32:12 will I cause multit. to /. 33:12 not /'. thereby in the (lav 35:8 in all' thy rivers shall th./. 3S:20 steep Jilaces/. ev. wall/. .39:3 arrows to/. ; -i sli. ./'. mo. 4 1:12 caused Is', to/, into iniv (i:.39 27 rrmnlis wh. ./. masters' tab. 21:11 wlio-o /. on this stonu bo broken, /,«/(•• /. .lo/i l:Illrtreof (!. ttf. fr. heaven /'..■. 7:1.% imd is t'. into the dltoh 1.1. M:S Jer. ruiiied.iind .)ild. Is f. 21:9 11. isf. isf. Iter. 1I:S; 18:2 .59:1 1 truth is /. In the slivels ,/<;•. 4.S::12 spoil, in f. on siiin. fr. 51:8 llabvloni.'.' m'uUIi'uIy./. Lain. Ml! cimwii i.•/. Aimts Ti-.'i virgin of Israel l.<-/. 848 CRUDEN'S CONCORDAN'CE. FAL Amos 9:11 raise up tab. th. isf. Acts 15:16 taber. of U. wh. isf. FALLEST, ETH. Ex. 1:10 when/, out auy war 2 Sam. .3:23 not fail one that/. 31 as a man/, bef. wick, men 17:12 as dew/, on ground Job 4:13 deep sleep/'. 3:3:15 Prov. 13:17 mess./, into misch. 17:20 perv. tongue/, into mis. 21:16 just man/', seven times 17 rejoice not when enemy/. Ec. 4:10 him alofle when/. 11:3 wh. tree/, there shall it be Is. 34:4 the leaf/, off the vine 44:15 image and/, down, 17 Jer. 37:13 thou/, away to Chald. Dan. 3:6 whoso f. not down. 11 Mat. 17:15 ofttimes / into tire Luke 11:17 house div. ag. ho. /. 15:12 goods that /. to me Rom. f4:4 master 'he stand, or/. Jam. 1:11 flower th. / 1 Pet. 1:24 FALLI\G. Num. 24:4/ into trance, 16 Job 4:4 upholdeu him that /. 14:18 mount f. cometh to nan. P.i. 56:13 del. 'feet from f. 116:8 Prov. 25:25 righte. / bef. wick. 7t. 34:4 as a /. fig from fig-tree Li(lce 8:47 trembling / down 22:44 drops of blood" f. down Ads 1:18 and Judas f. headlong 1 Cnr. 14:25/. he will worsh. G. 2 Thes. 2:3 except come a/, aw. Jade 24 is able to keep from /. F.4LLOW. Jer. 4:3/ ground, Hos. 10:12 FALSE. Et. 23:1 Shalt not raise /. report 7 keep thee far from a / mat. 2 K. 9:12 it is /. tell us now ./o6 3!):4 ray words shall n. be f. Ps. 113:104 I hate ev. f. way, 128 120:3 done thee, f. tongue Pror.W.lf. balance is abomina- tion 17:4 giveth heed to/ lips 20:23 a f. balance is not good 25:14 whoso boastcth of a/, gift Jsr. 14:14 prophesy a /. ^^sion 23:.32 prophesy /'." dr(?ams 37:14 it is/ I fall not away Lam. 2:14 "seen for thee /. bur- dens Ezek. 21:23 shall be as a/, diviu. Zee. 8:17 evil, loveno/ oath 10:2 divin. have told /. dreams Mai. 3:5 witness ag./. swearers .Ifa^. 24:24 shall arise f. Christs andf. prophets, 3iark 13:22 Luke 19:8 anv thing bv/ accusa. 2 Cor. 11:13 such are/' apostles 28 in perils among/ brethren Gal. 2:4 because of/, brethren Tit. 2:3 they be not f. accusers 2 Pet. 2:1 there sh. be/, teachers See rnopiiET. F.VLSE prophets. Mit. 7:15/. p. in sheep's cloth. 24:11 many/, p. shall rise, 24 Mark 13:22 f. p. rise show signs Lulx 6:26 did fathers to the/, p. 2 Pet. 2:1 tlierc were/, p. am. p. 1 John, 4:1/ p. gone out FALSE witness, es. Ex. 20:16 thou shalt not bear / wit. J)eut. 5:20 : Mat. 19:18 Beut. 19:16 if a/, tvitness rise up 18 if the witness be a/ witness Ps. 27:12/ loitnesses are risen 35:11 f.'w. did rise Prov. "6:19 a/, w. speaketh lies 12:17 a/, w. show, deceit. 14:5 19:5 /. XD. not be unpunished, 9 21 :28 f. witness shall perish 25:18 that beareth / ui. Mat. 15:19 out of heart pro./ w. 2'):59 elders sousrht/. w. as. Jc. 60 many /. witnesses canic, at last came two/ witnesses Mark 14:56 bear/ ?i'. ag. him, 57 Ac/s 6:13 and set up / w. 1 Cor. 15:15 we are found/, w. F.VLSEHOOD. 2 Sam. 18:13 sh. have wrouo'. /. Joi21::34 in answers remameth/ Ps. 7:14 he hath brousht forth/. 119:118 for deceit is f. 144:8 a right hand of A. 11 Is. 28:15 uirder/. have "we hid 57:4 seed of /'. .i" 50:13 words of/. Jer. 10:14 image is /. 51:17 7/0.?. 7:1 for they comm.it f. Mic. 2:11 walking in spirit and/. FAM FALSELY. (?en. 21:23 thou wilt not deal/. Lev. 6:3 lost, and sweareth/. 19:11 neither deal/, nor lie 12 not swear by my name/. Deut. 19:18 witn. have tesfifi./. Ps. 44:17 nor have we dealt /. Jer. 5:2 L. liveth, they swear/. 31 prophets prophesy /. 29:9 6:13 every one dealeth/ 8:10 7:9 ve steal, mur. and swear/. ? 40:16 for thou speakest /. of Is. 4:3:2 speakest/ L. hath not sent IIos. 10:4 swe. /. in making cov. Zee. 5:4 enter house swear/. Mat. 5:11 say evil against yon/. Lnke 3:14 nor accuse any f. 1 Tim. 6:20 opp. of science/. 1 Pet. 3:16 /, accuse good conv. FALSIFYING. Amos 8:5 /. balances by deceit FAME. Gen. 45:16/. was heard in Phar. Xum. 14:15 have heard /. of thee ■Jos. 6:27 Joshua's f. wa"s noised 9:9 we heard the/, of God 1 K. 4:31 f. was in all nations 10:1 heard / of Sol. 2 Chr. 9:1 7 wish, exceedeth/ 2 Chr. 9:6 1 C7»-.14:17/. of D. was to all Est. 9:4 Jtordecai's/. thro' prov. .m 28:22 we have heard f. Is. 66:19 that have not heard /. ■ler. 6:24 we have heard the /. Zep. 3:19 and I will get them f. J/aC. 4:24/ of J. abroad. Mark 1:28: Luke 4:14. .37: 5:15 9:26 the/, thereof went abroad 31 they spread abroad his /. 14:1 Herod heard of/, of Jesus FAMILIAH. ■Tob 19:14 my/', friends have for. Ps. 41:9 ray /. friend lift up heel FAMILIAR spirit. Lev. 20:27 man or wom. of a/ s. 1 Sam.. 28:7 wo. that hath f. s. 8 2 an: .33:6 Man. dealt wit'h f. s. Is. 29:4 as one that hath af. s. FAMILI.4R spirits. Lev. 19:31 res. not th. have f. s. 20:6 soul that tHrneth after y. *. Deut. 18:11 norconsulter w./. ,«. 1 Sam. 28« S. putawav th. f. «. 9 2 K. 21:6 with /. «. ; 23:24 f. s. Is. 8:19 seek f. s. ; 19:3 hath/. .?. FA.VlILIARS. Jer. 20:10/ watched for halting F.\Mn>Y. Lev. 20:5 I will set face ag. his/. 25:10 return ev. man to his/. 41 47 the stock of the Strang. /. Xum. :36:6/. of father's tribe, 12 Deut. 29:18 lest a/, turn from L. ■los. 7:14/ which Lord takcth ■lud. 1:25' go man and all his /. 0:15 my/, is poor in Manassch ■ler. 3:14 one of a cit. two of a/. Zee. 12:12/ sh. mourn. 13, 14 Eph. 3:15 Z'. in hcav. and earth FAMILIES. Gen. 10:5 Gentiles divided aft./. 12:3 all/ of earth, 28:14 Ex. 12:21 take lamb ac. to yo. /. Xeh. 4:13 people after their/. ■lob .31:-34did cont. off. ter. me? Ps. 68:6 G. setteth solitary in f. 107:41 mak. him f. like a flo'ck Jer. 1:15 will call "all/ of north 10:25 furv on / call not name 2.5:9 will take all the/ of north 31:1 God of all the /'. of Israel 33:24 f. which L. h"ath chosen Ezek. 20:32 as/, of countries Amos 3:2 yon have I kn. of all/. Xah. 3:4 selleth/. thro' witchr. Zee. 12:14/. that remain 14:17 will not come of all/. FAMINE. Gen. 12:10 f. was grievous in la. 26:1/. inland, besides first/. 41:27 7 empty cars 7 years/. 30/ shall consume the land 31 plenty not kn. by rca. of/. 56/. was over all face of earth 47:13 fainted by reason of/ Puth 1:1 ruled there was/. 2 Sam. 21:1 f. in the days of D. 24:13 shall vears of/ come ? 1 K. 8:37 in land f. 2 Chr. 20:9 18:2/'. in Samaria, 2 K. 6:25 2 K. 7:4 then the f. is in the citv 8:1 the Lord hath call, for a f. 25:3/ prevailed in J. no bread 2 Chr. :32:11 }I. per. vou to die f. Job 5:20 ill/, he shall red. thcc/. FAR Jot) -5:22 at destruc./. thou sh. la. 30:3 want and/, were solitary Ps. :33:]9 keep them alive in/. 37:19 in days of/ 105:16 he called for a f. Is. 14:.30 I will kill roo't with/. 51:19 destruction, /. and sword Jer 14:15 by/', sh. proph. be con. 18 them that are sick with/. 15:2 such for the/, to the f. 18:21 deliver np children to f. 21:7 deliver from the /. to Neb. 24:10 send/, am. them, 29:17 27:8 nation will I pun. with f. 34:17 liberty for vou to the /. 42:16 the/, shalffollow 52:6 the/, was sore in the city Lam. 5:l'0 skin black, bee. of/ Ezek. .5:12 part consumed with/. 16 evil arrows of/ 17 I send on yon/ 14:13 7:15/ within/ and pestilence 12:16 leave a few men from/'. 36:29 will lay no/, upon you Amos 8:11 1 will send/ Lvke 4:25 great/ through land 15:14 a mighty/ in that land Pom. 8:35/ Sep. fr. love of C. ? Pev. 18:8 in one day, death,/. By the FAMINE. ■ler. 11:22 sons and d. die by t.f. 14:12 I will consume by t. f. 15 16:4 be con. bi/ t.f. 44:12, "18, 27 21:9 abideth in city die b>/ t.f. 38:2 shall die bi/ f. Ezek. 6:12 42:17 they shall "die by the f. 22 that ye shall die by the f. 44:13 I have punish. J. by f. f. Ezek. 6:11 they shall fall by th'ef. FAMINES. Mat. 24:7 shall be/ pestilences. Mark 13:8; Luke n-.ll FAMISH, ED. Gen. 41:55 all land of E^ypt f. Prov. 10:3 not sufl'er right, to /'. Is. 5:13 their honor, men are/. Zep. 2:11 will/, gods of earth FAMOUS. yu7n. 16:2 f. in congrega, 26fl Puth 4:11 be thou /'. in Bcthlch. 14 his name mav be /'. in Israel 1 Chr. 5:24 were/ men, 12:.30 Ps. 74:5 was/ as he lifted axes 136:18 to him who slew/, kings Er.ei-. 23:10 became/ am. wom. 32:18 daughters of/, nations FAN, Substantive. Is. 30:24 winnowed with/. .fer. 1.5:7 I will fan with / Mat. 3:12 wh./. is in h. Luke 3:17 FAN, Verb. Is. 41:16 sh. /. them, winds sh. ■ler. 4:11 a dry wind not to /. 15:7 I will / them with a fan 51:2 fanners that shall/, her FAR. Gen. 18:25 / from thee to slav Ex. 8:28 ye shall not go very/. 23:7 keep f. from false matter Deut. 12:21/ from thee. 14:24 29:22 strancer from a/ land ■los. 9 :22 f. from vou ■lurl. 9:17 adventured life/ 19:11 dav was/ spent 1 Sam. 20:9 J. said,/ be it from 2 Chr. 2(i:15 name spr./'. abroad Xe/i. 4:19 separ. one f. from an. Est. 9:20 Jews both high and/. ■lob 5:4 his child./, from safety 11:14 iniqnitv/ awav. 22:23 .34:10 A be it from God Ps. 10:5 judg. are/, out of sight 22:1 why so/, from help, me? 73:27 that are f. from ttioe 97:9 L. exalted/ above all gods 10:3:12 as/, as east fr. west. so/. 109:17 blessing be/ from hini 119:155 salva."is/. from wicked Prov. 4:24 and pe'rver. lips put f. 15:29 Lord is/, from the wicked 22:15 rod of cor. sh. drive it/. 31:10 lier price is/ above nib. Ec. 2:13/". as light excel, dark. Is. 19:6 shall turn rivers/, away 46:12 hear ye that/ from right. 54:14 thou Shalt be/, fl-om opp. .59:9 is judgment/from us ■ler. 51:64 thus/ are words of J. Lam. 3:17 my soul/, from peace Ezek. lins get ye/', from the L. Dan. 11:2 fourth king/, richer ^lmo./?'sh.moclv Dan. 9:7 confus. to Israel/ of Joel 2:20 rem. f. o^ north, arhiy .3:8 sell them"to Sabeans/. of Mic. 4:7 her cast/', off. a nation Zee. 6:25/ orf' come and build Eph. 2:13 f. "off are made nigh FARE, ED. 1 Sam. 17:18 look how thy br./. ■Ion- 1:3 paid the/, thereof Luke 16:19 rich nian/ sumpta. FAREWELL. Luke 9:61 bid them f. at homo Acts 15:29 well, f 18:21 ; 23:30 2 Cor. 13:11 fina'lly brethren./. FARTHER. See rn>.THER. F.VRTHING. S. Mat. 5:26 paid the uttermost/. 10:29 two sparrows sold for /. f Mark 12:42 threw two mites, a/. Luke 12:6 five sparr. for two/. F.VSHION. 3Ia7'k 2:12 never saw it on this/. Luke^:i9f. of his countenance .ids 7:44 make tabernacle to/. 1 Cor. 7:31/ world pass, away Phil. 2:8 found in/, as a man ■lam. 1:11 the grace of/, perish. F.VSHION, ED, ETH, ING. Job 10:8 hands/', me, Ps. 119:73 31:15 not one f. us in the wo. ? Ps. .33:15 he/."their hearts alike 1:39:16 in continuance were/'. Is. 22:11 nei. respect to him/', it 44:12 the smith/, it with ham. CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 849 FAT Is. 45:9 clay say to him that/. Ezek. 1G:7 thy breasts are/. Phil. .3:21/. like to his glo. body 1 Pel. 1:14 not/, to former lusts FAST, Adverb. Jud. 15:13 we will bind thee/. Ps. 65:6 strength set/, moun. Prov. 4:13/. hold of instruction Jer. 48:16 afflic. of M. hasteth/. 59:a3 took captiv. held them/. Jon. 1:5 lay in ship,/, asleep PAST, Substantive. 1 K. 21:9 pro. a /. 2 air. 20:3 ; ifer. 8:21; J«r. 36:9; .Jon. 3:5 J«. 58:3 in/, you find pleasure 5 a/, wilt thou call this a/. .? 6 this the/. I have chosen ? Jbe? 1:14 saric./. call assem. 2:15 Zee. 8:19/ of 4th, 5th, 7th, 10th month Acts 27:9/ was now already past FAST, Verb. 2 Sam. 12:23 child dead, why/. .? /s. 58:4 ye/ for strife, sh. not/. Jkr. 14:12 when/ I will not hear Zee. 7:5 did ye at all/, unto me? Mat. 6:16 ye /. be not of sad counten. that may ap, to/. 9:14 disc./ not? Marki:\i 15 then/ jl/ar/c 2:20; Xa. 5:35 Mark 2:18 disc, of J. used to/. 19 children of bridechamber/. i?/A-e5:33 discip. of J./, often? 18:12 If. twice in the week FASTED, EST. Jud. 20:26 /'. til. day, 1 Sam. 7:6 ISam. 31:13/ 7 d. 1 Chr. 10:12 2 ,SVm. 1:12/ for S. ; 1 K. 21:27 A. Neh. 1:4 Neh./ and pra. Ez.Z:^ Is. 58:3 why have we/. .? J/a<. 4:2 Je.sus/. forty days 6:17 when tliou/. anoint head .dcte 13:3/ laid hands on them FASTI\G, S. Neh. 9:1 were assembled with/ 7E«<. 4:3 dec. came there was/. P«. 3.">:13 humbled soul with/. 69:10 chast. my soul with f. 109:24 knees weak through/ Jer. 36:6 the words on/, day Dan. 6:18 passed the liiglit/ 9:3 T). set him. to seek by/. Jorf 2:12 turn ye with/, jlfo^ 15::12 send them away/. 17:21 butby/ jJ/arA;9:29 jl/a)-^ 8:3 if I send them away/. Luke 2:37 Anna served G. with/ j4c/« 10:30 four days ago I was/ 14:2:) and had prayed with/ 27:33 fourteenth day ye coiit./. 1 (U/r. 7:5 give yourselves to/. 2 Cnr. 6:5 approv. ourselves in/. 11:27/ often, in cold and nak. FASTEIV, ED, IIVG. Jiidq. 4:21 J./, nail into ground 1 Clir. 10:10/ head in temple Job 38:6 wher. are foundations/ JCc. 12:11 as nails/ by masters Is. 22:23 I will/ nini as a nail 25 nail/, iu the sure place 41:7 ho/, it, it sh. not be moved Jer. 10:4 they/, it with nails Luke 4:20 a, /''. all tli. possible Ivke 10:22 who the F. is, but S. 11:11 if a son ask bread of a/ 12:.53/. be dividi'd against "the son and sou against the f. 15:21/. I have! sinned aga. Ilea. 16:27 I liray thee/, send liim 22:42 /'. If willing, remove cup XV.'M F. forgive them, (hey 46 F. Into thy hands I com. ,/ohn 1:11 only i)e!;olteii of /''. 18 Son who is lu bosom nt F. 3::i5 F. lovclh the Son, 5:20 4:11 nor at .IithhuI. worship F. 23 shall w:i'i he viHxhrrJ'. bnilher Lev. 'il:l> Blie prol'anelh hir f. Xiim. Vl-.H if A. r. had but opll />,u/. 21:13 hewiill A. f": a month Jud. I.%:(1 1'lillli.llneHhiiriil li./. I'iit, 2:7 h./. and mother deml FAT Hi8 FATHER. Gen.i:)ii shall a man leave hisf. Mark 10:7 ; Eph. 5:31 28:7 .Jacob obeyed hisf. and his 31:53 J. sware by fear of hisf. 37:1 hisf. was a stranger 22 to deliver him to hisf. 44:22 the lad cannot leave hisf. 46:1 sacrifices to God of his f. 29 Joseph went to meet hi^f. 47:12 Jo.seph nourished hisf. Ex. 21:15 smit./. be put to cei. 17 curseth hisf. i«B.20:9 Lee. 19:3 fear every man hisf. Dent. 21:18 will not obey hisf. 27:16 setteth light by hisf. 33:9 hisf. I have not seen him 1 Sam. 14:1 Jona. told not hisf. 19:4 spake good of D. to hisf. 20:.34 li.f. had done him shame 2 Sam. 7:14 will be hisf. he son 10:2 as hisf. showed kindness to me, 1 Chr. 19:2 1 K. 11:4 not perf. as David h. f. 6 as did Dav. hisf. 15:11 ; 2 A'. 18:3; i Chr. 28:1; 29:2 33 not as/ 8 K. 14:3 ; 16:2 15:3 walked in all sins of hisf. 26 way of/. 22:4:3 ; 2 A'. 21:21 2 K. 3:2 did evil, but not like/. 1 Chr. 17:13 I will be his f. 28:6 2 Chr. 3:1 L. appeared toD. hisf. 17:4 Jehos. sought God of hisf. .34:2 in ways of David hisf. 3 Prov. 13:1 hear, instniction of/. 15:5 despiseth h.f. instruction 17:25 foolish son a grief to h.f. 19:13 is the calamity of hisf. 26 wasteth hisf. cans, shame 20:20 curseth h.f. lamp put out 28:7 com. of riot, shameln hisf. 24 whoso robbeth hisf. 29:3 lov. wisdom rejoiceth h.f. 30:17 mocketh /". ravens pick Is. 45:10 woe to liim saith to h.f. Ezek. 18:14 son seeth h.f. sins 17 not die for iniciuity of hisf. Amos 2:7 hisf. go in to maid Zee. 13:3 hisf. thrust him thro' 3[al. 1:6 a son honors hisf. Mat. 10:35 at variance ag. his f. 1.5:5 to h.f. it is gift, Mark 7:11 6 and honor not hisf. be free 16:27 Son come in glorv of /(. F. .VarA 8:38 ; Luke^-.m 21:31 whether did will of /(./. ? Luke 1::12 give him thr. of hisf. 59 called after name of hisf. 62 they made signs unto hisf. 9:42 J. delivered him to hisf. 14:26 and hate not hisf. 15:12 younger said to hisf. 20 arose and came to hisf. John 5:18said that G. was fiisF. Acts 16:1 but his f. was a Greek Uvb. 7:10 in the loins of hisf. Her. 1:6 kings and pr. to his F. 14:1 liis F. name iu foreheads See HOUSE. FATHER-I\-LAW. Ex. 18:1 Sloses' f.-in-law, 8, 14, 17; Jud. 1:1(>; 4:11 27 Moses Mf.-iiiJair depart Jud. 19:4 f.-iii-lnw retainea him John lS:Vif.-hi-lau' toC'aiaphas Mv FATHER. Gen. 19:;i4 I lav yest. with niij f. 20:12 the daught er of hi i//. '27:;! 1 K. crii'd. Bless me. mv f. 31:5 the God of my f. 42; 32;!); F.\\ 18:4 41:21 thy senant my f. 27:30 32 suret v for the lacf to tny f. 45:3 doth' f»y /". yet live? 47:1 imi f. anil breth. an> couio Ih'ut. 2li:5 n Syrian was vtyf. .Aw. 2:13 win save alivo myf. .hid. 9:17 viy r\ fought for voii 11:16 1 havo'not told Uniyf. 1 .S(((;i. 1 1:29 ;"!//■. troub. tluOaiid IS: 18 what Is ini/f. ftimily ? •,'0:2 ///(/ r'. w 111 do nolliing i:l I,, fie with thee as with wy/. 2',':;l l.'t my r'. be with you ■J .Slim. 10:3r'eHtoro klni-. of m|//. I K. 2:26 barest arU before iiiyf. Ill all wheri'ln tny f. wnsiU'l. 4-1 wiekeiliiessdUlsi \oW.myf. ,•1:6 showed to 1) my f. mercy ' 7 made km;' liiHteilil oftnyf. 5:1 imi f. could not build hoii"i' H:17 iiiliearl of D »".»/. lo build 12:10 III He lliik-er be ilucKer th. inij t: loin-, -H'lir. 1(1:10 11 myf. Iiide von, il r»r. UVIl 14 my'l . chifitlHiHl, 'i Ifir. 10; 14 850 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. FAT 1 K. 15:19 lea. be. myf.iChr. 16:3 19:20 kiss myf. aad mother 2 K. 2: 12 Elisha cried, myf. myf. 6:21 m.yf. shall I sinlte them'' 13:14 Joash said, myf. myf. 1 Chr. 98:4 chose me bef. all ho. of myf. and among sons 2 air. 2:3 didst deal with myf. Job 17:14 I said to cornip. my/. Ps. 27:10/. and mother forsalce 89:26 thou art my F. my God Prov. 4:3 for I ivas myf. son Is. 8:4 knowledge to cry myf. Jer. 2:27 stock, thou art tnyf. 3:4 thou not cry, my F. ? 19 29:15 brought tidings to m.yf. Dan. 5:13 myf. brought out o"f J. Mat. 7:21 doeth will of F. 12:.50 8:21 go bury Tnyf. Luke 9:59 10:.32 him confess before my F. 33 him will I deny bef. my F. 11:27 delivered oi'F. Luke 10:22 15:13 my F. hath not planted 16:17 my F. in heaven revealed 18:10 angels beh. fece of my F. 19 it shall be done of m,y F. 35 heavenly F- also do to you 20:23 it is prepared of m,y F. 24:;36 that day know, but m,yF. 25:34 come, ye blessed of my F. 26:29 drink it new ia F. kingd. 39 O my F. let this cup pass 42 my F. thy will be done 53 I cannot pray to 7ny F. f Luke 2:49 about ray F. business 15:18 I wUl arise.and go to myf. 16:27 send him to my f. house 22:29 as my F. hath appointed 34:49 the promise of my F. John, 5: 17 my F. worketh 30 but the will oimyF. 43 I am come in my F. name 6:32 my F. giv. _yon true bread 65 except it be given of viy F. 8:19 nei. know me, nor my F. 28 as my F. hath taught 33 I have seen with m,y F. 49 I honor viy F. ye dishonor 54 it is my F. that honor, me 10:17 doth my F. .love me 18 this com. I lecei. of my F. 25 works I do in my F. n.ane 29 my F. is greater tuau all 30 I and my F. are one 32 good works from my F. 37 if I do not works of my F. 12:26 him will my F. honor 14:7 should have known my F. 12 because I go to my F. 10:10 20 shall know I am in my F. 21 shall be loved otmyF. 23 28 my F. is greater than I 15:1 my F. is the husbandman 8 herein is m.y F. glorified 10 I kept my F. commandm. 15 all that I heard of my F. 23 hateth me hateth my F. 24 18:11 cup 7n,y F. hath given 20:17 to my F. and your F. 21 as my F. hath sent me, so Eev. 2:27 as I received oimy F. 3:5 confess his name bef. m,y F. Our FATHER. Gen. 19:31 o.f. old; 32 o./. dri. 4.3:28 ourf. is in good health 44:31 o.f. with soitow to CTave Num. 27:3 o.f. died in wildern. 4 name of ov.r f. done away ? 1 air. 29:10 bles's. be th. L. 0. F. Is. 63:16 thou art our F. 64:8 art our F. we are the clay Jer. 35:6 ourf. com. drink no w. Mat. 6:9 our F. Luke 11:2 Mark 11:10 blessed king, olo.f. Luke 3:8 have Abraham to ourf. Jokni:V2 greater thano./. .? 8:53 Acts 7:2 God appeared to our f. .Ko/n. 1:7 peace fr. G.ourF.lCor. 1:.3; iCor. 1:2; Eph. 1:2: Phil. 1:2; Col.\:%\Tlim.\:\--2Thes. 1:2; 1 Tim.V.i; Phile. 3 9:10 even by ourf. Isaac Gal. 1:4 will of God and our F. PhU. 4:20 to our F. be glory 1 Thes. 1:3 si^ht of G. and o. F. 3:11 our F. direct our way 13 stablish in holiness bef o.F. 2 Tlies. 1:1 church in God our F. 2:16 our F. comfort your hearts Their FATHER. Gen. 9:23 saw not naked, of t.f. 19:36 with child by their f. Ex. 40:15 didst anoint tlieirf. 1 Sam. 2:25 heark. not to their f. 10:12 one said. Who is tlieirf. 1 Chr. 24:2 N. Ahihu died bef. t.f. iChr. 21:3 t.f. gave great gifts FAT Job 42:15 t.f. gave inheritance Prov. 30:11 that curseth their f. Jer. 16:7 con. to drink for t.f. 35:14 Jona. sons obeyed t.f. 16 Ezek. 22:10 disc. t.f. nakedness Mat. 4:21 with Zebedee their f. 22 left t.f. and followed him Thy FATHER. Gen. 12:1 get from thyf. house 46:3 I am the God of thyf. 49:25 by the God of thyf. 20 blessings of thyf. prevailed 50:10 t.f. com. before he died 17 forgive serv. of G. of thyf. Ex. 20: 12 honor t ^. and mother, Deut. 5:16: Mat. 15:4; 19:19 Deut. 6:3 as G. of ^/. promised 32:6 is not h.at.f. bought thee? 7 ask thyf. and he w^ll show Ruth 2:11 thou hast left thyf. 1 Sam. 20:6 if thyf. miss me 2 Sam. 6:21 chose me before t.f. 10:3 thinkest thou that D. doth honor thyf. 1 air. 19:3 16:19 served in thyf. presence 1 K. 11:12 for David ;■./. sake 2 K. 3:13 get to prophets of t.f. 20:5 thus saith the G. of D. t.f. 2 Chr. 21:12- 75.38:5 1 Chr. 28:9 son, know G. of t.f. 2 Chr. 7:17 ifwalkbef. meas^./. ■lob 15:10 much elder than thyf. Prov. 1:8 instruct, oithyf. 2:3:22 6:20 keep tltyf. commandment 2:3:25 t.f. and mother sh. be gl. 27:10 thyf. friend forsake not Is. 43:27 thy first f. hath sinned 58:14 heritage of Jacob thyf. Jer. 12:6 house of t.f. dealt trea. 22:15 did not thyf. eat, drink Ezek. 16:3 thyf. was an Amorite Dan. 5:11 in the days of thyf. 18 God gave thyf. a kingdom Mat. 6:4 t. F. who seeth in sec. 6 pray to t. F. who is in secret Mark 7:10 M. said. Honor thyf. 10:19; i!?ie 18:20; Eph.&.'i Luke 2:48 thyf. and I sought 15:27 thyf. hath killed ailf John 8:19 Where is thyf. .? Your FATHER. Gen. Zl-.Jvourf. hath deceived 43:7 is w>Jrf. alive ? 44:17 get up in peace to yourf. 45:19 bring yourf. and come 49:2 hearken unto Israel yourf. Jer. 35:18 obeyed Jonadab y.f. Ezek. 16:45 yourf. an Amorite Mat. 5:16 glorify your F. in hea. 45 may be children otyourF. 48 as y. F. in heaven is perfect 6:1 otherwise no reward of 2/. F. 8 y. F. knoweth whatthings ye have need of, 33 ; Luke 12:30 14 if ye forgive, y. F. will for. 15 nei. will y. F. forgive your trespasses, Mark 11:25, 26 10:29 sparrow fall without y. F. 18:14 not will of ?/. Jf. one perish 23:9 call no man y.f. on earth. for one is your F. in heaven Luke 6:36 as your F. is merciful 12:32 y. F. p"leas. to give kingd. ■lohn 8:38 that seen with ijour F. 41 ye do the deeds oiyourf. 42 J. said, if God were your F. 44 yc are of y.f. the devil, and the lusts of y.f. ye will do 20:17 I asc. to my F. and y. F. FATHERS. Ej'.. 10:6 thy/, nor thy/./. 20:5 visiting iniquity off. 34:7; Num. 14:18; Deut. 5:9 Deut. 24:16 /'. not be put to death for children, iK. 14:6 ■lob 30:1/ I would ha. disdained Pi'ov. 19: 14 inheritance of/. Is. 49:2:3 kings be thy nursing/. Jer. 6:21/ and sons sh. fall, 13:14 7:18/ kindle the fire 31:29/ eaten sour grapes, .Fa^i. 18:2 32:18 recompensest iniq. of/. 47:3/. not look back to child. Ezek. 5:10/ shall eat the sons Mai. 4:6 turn/ to ch. Luke 1:17 John 7:22 of Moses, but of the/. ActM 7:2 and/, hearken. 22:1 13:32 promise made to the/. 22:3 perf. manner of law ot/. Pom. 9.5 whose are the/ 1 Cor. 4:15 have ye not many/. Eph. 6:4/ prov. not. Col. 3:21 Heb. 1:1 in times past to/. 12:9 we had/, who corrected 2 Pet. 3:4 since the/, fell asleep FAT 1 John 2:13 write unto you/. 14 See ETJEIED, CHIEr. His FATHERS. 2 K. 15:9 did evil as hisf. had 21:22 fors. G. of A./. 2CAr.21:10 2 Chr. 21:19 like burning of A./. 28:25 A. provoked L. G. of A./. 30:19 to seek God othisf. 33:12 humbled before G. of A./. Ps. 49:19 generation of hisf. 109:14 iniquity of hisf. Dan. 11:34 what hisf. not done 37 nor regard the (Jod of hisf. 38 a god whom hisf. knew not Acts 13:36 Dav. was laid to A./. My FATHERS. Gen. 47:9 not at. years of my f. 30 I will lie with myf. 48: 16 name of myf. be named 49:29 bury me with myf. Ex. 15:2 he is myf. God 1 K. 19:4 no better than Tnyf. 21:3 inheritance of my f. 4. 2 if. 19: 12 which TO!//, destroyed, 2CAr 32:14; Is. 37:12 2 Chr. 32:13 I and my/, done Ps. 39:12 soj. as myf. were Dan. 2:33 O God of myf. Acts 34: 14 worship God of myf. Gal. 1:14 traditions of my f. Our FATHERS. Gen. 46:34 we and also o.f. 47:3 Num. 20:15 ourf. went do\vii Z*e«<. 5:3 not covenant with o./. 6:33 he sware to ourf. 36:3, 15 26:7 cried to the God of ourf. ■Jos. 24:17 brought o.f. out of E. Jud. 6:13 mirac. o.f. told us of? 1 K. 8:57 as he was with ourf. 58 statutes he commanded o./. 3 E. 32:13 ourf. not hearkened 1 C'A7'. 12:17 G. of 0./. rebuke it 29:15 are sojourners, as ourf. 18 O L. God of ourf. keep for ever in the heart, 2 Chr. 30:6 2 Chr. 6:31 gavest o./. iVeA. 9::36 29:6 for ourf. have trespassed 9 o.f. have fallen by the sword 34:21 ourf. have not kept word Ezr. 5:12 after o.f. provoked G. 7:27 blessed be the God of o.f. 9:7 since o.f. in great trespass Neh. 9:9 see affliction of our f. 16 ourf. dealt proudly Pit. 22:4 ourf. trusted in thee 44:1 o.f. told what didst, 78:3 106:6 we have sinned with o.f. 7 o.f. understood not wonders Is. 64:11 ourf. praised thee Jer. 3:34 devoured labor of o.f. 35 and Ourf. not obeyed voice 16:19 ourf. have inherited lies 44: 17 as we have done, ourf. Lam. 5:7 ourf. sinned Dan. 9:8 conlus. of face to ourf. 16 our sins and iniq. of ourf. Mtc. 7:20 sworn to o.f. from old Mai. 2:10 profaning cov. of ourf. Mat. 33:30 in days of ourf. Luke 1:55 as he spake to ourf. 72 mercy promised to ourf. ■John 4:20 ourf. wors. in mount. 6:31 ourf. eat manna in desert Acts 3:13 God of o.f. hath glori. 25 cove. God made with ourf. 5:30 G. of o.f . raised up Jesus 7:11 ourf. found no sustcuauce 15 Jaco"b died, he and ourf. 19 and evil entreated ourf. 38 he which spake with ourf. 39 whom o.f. would not obey 13:17 God of'israel chose our/. 15:10 yoke o./. not able to bear ■ 36:6 promise made to ourf. 28:25 well spake by E. to ourf. 1 Cor. 10:1 o.f. were under cloud Slept with FATHERS. 1 K. 2:10 David slept w.f. 11:21 4:3 Sol. slept w.f. 3 Chr. 9:31 2 A". 30:21 H. s. w.f. 2 Chr. 32:.33 2Chr. 26:23 Uzziah slept icHhf. Their FATHERS. Ex. 4:5 G. of t.f. hath appeared Lev. 20:;39 iu iniq^uity of their f. 26:40 confess iniq. of their f. Num. 11:12 swarest to t.f. 14:33; Deut. 10:11; 31:20; Jos. 1:6; 5:6 : 21: 13, 44 ; Jer. 32:22 Deut. 29:25 forsaken cov. of t.f . Jos. 4:6 children ask ttd?-/. 21 22:14 head of house of tlieirf. Jud. 2:10 gathered to their f. 12 forsook the God of their f. 17 out of way t. f. walked iu 19 corrupted more than t.f. 30 covenant I commanded t.f. FAT .Jud. 2:22 keep way of L. as t.f. 1 K. 8:34 land thou gavest to t. /. 48; 2 CA?'. 6:35, 38 9:9 brought t.f. out of Egypt 14:15 he gave to their f. 2 A'. 31:8: Jer. 16:15; 34:10 22 provok. above all t.f. done 1 Chr. 5:25 transgr. ag. God off. 39:20 blessed God of their f. 2 Chr. 7:2-2 for. G. off. 24:34; 28:6 11:16 sacrifice to God of their f. 13:18 rcUed on God of tlieirf. 14:4 to seek God of t.f. 15:12 19:4 back to the God of their f. 20:33 prepa. hearts to G. of t.f . 30:7 trespassed ag, God of t.f. 32 confession to God of their f. 34:33 foUowing the God of t.f. 36:15 G. of t.f. sent messengers Neh. 9:2 confessed iniq. of t.f. Job 8:8 prepare to search of t.f. 15:18 wise men told from/./. Ps. 78:8 might not be as thcirf. 12 marv. things in sight of t.f. 57 dealt unfaithfully like t.f. Pvv. 17:6 glory of child, are t.f. Is. 14:21 slaughter for iniq. of/. Jer. 7:26 did worse than thcirf. 9:14 BaaUm, which t.f. taught 16 nor t.f. have known, 19:4 23:27 as t.f. forgotten my name 31:32 not accord, to covenant I made with t.f. 11:10; Heb.i:9 50:7 sinned ag. L. hope of t.f. Ezek. 2:3 t.f. have transgressed 5:10 and sons shall eat t/ieirf. 30:4 cause know abom. of t.f. Amos2:i after which t.f. walked Mai. 4:6 heart of children to t.f. Luke 6:23 like manner did t.f. 26 so did t.f. to false prophets Thv FATHERS. Gen. 15:15 shalt go to thyf. Ex. 13:5 sware to thyf. 11; Deut. 6:10, 18; 7:12, 13; 8:18; 9:5; 13:17; 19:8; 28:11; 29:13; 30:20 Deut. 4:31 not forget cov. of t.f. 37 because he loved thyf. 10:15 10:iithyf. wentwith70persons 12:1 land the G. of thyf. giveth 19:8 land he prom; thyf. 27:3 30:5 multipl. thee above thyf. 9 as he rejoiced over thyf. 31:16 with thyf. 2 Sam. 7:12 1 K. 13:22 not to sepulchre of t.f. 2 K. 20:11: thyf. laid up 22:20 to thyf. 2 Chr. 34:38 1 air. 17:11 go to be with thyf. Ps. 45:16 instead of thyf. Jer. 34:5 the burnings of thyf. Acts 7:32 I am the God of thyf. Vour FATHERS. Gen. 48:31 bring to land of y.f. Ex. 3:13 God ot yourf. sent me, Deut. 1:11; 4:1; Jos. 18:3; 2 Chr. 28:9; 29:5 Num. 3-2:14 risen up in y.f. stead Jos. 24:2 yourf. dwell other side 6 I brought y.f. out of Egypt 1 Sam. 12:7 acts L. did to y'.f. 8 y.f. cried, L. bro. forth y.f. 15 hand of L. ag. you as y.f. 2 Chr. 13:12 not ag. God of y.f. 30:7 not like y.f. 8 ; Zee. 1:4 Ezr. 10:11 confes. to G. of y.f. Ps. 95:9 yourf. tempted, Heb. 3:9 Is. 65:7 and iniquities of yourf . Jer. 2:5 iniq. j;./ found in mc? 11:71 earnestly protested to y.f. 16:11 yourf. have forsaken me 12 done worse than yourf. 34:14 y.f. heark. not unto me 44:3 knew not, they nor yourf. 8 forsotten wickcdn. of y.f. f Ezek. 2'0:18 notiu statutes of y.f. 27 in this yourf. blasphemed 30 after manner of yourf. f 30 as I pleaded with yourf. T 37:25 dwell in land y.f. dwelt llos. 9:10 1 saw y.f. as first ripe Joel 1:2 been in days of yourf. f Zee. 1:2 L. displeased with y.f. 4 be not as yourf. 5 yourf. where are they? 6 words take hold of your f. t 8:14 when yourf. provoked rae M.il. 3:7 days of y.f. ye are gone Mat. 33:32 fill up measure of y.f. Luke 11:47 yourf. killed them 48 ye allow deeds of yourf. John 6:49 yourf. did eat manna 58 yourf. eat, and are dead Acts'T.5\ resist Holy G. as y.f. 52 have not y.f. persecuted? 1 Pet. 1:18 by tra'dition from y.f. FATHERLESS. Ex. 22:22 not afllict/. child CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 851 FAV Ex. 22:24 your children sh. be/. Deut. 10:18 execute jiulgment of /. P«. 82:3; Is. 1:17 Job 6:2T ye overwhelm the/. 22:9 arms of/, been broken 24:3 drive away ass'of the/. 9 pluck/, from the breast 29:12 because I delivered the/. 31:17 the/, not eaten thereof 21 if I lifted up my hand ag./. Ps. 10:14 thou art helper of/. 18 judge the/, and oppressed 08:5 a father of the/. 109:9 let his children be/. 13 nor any favor his/, children Prov. 2-3:10 enter not fields of/. /-•. 1:2:3 judge not/. Jei: 5:28 9:17 not have mercy on their/. 10:2 that they may rob the/ Jer. 49:11 leave thy/, children Lmn. 5:3 we arc orphans and/ .Sie/i;. 22:7 in thee have vexed/ Hos. 14:3 in thee/, findeth mercy jrfrt?. 3:5 witness ag. those op./. c to another 1 Pet. 2:20 if vvlu'i) buffeted for /', Jlc.o. 14:5 witliout/. l)cf tliroiie FAULTLESS. Jl:2 dominion and /'. with him 39:22 liemocUedi ill /'. /'s. 5:7, In Iliy/'. will 'I worNhlp 9:20 put tliein in/'. () Lord 11:5 lliere were lliey in great/. 31:11 I was a/, toiieoiiaintancc 13 /'. was on'eviTy side 4H:(I/. took hold upon Ihem 53:5 wriv In/, where no/', was IU:1 iires. iiiv IH'e I'r. /'. ol'i'iieniv 90:11 lo (livV. so Isihv wnilh" 105:38/'. ol'lliem fill upon lliein lI9:3H'lliy si'rv. di'vol. lotliy/. /'niv. 1:26 mock when/. eome'Ui 27 when your/, conielli as d. FEA Prov. 1:33 be quiet from/, of evil 3:25 be not afraid of sudden/. 10:24/ of wicked come on him 20:2/. of king as roaring of lion 29:25/ of man bringcthasnare Cant. 3:8 sw. bee. of/, in night Is. 7:25 not come the/ of briers 8:12 neither fear ye their/. 13 the Lord, let him be your/. 14:3 shall give thee rest from/. 21:4 night of pleasure into/. 24:17/ and the pit upon thee 18 fleeth from/. Jer. 48:44 29:13 their/, is taught by men 63: 17 hardened heart from thy/ Jer. 2: 19 that my/, is not in thee 6:25/ is 0-1 ev. side, 20:10 30:5 we have heard a voice of/. 32:40 ))ut my f. in their hearts 48:43/. shall 'be on thee, O M. 49:5 t will bring a/ upon thee 24/'. hath seized on Damascus 29'shall cry./, is on every side Lam. 3:47 f. and snare is come Ezek. 30:13 put a/ in land of E. Mai. 1:6 where is my/. .? Lt^ke 1:12 Z. saw him,/, fell on 05 f. ca. on all, 7:16; ^f^,';2:43; 5:5, 11; 19:17; Pev. 11:11 Pom. 13:7/ to whom/, is due 1 Cor. 2:3 in weakness and/. 2 Cor. 7:11 what f. what vehem. 2 Tim. l:7notgiv. us spirit of/ Ileb. 2:15 through/, of death 12:28 reverence and godly/. 1 Pet. 1:17 pass time of sej. in/. 3:15 with meekness and/. 1 John 4:18 no/ in 1. cast out/. For FB.\R. Deut. 28:67 f. the f. thou sh. fear ■los. 22:24 done it f. f. of thing 1 Sam.. 21:10 fled ;'. 'f. of S. 2:3:26 Job 22:4 reprove /'./. of thee ? Is. 31:9 to his strong-hold /./. Jer. 46:5/./. was round about 50:16 /'. f. of oppressing sword Afai. i:5f.f. wherew. he feared .Mat. 14:'26 discip. cried out/./. 28:4 f. f. of him keepers shalce Luki'i.\:%rd Is sir. conlid. 27 /. r/ A.'ls a fountain of life 1.5: fCi b'eller is lit. with/', of I.. 33 /. of L. is instrucfliin l(i:(i by f. of L. men d<]). I'r, evil V.\■.-i:^f.'of'the L. tendelh lo life 22:4 liy A of L. are riches and h. 2.'!:171>e In'/ of /Mrd all dav Is. 2:10 hhUi in dust, for/'. (/ L. 19 go Into cavi's for f.of I,. 21 u'o Into clel'Is. lor f. of l/)rd 11:2 siiirit of know. and/', of L. 3 (lulck undersland. in/, of L. 31:6 /. ('/ /'■ '••< his Ireasiiro' .4(7.v'U:3i walUliig In/, iff the L. Willi FEAH. J>s. 2:1) Horve the Lord with f. .\fal. '28:8 with f. and wrciil lov l.ukc rv.'H\ were al! Illled inlhf. 8:.'17 UiulureneH lak. w. gn-al'/. 2 Cor. 7:15 irilhf. received lilm E/ih. 6:.5 olu-dli'i'iee v. f. ami Ir. I'hII. 2:12 work out Kalva. «■,/. Ilrti. 11:7 N. If. f. pH'piired «rk I I'll. 2:1H ln' Hiilij. lo miiHl. 1(1./. :i:'j chiiHieciinv. coup. w.f. JiiiU 'iS mid ollirru siivo with/. FEA Wlthouf FEAR. ■lob 39:16 her labor in vain w.f. 41::33 not his like, made w.f. Luke 1:74 serve him withf. 1 Cor. 16:10 may be with y. w.f. Phil. 1:14 bold to sp. word w.f. Jade 12 feeding themselv. w.f, FE.ARS. Ps. 34:4 delivered mefr. all my/. Ec. 12:5 when/, be in the way Is. 66:4 bring their/, upon them 2 Cor. 7:5 within were/. FEAR, Verb. Lev. 19:3/ every man his moth. Num. 14:"9 nei./. people of land Deut. 4:10 may learn to/, me 5:29 O that they would/, me 28:.58/. glori. name, the Lord 06 thou Shalt/, day and night 67 fear wherewith thou slia./. .lud. 7:10 if thou/, to go down 1 K. 8:40/ thee, 2 Chr. 6:;31 43 name to/, thee, 2 Chr. 6:33 2 K. 17:38 neither/ other gods 39 the Lord your G. ye shall/. 1 Chr. 16:.30 / before him all the earth, Ps. 96:9 NeU. 1:11 desire to/ thy name .lob 31:34 did 1/ a great multi. ? Ps. 23:4 I will/, no evil, 27:1 whom shall 1/ / 31:19 goodness for them/, thee 40:3 many shall see it, and/. 49:5 I/, in days of evil ? 52:6 righte. also shall see and/. 60:4 a banner to them that/. 61:5herit. of those/, thy name 64:9 shall/ and declare work 72:5/ thee as long as sun cud. 80:11 unite my heart to/, name 102:15 so heath, shall/, thy n. 119:.39 my reproach which I/. 63 compan. of them that/, th. 74 they that/ thee will be gl. 79 let those/, thee turn to me Ec. 3:14 that men/, before liira Is. 8:12 neither/, ye their fear 19:16 Eg. shall be afraid and/. 25:3 city of ter. nations/ thee 44:11 the workmen shall/ 59:19 so shall they/, name of L. 60:5 thy heart/, and be enlarg. Jer. 10:7 who would not/ th. O 23:4 and they shall/, no more 32:39 one heart that they/, me 33:9 shall /. for the goodness 51:46 and lest ye/, for rumor Dan. 6:26/ before G. of Daniel Ilos. 10:5 inhab. of Samaria sh./. Mic. 7:17 and/', because of thee Zeyi. 3:7 said. Surely wilt/', me Hag. 1:12 people did ;'. before L. 7.ec. 9:5 Ashk. shall see it. and/. Mai. 4:2 to you/, my name Ma'. 21:26 we say. Of men, we/. Luke 12:5 whom ye shall/. Uoin. 8:15 spirit oflxiiidage to/. 11:20 he not high-minded, hut"/. 2 Cor. 12:20 I/, lest not Ilnd you 1 Tim. 5:20 olliers also may/. lleb. 4:1 let us /'. lest a proiiiise 12:21 M. said," 1 excceelingly/. Uer. 2:10/. none of those ihiiigs 11:18 rew. to Ihem/. thy name FE\R God. Otn. 42:18 and live, fori/. G. ,Ki: 18:21 iirovidesuch as /. Ood Ltr. 19:11 -iKill /'. Ihv (.wV, 32 25:17 Ihou sh. /'. Ihv G. 36. 43 .lob 1:9 doth J. /'. G. for naught? Ps. 66:16 1111 ve'thal/'. God ! A'c. 5:7 vanities, \i\\\ f. Ihou Ood I 8:12 well with Ihein Iliat/. G. I 12:13 /'. '\ lo lluiii/. A. 852 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. FEA Ps. 103:13 L. pit. th. that/. Mm 17 mercy of L. is ou them/, h. 111:5 meat to them that/, /lim 145:19 desire of them/, 'kirn 147:11 pleas, in them that/. 7t. Mat. 10:23/. h. able Liile 12:5 Ziil:e 1:50 mercy on them/, him Eev. 19:5 praise G. ye that/, h. Pear the LORD. Deut. C:2 mightcst f. t. L. thy G. 13 Shalt/. L. 10:20 ; 2 if. 17:39 24 to/, i. for our good always 10:12/. the L. walk m his ways 14:23 to/. L. 17:19; :31:12, 13 Jos. 4:24 might/. Lord your 6. 24:14 now therefore /". the Lord 1 Sa7n. 12:14 if yc \ri"ll/. C/ie i. 24/. L. serve him in trnth 1 K. 18:12 but I/, i. 2 iT. 4:1 2^. 17:2-1 taught them how/, i. P*. 15:4 hanoreth them/. Lord 22:23 ye that/. L. praise him 33:8 let all the earth/, the Lord 34:9 Of. the L. ye his s;iints 115:11 ye that/. L. trust in L. 13 he will bless them that/, i. 118:4/. L. say, his mercy end. 135:20 ye that/. L. bless" the L. Prov. 3:7/ X. depart from evil 24:21/. the Lord, and the king Jer. 5:24 nor say th. Let us/. L. 26:19 did he not/. ?/«« Lo?-iZ .flbs. 3:5 afterwards sh. Is./, i. Jb». 1:9 I/. L. the 6. of heaven FE.\a not. G«». 15:1/ not Ab. I am shield 26:24/ not, I am with thee 35:17 midwife said to R./. n. 43:23 Pe.ice be to you./. ;!0< 48:3/'. not to go down to Egypt 50:19/ not, am I in place of'G. ? .Er. 14:13/". n. stand, see salva. 20:20/. not, G. is come to prove iV«TO. 14:0 L. with us, /'. them?!. 21:.34 L. saith to Mo./, him not Deut. 20:3 f. not yonr enemies 31:8 L. doth go before thee, /. 7^o^./o■. 8:1; 1 Chr. 23:20 JuA. 0:10/'. «o< gods of Amorites 23 peace./, not, thou sh. not d. 1 Sam. 4:iO said to her,/', not 12:20 Sam. said to people./, noi 22:23 abide thou with me,/, n. 2:3:17 Jonathan said to D. f. not 2 Sam. 13:23 kill Amnon,/'. not 1 K. 17:13 said to widow./, not 2 K. 6:16 f. ??oi'. more with us 17:34 to this day they/, not L. 25:24/ not to serve Chaldees 2 Chr. 20:17 be with you, f. n. Ps. 55:19 therefore they /.'not G. 64:4 shoot at him, and/, not Is. 7:4/ not tails of firebrands 35:4 to them of fear, heart, f. n. 41:10/ n. I am with thee. 43:5 13 hold thy hand, saying,/, n. 41:14/. not. thou worm Jacob 43:1/ n. I have rcdj-emed thee 44:2/. not, O Jacob my servant, Jer. 30:10; 46:27, 23 8/. ye not. ha. not I told th. ? 51:7/ not the reproach of men 54:4/ n. thou shalt not be ash. Jer. 5:22/". ye not me ? Lam. 3:o7 thousaidst,/. not Dan. 10:12/ not, Daniel, 19 Joel 2:21/ nof, O land, be glad Zep. 3:16 be said to Jer./. noi /fay. 2:5 Sp. rem. am. you,/. 7)at Zee. 8:13 sh. be ablcssnig,/. not 15 do well to Judah,/. y"e not Mai. 3:5 witness ag. them/', not Mat. 1:20/". n. to take tot'heeM. 10:26/ them not, nothing cov. 2a/. not them who kill body 28:5 angel said to women, /'. jwt Luke V.Vif. not Zach. ; 30 Mary 2:10 shepherds,/, n.; 5:10 .Sim. 8:50 Jairus/. not, believe only n.Zif.not, little flock 18:4 though If. not God, JoIm 12:15 f. not daughter of S. Acts 27:24/". not, Paul, Bev. 1:17/ not., I am the first i\ot FE.VR. Ex. 9:30 ye will n. yet f. the L. 2 K. l':S5notf. other "gods, 37 Job 9:35 I speak, and notf. him 11:1.5 steadfast, thou shalt n.f. Ps, 27:3 tho. host encamp, notf. 46:2 not f. though earth be rem. 56:4 n.f. wh. flesh can do, 118:6 Is, 51:14 from oppression, n. f. Jer. 10:7 who would no' f. iiiee Amos 3:9 v/to will no' f'.? Luke 23: to dost not thou/. God ? FEA Tleb. 13:6 notf. what man do Rev. 15:4 who shall n.f. thee, FE.\RED. Oen. 26:7 /". to say. She is my w. Ex. 9:20 he that f. word of Lord Deut. 25:18 Am;ilck f. not God 32:17 to new gods fathers/, not 27 were it not I f. tlie wrath of Jos. 4:14 f. Josh, as thev did M. 1 Sam. 14:26 people/, the oath 15:24 because I/, the people 1 K. 3:28 and all Israel/, king 2 K. 17:25 they/ not the Lord 1 Chr. 16:25 to be/, above all gods. P,,'. 96:4 Ps. 76:7 art to be/.,- 8 earth /". 11 pres. to him ought to be/. 78:.53 led them safely, so/, not 130:4 forgiveness, mayest be/. Is. 41:5 the isles saw it, and/. 51:13 hast/, continually 57:11 whom hast thou/ Jer. 3:8 treach. sister Jud./. not 42:16 sword ye/, overtake you 44:10 nor have they/. Ezek. 11:8 yc have/, "the sword Dan. 5:19 nations/', before him Mai. 2:5 whcrevi-ith he f. me .!/«!■. 14:5 Herod/, mul'ti. 21:46 Mark 4:41 they/, exceedingly 6:20 Herod/. John, knowing 11:18 and chief priests/. Jesns 32/. the people, 12:12; Luke 20:19; 22:2; ^rfs 5:26 Luke 9:.34/. as th. entered cloud 45/ to ask him of that saying 18:2 was a.iudge which/, not G. 19:21 1/, thee, art austere man John 9:22 bee. they/, the Jews Acts 16:38 magistrates/, when Heb. 5:7 C. heard, in that he/. FE.VRED God. Ex. 1:17 but midwives/. God Iseh. 7:2 he f. God above many ■Tob 1:1 Job was one that/. God Acts 10:2 Cornelius was one/. G. FEARED greatly. ■Tos. 10:2 Canaanites / greatly 1 Sam. 12:18 the people g.f. L. 1 K. 18:3 now Obadiah/ Lord ff. ■Job 3:25 thing I q. f. is come Ps. 89:7 God IS g. to be/. Mat. 27:54 centurion/, greatly FE.\RED the Lord. Ex. 14:31/. X. believed Moses 2 .ff". 17:32 so they/. tt« X. 33, 41 IIos. 10:3 no king. bee. not /. X. ./wi. 1:16 man f. X. exceedingly J/g?. 3:16 tha"t /. snake oft, a book of remeni. f.ir th. /. X. FEAREST. Gen. 22:12 I know thou/. God X'. 57:11 held peace thou /. not ? Jer. 22:25 hand of them thou/. FEARETH. ./o5 1:8 Job one that/. God, 2:3 Ps. 25:12 what man is he/. L. ? 112:1 blessed Is the man /. L. 1»1 blessed is every one f. L. 4 thus man be blessed/. Lord Prov. 1.3:13/. command." be rew. 14:2 walk, in uprightness/. L. 16 wise man/, and departeth 28:14 hap. is the man/, always 31::30 woman/". Lord be praised ^Ec. 7:18/ Go'd come forth 8:13 because he/, not before G. 9:2 as he that/, an oath Is. 50:10 who is am. you/. L. ? Acts 10:22 Cornelius one/. God .35 he that/, him is accepted 13:26 who. among you/. God 1 John 4:18/. is not perf. in love FEARFUL. Ex. 15:11 like thee, /. in praises Dent. '20:8 f let return, Jud. 7:3 23:.58 mayest fear this/, name P. 35:4 say to them of";", heart Mat. 8:26/. O ye of little faith? .Vark 4:40 why are ye so^. ? X'/i-e 21:11/ sishts'in div. pla. fitb. 10:27 f. looking for of judg. 31/. to foil into hands of God Pev. 21:8/. have part in the lake FE ARFCLIVESS. Ps. 55:5 f. and trembling come Is. 21:4/. affrighted me 3:3:14/ sm-prised the hypocrites FEARFULLY. Ps. 1.39:14/ and wonderf. made FEARI\G. .7o>\ 22:25 children cease/. Lord .yfark 5::};3 the woman/, came Acts 2;i:10 the captain/, lest P. FEA Gal. 2:12/. them of circumcision Col. 3:22 singleness ofheart/. G. Beb. 11:27 not/. ■\\Tath of king FE.AST. Gen. 19:3 L. made f. ; 21:8 Abr. 26:.30 Isaac; 29:22"Laban 40:20 Pharaoh made a/, to all Ex. 5:1 hold a/, to me, 10:9 12:14 keep it a/. Lev. 2-3:39, 41 13:6 seventh day shall be a /. 23:14 three times keep/, in ye. 32:5 A. said. To-morrow is a/. yum. 29:12 shall keep/, to L. Deut. 16:14 shalt rejoice in thy/. ■Tud. 14:10 Samson made a/. 1 Sam. 25:;36 N. held f. like king 1 K. 8:2 all assembled at the/. 12:.32 Jeroboam ordained a /. like the/, that is in Judah 2 C/ir. 7:8 Sol. kept/. 7 days, 9 : 30:22; iVeA. 8:18; Ezek. 45:25 Est. 1:3 Ahasuenis made / 2:18 9 Vashti made/. ,• 8:17 Jews Prov. 15:15 merry heart cont./. Ec. 10:19/. is made for laughter Is. 25:6 L. make to all pcop. a/. Ezek. 45:23 seven days of /. pre. Dan. 5:1 Belshazzarmade a /. Mat. 27:15 at that /". wont to re- lease a prisoner, Mark 15:6 Xvie 2:42 after custom of/. 5:29 Levi made him a great/. 14:13 makest a/, call the poor 2:3:17 must rele'ase one at the /. .lohn 2:8 bear to governor of/. 4:45 Galileans hav. seen all he did at/, for they went to/. 5:1 after this was a/, of the J. 6:4 the passover af. of the J. 7:8 go up to this/. I go not up 10 went he also up fo the/. 11 Jews sought him at the/. 14 midst of the/. Jesus taught 37 that great day of the/.' 10:22 at the/, of dedication 11:56 he will not come to the/..? 12:12 much people come to/. 20 Greeks that came to tlic/. 13:29 buy what we need ar. /". Acts 18:21 1 must keep this:/. 1 Cor. 5:8 /. not with old leaven 10:27 that believe not bid to/. FE.AST day or days. JTos. 2:11 cause her/, d. to cease 9:5 what will ye do in day of/. Artws 5:21 1 despise your/, dai/.^ Mat. 26:5 not on/, d. Mark 14:2 John 2:23 in/, d. many believed FE.\ST of tlie passover. Mat. 26:2/ of pass. Mark 14:1 Luke 2:41 every year at f. of pas. John 13:1 before/, of 2). J. knew Solemn FE.AST. Deut. 16:15 seven days keep «. /. Ps. 81 :3 blow trumpet on s. f.d. Lam. 2:7 noise as in sol.f. day Hos. 12:9 dwell as in days of «./_ FE.4ST of tabernacles. Lev. 2:3:34 shall be the f. of tab. Deut. 16:16 in/. 31:l"0; 2 CA?'. 8:13 Z<;C. 14:16 even go np to keep/. 18 heathen that come not to/. John 7:2 Jews'/, was at hand FEAST of unleavened bread. Ex. 12:17 Ob. ;".- 2:3:15 ; 34:18 Lev. 23:6 on the 15th day is/. Deut. W:16 inf.- 2 Chr. 8:13 2 C7ir. .30:13 assembl. to keep /.- .Vai. 26:17/. o/" un. discip. came Mark 14:1 was the/. Xufe 22:1 FE.\ST Of weeks. Ex. 34:22 ob./.- Deut. 16:10 FEAST, ED, ./od 1:4 sons f. in their houses 2 Pet. 2:13 sporting while they/. Jude 12 when they /. with you FEASTIIVG. Est. 9:17 made it a day of/. 18 .Job 1:5 days of/, were goiie Ec. 7:2 go to tlie house of/. ./«r. 16:8 into the house oi'/. FEASTS. Lev. 23:2 these are my/. 4, 37, 44 Pe(. 35:16 hypocr. moclcers in/. /■>■. 5:12 pipe and wine in their /. Jer. 51:.39 in heat I will make their/. Ezek. 45:17 to give offerings in/. Amos 8:10 turn your f. into mo. Zee. 8:19 shall be che"erful /. Mat. 23:6 love, uppermost rooms at /. Mark 12:39 ; Luke 20:46 Jude 12 arc spots in/, of charity FEE Appointed FEASTS. Is. 1:14 ap.f. my soulhateth Set FEASTS. Nnm. 29:39 these th. do in set/. Solemn FEASTS. 2 Chr. 2:4 build a house for sol.f. 8:13 sol.f. three times in a ye. Lam. 1:4 bee. none come to s. f. 2:6 caused s.f. to be forgotten Ezek. 36:.38 flock of Jer. in s.f. 46:9 when come bef. L. in soLf. Libs. 2:11 canse to cease her s.f. If ah. 1:150 Judah, keep thy ^./. Mai. 2:3 even dung of your sol.f. FEATHERED. See rowL. FEATHERS. Job 39:13 gavest/. to ostrich? Ps. 68:13/ cov. with yel. gold 91:4 shall cover thee with his/. Ezek. 17:3 an eagle full of/. 7 Dan. 4:33 hairs Ske eagles'/. FED. Gen. 48:15 G. who/, me all my Ex. 16:32 bread where. I/, you Xie!/<. 8:3 he/, thee with manna 16/. thee in the wildenicss 1 A'. 18:4/ them with bread, 13 Ps. 37:3 verily thou shalt be/. 78:72/. theniacc. to his inle::. 81:16/. them with finest of wh. Is. 1:11 full of fat of/, beasts Jer. 5:7 If. them to the full 8 as/, horses in the morning Ezek. 16:19 honey- wherew. If. 34:3 ye kill them that ai-e/. 8/. themselves,/, not my flo. Dan. 4:12 all flesh was/, with it 5:21/. Neb. with grass like ox. Zee. 11:7 and If. the flock Mat. 25:37 hunger, and/, thee? Mark 5:14/ swine. X^fte 8:34 Luke 16:21 to be/, with cminbs 1 Cor. 3:2 have/, you with millc FEEBLE. Deut. 25:18 Amalekitcs smote.f. 1 Sam. 2:5 many children, is/. 2 Sa/n. 4:1 Ish-bosheth's han./. 2 Chr. 28:15 car. the/, on asses Xeh. 4:2 what do these/. Jews J ■/ob 4:4 strengthen, the /. knees Ps. 39:8 I am/, and sore broken 105::37not one ;'. per. am. tribes Prov. 30:20 conies are/, folk Is. 16:14 remnant shal'l be/. 35:3 weak hands conf./. "knees ■Jer. 6:24 our hands waxed/. 49:34 Damascus is waxed/. 50:43 the king"s hands waxed f. Ezek. 7:17 all ha. sh. be/. 21:7" Zee. 12:8 he that is/, be as Day. 1 Cor. 12:22 memb. to be more/. 1 Thes. 5:14 comf. the/, minded Heb. 12:12 lift up the/, kuces FEEBLE\E.SS. Jer. 47:3 fath. "u. look back for/. FEEBLER. Gen. 30:42 the/, were Laban's FEED. Gen. 37:12/. their father's flock 16 tell me, where they/, flocks 46:32 for their trade to /". cattle Ex. 22:5. /. in another's field 34:3 nor flocks /. bef. that mo. 2 Sa?n. 5:2 shalt/. my people Is. 7:7 to/. Israel, 1 Chr. 17:6 1 /r. 17:4 I com. ravens to/, thee .Job 24:2 take away flocks, and/". 20 worm sh./. sweetly on him Ps. 28:9/ them, and lift them 49:14 death shall/, on them 78:71 he bronght"David to/. J. Pi-ov. 10:21 lips of ri"ht./. many Cant. 4:5 roses which/, am. lil. 0:2belov. gone to/, in gardens P. 5:17/. a'fter their manner 11:7 the cow and the bear sh./. 14:30 first-b. of the poor sh./. 27:10 their calf/", and lie doxi-n 30:23 thy cattle"/, in large past. 40:11/. his flock as a shepherd 49:9 they shall/, in the ways 61:5 strangers sh./. your flocUa 05:25 wolf and lamb shall/, t' g. Jer. 3:15 sh./. you with kno\ 1. 6:3 sh./ every one In his place 23:2 ag. pastors that /. my peo. 4 shepherds shall/, them 50:19 Israel shall/, on Carmel Lam. 4:5 /". delicately are dcsol. Ezek. :34:2 shepherds that/, th. 3 but ye/, not the flock 10 neither shcjiherds f. thems. 2.3 servant David shall/, them Dan. 11:26/ of his meat destroy Hos. 4:16 Lord will/, them CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 853 FEE Bos. 9:2 wine-press not/, them Jon. 3:7 let them not/. iFic. .5:4/. in strengtli of Lord Zep. 2:7 they shall/, thereupon .3:13 shall/ none make afraid Zee. 11:9 I will not/ you 16 not/ that that standeth Lvkt, 1.5:15 sent him to/ swine Acta 20:28 take heed to/ cluirch 1 Cor. 13:3 I ffive all to/ poor i?(;n. 7:17 L. sli./ and lead them 12:6 sho. / her there 1.260 days FEED, imperatively. Gen. 25::30/. me with red pottace 21:7 water ye the sheep,/ thein 1 K. 22:27/ him with bread and water of afflict. 2 Cht:. 18:26 Prov. 30:8 f. me with food conv. C'fitit. 1:8/ thy kids beside tents ilie. 7:14/ thy people Zee. 11:4/ flock of the slaughter Jb/jM 21:1.5/ my lambs 16/ my sheep, 17 Rom. 12:20 if ene. hunger/, him 1 Pet. 5:2/ flock of God I will FEED. Gen. 30:31 I will ag. f. thy flock 2 ,S'am. 19:33 / toilf/. thee /^. 49:26 /mi./ them oppr. thee 58:14 Iw.f. thee with heritage Jer. 9:15 f. with wormw. 23:lo Ezek. 34:14 /?«./ them 16 / wlUf. the fat with indirm. Zee. 11:7 /«)./. flock of s'laught. FEED, EST, ETH. Ps. 80:5/ with bread of tears Prov. 15:14 the month of fools f. Cant. 1:7 tell me where thou / 2:16/. among the lilies, 6:3 I". 44:20 he/ on allies llos. 12:1 Ephraira/ on wind Mat. G:26 heav. Father/ them Luke 12:24 sow not, God/ them 1 Cor. 9:7 who/ a flock FEEDING. Gen. 37:2 Josoiili was/", the flock Job 1:14 ploui,'hing, the asses/ Ezek. 34:10 cause to cease/", flock Nah. 2:11 where f. pi. of lions? Jira/.8:.308wi./..Var>t5:ll ; Luke 8:32 Litkn 17:7 a servant/ cattle Jude 12 f. themsel.' without fear FEEL, IIVG. Gen. 27:21 tliat I may/ thee Jud. 16:26 I may/, the pillars ./oft 20:20 sliall not/, quietness /■t. 58:9 bef. pots can/, thonis Ec. 8:5 keep, comman. /". no evil Actx 17:27 if haply might/ after Enh. 4:19 who being past/. Ileb. 4:15/ of our iuflrmities FEET. Gen. 49:10 from between his/. 33 J. gatliered up his/, in l>ed &. :j:5 shoes off thy / Acts 7:;33 Dc'iit. 2:28 pass tliro' on my/ 2S:.")7 younir one from b(^t. f. 33:3 and tlicy sat down at t"liy/. Jon. 3:15/ of priests in .Jordan 10:21/ on necks of these kings 11:9 land tliy/. havo trodden Jiiil. :i:2-l he covereth his/ 4:15 f^isera. fled on his/. 17 5:27 (It her/, he fell down dead llulh 3:8 a woman l;iy at his/. 1 Sam. 2:9 keep/, of his saints 2.1:3 Saul wiMil in to cover liis f, 2 Sam. ■.V.'M nor tliy/ jint in. A' i . 4:4 lame of Ills/'. 9:.3, 13 IScutofl'tli. fi.'indsiind th./. 19:3-1 Mei)liil). not dressed his/. 22-MniaKelh my f. like hinds' /. Ps. 18:;i3; jiah. 3:19 3"?/ did not slij), I's. 18:36 J K. 2:5blo.of uiir in shoc^son/ 14:6 A. heard the sound of h. /. 12 /. cuter t,h(( city 1.5:'il A. diseased/. 2 Chr. 16:12 i l\. 4:27 she caught l)y the/ 0::!1 sound ofinnsterV /". bcli.V 9:35 found no more tliiin the/ 13:21 dc^ad nnin stood on his/. 21:8 /. of Israel ntove any more AVA. !):21 tllclr/. swelled iiot Job 12:5 to slip with his/ l;i:27iMy/. in IliestorUs; 33:11 a print on IkuIm of my/. 18:8 i'asl. Into a net by own / II l(•^ro^^ shall drive him to/ 29:15/ was I to llus lam« 3():12'youlli push away my/ I's. 2i:l(l pler:3 wars, under s. of Ills /. a K. 19:21 s. of/, ilrled. /s. HiM Is. (10:14 bow (liiwii at s. of/. li>:rk. 1:7 s. of/, was like a'cairs 43:7 s. of my /. no inori' detlled Mul. 4:Uu8hua under «. ufyuur/. FEL Under FEET. Ex. 24:10 under his/, sapphire 2 Sam. 22:10 dark. u.f. Ps. 18:9 :i9 they are fallen under my / Ps. 8:6 put all things under his /. 1 Cor. 15:27; Eph. 1:22 47:3 subdue nations u. oarf. 91:13 dragon shalt trample u.f. Is. 14:19 a carcass trodden u.f. 28:3 drunkards be trodden u. f. Lam. 3:.34 u. his/, all prisoners Mat. 7:6 trample ?/. their/. Rom. 16:20 bruise Sat. u. your/ 1 Cor. 15:25 all enemies u. his / Heb. 2:8 in snbiection u. his/. Rev. 12:1 moon under her/. FEET, with wn«h, ed. .Sx. 30:19 A. and his -ons shall wash their/. 21 ; 40:31 2 Sam. 11:8 Uriah, go w. thy/. Ps. 58:10 w.f. in blood of wick Cant. 5:3 I liave washed my ./. Luke 7:.38 wa.'ih his / with tears John 13:5 wash the disciples'/ 6 Lord, dost thou wash my/ ,? 10 needeth not save to w. h./ 14 if I your L. have w. your/. 1 Tim. 5:10 she ha. w. saints' /. FEIGN, ED, EST. 1 Sam. 21:13 D. /. himself mad 2 Sam. U'.i f. thyself a moumer 1 K. 14:5/ herself another wom. Neh. 6.8 thou/, them Ps. 17:1 praver not out/ lips Luke 20:2(: /. them, just men 2 Pet. 2:8 with/ words yEIGNEDLY. Jer. 3:10 turn to mey'. saith L, PELTX. Acts 23:24; 84:3, 25; 25:14 FELL. 4:5 Cain's countenance /. 44:14 .Joseph's breth./. bef. 'him 22:20 wrath /. on 'congrega. .hid. 7:13 smote'tent that it/. 8:10 there/. 120,000 men 16:30 the house/, on the lords 1 Sam. 4:18 Eli/ from seat 1 1 :7 fear of Lord . on people 11:13 Philistines/, before Jon. 22:18 Doeg /. upon the priests 28:20 Saul /. straightway along 29:3 no faiilt since he /. to me 31:4 Saul took sw. and /. on it 2 Sam. 4:4 Mephibosheth/ 20:8 Joab's sword /. out, as he 21:9 they/, all seven together 1 K. 2:25 Benaiah/ on Adoni.iah 32 /. on two men more ri^ht. 34'Benaiah /. on J, ; 46 Shimei 20:.30 a wall/, on 27,000 men 2 A!". 1:13 captain/ on his knees 2:13 mantle that / fr(mi Elijah 4:8 it/ on a day', Elisha, 11.18 6:5 axe head/ into the water 1 Chr. 21:14/ of Isr. 70,000 men 27:24/ wrath for it against Isr. 2 Chr. 17:10 fear of L. /. on ag 20:18 inhabitants/, before Lord 21:19 his bowels/, out by reas. K:r. 9:5 I /. on m'v knees, and Kst. 9:3 fear of Mor./ on tlu'm Job 1:15 Sahc./ on the asses, 17 19 house/, on the young men Ps. 27:2 (';it up my fleph, they/. 78:61 their ))riests /. l)y sword 105::?a fear of Israel/ on Eirvpt J/. asleep 9: 1 Smil /. and heard a voice 10:1lll'oiiT f. Into a trance 41 Holy (JhoHi /. on all, 11:15 12:7 I'lialiiH/. olV I'eler's liandii 13:11 ihcie/. uii hliuaiuUl FEL ^c;« 13:36 D./ on sleep, saw cor. 19:17 fear/ on Jews at Ephesus 20:10 Paul / on Eutychus 37 they all/ on Paul's neck 22:7 1/ unto the ground, and Roni. 11:22 on them wh./ sever. 13:3 reproached thee./ on me 1 Cor. 10:8/ in one day 23,000 Heh. 3:17 whose carcasses/. 2 Pet. 3:4 the fathers/ asleep Rev. 1:17 If. at his feet as dead 6:13 and the stars of heaven/. 8:10/. great star from heaven 11:11 fear/ on them whith saw 13 tenth of city/, by earthqua. 16:2 there/ a ^evous sore 19 and the cities of natums/ 21 there /. on men a great hail 19:10 If. "at his feet to worship See FACE, PACES. FELL down. Deut. 9:18 1/ down before L. 25 ■lo^. 0:20 shouted, the wall /. d. Jud. 5:27 he bowed, he/ d. 19:26 concubine/ d. at door 1 Sam. 31:1/ d. in Gil. 1 Chr. 10:1 2^am. 2:16 so thev/ d. together 23 Asahel/. d. there and died 19:18 Shimei/ down 2 K. 1:2 Ahaziah/ d. thro' latt. ■5 Clir. 1:3:17/ d. of Is. 500.000 m. ■Job 1:20 Job/, d. on the ground Ps. 107:12/ down none to help Pan. 3:7 all nations/, d. and w. 23 these three/, d. in furnace Mat. I-.W wise men/ d. and wo. 18:26 servant/, d. saying, 29 Mark 3:11 unclean spirits/ d. Luke 5:8 P. /. d. at Jesus" knees 8:28 man which had devils/ d. 41 Jairus/. d. ; 17:16 Samar. Acts .5:5 Ananias/ d.: K) Sapp. 10:25 Cornelius; 16:29 jailer 19:.35 the image which/, (/own 20:9 Eutychus / d. rieb. n-.-AQ bv faith the walls/ d. Per. 5:8 elders/, d. 14; 19:4 22:8 John/ d'. before the angel FELL, EST, I\G. ■iSam. 3:.34 bef.. wick, so/ then 2 K. 3:19 shall./, every good tree 6:5 as one was/ a beam FELLEB. Is. 14:8 no/ is come up. ag. us FELLOW. Gen. 19:9 this/ came in to soj. Ex. 2:13 why sniit. thou thy./'..? Jud. 7:22 the L. set evM-y nuiii's sword ag. his /". 1 Sam. 14:20 \Sam. 21:15 brought this/, to plav the madman, sh. this/. 2.5:21 kept all this./, hath 29:4 make this/, return 2.SV/OT. 2:16 caught ev. one his /. 1 A". 22:27./ in pris. 2 Chr. 18:'26 2 A'. 9:11 why came this mad /". Ec. 4:10 fall, one will lift his"/. Is. .34:14 satyr shall cry to his/. Zee. 13:7 awake, O sword, ai^i. mv Sh. and man Ih. is mv /'. Mat. 26:71/ also w. J. Lu. 22:}>9 Luke 2:1:2 iliis./". per\ert. nation John 9:2!) for tl'iis/. we know not 11:16 Didymus said to/, dis. Acts 18: IS./, pers. to worship G. 22:22 awav with sucli a/ frt>m 24:5 found this man a pestil./. FELLOW.<'ITIZEXS. Eph. i-.Wf.ritiZtii.''- with saints FELLOW -IlEinS. Eph. 3:0 Gentiles sh. bcf.-hein FELLOW-IIKLPKn, S. 2 Cor. 8:2.3 Titus, mv f.-hitpcr •.iJutm 8 bo/.-/(. to tli'e truth FELLOW-LAnOHRR, 8. 1 This. 3:2si'iit 'rim. inxrf.-lnh. I'hll. 4:3 with other f.-laborr rs J'hil,: 1 Paul to I'hile. our/.-/. 24 Miu-cus, Demas, Liieas.y'.V. FELLOW-IMllSOXEn, "s. Hoiii. 16:7 .\nd. and Junia r'.-p. r.i/. 4:10 ArLstarcli. ./■/). salnlelh I'hi!'-, 23 Kpaphras 'mv./, yi. in ('. KKLLO\V-KEn> \\T, K. .Mat. 18:38 /..«,;•, who oweil him 29 /..;«. fell down at his feet 81:IU begin to smite lils./^. Ci't. 1:7 Kimpliiasiiurdear/,.,vr. 4:7 Tvchleus, who Is a / '.. 1:9 Is. 44:11 his/, shall be ashamed Hzek. 37:19 trihes of Israel his/. Dan. 2:13 D. and his/, to be sla. 7:20 look more stout than his/. Zee. 3:8 thou and thy f. that sit Mat. 11:10 calling to their/. Acts 17:5 lewd/, of baser sort FELLOWSHIP. Lev. 6:2 deliv. to keep, or in/. P«. 94:20 iniq. have/, wi. thee? Acts 2:42 con tin. in apostles'/ 1 Cm: 1:9 called to f. of his Son 10:20 sh. have/, with devils 2 Cor. 6:14 what/, hath righte. 8:4/. of ministering to saints Gal. 2:9 the risjht hand off. Eph. 3:9 is/, of the mystery 5:11 no/, \vlth works of darkn. PhU. l:5"yo\ir/. in the gospel 2:1 if there be any/, of the Sp. 3:10 know/ of his sulTerings IJohn 1:3 have/, with us, our/. Is with the Father 6 if we say we have f. with h. 7 walk«in light, we have/. FELT. Gen. 27:22 and Isaac/ Jacob Ex. 10:21 darkn. that may be/. Pi-ov. 23:35 beaten me. If. it not Mark 5:29 she/, she was healed ^(;i!s28:5ofFbeastand/. no harm FEM.iLE. Gen. 1:27 male and/, created, 5:2 6:19 two of ev. sort, male and/ 7:16 went in male and/. Lev. 4:28 offering, a/ 32; 5:6 Num. 5:3 male and/ sh. ye put Beut. 4:16 likeness of male or/. 7:14 not be male nor f. barren Mat. 19:4 m. and/ J/(/rA: 10:6 Gal. 3:23 in Christ male nor/. FE\CE. Pd'. 62:3 ye sh. be as a tottering/. FEiVOED, Verb. Job 10:11 f. me with bones 19:8 he liath/. up my way _ Is. 5:2 a vineyard, and he/, it FE\CED, Adjective. Deut. 28:52/. walls come down 2 Sam. 23:7 touch th. must be/. 2 /if. 3:19 shall smite every/, city 17:9 from tower to/ city, 18:8 Is. 2:15 day of L. on ev./. wall Jex. 15:20 make thee a/ wall .Bi^X;. 36:35 ruined cities bee./. FENCED cities. Num. 32:17 dwell in/, c. Deut. 9:1 pos. c./. up to heaven Jos. 10:20 rest entered into /". c. 14:12 that the cities were/. 2 Sam. 20:6 lest he get/, c. 2 .ff: 19:25 should, lay waste/, c. 2 C/j?". 8:5 Solomon built f. citus 12:4 Shishak took/ c. of Judah Jer. 5:17 sh. impoverish thy/, c. Z>are. 11:15 shall take mostf. c. fibs. 8:14 Judah hath multi./. c. Zep. 1:16 day of alarm ag./. c. FENS. Job 40:21 Behemoth in cov. of/. FERRET. iCT. 11:.30 the/, unclean FERRY-BO.\T. 'iSam. 19:18/.-6. for king's hou. FERVENT, LY. Acts 18:25 Apollos,^/ In spirit Eom. 12:11/ in spirit, serv. L. 2 Cor. 7:7 your f. mind tow. me. Col. 4:12 labori'ng/ in prayers Jam. 5:16/ pray, of a righteous 1 Pet. 1:22 ye love one another/ 4:8 above all th. have/, charity 2 Pet. 3:10 melt with/, heat, 12 FESTUS. ^rf«24:27; 25:9,14,23; 26:25 FETCH. Gen. 18:5 will/, morsdl of bread 27:45 I will f. thee from thence Num. 20:10/. water out of rock? Devi. .30:4 thence will L. f. thee Jud. 11:5 went to/. JepTithah 1 Sayn. 4:3/ ark of covenant 6:21 come and f. ark up to you 16:11 send and'/. Saul, 20:31 SlSam. 5:23/. a compass behind 14:13 king doth not/, banished FIE 2 Sam. 14:20/ ab. this form of 1 K. 17:10/ me a little water 2 K. 6:13 wh. that I may/, him 2 Chr. 18:8/ quick. Micaiah son ■Tob 36:3/ my knowl. from fai- Is. 56:121 will/, wine Acts 16:37 come, and/, us out FETCHED. 1 Sam. 7:1/ up ark of the Lord 10:2:} they/ Saul thence 2 Sam. 9:5 and/. Mephibosheth 11:27/ Bath-sheha to his house 1 K. 9:28 they/, from Ophirgold 2K. 11:4 Jeho'iada/ rulers ■ler. 26:23 /. Urijah out of Egj'pt Acts ^:13 thence we/, compass FETTERS. ' ■Tud. 16:21 bound Samson with/. 2 /Sam. 3:34 nor thy feet put in/. IK. 25:7 bound Zedeki. -svith/. 2 C7^?•. 33:11 Mana. bound with/. 36:6 Jehoiakim hound with/. Ps. 105:18 feet they hurt with/ 149:8 to bind nobles with/. J/izri 5:4 often with/. Lu. 8:29 FEVER. /)«/<. 28:22 smite thee with a/. jl/a<. 8:14 P. wife's mother sick of/. Mark 1:30 ; i«fe 4:.38 ■lohn 4:52 at 7th hour /. left him Acts 28:8 father of Pub. sick of/. FEW. Gen. .34:30 I being/, th. will slay 47:9 /. and evil ha\e the days Lev. ^:22 you/. Deut. 4:27 ; 28:62 Num. 13:18 the people wheth./. 20:54 to/, give less inher. 35:8 56 divided betw. many .and/. Dexit. 26:5 sojourned with a/. 33:6 let not Reuben's men be/. 1 Sam. 14:6 to save by many or/ 2 C7ir. 29:34 the prie. were too/. JVeA. 7:4 city large, but people/. ■16b 10:20 are not my days/, f 14:1 man is of/, days 16:22 when a /. years are come Ps. 109:8 let his davs be/. Ec. 5:2 let thr words be/. 9:14 a little < .:y, and/, men 12:3 grinders cease, because/. Is. 10:19 rest of trees shall be f. 24:6 are burned, and/, men left Ezek. 5:3 also take a/, in numb. 12:16 leave a f. men from sword Dan. 11:20/ days be destroyed Mat. 7:14/ there be that find it 9:.37 laborers are/. Lvlce 10:2 20:16 call, but f. chosen, 22:14 25:21 faithful in/, things, 23 Mark 6:5 hands on a/, sick folk Luke 12:43 beaten with/, stripes 13:23/. that be saved ? Acts 24:4 wouldst hear/, words .E))A. 3:3 wrote afore in /. words Heb. 12:10 for/ days chastened 13:22 I have written in/, words 1 Pet. 3:20 where. /. that is eight Pm. 2:14 a/ things ag. thee, 20 3:4 a/, names even in Sardis But a FEW. Gen. 29:20 seemed but af. days Lev. 25:52 if remain b. cif. years ./o-f. 7:3 men of Ai are Init af. 1 Chr. 16:19 *?/phtli. to/ a. Ammon, 9 25 against Israel, or/a. them ? 1 Sam.. 15:18/. a. A. consumed 23:1 I'hiliHtincs/. a. Keilah 29:8 I may not f. a. enc^mios 1 K. 12:21 not/." a. 2 Chr. 11:4 20:2;i let tis/. rt. them, 25 22:32 turned to/, a. Jchosh. 2 A". 3:21 kings were come to/', a. 2 aiir. 13:12/ yc not a. the Lord 32:2 H(^n. purposed to/', a. .Ic^r. 35:20 Neclio come to/, «. Car. Nell. 4:8 come and/, a. Jcrusa. I'n. !!5:1/. a. tlicm that/". «. uie 50:2 tiny be many thai/, a. me Ih. 19:2 hli. /'. every one a. brot. 29:7 all nations that/. «. Ariel 8 nations that /'. a. mount Z. Jer. l:19Hlnill/,'rt. thee, l.'>:20 21:5 1 myHelfwill/. aridiimt you :W:a.l (.'h. /'. a. 29: 81:«; 37:8 /«;. 14:3 fj. f. a. tliosn natiouH j4Wii 5:39 ye bri found f. a. (iod 2:t:9 let UH not/, uriiiiii.it (Iod yto. 2:1(1/ a. them with sword FMJirr for. Kx. 1 1:14 \..f.for, /;/". you Ki>li. 4:10 he might/", alt things Col. 1:24./". up what is Ix'hlnd 1 'flies. 2:16 to /", up their sins Ilev. 18:0 cup tilled,./", double FILLKI). Gen. 0:13 carlh is /'. with viol. 21:19 aiul/". bottle with water 21:16 Ueb'ekah /". her )iil(luT 2():15 P. had /".'wells with earth A>. 2:16 they'/', troughs to water 28:3 I hav(^/'. with wisd. ;K>:;I5 31:3 I luivo/. wilh S. of (J. 35:31 40:31 glory of I,../', tnbcrn. 35 Jos. B:13 bottles wii f. were new 1 A'. 8:10 cloud/, lu'mse of Lord 11 gl. /'. hoiiH.-, 2 ( iir. 5: 14; 7: 1 ,2 18:35/. trench also with water 20:27 tin- Syrians/', tliecountry 2 A'. 21:16 /'."Je, with blood, 21:4 2!i:14 .l.f. their placi'S wl. bones ./ol) 3:15 |)rlnees/. liouses with 16:8 hast f. MIC with wrluUh'S 22:1Hyi'l'lie f. houMes with good l-s. :iH:'7 loins /', with loath, dls. 71:8 inv mouth bi« /'. with i)nilHe 72:19 let earth be'/', with glory 80:9 deep root. It'/'. Ihc^ luuil 1(H:2H hand. ar<',A with good ia.'l:3 we are/, with eonti'inpt 4 Houl Is exceedingly/, with FIL Prov. 5:10 Strang./ with wealth 25:16 lest thou be/, with honey 30:16 the earth not/ with water 22 a fool when/, with meat Ec. 1:8 nor is ear/, with hearing 6:3 his soul be not/, with good 7 and yet the appetite in not/ Cant. 5:2 my head is/, with dew Is. 6:1 his train/, the temple 21:3 are my loins/, with pain 33:5 L. hath/ Zion withjudg. 34:6 sword of L. is./", with'blood 43:24,/. mo with fat of sacrifices ./er. 15:17 hast/ me with indig. 46:12 thy cry hath f. the land 51:;34 he hath/, belly Lam. 3:15 he hath./ with bitter. 30 he is/ full with rejjroach Ezek. 8:17./'. land with violence 10:3 and clond/ the inner court 11:6 ye have/ streets with slain 28:16 they f. midst with viol. 36:38 waste cities/, flocks of 43:5 glory of Lord/, house, 44:4 Z>are.2:35 stone cut/, whole earth Nah. 2:12 lion/, holes with prey Ilab. 2:16 thou art/, with shame Ha(f. 1:6 veare not /". with drink Zee. 9: 13 'I have/ bow \Wth E. Mat. 27:48 /. sponge with vine- gar, ihrk 15:36 ; John 19:29 Mark 2:21 new piece that/ it up 7:27 let the children first be/. Luke 1:53 he hath/, the hungry 2:40 Jesus./", with wisdom 5:7 came and/ both the ships 14:23 compel that house be f. 1.5:16 would fain have/ belly John 2:7 they/, them up to brim 6:13/. twelve baskets with fra. 10:6 sorrow hath./", your heart Acts 2:2 mighty wind f. house 4:8 Peter/', with the fiolv Ghost 5:3 why fiath Satan/, ttiy heart 28 have/ Jems, with doctr. 9:17 be f. with the Holy Ghost 13:9Pa'nl/. with Holy Ghcst Horn. 1:29./". with all unright. 15:14./". w'ithall knowledge 24 I'be somewhat,/', with 2 Cor. 7:4 I am/ with comfort E/)h. 3:19 be f. with all fulness 5:18 with wine, but f. with Sp. Phil. 1:11 f. with fruits of right. Col. 1:9 be./", with knowledge 2 Tim. 1:4'I may be./', with joy Jam. 2:16 be ye warmed and./'. Pev. 8:5 angel f. censer with'fire 15:1 is/ up the wrath of God 18:6 cup which she/ fill double Shall be FILLED. Ex. 10:12 in morning ye s. bef. Nmn. 14:21 earth s. be f. with gl. 2/1'. 3:17 val. s. bef. with water Prw). 1:31 s. be f. with own dev. 3:10 so shall iity barns bef. 12:21 wicked .«. be f. with misc. 14:14 backslider shall bef. with 20:17 mouth s. bef. with gravel 24:4 byknowl. s. chambers /;nl\i. Ilev. 15:8 loinplo 7(i./.wllli smoke WiTi' FILLKO. Ilns. 13:6 V'ire f. and their heart /,hAv4:28 thiy it'.f. with wrath 5:2(1 iiYivf. with fear, saying 6:11 thi'y i/'cn'./", with uimlneHH 8:2:i they wire'f. with water ./ohii 6: ri when' they irrref. 2(1 eat oftlie loavi'i). ami 'icr/v A ,\,-ts'i\ w. iiWf. with II. (). 4:!ll 3:1()tliey irnr f. with wonder ft: 17 irerff. with ludlynatlon 13: 15 ilewH v'fivf. with envy FDSr Acts 13:52 disciples weref. joy Pev. 19:21 fowls w.f. with flesh See EAT. FILLEDST. Deut. 6:11 houses full, thou/. FILLEST. Ps. 17:14 whose belly thou/. FILLETH. Job 9:18 he/, me with bitterness Ps. 84:6 rain also/, the pools 107:9 he/ the hungry soul 129:7 where, mower/, not hand 147:14/ thee with finest wheat Eph. 1:23 fulness of him that/ FILLET, 6. Ex. 27:10 their/, shall be of sil- ver, 11; .38:10,11,12,17,19 36:38 overlaid chapiters and/. Jer. 52:21 a/, of twelve cubits FILLETED. Ex. 27:17 be,/", with silver, 38:17 38:28 overlaid chapiters and/. FILLIIVG. Acts 14:11 f. our hearts with food FILTH. Is. 4:4 when L. washed/, of Z. Nah. 3:6 will cast abominable /". 1 Cor. 4:13 as the/ of the yvorld 1 Pet. 3:21 not put away/ of flesh FILTHI\ES8. 2 Clir. 29:5 carry/ out of holy £!;r. 6:21 Sep. from/, of heathen 9:11 unclean yyith/. of people Prov. 30:12 not washed from/. Is. 28:8 full of vomit and/. Lam. 1:9 her/, is in her skirts Ezfk. 22:15 I will consume thy/ 24:11/. of it may be molten 13 in thy/ is lewdness 30:25 from all/ will I cleanse 2 Cor. 7:1 cleanse our.?, from all/. Eph. 5:4 nor let/ be once named ■lam,. 1:21 wheref lay apart all/. liev. I'll:-! full of abomin. and/ FILTHV. Job 15:16 much more/, is man ? Ps. 14:3 altogether become/. 53:3 Is. 64:6 all our right, as/, rags Zep. 3:1 woe to her that is/. Zee. 3:3 J. clothed with/, garm. 4 take away the /". garments Col. 3:8 you put olf/. communi. 1 y'2»i. 3:3 not greedy of/". lucre,8 Tit. 1:7 not given to /"lucre 11 teaching for/ hi. 1 Pet. 5:2 2 Pet. 2:7 Lot vexed with./", con. JudeSf. dreamers defile the flesh Pev. 22:11/ let him be/, still FIXALLY. 2 Cor. 13:11/ farewell, Eph. 6:10 Phil. 3:1; 4:8; 2 m*. 3:1; 1 Pet. 3:8 FIND. Gen. 19:11 wearied to/, the door Num. .32:23 sin shall /. you out Deut. 22:25 man/, damsel, 28 Puth 1:9 L. grant ye may/ rest 1 ,Ham. 20:21 go,/, out arrows, 36 2-1:19/ enemy let him go? 1 K. lf*:5 perad. we may/ grass iChr. 2:14 to/ out every di-yice ■fob 23:3 O where I miu'ht /". him I's. 10:15 seek wicked iill./'. none Prov. 2:5 shall./', knowl. "of (iod 4:22 words life to those that./'. 8:12/ out know, of witt.T lu'v. A'c. 7:27 one by one./', out ace. 12:10 to/, out accejitalile words Cant. 5:8 If/, my beloveil Is. 31:14HcreecliowlHhall/. place ,5,S:3 in day of fast you /' pleas. /.(iin. 1:6 like harls'lhai./'. uo 2:9 iiroiihels also/, uo vision />(>». 6:4 sought to/, ocra-lon ag. Daniel hut coidd/. noim B except we /'. It con. law of O. Mat. 7:14 few 'there be that /'. it 18:13 and If so be Unit he/'. It ,\fiirk 11:13 If haply he uilghl/. 13::!(i ho./", you sleeplni; l.iike (1:7 lulglil./'. aceuwitloii 12:38/. them ho, lihsxed serv. 13:7 necking rt'iilt and f. nouo 15:4 that wh. Is Inni llll \w f. It 8 seek diligently till ohrf. It T Jo/iii 10:9 III and out../', imnlure Aflii~:W deslnid lo./'.'lHlienmcld 17:27 feel afliT liiin ni»[f. Iilm &'l:9 we f. no evil In Ihls man h'oiii. 9:l\l doth Ui' vet/, ftiull T 2 for. 11:4 and,/", you uiiiiropared 2 Tim. 1:18/ 'mmvy of LonI Stti FAVOIL 856 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. FIN Can, or canst FIND. Gin. 41:38 canf. such one Ex. 5:11 get straw where c.f. it Ezr. 7:16 silver and "old canf. Job 3:22 glad when tliey canf. 11:7 c. thou by searching/, out G. e. thou/, out Almighty ' Prm. 20:6 faith, man who c.f. f 31:10 whoc./. a%'irtuouB worn. ? Ec. 3:11 c./. ottt work 6. maketh 7:24 exceed, deep, who c.f. it? Jer. 5:1 if ye c.f. man seek. tru. Cannot FIRID. liT. 18:12 c./. thee, will slay Job 17:10 I c.f. one wise man 37:23 Almighty, we c.f. him Ec. 8:17 a man c./. out work FIIVD grace. Gen. 32:5 I may /. grace in thy sight, Eix. 33:13 33:8 to/. (?. in sight of my lord 15 let me/, g.; 34:11 1. me/, g. 47:25 let us/, grace in sight of nvth 2:2 in wh. sight I shall/, g. 1 Sam. 1:18 let thy handm./. g. 2 SaTO. 16:4/. grace in thy sight Eeb. 4:16 we niay/. g". to help I FIND. Ge». 18:26 If. in Sod. 50 righte. 28 if //. 45 ; 30 if //. 30 there Ps. 132:5 If. out place for L. .E"*;. 7:2Q //. more bit. th. death Cant. 8:1 when /sh./. thee iMke 23:4 //. no fault in this man, John 18:38 ; 19:4, 6 Rom. 7:18 th. wh. is good 7 /'.not 21 //. law, that wh. I do" good Not FIND, m- FIND not. Ex. 16:25 to-day ye shall notf. 2 Sam. 17:20 could notf. them Paod. 1:28 but shall not f. me, Hos. 5:6; Johnt-Si, 36 .©;. 7:28 soul seeketh, but I f. n. Cant. 5:6 but I could notf. nira /if. 41:12 sh. notf. them, /?bs. 2:7 IIos. 2:6 she shall notf. paths X(/ie 5:19 not/ what way they 19:48 notf. what might do to J. John 7:35 we shall notf. him Som. 7:18 how to do good, I/. 7i. 2 Cor. 12:20 I shall notf. you Eev. 9:6 death, and shall notf. it ghall, or Shalt FIND. iJeiit. 4:29 seek L. thou s.f. him 28:65 ,«./. no ease am. nations Jiicl. 9:33 as thou s.f. occasion S Chr. 20:16 «. /. at end of brook 30:9 children s.f. compassion Ezr. 4:15 thou s.f. in book P.i. 17:3 and s.f. nothing 21:8 thy hand «./. out enemies Prov. 8:17 they that seek me early s.f. me, Jer. 29:13 Ec. 11:1 s.f. it after many days Jer. 6:16 «. /. rest Mat. 11:29 i/"a<. 7:7 and ye s.f. Luke 11:9 10:39 los. life formy sake«./. it 17:27 thou*./, a pieceof money 21:2 s.f. an ass tied, Mark 11:2 22:9 as many as ye shall f. bid 24:46 when cometh, s. f. so do- ing, Luke 12: .37, 43 L^.'ke 2:12 ye shall f. babe ■v\Tapt 18:8 «Aa/? he/, faith on earth ? Hev. 18:14 thou «./. th. no more FINDETH. Gen. 4:14 that/, me sh. slay me Job 33:10 he/, occasions aga. me Ps. 119:162 I rej. as one/, spoil Prov. 3:13 happy man/ wisdom 8:35 whoso/, me/, life, 14:6 seeketh wisdom/, it not 18:22 whoso/, wife/, good th. 21:10 his neighbor/, no favor 21 that followeth mercy/ life Ec. 9:10 whuts. thy hand/, to do Lam. 1:3 am. heathen,/, no rest IIos. 14:3 fatherless/, mercy Mat. 7:8 seeketh f. Luke 11:10 10:39 that/, his life shall lose it 12:43 seeking rest,/, none 44/ it empty, Luke 11:25 John. 1:41 he first/ own brother 48 Jes./. Philip ; 45 Phi./. N. FINDING. Gen. 4:15 lest any/ Cain Job 9:10 doeth things past/, out /5. .58:13/ thine own pleasure Luke 11:24 seeking rest/, none .ffom. 11:33 and his wavs past/ .G«6. 8:8 for/ fault with them FINE, Verb. Job 88:1 place for gold where/. FINE, Adjective. Ezr. 8:27 vcs. of/, cop. as gold FIN /s. 19:9 that work in/, flax .ffew. 1:15 feet like/, brass, 2:18 FINE flour or meal. Gen. 18:6 three measures of/, m. Lev. 2:1 offering be of//. 24:5 4 cakes of/. jC mingled wi. oil 5:7; 7:12; 14:10, 21; 23:13; Num. 6:15; 7:13, 19, 25, 31, 37, 43, 49, 55, 61 ; 8:8 1 K. 4:22 30 measures off. flour 2 K. 7:1 niea.// for she. 16, 18 Ezek. 16:13 thou didst eatf.fl. 19 I gave thee/ flour, and oil .B«Z). 18:13 merchandise otf.fl. FINE gold. 2 (%?•. 3:5 overlaid with/, gold 8 most holy overlaid with/, g. Job 31:24 to/. «MC. 9:10 Lev. 4:6 sh. dip /. in blood, 17, 25, 30, 34; 8:15; 9:9: 16:14, 19 14:16 priest dip right/, in oil, 27 1 jr. 12:10 ray little/, thicker, 2 Chr. 10:10 Is. 58:9 putting forth of the/. Lvkeil.-M with/, of G. cast out 16:24 may dip tip of/, in water John 8:6 with/, wrote on g. 20:25 put my/, into the print 27 reach hither thy/, and beh. FINGERS. 2 Sam. 21:20 on every hand six /. 1 Chr. 20:6 Pa 8:3 thy heav. work of thy/. 144:1 teacheth my/, to fight Prov. 6:13 wicked teach, with/. 7^3 bind them on/, write them Cant. 5:5 my/, wi. sweet myrrh Is. 2:8 which own/ made, 17:8 ./«r. 52:21 thickn. of pillar four/. Dan. 5:5 came forth/, of man's Mat. 23:4 will not move with one of their/ Luke 11:46 Mark 7:33 he put his/, into ears FINISH. ffen. 6:16 in cubit sh./. it above Dan. 9:24 f. transgression, make Luke 14:26 whe. sufticient to/. 29 and is not able to/, it JbAn. 4:34 to do his will,/, work 5:36 works F. given me to/. Acts 20:24 I might/, my course Pom. 9:28 he will /'. the work 2 Cor. 8:6 would also/, in you FINISHED. Gen. 2:1 heav. and earth were/. FIR £li;. 39:32 all work/. 40:33 1 .S". 6:9 Sol. built house and/. it, 14, 22, 38; 2 Chr. 5:1:7:11 7:1 Solomon/ all his house, 9:1, 25; 2 Chr. 8:16 1 C7ir. 28:20 till thou hast/. Ezr. 5:16 build, and yet not/. 6:14 eld. of J. built and /. it, 15 JVeh. 6:15 wall/, in 52 days Dan. 5:26 numbe. kingd. and/. Mat. 13:53 when Jes./. parables 19:1 Jesus had/, sayings, 26:1 John 17:4/ work thou gavest 19:30 said. It is/, bowed head 2 Tim. 4:7 I have/, my course Heb. 4:3 works/ from foundat. Jam. 1:15 sin, wh./. bring death Pev. 10:7 mystery of G. sho. be/. 11:7 witnesses ha./, testimony 20:5 till thousand years were/ FINISHER. Hed. 12:2 J. author and/, of faith FINS. Lev. 11:9 hath/, eat. TJeKif. 14:9 10 hath not/, be abomina. 12 FIRE, Gen. 22:6 Abra. took/, in hand 7 father, behold/, and wood Me. 3:2 the bush burned with/. 9:23 Lord sent hail and/, ran 12:8 that night roast with/. 9 19:18 Lord on mount Sinai in/. 22:6 if/ break out, and catch 40:38/ was on tabernacle by night, Num. 9:16 : Deut. 1:33 Lev. 1:7 s. of priest put/, on al. 8 upon wood in/. 12, 17; 3:5 2:14 ears of corn dried by/. 9:24 came/, out from before L. 10:1 sons of A. put/ in censers 2 out/ from L. and devoured 18:21 any seed pass th. /. Deut. 18:10; 2 /r. 17:17; 23:10 Num. 6:18 and put it in the/. 11:2M. prayed,/ was quenched 16:46 censer, and put /. therein 21:28/. gone out from Heshbon 31:23 ev. thing th. may abide/ Deut. 4:11 mount, burnt with/. 36 he showed thee his great/. 5:5 were afraid by reason of/. ■los. 7:25 Isr. burned A. with/. Jud. 6:21 rose up/ out of rock 9:15 let/, come out of bramble 10:9 th. of tow when touch./. 1 K. 18:23 lay wood, put no/. 25 24 God that answereth by/. 38/ of L. fell, 2 CAr. 7:1, 3 19:12 after earthquake/. butL. not in/, after/ still small 2 K. 1:10 then let/, come do^vn 2:11 a chariot and horses of/ 6:17: mount, full of char. of/. 16:3 A. made son pass thro'/ 19:18 have cast gods into/. 21:6 Manasseh made son pass thro'/. 2 Chr. 3:3:6 1 Chr 21:26 ans. fr. heaven by/ Job 1:16 the/ of God is fallen 18:5 spark of his/, shall not 41:19 and sparks off. leap out Ps. 39:3 I was musing/ burned 46:9 burneth chariot in the/. 66:12 went thro'/ and water 68:2 as wax mclteth bef./. so 74:7 have cast/, into sanctu. 78:14 with light of/. 105:39 83:14 as the/ burneth the wood 97:3/ goeth before him, 118:12 quenched as/, of thorns 140:10 let them be cast into/. 148:8 f. and hail, stormy wind Prov. 6:27 take/, in bosom ? 16:27 in his lips is as burning/. 26:20 no wood is,/, goeth out 30:16 and/, saith not enough Is. 9:5 burning and fuel of/. 18 -wickedness burneth as/. 19 people shall be as fuel of/. 10:16 burning like burn, of a/. 30:14 to take/ from hearth 33 the pile is/, and much wo. 31:9 saith Lord, whose/ isin Z. 37: 19 kings of A. cast gods to/ 43:2 walk. thro'/, not be burnt 44:16 burneth part in the/, and saith. Aha, I have seen/ 50:11 walk in the light of your/. 64:2 when melti./. burneth, /. causeth waters to boil 65:5 f. that burneth all the day 60:2i nei. their/, be quenched Jer. 4:4 fury come forth like/. 5:14 my words in thy mouth/. 20:9 word as/, shut up in bones 21:12 lest my fury go out like/. FIR Jer. 22:7 choice cedars in the/. 29:22 king of Baby, roasted in/. 32:35 sons to pass through/ un- to Mol. Ezek. 16:21 ; 20:26, 31 36:22 there was '. on hearth 23 roll, and cast it into the/. Lam. 2:3 burned like flaming/. 4 he poured out his fury like/ Ezek. 1:4 a/, infolding itself 13/, bright, out of/ lightning 10:6/ from between wheels 21:31 will blow thee in/. 22:21 22:20 blow/, upon it, to melt 24:9 even make pile for/. 12 .36:5 in the/, of my jeal. 38:19 Dan. 3:27 upon bod./, had no p. 7:9 wheels like burning/. 10:6 and his eyes as lamps of/. IIos. 7:6 burneth as a flaming/. Joel 2:.30/. pillars. Acts 2:19 Amos 5:6 lest he break like/. 7:4 God called to conteifd by/. Ob. 18 house of J. shall be a/. Mic. 1:4 molten as wax before/. Nah. 1:6 fury poured out like/. Hab. 2:13 sh. labor in very/. Zee. 2:5 unto her a wall of/. 3:2 brand plucked out of Ihef. ? 12:6 hearth of/, like torch of/. 13:9 bring third part thro'/. Mai. 3:2 he is like a refiner s/. Mat. 3:10 ev. tree that bringeth not good fruit is cast into/. 7:19; Zuitg 3:9: JbAre 15:6 11 baptize with Holy Ghost and/. Luke 3:16 13:42 cast into furnace of/. 50 17:15 he falleth into/. Mar. 9:22 18:8 be cast into everlasting /. Mark 9:43, 46 25:41 cursed, into everlasting/. Mark 9:14 wh./. is not qiien. 45 14:,54 P. warmed himself at/. Luke 9:54 wilt thou that wee./..? 17:29 the same day it rained/. 22:56 beh. him as he sat by/. Acts 3:3 cloven ton^. like as of/. 28:3 when Paul laid sticks on/. 5 he shook oflTthe beast into/. 1 Cor. 3:13 sh. be reveal, by f. 15 2 Thes. 1:8 in flamin./ taking Heb. 1:7 ministers a flame of/ 11:.34 faith quench, violence/. 12:18 mount that burned with/ Jam. 3:5 great mat. little/, kin. 6 tongue is a/, a world of iiii. 5:3 eat your flesh as it were f. 1 Pet. V.I though tried with/ 2 Pet. 3:7 reserved nuto/ ag. day 12 heav. being on/, sh. bedis. Jude 7 the venge. of eternal/. 23 pulling them out of the/ Pev. 3:18 buy gold tried in/. 4:5 seven lamps of/, burning 8:5 angel filled censer with/ 7 there followed hail and/. 8 great mount, burning with/. 9:17 out of mouths issued/. 11:5 13:13 maketh/. come down 14:18 angel had power over/. 15:2 sea of glass mingled w./ 16:8 power to scorch men w./. 20:9/ came down from God 10 dev. was cast into lake of/ 14 dca. and hell cast lake of/. 21:8 in lake wh. burneth \vith/. See EKIMSTDNE, BtTRN Or BURNT, COALS, CONSUME, CONSUM- ING, DEVOUR, DEVOURED, DEVOtTBING, FLAME, HET.T,, MIDST. Kindle, or iiindled FIRE. Ex. 22:6 that k.f. make restitn. 35:3 ye sh. k. no/ on the sab. Deut. 32:22 for a /. is k. in my anger, Jer. 15:14; 17:4 2 Sam. 22:13 coals of/ kindled Ps. 78:21 f. was k. against Jacob Is. 50:11 beh. all ye that k. a/ Jer. 7:18 gather, wood, fath.A:./. 11:16 hath k.f. on green olive, 21:14; 43:12; 49:27; 50:32 Lam. 4:11 L. hath k. a/ in Z. Ezek. 20>47 I -will k.f. in forest 24:10 k.f. consume the flesh illal. 1:10 nor do ye k.f. on altar Luke 12:49/ what if already k..^ 22:55 when had k. a/ in hall Acts 28:2 barbarians kindled f. Made by FIRE. Ex. 29:18 an oft'cring made byf. 25,41;Z«w. 1:0,13, 17:2:2,9, 16;3:.3, 5, 9, 11, 14, 16; 7:5, 25 ; 8:21, 28 ; 21:6 : 22:27 ; 2.3:8, 13, 18, 25, 27. 36, 37; 24:7; Num. 15:3, 10,13, 14; 18:17; 28:3 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 857 FIR Lev. 2:3 offerings of Lord m. by/. 10; 3:3; 4:35; 5:12; 6:17, 18; 7:30, 35; 1*12, 15; 21:21; 24:9; Deut. 18:1; 1 -Sam. 2:28 Pillar of FIRE. Ex. 14:a4 L. looked thro' p. off. Rev. 10:1 and his feet nap. off. Send, or sent FIRE. Lam. 1:13 from above be seiitf. Kzek. 39:6 I will s.f. on Magog Ainos 1:4 I will s.f. into h. of H. 7 I will s.f. on the wall of G. 10 I will s.f. on wall of Ty. 12 2:2 I will s. a/, on M. ; 5 Judah Luke 12:49 come to s.f. on earth Set FIRE. Deut. 32:22 s. on /. foundations Jos. 8:8 .«. city of Ai on/. 19 ./'/rf 1:8 Judah had s. Jer. on/. 9-49 the people s. the hold on/. 1.5.5 had «. the brauds on/. 2 .S'aOT. 14:30 8. J.'s field on/. 31 2 /iT. 8:12 H. will s. holds on/ Ps. 57:4 am. th. that are s. on/. Is. 27:11 women se< them on/ 42:25 he hath set him on/. J«r. 6:1 s. up a sign off. in Bet. 32:29 C. shall s. on f. this city Eze-k. :30:8 s. a/ in E^'ypt, 14, 16 ■ 39:9 •«. on/, burn weapons of G. Jam. 3:6 tongue s. on/, course of nature, is set on/, of hell Strange FIRE. Lev. 10:1 N. and Abi. offered s./. iVMWJ. 3:4 died wh. off. s.f. 26:61 FIREBR.\IVD, 8. Jiid. 1.5:4 S. took/ put/ midst y^/'ou. 26:18 madman casteth/. /<. 7:4 two tails of these smok./ Ajnos 4:11/ plucked out of bur FIRE-PAIVS. Ex. 27:3 make basons and f.-p. :'i'S:3 he made the/.-p. of brass 2 K. 25:15/.-;;. car. /er. 52:19 FIRES. Is. 24:15 glorify ye Lord in/. FIRKIIVS, Jtjftn. 2:6 containing two or th./. FIRM. ./■ft?. 3:17 pri. stood/ on gr. 4:3 Jo!i 41:23 are/, in themselves 24 his heart is as/, as a stone Ps. 73:4 no bands, but stre. is/ Dan. 6:7 consulted to make/, //eft. 3:6 rejoic. of hope/, to end firmame:\t. (7«/i. 1:6/ iu midst of waters 7 O./. waters under and ab./. 8 and God called the/. Heaven 1 1 let th. bo lights in/ 15, 17 20 fowl that fly in open/. Fs. 19:1/ showeth handiwork 1.50:1 praise him in/, power Ez>, said to youn. 34 33 f.-b. went in lay with f. .37 27: i9 said, I am Es. thy f.-b. 32 20:26 give younger bcl". tlie/.-/). 43::J3/.-6. accord, to birthright Ej\ 4:22 Is. is my son, my/. -6. 23 will slay thy son, thy/.-i. 11:5 all /•./). in land of K. shall 12:12 I will smite all /.-6. 29 ('«/. 21:17 lor the right of/. -A. •Aw. 6:26 lay foundatum in f.-b. 1 K. 16:31 laid foiiiKl. in Ali. f.-b. ./oh W:Vif.-b. ofdealhslnin'dev. /v. 78:51 he sinote all f.-b. in K. 10.5:;i6; 135:8; l.'UlilO 89:27 my /".-/a higher th. kings h: ll;;iO tlie f.-ti. of poorsh. lucd ■/cr. 31:9 niut Kphraim Is my f.-b. Mic. 6:7 give/./), for Ininsir. t y.ir. 12:10 111 bitterness for/".-/;. Ma. 1:25 bro. forth /-A. l,uk,''l:1 lloin. H:29/.-ft. iiin.'niuiiy l)r. of every erealnri' 18 lictrlnnlnL.', /'.-/;. friiin ilc'iil n,b. 11:28 be llmlde«lioyccl/.-ft. 12:2.3 are comi' to church vl'f.b. FIT FJRST-FRJJIT, S. Ex. 22:29 to oft'er the/ ripe/n 23:16/-/ of thy labor thou hast 19/.-/ of la. 34:26; Deut. 26:2 Lev. 2:12 oblat. of/.-/ ye shall 14 meat-offer, of//, green ears 23:10 a sheaf of/-/. 17:20 Num. 18:12/./. ot oil, wine Deut. 18:4 the f. -fruit of thy corn 26:10 brought /.-/ of land 2 K. 4:42 brought man of G.f.-f. 2 6'Ar. 31:5 in abundance the/-/ Neh. i0:35f .-fruits of our ground 37 the f. -fruits of our dough 12:44 chambers for/.-/ 13:31 Prov. 3:9 honor L. withf .-fruit. Jer. 2:3 Israel/./, of his increase Mic. 7:1 my soul desired/. /r«2< Rom. 8:2:3 have/.-/, of Spirit 11:16 if/-/ be holy 16:5/.-/. of Achaia, 1 Cor. 16:15 1 Cor. 1.5:20 C.f.-f. ofthemth.23 Jam. 1:18 kind of /.-//•. of creat. Sev. 14:4 being the/-/ unto God FIRSTLING, S. Gen. 4:4 Abel brought/ of flock Ex. 13:12 set apart eve./. 34:19 13/ of ass thou shalt red. ;34:20 Lev. 27:20 L.'s/ no man sancti. Num. 18:15/ of unci, beasts. 17 Deut. 12:6 ye sh. bring / of her. 15:19/. males sanctify lo theL. 33:17 J.'s glory like/, of bullock FISH. Gen. 1:26 dom. over / of sea, 28 Ex. 7:18/ in river shall die, 21 Num. 11:22 all/ of sea be gath. Deut, 4:18 liken, of any /". in wa. Ps. 8:8 put the/. under"his feet 105:29 waters into blood, slew/ 7s. 19:10 sluices and ponds for/. 50:2 their/, stinketh Ezek. i'.r.if. to stick to thy seal. 5 and all the/, of thy rivers 47:10/ sh. be as/ of great sea Jon. l":17 Lord prepared great f. 2:1 prayed to L. out of./. '.« belly 10 L. spoke to f. it vomited J. Mat. 7:10 if he as"k /". will he give 17:27 take up/ that first com. Luke 24:42 gave him piece br. / John 21:9 they saw/, laid, 10, 13 FISH, IIVG. Jer. 16:16 fishers, and they sh./ John 21:3 S. Peter saith, Igo a/. FISH-GATE. 2 Chr. 33:14 M. built to eni.f.-q. Neh. 3:5/ -f?. did sons of II. biii. 12:39 from above the f.-r/ate Zep. 1:10 noise of cry from/.-<7. FISH-HOOKS. Arrws i:i will take poster, w./. FISH-POOLS. Cant. 7:4 th. eyes like/. -p. of XI. FISH-SPEARS. Job 41:7 fill head wilh/.-«. fisherme:v. Luke 5:2/ were gone out of th. FISHER, S. Is. 19:8/ al.«o sliall mourn and Jer. 16:16 send l"or many /". sa. L. Ezck. 47:10 /". shall stancl upon it Mat. 4:18 tlicy were/. Mark 1:16 19/ of men, Mark 1:17 John 21:7 Peter girt/, coat to h. PISHES. Gen. 9:2 fear of jou be on nil/. 1 K. 4::i:! of creeping thi. and/. Job 12:8/ of sea shall declare Er. 0:12 / that are taken iu evil Hub. 1:14 mak. men as/, of sea Mat. 14:17 five loaves and two /". Mar. 6;3S; I.u. 'MIH ; Joh n l!:9 15:31 sev. loaves lit./. MarkH.l Luke 5.6 miiltit. of/". John 21:6 5:9 astoiuwlied at "(Irjiiight ol'/. ./o// /I 21:11 P. drewiii't full gr./. 1 Cor. 15:39 llesh of be. and oiy. FIKT, S. Ex. 21:18 one sinilc ano. with/. I'roi'. ;ill:l liatli giilh. wind in f. f Is. 58:4 hinlte with/, ofwlcked. FIT. I^v. 16:81 by hand ottif. wan 1 Chr. 7:11 /". to go to war, 12:8 .Ml 3(: 18 f.\ o Huy king, Th. wlc.y K:ik. 1.5:r> miidi' f. lor no work Luke 9:62 Is /'. lor kingdom ol tl. M:.'15 not/", for the land .1.7.1 a2:22'iiol /'. that he sh. live Vol. 3:18 wivcM. siilmiit as/, in L. FITCIIKH. h. 88:2.5 dolli he not east/', f FLA Is. 28:27/ not thresh./, are bea. Ezek. 4:9 wheat, barley, millet,/. FITLY. Prov. 25:11 word/, spok. appl. of Eph. 2:21 the building/ framed 4:16 form wh. whole body/, jo. FITTED, ETH. 1 K. 6:;3dgold/. up. car\'ed work Is. 44:13 carpent./ it with plan. Bom. 9:22 ves. of wrath/, to des. FIVE. Gen. 14:9 of S. four kings with/. 18:28 destroy all for lack of/ .? Jos. 13:3/ lords of Ph. Jud. 3:3 Is. 19:18/ cities speak lang. of C. 30:17 at rebuke of/ shall ye flee Mat. 14:17 we have here but /. loaves, Mark 6:38; Luke'^-.IZ 25:2/ of them wise,/. fooUsh Luke 12:6 are not/, spar, sold ? 16:28 father's house I have/, b. John 4:18 hast had/ husbands 5:2 a pool having/ porches 1 Cor. 14:19 I rath, speak/ wor. 2 Cor. 11:24/ times rec. 40 strip. liev. 17:10 sev. kings/, are fallen FIXED. Ps. 57:7 heart is/ I w. sin^, 108:1 112:7 heart/, trusting iu Lord Luke 16:26 betw. us is a gulf/. FLAG, S. Ex. 2:3 she laid the ark in the/. 5 when she saw ark am. the /. Job 8:11 can/ grow with, water? Is. 19:6 reeds and/, shall wither FLAGON, S. 2 Sam. 0:19/ of wine, 1 Chr. 16:3 Cant. 2:5 stay me wi./ com. me Is. 22:24 even to all vessels of/. Hos. 3:1 love/ of wine FLARES. Job 41:23 /. of his flesh are join. FLAME, S. Ex. 3:2 in/, of fire, Actsl:ZO Num. iV.iUf. fr. city, ./.";•. 48:45 Jud. 1.3:20/ w. np.iinwl in /". Job 15:30/ sh. dry npbranches 41:21 / goeth out of his mouth Ps. 29:7 voice of L. div./ of fire 100:18/ burnt up the wicked Cant. 8:6 coals wh. hath a veh./. Is. 5:24/ cousumeth the chall 10:17 Holy One shall be for a/. l:J:8 their faces shall be as/. 29:6 visited with/, of devo. fire 4.3:2 nei. sh./. kindle upon thee 06:15 rebuke with/, of fire Eztk. 20:47/ sh. not be quench. Dan. 7:9 throne was like fiery/. 11 till body given to burning/. Joel l:19y". hatn burnt trees 2:3 behind them a/, burneth (Jb. 18 house of Jos", shall be &/. T.iike 16:24 tormented in this_/. Ilib. 1:7 mak. ministers /". of lire Ilev. 1:14 as/", of fire, 2:18; 19:12 FLAMIXG. Gen. 3:24 at gard. of Eden./', sw. Ezek. 20:47./". flame not be"l ranger wlio.f. T.5 20:19 mod. not with liiiii that/. 2.'i:2.3 more favor than he that./". 29:5 man thai/, spreadelhn not FLATTER IXG. Job :i2:21 iiei. let me «1./. tit. 83 I's. 12:2 with /'. Iliis I'ror. 7:81 with the./", of her lIpB 811:28 n/". mouth workelh rniii aLvA-. I'idl shall be no mor<'./". 1 Thts. 8:5 neither used./", worja FLATTER V, IKH. h>li 17:5 speaketh./. lo IVii'iul» I'ror. 6:84 /". of stiimgr woman Dan. Il:8l1iesh. i.bt. kintf. by/. 32 hIuiII he corni))! by /. f 34 many sliall cleave witU/. FLAX. Ex. liai f. waM-initten /, li.ill.M 858 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. FLE Jog. 2:6 she hid with stalks of /. Jud. 15:14 cords became as/. Prm. 31:13 she seeks wool and/. If. 19:9'work in fine/, confound. 42:3 the smoking/.'he shall not quench. Mat. 12:20 Hos, 2:5 lovers that give me/. FLAY, ED. :ric.3:^f. their skins 2 Chr. 35:1J blood, the Levites/. FLEA. 1 Sam. 24:14 come after/. .? 26:20 FLED. Gen. 14:10 kincs of So. and G. f. 16:6 H./. ,• 31:22: J./. i7o.««<:. 4:42; 19:3,4, 5 ; Jo!>. 20:3. 4, 9 Deut. 28:7 and/, seven ways, 25 Jos. 8:5 as at first we will,'/". 6 20 had no power to/, this way Jud. 20:32 let us /. and draw th. 2 Sam. 4:4 nurse haste to /. fell 24:13 wilt thou/, three m'onths ? % K. 9:3 open door and/, tar. not Nell. 6:11 should such a man/. ? Job 20:24 he sh. /. from \\eapon 27:22 fain/, out of his hand 41:28 arrow cannot make him/. Ps. 11:1 how say ye to my soul/. 68:12 kings of armies /. apace 130:7 whither sh. I f.'ir. pres. ? 143:9 O Lord, If. t'o thee Prov. 28:1 wick. /. no man purs. Is. 10:3 will ye/, for help? 1.5:5 fugitives shall/, unto Zoar 30:16 for we will/, on horses 17 at rebuke of 'five shall ye/. Jer. 4:29 city /. fornoi. of horse. 48:6 f. save lives, be like heath Amos 5:19 man did/ from lion ■Ton. 1:3. Jon. rose tip to /. to T. Mat. 2:13 take young child and/. 3:7 to/, from wrath ? Luke 3:7 10:23 when perse, in this city /. 24:16 let them in J./, to mo'n'n- lams.Mark 1.3-14; Zwit«21:21 John 10:5 stranger not follow but /. 1 Cor. 6:18 f. fomi. ; 10:14 /. idol. 1 Tim. 6:11 man of G. /. tli. thin. 2 Tim. 2:Wf. also youthful lusts Jam. 4:7 res. the devil, he will/. /lev. 9:6 death shall/, from them FLE FLEE awav. Gen. 31:27 didst/, a. secretly 5 Job 9:25 days/, a. th. see no good 20:8 he shall/, away as a dream Ps. 64:8 all that see them sh./. a. Cant. 2:17 shadows/ away, 4:6 Is. 35:10 sighing sh. /. a. 51:11 Jer. 46:6 let not the swift/, away Amos 7:12 seer, go/, a. into land 9:1 that fleeth shall not/, away Nah. 2:8 Nineveh shall/ away 3:17 as grasshoppers they/, a. FLEEING, ETH. Lev. 26::56 sh. flee as / from sw. Devt. 4:42 /. to one of th. cities 19:11/. into one of cities ■lob 14:2 he/, also as a shadow 30:3 want and famine/, to wil. Jer. 48:19 ask him that/. Amos 9:1 that/, of them John 10:12 a hireling/. 13 FLESH. Gen. 2:21 G. closed up/, instead 24 and they shall be one/. 6:3 man, for he is /. 17:11 circum./. of foresk. 14, 23 Ex. 4:7 hand turned as other/. 29:14/ bum with fire, Lev. 9:11 ; 16:27; Num. 19:5 Len. 6:27 wh. touch/ sh. be holy 8:31 boil f. at door of tabernacle 13:10 quick raw/. 14, 15, 16, 24 .38 if in skin of/. 39 15:19 if issue in her/, be blood 21:5 nor sh. make cuttings in/. Num. 11:33/ was betw. teeth Deut. .32:42 sword shall devour/. Jud. 6:20 take/, and unl. cakes 21 fire out of rock consumed/. 1 Sam. 2:13/ was in seething 15 give/, to roast for the prie. 1 K. 17:6 ravens brought bread/. 2 K. 4:.34/. of child waxed warm 2 (Jhr. .32:8 with him is arm of/. Neh. 5:5 our/, is as/, of breth. ■Job 10:4 hast thou eyes of/ .? 11 clothed me with skin and/. Ps. 56:4 not fear what/, can do 78:20 can he provide/, for peo. ? 27 he rained/, upon them 39 remembered th. were but/. 79:2/. of saints given to beasts Pi'ov. 4:22 sayings health to /. 23:20 not am. riot, eaters of/". Is. 31:3 horses are/, not spirit 49:26 feed them with own/. Jer. 11:15/. is passed from thee 17:5 cursed be man thatmak. /. Ezek. 4:14 nor came abo^^ina. /. 11:3 city is caldron, and we f. 19 I will give heart of/. 36:26 23:20 whose/, is as/, of asses 24:10 consume the/, spico it Dan. 2:11 gods, who. dw. not/. 7:5 Arise, devour much/. 10:3 neither/, nor wine TTos. 8:13sacnf./. for sacrifices Mic. 3:2 pluck /. from off bones Zep. 1:17/ shall be poured TIag. 2:12 bear holy/, in skirt Zee. 14:12 their /. shall consume Mat. 16:17 /. anil blood not rev. 19:5 sh. be one/. 6 ; Mark 10:8 ; 1 Cor. 6:16; Eph. 5:.31 21:22 no/, be saved, Mark 13:20 26:41 sp. will./, we. Mark 14:.38 Lvke 24:.39 hath not/, and bones ■lohn 1:14 the Word was made/. 6:63 the/ profiteth nothing Acts 2:30 seed of David accord- ing to/. Rem. 1:3 Bnm. 3:20 shall no/, be justified 4:1 Abraham as pertaining to/. 7:25 with/ I serve law of sin 8:3 law was weak through / G. sent Son in like, of sin./. 9:3 and kinsmen according to/". 5 concerning/. Christ came 13:14 not provision for the /. 1 Cor. 1:29 that no/, should glo. 15:39 one/, of men, ano. of bea. 50 /. and blood cannot inherit 2Cor. 4:11 life of J. be manifest /. 7:5/. had no rest but troubled 10:2 as if we walked accord, to/. Gal. 1:16 confer not with/. 2:16 shall no /". be iustifled 3:3 made perfect b'y the /. ? 5:13 liberty for an occasion to f. 17/. lusteth ag. Sp. Sp. ag./. 24 that are C.'s crucified/. Eph. 2:3 conv. in lusts of our/. C:5 masters accord, to/. Col. .3:22 12 ^^Testle notag. /. and blood Beb. 2:14 child, are partak. of/ 12:9 fathers of/, who corrected Jude 7 and going after strange/. FLE Jude 8 filthy dream, defile the/. 23 even garments spotted bv/. Rev. 19:18/ of capt./. of might. 21 all fowls were filled with/. See EAT, EATETH. After the FLESH. Johji 8:15 ye judge after thef. Rom. 8:1 walk not wfter thef. 4 5 are a. t.f. mincl things of/. 12 not debtors to \i\e after t. f. 13 if ye live aft. t.f. ye sh. d'ie 1 Cor. l:26notma. wisem. a. t.f. 10:18 behold Israel after thef. 2 Cor. 5:16 we know no man af. thef. have kn. Ch. a. t.f. 10:3 we do not war after thef. 11:18 that many glory af. the f. Gal. 4:23 Ishm. bom af. t.f. 2!) 2 Pet. 2:10 th. that walk af. t.f. All FLESH. Gen. 6:12 a.f. had corrupt, way 13 end of all f. is come bef. me 6:19 of all f. two of ev. sort. 7:15 7:21 a.f. died that moved, 8:17; 9:11, 15. 16, 17 Lev. 17: 14 life of a./, isthe blood Num. 8:7 let thcm'shave all f. 16:22 6. of spirits of «/;/. 27:16 Job 34:15 allf. sh. perish togeth. Ps. 65:2 to thee shall all f. come 136:25 who giveth food to allf. 145:21 let allf. bless holy name Is. 40:5 allf. sh. see it together 6 allf. is grass, 1 Pet. 1:24 49:26 a. f. know I am S. Ez. 21:5 66:16 will L. plead with allf. 23 cdlf. shall come to worship 24 they sh. be abhorr. to oXlf. Jer. 25:31 will jilead with allf. .32:27 I am the Lord God of a.f. Ezek. 21:4 sword go ajainst a. f. Dan. 4:12 and allf. was fed of'it Joel 2:28 pour S. on a. f. Actsi:\n Zee. 2:13 silent all f. before Lord Luke 3:6 a.f. sh. see salv. of G. John 17:2 given power over a.f. 1 Cor. 15:.39 a.f. is not same if. His FLES::. Ex. 29:31 seethe h.f. In holy pi. Lev. 4:11 burn all H.f. 8:17 6:10 linen breeches on h.f. 16:4 13:3 in skin of /(2S/. 4, 11, 13 14:9 wash h.f. in water, 15:16; 16:24, 28 ; Num. 19:7 1 K. 21:27 Ah. put sack, on h.f. 2 K. 5:14 his f. came asain as 6:30 Jor. had sackcloth on Msf. Job 2:5 touch bone and hisf. 31:31 O that we had of /its f. 33:2.5/. sh. be fresh, than child's 41:23 flakes othisf are joined Prov. 11:17 that is cruel troub./. Ec. 4:5 foldeth hands eateth/. Is. 17:4 fatness of/ sh. wax lean John 6:52 this man give/, to cat ? Acts 2:31 nei. his f. did see cor. Gal. 6:8 that sow'cth to hisf. Eph. 2:15 abolished in hisf. 5:29 no man hated his own f. .30 memb. of his body, of h.f. Col. 1:22 reconc. in body of hisf. Heb. 5:7 who in the days of A. /". 10:20 veil, that is to say, hisf. In the FLESH, or in FLESH. Gen. 17:24 A. circnm. in t.f. 25 Ezek. 44:7 uncircum. in thef. 9 Dan. 1:15 fairer and fatter in t.f. Rom. 2:28 circ. outward in thef. 7:5 in thef. the motions of sin 8:3 sin condemned sin in thef. 8 that are i;i t.f. cannot pi. G. 9 are not in t.f but in the Sp. 1 Cor. 7:28 sh. have trouble inf. 2 Cor. 10:3 tho' we walk in thef. 12:7 was civcn a thorn in the f. Gal. 2:20 life wh. I now live inf. 6:12 to make fair show in thef. Eph. 2:11 Gentiles in the f. Phil. 1:22 if I live in thef. this 21 abide in t.f. more needful 3:3 have no confidence in t.f. 4 Col. 2:1 have not seen face inf. 5 1 Tim. 3:16 G. was manif. in 1. f. 1 Pet. 3:18 put to death in thef 4:1 Christ hath suffered in thef. 2 live rest of his time in thej. 6 according to men in thef. 1 ■fohn 4:2 den. C. come in t.f. 3 ijohn 7 that C. come in thef. My FLESH. ■lob 4:15 hair of mi/ f. stood up 6:12 or is my /. brass? 7:5 myf. is clothed with worms 13:14 take mv f. in mv teeth ? 19:26 yet in viyf. shall I see G. FLO Ps. 16:9 my f. shall rest in hope, Acts 2:26 38:3 no soundness in mitf. 7 63:1 myf. longeth for thee 73:26 myf. faileth 84:2 my heart and my f. crieth 109:24 mvf. faileth of fatness 119:120 myf. trembleth for fear Lam. 3:4 my f. hath he made old John 6:51 bread I give, is myf. 54 eat. myf. hath eter. life, 56 55 myf. is meat indeed Rom. 7:18 in myf. dwel. no good 11:14 prov. them wh. are myf. Gal. 4:14 tem. wh. was in m.yf. Col. 1:24 afflict, of Ch. in myf. See BoiTE. Of the FLESH. Et. 29:.34 aught o/?./ remain Prov. 14:.30 sound h. is life off. Ec. 12:12 much study is w. off. John 1:13 not of will o/"rtc/. 3:6 which is hornof t.f. is ilesli Rom. 8:5 mind the'thingso/^./. 9:8 are the children 0/ A/. 1 Cor. 5:5 to S. for destnic. off. oft.f. -t.f. Gal. 4:13 thro' infirmity oft 5:16 shall not fulfil lusts of t.f.' 19 works of t.f. are manifest 6:8 soweth to/, sh. of t.f. reap Eph. 2:3 walked in lusts of thef. Col. 2:11 the bodv of sins oft.f. 23 to the satisfying o/tt'e/; Heb. 9:13 the purifving o/" //(«/. 1 Pet. 3:91 put. away filth oft.f. 2 Pet. 2:18 thro' the lusts oft.f. 1 John 2:16 Inst of t.f. Thv FLESH. Gen. 40:19 birds sliall eat thyf. 1 Sam. 17:44 give t.f. unto fowls 2 Sam.. 5:1 bo. and t.f. 1 Chr. 11:1 ■2K. 5:10 and t.f. shall come Pro!\ 5:11 mourn wh. t.f. is con. Ec. .5:6 to cause t.f. to sin Is. 58:7 hide not from thy own/. Ezek. 32:3 will lay t.f. on moun. Vour FLESH. Lev. 19:28 not make cut. in y.f. ■lud. 8:7 then I will tear y. f. Ezek. 36:26 heart out of y.f. Rom. 6:19 infirmity of your f. 0(d. 6:13 they may glory in y.f Col. 2:13 dead in iincir. of y.f ' Jam. 5:3 rust shall eat yoiirf. FLESHED. See fat, lean. FLESH-HOOK, S. Ex. 27:3 Shalt make his/.-A. 38:3 the vessels and the/. -ft. Num. 4:14 put on pur. cloth/. -^. 1 Sam. 2:13. servant with a.f.-h. 14 all that /.-h. brought up 1 Chr. 28:17 pure gold for/. -ft. 2 air. 4:16 pots and the/.-ft. FLESHLY. 2 Cor. 1:12 not with/, wisdom 3:3 but in/, tables of the heart Col. 2:18 pufl". up bv his/, mind IPet. 2:11 abstain from/, lusts FLESH-POTS. Ex. 16:3 when we sat by /.-p. FLEW. 1 Sam. 14:.32 peo./ upon the sp. Is. 6:6 then/, one of seraphim FLIES. Ex. 8:21 send swarms off. 31 Ps. 78:45 sent divers sort's of/. 105:31 divers sorts off. Ec. 10:1 dead/ cause ointment FLIETH. Deut. 14:19 creeping thine/. 28:49 as swift as the eairle /'. Ps. 91:5 arrow that/, by diiy Nah. 3:16 cank. spoileth and/. FLIGHT. Amos 2:14/ sh, perish from sw. Mat. 24:20 prav /'. be not in win- ter, Mark 13:18 Heb. 11:34 turned to/, armies See PUT. FLIXT. Deirt. 8:15 water out of rock off. Ps. 114:8 turning /, into fount. Is. 5:28 hoofs sh. be counted/. 50:7 have I set mv face like/. Ezek. 3:9 harder than/. FLIiVTY. Deut. 32:13 oil out off. rock FI.OATS. 1 K. 5:9 I ^v■'t conv. them by sea in/. 2 Chr. 2:16 CRUDEN'S CON'CORDA^CE. 859 FLO FLOCK. Cfen. 4:4 Al). bro. firslIinKS of/. 37:2 J. was feeding/, with bre. 12 brethren went" to feed/. 1:3 Ex. 2:16 troughs to wat. fath./. 17 Moses helped, watered/. 19 3:1 Moses led/, back of desert Lev. 5:18 a ram without blemish out of /. 6:6; Ezr. 10:19; Ezek. 43:23, 25 27:32 tithe of the herd or of/. Dent. 15:19 first male.s of/. 1 Sam. 17:34 took lamb out of/. JoS 30:1 set with dog.s of my/. C«;ti!. 1:7 makest/. to rest 8 by the footsteps of the/. 4:1 hair as a/, of goats, 6:5 2 teeth like a/, of sheep, 6:6 Is. 40:11 he sh. feed/, like shep. Jer. 13:17 L./. Is carried captive 20 wh. is/, given thee beauti. ? 23:2 ye have scattered my/. 3 gather remnant of my/. 2.5:34 principal of the/. 35, 36 31:12 the young of the/. 49:20 least of f. sh. draw, 50:45 51:2:3 break shepherd and his/. EzeTc. 24:5 take the choice of/. 34:3 but ye feed not/. 6/. scattered on face of earth 8'becansemy/. became a prey 10 I will require my/. I will 12 as a f-heph. seek, out his/. 15 feed my/. ; 17 O my/. 22 therefore will I save my/. 31/. of my pasture are men Amos 7:15 as I followed /. Jon. 3:7 let not herd nor /. taste Mie. 4:8 thou, O tower of the/. 7:14 feed thy people, the f. of TIrtb. 3:17 the/, shall be cut off Zee. 9:16 save them as /". of peo. 11:4 will feed/, of slaughter, 7 7 poor of the/, that waited, 11 17 idle sheph. that Icaveth/. l^M. 1:14 deceiver wh. hath in/. Mat. 2fi:.31 sheep of/, sh. be scat. L'ike 2:8 keeping watch over/. 12:.32 fear not, little f. Acts 20:28 take heed to all the/. 29 griev. wolves not sparing/. 1 r'or. 9:7 who feedcth a/. 1 Prt. 5:2 feed/, of God am. you 3 being ensamples to the/. Like a FLOCK. Job 21:11 .send little ones I. a./. Ps. 77:20 leddest people I. a./. 80:1 thou th. leddest Jo.''. I. a.f. 107:41 mak. him families I. af. Ezek. 36:37 increase them ;. a.f. FLOCKS. Gm. 29:2 three/, of sheep. 3, 8 30:.3S .T. set rod he pill. hef./. :39 87:14 whether it be well with/. 47:4 have no pasture for/. Lor. 1:10 if his offering be of/. Nnin. 31:9 took spoil of their/. Vent. 7:13 will also bless the/. 28:4 blessed be/, of thy sheep 18 cursed sh. be /■. of thv sheep Jud. Vy.VS to hear bleating of/. 1 K. 20:27 two little/, of kids Jot) 24:2 violently take away/. r^. 05:13 past, are clothed wi. f. 78:48 he gave/, to hot thunder. ('aiil. 1:7 turn aside by/, /s'. :!'2:14 palaces sh. be jjastnre/. 60:7/. of Kedar sh. be gathered 61:5 stand and feed f. 65:10 Sh. shall he. afold for/. y«r. 33:12 slieph. causing/, t'olie 13 f. sh. pass ag. under the rod 50:fl be as he-goats before the/. Ezek. 31:2 sh. not shoph. feed/. ? Jod 1:18/". of sheep desolate liHc. 5:8 lion among f. of sheer> Zej). 2:0 sea-coast folds for/. 14 FLOCKS, v'Uli licrds. O'er),. l;):5 Lot also had/, and //. 24:;« I,, hath given A. f. and/;. 26:14 Isa. had i)os^. of/. „nd //. m.nf. and A. left hi laud of (J. JC.i: 10:1) will go with f. and li. 12:;« your/. niiilA. mid be i:mv: 3-1:3 let/, imr A. feed hef. mount Num. 11:22 Hh. f. and h. hi- slain Dent. 12:6 tlrstlln-s of A. and f. 17; 11-9:1: AV/t. 10::)6 1 .SV(m. 30:20 Oavld,^. niid h. 2 «Va;«. 12:2 had many f. mul /(. Proo. 27:23 know/, look to li. Jrr. 3:24 shame divour. /. iwi'd // Hon. 5:6 Mhall i.'o with f. and li. FLOOn. (Ii'ii 6:17 hriii'f ay. of water 7:6/. of waters on larlli, 7, 10 FLO Gen. 7:17/ was forty d. on earth 9:11 any more a/, to destroy 28 Noah Uved after/. 3.50 years 10:1 were sons born after/. 32 Jos. 24:2 other side of/. 3, 14, 15 ■Job 14:11/ decayefh and drieth 22:16 foun. ©verthrown with /'. 28:4/ breaketh from inhabitant Ps. 29:10 Lord sitteth upon/. 60:6 went through/, on foot 69:15 let not wafer-/, overflow 90:5 can-iest away as with/. Is. .59:19 enemy come in like/. .ler. 46:7 who that cometh as/, f 8 Egypt riseth up like a/. Dan. 9:26 end shall be with a/. 11:22 arms of/, sh. be overdo. Amos 8:8 rise up wholly as/. 9:5 9:5 drowned as by/, of Egypt Nah. 1:8 an overrunning/. Mat. 24:.3S in days before/. 39 till f. came, Luke 17:27 Luke 6:48,/'. arose stream beat iPet. 2:5 bring, in/, on world Bev. 12:15 poured water as/. 16 FLOODS. Ex. 15:8.7'. stood upright USam. 22:5 f. of nngbdly made me afraid, Ps. 18:4 Job 28:11 bindeth f. from overfl. Ps. 24:2 hath establ. it upon /". 32:6 surely inf. of gi-eat waters 69:2 waters where/. oveiH. me 78:44 turned their/, into blood 93:3 f. have lifted up. O Lord 98:8'let the/, clap their hands Cant. 8:7 neither can/, drown Is. 44:3 pour./, on dry ground Jon. 2:3./. compassed me about Mat. 7:25/. came, winds hi. 27 FLOOR, Verb. 2 C/ir. .3-1:11 timber to/, houses FLOOR, S, Subgtantive. Gen. .50:10 to thresh.,/ of A. 11 Num. 5:17 pri. sh. take dust in/. 15:20 thresh. /. 18:27, 30 Dent. 15:14 furnish out of/. Jud. 6:37 a fleece of wool in/. P}ith 3:2 ho win. in threshing /. 2Sa7n. 6:6Nach. th. / 1 Chr. 1.3:9 34:18 rear alt. in thresh../, of A. 21 1), said, to buy threshing/. 1 K. 6:.30 overlaid /. of house 2 7^.6:27 out of barn/. 2 Chr. 3:1 threshing/, of Oman Is. 21:10 and the com of my /. Jer. 51:33 dau. of B. like thre./. Dan. 2:35 chaif of sum. thres../. Has. 9:1 reward on every corii/. 2./. and winc-pr. not feed them 13:3 as chaff driven out of/. Joe.n-.iif. shall be full of wheat Mic. 4:12 gather as sheaves to/. Mat. 8:12 thor. purge/. Lu. 3:'l7 FLOUR. Sk. 29:2 wheat. / sh. thou make Lev. 2:2 handful of the f. 6:15 Num. 28:5 jjart of ephr.h of/, for meat-oli. 20, 28; 29:3. 9, 14 ./»fi'.6:19cphahof./". ;\S(nn. 1:24 1 -S'am. 28:21 took /. and kneaded it, 2,S'aOT. 13:>3 2 Sam. 17:28 bro./. parched com i?C:14 your bones shall /. Ezek. 17:2-1 have made dry tree/. FLOmiSIIKn. Cant. 6.11 wi'iil In sci' vine/. P/iU. 1: 10 yciur caic of me hath/. FLOIRISIIKTM. t\a. Ps. !m:6ln II"' niornluLr It /'. 92:11 Ihev shall he tat and f. 103: 15 as lli.w.r oflleld, lio/'. Dan. 4: 1 I was al rest, uml/. FLOW. .M) 20:28 his j'(m,(N shall /. nwnv Pi. 117:18 wind blow, waters/. Cniit. 4:16 the spices may t'. i)Ut ts. '2:2 nntloMM shall t'. unto It IH:21 wnlers to/, out of rock I10:.5 shall see and /', tocethcr IH:I mountains mirlit f. down ./.;■. 31:12 f. to gooilness ofl,. FOE ■ler. 51:44 nations sh. not /. toj. Joel 3:18 hills shall/, witli milk, rivers of Jud./. with waters Mic. 4:1 peo. sh. /. to mou. of L. John 7:38 out of belly sh./. 1. w. FLOWED. ■los. 4:18 Jordan /. over banks Is. 64:3 mount./, down at pres. Lam. 3:54 waters/, over my head FLOWETH. Lev. 20:24/. with milk and hon. Num. 1.3:27; 14:8; 16:1.3,14; De"t. 6:3; 11:9; 26:15; 27:3; 31:20 ; Jos. 5:6 FLOWING. Ex. 3:8/ with milk and honey, 17; 1.3:5; .33:3: Jer. 11:5; .32:22 : Ezek. 20:6, 15 Prov. 18:4 we!l-sp. of wis. as/. Is. 66:12 glo. of G. like/, stream Jer. 18:14 cold./ waters be fors. ? 49:4 gloriest thou iu/. valley? FLOWEK. Ex. 25:33/ in one branch, 37:19 1 Sam,. 2:33 incr. die in/, of age ■lob 14:2 forth as./, is cut down 15:.33 he shall cast /. as olive Ps. 10.3-.15as/. officld Is. 18:5 sour grape is rip. in/. 28:1 glorious beauty is fad./. 4 40:6 goodliness is as/, of field 7 /. fadcth, 8 ; Neh. 1:4 ; Jam. 1:10, 11; IPct. 1:24 1 Cor. 7:,36 she pass /. of her age FLOWEHS. Ex. 2,5:31/ of the same, 37:17 37:20 almonds, knops, and his/. Ler. 15:21 her,/ be upon him. 33 1 IC 6:18 carved with knops and open/. 29. 32,35; 7:26,49 2 Chr. 4:5 cup ^yith/. of lilies, 21 Cant. 2:12./. appear on earth 5:13 bed of spices, as sweet/. FLUTE, S. Dan. 3:5 hear sound of/. 7, 10, 15 FLUTTER ETH. Deut. 32:11 as eagle/, ov. young FLUX. Acts 28:8 lay sick of a/. " FLY. Is. 7:18 .sh. hiss for the/, in E. FLY, Verb. Gen. 1:20 fowl th. may./ earth 1 Sa77i. 15:19 didst /. on the spoil 2 Sam. 22:11 did /. on wings of wind, Ps. 18:10 .loh 5:7 as sparks /. upward 39:26 doth hawlc./". by thy wis. Ps. 55:6 then would I/, away 90:10 cut off, and wo/, away Prov. 23:5 riches /. a\\ay Is. 6:2 with two fie did/. 11:14 / on shoulders (if Philist. 60:8 who arc these that,/ .Ter. 48:40 he shall /. as lin oaglo Ezek. 13:-20 hunt souls to make /'. Dan. 9:21 G. caused to /. sxyil'tiv Has. 9:11 sh.,/ away like a bird Ilab. 1:8 the.v shall,/, as eagle Pev. 14:6 saw another aiic:el /. 19:17 that./ midst of heaven FI.VJXG. T^v. 11:91 cat of e\er'- / thing Ps. 148:10 all cattle an('l./ fowl Prov. 26:2 as swallow by f. Is. 14:29 shall be tlery f'. serpent 31:5 birds / so will L'. di'f<'nd J. Zee. 5:1 and behold a / roll. 2 Per. 4:7 beast like a,/ eagle 8:13 ungel./'. thro' iiildst of hen. Ff>\L, K. Gen. .32:15 J. took 20 asses, 10 /. 49:11 binding his / to the vhie Zee. 9:U coll./ of ass. Mat. 21:5 ipovM. 7/0.1. 10:7 king otS. cut off oh/. FOXMET!!, I\0. .1A«;-/- 9:18/ and irnaslietli with his teeth. /.»/(.' 9:39 20 on ground and wallow-ed,./". Jialc 13 waves./ out own Hhainii FOnOER. Job l!:B or lowith ox over \\\»f. T FOES. 1 Chr. 81:12 deslrovetl before /. K.:2.'1 I w III lunt dim n his /'. .Mat. 10:3(1 nuin's f. he of house ,lc/.«2:;W 1 make/ footstool FOL FOLD. Eeb. 1:12 as a vesture sh. thou/. FOLD, Substantive. 7*. 13:20 sheph. make their / 65:10 Sharon shall be/ Ezek. -34:14 on mount, shall/. Uab. 3:17 flock sh. be cut from/. Mat. 1:3:8 bro. forth fruit, some thirty/. 23; JfarA 4:8, 20 19:29 forsaken ho. receive 100/. John 10:16 sheep wh. not of this /. one/, and one shepherd FOLDS. Num. 32:24 build/ for sheep, 36 Ps. 50:9 take no he-goats of/. Zep. 2:6 sea-coast be/, for flocks FOLDEIV. Nail. 1:10 wh. they be/, together FOLDETH, I\G. Fre/v. 6:10/ of hands, 24::33 Ec. 4:5/. his hands together FOLK. Prov. 30:20 conies but feeble/. ■ler. 51:58/. shall labor in fire Mark 6:5 tiands on few sick/. ■lohn 5:3 multitude of impotent/. Acts 5:16 about, bringing sick/. FOLLOW. Gen. 24:8 not willing to/. 44:4 Jos. said. Up, /. after men Ex. 14:4 harden P. lie shall/. 21:22 no mischief/. 2:3 23:2 not,/, multitude to do evil Dent. 10:20 what just sh. tliou/. ■Ixid. 9:3 hearts inclined to/. A. 1 K. 19:20 I will/, thee Ps. 45:14 companions /. her 119:150 that/, after mischief Is. 5:11 may/, strong drink 51:1 that /. after righteousness .Icr. 17:16"beiiig pastor to/, thee Ezelc. 13:3 prophets/, own spirit Has. 6:3 we /. on to know the L. Mat. 8:19 Master, I will/, thee, Luke 9:57, 61 Mark 16:17 signs/, them th. be. ■lohn 10:5 stran. will they not/. 13:37 L. why cannot I / thee ? Acts 3:24 prophets froinS. that/. Pom. 14:19/. tlii. th. make peace 1 Cor. 14:1 /. after charity, desire Phil. 3:12 t/. after, if that I may 1 Thes. 5:15/ that which is good 2 Thes. 3:9 cnsample to you to/. 1 Tim. 5:24 men they /. after 6:11 mail of God/. 2 'Tim. 2:22 Ileb. 12:14/. peace with all men 13:7 whose faith./, considering 1 Pet. 1:11 testified glory sh../. 2:'21 example, that ye should./. 2 Pet. 2:2 shall/, pernicious ways 3 .John 11 /. not that which is evil 7^( i'. 14:4 they that/, the Lamb 13 and their works do/, them FOLLOW him. 1 K. 18:21 if Lord be(!od../A;w Mark 5::37 sulf. no man to"/', him Lv. 2-2:10/ h. into ho. Mark 14:13 Jolm 10:4 and the sheep/, hiin FOLLOW me. Gen. 24:5 woman not/, me, 39 2 K. 6:19/ 77U', I will bring you Ps. 2;3:6 goodn. and nu-rcv/. »ilrr 17:4'1 .Milth. saw eoniiHel \w\f. 1 K. 16:21 haUof people/. Tlhiil. half/'. Omrl. 23 9 K. 17: (."i f. \anltv.beci\mo v»fn /V (W:'W pliiv. on InsirnMieiils/". Kzfk. 10:11 liead looked Ihev,/. .■I(;i(w7:lft I., look me as \f. flock l/wf. «7:.W miinv worn. wli. /. .1. Mark W:'» we left all wul/. Ihoo, ;,hAk 18:1)8 860 CRUDE^'S CONCORDANCE. FOO Lxike 22:54 and Peter/, afar off AcU 13:43 relig. proselytes/. P. lCi:17 the same/. Paul aud us Uom. 9:30 Gent. who/, not righ. 31 who/ after law of righteo. 1 Cor. 10:4 drank of rock that/. 1 Tim. 5:10/ every good work 2 Pet. 1:16 not/ cun. dev. fables Rev. 6:8 Death, hell/ with him 14:8/ another angel, saving 9 third angel/ them saying FOLLOWED him. Xum. 16:25 M. elders of Is./ h. Jud. 9:4 light persons who/ h. 2 Sam. 11:8/ h. a mess of meat Mat. 4:20 thevleft their nets and /. him, Mark 1:13 22 left the ship and/, him 25/ him great multitude. 8:1 ; 12:15; 19~:2 ; 30:29 ; Mark 2:15; 5:24; X! 7:4 heart of/ in house of mirth 5 than to hear tho song of/ 9 anger resteth iu bosom of/ 9:17 cry of him ruleth among/. 7*. 19:11 princes of Zoan/ 13 35:8/ shall not err therein Mat.^YMf. andbl. 19; Luke 11:40 Luke 24:25 0 f. slow to believe Rom. 1:22 to be wise, became f. 1 Cor. 4:10 are/ for Christ's sa1:e 2 Cor. 11:19 for ye suffer/ gladly Eph. 5:15 see ye walk not as/. FOOLESa. Deut. 32:6 requite L./. people? 21 provoke thera to angpr with a/, nation. Rom. 10:19 Job 2:"l0 as one of./', women* 5:2 for «Tath killeth the/ man 3 I have seen the/, takingroot Ps. 5:5 f. not stand in thy sight 39:8 niake me not reproach of/. 73:3 for I was envious at the/. 22 so/ was I and isnorant 74:18/. people have blasphemed 22/ reproacheth thee daily Prov. 9:0 forsake the/, and live 13 a/, woman is clamorous 10:1/ son heaviness of mother 14 mouth of/ near destruct. 14:1 the f. phicketh house down 3 mouth off. is a rod of pride 7 go from presence of a/, man 15:7 heart of the/, doeth not so 20/. man despiseth his mother 17:25/ son is grief to his father 19:13/ son calamity of father 21:20 a/ man spendeth a treas. 29:9 if wise contendeth with/. Ec. 4:13 wise child than/ king 7:17 be not wicked, neither/. 10:15 labor of the/, wearietn Is. 44:25 maketh knowledge/. Jer. 4:22 for my people is/. 5:4 these are poor, they are/. 21 hear now this. Of. people 10:8 they are brutish and f. Lam. 2:14proph. seen/, things Ezek. 13:3 woe to the/, prophets Zee. 11:15 instru. off. shepherds Mat. 7:26 be likened to a/ man 25:2 five were wise and flve,f. Rom. 1:21/. heart was darkened 2:20 an instructor of the/ 1 Coi: 1:20/ -w-is. of this world Oal. 3:1 0/. Galatians 3 are ye "so f. ? ha%-ing besun Eph. 5:4 filthiness.nor f. talking 1 Tim. 6:9 rich, fall into f. lusts 2 Tim: 2:23/ qnestions.'ri/. 3:9 Tit. 3:3 we "were sometimes/ 1 Pet. 2:15 silence ignorance of/. FOOLISHLY. Gen. 31:28 thou hast now done / ISam. 1:3:13; 2 CAr. 16:9 Xum. 12:11 sin wherein done/. 2 Sam. 21:10 I have done very/ Job 1:22 nor chanred God/ Ps. 75:4 to the fools, deal not/. Prov. 14:17 soon angry dealethf. 30:.32 if f. in lifting lip thyself 2 Co?: 11:17 I speak as it were/. 21 1 speak/ I am bold also FO0LISH\ESS. 2 Sam. ]5::31 counsel of A. into/. Ps. 38:5 stiuk, because of my/. FOO Pi!.*9:5 0 G. thouknowestmy/. Prov. 12:23 heart of fools pro. f. 14:24 but the/ of fools is folly 15:2 mouth of fools pour, out/ 14 mouth of fools feedeth on/. 19:3/. of man pervert, his way 22:15/ bound in heart of child 24:9 the thought of/, is sin ^7:22 yet will not his/, depart i^c. 7:25 know wickedness of/. 10:13 beginning of words is/. Mark 7:22/ come from within 1 Cor. 1:18 to them that perish/. 21 bv f. of preaching to save 23 pi-cnch Christ to Greeks/. 25/ of God is wiser than men 2: 14 things of Spirit/ unto him 3:19 wisdom of this world is/. FOOT. Gen. 41:44 without thee no man shall lift np his/. Ex. 21:24/. for/. Deut. 19:21 Kum. 22:25 crushed Balaam's /. Deut. 8:4 nor did thy f. swell 11:10 wateredst it with thy/. 29:5 shoe is not waxen old on/. 32::35/. shall slide iu due time 3:3:24 let Asher dip his/, in oil Jos. 1:3 every place/, sh. tread 5:15 loose shoe from off thy/. ,7ud. 5:15 Barak was sent on/. 2 Sam. 2:18 Asa. was as lidit off. 21:20 on/ six toes. 1 C/Tr. 20:6 2 7i. 9:33 trod Jezebel under/. 2 C7ir. 33:8 nor remove/ of Isr. ■Job 2:3:11/. hath held his steps 28:4 even waters forgotten off. 31:5 if my/, hasted to deceit 30:15 forgetteth/ mav crush Ps. 9:15 they hid/ taken 26:12/ standeth in even place 30:11 let not the/ of pride .38:16/ slippeth, they magnify 66:6 went thro' the flood oaf. 68:2.3/ may be dipped in blood 91:12 lest thou dash/ against a stoue. Mat. 4:6; Luke 4:11 94:18 I said. My/, slippeth 121:3 not suttcr/. to be moved Prov. 1:15 thy f. from their path 3:2:3 thy/ shall not stumble 26 keep thy/ fr. being taken 4:27 remove thy/, from evil 2o:17,f. from neighbor's house 19 like a/, out of joint Ec. 5:1 keep thy/ when goest Is. 14:25 on mount, tread under/. 18:7 a nation trodden under/. 20:2 put off shoe from off th v/ 26:6 the/ shall tread it do-.vn 41:2 call'cd righteous to his/. 58:13 turn/ 'from my sabba'th Jer. 2:25 thy/ fr. being unshod 12:10 my portion under/ Lam. 1:15 Lord trodden under/. Ezek. 6:11 stamp with thv/. 29:11 no/ of man. of beast ;32:13/. of man trouble them Dan. 8:13 to be trodden under/ Amos 2:15 s^vift off. not deliver jfat. 5:13 salt trodden under/. 1-1:13 people followed him on/ 18:8 if thy/ offend. Mark 9:45 22:13 bindhim hand and/ and JIark 6::33 many ran a/ thither John 11:44 bound hand and/. Ac's 7:5 so much as to set his/. 20:13 minding himself to 2:0 a/. 1 Cor. 12:15 if the/ sav. Bee. I neb. 10:29 trodden under/, the S. Rev. 1:13 clothed with garni, to/. 11:2 city shall tread under/. Sole of FOOT. Gen. 8:9 no rest for sole off. ■ Deut. 28:56 not set ,'. off. on gr. 65 nor shall sole of thy/ rest ■Tos. 1:3 ev. place*, off. tread on 2 Sam. 14:25 like Alis. fr. s. off. 7«. 1:6*;. off to head Ezek. 1:7 sole off. like calf s FOOT-BRE.\DTiI. De>it. 2:5 not so much as /.-Jr. Right FOOT, left FOOT. Rev. 10:2 he set his r.f. upon the sea, and his l.f. on the earth See TOE. FOOTED. Lev. 11:3 cloven/ that ye Eh. eat 7 though cloven/ unclean 21:19 broken f. not approach Acts 10:12 of four f. beasts. 11:6 Rom. 1:23 like four/ beasts FOOTMEX. 1 Sam. 22:17 to the/". Slay priests Jer. 12:5 if thou hast run with/. CRUDEN'S CONCOHDANCE. 861 FOR FOOTSTEPS. Ps. 17:5 that my/, slip not 77:19 thy/, are not known 80:51 reproa./. of anointed Cant. 1:8 go by/, of the flock FOOTSTOOL. 1 CAr. 28:2 house for /. of God JPs. Si):5 worship at h'is/. 132:7 110:1 encra. thy/. Mat. 22:44; Mark 12:36 : Luke 20:43 ; Acts 2:35; /Z*"*. 1:13 Is. 66:1 earth is my/. ^rfs7:49 iawj. 2:1 remembered not hisf. Mat. 5:35 by the earth it is his/. £Ceb. 10:13 till enemies be/. Jam. 2:3 sit here under my/. FORBADE. Z)eiit. 4:23 the likeness of what/. lAtke 23:2/ to give tribute to C. Ads 16:6 were/, to jireach in A. 2S:31 preaching no man/, him 1 Thes. 2:16/". us to speak to G. 1 Tim. 4:3/ to marry and com. 3 John 10/. th('in that would re. FORBORNE. Jer. 51:30 mighty men/, to flght F0R(;E, HiibMtnntlvc Deut. 34:7 his natural/, abated 1 .S'am. 2:16 I will take it by/. J••. :3:3:24 people be/, their iniq. Mat. 9:2 sins/, thee, 5; Mark 2:5, 9 ; Luke 5:20, 23 ; 7:48 12:31 all sin be/, but ag. HoW G.32; Ma7kS:iS: Luke 12:1) May-ki-.Vi sin should be/. the:i Luke 6:;j7 forgive and ye sh. be/. 7:47 her sins which are many are /. to whom little is/. Acts8:iii thought of heart be/. Eph. 4::j2 for Christ's sake/, you Col. 2:13 having/ all trespasses ■Jam. 5:15 com. sms they sh. be/. 1 John 2:12 bee. your sins are/. FORGIVETH, IXG. Ex. 34:7/ iniq. Nmn. 14:18 Ps. 103:3/ all thine iniquitie.? Luke 7:49 who is this/ sins ? Eph. 4:32/ one ano. Col. 3:13 FORGIVENESS, ES. Ps. 1:30:4 there is /'. with thee Dan. 9:9 the L. o'nr G. b<4ong/. Mark 3:29 nev./. but in danger Ads 5:31 him G. exalt, to give/ 13:38 through him is preaclied/. 26:18 lliey may receive/, of siii^ Eph. 1:7 have/, of sins. Col. 1:1 1 FORGOTTEIV. Gen. 41::30 the plenty shall he/. Deut. 24:19 ami hast/, a sheaf 26:13 neither havel/. them 31:21 this song shall not be/. 32:18/ (iod that formed theo Job 19:14 familiar friends/, mo 28:4 even waters/, of the foot Ps. 9:18 needy not always be/. 10:11 said in heart, God hutu/. 31:12 I am/ as dead man 42:9 My rock, why hast/, mo? 44:17 yet have we not/, theo 20 if we have/, name of our G. 77:9 hath G./. to be gracious J 119:61 but I Inivo not/ thy law 139 mine enemies/, thy words Ec. 2:16 days to come all be/. 8:10 wicked were/, in the city 9:5 the memory of them is/. Is. 17:10/. Godoflhv .-ialvation 2.3:15 Tyre shall be/. 70 years 16 take n harp, thou harlot/. 44:21 O Isr. thou shall not be/. 49:14 /ion said. Lord hath./', mo (15: U> the former troubles are/. ,/,/■. 2:32 peo./ me, 1.3:25; 18:15 !1:2I have /. fln' Lord their God 20:11 never be./'. 2.3:40 2;t:27 forget nsfalhers ha\e/. 30:14 all lliv lovers have /'. theo 41:9/ wickedne.ts of your (Mil. B0;5"jolii In eov. shall iiol he/. 0 have /'. their resting plaeo f-am. 2:ti" sabbaths to be/'. In Z. A'.v*. 22:12 hast /'. nie, si'ilih L. 2.'1:35 because ifiou hast./', mo //(W. 4:6 seeing thou Iuiki' /'. law 8:14 Israel Inidi/. his Milker 1.'):tl thfrefore liine tliev/ mo .1/(1/. 1ll:.5/. broad, .I/ii/i H:1J l.iikf 12:U not oin' of (hem Is/. //f/i. ia:.5 ye have./". e\liorlalion 2 yW. 1:U/. that he hhh puri;uU ItlllKS. I Sam. 13:21 they hrul n flloftw/. 862 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. FOR FORM, Substantive. Gen. 1:2 the earth was without/. 1 Sam. 28:14 what/, is he of ? 2 Sam. 14:20 this/, of speech Job 4:1B could not discern the/. Is. 52:14 his/, more than sons 5.3:2 hath no/, nor comeliness Jer. 4:23 lo, it was without/. Ezek. 10:8 appeared/, of a hand . 4C3:11 show them/, of the house Dan. 3:19/'. of visage changed 23 f. of 'fourth like Son ol God Mark 16:12 he app. in another/. Mom. 2:20 hast/, of knowledge 6:17 obeyed that/ of doctrine Phil. 2:6 who being in/, of God 7 took upon him/, ol a servant 2 Tim. 1:13/ of sound words 3:5 having a/, of godliness FORM, Verb. Is. 45:7 1/ the light FORMED. Gen. 2:7 God/", man of the dust 19 out of ground G.f. ev. beast Deuf. 32:18''l'orgot. G. thatf. thee 2 K. 19:25 that If. it ? /«. 37:26 Job 26:5 things/, under water 13 his handf. crooked serpent .33:6 am/, oiit of the clay Pi. 90:2 or ever hadst/ earth 94:9/ the eye, sh. he not see? 95:5 his hands/ the dry land Prov. 26:10 great God that/, all /■.-. 27:11/ them show no favor 43:1 he that/, thee, O Israel 7 I have/ him, yea, made him 10 before me was no god/ 21 this peo. have I/, for mys. 44:2 and/, thee from the womb 10 who hath/, a god or image 21 my servant, I have/, thee 24 thus saith he that f. thee 45:18 G. hath/. earth,"he/. it 49:5/. me to be his servant 54:17 no weapon/, against thee Jer. 1:5 before If. thee in belly .3:3:2 the L. that/ it to establish Amos 7:1 he/ grasshoppers Rom. 9:20 th. f. say to him/, it Gal. 4:19 till Christ be/ in you 1 Tim. 2:13 Adam first/, then E. FORMER. 1 Sam. 17:30 answer, after/, ma. 2 K. 17:34 do after/, manner, 40 Job 8:8 inquire, I pray, of/, age :30:3 wilderness in/ time waste Ps. 79:8 O rem. not/, iniquities 89:49/ loving-kindnesses ? Ec. l:ll no rem. of/ things 7:10 thatf. days were better Is. 41:22 s"how/. things, 43:9 42:9/ things are come to pass 43:18 remember ye not/, things 46:9 remember f. things of old 43:3 I have declared/, things 61:4 shall raise up/ desolations 63:7 measure/ work into bos. 16 because/, troubles are forg. 17 the/, shall not be rememb. Jer. 5:24 giveth f. and latter rain Hos. 6:3 : Joel 2:23 10:16 is/, of all things, 51:19 34:5 the/, kings before thee 35:28 write in it all/ words E^ek. 16:.35 return to/, estate Dan. 11:29 shall not be as the/ Hag. 2:9 great, than of/ house Zee. 1:4 the/ prophets, 7:7, 12 8:11 I will not be as in/, days 14:8 waters, half toward/, sea Hal. 3:4 pleasant as in/, years Ac's 1:1/. treatise have 1 made Eph. 4:22 concern./, conversa. 1 Pet. 1:14 according to/, lusts Bei). 21:4/ things passed away FORMETH. Amosi:\.i that/ the mountains Zee. 12:1 and/, spirit of man FORNICATIOX. Ezek. 16:29 mult.. /'. in Canaan Mat. 5:32 saving for/. 19:9 John 8:41 we be not "born off. Acts 15:20 abstain fr. /'. 29 ; 5l:23 B07n. 1:29 being filled with all/. 1 Cor. 5:1 f. among you, such/. 6:13 the body is not for/, but 18 flee f. ; 7:2 to avoid f. 2 Cor. 12:21 not repented of/. Gal. 5:19 works of the tlesh,/. Eph. 5:3/ let it not be named Col. 3:5 mortify therefore/. 1 Thes. 4:3 should abstain fr /. Jude 7 giving themsel. over to/. Mev. 2:21 to repent of her/. 9:21 nor repent of their/. 14:8 wine of wrath of/. 18:3 FOR Rev. 17:2 dr. with wine of her /. 4 cup full of filthiness of her/. 19:2 corrupt earth with her/. FORMCATIOiVS. Ezek. 16:15 poured out thy/. Mat. 15:19 proceed/. Mark 7:21 See coajiiT, cojqiitted. FORNICATOR, S. 1 Cor. 5:9 not to comp. with/. 10 altogether with/ of world 11 called a brother be a/. 6:9 nor shall/, inherit kingdom Heb. 12:16 lest there be any/, or FORSAKE. Deut. 31:16 this people will/, me 17 in that day I will/, them Jos. 24:16 G. forbid we sh./. L. 20 if ye /. the Lord, and serve ■Tud. 9:11 sho. I /. mv sweetness 2 K. 21:14 I will'/, remnant 1 Chr. 28:9 if thou/, him, he wi. 2 Chr. 7:19 if ye/ my statutes 15:2 if ye/, him he will/ you Ezr. 8:22 wi-ath ag. them/, him Ps. 27:10 father and mother/. 37:8 cease from anger, /. WTath 89:30 if his children/, my law 94:14 will he/, his inheritance 119:53 bee. wicked/, thy law Prov. 3:3 not mercy and truth /. 9:6/ the foolish, and live 28:4 that/, law, praise wicked Is. 1:28 that/. L. be consumed 53:7 let the wicked/ his way 65:11 ye are they that/ the L. Jer. 17:13/ L. shall be ashamed 2:3:33 I will even/, you, 39 51:9/. Babylon, and let us go Lam. 5:20 vrhy dost f. us so long Dan. 11:30 that/ holy covenant Jon. 2:8 f. their own mercy Acts 21:^1 teachest to/. Moses FORSAKE not. Deut. 12:19 take heed/, n. Le^ite Job 20:13 spare it and/, it not Ps. 38:21/. me not, 71:9, 18 119:8 Of. me not utterly 138:8/. not works of thy hands Prov. 1:8/. n. law of moth. 6:20 4:2 doctrine,/, ye not my law 6/ hern, sliesh. preserve thee 27:10 and father's friend/, not Not FORSAKE. Deut. 4:31 he will not /. thee, 31:6,8; 1 Chr. 28:20 14:27 thou shall not f. Levite Jos. 1:5 nor/, thee, Heb. 13:5 1 Sam. 12:22 7!0< /. his people, 1 K. 6:13 1 K. 8:57 let him notf. us iVcA. 9:31 thou didst notf. them 10:39 notf the ho. of our God Ps. 27:9 neither/, me. O God Is. 41:17 I will 7}0tf. them 42:16 will I do, arid notf. them Ezek. 20:8 nor did /. idols of Eg. FORSAREX. 2 CAr. 21:10 had/ L. 24:24: 2S:G .Veft. 13:11 why is house of G. /. .? Job 18:4 sh. earth be/, for thee ? P.S. 37:25 not seen rlcrhteous /. Is. 7:16 land be f. ofljoth kings 17:2 the cities of Aroer are/. 9 shall be as a /■. boucrh 27:10 the habitation sh.ill be/ :32:14 because palaces shall be/. 54:6 called thee as a woman/'." 62:4 Shalt no more be termed/. Jer. 4:29 every city shall be/ 18:14 wat. from ano. pi. be/. ? Ezek. 36:4 saith Lord to cities/ Amos 5:2 virgin of Israel is/. Zep. 2:4 G. be/, and Ashkeloh Have, hast, hatli FOR- S.\REN. Deut. 28:20 whereby f. me 29:25 bee./. Lord, .Jitd. 10:10 j!;(Z. 6:13 now Lord hathf. ua 10:13 yet ye have f. me and 1 Sam. 8:8 works wherewith/. 12:10 because we h.f. Lord 1 K. 11:*} because they A. /. me 18:18 ye h. f. commandm. of L. 19:10 Israel h. f. covenant, 14 2 K. 22:17 because they /;./. rae, 2 Chr. .34:25 ; Jer. 16:11 ; 19:4 2 Chr. 12:5 he havef. me, and I 13:11 but ye havef. him a4:20 ye haref. L. he ha.f. you 29:6 our fathers havef. him Ezr. 9:10 A. /". thy commandm. ■Tob 20:19because he hathf. poor Ps. 22:1 why Aa-s< thou/, me? ■ Mat. 27:46 ; Mark 15:34 71:11 saying, God hathf, him FOR 7«. 1:4 they havef. the Lord 49:14 Zion said, LorAhathf. me 54:7 for a moment Aftce If. thee Jis?\ 1:16 who havef. me 2:13 A./ me, fountain of waters 17 in that thou hastf. Lord, 19 5:7 thy children havef. me, 19 9:13 because they h.f. my law 19 confound, bee. we h.f. land 12:7 I havef. my house, 1 have 15:6 thou ha^tf. me, saith Lord 17:13 h.f. fount, of living wat. 22:9 they h. f. covenant of God 25:38 hathf. his covert Ezek. 8:12 Lord hathf. earth, 9:9 Mat. 19:27 we havef. all 29 every one that h.f. houses 2 Tim. 4:10 Demas hathf. me 2 Pet. 2:15 which A./, right way Not FORS.\KEN. 2 Chr. 13:10 the Lord is our God, we have notf. him Ezr. 9:9 n.f. us in our bondage Ps. 9:10 /io^/. them seek thee Is. 62:12 be called a city notf. Jer. 51:5 Israel hath not been/. 2 Cor. 4:9 persecuted, but not f. FORSAKETH, ING. Job 6:14 he/ fear of Almighty Ps. 37:28 Lord/, not his saints Pi-ov. 2:17/ guide of her youth 15:10 griev. to him that/, way 28:13 whoso confesseth and/. Is. 6:12 until there be a great/. L'ike 14:33 whoso /. not all hath Heb. 10:25 not/, the assembling FORSOOK, EST. Deut. .32:15/ G. that made him .lud. 2:12 they/. Lord, 13; 10:6 1 Sam. 31:7 /". cities, 1 Chr. 10:7 1 K. 9:9 because/. Lord their G. 12:8 Rehoboam f. counsel of old men, 13 ; 2 Chr. 10:8. 13 2 K. 21:22 Amon/. G. of fathers 2 Chr. 7:22 they/. God of fathers 12:1 Rehoboam/. law of Lord Xeh. 9:17 slow to anger,/, not 19/ them not in wilderness Ps. 78:60/ tabernacle of Shiloh 119:87 but I / not thy precepts Is. 58:2/ not ordinance of God Jer. 14:5 hind calved, and /. it Mat. 26:56/ him, Mark 14:50 Mark 1:1B they/, their nets Luke 5:11 / all. followed him 2 Tim. 4:16 all men f. me Heb. 11:27 by faith iloses/. E. FORSWE.\R. Mat. 5:33 thou sh. not /. thyself FORT, S. 2 Sam. 5:9 David dwelt in the / 2 K. 23:1 build/, a";. J. Jer. 52:4 Is. 25:12/ of w"alls m-ing down 29:3 I will raise/, against thee 32:14 the/, be for dens forever Ezek. 4:2 a/ ag. it, 21:22; 26:8 17:17 building/ cut off many 21:22 divination to build a/. 26:8 shall make a/, against thee :33:27 they in the/ shall die Dan. 11:19 tow./, of own land FORTH. Ps. 113:2 blessed be Lord, from . this *ime/. 115:18 : 121:8 .ler. 49:5 be driven out right/ Mat. 16:21 that time/, began J. 22:46 that day/, ask questions John 11:53 that day/. FORTHWITH. Mat. 13:5 and/, they sprung up Mark 1:43 and/ sent him away .John 19:134/. came out blood and Acts 12:10/ the angel departed FORTLTJfATUS. 1 Cor. 16:17 FORTY. Acts 23:13 more than/, consp. 21 FORTY stripes. Det/t. 25:3 /". str. he may give 2 Cw. 11:21 of the Jews rec./. s. FORTY vears. E.V. 16:35 man. /". ?/. Neh. 9:21 A"«m. 14:3:3 wander/, y. 32:13 34 bear your iniquities/, y. Deut. 2:7 thy walking these/, y. 8:2 God led thee/ years, 29:5 Jos. 5:6 walked/, y. in wildem. 14:7/ years ol'd was I when M. ./»rf. 3:11 rest/ y. 5::31 ; 8:28 13:1 Isr. into the hand of P. /. j/. 2 .SflOT. 15:7 after/", y. Absa. said Ps. 95:10/ y. long was I giieved Ezek. 29:11 nor be Inhabited/. 2^. 13 end of/, y. will gather Eg. Athos 2:10 1 led you/, y. FOU ^mAT!0\S. Deut. 32:22 set on fire /". of moun. 2 /$■«?». 22:8/". of heaven moved 16/ were discov. Ps. 18:7, 15 Ezr. 4:12 and joined the/ 6:3 let the /'. be stronglv laid ■lob .38:4 when I laid f. of earth ? 6 whereupon are tlie/. fasten. Ps. 11:3 if/, be destroyed, what 82:5 all the f. are out of course 104:5 who laid/", of tlie earth Prov. 8:29 api)oiiited /, ofearth Is. 16:7 for/", of Kir-liarcseth 24:18 / of the earth do sliake 40:21 not unders, from tlie /'. 51:13 Lord that laid /". of eiu-th 16 I may lay/, of tlie earth 54:11 lay/", with sai)])liires 58:12 raise up/ of inaiiv goner. Jer. 31:37 if/, can be searched 50:15 her r are fallen 51:26 not "take of thee sto. for f. J.am. 4:11 It hath devour, tlie"/', A',ri'A-. ."iO:! Kgviil's /". brok, down 41:8 tlie/". of tlie sld(i cliambers Mli: 1:6 will discover/, thereof 6:2 ye strong /', of the earth Arts 16:26 f. of prison wi'i-e sliak, Ileh. 11:10" for a cllv that hath A /i'(i\ 21:14 walls i.f city had 12/. 19/. garnished willi ))recloiis Bloncs Fm'A'DKn. 7V, 21:2 he lialb f. It on the seas 89:11 fulii thereorthoil f. them 1(H:H to place tboii f. for them 119:1.52 teKtIinoiiies, hast /'. th. Jh-(>i\ 3:19 bv wisdom hath f. Is. ll:.'12 the I,ord hath f. Zloii 2.3:1,3 was not till Assyrian /'. It :\nii>s\\.<\f. Ills troop 111 earfh ,\tal. 7:25lt 1(41 not, /". on a rook I.iikf 6: 18 It was/, on a rook PO|!>l)Klt. .Jiiil. 17:4 I'live them U> the f. Jn\ 11:29 the A nwlleth In v,iln 10:9 work of the liaiid'oir tin' /, 14/. colli', by yriivon liii. 51: 17' FOU FOCXT.\IX. Gen. 16:7 found Hagar by a/ Lev. 11:36 a f. wherein is water 20:18 he discovered her/, the f. Deut. 33:28 f. of J. be on a lanil Ps. ,36:9 with thee is the f. 68:26 bless Lord from/, of Isr. 74:15 thou didst cleave the/. 114:8 flint into a/ of water Pro?). 5:18 let thy/, be blessed 13:14 law of wise is a/ of life 14:27 fear of Lord is a/, of life 23:26 is as a troubled f. Ec. 12:6 pitcher be bro'ken at/. Cant. 4:12/ sealed; 15/ of Mr. Jer. 2:13/ of living wat. 17:13 6:7 as/ casteth out waters 9:1 Oh that mine eyes were a/. .loel 3:18 a/, come forth Zee. 13:1 tViat day a/, be opened Mark 5:29/ of her bio. dried up ■lam. .3:11/ send forth sw. wat. 12 no f. can yield salt water Bev. 21:6 I will give of/ oflife FOUIVTAIXS. Gen. 7:11/ of deep broken np 8:2/ of the deep were stopped Den't. 8:7 bringeth into land of/. 1 K. 18:5 go to all/ of water 2 Chr. 32:4 much pc. who stop./. Pro?'. 5:16 let thy/, be dispersed 8:24 no/ abounding with wat. 28 he strengthened/, of deep Is. 41:18 will open f. in valleys IJo^. 13:15 f. shall "1)0 dried np Per. 7:17 load them to living/. 8:10 star foil on the/ of waters 14:7 worship him made the/ 10:4 angel poured his vial on/. FOtTR. Gen. 2:10 river became/ heads 14:9/. kings joined battle 47:24 f. parts be own, for seed E)-. 22:1 shall restore/ sheep Iyer. 11:20 fowls going on all/. 27 go on all f. unclean. 42 ■Job 42:16 son's sons, even/. Prov. 30:15/ say not. It is eno. 18 be/, tilings wh. I know not 24 be/, things little on earth 29/. things are comely J-. 17:6/. or five in out. branch. ■Jer. 15:'3 app. over them/", kinds Ezek. 1:5/ living creatures 14:21 f. sore iudgments ou Jer. 37:9 from /". winds, O breath Dan. 3:25 fo. I see/ men loose 7:2/ winds strove on sea 17 these/, boasts are/, kings 8:8 came/, notable horns 22/ kingdoms shall stand 11:4 kingdom towards/, winds Amos 1:3" for f. w. not tiirn away punish. 6, 9, 11. 13; 2:1.4, ti Zee. 1:18 and behold /'. horns Mat. 21:31 gather his elect ftom the./", winds, Mark 13:27 John l:;!5 yet./', months, harvest 11:17 Lazarus in grave/, days 19:23 made/, parts of liis garni. Acts 10:30 /". days ago was fast. 21:9 Philip had./", daughters 23 we have./', men have n vow Pir. 4:6 round thi'one./". beasts 5:14 f. beasts said. Amen. 6:1) 9:14/. angels who iiro bound 11:3a new song before f. boasts 10:4 and (he/, boasts fell down See CORNERS, days. FOI"n tlinrs. .Vt/i. 6:4 soul./'. /. afler this sort foiufoi.o. 2 Sam. 12:6 restore the lamb/. Luke 19:8 any thing, I restore/. See rooTKn, twkntv, inrN- DllKD, TMOl'SANP. FOl HKCORK. Air. 7:7 Moses was f. years old, when spako to I'liiiraoli .tiiil. 3:.'10 land had rest /'. venrs 2 .s'<»/;i, 19:32 Harzlllal \v«s/. yo.i, 2 A'. 6:25 ass's head for /". "pleoos /\. !H):10 ami If thoy bo" f. years Cant. (1:18 and./", coiioiililins /,»<•<• 2:37 wid,"/". and lonr \e,irs 16:7 take tliy Idll and write/. l''OritH('nit 864 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. FRA 2 Cor. 12:2 man above/, years Gal. 2:1 f. years after I went up FOURTEEIVTH. Acts 27:27/. night v/as come See DAT. FOURTH. Gen. 15:16 in /. gen. come hither Ux. 20:5 iniq. to/, generation, 34:7; mim. 14:18; Deut. 5:9 Lev. 19:24 in f. year fruit holy SK. 10:30 child, of/, gen. 15:12 Dan. 2:40 /. kingdom str. as iron 3:25/ is'like the Son of God 7:23/ beast l)e the/, kingdom 11:2 the/, shall be t'ar richer Mat. 14:^ J. came in f. watch Hev. 4:7/ beast like flying eagle 6:7 when opened the/, seal 8:12 the/ angel sounded 16:8/ angel poured vial See DAT, MONTH, PART. FOWL. Gen. 1:26 dominion over/. 28 2:19 God formed every/ of air 7:23 f. of heaven was destroyed 8:17'bring forth of/, of cattle 9:2 fear of you be on every/ 10 establish covenant with/. Deut. 4:17 likeness of winged/. Job 28:7 a path no/, knoweth Ps. 8:8 have dominion ovei-/. 148:10 flying/ praise the L. Jer. 9:10 /. of heavens are fled Ezek. 17:23 under it sh. dw. all/. 39:17 speak to ev. feathered/. 44:31 not eat torn/ or beast Dan. 7:6 four wings of a/. FOWLS. Gen. 7:3 take of/, also by sevens 15:11 when/, came on carcasses Lev. 1:14 burnt sacriiice be of/ 11:13/ have In abomination Sent. 14:20 of clean/, may eat 28:26 carcass be meat to all f. 1 Sam. 17:44 thy fle?hto the f. 46 1 K. 4:33 Solomon spake of/ 14:11 dieth,/. eat, 16:4; 21:24 Ifeh. 5:18/ were prepar. for me Job 12:7 ask/, and they sh. tell Ps. 50:11 1 know all the/. 78:27 rained/ as sand "of sea /s. 18:6 be left to/ of mountains, /. shall summer upon them Daft. 4:14/ get from his branch. Mat. 6:26 the/ they sow not 13:4/ dev. Mark 4:4 ; Lu. 8:5 Marki:Z2f. m. lodge, Lu. 13:19 Liike 12:24 are ye better than/ .'' Acts 10:12 wherein were/ 11:6 Bev. 19:17 an angel cried to all f. 21 f. were filled with th. flesh FOWLS of heaven. Job 35:11 wiser than/, of heaven Ps. 79:2 thy servants meat to /. 104:12/ ofh. have their habit. Jer. 7:33 carcasses of peo. meat for/ o/A. 16:4; 19:7; 34:20 15:3 appoint/, ofhea. to destr. Ezek. 29:5 Ph. for meat to/ of h. 31:6/ 0/" A. made nests in A'ssy. 13 on his ruin sh./ of h. rem. 32:4/ oflieaven to remain 33:20 f. ofh. shake at my pres. Dan. i:38/. ofh. to Nebuchad. Hos. 2:18 covenant with/ ofh. 4:3 shalUanguish with/ ofhea. 7:12 bring them down as/. o/'Vi. Ze;9. 1:31 will consume/ ofhea. jAike 13:19/ of h. lodged in bra. FOWLER, 8. Ps. 91:3 from the snare of the/ 124:7 soul out of the snare of/. Prov. 6:5 as a bird from the/. .flb«. 9:8 prophet is a snare of/ FOX, ES. ./wrf. 15:4 Samson caught 300/ Neh. 4:3/ shall break stone-wa. Ps. 63:10 shall be portion for/ Can*. 2:15 take the f. thelittle/. Lam. 5:18 the/, walk upon Zion Ezek. 13:4 thy proph. are like f. Mat. 8:20/ ha. holes. Lvke 9:58 iui« 13:32 go tell/ I cast out FRAGMEIVTS. Mat. 14:20 took up the/. j»/ar;i; 6:43; i?/ie9:17; Joh.nlJ:V.i Mark 8: 19 many baskets of/ .? John 6:12 gather up the/ FRAIL. P«. 39:4 may know how/. I am FRASIE. Ps. 103:14 he knoweth our/, he .£;«£. 40:2 was as the/, of a city FRE FRAME, ED, ETH. Jud. 12:6 not/ to pronounce it Ps. 50:19 thy tongue/ deceit 94:20 which/ mischi. by a law Is. 29:16/ say to him that/ it? Jer. 18:11 If. evil against you ifos. 5:4 will not/ to turn to G. Enh. 2:21 in whom the build./. Heb. 11:3 worlds/, by word of G. FRANKIiVCEKSE. Ex. 30:34 spices with pure/ Lev. 2:1 put /. 5:11 ; 24:7 ; Num. 5:15 16 priest bum oil -with/. 6:15 1 Chr. 9:29 appoint, to oversee/. Neh. 13:5 where they laid the f. Cant. 3:6 who this perf. with f. ? 4:6 I will get me to the hill of/ 14 cinnara. with all trees of/ Mat. 2:11 they present, to him/. Rev. 18:13 no man buy. their/. FRAIVRLV. Luke 7:42 f. forgave them both FRAUD. Ps. 10:7 his mouth is full of/. Jam. 5:4 hire kept back by/. FRAY. Dei/t. 28:26 f. them, ./er. 7:33 Zee. 1:21 these are come to /. FRECKLED. Lev. 13:39 it is a/ spot groweth FREE. Ex. 21:2 in sev. vear go out/. />««<. 15:12; jer. .54:9, 14 5 if servant say, I will not go out/. 11 she go out/ with, money 26 let tiim go/ for eye's sake Lev. 19:20 not put to dea. not/. Num. 5:19 be/, from bitter wat. 28 if woman not defiled, be/. Dent. 15:18 not hard wh. sen./. 2-1:5 sh. be/, at home one year 1 Sam. 17;2.T father's house/. 2 Chr. 29:31 were of/ heart off. /o6 3:19 servant/ from master .39:5 who sent out wild ass/. .? Ps. .51:12 uphold me with/. Sp. 88:5 /■. am. the dead, like slain 105:20 the king let him go/. Is. 53:6 to let the oppressed go/. ■Jer. 34:9 each let servant go/. 11 whom they let go/, to ret. Mat. 15:6 honor not father, be/. 17:36 then are the children f. Mark 7:11 it is Corb. he sh. be/ ■lohn 8:32 truth sh. m.ike you/. 33 sayest. Ye shall be made/ 36 if Son make you/./, indeed .4c<6- 22:28 but I was/ born /toTO. 5:15 not as offence, so / 16/ gift is of many oft'onces 18/ gift came upon all men 6:18 being made/ from sin, 22 20 were/ from righteousness 7:3 husband be dcacl, she is/ 8:2 life made me/, from death 1 Cor. 7:21 if mayest be made/. 9:1 not an apostle, am I not/ .? 19 though I be/, from all men 12:13 bv one Spirit, bond or/ Gal 3:28 bond nor/. Col. 3:11 4:28 Jerus. which is above is/. 31 but children of the/ 5:1 liberty where. C. made us/. Eph. 6:8 receive of L. bond or/. 2 Thes. 3: 1 word have f. course 1 Pet. 2:16 as/ not using liberty Bev. 13:16 /". "and bond to receive 19:18 flesh of both bond and/. FREED. ■los. 9:23 shall none of yon be/. Bom. 6:7 he dead, is/, from sin FREEDOM. Lev. 19:20 wom. not/ given her Acts 22:28 with great sum this/. FREELY. ffeft. 2:16 of every tree/, eat Num. 11:5 the fis"h we did eat/ 1 Sam. 14:30 if people eaten/. Ezr. 2:68 chief fathers ofi"ered/. 7:15 king hath ofi'ered/ to God Ps. 54:6 will/ sacrifice to thee Hos. 14:4 I will love them/. -l/a<. 10:8/. received,/ give .lc<« 2:29 breth. let me/, speak 26:26 before whom I speak/ Horn. 3:24 Justified/ by grace 8:32 also/, give us all things 1 Cor. 2:12 the things/ given us 2 Co)-. 11:7 preach, gospel of G./ I?ev. 21:6 of fountain of life/ 22:17 whosoever will, let him take/. FRI FREEMAIV. 1 Cor. 7:22 called, is the Lord's/ Pev. 6:15 bond and/, hid them. FREE offerings. Ex. 36:3/ oWerings every mom Amos 4:5 publish the/, o^e^-jngrs FREQUEIVT. 2 Cor. 11:23 in prisons more/. FREEWILL-OFFERIJVG. Lev. 22:21 a/.-o^. sh. be perfect Deut. 23:23 /".-ojf. shalt thou keep Ezr. 3:5 wi'llingly ofi'ered a.f.-of. 7:16 silver canst find with/.-o^. 8:28 silver and goMf.-ojfenng FREEWILL-OFFERINGS. Deut. 12:0 thither bring/.-o^er. Ps. 119:103 s.Q.Q.\,f .-offerings FREE-WOMAiV. Gal. 4:22 had two sons hyf.-w. 23 but he of/, was by promise 31 not child, of bondw. off.-w. FRESH, ER. Num. 11:8 taste of manna as/ Job 29:20 mv glorv was/ in me 33:25 flesh 'be/, than a child's Ps. 92:10 anointed with/ oil Jam. 3:12 yield salt water and/ FRET. Lev. 13:55 burn it in fire, it is/. FRET, TED, ETH, liVG. Lev. 13:.51 is a/ leprosy, 14:44 1 Sam,. 1:6 to make her/. Ps. 37:1/. not, 7, 8; Prov. 24:19 iVOT. 19:3 his heart/ against L. Is. 8:21 when hungry they sh./ Ezek. 16:43/ me in these" things FRIEND. Ex. 33:11 G. spake as man to/ Deut. 13:6 if thy f. entice thee ■lud. 14:20 he used as his/. 2 Sam. 13:3 Amnon had a/ Jon. 15:37 Hushai, David's/ 16:16 10:17 is this thy kindness to/ .? 2 CAr. 20:7 to seed of Abr. thy/. Job 6:14 pity be showed from/. 27 and yon diga pit for your/. P,";. 35:14 as though been my/ 41:9 familiar/ lift up his heel 88:18 lover and/, far from me ProiK 6:1 if be surety for thy/ 3 hand of/, make sure thy/. 17:17 a/. loveth at all times 18 siirety in presence of his/ 18:24 a/, closer than a brother 19:6 is a/, to him givcth gifts 22:11 the king shall be his/. 27:6 faithful are wounds of a/. 9 man's /. by hearty counsel 10 own/, father's f. forsa. not 14 bless, his/, witli loud voice 17 sharpenet'h counten. of/ Cant. 5:16 beloved, this is my/. Is. 41:8 art seed of Abra. my/. Jer. 6:21 the neighbor and his/. 19:9 eat every one flesh of his/. Hos. 3:1 belo.of her/, adulteress j>fic. 7:5 trust ye not in a/. Mat. 11:19 f. o"f public. Lvke't:34 20:13/ I do thee no wrong 22:12/. how earnest in hither? 26:50/. why art thou come? Luke 11:5 shall have a f. and say,/, lend me three loaves 14:10 may say,/, go up higher Joh7i 3:29/ of bridegr. rejoiceth 11:11 our/. Lazarus sleepeth 19:12 thou art not Cesar's f. Acts 12:20 made Blastus th'cir f. .lam. 2:23 Abraham call./ of G. 4:4/. of world, is enemy of G. FRIENDLY. Jud. 19:3 to speak/ to her Puth 2:13 spoken/, to handm. Prov. 18:24 show himself/. FRIENDS. 1 Sam. 30:26 D. sent spoil to/ 2 -Sam. 3:8 kindness to Saul's/. 19:6 lovest enemies hates t/ 1 K. 16:11 left not one of his/. Est. 5:10 Haman called for hie/ 14 then said wife and/, to him 6:13 Hainan told/, every thing Job 2:11 when Job's three/, he. 16:20 my/, scorn me 17:5 speateth flattery to his/. 19:14 my/, have forgotten me 19 my inward/, abhorred me 21 have pity on me. O ye/. 32:3 Elihu's wrath kind, ag./ 42:7 kindled ag. Elipliaz and/ 10 when he prayed for his/. Ps. 38:11/. aloof from my sore Prm\ 14-20 the rich hath many/ 16:28 whisperer separat. chief/. FRU Prov. 17:9 repeat, matter, sep. f. 18:24 hath/ show him. friendly 19:4 wealth maketh many /". 7 more do/ go far from" him Cant. 5:1 eat, 0/ drink, yea Jer. 20:4 thee a terror to thy/. 6 buried there, thou and thv/. 38:-22 thy/, have set thee on" Lam. 1:2 her/, have dealt treac. Zee. 13:6 wounded in house of/. Mark 3:21 when his/, heard of it 5:19 J. saith. Go home to thy/. Luke 7:6 centurion sent/ to him 12:4 my/, be not afraid of them 14:12 a dinner, call not thv /'. 15:6 he calleth together his"/. 9 she calleth her/, saying 29 make merry with my/. 16:9 make/, of the mammon 21:16 ye shall be betrayed by/. 23:12 Pilate and Herod made/. John 15:13 down his life for his/. 14 ye are my/ if ye do what" 1 15 but I have called you/. Acts 10:24 Cornelius called his/. 19:31 who v.'cre/ sent to him 27:3 liberty to go to his/. 3 John 14 f. salute thee, greet/. FRIENDSHIP. Prov. 22:24 no/, with angry r.i.in Jam. 4:4 f. of world is eimiily FRINGE, S. Ni/m. 15:.38 make/ put on/. .39 Deut. 22:12 make thee/. To and FRO. Gen. 8:7 a raven, went to and f. 2 K. 4:35 Elisha walked toamjf. Job 1:7 said, Fr. going to a.f. 2:2 7:4 1 am full of tossings to aiidf. 13:25 a leaf driven to andf. Y Ps. 107:27 they reel to andf. Prov. 21:6 vanity tossed^oanrff. Is. 24:20 earth shall reel to a./. 33:4 running to andf. of locusts 49:21 and removing to andf. Ezek. 27:19 Dan going to andf. Zee. 1:10 L. sent to walk to a'.f. 11 we have walked to and f. 6:7 walk to a.f. so they walked to andf. through earth Eph. 4:14 no more tossed to a.f. See RUN. FROGS. Ex. 8:2 all thy borders with/. 7 the magicians brought tip/. Ps. 78:45 he sent/, which dc.-ir. 105:30 the land brought forth/. Bev. 10:13 unclean spirits like/. FRONT. 2 Sam. 10:9 f. of battle ag. him FRONTLETS. Ex. 13:16 be for /'. between eyes Deut. 6:8 shall be as/ 11:18 FROST. Gen. 31:40/. consumed by night Ex. 16:14 as small as the hoar/. Job 37: 10 by breath of G./ given 38:29/. of heaven, who hath Ps. 78:47 dest. syca. trees with/. 147:16 he s cattcreth the hoar/. Jer. 36:30 Jeh. body cast out to/. FROWARD. Deut. 32:20 a very/ generation 2 Sam. 22:27 with/, wilt show thyself/. Ps. 18:26 ■lob 5:13 counsel of/ carried,hc. Ps. 101:4 a/, heart shall depart Prov. 2:12 'man speaketh/ thin. 15 ways crooked,/, in "paths 3::32/. IS abomination to Lord 4:24 put away fr. thee/, mouth 0:12 walketh with a/, mouth 8:8 there is nothing/, in them 13 and the/, mouth do I hate 10:31/ tongue shall be cnt out 11:20 of a/, heart, are abomin. 16:28 a/, man soweth strife 30 stait. eyes to devise/. thinM 17:20/. heart, findeth no good 21:8 the way of a man is/. 22:5 thorns are in way. ot the/. 1 Pet. 2:18 serv. be subject to/. FROWARDLY. Is. 57:17 he went on/, in way FROWARDNESS. Prov. 2:14 delight in/ of wicked 6:14 /'. is in hfs heart 10:3^ mouth of wicked speak./. FROZEN. Job 38:30 face of the deep is/. FRUIT. Gen. 1:29 every tree wherein is/. 4:3 Cain brought of the/. CRUDEN'S CON'CORDANCE. 865 FRU Oea. 30:2 hath with./, of womb I:k. 21:23 so that her/, depart Leo. 19:2.3 count/. un<;ircamc. 24 fourth year/ ehall be holy 2';:;3 six years snalt gather in /. 27:30 the tithe of/, is the Lorrt's Nvm. 13:2B showed th./. of land Ziewi. 1:2.5 the/, in thnr hands 7:13 he will bless/, of thv land 22:9 lest/, of vinoy. be denied 2fl:2 take of first of all the/. 2i^:4 iilessed be/, of thy body 11 plent. in/, of thy body, .30:9 18 cursed be the/, of thy body 40 thine olive shall cast his/. 42 tliy/. shall locust consume Jiid. 9:11 sho. I forsake my/. ,*■ 2 6'aTO. IB: 2 summer f. for young r.<. 21:10 their/. shaU destroy 7.1:16/ thereof shake like Leb. 131:1.3 earth is satisfied with/. 1 j5:3.5 locusts devoured the/ 1,7:.3 f. of womb is his reward l]2:liof/. ofthy body Prov. 8:19 my/, is bet. than gold 1 3:16/ of wicked tendeth to sin 11:.30/. of righteous tree of life 12:14 satisfied by/, of mouth 13:20 satisfied with/, of mouth i;i:16 with/, of her hand she 31 give her of/, of her hands C:iT)t. 2:3 his/, sweet to my taste 8:11 for the/, bring silver 12 that keep/, two hundred Is. 3:10 sh. eat/, of their doings 4:2/. of earth shall be excellent 10:12 punish/, of stout heart 13:18 no pity on/, of the womb 14:29 his f. be a fiery serpent 27:6 fill fixceofthcworldwitb/. 9 the/, to bike away his sin 23:4 hasty/, before the summer 57:19 I create/, of lips, peace 05:21 and eat the/, of them Ji'r. G:19 will bring/, of thong. 7:20 my fury be on/, of ground 11:16 olive-tree of goodly/. 19 let us destroy tree with/. 17:10 f. of doings, 21:14: .32:19 j:zek. 17:9 cut oft' the/, thereof 19:12 cast wind dried up her/. 14 fire is gone, hath devour./. 2,'):4 they shall eat thy/, and 36:30 I will multiply/ of tree 47:12 nor/, thereof be consnm. Dan. 4:12/. thereof much, 21 14 and said thus. Scatter his/. JIos. 10:13 have eaten/, of lies 14:8 from me is thy/, come Amos 2:9 dcstroyetf/. froin ab. 6:12/ of right, into hemlock 7:14 a gatlicrer of sycamore/. 8:1 a basket of summer/. 2 Mic. 6:7/ of bo. for sin of soul ? 7:13 land deso. for/, of doings Jlah. 3:17 neither/, be in vines JIag. 1:10 cartli stayed fi-. her/. Zee. 8:12 vine shall give hery. Mai. 1:12 table is pollut. and/. 3:11 nor your vine cast her /. Mat. 12:33 and his/, good, for the tree is known by his f. 21:19 let no/, grow on tliee 34 when time of/, drew near 20:29 I will not dnnk of/, of the vine, Mark 14:2,5 Mark 12:2 might rec. f. of vino. L'ike 1:42 bles. is/, of thy womb 13:6 sought/, and fouiul nemo 7 1 come sec'king f. on fig-tree 20:10 should give film of the/. Mm 4:36 gather./, to life eter. Act.H 2:30 of/, of his loins raise Horn. 1:13 I inight have some/. 6:21 what/, had ye in tli. thin. 22 have ymxr f. unto holiness 15:28 sealid to tlu'm this/". Onl. h-.iif. of Spirit is love /'.>/(. 6:9 /■. of Sp. Is in all good. I'HI. 1:22 this Is/, of my labor •):17 dr'sin^ f. that nwiy abound I'lh. 13:15 o'fter/. of our lii)H ./(fill. 3:18/, of right, so. in jjearo 5:7 wulteth for th<' precious /'. JiKli: 12/.wltlieretli, without/. Si r I'.AT. Ilcnr, or bonrclh FHHIT. 2 li. ll):Hf)/;. f. upward. In. :i7-31 AV-c^. 17:8 lliat It might hear f '£\h\ h.ighl of lH.lt shall A./. Iloi. 9-l(i llicy shall hmr no /". .Inif 2 22 till- trei! twarelli Iht f. ,)/(/'. 13:2,1 is he who bean III' f. l.'iliC 8 8 good groinid. aiwl // f. 1 )•(» If II Imirf. well John 15 2 I'V lirancli In mv Ihnt bcarvlh not/, thai liairHliJ. 66 FRU John 1d:4 branch cannot J./. 8 b. much/, so be my disciples Dring, bringelh, or brought forth FRUIT. Lev. 25:21 b. forth f. three years Niim. 13:20 and bririrj of the /'. Neh. 10:35 b.f. of all trees, .37 Ps. 1:3 bring, forth f. in season 92:14 bring forth f. in old ago ■Ler. 12:2 wicked bring fortk'f. Ezek. 36:11 they shall bring f. f. 47:12 sh. b.f. new/, for meat noK. 10:1 Is. b.f.f. to himself Mat. 3: 10 liriri.gftn. not forth good /. 7:19; i'(//-e 3:9 7:17every goodtreeS./. good/. 18 good tree cannot b.f. evil/. 13:26 when blade brought f.f. Mark 4:20 hear word and b.f.f. 28 earth b. forth f. of herself L^lke 8:14 b. no/, to perfectiou 15 bring forth f. with patience .7o/i?il2:24if itdie, it*./, mucli/. 15:2 it may bring forth more/. 6 abideth in me, b.f. much/. 16 I ordained that you sh, b. f.f. Rom. 7:4 we should b.f.f. to G. 5 work to b.f.f. unto death Col. 1:6 gospel b.fort'i f. in you Jam. 5:18 E. prayed earth b.f.f. See rmsT-pnuiTS. FRUIT-TREES. Neh. 9:25 possessed/. -<. inabnn. Yield, vieldetli, yielding ■ FRUIT. den. 1:11 fruit-tree yieUHng f. Lev. 25:19 land shall yield her/. 26:4 trees of field shall y. their/. nent. 11:17 land yield not her/. Prov. 12: 12 root of righteous?/./. Jer. 17:8 nor shall cease fr. y.f. Ezek. 34:27 tree of field shall y. f. .36:8 yield your/, to my people Mark 4:7 thorns chok. it, ?/. no/. 8 on good ground, and did y. f. Ileb. 12:11 y. peace./, of ri,g!'ito. Rev. 22:2 y. her/, every month FRUITFUL. Orn. 1:22 be/. 23; 8:17; 9:7; 35:11 17:6 I will make thee exceed./. 20Ishmael/.,- 48:4 Jacob/. 26:22 made room, we shall be/. 23:3 God AlmiglUy make th(!e/. 41:.52 for God caused me to be/. 49:22 Joseph is a/, bougli, even Ex. l:7clii!dren of Israel were/. Jjev. 26:9 I will make you/. P.S'. 107:34/. land intoiiarrenness 128:3 thy wife shall be a/, vine 148:9/. trees, praise the Lord Ik. 5:1 hath vineyard in a/, hill 17:6 in the outmost/, branches ,32:12 shall lament for/, vine Jer. 4:26/. place was a wildern. 23:3 they sh. be/, and increase Kzek. 19:10 she was/. lion. 13:15 thougli he be/. Acts 14:17 gavc>ain an(I/. Col. 1:10/. in every good work See FIELD. FRUITS. Oen. 4.3:11 take of the best f. Et. 22:29 to ofler first of ripe/. 2.3:10 six years gather in the'/. Lev. 2.5:15 aecor. to years of/". 16 22 till her/', come in, eat old 26:20 nor sfi. trees yield their/. Dent. ;j;j:14 precious/, by sun 'i Sum: 9:10 thv sons bring in/. 2 A". 8:6 restore to her all the/. 19:29 plant vineyards, and eat/. ■lol) 31::i9 if eaten./", with, money I'.i. 107:37 which inav yield/". . AV-, 2:5 trees (.fall kind of/*. Cant. 4:13 orchard with pleas. /". 16 my beloved eat pleasant /'. 6:11 I went to see/, of valley 7:13 at gal(^s all manner of/". /*■. ;i.l:!) I?, and C.ir. shake oil"/. ham. 4:9 i)ine aw. for want of/". Mill. 3:11 he shall not destroy '/". Mat. .•):8 /■. meet forri'p. LukeW^ 7:16 v«' sh. know them bv f. 20 2I:;!I they inli;lil vci'cive'tbe/. 41 i-ender lilni /'. in th. seasoU 4;) given to nation lirlnglngy". J.iikr 12:17 wlnTe to bestow /". 2 Ciir. II: 10 liu-ivaM,. f. of rlirfiti'. /'//(/. 1:11 1111,(1 Willi/", of right, 2 Tim 2:6 first partaker of the /", Jam. .'1:17 wisdom full ol uood/', /■'e royal law Rev. 17:17 in hearts to/, hia will FULFILLED. Oen. 25:24 when her days were/. 29:21 give me wife, days are/. 50:3 forty days were/, for so Ec. 5:14 why not/, your task? Lev. 12:4 till days of puri. be/. 6 !ivm. 6:13 days'of separation/. 2 Sam. 7:12 when thy days be/. 1 K. 8:15 with his hand /'. It 24/ it with hand, 2 Chr. 6:15 2 Chr. 6:4 hath/, that he spake Ezr. 1:1 word of L. might be/. Jo6 36:17 hast/, judgment Lam. 2:17 /". his word 4:18 our days are./", end come Ezek. 5:2 when days of sieL'e/. /Jon. 4::!:3 same hour was thi. f. 10:3 fill three whole weeks/. Mat. 1:22 that it might be/. 2:15 23; 8:17; 12:17: 13:35; 21:4; 27:3.5; ./ohn 12:.38; 15:2.5; 17:12; 18:9, 32 ; 19:24, 28 2:17 was/, that spoken, 27:9 5:18 in no wise pass till all be/. 13:14 is/, prophecy of Esaias 24:34 shall not pasi till all be/. Ma}-k 1:5 the tinn; is./", 13:4 wh. sign when all sli, be/, ,>" Lake 1:20 words wh, shall be./". 2: 13 when they had /". the days 21:22 that all writteii may be /'. 2t until timesof (Jcntiles be/'. 22:16 not eat till /". in kin.ofi). 21:4 1 all nnisl be/.spokcn by M. John 3:'29 my Joy therefore is/. 17:13 tnv ,|oy./'. in themselves Acts .3:18 s'h()wed, he hath so/. 9:23 many days /. thir.Icws took 12:25 Paiil and Rar,./". ministry l:!;"i5 and as John,/"] his course 2 5/", them in condcmninirhlm 2t»wben had./", all written 33 God hath '/", the same to us 14:'2(1 to grace" for work Ihcv /'. ftom. 8:4 right, of law be I. (n uh i:t:8 lovetli another hath /". law 2 Cor. 10:11 when obedience Is /". I.'iil. 5:14 law Im /". In one word /('((', 6:11 killing of breth, bo/". 1.5:8 till seven plaiiues were'/'. 17:17 till thewordsorOod b'e /". •.Kl:!l no nu>re till I.IHKI .vrs. lie/, .s'cf Hfiiirri'iiK. Fri.riM.i\G. J't. MH.b slorniy wi./. Ills word FUL Rom. 1.3:10 love is the/, of law Eph. 2:3/. desires of tlcsh FULL. Gen. 15:16 iniq. of A. not yet/. 25:8 Abra. old, and/, of years 35:29 Isa. bein^ old, and/, days 41:7 thin ears dev. seven/, ears Ex. 22:3 sh. make/, restitution Num. 22:18 house/, of sil. 24:13 Jvd. 6::38 bowl/, of water Rtith 1:21 I went out/, and Lord 2:12 a/, reward be given thee 1 Sam. 18:27 in/, tale to king 2 K. 3:16 make val./. of ditches 6:17 the mountain/, of horses 7:15 all the wav/. "of garments 10:21 house of Baal/. 1 Chr. 21:22 grant for/, price, 24 Job 5:26 come to grave in f. age 7:4/ of tossings to and fro 10:15 I am/, of confusion, see 11:2 man/ of talk be justified ? 14:1 few days/, of trouble 20:11 bones"/.' of sins of youth 21:23 dieth in his/, strength 24 his breasts/, of milk 32:18 t am/, of matter P.-i. 17:14/ of child. leave rest 69:20 I am/, of heaviness 73:10 waters of a/, cup wrung 74:20/ of habitations of cruelty 78:25 sent them meat to the/. 104:16 trees of Lord are/, of sap 127:5 hath quiver/, of fhera 144:13 our gamers may be/. P)r,JK 17:1 house/, of s'acrifices 27:7/. soul loathcth honey-co. 20 hell and destmction never/. 30:9 lest I be/, and deny thee Ec. 1:7 into sea, yet sea not/. 11:3 clouds/, of rain Is. 1:11/. of burnt offerings 15 your hands are /". of blood 11:9 earth sh. be/.bf kno. of L. 25:6 a feast/, of "marrow 23:8 for all table are/, of vomit Jer. 6:11 I am./", of fury of the L. Lam. 1:1 city "that was/, of peo Ezek. 1:18 rings were/", of eyes 10: 12 wheelsVere/. 'of eyes 37:1 \alley ^^■h. was/, of bones Joel 2:'24 floors sh. be/, of wheat .Ific. 3:8/. of i)o\ver by spirit Ilab. 3:3 earth/, of his praise Zee. 8:5 st./. of Ixiys and girls Mat. 6:22./". of liglit. Liiken:S6 14:20 of iVaguu'Uts twelve bask. /. J/o;* 6:43 15:37 left seven baskets./". 23:25 within are./", of extortion 27/ of dead men's bones, 28 Luke 1:57 now Eliz../". timecimo 4:1 Jesus being/, of Holy Gh. 6:25 woe unto von /". 10:20 L. laid at gal"e/. of sores John 1:14 among us/, of grace 7:8 my time is not yet/, come 15:11 "your joy mitjht be/. 16:34 Acts 2:13 men/, of new wine 6:3 look out men/, of H(dy G. 5 9:36 Dorcas /'. of good works 13:10 said. Of. of all subtilty Ro/n. 1:2!)/. of envy, nnirder 1 Cor. 4:8 now ve are /". now rich Phif. 4:12 instructed to be/. 18 and aboiuid. I am./'. 2 Tim. 4:5./', i)r<)of of ininistry /ft/). .5:14 meat to them of/', age ■/am. 3:8 tongue/, of deadly poi. 1 /'ft. 1:8 joy unspeak. /', of glo. 2 Pet. 2:14 eyes /'. of arfiillery 1 John 1:1 yourjoy may be/. A't r. 4:6 four beasts/, of eyes, 8' 5:8 golden vials /'. (">l odoi^ 15:7 gold, vials/, of wrath of O. 17:3./". of names of blasphemy 4 golden cup./, of aboniinat. 21:'.l sev, vials/, of seven plag. *C ASsmiANl'K, COMPASSION. I* PULL. P». 10:7 mouth is I. Rom. .3:14 96: 10 riuht hand'i.< /". of bribivn 29:4 voice of I, is f. of niajeslv 33:5 earth !.••• f. of i;oi>dMe,"» of fj. 6.5:!! river of'ti, w1i, hf. of w«U 758 wine red. It is f of mixturo I(VI:2I earth i.« f. o) lliV riches 11!»:I">-1 earth. rbl(«id, city \sf. .V(iA. 3:1 •s'lUI/, of lies and ri>b. 866 CEUDEN'S COJfCORDANCE. FUR LvTie 11:34 body Uf. of light, is/. 39 inward part isf. of ravening To the FULL. Ex. 16:3 did p:it Invad to Vvef. 8 Iav. 20:5 shall eat bread to ilief. FULLER, S. 2 K. IS:!? in highway of the/. field, />'. 7:3; 3«:2 ifal. 3:21ikerefiner'sfire.,/. soap Mark 9:3 no/, on earth can wh. FULLY. Kum. 14:2-t C. that followed me/. Ec, 8:11 heart of sons of m. is/. Mih. 1:10 dev. a? stubble/ ihy Acts 2:1 day of Pen tec. was/ c. Mom. 4:21 being/ persuaded, 14:.5 let ev.. man be/, persuaded 2 Tim. 3:10 hast/, kno. my doc. Ilev. 14:18 thrust sickle, grapes/. FULLNESS. 1 Chr. 16:32 let sea roar and the /. thereof, ft. fl6: 11; 93:7 Ps. 16:11 in thv pres. is/, of joy 24:1 L.'s and f. 1 Cor. 10:26, 28 50:12 world mine, and/ 89:11 Jolui 1:16 his/, have we received Horn. 11:12 much more their/ .? 25/ of the Gentiles be come 15:29 shall come in/ of gospel GaL 4:4 wh./ of time was come Eph. 1:10 in/, of times 23 f. of him that tilleth 3:19 be filled with all/, of God 4:13 come to stature of/, of C. Col. 1:19 in him sho. all/, dwell 2:9 in him dwelleth/ of God. FURBrSH, ED. Jer. 46:4/ spears, put on briga. Ezelc. 21:9 sword sharpened./ 10 11 given to be/ / 28 sword/. FURIOUS. Prov. 22:24 with/, man not go 29:22/'. man aboundeth in tran. Ezek. 5:15 exec. judg. in/. 25:17 Dan. 2:12 Nebuchad. was very/ Nah. 1:2 Lord revengeth and is/. FURIOUSLY. a K. 9:20 like Jehu, he driveth/ FURLONGS. Lvke 24:13 Kramaus from J. 60/. John 6:19 had rowed about 25/ 11:18 Bethany nigh J. abo. 15/ Mev. 14:20 bv space of 1,600/ 21:16 he measured city, 12,000/ FURNACE, S. Gen. 15:17 smoking/ burning 19:28 smoke went as smo. of/. Ex. 9:8 handf. of ashes of/. 10 19:18 ascended as smoke of/ Doit. 4:20 L. hath taken out of f. 1 K. 8:51 fr. midst of/ Jer. 11:4 Neh. 3:11 rep. tower of/. 12:.38 i%. 12:6 silver tried in/ of earth Prow. 17:3/ for gold, 27:21 Is. 31:9 fire in Zion,/ in Jomsa. 48:10 chosen in f. of affliction Ezck. 22:18 Is. dross in mid. of/. 20 as tin in the midst of/. 22 Dan. 3:6 into midst of fiery/. 11 Mat. 13:42 cast into/, of fire, 50 Mev. 1:15 feet as if burned in a/ 9:2 as the smoke of a gxeat/. FURNISH. Deut. 15:14 thou shall/ him Ps. 78:19 G. f. table in wilder. ? Is. 6.5:11/ the drink-ofl'ering Jer. 46:19/ to go into captivity ■ FURNISHED. X.K. 9:11 Hiram/. Sol. with ced. Pixm. 9:2 hath also/ her table Mat. 22:10 wed. f. with guests Mark 14:15 a room/, iw/ce 22:12 2 jTiOT. 3:17/ unto all good wor. FURNITURE. Gen. 31:34 Rachel put in cam./. £lE. 31:7 and his/. 39:33 35:14 the candle-tick and his/. i\^a/i. 2:9 end of all pleasant/ FURROW, S. Job 31:38 or/ thereof complain 39:10 canst bind unicorn in f. >' Ps. 65:10 thou settlest/ thereof 129:3 plough, made long their/. Ezek. 17:7'might water it i)y/. 10 it shall wither in the /'. Bos. 10:4 hemlock in /'. of' field 12:11 their altars as heaps in f. FURTHER. Job 38:11 hither, come, but no/. 40:5 but I will proceed no/ Ec. 12:12 f. my son, be adinon. Mat. 26:65 what/ need of wit. f ifaz-A 14:63; iu,fe 22:71 GAI Luke 24:28 tho" he would gone/. Act'! 4:17 spread no/, am. people 24:4 be not /'. tedious unto thee 27:28 gone ii little/, th. sounded 2 Tim. 3:9 shall proceed no/ Ileb. 7:11 what/, need an. priest FURTHER, EO, Verb. Ezr. 8:36 ;". peo. and house of G. Ps. 140:8 OL./. not wicked dev. FURTHERANCE. PJ)il. 1:12 rather to/ of gospel 25 sh. abide with 'you for yo./ FURTHERMORE. Ex. 4:6 Lord said/', to Moses Ezek. 8:6 Lord said/, to Ezekiel FURY. Gen. 27:44 thv brother's/ turn ■lob 20:23 God" cast/, of wrath Is. Tt-.if. is not in'me 34:2 his/, is upon their armies 51:13 bee. of /. of oppressor; and v/here is/ of oppressor'? 17 Jer. wh. has drunk cup of/ 20 are full of/ of the Lord 22 even dregs of cup of my/. .59:18 repay/, to adversaries 63:3 trample them in my f. 5 my/, it upheld me, 6 Jer. 4:4 lest my f. come like fire 6:11 I am full of/ of the Lord 21:5 will fight against you In/. 12 lest mv f. go oat like fire 23:19 gone" ibrtli in/ 30:23 25:15 the wine-cup of this/. 36:7 great/. L. hath pronounced Lam. 4:11 L. hath accomplish./ Ezfk. .5:13 cause my/, to rest 6:12 will I accomplish mv f. 8:18 therefore will I deal'ih/. 13:13 stormy wind in mv/. 1K::38 I will give thee blood in f. 19:12 she was plucked up in/. 20:33 with /'. pou. out will I rule 21:17 I will cause my/, forest 24:8 it might cause f.'to come 13 till I have caused/, to rest 38:18 that my/, shall'come up Dan. 3:13 Nebuchadnez. in/. 19 8:6 ran unto him in the/ 9:16 let thy/ be turned away 11:44 shall go forth with great/ Mic. 5:15 execute/, on heathen Ze/:. 8:2 jealous w'ith great/. See potJK, POURED. G GAAL. Jiid. 9:41 GABRATHA. John 19:13 GABRIEL. Dan. 8:16; 9:21; Luke 1:19, 26 G.\D. Gen. 30:11 shecalledhisname G. 35:26 sons of Zilp. G. andAsher 46:16 the sons of G. Num. 1:24; 26:15, 18 49:19 G. a troop shall overcome Num. 1:14 prin. of G. 2:14; 7:42 32:1 ch. of G. had cat. 2, 29, 33 Deut. 27:13 mount E. to curse G. Jos. 4:12 children of G. passed over 22:9 chil. of G. retnrned fr. Shi. 2 Sam. 24:11 G. D." 8 seer, 1 Chr. 29:9 1 Chr'. 29:29 in book of G. 12:14 Ezek. 48:27 a portion for G. 34 Tribe of G.4D. Num. 1:25 of t. ofG. 45.650, 2:14 Jof. 20:8 out of the tribe of G. Pev. 7:5 tribe o/G. sealed 12,000 GADARENES. Mark 5:1 ; Lulce 8:26, 37 GADDEST. Jer. 2:36w-hy g'. thou to change? GADITE, S. Deut. 3:12 land gave I unto G. 16 1 Chr. 12:8 G. separated, 26:32 GAIN, Substantive. Jud. 5:19 kings of C. took no g. Job 22:3 it g. to make way per. '/ Prov. 1:19 everyone greedy of §■. 3:14 g. is better than fine gold 15:2'7 is greedy of g. trouWeth 28:8 by unjust g. i'ncreaseth Is. 3;3:15 despis.'i/. of oppression 56:11 for his g. i'rom quarter Ezek. 22:13 smit. hand at dish. g. 27 princes wolves to get dis. }/. Dan. 11:39 divide land for g. Mic. 4:13 I will consec. g. to L. Acts 16:16 bro. masters much l;'22 Ihej (/, lln'mMelves /«(/, A'c, 3:5 II lime lo (/, sloiies Iihi. Is. 11:12 f/, l. 2:5 (/, to him all nations .Milt. 12:.J0(/, not scat. LukeW-.ta 2:i:.!7 iis alien g. her cliieke':u ./i;/i/i 4:;j6 he lli"al reajieth j/, iViiit GATHERING. S. Gen. 49:10 lo him shall (/. of peo. .\i///i. 15:.'tl found lilin y, slii... I K. 17:10 widow wasy. sliil.s Is. 33:1 spoil like ;/, ofcaterpll. .Mat. 2.5:'-'4 g. w here nol strewed .ids hi: 10 lissui-edly g. L, ealle.l 1 Cor. 16:2 bo no g. wh. 1 como V. \VK. Gen. 2:20 .\d. (/. iniineH to cnltle •S:I2 woman (/. me of the lice M:'20(/. Utiles or nil, thli. 7;:. 4 Jus. 21:11 L. (/, Iheiii rest, )i iHr, 1ft: 1.5; '.'O-.IO 1 Sam. 10;9 li. 11. Siinlano he)«r{ .lob 1:21 L.I/, li.iiil hiKh taken Ps. 18:1.1 llli:he-l (/, his voice (i!l;2l (/, me gull, (/, vinegar A<-. 11:7 spir, reln'rn to '. 10:29 taken lodging at G. Zee. 14:10 be as plain Yrom G. GEBAL. Ps. 83:7; Ezek. 27:9 GEBIM. /s. 10:31 GEDALIAH. 2 A'. 25:24 G. sware, Jer. 40:9 1 CAr. 25:3 G. and Z. Ezr. 10:18 Je?'. 38:1 G. son of Pashur heard 41:2 Ishmael -smote G. 43:6 Zep. 1:1 son of Cashi, sou of G. GEHAZI. 2 K. 4:12, 27; 5:21, 25; 8:4 GEIIAEIAH. Jer. 29:3 ; 36:25 GEXDER. Lev. 19:19 sh. not let cat. g. wi. 2 Tim. 2:23 knowing th. g. str. GE>DEREn, ETH. Job 21:10 bull g. and faileth not 38:29 hoary fro~t. wlio g. it ? Gal. 4:34 mount Sin. wh. g. to GEXE.\LOGY. 1 Clir. 5:1 g. nut to be reckoned Ezr. 2:62 souijht ienceforth I will go to g. 21:19 God wrought ani. the g. 21 teach. J. am. g. to forsake 25 touch, the g. which believe 22:21 1 will send thee far to g^ 26:20 g. that they s'nould repent 33 Ch. sh. show light to the g. 28:28 salvation of God sent to g. Pom. 1:13 fruit, as am. other g. 2:14 g. which have not the law 24 God blasphemed am. the g. 3:9 proved Jews and g. und. sin 29 is he not of g. 9 yes of g. 9:34 not of Jews, but also otg. 30 g. wh. folio, not after right. 11:11 salvation come to the g. 13 dimin. of them riches otg. 13 to you g. as the apos. otg. 35 till the fulness of 17. be come 15:9 that g. might glorify God ; I will "confess among g. 10 rejoice, ye g. with his peo. 11 praise L. all g. and laud 12 over g. in him shall g. trust 16 minist. of Jesus Christ to g. that otfering up of the g. 18 27 if g. have been made parta. 16:4 ail the churches of the g. 1 Cor. 5:1 not named amono; g. 10:20 thing g. sacrifice to devils 33 ofl'ence neither to J. nor g. 12:2 ye knov/ ye were g. carried 13 whether we be Jews or g. Gal. 2:12 he did eat with g. 14 mun. of (7. why compel, g. ? 15 Jews, arid not sinners ot g. 3:14 blessing of Abraham on g. Eph. 2:11 in time past g. in flesh 3:1 prisoner of Jesus Ch. for g. 6 that g. should be fellow- heirs 8 preach am. g. unsea. riches 4:17 ye walk not as other g. Col. 1:27 elory of mystery am. g. 1 Thes. 2ri6 forbid, to spe. Xdg. 4:5 in lust of concupis. as the g. 1 Tim.'i,:! ordained teacher of g. 3:16 preached to the g. 2 Tim. 1:11 teacher otg. 1 Pet. 2:12 convers. honest am. g. 4:3 to have wrought will of g. ZJohn 7 taking nothing of the g. Pev. 11:2 the court is given to g. GENTLE. 1 Thes. 2:7 were g. among you 2 Tim. 2:34 ser. of L. must be g. Tit. 3:2 g. showing all meekness ■/am. 3:17 wisd. from ab. pure g. 1 Pet. 2:18 subject not only to g. GEIVTLEIVESS. iSam. 22:36 thy g. made me great, Ps. 18:35 GHO 2 Co?'. 10:1 1 bes. you by g. of C. Gal. 5:22 fruit of the Spirit is g. GE^'TLY. 2Sam. 18:5 deal g. with Absalom Is. 40:11 g. lead those wi. young GERA. Jud. 3:15; 2 Sam. 16:5 GERAHS. i^r. 30:13 ;X«'. 27:25; Num. 3:47 ; 18:16: Eze. 45:12 GERAR. Gen. 20:1, 2: 26:6, 20 GERGESENES. Mat. 8:28 GERIZIM. Deut. 11:29 hies, on mt. G. 27:12 Jos. 8:33 aga. mount G. Jud. 9:7 GERSHOM, GERSHOiV. Gen. 46:11 G. Kohatb andMerari Er. 6:16 ; Num. 3:17 ; 1 CAr. 6:1 ; 2:3:6 E.r. 2:22 name of Moses' son G. Num. 3:21 6. family of Libnites 4:28 sons of G. 7:7"; 10:17 ■los. 21:6 children of G. had, 27 Ezr. 8:2 sons of Phinehas, G. GESHUB. 2 Sam. 13:37 and went to G. 38 14:23 Joab went to G. .32 15:8 servant vowed a vow at G. GESHtjRITES. ■Jos. 1.3:13 G. dw. among. 1 Sam. 27:8 GET. Gen. 34:4 g. me damsel to wife Ec. 14:17 will g. honor up. Pha. Lev. 14:21 poor and cannot g. 22 Deut. 8:18 power to g. wealth Jud. 14:2 g. her me to wife, 3 1 K. 1:2 that king may g. heat Ps. 119:104 precepts I g. under. Pi'or. 4:5 g. wisdom, gr. underst. 16:16 better gr. wisd. than gold 17:16 in hand of fool to g. wis. Ee. 3:6 there is a time to g. Lam. 3:7 I cannot^, out Ezek. 22:27 to gr. dishonest gain Dan. 4:14 beasts g. from unCler Zep. 3:10 I will g. them praise Luke 9:13 lodge and g. victuals 2 Cor. 2:11 lest Sat. g. advantage Jam. 4:13 buy, sell, and q. gain GET (hee. Gen. 12:1 g. t. out of CO. Acts 7:3 Ex. 10:28 g. thee from me 11:8 gr. tliee out. and all people 19:24 Lord said to Moses, gr. th. down. 32:7: Deut.tl-.li 1 K. 17:3 g. t. hence : 9 to Zarep. 18:41 Eliiah said, g. thee up 2 K. 3:13 g. t. to prophets of fath. Is. 40:9 O Z. gr. t. to high mount. 47:5 and g. tJiee into darkness ■Jer. 13:1 g. thee a linen girdle Mat. 4:10 J. saith, g. t. Hence. S. 16:33 said to Peter, gr. (. behind me, S. Mark 8:3:3 ; Luke 4:8 Acts 10:20 arise, g. thee down 22:18 gr. t. quickly out of Jcru3. GET ye. Gen. 19:14 said. Up. rj. ye out Is. 30:11 g. ye out of way Jer. 49:.ji g. ye to wealthy nat. .Joel 3:13 g. ye down Zee. 6:7 gr. ye hence, walk to GET you. Gen. 34:10 g. you possessions 42:2 g. you down thither Ex. 5:4 g. you to your burdens 11 g. you str. wh. you can find Num. 16:24 gr. y. upfr. tab. of K. ■los. 3:16 r7. you to the mountain 1 Sam. 2.5:5 g. you up to Carmcl Jer. 49:30 flee, g. you far ofi' GETHSEMAIVE. Mat. 26:36 called G. Mark 14:.32 GETTETH. 3 Sam. 5:8 whoso g. to gutter I'rov. 3:13 man that g. lindcr^t. 9:7 reprovcth scorner g. shame, rebuketh wicked man g. blot 15:33 hear, reproof g'. underst. 18:15 prudent gr. knowledge 19:8 that g. wisdom loveth soul Jer. 17:11 gr. riches not by right 48:44 that g. out of pit GETTING. Gen. 31:18 J. carried cattle of g'. Prov. 4:7 with all thy 17. get und. 21:6 gr. of treas. by lying tongue GHOST. Gen. 49:33 J. yielded np the g. Job 10:18 I had given up g. 11:20 hope as giving up of g. 14:10 man giveth up g. ■Jer. 15:9 she hath given np g. Mai. 27:50 J. cried, yielded np g. GIF Acte 5:10 Sapphira yielded up (j. See GAVE, GIVE, HOLY. GIAH. 2 Sam. 2:24 GIAXT. •iSani. 21:1S ofr/. 18; 1 Clir. 20:4 1 C'/ir. 20:G fi.a of (/. ; 8 boni to g. Job 10:14 runriL'th oii me likey. GIAr«TS. Gen. 6:4 there were g. in earth Num. 13::3:i we saw jr. sons of A. Deut. 2:11 Em. were counted g. 3:11 Og. of B. remained of rem- nant ofr/. .los. 12:4; 13:12 13 Bash, called the land of gr. Jos. 15:8 lot of J. at v:illey of y. 17:15 pet thee up to land oig. 18:16 Benj. came to valley of rj. GIBEAIJ. Jvd. 19:14 by G. 16; 20:9, 13 1 Sam. 10:20 home to G. 15:;34 iSam. 21:0 S'av. sons to L. in G. /«. 10:29 afraid, G. of Saul is fled lids. 5:8 blow cornet in G. 9:9 10:9 sinned from days of G. GIEEOX. Jos. 10:12 stand still upon G. 2 Sam. 3:30 slain Asahel at G. 1 K. 3:5 in G. L. app. to Sol. 9:3 1 C7ir. 8:29 at G. dw. father, 9:.i5 21:29 altar of h.-oflcring at G. Is. 28:21 as in the valley of G. GIBEONITES. 2 Sam. 21:1, 9 GinEO\. Jufl. 6:11, 24, U;r.l, 14, 18; 8:21 Jlel). H::;2 won. fail to tell of G. GIDEONI. iVM.l:ll; 2:22; 7:60,05 GIEREAGLE. Lev. 11:18 abom. g. Deut. 14:17 GIFT. Gen. 31:12 so much dowry and g. Ex. 2:;:8 t ike no g. for g. hlind- etii the wise, Deut. 16:19 Num. 8:19 given Lev. as g. 18:6 Pa: 45:12 daughter of T. with g. Prov. 17:8 ^. as precious stone 23 wicked tak. g. out of bosom l".:lf) a man's g. maketh room 21:! 4 g. In secret paeilieth ang. 2,5:14 whoso boastelhof false ^. Ec. 3:13 it is the g. of G. 5:19 7:7 g. dostroyeth the heart Mat. 5:23 bring q. to tlie altar 21 leave g. before altar and go 8:4 otfer cr. that M. commanded 15;5a g. by wliatso. thou niight- est bo profiled, Mark 7:11 23:18 whoso sweareth by g. 19 John 4:10 thou kncwest q. of G. Acts 2::!8 sh. receive g. of II. G. H:'JO Ihouglit g. of G. be purch. ri: I.") on Oi-ntilcs poured out g. 11:17 (Jod gave them like g. Horn. 1:11 impart spiritual g. 5:15 not as oll'eiicc, so is free g. 16 q. free g. of many olfciices 17 which receive g. of riirhte. 18 the free g. amie on all men 0:2.3 t!io g. of God is eternal life 1 dor. 1:7 ye come b(^hi. in no g. 7:7 eV. man hath pro. g. of God 13:2 tho" I have g. of prophecy 2 Cur. 8:4 (hat we would rec. g. 9:15 thanks to God for unsp. g. Eiih. 2:8 faith is the q. of (iod 4:7 accord, to nieas. of//, of Ch. Phil. 4:17 not bee. I desire a q. 1 Tim. 4:14 neglect not q in (hee 2 'ri.in. 1:0 slir up the q. in thee //'•/;. r,:l tasted of heavenly q. Jam. 1:17 every good g. und per- fect g. i» from above GIFTS. Gen. 2.5:6 Ahrii. gave q. to sons //';i'. 2.'I:3.W I'eiiHtH, hesicies yiiiir 4 1:8 lament like a virgin q. .Mill. 13:4 took towel and q. lilm. 5 towel wliennvith \u: was q. lien. 15:6 breasts;/, with girdle See LOINS, Kwonn. GIRDEnST. Jo!in 2118 when young g. thys. GIROETII. 1 A'. 20:11 hi in that //. his ham. ■Iiil) 12:18 and he //. iluir loins Ps. 1H:;12 It Is (io'd that //. me ProiK 31:17 she //. her loins GlIiniVG. Is. 3:21 Inst, of stom. g. of sack. 22:12 L. did call to //. with Hack. Giitni.R. /?>. 28:4 thi'y shall miiki' ag. HeiirloiiH g. of eiiliod. 27, Sfl; 29:5; 39:5,20: /..c. 8:7 39 thou make //. of needlework 39:29 (/. of fln<< twined IIikmi 1 Siiiii. 18:4 gave Oa. bow and (J. 1 A'. 2:5 blood of war on Ills n. •ll\. 1:8 Kill, girl with q. ofleii. .lot, 12:18 loins ofklnt's with y. ps. m.i.Wq. wlii'iewllh ill' Ih In. 3:24 liisli'iiil of II q, a ri'iit 5:27 nor "Imll // of loins hi^ U. 11:5 righteous, be g. of loins faithfulness^, of reins 22:21 strengthen Eliakim wi. g. Jer. 13:1 get thee a linen g. 10 as this q. good for nothing Mat. 3:4 J. had a 1. g. Mark 1:6 Acts 21:11 took P.'s g. owneth g. Pev. 1:13 gi. about paps gold. g. GIRDLES. Ex. 28:40 for Aaron's sons g. 29:9 Aaron and sons with g. Prov. 31:24 deliver, g. to mcrch. Ezek. 23:15 images of C. with g. Rev. 15:6 angels g. wi. golden q. GIRGASHITE, S. Gen. 10:16 beg. the G. 1 C7i.r. 1:14 l.):21 the laud G. Neii. 9:S Jos. 3:10 will drive out the G. GIRL, S. ■Toel 3:3 have sold g. for wine Zee. 8:5 full of boys and g. GIRT. 1 Sam. 2:4 that stumbled are g. iK. 1:8 g. with girdle of leather ■John 21:7 S. Pet. g. fisher's coat Eph. 6:14 loins q. with truth Ptv. 1:13 g. about paps golden g. GITTITE. %Sam. 6:10; 15:19: 21:19 GIVE. Gen. 15:2 what wilt q. me ? 2:3:11 the field I g. tliee and 28:22 all thou g. me I will g. Ex. 10:25 must'//, us sacrifices 30:12 shall g. ev. man ransom 13 g. every one half a shekel Num. 11:4 sh. g. flesh to eat? 18 22:18 if B. g. me house, 2-1:13 .3.'i;2 shall g. to Levites suburbs Deut. 10:17 every man g. as he is able, Ezek. 40:5, 11 25:3 forty stripes he may g. 1 Sam. 22:7 son of Jesse j*. fields ? 2 Sam. 23:15 oh th. one q. me dr. ofwellof Beth. 1 Chr. 11:17 \K. l.":8 if thou wiltc. me I Chr. 30:12 hand of G. toy. one Ezr. 9:8 and to g. us a nail 9 to g. us a reviving in Judah ■Job 2:4 man hath he g. for life Ps. 2:8 I shall g. thee heathen 37:4 he shall g. thee desires 49:7 none can g. to God a rans. 51:10 not sac. else wo. I g. it 78:20 can he q. bread also ? 91:11 g. angels charge. Mat. 4:0 109:4 iq. myself unto prayer Prov. 29:15 rod and reproof f/. 17 he shall g. rest, g. delight Ec. 2:20 he may g. to him good Cant. 8:7 if man g. substance Is. 30:23 then he shall g. rain ,55:10 that it q. seed to sower 01:3 q. them beauty for ashes Jer. 3:19 shall I g. pleas, land ? 17:10 g. man ac. to ways, 32:19 29:11 (/. you an expected end Ezik. 2:H'cat that I q. thee 3:3 lill bowels with' roll I g. 4():l(i prince //. gift to sons, 17 Dan. 9:22 come to q. thee skill Mic. 0:7 I ((. first-b'oni for trail. ? Zee. 8:12 vine shall //. finit. gro. shall g. incre. heav. g. dew Mot. 7:9 lisk bread, will g. sto. ? 10 will be g. serp. 1 Liike 11:11 11 how to g. gifts to child, so F. to g. that ask. Luke 11:13 14:7 to q. what she would ask 10:20 //.' In exchange for soul? Mink 8:37 19:7 q. writing of divorcement V 2<'i:1.5 what will ye q. me .Mark 6:25 /' 1:17 God may (/ you Hiilrll I 2H have lo (/ lii liliii neeilelli GIV 2 Tim. 4:8 righte. .Judge shall g. Ileb. 2:1 to g. more earnest h<-ed I John 5:16 g. life for them th:.t Rev. 13:15 power to g. life to im. 10:19 to g. her cup of wine 22:12 g. every man ac. to work See AccoimT, glort, sware. GIVE, imperatively. Gen. 14:21 g. me the persons 27:28 G. g. thee dew of hiiivcn 29:21 g. me wife; 30:1 g. child. Num. 0:26 Lord g. thee peace Jos. 2:12 and g. me true token 15:19 g. bless, g. spr. Jud. 1:15 1 Sam. 8:6 g. us a king to judge 17:10 g. me man that we may 1 K. 3:9 g. servant understand. 26 g. her the living child, 27 2 K. 6:29 I said, g. thy son that 1 Chr. 16:28 g. to Lord glory and strength, 29; P«. 29:1 : 90:7,8 22:12 the Lord g. thee wi.- dom 2 Chr. 1:10 £/. me now wisdom Job 32:21 nor let me g. flat, titles Ps. 28:4 g. according to deeds 00:11 g. help fr. trouble. 108:12 86:16 I/, strength to thy servant 119::34 //. me understanding, 73, 125, 144, 109 Prov. 9:9 g. instru. to wise man 2:1:26 my son, g. me thy lieiiri; 25:21 if enemy hunger, g. him bread, Rom. 12:20 30:8 g. me neither poverty nor 15 two daughters, crying g. g. Ec. 11:2 g. a portion to seven Is. 62:7 q. no rest till establish .L ■Ter. 18:i9 g. heed to me, O Lord Lam. 2:18 g. thyself no rest 3:05 g. them sorrow of heiu-t Ezek. 3:17 g. warning from mo Dan. 5:17 g. rewards to another IIos. 4: 18 rulers do love, q. ye 9:14 g. O Lord, what wilt g. f 1.3:10 g. me a king and jirinccs 7.CC. 11:12 g. me my price Mat. 5:42 q. to him that askelh 0:11 g. us our daily b. J.ulc 11:3 9:24//. place; 10:8" freely o. 14:16 g. thein to eat, Mark 0:37; Litke'-d-.Vi 17:27 and g. to them for me 19:21 g. to poor, Mark 10:21 20:8 and g them their hire 25:8 g. ns of vour oil, lamiis out £';/,■<; e:.38 a. and it shall be giv. 11:41 g. alms of such, 12::>3 14:9 say, g. this man place 1.5:12 give me portion of goods ■Jolin 4:7 J. saith.^r. me drink, 10 6:34 L. everm. g. ns this brc.id 9:24 q. God praise, man is sin. Acta 6:19 S. said, g. me power Rom. 12:19 g. place to wrath 1 Cor. 10:32 g. none ofl'ence 2 Cor. 9:7 let him g. not gnidg. Col. 4:1 q. servants that is just 1 Tim. 4:13 q. attend, to reading 15 g. thyself to them Rec. 10:9"//. me the little boo': 18:7 tomient and sorrow g. her See CHARGE, EAR, GLOUV, LIOlI". . I will GIVE. Gen. 17:8 / //•/// //. to thee land wherein tlioii art a stranger, 48:4; Ikut. ,3-1:4 16 / «•. 3:31 / ivUl q. favor; .33:14 Ler. 26:4 / w. q. rain. Ihut. 11:14 6 / icUl q. peari' in the land 1 Sum. l:il / //•(////. him to U 2 Sum. 12:11 / uilJ q. wives to 1 K. 11:13 / wil/q. "one tribe 31 / will q. ten" tribes lo Iheo 13:7 / uUfq. rx-wanl; 21:4 21:7 / u-tU 'n. vineyard of Nab. 1 Chr. 22:9 / »(// //. rest, / u\ g. •i Chr. 1:12 / irt/rfnlse. 1118:1 Pn>r. 8:28 to-mormw / util g. Is. 3:4 / /('. «, eblUI. lo be prino. 11:27 I ullfg. to .Ierll^alem one liial brin'gelh p»ul tidings 12:6 / will a line lor cove. 411:8 ■I.V3 luUIq. hciiM.; -111:0 IIkIU Jrr. .3:15 / will q. von paslopi 9:15 / will II. waters of gull lo 11: 13 / will II. peace In hiiul 17:3 / will g. subslanee to upoll *l:7 IwUlfl. heart lo know me :fi.-W /(/• a. h.nrt. Hrk II:1U K;ck. 7-91 I will q lo slnnitfcru 11 17 / wtllq voii hiiMloflsr. 16-38 / I/' 1/ IIu'c Ii1o.kI In fliry m I w (/ Ihee Into their Imnil 870 CRUDEN^'S CONCORDANCE. GIV Ezek. 16:61 1 will q. them for dan. 21:27 whose right it is, 1 will g. 29:21 / luill g. opening of mouth ;j«'//. 1:.36 to him ivVl In. land 1 Sam. 18:17 M. her w. Ig. thee Ps. 18:49 will Ig. thanks to Cant. 7:12 wiU I g. thee my la. 43:4 will I g. men for thee Ezek. 36:26 new heart w. I g. yon Hag. 2:9 this place i?7?(f /g-.' peace jtfa'if. 4:9 Th. thiujrs (/.-<« /f/. Luke 4:6 this power ici/^ Ig. thee iJCT. 2:7 over, will Ig. 17,' 26 Lord GIVE. Ex. 12:25 to land which L will (7. you, i«2). 14:34; 2.3:10; 25:2 Num. 15:2 16:8 Lord shall (7. flesh to eat Nam. 22:13 ior-c? refusoth to g. 36:2 i. com. to g. land by lot Devt. 1:25 land the Lord dothr/. 28:05 i. shall g. tremb. heart Jos. 17:4 L. com. to g". inherit. 1 K. 15:4 i. his God did g. lamp 2 L'hr. 25:9 i. is able to g. much Pa. 29:11 L. q. strength to peo. 84:11 L. will g. grace and glory 85:12 L. shall g. which is good is. 7:14 L. hiras. shall j'. a sign 14:;i the Zorrf shall g. thee rest :30:20 Lord g. you bread of adv. Zee. 10:1 i. £7. sliowcrs of ram Lnke 1:32 i. shall g. him throne 2 Tjwi. 1:16 L. g. mercy to house iVot GIVE, or GJVE not. Ex. 5: 10 1 will not g. straw 30:15 rich ri. g. more, poorw. 1. Lev. 25:;37 shall not g. money on Deut. 7:3 dan. shall iiot g. to son Jud. 21:7 we will not g. wives Ezr. 9:12 9. not your daughters, Neh. 10:30; 13:25 Ps. 132:4 -will 11. g. sleep to eyes Prov. 6:4 g. not sleep to eyes 31:3 g. not thy strength to wo. />-. 13:10 constel. not g. light 42:8 glory not g. to anot."48:ll 62:8 i will no more g. tliy com .EjeX;. .32:7 moon sh. n. (7. her lig. Mat. 24:29; j)/«r/t 1:3:24 ./orf 2:17 g. not heritage to rep. Mat. 7:6 g. n. that is holy to the Mark 12:15 sh. we g. or n')> g. f Eph. 4:27 neither g. place to do. Jam. 2:16 5'. Ji. things they need GIVK thanks. 2 Sam. 22:50 I will g. t. to thee, p.*. H:49 1 CA?-. 16:8 y. ^ totheL.Rs. 105:1; i 10o:l: 107:1, 118:1,29; 1.36:1.3 35 save us. that we may g. th to thy holy name, Ps. i0():4' 25:3 with a harp to g. thanks P<. 6:5 in grave who shall g. t. 30:4(7. tli. at the remembrance of his holiness, 97:12 12 O Lord. I will g. t. for ever 35:18 I will g. t. in congregation 75:1 to thee^ O God, do we g. t. 79:13 so we thy people will 0. t. 92:1 ^ood thing to g. t. to Lord 108:47 to g. r. to holv name 119:62 at midnight I will g. 1. 122:4 tribes go up to g. thanks l;3'J:2 g. t. to God of gods, 26 140:1:3 right, g. t. to thy name Pom. 16:4 to whom I n. thanks 1 Cor. 10:.30 that for wliich 1 17. /. Eph. 1:16 I cease not to g. t.'for Col. 1:3 we g. t. to G. and Father 1 Thes. 1:2 wc g. thanks to God 5:18 in everything g. thank-i 2 Thes. 2:13 we arc bound to g. t. Mev. 11:17 we g. thee t. h. G. A. GIVE up. Deut. 23:14 Lord walketh to g. vp thine enemies, 31:5 GIY 1 A'. 14:16 he shall g. Israel up Job .3:11 why did not I g. upgh. ? 13:19 I shall g. up the ghost 7s. 43:6 I sav to north, g. up Eos. 11:8 how sh. I g. up Eph. ? GIVEi\. Lev. 20:3 he hath g. seed to Mo. Num. 18:6 g. as a gift for the L. Euth 2:12 reward g. thee of L. 2 Sam. 12:8 have g. such things 18:11 would have g. ten shekels 19:42 or hath king g. us gift? 1 K. 13:5 sign man of G. had g. 1 Chr. %>:\i thine have we g. Est. 3:11 silver is (7. to thee 7:3 my life be g. at my petition ■lob 3:20 light g. him in misery ? Ps. 79:2 dead bodies g. to be m. 112:9 hath g. to poor, 2 Cor. 9:9 115:16 earth hath he g. of men Prov. 19:17 hath g. will he pay Ec. 8:8 wicked deliv. those g. it 12:11 which are g. fr. one sliep. 7^-. 9:6 Child born. Son is g. ■ler. 6:13 ev. one g. to cov. 8:10 Ezek. 11:15 to us is land g. .33:24 35:12 they are Q. to consume Dan. 2:.38 fowls'hath he g. into 7:4 lion, man's heart was g. Mat. 1:3:11 g. you to know mys. of king. Mark i-.n-. Lu. S:10 19:11 save they to whom it is g. 21.43 g. to nation bring, fruits 22:30 are g. in marriage, 3Iark 12:25; Li(ke 20:S5 26-9 and g. to poor. Mark 14:5 28:18 power g. to me iu heaven Mark 4:24 that hear more be g. Luke 12:48 much g. much req. John 3:27 nothing, except it be g. 5:26 g. to the Son to have life 6:39 of all he nath g. me 65 no man come except g. him 19:11 except it were g. from Acts 4:12 none other name g. Pom. 5:5 H. Ghost which is g. 11::35 who hath first g. to him 15:15 gi-ace that is g. me of God 1 Cor. 2:12 things freely q. of G. (}al. 3:21 law g. could have g. Eph. 3:2 is g. me to you-ward 8 me who am least is grace g. 5:2 C. loved and g. hims. for us PhU. 1:29 you g. in behalf of C. 2:9 g. him a name above ev. 11. Ileh. 4:8 if Jes. had g. them rest 1 John .3:24 Sp. wh. he hath g. us 4:13 bee. he hath g. ns of Spirit 7?'". 6:11 white robes g. to every 1.3:5 power g. to con. 42 months 7 it was g. him to make war God, or Lord hath, hod GIVE.\. Gen. 24:.35 L. h. g. Abrah. flocks .30:6 said, God hath g. me a son 18 God hath g. me my hire 43:23 God hath g. youtreasure Ex. 16:15 bread which Lord h. g. 29 Lord h. g. you the sabbath Num. 32:7 going over to land wh. Lord hath g. them, 9 ; Deut. 3:18; 28:52; Jos. 2:9, 14; 23:13, 15: Jer. 25:5 .Tos. 6:16 shout. Lord h. g. city 1 Sam. 1:27 L. h. g. me my peti. 15:28 L. h. g. it to neigh. 2S:17 2 Chr. 36:23 all kiugd. of earth. hath God g. me, Ezr. 1:2 Ec. 5:19 to who. G. h. g. riches Is. 8:18 I and the children Lord hathg. Heh. 2:13 50:4 Lord h. g. me tongue Jer. 11:18 L. hath g. me know]. 47:7 Lord hath 9. it a charge ■lohn 6:2:3 Lord hath g. thanks Acts 27:24 G. h. g. thee all that Rom. 11:8 G. h. g. spirit of slum. 2 Cor. 10:8 the Lord h. g. us for edification, 13:10 1 Thes. 4:8 G. who A. f/. Holy S. 1 John 5:11 record G. 'hath (/.us &e BEST. I have, or have I GIVEiV. Gen. 27::37 brct. /(. 7*7. for serv. 1 K. 3:13 Ih. g. th. hast not asked Is. 5.5:4 7/i. g. him for witness £'0pA\ 4:15 I h. g. thee cow's du. Amos 4:6 7 A. (7. clean, of teeth. 9:15 no more out of land Ih. g. ■lohn 13:15 I h. g. an example 17:8 I h. g. words thou gave, 14 22 glory gavest me. Ih. g. th. 1 Cor. 16:1 Ih. g. order to chur. IVot give:v. Deuf. 26:14 I have not g. thereof 1 29:4 L. hath not g. you a heart GIV 1 CTir. 22:18 hath hen. g'. you rest ■lob 22:7 hast not g. water Ps. 78:63 maid. n. g. to marriage Ezek. :3:20 hast not g. warning Mat. 13:11 to them it is not g. John 7:;39 Holy G. was not yet g. 1 Tim. 3:3 bishop not g. to wine, no striker. Tit. 1:7 8 deacons not g. to much wine 2 7'i?re. 1:7 G. n. g. us sp. of fear Tit. 2:3 aged wom. n. g. to wine ghall be GIVEiV. Est. 5:3 s. 6e g. to half of kingd. Ps. 72:15 s. 6e (7. of gold of Sheba 120:3 what shall be g. thee 7s. 3:11 reward of hands s. be g. 33:16 bread .shall be g. him 35:2 glory of Lebanon s. be g. Ezek. 47:11 marshes, shall be g. Dan. 7:25 saints s. be g. to hiind 27 kingdom s. be g. to saints Mat. 7:7 it shall be g. Luke 11:9 10:19 .«. ftf?!?. sa. hour. Mark 1:3:11 12::39 no sign s. be g. Mark 8:12: Luke 11:29 13:12 to him shall be g. 25:29 ; i!7o?*4:25; i!;7i:e 8:18 20:23 it s. be g. for whom prep. 21:43 kin. of G. s. 6e g. to nation i^A-e 6:38 gi^•e, and it sAo/i 6e g. Phile. 22 thi-o" prayers I s. be g. Jam. 1:5 ask of G. and it s. be g. Thou hast, or host thou GIVE\. Gen. 15:3 to me t. hast g. no seed Jos. 15:19 thou hast g. south land. ■Jud^ 1:15 1 Sa?n. 22:13 t. hast g. him bread 2 Sam. 12:14 \ill r. and be r/. in it Cant. 1:4 we will be g. aiid 7'^'. is. 25:9 we will 7'^'. and be g. 65:18 be you gr. and rej. for ever 66:10 rej. ye with Jer. and be g'. Lam. 4:21 re. and be g. O dau. Joel 2:21 O land, he g. and r>. 21:15 g. ye Lord in the fires 25:3 the strong jx'ople g. tlice 60:7 I will ((. hinjse of my glory Jer. 30:19 I wil! also g. tliem Mat. 5:16 i'o|ili' have changed g. 13:11 might he to m',i. of'iill lands, 15 21:25 fi-oin Ihcni joy of lli(4r g. 25:9 open 7. of Hi.' country 26:20 f/. III' hind oftlu^ living 31:18 art llioii tliUHllUe In g.r Dim. 2:!17 power and g. 7:11 l:')6 r/. of kingdom returned 11:39 liiereaHc with n. Ilif. 4:7 ('h«iii;(' c/. Into Hlinmo 9:11 Kpliriilin. their v. Ilv invav 111:5 priests re|ol. for 7. ihereo'f Mir. 1:15 Adiillam the (/. of Isr. ■\'(ih. 2:9 none end of -lore imdf/. I lab. 2:10 11 lied wl. shiinie forff. GLO Sa.g. 2:3 saw house in first (7. ? 7 fill house with g. saith'Lord 9 g. of latter house greater Zee. 2:5 I will be g. in midst 8 after g. sent me to nations 6:13 build temple, he bear g. 11:3 theirs, is spoileH 12:7 g. of house of Dav. g. of J. Mat. 4:8 kingd. and g. of them 6:2 sound trumoet, have g. 16:27 in g. of Fa. Mark 8:'.38 24:30 S. coming with power and g. Mark 13:26 : Luke 21:27 Lvlte 2:14 g. to G. in high. 19:.38 32 the g. of thy people Israel 4:6 power will t give th. and g. 9:31 in g. spake of his decease ,Iohn 17:5(7. wh. I had with thee 22 g. thou gavest me Acta 7:2 G. of g. appeared 12:23 because he gave not G. g. 22:11 I could not see r/. cf li^dit Ecfni. 4:20 strong, giving g. to G. 6:4 raised by f/.of the Father 8:18 not wor. be com. with g. 9:4 pertaineth g. and covenants 23 had afore prepared unto g. 11:36 g. for ev. Gal. 1:5; 2 Tim. 4:18; Heb. 13:21; 1 Pet. 5:11 16:27 to God be g. 1 Tiyn. 1:17 1 Cor. 2:7 God ordained to our g. 8 not crucified the Lord off/. 11:7 woman is the g. of the liian 15 wo. ha. long hair, is g. to h. 15:40 g. of celestial, g. of'terres. 41 one g. of sun, ario. g. of m. 43 sown in dishon. raised in g. 2 Cor. 3:7 g. of his countenance 9 if condemnation be g. right- eousness exceed in g. 10 no f/. by reason of g. th. ex. 18 all are chantred iromg. tog. 4:17 work, eternal weight of f/. 8:19 administered, tog. of Lord 23messcnL'er3, and g. of Christ Eph. 1:6 praise of (/. of his erace 17 Father o{g. give you Spirit 18 know what is riches off/. 3:13 tribulaficms, wh. is yotir g. 21 r. in the church by Clir. J. P,'?7.''l:ll fruits, by Christ to g. 3:19 whose g. is in their shame 4:19 according to his rich, in g. 20 God and our F. be g. for cv. Col. 1:27 Christ the hope of y. 3: 4 ye sh. ajipear with him in g. 1 Then. 2:0 nor of men sought g. 12 called you to king, and g. 20 for ye "are our g. and joy S Ihe. g. h. 42:12 let theiiw/. f/. linio L. Mat. 'i:'l to heart, lo gire g. lake 17:18 reliiined to giw jr. lift'. 4:9 those beasts ij{re g. 11:7 fear (!oil. g\v< g. lo hlin 16:9 npeiilid uol lo yli'ii g. GLORY ofOoil. P». 19:1 heaviiirt declare g. qf <•. Pnv. 25:2 g. of (•'oil l<7. of t. I., shone rtiiuid •a Cor. 3:18 g. qf Ilu lout Thy GLORY. Kv. .'i.'l:lS i'«I(l, Show uie lliy n. I'.i. H:l t/iu g. a1ic>\e the heiiveiii 45:3 sword on lhli;li. with Mi/ 7. R7:5Mi/ ;/ lib eiirlh. II ; UW;ft 03:8 nee Ihy \m\\ er and g. 872 CRUDEN'S CONCORDAISrCE. GNA Ps. 90:10 let t. g. app. unto cMl. 102:15 all kings of earth thy g. Is. 2^:18 chariots of ^ g. 60:19 God thy g. ; 6-2:-2eeethy g. 6:3:15 beliold from habit, of t. g. Jer. 14:21 not dis. throne of t. g. 48:18 come do-.^-n from thy g. Hob. 2:16 spewing sh. be on t. g. GLORIOUS. Ex. 15:6 right hand, O Lord, g. 11 like Lord. g. in holiness Deut. 28:58 fear this g. name 2 Sam. 8:20 g. was the k. of Isr. 1 Chr. 29:1:3 praise thy g. name Neh. 9:5 blessed be ttiy g. name Ps. 45:13 king's dau. g. -svithin 66:2 make his praise g. 72:19 blessed be g. name 66:4 more g. than mountains 87:3 g. things spoken of thee 111:3 work honorable and g. 145:5 speak of g. honor of maj. 12 make known g. majesty Is. 4:2 branch of the Lord be g. 11:10 root of Jesse, his rest g. 22:23 for a g. throne to house 28:1 g. beauty is fading flower 4(7. beauty on head of valley 33:21 g. L. be a place of streams 40:5 I shall be g. in eyes of L. 60:13 the place of m.j feet g. 6:3:1 who is this, g. m apparel? 12 led them with his g. arm 14 people to make g. name Jer. 17:12 a g. high throne from Ezek. 27:25 g. in midst of seas Dan. 11:16 hesh. stand-in j?. land 41 he shall enter into g. land 45 between seas, in g. holy m. Lulce 13:17 rejoiced for g. things Eom. 8:21 into g. liberty of chil. 2 Cor. 3:7 ministration engra. g. 3:8 ministration of Sp. rather g". 4:4 lest light ofg. gospel shine Eph. 5:27 present it a g. church Phil. 3:21 fashioned like g. body Col. 1:11 accord, to his g. power 1 Tim. 1:11 accord, to g. gospel Tit. 2: 13 looking for 9". appearing GLORIOUSLY. Ex. 1.5:1 he hath triumphed g. Is. 24:23 reigu before ancients g. GLORY, Verb. Ex. 8:9 Jloses said, g. over me iK. 14:10 gr. of this, and tarry 1 Chr. 16:10 g. ye in his holy name, Ps. 105:3 35 we may g. in thy praise Ps. 63:11 swear, by him shall g. 64:10 the upright in heart sh. g. 10(5:5 I may g. with thy inhen. 7s. 41:16 Shalt g. in Holy One 45:25 in L. shall seed of Isr. g. Jer. 4:2 and in him shall they g. 9:23 let not wise, rich man g. 24 g. in this, that he knoweth Pom. 4:2 he hath whereof to g. 5:3 wc g. in tribulations also 15:17 I have whereof I may g. 1 Cor. 1:29 no flesh g. in his pre. 31glor. ?. iuL. 2 Cor. 10:17 3:21 let no man g. in men 4:7 g. as if hadst not received? 9:16 nothing to g. of 2 Cor. 5:12 to g. on our behalf, who g. in apppearance 11:12 wherein g. be found 18 g. after the flesh, I will g. 30 if f7. 1 will g. of my iufirmi. 12:1 not expedient for me to g. 5 I 9'. of myself I will not g. 6 I desire to g. not be a fool 9 rather g. in my infirmities Oal. 6:13 may g. in your flesh 14 I should g. save in the cross 2 Th^t. 1:4 so that we g. in you Jam. 3:14 if ye have envy. g. not GLORIEST, ETH. Jer. 9:24 let him that g. 1 Cor. 1:.31 ; 2 Cor. 10:17 49:4 why g. thou in valleys 1 GLORYING. 1 Cor. 5:6 your g. is not good 9:15 than any sh. make g. void 2 Cor. 7:4 great is my g. of you 12:11 1 am become a fool in g. GLUTTOiV. Deut. 21:20 this our son is a g. Prov. 23:21 g. sh. come topover. GLUTTOiVOUS. Mat. 11:19 a man g. Luke 7:.34 GN-iVSH, ED, ED, ETH, Ii\G. Job 16:9 he n. on me, Ps. 37:12 Ps. 35:16 g. ou me with teeth GO Fs. 112:10 he shall g. w. his teeth Lam. 2:16 hiss and g. the teeth Mat. 8:12 5-. oft. 13:42, 50; 23:13; 24:51; 25:30; LvkelZ:iS, Mark 9:18 he foameth and g. ^cfe7:54 g. on him with teeth GiVAT. Mai. 23:24 strain at g. sw. camel GiVAW, ED. Zep. 3:3 they g. not the bones Per. 16:10 g. tongues for pain GO. Gen. 3:14 on thv belly shalt g. 16:8 whither wilt thou g. f 24:42 prosper my way wh. I g. 58 \vilt thou g. with this man ? 26:16 Abi. said to Is. g. from us 28:20 if G. keep me in way I g. 32:26 let me g. ; I will not let thee q. except thou bless me 37:30 whither shall I g. f 43:8 send the lad, we will g. Ex. 3:19 will not let you g. 4:21 21 when ye g. sh. not g. empty 4:23 let my son g. if thou refuse, 8:2,21; 9:2; 10:4 5:1 let my people g. 7:10; 8:1, 20 ; 9:1, 13 ; 10:.3 2 nor mil I let Israel g. 8:8 I will let people g. '28 ; 9:28 32 nor would he let people g. 7:14; 9:.35; 10:20.27 10:9 g. ^^^th our vonng and old 13:21 light to n. 'Neh. 9:12, 19 14:5 that we have let Israel g. 17:5 g. on before the people 23:2-3 angel g. bef. thee. 32:34 32:23 to y. before us. Acts 7:40 .33:14 my pres. sh. g. with thee .34:9 if found grace, g. am. us Num. 22:13 L. refuse, leave to g. 20 if the men called thee, g. 24:14 now I g. unto my people 31:23 make it g. through fire 32:6 g. to war, and ye sit here ? 17 but we will g. ready armed Be'i.t. 1:33 way ve should g. 4:5 ve g. 6:1 ; 11:8, 11 ; .30:18 40"that it y. well, 5:16; 19:13 11:28 if ye g. after gods. 28:14 31:6 he it is that doth g. 7 must g. with this people 8 he it is that doth g. bef. thee 16 whither they g. amongst 21 know imagina. they g. abo. Jos. 1:16 whither sendest will g. 3:4 may know way ye must g. Jud. 1:25 let g. man "and family 4:8 if thou wilt g. then I will g. 6:14 said, g. in this thy might 7:4 this shall g. the same sh. g. 18:6 is way wherein ye g. 9 not slothful to g. to possess 19:25 day began, they let her g. Ruth 1:18 steadf. minded to g. 1 Sam. 5:11 let it g. th. its place 6:6 did they not let people g. .? 12:21 ve g. after vain things 16:2 how can I g. f if Saul hear 17:33 not able to g. aga. Philist. 18:2 let him g. no more home 2:3:13 D. went whither could g. 2 Sam. 12:23 1 shall g. to him 13:13 whither cause shame to g. 1.5:20 seeing I g. whither I may 17:11 g. to battle in thy person 20:11 David, let him g. after J. 1 K. 2:2 I g. way of all the earth 11:22 let me g. in any wise 13:17 nor g. by way thou camcst 20:42 let g. a "man appointed 22:4 g. with me, 2 Chr. 18:3 2 K. 3:7 g. -nath me ag. Moab ? 4:23 wilt thou g. to film to-day ? 6:22 set bread that he may g. 10:21 he that lettcth him g. 18:21 g. into hand, Is. 36:6 2 Clir. 14:11 in thy name we g. 25:7 let not army of Israel g. 8 if thou wilt g. do it, be stro. ./o4 6:18 they g. to nothing 10:21 before 1 g. whence I shall not return, 16:22 20:26 it g. ill with him 21:29 not asked th. a. by way? 27:6 righteous. I will not let g. Ps. 32:8 teach in way shalt g. f 30:13 before I g. hence, and be 42:9 why g. I mouniing. 43:2 49:19 g. to generation of fathers 84:7 g. fr. strength to strength 85:113 right, shall g. before him 89:14 mercy and truth g. before 107:7 might g. to a city of habi. 132:7 we will g. into his taber. 139:7 whither g. from thy pres. GO Profo. 2:19 none that g. return 3:28 g. and come ag. to-morrow 6:28 can one g. on hot coals 9:15 passengers who g. right on 14:7 g, from presence of foolish 15:12 neither sconier g. to wise 19:7 more do his friends g. far 22:6 train child in way he sh. g. :30:29 three things which g. well Ec. 3:20 all g. tmto one place 5:15 nakedto g. as he came, 16 6:6 do not all g. to one place ? 7:2 toy. to house of mourning 9:3 they g. to the dead 10:15 kn. not how to g. to city 12:5 mourners g. aboilt streets Cant. 3:4 I would not let him g. Is. 3:16 and mincing as they g. 6:8 and who T^ill g. for us ? 9 g. tell his people. Acts 28:26 27:4 I would g. through them 28:13 they might g. and fall 45:13 shall let g. my captives 48:17 by way shouldest g. 58:8 righteousn. g. before thee 62:10 g. thro' g. thro' the gates .Jer. 1:7 shalt g. to all I send th. 9:2 1 might g. from my people 31:22 how long g. about, O dau. 34:3 g. to Babylon, Mic. 4:10 40:4 good to g. there g. 5 42:22 die, whither ye des. to g. 46:22 voice shall g. like serpent 50:33 refused to let them g. Ezek. 8:6 sho. g. far fr. sanctu. ? 14:17 sword g. through the land 21:16 g. thee one way or other IIos. 5:6 g. vrith floe, "to seek L. 7:11 they g. to Assyria 12 when "they g. Iwill spread 11:3 I taught Ephr. also to g. Mic. 5:8 if he g. through tread. Zee. 6:7 the bay souglft to g. 8 these g. towards the north 8:21 inhali. of one city g. to an. 23 g. with you. we have heard 9:4 g. with whirlwinds of south Mat. 2:22 Joseph was afraid to g. 5:41 g. mile, g. twain, Luke 7:8 8:7 and I say g. and he goeth 10:6 g. rath, to lost sheep of Is. 21:30 I g. sir, and went not 25:9 g. rather to them that sell 28:19" g. ye and teach all nations Jfark 6::38 g. see ; 11:6 let th. g. Luke 1:17 shall g. before him 9:51 set face to g. to Jerusalem 60 g. and preach kincd. of God 10:37 g. thou and do likewise 22:33 I am ready tog. to prison 68 not aus. me, nor let me g. 2.3:22 chastise him, let him g. John 6:68 L. to whom sh. we g. 7:.33 I g. unto him sent me 8:14 biU I know whither Ig. 21 I g. my way, whither ig. 13:36 whither I g. not follow 14:2 I g. to pre. place for you 4 whither I g. veknow 12 bee. I go "to "Father, 16:10 28 Iff. to Father, 16:17, 28 19:12 if thou let this man g. Acts 1:25 g. to his own place 3:13 when deter, to let h%i g. 4:21 threatened, let them g. 23 being let g. went to comp. 5:40 sh. not speak, let them g. 16:;35 saying. Let those men, g. 20:22 g. bound in spirit to Jer. 25:12 to Cesar shalt thou g. 28:18 examined me, let me g. Pom. 15:25 no'.v I g. to Jerusal. 1 Cor. 6:1 g. to law before unjust 10:27 and ye be disposed to g. 16:4 if meet 1 g. also, they sh. g. 2 Cor. 9:5 exhort breth. g. before Phil. 2:23 how it will g. with me Jam. 4:13 will g. un. such a city Sec PKBE. GO aside, Num. 5:12 if any man's wi. g. a. Deut. 28:14 shalt not g. a. from Jer. 15:5 g. a. to ask now doest Acts 4: 15 commanded th. to g-. a. GO astray. Deut. 22:1 not see br.'s ox g. a. Ps. 58:3 g. a. as soon as bom Prov. 5:23 in great, of folly g. a. 7:25 g. not a. into her paths 28:10 causeth righteous to g. a. Jer. 50:6 shepherds caused g. a. Ezek. 14:11 Israel g. no more a. GO away. Ex. 8:28 not 17. very "far away Deut. 15:16 say, I will not g. a. 1 Sam. 24:19 he let enc. g. a. ? GO Job 4:21 doth not excel, g. a. f 15:30 by breath of mouth g. a. ,Ier. 51:40 escaped sword g. a. Hos. 5:14 I «ill tear and g. a. Mat. 25:46 g. a. to ever, punish. John 6:67 will ye also g. A. .? 14:28 how I said, I g. a. 16:7 GO their way John 18:8 let these g. their way GO thy wav. Dan. 12:13 g. t. way till the end Acts 24:25 g. thy w. for this time GO yonr way. Ma!-k 11:2 g. your w. into village Lu7:e 10:10 rec. you not, jr. y. w. GO back Ex. 14:21 caused sea to g. back Jos. 23:12 ye in any wise g. back ■Jud. 11:35 mouth, I cannot g. b. 2 K. 20:9 shall the shadow g. b. Ps. 80:18 not g. back from thee Jer. 40:5 y. back to Gedaliah, son Ezek. 24:14 I will not g. back GO down. Gen. 46:3 fear not to g. d. to Eg. Num. 16:;30 g. d. into the pit Deut. 24:15 nor sun g. d. on hire Jos. 10:13 sun hasted not to g. d. Jud. 7:10 fear to g. d. g. with P. 2 Sam. 11:8 g. d. to thy house. 15:20 make thee g. np and d. 2 K. 1:15 g. down with him 20:10 shadow to g. d. ten deg. ■lob 21:13 in moment g. d. to gr, Ps. 22:29 all that g. d. to dust 28:1 like th. g. d. to pit, 143:7 55:15 let g. d. quick into hell 107:2:3 that g. d. to sea in ships 115:17 any thatgr. d. into silence Prov. 5:4 her feet g. d. to death Is. 14:19 cast out, as those g, d. 30:2 woe to th. g. d. to Eg. 31:1 38:18 g. d. into pit cannot hope 60:20 sun sh. not g. d. normoou ■Jer. 50:27 let g. d. to slaughter Ezek. 26:20 t"hem that g. d. to the pit, 31:14: 32:18-, 24, 25, 29, 30 47:8 th. waters g. d. into desert Anws 8:9 sun to g. d. at noon Mic. 3:6 sun 17. d. over prophets Mark 13:15 liim on ho. not g. d. Acts 25:5 able to g. d. with me Eph. 4:26 not sun g. d. on wrath GO forth. Gen. 8:16 g.f. of the ark, thou 42:15 not g.f. hence, except 2 Sam,. 11:1 a"t time kings g.f. 18:2 I will g.f. with you myself 19:7 if thou g. not/, not tarry 1 A'. 2:36 g. not/, any whithe'r 22:22 he said, I will g. forth 2 A". 9:15 let none g. forth 19:31 out of Jerusalem shall g. forth a remnant. Is. 37:32 ■Job 24:5 as wild asses g. they/. Ps. 78:52 made his people to g.f. 108:11 wilt not g.jr. with hosts ? lYor. 25:8 (^. not/ hastily to st. 30:29 no king, g.f. by bands Cent. 3:11 g. f. O dau. of Zion 7:11 let us g.f. into villages Is. 2:3 out of Z. shaU g. f. law, Mic. 4:2 42:13 L. sh. g.f. mighty man 48:20 g.f. Babylon, J«r. 50:8 49:9 say to prisoners, g.f. 17 made thee waste shall g.f. 62:1 till righteous, thereof .7./. \:'.tlet us g. ev. one to country Murk I::!H let us g. to next town's 1 l:l> tit us I/, h'e that bi^trayi^lh I,uke 2:15 let us g. to IJcdilehem John, 11:7 let vs g. to .ludea 15 lei vj< g. to lilni ; 16 that we 14:31 arise, let us g. iKnieo Ael« 15:86 let um g.' visit bri'tbren Heb. U:l let us g. to perfection I will GO. Oen. l:t:9 / »>. g. ritrht, I w. g. 1. 2-1:58 wilt (/. with iniin y7. -;«. n. KV.Vl I mitt g. \w(. thee, Is. .\:,:'i 45:28 I w. g. H(M! him b<'f. I dhi Num. 20:19 / will g. on feet 23:;t sland by burnt-olV. / id. g. Deut. 2:27 / will q. iiloiii; hJKli. Juil. I;:i / UK g. wllli Ihei' 4:8 If llioii g. wKli me, / (/'. g. '.) /»>)« surely g. wllli Ihee' 16:20 / U!. g. an jit oilier Huwih Jtulli 1:16 wh. IliodnoeHt, I w a 2 A". (1:3 he niisweri'd, / ii'Ul g. S (!hr. 18:21) Hiiltl, / in, g. to biiltU GO Ps. 43:4 then w. Ig. to altar of 66:13 Iwillg. into thy house 71:16 I will g. in strength of L. 118:19 open gates, luMl g. in Jer. 2:25 stran','ers, after Iioillg. Ezek. .38:11 Ixcillg. to them. //cii'. 2:5 said. /?('. y. after lovers 7 1 will g. to my'first husband 5:15 I will g. to my place, till Mic. 1:8 1 10. g. stri'pt and naked Zee. 8:21 seek the Lord. Iioi'lg. Mat. 26:32 / w. g. before into Galilee, Mark 14:28 iwfe 1.5:18 Iw. arise and (7. to Ads 18:6 hence /w. g. to Gent. GO near. Devt. 5:27 7. n. hear all L. says 2 i?a7/!. 1:15 g. n. fall upon him ■Job 31:37 as a prince wou. I g. n. Acts 8:29 g. n. join to chariot GO not, or not GO. Ex. 33:15 if thy presence g. not Num. 10:30 Hob. said, I will re. g. 20:20 he said. Thou shalt n. g. 22:12 said to Bal. shalt not g. 18 n. g. bey. word of L. 24:13 Deut. 3:27 slialf n. g. over Jordan 6:14 ye shall n. g. after other gods, 1 K. 11:10 24:19 thou sh. n. g. to fetch it 32:52 thou shalt not g. thither Jos. 8:4 g. n. far from the city .Tnd. 20:8 we will n. g. to tent Ttuth 3:17 g. n. empty to mother 1 Sam. 17:.39 D. said, I cannot g. 29:8 I may not g. to fight ene. 2 Sam. 1:5:25 n. all g. would 71. g. 2 K. 2:18 did I not say, g. n. f 1 Chr. 21:.30 David could n. g. 2 Chr. 25:13 soldiers should'?!, g. Prom. 4:13 take instruc. let n. g. 14 f/. n. into way of evil men 22:24 with furious man sh. n. g. Js. 52:12 sliall n. g. with haste Jer. 10:5 be borne, they cann. g. 16:8 sh. n. g. to house offcast. 25:6 g. n. after other gods, 35:15 27:18 vessels left g. not to Babv. 42:19 g. not into Egypt, 43:2 49:12 ttum shalt n/)t g. unpun. Lam. 4:18 cannot g. in streets Ezek. 42:14 priests sh. not g. Mat. 10:5 g. n. into way of Gent. Luke 10:7 g. n. fr. house to house 17:23 there, g. n. after, 21:8 GO over. Dent. 3:25 let me g. 0. see land 28 Joshua sh. g. 0. before, 31:3 4:14 land whither ye jr. over, 26 ; 31:13; 32:47 22 I must not g. 0. Jordan 24:20 shalt not g. 0. the boucrhs 30:13 who shall r/. 0, sea for us 31:3 tlie Lord will g. 0. before .34:4 thou shalt not g. o. tliither ./o.v. 1:2 arise, g. OBcr this Jordan ■/uil. 12:5 EiJh. said. Let me g. o. 1 Sam. 13:1 Ic^t us g. 0. to Ph. 6 30:10 so faint, coiild not g. 0. 2 Sam. 16:9 let m(! g. 0. aiid take 19:37 Chimham, let him g. 0. /s. 8:7 conK; and g. over biinks 11:15 make men g. 0. dry-shod 51:23 bow down, wo may g. 0. 51:9 waters of N. no more V/. 0. Jer. 41:10 Lslim. d(^parted to g. o. GO out. den. 9:10 all that g. out of ark 21:11 women g. 0. to draw wat. 4.5:1 ev(M-v man g. o. fi-oni me /'>. 6:11 let child, of Isr. g. out 8:29 behold, I g. out IVoni thee 11:8 after I hat I will g. out 10 not let chil. of Israel g. nut 12:22 none shall ;/. out at door 16:4 i)eo|)le g. o. 'mid gather 29 no nuiu V/. o. on sev. day 21:2 in sev. vi'ar he sh. g. n.trrt' 3 came by liims. g. 0. l')y him. ; if marr. wife g. o. willi him 4 he shall g. out Iiv himself 5 Ifserv. say, I will nol g. 0. 7 maidserv. not g. o. as'men 11 then shall she g. o. free /,(*«, 6:13 lln- on altar ncviT g. o. 8:33 nol g. i>. of tab. In ki'V. days 10:7 nol g. out al door, li'St die 14::)H nrlesl shall g. o. of liouse 15:16 If man's si'eil of cop. g. o. 16:18 sh. g. o. to rliar before L. 21:12 nor g. out ofsanehiarv 'a-.-iH in Jubilee ll sli. g. o. 31, 3.'1 30 iKil g. II. Ill jiili. ; rvl nil. g. o. /hut. 21:5 laki'U wife, not g.'o. !JH:25 llioii shall g. nut one way ./(M. 2:19 who g. o'. blood on held GO Jnd. 9:38 g. 0. and fight them 16:20 will g. 0. as at oth. times 20:28 sh. I again g. out to battle 1 Sam. 19:3 g. 0. stand bes. fath. 20:11 let us g. out into the field 28:1 Achish said, g. o. with me 2 Sajn. 5:24 the L. sh. g. o. hefo. 21:17 thou sh. g. no more 0. 1 E. 15: 17 not suf. any to g. o. or come in to Asa, 2 Chr. 16:1 20:31 ropes on our heads, g. o. 1 Cfir. 20:1 kings g. o. to battle 2 Chr. 18:21 g. o. be a lying spirit 20:17 to-morrow g. out against 26:18 g. 0. of .sanctuary, hast. tr. 20 yea, himself hasted to g. o. Job 15:13 words g. 0. of nioiith Ps. 60:10 not g. o. with ai-mies Prov. 22:10 scoraer, conten. (7. 0. Ec. 8:3 not hasty to g. o. of sight Is. 52:11 depart, g. 0. fr. thence 12 ye sh. not g. o. with haste 55:12 ye shall, r/. out with joy Jer. 21 :12 lest fury g. 0. like fire 51:45 g. ye o. of midst of her Ezek. i5:'7 shall g. out from fire 44:3 prince sh. g. 0. same way 46:9 enter, by north, g. o. b.v s. A7nos 4:3 sh. g. out at breaches Zee. 14:8 Iiv. waters g. 0. fr. J. Mat. 25:6 bridegr. cometh, g. 0. Luke 9:5 when ye g. 0. of city 14:21 g. 0. into streets and lanes 23 g. o. into high, and hedi^es 1 Cor. 5:10 must g. 0. of world Heb. 11:8 A. when he call, to g. 0. Rev. 3:12 over. g. no more out 20:8 sh. g. 0. to deceive nations GO to. Gen. 11:3 g. to, let us make brick 4 g. to, let ns build; 7 Ec. 2:1 g. to no now, I will prove Is. 5:5 n. to, I tell what I will Jain. 4:13 g. to, ye that say 5:1 g. to now, ye rich men GO up. Gen. 35:1 arise, g. vp to Bethel, 3 44:.33 let lad g. vp with breth. 34 sh. I g. vp to father? 45:9 50:6 Phar. said, g. vp, bury fa. Er. 8:3 frogs g. vp into house 19:12 g. not vp into mount 20:26 nor sh. g. vp by steps 24:2 neither sh. pco. g. iip with 32:30 sinned a sin, I will g. vp 33:1 g. vp, thou and the people 3 I will not g. vp in midst 34:2-1 not desire land, g. vp Lev. 19:16 thou slvalt not g. vp and down as a tale-bearer Num. 13:30 let g. vp and pos. it 31 not able t() g. vp ag. people 14: 12 g. not up ; 44 pres. to g. Deut. S.5:7 let bro.'s wife g. vp 30:12 who sh. g. up to heaven ■hs. 7:3 g. vp, 3000 g. vp 22:33 not intend to g. up again. Jud. 1:1 who g. up for us to light 2 L. said, Jiidah sh. g. vp, 20:18 2:1 I made you g. up'ont of Eg. 11:37 g. up ami down on nnuiii. 18:9 we may g. vp airainsftliem 20:9 (7. up b'v lot airainst (Jiheah 18 which sh. g. vp llrst to bat. 23 shall T g. up? '28 upon her walla 6:4 and ietus g. vp at noon 21:2 Nebuchadnezzar may g. vp 22:20 g. up to Lebanon, and cry 31:6 let us g. vp to Z. to the L. 46:8 I will g. vp and cov. earth 11 g. up into Gilead, take balm 48:5 continual weep. sh. g. up 49:28 g. vp to Kedar, spoil 50:21 g. vp aga. land of Merath. Ezek. .38:11 g. vp to unwalled v. 40:26 seven steps to g. vp to it Hos. 4:15 nei. g. vp to Bethavcn Hag. 1:8 g. vp to mount, bring Zfc. 14:16 g. vp fr. year to year Mat. 20:18 we g. vp to Jcrusal. Mark 10:33 ; Luke 18::« Luke 14:10 Friend, g. vp higher John 7:8 a. vp to feast, I g. not Acts 15:2V. vp to Jer. about qu. 21:4 Paul not g. vp to Jerus. 12 25:9 wilt thou g. vp to Jera. ? GO a wliorinf:. Ex. 34:15 g. a whor. after poda 16 sons, daughters g. a whor. Lev. 20:5 cut ofifall that g. a w. Num. 15:.39 ye use to g. a whor. Deut. 31:16 people will g. a who. 2 Chr. 21:13 Je. made Ju. g. a w. Ps. 73:27 destroyed all g. a who. Ezek. 6:9 g. a whor. after idols GOEST. Gen. 28:15 keej) thee wh. thou g. 3-2:17 whi. g. thou? Jud. 19:17; Zee. 2:2; John 13:36; 16:3 Ex. .3:5:16 that thou g. with us :34:12 no cove, whither thou g. Num. 14:14 g. bef. them by day Deut. 11:10 thou g. is not as E. 12:29 cut of!" nations wh. thou.'?. 20:1 g. to battle, seest, 21:10 2:5:20 God bless thee whither thou <7. Jos. 1:7 28:6 blessed when thou g. out 19 cursed when thou g] out 21 pestilence whither thou g. 63 plucked land whi. thou g. 32:.50 die in mount whither g. Jos. 1:9 L. with thee whi, lb. g. Jud. 14:3 g. take a wife of Phil. Path 1:16 whi. thou g. I will go 'iSam. 15:19 where. 17. with us? 1 A". 2:.37 day g. over brook. 43 Ps. 44:9(7. not forth with armies Pror. 4:12 when g. steps not str. 0:22 when thou g. it shall lead T?,'. 5:1 keep thy "foot, g. lo hoii. 9:1() wisdom iii grave whith. g. .A )•. 4.5:5 for prey whith. thon g. .Vat. 8:19 I will" follow whither- soever thou g. Luke 9,51 Luke 1'2:58 thou g. with adver. John 11:8 g. thou thither again? 14:5 wo know not whi. thou g. GOKTII. Et. 7:15 he g. out into water '22:'2(> del. by (hal sun g. down '28:'29 .\nroii bear when he g. 80 .\aron'H heart when he (7. In .35 sound heard when hi' g. in l.fi'. 11:21 ent Hull ;/. on all four 14:46 that g into house uiuleiiu 15:32 seed f7. IVmn him, '22:4 16:17 none in taher. when he q 22:8 who g. to holy things iinc. 27:21 when it g. hi lubllee .Yum. B:21t when wile (7. nsUlo /hut. 1:80 I,, which f/'beforo 9:3 tiod Is he that g. bel'ori' you 90:4 Lord your G. g. with you S3:!) when host q. ng, eiieinleK 21:13 dell. i>lediie when sun ij. .full. 5:31 when g. In might 1 .sVmi. 23:14 I>iiv. who ;/. at bid. .30:24 hiM pari Is thai ■. 43:12 no .«. g. among them Dan. 11:.39 thus sh. do'with s. g. GOD. Gen. 16:13 Lord, thou G. scest 17:7 a G. to thee and thv seed 31:13 I am the G. of Bethel 42:28 what is this G. done ns? 45:8 you sent me hiiher. but G. \ 48:21' I die, but G. be with you Ex. 6:7 you to me, to you G. *T8:19 and G. shall be with thee Num. 23:23 what G. hath wro. ? 24:23 who live when G. do. this? Devt. 4:7 wh. nat. hatli G. so iii. ? 29:13 he may be to thee a G. 1 Sam. 3:17 G. do so and more r.l. 14:«; 23:22: 2 Sam.. 3:9. .33: 19:13; IK. 2:23; 2K. 6:;;i 17:4() know there is a G. in Is. 22:3 know what G. will do 2 Sam. 23:32 who is G. save the Lord? Ps. 18:31 1 K. 13:21 if the L. be G. follow 39 tlie Lord, he is G. the Lord 2 K. 19:15 thou art G. even thou 2 Chr. 20:6 O Lord G. art thou not G. in heaven 2 Ezr. 1:3 his G.. be with him Nell. 9:17 a G. ready to pardon Job 22:13 doih G. kn. ? Ps. 7:J:11 Ps. 5:4 not a G. hast pleasure in 52:7 made not G. his strenirth 86:10 th. art G. alone. Is. 37:16 Is. 12:2 bcliold, G. is my salvat. 44:8 is there a G. besides nie? 45:22 I am G. there is none else 40:9 I am G. th. is none like mc J,-r. 31::>3 I will be their G. 32:3S Ezek. 28:2 said, I sit in seat of G. 9 thou sh. be a man, and no G. Hos. 8:6 workm. made it, no G. 11:91 am G. not man. Holy One Mic. 7:18 who is a G. like thee? 3[at. 1:23 Immanuel, which is G. 0:24 ye cannot serve G. and mammon, Luke 16:13 GOD Mat. 19:17thereisnonegoodbnt one, that is G. jtfari 10:18; Luke 18:19 Mark 12:32 there is one G. John 1:1 the Word was with G. 3:2 do miracles, ex. G. with him 8:41 have one Father, even G. 42 I proceeded, came from G. 17:3 know thee, only true G. Acts 2:22 wonders which G. did 5:29 obey G. rather than men 7:9 sold Joseph, but G. wi. him 10:;34 G. no respecter of persons Pom. .3:4 G. be true, man a liar 8:31 if G. for us, who ag. us ? 15:5 G. of patience and consol. 1 Cor. 8:6 but one G. the Father 15:28 that G. may be all in all 2 Cor. 1:21 he wh. an. us is 6. 4:4 g. of this world blinded 13:11 G. of love and peace with 2 Thes. 2:4 above all called 6. 1 Titn. 3:16 G. mani. in the flesh Tit. 1:16 profess they know G. Heb. 3:4 he that built all thi. is G. 4:10 ceased from works, as G. 8:10 to them a G. they a people 1 John 1:5 G. light, him nodarki' 4:12 no man seen 6. any time Per. 21:3 G. hims. be wi'rii them 4 G. shall wipe away all tears 7 I will he his G. he be my son .^gainst GOD. Gen. 39:9 wickedu. and sin a. G. Num. 21:5 peo. sp. a. G. Ps. 78:19 1 Chr. 5:23 they transgr. ag. G. 2 Chr. 32:19 spake ag. G. o'f Jer. Jot) 15:13 turn, thy spirit ag. G. 25 stretch, out his hand a. G. 34:37 multip. his words a. G. Dan. 3:29 speak amiss a. G. of 9. 11:36 marv. things a. G. of gods Hos. 13:16 hath rebelled a. 6. Acts 5:39 be found to fight a. G. 6:11 spoken bias, words a. G. 23:9 let us not fifflit against G. Ro?n. 8:7 carnal mind en. a. G. 9:20 who art thou repiiesta. G. ? Eev. 13:6 opened his mouth a. G. See AIMIGHTT. Before GOD. Gen. 6:11 earth was corrupts. 6. Ex. 18:12 eat wi. M. father b. G. Jos. 24:1 presented thems. b. G. .Jt/d. 21:2 people abode be/ore G. 1 r/(r. 1-3:8 D.andls.playedS.G. 10 and there Uzzah died b. G. 16:1 offered burnt sacri. bef. 6. 2 Chr. 33:12 ^ilanasseh hum. b. G. 34:27 Josiah's heart hum. b. G. Ezr. 7:19 deliver d. G. of Jcrus. ■lob 15:4 restrainest prayer b. G. Ps. 42:2 shall 1 appear b. G. ? 56:13 b. G. in light of living - 61:7 he shall abide b. G. for ever 68:3 let righteous rejoice 5. G. 84:7 ev. one in Zion appear 6. G. Ec. 2:26 give to him sood b. G. 5:2 heart hasty to utter bef. G. 8:13 because he feareth not b. G. Dan. 6:10 gave thanks before G. 11 foundmaking suppl'ic. b. G. 26 men tremble o. G. of Daniel Luke 1:6 were both right, b. G. 12:6 not one is forgoUen b. G. 24:19 a prophet mighty bef. G. Ac's 7:46 who founcl favor b. G. 10:4 come for a memorial b. G. 33 all here present before G. 20:1 lived in good consci. S. G. Pom. 2:13 not liearers just b. G. 3:19 world may bee. guilty b. G. 4:2 whereof to glory, not b. G. 14:22 have faith to thyself 6. G. 2 Coi\ 12:19 speak 6. G. in Chr. Gal. 1:20 behold, b. G. I lie not 1 Thes. 3:13 estab. hearts b. G. 1 Tim. 5:4 good and accept, b. G. 21 charge thee b. G. 2 Tim. 4:1 Jam. 1:27' pure religion before G. Pec. 3:S works not^perfect b. 6. 9:13 voice from horns of al. b. G. 12:10 accus. b. G. day and night 16:19 Babvlon in reriiemb. b. G. 20:12 I saw dead stand b. G. See CALLED, CnOSEN, COM- J^AKDEB. Eternal GOD. Deut. 33:27 the e. G. is thy refuge Everlasting GOD. Gen. 21:33 A. called name e, Q. Is. 40:28 the e. G. famteth not Rom. 16:26 command, of e. G. See FATHEn, feah, roKSH), GAVE, GLOKIFY. GOD High GOD. Gen. 14:18 priest of the most h. G. Heb. 7:1 19 blossed be Ab. of most h. G. 20 blossed be the most A. G. 22 lift up my hand to most A. G. Ps. 57:2 cry uuto G. most Idgh 78:;i5 the h. G. their Kedeemer 5f) tempted the most high G. Dan,. 3:2(i servants of most h. G. 4:2 wonders hir/h G. wrought 5:18 h. G. gave Nebuch. king. 21 he knew most A. G. ruled Mic. 6:6 bow my. bef. most A. G. Mark 5:7 Sou of m. h. G. Lu. 8:28 ^c<« 16:17 serv. of most high G. Holy G09. Jos. 24:19 he is a hotij G. jealous 1 Sam. 6:20 who stand bef. A. G. ? -Rj. 99:9 the Lord our G. is liobj Is. 5:16 G. that is A. be saucti. GOD of heaven. iChr. 3r,:2:Jall kin^'donis of earth hath G. ofli. giv. me, Ezr. 1:2 Ezr. 5:11 servants of G. of h. 12 our (ath. provoked G. ofh. 6:9 burnt-offerings of G. o/ A. 10 7:12 scribe of law of G, ofh. 21 2;^ commanded by G. oj' h. Neh. 1:4 prayed bef. G. ofh. 2:4 Pi. 130:26 give thanks to G. ofh. Dan. 2:18 desire mer. of Q.ofh. 19 Daniel blessed the G. ofh. 44 G. of h. sh. set up kingdom 'Jon. 1:9 I fear the L. G. o/' A. Mev. 11:13 gave glory to G. of h. 16:11 they blasphemed G. ofh. GOD of host.s. P.J. 80:7 turn us, O G. ofh. 19 14 return, we beseech, O. ofh. Amos 5:27 wh. name is G. of h. See LORD GOD. GOD is. Gen. 21:22 G. i.s with thee in all 31:50 G. iv witness betwixt Er.. 20:30 fear not, G. i.« come Num. 23:19 G. is not a man. that Dent. 3:24 what G. i.? in heaven 33:27 eternal G. is thy refuge Jos. 21:19 G. Ix a j. G. .VaA. 1:2 1 Sam. 4:7 G. i« come into camp 10:7 G. is with thee, 1 Vhr.lT.-i. 23:15 G. is departed from me 2 Sam. 22:33 G. is my strength 1 t'Ar. 14:15 G. is goiie forth bef. 2 CAr. 13:12 G. himself i,v wi. us Job ;J3:12 G. ii greater than man 36:5 G. is mighty, dospis. not ' 26 G. is great, wo know him Ps. 7:11 G. is angry with wicked 10:4 O. is not in his thoughts 14:5 G. is in generation ofrigh. 33:12 whose 0. iv Lord, 144:15 46:1 G. is refuge and str. 62:8 5 G. is in midst of her 47:5 G. is gone uj) ; 7 O. ?.,■; king 48:3 O. is known in her palaces 50:6 G. is iudgo, Selaii, 75:7 54:4 Behold, O. is my heli)er 56:9 I know, for (i. is for mo 59:9 I wait, (J. is my def. 17 62:7 in G. is my salvat, Is. 12:2 03:5 fallKT of fatlierless is (1. 73:1 truly G. iv good to Israel 26 G. is the str of my heart 74:12 G. is mv king ol'old 89:7 (J is greatly lo t)e feared 116:5 [,ord our (1, ii merciful 1 1M:27 G. is L. that showed light Ec. .5:2 G. is in Ilea. Ihoii on eiir. /«. 5:10 G. that is holv he sancii. 8:10 G. is with us; 45:11 0. in Zee. 8:23 heard G. 5:4 not lliil unto men, uuto (1. 26:18 fi'. ixiwer of Satan t/;i/()G. SO turn /() G, and do works Rom. 6:10 llv. Ih mitoG.; 11 13 vield voiirsc-lvos i/. (), nllvo 7:4 bring forth tViilt uittoU. 12:1 your bodies a llv. sac. i;. O. 1 1: 12 accotiiit of hliiiseir to G. 1 Cor. 11:2 Hpeakelil unto (). l.'.:44 dcllv, npklngdvmi tod. I'hII. 1:20 now u. G our Kiithov ilrh. ":2,^ lo sav<< til. coino iih, (J. 1 1:6 thai cDiiielh lo (1. miisl be. 12:23 are comi' lo (1, the Judijo ,f,)iii. 4:7 hiibmll .voiirnelven (riG. 1 I'll. 3:18('h. Mi'f, brlni: lis loG. •I:(l llvonccoi-UUii; toG. In uplrlt 876 CRUDEN'S CONCOEDANCE. GOD Rev. 5:9 redeemed ns to G. by b. 12:5 child caught up vnto G. 14:4 first-fr. unto G. and Lamb See TRUE. With GOD. Gen. 5:22 En. walked w. G. 2 1 6:9 N. walked w. G. : 32:23 Oac. Ex-. 19:17 br. peo. to meet w. G. 1 Sam. 14:45 wrought w. G. 2 Sam. 23:5 ho. be not so w. G. 2 Chr. 35:21 forbear med. w. G. Job 9:2 sh. man be just with G. 1:3:3 I desire to reason with G. 1G:21 plead for a man with G. 25:4 can a man be just w. G. ? 27:13 por. of wicked man w. G. 34:9 sh. delight himself w. G. 23 he enter into judg. with G. 37:22 loith G. is ter. majesty Ps. 78:8 spirit not stead, w. G. Hos. 11:12 Judah yet rulethMi. G. 13:3 Jacob had power with G. Mat. 19:26 u'. G. all things possi. Mark 10:21 -.Lu. 1::37; 18:27 Liilce 1:30 hast found favor w. G. 2:52 increased in favor with G. John 1:1 the Word was with G. 5:18 him. equal iv. G. Phil. 2:6 Jiom. 2:11 no resp. of pers. w. G. 5:1 by faith, we have pe. w. G. 9:14 is there unright. with G. ? 1 Cor. 3:9 we are laborers w. G. 19 wisdom of world fool. w. G. 7:24 ev. man therein abide w. G. 2 Thes. 1:6 a ri^jht. thing with G. Jam. 4:4 friendsh. enmity w. G. 1 Pet. 2:20 is acceptable w. G. Would GOD. See would. Your GOD. Gen. 43:23 y. G. hath given trea. Ex. 8:25 go ye, sacrifice to y. G. Lev. 11:45 bringing vou out of Egypt be your 'G. 22:33; Tx-i%\Num. 15:41 26:12 I will be your God ye my people^ Jer. 7:23; 11:4: 30:2-3; £3€A. 36:28 Num. 10:10 a memorial bef. y. G. 15:40 my com. be holy to y. G. ■Jo.!. 24:27 lest }'e deny your G. 1 Sam. 10:19 have rejected y. G. 2 Chr. 32:14 that y. G. deliver y. 15 much less sh. y. G. deliver ? Is. 35:4 y. G. come with veng. 49:1 com. my people, saithy. G. 9 cities of Judah, behold y. G. 59:2 eepar. bet. you and y. G. Ezek. 34:1 I am y. G. saith Lord Dan. 2:47 of a truth it is. y. G. is Has. 1:9 I will not be your G. John 8: .54 ye say that ho is y. G. 20: 17 ascend to my God, y. G. See LORD your God. GODDESS. 1 K. 11:5 Sol. went after the g. 33 worshipped Ashtor. they. Acts 19:27 temple of gr. g. Diana 35 Ephesians worshippers otg, 37 nor yet blasph. of your g. GODHE.\D. Acts 17:£9 nor think g. like gold Horn. 1:20 his eter. power and g. Col. 2:9 in him fulness of the g. . GODLY. Ps. 4:3 L. set apart him that is g. 12:1 help, for the g. man ceas. 32:6 for this every one g. pray Mai. 2:15 he might seek g. seed 2 Cor. 1:12 in g. sincer. our con. 7:9 sorry after a g. manner, 11 10 for g. sorrow worketh rep. 11:2 jeal. over you with g. jeal 2 Tim. 3:12 all that live g. in C. Tit. 2:12 that ye should live g. .Tit). 12:28 sene G. with g. fear 2 Pet. 2:9 how to deliver the g. 3 Jolm 6 bring for. after g. sort GODLIiVESS. 1 Tim. 2:2 may lead a life in g. 10 becometh women profes. g. 3:16 great is the mystery of g. 4:7 exer. thyself rather unto g. 8 g. is profit, unto all things 6:3 the doctrine according to g. 5 supposing that gain is g. 6 g. with contentment is gain 11 follow righteousness, g. fai. 2 Tim. .3:5 having a form of jr. Tit. 1:1 truth which is after g. 2 Pet. 1:3 things pertain to g. 6 add to g. brotherly kind. 7. 3:11 person's ought to be in g. GOD-WARD. Ex. 18:19 be thou for peo. to G. GOD 2 Cor. 3:4 have we thro. C. to G. 1 Thes. 1:8 faith to G. is spread. GODS. Gen. 3:5 ye shall be as g. 31:30 where, hast stolen my gr. .? Ex. 12:12 ag. all g. of Egypt 20:2:3 sh. not make g. of silver 22:28 thou sh. not revile theg". 2:3:24 shalt not bow to their g". 32 make no cove, with their q. 32:4 these be thy g. O Israel, 8 31 they have made g. of gold 34:15 go a whoring after their g. 17 make no molt. g. Lev. 19:4 Xiim. 25:2 people to sac. of g. ;3.3:4 the Egvptians' g. L. exec, judgme. Jer. 43:12, 13; 46:25 Devt. 7:25 im. of their g. burn 10:17 Lord your G. is God of g. 12:3 hew down im. of their g. 30 inquire not after their g. 31 have done abomiua. to their g. sons and dau. in fire to g. 13:7 entice thee to g. of people 20:18 not do as they to their g. 32:37 sh. say, Wbore are th. g. ? ■log. 22:22 Lord God of y. know. 23:7 nor mention of their g. Jud. 5:8 they chose new g. 6:10 fear not g. of Amorites 10:14 cry to g. ye have chosen 17:5 Micah had a house of <7. 18:24 ye have taken my g. Euth i:15 sister-in-law ba. iog. 1 Sam. 4:8 the g. smote Egypt. 6:5 his hand from oft' your g. 17:43 Phil, cursed Da. by his g. 28:13 I saw g. as. out of "earth 2 Sam. 7:23 redeem, from th. g. 1 K. 11:2 turn your heart after g'. 8 Solomon sacrificed to their g. 12:28 behold thy g. O Israel 1R:24 call name of your q. 25 19:2 let g. do so to me, 20:10 20:23 their g. are g. of hills 2 K. 17:29 every nation made g. 33 feared the L. served own g. 18:33 hath g. delivered his land ? 19:12; 2 Chr. 32:13, 14; Is. 36:18; 37:12 34 wh. are (7. of H. ? Is. 36:19 19:18 cast g. in. fire, were no g. 1 Chr. 5:25 went a whoring af g. 10:10 armor in house of tlieir g. 14:12 left their g. David burnt 2 Chr. 13:8 calv. Jcro. ma. for g. 9 a priest to th. that are no g. 25:14 br. g. of Seir to be his g. 28:23 Ahaz sacrificed to the g. 32:17 g. of nations have not de. Ezr. 1:7 vessels in house oig. Ps. 82:1 he judg. among the q. 6 said. Ye are g. .Jolm 10:34 1.36:2 give thanks unto God of g. 138:1 bef. the g. will I praise [<. 21:9 Bab. fall, her g. broken 41:23 we may know ye are g. 42:17 images, Te are our g. Ter. 2:11 changes g. arc no g. f 23 where are thy g. thou made? to number of cit. are thy q. 11:13 3:7 sworn by th. that are no g. 10:11 g. have not made heaven 11:12 to g. they offer incense 16:20 man make g. are no g. f 48:35 that burn, incense to g. Dan. 2:11 can show it, except g. 47 your God is a God of g. 4:8 in whom is spirit of holy g. 9 sp. oig. is in thee. 18: 5:14 5:4 q. of gold and silver. 23 11 like the wisdom of the g. 11:8 carry into E. g. w. princes 36 speak things s." God of g. Hos. 14:3 ne. say. Ye are our g. yah. 1:14 out of house of thy g. ■lohn. 10::35 if he called them g. Acts 14:11 the g. are come down 19:26 be no g. made with hands 1 Cor. 8:5 called g. there be g. Gal. 4:8 ser. to th. wh. are no g. See SERVE. All GODS. Ej: 18:11 L. greater than all g. 1 C/ir. 16:25 ab. all g. Ps. 96:4 26 0^ g. of peo. idols, Ps. 96:5 2 6%?-. 2:5 G. ab. aU g. Ps. 135:5 Ps. 95:3 L. is a K. above all g. 97:7 worship all g. ; 9 ab. all g. Zep. 2:11 famish all g. of earth Amon:; the GODS. Ec. 15:11 am', t. g. who like th. ? 2 K. 18:.35 who a. t. q. could del. cou.? 2 Clir. .32:14 ; Is. 36:20 Ps. 86:8 a. t. g. none like thee GOL Other GODS. Ex. 20:3 no other g. before me. Dent. 5:7 2-3:13 make no mention of o. g. Deut. 6:14 ye shall not go after 0. g. 11:28; 28:14; \ K. 11:10; Jei: 25:6; 35:15 7:4 turn thy son to serve o. g. 8:19 if thou walk after o. g. i:3:2 let us go after o. g. 6:13 17:3 hath gone and served o. o. 29:26 ; Jos. 23:16 ; Jud. 10:13 ; lSam.m;Jer.n:W 18:20 speak in name of o. g. 30:17 0. g. and serve, Jer. 22:9 31:18 that day turned to o. g. KD ■will they turn to other g. .lud. 2:12 forsook L. fol. other g. 17 went a \\horing after o. g. 19 follow, other q. to serve th. 1 Sam. 26:19 say. Go ser^-e o. g. 1 K. 9:9 have taken hold upon other g. 2 Chr. 7:22 11:4 wives turned heart af. o. g. 14:9 hast gone and made o. g. 2 K. 5:17 not off'er sacri. to o. g. 17:7 Is. sinned and feared 0. g. 35 ye shall not fear o. g. 37, 38 22:17 and burnt incense to oth. g. 2 Chr. 34:25; Jer. 1:16; 19:4 2 Cltr. 28:25 Ahaz bur. in. to o.g. .Jer. 7:6 nor walk after other rf..' 9 0. g. wh. ye know not, l:j:10 10:11 for. me, walked after o. g. 44:5 burn no incense to other g. 8 burning incense to o. g. 15 Bos. 3:1 look to o. g. love wine See SERVE. Strange GODS. Gen. 35:2 put a. s. g. 1 Sam. 7:3 4 gave Jacob s. g. Jos. 24:23 Deut. 32:16 provoked with s. g. ■Tos. 24:20 forsake L. serve s. g. ■lud. 10:16 put away their s. g. 2 Chr. 14:3 Asa took altar af s. g. 33:15 Josiah took away s. g. ■Ter. 5:19 as ye serv-ed strange g. Acts 17:18 a setter forth of s. g. GOG 1 Chr. 5:4 ; Ezek. 38:2, 3, 16, 18; 39:11 Pev. 20:8 G. and Magog, to gath. GOLD. Gen. 2: 11 land of Ha vilah. is g 12 the g. of tliat land is good 41:42 put chain of a«. 2:35 *. and g. broken, 45 5:4 praised gods of «. andy. 23 11:38 a god honor w. g. and s. 43 power over treas. of (/. auds. 7/05. 2:8 I miilti. her s. and g. 8:4 of «. and (/. they made idols Joel 3:5 have taken my «. and g. Xa/i. 2:9 take spoil of s. andg. llab. 2:19 laid over with s. and g. Hag. 2:8 the s. is mine, !7. mine Zee. 6:11 ». and g. make crowns Mai. 3:3 pmgethem as g. and s. -Wai. 10:9 provide nei. g. nor s. Acts 3:6 .s. and (7. have I none 17:29 think Godh. like «. and g. 20:33 I cov. no man's .<:. or g. 1 Cor. 3:12 build on found, a. s. 2 Tim. 2:20 vessels of s. and {7. ./:;/>!. 5:3 your g. ands. cankered 1 Pet. 1:18 not red. w. g. and g. lleo. 9:20 rep. not of idols of «. g. Talent and talents of GOLD. E.r.. 25:39 at.ofg. sh. he make 37:24 of a tal. of pure g. made 2 /Sant. 12:30 weiglit of crown a talent of g. 1 Ghr. 20:2 1 K. 9:14 Hir. sent Sol. 120 1. of g. 23 sent from Ophir 420 t. of g. 10:10 she gave Solomon 120 ial- ent>t ofg. 2 Chr. 9:9 14 in 1 vr. came to S. 666 1. ofg. 2 K. 23:33 put the land to a tal- ent of g. 2 (Ihr. 36:3 1 (:it,r. 22:14 D. pre. 100,000 1. ofg. 2;):4 my own good 3,000 t. of g. 7 chief of fa. gave 5,000 /. ofg. 2 Chr. 8:18 took fr. O. 450 t. ofg. Exr. 8:26 weigh, ofg. ves. lO'O t. VesBcls of GOLB. 2 Sam. 8:10 Toi sent to David vessels of g. 1 Chr. 18:10 1 K. 10:21 Solomon's drinking V. were o/f/. 2 67t^. 9:20 25 brolce v. ofg. 2 C'Ar. 9:24 2 yT. 12:13 for house of L. v. ofg. 24:13 Neb. cut in pieces v. of g. 2 Chr. 24:14 money made v. ofg. Ezr. 1:11 V. ofg. and silver 5,40) 5:14 the v. of g. Cyrus deliven^d 8:26 weiglicd oiv. ofg. 100 tal. Est. 1:7 "ave drink in v. of g. Dan. 11:8 carry into E. v. 'of g. 2 Tim. 2:20 not only v. of g. GOLDE\. Ex. 25:25 a g. crown to border 28:.34 a g. lirll ; :j():4 rings, 39:20 .32:2 Aar. said. Break g. car-r. Leo. 8:9 on forefront piit g. plate JVuni. 7:26 g. hjioon of 10 shekels Jiid. K:2l IkuI g. ear-rings 26 tlu; wciglit of g. ear-rings 1 fSain. 6:1 i;iuer. g. mice, 17, 18 > 2 J{. 10:29 dei)arted not fr. g. ca. 1 Chr. 28:17 for g. basins gave 2 Chr. 13:8 are with you g. calv. JS,-r. 6:5 let g. ves. be restored it'i<.4:ll the king shall hold out a g. sceptre, 5:2 ; H:4 Ec. 12:6 tlio g. bowl be broken Js. 13:12 more prec. than g. w. 14:4 hath tli« g. city ceased Jcr. 51:7 Ual)y. hath been g. cup /M». 3:5 worsliipf/. image', 12 5:2 Ii('I. commanded bring, g. vessels 3 they brought the g. vessels Zee. 4:12 g. pipes empty g. oil Jlel). 9:4 g. censc'randark, g. pot Jlei). 1:12 [ saw 7,f/. candlesticks 13 girt ab. ))ai)S with g. girdle 29 mystery ol 7sr. candlesticks 2:1 in midst of (7. caiidjc'slieks 5:8 g. vials, 15:7 ; 8:3 g. censer 11:14 on head g. cr. ; 17:4 g. cup 21:15 u g, reed to measure city ■. 1:1 they arc g. n. backward E-.ek. 4 1:10 I,evltes g. a. from mo Mdl. 3:7 g. a. fr. my onllnanccs John 0:'22 Ills (llsclples y. a. alo. iiO\K hack. Iliith 1:15 lliy slstiT-ln-law 7. /'. ./(«';2;!:12 nor liavi^ 1 g. Imrl; Ps. 53:3 every u\w Is g. Ii. noun Jer. 40:5 while he Wat not g, b. (iOM'l down. 1 Snm. 15:12 Haul Is g. d. to (JU. GOO 1 E. 1:25 Adonijah is g. down 21:18 Ahab 5". d. to possess vin. 2 E. 20:11 the shadow had g. d. indialof Ahaz, Is. 38:8 Cant. 6:2 my beloved is g. down Jer. 15:9 sun is g. d. while day 48:15 his young men are g. d. Ezek. 31:12 peo. g. d. from shad. 32:21 strong g. d. slain by swo. 24 Elam g. d.; 27 Tubal ; 30 Z. Jon. 1:5 Jonah g. d. sides of ship GOSfE forth. Ex. 19:1 when Israel was g.f. 2 K. 6:15 when servant was g. f. 1 CAr. 14:15 God is g.f. before Zs. 51:5 my salvation is g.f. Jer. 4:7 g.f. to make land desol. 10:20 my children are g.f. 23:15 profaneness g.f. into land 19 whirlwind of Lord is g.f. 29:16 brethren that are not g.f. Ezek. 7:10 day come, morn. g. f. 36:20 people of Lord are g.f. Dan. 2:14 g.f. to slay wise men 10:20 when I am g.f. pr. come Mark 10:17 when tie g.f. one GONE out. Ex. 9:29 as soon as I am g. 0. Num. 16:46 wrath g. 0. from L. Dent. 13:13 certain men g. out 23:23 which is g. 0. of thy lips Jud. 4:14 is not the Lord g. out Ruth 1:13 hand of the L. is g. o. 1 Sam. 25:37 wine g. 0. of Nabal 2 K. 5:2 Syrians g. 0. by comp. 7:12 we hungry, there, they (7. 0. 20:4 Isaiah was g. 0. to court Ps. 19:4 g. 0. through the earth 89:.34 the thing that is g. out Is. 45:23 word g. 0. of my mouth Ezek. 24:6 whose scum not g. out Mat. 12:43 when unclean spirit is g. out, Luke 11:24 2.5:8 give ns oil, our lamps g. 0. Mark 5:30 virtue g. o. Luke 8:46 7:29 devil is g. out of daughter, .30; Lnke'n-.M John 13:31 when g. 0. Jesus said Pom. 3:12 they are all g. o. 1 Johni-.l many false prop. g. 0. GONE over. 2 Sam. 17:20 they be p. 0. brook Ps. .38:4 mine iniquities g. 0. 42:7 waves and billows are g. 0. 124:4 stream g. over our soiil 5 waters had g. over our soul Is. 10:29 they are g. o. passage 16:8 are g. 0. the sea, Jer. 48:32 Mat. 10:23 g. 0. cities of Israel GONE up. Gen. 49:9 my son. thou art g. iip 2 K. 1:4 not come off bed on which g. up. 6, 16 Ps. 47:5 G.'is g. vp with a shout Is. 15:2 he is g. vp to Bajith 57:8 discov. to another, art g. up Jer. 3:6 she is a. u)) on mount. 14:2 the cry of Jerusa. is g. up 34:21 king's army wh. arc g. up 48:15 Moab is g. up out of cities Ezek. 9:3 glory of O. of Isr. g. up 13:5 have not g. up into gaps Itos. 8:9 th(!y ai-e g. up to Assy. John 7:10 his brct'h. were g. up Acts 18:22 g. up and saluted chu. GONE a whorinj;. Lm). 17:7 whom th. have g. a w. Ezek. 23:.30 bee. thou hast g. a w. Ifos. 4:12 g. a w. fr. under th. (). 9:1 thou 'liast g. a w. from God <;0(>l), SuliHtanlivu Gen. 32:12 I will do tliec g. 45:18 g. of tlic land of Hgypt 20 r7."of liuiil of KL'ypt Is yours .50:20(111(1 mciinl II uulof/. .V)///i. 10:29 Lord hath spoken g. .los. 21:20 consume you, alter he hath done voii g. 1 Sum. 20:12 tluT<' b<> g. tow. 1). 21:17 rewarded me e<'i!:e< c:ni ilo no «. 21:1(1 tholi-c^. Ituol In th. huiiil GOO Job 22:21 peace, g. sh. co. to th. 24:21 he doeth not g. to widow Ps. 4:6 who will show us g. f 14:1 do?. 3; 53:1: ^om. 3:12 34:12 loveth days, he may sees'. .39:2 I h. my peace, even fromy. 104:28 they are filled with g. 106:5 see the g. of thy choice 122:9 Lord, I will seek thy g. 128:5 shall see g. of Jerusalem Prm. 3:27 with, not g. from th. 11:17 doeth g. to his own soul 27 he that diligently seek. g. 12:14 a man satisfied with g. 13:2 eat g. by fruit of his mouth 21 to righteous g. sh. be repaid 14:22 truth to them that dev. g. 16:20 hand, matter wisely fi. g. 17:20 froward heart find, no g. 22 a merry heart doeth g. 19:8 keep understand, find g. Ec. 2:24 soul en. g. 3:13 ; 5:18 3:12 there is no g. in them 4:8 I labor, bereave soul of §'. ? 5:11 what g. there to owners ? 6:3 his soul be not filled with g. 6 seen no g. all g. to one place 7:20 doeth g. and sinneth not 9:18 one sinner destro. much g. Is. 1:19 yo sh. eat the g. of land 52:7 bringeth good tidings ofg. Jer. 8:15 no g. came, 14:19 17:6 sh. not see when g. cometh 18:10 if do evil, I will rep. of g. 20 I stood bef. thee to speak g. 29:.32 neither sh. behold (7. I do 32:42 I will bring thee g. I pro. .33:9 hear all the g. I do them Ezek. 16:50 I took them I saw g. Zee. 11:12 if g. give my price Mat. 26:24 been (7. not been born John 5:29 done g. to resurrection Acts 10::^ went about doing g. 14:17 he did g. and gave rain Pom. 2:10 hon. cv. man. work. g. 1 Thes. 3:1 g. be left Athens 1 John 3:17 hath this world's g. For GOOD. Derit. 6:24 fear the L./or our g. 10:13 com. thee this "day /o;- g. 30:9 L.will rej. over \\\iivforg. Ezr. 8:22 God on thein/o?- g. Neh. 5:19 O my G.forg. 13:31 Job 5:27 know thou it/or thy g. Ps. 86:17 show a tokeu/o;- (7. 119:122 be surety for ser./or g. Jer. 14:11 pray nof for their r/. 24:5 sent out of place /'. their g. 6 set mine eyes on tliem /'. >/. 32:39 for fear, /or the g. of them Mic. 1:12 Maroth waited for g. Pom. 8:28 all things wor'k for g. 13:4 he is minister of (.iod for g. 15:2 cv. one please ueighb./. g. /See BAD, EVIL. GOOD, Adjective. Gen. 24:12 send mc g. speed 26:29 we have doucnolli. but g. 27:46 what g. sh. my life dome? 41:5 g. cars"; 20 g. kinc; Xt g. y. 43:28 our fathcr'is in g. health 46:29 Joseph wept a /}. H bile Deut. 3;J:16 for g. will of him 1 Sam. 2:21 it is no g. report 12:23 I will teach idc g. way 25:15 men were very g. to ns. 29:9 thou art g. in my sight 2 Sam. 15:3 see thy mat. are g. 19:18 what the king thought g. 1 A'. 8:.!6 teach them the g. way M\ no word off/, promise fail. 12:7 speak g. words, 2 ('Ac. 10:7 2 A'. 20: 19 g'. Is word of L. fs. 39:8 2 Chr. 19:11 Lord sh. be with g. 80:18 llu'<7. Lord pardon every l'':r. 8:18 (lie g. Iiand ofonr God .y,h. 9:13 gave llicin g. statute- 2t) thou gav. g. Spliit to tlic:n Job 10:3 Is It <7."tliou opprc^s^ 13:9 is It g. ho search vou out? 89:4 their vtuing In (/."liking /•s. 2.5:8 (/. and upright Is iIim L. 37:'A'l sleiis off/, man oril. by L. 4.5:1 niv heart "Is iiulltlngf/. 8(1:5 tbim, Lord, art g. 1I9:6,S 112:5 a (/. man showolh favor lUt;.'19 t\iy JudgnioiitH arc g. (16 tcacli (/. Iiulg. niul knowK I^vr. 2:9 slnill uiulcrs. ev. g. jm. 20 walk In way odi. men 12:'J,5 (/. word niak. In-art glad 14:10 ilie c\ II bow befoii- the . 1 Tim. 3:1 a bishop, dosir. g. w. 5:10 dilisently followed g. w. 2 Tijn. 2:21 prepared to ev. g. w. Tit. 1:16 to every (7. «'. reprobate .3:1 to be ready to every g. w. neb. 13:21 make perf. in ev. g. w. GOOD works. 1 Sam. 19:4 w. to thee been g. Mat. 5:16 may see your g. ir. ■lohn 10:32 g. w. have I showed Acts 9:36 Dorcas full of y. works Pom. 13:3 not a terror to g. w. Eph. 2:10 created in CIl. to g. w. 1 Tim. 2:10 be adorned w. g. w. 5:10 well reported for g. jccrks 25 g. w. of some are manifest 6:18 that they be rich in g. w. 2 Tim. 3:17 fu'niished to all fir. w. Tit. 2:7 thyself a pattern in g. w. 14 zealous oi g. works 3:8 careful to maintain fir. ic. 14 Heb. 10:24 prov. to love and g. w. 1 Pet. 2:12 by g. u\ glorify God GOODLY. Gen. 39:6 Joseph was a g. person 49:21 Nap. a hind, giv.'gr. words E.C. 2:2 saw he was a g. child 39:28 made g. bonnets Num. 24:5 g. arc thy tents. O J. Deut. 3:25 that g. mountain 6:10 fir. cities which build, not 8:12 thou hast built g. houses ■Tos. 7:21 a g. Babylon, garment 1 Sam. 9:2 S. a yoiingman. and (7. 16:12 David vvas fir. to look to 2 Sam. 23:21 Ben. "slew a g. man 1 K. 1:6 Adonijah was a g. man Job 39:13 g. wings to peacocks Ps. 10:6 I have a g. heritage 80:10 boughs wore like fir. cedars Jer. 3:19 sh. I give thee g. heri. t 11:16 olive-tree of g. fruit GOR Ezek. 17:8 it mieht bo a fir. vine 23 bear fruit, and be a "jr. cedar Hos. 10:1 have made g. images ■loel 3:5 your tem. my g. things Zee. 10:.3 made them as g. horse 11:13 a g. price I was prized at Mat. 13:45 merch. seek. g. pearls Luke 21:5 adorned with g. stones ■lam. 2:2 a man in 17. apparel Rev. 18:14 things dainty and g. GOODLIER, EST. 1 Sam. 8:16 your g. young men 9:2 not in Israel a g. person 1 K. 20:3 child, even g. are mine GOODIVESS. Eic. 18:9 rejo. for fir. L. had done 33:19 make fir. pass before thee 3-1:6 Lord God abundant in g. Num. 10:32 wh. g. L. sh. do to us ■I Sam. 7:28 prom. g. 1 Chr. 17:28 1 K. 8:66 joyful for .fir. 2 Chr. 7:10 2 Chr. 6:41 saints rejoice in g. 32:.32 Hezek. g. ; .35:26 Josiah g. Neh. 9:25 delighted thems. in g. 35 have not'served thee in g. Ps. 10:2 my g. ext. not to thee 21:3 prev. with blessings of y. 2:3:6 surely g. shall follow me 25:7 remem. me, for thy g. sake 27:13 I believed to see g. of L. 31:19 O how great is thy g. 33:5 earth is full of g. of Lord 52:1 g. of God endureth contin. C5:4 satis, with g. of thy house 11 cromiest the year with g. 68:10 prep, of thv fir. for poor 107:8 pr. L. for his g. 15. 21, 31 9 filleth hungry soul with g. 1W:2 my fir. and my fortress 145:7 utter memory of thy g. Prov. 20:6 procla. ev. one his g. Is. 63:7 g. toward the house of Israel ■ler. 2:7 bro. vou to eat g. thereof 31:12 flow together to 17. of L. 14 people satisfied with my g. 33:9 shall tremble for all the .17. Pos. 3:5 fear the Lord and his g. 6:4 your g. is as a morn, cloud 10:1 according to g. of his land Zee. 9:17 great is his g. Rom. 2:4 g. of G. lead, to repent. 11:22 befiold, the g. of G. towa. thee fir. if thou "continue in gr. 15:14 that vou are full of a. Gal. 5:22 fru. of Sp. is g. Eph. 5:9 2 Thes. 1:11 fulfil 17. pie. of his g. GOODS. Gen. 14:16 Abr. brought back jr. 21 take the fir. to thyself 24:10 g. of master in his hand 31:18 J. carried awav his g. 40:6 E.r. 22:8 hand to neig"hbor's g. 11 Num. 16:32 earth swall. their g. 31:9 spoil of Midianand their §■. 35:3 forLevites' cattle andpr. Pcut. 28:11 make plenteous in g. 3 Hir. 21:14 smite wives, thy gr. Ezr. 1:4 the men help him wi. g. 6 strength, their hands with g. 6:8 king's g. expenses be given 7:26 banislim. or to confis. of g. Xrh. 9:25 poss. houses full of gr. ■Icib 20:10 his hands sh. restore g.m 21 therefore no man look for g. 28 his fir. shall flow away Ec. 5:11 when fir. increase Ezek. .38:12 have cattle and a. 13 come to take cattle and g. ? Zep. 1:13 fir. shall bee. a booty Mat. 12:29 enter str. man's hou. and take g. ? Mark 3:37 24:47 make him ruler over g. 25:14 deliver, unto them his g. Luke 0:30 taketli away thy g. 11:21 his g. are in peace 12:18 there will I bestow my g. 19 thou hast much fir. laid up 15:12 give me the portion of g. 10:1 accused that he wasted g. 19:8 half of my g. Mve to poor Acts 2:45 sold g. and parted th. 1 Cor. 13:3 I bestow all my g. neb. 10:.34 spoiling of your fir. Rer. 3:17 and increased with gr, GOPHER wood. Gen. ft 14 an ark of gr. w. GORE, ED. Ex. 21:28 if ox fir. man or woman 31 whe. g. a eon or daughter GORGEOUS, LY. Ezek. 23:12 Assyrians clothed g. Luke 7:25 g. apparel, in king's 23:11 H. arrayed Jesus in g. robe CRUDEN'S CONCORDAN"CB. 879 GOT GOSHE.V. Gen. 45:10 dwell in land of G. 46::J4: 47:4,6,27 Ex. 8:23; 9:26; ./o«. 10:41; 11:16; 15:51 GOSPEL. i!/ar^ 1:1 bejfinning of j7. of J. C. 15 paid. Repeat and believe g. 8:35 lose life for my sake and g. 10:2!) for my sake and g. 13:10 the g. must be published Acts 15:7 by my mouth hear g. 20:24 the g. of the grace of God Rom. 1:1 separat. to the g. of 6. 9 I serve with my spirit in g. 16 not ashamed of g. of Christ 2:16 judge secrets ac. to my g. 10:16 have not all obeyed the g. 11:2S concerning g. are enemies 13:10 ministering the g. of God 29 blessing of the g. of Christ 16:25 estab. you according to g. 1 Cor. 4:15 begotten you thro' g. 9:12 lest we hinder g. of Christ 17 a dispensation 6{g. is com. 18 I nreach g. I may make g. of Christ with, charge: that I abuse not my po. in the g. 23 this I do for the g. sake 2 Cor. 4:3 if g'. hid, hid to them 4 light of glor. g. should shine 8:18 whose praise is in g. 9:13 prof, subjection to the g. 11:4 receive another g. Gal. 1:6 Gal. 1:7 would pervert n. of Chr. 2:2 communicated g. Ipreach 5 truth oi q. might continue '7 g. of uncir. committed to me 14 according to truth of the g. Eph. 1:13 g. of your salvation 3:0 partake prom, in Chr. by g. 6:15 preparation of ^. of peace 19 make known mj'stery of y. Fhil. 1:5 fellowship in the g. 7 def. and confirmation of g. 17 12 fallen out to furthera. of y. 27 let your conversation bo as beco. g. striv. for faith of ly. 2:22 hath served with mo in g. 4:3 help-women with me in g. 15 in the beginning pf the g. Col. 1:5 heard bef. of truth ofy. 23 not moved from hope of g. 1 Then. 1:5 g. came not in word 2:2 bold to speak the g. of God 4 to be put m tru.^t with g. 8 willing to impart not g. only 3:2 Ti. our fellow-laborer in g. 2 Then. 1:8 on them that olii'y not the g. 1 Pet. 4:17 2:14 whereiinto called you by ■17. 1 Tim. 1:11 according to g. of G. 2 Tim. 1:8 partaker of aOli. off/. 10 iminorlality to light (hro' y. 2:8 J. C. raised ar.eording to g. I'hlle. 13 rainist. in bonds of 17. GOSPEL, mlth preach, cd, Ing. Mai. 4:2.3 Jesus went preaching the r/. 9:35; Mark 1:14 11:5 poor have g. p. Luke 7:22 2^1:14 g. hap. 20:13; Mark 14:9 Mark i6:157J. g. to ev. cn^aturc Luke 4:18 anoinlcid me top. g. 9:0 f). the g. and healing 20:1 he taiiglil and nreached g. Ads H:i^> pi'e. g. to Samaritans 16:10 Fi. had calhtd us to/), g. Horn. 1:15 I am ready to/;, g. 10:15 lii^autiful feel thai/;, g. 15:19 I have fully /;/v. g. ofCh. 20 MO hav(^ I Htrived lo jina. g. 1 Cor. 1:17 not to ba])t. bul /)/•. g. 9:14 that p. g. shoulil live off/. 10 tho' I p. g. nothing to glory ' of, woe t() ini! if I /«'. not g. 18 wliiMi I /;. g. I may make g. 15:1 I di.'Cliire the g. which I pr. 8 Cor. 2:12 I came to T. I0//C. g. 10:14 as far as to vou in ». g. 11:7 r pr. to you freely llie g. (lal. 1:8 llio' wu pr. any other j/. 11 g. p. of me not at'ti'V nnui :VM prcU: hc'fore Ww g. to .\l)ra. 4:111 Inllrmlty of llesh I p. g. 1 Tliin. 2:9 we/*, lo you g. ofO. //'/(. y.'i lo UH was g. prrarhiil 1 I'll. 1:12 llKMU that pre. \\u- g. 25 which by 7, Ik /»•. to you 4:11 for Ihls rauH(! wuh Ilie (/. pr. Jioo. 14:11 having <'vc:rl. y. to/;. GOT. fJen. 1)9:18 JoH. g. Iilnioul, 15 Ph. 44:3 g. not land liy sword JSc, ii:7 iy. servan. and inaUluiiv GOTTK\. 0«n. 4:1 I have y. u ninu GRA Ex. 14:13 when I have g. honor Lev. 6:4 thing he hath deceit, g. Dent. 8:17 hand harli g. wealth iSam. 17:13 be g. into a city ■Tob 28:15 wisdo'.n not g. for gold 31:25 rejoic. bee. hand g. much P.9. 98:1 arm hath g. victory Prov. 13:11 wealth g. by vanity 20:21 inheritance g. hastily Ec. 1:16 g. more \visdom than all /.'•■. 15:7 abundance g. they carry Ezek. 28:4 wisdom hast g. riches Van. 9:15 thou hast g. renown Rev. 15:2 them that g. victory GOVER!V. 1 K. 21:7 dost g. kingdom of Is. ? Job 34:17 shall he that hateth g. ? Ps. 67:4 thou sh. g. the nations GOVERiVMEXT, S. In. 9:6 g. ehall be upon shoulder 7 of inc. of his g. sh. be no end 22:21 I commit g. to his hand 1 Cor. 12:2S g. divers, of tongues iP&t. 2:10 them that despise g. GOVERNOR. Gen. 42:6 Jos. g. over land, 4.''):20 1 K. 18:3 Ob. g. over Ahab"s ho. 1 Chr. 20:22 anointed S. chiefs?. Ey.r. 5:14 C. dcliv. vessels to g. Neh. 5:14 not eaten bread oi g. 18 required not the bread of g. Ps. 22:28 he is g. am. the nation. ■Trr. 30:21 g. sh. proceed fr. them 40:5 go back to Gedaliah the g. 41:2 Ish. smote Gedaliah the g. Uag. 1:14 L. stirred up Zerub. g. 2:2 speak to Zerub. the g. 21 7-,ec. 9:7 sh. be as a g. in Judah Mai. 1:3 offer it now tc thy g. Ma'. 2:6 out of thee sh. come g. 2^:14 if this come to (/.'« cars .Jfiliii 2:8 bear to g. of the feast .Vr's 2-1:1 informed g. against P. 2 Cor. 11:.32 the g. under Aretas ■Jam. 3:4 ships turned wh. g. lis. GOVER!\ORS. ■hi'l. 5:9 my heart tow. g. of Isr. 14 out of ]\Iachir came down g. E:'.r. 8:30 delivered com. to g. X'h. 2:7 let letters be given to g. 5:15 the g. charL'eable to people Dan. 2:48 made I)an. chief of y. Zee. 12:517. of Judah shall say 0 will niake g. of J. like hearth :,fut. 10:18 sh. be brought bef. g. Gal. 4:2 under tutors and g. 1 Pel. 2:14 submit yoursel. to g. GOURD, S. 2 K. 4:39 one gathered wild ;;. ■Ton. 4:6 God prejiared g. J. glad 7 a worm smote q. it'withercd 10 thou hast had pity on the g. GOZAN. 2A'.17m; 18:11; 19:12; 1 Chr. 5:20; In. 37:12 GRACE. Ezr. 9:8 little space g. showed T'M. 2:17 K. obtaiiiecl y. in siglit Pn. Atr.ig. |)oured into lips 81:11 Lord is a sun, will give g. Proe. 1:9 an ornament o( g. 3:22 so s!iall they be life and g. '.'A givelh g. to lowly, Jimi. 4:0 4:9 lo head ornament oi g. 22:11 for g. of lips king ills fri. y.er. 4:7 slioulings, crying, g. (f. 12:10 will pour \\w Sprit ofr/. ,l„hn 1:11 begotten of V. full ofr;. 16 have all received g. for g, 17 g. and truth canu' by J."('. Aeln\:'.\.\\iwi\\ g. was on ihem 1 1:3 testimony to word of his g. IK:27 \yhich belleyed thru' g. 20:32 com. yon to word or^. Horn. l:r> by wh. we reci^ived g. 7 g. and peace from (J. our K. '1 Cor. 1:3; iCnr. 1:2; Gal. 1:3; Epli. 1:2; Phll.}:'i; Col. 1:2; 1 '/'/;«. 1:1; 2 Thei. 1:2; Phlle. 3 3:24 just lllril n-eely by his (7. 4:1 ri'ward Is not reckoned of jr. 1(1 llial it might be by g. 5:2 we havi^ access Into HiIh g. 17 rni'clve abundant' off/. 20 sin aliounded, 1/. more 21 g. reli'U Ihro' rlglileousiicHH 0:t con. Ill sin. tliiit g. iibonnel.'ctloii »fy. 0 If hy g. no more of works 12;:i Ihrouirli g. glyen unto mi- 0 gift »dltl'er(ng according (o;/, Jfi:l5 till' g. given lo me of (iod 1 C„r. 10:30 in by g. be parlak. 16:10 y, buHtuwuU not In vain GRA 2 Cor. 4:15 . 2:9 by g. of G. taste death 12:15 any inan fail ofr/. of G. 1 Pet. 4:10 stewards ofr/. of G. 5:12 this is tlie true g. ef'Gud GRACE of our Lord Jesiis. ,4rY.« 15:11 g. of L. ./. sh. be saved Pom. Vi:Wg!of our Lord J. be withyo'u.at;irr)r.lO:-i3;/%f"/. 4:2.3: i The.i. 5:28; 2 7'/rr v. ., 22:27 1 « ill hear, I am g. !t:!:19 bo g. lo whom 1 be g. 31:0 llui Lord God, '/. 2 Chr. 30:9; /'.<. 10,3:8; 11(5:5; 145:8; ./(X/2:I3 Xiim. 6:25 make face shine g. -iSam. 12:22 tell wh.d. will be V. Xih. 9:17 a (iod r/. merclftil, 31 ./(«'; ;i;i:'2-l then he Is r/. to hlin Ps. 77:9 (loil forgot tell to lie r/. f SO: 15 art (Iod g. 111:1; 112:4' I'ror. l1:Ulr/. wo, retain, honor h>. 10:12 words of wise niiin ;;. Is. .30 IS I,, wilt wait llial he ber/. 19 be II. to thee; XV.i g. lo UH ■At. 22:'i3 a. when imngs conui ,4w Lord will be g. .Inn. 4:2 llioii art a r/ (Iml I/r(/, 1:9 lie«eech (1,'hi' will hi- ff. /.irriv l:"W woudereil al g. worils 1 /•ft. 2:;i If ye lii'led llie L. Ih g. G, n. :n ,■, 1 hlld. OoU y. fc'lvcn me GRA Gen. 5.3:11 G. hath dealt g. with Ps. 119:29 grant me thy law jr. Hos. 14:2 receive us g. GR.\FT, ED. Rcmi. 11:17 wild olive-t. wert g. 19 that I might be g. in 23 theysh. begr. G. "is able tor/. 24 cut out and jr. these be jr. GRAL\, S. Am/>s 9:9 not least jr. fall on ear. Mat. 1.3::J1 kingdom of heaven is like a jr. of mustard-seed, Marki-.-il; LukelZu'.) 17:20 faith as a g. of mustard-s. ye shall say to this mount, remove, Luke 17:0 1 Cor. 15:37 jr. wheat, or other jr. GRWDMOTHER. 2 Tim. 1:5 faith dwelt in thy jr. GR.47;T, Substantive. Ezr. 3:7 accord, to g. of Cyrus GRAXT, Verb. Lev. 25:24 g. a redemption 1 Sam. 1:17 God g. thee petition 1 Chr. 21:22 g. this threshing-fl.; thou shall g. it me 2 Chr. 12:7 I will g. them dcliv. Neh. 1:11 g. mercy in sight of Est. 5:8 the king g. my petition ■Lob 6:8 G. jr. the t'hing I long for Ps. 20:4 g. thee to thine heart 83:7 O Lord, jr. us salvation 119:29 jr. me thy law graciously 1-10:8 g. not, O L. de. of wicked Mat. 20:21 g. mv two sons may sit, Mark 10:37 Luke 1:74 jr. to us that we being Acts 4:29 g. with boldness Pom. 1.3:5 G. g. you lobe like-m. Eph. 3:16 jr. you to be strengtli. 2 Tim. 1:18 L. jr. he find mercy Rev. 3:21 g. to sit in my throne GR.WTED. 1 Chr. 4:10 God jr. what he requ. 2 Chr. 1:12 and kiiowl. is g. thi ! Ezr. 7:6 king g. all his renuesrs Xeh. 2:8 r/. accord, to haiKi of 0. Est. 5:6 petit, sh. be g. 7:2; 9:12 9:13 let it be g. to Jews iji Shu. ■Job 10:12 hast g. life and favor Piop. 10:24 desire of right, be g. .\ets 11:18 G. jr. Gen. repentunco 14:3 g. signs to be done by han. Rev. 19:8 g. she sh. be an-aytd GRAPE. Lev. 19:10 not gather r/. ofwino Deut. 32:14 drink bloo"d of*/. ■/ob 15:.33 shake oft' unripe g. Cant. 2:13 g. give good smell 7:12 the tender ciiillo 29:2.3 Hiiv r/, groweth then In ;i;t:"J dlsl'llas "liowerH uim.ii y. II HtuH. 83:4 Uiu y. uprlnclni; out 880 CRUDEN'S COJfCORDANCE. GRA 1 K. 18:5 find g. to save horses iK. 19:26 as g. of the field, as g. on the house-tops, Is. 37:27 Job 5:25 offspring as g. of earth 6:5 ass bray when he hath g. 40:15 behem. eateth g. as an ox Ps. 37:2 sh. be cut down like g. 72:6 like rain upon mown g. 16 they shall flourish like g. 90:5 they are like g. wh. grow. 92:7 the wicked spring as g. 102:4 heart is withered like g. 11 a shadow, withered like g. 10:3:15 man, his days are as g. 104:14 causeth g. to grow 106:20 an ox that eateth g. 139:6 as g. upon the house-tops 147:8 g. to grow upon mount. Prov. i9:12 as dew on g. 27:25 tender g. showeth itself Is. 15:6 the g. faileth 35:7 in hab. of dragons sh. be g. 40:6 All flesh is g. 1 Pet. 1:24 7 g. wither, surely peo. is g. 8 44:4 sh. spring up as am. the g. Jer. 14:5 forsook it because no g. 50:11 grown fat as heifer at {/. Dan. 4:15 leave stump in g. 23 25 eat g. as oxen, .32, .3:} ; 5:21 Mic. 5-7 as showers upon the g. Zee. 10:1 L. shall give ev. one g. Mat. 6:30 clothe g. Lulce 12:28 14:19 sit down on g. Mark 6:39 John 6:10 there was much g. Jam. 1:10 as g. he sh. pass away 11 sun risen, withereth the g. Rev. 8:7 iill green g. burnt up 9:4 should not hurt g. of earth GRASSHOPPER, §. Lev. 11:22 the g. after his kind Num. 13:33 in our si^ht as g. Jud. 6:5 as g. for multitude, 7:12 Job 39:20 afraid as a g. f Ec. 12:5 g. shall be a burden /■;. 40:22 inhabitants are as g. Jer. 46:23 they are more than g. j1otos7:1 formed g. in the begin. Nail. 3:17 thy captains arc as g. GRATE. See brazen. GRAVE, Substantive. Gen. 35:20 J. set a pillar on her g. 37:35 will go down to g. 42:38 with sorrow to g. 44:31 50:5 bury me in my g. Num. 19:16 who touch, g. is unc. 1 3am. 2:6 L. bring down to g. 2 Sam. 3:32 and peo. wept at g. 10:;37 by the g. of my father 1 K. 2:6 not his head go to g. 9 bring to the g. with blood 14:13 Jeroboam shall come to g. 2 K. 22:20 to thy g. 2 Chr. 34:28 Job 3:22 when they find the g. 5:26 come to g. in full ago 7:9 goeth to g. come up no more 10:19 carried from womb to g. 14:1.3 O that thou hide me in g. 17:13 the g. is my house 21:13 they go down to the g. 32 yet Bhall he be brought to g. 30:24 not stretch hand to the g. 33:22 soul draweth near to g. Ps. 6:5 in g. who give thanks ? 39:3 brought my soul from g. 31:17 wicked be silent in the g. 49:14 laid in g. consume in g. 15 red. soul from power of g. 83:3 my life draweth nigh to g. 11 loving-kindness dccl. in g. 89:48 del. soul from hand oig. 141:7 bones scat, at fir.'s mouth Prov. 1:12 swallow them as g. 30:16 g. and barren womb Ee. 9:10 no wisdom in g. Cant. 8:6 jealousy is Cruel as g. Is. 14:11 pomp is brought to g. 19 cast out of thy jr.like a br. 38:10 shall go to the gates of g. 18 the g. cannot praise thee 53:9 made his g. with wicked Jer. 20:17 mother might been g. Ezek. 32:23 company round g. Hos. 13:14 ransom from power of g. O g.\ will be destruction Nah. 1:14 make thy g. John 11:17 had lain in g. 4 days 31 goeth to g. to weep there 12:17 called Lazarus out of c. 1 Cor. 15:555'. ^^''i- is thy victory? GRAVE-CLOTHES. John 11:44 Laz. bound with g.-c. GRAVE, Adjective. 1 ytm. 3:3 deac.be f/.,' Wwivesg. Tit. 2:2 r.god men bo sober, g. GR.AVE, Verb. Ex. 28:9 sh. g. ou onyx-stones GRE Ex. 29:36 pi. of pure gold, g. on 2 Chr. 2:7 send a man that can g. 14 sent a cunning man to g. GRAVED. 1 K. 7:36 on borders g. cherubim 3 Chr. 3:7 g. cherubim on walls GRAVEL. Prm). 20:17 shall be filled -svith jc. Is. 48:19 offsp. of bowels like g. Lam. 3:16 broken teeth with g. GRAVEN, Verb. Is. 49:16 g. thee on pa. of hands SaS. 2:18 the maker hath g. it GRAVEN. Ex. .32:16 VTiting of God g. 39:6 signets g. with names of Is. Job 19:24 were g. with iron pen ■Jer. 17:1 is g. upon table of heart Acts 17:29 Godhead is like gold g. GRAVEN image. Ex. 20:4 sh. not make unto thee any g. i. Lev. 26:1 ; Bevt. 5:8 Devt. 4:16 lest make a g. hn. 25 27:15 cursed man maketh g. i. Jud. 17:3 for son to makey. im. 18:30 Dan set up g. image, 31 2I{. 21:7 Manasseh set g. image Is. 40:19 workmen melteth g. i. 20 workman to prepare g. im. 44:9 they that make g. irnage 10 who hath molten a g. im. 17 with residue he maketh g. i. 45:20 set up wood of their g. i. 48:5 my g. i. hath commanded ■Ter. 10:14 conf. by g. im.. 51:17 Nah. 1:14 I will cut off' the g. i. Hab. 2:18 what profit, the g. i. ? GR.4VEiV imajses. Bent. 7:5 shall burn their g. im. 12:3 ye shall hew down g. im. 2 K. 17:41 feared L. served g. i. 2 Clir. 34:7 he had beaten g. im. Ps. 78:58 moved to jeal. with g. i. 97:7 conf. all that serve g. iin. Is. 21:9 Bab. fallen, and g. im. .30:22 defile the cover, ofg. im. 42:8 nei. give my praise to g. i. 17 ashamed that trust in g. i. Jer. 8:19 prov. to anger with g. i. 50::38 it is the land ofg'. images 51:47 do judgment on g. im. Si Hos. 11:2 burnt incense to g. i. Mic. 1:7 g. i. be beaten to pieces 5:13 thy g. images will I cut oif GRAVES. Ex. 14:11 were no g. in Egypt 2 K. 23:6 cast the powder on g. 2 Chr. 34:4 strewed it on the g. .lob 17:1 the g. are ready for me Is. 65:4 which remain among g. Jer. 8:1 bri. priests' bones out n- EzeTc. 32:22 g. about him. 23,25,26 37:12 open g. cause to come up 13 I have brought out of g. .39:11 give Gog place of g. in Is. Mat. 27:52 the g. were opened .53 bod. of saints came out of g. Lvke 11:44 as g. wh. appear not ■John 5:28 all in g. sh. hear voice Pev. 11:9 not suffer bod. put in y. GRAVETH. Is. 22:16 he that g. a habitation GRAVING. Ex. 32:4 fash. (7. calf with g. tool GRAVING, S. 1 K. 7:31 upon mouth of laver g. 2 Chr. 2:14 any manner of ^. Zee. 3:9 engrave g. thereof GRAVITY. 1 Tim. 3:4 cliil. in subject, ■ui. g. Tit. 2:7 in doctrine showing g. GRAY. See h.'vjus arid read. GRAY-HEADED. 1 Sam. 12:2 I am old and g.-h. Job 15:10 with us are t!;c g.-h. Ps. 71:18 wh. I am old and g.-h. GREASE. Ps. 119:70 heart is as fat as g. GREAT. Gen. 12:3 make name g. 39:9 how can I do this g sin ? 48:19 my son, he also shall be a. Deut. 10:17 the Lord your God is a g. God, 2 Chr. 2:5 11:7 have seen g. acts of the L. 18:16 nci. let me see this g. fire 29:24 what mean. this;?, anger? Jos. 7:9 what do unto g. name ? Jvd. 5:15 g. thoughts of heart 2 Saw.. 7:9 made thee g. name 22 thou art g. O Lord God 22:.36 thy gentleness hath made me g. Ps. 18:35 GRE 1 E. 8:42 h. ofg'. name, 2 Chr. 6:33 2 K. 4:8 Shunem, was g. woman 1 Chr. 16:25 g. is Lord, Ps. 48:1 ; 96:4; 1.35:5; 145:3 21:13 very g. are his mercies 29:12 in thy hand is to make g. 2 Chr. 2:5 house is g. g. is our G. 28:13 tresp. g. ; 34:21 g. wrath Neh. 4:14 remember L. who is g. 9:32 our God the g. the mighty Est. 1:20 published, for it is g. Job 22:5 is not thy wickedn. g. f 36:18 a g. ransom ; 26 God is g. .39:11 wilt trust bee. strength g. Ps. 14:5 they in g. fear, 53:5 19:11 keeping them g. reward 31:5 glory g. in thy salvation 25:11 pardon iniquity, it is g. 31:19 0 how g. is thy goodness 86:10 art g. and doest wondrous 93:5 how g. are thy works 139:17 God, how g. is the sum Ec. 9:13 wisdom seemed g. tome Is. 5:9 houses even g. and fair 9:3 seen g. light. Mat. 4:46 12:6 g. is the Holy One of Israel 19:30 send a Saviour a g. one 53:12 a portion with g. 54:13 g. shall be peace of child. Jer. 5:27 are become g. and rich 10:6 thy name is g. in might 33:18 g. the mighty G. is name 19 g. in counsel Lam. 3:23 g. is thy faithfulness Ezek. 17:3 g. eagle g. wings, 7 36:23 sanctify my g. name Pan. 4:3 how g. his signs ■Toel 3:13 their wickedness is g. Zee. 9:17 how g. his goodness Mai. 1:11 name g. among Gen. 11 Mat. 5:12 be glad, g. is reward In heaven, Luke 6:23, 35 19 be called great in kingd. of 6:23 how g. is that darkness 13:46 g. price ; 15:28 g. faith 19:22 g. posses. Mark 10:42 20:25 thoy g. exercise authority 26 who g. am. you. Mark 10:43 22:36 which is g. commandm. ? 38 first and g. commandment Luke 1:15 g. in sight of the Lord 9:48 least among'you shall bey. 10:2 harvest g. the laborers few 16:26 bet. us and you g. gulf Acts 8:9 that he was some g. one 19:28 g. is D. of Ephesians I 34 2 Cor. 7:4 g. my boldn. g. glory Col. 4: 13 hath a (7. zeal for you 1 Tim. 3:16 q. is mvs. of godlin. 2 Tim. 2:20 'in g. hfouse Tit. 2:13 appearing of thegr. God Jam. 3:5 g. matter little fire kin. Pev. 16:19 n. Babylon came in 17:5 Babylon the g. 18:2 See CITY, COMPANY, CONGREGA- TION, CRY, DAY, DESTRUC- TION. GREAT evil. 1 So/m. 6:9 hath done us this g. e. Ec. 2:21 is vanity and a g. evil Jer. 1G:10L. pronounced thisg.i;. 33:42 brought g. e. upon people 44:7 why c"ommit this g. evil? See EXCEEDING, JOY. GREAT King or kings. Ps. 47:2 the Lord is a g. King 48:2 Zion, the city of the g. K. 95:3 L. is a g. K. above all gods 136:17 to him that smote g. k. Ec. 9:14 there came g. k. against Jer. 35:14 g. k. sh. serve th. 37:7 Mai. 1:14 1 am a g. K. saith the L. Mat. 5:35 Jerus. is city ofg. K. GREAT men. 3 Sam. 7:9 like name ofg. menin earth, 1 Chr. 17:8 Job 32:9 g. men not always wise Prov. 2o:6 stand not in pi. ofg. m. ■Jer. 5:5 I will get me unto g. m. Ezek. 21:14 it is the sw. of g. m. Nah. 3:10 all her g. m. in chains Pev. 6:15 g. men hid themselves 18:23 thy merchants were g. m. GREAT multitude, s. 2 C.':r. i:3'8 ye be a g. mi/ltitnde 2;l:15 not dis. by reason ofg. ?n. 2S:5 carried g. m. captive to D. Job 31::3-1 did'l fear g. m. or con. Is. 16:14 g. m. sh. be contemned Jer. 44: lo wo. stood by, a g. m. Ezek. 47:9 a very g. mill, offish Dan. 11:11 k. of south set a. m. Mat. 4:25 g. mt/lf. followed him, 8:1; 12:15; 19:2; 20:29; J/art 3:7; JohnQ:i GRE Mat. 8:18 when J. saw g. multi- tudes, 14:14 ; Mark 9:14 15:30 g. multitudes came 33 bread as fill so g. a midtit. 21:8 a g. m. spread their gai-m . 26:47 g. m. with sw. Mark 14:43 Luke 5:6 inclus. a g. m. of fishes Acts 14:1 a g. m. of J. believed 17:4 of devout Greeks a g. m. Rev. 7:9 g. m. no man could nn. 19:6 the voice of a g. multitude GREAT nation, s. Gen. 13:3 I will make of thee a g. n. 18:18: 46:3; Ex. .32:10 17:30 make Ishm. a g. n. 21:18 Deut. 26:5 he bee. there a n. g. Ps. 1.35:10 smote g. n. slew kings Jer. 6:22 a g. n. shall be raised Ezek. 31:6 under shad, dwelt g. n. GREAT people. Deut. 2:10 Em. dwelt a p. a. 21 21 Zamzummim. a. people g. Jos. 7:14 seeing I am a g. people 15 be a g. p.; 17 art a g. people 1 K. 3:9 this g. p. ? 2 Chr. 1:10 5:7 given wise son over g. p. Is. 13:4 noise in moun. as of g.p. GREAT power. Ex. 32:11 out of Egj'pt withg.;?. 2 K. 17:36 ; Neh. 1:10 Num. 14:17 p. of my lord be g. ■Job 23:6 plead ag. me with g. p. Is. 147:5 great Lord and of g. p. Jer. 27:5 made the earth, man, and beast by my g. p. 33:17 Nah. 1:3 slow to anger, g. in^. Mark 13:26 in clouds with g. p. Acts 4:33 with g.p. gave apostles 8:10 this man "is the g. p. of God Rev. 11:17 hast taken thy g.p. GREAT sea. Num. .34:6 have g. s. for a border Jos. 1:4 from M-ilder. to the g. s. 15:12 west border to g. sea Ezek. 47:10 as a fish of the g. sea 15 border of land from th'eg. s. Dan. 7:2 four winds upon g. sea See SIN. GREAT slaughter. Jos. 10:10 slew them with g. s. Jud. 11::33 Jeph. smote with g.s. 15:8 Samson smote with g. s. 1 Sam. 4:10 Ph. smote w. g. s. 17 6:19 smitten people with o. s 19:8 D. slew with a g. s. 23:5 ^Sam. 18:7 a g.«. of 20,000 1 K. 20:21 Israel slew A. w. g. s, 2 Chr. 28:5 Is. smote Ah. w. g.s. Is. 30:25 dav ofg. slaughter 34:6 L. hath g. s. in land of Id. Small and GREAT. Gen. 19:11 sm. w. blind, s. andg. Deut. 1:17 hear s. as well as g. 25:13 divers weights, g. and sm. 1 Sam. 5:9 smote men s. and g. 20:3 will do noth. g. or a 30:3 slew not any either g. or s. 3 K. 23:2 5. and g. went to house, 2 Chr. .34:30 25:20 peo. s. and g. came to Eg. 1 Chr. 20:13 lots as well s. as g. 3 Chr. 15:13 put to death, s. or g. 31:15 give to brethren, g. ands. Est. 1:5 A. made a feast to g. a. s. 20 to husbands honor g. ands. Job 3:19 small and g. are there 37:6 the s. rain and g. rain Ps. 104:25 th. creeping, s. and g. 115:13 fear the L. small and g. Ec. 3:7 pos. ofg. and s. cattle ■ler. 16:6 g. and s. sh. die in land Amos 8:5 ephah «. the shekel g. Acts 26:22 witnessing to s. andg. P.ev. 11:18 that fear him, s. a. g. 1.3:16 s. and g. to receive mark 19:5 praise our G. small and g. 20:12 6'. and g. stand before G. So GREAT. Ex. 32:21 bro. so g. sin on them Deut. 4:7 nat. so g. hath G. ? 8 1 K. 3:9 so g. people, 3 Chr. 1:10 Ps. 77:13 so g_. a God as our G. ? 103:11 so g. is his mercy Mat. 8:10 not *;o g. faith, Luke 7:9 3 Cor. 1:10 dcliv. from so g. death Hcb. 2:3 if we neglect so g. salv. 12:1 sog. a cloud of witnesses Jam. .3:4 so g. turned with helm GREAT stone, s. -Gen. 29:3 g. s. on well's mouth Deut. 27:2 set upg. s. Jos. 10:11 cast g. s. from heaven 34:26 Joshua took g. s. 1 Sam. 6:18 the g. stone of Abel 14:33 roll a g. stone unto me CRUDEN'S CO]^CORDANCE. 881 GRE 2 Sam. 20:8 were at g. t. in Gib. 1 K. 5:17 brought g. s. to lay 7:10 founda. of 17. s. Ezr. 5:8 2 Chr. 20:15 engines to shoot jr. *. Ezr. 6:4 three rows of a. s. Jer. 43:9 take g. s. and hide Jiem Mat. 27:60 rolled a g. e. to door GREAT thing, b. Deut. 10:21 God hath done (7. f. 1 Sam. 12:10 this g. t. L. will do 2 Sam. 7:21 word's sa. done g. t. 23 and to do for you g. things 2 K. 5:l;j if prophet bid thee^'. t. 8:4 the g. t. Elisha hath done 1 Chr. 17:19 making kn. th. g. t. Job 5:9 doeth g. t. 9:10; 37:5 Ps. 71:19 done g. things 100:21 God who had done g. t. 126:2 L. had done g. things, 3 >/er. 33:3 show g. and mighty t. 45:5 seek, thou (7. t. for tbysolf ? ilffln. 7:8 speak g. t. 20; ^ey. 1.3:5 Hos. 8:12 have written the g. t. Joel 2:20 bee. he hath done g. f. Mark 3:8 heard what g. t. he did 5:19 tell g. t. L. done, Luke 8:39 Luke 1:49 mighty hath done 17. t. 8:39 published g. t. J. had done Acts 9:16 g. t. he must .suffer 1 Cor. 9:11 (7. t. if we reap carnal? 2 Cor. 11:15 no 17. t. if min. be tr. Jam. 3:5 tongue boasteth y. t. Very GREAT. jFa;. 11:3 Mos. was v. g. in land Kum. 13:28 walled and v. g. 2 /yftTO. 19:32 Barz. was a.v. g. m. 1 K. 10:2 S. came w. v. g. train 1 Chr. 21:13 «. .. 18:11 '!,. is (7. Ilian nil gods A'um. W.Vig. nalioii, /hut. 9:14 Jleut. 1:SJH g. and taller tlian wi^ 4::!S drive nations «. tlian thou, 7:1; 9:1; 11:23 1 A'. 1:37 throne g. than Dav. 47 1 Chr. 11:9 Dav. waxed g. and g. 2 Chr. 3:5 f7. house ceiled Jiib 3:): 12 Ood Is r/. than mjin I fag. 2:9 latter liousi' g. than for. .V'/C. 11:11 not risen tig. Ilian J. liapt- least (/. /,«fe 7:2H 12:li Umwg. Iluni Ihe ti'iniile 41 a-7. Ihau .l.h.Mv, /,,//,. ii-;)2 42 a r/. Ilian H. Ihtc^ Av/lr 11:31 23: II n'C(4v(i y. daninat. Murk 12:1(1; /,((Av20:17 17 «. the gold, or thet(^miil(^? 19 Is (7. Ihiigin, or llieiilliiry J.iike 2'J:27 f/. lie Hint sit. or ser. ? Jiihn 1:50 Ihoii Mluilt See g llilri>;;i, r.:2!); 11:12 4:12 art g. than our latli(» J, f 50 GRE John 5:.36 g. witn. than that of J. 8:53 art g. than father Abrah. ? 10:29 Father g. than all, 14:28 13:16 ser. not g. th. lord, 15:20 15:13 g. love hath no man 19:11 that del. me hath g. sin Acts 15:28 no g. burden Heb. 6:13 could swear by no g. 16 men verily swear by the g. 9:11 g. and more perfect tabern. 11:26 reproach of C'h. g. riches Jam. 3:1 receive g. condemnat. 2 Pet. 2:11 angels areg'. in power 1 .John 3:20 G. is g. th. our heart 4:4 g. is he that is in you, 5:9 witness of G. is g. 3 John 4 no g. joy than to hear GREATEST. ■Tob 1:3 this man was g. of all Jer. 31::M all know me from least to the (7- Meb. 8:11 42:1 from least to g. came near 44:12 shall die, from least to g. ./on.^:r> sack, from g. to least Mat. 13:.32 it is the g. am. herbs 18:1 who isg. in king, of heav. ? 4 humble as child, same is g. 2-3:11 he that is g. be your serv. Mark 9:34 should be g. Luke^AG Luke 22:24 a strife wriosho. hog. 20 he that is g. be as younger 1 Cor. 13:13 g. of these is charity GREATLY. Oen. 3:16 I will g. multiply sor. Ex. 19:18 wh. mount quaked g. Deut. 1.5:4 the Lord s^h. g. bless 1 Sam. 12:18 poo. g. feared the L. 1 K. 18:3 Obadiah feared L. g. 1 Chr. 4:.38 house of fath. inc. g. 16:25 the L. is g. to be praised, Ps. 48:1:90:4; 115:3 2 Chr. 25:10 anger (7. kindled 33:12 Manas, humbled hims. g. ■Tob 8:7 latter end should g. inc. Ps. 21:1 in thy salva. g. rejoice 2S:7 heart (7. rcjoiceth 45:11 sh.all g. desire thy beauty 47:9 he is (7. exalted 62:2 I shall not be g. moved 65:9 thou g. enriehest it 71:23 g. rejoice when I sing 73:.59 wroth, andj/. abhorred Is. 105:2-1 increased pco. g. 10T:.38 109:.30 I will g. i)raise"the Lord 112:1 delighteth g. in his com. 116:10 I was 17. afflicted, I said Proo. 23:24 father of righteous g. rejoice Is. ii-.Yl g. ashamed th. trust 61:10 I will (j. rejoice in the L. Jer. 4:10 hast g. deceived peoi)lo Ezek. 20:13 sabbath g. iiolfuted Dan. ,5:9 Kelshazzar g. troubled 9:23 art g. beloved, 10:11, 19 Ob. 2 thou art g. despised 'Aep. 1:14 day of L. hasteth g. Y.i'c. 9:9 rejoice g. daugh. of'Z. Mat. 27: 14 governor marvelled g. Mark 5:;iS wept and wailed g. 9:15 they were amazed g. 12:27 ye therefore do g. err Jolin 3:29 rejoiceth g. hecauso .\cts 6:7 disciples mult, in J. g. 1 Cor. 10:12 1 g. desired Apollos Phil. 1:8 g. I long alter you all 1 Theg. 3:0 desiring g. to see us 2 Tim. 1:4 g. desiring to see thee 4:15 g. withstood our words 1 /W,'l:10 g. rejoiced tlio. in ho. 2 ,lolui 4 I rejoiced g. that 1 fou. 3 John 3 I rejoiced g. when bre. See feauki). GRKAT\EK«. Ex. 15:7 r/. of thy excellency Num. 11:19 according tof/. /Ji'iit.;]:'H lo show servant g. .5:21 Lord halli showed his g. 9:20 redei^iMcd llirough thy g. 11:2 cliil. who have not seen g. 32:3 ascrlbi' ye g. iinlo our God 1 Chr. 17:21 mnke 11 iimuf ol' g. 29:11 Ihiiie. 0 Lord, is Ihe g. 2 Chr. 9:0 half of 7. not showed .Y>ESS. Job 8:12 whilst il Is yet in his g. GREET, 1 Sam. 2,5:5 go lo N'a. and g. him lloin. 10:3 f/. I'riseilla and .\iiuil. 5 g. llu> church : 0 g. IMary 8 (■/. Auiplias; 11 1/. householil 1 Cor. 10:20 br. g. vou. I'hil.\:i\ 20 7. one another, 2 Cor. 13:12; 1 l',t. ,5: 1 1 Col. 4:11 Luke and PeniaBiy. you 1 This. 5:20 n. brethn-n Til. 3:15f/, thi-m thai loviMiH 'i.lnhn 13 rhlldr.n of sister f/. th. lljohii II (!. the friends by name (JREETKTII. 2 Tim. 4:'.'l lliibulns ' 20:34 Jonathan was 7. lor Dinid 30:6 soul of all the peo. was ;•. 2 Sam. 19:2 king g. for his sou .Veh. 13:8 it g. me sore. Est. 4:4 que(Mi exceedingly jr. ■Mi 4:2 commune, wilt be 7..' 30:25 my soul 7. for the poor? I's. 7:5:2 1" heart g. I was pricked 95:10 forty years was 1 g. 112:10 wicked see it. aiid be g. 119:1.58 I bell. lriinsgivsMirs."(/. l:)9:21 am not I 7. with l^lo.■e Is. 54:6 L called as a wiunau g. .fir. 5:3 stricken, they iiol g. Dan. 7:15 1 ])aniel was 7. lt:;!0 he shall be 7. and return .tinos 0:0 not g. for nlllUliou ,I/(/)X" 3:5 7. for hiuiln. of hearts 10:22 he went jiway 7. ■Milt 21:17 IVter was 7. .Ic/,v4:2 7. that they taught pco. 10:18 V. beiiiL' 7. si'iid to spirit /i'(i//i. M:I5 if brother (/. 2 Cor. 2:4 not that ye ^le g. 5 he hath not 7, inc. Ileb. 3:101 was 7. with generalL 17 wlthwhoni 7. forty yeaiMf tailEVKTIi. A'l/M 1:13 7. me fiT your sake* J'lvr. 20: 1.5 I()R. Gen. 8.3:1!) TI, Sliechem's ftithor. .Aw. 21:32 31:6 II. went out l» Ja. 8. 21, 20 Jial. 9:2H servo tlui liioii uf 11. ll.\NAMKI'r,. ././•. !W:7, 8, 1). 12 IIANANI'.KI,. Xih. H:l; IS;:!!); .A;-. 31:38; 7..C. 11:10 HAN" HANANL 17r. 16:1 to Jehu son of II. 7 1 Chr. 25:4 H. son of Heman, 25 2-CV(r. 16:7 H. seer, Keh. 1:2; 7:2 19:2 Jehu son of H. 20:34 Nth. 12:36 II. with musical inst. HANANIAH. 1 Chr. 3:19 .«ons of Zerub. H. Ezr. 10:28 II. Zab. stra. wives Nek. 3:8 II. repaired, 7:2: 10:23; 12:12 Jer. 28:12 II. had broken J.'s, 17 .37:13 son of 11. took Jeremiah Dan. 1:7 to H. name of S. 2:17 HAND. Gen. 9:2 into A. are they dcliv. 44:17 in whose A. cup found Ex. 6:1 strong A. drive them out 13:3 strength of A. L. brought 14:8 Israel went out with a high A. Num. 33:3 10 stretch out A, over the eca 19:13 there sh, not a A, touch it 21:24 A. for A, Dcut. 19:21 34:29 tables of testi, in Stos. A. .38:15 on this A, and that A. Leut. 13:9 A. of all the people 25:12cut offhcr A. Jos. 2:19 bio. on head A. on him Jud. 1:35 A. of house of Joseph 4:9 sell Sisera into A. of a worn. 15:18 fall into A. of uncircnm. 1 Sam. 12:3 who. A. rec. bribe? 1:3:22 nor spear fou. in A. of Is. 17:50 no sword in A. of David 20:19 when business was in h. 22:17 their A. also is with Dav. iSam. 13:5 eat il at her A. 6 14:19 the A. of Joab in all this 21:20 had on every A. six fing. 1 Chr. 20:6 ^:14intoA. ofmcn, 1 C7ir. 21:13 1 A'. 2:46 established in A. of Sol. 1:3:6 king's h. was restored aga. 18:14arisethclond like man's A. 22:6 L. sh. deliver it into king's A. 12, 15; 2 Chr. 18:5; 28:5 2 K. 7:2 who. A. king leaned. 17 Ezr. 7:9 good A. of God on him 9:2 A. of jirinces chief in tresp. Job 9:2-1 given into A. of wicked 12:6 into whose A. G. bringeth 10 in A. is soul of ev. liv. thing 20:22 A. of wicked come on him 21:16 good is not in their A. 34:20 mighty take, away wit. A. 37:7 sealeth up A. of ev. man Ps. 31:8 not shut into A. of cue. ;30:11 let not A. of wicked rem. 71:4 deliver' nic our of A. of wicked. 82:4; 97:10 12.3:2 serv. look to A. of masters 127:4 in A. of mighty man 119:6 two-edged sword b<' in A. Prov. 6:3 come into A. of friend 10:4 poor dealelh slack A. but A. of diligent maketh rich 11:21 A. joiifA. not unpun. 16:5 12:24 A. of diligent bear rule 17:16 in A. of fool get wisdom f 26:9 thorn "oeth iiito A. of dru. Is. 10:5 stall ill A. my indigna. 13:2 shake A. may go into gates 19:4 into A. of criul lord 28:2 cast down to e:irlh wi. A. Jir. 12:7 belo. into A. of enemies 18:4 vessel marred in A. of pot. 6 as clay in the poller's A. 21:5 outs'lretch. A. against you 26:2-1 A. of -Miikam with ,)ere. not lo give him into A. ofpe. Lam. 5:6 given A. to Egyptians 12 ]irincesare hanged by th. A. Ezik. 2:9 n A. was sent me 8:3 iml forth form of A. 10:8 16:19 nor. slreni;th. A. of needy 28:9 no god In A. that slavi ih ;M:10 reipiire lloek Hi their A. 37:19 slick In A. of Ephraiiu 40:5 111 man's A. n incasnr. nvil Dan. 5:5 came ling, of man's A. 23 (!. Ill whose A. thy brealli Is 8:25 he sliiill be broken with. A, 10:10 behold, n A. Ivuuhed me JihI 3:H sons and dan. lo A. .liul. .Mat. 8:15 Ion. A. ,• 22:13 bind A. .!/.(;•* 3:1 wllh.r.d A. M; l.ri. C::! 11:41 Isbelriived Into A. of sin. /.i/dv 1:1 laUen In A. to set forlh 74 delivered out of A. ori>iie;:i. 82:21 A. Iliiil betray, N wilh iiie John 10:!!<.l e»e«ped"om oflh. A. 11:41 bound A. and foot .1.7.t 12:17 beeUo, lo lliem wl. A, 1 Cor. 12:l.'^ bee. 1 am not llu>A. HI eyiu'annot sav lo A, no need Cat. ;i:19 bv niutel- In h. of ni.d. 884 CRUDE^^'S COXCOKDAIs^CE. HAN liev. 10:8 liook in h. of anijel 1T:4 a golden cup in licr h. 19:2 Qvengud blood of serv. at A. At, or at the HA\D. Gen. 9:5 at Ji. of ev. beast, at h. of man, at h. of man"s brot. 3.3:19 J. bought at fi. of children Dent. 15:9 year of release is at h. 1 Sam. 20:16 at h. of D.'s enem. 2 A'. 9:7 blood at h. of Jezebel Is. 13:6 day of Lord at h. Joel 1:15; Zep. 1:7 .Ter. 23:2:3 am I a God at h. f Ezek. 12:5:3 the days are at h. .3.3:6 blood req. at watchm.'s li. ./oc/2:l dav of Lord is nigh ath. Mat. 3:2 heaven at h. 4:17; 10:7 26:18 ti. is at h. ; 45 hour at h. 46 ath. that bi;t. me, Mar. 14:42 3Iark 1:15 kinsdom of God is at h. Lvlce 21:31 I.nl-e 21:30 summer is nigh at h. John 2:13 pass, was at h. 11:55 7:2 feast of tabemac. was at h. 1^:42 sepulchre was nigh at h. J!mn. 13:12 night far sp. day at h. Phil. 4:5 the Lord is at h. 2 Thes. 2:2 the day of Ch. is aC h. 2 Tim.4:ii time of depart, is at 7/,. 1 Pet. 4:7 end of all things at h. Bev. 1:3 the time is at If. 22:10 By the H V\D. Ex. 4:13 send by theh. of him Lev. 8::36 Lord command. byt.Ji. of Moses, 10:11 : 26:46; Kiim. 4:.37, 45. 40; 9:23; 10:13; 15:23; 16:40; 27:33; .36:13; Jos. 14:2; 20:2: 21:2,8; 22:9: Jud. 3:4; \ K. 8:53, 56; 2 Chr. 33:8; 35:6; I\eh. 9:14; Ps. 77:20 10:21 by t. h. of a fit man Jos. 20:9 not die by t. h. of aveu. Jv'L 16:C(i to lad held by t. h. 1 Sam. 13:25 fall by h. of Philis. 27:1 one day perish try t.h.ofS. 2Sc7)i. 3:18 by h. of my serv. D. 11:14 a letter, sent by t. li. of U. 12:25 sent by h. of Nathan 21:22 fell byk. of D. 1 Chr. 20:8 1 A'. 2:25 sent by h. of Benaiah .14:18 he spake by h. of his serv. 2JC. 14:25 spake by h. of Jonah 27 saved Ihem by t. h. of Jero. 2 Chr. 10:15 by t. h. of Ahiiah 12:7 wrath by t. h. of Shishak Pror. 26:6 message by h. of fool Ji. 51:1S that taketh by the h. Jcr. 27:3 yokes by h. of messong. 31:.32 took th. byt. h. Heb. 8:9 F.-.clc. 25:14 vengeancefty/i. of Is. SD:12 Land waste i;/A.of stran?. Mat. 9:25 took her ft?/ /. h. Mark 1:.31; 5:41: i'/7,-e8:54 Mark 8:23 took blind man by h. 9:27 Jesus took hin\ by the h. Ac's 7:35 a dcliv. bi/ 1. h. of angel 9:8 but they led him by the h. 13:11 seek, some lead him by h. Col. 4:18 salutation by the h. See CHALDEANS, ENEMY. II.'VXD, joined with enemies. 1 Sam. 4::3 ark of coven, save out h. of«. 12:10; 'i Sam. 3:18 12:11 deli, out of /i. e. 2 K. 17:39 2 Sam. 19:9 out of A. of enemies %K. 21:14 will deliver them to/). of c. 2 Chr. 25:20: Keh. 9:27 Neh. 9:28 left them in h. of th. e. Ps. 31:15 del. from h. of mine e. Jcr. 20:5 give this city into A. of c. 21:7 ; 3^1:20, 21 ; E:ek. 39:23 44:30 give Phar. to h. of his c. Mic. 4:10 red. thee from A. of e. Luke 1:74 del. out of h. of our e. From the HA\a. Gen. 32:11 del./', t. h. of lirothcr Dent. 7:8 redeemed/, h. of Pha. Jud. 8:22 deliv. f. h. of Jlidian 1 Sam. 25:;39 pleaded/, h. of N. Job 5:15 saveth poor/, h. of mi. (i:23 redeem me /'. h. of mighty Ps. 89:48 del. soiil f. h. of grave 106:10 sav./. /;. of him thiit hat. redeemed/, h. of the enemy 144:7 del. ;'. 1. h. of children. l"l Prov. 0:5 del. as roe,;', h. of hun. ./<;•. 20:13 deliv. poor ;". h. of evil 31:11 /■ h. of hi;n stronger Luke i:71/. h. of u!l that hate If AXn of God. 1 Sam. 5-11 h. of G. heavy 2 Chr. 30:12 h. of G. give lieart Ezr. 7:9 ac. to h. of O. ^ih. 2:8 8:18 by good h. rf God upon us 22 U. of Cr. is upon tlicni HAN Xeh. 2:18 told them of A. of G. Job 2: 10 re. good at the A . of G. f 19:21 A. of God touched me 27:11 teach vou bv A. of G. Ec. 2:24 from" the A. of God 9:1 wise are in the A. of God Is. 62:3 diadem in h. of God Mark 16:19 and sat on risht A. of G. Pom. 8:34 ; Col. 3:1 ; Seb. 10:12: IPc/. 3:22 Act.') 2::33 by right A. of God 7:55 stand, qfl right A. of G. 53 IPfii. 5:6 under the A. of Cod His HAXD. Gen. 3:22 forth h. A. take t. of life 16:12 his h. be agai. every man 41:42 Pharaoh took ring off A. A. Ex. 4:4 A. A. became rod in A. A. 6 Ai9 A. was as leprous as snow 20 M. took rod of God in his A. 8:6 stretched A. A. over wat. 17 10:22 stretched Ai? A. to heaven 17:11 held up hish. Aovra his h. 21:16 fou. in A. A. ,• 20 und. A. A. 22:4 if theft be found in his A. 8 hath put Ai.) A. to goods, 11 24:11 on nobles laid not his h. .32:15 tab. of testi. in hish. 34:4 Lev. 1:4 A. A. on headof burnt-o. 2^vm. 5:18 in his A. bitter water 22:2:3 sw. in A. A. 31 ; 1 Ch. 21:16 25:7 Phin. took a javelin mh.h. Pent. 19:5 his A. fetch, a stroke .70S. 5:13 with sword in his h. 8:26 drew not Ais A. till destroy. Jvd. 6:21 end of statfin A?> A. 7:14 toA.A.G. delivered Midian 1 Sam. 6:3 his A. not removed 9 it is not A;,s' A. that smote us 14:26 put his h. to his mouth 27 Jon. put his A. to his mouth 16:16 ho shall plav with liis h. 23 played with fiis h. 18:10 17:40 his staff and slina: in A. A. 57 head of Philistine m AisA. 19:5 life in A. A. and slew Phil. 23:16 strenthened Ai.s A. in God 2;SaTO.C:6A.A.toark,l CA. 1-3:10 1 K. IV.Zi kingdom out of his h. 1.3:4 his h'. he put forth ag. him 2 A'. .5:11 call on L. strike his A. 10:15 and he gave him his h. 11:8 man with his weapon in Ai.^iA. 11; 2 CAr. 2:3:7 14:5 kingdom confirmed in A. A. 15:19 Mi A. might be with him 13:21 a m.an lean go into Jiis h. 1 Chr. 28:19 understand hy hish. 2 Chr. 26:19 a censer in his A. JS'eh. 6:5 serv. with letter in A. A. Job 6:9 let loose A. A. cut me off 15:23 day of dark, ready at A. A. 25 stretcheth out A. A. ag. God 26:13 his A. formed crooked ser. 27:22 fain flee out of A?s A. 28:9 putteth forth his A. Ps. 37:24 L. uphold, him wi. A. 7i. 33 will not leave him in his A. 73:42 remembered not ?us A. 89:25 set his h. also in the sea 95:4 in his A. are deep places 7 sheep of A is A. to-day 106:26 lifted up A. A. ag. them 129:7 mower filleth not liish. P-or. 19:2^1 a slothful man hidcth hi^h. 26:15 Ec. 5:14 a son, nothing in his A. 15 he may carry in his A. Cant. 5:4 put in his A. by hole Is. 5:25 A; A. is stretch, out still, 9:12,17,21; 10:4; 14:27 10:32 shake A. A. aga. mount Z. 11:11 set A. A. again the sec. ti. 15 shake his A. over the river 22:21 thy government into A. A. 28:4 while vet in his A. 31:3 L. shall stretch out hish. .37:20 O L. save us from his h. 40:12 waters in Ifollow of his A. 44:5 subscribe with his A. 49:2 in shad, of his A. he hid me 5.3:10 pie. of L. prosper in A. A. 56:2 keepeth his A. fr. doing ev. .fer. 27:8 consumed th. by his h. Lam. 1:14 transgression by A. A. 2:8 hath not withdrawn his A. 3:3 tunieth hix h. against me Ezek. 8:11 with censer in hi-th. 9.1 destroying weapon Jiis A. 17:18 lo, he had given A^v A. 30:24 put my sword in his A. 46:7 according as A. A. shall at. Dan. 4:35 none can stay his A. 8:4 could deliver out oihtsh. 1 25 cause craft prosper in hisU. 11:11 shall escape oat his h. IIos. 7:5 he stretched out his A. HAN Hos. 12:7 bal. of dec. are in his A. Ilab. 3:4 horns com. out of hish. Zep. 2:15 hiss and wa-^Ais h. Zee. 8:4 man with staff in his h. 14:13 A. A. rise ag. hand of nei. Mat. 3:12 fan is in A. A. Lu. 3:17 26:23 he that dippeth A. A. Mark 3:5 A. A. resto. Lake 6:10 7::32 bes. to put A. A. upon him John 3:35 given all th. into A. A. 18:22 struck with palm of hish. Acts 7:25 God by Ajs A. del. them 28:3 a viper fastened on his A. 4 saw the beast hang on /lis A. Per. 6:5 pair of balances in A . A. 10:2 had in his A. a little book 14:9 in his forehead, or in Ai«A. 14 in his A. sharp sickle 20:1 angel with chain in his h. HAJVD of tlie Lord, or Lord's HAIiD. Ex. 9:3 A. of the L. upon cattle 16:3 wo. had died by A. of t. L. Xum. 11:23 i.\f A. waxed short? ■Jos. 4:24 know h. of L. mighty ■lud. 2:15 A. of Lord ag. them Suthl-.Vih.ofthe £. is gone out 1 Sa?n. 5:6 A. of Lord heavy 7:13 h. of the L. ag. Philistines 12:15 then sh. A. of L. beag. vou 2 Sam.. 21:14 A. of L. 1 Chr. 21:13 1 K. 18:46 A. ofL. was on Elijah 2 K. 3: 15 A. of L. came on Elisha Ezr. 7:6 granted ace. to A. of L. ■fob n-.dh.ofL. wro. this./s.41:20 l^s. 75:8 in A. (f the L. is a cup Pror. 21:1 king's he. in A. of L. Is. 19:16 shaking off h. of the L. 25:10 in moun. sh. A. of L. rest 40:2 rec. of the L.'s A. double 51:17 hast drunk at A. of the L. 59:1 Lord's A. is not shortened 62:3 crown of gl. in A. of the L. 66:14 A. of L. kno^m tow. serv. ■Icr. 2.5:17 took cup at the L.'s A. 51:7 B.ab. golden cup in L.'s h. Ezck. 1:3 A. of the L. upon him .3:14A. o/i. n.me.22; 8:1; .37:1 33:22 A. of L. on me in evening 40:1 A. of the L. was \nth him Luke 1:C6 A. of the L. with him Acts 11:21 A. of the L. with them 1:3:11 A. or ?A« L. is upon thee iSse LAY, or LAID. Left HAiVD. Gen. 13:9 if thou wilt take left A. 24:49 turn to the risht A. or//-/' 48:13 Joseph took Ephr. in hi*! right A. and Man. in his kf! 14 Is. laid /. A. on Manasselrs Ex. 14:22 wall on right A. and /. Lev. 14:15 ponr oil intoleft h. 27 Sum. 20:17 not tuni to figlit A. nor to left, Deut. 2:27 ; 5:32 ; 17:11,20; 28:14 22:26 no way to turn, r. h. or /. Jos. 1:7 to riffht A. or left. 23:6 ; 1 Sam. 6:"l2 ; Prov. 4:27 ./?/(?. 3:21 E. put forth his left A. 7:"20 held lamps in their Icj't h. 2 Sam. 2:19 he turned not to I. A. 14:19 none turn to right A. or /. 1 K. 22:19 host of heaven on his ;.'«A. 2CA;'. 18:18 2 A". ^2:2 J. turn, not to r. A. or I. 1 Car. 12:2 use both r. A. and I. 2 Chr. 3:17 name of that on I. A. 4:7 five candlcst. on r. A. 5 on I. Xeh. 8:4 on his /. A. stood Pcd. Job 23:9 on ?<;/'< A. he doth work /-"/w. 3:16 in'her left A. riches Ec. 10:2 fool's heart at his I. A. C'nn^ 2:6 /. A. is under my head 8:3 his left A. under my head Is. 9:20 he shall eat on left A. 30:21 when ye turn to left A. .54:3 break forth on r. /(. and I. Ezek. 16:46 dau. dwell at left A. 39:3 smite bow out of Iff t A. Dan. 12:7 he held up his left A. Jon. 4:11 bctw. right A. and left Zee. 12:6 people on r. A. and left Mat. 6:3 let not I. A. knov/ what 20:21 oner. A. others Mar. 10::j7 23 sit on r. A . and /. .Vark 10:40 25:33 sheep on r. h. goats on I. 41 say to them on I. A. Depart 27:38 one on right A. other on left, Mark 1.3:27 ; Luke 2:3:33 Acts "21:3 left Cyiirus on the /. A. 2 Cor. 6:7 armor on right A. and I. See LITT Ann'?, or hands. Mighty HA\'D. Ex. 3:19 let l'O. not Mith m. A. Deut. 3."24 show sci-v. thy 7n. A. 4:.34 take him a nation by wi. A, HAN Deut. 5:15 God bro. out of Eg. by umiffhty A. 6:21; 7:8, 19; 9:26: 11:2; 26:8: 34:12 2 Chr. 6::32 is come for thv m. h. Ezek. 20:33 with a ?n. A. I rule Dan. 9:15 out of Eg. with m. h. I Pet. 5:6 hum. ujider m. A. of 6. Mv HAIVD. Gen. 14:22 lifted 7ny h. to Lord 31:.39 of my A. didst thou req. it 3:3:10 rec. my present at my A, 42:;37 deliver him into my h. 43:9 of my A. shalt thou require Ex. 7:17 smite with rod in myh. 15:9 myh. destroy: 17:9 in myh. 33:22 cover thee with my h. Xum. 22:29 a sword in my h. Deut. 8:17 might of my A. 10:3 the two tables in my h. 32::39 del. out of my h. Is. 43:13 40 I lift up 7?!!/ A. to heavc:i 41 if tny A. take hold on jiidg. ■Jud. 6:36 save Is. by 7ny A. 37 7:2 My own A. saved mc 9:29 wo. peo. were under my h. 17:3 dedi. silv. to L. from mjh. 1 .?(7m. 12:5 not fo. aught in ii;jh, 17:46 L. will deliver into viy h. 21:4 no com. bread under n^y A. 24:6 stretch my A. ag. L.'s ano. 11 no transgression in 7ny A. 12 7ny h. shall not bo upon, 13 26:18 what evil is in my h. t 23 Lord deliv. into 7nyh. 24:10 28:21 put mv life in my h. 2 Sam. 5:19 wilt deliver Philir- tincsintoj«?/A..? 1 Chr. 1 1:10 fK. 13:6 that »i)/A.m.ay be re:!. 2 A". 5:18 he leaneth on 7nyh. in 2 Chr. 32:15 del. out of7nyh.f 17 Job 13:14 wher. put life in my h.f 29:20 bow was renewed in 7ivj7i.. 31:25 bee. my A. had <;-otte;i 27 mouth had kissed j«!/ A. .3:3:7 nei. shall 7ny A. be heavy Ps. 81:14 turned 7ny h. ag. cne. 89:21 7ny A. shall be establi'shed 119:109 soul is contin. in 7ny A. Prov. 1:24 1 have stretchedniifA. Is. 1:25 turn 7}iy A. upon me 10:10 7ny A. hath found kingd. 13 by strength of my It. 14 7ny A. found riches of peo. 48:13 7ny A. laid foundation oC:i2my h. short. 11 tliisofwyA. 51:16 cov. in shadow of ?«y A. l)0:i 7ny A. made. Acts 7:50 Jer. 6:12 I will stretch out myh. 15:6; 51:25 10:21 cause them toknoww^A. 25:15 wine-cup of fury at 7ny h. Ezek. 6:14 I stretch out my h. 12:7 dig. thro' wall with 7ny h. 13:9 7ny A. shall be upon proph. 20:5 I lifted up 7ny A. saying. I am the Lord your God, t;:'23, 28,42; .36:7; 44:12; 47:14 22 I withdrew my A. 22:13 smitten 7nyh. at thy dish. IIos. 2:19 none del. out of7iiy A. Amos 9:2 shall 7ny ?i. take them Zee. 2:9 shake 7ny A. on them 13:7 turn 7nyh. upon little ones John 10:28 nor pluck out of ly.yh. 29 none pluck out of7i:y F. A. 20:25 thrust 7ny A. into his side 1 Cor. 16:21 salutation of me, P. with 7ni/ own A. 2 Thes. 3:17 Gal. 6:11 writ. wi. 7!iyh. Phile. 10 Our HAKP. Gen. 37:27 let not our A. be Deut. 32:27 lest adv. say, ourh. Jud. 16:23 del. Samuel into o. h. 1 Sa7n. 14:10 into our A. 30:23 Jer. 11:21 thou die not by our h. 2 Cor. 10:16 made ready iiourh. Out of, or out of tlie HA\D, Gen. 48:22 took 0. of the h. of A. Num. 5:25 ofl'ering o. 07^' wtmi. A. 11:15 kill me. I pray, 'out of h. .35:25 del. out ofh. of avenger 1 Sam. 4:8 shall del. us out ofh. iSa/n. 12:7 out ofh. of 6. 22": 1 23:'21 spear out of Egyptian's h. 1 A'. 11:12 rend kingdom out of h. Ps. 71:4 del. out ofh. of wicked 82:4 rid them out ofh. of wick. 97:10 del. out ofh. of wicked .ler. 15:21 deliver thee out ofh. 21:12 out of the A. ofoppr. 22:3 32.4 out ofh. of Chal. 3^:18. 23 Lam. 5:8none del. out of their A. 7.ec. 11:6 out oa" their A. not del. ,/oA/i ]0:.'39 escaped o?//o/'their A. Acts 12:11 deliver out ofh. of H. Lev. 8:iout o/ angel's A. 10:10 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 885 HAN Right HAIVD. Gen. 48:14 ?-. h. on Ephraim's Er. 15:6 thy r. h. 0 L. \a glori. 29:20 blood on thumb of v. h. iffi;. 8:2:3, 24; 14:14,17,25,28 Devt. 33:2 fr. r. h. went fiery law Jvd. 5:2S right h. to workman's 2 Sam. 20:9 J. took Am. w. r. A. 2 A'. 2:3:l;i on ny/ii A. of mount. Job 23:9 hidcth himself on r. h. 30:12 upon my r. h. rise youth 40:14 thine own r. A. can save Ps. 16:8 he is at my right h. 11 at thy r. h. are pleasures 17:7 sav. by r. h. them that tru. 18:35 r. h. hath holden me up 20:fi saving strength of right h. 21:8 r. h. find those that hate 20:10 their r. h. is full of bribes 44:3 r. h. and arm saved them 45:4 thy r. h. shall teach ter. t. 9 on thy right h. the queen 48:10 thy r. h. full of righteous. 60:5 save with thy right h. 63:8 thy right h. uph'oldeth 73:3:3 holden me by my r. h. 74:11 why withdra. thy r. h.? 77:10 remember years of r. h. 78:.54 mount, which r. h. pure. 80:15 vineyard wh. r. h. planted 17 hand be upon man of r. h. 89:25 I will set liis r. h. in riv. 42 set up r. h. of adversaries Sl:7 ten thousand fall at r. h. S8:l hisr. A. hath gotten victory 108:0 save me with thy right h. 1C!):() let Satan stand at his r. h. 31 he shall stand at r. A. of poor 110:1 sit thou at my r. A. Luke 20:42; Xc/«2:34; Heb. 1:13 5 L. at right A. shall strike 118:15 r. A. of L. doeth valiantly 18 r. h. of Lord is exalted 121:5 Lord is shade on thy r. A. l:n:5 let r. h. forget cunning i:!!:7 thy r. A. shall save me 1:3!): 10 tliv r. h. shall hold mc 1 12:4 looked on my r. A. none 144:8 r. h. is r. h. of falseh. 11 Prov. 3:16 length of days in r. A. 27:10 ointm. of r. A. bewraycfh R. 10:2 wi. man's heart at r. h. Cant. 2:0 r. h. doth embrace me 8:3 r. h. should embrace me Is. 41:10 uphold thee with r. A. 13 thy God will hold thy r. h. 4-1:20 is there not a lie in r. A. ? 43:1 whose r. h. I have holden 4i:i:13 r. A. hath spanned lioiiv. ()'2:8 hath sworn by his ri"ht h. 63:12 led them by r. h. ofJIofl. Jcr. 22:24 signet on my nglit A. Lam. 2:3 drawii back his r. h. JCzek. 21:22 r. A. divinat. for. Ter. JIab. 2:10 cup of Lord's right h. '/AC. 3:1 Satan standing at r. A. Mai. 5::30 if thy r. A. ofiend thee 6:3 let not left know )•. A. doeth Mark 14:62 see Scm of man sit. on r. A. of power, Li/knUi-.i]':} 10:19 on r. A. of God, /Ab. 1:3; 8:1; 10:12; 12:2; 1 7V/. 3:22 Li/ke 0:0 man whose r. //. wilh. Ads 2:2a he is on my ri'/hf. A. 33 by r. h. of God e.valled, .'J:31 3:7 he took him by the riglil A. V:.^ Jesus Htaiidiiig on r. h. 50 Horn. 8:34 is even at r. h. of Ciod Ktjh. 1:20 set him ut liis right li. Col. 3:1 Ch. sitteth on r. h. of (i. Pcv. 1:10 in r. h. 7 stars, 20; 2:1 M I saw in his r. h. a book, 7 13:10 receive mark in their r. A. Sec J^fl HANI). Ul(.';ht IlWnfi. Gal. 2:9 gave I3ar. r. A. of fellow. Htrcloli forth, or out I^^M). Gen. 'ii-.m Abra. a-. /'. h. lo slay Ki: ;i:20 1 xvill Klretch out my A. onKgynt, 7:5; 9:15 1 1:10 «. o«« A. over sea, 20:7, 19 21 M. f/ivtch o. A. o\'an. 11:12 «./. A. on countricM /(';). 1:4 on Judali; 2:13 a^'. Assy. iSie. sTUONo. Thy U\\n. Oni. 4:11 brolhiT's blond fr. t. A. 10;fi thy maid is In thi/ h. 22:12 lav not ///yA. uimiu Ihe lad 'ii:2lhi/h. luuliTiMv tlilgli, 47:211 49:8 /hi/ /i. lie In neck ofcnem. A>. 4:2 what In Ihat In thijh.f HAN ^«.4:17takerodin!;.A.7:15; 17:5 8:5 stretch forth thy A. 9:22 10:12.21: 3/aM2:13:J/ar/;:3:5 Deut. 2:7 in works aithyh. 14:29; 15:10; 2:3:20; 28:8, 12,20 24 have given into thy h. Sihon 3:2 del. Og and people into t. A. 13:9 thy A. shall be first on him 17 cleave nau. cursed th. to <. A. 14:25 bind up money in ttiy A. 15:7 shut thyh. fr. poor brother 8 open thy h. wide to brother 23:25 pluck the ears with thy A. 33:3 all his saints are in thy A. ■Jos. 6:2 given into thy h. Jericho 9:25 we are in thyh. to do to us 10:6 slack not tJiy A. from serv. Jiid. 4:7 deliver Sisera into t. A. 8:15 Zeba and Zalmunna in t. A. 18:19 lay thy h. on thy mouth 1 Sam. 14:19 withdraw thy A. 2 Sam. 13:10 I mav eat of thy A. 24:16 stay thy A. 1 Clir. 21:15 17 thy A. be ag. me, 1 Chr. 21:17 1 K. 17:11 morsel of bread in I. h. 20:42 let out of thy A. a man 2 K. 4:29 take my staff in ttiy A. 8:8 take a present in thy A. 9:1 fake this box of oil in thy h. 13:16 put thy A. upon the bow 1 Ch ?•. 4: 10 /. A. might be with me 29:12 in thy A. power 16 Cometh of thy A. 2 Chr. 20:6 in t. A. is th. not p. ? E^r. 7:14 law of God is in thy A. 25 wisdom of G, that is in i. A. Job 1:11 but put forth thy A. 2:5 12 put not forth t/iy h. 2:6 he is in thy A. save his life i 10:7 none can del. out of thy A. 11:14 iniq. in thy A. put away 13:21 with, thy A. far from me 35:7 what receiv. he of ttiy A. / Ps. 10:12 0 God, lift up thy A. 1-: to requite it with thy A. 17:14 from men which are thyh. 21:8 thy h. sh. find out all ene. 31:5 into thyh. I com. my spirit 15 my times are in thy A. .32:4 day and night thyh. heavv 38:2 thy h. press. ; 39:10 blow of 74:11 why witlid. thou ttiy A. ? 80:17 /. A. on man of t. right A. 104:28 opencst thy A. 145:10 119:173 t. h. help; 1.39:5 t. A. on 139:10 there shall t. A. lead me 144:7 send thy A. from above Prm^ 3:27 in jiower of tliyh. 0:1 stricken thy A. with a stra. ;30::32 lav t. A. upon thv mouth Fc. 7:18 withdraw not thy A. 9:10 whats. thy A. findefh to do 11:6 in eveninir with, not tity A, I.f. 26:11 when tin/ A. is lifted up 42:6 I the Lord will hold thy A. 47:0 given my inheritance into thy A. 51:2-2 out of thy n. cnp of trem. 57:10 th. hast found life of t. h. 64:8 we tiro the work of thyh. ■la: 6:9 back t. h. as grape-gath. 1.5:17 I sat alone bee. of thy h. 2.'):2.S refuse to take cup at /. A. 30:14 tiikeinttf/ A. the roll 40; 1 chains wh."were ujion I. h. Ezek. 3:18 his blood will I re- quire at. thy h. 20; ;33:8 6:11 smite wilh thyh. 10:2 nil thy h. with coals of fire 2.3:31 give Imt cui) into thij A. 37:17 shall bfcoineonc^ in ,'A.y A. 3.'i:I2tuni thy h. on des. plaees /)an. 2:38 fowls gi\cn into thyh. Mil-. Ty.Wlhyh. sliall be lift U|) on 12 cut off wi telle, out o( thy h. Mat. 18:S \Uhyh. oil'. .l/(/rf-9:l:! .hj/ni 2(1:27 reach /. A. and thrust .\rtxA:'M to do whatever thy h. 30 stretch, forth thy A. to heal Your HAM). Gen. 43:12 donbl.- money in y li. ]y. 12: 1 1 your sl:ill' hi yniir h. 2:!:.31 iiihiil). of land iiito y. A. //nil. 12:7 rcj. In all jiut?/. A. to ./(A-. 8:7 (li4iv(T it into7/0Hr A. 20 2-1:8 gave; Aliiorites inlci y. h. .hill. 3:2HMoaliiles; 7:15 'Midi. 'iSiim. 4:11 not r('(|. lilood TH. Ex. 25:25 a A. round about. 37:12 1 K. 7:26 sea aA. thick, 26'Ar. 4:5 P.i. .39:5 made my days as a A. £2eA. 40:5 six cubits long and a A. HAXO broad. Ezek. 40:43 hooks a A. b. fastened HANDFUL. Lev. 2:2 take thereout A. flour, 5:12; 6:15; 9:17; Num. 5:20 1 K. 17: 12 A . of meal in a barrel i^s. 72:16 a A. of corn in earth Ec. 4:0 better is A. with quietu. Jer. 9:22 as A. aftei- harvest-man HAXDFITLS. Gen. 41:47 brought forth by A. Ex. 9:8 A. of ashes of furnace Evth 2:16 let fall also some A. 1 K. 20:10 dust of S. sufiice for A. Ezek. 13:19 pol. for A. of barley ? HANDIWORK. Ps. 10:1 firmament show, bis A. HAIVDIiERCmiEFS. Acts 19:12 from body to sick A. HANDLE, 6. Gen. 4:21 J. father such ns A. harp Jud. 5:14 that A. pen of writer 1 Clir. 12:8 A. spear, 2 C'Ar. 25:5 Ps. 115:7 hands, but they A. not f.'ff?!^ 5:5 myrrh on A. of lock J^r. 2:8 that A. law knew me not 46:9 Libyans that A. the shield Ezek 27:29 all that A. the oar iwfe21:.39A.me; CW. 2:21 A. not HAXDLER. Ezek. 21:11 furbished, may be A. J/r(?-S 12:4 away shamefully A. 1 J"oA;i 1:1 have A. of word of life HAlVDLETn, IXG. Prow. 16:20 that A. matter wisely Jer. 50:10 him that A. sickle Ezek. 38:4 all of them A. swords Amos 2:15 stand that A. bow 2 Cor. 4:2 not A. word of God HA?Jt)MAID. Gen. 10:1 Sarai had a A. Hainr 29:24 Zilpah to be L.'s A. .3.):26 29 Bii. Rachel's A. ,30:4; 35:25 E.r. 2:3:12 son of A. be refreshed Jud. 19:19 bread and wine for A. Ihith 2:13 spoken friendly to A. ;3:9 answer. I am Ruth, thy A. 1 Sam. 1:11 afllicliou of A. 10 count not thy A. dan. of Bel. IS let A. find grace in thy sight 25:24 let A. speak ; 31 rem. A. 41 let thy A. wash feet of serv. 2 Sam,. 14:6 thy A. had two sons 1 K. 1:13 didst swear to thy A. f 3:20 while thv A. slept 2 A'. 4:2 thy A. hath not anything 10 do not lie to thy A. Ps. 80:16 save the son of thy A. 110:6 servant, and son of A. Prov. 30:23 a A. heir to mistress Lnke 1:38 behold the A. of the L. HArViDMAinE\. Luke 1:48 reg. low estate of A iiAivn:\iAins. Gen. .33:1 divided children to A. 2 luit h. and children foremost Ttuth 2:1:i not like to one of A. •iSinn. l::)7cla|ipetli A. A. luiiong iia /',v. 9:16 wicked snured in A. A. 2.'<:5 regard not opera, of A. A. 78:72 guided by skilful, of A, A. 81:6 A. A. were deliv. lYol'.l pots 11.5:5 Al,v A. formed dry land 1 1 1:7 \vork.< of A. A. lire verity riot: ai;!» his h. refuse lo labor AV. 4:,1 fool fold, /iis/i. together Ciiiit. 5:14 A. A. are as gold rliig.i /,<, ;i;n n'waid ofA. A. lie ghon 5:12 nor consider onei.i. of A. A. 17:8 altars, work of A. A. 2.Vlt L. sliiills1ire::d forlh/itfA. U.'J:13fliuUulli/ii.«A. 886 CRUDE^^'S CON-CORDAN-OE. HAN J(r. 30:6 man vi. A. h. on loins? Hab. 3:10 lifted Ms h. on hiirh Mat. 19:13/(. /(. on th. Mark 10:16 Ti:%\. washed A. h. be. multitude Mark 8:23 A i-s A. on his eyes, 25 Luke 24:40 show. A. A. ./oAn 20:20 50 lifted np A. A. blessed them JbAft 13:3 given all th. into hU h. 20:25 seem ft, A. print of nails Acts 0:17 putting Aw A. on liim 12:1 Ilerod stretched forth his h. 7 his chains fell off from A. A. ■ 2 Co/-. 11:33 bv wall, escap. A. A. Sph. 4:28 working with A. A. ^e« IIAT. LAID. My HA\DS. Gen. 20:5 in innocency of my h. Jud. 12:3 1 put my life in ?;?y A. 2 ;6'0TO. 22:21 accordinc: to clean- ness of ???!/ A. i^M. 18:20, 24 35 he teacheth my h. to war, Ps. 18:34 ; 144:1 JVeA. 0:9 O God, strengthen myTi. Job 9:30 make my h. ne. so clean 15:17 any injustice in my A. 31:7 any blot cleaved to my A. Ps. 7:3 if there be iniq. in my h. 22:16 pierced my h. and my ifeet 26:6 wash my h. in innocency 2S:2 lift my A. tow. thy oracle 6:3:4 lift my ft. in thy name 73:13 I have washed my A. 119:48 mv A. will I lift 141:2 liftiusc up jny h. as even. 143:6 stretch forth my A. Is. 19:25 bless, be work of my A. 45:11 concerning work of my h. 12 7nyh. stretched out heavens 49:16 on palms oimy h. 60:21 people the worlc oTmy h. 65:2 I have spread out m.y h. Pan. 3:15 del. you out of my A. 10:10 on the palms of my A. Lvke 24::39 be. my A. John 20:27 John 13:9 also my A. and head Pom. 10:21 I stretched 7ny A. 2 Tim. 1:6 by putting on of m. A. Our H.\XD§. Gen. 5:29 concerning toil of o. A. Peut. 21:7 o. h. have not shed b. Jos. 2:24 delivered into oi/r A. Ji/c?. 13:23 a meat-olT. at our h. 1 /SaTO. 17:47 give you into o. A. P^. 4-1:20 stretched out our h. 90:17 establish work of our h. Jsr. 6:24 our A. wax feeble iam. -3:41 our heart with our h. Hos. 14:3 work of our h. 1 Cor. 4:12 work, with oiir own A . 1 .John 1:1 O);/- A. hand, word of Their HA^'DS. Ex. 20:10 put t. A. on head 15 put t. h. on head of ram, 19 Num. 8:10 put iheir h. on Lcvit. 12 lay their h. on the bulloclc Peut. 1:25 brought fruit in t. A. 21:6 wash t. A. over the heifer 2 .?aOT. 4:12 thev cut off their A. 2 K. 11:12 they clapped «<;;/■ A. 22:17 prov. me to anger with works of their A. 2 C'A r. 34:25 Ezr. 1:6 strengthened their h. 5:8 work prospereth in fAf Ir A. 6:22 strengthen t. A. in work Nch. 2:18 strcng. ^ A. for work 0:9 their h. shall be weakened Job 5:12 t. h. cannot perf. enter. 30:2 whereto strc. t. A. profit? Ps. 76:5 m. of mi. not found t. A. 91:12 angels bear tliee in t. A. 125:3 lest right, put t. A. to in. Is. 25:11 tog. with spoils of ^ A. 59:6 act of violence is in t. A. 65:22 elect enjoy work of /. A. Jer. 1:16 worshipped works /. h. 32:30 prov. with works of t. h. Ezek. 10:12 t. A. and wings full 23:37 blood is in their A. 45 Jon. 3:8 turn from viol, in t. h. Jlarj. 2:14 ev. work oft. A. unci. Mat. 4:6 in their A. they shall bear thee up. Luke 4:11 15:2 wash not t. h. wh. they cat 26:67 others smote him with the palms oft. h. Mark 14:65 Mark 7:3 cxc. wash t. A. eat not Luke 6:1 rubl)ing them in /. A. John 19:3 smote liim with their h. Acts 14:3 won. to be done by ^ A. Per. 7:9 wh. robes, palmsin t. h. 9:20 repented not of wor. of ^ A. 20:4 uor had rec. mark in t. A. Thv u.wns. Peut. 16:15 Lord i-h;:ll bless thee in ill! worksof ttv A. 2!:19 Jud. 7:11 afterw. thyn.ha ttren. HAP 2 Sam. 3:.j4 t.h. were not bonnd Jot) 10:3 to despise work of A. .? 8 tt?/ A. made and fashion, me 14:15 desire to work of thy h. 22::30 deliv. by pureness of t. A. Ps. 8:6domin. overworks of <. A. 102:25 heavens work of thy A. 119:73 thy A. have made me 128:2 Shalt eat labor of thy A. 1.38:8 forsake not works of t.h. 143:5 I muse on work of thy A. ■Jer. 2:37 thy A. on thv head Lam. 2:19 lift thyh. for thychil. jlio. 5:13 no more worship t. A. Zee. 13:6 wh. are these in t. A. .? Z'/i-e 23:46 to thy A. I com. my .John 21:18 shalt stretch tty A. Ileb. 1:10 heavens works of t. A. 2:7 set him overworks of thy A. H.ilVDSTAVES. Ezek. 39:9 shall burn the A. HAIVDWEAPO:V. Num. 35:18 smite him with A. HAIVDWRITIIVG. Col. 2:14 blotting out the A. HA!VG. P««. 40:19 Pharaoh shall A. thee Num. 25:4 A. them bef. the Lord Peut. 21:22 if tbou A. him 2S:66 thy life shall A. in doubt Est. 6:4 speak to A. Mordecal 7:9 king said, A. him thereon 7s. 22:24 they sh. A. on him glory Lam. 2:10 virgins A. their heads Ezek. 15:3 take pin to A. any ves. Mat. 22:40 on th. two A. all law Acts 28:4 ven. beast A. on hand Heb. 12:12 up hands wh. h. do^\^i H.A.\GED. Gen. 40:22 A. chief baker. 41:13 Dent. 21:23 that is A. is accursed 2 ,?rtm. 17:23 Ahitho, A. •18:10A. 21:9 seven sons of Saul A. they Est. 2:23 chamberlains were A. 7:10 A. Ham. ; 9:14 A. ten sons Ps. 137:2 A. harps on willows iMm. 5:12 princes A. by hands I^zek. 27:10 A. the shield, 11 Mat. 18:6 bet. millst. were A. ah. his neck, Mark 9:42; Lu. 17:2 27:5 Judas went and A. himself Luke 23:.39 thieves who were A. .4c^- 5:30 and A. -on tree, 10:39 MAXGETH. JbS 26:7 A . earth upon nothing Ged. 3:13 cursed cv. one A. on tr. HAJVGIXG. ■Jos. 10:26 A. on trees till evening HAIVGIXG, Substantive. £>. 26:.36makeA. for door of tent 37 make for the A. five pillars 27:16 A. for court-gate, 38:18; 39:40 ; 40:8, 33 .35:15 A. for door enter, taber- nacle, 36:.37 ; 39:38 ; 40:5, 23 HAIVGIIVGS. E-r. 27:9 A. 100 cub. 11 ; 38:9, 11 12 shall be A. of 50 cubits, 38:12 35:17 A. of court, .38:9, 16, 18; 39:40; i\"«//;!. 3:26 ; 4:26 2 A'. 23:7 women wove A. for gr. IIAiSTXAH. 1 Scun. 1:2 ; 2:21 IIANOCn. Gen. 25:4; 40:9; Aim. 26:5; 1 Chr. 1:33; 5:3 HAM\. 2 Sam. 10:1 H. rcig. 1 Oir. 19:4 A>A. 3:13 II. repaired val. gate, 30 HAPLY. Mark 11:13 if A. he mi. find fruit Luke 14:29 lest A. after laid fou. Acts 5::39 lest A. found fight a. G. 17:27 if A. they might feel H iPPEIV. TVot. 12:21 no evil A. to the jnst Is. 41:22 show us what shall A. HAPPEXED. 2 Sam. 1:6 as I A. by chance on Jer. 44:23 therefore "evil is A. Pom. 11:25 blindness is A. tols. 1 Cor. 10:11 th. A. for ensamples Phil. 1:12 things A. me fallen 1 Pet. 4:12 strange thing A. to y. 2 Pet. 2:22 A. accordinglo prov. HAPPEXETH. Ec. 2:14 one cv. A. to tliem all 15 as it A. to fool, so it A. tome 9:11 time and chance A. to all HAPPY. Pevt. 33:29 h. art thou, O Israel 1 K. 10:8 A. thy men, A. thy ser- vants, 2 chr. 9:7 Job 5:17 A. is man. \vh. G. correc. HAE P.?. 127:5 A. man hath quiver full 137:8 A. he who reward, thee. 9 144:15 A. people in such a case, A. peo. whose God is the L. 146:5 A. is he that hath G. of J. Prov. 3:13 A. man find, wisdom 14:21 A. he hath mercy on poor 16:20 whoso trust, in L. A. is he 28:14 A. is man that fear, alwav 29:18 that keepeth law, A. is he Jer. 12:1 why A. deal treacher. ? Mai. 3:15 we call the proud A. Jon. 13:17 kn. things. A. if do th. P07n. 14:22A. is he tnat condemn. ■Tarn. 5:11 them A. who endure 1 Pet. 3.14 suffer for righte. A. ye 4:14 reproached for On. A. ye HAPPIER. 1 Cor. 7:40 she is A. if she abide HARAiV, a man. Gen. 11:26 T. begat H. 27, 28, 31 HAR.4iV, a place. Gen. 11:31 Terah came to H. 32 12:4 Abram departed out of H. 27:43 flee toll. 28:10; 29:4 2 JC 19:12 fath. destr. H. Is. 37:12 HAEBONAH. Est. 1:10; 7:9 HARD. Gen. 18:14 any th. too A. for L. ? 35:16 Rachel had A. labor, 17 Ex. 1:14 lives bit. with A. bond. Peut. 1:17 cause too A. bring me 17:8 matter too A. in judgment 20:6 Egypt laid on A. bondage 2 Sam. 3:39 sons of Zeruiah too A. 1 K. 10:1 to prove with A. ques- tions, 2 Chr. 9:1 2 E. 2:10 thou hast asked A. th. Job 41:24 as A. as piece of millst Ps. 60:3 showed peo. A. things 94:4 how long wick.-spe. A. th. Prov. 13:15 wav of transgr. is A. Jer. 32:17 nothing too A. 27 Ezek. 3:5 to people of A. lang. 6 Mat. 25:24 I knew thou art A. Mark 10:24 A. forth, tru. in rich. John 0:60 this is a A. saying Acts 9:5 A. to kick ag. pri. 20:14 Heb. 5:11 and A. to be uttered 2 Pet. 3:16 thi. A. to be underst. Jude 15 convince of A. speeches HARD, Adjective. Lev. 3:9 rump off' A. backbone 1 Chr. 19:4 cut garm. A. bv but. Ps. 63:8 foUoweth A. after thee J(>«. 1:13 rowed A. to br. to land Acts 18:7 joined A. to synagogue HARDEN. Ex. 4:21 I will A. Pharaoh's heart, 7:3 ; 14:4 14:17 A. hearts of Egyptians Peut. 15:7 Shalt not A. thy heart Jos. 11:20 L. to A. their hearts Job 0:10 A. myself in sorrow Ps. 95:8 A. not j'our hearts, .Si^d. 3:8, 15; 4:7 H.VRDEiVED. Ex. 7:13 L. A. Phar.-sheart, 9:12 ; 10:1. 20,27; 11:10; 14:8 14 he. A. ; 22 was A. 8:19 ; 9:7, 35 8:15 he A. his heart. 32; 9:34 Deut. 2:.30 G. A. his spirit 2 K. 17:14 they A. their necks AWi. 9:16 A. th. necks, 17, 29 Job 9:4 who hath A. himself. 39:16 A. against her voung ones Js. 63:17 why hast thdn A. heart? ■Jer. 7:26 but A . their neck Pan. 5:20 his mind A. in pride Mark 6:52 for their heart was A. 8:17 have ye your heart yet A. .? John 12:40 blinded eyes, A. heart Acts 19:9 wlien divers were A. Jleb. 3:13 lest any of you be A. HARDEXETH. Prov. 21:29 wicked man A. face 28:14 A. heart fall into mischief 29:1 being reproved A. his neck Po?7i. 9:18 whom he will lie A. HARD-HEARTED. Ezek. 3:7 house of Israel are A. -A. HARDER. I^ov. 18:19 A. to be won th. city ■Tcr. 5:3 made faces A. than rock Ezek. 3:9 A. than Hint made fore. HARDLY. Is. 8:21 shall pass through it A. Mat. 19:23 rich m. A. ent. kingd. of G. Mark 10:2:3 ; Lii7:e 18:21 Luke 9:39 A- departelh from him HARDXE-SS. .Job 38:33 dust growoth into A. Mat 19:8 A. of hearts. Murk 10:5 HAR 3fark 3:5 grieved for A. of heart Mark 16:14 npb. with A. of heart 7?o»!. 2:5A. and impenitent heart 2 Tim. 2:3 A. as soldier of J. C. HARE. Lev. 11:6 A. is unci. Peut. 14:7 HARLOT. (;«n. 34:31 d. wi. sisteraswi. A. ? 38:15 he thought her to be a A. iez). 21:14 high-priest not take A. ■Jos. 2:1 spies came to h.'s house 6:17 only Rahab the A. sh. live ■Jud. 16:1 Sam. saw there a A. Pro». 7:10 woman wi. attire of A. Is. 1:21 faithful city become A. 23:15 after 70 years T. sing as A. Jer. 2:20 wanderest, playing A. 3:1 thou hast played the A. 6, 8 Ezek. 16:15 playedst the A. 16 playedst A. ; 28 played A. 41 cause to cease from plav. A. 23:5 Aholah played the A. Uos. 2:5 mother hath played A. 4:15 though Israel play the A. ■Joel 3:3 given a boy for a A. Mic. 1:7 return to the hire of 7i. Xah. 3:4 whored, of well lav. A. 1 Cor. 6:15 make th. mem. of A. 16 is joined to a A. is one bod v Heb. 11:31 A. Rahab perished not Jam. 2:25 R. the A. just, by wor. HARLOTS. Prov. 29:3 keepeth comp.'nith A. Jer. 5:7 assemble troops in A. h. Hos. 4:14 sacrifice with A. Mat. 21:31 A. go into king, of G. 32 publicans and A. believed h. Lrike 15:30 devoured liv. with A. Pex. 17:5 Babylon, mother of A. HARM. Jyev. 5:16 amends for A. done 2 K. 4:41 was no A. in the pot 1 Chr. 16:22 pro. no A. Ps. 105:15 Prov. 3:-30 if he have done no A. .Jer. 39:12 do him no A. Acts 16:28 no A. ; 27:21 gained A. 28:5 felt no A. ; 6 saw no A. ,- 21 spake any A. HARJI, Verb. 1 Pet. 3:13 A . you, if ful. of good 1 HARMLESS. Mat. 10:16 serp. and A. as doves Phil. 2:15 may be A. sons of G. Heb. 7:26 holy, A. and undefiled HARNESS, SabstaiUivc. 2 K. 20:11 girdeth on A. boast 22:.34 joints of A. 2 Chr. 18:3:} 2 Chr. 9:24 brought every man A. HARiVESS, ED, Verb. Ex. 13:18 Israel went up A. ■Jer. 46:4 h. horses, up horsemen HAHOD. Jud.-t:\ HAROSHETH. JwcZ. 4:2 HARP. Gen. 4:21 fa. of th. th. handle h. 1 Sum. 10:5 meet proph. with h, 16:16 cunning player on A. 1 Clir. 25:3 prophesied ^^ith A. ■Job 21:12 the timbrel and A. .30:31 A. is turned to mourning Ps. 133:2 praise L. with A. 1.50:3 4:3:4 on the A. will I praise thee 49:4 open dark saying upon A. 57:8 psaltery and A. 108:2 71:22 I will sing with A. 92:3 ; 98:5 ; 147:7 ; 149:3 81:2 bring hither the pleasant A . Is. 5:12 A. and viol in their leasts 16:11 bowels sound like a A. Pan. 3:5 sound of A. 7, 10. 15 1 Cor. 14:7 whether pipe or A. HARPS. 2 Sam. 6:5 D. and Is. played A. 1 K. 10:12 made of almug-trees A. Ps. 137:2 hanged A. upon willows Pev. 5:8 every one of tlicm A. 14:2 harp, with A. ; 15:2 A. of G. See CYMBAL. U.ARPEO. 1 Cor. 14:7 kn. what piped or A./ HARPERS. Pev. 14:2 I hoard the voice of A. 18:22 voice of A. heard no more HARROW. Job 39:10 will he A. vullej-s. HARROWS. 2 Sam. 12:31 under A. of iron 1 Chr. 20:3 cut with saws and A. HART, S. Peut. 12:15 may eat flesh of the A. 14:5; 15:22 Ps. 42:1 as A. panteth after water Is. 35:0 lame i.ian luup as u A. CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 887 HAS Lam. 1:6 princes become like h. See TouNG. HARVEST. Gen. 8:22 earth rem. A. not cease 45:6 shall nei. be caring nor A. JSx. ^i-.m the feast of A. 34:22 XcB. 25:5 accord of A. not reap 1 Sam. 6:13 men reaping their A. 12:17 is it not whcat-A. to-day ? Job 5:5 whose A. hungry eateth Prov. 6:8 ant gather food in A. 10:5 sleepeth in A. cans, shame 26:1 snow in sum. as rain in A. Is. 9:3 accordinsc to joy in A. 16:9 shouting for h. is fallen 17:11 A. be heap in day of grief 18:4 cloud of dew in heat of A. 5 aforeA. when bud is perfect 2'3:3 A. of the river is her reven. Jer. 5:17 they shall eat up thy A. 24 reserveth to us weeks of A. 8:20 A. is past, sum. is ended JoH 1:11 the A. of field perished 3:13 in sickle, for the A. is ripe Amos 4:7 yet three months to A. Mat. 9:37 the A. is plenteous .33 pray L. A. to send, Liihi 10:2 13:.30 grow together until A. 39 the A. is end of the world ^fark 4:29 put in sickle, A. come Lvke 10:2 said, The A. is great John 4:.35 fields are white to A. JSev. 14:15 the A. of earth is ripe HARVEST-MAN. Is. 17:5 when A. -to. gather, com Jer. 9:22 the handful after h.-7n. Time of HARVEST. Jos. 3:15 .lord, overfloweth t. h. Prov. 25:13 cold of snow /. of h. Ji'-r. 50:16 handleth sickle in A.-/. r)l::33 the t. of hur h. shall come ^fat. 13:29 t. of h. say to reapers HAST. Mat. 19:21 sell all thou A. Mark 10:21 ; Luke 18:22 25:25 there thou A. that is thine John 6:68 A. words of ete-rnal life 7:20 thou A. a devil. 8:48, 52 Pojn. 14:22 A. thou faith? 1 Cor. 4:7 what A. thou that did. Jim. 2:18 thou A. faith J'en. 2:6 but this thou A. HA. a little strengtli, 3:1,4 11 hold that fast which thou A. HASTE, Substantive. &. 12:11 ve shall eat in A. 33 out of land in A. Pent. 16:3 1 Sam. 21:8 king's business re- quired A. Ps. 31:22 said in A. I am cut ofT 116:11 I said in A. All men liars P. 52:12 shall not go out with A. P^fn. 3:24 kin" rose in A. (1: 19 went in A. to den of lions Murk 6:25 came in h. to the king Luke 1:39 went to hill-cou. w. A. HASTE. Om. 19:22 h. thee, escape thither I ,S'«TO. 23:27 A. thee, for Plijlis. Ps. 22:19 strength, A. to help me /See MAKE HASTE. HASTED. Oen. 18:7 and he A. to dress It Jo^. 4:10 people A. over Jordan 10:13 the sun A. not to go down 1 /S'.'Wrt. 17:48 David A. and ran to 25:23 Abigail saw J)a. she A. 42 2S:21 lh(! witch at Endor A. 1 A'. 20:41 proiihet A. and took 2 r/Ar. 26:20 liinisclf A. to go out KH. 0:12 Ilaniaii A. to his bouse 14 th(!y A. to bring Ilanian Job 31:5 foot hath A. to deceit J's. 48:5 and A. away, 101:7 Acts 20:16 Paul A. In .IcruHiilem HAKT10\. pp. 10:4 A. iiricr niiotlicT god 55:8 1 would A. Jiiy escape !■>. 2:25 whocan h'.n\i>rt; Ih.in I f /.■. 60:22 1,. will A. In his time Jer. 1:12 I will A. my word H\STR!\EI), ETH. JCsf. 3:15 being A, by king, 8:14 Js. 51:14 IlKM'XilirA. ((,ll,.l()(IH.-d Jer. 17:16 not A. ft-, brin;,' puHtor HASTEill. .7oin:26HH c.igh' tliul A, lo i)rcy iVoii. 7;'i3 HH a bird A. to snare 19:2 he Unit A. wl. lils fret hIm 2S:','iA. tohinii-li.liulh.nllc.ve 7','c. 1:5 Him A. lo when' he arosir y/(//). liHIly Msrn-li' th.'it A. '/.fr. ,hr. 44:4 do not this thing /A. ,1?;io« 5:21 /A. your feast-days J^'r. 8:17 these ar(! things A A. /,V/TO. 7:15 what /A. that do I Her. 2:6 deeds of Nicolait. /A. 15 HATE nin. 6'c». 26:27 come, seeing A. j?!*.? A'x. 20:5 to third and fourlli gen. of them that A. mc. Deul. 5:9 Dent. 32: 11 rew. them that A. wir> 2/S'a7n. 22:41 destroy them that A. TOC, Ps. 18:40 A'. 9:13 SUIT, oflhcm that A. ?«« 2.5:19 h. me with cruel haired 35:10 let Iheni wink lliat A. me 38:19 A. me wrong, main", 69:4 41:7 all Ihat A. wir' whi-per to.'. 69:14 H.'iih vet lluMnore, 5,8 49:23^1101 at lilin and A. Iilin Pnit. 1:27 bee. Lord A. iis, 9;'i8 4:42 A. hlni n. 19:4, 6; Jos. 20:5 21:17 sli.iicUiiowlcd!'(. son of A. Juit. \:,:'l I llioiu'lil Ihnn A. her 'iSiim. 5:8 lanir niid lilind arc A. A'.v/. 9:1 mil' lli.'ni Ih.il A. I hem /v. 26:5 A. congng. .ifcvil-diMTs 31:6 r A. them that regar.l Ivlni; 41:7 i>nt llicin In nhiinie Unit A. 106:41 Ihcv Ihal A. tlwni ruled Prov. I:','9 ihcv A. Uiunvledre 5:12 hiiw liMve I A. InHlrucllon I 11:17 man .'/(•. 25:15 di'Mlroy It lor old A. M.">:5 thou liMsl had iier|iclual A. /Aw. 9:8proph. Is A. In ho. of (1. Hal. 5:20 witchcrnl't, A. viiriunoe HATS. Dan. 3:21 bnunil In hoscn and A. HAHJIITY. 2 Sam. 22:'JH th. ives are upon A. I's. 131:1 L. mv heiirt is not A. P)r>r. 16:18 A. spirit before i> l:ill W-Vi bel'iire ilesl ruci Inn heart A. 21:21 A. Bcorner ;» his name HEA Is. 3:16 daughters of Zion are A. 24:4 the A. people of the earth Zep. 3:11 no more A. HAUGHTi:VESS. Is. 2:11 A. of men bowed down 17 A. of men shall be made low 13:11 lay low the A. of terrible 16:6 heard A. of Moab, ,/<;;■. 48:29 HAUNT, Substantive. 1 Sam. 23:22 see where his A. is HAUNT. 1 Sam. .30:31 where D. wont to A. i'zei-. 26:17 ter. be on all that h. HAVE. See costPAssioN, do- minion, etc. HAVEN. Gen. 49:13 Zebulun dwell at h. Ps. 107:30 bringeth to desired h. Acts 27:12 A. not commodious HAVOC. Acts 8:3 S. made A. of the church HAWK. Lev. 11:10 A. abom. Pent. 14:15 Job 39:26 doth A. fly by wisdom? HAY. Prov. 27:25 A. appear, and grass Is. 15:6 the A. is withered away 1 Cor. 3:12 buildeth on found. A. HAZAEL. 1 K. 19:15 ano. H. to be king. 17 2 K. 8:9 H. went to meet Elisha 10:.32 II. smote them, Amos 1:4 12:17 n. set face to go to Jeru. 13:3 Israel into the hand of IL HAZEL. Gen. 30:37 Jacob took rods of A. ITAZELELPOXI. 1 Chr. 4:3 IIAZEROTH. Num. 11:35; 12:16: 33:17 HAZOR. .Jos. 11:10 Joshua took IT. .7ud. 4:2; 1 K. 9:15; 2 A.'. 15:29 Jer. 49:30 dwell deep, inh. of 11. HE. Gen. 3:16 A. shall rule over thee 49:8 A. whom bret. shall praise Pent. 32:.39 I am A. and there is no God with me. Is. 41:4; 4.3:10, 13; 46:4; 48:12 Mat. 24:26 A. is in desert ]\[ark 12:.32 is none other but A. Luke 24:6 said, A. is not hero John 1:15 A. of whom I spake, 39 7:11 wh. is A. f 25 is not this A..-* 8:28 then shall ye kn. th. I am A. 9:9 is A. but A. "said, I am A. 36 and said. Who is A. L. ? .37 1 Cor. 10:22 we stronger than A./" See BLESSED, DID, SAITII. HEAD. Oen. 3:15 it shall bruise thv A. 40:13 Ph. sh. lift up thy A." 19 49:26 blessings on head of Jos. and on top of A. Deul. ,33:16 Ex. 29:10 .\. and sons put hands on A. of bul. Ler. 4:4; 8:14 15 .\ar. and sons put hands on A. of ram, 19: /„(•. 8:18,52 Lev. 1:4 hand on A. of b.-ollVring 3:2 lay luuid . ^^Iv A. nr.- A. (1:31 A. ofK. shall stand on hti:i 19:21 dan. of Jiru. hath shakeu her A. nt thee. Is. .37:'2'i 2 Chr. 6:'23 rocompons. way on A. /■'rr. 9:6 iniq. Increased over A. .\"!> 22:27 jirayer to him, he s. A. ./v. :!1:2 humble shall h. then^of 5."): 17 cry, and he s. A. my voice 19 God s. A. and adlict thc'm 92:11 ears «. h. desire of wicked 141 :() they shall A. my words /.•. 20:18 in that day x. deaf A. 30:19 shall h. he will answer 21 thine ears sliall li. a word Jn: a;!:!) s. h. all good that I do Has. 2:21 heaven shall li.. eartli 22 earlli shall h. corn and wine Mat. 13:14 ye shall A. Acts 28:26 \n:\T} shall h. thee 21:6 y(' shall h, of wars and rii- ninrs, .Mark l:i:7 ; Luke 21:9 .7o/(n5;25llie dead shall h. voice 10:13 whatsoever he shall h. Ads 3:22 hirn sh
    e A. 26:11 prophesied as yc'have A. 31:10A. nuMi-siTvant sli. go fi-ee 35:17 but they have not A. 46:12 nalliPMs have //, dfrhnnie 50:16 cry Is h. among nalloim 51:16 niiiior shall lie h. in land /.am. a:61 hast A. their reproach h',:t h. 1 A'. \r.-::i \,.h. thee, of Klljah 2 Clir. .'10:'.'7 v. A. iirayer can\e ./(•I) 1:16 tb, was Hllcnce, I A, a r. :i:l;H/(. the r. of thy words .'17: 1 not slay them when r. Is A. I's. :i: I 1,. with mv v. he A. ino 6:8 I,, h.'ith A. c.'of my weeping lti:6 A. my v. out of lilii tuiuplo HEA Ps. 19:3 no speech where v. not A. 28:6 A. II. of my supplication 6*i:8 make v. of praise to be A. 116:1 1 love L. he hath A. my v. Cant. 2:12 r. of the turtle is A. Is. 6:8 also I A. v. of the Lord 30:.30 L. cause his gl. v. to be A. 42:2 V. to be A. in street 58:4 make your voice to bo h. 65:19 V. of weeping no mere A. Jer. 3.21 a v. was A. upon high 4:31 have A. a v. as of a woman 9:19 r. of wailing is A. ont of Z. 30:5 have A. a v. of trembling 31:15 V. was A. in R. .^7fl^ 2:18 Lam. 3:56 thou hast A. mv voice Ezek. 1:28 I A. a r. of one"that s. 3:12 I A. behind me v. 27:30 cause their r. to be A. Pari. 8:16 A. a man"sr. between 10:9 yet A. I the v. of his words Nah. 2:13 v. of mes. no more A. .John 5:.37 neither A. his v. at any Acts 9:4 and A. a voice saying, Saul, Saul, 22:7 : 26:14 11:7 A. a v. faying to me. Arise 22:0 A. not the voice of him Ucb. 12:19 wh. voice they that A. 2 Pet. 1:18 v. came fr.hcav. weA. Pev. 1:10 I A. a v. 16:1; 10:1; 21:3 4:1 firtit V. lA. wasasa trumpet 5:11 I A. the v. of many angeb 6:6 I A. a v. in the midst 7 7A. a V. of the fourth beast 9:13 A. a v. fr. the four horns 10:4 A. a r. from heaven 8 ; 14:2, 13 ; 18:4 12:10 and I A. a loud voice 14:2 I A. the v. of harpers 19:6 I A. V. of multitude AVe have HEARD. .Tqs. 9;9 v:ehareh. fame of him 2 Sam . 7:22 none like thee accor. toallice A. A. 1 Chr. 17:20 Ps. 44:1 «•« A. A. witli our cars 48:8 as we A. A. so have we seen 78:3 sayings which we have A. Is. 10:6 we A. A. of JI. Jer. 48:29 2-1:16 !('e Aoce A. songs, glory to Jer. .30:5 ?;'e A. A. voice of tremb. 51:51 confou. ire h. A. rc])roach 01). 1 ?ce A. A. rumor from Lord Zee. 8:23 for tee Artce A. that God .Uark 14:.5S vce hare fi. him say Zi/^'e 4:2-3 whatever «'e hare A. 22:71 ?('<; ourselves hare h. .lohii 4:42 believe, ?('e hare A. 12::34 irehare A. out of the law .4e/.s'4:20 cannot but ep. ve A. A. 6:11 7ce hare h. him speak 14 we hare A. him say. This J. 15:24 ire hare A. tliat certain Ileli. 2:1 heed to things tre A. A. 1 John 1:1 which jce Artre A. 3 5 message which we hare h. HEARD, with word, «. Nmn. 24:4 \\\\. h. w. of God, 16 .70.'.'. 24:27 A. uU the w. of Lc^rd 1 Sam. 17:23 same ?c. ]). A. them 31 wh. »'. were A. David si)ake 1 K. 2: 12 the «'. that 1 A. isgood 2 K. 6::!0 king A. «'. of woman 19:6 afraid of «'. liast A. /■.'. .37:6 Job 3:!:8 1 have A. voice of uords I'.'c. 9:16 poor man's w. not A. 17 «'. of wise men are A. Is. .37:4 the «'. wh. God hath A. Jrr. 23:18 and A. his wortls 25:8 bee. ye have not A. my w. 26:21 princes A. his irord ,36:13 decl. nil the «-. he had A. 24 not nfiald that A. these i.-. ,38:1 I'ashurA. the «•. of,Iere:ii. Mat. 22:22 wh. they A. Ihcse ir. Afark 5:.3(> as Jesus A. the ir. 5:11 seeing ye are dull of A. HE.AKrVG, Verb. Prm\ 20:12 A. ear, L. hath made 23:9 away ear from A. the law El". 1:8 nor is ear filled with A. Mat. 1.3:13 and A. they hear not 14 bv A. ve shall hear 15dull ofA. Acts'H-.ll: Heb. 5:11 Mark 6:2 many A. were aston. Lnke 2:46 h. them and asking Acts 5:5 Ananias A. these words 8:6 A. and seeing miracles 9:7 A. a voice, but seeing no m. 13:8 Corintliians A. believed Pliilc. 5 A. of thy love and faith 2 Pet. 2:8 Lot iu seeing and A. HEARRE\. Ex. 6:.30 sh. Pharaoh h. to me ? Dcut. 7:12 A. to these judgments 11:13 A. dilig. to my commands 13:5 A. to voice (ff L. Jer. 17:21 13:15 to him ye shall A. 23:13 if thou A. to command- ments, 1 A'. 11:33 •Tos. 1:17 so will we A. unto thee 1 Sain. 15:22 to A. th. fat of rams 30:24 who will A. to you in this ? 1 K. 8:28 have thou respect to A. 29 A. to prayer, 52; 2 Chr. 6:19, 20 Keh. 13:27 A. then to yon? Ps. 81:8 if thou wilt A. unto me Prov. 29:12 if a ruler A. to lies la. 32:3 ears of th. that hear A. 42:2:1 will A. for time to come? Jer. 26:3 will A. and turn fr. evil 5 A. to prophets whom I sent 29:12 pray to me. and I will A. 35:13 not rec. instruction to A. HEA Zee. 7:11 but they refused to A. Acts 4:19 A. to you 12:13 a damsel came to A. HE.ARKE\, imperatively. Gen. 2:3:15 A. tome; 49:2A.toIs. Num. 23:18 A. to me, son of Zip. Devt. 4:1 A. O Israel, to statutes 27:9 take heed, and A. O Israel ■lud. 9:7 A. to me, men of Shech. 1 K. 8:30 A. to the supplications, 2 Chr. 6:21 22:28 A. O peo. every one of you 2 Chr. 18:27 he said,"A. all peop. 20:15 A. ye, all Judah, and Jer. ■Job 13:5 A. to pleadings .32:10 I said A. to me, 33:.31 .33:1 I pray, A. to my words 34:10 A. unto me, men of under. .34 w. man A. 37:14 A. to this Ps. .34:11 A. I will teach you 4.5:10 A. O daughter, and consid. Proi\ 7:24 A. to me. O chil. 8:32 Is. 28:23 A. and hear my speech 34:1 ye nations. A. ye peo. 49:1 46:3 A. unto me. 6 house of Jacob, 48:12; .ffi),t. 5:1 12 A. to me, stout-hearted 51:1 A. to me, th. fol. righteous. 4 A. unto me. my people 7 A. to me, ye tti. know right. 55:2 A. diligentlv unto me Dan. 9:19 O Lord", A. and do ^^^c. 1:2 A. 0 earth, and all ther. Mark 7:14 A. to me every one Acts 2:14 A. to my words 7:2 brethren, and fathers, A. 15:13 men and brethren, A. ■Jam. 2:5 my beloved brethren See ToicB. HEARKEN, with not. Gen. 34:17 not A. to be circum. E.V. 7:4 7wt h. to you, 22 ; 11:9 Devt. 13:3 n. A. to that di-eamer 17:12 will not A. to the priest 18:19 will not A. to my words 21:18 he will not A. to them 2.3:5?!. A. toBal. Jos. 24:10 ./o.N\ 1:18 will n. A. to thy words .Jyd. 2:17 would not A. to judires 1 K. 20:8 elders said, A. n. to him 2 K. 17:40 n. A. but after manner 18:.31 A. n. to Hezek. Is. 36:16 2 Chr. 10:16 Eehob. would noth. .33:10 L. spake, thev would n. A. .7o5 ;3.3::33 if re. A. hold thy peace P'. 58:5 m. A. to voice of charm. 81:11 would noth. to my voice J<5r.6:10uncircumcised cannot A. 17 said. We will iwt A. 44:16 7:27 they will not A. nnto thee 11:11 tho. they cry, I will not A. 16:12 they may not A. to me 17:27 if ve will not A. to me, 26:4; Ezek.W:?,^ 23:16 A. not to prophets, 27:9, 14. 16, 17; 29:8 38:15 wilt thou not A. to mc ? Ezck. 3:7 n. A. to thee, n. A. tome 20:8 and would not A. unto me Eos. 9:17 did n. A. Zee. 1:4 HEARREXED. Gen. 30:17 God A. unto Leah 22 God A. to Rachel and open. 34:24 to Ilamor A. all that went 39:10 that Joseph A. not to her Ex. 6:12 chil. of Is. not A. to me 7:13 Phar. A. not, 8:15, 19: 9:12 Deut. 9:19 Lord A. to mc, 10:10 18: 14 nations A . to obs. of times 34:9 Is. A. to Joshua, Jos. 1:17 1 Sam. 28:21 worn, of En. A. to S. 1 K. 12:15 king A. not to people. 16; 2 Chr. 10:15 24 they A. to word of the Lord 15:20 A. toking Asa, 2 Chr. 16:4 2 K. 13:4 the LordA. toJchoahaz 16:9 king of Assyria A. to Asa 20:13 Hczekiah A . to messengers 21:9 Judah A. not to the law 22:13 our fathers A. not to words 2 Chr. 24:17 J. A. to the princes 25:16 Amaz. A. not to the prop. 35:22 Josiah A. not to Pharaoh A'e'A. 9:16 A. not to thv command- ments, 29.34; Jer. 34:14 Est. 3:4 Jlordecai A. not to them Ps. 81:13 O that my peo. had A. /■!. 21:7 and he A. dilicrently 48:18 O that thou hadst A. Jer, 6:19 have not A. to my word. 7:24. 26: 25:3, 4, 7: 26:5; 29:19; 32:33; 34:17; 35:14, 15, 16; 36:31; 44:5 .37:14 Irijah A. not to Jeremiah Ezek. 3:6 would have A. not thee Dan. 9:6 neither A. to thy serv. HEA MaL 3:16 the Lord A. jer. 8. Acts 27:21 should have A. to me See VOICE. HEARKEXEDST, Deut. 28:45 thou A. not to the L. HEARREXETH, IXG. Ps. 103:20 angels A. to the voice Prov. 1:33 A. tomesh.dw. safely 12:15 he that A. to coun. is wise HE.ART, IVoun. Gen. 45:26 and Jacob's A. fainted Ex. 23:9 know A. of a stranger 28:.30 they shall be on Aaron's A. 35:.35 hath filled with ■i\-isd. of A. Lev. 26:16 and cause sorrow of A. A'um. 32:7 discourage A. of Is. ? 9 they discouraged the A. of Is. Dent. 5:29 such a A. in them 28:28 smite wi. astonish, of A. 47 serv. not L. with glad, of A. 65 L. sh. give thee trembling A. 29:4 L. hath not given A. to per. Jos. 14:8 made A. of people melt JurJ. 5:15 great thoughts of A. 16 were great searchiugs of A. 18:20 the priest's A. was glad 1 Sam. Itl3 Han. spake in'her A. 10:9 God gave him another A. 16:7 the Lord looketh on the A. 17:32 Let no man's h. fail 24:5 and David's A. smote him 25:31 offence of A. to my lord 36 and Xabal's A. was merry 2 Sam. 6:16 she despised him in A. 1 Chr. 15:29 14:1 king's A . was tow. Absalom 18:14 darts thro. A. of Absalom 14 bowed A. of men of Judah 1 A". .3:9 an understanding A. 12 given theeundcrstandingA. 8:66 clad of A. 2 Chr. 7:10 10:2 com. of all in A. 2 Chr. 9:1 11:4 perfect, as the A. of David 12:27 then sh. the A. of this peo. 2 K. 6:11 A. of king of As. troub. 12:4 into man's A. 2 Chr. 29:31 1 Chr. 12:a3 not of double A. 16:10 let the A. rej. Ps. 105:3 29:17triestA. IS; .Jer. 11:20 2 Chr. 7:11 came into Solom.'s A. Ezr. 6:22 turned A. of king 7:27 such as thisin the king's A. Xeh. 2:2 noth. else but ror.'of A. £«/. 1:10 A. of king merry 5:9 H. went forth with glad A. Job 9:4. wise in 7i. and mighty 12:24 he laketh away A. of chief 29:13 caused widow's A. to sing .37:24 respecteth not wise of A. .38:36 given nuderstandin? to A. Ps. 12:2 double A. they speak 19:8 sta. of L. right, rejoicing A. 34:18 nigh them^'of broken A. 44:21 knoweth secrets of the A. 45:5 arrows sharp in A. of ene. .58:2 A. ye work ; 64:6 A. deep 7.3:7 more than A. could wish 101:4 froward A. shall depart 5 a proud A. will not I suffer 104:15 wine mak. glad the A. bread strengthene. man's A. Pror. 6:18aA. that devis. wicked 7:10 a woman subtle of A. 8:5 be of an nnderstandin? A. 10:8 wise in A. will rec. comma. 12:8 he of perverse A. 20 deceit is iathe A. of them 23 heaviness in A. of man 13:12 hope defer, maketh A. sick 14:10 A. knoweth own bittern. 13 in laushtcr A. is sorrowful 14 backslider in A. be filled .30 a sound A. is life of the flesh 33 wisdom rcsteth in A. of him 15:7 A. of foolish doeth not so 13 merry A. mak. cheer, coun. by sorrow of A. sp. is broken 14 A. of him th. understandeth 15 amerryA.hathcontin. feast 28 A. of righte. stndicth to an. 30 light of "eyes rejoiceth t!" ■ A. 10:1 preparation of A. from L. 5 proud A. abomination to L. 9 a man's A. deviseth his way 2:3 A. of wise teach, his mouth 17:16 price iu hand, hath no A. 20 a frow.ard A: find, no good 22 merry ft. doeth good 18:12 bef. destruc. A. is haughty 15 A. of prudent gettcth kno. 19:21 devices in a man's A. 20:5 counsel in A. like deep wa. 21:1 king's A. is in hand of L. 4 a hish look and a proud 7i. 22:11 pureness of A. king liis fr. 15 foolish, bound iuA. of child HEA Prov. 24:12 pon. the A. cons, it? 25:3 A. of k. is unsearchable 20 he that singeth to heavy A. 26:23 mcked A. is like potsherd 27:9 ointment and pert', rej. A. 19 h. of man answereth man 28:25 proud A. stirreth up strife 31:11 A. of her hush, doth trust Ec. 7:3 sadn. of count. A. is bet. 4 A. of wise iu house of niouni. A. of fools in house of mirtli 8:5 a wise man's A. discemeth 11 A. of men is set to do evil 9:3 the A. of men is full of evil 7 drink thy wine wi. merry A. 10:2 a wise man's A. at ri. hand, but a fool's A. is at his left Is. 6:10 make their A. fat, Mat. 13:15 ;ylrfs 28:27 10:12 I will punish the stout A. 13:7 every man's A. shall melt 30:29 shall have gladness of A. 32:4 A. of rash shall understand 35:4 say to them of fearful A. 44:20 dec. A. turned him aside 57:1 man layeth to A. Jer. 12:11 15 revive the A. of contrite on. 59:13 uttering from A. words 65:14 mj' serv. sing for joy of A. but ye cry for sorrow of A. .Jer. 4:9 the A. of king sh. perish. 5:23 people hath a rebellious A. 9:26 Is. are uncircumcised in A. 11:20 that triest reins and A. 17:9 A. is deceitful ab. all things 10 I the Lord search A. 20:12 L. that seest reins and A. 24:7 I will give a A. to know mc La7?i. 3:63 gfve them sorrow of A. Ezek. 11:19 stony A. out of flesh 13:22 ye made A. of righte. sad 18:31 make a new A. alid new s. 21:7 ev. A. sh. melt, all be feeble 25:15 veng. with despiteful A. 36:26 give you a A. of flesh 44:7 uneir. in A. 9 : Acts 7:51 Dan. 4:16 a beast's A. begiv. him. 7:4 and a man's A. was given it Eos. 4:11 new wine takeaway A. 7:11 E. is like dove without A. Xah. 2:10 A. melt, knees smite Zcp. 2:15 this city said in her A. Mai. 2:2 )'e do not lay it to A. 4:6 the A. of fathers, A. of child. Mat. 11:29 meek and lowly in A. 12:34 of abund. of A. Ziike 6:45 35 treasure of A. Lii/ie 6:45 15:18 from the A. and defile man 19 out of A. evil th. Mai-k 7:21 Mark 16:14 upbra. with hard A. Eiike 2:19 JI. pondered in her A. 51 moth, kept sayings in her A. 24:25 fools, slow of A. "to believe John 13:2 devil put into A. of J. Acts 2:46 eat meat wi. singl. of A. 5::33 were cut to A. 7:.54 11:23 purpose of A. thcycl. toL. Pom. 2:5 thy impeni. A. treas. up 29 circumcision of A. in the sp. 6:17 ye obeyed from A. that dec. 10:10 with "the A. man believeth 1 Cor. 2:9 nei. enter, in A. of man 7:37 hath so decreed in his A. 2 Cor. 2:4 anguish of A. IwTOto 3:3 written in fleshly tables of A. 8:16 earnest care into A. of Tit. Eph. 6:6 doing will of G. from A. Col. 3:22 in singl. of A. fear. God 1 Thes. 2:17 in presence, not in A. Ileb. 4:12 is a disccrner of tho A. 10:22 draw near with a true A. 13:9 good the A. be established 1 Pet. 3:4 let be hidden man cl A. 2 Pet. 2:14 a A. ex. with covetous Pev. 18:7 she saith in her A. I sit HE.ART. Ex. 15:8 congealed in A. of sea Is. 19:1 A. of':Egypt shall m.clt Mat. 12:40 Son"6f man in A. HEART, with all. Deut. 11:13 with all vour A. aos. 22:5: 1 Sam. 12:20,24 13:3 love the Lord with fi.V vour A. 30:6; Mat. 2;2:.<:7; Mark 12:30. 3:3 ; Luke 10:27 26:16 ; do them with all thv A. 30:2 10 L. all A. 10 ; Jod 2:12 .Jud. 16:17 S. told all his A. 18 1 K. 2:4 walk before mo with all A. 8:2:3 8:48 return to thee with oil th. A. 2K. 23:25; 2 Chi: 6:.33 14:8 David fol. me wi. all his A. 2 K. 2.3:3 a covenant to walk with all their A. 2 Chr. 34:31 2 Chr. 15:12 O. of fa. with allh. 15 had sworu with all their A. CRUDEN^S CONCORDAN'CE. 891 HEA 2 C'hr. 22:9 J. so. L. vr. aU his A. 31:21 did it witli all liis A. P.v. 80:12 praise, O L. with all h. Pi-ov. 3:5 trust L. with aW thy A. Jer. 29:13 search me with all A. A'je/;. 3():5 joy of all tlieir A. Zc/). 3:14 rejoice with all the A. ylc^s 8:37 if thou heli. with all h. See APPLY, BROKEN, CLEAN, EVIL, HAEDEN, HARDENED. His HEART. Gen. 6:5 imaj. of his h. only evil 6 it grieved Iiira at hU A. 8:21 L. said in A. A. ; 17:17 Abr. 27:41 E. said in A is A. the days Ex. 4:14 will be glad in hU h. 7:23 neither did he set hu h. 28:29 breastpl. of judg. on A. A. 35:34 he hath put in Ait A. Dent. 2:30 L. made his A. obstin. 17:17 his A. turn not away 20 his A. be not lifted up above 19:6 aveng. pursue, AJ.sA. Is hot 20:8 brethren's A. faint as his A. 24:15 poor, setteth liis h. on it 29:19 blesseth himself in his h. Ilidh 3:7 his A. was merry 1 Sam. 4:13 his h. trem. for ark 25:37 it came that his h. died 27:1 D. in AJs A. ,• 28:5 his A. tre. 2 Sam. 7:27 thy servant found in his A. 1 Chr. 17:25 13:33 let not lord take to his A. 1 K. 10:24 which God had put in AisA. 2 Vhr.'^i-.'iS!, 11:3 turned away his A. 4. 9 12:26 Jeroboam said in his h. 2 K. 9:24 arrow wen tout at Ai? A. 2 Chr. 12:14 prepared not his A. 17:6 Ids h. was lift, up in ways 26:16 his h. was lifted up to des. 30:19 prejiareth hisfi. to seek O. 32:25 for his A. was lifted up 26 hum. him. forprideoj' AwA. 31 he might know all in his h. Ezr. 7:10 Ezra prepared his h. Neh. 9:8 foundest his A. faithful Est. 6:6 H. thought in his h. 7:5 durst presume in his h. Job 31:14 set Ais A. upon man 41:24 his h. is as firm as a stone Ps. 10:3 boasteth of his A. desire 6 s;ud in his h. 11, 13 ; 14:1 ; 5:3:1 l.'):2 speaketh truth in his A. 21:2 given him his h. desire .33:11 thoughts of Aw A. 37:31 law of his God in his A. 41:6.A2« A. gathereth iniquity .55:21 smooth, war in Aw A. 78:72 nccor. to integrity of A. A. lli:7 his h. is fixed Shis A. is cstalilishcd Pim>. 6:14 frowardii. is in his Ji. 18:2 Ids h. may discover itself 19:3 his h. frettetli a'', the Lord 23:7 as think, in hish. so is he: !)ut his h. is not with thee 2R:14 that luirdcneth Ai.v. myw. A. 111:1; 138:1 119:2 seek him with the w. A. 10 with my 7V. h. I sought 34 I shall observe it with ?('. A. 58 entreated favor with n\ A. 69 thy precepts with jc. A. 145 I cried with my v. A. O L. Is. 1:5 head is sick. ic. h. faint Jer. 3:10 not turned with ir. A. 24:7 return to me witli if. h. 32:41 plant ift land with if. A. Whose HEART. Ex. 35:26 women ?c. A. stirred Ih'iit. 29:18 w. h. tunu'lh from L. 2 Sain.W.W w. h. is as h. of lion 1 A'. 8:39 ?c. A. kii. 2 /'/(;•. 6::!0 2 Ch?: 16:9 them v. h. is perfect Ps. 81:5 in ?c. A. are ways of Ec. 7:26 woman v. A. is snares /s. 51:7 in w. A. is mv law /■::ek. 11:21 «•. A. walketh after .•lc/,v 16:14 ic. h. the L. opened Your HEART. Deut. 10:16 foresk. of your h. .T.r.A-A 11:16 Unit y. h. be not deceived IS l.'iy ii|i my words in y. A. 1 K. 11:2 will turn awav i/ourh. 1 CAr. 22:19 set i;\~i liavi- ve j/. A. bard. !■ 10:5 for hard. oVy. h. be wrote .A)A;i 14:1 not y. A. be truubl. 27 16:6 said (his, sorrow lllUil v. A. 22 I will see you, 1/. A. shall f'jih. 0:5 single, of y. A. us lo 0. HEARTED. /■>. :15:22 us were wllllnjj-A. />iut. 20:8 what niiiii Is fldnt-A./ fs. 76:5 (he sloiil A. are spoiled /s. 24:7 all (henierry-A. do hl;,'h (51:1 sent ine lobhid iiphroU.^. /' ( :i:; liouHu of Israel linnl-A. 892 CRUDEN'S COJ^CORDANCB. HEA Tender-HEARTED. 2 Chr. 13: 7 Reho. young and <.-ft. Eph. 4:32 land one to ano. t.-h. Wise-HEARTED. Ex. 28:3 spe. to all th. are w.-h. 31:6 hearts of all that are w.-h. 35:10 lo.-h. among you sh. come 2.) women that were w.-h. 3U;1 wro. every w.-h. man, 2, 8 HEARTH. Gc-n. 1S:18 make cakes npon7^. Pj. 102:3 bones are burnt as h. I\ 30:14 sherd to take fire fr. h. Jer. 36:22 a fire on the A. bumi. 23 roll into fire that was on h. Zic. 13: B governors of J. like h. HEARTY, ILY. Pnn. 27:9 friend by h. counsel Cd. 3:23 do it h. as to the Lord HEARTS. Jof. 7:5 Ti. of the people melted 1 Sam. 10:26 h. G. had touched 2 Sim. 15:6 Absal. stole h. of Is. 1 K. 8:39 thou only knowest the h. 2 Chr. 6:;30 1 Chr. 28:9 Lord gcarcheth all h. Pt. 7:9 God trieth A. Prov. 17:3 Pror. 15:11 more then A. men 21:2 the Lord pondercth the A. 31:S wine to those of heavy A. Ezek. 32:9 also vex A. of people Dan. 11:27 kings' A. to do misc. Lul;i 1:17 turn'/i. of the fathers 2:.35 thoughts of A. be revealed 21:26 men's A. failing them Acbs l:2t know. A. of men. 15:8 Horn. 8:27 he that searcheth A. 1G:13 deceive A. of the simple 1 C^r. 4:5 manifest counsels of /i. Hev. 2:23 I ant ho searcheth A. Our HEARTS. Jo', 2:11 heard, our h. did melt 1 K. 8:58 incline o«r A. to him ji'-^s 14:17 filling o. A. with food Horn. 5:5 love oif 6. abr. in ourh. 2 Cor. 1:22 earnest of S. in our h. 3:2 our epistle written in o. A. 4:6 God hath shined in our h. 7:? in our h. to die and live 1 The^. 2:4 God, who trieth o. A. Hi'). 10:22 o»r A. fr. evil consci. 1 Jolin 3:19 assure o. h. bef. him Their HEARTS. Lrrn. 20:36 a faintness into t. h. Jijil. 9:3 t. A. inclined to fol. A. 19:22 making their A. merry 2 Chr. 6:14 be. thee with all t. h. 31:16 set iheir h. to seek the L. 20::13 not prep, their h. to God Job 1:5 sons cursed G. in iheir A. Ps. 2S:3 mischief is in their h. 3-3:15 fashioneth their h. alike 33:25 let them not say in t. A. 81:12 gave up to t. own A. lust 135:4 that are upright in t. A. 7■^ 44:18 hath shut their A. they Jer. 31:33 law in t. h. Heh. 8:10 32:40 1 will put my fear in t. A. Ei(.k. 13:2 prop, out of t. own A. Z«c. 7:12 t. h. as an adamant Mark 2:6 reasoning in iA^zr A. 3:5 grieved for hardness of t. h. 4:15 word sown in t. h. i«. 8:12 Luke 1:51 imaginations of?. A. fi6 heard laid them up in t. A. 3:15 all men mused in their A. Acti 7:39 <. A. turned back to E. Rom. 1:24 through lust of th. A. 2:15 work of law written in t. A Col. 2:2 ?. A. might be comforted //eft. 3:10 always err in their A. Itev. 17:17 G. hath put it in t. A. Your HEARTS. Gen. 18:5 comfort ye your h. Viut. 20:3 O Is. let not y. h. faint 32:4() set ?/. A. to all the words Jox. 24:2-3 incline y. A. to the L. 1 Sam. 6:6 do yeharden wo(/r A. ? 7:3 return to L. with sM your h. and prepa. your h. to the L. Jer. 42:20 dissembled in yourh. Z(C. 8:17 none iraag. cvil'in y. A. Jfii^ 9:4 think evil in yourh. ? 13:35 if from y. A. forgive not 19:8 bee. of hardness of j/. A. jifart 2:8 why reas. th. in y. h. f Luke 5:22 reason ye in yourh. ? 10:15 God knoweth your A. 21:14 settle in y. h. not to me. 34 time y. A. l)e overcharged 24:38 dothoughtsarisein y.h.f Gal. 4:6 sent S. of Son into y. h. Eph. 3:17 Ch. may dwell in y. h. 5:19 mel. my. A.' to L. Col. '3:16 6:22 that he might comfort y. A. HEA Phil. 4:7 keep y. A. and minds Col. 3:15 peace of G. rule in y. h. 4:8 estate and comfort y. h. 1 Thes. 3:13 may stablish y. A. 2 Thes. 2:17 comfort ^o«r h. 3:5 Lord direct yowr A. into love ./rtTO. 3:14 if j'o ha. strife in y. A. 4:8 pur. y. A. ye double-minded 5:5 ye have nourished y. h. 8 be ye patient, stablish y. A. 1 Pet. 3:15 sanctify Lord in y. h. 2 Pet. 1:19 day-star arise in y. A. HEAT. Gen. 8:22 cold and A. summer ISJ tent-door in A. of the day Deut. 29:31 what meaneth the A. 1 Sam. 11:11 slew till A. of day 1 K. 1:1 gat no A. ,' 2 Lord get A. J"o6 24:19"drought and A. consu. 30:30 bones arc burnt with A. P;;. 19:6 is nothing hid from A. Ec. 4:11 toge. then they have A. />'. 4:6 shad, in day from A. 25:4 18:4 clear A. on herbs, and like cloud of dew in A. of harvest 25:5 as A. in a dry place, even A. 49:10 neither A. nor sun smite ./er. 17:8 not see when A. cometh 30:30 dead body cast out to A. 51:39 in A. I will make feasts Ezek. 3:14 I went in A. of spirit ^faf. 20:12 borne burden and A. Luke 12:55 so. wind blow, be A. Acts 28:3 came viper out of the A. ■hun. 1:11 sun risen with bur. A. 2 Pet. 3:10 elements melt with A. HE.VTED. O'rra. 3:10 more th. v.-onttobe A. IIos. 7:4 as an oven A. by baker HEATH. Jer. 17:6 like A. in desert, 48:6 HE.\THE.\. 2 Sam. 22:44 kept me to be head of A. Ps. 18:4:3 2 /r. 10:3 abominat. of A. 17:15; 21:2; 2 Chr. 28:3; 36:14 17:8 Is. walked in statutes of A. 1 Chr. 16:35 deliver us from A. 2 Chr. 20:6 rulest over king, of A. 33:9 Judah do worse than the A. Ezr. 6:21 fr. filthiness of the A. Xeh. 5:8 redeem. Jews sold to A. Ps. 2:1 do A. rage ? Acts 4:25 8 I give the A. for inheritance 9:5 thou hast rebuked the A. 15 the A. are sunk in the pit 19 let h. be judiedin thy sight 10:10 the h. perish, out his Ipjjd 33:10 counsel of A. to naught 41:2 how th. didst drive out A. 46:6 the A. raged, the kingdoms 47:8 God reignctli over the A. 59:5 theref. awake to visit all A. 8 h.ave all the A. in derision 78:55 cast out tlio A. also, 80:8 79:1 A. are come into thine inh. 6 pour wrath on A. Jer. 10:25 10 A. sav, Wh. their G. ? 115:2 94:10 he that chastiseth the A. 98:2 openly show, in sight of A. 102:15 A. shall fear name of L. 106:41 gave them to hand of A. 111:6 give them heritage of h. 149:7 e.Ke. vengeance upon A. Is. 16:8 lords oi" A. broken down ./er. 10:2 learn not way of h. Lam. 1:10 seen that A. entered Ezek. 11:12 after manners of A. 20:9 not be polluted be. A. 14:22 32 say, we will be as the A. 41 sanctified before A. 28:25 22:4 made thee a repr. to the A. 16 thine inhcri. in sight of A. 23:30 gone a whoring after A. 25:7 deliver, thee for spoil to A. 8 house of Jud. is like to all A. 31:11 hand of mighty one of A. 34:29 neither hear shame of A. 33:3 possession to residue of h. 4 derision to the residue of A. 6 ye have borne shame of A. 2-3 A. know that I am the Lord, 36; 37:28: 38:16; 39:7 39:21 the A. shall see my .indg. Joel 2:17 A. sho. rule over them 3:11 come, nil ye h. gather 12 let the A. be wakened Amos 9:12 possess rem. of all A. Ob. 15 day of L. is near on A. 10 so sh. A. drink continually Mic. 5:15 cxe. fury upon the A. Hab. 3:12 didst thr. A. in anger Zep. 2:11 isles of A. sh. worship Hag. 2:22 destroy strength of A. Zee. 1:15 displeasc'd witli A. 9:10 he sh. speak pea. to the A. HEA Zw. 14:14 wealth of A. shall be Mat. 6:7 use not rcpeti. as A. do 18:17 let him be to thee as a A. 2 Cor. 11:20 in perils by the A. Gal. 2:9 should go unto the A. 3:S God would justify the A. Among the HEATHE\. Lev. 20:3.31 will scat, vou a. t. A. Jer. 9:16; Ezek. 20:23; 22:15 38 ye shall perish am. the A. ISam. 22:501 will gi. thanks to tliee. O L. a. t. A. Ps. 18:49 1 Chr. 16:24 declare his glory am. the A. Ps. 96:3 Ps. 4-i:ll thou scatter us a. t. A. 14 niak. us a by-word a. the A. 46:10 I will be exalted a. t. A. 96:10 say a. t. A. Lord reigneth 106:35 were mingled a. the A. 47 0 L. gather us from a. t. A. 110:6 he shall judge am. the h. 126:2 o. A. L. ha. clone great .Ter. 49:15 ma. thee small a. t. A, Lam. 4:15 a. A. shall no more so. 20 tinder his shad, live a. t. A. Ezek. 11:16 cast th. far oflfa. t. A. 12:16 declare abomina. a. t. A. 16:14 renown went forth a. t. h. 30:19 scatter them am. the A. 21 Isr. profaned a. the A. 22, 23 24 will take you fr. a. A. 37:21 39:21 will set my glory a. t. A. ./oe/2:19 no more a repro. a. t. A. Ob. 1 an ambas. is sent a. t. A. 2 made thee small a. the A. TJab. 1:5 behold ye a. the h. Zee. 8:13 were a curse a. t. A. Mai. 1:11 name be great a. A. 14 Gal. 1:16 preach him a. t. h. HE.VVE, D. Ex. 29:27 A. of ram of consecra. Num. 15:20 offering so sh. ve A. 18:30 ye A. the best thereof, '32 5tf«0PrERrNG, SnOULDEE. HE.4.YE\. Gen. 1:1 G. created A. and earth 8 God called the firmament A. 14 lights in firmam. of A. 15 20 fowl that fly in firma. of A. 7:11 windows of A. were open. 8:2 windows of A. were stopi)ed 14:19 pos. A. and earth, 22 19:24 rained fire from Lord of A. 27:28 G. give thee of d. of A. 39 28:17 This is the ^ate of A. 49:25 bless thee wi. bless, of A. Ex. 20:11 Lord made A. 31:17 24:10 as it W':-re tlie body of A. Lev. 26:19 make your A. as iron Deut. 4:11 burned to midst A. 23 1 call A. and earth to wit ness, 30:19 : 31:28 32 ask from side of A. to other 36 out of A. made th. hear vol. 10:14 A. and A. of h. Ps. 115:16 11:17 he shut up A. IK. 8:35; 2 Chr. 6:26; 7:13 2S: i; upon A. to give thee rain 23 A. over thy head shall be 30:4 utmost part of A. Neh. 1:9 33:13 the precious things of A. 26 God of J. rid. upon the A. 1 Sam. 2:10outckf A. sh.he thun. 2 Sam.. 18:9 up bet. A. and earth 21:10 water dropped out of A. 22:8 the foundations of A. mov. 1 K. 8:27 A. and A. of hcav. not contain thee. 2 Chr. 2:6; 6:18 35 when A. is shut up no rain 2 K. 19:15 th. hast made A. and earth, 2 Clir. 2:12; Neh. 9:0 1 a)r. 21:16 angel betw. A. and .Job 11:8 it is as'high as A. ? 20:27 A. shall reveal his iniqnitv 22:12 is not G. in height of A. f 14 walketh in the circuit of A. 23:11 the pillars of A. tremble 38:29 frost of A. who Iia. ge. it ? 33 knowest thou ordin. of A. ? .37 who can stay bottles of A. T Ps. 19:6 going is "from end of A. 69:34 A. and earth praise him 78:23 he opened the doors of A. 24 uiven them of corn of A. 89:29 th. to endure as days of A. 103:11 A. is high above ejirth 105:40 sat. them wi. bread of A. 115:15 L. who ma. A. and earth, 121:2; 121:8: 134:3; 146:6; /•.'. 37:16; Jer. 32:17; Acts 4:24; 14:15; Rev. 14:7 147:8 covereth A. with clouds 148:13 gl. is above earth and A. Prop. 25:3 A. for height, earth Is. 40:12 hath meted' out A. ? 66:1 A. is my throne, .4cte' 7:49 HEA Jer. 7:18 cakes to queen of A. 10:2 be not dism. at signs of A. 2:3:34 do not I fill A. aiid earth ? 31:27 if A. above can be meas. 3:3:25 not appointed ordin. of A. 44:17 inc. to qu. of A. 18, 19, 25 51:15 hath stretched out the A. Lam. 4:19 swifter tli. eagles of A. Ezek. 8:3 lift, me be. earth and A. 32:7 I will cover the A. 8 lights of A. will I make dark Dan. 4:15 be wet with dew of A. 23,25,33; 5:21 35 doetli will in army of A. 5:23 lifted thyself ag. L. of A. 7:2 four winds of A. strove 13 man came with clouds of A. 8:8 toward four winds of A. 11:4 Amos 9:6 build his stories in A. Hag. 1:10 A. is stayed from dew Zee. 2:6 spr. j'ou as winds of A. Mai. 3:10 not open wind, of A. Mat. 5:18 till A. and earth pass .34 nor swear by A. Jam. 5:12 11:25 thee, L. of A. Lvkc 10:31 23:22 swear by A. swear by G. 24:30 S. of man com. in clouds of A. 26:64; MurkU-.m 31 elect from one end of A. 35 A. and earth sh. pass awav, Mark 1.3;.31 ; Luk£ 21:.33 36 not angels of A. but my F. Mark 13:27 elect fr. ut. part of A. Luke 3:21 J. praying, A. opened 4:25 when the A. was shut up 15:18 have sinned against A. 21 16:17 easier for A. aiid earth 21 :20 powers of A. sh. be shaken John 1:51 ye shall see A. open Acts 3:21 wh. the A. must receive 10:11 saw A. opened, Eev. 19:11 Jam. 5:18 and the A. gave rain Rev. 3:12 cometh down out of A. 6:14 A. departed as a scroll 8:13 angel flying thro' A. 14:6 10:6 created A. and the things 11:6 these have power to shut A. 16:17 a great voice out of A. 21 a great hail out of A. 18:20 rejoice over her, thou A. 19:17 to the fowls that fly in A. 20:9 fire came from G. out of A. 11 earth and A. fled away 21:1 1 saw a new A. and earth 10 Jerus. descending out of A. See po-\rL, fowls. From HE.WEIV. Ex. 16:4 rain hreaAfrom A. 20:22 talked with you from A. Xeh. 9:13 Deut. 26:15 look down from A. Pt. a3:15 ; Lam. 3:.50 28:24 as dust f. A. shall it come Jos. 10:11 L. cast great sto. ;'. A. Jud: 5:20 fought f. A. the stars 2 Sam. 22:14 L. thundered/;-. A. 2 K. 1:10 let fire come down/. A. th. came down fi. f. h. 12, 14 1 Chr. 21:26 ansv»-. f. h. by fire 2 Chr. 6:21 hear/. )i. 23, 27, 30 7:1 fire came down /;'0/7i A. 14 will I hear /. A. and forgive Xeh. 9:15 gav. tticm bread/. A. Job 1:16 fife of G. fallen /'/wra A. Ps. 14:2 L. look, down /. A. 5:3:2 33:13 the Lord looketti/rowi A. 7'*:8 judment to be heard /". A. 80:14 O God, look down/. A. 8.5:11 right, shall look from Ii. 102:19 f. A. did the L. behold /-■. 14:12 how art thou fal./. A. 55:10 as snow falleth//o«i A. Lam. 2:1 Lord cast down/. A. Dan. 4:31 a voice/. A. Mat. 3:17 ; Luke 3:22 ; John 12:28 Mat. 16:1 show them sign/. A. 21:25 wh. was it? /. A. or of men? Mark 11:30; Lv. 20:4 2S:2 for the angel descended/. A. Rev. 10:1 ; 18:1 ; 20:1 Mark 8:11 sign/. A. Liike 11:16 Luke 9:54 com. 'fire to come/. A. 10:18 behe. S. as lightning/. A. 17:29 fire and brimstone /'. A. 21:11 great signs sh. th. ho/. A. 22:43 angel/. A. strengthefrin^ John 1:.32"I saw S. descend. /. A. 3:13 came Aowa from A. 6:-33 27 exc. it be given him. fro. A. 31 he that com./. A. is a'bove 0:31 he gave bread /ro?n A. 32 M. gave you not bread/. A. 38 1 came/. A. not to do, 42 41 bread came/. A. 50, 51, 58 Acts 2:2 there came a sound/. A. 9:3 a liglit/. A. sh. 22:6 : 26:13 11:5 a great shcetlet down/, h. CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 893 HExi Acta 14:17 and gave us rain /. 7i. limn. 1:18 wra. of G. is rev./. A. 1 (Jor. 15:47 se. man is Lord/. A. 2 Cor. .5:2 clotlied witli lio./. A. Gal. 1:8 angel/. A. preach 1 Then. 1:10 wait torSon fromh. 4:l(i the L. sliall descend/r. A. 2 TAcs. 1:7 L. J. be revealed/. A. /Tfi. 12:25 him that speali./. A. 1 Pe<. 1:12 with H. G. sent/. A. 7?«i'. 8:10 fell a great star/. A. 9:1 I saw a star fall /row A. 10:4 I heard a voice/. A. saying, Seal things and write them not. 8: 11:12; 14:2, i:3; 18:4 1.3:1:3 fire come down//-c>»t A. See GOD of Zfeaven. Host, a of HE.WEX Deyl. 4:19 h. of h. worship him 17:.3 hath worship, the A. of h. 1 JC 22:19 saw L. sit on thr. and A. ofh. sta. by, 2 C'hr. 18:18 2 .ft'. 17:16 Israel worshi. A. o/"A. 21:3 Manasseh worshipped all the host ofh. 2 6'Ar. :i3:3 5 alt. for host ofh. 2 C'hi'. 3.3:5 2:3:4 bro. vessels for host of h.5 JVeh. 9:0 made A. o/" A. with their h. and Aas< (/'A. worsh. thee /«. .34:4 A. o/'A. sh. be dissolved Jer. 8:2 spread thembef. A. o/A. 19:13 burnt incense-to Ao.«^ ofh. 33:22 as A. o/" A. cannot be num. JMin. 8:10 great, even to A. of A. ZfT). 1:5 ofi'them worship A. ofh. Acts 7:42 to worship haul ofh. In HE.WEIV. Ex. 20:4norlikcnessof anything ill A. /;<;«/. 5:8 Duut. 8:24 what God in A. can 4:30 the Lord is G. in A. above Jos. 2:41 he is God in h. above 1 K. 8:23 is no God like thee in A. 2 Chr. C:14 30 hear thou i/i A. 32^9 2 /r. 7:2 L. make wind, in A. 19 1 6'Ar 20:11 all in h. and earth Job 10:19 my witness is j/i A. /'«. 11:4 Lord's throne is in h. ■ 73:35 wh. have 1 in A. but thee 77:/.'3 voice of thunder in h. 7f;:2() east wind to blow in A. fa'J:0 who in h. can be co. to L. ? .37 as faithful witnesses i/i A. ]i:!:(i hum. him. to things in A. lllj:8y thy word is settled in A. lie. 5:2 God j/t A. thou up. earth /;. 31:5 sw. shall be bathed in A. Dan. 2:28 G. inh. reveal, secrets Amo.s 9:0 buildeth stories inh. Mat. 5:12 great is yourrew. inh. 10 glorify your Father in A. 45 chil. of your F. who is in A. 48 be perfect as your F. in A. 0:9 Our Father in h. Luke 11:2 10 on earth as in A. Luke 11:2 20 but lay u]) treasures in A. 7:11 F. in A. give good things 21 will ofmy F. mh. 12:50 10::)2 confess bef my F. inh. .33 him will I deny bef. F. inh. 10:17 F. wli. is in h. revealed it 19 shall be bound in A. 1H:18 l'i:10 dc'S]). not little ones in A. 10:21 treasure inh. Luke 18:22 22::)0 angels in h. Mark 12:25 23:0 one is your F. who is in h. 2^l::i0 sign of Son of man in h. 2,i:lH all power given me in A. Miiik 1 1:20 nor 1' . in A. forgive 13:25 jiowers in A. sh. be shak. 3'i not angels which are in A. Luke 0:2.3 your re. is great in A. 10:20 ymir names are writ. inh. 15:7 joy in h. over one sinner 10:.3H jieace in li. glory in high .Idhn 3:13 even Son of man in h. Acta 2:10 wonders in A. al)ov(! 1 Cor. 8:5 whe. in h,. cjr In earth /.'/>/(. 1:10 galh. In one, tlil.i/iA. 3:15 family in A. is named 0:0 your Master in A. Cut. 4:1 rhil. 2: 10 of tilings i/i A. .3:20 our eonversaticm is in A. Cdl. 1:5 hiipi' wli. Is laid up in li. 10 Ihiiigs er midwife to 11. w. 19 2:7 a nurse of the 11. iromtn ? Deut. 15:12 if any 11. «'. be sold 1IERRKWES9. Jer. ;W:0 IIEBRO\, place. Gen. 23:2 Sarah died in II. .3.5:27; Jos. 14:15; 20:7: Jutl. 1:10 .37:14 Jacob sent Jos. out of It. \vm. 13:22 II. built before /.oun 2 Sam. 2:11 Dav. was king in H. .5:5; 1 A'. 2:11:1 CAr. 20:27 ;i::!2 buried Abncr in II. 4:12 5:3 in II. 1 C/ir. 11:3; 12:38 1.5:7 Absalom vowed In II. 10 1 Chr. 12:;!8 iiertVcl heart lo 11. HEBROX, /nrson. Kr. 0:18 Kolmth. II. Xum. !1:I9 1 CAr. *:42, 13; 0:2, IS; 15:9; 2il:13, 19; 3-l:2;i HKIXiE. H. ./(* 1:10 not made a A. ab. himf /v. HO: IS broken lur /i. .'' 89: 10 I'ror. 1.5:19 way of sloth A. of th. A'c. 10:8 breaketh A. serpiiit liilo Is. B:5 lake away tin- A, tinri'of Jer. 49:3 run to "niid IVo l>v the A. E:. 9:13 ashes of A. sp. unclean HEIGHT, S. Gen. fi:15 A. of ark sh. be 80 cu. Ex. 25:10 ark of Shittim-wood, a cu. and half A. 23; 37:1.10 27:1 A. of altar, three cu. 38:1 18 A. of court, five cubits, 38:18 33:2 A. of altar of incense, 87:25 1 Sam. 16:7 look not on A. of sta. 17:4 Goliath's A. 6 cu. and a sp. 1 K. 6:2 h. of house of G. 30 en. 20 oracle twenty cubits in A. 28 A. of cherub was ten cubits 7:2 A. of house of Leb. 30 cubits 16 A. of one chapiter 5 cubits 23 A. of molten sea five cubits 27 A. of one base three cubits Ezr. 6:3 A. of God's house 60 cu. Job 22:12 God in A. of heaven ? Ps. 102:19 looked fr. A. of sanct. 148:1 praise the Lord in the A. Prov. 25:3 the heaven for h. Is. 7:11 ask it in the A. above 14:14 I will ascend above the A. Jer. 49:16 O thou that boldest A. 51:.53 fortify A. of her strength Eztk. 17:23 in A. of Israel, 20:40 19:11 she appeared in her A. 31:5 therefore his h. was exalted 14 none of the trees exalt for h. .32:5 fill the valleys with thy A. Dan. 3:1 image wh. A. was 60 cu. 4:11 A. reached unto heaven, 20 Ajnos 2:9 A. was like A. of cedars Pom. 8:39 nor A. nor depth Eph.3:lS the A. of love of Ch.? liev. 21:16 breadth and A. equal HEIiVOt'S. Job 31:11 for this is a A. crime HEIR, S. Gen.. 15:3 born in my house is h. 4 This shall not be thine A. 21:10 Ishmaol .shall not be A. 2 Sa/n. 14:7 we will destroy A. Prov. 30:13 handmaid A. to mis. Jer. 49:1 hath Is. no sons ? no A. .? 2 Is. A. to them thatwerehis A. Mic. 1:15 I will bring A. to thee Mat. 21:38 this is the A. Mark 12:7: LukeW:U Horn. 4:13 should be A. of world 14 if they wh. are of law be A. 8:17 A. of G. .ioint h. with Ch. Gal. 3:29 A. according to promise 4:1 A. as long as he is a child 7 an A. of God through Christ 30 son of bond-w. sh. not be A. Eph. 3:6 Gent. sh. be fcllow-A. 2'U. 3:7 A. according to the hope Heb. 1:2 whom he appointed A. 14 who shall be A. of salvation 6:17 God willing to show to A. 11:7 became h. of righteousness Jam. 2:5 A. of the kingdom HEL 1 Pet. 3:7 as A. together of grace HELAM. 2 Sam. 10:16 HELBON. Ezek. 27:18 HELD. Ex. 17:11 wh. Moses A. up hand .Ivd. 7:20 A. lamps in left hands 2 Chr. 4:5 sea A. 3,000 baths Neh. 4:16 half A. both spears 17 other hand he A. a weapon Est. 5:2 king h. out golden seep. Job 2.3:11 my foot h. his steps Ps. 32:9 wh. mouth must be A. 94:18 thy mercy. O L. A. me up Cant. 3:4 I A. him, and wo. not 7:5 king is A. in the galleries Jer. 50:.^ took captives, A. them Dan. 12:7 A. up his ri"ht hand Mat. 12:14 A. a coun. Mark 15:1 Luke 22:63 men that A. Jesus ^c?« 3:11 man was healed, h. P. 14:4 part A. with J. part apostles Pom. 7:6 wherein we were li. Eev. 6:9 slain for testim. they A. HELD peace. Gen. 24:21 wondering A. his^. i«t'. 10:3 Aaron A. his peace yVj/wi. 30:7 husband A. p. 11. 14 A'eA. 5:8 A. th. p. found nothing ■Job 29:10 nobles A. their ^^eace Ps. 39:2 I A. my 7). from good 7s. .36:21 A. theirp. j)/«r/t'"3:4; 9:34 57:11 have not I A. my peace? Mat. 26:(k3 Jesus A. his peace Luke 14:4 A. ;;. 20:26; Acts 11:18 -4c0:M iiav lliv >o\vs to tin- M. II. 56:2 light aga. Ihee. O M. 11. in:i 1 will crv unto God M. IT. *;i:ll Is tlure know!. In M. 11. 77:10 right hand of M. II. 7S:17 provoking the M. II. .VI 82:6 are Hie children of W. II. 8;l:18art M. Jl. overall earth 896 CRUDE>J"'S COXCORDANCE. HIL Ps. 91:1 dwclleth in pi. of M. H. 9 made M. H. thy habitation 92:8 bnt thou. Lord, an m. h. 107:11 contem. counsel of J[. H. Js. 14:14 will be like the M. H. Zam. 3:35 before face of il. H. :38 out of M. H. proc. not evil Dan. 4:17 M. H. ruleth lu kingd. 24 the decree of the M. H. 25 M. H. rules kingdom. 32 S4 and I blessed the M. H. 7:18 saints of JI. H. take kin?. 22 judpr. given saints of M. H. 25 speak words asainst M. H. 27 saints of the >r. H. IIos. 7:16 return not to M. H. 11:7 called them to the JI. H. Acts 7:48 il. H. dwelleth not See jioc^sTAJx. On HIGH. Deut 2S:1 G. will set thee on k. Job 5:11 set 071 h. th. that be low 16:19 and mv record is on h. 39: 18 she lifteth up herself on h . 27 eagle make her nest on h. Ps. 7:7 for th. sakes return on h. 68:18 thou hast ascended on h. 69:29 O God. set me up on h. 91:14 I will set him on h. 93:4 L. on h. is mightier than 107:41 setteth he the poor on h. 1$. 26:5 bring, down them on h. 32:15 Sp. poured on us fr. on h. 49:26 lift np your eyes on h. 58:4 your voice heard on h. L'jke'v.'S day-spring from on h. Eph. 4:8 he ascended up on h. See PLACE, PLACES, pbiest, TOWEB. HIGHER. 1 Sam. 9:2 S. k. than any of pe. Job 35:5 clouds, which are h. Ps. 61-.2 lead to Eock that is h. 89:27 make him h. than kings Ec. 5:8 there be h. than they Is. 55:9 as hea. are k. than earth, so my ways h . th. your ways Jer. 36:10 Bar. read in h. court Dan. 8:3 one horn h. than other Zvke 14:10 may say. Go up h. Pom. 1.3:1 subject'to A. powers Seb. 7:26 high-p. made h. than HIGHEST. Pf. 1S:13 the H. gave his voice 87:5 H. himself shall establish Prov. 8:26 nor h. part of dust 9:3 crieth on h. places of city Ec. 5:S higher than A. regard. Ezek. l':3h. branch of cedar Mat. 21:9 hosan. in A. Mark 11:10 Ziike 1:.32 called Son of the H. 35 power of H. overshad. thee 76 be called prophet of the H. 2:14 glorv to G. in H. 19:33 6:35 ye shall bo chil. of the H. 14:8 sit not down in h. room 80:46 love h. seats in synagog. HIGHLY. Luke 1:28 Thon art A. favored 10' 15 A. esteemed among men Pom. 12:3 think of him. more A. Phil. 2:9 G. liath A. exalted him 1 T/ies. 5:13 to est. them very A. HIGH-MIXDED. Pom. Ilr20 not h.-m. 1 71m. 6:1 2 Tim. 3:4 traitors, heady, h.-m. HIGHXESS. Job 31:23 his A. I could not en. /j. 13:3 that rejoice in my A. HIGHWAY, 6. Jud. 5:6 davs Jael A. unoccupied Pror. 16:17 A. of upright Is. 11:16 1 A. for his people 19:23 a A. out of Eg. to Assvria 33:8 A. lie waste, way-faring 35:8 and a A. shall be there 40:3 make in desert a A. for G. 49:11 my A. shall be exalted 62:10 cast up A. gather stones Jer. 31:21 thy heart towards A. Amos 5:10 shall sav in all A. Mat. 22:9 go into A'. Luke 14:23 Mark 10:46 Bartimeus sat by A. HILRI.\H. 2 K. 18:19 Eliak. son of n. 22:12 -VeA. 8:4 II. on E.'s right. 12:7 Is. 22:20 s. of n. 2 Chr. ai:20, 22 HILL. Jos. 24:33 Eleazar buried in A. 1 .Sam. 10:5 come to A. of G. 10 iV. 24:3 shall ascend to A. of L. 42:6 remember thee from A. Sf. 68:15 A. ofG. is as A. ofBashan 16 A. G. desireth to dwell :a HIX Cant. 4:6 get to A. of franldnc. If. 5:1 viney. in ver>- fruitful A. 10-32 shake handag. A. of Jeru. 30:17 as an ensiam on a A. 31:4 Lord shall fisht for A. 40:4 moimt. and A. be made low Jer. 16:16 hunt them from ev. A. 31:39 measuring line on A. G. 49:16 boldest height of the A. 50:6 gone from mountain to A. Mat. 5:14 city that is set on a A. Luke 3:5 ev. "A. be brought low 4Ji9 led him to brow of the A. 9:37 were come do\vn from A. Acts 17:22 Paul stood in ilars A. Hill-COrXTRY. Jos. 13:6 inh. of h.-c. drive out Luke 1:39 Mary went to h.-c. 65 nois. through all h.-c. of J. High HILL, S. Gen. 7:19 A. A. under heaven 1 K. 14:23 groves on every Aig'A . A. 2 K. 17:10 Ps. 68:15 hiyh h. as hill of B. 10 ye high A. .? this is the A. Is. 30:25 on Ai^A A. rivers of ■wa. Jer. 2:30 on A. A. thon wand. 23 17:2 remember groves on A. A. Ezek. 6:13 sla. am. idols on A. A. 34:6 sheep wand, ou every A. A. Holy HILL. Ps. 2:6 set my king on A. A. of 3:4 Lord heard me out of A. A. 15:1 who sh. dwell in thv A. A. 43:3 brin^ me to thy A. h. ? 99:9 worsliip at hisA. A. HILL, icith top. Ex. 17:9 ^vill stand on top of A. Sum. 14:44 pres. to go to A. t. Jud. 10:3 S. carried to top of A. 2 K. 1:9 Elijah sat on top of a A. HILLS. Gen. 49:26 ut. bound of everl. A. yum. 2-3:9 fr. the A. I behold him Deut. 8:7 sp»ng out val. and A 11:11 a land of A. and valleys 3:J:15 precious things of last. A. 1 A'. 20.23 gods are gods of A. 23 22:17 saw all Is. scattered on h. 2 K. 10:4 burnt incense on the A. 2 Chr. 23:4 Job l.'):7 wast thou made be. A. t Ps. 1S:7 foundations of A. moved 50:10 cattle on thousand A. 65:12 little A. rejoice on ev. side 72:3 the little A. by righteousn. 80:10 A. covered with shadow 95:4 strength of the A . is his 97:5 A. melted like wax 98:8 the A, be joyful together 104:10 springs, which run am. A. 13 watereth A. from chambers 32 he touch. A. and they smo. 114:4 little A. skip, like lam. 6 121:1 will lift mine eyes to A. 148:9 mount, and A. praise Lord Pror. 8:25 A. I brought forth Cant. 2:8 he cometH"skip. on A. Is. 2:2 shall be exalted above A. 14 day of L. shall be on all A. 7:25 on all A. sh. not come fear 40:12 weighed A. in balance ? 41:15 shaft make A. as chaff 42:15 make waste moun. and A. 54:10 mount, depart. A. remov. 55:12 A. break forth into sinsi. 65:7 blasphemed me np. the^. Jer. 3:23 salva. hoped for from A. 13:27 thv abominations on A. Ezek. 6:.3'thns saith L. to A. 30:4 36:6 to A. to rivers and valleys Hos. 10:8 sav to A . Fall on us Joil 3:18 A. shall flow with milk Mic. 4:1 be exalted above A. 6:1 let the A. hear thy voice yah. 1:5 A. melt, earth is burnt Kab. 3:6 perpetual A. did bow Luke 23:30 say to A. Cover us HIM. Pom. 11:.36 of A. through A. and to A. are all things HIS. Ex. 29:40 fourth part of A. of oil .30:24 of oil-olive a A. Lev. 19:36 a jnst A. shall ye hove 23:13 the fourth part of a A. of oil. yum. 1.5:4: 28:14 yum. 15:5 fo. part of A. of wine G the third part of a A. of oil 9 mingled with half a A. of oil Ezek. 4:11 sixth part of A. of wa. 45:24 A. of oil for ep. 46:5, 7, 11 40:14 a A. of oil to temper with HI\D, S. Gen. 49:21 Xaph. isa A. let loose IIIR 2 Sam. 2-2:?A my feet like A. feet, Ps. lS:-i.3 : Hub. 3:19 Job 39:1 mark when A. calve ? Ps. 29:9 voice of L. mak. A. calve Prov. 5:19 as loving A. and roe Cant. 2:7 by A. of field. 3:5 Jer. 14:5 A. calved in the field HINDER, Verb. Gen. 24:.56 A. me not. seeing L. yeh. 4:8 and A. the buJldins Job 9:12 taketh away, who 'A. ? 11:10 shut up, who A. him? Acts 8::30 what A. me to be bap. ? 1 Cor. 9:12 lest we sho. A. gospel Gal. 5:7 who did A. you? HIADERED, ETH. Ezr. 6:8 exp. given, be not A. Is. 14:6 is persecuted, none A. Luke 11:52 entering in, ve A. 1 The.^. 2:18 wo. ha. come, S. A. 1 Pet. 3:7 your prayers be not A. HI.VDER end, sea. 2 Sam. 2:23 smote with A. e. of Zee. 14:8 half toward the A. sea HIXDERMOST. or HI.\D- MOST. Gen. 3:35 put Rachel and Jos. A. yum. 2:31 go A. with standards Deut. 25:18 and smote A. of thee Jos. 10:19 and smite A. of them Jer. 50:12 A. of nations wildem. HIVDER part, s. 1 K. 7:25 their A. parts were in- ward. 2 Chr. 4:4 Ps. 78:06 smote enemies in A. p. ■Joel 2:20 h. part tow. utmost sea Mark 4:38 .1. was in A. p. of ship Acts 27:41 A. p. broken with wa. HIXGES. 1 K. 7:50 the A. of gold for doors Prov. 26:14 door tirmethuponA. HI.VXO.M. Jos. 15:8 border bv vaBcv of H. 2 K. 23:10 Tophet". In v.il. of 11. 2 Chr. 2S:3 incense in val. of H. 33:6 to pass through fire in H. Jer. 19:2 valley of tne son of H. 32:35 high places in valley of H. HIP. Jud. 15:8 sm. them A. and thigh KIR AM. 2 Sam. 5:11 n. king, 1 Chr. 14:1 1 K. 5:1 n. sent his servants, S 7:13 Sol. sent and fetched H. 9:12 11. came to see. 27 ; 10:11 HIRE, Substantive. Gen. 31:8 riug-stm. sh. be thy A. Ex. 23:15 hired thing ca. for "A. Deut. 2:3:18 not br. ATof a whore 1 K. 5:6 to thee wiU 1 give A. Is. 2:3:17 she shall turn to her A. 18 her A. be holiness to Lord Ezek. 16^31 not as harlot scor. A. Mic. 1:7 the hires shall be burnt; gathered of A. of harlot, re- turn to the A. of a harlot 3:11 priests thereof teach forA. Zee. 8:10 th. was no A. for man Mat. 20:8 give them their A. Luke 10:7 labor, worthv of his A. Jam. 5:4 A . of laborers kept back HIRE, EST. Is. 46:6 A. goldsmith makethgod Ez/I:. 1 0:33 A. them may come Mat. 20:1 went out to A. labore. HIRED. Gen. 30:16 A. with son's mandr. 7>r. 19:13 wages of him A. De-ut. 2:3:4 they A. ag. thee Ba- laam, yeh. 13r2 Jud. 18:4 Micah A. me 2 K. 7:6 king of Israel A. ag. ns 2 Chr. 24:12 7i. masons and^carp. Ezr. 4:5 A. counsellors ag. thcja -Y«A. 0:12 Sanballat had A. him ! is. 7:20 sh. with razor that is A. | .Ter. 46:21 A. men like fatted bul. Hos. 8:9 Ephraim hath A. lovers I 10 thcT have A. am. nations ' Mat. 20:7 bee. no man hath A. us 9 were A. about eleventh hour Acts 23:30 P. two years iu A. ho. HIRED ^errant, s. Ex. 12:45 a A. servant shall not cat thereof. Lev. 22:10 Lex. 25:6 sab. be meat for A. s. 40 as a A. *. sh. he be with th. 53 yearly A. s. shall he be mth him Dexit. 15:18 worth double A. ser. 24:14 thou sh. not oppress A. ». Mark 1:20 Zcb. in ship with A. s. Luke 15:17 A. s. have bread, 19 HOL HIRELEVG. Job 7:1 days are like days of A./ 2 a A. looketh for rev.\ of work 14:6 accomplish as a A. Is. 16:14 years of A. 21:10 Mai. 3:5 against those oppress A. John 10:12 a A. not the shepherd 13 A. flecth. because he is a A. HIS. Cant. 2:16 bel. is mine, I am A. Acts 10:33 baptized, he and all A. 2 Ivm. 2:19 L. kno. them are A. HISS. 1 JT. 9:8 at house every one sh. h. Job 27:23 A. him out of place Is. 5:26 A. to them fr. end of ear. 7:18 Lord shall A. for fly in Eg. Jer. 19:8 passeth thereby sh. A. 49:17; 50:13 Lam. 2:15 A. at daughter of Jer. 16 enemies A. and gnash teeth Ezek. 27::30 merchants A. at thee Zcp. 2:15 ev. onepasseth shall A. Zee. 10:31 will A. for them HISSI\G. 2 Chr. 29:8 delivered them to A. Jer. 18:16 make land perpet. A. 19:8 make our city des. and a A. 25:9 and I -vrSS. make them a h. 18: 29:18 51:37 Babylon shall be a A. Mic. 6:16 make inhabitants a A. HIT. 1 Sam. 31:3 archers A. 1 Chr. 10:3 HITHER. Gen. 45:8 not you sent mc A. Ex. 3:5 draw not nigh A. 2 A". %■& Jordan divided A. 14 Prov. 9:4 let turn in A. 16 Mat. 14:18 bring them A. to no 17:17 bring A. to me, Luke 9:41 22:12 friend, how earnest th. A. Luke 14:21 brine in A. the poor 15-.23 bring A. the fatted calf 19:27 bring A. and slay them John 20i!7 reach A. thy finger Sez C021E. HITHERTO. Ex. 7:16 A. thou would, not hear Jos. 17:14 L. hath blessed mc A Jud. 10:13 A. thon hast mocked 1 Sam. 7:12 A. hath L. helped us 1 Chr. 9:18 A. waited in king's 12r29 A. greatest part kept war Job 38:11 A. shall thon come John 5:17 my Father workclh A. 1634 A. have yc asked nothing 1 Cor. 3:2 A. ye were not able HITTITE. Gen. 25:9 in field of Eph. the H. 49:30 bought of Eph. H. 50:13 Ex. 23:28 out H. 3;3-.2 ; .31:11 2 Sam. 11:6 Send Uriah the H Ezik. 10:3 thy mother a II. 45 HITTITES. Gen. 15:20 hand of H. Jos. 1:4 i'j;. .3:8, 17; 1.3:5: 2.3:-23; Dent. 7:1; 20:17; Jos. 3:10; 12:8; Jud. 3:5; 1 K. 9:20; yeh. 9:8 illXlTES, much iu hittites. HO. Ruth 4:1 A. such a one, sit down Is. 55:1 A. cv. one that thirsteth Zee. 2:6 A. A. come forth nOAH, nO.\RT, See raosT, HAIES, HEAD, HOARY. ■lob 41:32 would think deep A. HODAB. yum. 10:29 sa. to U. Jud. 4:11 HOISED. Ads 27:40 they A . up mainsail HOLD, S, Substantive. Jxid. 9:46 entered A. of godBer. 49 put them to A. set /(. on fire 1 Sam. 22:4 David in A. 24:22; 2 6am. 5:17; 23:14 Jer. 51:30 remained in their A. Ezek. 19:9 brought him into A. Acts 4:3 in A. to next day Rev. 18:2 the A. of ev. foul spirit See STBOSG. HOLD, Gen. 21:18 A. him in thy hand Ex. 5:1 that thev may A. feast 9:2 and wilt A. them still? 10:9 we must A. a feast unto L. 20:7 L. not A. gniltl. Deut. 5:11 2 Sam.2:22A.npmyfacetoJoab 6:6 I'zziah pnt h.i. to ark of G. and took A. of it, 1 C'ltr. 13:9 1 K. 2:9 now A. him not guiltless CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 897 noL Est. 4:11 h. out golden sceptre Job 6:24 and I will h. my tongue 9:28 wilt not h. me innocent l:?:19 if I h. jny tongue 17:9 ri:;ht. shall h. on his way Ps. 17:5 h. my goings in thy pa. 119:53 hor. hath taken h. on me 117 h. thou me up, I sh. be safe l:>9:10 thy right hand sh. h. me Proi). .31:19 her hands h. distaff Cant. 3:8 they all h. swords Is. 41:13 L. h. thy right hand 42:6 and I will h. thy hand Jet: 2:13 broken cist. h. no wat. 50:43 anguish took h. of him Ainos 6:10 he say, h. thy tonijue Zee. 11:5 A. themsel. not guilty Mat. 6:24 h. to one, Xato 16:13 21:26 for all h. 3. as a prophet Mark 7:4 they received to A. Bom. 1:18 A. truth in unrighto. Phil. 2:29 A. such in reputation 2 yAes. 2:15 A. traditions ye have //e6. 3:14 if we A. our confidence i?««. 2:14 A. doctrine of Balaam 15 A. doctrine of Nicolaitans See CAtJQUT. HOLD fast. Job 8:15 ho sh. A. it/, but not en. 27:6 my righteousness I h.fast. .Ter. 8:5 tlieyA./. deceit 1 Tlie-i. 5:21 A./n.'< that is good 2 2'iM. 1:13 A./, form of so. wor. Ile'j. 3:6 we A./, tlio confidence 4:14 A./, our profession, 10:23 See. 2:25 A./, till I come 3:3 and h.fast and repent 11 A. that/, which thou hast HOLD peace. Ex. 14:14 ye shall A. your y^cairc Num. 30:4 if her father A. hisj). 14 if hi'r husband A. his /;. Jiid. 18:19 A. /;. lay hand on m. g .S'7m. 13:20 A. thy/), my sister 2 ^. 2:3 A. you your /)««<:«, 5 JV'c-A. 8:11 A. your;), day is holy Job 11:3 lies make men A. p. .<^ 13:13 A. your;j. let me ahme 33:31 A. thy/), and I will speak 33 h. thy /). I will leach thee P.'. 83:1 O. G. h. not thy ». 100:1 Is. 62:1 forZ.'s sake not A. my /j. 6 A. their p. day nor night 64:12 A. peace and alllict us ? Jer. 4:19 cannot A. peace Zep. 1:1 h. thy/), at pros, of L. Mat. 20:31 reb. tliom bee. they sh. A. i). Mark 10:48; X«/je 18::39 jI/o!?-/t 1:25 A. thy p. Z/zie 4:35 Luke 19:40 if they A. p. the sto. j1c/« 12:17 beckoning to A. Ih. /). 18:9 be not afraid, 7t. not thy p. 1 Cor. 14:30 let the first A. ills p. SX TAKE. HOLDE\. 2 A'. 23:22 not A. such a pass. 23 Job :!li:8 A. in cords of allliction Ps. 18::i5 right hand luith A. me 71:6 l)y tlieo have I been A. up 73:213 A. me up by riglit hand Prov. 5:22 A. with cords Is. 4.5:1 wh. right baud I have A. ii/ie 24:16 their eyes were A. Acts 2:24 not possi. he sho. be A. /torn. 14:4 yea, he shall be A. up HOLDEST. Est. 4:14 A. thy ])(■«<■(! this time Job 13:24 wherefore A. thou iiu^ P.f. 77:4 tliou A. my eyes waking Jer. 49:16 O tlicni that A. height A'co. 2:13 Uiou A. fast my name IIOLOKTH. Jot) 2:3 he A. fast his Integrily 26:9 A. back face of his throne J's. 66:9 bli'Ss (Joil wlio A. soul Froc. 11:12 man of und. A. peace 17:28 a fool wlieii he A. peace Dan. 10:21 none A. w. me but M. lieo. 2:1 A. stars in riglit hand n()LDi!\<;. Is. 3.'!:15 slKik. Imiiilsfr. A. bribes Jer. (1:11 1 am weary wlin A. in jl/f'/'/- 7::l A. tradition of elders I'hil. 2:i6A. foi-th word ofiiie Co!. 2:19 and not, A. llie luuid 1 ThiL. 1:19 A. fallli ■J:9 A. the mystery of fiiilli Tit. 1:9 A. fast failhlnl won! A'l.'O. 7:1 four aiigids A. four win. HOLK, H. /,>. 2S::i2aA. in the top of It 1 Slim,. 11:11 lleh. coMinoulof A. 2 K. ia;9.lili()lMda l.oredaA. Cunt, &: 1 hi hand liy A. of door HOL Is. 2:19 go into A. of rocks, 7:19 11:8 child sh. play on A. of asp. 42:22 they are all snared in A. 51:1 look to the A. of the pit Jer. 16:16 hunt them out of A. Ezek. 8:7 behold a A. in the wall Nah. 2:12 filled his A. with prey JIag. 1:6 put it in a bag with A. Zee. 14:12 eyes consume in th. A. Mat. 8:20 foxes ha. A. iw/je 9:58 HOLIER, EST. Is. 65:5 for I am A. than thou Heb. 9:3 tabern. is called the h. 8 way to A. not yet manifest 10:19 to enter A. by blood of J. HOLILY. 1 Thes. 2:10 how A. \ve behaved HOLI!VESS. Ex. 1.5:11 who like thee. In A. ? 28:36 A. to Lord, 39:30: Zee. 14:20, 21 1 CJir. 16:29 worship L. in beauty of A. Ps. 29:2; 96:9 2 Chr. 20:21 prai.se beauty of A. .31:18 sanctified themselv. in A. Ps. .30:4 rememb. of his A. 97:12 47:8 God sitteth on throne of A. 48:1 praised in mount, of his A. 60:6 O. hath spoken in A. 108:7 89:35 sw. by my A. I will not lie 93:5 A. becom. thy house, 0 L. 110:3 willin" in beauties of A. Is. 23:18 her hire sh. be A. to 35:8 sh. be called the way of A. 62:9 drink it in courts of my A. 63:15 from habitation of thy A. 18 peo. of thy A. have posse, it ■ler. 2:3 Israel was A. to the Lord 31:2;J O mountain of A. Amos 4:2 hath sworn by his A. Ob. 17 on mount Z. sha"ll be A. Mai. 2:11 Ju. hath prof. A. of L. Luke 1:75 might serve him in A. Acts 3:12 by A. made man walk Pom. 1:4 according to spirit of A. 6:19 servants to righte. unto A. 22 ye have your fruit unto A. 2 Cor. 7:1 perfect. A. in fear of G. Eph. 4:24 new man created in A. 1 Thes. 3:13 stal)lish hearts in A. 4:7 not to uncleanness, but to A. 1 Tim. 2:15 eonti. in faith and A. Tit. 2:3 in behavior as becom. A. Heb 12:10 be partakers of his A. 14 peace with men, and A. HOLLOW. e<>». 32:25A. of thigh. 32 Ex. 27:8 altar h. boards, 38:7 Jud. 15:19 God clave a A. place Is. 40:12 waters in A. of hand HOLPE\. Ps. 83:8 have A. the chil. of Lot 86:17 bee. thou, L. hast A. me Is. 31:3 he that is A. shall fall Dan. n-.-a A. with a little help Luke l:54hath A. his servant Is. HOLY. Ex. 3:5 pi. th. standcst A. ground 16:2;J to-morrow is A. sabbath 19:6 a A. nation, 1 Pet. 2:9 20:8 remember sabbath keep A. 28:38 hallow in all tli. A. gifts 29:;« they are A. ; .31 bec.lt isA. 30:2) an oil of A. oiiitiiient 32 it is A. and sh. bo A. unto y. 31:14 keep sabbath, it is A. 15 Ler. 8:9 ])ut on A. the A. crown 10:10 dill'ercnce bet. A. anduiih. 16:4 put on the A. linen coat 33 atonement for A. sanctiia. 19:2 I the L. your G. am A. 21:8 20:7 be ye A. / 21:7 ho is A. 27:14 house to be A. to tho Lord 30tithoof thelandisA. to L. Num. 5:17 priest take A. wati'r 15:40 remember and be A. to O. ll>:3 all the congregation are A. 5 show who are his, who is A. 18: 17 not red. them, they are A. 1 ,Sam.. 2:2 none A. as tlio Lord 21:5 ves. of young men are A. •! A'. 4:9 tills is a A. man of God 1 Chr. 22:19 A. ves. to lion, of ti. 2 rA)-. 2;i:6fortlicvar/ A. Jude 20 building on hi. A. faith HOLY inoiinlnlii. /v. 87:1 fouiulalloii Is In A. m. Is. 11:9 ni'r di^l. In A. hi. (..'i:i"> r>6:7 will I bring to my A. hi. R7:13 he sliiill Inherit iiiyA. m. 6,5:11 veniv Hi. forget my A. m. A',-< k. 'id: li> 111 A. hi. ih. servo m<» 2H:1 1 wiist upon A. hi. of G. Dait. 9:16 anger turned f>-. A, m. 898 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. HOL Dan. 9:20 pres. snppli. for h. m. 11:45 plant tabernacles in h. m. Joel 2:1 so. an alann in my A. m. 3:1T L. dwelling in Z. my h. in. Ob. IB drunk on my h. m. Zee. 8:3 mount, of L. called.A. m. HOLY name. Lev. 20:3 Molecli, prof, my A. n. 23:2 profane not my A. n. 32 1 Chr. 16:10 glory ye in his A. navie, Ps. 105;3 35 thanks to A. n. Ps. 106:47 29:16 build a house for thy A. A. Ps. 3:3:21 trusted in his A. name 99:3 praise terrible n. it is A. 103:1 L. bless his A. re. 145:21 111:9 A. and rev. his n. Lu. 1:49 Is. 57:15 lofty One, wh. n. is A. .Es^i'. 20:39 pollute you my h. n. 36:20 profaned my A. re. 22 your sakes, for A. )i.'s sake 39:7 make known A. re. in Isr. 25 be jealous for my A. n. 43:7 my A. ?;. Is. no more defile 8 defiled my A. n. by abomi. Amos 2:7 to profane my A. re. HOLY oli. Ex. 30:25 A. anoint, o. 31 : 37:29 Ps. 89:20 with h. oil I anoi. him HOLY One. Beut. 33:8 Thummim and Urim be with thy H. One. Joh 6:10 not con. words of H. O. Ps. 16:10 nor suffer H. 0. to see corruption. Acts 2:27; 1.3:35 69:19 in vision to thy H. O. Is. 10:17 H. O. sh. be for a flame 29:23 sanctify H. O. of Jacob 40:25 sh. 1 be equal ? saith H. O. 43:15 I am the Lord, your H. O. 49:7 Redeemer of Is. his H. O. Dan. 4:13 H. O. down fr. heaven Ros. 11:9 H. O. in midst of thee Hah. 1:12 from everl. my H. O. 3:3 H. O. came from mount P. Mark 1:24 I know th. -n-ho th. a. theH. O. of G. LuU\:U Acts 3:14 ye denied the H. One 1 John 2:20 unction from H. One HOLY One of Israel. 2 K. 19:22 lifted thy eyes against the H. O. of Israel, Is. 37:23 Ps. 71:22 O thou H. O. of Israel 78:41 limited the H. O. of Israel 89:18 the H. O. of Is. is our ki. Is. 1:4 provoked the H. O. of Is. 5:19 coun of II. O. of Israel 24 despised word of H. 0. of I. 12:6 great is H. O. o/" Is. in mid. 17:7 have respect to H. O. of I. 29:19 rejoice in H. O. of Israel 30:11 cause H. 0. of Is. to cease 12 saith the H. 0. of Is. 15 31:1 look not to the H. O. of Is. 41:14 saith thy Red. H. 0. of I. 16 Shalt glory in H. 0. of Is. 20 H. O. of is. hath created it 43:3 I am the L. the H. O, of Is. 45:11 the L. the H. O. of Israel 47:4 L. is his name, II."0. of Is. 48:17 Red. H. O. of Israel, 54:5 49:7 Red. of/. a«cl his H. O. 55:5 nat. run to thee, II. O.of I. 00:9 bring th. gold foH. O.of I. U the Z. of the 11. O. of Is. Jcr. 50:29 proud aga. H. O. of I. 51:5 filled w. sin ag. H. O. of I Ezck. 39:7 I am the L. II. 0. 'in 1. HOLY ones. Dan. 4:7 dem. by word of A. o. HOLY people. Dcut. 7:6 A. v. to the L. 14:2, 21 20:19 thou may be A. p. to Lord 2S:9 L. shall establ. thee a A. p. Is. C2:12 shall call them A. xi- Dan,. 8:24 and destroy A-. p. HOLY place. E.-c. 28:29 goeth in unto A. p. .35 43 to minister in h.jilace, 29::M 29:31 seethe his flesh in the h.j). 31:11 sweet incense for A. }>. 35:19 do service in A. p. 39:1, 41 38:2-1 gold lu all work of A. p. Lev. 6:16 unlea. bread sh. be eat. ink. p. 20; 7:6; 10:13: 2'1:9 27 Shalt wash that in the A. p. 10:17 eaten sin-ofter. in h. p. ? 18 blood not bro. within A. p. 14:13 slay burnt-offering in h.p. 10:2 come not at all tim. to A. p. 16 atonement for A. p. 17, 27 29 end of reconciling the A. p. 21 shall wash his flesh in A. p. Jos. 5:15 j;. wh. thou stand is A. 1 K. 8:8 staves were seen in h.p. HOM 2 Clir. 29:5 carry filth, out of A. p. 30:27 prayer came to his A. p. Ezr. 9:8 to give us a nail in A. p. Ps. 24:3 sh. stand in his A. p. ? 46:4 streams make glad the h.p. 68:17 Lord is am. them in A. p. Ec. 8:10 had gone fromp. of A. Is. 57:15 I dw. in high and A. p. Ezek. 41:4 this is the most A. p. 42:137J. is A. ,• 14 out oih.p. Mat. 24:15 abomination in A. p. Acts 6:13 blasph. words ag. h.p. 21:28 this man polluted A. p. Heb. 9:12 Christ entered A. p. 25 priest entered ev. year h.p. HOLY places. 2 Chr. 8:11 bee. the places are A. Ps. 68:35 terrible out of thy A. p. Ezek. 21:2 drop thy word to. h.p. Heb. 9:24 Ch. is not entered h.p. Shall be HOLY. Ex. 22:31 s. be A. men unto me 29:37 what, touch, altar s. be A. 30:32 it shall be A. unto you, 37 40:9 anoint, tab. and it s. be A. Lev. 11:44 ye shall be h. for I am holy, 45 ; 19:2 ; 20:26 19:24 fruit sh. be h. to praise L. 21:6 priests s. be A. imto th. G. 23:20 they shall be h. to the L. 25:12 jubilee, it sh. be A. to you 27:9 man giveth to L. ^. be h. 10 exchange thereof i''. be A. 33 21 the jubilee, it t'. be A. to L. 32 the tenth s. be A. unto the L. Nmn. 6:5 Nazarite s. be h. to L. Dent. 23:14 theref s. camp be A. Ezek. 45:1 portion «. be A. Joel 3:17 then s. Jerusalem be h. HOLY Spirit. Ps. 51:11 take not H. S. fr. me Is. 63:10 rebel, and vexed H. S. 11 put his H. S. within him? Lvke 11:13 heav. Fa. give H. S. Eph. 1:13 sealed wi. H. S. of pro. 4:30 grieve not the II. S. of God 1 Thes. 4:8 given us his H. S. HOLY temple. Ps. 5:7 worship tow. A. t. 1.38:2 11:4 the Lord is in his A. temple 65:4 satis, with goodness of A. t. 79:1 A. temple have they defiled ./ore. 2:4 look again tow. thy A. t. 7 my prayer came to thy A. ;;. Mic. 1:2 L. from A. t. be witness Hab. 2:20 the Lord is in his A. t. Eph. 2:21 groweth to A. t. HOLY thing. /ev. 22:10 no stranger eat of A. t. Num. 4:15 sh. not touch any A. t. Ezek. 48:12 obla. to them, a t. A. Lxi.ke 1:35 that A. th. born of thee HOLY things. Ex. 28:38 bear iniq. of A. t. Lev. 5:15 thro, ignorance in A. t 22:2 Sep. from the A. t. of Is. 4 not eat of A. t. till clean, 6, 12 7 shall afterward eat of A. t. 15 shall not profane A. ^. of Is. 16 to bear iniq. when eat A. t. Num. 4:20 not see, A. t. are cov. 18:32 neither sh. ye pollute A. t. Beut. 12:26 thy A. t. take and go 1 Chr. 23:28 office purifying A. ^. 2 Chr. 31:6 bro. in tithe ofTi. t. Nch. 10:33 ordinances for A. t. 12:47 sanctified A. <. to Levites /Tzei. 22:8 thou despised n>y A. t. 26 priests have profaned A. ^ 44:8 not kept charge of my A. t. 1 Cor. 9:13 minister about A. <. HOME. Gen. 43:16 bring these men A. £■.»;. 9:19 not brought A. sh. die /Ict?^. 21:12 br. her A. to thy hou. 24:5 shall be free at A. one year Puth 1:21 L. hath brought me A. 1 Sam. 6:7 bring their calves A. 10 men shut up th. calves at A. 18:2 go no more A. to fath.'s ho. 2 Sam. 14:13 not fetch A. banish. 17:23 Ahithophel gat him A. 1 /f. 5:14 a month in L. two at A. 13:7 come A. with me, 15 1 Chr. 13:12 bring ark of G. A. 13 2 Chr. 25:10 go A. they return A. -Es/. 5:10 when Ilamaii came A. ./oS 3;i:12 will bring A. thy seed Ps. 68:12 she that tarried at A. /Vo?'. 7:19 good man is not at A. 20 come A. at day appointed Ec. 12:5 man rjoetli to his long A. /am. 1:20 at A. there is as death Hab. 2:5 neither keepeth at A. Hacr. 1:9 whc:i ye brought it A. HON Mat. 8:6 my serv. lieth at A. sick J/art 5:19 go A. to thy friends Luke 9:61 bid th. farewell at A. ./oAre 19:27 took her to his own A. 20:10 disc, went to their own A. 1 Cor. 11:34 hunger, eat at A. 14:35 ask husbands at A. 2 Cor. 5:6 we are at A. in body 1 Tzwi. 5:4 to show piety at A. Tit. 2:5 he discreet, keepers at A. HOME-BORX. Ex. 12:49 to him that is h.-b. Lev. 18:9 whe. b. at A. or abroad Jcr. 2:14 is Israel a h.-b. slave ? HOiMER. /«). 27:10 a A. of barley-seed Is. 5:10 seed of a A. yield ephah ^ie/c. 45:14 for ten baths are a A. Hos. 3:2 bou. for A. and half A. HOIVEST. Lvke 8:15 an A. and good heart Acts 6:3 seven of A. report Rmn. 12:17 A. in sight of all 2 Cor. 8:21 A. th. in sight of L. 13:7 do that which is A. Phil. 4:8 whatso. things are A. IPei. 2:12 having conversat. A. HOIVESTLY. i?o??i. 13:13 walk A. as in the day 1 Thes. 4:12 walk A. toward them Heb. 13:18 in all things to live A. HOXESTY. 1 Tim. 2:2 lead life god. and A. HOIVOR, S. Gen. 49:6 A. be not thou united Ex. 14:17 get me A. on Phar. 18 Num. 22:17 promote thee to A. 37 24:11 L. hath kept thee from A. Deut. 26:19 above nations in A. iTi/c?. 4:9 journeynot be for th. A. 13:17 pass, we may do thee A. 2 Sam. 6:22 shall I be had in A. 1 K. 3:13 ^iven thee rich, and A. 1 Chr. 10:27 glory and A. are in 29:12 riches and A. come of thee 2S D. died, full of riches and A. 2 CAr. 1:11 not asked riches or A. 12 riches, wealth, and A. 26:18 nor shall it be for thy A. 3a:.33 inhabit, of Jer. did him A. Est. 1:4 A. of his excel, majesty 20 wives shall give to hush. A. 0:3 wh. A. ha. been done for th.5 8:16 the Jews had joy and A. Job 14:21 his sons come to A. Ps. 7:5 ene. lay mine A. in dust 8:5 crowned with A. Heb. 2:7, 9 21:5A.andmaj. thou laid on Mm 26:8 where thine A. dwelleth 49:12 man being in A. abid. not 20 in A. and understandeth 06:2 sing forth A. of his name 71:8 mouth filled with thy A. 96:6 A. and majesty are bef. him 104:1 thou art clothed with A. 112:9 horn sh. he exalt, with A. 145:5 speak of 7i. of thy majesty 149:9 this A. have all his saints /Vol). 3:10 left hand riches and A. 4:8 she shall bring thee to A. 5:9 lest thou give th. A. to oth. 6:18 riches and A. are with me 11:16 £rracious woman retain. A. 14:28 the jieople is the king's A. 15:33 bef. A. is humility, 18:12 20:3 an A. to cease from strife 21:21 follow, mercy, findeth A. 22:4 fear of L. are riches and A. 25:2 A. of kings to search 20:1 A. is not seemly for a fool 8 so is he that giv. A. to a fool 29:23 A. shall uphold humble 31:25 and A. are her clothing Ec. 6:2 to wh. G. hath given^A. 10:1 that is in reputation for A Jer. 3:3:9 an A. before all nations Dan. 2:6 receive rewards and A. 4:30 built for A. of my majesty 36 A. and brightness returned 5:18 G. gave father glory and A. 11:21 shall not give/i. of king. Mai. 1:6 where is mine A. ? Mat. 13:.57 prophet not without A. Mark 6:4 : John 4:44 /oA;i 5:41 1 rcc. not A. from men 44 receive A. one of another 8:54 honor myself. A. is nothing Acts 28:10 hoii. us with many A. Pom. 2:7 seek glory and A. 10 A. to ev. man workcth good 9:21 of same lump ma. ves. to A. 12:10 in A. prefer, one another 13:7 render A. to wh. A. is due 1 Cor. 12:2:3 bestow abund. A. 21 2 Cor. 0:8 by A. and dishonor HON Col. 2:23 not in A. to satis, flesh 1 Tlies. 4:4 to possess vessel in A. 1 Tim. 1:17 to G. be A. and gloiy 5:17 elders worthy of double A. 0:1 count masters worthy of A. 10 to whom be A. and pov.-er 2 Tim. 2:20 some to A. 21 Heb. 3:3 more A. than house 5:4 no man taketh A. to himself 1 Pet. 1:7 to praise. A. glory 3:7 A. to wife as weaker vessel 2 Pet. 1:17 from G. the Father A. Per. 4:9 beasts give glory and A. 11 to receive glory and A. 5:12 5:13 A. power, and might, be to him, 7:12; 19:1 19:7 let us rejoice, give A. 21:*4 glory and A. to it, 20 HONOR, Verb. Ex. 20:12 A. thy father and thy mother, Deut. 5:16; Mat. 15:4; 19:19; il/ori- 7:10; 10:19; Luke 18:20 ; Eph. 0:2 Lev. 19:15 not A. per. of mighty 32 Shalt A. the face of old man ■lud. 9:9 by me they A. God 1 Sam. 2:30 th. th. A. me I will A. 15:30 yet A. me now bef. elders Est. 0:6 delighteth to A. 7, 9, 11 Ps. 91:15 deliver him and A. him Prov. 3:9 A. L. with thy substa. Is. 29:13 with lips do A. mo 43:20 beast of field shall A. me 58:13 A. him, not doing own Onn. 4:37 and A. King of heave:i 11:38 A. God of forces, a god whom fa. knew not sh. he A. Mat. 15:6 A. not fath. or mother ,/oAre 5:23 all men A. Son as A. F. 8:49 I A. Father, ye dishonor me 54 if I A. myself, my A. is noth. 12:20 him will Father A. 1 Tim. 5:3 A. wid. that are wid. \Pet.2:Yl A. all men.' A. the king HOXORABLE. Num. 22:15 sent princes more A. 1 Sam. 9:0 th. is in the city a man of God, and he is an"A. man 2 Sam. 23:19 was he not most A. of three? 1 CAr. 11:21 23 was more h. than the thirty 2K. 5:1 Xaaman A. with master 1 CAr. 4:9 more A. than brethren Job 22:8 the A. man dwelt in it Ps. 45:9 daughters am. A. women 111:3 his work is A. and glori. Is. 3:3 doth take away A. man 5 base behave proudly a^'. A. 5:13 their A. men are famished 9:15 ancient and A. he is head 2:3:8 traffickers are A. of earth 9 into contempt all A. of earth 42:21 magnifv law. make it A. 43:4 been A. ,■ 58:13 holy of L. A. JN'flA. 3:10 cast lots for her A. men Mark 15:43 Jos. an A. counsellor Luke 14:8 lest more A. man be xlc's 13:50 J. stiiTcd up A. wom. 17:12 A. women not few believ. 1 Cor. 4:10 ye are stro. ye are A. 12:23 members we think less A. Heb. 13:4 marriage A. bed undo. HONORED. Ex. 14:4 I will be A. on Pharaoh Prov. 13:18 regard, reproof be A. 27:18 wait, oii master sh. be A. Is. 4:3:23 nor A. me wi. sacrifices Lam. 1:8 all that A. her despise 5:12 faces of elders were not A, Dan. 4:34 I praised and A. him 1 Cor. 12:26 or one member be A. HOXOREST, ETH. 1 Sam. 2:29 A. thy sons above mo Ps. 15:4 A. them that fear Lord Pror. 12:9 he that A. himself. 14:31 that A. him hath mercy Mai. 1:6 son A. father Mat. 15:8 A. me w. lips, Mar.1:G John 5:23 A. not Son, A. not Fa, 8:54 it is my Father that A. me HO.VEY. Gen. 43:11 carry a little A. spices Ex. 10:31 wafers made with A. Lev. 2:11 burn no leaven, nor A. Deut. 8:8 a land of oil-olive and A. 2 K. 18:32 32:13 he made him to suck A. Jud. 14:8 A. in carcass of hon. 9 18 what is sweeter than A. .?" 1 Sam. 14:25 was h. upon ground 20 A. dropped ; 29 1 tasted A. 43 2 Sam. 17:20 bro. A. and butter 1 K. 14:3 take a cruse of A. Job 20:17 sh. not see brooks of A. Po'. 19: 10 judgment sweeter than A. 119:10^ CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 899 HOP Ps. 81:16 /;.. out of rock pati. thoo Prm>. 24:13 cat h. is good, 25:16 25:27 not pood to cat much h. Cant. 4:11/1. and milk mid. ton. 5:1 honey-comb with my h. Is. 7:15 butter and h. sh. ho eat 22 butter and h. sh. ev. one eat Je?\ 41:0 treasure!? of A. in field Ezefc. 3:3 in my mouth as h. 27:17 Ju. traded in h. and balm Mat. 3:4 J. Baptist's meat locus. and wild h. Mark 1:6 Pev. 10:!) thy mouth sweet aa/j. 10 in my mouth sweet as h. See PLOWETH, FLOWING. HOXEY.COMD. 1 Sam. 14:27 and dip. it in h.-c. Ps. 19:10 sweeter than h.-c. Pror. 5:3 lips of str. wo. as h.-c. 1G:24 pleasant words are as h.-c. 24:13 eat h.-c. sweet to thy taste 27:7 full soul loathcth a h.-c. Cant. 4:11 thy lips drop as a h.-c. 5:1 eaten my h.-c. with honey Luke 24:42 gave piece of A.-c. HOODS. Is. 3:23 I will take away the h. HOOF, S. i:cc. 10:2G shall not a h. be left Lev. 11:3 whatever parteth A. 4 of them that divide the h. 5 divideth^ot h. 6; Deut. 14:7 7 swine, tho' div. h. Deut. 14:8 Jud. 5:22 were horse h. broken Ps. 09:31 better than ox with h. Is. 5:28 horses' h. shall be eouu. Jer. 47:3 noise of stamping of /(. Mic. 4:13 will make thy h. brass HOOK, g. Ex. 26:32 h. of gold, 37; 36:36 2 K. 10:28 h. in nose, Is. 37:29 Jcib 41:1 dr. leviathan wi. /;. ? 2 /n-. 2:4 sp. into fjruu. h. Mic. 4:3 18:5 cut off sprigs with prun. h. Ezek. 29:4 put A.'in thy jaw, 38:4 40:43 with, were A. hand broad JndZ:W pruniug A. into spears Mat. 17:27 cast a A. take up tish HOPE. Ezr. 10:2 there is A. in Israel Job 4:6 this thy fear, thy A. ? 5:10 poor hath A. iniq. stoppeth 7:0 my days spent M'ithout A. 8:13 hypocrite's A. sh. peri. 14 11:18 because there is A. 20 A. be as giving up of ghost 14:7 A. of tree if it be cut down 19 thou destroycst A. of man S7:8 what is A. of hypocrite ? Ps. 78:7 might set their A. in O. 1 16:5 haiipv he whose A. is in L. Piov. 10:28 A. of right, gladness 11:7 A. of unjust men perishcth W.K h. defer, male, heart sick ] 1:3\! I he right, luith A. in death 19:18 eliast.' son wh. there is A. 20:12 A. of fool than him, 29:20 Ec. 9:4 joined to liv. there is A. /«. 57:10 no A. Jer. 2:25; 18:12 Jcr. 1 1:8 O the A. of Israel, 17:13 17:7 blessed man whose A. L. is 31:17 there is A. in end, saith L. .50:7 the Lord, A. of their fath. Jjiiii. )'.:21 therefore have I A. y.'ri/-. 37:11 our bones dri. A. lost Jlos. 2:15 val. of Aehordoor of A. ./w7 3:Hrf>. will be A. of liis|)eo. y.ir. 9:12 turn, ye (irisouers of A. Acts 16:19 A. of gams was gone 23:0 A. and resurrection of drad 21:15 A. tow. G. wlii(-h th. allow 2f;:(i judged for A. of the pi-oni. 27:2(1 all A. we should bo saved 2H:20 for A. of Israel 1 am hound Jtmn.h-.'i patience, experieii. A. 5 A. maketh not ashamed 8:21 sa. by A. but A. se(tn is not A. 15:1 thro' iialien. might haveA. 13 that ve may abound hi A. 1 Car. 9: 10 he jiarlaUcr of his A. 13:13 lallh, A. chai'lly, th. threes 15:19 In this Illb only we ha. A. 2 Ciir. 1:7 our A. of you is stead. 3:12 seeing that Welnive such A. 11);I5A. when liiilh is Incn'ased Cat. 5:5 Ih.' Spirit w.'iit for A. Jl-iiIi. 1:IHA. of his calling 2; 12 no A. with, (i, in world 4:4 as ye are <'allr(l iji in\r h. Cut. \:ri/i. laid up lur voii In hea. 2:1 nut moved from )/. of gospel 27 ChrlHt ill yon, A. of glory 1 rA(«. l::i pallenceof A. In .les. 2:19 for what is onr A. or Joy 1 4:13 as ollieis who huvi' iniA. 5:8 Uulniul lUu A. of Hulvulimt IIOR 2 TTies. 2:16 given us good h. 1 Tim. 1:1 Lord Jesus, is our A. Tit. 2:13 for that blessed A. 3:7 accord, to A. of eternal life Ifeb. 3:6 rejoic. of A. lirm to end 0:11 full assurance of A. to end 18 to lay hold on A. before us 19 wh. A. we have as an anch. 7:19 bringing in of a better A. 1 Pet. 1:3 begot, us to a lively h. 21 faith and A. might be in G. 3:15 reason of A. that is in you 1 John 3:3 man that hath this A. In HOPE. Ps. 16:9 rest in h. Acts 2:26 Pom. 4:18 ag. hope believ. in A. ) 5:2 rejoice in A. of glory of God 8:20 subjected the same in h. 12:12 rejoicing in A. patient 15:13 that ye may abound in A. 1 Cor. 9:10 p'lougheth in li. three. Til. 1:2 in A. of eternal life My HOPE. Job 17:15 where is now my A. ? 19:10 mil It. hath he removed 31:24 if I have made gold my A. Ps. .39:7 my A. is in thee 71:5 thou art my h. Jer. 17:17 119:116 asha. oimy A. Phil. 1:20 Lam. 3:18 rny A. perished HOPE, Verb. Job 6:11 stren. that I should A. Ps. 22:9 didst make me A. 31:24 all that A. in the L. 33:18 A. in his mercy, 147:11 22 as we A. in thee 38:15 L. do I A. thou wilt hear 42:5 h. thou in God, 11 ; 43:5 71:14 but I will A. continually 119:49 hast caused me to A. 81 A. in thy word, 114; 130:5 1.30:7 let Israel A. in L. 131:3 Lam. 3:24 there, will I A. in him 26 that man both A. and wait Luke 6:34 them of whom ye A. Acts 20:7 our tribes A. to come Rom. 8:21 why doth he A. for? 25 if we A. for that we see not Phil. 2:2:j him I A. to send pros. 1 Pet. 1:13 be sober, and A. to cud HOPED. Job 6:20 con. bee. they had A. Ps. 119:43 have A. in thy judsm. 74 I have A. in thy word, 147 166 L. I have A. for thy salva. Jer. 3:23 vain is salvation A. for Luke 23:8 A. to have seen mirac. Acts 2-1:26 A. money sho. be giv. Ileb. 11:1 substance of th. A. for hopi>;g, eth. Lvkcd-.'Ah lend, A. for nothing ag. 1 Cor. 1.3:7 charily A. all things IIOrUNI. l&e. 1:3; 2:31; 4:11, 17 horeb. Ex. 3:1 came to II. 1 K. 19:8 J)eut. 1:6 spake to us in H. 4:15 Ps. 106:19 made a calf in H. Mai. 4:4 commanded M. in II. nOR-nAGinOAD. Num. .33:32 HOItM.\iI. Num. 14:45 discointi. to II. 21:3 1 Sum. 30:30 i)re. to IL 1 Chr. 4:30 HOR\. Ex. 21:29 if ox push with A. 1 Sam. 2:1 my A. is exalted in L. 10 sh. exalt A. of his anointed 10:1 till thy A. with oil, 13 2 Saw. 22:3 A. of mv sal. Ps. 18:2 1 K. 1::!9 Zadok took a A. of oil .hb 10:15 denied my A. in dust I's. 7.5:4 wicked, lift not up A. 5 89:17 our A. sliall he exalted 21 in my name sh. A. bet exalted !)2:10 my A. shaU thou exalt 112:!) his A. shall be exalted 1.32:17 make A. of David to bud Lam. 2:3 cut olf all the A. of Is. 17set up A. of thine adversaries Rzik. 29:il eunse A. of Is. to bnd Dan. 7:8 am. them n little A. 20 11 groat words which A. spake 21 A. made war wilh minlH 8:5 tlK^goat had a nolahleA. 8 great A. wa.M brcjUen 9 came Ibrlh Utile A. 21 great A. that is betw. eyes Mic. 4:13 I will nialic thy A.'li'cm y.ic. 1:21 lift up A. ov.'r the hiiiil Luku 1:09 raised iij) A. of salvHt. iioinxs. ften. 22:13 caught in llilc. by A. Ex. 27:2 iimke A. of It on four corneiH, his A. lie of the same, 30:8; )I7:'^S; il»\i HOR Ex. 29:12 put off the bl. on A. of the altar. Lev. 4:7. 18, 25, 30, .34; 8:15: 9:9; 16:18 30:3 pure gold overlay A. 37:26 Deut. 33:17 A. like A. of unicorns 1 K. 22:11 Zedekiah made A. ofiron, 2C'A?-. 18:10 Ps. 22:21 from A. of nnicoms 69:31 bullock that hath A. 75:10 A. of wicked will I cut off. but A. of righ. sh. be exalted 118:27 bind sacrifice to A. of alt. Ezeic. 27:15 a present A. of ivory .34:21 pushed all diseased wi. A. Dan. 7:7 fou. beast had ten A. 20 8 I consid. A. three A. pluc. up 24 ten A. ten kings 8:3 ram two A. two A. were high 0 he-goat ca. to ram had two A. 7 smote ram, brake his two A. 20 two A. kings of Jle. and P. Amos 6:13 not taken A. by stre. ? JTaS. 3:4 A. coming out of hand Zee. 1:18 and behold, four A. 19 A. have scattered Judah, 21 Eev. 5:0 in midst L. having 7 A. 12:3 a red dragon, having ten A. 13:1 beast ten A. on A. ten cro. 11 beast had two A. like a lamb 17:3 scarlet-colored beast, ten A. 7 beast seven heads and ten A. 12 ten A. thou saw. ten kin. 16 See KAJis. HORNET, S. Ex. 23:28 will send A. bcf. thee Deut. 7:20 L. send A. am. them Jos. 24:12 I sent the A. bcf. you IIORONAIM. Jer. 48:3, 5, 34 HORRIBLE. Ps. 11:6 on wicked rain A. temp. 40:2 brought me out of A. pit Jer. 5:30 A. thing committed 18:13 virgin of Is. done A. thing 2:3:14 seen in proph. a A. thing IIosx 0:10 seen A. thing in Israel HORRIBLY. Jer. 2:12 be A. afraid, O ye heav. Ezek. 32:10 kings sh. be A. afraid HORROR. Gen. 15:12 a A. of great darkness Ps. 55:5 A. hath overwhelmed 119:53 A. hath taken hold on me HORSE. Gen. 49:17 adder biteth A. heels E.r. 15:21 A. and rider thr. in sea Jucl. 5:22 were A. hoofs broken 1 K- 10:29 a A. for 150 shekels, 2rAr. 1:17 Est. 6:8 A. king ridcth on, 0, 10 Job .39:18 scorncth A. and rider 19 hast thou giv. A. strength? Ps. 32:9 be not as the A. or mule 33:17 a A. vain thing for safety 76:0 char, and A. cast into sleep 147:10 del. not in strength of A. Prov. 21:31 A. prep. ag. bilttle 26:3 a whip for A. a rod for fool h. 63:13 led thro' deep, as a A. Jer. 8:6 A. rusheth into the battle ylH;0.s'2:]5 he th. ridetli A. deliv. Z(C. 1:8 riding u))oii a red A. 9:10 cut olf the A. from .Terns. 10:3 made them as goodly A. 12:4 smile every A. with blind. 14:15 shall be plague of the A. Eev. 0:2 behold white A. 19:11 4 red A. .• 5 black A. ,• 8 a jiale A. 14:20 blood came to A. bridles 19:1!) war ag. him that sat on A. 21 slain wi. sw. of him sat on A. HORSEB.VCK. 2 K. 9:18(111 A. to meet Jehu, 10 Kst. 0:9 on A. throuiili city, 11 8:10 sent letters by )iosts on A. HORKE-GATE. 2 Chr. 23:15 eiiteiiiig bUi.-f/. AVA. 3:28 from above the h.-(j. Jer. 31: 10 to corner of the h.'-ij. HORSES. r,Vn. 47:17 bread In exeli. for A. Kr. !l:3 hand of Lord is upon A. I>(Ul. 17:10 not mull I . A. to lilm- seir. to end lie sho. luultl. A. 1 A'. 1(1:28 Solomon had A. out of Kgvpt, 2 Chr. 1:10, 17; 9:'iS 18:5 giiiss to save A. luul mules 'ti:\ mv A. are as thy A. 'J A'. 3:7 2 A'. 2:11 tliere appeared A. of till' fi:!! Niuiniaii rame wl. A. and ell. 7:10 A. tied; 13 take lU>' of A. 9::!3 .le/.. blood sprinkled on A. lS:23del, theea.tllKlA. /.*. ;m:8 '.'.'1:11 loiiU away A. given to i-on He. 10:T I huvu mucu eurv. uu h. EOS Is. 2:7 th. land is also full of A. 5:28 their A. hoofs sh. be coun. .30:16 for we will flee upon A. 31:1 stay on A. tnist in chariots 3 th. A. are flesh and not spirit Jer. 4:13 A. arc swifter than eag. 5:8 were as fed A. in the mom. 8:16 snortingof hisA. washeard 12:5 canst thou contend wi. A. .<" 46:4 harness the A. and get np 47:3 stamping of hoof of his A. 51:27 cause A. come up as cater. Ezek. 17:15 give him A. and pco. 23:6 horsemen riding on h. 12 20 whose Issue is like iss. of A. n all of th. riding on A. 38:15 27:14 traded in thy fairs with A. IIos. 1:7 save th. by battle nor A. 14:3 we will not ride on A. Joel g:4 app. of A. and horsemen Amos 6:12 eh. A. run upon rode ? Ilab. 1:8 their A. also are swifter 3:8 thou didst ride on thy A. 15 didst walk thro' sea with A. Hag. 2:22 overthrow A. and rid. Zee. 1:8 behind bim were red h. 6:2 first chariot red A. sec. black 3 third white A. in fou. bay A. 10:5 riders on A. be confounded 14:20 that day upon bells of tho h. Holiness to the Lord Javi. 3:3 we put bits in A. raou. Eev. 9:7 the locusts were like A. 17 I saw the A. the heads of A. 18:13 buyeth merchandise of A. 19:14 armies follow, on white A. IS eat flesh of kings and A. See CHARIOTS. HORSELEECH. Prov. 30:15 A. had two daugh. HORSEM.4N, ME.'V. Gen. 50:9 with Jos. chariots. A. E.c. 14:9 A. of Pharaoh pursued 17 honor on Pharaoh and his A. 15:19 Pharaoh and A. went into sea, Jos. 24:6 1 Sam. 8:11 your sons to be A. 2 Sam,. 1:6 A. followed after him 1 K. 4:26 Sol. had 12.000 A. 10:20 9:19 Solomon had cities for A. 22: 2C'Ar. 8:0,9 2 K. 2:12 chariot of Is. A. thereof 13:14 O my father, the A. of Is, 18:24 put thy trust in Eg. for A. 2 Chr. 10:8 host with many A. Ezr. 8:22 ashamed to ask A. Neh. 2:9 sent captains and A. Is. 21:7 saw a chariot with A. 9 22:7 A. shall set themselves 31:1 trust in A. bee. they strong 36:9 put thy trust on Eg. for A. Jer. 4:2!) shall flee for noise of A. 46:4 gi't up yo A. and stand 7''::ek. 23:0 A. "riding on horses. 12 26:10 walls shake at noise of A. 38:4 bring forth horses and A. Van. 11:40 the king of the nortii shall come wilh A. Has. 1 :7 not save by horses nor A . Jo(l 2:4 as A. so .shall thev run Xah. 3:3 A. lifteth up bright sw. Ilab. 1:8 A. shall spread tlimis, and th. A. sh. come fi-om I'ar .■\cts 2;i:23 ready A. threescore Eev. 9:10 number of army of A. HO!^.\^'XA. M(i^. 21:9 A. to the Son of D. 15 Mark 1 1:9 A. bles. is ho that com. A. in highest, 10; John 12:13 HOSEX. Dan. S:21 men bound in their A IIOSHEA. DiUl. 32:41 II. spake to peojile 2 K. 15:30 II. made, 17:1.3: 18:10 1 TA;-. 27:2i) ruler of Upliraim, 11. .V*PITA1.ITY. Unm. 12:13 gh-. to A. 1 Tim. 3:'J Tit. 1:8 but II lover of A. 1 Pit. 4:9 use A. one to another HOST. Luke 10:.'1,'> mid gave Ihom to h. Eom. 10:'J3 tJaius my A. HOST. Gfn. 8:1 onrlh tliilsli. all A.oflh. ,32:8 he said. Tills IsUo.I'h A. Kr, It* I I honoivilon Ills A, 17 21 1.. looked to A. of Iv.-vnllaiis 2.S waters covered A, ol rliiir. 10:i;ldew lav i-oiuid about A. .Vi/(ii. .'11:14 wroili williom.ofA. 48 olllei'i-H of A, eaiiie to Woni'H Oful. 2:14 men of war w», tr. h. S3;9 when llie A. goetll forlli :\j;. ■/(AD. 1:11 puti* (hrv)' A. aud cum. 900 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. HOU Jos. 3:2 officers went thro' the h. 5:14 as capt of the A. of the L. Jud. 4:2 captain of A. was Sisera '?:8 h. of Midian was beneath 9 get thee down unto the h. 10 13 cakeof bre. tumbled into A. 8:11 Gideon smote the h. 12 1 Sam. 11:11 S. came into the A. 14:15 there was trembling in A. 19 the noise of the A. went on 17:20 D. came as A. was going 28:5 S. saw the A. of Philistines 20:6 coming with me in A. 2 Sam. 20:23 Joab was over all A. 1 Chr. 18:15 23:16 brake thro' A. 1 Chr. 11:18 1 K. 2::32 Abner captain of the A. 22:34 carry rae out of the A. 2 K, 3:9 no water for the A. 4:13 be spoken to capt. of A. ? 6:14 horses and A. to Dothan 7:4 let us fall to A. of the Syri. 6 L. made A. to he. noise of A. 9:5 captains of A. were sitting 25:19 prin. scribe of A. Jer. 52:23 1-Chr. 9:19 fathers over A. of L. 12:22 a great A. like the h. of G. 2 Chr. 18:33 carry me out of A. 24:24 the L. delivered a great A. Pi. 27:3 tho" a A. should encamp 33:6 all A. made by thy mouth 16 no king saved by "mul. of A. Is. 13:4 L. master. A. of battle 24:21 L. sh. pun. A. of high ones 40:26 bring, out A. by number Jer. 51:3 destroy utterly all her A. Ezek. 1:24 speech, as noise of A. Dan. 8:10 cast down some of A. 11 magni. hims. to prince of A. 12 A. given him ag. daily sacr. 13 A. to be trodden under foot Ob. 20 the captivity of this A. Luke 2:13 heavenly A. prais. G. See HEATEN. nOST.\GES. 2 K. 14:14 Jehoash took A. and returned to Sam. 2 Chr. 25:24 HOSTS. Ex. 12:41 A. of L. went out of E. Pi. 103:21 bless L. all ye his h. 103: 1 1 O G. go forth with our A..? 148:2 praise ye him, all his h. Jer. 3:19 heritage of A. of nations See GOD, LonD. HOT. Ex. 16:21 when the sun waxed A. Lev. 13:24 there is a 7i. burning Deijt. 9:19 anger and A. displcas. 10:6 while his heart is A. Jm. 9:12 our bread we took A. Jud. 2: 14 L. was A. against Isr. 20; 3:8: 10:7 0:39 let not thine anger be A. 1 Sam. 11:9 by the tiuie sun be A. 21:6 put A. bread wlien taken Ne!i. 7:3 not open, till sun be A. Job 6:17 when A. they are cons. Ps. 6:1 neither chasten in thy A. displeasure, .33:1 39:3 my A. was A. within me 78:48 flocks to h. thunderbolts Prov. 6:28 one go upon A. coals ? Ezelc. 21:11 brass of it may be A. Dan. 3:22 furnace was exceed. A. Ho''. 7:7 they are all A. as oven 1 Tim. 4:2 seared with A. iron Hev. .^:L5 neither cold nor A. I would thou wert coldor A. 16 See WAX, Verb. HOTLY. Gen. 31:36 th. hast so 7i. pursued HOTTEST. 2 Sam. 11:15 front of the A. bat. HOUGH, ED. Jos. 11:0 shall A. their horses 9 h. horses, burnt chariots 2 Sam. 8:4 Da. A. chariot horses HOUR. Dan. 4:19 D. astonish, for one A. Mat. 9:22 whole from that A. 15:2S dau. whole from that A. 17:18 ch. was cured from that A. 20:3 went out about the third A. 5 sixth and ninth A.,' 6 c!ev. A. 12 those have wro. but one A. 21:36 that A. knoweth. no man, 42; il/Vr?* 1.3:32 44 such an A. as ye think not, 50 ; Lvke 12:40, 46 25:13 know neither day nor h. 26:40 wa. one A. .? Mark M:37 43 tho A. is at hand, S. of man 27:43 from sixth A. v.'as darlcne^.i over the land to ninth A. J/ari- 15:33; iui-e 23:44 HOU Mat. 27:46 ninth A. Jesus cried, Mark Vo:U Mark 13:11 given you in that A. 14:35 if pos. the A. might pass 15:25 third A. they cruci. him Luke 10:21 in that A. J. rejoiced 12:.39 what A. thief would come 22:.53 your A. and power of dar. 59 about the space of one A. ■Tolin 2:4 mine A. is not yet come 4:6 it was about sixth A. 19:14 21 believe me, A. cometh, 23 52 then inq. he the A. he began to amend, at sev. A. fev. loft 5:25 the A. is coming, 28; 16:32 7:30 A. was not yet come, 8:20 12:33 A. is come. Son be gl. 17:1 27 Pa. save me from this A. for this cause came I to this A. 13:1 Jes. knew his A. was come 16:21 because her h. is come 19:27 from that A. disciple took Acts 2:15 it is third A. of day 3:1 A. of prayer being ninth A. 10:3 about ninth A. angel com. 9 P. went to pray about fith /(. 23:23 make ready at the third A. 1 Cor. 4:11 to this present A. 1.5:30 in jeopardy cverv A. ? (fal. 2:5 gave place, not for an 1> . Rev. 3:3 not know what A. I Avill 10 from A. of temptation 8:1 was silence about half an A. 9:15 prepar. for an A. and a day 14:7 h. of his judgment is come 17:12 rec. power as kings one A. 18:10 in one A. is thy jud. come 17 in one A. groat riches is co. 19 city in one A. made desolate Same HOUR. Dan. 3:6 ?. A. cast into furn. 15 4:33 same A. was thing fulfilled 5:5 in .■-'. A. came forth fingers 3rat. 8:13 serv. was healed .9. A. 10:19 given you s. A. Lvke 12:12 LuJce 7:21 sam.e A. cured many 20:19 s. A. sou. to lay ha. on him ■Tohn 4:.53 knew it was at s. A. Arts 16:18 he came out same h. 33 took them .■;. A. of the night Eev. 11:13 «. A. v.'as earthquake HOURS. John 11:9 twelve A. in day? Ads 5:7 about three A. after 19:34 all cried about two A. HOUSE. Gen. 19:4 men compassed the h. 24:31 1 have prepared A. room 39:5 L. blessed Egyptian's A. 45:2 tho A. of Pharaoh hoard E.r.. 8:3 frogs shall come into h. 12:3 a lamb according to the /(,. 30 not A. wh. was not one dead 46 not carry flesh out of tho A. 13:3 out of tho A. of bond. 14: Dent. 5:6; 6:12 20:17 Shalt not covet neighbor's A. Dmt. 5:21 Lev. 14:.36 priest sh. empty tho A. 38 priest shall go out' of the A. and shut up A. 45, 46, 49 25:30 A. sold in walled city Dent. 7:8 rod. out of A. of bond. 8:14 brought yon out of land of E. from A. of bondage, 13:5, 10 ; .70S. 21:17 : Jud.H-.S,; .Jer. 31:13; Mic. 6:4 25:10 A. of him hath shoe loosed Jos. 2:15 A. was on town \vall ■Iiid. 10:26 pillars whcr. A. stand. 27 A. full of men and women .30 the A. fell upon the lords 17:5 Micah had a h. of gods 19:18 no man receiveth me to h. 22 sons of Belial beset A. 20:3 1 Sam. 3:14 I have sw. to A. of E. 5:2 brought ark into A. of Pag. 7:1 bro. ark to A. of Abinadab 9:18 tell me where seer's A. is 25:28 L. make my lord sure A. 2 Sam. 3:1 war bctw. A. of Saul 8 show kindness to A. of Saul 5:8 lame and blind not co. to A. 6:11 L. blessedA. of Obcd-edom. Da\id brought ark from his A. 12; 1 Cor. 13:14 7:6 not dw. in any A. 1 CUtr. 17:5 11 he will make thee a k. 29 bless A. of serv. 1 C!ir. 17:27 12:8 I gave thee thy master's A. 1 K. 2:24 who made me a A. 6:22 whole A. overlaid with gold 9:25 so Solomon finished the A. 12:31 and Jeroboam made a A. 17:15 her A. did eat many days 21:22 thv A. like A. of Jeroboam %K. 8:3 cry to the king for her A. HOU 2 K. 8:18 as did the A. of Ahab, 27; 2 6'Ar. 21:0; 22:4 9:8 A. of Ahab shall perish 10:3 fight for yoiu- master's h. 21 and the A. of Baal was full 27 the A. of Baal a ckaught A. 20:13 Hez. showed A. of precio. things, A. of arm. Is. ;i9:2 23:27 A. of wh. my name sh. be 25:9 ev. great man's A, he burnt 2 Chr. 7:1 glory of the Lord filled the A. Ezek. 43:4, 5 12 chosen this place for A. Ezr. 5:8 went to A. of great God 6:3 at Jer. let the A. be builded Est. 2:3 gather all virgins to A. 8:1 give A. of Ha. to Esther, 7 Job 1:13 drink, in brother's A. 18 19 wind came smote cor. of A. 20:19 A. which he builded not 21:28 whore is A. of the prince? 30:23 to A. appointed for all liv. 38:20 know paths to the A. 39:6 whose A. I made wildom. Ps. 31:2 rock be A. of defence 84:3 sparrow hath found a A. 10-1:17 stork, fir-trees are her A. Prov. 2:18 A. inclineth to death 7:8 yo. man went way to her A. 11 her foot abide not in her A. 27 her A. is the way to hell 9:1 wisdom hath builded her A. 12:7 A. of righteous shall stand 14:11 A. of wicked overthrown 15:25 L. will destroy A. of proud 17:1 A. full of sacrifices 19:14 A. and riches are inherit. 21:9 dwell in A.-top. 2.5:24 12 right, consider. A. of wicked 24:3 through wisdom is A. built 25:17 withdraw fr. neighbor's A. 27:10 brot. A. day of calamity Ec. 7:2 to go to A. of mourning, than A. of feasting 10:18 thro' idleness A. droppeth 12:3 keepers of A. shall tremble Cnnf. 1:17 beams of our A. cedar 2:4 brought me to banquet. A. 3:4 bro. him to my mother's A. 8:2 br. thee into my mother's A. Is. 5:8 woe to them join A. to h. 0:4 A. was filled with smoke 14:17 open, not 7i. of prisoners 23:1 th. is no A. ,• 24:10 A. shut .31:2 against A. of evil-doers 60:7 I will glo. A. of my glory 04:11 holy and beaut. A. burnt Jer. 16:5 enter not A. of mourn. 8 sh. not go into A. of feasting .37:20 not return to A. of J. 38:26 Ezek. 2:5 they are a rebellious A. .3:9.26,27; 12:3 8 be not rebellious like that A. 12:2 dwellest in midst of reb. li. 17:12 say now to rebellious A. 24:3 utter parable to rebel. A. 43:11 show them the form of h. 12 law of A. on top of mount. Amos 1:5 sceptre from h. of E. 3:15 winter A. with summer A. .5:10 or went into A. 0:11 smite great A. and little A. 7:16 not word ag. A. of Isaac Ob. 18 A. of Es. be for stubble .1/5c. .3:12 mountain of the A. shall be as high places 4:2 let us go up to A. of God jVaA. 1:14 out of A. of thy gods Zee. 5:4 enter into A. of thief, into A. of him that sweareth falsely Mat. 7:23 and beat upon that A, 27 ; Luke 0:48 10:12 come into A. salute it 13 if A. be worthy, lot your peace come, Luke 10:5 12:25 every A. divided ai. itself 29 strongman's A. Mark 3:27 20:11 murmured ag. man of A. 2:3:;]8 your A. is left to you deso- late, Luke 13:25 24:43 man of A. kn. what watch thief won. come, Liike 12:39 Mai-k 3:25 A. di-saded ag. itself 10:29 hath left A. or brethren 14:14 good man of A. Lu. 22:11 Lnko 10:7 in that A. remain 15:8 light candle and sweep A. John 12:3 A. was filled with odor Acts 2:2 sound fr. heaven fill. A. 46 breaking bread from A. to A. 10:6 Simon, tanner. A. by seasi. 17:5 .Jews assaiiltod A. of Jason 18:7 A. joined hard to synagog.^ 19:16 fled out of that A. naked 20:20 tau. publicly, from A. to A. Horn. 16:5 greet church in (h. A. 1 Cor. 1:11 arc of the A. of Chloc HOU 1 Cor. 16:15 the A. of Stephan. 19 2 Cor. 5:1 earthly A. be dissolved 2 clothed with A. from heaven 1 Tim. 5:13 wander, from A. to h. 14 younger women guide A. 2 Tim. 1:10 mercy to A. of Ones. 2:20 in a great A. vessels of gold Heb. 3:3 built A. more h. than A. 4 every A. is built by somem. 6 wh. A. are we, if we hold fast 2 John 10 receive him not into ft. See AAitON, 350RN, btjud or • BUILT. CHIEr, DAVID, DOOB, DWELL. HOUSE, icith father. Gen. 12:1 get thee ix.fallier\sTi. 24:7 G. took me from father's h, :38 thou sh. go to my fa.'s h. 40 wife for my son oif.'s h. 31:14 portion for us mf.'s A. 88:11 remain widow at/.'« A. 41:51 God made meforget/.V«A. 4(i:31 broth, and/.'s A. are" come 50:22 in Eaypt, "c and/'.'« A. Ex. 12:3 accord, to A. oi fathers Num. 1:2 sum of Israel by A. of their/. 18, 22, 24, 23 4 every one head of h. of hia /. 44 ; Jos. 22:14 2:2 pitch with ensign of/.'s A. 3:15 children of Levi after A. of their/aM«\<;, 20; 4:46 17:2 accord, to A.*f their/'y, 3 18:1 thou and/.'« A. bear. iniq. 30:3 being in acv father's A. 10 Deut. 22:21 plav whore in f.'s h. Jos. 2:12 show "kindn. tof.'sh. Jud. 6:15 least in my f.'s A. 9:18 risen against rtiy^^'.'^- A. 11:2 Shalt not inherit 'iu/.",s A. 14:15 we burn thee ard f.'s A. 16:31 the A. of his/.buiiodhim 1 Sam. 2:27 appear to A. of thv/. .30 A. of thy/, should walk 17:25 will make his/.'s A. free 18:2 go no more home to f.'s h. 22:16''thou and all/.'s A. sh. die 24:21 not destr. name out/.'sA. 2 Sam. 3:20 rest on Joab and h\sfathe?'\s h. 14:9 iniq. be on me, and/.'s A. 19:23 all of/.'s A. dead men 1 K. 2:31 innoc. blood fr. f.'s h. 18:18 thou and f.'s A. trou. 1 Ch?: 28:4 God chose me bcf. A. of/. Ezr. 2:59 their f.'s A. Keh. 1:0 10:16 chief of the A. of/. iVeh. 1:6 1 and/.'s h. have sinned Est. 4:14 and/.'* A. be destroyed Ps. 4.5:10 forgot poo. and f.'s A. Is. 3:6 hold of brother of A. of/. 7:17 bring on fhyf.'sh. days 22:23 glorious throne to f.'s A. 24 bans on him slorv of/.".' A. .ler. 12:6' A. off. dealt troachcr. Luke 10:27 send him tof.'s A. ■lohn^-.tS make not my i^.'s h. a house of merchandise 14:2 in E.'s A. are many mans. Acts 7:20 M. nourished mf.'s A. HOUSE of God. Gen. 23:17 none oth. but A. ofG. 22 this sto. I sot sh. be G.'sA. ■los. 9:23 draw, water for A. of G. Jud. 18:31 A. of G. was in Shiloh 20:26 came unto A. of G. 21:2 31 high, goeth up to A. ofG. 2 Ch?: '5:14 gl. of L. fill. A. o/G. 22:12 he was hid in h. of G. 21:13 set A. ofG. in his state 33:7 Man. set image in A. ofG. 36:19 they burnt the A. ofG. Ezr. 5:8 went to A. o/ groat G. 15 let A. ofG. be builded. 6:7 7:23 lot it be done for h.ofG. Keh. 6:10 let us meet in A. of G. 1.3:11 why is A. of G. forsalicn ? ' Ps. 42:4 went to A. O/G. 55:14 52:8 an olive-tree in A. OfG. 81:10 door-keeper in A. hfG. Kc. 5:1 when goost to A. cfG. Is. 2:3 come, let us go up' to the h.ofG. Mic. 4:2 TIos. 9:8 proph. hated in A. ofG. Joel 1:1:3 drink-ofl'oring with- holdon from A. ofG. 16 gladness cut ofi'fr. A. cfG. Zee. 7:2 sent to A. of G. men Mat. 12:4 entered "A. of G. did cat showbread, j[ta?-k 2:26; Luke 6:4 1 Tim. 3:15 beh. thy. in A. of G. Heb. 10:21 lligh-p. over. A. ofG. 1 Pet. 4:17 jiulg. begin at A. of G. His HOUSE. Ge?i. 12:17 L. plagu. P. and A. h. CRUDEN'S COITCORDANCE. 901 HOU Gen. 17:27 men of A. h. circumc. 39:4 overseer over h. h. 5 45:8 Lord of A. h. Acts 7:10 Le?}. hy.ti atonement for h. h. 11 27:14 a man shall sanctify A. h. iV«m. 22:18 if B. give k. h. full of silver and gold, 24:13 Dmt. 20:5 return to h. h. 6, 7, 8 24:10 Shalt not go into his h. Jud. 8:27 bee. a snare to his li. 1 Sam. 3:12 spoken conccr. h. h. 13 I will judge A. A. for ever 7:17 to liamah, there was A. A. 25:1 Is. buried Samuel in A. A. 2 Sam. 6:21 bef. thy fa. and A. A. 11:!) U. went not to A. A. 10, 13 27 David fetched her to A. A. l!l:ll bring king back to A. A. 21:1 for Saul and A. bloody A. 1 A'. 2::J3 on A. A. th. sh. be pea. 7:1 S. building, and finish. A. A. 12:24 return every man to A. A. 2>:n; 1 6'Ar. 1C:43; 2 C'Ar. 11:4; 18:18 13:19 did eat broad in A. A. 20:43 went to A. h. heavy, 21:4 2 /r. fi:32 Elisha sat in his A, 20:13 nothing in A. A. Hezekia'a 1 6'Ar. 10:B all A. A. died towth. 13:14 the ark remained in A. A. 2 C'A?\ 24:11) good toward God and A. A. Ezr. 6:11 A. A. be made dunghill Neh. ;3:28 repaired over ag. A. A. 6:13 God shake ev. man fr. A. h. Job 1:10 a hedge about his A. .*' 8:15 he shall lean on his A. 20:28 increase of his A. 21:21 what plea. ha. he iu/j. A..? 27:18hebuildethAi.?A. Ps. 49:10 gl. of A. A. is increased 10.5:21 made him Lord of A. A. 112:3 wealth and riches in A. A. P/Ofl. 6::J1 fjive the substance of his A. &«»,/. 8:7 17:13 ovii shall notdep. fr. A. /;,. Mic. 2:2 oppress a man and A. A. //aft. 2:9 an evil covet, to A. A. J/a^. 12:29 then he will spoil A. A. Mark 3:27 24:17 an. out of A. A. j)/f»* 13:15 43 not sufFcrcd A. A. to bo bro. Luke 8:41 he wo. come to A. A. 18:14 man went down to A. A. JoAra 4:53 himself beli. and h. h. AcU 10:2 feared G. with nil h. h. 22 to send for thee to his A. 11:13 had seen an angel in A. A. 10:34 jailer brou. into Ids A. be- lievi; in G. with all h. A. 18:8 Col. 4:15 salute church in A. A. //c6. 3:2 M. faithful in A. A. 5 11:7 prep, ark for saving A. A. IJOIL'SE of Jacob. Gen. 40:27 souls of A. of Jacob Ps. 114:1 A. o/'./. I'roHi people Is. 2:5 A. of Jacob walk in light C forsaken Ihy peoi>le, A. f/./. 8:17 liideth face from A. of J. 14:1 shall cleave to A. of Jacob .08:1 show A. of Jacob their sins ,/cr.2:4 hear word of L. A. c;/'./. .5:20 declare tills in A. of J'ari.b l<:zek. 20:5 lifted hand to A. o/' ./. Amos 9:8 not lit. destroy A. o/"./. Ob. 17 h. of J. pos. Jiossessions Vih.ff'J. sliall be a fire J/ic. 2:7 iirt iiauicd the A of J. 3:9 ye heads of the A. of jacvb Luke 1:33 reign over A. of Jacob IlOrHK of JoHepli. Gen. A'V.\1 bro. men into J.\s h. Jos. 1K:5 A. o/'./. abide ill coast J»'/. \:ii h. of J. wontnga. B. .35 lijuid of A. of Jos. jirevailcd Amos 5:6 like lire In A. of Jos. Ob. IH A. o/'./. shall be u llaiiie Zee. 111:0 J will save tlie A. cy' ./. lIOUHIi; of iHriK-l. Lrr. 10:0 let A. if Urail bewail 17:3 what mail ih. hv.uf h.til' Is. kill, ox or lamb, 8:10; 2L':18 1 Sam. 7:2 the A. of I. l.'iijiciiicd 2 AV(m. 6:5 A. ^y /.'iilaycd b.'f. L. 15 A. ^V' A brought nii ark 12:8 I gav(! IlK'e the A. of I. rail 1 A'. 20:31 kings of/i. r^/''/. mere. yv 9M:3 Inilh loward h.of I. 115:12 he will Mrmh.of Israd l:i.'):19 () h. of Israel, bh'ss Lord /*. 5:7 vlni'vai'd of L. Is h. if I. 11:2 A. ^y Israii posscsi-CH I hem 40:3n'mii. nth. if I. licniUcii 63:7 goodiiesH low, lln'A. n/' I, Jir. 2:26 so Is A. «/' /. iishnincd U:1U h. of J. walk wllli A. if Is. HOU Jer. 3:20 dealt tr. O. A. of I. 5:11 9:26 all A. of I. uncircumcised 11:10 A. of I. broken covenant 17 evil for evil, of A. of^ Israel 1.3:11 cleave to me. A. of Israel 31:27 sow A. Of I. wi. seed of m. 31 make cov. with A. of I. 33 3-3:14 that I promised to A. of I. 48:13 h. Of I. ashamed of Bethel Ezek. 3:1 sp. to A. of Israel, 17:2, 20:27,30; 24:21 ; 3:3:10; 36:22 7 A. 0/'/. not hearken unto me, h: of I. impud. and hard-he. 17 watchman to A. of I. 33:7 4:4 lay iniq. of A. of L upon it 5 bear iniquity of A. of Israel 5:4 fire come forth into A. of I. 8:10 idols of A. o/'/. portrayed 9:9 iniq. of A. of I. is great 12:24 nor more divi. in A. of I. 1-3:5 nor made hedge for A. of I. 9 in the writing of A. of Israel 14:11 A. of I. go no more astray 18:6 eyes to idols of A. of I. 15 25 h. of I. in not mv way eq. ? 31 0 h. of Israel ? smi 20:13 A. o//. rebelled ag. me .39 for you, O A. of I. go ye 40 there shall A. of I. serve me 22:18 A. 0/'. /. is to me bee. dross 28:24 no more prick, br. A. of I. 29:6 a staff of reed to h.of I. 16 no more confld. of A. of I. 21 cause horn of A. of I. to bud 38:10 multiply all the A. of I. 17 A. 0/"/. dwelt in own land 21 my name wh. A. of I. prof. 32 be ashamed, O A. of Israel 37 I will be inq. of by A. o//. 37:11 bones are whole A. o//. 16 for the A. o//. his eonipan. 39:12 7 mo. A. of I. be burying 22 A. 0/' /. sh.'know I am the L. %i A of /. went into captivity 29 pour, out my Sp. on A. of I. 44:12 caused A. o/" /«?•(?/•/. have oil", beasts? Iltb. £:8 new cov. with A. o//. 10 HOUSE of .ludnli. 2 /5'awi. 2:4 anointed 1). king ov. h.of J. 1. 11; 1 C'An 28:4 12:8 I g;ivo thee the A. of Jud. 2 A'. 19:.')0 remnant esc!i|)ed of the A. ofjiiiluh. Is. .37:31 Is. 22:21 bc'a nillicr to A. o/'./. ./<;■. 3:18 /(. of J. walk witli h. I. 5:11 A. 0/'./. dealt treacherously IhlOA.Vy',/. broken covenant 12:14 iiluck A. of J. fr. am. them 13:11 caused cle. to me A. of J. 31:27 sow A. f;/"./. with .seed 31 make m^wcov. with A. of J. 33:14 good I promised to A. if./. ;i6:3A. of J. hear all the ovfl Kzrk. 4:(i' licar iincj. of A. of J. 9:9 K:17alii'bt thing lah.ofj.y 25::! Am. s-iid. Aha. ag. 'A. of J. HA. of J. like loall heathen 12li(l(Jiii h:ilh (lealtag. A.f/,/. /Aw. 1:7 mercy upon A. o/'./.' 5:12 bo to ,'/. of .1. as rol'teiiness 14 nsa young lion to A. of J. Zi']). 2:7 for reiiiiiant of A. of J. Zic. 8:13 a curse, <) A. of J'liilah 15 to ill) well to A. of'jiiiliih 19 be to A. ft/'./, jov 1111(1 glad. 10:3 Lord hafli visited A. of J. 6 I will strengthen the h'.if J. l'!:l open ill. eyeii unto A. if J. Ikb. 8:8 II new cov. wIlliA. f/./. 2 Sam. Il:2\val. on roof of /-.'<• A. 1 K. 9:1 Sol. had linlshed k.'sh. 14:26 took inv.'iy llie treasure ofkhiifsh. \:',:W;'i li. 16:8; 2 rArl2:9; 2.5:4 2 /i'.7:ll lold itto Ihe ;!■.'/( A. 2 Chr. 2:1:5 third p.-irt Iw util'.'^A. 2.8:21 took a poll, out iiUi.ifk. K:r. (1:4 expe. gIvcMi out k.'sh. I.'sl. 2:9 seven uiMhl. out k.'sh. HOU Est. 4:13 think not esc. in k.''s A. 9:4Mordecai wasgreatin Jc.'sh. Ilos. 5:1 give ye ear, O A. of A. HOUSE of Levi. Kum. 17:8 rod of A. for A. of L. Ps. 1:35.20 bless the L. O A. o/X. 2ec. 12:13 family of A. of L. In the HOUSE. Gen. 34:29 spoiled all i« iheh. 39:5 bless, of L. on all in the A. 8 wot. not what is with me in the A. 40:16 fame was heard in P.'s A. Ex. 12:40 in one A. passover Lev. 14:34 put plague of leprosy in a A. 35, 43, 44, 47, 48 ■Tos. 2:19 with thee in the A. Piith 1:9 each in A. of husband 2:7 she tarried a little in the A. 1 Sam. 28:24 a fat calf in the A. 31:9 publ. it intheh. of their id. 10 put armor in the A. of Asht. 1 K. 3:17 I and this wom. dw. in one h. deli, of a child in t. A. C:7 not any tool heard in the h. 14:13 found good in the A. if J. 2 K. 4:2 wh. hast thon in t. A. ? 35 walked in the A. to and fro 5:18 I bow in the A. of Rimmon 19:37 as he was worshipping in A. ofNisroch, Is. .37:.38 2 Clir. .36:17 slew yo. men in t. 7i. Ezr. 1:7 in iheh. of his gods 6:1 search made in t. A. of rolls Est. 7:8 force queeiMn the A. .? 9 gallows staudeth in A. of Ha. Ps. iV.k'A in tlie A. of my pilg. Proti. 3:33 curse of Lord in h. .5:10 be in t. h. of a stranger 7:11 her feet abide not in A. A. 15:6 in the h. of the righteous Ec. 7:4 heart of wise is in A. of mourn, ho. of fools in A. mi. Is. 44:13 mak. idol remain in A. Jer. 7:-30 abominations 2« A. 82:.34 .3-1:15 a covenant bef. me in t. A. Ajnos 6:9 ten men in one A. Mic. 6:10 wicked, in h. of wicked Zee. 13;() wounded in A. of frien. }fat. .5:15 light to all are in i. A. Mark 9::33 being in, the A. 14:3 beini; in t. h. S. the leper Lnke 8:27 in any A. but tombs ■I0I111 8:35 abideth not in the A. 11:20 Mary sat still in the A. ^lr/-';9:ll inn. in I. A. of Judas 10:32 P. is lodged in A. of Sim. HOUSE, with Lord. Ex. 2:3:19 first fruitsbriiigintoA. of/.. 34:20; iVr'A. 10:;35 nevt. 23:18 pr. of dog to A. of L. Jos. 0:24 l)ut in treas. of A. of/.. 1 Sam. 1:7 she went to A. of Z. 24 Hannah bro. him unto the A. of the i. 2 A'. 12:4,9, 13: 22:4; 2 (/Ar. 34:14 1 K. 3:1 end of building A. of X. 0:37 the foundation of the A. of Xhc Lonl laid, 2 CAr. 8:10; A'.rr. 3:11 ; Zee. 8:9 7:40 work made for A. of Xojy/. 45:.51; 2 Vhr. 4:16; 5:1 ; 21:14 8:10 cloud filled A. of X. 11; 2 Vhr. .5:13; 7:2; XicA-. 41:4 03 so Israel dedicated A. of X. 2 A'. 11:3 Kid in A. of i. si.x yea. 4 took an oath in A. of the X. 15 let her not be slain in A. of Lord, 2 ("An 2.3:11 12:10 money found in A. of the Lord, 14:14; 10:8; 18:15 1 1 oversiglit of the A. of the /.. 1(1 yress.-moiiey not in A. of X. 20:5 third day sh. go to A. of /,. • 8 h. will heal me, tliat I shall go up to the A. of L. Is. 3.s:22 2-3:2 words found In A. of Lord, 24; 2 ('//)•. 31:17, :10 7 SixlonilleM were bv A. of /,. 25:!l be liiirnt A. of /,". .Ar. 52:13 1 rA;'. Il::!1 service In the A. of/,. 2J:1 1). said. This Is (be A. of/,. II biilld the A. ofX. thy God II I luive prepiired fer A. of /. 2:i:l set forw. work of A. of /,. 20:12 to minister in A. of the A. 2 fAc.8:16A. of /.. was iierfeeted 29:5 sanellfy A. of the Liird 15 canie to cleanse A. of l.oril .'l:!:l.5 M. look Idol out A. ofX. 31:15 book oflaw In A, of A. .30: II pileKis polluted A. of A. A'.v. 7:27 benutilV A, of the A. l-s. 2.'l;6(hv. In A. of A. forever 27:4 dwell In A. of A. all inv lite If.;: 13 be plantea In A. of Xt>/^ HOU Ps. 116:19 pav m v vows in X.V A. 118:26 bless". yo"u out of A. of i. 122:1 let us go into the A. of X. 9 bee. of A. of X. seek thy good 134:1 th. stand in A. of L. 1:35:2 Is. 2:2 L.s A. be established in the top of mount. Mic. 4:1 Jer. 17:26 praise to A. of the X. 26:2 come to worship in L.'s A. 30:5 I cannot go into A. of L. 6 in X.'« A. upon fasting day 51:51 come tosanctua. ol L.'sh. Lam. 2:7 made a noise in A. of X. Hagr. 1:2 time L.'s A. be built See coniT, door, gate, treas- ures, VESSELS. My HOUSE. Gen. 15:2 stew, of my h. isEliez. 3 one bom in my A. is mi. heir Num. 12:7 is faithful in all m. A. Jos. 24:15 me and m. A. serve L. Jud. 11:31 fo. of doors of m. A. 1 Sam. 21:15 fcl. come to ;«. A. ? 2 Sam. 7:18 O L. G. what is my A. .? 1 Chr. 17:16 11:11 shall I then go into W!. A. .? 23:5 tho' >ny A. be not so wi. G. 1 IC 21:2 bee. it is near to 7ny A. 1 A'. 20:15 all things that are in my A. Is. 39:4 1 Chr. 17:14 settle him in tny h. Job 17:13 the grave is my A. /%- 101:2 in myh. wi- perf. heart 132:3 not come to tab. of my A. Prov. 7:0 at wijidow of 7ny A. Is. :3:7 in ??i;^ A. is neither bread 50:5 I give in my li. a name 7 make them joyful in my Tt. of prayer, OT 2/ A- sh- be called a A- of prayer. Mat. 21:13; Mark n-.rt ; Luke nAU Jer. 11:15 wh. bcl. do in my A. / 12:7 I have forsaken my A. 2^3:11 in jnyh. I found wickedn. Ezek. 8:1 as I sat in my A. 44:7 to pollute it, even iny Tt. Dan. 4:4 N. was at rest in 7iiy h. Hag V.^viyh. that is waste Zee. 3:7 shall also judge my A. 9:8 I will encamp about 7ny h. Med. 3:10 meat in my A. Mat. 12:44 I will return into my h. Lnke 11:21 Ltike 9:61 bid farewell at my A. 14:23 that?)7y A. may be lUIed Acts 10::30 I pray, in my A. 10:15 come iwiomy A. Own HOUSE. Gen. 14:14 serv. born in his 0. h. 2 Sam. 4:11 person in bis 0. h. 12:11 cv. ag. thee out of lb. o.h. 19:.30 come in pe;ice to oicn A. 1 A'- 2:.34 Joab buried in his o. A. 3:1 an end of building oivn A. 7:1 S. building his 0. A. 13 years 12:16 now see to thine own h. David, 2 Chr. 10:10 1 K. 14:12 get thee into th. o. h. 2 A". 21:18 JIaii. was buried in garden ofo. A. 2 CA;'. 33:20 23 slew the king in his own h. 2 Vtir. .33:21 2 Chr. 7:11 in his heart in o. h. Est. 1:22 man rule in liiso. A. Prov. 11:29 that triaiblelh o. A. 15:27 greedy troulilelh own h. Is. 14:18 in glory, cv. one o. A. .Mic. 7:0 enemies are of o. A. Ihiij. 1:9 run ev. man to own A. Mat. 1;!:!J7 proph. is not w iihout honor, save ino. A. Murk 6:4 Liikit 1:23 departed to o. A. .5:25 .5(i IMary returned to hero. A. 5:2!l Levi ijiadc n feast in 0. A. 8::i9 retnrn to thy oiin h. John 7:.53 ev. mnii went too. h\ .\r's 2y:.';o r. dw. 2 years in o. A. 1 Tim. 3:4 ruleth well bis «. A. 5 know not how to rule o. A. 5:S especially for those ofo. A. lilt). 3:6 Ch. as a Son over (>. A. TIiIm hoi si:. d'cH. ."!9:9 inuie irre. in A A. t!i. I 1 A'. 6:12 t. A. Ilioii ml building 8:27 how much less t. h. 1 lui. ? 29 eves bo opened limiird I. h, 31 before thine Hilar In (Ids h. S3supplleii. to thee 111 A A. ii 38 snieiid his hands low. A A. !l:3 1 liavehallowoil (lilsh. H lit Ihhh. everv one sli, lilM 2 Chr. ti:20 eyes be open on A A. 2'J oalli come bef. idlar In t. h. 21 iiiaKeMniiplliallon In A A. ;12 If lb. come iiud pray In A A. 7:1U uuw Imvu I wuicU.'f. A. SO 902 CRUDEN'S CONCORD AN'CE. HOU 2 Clir. 7:21 and t. h. Tvhich is hi. Ezr. 3:12 fonndation of thU h. Jer. 7:10 stand before me in t. h. 11 is t. h. bee. a den of rob. ? 23:5 t. h. sliall bee. a desolation 26:6 will I make t. h. like Shil. 9 t. h. shall be like Shiloh Hag. 1:4 this h. lie waste ? 2:3 who is left saw t. k. first ? 7 I will fill t. h. with glory 9 sjlory of f. k. greater than Lulce 10:5 Peace be to this k. 19:9 this day salv. come to t. h. Thy HOrSE. Gen. 7:1 come thou and t. h. 2fiim. 13:11 is clean in t. h. 13 Deiif. 6:7 talk of th. in '. h. 11:19 9 write on posts of/, h. 11:20 7:26 an abomination to t. fi. 21:12 bring her home to t. h. 22:8 bring not blood upon t. h. 2.5:14 in t. h. divers measures 26:11 G. given to thee and t. h. Jos. 2:3 men entered into thy h. Jud. li:lvili hum thy h. Suth 4:11 woman come into t. h. 12 let t. h. be like house of P. 1 Sam. 2:.30 t. h. sh. walk before 31 not be an old man in t. h. 33 t. h. sh. die in flower of age 86 every one in thy h. crouch 25:6 peace to thy h. ZSam. 7:16 f. h. estab. for ever 11:8 go to thy h. wash thy feet 12:10"sw. never depart fr." t. h. 1 K. 1-3:8 if thou dve half thy h. 2 A'. 20:1 thy h. in order. /-■. 38:1 15 wh. seen in tJiy h. ? Is. 39:4 17 thy h. sh. be can-i. /?. .39:6 Ps. 5:7 I will come into thy h. 26:8 loved habitation of t. h. 36:8 satisf. with fatness oft.h. 50:9 will take no bnllock of /. ^. 65:4 sati. with goodness off. /(. 66:13 go to t. h. with b.-ofierin. 69:9 zeal of / h. hath eaten me np, John 2:17 93:5 holiness becometh thy h. ]2S:3 as fruitful vine by thy h. I-: 58:7 that are cast to'thy'h. Jer. 38:17 thou sh. live, and t. h. Ezeli. 3:24 shut thyself wit. t. h. 44:.30 blessing to "rest in thyh. Hab. 2:10 consulted sh. to t. h. Mat. 9:6 arise, go to t. h. Mark 2:11 ; Lnke 5:24 26:18 keep passover at thy A. Luke 7:44 entered thyh. 19:5 to-dav I must abide at t. h. Acts 11:44 all t. h. saved. 16:31 Phile. 2 to the church in thy h. See TOPS. HOUSES. Ex. 1:21 he made niidwives' h. 12:7 upper door-posts of the k. 13 blood be for token ou the h. 15 put away leaven out of y. /(. Lev. 25:31 h. of vill. be counted Num. 16:.32 swallowed their h. 32:18 will not return to our A. Dent. 6:11 /i. of good things 8:12 built goodlv /). dw. therein 19:1 dw. in their h. Xch. 9:25 Jos. 9:12 hot provision out of A. Jvd. 18:14 know th. is in th. h. 1 K. 13:.32 he cried against the h. 20:6 search h. of thv servants 2 K. 17:29 in the h. of high pla. 2;i:7 brake do«-n h. of Sodomit. 19 h. of high pla. Josiah took 25:9 burnt h. of Jeru. Jer. 52:13 1 Chr. 15:1 Da\id made h. in ci. 28:11 gave to Sol. pattern of A. 2 Chr. 34:11 bay timber to fl. h. 35:4 prepare yourselves bv h. Neh. 4:14 fight for wives and h. 5:3 we mortg. or^r lands and h. 7:4 peo. few and k. not buUded Job 1:4 feasted in their h. 3:15 filled their A. with silver. 4:19 that dwell in h. of clay 15:28 dw. in A. no man inhabit. 21:9 their A. are safe from fear 22:18 filled their A. with good 24:16 thev dig through A. Ph. 49:11 ft. sh. continue for ever 83:12 let us take the A. of God Prov. 1:13 fill our A. ^vith spoil 30:26 make thev th. A. in rocks Ec. 2:4 I buildeil me A. Is. 3:14 spoil of poor in voiir A. 5:9 A. shall hertesolale.'6:ll 8:14 rock of offence to both A. l:J:16A. spoiled, wives ravished 21 h. full of doleful creatures 15:3 ou tops of A. ev. one howl HOW Is. 22:10 A. ha. ye broken to for. .32:13 upon all the A. of joy Jer. 5:7 by troops in harlot's A. 27 so are their h. full of deceit 29:5 build A. dwell in them. 23 32:15 A. and fields be possessed 29 A. on wh. roofs thev ofi'ered 3:3:4 A. of thiscitv. A. ofldngs 4-3:12 fire in A. of gods of EgT 13 Lam. 5:2 our A. ttrmed to aliens Ezek. 7:24 heathen possess th. A. 16:41 they sh. burn thy A. 23:47 26:12 destroy thy pleasant A. 28:26 build A. plant \-inevards .S3::30 ag. thee in doors of the A. Dan. 2:5 A. made a dnnghill 3:29 A. sh. be made a dfunghill ■Joel 2:9 shall climb up upon A. Amos 3:15 A. of ivory sh. perish Mic. 1:14 A. of A. be" lie to kings 2:2 covet A. take them away 9 women ye cast from their A. Zep. 1:9 fill master's A. with vio. 13 their A. become a desolation Hag. 1:4 dwell in your ceiled A. .? Zee. 14:2 the A. shall be rifled Mat. 11:8 soft cloth, kings" A. 19:29 hath forsaken A. or wife 23:14 for ve devour widows' h. Mark V2:i0: L"ke W:4- Mark 8:3 if send them fast, to A. Lvke 16:4 receive me into th. A. Acts 4::34 possess, of A. sold th. 1 Cor. 11:22 ye not h. to eat in ? 1 Tim. 3:12 deacons rul. A. well 2 Tim. 3:6 which creep into A. Tit. 1:11 subvert whole A. HOrSEHOLO, S. Gen. 18:19 will command his A. 35:2 J. said to his A. put away 45:11 th. and A. come to poverty 47:12 Jos. nourished his fa.'s 1i. 24 four par. be food for your A. E.r. 1:1 ev. man and A. came 12:4 if A. be little for the lamb Lev. 16:17 an atonement for h. Xum. 18:31 eat it. and your A. Dent. 6:22 showed wonders on A. 11:6 swallowed them and A. 15:20 eat it bef. L. thou and A. Jos. 2:18 bring thy father's A. 6:25 saved K. her father's A. .lud. 18:'25 with lives of thy A. 1 Sam. 25:17 evil determi. ag. A. 27:3 cv. man with his A. even Da. with wives, 2 Sam. 2:3 2 Sam. 6:11 blessed him and A. 20 D. returned to bless his A. 16:2 asses be for king's A. to ri. 17:23 and put his A. in order 19:18 a boat to carrj- king's A. 1 K. 4:7 victuals forking and A. 5:11 S. gave Hiram wheat to A. 2 K. 8:1 "go and thv A. sojourn Job 1:3-3.000 came'ls great A. Pror. 27:27 goat's milk for A. 31:15 riseth and giv. meat to A. 21 not afraid of snow for her A. for all her A. are clothed 27 look, well to wavs of her A. Mat. 10:'2.5 call them of his A. .36 man's foes sh. be of own A. 24:45 ruler over A. Luke 12:43 Acts 16:15 baptized and her A. 1 Cor. 1:16 baptized A. of Stcph. Gal. 6:10 are of the A. of faith Eph. 2:19 but of the A. of God Phil. 4:22 that are of Cesar's A. 2 Tim. 4:19 salute A. of Onesiph. HOUSEHOLDER. Mat. 13:27 servants of A. came 52 like a man that is a A. 20:1 21::i3 a certain A. planted viney. HOUSEHOLD.SEKVAXT.S. Acts 10:7 Gomel, called two h.-s. HOUSEHOLD-STUFF. Gen. 31:37 hast found oih.-s. ? Xeh. 13:8 cast out all h.-s. of T. HOW long. Num. 14:11 A. /. ere th. believe? 2 Sam. W:U A. /. have I to live? 1 K. 18:21 A. I. halt ye between ? Job 8:2 A. /. wilt thou speak ? A. /. sh. words be like st. wind? 18:2. A. I. ere ma. end of words ? Ps. 4:2 A. /. will ye turn my glo. to shame ? h. I. love vanitv ? 6:3 but thon. O Lord. A. long'? 1.3:1 A. I. wilt forget me. O L. ? 2 A. I. take coun. in my soul ? A. I. enemy be ex. over me ? 74:9 nor any am. us know A. I. 10 O G. A. /. advers. reproach? 79:5 A. /. wilt be ansrv ? 80:4 82:2 A. I. wilt judtre unjustly ? 89:40 A. I. L. wUt hide thyself? HUM Ps. 90:13 return. 0 Lord. A. fo. ? 94:3 A. I. shall wick, triumph ? 4 A. I. sh. th. utter ha. things ? Pror. 1:"32 h. I. will love simplic. /?. 6:11 then said I. Lord A. I. ? ■Jer. 4:21 A. I. sh. I see standard ? 12:4 h. I. sh. the land motirn ? 2:3:26 A. /. be in heart of prop. ? 47:6 O sw. of L. A /. ere be qu. ? Dan. 8:13 A. I. be vision of sac. ? 12:6 A. /. to end of wonders? Uab. 1:2 A. long shall I crv ? Mat. 17:17 A. I. shaU I be with vou ? A. I. suf. ? Mark 9:19 ; 'Luke 9:41 Mai-k 9:21 A. I. since this came ? ■John 10:24 A. I. make to doubt ? Pev. 6:10 A. I. O L. holy and tr. HOW many times. 1 K. 22:10 A. many times shall I adjure thee ? 2 Chr. 18:15 HOW much. 2 K. 5:13 A. much rather he saith Cant. 4:10 A. m. better thy love Mat. 12:12 A. m. is man better Luke 16:5 A. m. owest thou ? 7 Reh. 8:6 by A. m. he is ^Mediator 10:29 of A. m. sorer punishment Eev. 18:7 A. m. she hath glorified HOW much less. 1 K. 8:27 A. much less this house wh. I have built, 2 Chr. 6:18 2 Chr. .32:15 A. m. I. sh. G. deliv. J(>b 4:19 A. in. I. in houses of cl. HOW much more. Luke 12:24 A. m. ra. arcyebctter 28 A. m. m. will he clothe you ? Pom. 11:12 A. m. in. th. fullness ': Phile. 16 bro. A. m. m. to thee ? HOWL. Is. 13:6 A. day of L. is at hand 14:31 A. 0 gate, crv O citj- 15:2 :Moab sh. A. 3"; 10:7 23:1 A. ye ships of Tarshish 6 overtoTarsh. A. inhabitants 52:5 rule over make them A. 05:14 A. for vexation of spirit ■Itr. 4:8 lament and A. 4:20 25:34 A. ye shepherds and cry 47:2 inhabitants of land sh,".l! A. 48:31 A. for M. : 39 thev shall A. 49:3 A. O Hcshb. : 51:8" A. for B. E-(k. 21:12 cry andA. son of m. 30:2 prophesy and say. A. ye ■Jo(l 1:5 A. drinkers; 11 A. v.-dre. 13 A. vc ministers of the altar Mic. 1:8 theref. I will wail andA. Zip. 1:11 'A. inhabit, of Maktcsh Zee. 11:2 A. fir-tree, A. O ye oaks Jatn. 5:1 ye rich m. weep and A. n6\VLED, IXG. Deut. 32:10 found him in was. A. Hos. 7:14 they A. on their beds HOWLIXG, S. Is. 15:8 A. is gone to Eglaim ■Jer. 25:36 A. of principal of flock A?nos 8:3 songs of tem. sh. be A. Zep. 1:10 a A.from second gate Zee. 11:3 voice of A. of shepher. HUGE. 2 Chr. 16:8 Eth. and Lub. A. ho. HU.MDLE. ■lob 22:29 he shall save A. person P^. 9:12 forgettcth not cr}- of A. 10:12 O Lord, forget not the A. 17 L. hast heard" desire of A. 34:2 the A. shall hear thereof 69::32 A. shall hear this and be Pvf. 16:19 better be of A. spirit 29:-i3 honor shall uphold the A. Is. 57:15 with him of A^ spirit, to revive spirit of A. Jam. 4:6 giv. gra. to A. 1 Pet. 5:5 HUMBLE, Verb. Ex. 10:3 wilt ref. to A. thyself Dent. 8:2 A. thee and pr. thee, 16 ■lud. 19:24 bring out, and A. th. 2 Chr. 7:14 shaU A. themselves 34:27 didst A. thyself bef. God Piov. 6:3 A. thyself, make sure ■ler. 13:18 A. vourselrcs, sit do. Mat. 18:4 A. himself. 23:12 2 Cor. 12:21 my God will A. me ■7am. 4:10 A. yonr. in sight of L. 1 Pet. 5:6 X. j-ourselves under G. HU>fBLED. Lei\ 26:41 uncirctm. hearts A. Deuf. 8:3 A. thee and sufl'ered 21:14 hast A. her. 22:29 22:24 hath A. his reighbor's wi. 2 A'. 22:19 A. thyself before L. 2 Chr. 12:6 princes and king A. 7 L. saw they A. themselves 12 he A, himself, wrath turned i nux 2 Chr. -32:26 Heze. A. himself be 3:3:13 JIanas. A. himself greatly 19 set up images be. he was A. 23 A. A. not himself before L. as JIanas. his falher A. hinu .30:12 Zedekiah A. not himself Ps. 35:13 I A. mv soul with fast. 7*. 2:11 lofty looks of man be A. 5:15 man be A. eves of lof. be h. 10:33 the haughty shall bo A. ■Jer. 44:10 not /;. even to this day Lam. 3:20 soul in rem. and is A. Ezek. '22:10 in thee have they A. 11 another hath A. his sister Dan. 5:22 his son not A. heart Phil. 2:8 A. himself and became HU>IBLEDST, ETH. 1 it. 21:29 Ahab A. because he A. 2 Chr. 34:27 bee. thou A. thyself Ps. 10:10 crouch. andA. himscU' 113:6 A. himself to behold thin. Is. 2:9 the great man A. himself Luke 14:11 A. hims. be ex. 18:14 HUMBLEr.ESS. Col. 3:12 put on A. of mind HU.'MBLY. 2 Sam. 10:4 I A. beseech thee 2lic. 6:8 and to walk A. with G. HU.MILL\T30.\. Acts 8:33 in his A. his judgment HUMILITY. Prov. 15:3:3 bef. honor is A. 13:12 22:4 by A. are riches and honor Acts 20:19 ser\ing L. with A. Col. 2:18 no man begn. you in A. 23 in will-worship anil A. 1 Pet. 5:5 and be clothed with A. nL"^vDKED-FOLD. SeeTOUi. HUXDRED. Gen. 17:17 child be bom to him A. ye. old ? 21:5 : Bom. 4:19 Lev. 26:8 chase A. a A. to fli^'ht Deut. 22:19 amerce in A. shekels Jud. 20:10 ten of A. a A. of 1.000 1 Sam. 18:25 but a A. foreski. 2 -Saw. 3:14 25:18 a A. clusters, 2 Sam. 10:1 1 K. 4:23 Provision for A. sheep 18:4 Obad. took a A. proph. 13 2 K. 4:43 I set this bef A. men t 1 Chr. r2:14 least was over a A. 21:3 L. make his people A. lim Ezr. 2:09 gave li. priests' garm. 6:17 at dedication a A. bullocks 7:22 done to a A. talents of sil A. measures of wheat and wine, and a A. baths of oil Xeh. 5:11 A. part of the money Pror. 17:10 than A. strip, to fool Ec. 0:3 if a man beyet a A. chilX 8:12 sinner do evil a A. times 7s. 05:20 the child i-liall die a A. ye. old. but the sinner being a A. years old sh. be accur.^. Ezek. 40:19 measured a A. cubits, 23,47; 41:1.3.14. 15; 42:8 Amos 5:3 went out by a 1.000, sh. leave a A. that wh. went forth by a A. shall leave ten Mat. 18:12 if a man have a h. sheep, Luke 15:4 28 who owed him a A. pence Luke 10:6 a A. measures of oil 7 how much ow. thou ? A. me. .7oA/i 19:39 myrrh and aloes A. One HUXDRED and twenty. Gen. 0:3 his days be A. and 1. y. Deut. 31:2 a A. and t. years old 34:7 31. A. t. years wlien he died One HUXDRED and twenty- seven. Est. 1:1 Ahasu. reigned over A. ticenty-s. prov. 8:9 ; 9:30 One HUXDRED and thirty. Gen. 47:9 years of my pilgrimage are a A. and thirty One HUXDRED and fifty. Gen. 7:24 wa. prev. A./, da. b:3 One HUXDRED end mty- three. ■lohn 21:11 full of fishes a A. /. t. One HUXDRED and eighty. Est. 1:4 A. feast for A. e. days A HU.XDRED and fortylfour thousand. Per. 7:4 A././, t. tribes of Israel 14:1 h.f.-f. t. ha\-ing F.'s name 3 no man le. song but h./.-f. t. .\ Hl'XDRED and eighty-five thousand. 2 71'. 19:.35 th«t night .the angel ' of the L. smote of the Assy. A. eighty-Jive th. Is. 37Uiti CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 903 HUN Two HCiVDBED. John 6:7 t. h. penny, not suffl. Three SItiVDRED. Jxirl. 7:6 number lap. t. h. men 1.5:4 Samson caught t. h. foxes 2 *j/«. 21:16 sp. weigh, t. h. sh. 1 K. 11:3 S. had t. Ii. concubines John, 12:5 ointm. for t. h. ponce Four HU.XDRED. Gen. 1.5:1:3 afflict/. A. ye. Actsl-.^ 1 Sam. 30:17/. h. young men 1 AT. 18:19 prop, of groves,/. Ji. Acts 5:36/. h. joined themselves Four HU.VDItED and thirty. Ex. 12:40 in E./. h. t. years (?a/. 3:17 law. wh. was/. A. t. y. Four HU.\DRED and nfty. 1 K. 18:1'.) pro. of B:ial/. A./.' 22 J.cte 13:20 judges about/. A./. Four HU.\OREO and eighty. 1 K. 6:1 in/. A. e. years Solom. Four HUNDRED thousand. Jad. 20:2 Benjamin/. A. t. 17 2 6'Ar. 1:3:3 array wi./. A. i!. men Four HUNDRED and seventy thousand. 1 Chr. 21:5/ A. s. i. drew sword Five HUNDRED. Num. 31:2S one soul /. A. for L. Z^'ie 7:41 one owned /. A. pence 1 Cor. 15:6/. A. Ijretliren at once Six HUNDRED. Gen. 7:6 N. s. A. ye. flood ca. 11 Jad. 3:31 Shamgar slew six h. 1 Sam. 17:7 spear weigh, s. A. eh. 1 /(T. 10:16 47X h. shelcels of gold to one target, 2 Chr. 9:15 Six HUNDRED and «xty-s!x. J2ev. 13:18 num. be six A. a. «.-s. .Six HUXDRED thousand. Sum. 1:16 all numb. were*. A. t. Seven HUNDRED. 1 IC 11:3 Sol. liad seoenh. wives Nine HUNDRED and thirty. Gen. 5:5 Adam lived nine A. <. y. Nine HUNDRED sixty-nine. Gen. 5:27Metluis. n. A. s.-n. ye. HUNDRED.S. Kr.. 18:21 nil. of A. 2.5; Deut. 1:13 jVi/OT. 31:14 wr. with capt. ov. A. 1 Sim. 22:7 J. make capta. of A. 3 .Vara. 18:1 D. setcaptains of A. 4 all the people came out by A. 2 K. 11:4 Jehoi. set rul. over A. 10 to captains over A. did pri. give spears, 2 Chr. 23:9 1 CTtr. 13:1 consu. wi. capt. of A. 2^:1 1). assembled capt. over A. 2;):6 captains of A. oft", willingly 2 Chr. 23:1 Jeh. took cajit. of A. Mark 6:40 sat do. in ranks by A. HUNGER, BulMtantive. Kf. 16:3 kill tlii»ass(Mnbly wi. A. JJciil,. 23:48 serve tliine one. in A. .'ii:21 sliall be burnt witli A. iVeA. 9:15 bread fr. heaven I'or A. /^^'. 31:10 do lack and sutler A. /"/•on. 19:15 idle soul sli. sulfer A. Jer. 38:9 ho is like to die for A. 42:14 see no war nor have A. L(im. 2:19 faint for A. 4:9 llic^y that bo slain with A. /!.'.:«.t. 31:29 no more con. with A. Luke 15:17 and I perish witli A. 2 6'ur. 11:27 I have been in A. Jlev. 6:8 to kill witli A. HUNGER, Verli. 73ei/,/!. 8:3 he Hiiircrcd llieo to A. Js. 49:10 shall not A. iior tliirst Mai,. 5:6 blcss(!d are they that A. aft.iT righteous. Luke, 6:21 /////,■/■ 6:25 woe to full, ye nlmll A. ./r. 21:22 A. woman with child 35 if one man's ox A. luiolher's 1 Saiii. 25:7 sheplicnlH we A. not JdhXy.H wickiKlii. mav A. a man I's. 11)5:18 wh. feet A. with lelt. Is. II:'.) shall iiol A. nor di'stroy ill my hulv iiiiiuiilaln, 65:25 27:3 ten any A. il, 1 will keep Jl HUS Dan. 6:22 lions have not A. mo Mark 16:18 it shall not A. them Luke 4:35 out of him, A. him not Acts 18:10 set on thee to A. liev. 6:6 see thou A. not the oil 7:2 given to A. earth and sea 3 A. not earth, neither sea 9:4 should not A. grass of earth 10 their power was to A. men 19 heads, with them they A. 11:5 if any A. them, fire proceed. HURTFUL. Ps. 144:10 deli. David fr. A. swo. 1 Tim. 6:9 rich fall into A. lusts HURTING. 1 Sam. 25:34 Lord kept me fr. A. HUSB.\ND. Ex. 4:25 bloody A. art thou, 26 Lev. 19:20 lieth with woman be- trothed to a A. Deut. 22:23 21:3 may be defiled for sister who had no A. Ezek. 44:25 Num. 30:6 if she had at all a A. JDeut. 22:22 woman married to A. 24:3 if the latter A. hate her 4 foi-mer A. may not take her 25:5 duty of a A. brother to her 28:56 eye sh. be evil to. A. Path 1:12 I am too old to have A. Jer. 6:11 A. with wife sh. be tak. 31:32 altho' I was a A. to them ,Ioel 1:8 girded with sackcl. for A. Luke 2:.36 lived w'i. A. sev. years John 4:17 have no A. Pom. 7:2 A. dead she is loosed, 3 1 Cor. 7:3 A. render to wife duo benevolence, like, wife to A. 4 A. hath not power of own 11 let not A. put away his wife 14 unbeliev. A. is sanctified by wife, and wife sancti. by 7i. 2 Cor. 11:2 espoused to one A. Gal. 4:27 more chil. than hath A. Eph. 5:23 the A. is head of wife 1 Tim. 3:2 A. of one wi. Tit. 1:6 Her HUSDAND. Gen. 3:6 cat fruit, gave to A. A. ieii. 21:7 wo. put away fr. A. A. iV^m. 5:29 to anoth. inst. of A. A. 30:7 A. A. heard it, and held peace, 8, 10, 11. 12, 13, 14 Deut. 2.5:5 A. A. brot. go in unto liuth 1:9 in house of A. A. 2:1 Nao. had kinsm.an of her A. 1 Sam. 1:22 sa. to A. A. I will not 2:19 she came up with her A. •iSam. 11:26 wife of U. heard A. A. wasdead, she mo. for A. A. 2 A'. 4:14 hath no child, A. A. old Prov. 12:4 virt. wife cro. to A. A. 31:11 heart of A. A. trust in her 23 her A. is known in the gates , 28 A. A. risoth up and jirai. hor .Ter. 3:20 as wife depa. from A. A. Ezek. 16::32 strangers inst. of A. A. 45 loathetli A( 7' A. and children //(«. 2:2 neither 1 A. A. jI/«/. 1: 19 Jos. her h. being just Luke lti:18 mar. her aw. fr. A. A. ylt'Av 5:10 buried her by her A. Pom. 7:2 bound by law to A. A. 3 Ac?' A. dead she is free 1 Cor. 7:2 woman liavo A. own A. 10 let not wife depart fr. Aerh. 11 be reconciled to her A. 34 liow she may please her h. 39 bound as long as her A. Ejih. 5:.33 wil'i; revi'reiiee her h. Pec. 21:2 bride adorned I'or her A. My lU'SDAND. Gen. 29::12 ///;/ A. will lovo me 3t will inij h. be joined to me .']!): 18 given maiden to //ii/ A. 21) now will till/ A. (Iw. wi. me /)( ul. 25:7 1111/ h. brother refusetti 2 Sam. 1 1:5 t am a widow.wiy A. dead, 2 A'. 4:1 IIus. 2:7 and return to my first A. Thy Hl'SIIAND. Gen. :!: 16 desire shall lie to A A. .\um. 5:19 aiiolli. Inst. of/. A. 20 Juil. 11:15 to wife, lOiitlc.*^ A. 2 A'. 4:26iM It well with Ihi/h. Is. 51:5 thy Maker Uthi/h. .■\rls 5:9 that liiive burled I. h. 1 Cor. 7:16 thou Khalt xixwihi/h. iU'MiVNDMAN. Gen. 9:20 Noali liegan lo bo ft A. ,ler. 51:2:1 break In pieces the A. .Imos 5:16 call A. lo mourning '/.ec. 13:5 nii prophet, inn a A. ./oAh. 15:1 I true vino, l''atli. Is A. 2 Thii. 2:11 the A. that liiborelh .A(/;i. 5:7 A. WiiltelU for fruit of UlU'lU I AM HUSBAND.VIE.N. 2 jr. 25:12 he left of the poor to be A. ./er. 52:16 Jer. 31:24 shall dwell in Judah A. Jo«Z 1:11 be ashamed ye A. howl Mat. 21:33 he let it out to A. Mark 12:2 ; Luke 20:9 34 sent his servants to A.. l/izri 12:2; Luke 20:10 38 when A. saw the son, Mark 12:7; iw/fc 20:14 40 what will he do to those A. ? 41 let out vineyard to other A. Mark 12:2 might receive fr. A. 9 HUSBANDRY. 2 CAr. 26:10 Uzziah loved A. 1 6'or. 3:9 ye are God's A. ye are HUSB.\ND.S. Puth 1:11 they may be your A. ? 13 stay for them fr. having A. / Est. 1:17 despise A. in their eyes 20 wives give to their A. honor Ezek. 16:45 loathed A. and child. John 4:18 thou hast had live A. 1 Cor. 14:.35 ask their A. at homo Eph. 5:22 wives submit to A. 24 23 A. love your wives. Col. 3:19 Col. 3:18 wives, submit to own A. 1 yim. 3:12 deac. A. of one wife yid. 2:4 teach women to love A. 5 bo obedient to their own A. 1 Pet. 3:1 in subjection to own A. 7 ye A. dwell with them accor. HUSH.AL 2 Sam. 15:32 II. to meet D. 17:5 1 Chr. 27:33 n. king's compani. HUSK, S. Num. 6:4 kernel even to the A. 2 IC 4:42 full ears of corn in A. Luke 15:16 filled belly with A. nUZZAB. Nah.i-.l HY'MENEUS. 1 Tim. 1:20 wh. is II. 2 Tim. 2:17 HYMN, S. Mat. 26:30 when they had sung a A. Mark 14:26 i^jA. 5:19 spea. in psalms and A. Col. 3:16 admo. in psalms and A. HYPOCRISY, lES. Is. 32:6 iniquity, to practi.'^e A. Mat. 23:28 within are full of A. Mark 12:15 he knowing Uuir A. Luke 12:1 leaven of I'harisees A. 1 Tim. 4:2 speaking lies in A. 1 Pet. 2:1 at^ule all malice and A. Jam. 3:17 wisdom pure witho.-A. HYPOCRITE. .loh 8:13 the A. hope shall perish l:!:16 A. sliall not come bef liim 17:8 innocent stir up against A. 20:5 joy of A. but for a momriit 27:8 what is the hope of tlieA. / 34:30 that tlie A. reign not, lest Prov. 11:9 A. with mouth destroy Is. 9:17 for every one is a A. Mat. 7:5 A. first cast out beam Luke 6:42 tiiou A. cast beam out 13:15 A. doth not each loose ox ? HYPOCRITES. ,To!> 15:34 coiigrega. of A. deiolato 36:13 A. in heart heaji ii]) wrath Is. :33:M fe:irfiilness surprised A. Mat. 6:2 not sound trump, as A. 5 thou shalt not be as A. 16 when ye fast, be not as A. 15:7 yo A.Weil did Ksaiiis pro- phesy, Mark 7:6 16:3 () A. ve discern fhce of sky, Luke 12;.Vi 22:18 Whv tempt ye me. ve A. a): 13 I'harl. A. ve sliut fcliigd. ag. men, 14, 15. 23, 25. 27, 2U 21:51 ap. him mirtloii wilh A. Luke 11:11 serines and IMiari. A. HYPOCniTICM,. Ps. «r.\6 A. luoektr.- in leasts Is. 10:lj send lilm ag. A. nation HY.SSOP. F.r. 12:29 bunch of A. ami dliMt l,l of 18 take A. dip II in water 1 A', l:.M3 cedar-tree, even iiiitoA. Ps. 51:7 purge wllli A. he clean .lohn 19:29 spiinge iiiit It on A, lUh. U:1'J blood with A. siirluliL I. E.r, a;M I am, that I am. I)fiit. (12:31) I, even I, nm ho /..-, 4t:l I the Lord, tlie llrst,Iiua he. -1.1; 11, 25 U) 1 am with Ihuo, I mil thy O. 904 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. IDO Mat. 26:22 be. to say, L. is it If IBHAE. 2 Sa. 5:15 ; 1 Ch. 3:6 ; 14:5 ICE. Job 6:16 blackish by reason of i. 3S:29 oat of wh. ivomb came i. ? Ps. 147:17 he castetU forth his i. ICHABOD. 1 Sam. 4:21 ; 14:3 ICOXIUM. Acts 13:51 Bariiab. came unto I. 14:1 iu I. went into synago. 19 2 Tim. 3:11 afflictions came at I. IDDO. 2 Chr. fl:29 I. seer, 12:15 ; 13:22 Ezr. 5:1 1, prophesied, Zee. 1:1,7 Neh. 12:4 I. with priests went up IDLE. Ex. 5:8 be i. therefore they cry 17 he said. Ye are i. ye are i. Prov. 19:15 i. soul suffer hunger Mat. 12:36 ev. i. word men speak 20:3 standing i. in markct-pl. 6 Luke 24:11 seemed as i. tales 1 Tim. 5:13 they learn to be i. IDLEXESS. Prov. 31:27 eatcth not bread of i. Ec. 10:18 thro' i. house droppeth Ezek. 16:49 abundan. of i. in her IDOLATER, S. 1 Cor. 5:10 with the covet, or i. 11 any called a brother be an i. 6:9 i. not inherit kingdom of G. 10:7 neither be i. as some were Eph. 5:5 who is i. hath any inh. Pev. 21:8 i. have part in the lake 22:15 mm'derers and i. and liars IDOLATROrS. 2 .5". 23:5 Jos. put down i. priests IDOLATRY, lES. 1 Sam. 15:23 is as iniquity and i. Acts 17:16 city wholly given to i. 1 Cor. 10:14 beloved, flee from i. Gal. 5:20 the works of the flesh i. Col. 3:5 covetousness, which is i. 1 Pet. 4:3 walked in abomina. i. IDOL, Adjective. Zee. 11:17 woe to i. shepherd IDOL. \K. 15:13 she made an i. in grove. 2 Chr. 15:16 2 Clir. 33:7 set i. in house of God Is. 48:5 lest say. Mine i. hath 60:3 inc. as if he blessed an i. Jer. 22:28 is this C. a broken i. ? Acts 7:41 offered sacrifice to i. 1 Cor. 8:4 i. uoth. in world, 10:19 7 some with conscience of i. IDOLS. Lev. 19:4 turn not to i. ; 26 no i. 26:30 cast your carcasses on i. Pent. 29:17 ye have seen their i. 1 Sam. 31:9"pub. it in house oft. 1 K. 15:12 Asa removed the i. 21:26 A. did abomi. in follow, i. 2K. 17:12 th. serv. i. 2 C!ir. 24:18 21:11 made Judah to sin with i. 23:24 i. that were spied in land 1 Clir. 10:9 carry tidin. to their i. 16:26 all gods of the peo. are i. 2 Chr. 15:8 Asa put i. out of Jud. 34:7 Josiah cut down all i. in Is. Ps. 96:5 all gods of nations are i. 97:7 that boast themselves of i. 106::36 and they served their i. 115:4 i. are silv. and g. 1:35:15 Is. 2:8 land is full of i. worship 18 i. he shall utterly abolish 20 shall cast away his i. 31:7 10:11 as I done to Samaria and her i. so do to Jer. and heri. 19:1 i. of Egypt shall be moved 3 seek to i. and to charmers 45:16 mak. of i. go to confusion 46:1 their i. were on the beasts 57:5 inflam. yourselves with i. Jer. 50:2 her i. ape confounded 38 they are mad upon their i. Ezek. 6:6 your i. may be broken 9 go a whoring after their i. 13 did offer savor to their i. 8:10 I saw all the i. of Israel 14:3 set up their i. in heart, 4, 7 6 turn yourselves from your i. 16:.36 wi. i. of thy abomination 18:6 nor lift eyes to i. 12, 15 20:7 defile not yourse. with i. 18 16 heart after i. ,■ 24 eyes af. i. 31 ye pollute yourselves with your i. 22:4; 2:3:7,30, 37 39 pol. my name no more wi. i. 22:3 the city niaketh i. 2:3::39 slain their chil. to their i. 49 bear the sius of your i. 30:13 I will destroy s. IMA Ezek. 36:25 fr. i. clea. you, 37:23 44:10 went astray after i. 12 ministered before their i. Eos. 4:17 Ephra. is joined to i. 8:4 of silver and gold made i. 14:8 what have I to do with i. Mic. 1:7 the i. v<\\\ I lay desolate Hab. 2:18 trust, to make dumb i. Zee. 10:2 i. have spoken vanity 13:2 I wiU cut off names of i. Acts 15:20 abst. fr. poUuti. of i. 29 abst. fr. meats offer, i. 21:25 Pom. 2:22 thou that abhorrest i. 1 Cor. 8:1 touching th. offered to i. 4. 10 ; 10:19. 28 ; Pev. 2:14.20 12:2 Gentiles carried to dumb i. 2 Cor. 6:16 agree, of G. with i. ? 1 Thes. 1:9 turned to God from i. 1 John 5:21 keep yoursel. from i. Pev. 9:20 not wor. devils and i. IDOtEA.. Is. 34:5 sword sh. come on I. 6 Ezek. 35:15 all I. shall be. 36:5 Mark 3:8 multi. followed from I. IGXO.\JI\Y. Prov. 18:3 and with i. reproach IGXOR.4XCE. Lev. 4:2 if a soul sh. sin thro' i. 5:15; Xum. 15:21, 27, 28. 29 13 congre. sin thro" i. ; 22 ruler 27 if the people sin through i. Num. 15:25 forgiv. them, it^s i. Acts 3:17 through i. ye did it 17:30 times of i. God winked at Eph. 4:18 alienated through i. 1 Pet. 1:14 according to lusts in i. 2:15 put to silen. i. of fool, men IGXORAXT. Ps. 73:22 and i. I was as a beast Is. 56:10 all i. they are all dumb 63:16 though Abram be i. of us Acts 4:13 perceived they were i. Rom. 1:13 I would not have vou i. brethren. 1 Cor. 10:1 : 12:1 ; 2 Cor. 1:8; 1 Thes. 4:13 10:3 bein^i. of God's righteous. 11:25 sh. ne i. of this mystery 1 Cor. 14:.3S man i. let him be i. 2 Cor. 2:11 not i. of Satan's devi. Heb. 5:2 have compassion on i. iPct. 3:5 they willingly are i. 8 be not i. of this one thing IGXOR.AXTLY. X\(m. 15:28 soul sinneth ?. Deut. 19:4 wh. killeth neighbor i. Acts 17:23 ye I. worship I declare 1 Tim. 1:13 because I did it i. ILL. Gen. 41:3 kine z.-fav. 4, 19, 20, 21 4:3:6 why dealt so i. with me ? Deut. 15:21 hath anv i. blemish Ps. 106:32 it went i.'with :Moses Is. 3:11 woe to wicked, sh. be i. ■Toel 2:20 i. savor shall come up Pom. 13:10 love worketh no i. ILL, or evil-favoredness. Deut. 17:1 not sac. sheep wherein is blemish or e.-f. ILLU.MIX.VTED. Heb. 10:.32 after ye i. endur. fight ILLYRICr:*!. Rom. 15:19 round about unto I. IMAGE. Gen. 1:26 let us make man in our i. 27; 9:6 5:3 in his o^^-n i. after his t. Lev. 26:1 nor rear up a standing i. Deut. 1«:22 1 Sam. 19:13 Michal took an i. 2 Chr. 33:7 set car. i. in ho. of G. Job 4:16 i. was before mine eyes Ps. 73:20 Shalt despise their i. Ezek. 8:3 there was seat of i. 5 Dan. 2:31 great i. stood bef. thee 35 stone smote i. bee. mount. 3:1 Nebuchad. made i. of gold 6 worship the golden i. 10, 15 Eos. 3:4 sh. abide without an i. Mat. 22:20 said. Whose is this i.f J/rt/'A 12:16; Luke-X>:U Acts 1!);.35 i. which fell from Ju. Rom. 1:23 changed gl. of G. to i. 8:29 be conformed to i. of Son 11:4 bowed the knee to i. of B. 1 Cor. 11:7 he is i. and gl. of G. 15:49 we have borne i. of earthy 2 Cor. 3:18 changed into same i. 4:4 Christ is i. of God, Col. 1:15 Col. 3:10 i. of him that created Heb. 1:3 e.vpress i. of his person 10:1 not the very i. of things Pev. 1:3:14 raakei. to the beast 15 give life to the i. of beast 14:9 if any man v.-or.«hip i. 11 have ho rest, who worsh. i. BIP Rev. 15:2 \ic. ov. beast and his i. 10:2 sore fell on them wors. i. 19:20 he deceived them wors. i. 20:4 not worshipped bea. nor i. See GKAVEif. IMAGE-WORK. 2 Chr. 3:10 two cherubim i.-w. Molten IMAGE. Deut. 9:12 made them a m. i. Ps. 100:19 worshipped molten i. Jer. 10:14 his m. i. falseh. 51:17 Hab. 2:18 what profit, the m. i. IMAGES. Gen. 31:19 stolen fath.'s i. 34, 35 Ex. 2-3:24 sh. break their i. .34:13 ; Deut. 7:5 ; Xwn. .33:52 Lev. 26:.30 will cut down your i. 1 Sam. 6:5 i. of emerods, 11 1 K. 14:9 hast made i. to pro. me 2:3 high places, i. and croves 2 K. 10:26 they brought {. out 11:18 i. brake, 1S:4; 23:14 17:10 set up i. ; 16 they made i. 2:3:24 Josiah put away i. in land Is. 17:8 not look to groves or i. 27:9 groves and i. not stand up 30:22 ye shall defile orna. of i. 41:29 their molten i. are wind Jer. 43:13 break i. of B.-shemesh .50:2 her i. are broken in pieces Ezek. 6:4 your i. shall be broken 6 that your i. may be cut doxvii 7:20 made i. of abominations 10:17 mad. to thvself i of men 21:21 king of Bab. consulted i. 23:14 I. of Chaldeans portrayed .30:13 will cause their i. to cease Hos. 10:1 have made goodly i. 2 break their alt. spoil their i. 13:2 they have made i. of silver Amos 5:26 borne tab. of your i. Mic. 5:13 standing! willlcutoff IMAGERY. Ezek. 8:12 in chamber of i. I.MAGIXATIOX, S. Gen. 6:5 i. of his heart was evil 8:21 i. of man's heart is evil Deut. 29:19 thoush I walk in i. 31:21 for I know their i. 1 CTir. 28:9 understands all the?. 29:18 keep this in i. of heart Prov. 6:18 heart th. devis. wic. i. ■lev. 23:17 ev. one walketh after i. Lam. 3:60 hast seen i. ag. me 61 hast heard their i. ag. me Luke 1:51 scattered proud in i. Perm. 1:21 became vain in th. i. 2 Cor. 10:5 casting down i. See nEART. IM.\GIXE. ■Job 6:26 ye i. to reprove words ? 21:27 devices wrong, i. ag. me Ps. 2:1 do peo. i. vain thing? 33:12 and i. deceits all day-long 62:3 how long will ye i. mischief 140:2 i. mischiefs in their heart Prov. 12:20 deceit in them i. evil Hos. 7:15 yet do they i. mischief Xah. 1:9 what do ve i. &s. L. ? Zee. 7:10 let none 'i. e\'il.'"8:17 Acts 4:25 do peo. i. vain things ? IM.VGIX^ED, ETH. Gen. 11:6 nothing rest, they i. Ps. 10:2 taken in^devices they i. 21:11 they i. mischievous device Xah. 1:11 one i. evil ag. the L. IMMEDI.\TELY. Mat. 26:74 i. the cock crew, Luke 22:60; .John 18:27 Mark 1:31 i. the fever left her 4:15 Satan comethi. and taketh Lv. 6:49 i. fell ; 8:44 i. stanched 19:11 kingdom of God i. appear John 5:9 and i. man was whole Acts 12:23 i. angel of L. smote 16:26 i. all doors were opened Gal. 1:16 i. conferred not Rev. 4:2 and i. was in the Spirit IMMORT.VL. 1 Tim. 1:17 K. eternal, i. invis. IMJIORTALITY. Rom. 2:7 to them who seek for i. 1 Cor. 15:.5;3 mortal must put on j. .54 mort.al shall have put on i. 1 Tim. 6:16 i. dwelling in lisht 2 Tim. 1:10 brought i. to light I>IMCT.\BLE. Heb. 0:1S that by two i. things IMMUT.VBILITY. Heb. 6:17 the i. of his counsel IMPART, ED. Job 39:17 nor i. to her undcrst. Luke 3:11 him i. to him ha. none INC Pmn. 1:11 i. some spiritual gift 1 Thes. 2:8 willing to ha. i. souls IMPEDI.MEXT. Mark 7:32 had i. in his speech IMPEXITEXT. RoTn. 2:5 thou, after thy i. heart IMPERIOUS. Ezek. 10:30 work of an i. woman IMPLACABLE. Rom. 1:31 without affection, i. ISIPLEAD. Acts 19:.38 let them i. one anoth.~ IMPORTUNITY. . Luke 11:8 because of his i. IMPOSE, ED. Ezr. 7:24 not be lawful to i. toll Heb. 9:10 carnal ordinances i. on IMPOSSIBLE. Mat. 17:20 nothiuir i. unto vou 19:26 with men is i.J/a?* 10:27; Luke 18:27 Luke 1::37 with G. noth. i. 18:27 17:1 i. but offences will come Heb. 6:4 i. for those enlightened 18 it was i. for G. to lie 11:6 without faith i. to please G. I.^IPOTEXT. John 5:3 a multitude of?, folk Acts 4:9 good deed done i. man 14:8 man at Lystra. i. in feet I.AfPOYERISH, ED. .lucl. 6:6 Israel was gieatly Is. 40:20 he that is so i. ■ler. 5:17 shall i. fenced cities Mai. 1:4 Edom saith, VCe are i. IMPRISOXED. Acts 22:ia I i. and beat them IMPRISOX.MEXT, 8. Ezr. 7:26 banishment or i. 2 Co;'. 6:5 approv. in stripes, in i. Heb. 11:.36 mockings, bonds, i. IMPUDEXT. P-ov. 7:13 with i. face she said Ezek. 2:4 for they are i. children 3:7 house of Is. i. hard-hearted IMPUTE, ED. Lev. 7:18 nor sh. it be i. to him 17:4 blood sh. be i. to that man 1 Sam. 22:15 let not king i. any t. 2 Sam. 19:19 not my lord i. iiiiq^. Rom. 4:8 Lord will not i. sin 11 righteous, mi. be i. to them 22 therefore it was i. to him for righteonsness, 23 ^ Jam. 2:2:3 24 to whom it shall be i. 5:13 sin not i. wh. th. is no law I.^IPUTETII, IXG. Ps. .32:2 whom Lord i. not iniq. Hab. 1:11 i. his power to his god Rom. 4:6 to whom G. i. righte. 2 Cor. 5:19 not i. trcsp. to them IXASMUCH. Mat. 25:40 i. as ye have done it 45 i. as ye did it not to one IXCEXSE. Ex. 30:8 shall burn perpetual i. 9 ye shall offer no strange i. 37:29 pure i. of sv.eet spices 40:5 altar of gold for t. bef. ark Lev. 10:1 toolc censer, put i. 16:13 put i. on fire before Lord Xum. 7:14 spoon full of i. 86 16:.35 fire cons. 250 men offer, i. 46 3Io. said to Aar. Put on i. 47 put on i. and made atcncm. Deut. 3:3:10 shall put i. bef. thee %Chr. 30:14 altars oft. 34:25 burned i. to other gods Ps. 66:15 offer to thee i. 141:2 prayer set bef. thee as i. Is. 1:13 i. is an abomination 4.3:2:3 not wearied thee with i. 60:6 shall bring gold and i. 65:3 burn. i. oh altars of brick 66:3 bumeth i. as if he blessed Jer. 0:20 why cometh i. fVom S. ? 11:17 prov. to an^er, ofl'ering i. 41:5 oft'erings and i. in th. hand 4S::35 him tiiat burneth t. to g. Ezek. 8:11 thick cloud of i. went 16:18mine oil and i. before theni Mai. ■':11 ey. place i. be offered Luke 1:10 without at time of i. Rev. 8:3 given to him much i. 4 smoke of i. ascended bef. G. See ALTAR, BITRN, BURNT. Sweet IXCEXSE. Ex. 25:6 spices for sweet t. 35:8, 28; .V(«re. 4:16 31:11 oil and ,«. i. for holv pkicc 39::38 brought oil and .«. i. to M. Lev. 16:12 hands full otsivtet i. i CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 905 INC INCEXSED. 7s. 41:11 i. ac;. thee be ashamed 45:24 i. agafiist him be ashamed liVCLIXE. .Ton. 24:23 i. your heart to the L. 1 /r. 8:.")S he may i. our hearts Ps: 78:1 i. your ears to words 119:3H i. my heart to thy test!. 141:4 i. not my heart to evil See EAR. INCLIIVED, ETH. Jml. '.1:3 hearts i. to follow A. Ps. 40:1 Lord i. unto me, 116:2 119:112 i. my heart to thy stat. Prov. 2:18 her house i. to death 5:13 nor i. mine ear to them Jer. 7:24 nor i. ear, 20; 11:8; 17:23; 34:14 25:4 not i. y. ear, 35:15; 44:5 bivco:vti\e:vcy. 1 Cor: 7:5 tempt you not for y. i. n^CO\TI[:VE\T. 2 J^m. 3:3 without affection, i. I\'CORRUPTIBLE. Jtom. 1.2:5 changed glory of i. G. 1 Cor. 9:25 to obtain an i. crown 1.5:52 the de:id shall be raised i. 1 Pet. 1:4 an inheri. i. undefiled 23 born of i. seed by word of G. I'VCORRUPTIOIV. 1 Cor. 15:42 cor. it is raised in i. 50 nci. doth corruption inh. i. 53 cojTuptible must put on i. 54 corrup. shall have put on i. INCREASE, Substantive. Lev. 25:31) no usury of liira or i. 37 lend him victuals for i. 20:4 the land shall yield her i. 20 land shall not yield her i. Num. 18:30 i. of threshing-lloor 32:14 an i. of sinful men Deut. 14:22 titlie all i. of seed 23 bring fori li tithe of i. 28:18 cursed be i. of kine, 51 1 &i7n. 'i'.S'ii. of thy houscsh. die Jo(> 20:28 i. of house sliall depart 31:12 root out all mine i. Ps. 07:0 earth shall yield her i. 78:40 gave their i. to caterpillar 85:12 our land shall yield her i. Prov. 14:4 much i. by stro. of o.\ 18:20 with i. of lips sh. be filled /*;. .5:10 not be satisfied with i. /<. 9:7 i. of his gov. be no end Jer. 2:3 i. was holiness to Lord £!ze!c. 18:8 nor hath taken i. 17 13 on usury, taken i. 22:12 .3^1:27 earth shall yield her i. Zee. 8:12 ground sh. give her i. 1 Cor. 3:0 "I planted, (J. gave i. 7 /. 10:27 looking lor of fi.TV J. lieo. 11:10 i)oure(l out cup oil. i\niTi^o. /v. 45:1 hcnrl Is /. good matter I\I)|iKTRIOI'K. 1 A'. 11:28 young man wuh I. I>KX(|IHAIII.E. Tfowi. 2:1 tlierclorc llnai art I. IKFAI.I.IIII.i:. Acts 1:3 rbuwud hiniH. by i. ])ruo. INH IIVF.AMOU.S. Ezek. 22:5 mock thee wh. art i. ' liVFAMY. Prov. 25:10 th. i. turn not away Ezek. 30:3 are an i. of the people IIVFAIVT, S. 1 Sam. 15:3 slay man, wo. and i. Job 3:16 as i. wh. never saw light 1,1. 65:20 no more an i. of days lios. 13:16 i. be dashed in pieces Luke 18:15 they bro. i. to him IIVFERIOR. Job 12:3 understand, not i. 13:2 Dan. 2:39 another kingdom i. 2 Cor. 12:13 i. to other churches IIVFIDEL. 2 Cor. 6:15 that believ. with i. f 1 Tim. 5:8 is worse than an i. liVFIlVlTE. Job 22:5 are not th. iniquitiesi. ? P.I. 147:5 his understanding is i. Nah. 3:9 her strength, it was i. IIVFIRMITY. Lev. 12:2 days of separation for i. Ps. 77:10 this is mine i. Prov. 18:14 sp. of man sustain i. Lvke 13:11 woman which had i. 12 thou art loosed fr. thine i. John 5:5 an i. thirty-eight years I^om. 6:19 bee. of i. of yonr flesh Gal. 4:13 through i. I preached Heh. 5:2 himself comp. with i. 7:28 high-priests which have i. IIVFIRMIITIES. Mat. 8:17 himself took our i. Luke 5:15 to be healed of i. 7:21 cured many of their i. 8:2 Pmn. 8:26 Sp. also helpeth our i. 15:1 strong bear i. of the weak 2 Cor. W.'AO things cone, mine i. 12:5 I gl. not. but in mine i. 9 10 I take i)leasure in mine i. 1 Tim. 5:23 use wine for thine i. Ileb. 4:15 touched with feel, of i. i:VFL.\ME, ING. Is. 5:11 conti. till wine i. them 57:5 i. yourselves with idols IIVFLAMMATIO:V. Lev. 13:28 an i. of the burning Deut. 28:22 L. smite thee with i. IIVFLICTED. 2 Cor. 2:0 punishm. which was i. INFLUEIVCES. Job 38:31 bind i. of Pleiades ? liVFOLDIIVG. Ezek. 1:4 i. itself, and a hriglitn. INFORM, ED. Devt. 17:10 accord, to all they i. Dan. 9:22 i. me, talked with me Acts 21:21 are i. thou teachest, 24 %\:l i. against Paul, 25:3, 15 !IVG.\T»ERI\'G. Ex. 23:10 feast of i. end of year IXGRAFTED. Ja7n. 1:21 rec. with meek i. word IIVHABIT. N'um. .35:34 defile not land sh, i. Prov. 10:30 wicked not i. earth Is. 42:11 villages Kedar doth i. 65:21 sh. build houses and (. th. 22 fIi. not build, and anotli. i. Jer. 17:0 sliall i. i)arehed i)laci's Kzik. .33:21 that I. wastes of Isr. AiiiosW.W waste cities i. them Zi:ii. 1:13 build houses, not i. IX'HAUITAXT. Is. 5:9 houses great without \. 0:11 cities be wasted witlioni f. 12:6 cry out and shout, i. of Zi. 20:0 llie i. of this Isle sliall say 21:17 snare on tliei', O /. of earth ;i:l:2t (. shall not say, 1 am sick Jir. 2:15citles burned withoul (. 4:7cith'S laid wasti- without i. 9:11; 20:9; 33:10: 3(:22 44:22 land a curse without an \. 40:19 desolate, with. f. 51:39, .37 Aiiws 1:5 will cut olff. from A. K I will cut olf I. from Aslidod MU\ 1:12 I he (, of Marolh walleil i;i /. of Lachlsli, bind chariot 15 to tin e, () \. of Mareshah '/.i]t. 2:5 destroy, th. sh. be no j. 3:0 cities (leslroyed. Is nono i. llVIIAniTWTS. a,n. 19:2.5 overlhivw /. of cKIoh A'r. 15:1.5 I. orCmiaau melt away Liv. 18:25 land vomili'th out \. 25:10 prod, liberty to /. Ilieieof Sum. 13:22 land catelh up f. Uvul. 18:15 Hurvly ■•uillu 1. of city INH .7o'. 2:24 I. of conntrj' do faint 11:19 peace, save i. of Gibcon 17:12 could not cirive out the i. Jwl. 1:19, 27 Jud. 5:7 i. of the villages ceased 23 curse ye bitterly t. thereof Puth 4:4 buy it before the i. 2 K. 19:26 i. were of small power 2 Chr. 20:2:3 aga. i. of mount Seir Job 26:5 are formed from und. i. Ps. 33:8 i. of world stand in awe 14 he looketh on all t. of earth 49:1 give ear, all ye i. of world 75:3 earth and i. thereof dissolv. Is. 10:13 put down i. like a man 18:3 ye i. of the world, see ye •23:2 be still, ye i. of the isle, 6 24:1 and scattere. abroad the i. 5 earth defiled under i. thereof 6 the i. of the earth are bunied 26:9 i. of world learn righteous. 18 nor have i. of the world fal. 38:11 no more with i. of world 40:22 i. thereof as grasshoppers 42:10 i. sing to Lord anew song 11 let i. of rock sing 49:19 land nar. by reason of i. Jer. 13:13 fill i. wi. drunkenness 21:6 I will smite i. of this city 23:14 as Sodom, and i. thereof 25:29 sw. upon i. thereof, 50-35 26:15 bring innocent blood on i. 49:8 dwell deep, O i. of D. .30 50:.34 L. disquiet i. of Babylon 51:35 blood upon i. of Chakles Lam. 4:12 i. of world not believ. Dan. 4:35 i. of earth as nothing Mic. C:12 i. thereof spoken lies 16 I should make i. a hissing Zee. 8:20 come J. of many cities 21 i. of one city go to another Etv. 17:2 i. of earth made drunk See JTSHUSALEM. I!VHAB1TA!\T.S of the land. Gea. 34:30 stink among %. of I. Ex. 34:12 lest ma. cov. i. oj I. lb Niim. 32:17 because of i. of I. Jos. 2:9 all the i. of the I. faint 7:9 I. of t. land snail hear of it 9:24 to destroy all i. of the land Jer. 1:14 evil sh. break on i. of I. 10:18 I will flin^ out i. ofUiiiU 47:2 all the i. of I. shall howl JIos. 4:1 hath controv. wi. i. of I Joel 2:1 let the i. of thel. trera"hlc Zee. 11:6 no more pity t. of laud liVIIABITED. Ex. 16:35 till th. came to land i. Lev. 16:22 iniqu. to a land not i. Is. 13:20 it shall never be t. 4-1:26 saith to, I. Thou slialt be i. 45:18 he formed earth to be i. 54:3 make desola. cities to he i. Jer. 6:8 lest I make land not i. 17:6 in a salt land and not i. 22:6 make thee cities not i. 46:20 sb.be t. as in days of old .50:13 not be i. ,■ .39 no more «. Ezek. 12: 10 cities i. be laid waste 29:11 nor sh. it be t. forty years 30:10 cities i. and wastes liuild. 3,s:I2 desolate i)laces now i. Zee. 2:4 .lerusal. be i. as towns 12:0 .lerusalem shall be i. aiaiu 14:10 lifted up, i. in her plaeo 11 Jeru.-alem shall be safely i. IMIABITERS. /i'('(!. 8:13 woe, woe. to i. of earth 12:12 woe to i. of earth and sea IMIABITEST, ETH. ./()/) 15:28 in houses no man i. /',<. 22:3 thou that i. pniis.of Is. Is. 67:15 lofty One that i. elerui. IMIABITIiXG. Ps. 74:14 meat to peo. I. wilder. IMIERIT. Gen. 15:8 sh. 1 kn. Ih. I sh. J. it ♦ A>. 82:13 they sli. i. it for ever .Vum. 18:21 given It to l.iv. to i. .32:19 not i. on yonder side .lor. /)h. 3:10 strengthened ini. man See CUA5IBER. INNERMOST. Prov. 18:8 i. parts of belly, 26:22 IN.NOCENCY. Gen. 20:5 in the i. of my hands Ps. 20:6 wash my hands in I. 73:13 I washed hands in i. Dan. 6:22 i. was found in mo IIos. 8:5 how long ere attam toi..*" CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 907 INS Ex. 23:7 i. and right, slay not Dmt. 27:25 tak. reward to slay i. Job 4:7 who ever perished be. i. ? 0:3.3 laugh at the trial of the i. 28 thou wilt not hold me i. 17:8 i. stir up against hypocrite 22:19 the i. laugh them to scorn 30 shall deliver island of the i. 27:17 i. shall divide the silver 33:9 I am i. nor is iniq. in me Ps. 10:8 in sec. places murder i. 15:5 taketh reward against i. V.y.Vi i. fr. great transgression Frov. 1:11 lurk privily for i. 28:20 haste to be rich not be i. Jer. 2::34 found blood of poor i. 35 thou sayest, Because I am i. 19:4 lilled place with blood of z. Mat. 27:24 I am i. of the blood of See BLOOD. IJS^'UMERABLE. Job 21:33 there are i. before him JV. 40:12 i. evils comp. about 104:25 wherein things creep, i, Jer. 4(5:23 grasshoppers, are i. Luke 12:1 an i. mult, gathered Ileb. 11:12 sand by sea-shore t. 12:22 to i. company of angels i:VORDi:SATE. Ezelc. 23:11 corrupt in i. love Col. 3:5 fornication, i. afl'cction i.-vaumE. Gen. 24:57 we will i. at damsel 25:22 Kebekah went to i. of L. JiX. 18:'l5 people come to i. of G. Utut. 12::30 i. not after their gods 13:14 Shalt j. and make search Jud. 4:20 when any man doth i. 1 Sam. 22:15 th. begin to i. of G. 28:7 seek me a woman, that I i. 1 K. 2i:5 i. at the word of the Lord to-day, 2 Chr. 18:4 2 K. go, i. of Baal-zebub 10:15 bra. altar for me to i. by 22:13 i. of L. for me, 2 Chr. ,34:21 1 Chr. 10:13 familiar spirit to i. 21:.30 Djvid not go bef. it to i. E::r. 7:14 sent to i. concerning J. Job 8:8 for i. of the former age jf'.>'. 27:4 and to i. in his temple Ee. 7:10 thou dost not i. wisely U. 21:12ifye wilH. ye Jer. 21:2 i. of the Lord for us 3r:7 thcit sent you to i. of me E.'.ek. 1 1:7 comoth to proph. to i. 20:1 elders came to i. of Lord Mat. 10:11 i. who is worthy iiUke 22:23 to i. among them- selves, John 10:19 Acts^^■.\\ i. for Saul 19::39if i. concerning other mat. 23:15 as tlio' i. something, 20 2 Cor 8:23 any do i. of Titus ii\'aiiaiiE!). Jud. 20:27 children of Is. i. of L. 1 Sam. 22:10 Abimelixh i. of L. 23:2 David i. of llie Lord, 4; .^0:8; 2 Sum. 2:1; 5:19, 2:j ; 21:1; 1 Chr. 14:10, 14 28:(i Saul i. Lord answered not 2 Sam. 10:23 as if i. at oracle of 1 Chr. 10:14 Haul i. not of Lord 13:3 i. not at ark in days of S. I'n. 78:31 and i. (^arly aflc^r God Ezek. 14:3 should 1 be i. of at all 20:3 as I live 1 will not be i. of 31 shall I be i. of by you, O Is- rael 'I I will not be i. of by 3G;37 I will vi't for Ihis be i. of JJan. 1:20 in all king i. of them y.ep. 1:0 have not I. for the iiOrd Mat. 2:7 Herod i. of wise men, 10 ,/ohii 4:.")3 i. hour began to anie. 2 (.'or. 8:2;! or our hi-clhren be I. 1 I'et. 1:10 (jf wh. sal. jiroplicia i. 1I>IEXTS. 6'c7l. 49:5 i. (jfcrndty in habila. A>. 25:9 pal teni of all the i. Num. 3:8 all i. of labernaele 7:1 sancti. alH. thereof, 31:0 1 Sam. 8:12 i. of war, i. of char. 18:6 meet S. with i. of nuisie I K. 19:21 boiled th. Ilesli with i. 1 Chr. 9:29 oversee i. of sanetu. 10: 12 nuike sou. with nnisleal i. Vs. 7:13 prepared i. of dealh 68:25 players on i. followi'd 87:7 plavers on i. be there li.50;4 with stringed i. h'c. 2:H nuisleal i. of all soria /,■.'. .32:7 1 also of the churl 38:20 sing song lo stringed I. Dan. 0: 18 nor /. of music lirou. .IwifW l:;)lhreshe(l (I. with i. of 6:5 Invent to Ihemsel. i. of mil. Ilab. ;i;19 singing ool of Siloam, is by i. sent ,lc/,v9::l(iTab. by/, called Doic. 13:8 Elymas sorcerer, na. by /. 1 Cor. 12: 10 another /. of tongues 14:26 every one of you ha. au /. IkJ>. 7:2 by /. king of righteous. 2 Pel. 1:20" no prophecy of prl. /. t\TERPRET ATIOXS. Ciir. 40:8 do not /. belong toG. ? JJun. 5:16 thou caii>t make /. IXTERPRKTED. F:r. 4:7 and /. in Syrian tongue .Mat. 1:2:1 beinj; i. is, G. with us Mark 5:11 wh. is, being/. (Iiim.sel 15:22 being i. place ofa skull 31 /. mv God, my (iod .Tiihn l::i8"/. muster; 41 /. Christ .lc^s4;36 /. sun of coll^olaliou IXTEniMlETICm, H. Grn. 40:8 and I here Is no (. of It 42:2:i.)oseph spake lo th. by J. .lot) ;!3:'i') and /. one am. Ihoi'is. 1 Cur. 1 1:28 if tluielie no L keep I\TUUP11IVM\G. Dan. 5:12 J. of dreams I'ouiul In INM'KK.VT, KD, oto. &fat. 7:15 but i. they are wolves li'om. 2:29 a Jew who is one t. IXWARDS. Ex. 29:13 covereth i. 22; Lev. 8::3, 9, 14; 4:8; 7:3; 9:19 17 thou Shalt wash the i. Lev. 1:9, 13; 9:14 Ler. 4:11 i. and dung bum 8:16 fat on i. M. burnt on altar 21 he washed i. and legs IROIV, Substantive. N'um. ;35:16 with instrument oft. Deut. 3:11 Og's bedstead was i. 4:20 L. brought you out of the i. furnace, 1 K. 8:51 ; Jtr. 11:1 8:9 a land whose stones are i. 28:2:3 earth under thee sh. be i. 48 yo. of i. on lu'ck, Jtr. 28:14 Jos. 8:31 over wh. no man lilt /. 17:16 chariots ofi. Jud. 1:19 ■hid. 4:3 900 chariots ofa. 13 1 Sam. 17:7 spear's head weighed 609 shekels ofi. 2 Sam. 12:31 under harrows of i. a.xes of /. 1 (/(;•. 20:3 23:7 must be fenced with i. 1 A'. 6:7 nor anv tool ofi. heard 22:11 horns of /, 2 Chr. 18:10 2 K. 6:6 and the i. did swim 1 Chr. 22:3|iiep. i, inahundanco 29:2 iirei). /, for things ofi. 7 .Job 28:2 (. is taken out of earth 40:18 behemoth's bones like I. 4I:'27 he esteemeth i. as straw Vs. 2:9 break theiiiwilh rod of J. 10,5:18 hurt, he was laid In i. 107:10 bound in i. ,- 16 bars of i. 119:8 bind nobles with let. of i. I'rov. 27:17 /. sharpeneth /. Iu: 10:10 if the i he blimt Is. 10:!14 cut Ihic, of forest wi. i. 4.5:2 I will cut usmider I'nrsof /. fit): 17 fori, 1 will bring siher J,r. 15:12 shall i, lireiik iioilh. i. 17:1 wrlllen witli |)en ofi. 2H:i;i make for them vokes of/. J-::,k. 4:3 i. pun, set tor wall off. 27:1'J Tarshish nieivhanl w llh i. Dan. S:.'l;l legs ol i. lei i part i. Xt the I. and clay luokeii 40 fourth kingdom stioiig as i. 7:19 wluw teeth were ofi. -IwKM 1:M (ill, with liistru. ofi. .1/ic. -l:!:) I will make tlivlioin (. 1 Tim. 4:2 eoiisc. heared wllli i. y.Vr. S:27 rule ill. wllliu loj ofi. l-.':5; 19: IS 9:i)a» II worn breantpliitoa of J, Mi'ti uiusa. inox. \lkut. 87:3 luil lia ui> any I, tool 908 CRUDEl^'S CONCOHDAl^rCB. ISL Jo'.. 17;18 they have i. chariots Job 19:24 Kraveii with i. pen 20:'il shall flee from i. ■weapon In. 48:4 thy neck is an i. sinew Jer. 1:18 thee this day i. pillar Ezek. 4:3 take unto thee i. pan Dan. 7:7 it had great i. teeth Acts 12:10 came to the i. gate IRONS. Jjb 41:7 fill skin with barbed i. ? IS. i?e». 1 :4 which i. was, and i. to come, 8 ; 4:8 17:8 that was, i. not, yet i. 10 one I. the other t. not come IS not. Gen. 37:30 said. The child i. not 4^:13 youn. with fa. one i. n. 32 42:35 "Joseph i. not, Simeon i. re. i?ti'. 17:8 beast was, and i. n. 11 ISAAC. Gen. 17:19 his name I. 21:3, 12 21:10 heir with my son, even I. 22:2 take thine only son 1. 9 21:4 take a wife for I. 14 25:5 had unto I. 9, 11, 20, 26 2i;:l I. went to Abimelech 23:1 I. called Jacob, blessed h. 31:42 fear of I. had been with S3:27 Jacob came to I. 29 43:15 God before wh. I. walked JKi;. 3:6 the God of I. 15, 16; 4:5; Grn. 32:9; 1 jr.l8::36; 1 Cla\ 29:18; 2Chr. 30:6; Mat. 22:32: Mark 12:26; Luke 20:37; Acts 3:13 Jo'!. 24:3 and gave him I. 1 Chr. 16:16 unto I. Ps. 105:9 Amos 7:9 high places of I. Mat. 1:2 Abraham beijat I. and I. be^at J. Luke 3:3'4; Acts 7:8 8: 11 many shall sit down with I. Luke 13:23 see I. in kingd. of 6. Horn. 9:10 conceived by father I. Gal. 4:28 wo, as I. was, are of pro. 3eb. 11:9 in tabernacles with I. 17 Abraham offered up I. 20 I. blessed Jacob, Jam. 2:21 ISAI.\H, or ESAIAS. 2 K. 19:2 Eliakim to I. Is. 37:2 20:1 1, came to him. Is. 33:1 2 Chr. 26:22 acts did I. wr. 32:32 Is. 20:3 my serv. I. hath walked .afej. 3:3 pro. E. 4:14; 8:17; 12:17; 13:14; Lufie^A; JbA/i 1:23 15:7 E. proph. of you, Mark 7:6 Luke 4:17 book of prophet E. John 12:39 bee. that E. said, 41 Acts 8:28 the eunuch read E. 30 23:25 spike the H. Ghost by E. Horn. .9:27 E. crioth cone. Israel 10:16 E. saith, L. ^vho hatli ? 20 15:12 E. saith, There shall be ISCARIOT. See judas. ISII-BOSHETIL 2 Sam. 2:8 ; 3:8, 14; 4:8, 12 ISHMAEL. Gen. 16:11 call name I. 15, 16 17:13 O that I. mi. live, 20, 25 25:17 these are the years of I. 28:9 then went Esau unto I. 2 K. 25:23 I. c;ime to, Jer. 40:8 Jer. 40:14 Amnion, sent I. 15, 16 41:6 I. went to meet th. 10, 15 ISHMAELITES. Gen.. 37:27 let us sell him to I. .30:1 Potiphar bouixht him of I. Jdd. 8:24 because they were I. Ps. 8:3:6 L confederate ag. thee ISL.\1VD. Job 22:30 deliver i. of innocent /%-. 34:14 meet wild beasts of i. Actit 27:16 running under cert. i. 26 must be cast on certain i. 23:1 knew i. was called Melita 7 possess, of chief man of i. 23:9 who had diseases in i. Pev. 0:14 every i. was moved out 10:20 every i. fled away ISLANDS. Is. 11:11 receive people from i. 13:S wild beasts of i. shall cry 41:1 keep silence bef. mo, O i. 42:12 declare Lord's praise in i. 15 make rivers i. dry up pools 59:18 the i. he will pay recorap. Jer. 50:39 wild beasts of i. dwell ISLE. li. 20:6 the inhabitants of the i. 23:2 be still, inhabitants of i. C howl, ye inhabitants of the i. Acts 13:6 through i. to Paphos 23:11 ship which wintered in i. Eev. 1:9 was in i. Ciilled Patmos ISS ISLES. Gen. 10:5 th. were L of Gentiles Est. 10:1 A. laid a tribute on i. Ps. 72:10 kings of i. brin^ pres. 97:1 let multitudes of i. be glad Is. 24:15 glorify Lord in the i. 40:15 tak. up i. as a little thing 41:5 the i. saw it and feared 42:4 the i. shall wait for his law 49:1 listen, O i. unto me 51:5 i. shall wait upon me and trust, 60:9 06:19 i. afar off not heard fame Jer. 2:10 pass over i. of Chittira 25:22 kings of i. drink after th. Ezek. 26:15 sh. not i. sh. at sou. ? 18 i. tremble, i. shall be troub. 27:3 merch. of peo. for many i. 6 brought out of i. of Chittim 7 blue and purple from i. of E. 15 many i. were merchandise 35 inhabit, of i. be astonished 39:6 dwell carelessly in the i. Dan. 11:18 sh. turn his face to i. Zep. 2:11 i. of heathen worship ISHAEL. Gen. 32:28 na. no more J. but I. 35:10 I. sh. be name, 1 K. 18:31 47:31 I. bowed him. on bed's h. 48:20 in thee sh. I. bless, 49:24 Ex. 5:2 voice to let I. go, 14:5.30 Num. 10:29 good concerning I. 36 return to I. 20:14; 21:2^17 2.3:7 detv I. ; 24:17 out of I. Dent. 33:'28 I. dwell, 1 K. 4:25 1 Chr. 29:18 G. of I. 1 A'. 18:30; 2C/»'. 6:16; 30:6; Jer. 31:1 Ps. 14:7 I. shall be glad. 53:6 25:22 redeem I. out of all troub. 121:4 that keepeth I. nei. slum. 125:5 peace sh. be upon I. 128:6 Jer. 14:8 O Lord, hope of 1. 17:13 50:20 iniquity of I. sought, 51:5 Hos. 11:1 I. a child, I loved him 8 how deliver thee. I. ? 12:12 Acts 23:20 for hope of I. bought Pom. 9:6 not all I. of I. 27, 31 10:1 praver for 1. they be saved 19 did iaot I. know ? 11:2 intercession ag. I. 7, 23 1 Cor. 10:18 behold \. after flesh Gal. 6:16 peace upon the I. of G. O ISRAEL. Ex. 32:4 these be thy gods, 0 I. Num. 24:5 thy tabernacles, 0 I. Dent. 4:1 hearken, 0 T. 27.9 5:1 0 I. 6;:3. 4 ; 9:1 ; 20:3 ; Ps. 50:7: Ti.'. 44:1; 48:12 33:29 happy th. 0 I. Mark 12:29 2 Sam. 20:1 ev. man to his tents, Ol.lK. 12:16: 2 C%r. 10:16 1 K. 12:28 behold thy gods. 0 I. Ps. 115:9 01. trust thou iii Lord Is. 40:^7 why speak, thou, 0 I. ? 43:1 0 I. fear not. 22; Jer. 30:10 44:21 remember these, 0 I. 49:3 ■ler. 4:1 return, 0 I. Hos. 14:1 Ezek. 13:4 0 I. thy prophets IIos. 9:1 rejoice not, 0 I. for joy 10:9 0 I. thou hast sinned from 13:9 0 I. thou hast destr. thys. Amos 4:12 to meet thy God, 0 I. Zep. 9:14 shout 0 I. be glad ISR.\ELITE. N'u7n. 25:14 the I. that v.-as slain 2 Sam. 17:25 son of Ithra, an I. .John 1:47 behold an I. Indeed Po7n. 11:1 1 also am an I. ISRAELITE.?. Ex. 9:7 not one of caltlo of I. Lev. 2:3:42 1, shall dwell in booths ■los. 3:17 I. passed on dry ground 1 Chr. 9:2 first inhabit, were I. Pom. 9:4 I. to whom jjertaiucth 2 Cor. 11:22 are they I. ? so am I. ISRAELITISn. Lev. 24:10, 11 ISSACHAR. Gen,. 30:18 L. called his name I. 35:2:3 L. son, I. 46:13; 1 Chr. 7:1 49:14 I. is a strong ass Deut. 27:12 L St. to bless, ,33.18 1 K. 4:17 Jehosh. an ofliccr in I. 1 Chr. 12:40 that were nigh to I. 26:5 I. seventh son of O^-cdom 2 Cltr. 30:18 I. had not cleansed Ezek. 48:25 border of Simeon, I. Tribe of ISS.\CEI.\R. yum. 1:29 numbered ott. of I. 2:5 next Judali shall be t. of I. 34:26 prince of t. of I. Paltiel Jos. 10:2:3 inheritance of ^. o/I. 21:6 families of tribe of I. and Ashcr, 28: 1 Chr- 0:62, 72 Pev. 7:7 t. 0/1. were seal. 12,000 JAC ISSUE, Substantive. Gen. 43:6 i. which th. begettest Lev. 12:7 i. of blood, 15:25; Mat. 9:20: Mark5:25: i!/A-(?8:43,44 15:2 hath running i. 3- 22:4 3 he that hath i. spit upon, 28 Is. 22:24 the ofi'spring and i. Ezek. 2:3:20 i. like the i. of horses Mat. 22:25 having no i. left wife ISSUE. ^K. 20:18 sons that t. Is. 39:7 Ezek. 47:8 waters i. toward east ISSUED. Job 38:8 break forth as if it i. Ezek. 47:1 waters i. from under 12 waters i. out of sanctuary Dan. 7:10 fiery str. i. came forth Pev. 9:17 out of mouth i. fire 18 ISSUES. Ps. 68:20 to God belong the i. Prov. 4:23 out of heart are i. ITALL^JSr. Acts 10:1 ITALY. Acts 18:2 cert. Jev,' come from I. 27:1 that we should sail into I. Heb. 1:3:24 they of I. salute you ITCH, I\G. Deut. 28:27 L. smite thee with i. 2 Tim. 4:3 teachers havingi. ears ITH.\MAR. Ex. 0:2.3 Abihu and I. 1 Chr. 0:3 Kum. 4:28 under hand of I. 1 Chr. 24:3 Abimcl. of sons of I. Ezr. 8:2 of sons of I. Daniel ITKIEL. Xeh. 11:7 1, son of Jes. Prov. 30:1 ITUREA. LukeZ-A IVAH. 2 K. 18:34 gods of Hena and I. ? 19:13 wh. king of I. ? Is. 37:13 IVORY. 1 K. 10:18 throne of i. 2 Chr. 9:17 22 silver and i. 2 Chr. 9:21 22:39 i. house wh. Ahab made Ps. 45:8 out of t'ne i. palaces Cant. 5:14 his belly as bright i. 7:4 thy neck is as a tower of i. Ezek. 27:6 thy benches of i. 15 bro. for present horns of i. Amos 3:15 houses of?, sh. perish 6:4 that lie upon beds of i. Pev. 18:12 no man buy. ves. of i. J. JAAKAMAII. 2 K. 2.5:2:3 J. came to Gedaliah Jer. 35:3 J. of llechab. Ezek. 8:11 JABAL. Gen. 4:20 JABBOK. Gen. 32:22; Deut. 2:37; 3:16; Jos. 12:2 ' JADESH. 1 Sam. 11:5 S. of men of J. 31:12 2 K. 15:10 the son of J. conspired ■r ' IJESn-GILEAD. Jvd. 21:8 none fr. J.-G. 10, 12, 14 1 Sam. 11:1 Naha. cnc. ag. J.-G. 31:11 J.-G. hc.ird Phi. had done, 1 Chr. 10:12 2 Sam. 2:4 men of J.-G. 21:12 J.YBEZ, 1 Chr. 2:55 ; 4:9, 10 JABIN. Jos. 11:1 when J. king of Uazor Jud. 4:2 sold into hand of J. 24 Ps. a3:9 do to them as unto J. JACIH.V 1 K. 7:21 right h. J. 2 Chr. 3:17 J.VCIXTH. Pev. 9:17 breastplates of fire, j. 21:20 eleventh found, was a,;. JACOB. Crcn. 25:26 he was called J. 27 Num. 2:3:7 curse me, J. and defy 24:17 sh. come a Star out of J. Deut. 3:3:28 of J. on land of corn Ps. 20:1 God of J. 46:7; 75:9; 76:6; 81:1; 84:8; 94:7; 114:7; 132:2; 146:5 87:2 Z. more than dwell, of J. 105:23 J. sojourned in land of II. 13.5:4 L. chos. J. Is. 10:21 ; 14:1 Is. 2:3 of J. 41:21 ; Mic. 4:2: Mat. 22:;32; J/ari 12:26: i!;i« 20:37; Acts-i-.lZ; 7:32,46 27:9 iniq. of J. purged, 48:20 41:14 thou worm J. Jer. 30:10 4-!:5 call himself by name J. 23 58:14 feed with heritage of J. A riios 7:2 bv whom sh. J. arise ? 5 Mai. 1:2 J.'yetllovedJ. Po. 9:13 3:6 sons of J, not consumed JEA Mat. 1:2 1. begat J. ; 15 Matthan 8:11 J. in king, of G. Luke 13:28 .John 4:6 J.'s well was there Pom. 11:26 turn ungodl. from J. Heb. 11:20 by faith Is. blcs. J. 21 JAEL. .lud. 4:17 fled to tent of J. 5:6 JAII. Ps. 68:4 JAHAZ. Num. 21:23 fou. at J. Devt. 2:32 Is. 15:4 heard to J. Jud. 11:20 JAHAZ.\H. Jos. 21:36 J. to Lev. Jer. 48:21 JAILER. Acts 10:23 charging^", to keep JAIR. Num. 32:41 J. took to. Deiif. .3:14 ■Aid. 10:3 J. judLied Is. 22 vears 5 J. died ; 1 Chr. 2:22 begat J. J.ilRUS. Mark 5:22 J. a ruler, Luke 8:4t JA3IBRES. 2 Tim. 3:8 J.\.>IES. Mat. 4:21 J. and John, Marki-.W 10:2 J. son of Zeb. JIark 3:17 3 J. son, Mark 3:18; Acts 1:13 13:55 J. and Joses. Mark 6:3; 15:40; 16:1; Luke 24:10 17:1 Peter, J. and John, MarJc 5:37; 9:2; 1:3:3; 14::33; Luke 8:51; Acts 1:13 Mark 10:41 displ. wl. J. Lu. 5:10 Acts 12:2 Herod killed J. wi. sw. 17show to J. 15:13; 21:18 1 Cor. 15:7 after that seen of J. Gal. 1:19 save J. Lord's brother 2:12 certain came from J. 9 J.\NGLIi\G. 1 rim. 1:0 turned aside to vain J. JANNA. Luke 3:24 JANXES. 2 Tim. 3:8 JAPHETH. Gen. 5:32 J. son of N. 6:10; 7:13 9:23 Shem and J. took gann. 18 27 God sh. enlarge J. 1 Chr. 1:4 10:1 unto J. sons l)orn, 21 JAREB. Mos. 5:13: 10:6 JARED. Gen. 6:15: Luke 3:?.7 JASHER. Jos. 10:Vd; 2 Sam.l:lS JASOX. Acts 17:5 house of J. Pom. 10:21 JASPER. Ex. 28:20 onyx and./. .39:13 Ezek. 28:13 diamond and.;, cov. Pev. 4:3 to look upon like a,;. 21:11 lisht was like to j. stone 18 build, of wall of city was J. 19 the first foundation was j. JAVAiV. Gen. 10:2 sons of Jap. J. 1 Chr. 1:5 Is. 66:19 those that escape to J. Ezek. 27:13 J. and Tubal thy, 19 J.\VELI\. Num. 25:7 took aj. in his hand 1 Sam. 18:10j. in S. hand, 19:9 19:10 he smote thej. into wall JAW, S. ■lud. 15:10 God clave place in J. Job 29:17 1 break ^■. of the wicked 41:2 bore 7. thro' with a thorn? Ps. 22:15 tongue cleaveth to J. Is. 30:28 a bridle in.;, of people IIos. 11:4 take ofl'yoke on their j. J.4\VBOXE. ./ud. 15:15 Samson found J. of ass 16 with.;', of ass have I slain 17 cast away.;', out of his hand JAW-TEETH. Pivv. 30:14 their^'.-^ as knives JAZER. Num. 32:1 land of J. 3; Is. 10:9 JEALOUS. Ex. 20:5 I the Lord thy G. am a j. God. 34:14; Deut. 4:24; 5:9 ; 6:15 ; Jos. 24:19 Num. 5:14 he be.;, of his wife 1 K. 19:10 have been.;', for L. 14 Ezek. 39:25 ;. for mv holy name .Joel 2:18 then will the L. be.;'. Nah. 1:2 God is.;", and L. reven. Zee. 1:14.;. for Jer. ; 8:27". forZ. 2 Cor. 11:2 for I am j. over you JEALOUSY. Num. 5:14 sp. of./, come on him 15 it is an ofl'ering of j. 18, 25 29 this is the law ofj. 25:11 consumed not Is. inmy^'. Diut. 29:20 j. smoke ag. man 32:16 prov. him to J. 1 K. 14:22 21 moved me toj. them to J. CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 909 JEP Px. 73:38 mov. ioj. with ima;;e3 7!):5 how loJig, L. sh. thy^'. bu. ? Prop. 0:34 J. U the rage of man Cant. S'.Hj. is cruel as the grave Is. 42:1:3 stir up J. lilce man of w. p^zek. 8:3 wli. seat image of J. .'' 5 13:38 give blood in fury and.;'. 42 my J. shall depart from thee 23:25 I will set my J. ag. thee 3I):5 iu.;. have I spok. G; 38:19 Zep. 1:18 land dev. by 7. 3:8 Zee. 1:14 jealous for Z. wi. j. 8:2 Pom. 10:19 will provoke you toj. 11:11 Gen. to provoke them toJ. 1 C'^ir. 10:22 do we prov. L. to J. .? 2 Cor. 11:2 jealous with godly j. JEBUSITE. Gm. 10:16 Canaan begat the J. P'.r.. 33:2 will drive out J. 34:11 2 Sam. 2-1:10, 18; 1 Chr. 1:14; 21:15 JEBUSITES. Iium. 13:29 J. dw. in mountains Joi. 15:03 J. dw. with children Jud. 1:21 driveth J. 10:11; -2 Sam. 5:8 JECOXIAH. 1 Clir. 3:16, 17; ,/«•. 24:1; 27:20; 28:4 JEDIDIAII. 2 Sam. 12:25 JEDUTHljiY. 16%/'. 16:41, 42; 2.5:6; iCkr. 29:14 JEGAH-SAH ADUTHA. Geji. 31:47 La. called heap J.-S. JEHOAHAZ, called Akaziak. 2 K. W:'io J. son of Jehu reigned 13:1 J. son of J. began to reign 2:3::M peo. tflok J. 2 Chr. 21:17 JEHOASH, or JOASH. 2 K. 11:21 J. seven years old 12:20 slew J. in house M. 1.3:10 14:8 messengers to J. ; J. slept JEHOIACHI\. 2 K. 24:8 J. 18 years old wV-jn he 25:27 lift head of J. .hr. .52:31 2 Chr. 30:9 J. eight years old JEHOIADA. 2 -yam. 8:18 son of J. 20:23 ; 1 Chr. 11:22,21; 1 K. 1:44; 4:4 •HIC. 11:17 J. ma. cov. 2 Chr. 2.3:16 2 Chr. 21:2 all days of J. 17; 22 JVr. 29:20 thee pri. instead of J. JEIIOIAHIiVI. 2 K. 23:31 name to J. 2 C'Ar. .30:4 ./cr. 22:18 concerning J. 26:22 3i:28J. burnt, 30; Dan. 1:2 52:2 did wh. was evil as J. had JEIIONADAB. 2 K. 10:15, 23 JEIIORAM. 1 K. 22:.50J. sonof.leU. 2 7i'.8:10 2 K. 1:17 S. reigned, 2 Chr. 17:8 2 Chr. 21:9 J. smote Kdom. 10 22:5 went with J. ag. llazael, 7 JEHOSIIAPIIAT. 2 Sam. 8:16 J. recorder, 2i):24 1 /C 4:3, 17; 15:24: 1 Chr. 18:15 22:2 J. came to Aliab, 2 A'. 3: 14 1 Chr. 15:21 J. blew with trum]). 2 t'A;'. 17:3 L. was with J. 18:9, aS 2J:3 J. feared Lord, 21:12; 22:9 Joel 3:2 down to valley of J. 12 .lEIIO-SHIJA. Num. 13:16 Oshea J. 1 Chr. 7:27 JEHOV.\BI. .Kc. 0:3 ny ./. was I not known P,!. 8:!:18 wli. name alone is ,T. pi. 12:2 Lord .1. is my strength 2'):4 the Lord ,] . is everlasting .TKIIOVAH-.TIURil. Gen. 22:14 .IHilOVAIl-NlSSL Ki: 17:15 JEilOVAII-SUALOM. J«r/.6:24 JEIMT. 1 K. 10:1 J. BOM of II. 2 Chr. 20:34 19:16 J. son ofNlmslil shalt 2 A'. 9:2 look there J. 13, II, 21 10:11 J. slew all remain. IH, 31 2(Jhr. 19:2,;. to meet .leli. 22:8 Uos. 1:4 blond of Jezrei'l on J. JEOIVMXDEI). J^«rf 5:18 p(«). lliat;. their lives .IKOI'AIIUY. %Sam. 2:):17 men that went In^. of their lives, 1 Chr. 11:19 1 Chr. 12:19 to,/, ofourlieads Luke. H:2;| water, they wen^ In L 1 Cor. 15;:i() why Miami we In j. / .IIMMITIIMI. Jud. 11:1 ,). mii;lily, ;i, 11,40 12:7 J. Ju(l;;ed isniel six years 1 S<(),i. 12:11 L. sent . I. aiid del. JPh. 11:;!2 would f:Ul to tell of J. JL:i'IIUNN-I':ir. Num. 13:0; 1 Chr. 7:;;3 JES .JERAnMEEL. 1 Chr. 2:9, 33; 24:29 ; .Jer. 30:20 JEREMIAH. 2 71'. 2.3:31; 24:18; Jer. 52:1 2 Clir. 35:25 J. lamented for Jos. 36:12 humb. bef J. 22; Ezr. 1:1 Neh. 10:2 J. scaled, 12:1, 12, 34 ,Jer. 1:1 words of J. sou of Uilk. 51:64 thus far are words of J. Mat. 2:17 was spoken by J. 27:9 16:14 others say thou art J. JERICnO. .lox. 2:1 view J. 3:l(i; 0:1 : 24:11 6:26 cursed man thutbiiildeth J. 1 K. 10:.34 days did Iliel build J. Luke 10:30 went down to J. //■|J*. ll:.30wallsof J. fell JEROnOAM. 1 K. 11:28 J. mighty man of valor 40 Solomon sought to kill J. 13:1 0. sc. by altar, 14:1. 0, .30 2 K. 10:.31 ; 1.3:6, 13 ; 14:24 2 Chr. 11:14 J. cast ofTL. 13:8,20 Amos 7:11 Am. saith, J. shall die JEROB3AM, ivilh Nebat. IK. 11:26; 12:15; 16:.3, 20, .31; 21:22; 22:52; ^ K. 3:3; 9:9; 10:29; 1.3:2, 11; 14:24; 15:9, 18, 24, 28; 2 Chr. 10:15 .TERUBBAAL. .Tiid. 0:32 ; 7:1 ; 8:29.:35; 9:2,.5,10.2S; 1 Sam. 12:11 .JERUBBESHETH. 2 Sam. 11:21 JERU-SALEM. .Ton. 18:28 wh. is .L Jud. 19:10 ISam. 24:16 on J. 1 Chr. 21:15 1 K. .3:1 end of build, wall of J. 11:13 J. I have chosen, 2 K. 23:27 ; 2 Chr. 6:6 Ps. 51:18 build walls of J. 79:1, 3 ; 147:2 122:3 J. is builded as a city 6 pray for peace of .T. 128:5 12.5:2 as mount, round about J. 137:6 pref. not J. abo. ch. joy, 7 p. 31:5 defeud J. .33:20 40:2 sp. comfortably to J. 52:9 62:1 for J.'s sake not rest till, 7 04:10 J. a desola. .Jer. 2:2; 9:11 Jer. 39:8 walls of J. 44:2,6 ./od 3:1 bring captivi. of J. 20; Zee. 14:11 Zee. 1:17 choose J. 2:12; 8:3 Mai. 3:4 ofl'ering of J. sh. bo pie. ^[at. 3:5 out to him J. Mark 1:5 10:21 how he must go to J. Liike2:2i parents bm. him to J. 13:4 above all dwelt in J. ? 33 projjhet perish out of J. 21:20 J. comp. with armies, 2'1 21:49 tarry in J. ; 47 l)egin. at.T. ./oi'iii 4:20 m J. men ou. to wors. 12:12 lieard Jesus coming to J. Ar/;i 9:2 bound unto J. 20:22 21::n all J. in uproar, 22:18 Hum. 1.5:31 service for J. accept, 1 Cor. 16:3 Gal. 4:25 J. wh. now is ; 20 J. nb. Pcv. 3:12 the new J. 21:2, IJ O JERUSALE.M. Ps. 110:19 midst of tliee, 0 ,T. 122:2 within thy gates, OJ. 137:5 if I forget, O J. 147:12 Is. 40:9 0 J. that bringost good 51:17 up, OJ. ; 52:2 arise, O .h .52:1 init ou thy garments, O J. ./er. 4:14 0 J. wash thy heart fr. 0:8 bo thou instructed, O J. 7:29 cut oirihy hair, W J. and l:i:27 0.1. wilt not be made cl. 15:5 |)ilv u|)on llu-e, 0,1.1 Mat. 23:.i7 O ,1. J. Luke 1;!:31 • JESIIUA. JCzr. 2:2; 3:2 JESIIIIUJ'X. Petit. .32:15 J. wax. fit, 83:5, 20 Js. 41:2 fear not, thou J. JESSE. Pulh 4:17 O. falli. of.T. Mat. 1:5 1 Nam. 10:1 J. the Ileth-lehemile 9 sanetilled J. and sons, IS. 10 2l)::il as Ion'' as son (if J. Ilvi'lli 22:7 son ol J. give lleldsy m. il 2.5:10 wlio Is Diivid y sou of .1. ? 2 Sam. 20:1 son of,/. 1 A'. 12:10 1 Chr. 12:18 son of.I. 2 (7ir. 10:10 Js. 11:1 rod out of the Ht<'m of.). 10 a 1 tof J. /,V/w. 1.5:12 Acts 13:22 found David sou ofJ. JESTIXC. K/ih. B:4 nor J. not convenient JESUITHS. A"«;;i. 20:44 JESfH. Mai. 1:21 uhaU cull UIh iiutno J. JOH JESUS, fr/r Joshva. Ac's 7:45 brought in with J. into Mel). 4:8 if J. hud given th. rest JESLS, called Justus. Col. 4:11 JETHBO, ceUkd Peuel. Ex. .3:1 kept tlock of J. his fath. 4:18 Moses returned to J. his 18:1 when J. heard, 5, 6, 9, 12 JEW. E.')/. 3:4 told them he was a J. Po7n. 1:16 to J. first, 2:9, 10 2:17 a J. and restest in law 28 he is not a J. 29 3:1 what advantage J.? 10:12; Go/.. 3:28 ; Cejl. 3:11 1 Cor. 9:20 to J. a J. to gain J. Gal. 2:14 a J. livest as Gentiles JEWEL. Prov. 11:22./. of gold swine's sn. 20:15 lips of knowl. precious,;. Ezek. 10:12 I put a J. ou forehead JEWELS. Gen. 24:.53 bro. Torth,/. of silver Ex. 3:22 shall borrow.;, of gold, 11:2; 12:.35 .35:22 they brought all.;, of gold Num. 31:51 took gold, even the,;. 1 Sam. 0:8,;. of gold in coffer, 15 2 Chr. 20:25 rich'es and prcci.j. 32:27 treasuries for all pleas..;. .70^/28:17 excha. of it not be for J. Cant. 1:10 checks comely with j. 7:1 joints of thy thighs' like ;'. Is. 61:10 adometh herself withj. Ezek. 16:17 thy ;". of my gold .39 shall take thy fair J. 2;3<20 Ros. 2:13 decked wi. ear.-r. and,?. Mai. 3:17 when I make up my^. Kins of the JEW.S. ilPit. 2:2 bora 7i'. of the J. ? 27:11 art thou K.'nft. J. ? Mar. 1.5:2; X"fe23:3; ./(7/«i 18:33 2D hail, K. of the J. Mar. 15:18 ; .lohn 19:3 37 this is K. of the J. Mark 15:26; 7.»M-(? 23:38 ; .fo. 19:19 Mark 15:9 K. of the J. .lohn 18:.39 12 whom ve call K. of the .T. Luke 23:;37 if thou be K. of the J. .lohn 19:21 I am K. of the J. .TEWT5RS. TlfC* 10:1; 24:24 JRWISTI. Tit. 1:14 JEWRY. Pan. 5:13 JEZEDEL. 1 K. 10:31 took to wife J. 18:4 21:11 as J. had sent, 1.5. 2i. 25 2 K. 9:7 at the hand of J. 10, 30 Per. 2:20 snll'erest that wom. J. JEZREEL, Tftlace and person. 2 Sam. 2:9 Ish-bosh. king over J. 1 K. 18:45 Ahab went to J. 21:1 21:23eat Jez. hy J. 2 7r. 9:10 2 K. 8:29 wcnit to J. 2 Chr. 22:0 10:0 come tome to J. to-morrow Uos. 1:4 avenge blood of J. 5 break how in valley of J. 11 2:23 wine, and oil shall hear J. JO An. 2 Sam. 2:18 of Zeruiah. J. 22, 24 3:29 Ab. rest on J. 8:16 : 20:23 11:7 demand, how J. did, 11, 14 1 1:3 J. put words in mo. 19, ;;o 20:9 J. killed Anuisa, 17 1 K. l:7Adonijah confer, with J. 2:28 J. fled to tabernacle of L. 1 rV(r, 4:14; 11:0; 18:15; 27:31 Ezr. 2:6 of chil. of J. Nch. 7:11 JOAII. 2 K. 18:18 J. son of .\s. Ts. .30:3 1 Chr. 6:21 J. son of Zlm. 26:4 JOANNA. Luke 3:27 ; 8:3 JOASU. ./■w/. 0:11 to J. Abi-ezrlte, 7:11 1 A'. 22:20 back to ,1. kini.''s son 2 K. 1 1:2 St. J. 2 ( 'hr. 18:2.5 ; 24:22 JOll. Gen. 40:13 sons of Issaehnr, J. Jill) 1:1 man whose name was J. 42:17 J. died, being old A'.'./-. 14:1 1 \\m\\:'.\\ D. and .L 50 Jain.ti-.ll heard of patience of J. JOEL. 1 Slim. 8:2 Saiim<4'H llrslborn, J. 1 Chr. 1.5:11 DiivId called .1. 27:20 .fivt 1:1 the word came to ,1, .\cts'i:U\ Hpok, by tlio proph. J. JO»AXA\. 2 7r. S5:2;i.l. ca. lo(i. .A-;-. .|0:H 1 Chr. 3:15 siiiis of,!. ,). AVc, 10:0 ./.»•. 41:11 wh.. I. heard of all evil JOII.\, ftm ff y.achiirhis. Mat. 3:4 J. hud rulm. Mark 1:U JOR Mat. 3:14 J. came, but J. for. him 14:10 behe. .L J/arA-6:16: Lu. 9:9 21:26 hoi. J. Mar. U::ii ; Lu. 20:6 Luke 1:13 call his name J. (iO 9:7 J. was risen from the dead John 1:0 a man sent from God, J. Acts 13:24 when J. first preached JOHX, the Apostle. Mat. 4:21 James and J. he called th. 10:2: MarkUlU; -3:17 Luke 22:8 Pet. and J. to prepare Acts 3:1 Peter and J. went 12:2 Herod killed brother of J. Per. 1:1 signifi. it to serv. J, 4. 9 21:2 J. saw the new Jerusalem JOnN. Acts 4:6 JOHN, surnamed Mark. Acts 12:12, 25; i:3:5, 13; 15:37 JOIiV. Ex. 1:10 lest they J. enemies Ezr. 9:14,;. in affinitv with peo. Prov. ;i:21 handj. iii ha. 10:5 Is. 5:8 woe to them/ house 9:11 li.j. his enemies together 56:0 sons of stranger.;, thems. ■Ter. 50:5 let ns^'. ourselves to L. Ezek. 37:17 j. th. one to another Acts 5:13 no manj. himself 8:29,;. thyself to this chariot 9:26 Saul assayed toJ. himself JOLTED. Gen. 14:3 nil these kings were 7. 29:.34 this time hn.'^h. be ;". to me 2 Chr. 20:;;iiJ. with Ahazinh. :37 Ezr. 4:12 up walls, j". fonndatio. fob 3:6 not'bej. to days of year 41:17 leviathan's scales are 7. 23 flakes of his fiesh ;. togeth. Ps. 83:8 A. also is.;, with llicm Ec. 9:4,/. to all living is hope Is. 13:15 every one.;, them 14:1 strangers be_/'. with them 20 wotj. with them in burial 50:3 nor him hath./, to L. speak Ezek. 1:9 wings J. one to another Uos. 4:17 E];hraim isj. to idols Zee. 2:11 many nations j. to L. Mat. 19:6 what G..;". Mark 10:9 Lvke 15:157. himself to citizen Acts 5:.30 four hund.J. themsel. 18:7 house./, hard to synagogue 1 Cor. 1:10 p<'rfect../. in sa. mind 6:10./. to a harlot is one body 177. to th(! Lord is one spirit Eph. 4:10 whole body fitly 7'. 5:31 and shall be7". to his wifo See BAAL-PEOrt. JOLVI\G, ft. 1 Chr. 22:3 prepareil irr. 2:16 by sea lo J. fjr. .i:7 Jon. 1:.') Jonah went down tul. cilitil JKIIoilAlM. 'iSittii. 8:10 Hint J. hU son, to Dnvid a A'. 8: 10 J. of A. ; a-* wound. J. U:14 Jehu convjilruU u^. J. M 910 CRUDBN'S CO]^COEDAIsTCE. JOU 1 Chr. 2fi:25 Levites J. over tre. 2 Chr. 22:7 destr. by com. to J. jorda:v. Gen. 13:11 Lot chose plain of J. Jos. 3:15 J. overflowetli banks 4:3 stones out of midst of J. 22:45 made J. a border betw. ns J'id. 3:28 fords of J. 7:24; 12:5 2 Sam. 19:15 king i-eturned to J. 2 K. 2:13 Elislia stood by J. G:10 saying. Wash in J. seven Job 40:23 trust, can draw up J. Ps. 42:6 remember fr. land of J. 114:3 J. was driven back. 5 Jet: 12:5 do in swelling of J. ? 49:19 from swelling of J. 50:44 Zee. 11:3 pride of J. is spoiled Mat. 3:6 in J. Mark 1:5, 9 Bevond JORDA^'. Gen. 50:10 floor of Atad bey. J. 11 Bent. 3:25 good land beyond J. Jos. 13:8 inherit, beyond J. 18:7 Is. 9:1 bey. J. in Galil. Mat. 4:15 John 1:28 Bethabara bey. J. 3:26 Over JORD.4IV. Oen. 32:10 I passed over J. I\'ijm. 32:5 br. us not o. J. 33:51 Sent. 3:27 not go o. J. 4:21 ; 31:2 9:1 to pass o. J. this day, 11:31 Jos. 1:2 go over J. 11 4:22 Israel came over J. 24:11 2 Sam. 2:29 passed o. J. 17:22; 19:15; 1 Chr. 12:15; 19:17 JORIir, JOSE. Luke 3:29 JOSEPH. . Gen. 30:24 she called hisnameTr. 37:5 J. dreamed a dream 39:5 Egypt.'s house for J.'s sake 40:9 butler told his dream to J. 49:22 J. is a fruitful bough. 26 50:7 J. went up to bury father Bevt. :33:13 J. blessed be his land 1 Chr. 5:2 the birthrisht was J. Ps. 80:1 leadest J. like a flock 105:17 J. who was sold for aser. Ezik. .37:16 for J. stick of Ephr. 47:13 J. shall have two portions 43:32 one gate of J. gate of B. Amf)s&:& grieved for afflict, of J. Acts 7:9 patriarchs sold J. 13, 14 S-*. 11:21 J. blessed sous of J. 22 JOSEPH, husband of Mary. Ma'. I-.IQ- 2:13; i'//u<;2:4; 3:23; 4:22: John1:i5; 6:42 JOSEPH, name of divers men. .Ki/,n. 13:7 of Igal.'sou of J. Mai. 27:57.1. of Arim. 59; Mark 15:43, 43 ; Lu. 23:50 ; Jo. 19:33 Zuke 3:24 was son of J. 26, 30 , Acts 1:23 two, J. called Barsabas JOSES. Mat. 13:55 Ja. and J. Mark 6:3 27:33 moth, of J. iVar/c 15:40, 47 Acts 4:3S J. suniamed Barnabas JOSHU.\, JEHOSHUA, OSHEA. Sx. 17:13 J. discomfited AmaleU 21:13 Moses and his minister J. Jos. 1:10 J. commanded oilicers, 2:1 to 24:31 ISam. 0:14 into field of J. 18 1 K. 16:84 wh. he spake by J. Hag. 1:1 J. son of Joscd. 12, 14 Zee. 2:1 showed me J. h.-priest C:ll set crowns on head of J. JOSIAH. IK. 13:2 child born, J. by name 2 IC. 21:24 J. king, 2 Chr. 33:25 22:1 J. was eight years old 2,3:29 J. ag. Phar. 2 Chr. 35:22 2 Chr. 35:1 J. kept passo. 18-25 Jfr. 1:2 in days of J. 3:6 Zep. 1:1 word came in davs of J. Mat. 1:10 Amon begat J. 11 JOT. Mat. 5:18 onej. or tittle JOTHAM. Jud. 9:5 J. son of Jerubbaal, 21 2 K. 15:3 J. judged, 2 Chr. 26:21 1 Chr. 2:47 sons of Jahdai, J. 5:17 2 Chr. 27:6 J. became mighty Is. 1:1 ; Ho. 1:1 ; Mtc. 1:1 ; Mat. 1:9 JOURXEY. Gen. 24:21 L. made,;, prosperous 31:23 La. pursued him 7 days' J. Kr. 13:20 took J. from Succoth 16:1 Israelites took,/, from Elim Num. 9:10 be in.;, yet keep pass. 13 not in.;, forbear, keep pass. Beut. 1:2 eleven days.;, from H. 10:11 take thy./, before people Jos. 9:11 take victuals for your^. Jud. i:9J. thou takest not JOY 1 Sam. 15:18 L. sent thee on a^. 1 K. 18:27 or he is in a J. 19:7 thej. is too great for thee 2 A'. 3:9 compa. of seven days' J. yeh. 2:6 how long sh. thy,/! be? Prov. 7:19 man gone a longj. Mat. 10:10 nor scrip for your J. Mark 6:8 nothing for J. Luke 9:3 Luke 11:6 a friend of mine in,;'. 15:13 tookj. into a far country ■lohii 4:6 Jesus wearied with,/. Pom. 1:10 have prosperous J. 15:24 I trust to see you in my j. 1 Cor. 16:6 bring me on my J. Tit. .3:13 Zenas and Apollos on j. 3 John 6 whom bring for w. on j. Day's JOURl^EY. ynm. 11:.31 quails fall a dayyj. 1 K. 19:4 went dai/sj. to wild. ,/on. 3:4 to enter city d.'sj. Luke 2:44 a d.''s,j. am. acquaint. Acts 1:12 from Jerusal. aday'sj. See Three days. JOURXEYED. Gen. 12:0 Ab. J. eoing south. 20:1 13:11 Lot.;, east; .3.3:17 Jacob j. .33:5 Israel J. toward Beth-cl Kx. 40:37 th. ,;. not. Num. 9:21 Num. 9:17 children of Israel J. IS 19 kept charge of L. andj. not Acts i>:3 as S.,f. he came near Ba. 7 men J. with him stood, 26:13 JOCRXEYI\G, S. Num. 10:28 J. of Israel's armies 29 we arejf. to the place Luke 13:22 as he was./, toward.!. 2 Cor. 11:26 inj. often, in perils J0€RXEYS. Gen. 1.3:3 Abram went on his J. Nj: 17:1 J. according to comma. 40:36 went on in J. Num. 10:12 33 cloud on taber. thro" their J. Num. 10:6 an alarm for their J. 33:1 these arc ihej. of Israel, 2 JOY, Substantive. 1 Chr. 12:40 there was,/, in Israel 15:16 lift, up the voice with./. 25 went to bring the ark wi../. 29:17 seen with J. the peo. offer Ezr. 3:13 not discern shout of.;. 6:16 dcd. of hou. of God with.;. Nch. 8:10j. of L. is your strenL'th 12:43 /. of Jeru. heard afar off E't. 8:16 light, i. and honor 9:22 turned from sorrow to J. make days of feasting and J. Job 8:19 this is the J. of his way 20:5,/. of hypocrite but for mo. 29:13 cans, widow's hea. singj. 33:26 will see his face withj. 41:22 sorrow turned toj. Ps. 16:11 presence fulness of,/. 27:6 offer in tabern. sacrifi. of J. 30:5,/. Cometh in the mornins 42:4 I went with the voice of^'. 43:4 I go to G. my exceeding.;. 48:2./. of the earth is mountZ. 51:12 restore to moj. of salva. 67:4 be glad and sing for J. 105:43 bro. forth people with J. 128:5 sow in tears sh. reap inj. 137:6 prefer not Jcr. to chief J. Prov. 12:20 counsel, of peace is J. 14: 10 stranger not iutermed. j. 1.5:21 folly IS J. desti. of wisdom 23 man hath,/, by ans. of mou. 17:21 father of a fool hath no./. 21:15 J. to the .just to do judg. 23:24 beget, wise child have"/. Ec. 2:10 with, not heart from,/. 26 God giveth knowled. audj. 5:20 God ans. him in,/, of heart 9:7 go thy way, eat bread wi. 7. Is. 9:3 increase"di. accord, to.;'- 17 L. sh. have no J. in yo. men 12:3 with./, shall ye dr.aw water 16:10J. taken out plentiful field 24:8i. harp ceas. ; 11./. is dark. 29:19 meek sh. incre. th. j. in L. 32:13 houses of J. ,• 14./. w. asses 35:2 rej. even with J. and sing. 10 everl. 7. on theirhcads. 51:11 52:9 br. into./. ; 55:12 go with J. 60:15 aj. of many generations 61:3 give them oil of,/. 7 everlasting^, sh. be to them 65:14 servants shall sing for./. 18 bcho. I create her peo. a./. 66:3 he shall appear to your 7'. 10 rejoice for./, with her Jer. 15:10 word was J. of my hea. •31:13 turn th. mourning into,/, 33:9 it sh. be to me a name of J. 11 there sh. be heard voice of J. 48:27 thou skippedst fori. JOY ■Ter. 48:337. is tak. fr. plen. field 49:25 city of my 7. Lam. 2:15 the^'. of whole earth 5:15 the,/, of our heart is ceased Ezek. 24:25 take fr. them^. ©f si, .36:5 with thej. of all th. heart Has. 9:1 rejoice not, O Is. for 7. .Toel 1:127'. is withered from men Zep. 3:17 rejo. over thee with 7'. Mat. 13:20 anon with7'. receiveth it, Luke 8:13 44 for 7'. thereof goeth and sell. 25:21 enter intoj. of thy L. 23 Lu. 1:44 babe leaped in wo. for 7'. 6:23 rej. in that day, leap for7. 10:17 sevent}' returned with7. 15:77'. iu heav. over one sinner 10 there is7'. in pres. of angels 24:41 they yet believed not for7. John 3:29 my 7'. therefo. is fulfil. 15:11 that my7'. might remain in you, th. your 7' ."might be full 16:20 sorrow be turned to 7'. 21 for.;, that a man is bom 22 yourj. no man tak. fr. you 24 that yourj. be full 17:137'. fulfilled in themselves Acts 2:28 make me full of 7". 13:52 discip. were filled with7'. 20:24 finish my course with,/. Pom. 14:17 kingdom of God is7'. 13:13 God filled you with,;. 32 CO. to you wi. 7'. by will of G. 2 Cor. 1:24 are helpers of your,/. 2:3 that my,/, isj. of you all 7:13 more joyed we for 7'. of T. 8:2 their,/." abounded to riches Gal. 5:22 Spirit is love, 7'. peace Phil. 1:4 making request with7'. 25 furtherance and7'. of faith 2:2 my 7'. 4:l7'. and crown 1 Thes. 1:6 received word with7'. 2:19 what is our hope or 7'. .? 20 for ye are our glory aud7". 3:9/. wherewith wo ./.before G. 2 Tim. 1:41 may be filled with7'. Phile. 20 let me have7'. of thee Heb. 12:2 forj. that was bef. him 13:17 do it with7'. not with grief Jam. 1:2 count it7'. when ye fall 4:97'. be turned into hea\iness 1 Pet. 1:8 rej. with./, unspeakab. 4:13 glad also with exceeding7'. 1 John 1:47. l^e full, 2 John 12 3 John 4 no greaterj. than to h. Jude 24 faultless with exceed. 7'. See GLADNESS. Great JOY. 1 N. 1:40 peo. rejoiced with (7.7'. 2 Chr. 30:26 (j.j. in Jerusalem Neh. 12:43 rejoice with great j. Mat. 2:10 rejoiced with great J. 28:8 from sep. wi. fear and g.j. Luke 2:10 br. tidings of great j. 24:52 returned to Der. with g.J. Acts 8:8 there was g. ./. in th. city 13:3 caused g. j to the brethren Phile. 7 wo have g. j. in thy love Shout, or Sliouted for JOY. Ezr. 3:12 shouted aloud./"o;-./. ■Job 38:7 sons of God shouted f. 7. Ps. 5:11 let them sh. f.J. 35:27 32:11 s.f.j. all th. are upright 63:13 tlic v.allevs shout forj. 132:9 let thy saints s./oi'j. 16 JOY, Verb. Ps. 21:1 shallj. in thy strength Is. 9:37. ti<^f- thee accord. to"joy 65:19 I rejoice and 7'. in my peo. Eab. 3:18 I willj. in G. of s,alva. Zep. 3:17./. over thee with sing. Bom. 5:11 but we also7'. in God Phil. 2:17./. and rejoice wi. you 1 I'hes. 3:9 joy wherewith ye7'. JOYED. 2 Cor. 7:13 more joy for joy of T. JOYFUL. 1 IC. 8:60 went to their tents7'. Ezr. 6:22 L. hath made them./. ■Tob 3:7 no7'. voice come therein Ps. 5:11 th. love thy name be7'. .35:9 my soul be7'. "in the Lord 63:5 praise thee with 7'. lips 66:1 make a 7. noise to God 81:1 make,;, noise to G. of Jac. 89:15 blessed peo, know.;', sound 9.5:1 make7'. noise to rock of sa. 2,/. noise with psa. 98:4 ; 100:1 98:6 make a7'. noise before L. 8 hills be 7'. together before L. li:?:9 barren be 7'. mother of ch. 149:2 children of Zion./. in king 5 let the saints be7'. in glory Ec. 7:14 in day of prosjjor, be7'. Is. 40:18 sing heav. be 7. earth 56:7 make/, in bouse of prayer JUD Is. 01:10 soul shall he J. in my G. 2 Cor. "i-.ij. in all cur tribulat. JOYFULLY. Ec. 9:9 live 7. wi. wife th. lovest Luke 19:6 Zacch. received him 7'. Heb. 10:34 took 7'. spoil, of goods JOYFUL^ES§. Dent. 28:47 servedst not L. w.7'. Col. 1:11 to long-suffering withj'. JOYIXG, Col. 2:5 with you in the spirit,7'. JOYOUS. Is. 22:2 art full of stirs. a7'. city 23:7 is this yourj. city, whose 32:13 all houses of joy in 7'. city Ileb. 12:11 no chastening seem.7'. JCBAL. Gen. 4:21 JUBILEE. Ler. 25:9 trumpet of the j. 10:54 27:17 his field from year of7'. 18 Num. 36:47'. then th. inheritance JUDAH. Gen. 29:35 she called his name J. 33:23 the sons of Leah. J. 38:15 J. thought Tamar a harlot 46:12 sons of J. 28 ; Num. 26:19 49:8 J. he whom thy brethren 9 J. is a lion's whelp 10 sceptre not depart from J. E.v. 1:2 sons of Israel. Levi. J. Num. 2:3 camp of J. shall pitch Deut. 3.3:7 blessing of J. 27:12 Jos. 7:17 bro. famuv of J. 18:5 ■lud. 1:2 J. go first.'W: 10-9 1 Sam. 18:16 all J. loved David 2 Sam. 5:5 David reigned. 19:15 1 K. 14:22 J. did evilT 2 K. 17:19 2 K. 8:19 L. not destroy J. 14:10 21:11 ma. J. sin, 16; i Oir. 3.3:9 2:3:27 remove J. out of my sight 2 Chr. 12:12 in J. things vv. well Ps. 60:7 J. mv lawgiver, 108:8 76:1 in J. God known, 114:2 Is. 1:1 vision cone. J. 3:1; 7:6 11:12 together dispersed of J. 13 22:8 discovered covering of J. Jer. 17:1 sin of J. writ, with iron 33:7 captiv. of J. return, 42:13 50:20 sins of J. not found. 51:5 .loel 3:20 J. dw. forever, Am. 2:4 Mic. 5:2 among thousands of J. Zer. 2:12L. inh. J. 12:7; 14:14 Mai. 2:11 J. dealt treachei-ously 3:4 offering of J. pleasant Mat. 1:2 .Ta": begat J. 3 J. begat Lnke 3:33 Pharos was son of J. Heb. 7:14 our L. sprang of J. Land of JUDAH. Pcvt. 34:2 showed him land of J. Puth 1:7 to return in land ofS. Is. 19:17 I. or' J. a teiTor. 2C:"l Mat. 2:6 Be"thlchem, in /. 0/ J, >Ien of JUDAH. Jud. 15:10 tn. of J. why come 2 Sam. 2:4 m. of J. anointed D. 19:14 heart of "J. 43; 20:2 U-.dmenofJ. .500.000 Ezr. 10:9 jn. of J. gathered togot. Is. 5:7 m. of J. his picas, plant ■ler. :36:31 upon the 7nen of J. all 43:9 in sight of ?nen of J. 44:27 all ;«. of J. be consumed Pan. 9:7 confusion to ?nen of J. Tribe of JUD.\H. Num. 1:27 numb, of tribe of J. 7:12 Nashon, prince of t. of J. 1 IC 12:20 t. of J. followed l)av. 2 A'. 17:18 none left but t. of J. Ps. 78:63 but he chose t. of J. Per. 5:3 L. oft. of J. prevailed 7:5 of tribe of J. sealed 12,000 JUD.4S. Mat. 13:55 brethren Sim. and J. 20:47 J. one of twelve. Mark 14:43; Lii. 22:47; JoArt 18:3.5 27:3 J. repented, bro. 30 pieces ■lohn 13:29 because J. had bag 14:22 J. saith. How is it Acts 1:16 D. spake concern. J. 25 5:.37 after this man rose up J. 9:11 inquire in the house of J. 15:22 J. sumamed Barsabas, 27 JUD.4.S Iscariot. Mat. 10:4 J. I. who betra. Mark 3:19; Luke 6:16; John 6:71; 1.3:2 26:14 J, I. to chief p. MarkU:W Luke 22:3 enter. Satan into J. I. John. 13:26 he gave sop to J. L JUDEA. Ezr. 5:8 went into prov. of J. Mat. 24:16 them wh.be in J. flee, Mark 13:14 ; Lnke 21:21 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 911 JUD John 4:3 left J. dep. to Galilee 7:3 and go into J. again, 11:7 AcU 1:8 in ail J. ye sh. be witn. 2:14 men of J. be this known il::Jl church, rest thro. J. 10:37 jRiim. 15:31 do not believe in J. 1 Tkes. 2:14churches whichin J. JUDGE, Substantive. G'.n. 18:25 J. of all the earth ]!):9 this fel. ca. needs be a,/. Ex. 2:Uj. over us, Acts 7:27, 35 Z)euL 17:9 come to the.;, shall be 12 man will not hearlcen toj. 25:2J. sh. cause him to.lie down Jud. 2:18 the Lord was with j. 11:27 L. the .T. bej. this day 2 Sam. 15:4 O that I were 7na.7. Job 9:15 make supplica. to myji. 23:7 delivered for ever fr. my j. 31:2S iniq. be punished by,;. Px. 50:6 for God isj. himself 08:5 ;. of widows ; 75:7 G. is^'. 94:2 thou J. of the earth Is. 3:2 take away fr. Jer. thej. Amos 2:3 cut otf J. from midst Mic. 5:1 shall smite.;', of Israel 7:3 the,;, asketh for a reward Mat. 5:25 adv. deliver thee to .;. the,;, to officer, Luke 12:58 Luke 12:14 who made me J. .? 13:2 in city, aj. feared not G. 6 hear what unjust J. saith Acts 10:42,;'. of quick and dead 1S:15,;. of no such matters 21:10 many years a J. of nation 2 Tim. 4:8 Lord the righteousj. neb. 12:23 G. tho J. of all Ja?7i. 4:11 not do. of law, but a,;. 5:9 J. standcth before the door JUDGE, Verb, applied to God and CiiKisT. Gen. 10:5 j. between me and thee, 1 Sam. 24:12, 15 Er. 5:21 L. look on you andj. ilcu<. 32:30 L. sh. J. his people, P.,'. 50:4-135:14; Ileb. 10:30 1 Sam. 2:10 L. ;'. ends of earth 1 7C 8:32 ;'. servants, 2 C/tr. C:23 1 C'hi: 1B:33 cometh to j. the earth, Pj{. 9fi:13; 98:9 2 Chr. 20:12 wilt thou not ;'. ? Job 22:13 j. through dark cloud? Fs. 7:8 tlie L. sh. ,). the people righteously, 9:8; 50:4; 90:10 10:13;'. fatherless and oppressed 20:1/. me, 0 Lord, 7:8; 35:24; 43:1; 54:1; Lam. 3:59 82:8 arise, O God.j. the earth 90:13.;. the world with right- eousness, 98:9; Acts 17:31 110:0 shallj. among the heathen Ec. 3:17 God shall^. righteous If.. 2:4 shall J. auKmg nations 3:13 Lord stundi^th to,;, peojjle 11:3 not,;', aftersightof eyes, 4 51:5 mine arm shall.;', people Ezc/c. 7:3 will./, accord, to ways 31:17 I,;, betw. cattloand cattle Joel 3:12 will I sit to,;, heathen Mic.A-.'.l shall j. among people Jo/mry.30 Ij. myjudg. is. just 8:15 1,/. no man; 10 yet if I j. 20 tUings to say and to,;'. 12:47 I came not toj. world ^nm. 2:10 0.,;. secrets of men 3:0 liow sh. G.j. the world V 2 Tim. 4:1 /. quick and dead, 1 Pet. 4:5 Ileb. 13:4 adulterers God willj. lien. 0:10 dost lliou not,;'. 19:11 in rigliteousnesa lie doth,/. See, furtlier, IiM junoK. JIUDGK, (ipptlid to JiAN, or other t/iint/s. Gen. 81:37.;. bctwi.xt, us l>olh 49:16 Dan shall j. his iieople Ej:. 18:13 Moses sal to,;, jieojile 10 I ;'. one and another Lev. 19:15 in right, thou ;. thy neiglil)or, /Ji'iit. 1:10; 10:18 1 Sa/ii. 2:25 man sin, judge j. lil. t!:5 iu:iUe us a king toj. us, 0, 20 1 A'. 3:9 undcrst. heart ioj. wlio is to,/, thispito, 2 (-'/ir. 1:10 2 Chr. 1:11 mayiMt^;. my peoi)li! 19:0 for ye./, not lor man I'.'zr. 7:2.5\vlilch may J. people J's. r>H:l,l. uprlglitly, sons of ni. 72:2 j. jieopie willi rli'hieousii. 4,1. jioor of people, t'roK. 31:9 82:2 liow Id. will yej. unjustly Is. 1:17/. rmh, plead lor widow ;!3,/. not falhcrless, .Av. 5:'28 r>:'ij. bel wixt MM • and niv vinev. Eieh. 2;):21 sh.,/, the.., 45: 21:1'! HMJ, ucconllug toiiiy Juilijm. JUD Ob. 21 saviors come toj. Jfic. 3:11 heads thereof J. for re. Zee. 3:7 shalt also J. my house JIaf. 7:1 J. not that ye be not ju. 2 for with what judgment ye J. i«^e6:37 Lv7ce 12:57 why J. notwhatisr. ? ./ohn 7:24 j. not accord, to ap- pearance, but J. right, judg. 51 law J. man before it hear 8:15 J. after flesh; 12:48 samej. 18:31 J. him accord, to your law Aets4:Wj. ye; 13:46i. yoursel. 2:^:3 sittest thou toj. me? nom. 2:27 fulfil the law. J. thee 14:3 J. him cateth ; 10 J. brother 13 let us not J. one another 1 Cor. 4:3J. not myself; 5J. not 5:12 what have I to do to J. wi. do ye not J. them within ? 6:2 do not know saints J. world? 3 knowye notwe sh. J. angels? 4 set toj. who are least estee. 5 able toj. between his breth. 10:15 J. wh. I say; n:13i. your. 11:31 if we should J. ourselves 14:29 proph. speak, the oth. J. 2 Cor. 5:14 because we thus J. Col; 2:16 let no man therefore J. Jam. 4:11 but if thou J. the law I will JUDGE. 1 Sam. 3:13 Iioillj. house Ps. 75:2 I will,}, uprightly Ezek. 7:3 / u'ill ./. according to thy ways, 8:27; 33:20 11:10 Iwiilj. you in Israel, 11 10:38 Iivillj. thee as women 21:30 1 will j. thee wh. th. wast 34:20 I, even I w. j. fat cattle, 22 Will I JUDGE. Gen. 15:14 the nation they shall serve icitl Ij. Acts 7:7 Luke 19:22 out of mouth w. Ij. JUDGED. Gen. 30:6 God hath J. mo Jiid. 3:10 Oth.,;'. 4:4 Deborah 10:2 TolaJ. 3 Jair ; 12:7 Jei)h. 12:8 Ibzan J. 11 Eton; 14Abdon 15:20 Samson ;. I. 20 y'rs, 10:31 1 Sam. 4:18 Eli J. 7:6 Sara. 15, 16, 17 Ps. 9:19 let heathen bo J. 37:33 condemn him wh. he is J. 109:7 wh. J. let him be condem. ■ler. 22:16 he J. cause of the poor E!:ek. 16:38 women shed blood,;. 2 i:2:j wounded shall be J. in her 35:11 known, wh. I have,;, thee 31!: 19 accord, to doings I J. them Pan. 9:12 ag. judges tliat J. us Mat. 7:1 jud. not, Ih. ye be notj. 2 ye shall be J. Luke 6:37 Luke 7:43 Thou hast rightly,;'. .Joli.n 10: 1 1 pri. of tliis world is J. Acts 10:15,;''. me to be faithful 24:6J. according to law 25:9 be J. of these things, 20 10 I stand, wh. I ouglit to beJ. 26:6 am J. for hope of promise Pom. 2:12J. by law, ./am. 2:12 3:4 overcome wlien thou art J. 7 nin I also J. as a sinner? 1 Cor. 2:15 he himseU'J. no man 4:3 that I should bo J. of you 5:3 I have J. already, as though 6:2 if theworld sli. be J. by you 10:29 for why is my libert.v J. of 11:31 judg(! wo should not bo,;. 32 we arej. wo are chastened 14:24 convinced, li(^ is,;, of all /feb. 11:11 shej. him faiihful 1 /'et. 4:6 beJ. according to men /,Vii. 11:18 lliat they should be,;'. lli:5 I'ighteous bee. thouj. thus 19:2 he hiilhj. tlie great whore 20:12 deadj, out i>niiose things 13J. ev. man accord, to works JUDGI<><. A'.i'. 21:22 pav as /'. determine 22:8 master sh. be brought toj. 9 cause of both sh. come lief. J. Dent. V.U; I charged vourj. 16:18 ;. sh. Ihou make In gates 19:18J. sh. maUcMlillgcnt Inqu. 21:2 (hirers and,/, shall conu! I'o, 32:31 even (jur cneMiies bring /'. ./fw. 2:1:2 .). called lor the. J, 24:1 .tint. 2:16 Lord rais<>(l u|),;. 18 /I'lith. 1:1 wli.J. ruled faniiui- was 1 Siiiii.H:\ ma(l(is(umj. over I. 2 2 S,im. 7:11 com. J. over my pco. 1 Chr. 17:0 sp, ji word toanv J. 10 23: 1 6,11111) were ollleers anil /. 2 Chr. 1:2 Soloin, hpaUe to the J, lil:.') set J. in land; Osald to J. /i.';/'. 7:25 set J. may Judge people JUD Job 9:24 he cover, the face of J. 12:17 hemaketh the J. fools 31:11 iniq. to be punished by J. Ps. 2:10 be instructed J. of earth 141:0 whenj. are overthrown 148:11 princes, and/, of earth Prov. 8:16 princes rule, and J. Is. 1:26 I will restore thy J. 40:2;j mak. J. of earth as vanity Dan. 9:12 words against our J. IIos, 7:7 have devoured their J. 13:10 where are tliy J. of whom Zep. 3:3 /. are evening wolves Mai. 12:27 be your J. Luke 11:19 Ae.ts 13:20 he gave them J. Jam. 2:4 become J. of evil thou. JUDGBST. Ps. 51:4 be clear when thou J. ■ler. 11:20 L. of hosts, J. righte. Pom. 2:1 whoso, thou art that J. 3 O man, that J. them 14:4 that J. another man's ser. ? Jam. 4:12 who art thou J. ano. ? JUDGETK. .lob ZV.i'ij. those that were high Ps. 7:11 God J. the righteous 58:11 a God that J. in earth 82:1 of mighty, he J. am. gods P)-ov. 29:14 that faithfully). ■lolin 5:22 the Father J. no man 8:50 one that seeketh and J. 12:48 hath one that J. him 1 Cor. 2:15 he that is spirit. J. all 4:4 he that J. me is the Lord .5:13 th. that are without, G.J. .7am. 4:11 thatj. his brot. J. law 1 Pet. 1:17 with, respect of pe. J. 2:23 com. himself to him thatJ. Pev. 18:8 strong is the L. that J. JUDGUVG. 2 K. 15:5 J. the people of the land, 2 Chr. 20:21 Ps. 9:4 sattest in thethr.J. right Is. 10:5 sit J. and seeking judgm. Mat. 19:28 J. 12 tribes, Liike 22:30 JUDG.^IEXT. Eo\ 12:12 ag. the gods execute J. 21:.31 accord, to thisj. be it do. 23:2 after many, to wrest /. 6 28:15 make the breastplate of;. Num. 27:11 Is. a stat. ofj. 35:29 21 afterj. of Urim before Lord Dent. 1:17 not afraid of man, J. 10:18 executej. of fatherless 10:10 judge people with just J. 19 not wrest J. 17:11 accord. J. 24:17 not pervert J. of stranger 27:19 cursed be that pervert. J. 32:4 for all his ways are ;. 41 if my hand take hold on J. 1 Sam. 8:3 took bribes pervert. J. 2 Sam. 8:15 David executed J. and justice, 1 Chr. 18:14 15:2 came to king forj. 0 1 K. 3:11 understan. to disccr. J. 28 Israel heard of the ;'. 7:7 porch of J. 20:40 so thy J. 2 K. 25:6 took king and gave J. 2 Chr. 19:8 chief of fathers for J 20:9 cometh on us as sword, J. /',':r. 7:26 let J. be executed Est. l:l:i that knew law and J. .lob R::! doth God pervert J. .^ 9:19 sjieak of J. 19:7 th. is no J. 19:29 ye may know there is a J. 32:9 neither do aged undcrst. J. 31:4 let us choose to us J. 12iiei. will Alniightv pervert J/ 35:14 vet/. Is before "liim 30:17 thou fullilledj. of wicked ,;', and just, take hold on th. Ps. 7:6 awake for me to the J. 9:7 prepared his throne for,/. 8 minister J. to peo|il(! In righ. 16 L. known by ;'. he execnt. :!3;5loveth right, and J. 37:28 3T:0 bring forth thy /. 30 his tongue lalUelh of,/, 72:2 shall judge thy jioorwith J. 70:8 J. to be lieard'i'rom heavi'n 9 G. arose toj. save the meek H9:t I justice and J. are hali, 97:2 91:15'/. sh, return to righteous. 99:4 the king's strength lovelh J. tliiiu execulest,/. and rig. 101:1 i-lng of n\ercv and J. lti:l:6 I,. execut.J. for op. 140:7 106:3 bless, are they th. keep /. 311 I'hliM'. stood and execut.J. 111:7 works of his hands are /. I1'.I:II6 tciich me J. and knowle. 121 I have done J. jindJii»tlco 149 ipilcken me accord, toj. 122:5 IliiTo are set thrones ofJ. 1 l'.):Uexee. oallienij. writtiii I'rvi'. 1:3 luHtr. of whidom and J. JUD Prov. 2:8 he keep, the paths of J. 9 then shalt rhouunderstandj. 8:20 in the midst of paths of J. 13:2:} destroyed for want of J. 17:23 tak. gift to perv. ways J. 19:28 ungodly witness scorn. J. 20:8 that eitt'eth in throne J. 28:5 evil men uiiderstaiftl not J. i9:4 king by J. establish, land 26 ev. man's J. cometh from L. 31:5 nor perv. J. of the afflicted Ec. 8:16 under sun place ofJ. 5:8 seest violent perverting of J. 8:5 wise man disce. time and J. 6 to ev. purp. th. is time audj. Is. 1:17 seekj. 21 full of J. 27 Z. shall be redeemed wi. J. 4:4 purged Jeru. by spirit of J. 5:7 looked for J. 16:5 seckingj. 9:7 and to establish it with J. 10:2 turn aside needy from J. 16:3 executej. Jer. 21:12; 22:3; Ezek. 18:8; 45:9; Zee. 7:9: 8:16 28:6 and for a spirit of J. to him 17 I will also lay J. to the line 30:18 mercy, for L. is God of J. .32:16 J. sh. dwell in wilderness 33:5 L. hath filled Zion with J. 34:5 on people of my curse toj. 40:14 taught him in path of J. 41:1 come near together toj. 42:1 bring forth J.'to Gentiles 3 sh. brmg forthj. unto truth 4 not fail, till he set J. in earth 53:8 taken from prison and fr. J. 56:1 J. and justice, Hos. 12:6 !^9:8 there is no J. in their goin. 9 therefore is J. far from us 11 we look for J. there is none 14J. is turned away backwarda 15 displeas. him th. was noj. 61:8 I the L. love J. hate robbc. Jer. 5:1 if th. be any execute. J. 4 know not the ;'. of th. G. 8:7 5 they have known the J. of G. 7:5 if ye thoroughly executej. 9:24 cxer. J. and righteousness 10:24 correct me, but with J. 21:12 execute J. in the morning 2;3:5 executej. in earth, 33:15 48:21 J. is come upon pi. count. 49:12 whose J. was not to drink 51:9 her J. rcacheth to heaven Ezek. 23:24 I will set J. be. them Dan. 4:37 all whose ways are J. 7:10 J. was set; 26 J. shalt sit 22 J. was given to the saints IIr)S. 5:1 give ear, J. is tow. you 10:4 J. springeth as hemlock Amos 5:'f turn J. to worinw ood 15 and establish J. in tlie gate 24 let J. run down as waters 0:12 ye have turncdj. into lmU Mic. 3:1 nottokn. J. ,• 8 fuH'ol'J. 9 that abhor J. / 7:9 executej. Ilab. 1:4 J. doth never go forth 7 J. sh. proceed of themselves 12 O L. tliou ordain, th. lor J. Zip. 2:3 which wrought his,/. 3:5 ev. morning bringj. toli'4ht .1/0/. 2:17 say, W here is G. ofJ. Mat. 5:21 in danger of llie,;'. 22 7:2 with what J. ye judged 12:18 show J. to the Gentiles 20 he send forth J. unto V'cto. 2.3:23 have omittedj. mercy Liike 11:12 pass ovcrj. love of G. Jolin 5:22 committed allj. to S. 27 given hiui authoi'i. to ex. J. 7:24 but jiulge righteous J. 9:39 for /. I am come Into world 12:31 no'w is IheJ. of this wo;ld 16:8 reprove the world ol'J. 11 .4('.'.v 8:33 his J. was take n away 24:25 as he reasoni'd ofJ. Keli-: Pom. 1:32 knowing the J. of Go.l 2:2 J. ofti. is according to truth 3 thitdc. tliou sh. escape J. of 5 revelation of righteous J. i.f 5:16J. by one to condemnation is/, came to all lo condimn:t. 1 Cor. 1:10 joined together iiij. 4:3 I sh. be judged of num'sj, 2 Tilts. 1:5 token of llioj. ofti. 1 Tim. 5:24 open, (join;; before toj. Ihb. (1:3 eternal /. ; 9:2" nflor this 10:27 oerliiln fearftil look, for J. ./((/«. 2:13 have J. without luer- cv, rejolcetli ugaiiisl J. 1 IM. 4: 17 J. begin at lio. ofO. 2 l\t. 2:3 wliosi- /. liligeivlli not 4 chains of (larkncsH, reser.J. Jiiil, W U>J. of the gi-cat day I,% lo executej, upon all P, c. 1 1:7 hour of lilsj. Is eomo i~,:l thow ). otlheiTial whoixi 912 CRUDEN'S CONCOHDAI^rCE. JUD Rev. 13:10 in one hour thy J. co. 20:4 antlj. was given to them See BEAK, DAY. Do JUDGME^IT. Gen. 18:19 do justice and j. 1 K. 10:9; Prov. 21:;j; Jer. 22:15 1 K. 3)28 wisdom of G. Xo-doj. 2 C%r.*f):8 set over them to doj. JProv. 21:7 they refuse to doj. 15 it is joy to the just to doj. Jer. 51:47 doj. on gr. images, 52 JUDGMEXT-HALL. John 18:28 led Jesus to h. of j. themselves we. not into J.-A. 33 Pilate entered j.-A. again 19:9 went into the j.-h. Acts 23:35 kept in Herod's 7.-/1. In JUDGMENT. Lev. 19:15 no unright. inj. 35 JV'nm. .35:12 bef. congrega. i>ij. Deut. 1:17 not respect per. inj. Jud. 5:10 ye that sit inj. Job 9:32 come together inj. 37:2:J excel, in power and inj. F». 1:5 shall not stand inj. 25:9 meek will he guide inj. I'rov. 16:10 transgress, not inj. 18:5 overthrow righteous inj. 21:23 not good res. persons inj. I.<. 5:16 L. of hosts exalted inj. 28:6 sitteth inj. 7stumhle inj. 33:1 princes shall rule inj. 5i:17 tongue rise ag. thee inj. Jer. 4:2 in righteousn. and inj. Eielc. 44:24 iu contro. stand inj. Uos. 2:19 betroth thee to me in j. IfaL 3:5 come near to you in j. Mat. 12:41 men of Nin. rise inj. 42 queen of south shall rise in j. Luke 11:31, 32 Phil. 1:9 love may abound i«j. Into JUDGME\T. Job 14:3 and bringest me intoj. 22:4 enter with thee intoj. 34:2:3 enter intoj. with God Pg. 14:3:2 enter not i. j. wi. scrv. £!c. 11:9 will bring thee intoj. 12:14 God bring ev. work intoj. Is. 3:14 Lord will enter intoj. My JUDGMENT. Job 27:2 taken away myj. 34:5 29:14 7nyj. was as a robe 40:8 wilt thou disannul myj. ? Ps. 35:23 awake to myj. Is. 40:27 myj. is passed over 49:4 inyj. is witli the Lord 51:4 make myj. to rest Hzek. .39:21 heathen sh. see myj. John 5:30 myj. just ; 8:16 myj. 1 Cor. 7:25 yet I give myj. 40 happier if she abi. in myj. JUaOMEXT-SEAT. Mat. 27:19 set on j.-s. John 19:13 AcU 18:12 J. brought him to j.-s. 10 he drave them from the j.-s. 17 beat Sostheues before j.-s. 25:10 I stand at Cesar'sj.-s. 17 on morrow I sat on J.-s. Horn. 14:10 sh. all stand before j.-s of Christ, 2 Cor. 5:10 Jam. 2:0 draw you before j.-«. JUDGMENTS. Ex. 0:6 redeem you with j 7:4 21:17. "lou sh. set before them Nam. 33:4 on gods L. cxecutedj. 35:24 judge according to th.j. Dent. 33:10 sh. teach Jac. thyj. 2 Sam. 22:23 his j. were before me, Ps. 13:22 1 Chr. 10:12/. ofmou. Ps. 105:5 14 hisj. in all earth, Ps. 105:7 Xeh. 9:29 sinned against thy 7. Fs. 10:5 thy 7". are out of sight 10:9 thej'. of the Lord are true 33:6 thy 7'. are a great deep 48:11 letJudah be glad of thy 7. 72:1 give the king thy j. O God 97:8 because of thy 7'. O Lord 119:7 I learned thy rlghteou37'. 13 lips declared^, of thy mo. 20 longini; it hath unto thy 7'. .30 thy 7'. have I laid before me 39 reproach, for thy 7. are good 43 for I have hoped in thy 7'. 52 I remember thy 7'. of old 02 because of thy right. 7. 104 75 I know that thyj. are right 102 have not departed frora7'. 100 I will keep righteousj. 108 teach me7'. 120 afraid of 7'. 137 right, upright are thy 7. 150 quicken me accor. to thy 7'. 100 ev. one of thy righteou. 175 and let thyj. help me 147:20 his 7. they have not kno. JUS Prov. 19:297'. prep, forscorners Is. 20:8 in way of thy7'. 9 when thyj. are in the earth ■Ter. 12:1 talk with thee of thy 7. Ezek. 5:7 accord. 107. of nations 8 execute j. in midst of thee, 10,15; 11:9 16:41 exe. 7". in sight of women 2:3::M judge thee accord, toj. 28:26 executed7'. on all those 34:10 I will feed them with7'. Dan. 9:5 departing from thy 7'. Hos. 6:5 thy 7. are as the light Zep. 3:15 L. taken away thy 7'. Pom. 11:33 unscarch. are his7'. 1 Cor. 6:4 have7". of things of life Pc-v. 15:4;'. are made manifest 16:7 righteous are thy 7. 19:2 My JirDGME:VTS. Lev. 18:4 ye shall do my j. 5 ye shall keep myj. 25:18 20:15 if your soul abhor myj. 43 because they despised myj. 1 Chr. 28:7 constant to do myj. Ps. 89:.30 chil. walk not in my j. ■ler. 1:16 utter myj. ag. them Ezek. 5:6 changed my^j. to wick. 7 neither have kept 7nyj. 14:21 send my four sore 7'. on J. 44:24 judge it accord to myj. Statutes and JUDGME:VTS. Lev. 18:5 keep mv Stat, and my 7". 20; 20:22; Deut. 7:11 ; 11:1; 26:16, 17; 30:10; 1 K. 2:3; 8:53; 9:4; 11:.33 19:37 ye sh. observe all my statutes a. mv7'. Deut. 11:32 ; 12:1; 2 CA?-. 7:17 Pent. 4:1 1 hearken to .'. a. j. 5:1 5 I have taught yow sta. andj. 8 hath sta. dndj. so righteous 14 te. St. andj. 6:1 ; Ez7\ 7:10 5:31 St. andj. thou shalt teach 6:20 what mean statutes andj. 8:11 keeping s. andj. Neh. 1:7 1 K. 6:12 walk in s. executC7\ 2 Chr. 19:10 between s. andj. Neh. 9:13 gav. them right .'. a.j. 10:29 to do all his sta. andj. Ps. 147:19 showeth his s. andj. Ezek. 5:0 ref. my 7. and my sta. 11:12 not walked in my «. nor executed myj. 20:13, 16, 21 18:9 walked in my statutes and j. 17; 20:19; 37:24 20:11 gave them ^t. and sho.7'. 18 not in s. of fath. nor th. j. 25 gave th. sta. not good, a. 7'. Mai. 4:4 law of M. with s. andj. JUICE. Cant. 8:2 wine of 7'. of pomegra. JULIA. Pom. 10:15 JULIUS. Acts 27:1 JUMPING. Nah. 3:2 noise of the7". chariots JUNIA. P07n. 10:7 JUXIPER. 1 K. 19:4 Elijah sat under;. 5 .lob 30:4 cutj. roots for meat Ps. 120:4 arrows, coals 017. JUPITER. Acts 14:12 called Barnabas J. 19:35 which fell down from J JURISDICTIO.X. Luke 23:7 belong to Ucrod'sj. JUST. Gen. 0:9 Noah was 7'. man Lev. 19:367'. balance, j. weights, a ;. ephah, and a ;. hin, Deut. 25:15; Ezek. 4o:i0 Dent. 16:18 judge with 7'. judgm. 32:4 a God, 7'. and right is ho 2 Sam. 23:3 rul. men must be7'. Neh. 9:3:3 7'. in all brought on us Job 4:17 man be more 7'. than G. 9:2 should man bei. with God 12:47'. man is laughed to scorn 27:17 but the7'. shall put it on Ps. 7:9 wicked, end, establish 7'. .37:12 wicked plolteth against 7'. Prov. 3:33 bless, habitatton of 7'. 4:18 path of 7'. as shining light 9:9 teach a7'. man, ho \vill incr. 10:6 blessing upon he. of the7'. 7 memory of the7'. is blessed 20 tongue ofj. is as choice sil. 31 mouth of7'. bringeth wisd. 11:1 a7. weight is his delight 9 thro' knowledge 7'. delivered 12:137'. sh. come out of trouble 21 sh. no evil happen to the7'. 13:22 weal, of sin, laid up for 7'. 10:117'. we. and balance Lord's 17:15 condemucth7. is abomin. JUS Prov. 17:26 to punish thej. is 18:17 first iu own cause seem. j. 20:77'. man walketh in integrity 21:15 joy toJ. to do judgment 24:167'. man falleth seven times 29:10 hate upright, 7'. seek soul Ec. 7:15 a7'. man that perisheth 20 not a.j. man on earth 8:147. men to wh. it happeneth Is. 26:7 way of 7'. is uprightness, dost weigh path of7'. 29:217'. for thing of naught 45:21 aj. God, and a Saviour Lam. 4:13 shed blood of 7'. in her Ezek. 18:5 man be 7'. and do right 9 he is 7. he shall surely live IIos. 14:97'. shall walk in them Amos 5:12 they afhict the 7. Eab. 2:47'. sh. live by faith. Pom. 1:17; Gal. 3:11; Heb. 10:38 Zep. 3:5 the7'. Lord is in midst Zee. 9:9 he is7'. and hav. salva. 3Iat. 1:19 Joseph, being a7'. man 5:45 send, rain on 7. and unjust 13:49 sever wicked from am. 7. 27:19 nothing to do withj. man 24 innocent of blood of 7'. per. Mark 6:20 know, he was7'. man Luke 1:17 disobed. to wisd. of 7. 2:25 Simeon was7'. and devout 14:14 at the resurrcc. of the7'. 15:7 ninety and nine7'. persons 20:20 spies feign themselves7'. 23:50 Jos. was good man and7'. John 5::30 and my judgment is7'. Acts 10:22 Cornelius, a7'. man 24:15 resurrection oij. and imj. Pom-. 2:13 not hear, of law are7'. 3:8 damnation 7. 20mightbe7'. 7:12 the commandment holy,7'. Phil. 4:8 whatsoev. things are 7]. Col. 4:1 give servants which is7'. Tit. 1:8 Dishop must bo7'. holy Ueb. 2:2 receivod7'. recompense 12:23 sp. of7'. men made perfect Jam. 5:6 condemned and kill. 7'. 1 Pet. 3:18 t'.iej. for the unjust -2 Pet. 2:7 delivercd7'. Lot 1 John 1:9 he is7'. to forgive sins Eev. 15:37'. and tr. are thy ways Most JU.ST. Job 34:17 condemn him is m.j. ? JUST Onr. Acts 3:14 ye denied the J. O. 7:.52 show. hof. coming of J. O. 22:14 his will, and see'that J. O. JUSTICE. Gen. 18:19 keep w. of L. to do7. Deut. 33:21 execute. the7'. of L. 3 Sam. 8:15 David executed 7'. 1 Chr. 18:14 15:4 made judge I would doj. Job 8:3 doth Almigh. pervert7'. f 30:17 and7'. take hold on thee ,37:23 excellent in plenty of 7'. Ps. 82:3 d07'. to afflicted 89:147. and judgm. are habita. 119:121 have done judg. and7'. Prov. 1:3 to rec. instruction of 7'. 8:15 kings reign, princes dcc.7'. Ec. 5:8 seest perverting of7'. Is. 9:7 to cstab. his thro. with7'. 56:1 and do 7'. for my salvation 53:2 ask of me ordinances of 7". 59:4 none calleth for7'. nor pie. 9 nor doth 7'. overtake us 147'. standeth afar of ■Jer. 2:3:5 execute judgm. and7'. 31:23 L. bless thee, habita. ofj. Ezek. 45:9 O princes, execute7'. See Do judgment, before. JUSTIFICATION. Pom. 4:25 raised again for our7'. 5:16 gift of many ofTcnces toj. 13 free gift ca. on all men 107'. JUSTIFY. Er. 23:7 I will not 7. the wicked Deut. 25:1 they sh. /. righteous .yo*9:20ifl7'. myself 27:5 God forbid I should7'. you 33:.32 for I desire toi- thee /•.'. 5:2:3 j. the wicked for reward 53:11 my right. servant7'. many Luke 10:29 ^villing to j. himself 16:157'. yourselves before men Pom. 3:;3b God sh. 7. circumcis. Gal. 3:8 foreseeing God 7'. heath. JUSTIFIED. Job 11:2 man full of talk bci. ? 1.3:18 behold, I know I sh. be7'..*' 25:4 can man be.;', with God? 32:27. himself rather than God Ps. 51:4 that thou mightest b07'. 143:2 no man living bej. Is. 43:9 may boj". 28 thou be KEE Is. 45:25 L. all seed of Isr. 'be7'. Jer. 3:11 backsliding Is. 7'. hers, Ezek. 10:51 j. sisters in aijom. 53 Mat. 11:19 wisdom is .7. of her children, Luke 7::35 12:37 by thy words th. sh. hey, Lvke 7:29 and publicans.;. G. 18:14 this man went down ;'. Acts 13:;39 all that believe are 7'. from wh. ye could not be ;'. Pcnn. 2:13 doers of law sh. be';', 3:4 might. be7'. in thj; sayings 20 no flesh he7'. in his sight 247'. freely by his gra. Tit. 3:7 28 a man is 7. by faith, 5:1; Gcd. 2:10 ; 3:24 4:2 if Abraham we. j. by works 5:l7". by faith we have peace 97. by his blood, Ave shall be 8:-30 whom he 7. he also glorifi, 1 Cor. 4:4 yet am I not hereby j. 0:11 ye siej. in name of L. J. Gal. 2:16 notj. by law. 3:11 5:4 whosoever arej. by law 1 Tim. 3:107. in spirit Jam. 2:21 was not Abraham7'. f 24 see how by works man is7'. 25 was not Riihab7'. by works? JUSTIFIER. Pom. 3:267. of him who believ. JUSTIFYING, ETH. 1 K. 8:32 and j. the righteous, 2 Chr. 6:23 Prov. 17:15 he that 7'. the wicked Is. 50:8 he is near thatj. Pom. 5:5 him that7'. ungodly 8:33 God's elect ? is G. thaty'. JUSTLE. Nah. 2:4 the chariots shallj. JUSTLY. 3/5c. 6:8 L. require but to do7'. Luke 23:41 indeed 7'. we receive 1 Tkes. 2:10 holily andj. behav. JUSTUS. Acts 1:23 ■who was sumamed J. 18:7 ent. man's house named J. Col. 4:11 Jesus who is called J. K KAD. 2 K. 6:25 k. of doves' dung sold KABZEEL. Jos. 15:21 RADESJI. Gen. 14:3 to Emi-ih. which is K. Num. 13:26 a\ ilder. of Par. to K. Deut. 1:46 ve abode in K. many Ps. 29:8 shak. ^Vilderncss of K. KARESH-BARNEA. Num. 32:8 I sent thc:n from K. Deut. 9:23 : Jos. 14:7 Jos. 10:41 smote from K. to Gaza KAREAH, or CAREAII. 2 K. 25:23; Jer. 40:3, 13; 41:11; 43:4 KEDEMAH. Gen. 25:15 KEDEMOTH. Deut. 2:23 KEDAK. Gen. 25:13 of Ish. K. 1 Chr. 1:29 Ps. 120:5 I dwell in tents of K. Cant. 1:5 comely as tents of K. Is. 21:16 glorv of K. sh. liiil. 17 42:11 vih that K. doth inhaiMt 60:7 flocks of K. sh. be gather. Jer. 2:10 sec and send to K. 49:23 concerning K. thus eaith Ezek. 27:21 princes of K. occu. KEEP. Gen. 2:15 L. put him in E. to k. 18:19 shall /,■. tlie way of Lord 28:15 am with thee to/.', thee, 20 41:35 let them /•. food in cities Ex. 12:6 k. it till fourteenth d.iy 14veph. /•. it a f jast to L. 25; 23:15: 34:18; ict'. 23:31 47 congregation of Is. sh. k. it 20:8 remember sab.-day to k. it, 31:13, 14, 10; Deut. 5:12, 15 22:7 man deliver mcmey to k. 10 2:3:7 k. thee from false matter 14 three times k. a feast 20 I send an angel to k. thee Lev. 18:14 ve sh. k. mv ordin- ances, .30; 22:9; Ezek. 11:20 Vi-.'j vo sh. k. my sabbaths, 30; 26:2; Is. 50:4 23:.39 /■. a feast sev. 2 Chr. 30:13 2.5:18 k. mv judg. and do them Num.. 6:24 L. bless thee and /;. 9:3 in fourteenth day ye shall k. 29:12 k. feast to the L. sev. day.9 30:7 h. himself to inheritance, 9 Deut. 7:8 k. the oath 12 the L. sh. k. the covenant CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 913 KEE T)evt. 16:10 i-. feaptof weeks to 17:19 learn to k. words of law 20:9 Ic. words of this covenant Jnf!. 6:18 k. from accursed thing Jud. 2:23 whether k. way of L. 1 Sam. 2:? k. feet of his saints 2 Sam. IS: IS no son to k. name 1 E. 8:25 k. with thy sen-ant David, 2 Chr. 6:13 1 CJir. 4:10 k. me from evil 12:33 50,000 could k. rank. 38 29:18 k. this forever in heart 2 Chr. 22:0 no power to k. still 30:23 counsel to k. other 7 days Ezr. 8:29 watch and k. them Nell. 12:27 A. ded. with gladness Ext. .3:8 nor k. thfty kingV laws Job 14:13 thou wouldest Z". me 20:13 tho' he k. it still within Po. 12:7 sh. k. them, O L. 31:20 17:8 k. me as apple of eye 19:13 k. from presumptuous sins 25:20 O k. my soul, and deliver 34:13 k. thy tongue from evil 37:34 k. his way ; .39:1 k. mouth 89:28 my mercy wi. I k. for him 91:11 angels charge, to k. thee 103:9 nor will k. anger for ever 106:3 blessed are they k. judg. 113:9 harren women to k. house 119:2 blessed they th. k. his tes. 4 com. US to/;, thy precepts 17 live and k. thy word, 101 33 teach me, I sh. A. it to end C3 compan. of them k. thy pr. (59 k. thy prec. with heart, 1.3-; 88 k. testimony of thy mouth 100 because I k. thy precepts 106 will k. thy righteous judg. 146 I shall k. thy testimonies 127:1 except Lord k. city 141:4 k. me fr. hands of wicked 141:3 O L. k. the door of my lips Pmv. 2:11 nnderst. shall /•. thee 20 mayest k. paths of righteims 3:21 my son, k. sound wisdom 2!) L. shall k. thy foot fr,- being 4:6 love wisdom, she sh. k. thee 13 /:. instruct i. let her not go 21 k. my sayings in thy heart 23 k. thy heart wi. all (liligen, E:2 thy lips may k. knowledge 0:92 when sleepest it sh. k. thee 7:1 my son, k. my words 5 k. thee from strange woman 8:32 blessed they th. k. my wavs 23:5 he that doth k. his soul, 10 28:4 such as k. the l-i\v contend Er. 3:0 time to k. and cast away 5:1 k. foot when goest to house Ik. 2;i:3 k. him in jierfeet peace 27:3 the L. do k. it, /;. it night 42:6 I will ;:. thee 43:6 k. not back ; 156:1 k. judg. Jer. 3:5 will k. anger to end? 12 31:10 k. him as shcp. doth flock 42:4 I will/.-, notliing back E::rk. 20:19 ;;•. my jud'gm. 30:27 4.3:11 tliey may k. the wh. form Hot. 12:6 k. mercy and judgment Mic. 7:5 k. the doors of thy mou. Nak. 1:15 k. feasts; 2:1 /c. muni. Zf'c. 13:5 tauf^lit mo to k. cattle ifaL 2:7 priests' lips sho. k. kno. tfark 7:0 k. your own tradition Lvke 4:10 angels charge to X:. th. ll:28hlessed th. hearword, k. it 19:43 thy (•ncuiies sliall k. thee John 8:5i /,-. my sny. never see 55 know him, /.-.'his saving 12:25 hateth life In world /-. it 14:23 man love mr. k luy Mords 15:20 saying, they will k. your i 17:11 k. thy name; 15 k. fr. evil Ac.l.n 5:3 to k. back part of jirice 10:28 that is n Jew to k. comp, 1.5:5 com. them to /■. law of M. 29 from wh. if ye/', yourselves 16:4 deliver, thi-ni decrees to /-. ll"m. 2:25 proflteth, if th. /'. law 2H k. the righli-ouf'ucss of law 1 Cor. .5:8 therefore let us /,-. feast 1 1 writ, to you not /•, eom|)aiiy 7:37 decreed \w will /-. his virg. 9:27 I k. under my body 15:2/:, In mem, wh. I jireached 2 '!or. 11:9 ami ho will I /,-. my. : 78:7 works of G. but /-. his c. 119:60 delayed not to k. thy c. 115 dep. evil-doers, 1 will k. c. Pror. 3:1 let thy heart /•. my c. 6:20 my son, k. thy father's c. Ec. P:2 conn, thee to /-. king's c. 12:13 fear God and /-. his com. ^fat. 19:17 enter life, k. the c. ■7o'n14:T5 if ye love me./,', my . 12:3/-. oflKiMsi- tremble Cuiil. 5:7/- loiiU Mwav mv vH H:ll Sol. let out vlnrv.'in.l til/-. ./nant Jo/s. 11:10 /-. me alive 45 years /''/.'/( 2:93 /-. by maidenaof Boa;; 1 Slim. I7:".l ser. /-. fath.'s sheep 21:4 /•. themselves from women 2-:33 blessed thou who/-, me 26:15 why not /•. lord the kiii':? 16 ye have not /'. your mn-iter 2 Snin. 13:.34 vouug iniui /■. wiitch 22:22 I have keiit the ways of IlicLoid. /V l'-':9I. 93 21 have kept nivsi-lf I'mm jnlq. ■! I /-. me lo 111' head of heathen I A'. 9:i:)iiot /-. the oath ofl.ord 8:21 hast/-, with I), what Ihoii promlHi'dst him, 2 Chr. 6:15 11:11 liasi not /'. my covenant i:i:2t man of G. not /-. eoininan. 1 I hr. 10:13 word of L. S. /-. not 19:1 David /-. lilmsflf close 2 Chr. 7:8 S. /-. fcii^l 7 days. 9 30:21 /-. fi-iist of unleaveuud br. i::r. (1:22 .35:18 no pHss. lIUo Hint /•. In In. V':r. !);4 /•. fea»l of laberiuiclc!< 6:19 chil. of ciMitiv. /■, piisHover .V.'A. 1:7 liiive not /•. ronimiind. PIH they/', the feast HoveiulayB JiA) 23:11 hU wuyu liavu I k. KID ■Toh 2'!:21 k. clo. from fowls of n'r Pa. 17:4 k. fr. paths of destroyer 30:3 /-. me alive: 42:4 k. h. day 78:10 k. not the covenant of G. 99:7 they /•. his testimonies 119:93 for T k. thv testim. 16T 55 /-. thy law : 56 k. prec. 168 67 k. thy word : 158 /-. not wo. Ec 2:10 eyes desired /-. not from 5:13 riches /-. for ownir.ys thereof Cant. 1:6 vineyard have I not A'. 7/J. 30:29 when "solemnity is k. Jer. 1C:11 /-. laws; .3.5:18/-. prec. Ezek. 5:7 nor /-. my judgm. 20:21 4-1:8 not /-. charge of holy things 15 /-. charge of sanctuary, 48:11 Pan. 5:19 he /-. alive, he set up 7:28 I k. the matter in my heart Eon. 12:12 serv. for wife. li. sheep Amos 1:11 Ed. /,•. wrath for ever Mai. 2:9 not /•. mv ways, 3:7 3:14 profit have k. his ordinan. Mat. 13:35 things been k. secret 19:20 these have I k. from my youth, Lvke 18:21 Mark 4:22 nor any thin!? k. seer. 0:10 /-. that saying, Lvke 9:.36 \ T^iikc 2:10 /.-. things in heart. 51 \ 8:''9 Avas k. bound with chains John 9:10 thou hast /•. good wine 15:10 I /-. Father's commandm. 20 if they have /-. my saying 17:6 and have k. thy word 12 those thou gav. me I have k. Af-ts 5:2 /-. back part of the price 7:.53 received law, and not /-. it 1^" P. /-. in prison ; 6 /-. prison 20:20 /•. back nothing profitable 22:20 /-. the raiment of them 28:16 with soldier that /•. him Pom. 16:-35 mystery /-. secret 2 Cor. 11:9 I /-. froiii being burd. Cat. 3:23 we were /■. under law 9 Tim. 4:7 course. I /-. the faith ITeh. 11-2R Moses /-. the passover Jam. 5:4 hire is /-. back by fraud 1 Pet. 1:5 are /-. by power of God 2 Pet. 3:7 sr.'ne word /'. in store ■Tude 6 angels /-. net first estate Per. 3:8 /■. word, not deni. namo 10 hast /■. word of my patience KEPT silence. ,Toh 20:21 men Mve ear. and /'. s, 31:.34 fen.r multi. that I /-. .o. ? Ps. 33:3 I /-. .«. bones waxed old 50:21 things th. done, and I /'. s. Ac,:^ 15:12 all I'-e multitude /-. s. 22:2 spake Ileb. /-. the more s. KERrHIEFS. E:rk. 1,3:18 /-. on head of stature 21 your /-. akso will I tear KEnKX-lTAPPUCII. Jot) 42:14 KEPJOTII. Jer. 48:24,41; .■1ot.2:2 KEHIVELS. Nutn. 6:4 eat nolh. from tho k. KETTLE. 1 Sam. 9:14 struck into k. or pot KETrKAIL Cfn.25:l,4; 167ir. 1:32, 33 KEY, S. Jiid. 3:25 took a /-. and opened P. 23:22 /-. of hourc of David .Ifa'. 16:10 /-. of killed, of heaven L'ikc 11:.52 tnk. /-. of knowlcd"e Pr': 1:18 /-. of hell and of dejith 3:7 he that hath the /•. orD::vid 0:1 /-. of bottomless pit, 20:1 Kr.7A\. Jo') 49:14 Kv.y.v/.. Jo'.r-.-n KinilOTII-IIATTAAVAH. Nu. 11:3-1,35 KICK, ED. nn(t. 32:15 .1. waxed fat and /-, 1 .S'rjHi. 2:29 /-. veat mv saoridcof Ads 9:5 ha. toA. ng. prl. 2«:ll Kin. nnt. .37:31 .T.'s breth. killed a /-. /'>. 2:1:19 sh. not seethe the /•. Sl:96: Dnit. 14:91 /.IT. 4:23 ollerin?, a /-, of gon's, 28; 9:!); f^c/-. 43:29 ; 4,'.:-;j 23:19 sacrifice luie /-. of p>!'! •, Xi)m. 7:16. V'9. 28; 1,5:21; 'i.'<:W 30; S!t;5. 11, 16. 10, 2."i Ji'il. 6:19 (ild. niaderealy a/-. 11:6 SaniHoii n-iil lion as ii /-, /.«. 11:6 leopard lie di'« ii \\ llh /•. Ltikii 15:29 thou iievert;avet.t a/'. KinXEYB, Fir. 90:1.1 Ihnii i-liall tiiko Iwii*. and burn. 29 ; l<-i\ 11:4, 10, 15; 4:9 ; 7:4 ; 8; 10. 9.5 Tei'. tl:in /•. bur;:! on altar, 19 Vtiit. Sa:lt fut otk. urwliivoir thou wilt nei. k. me %Satn. 14:7 that we may /;. him 32 let him /.;. mo 21:4 nor for us sh. tli. k. any m. 27i'. 5:7amIG)d, to^-..? 7:4 if they k. us, we sh. but die 11:15 follow,. li;'r k. with sword 2 Chr. 35:5 k. the passover Ed. 3:13 let. by posts to k. Jews Ec. 3:3 time to k. time to heal Is. 14:30 k. thy root with famine 20:1 let them k. sacrifices Ezslc. 3 1:3 k. them that are fed Mat. 5:21 who k. sh. bo in dan^. 10:28 fear not them which k. the body, Luk-i 12:4 21:38 heir, come let us k. liim, Mark 12:1; i;//.c 20:14 23:34 some of them ye shall k. 26:4 take J. by subtl. to k. him Hark 3:4 to eavo life, or to k. ? 10:19donot/j. Lu. 1S:20; Ja.. 2:11 Luke 13:31 Ilcrod will k. thee 15:23 bring f.itted calf and k. it Joh:i 5:18 J. sought to k. him, 7:1 7:19 why go ye about to k. me 't 20 who i^oeth about to 7c. thee ? 25 is this he wh. th. seek to k. ? 8:22/1-. himself; 37 to i. 40 10:10 thief com. to steal and k. Acts 9:23 couns-l to k. P. 26:21 10:13 rise, Peter, k. and eat 23:15 are ready to k. him 25:3 lay. wait iti way to k. liim 27:42 counsel to 7c. prisoner Jam. 2:11 yet if thou k. 4:2 ye 7c. and desire to h.ive Sev. 2:23 I will /.:. her children 6:4 that they sho. k. one anoth. 8 power was given them to 7c. 0:5 that they should not k. th. 11:7 beast overco. and k. them RILLED. Gen. 37:31 Joseph's coat, k. kid E.v. 21:29 the ox hath k. a man Lev. 6:25 place wh. bumt-oti'er. is k. sin-oif. be k. bef. the L. 8:19 ram he k. 14:5 bird be k. 14:6 dip them in bio. of bird k. Num. 16:41 ye k. peo. of the L. 31:19 whoso, hath k. any person ISam. 24:11 cut skirt, k. th. not 2.5:11 take my flesh I have k. 2 Sain. 12:9 thou hast k. Uriah 1/r. 21:19 /,■, and tak. possession? 2 C7ir. 25::J slew th. that k. king 30:15 k. the passover 35:1, 11; Ezr. 6:20 Ps. 44:22 for thy sake are we k. Prov. 9:2 she hath A', her beasts L ryi. 2:21 thou ha. /;. not pitied Mj.t. 16:21 k. and raised again, Mark 8:31 ; 9::n 21:35 be, one, and k. Mark 12:5 KIN Mat. 22:4 oxen and fatlin. are k. 2:3:31 cliil. of them k. prophets Mark 12:8 k. him cast him out . 14:12 wh. they k. the passover Luke 11:47 fathers k. them, 4S 12:5 after he Iiath A:, ha, power 15:27 fa. hath k. fatted calf, .30 22:7 day when pass, must be k. Aots 3:15 k. the Prince of life I 12:2 k. James, brother of John I 16:27 would have k. himself I 2:3:12 nor drink till they k. Paul 1 Pom. 8:36 for thy sake we are k. I 11:3 L. they have k. thy proph. 2 Cor. 6:9 chastened and not k. ! T/i£s. 2:15 k. the Lord Jesus Jam. 5:6 condemned and k. just Pev. 6:11 sh. be k. as they were 9:18 the third part of man k. 20 the rest which were not k. 11:5 if hurt him he must be k. 13:10 must be k. with sword 15 image of beast, should be k. RILLEDST, EST. E.r. 2:14 as thou k. Egyptian Mat. 23:37 A. prophets, i«tol3:34 RILLETH. Lev. 24:17 he that 7c. any man sh. be put to dea. Num. 35:30 18 that k. a beast, 21 Num. 35:11 k. any unawares, 15; Deut. 10:4 ; ./o>-. 20:3, 9 1 Sam. 2:6 L. 7c. and maketh alive Job 5:2 wrath 7c. the foolish man 24:14 the murderer k. the poor Prov. 21:23 des. of slothful Ic. him Is. 66:3 he that k. an ox Jo7tn, 16:2 who k. you do. G. ser. 2 Cor. 3:6 letter k. Sp. giveth life Pev. 13:10 he that k. with sword must be killed RILLIIVG. 2 C7ir. 30:17 charge of A. passover Is. 22:13 slaying'oxen, /;. sheep Hos. 4:2 swearing, lying, and k. Mark 12:5 beating some, k. some RI.V. Lev. 18:6 none ajjp.'o. to near k. 20:19 he uncovereth his near k. 25:25 k. come to redeem it, 40 Putli 2:20 man is near k. to us 2 Sam. 10:42 king near k. to us 2 CTir. 10:7 if thou bo k. to people Lu7ce 0:35 G. is k. to unthankful 1 Cor. 1:3:4 charity suit', and is k. EpTi. 4:32 be 7c. one to another R3^'D, Substantive. Gen. 1:11 yield, fruit after 7c. 12 21 watei-s brought foi-th after A. 25 God made b'east after his k. 6:20 fowls after th. k. cattle aft. k. ev. creeping thing after k. Lev. 11:1 4 hawk after his k. 15, 16, 19; D^ut. 14:14- 19:19 not let cattle with div. 7c. Ne/t. 13:20 sellers of all k. w-arc Ec. 2:5 I planted trees of all k. Mat. 13:47 gathered of every k. 17:21 k. go. not out, Mark 9:29 1 Cor. 15::J9 th. is one k. of flesh Jam. 1:18 be a k. of first-fruits 3:7 every k. of beast and birds KINDS. Gen. 8:19 creepeth after their k. 2 CTir. 16:14 with divers k. spices Jer. 15:3 appoint over th. four k. 1 Cor. 12:10 divers k. of tongues 14:10 are so many k. of voices KINDLE. TVow. 26:21 con. man to k. strife Is. 9:18 shall k. in the thickets 10:16 k. aburning like a fire 30:.33 breath of Lord doth k. it 43:2 nor sh. flame k. upon thee ■fer. 33:18 v.-ant man to k. m.-otf. Ob. 18 fire and llame k. in them KWDLED. Lev. 10:6 bewail burn. L. hath k. Num. 11:.33 wrath of the Lord was k. Peul. 11:17; 2 K. 22:1.3, 17 ; Ps. 106:40 2 >?am. 22:9 coals k. Ps. 18:3 Job 19:11 he hath k. his wrath 32:2 then was k. wrath of Elihu 42:7 wrath is k. against thee Ps. 2:12 wrath is £ but a little 124:3 their wrath k. against us Is. 50:11 sparks that ye have k. Jer. 44:6 wrath k. in cities of J. Ezek. 20:48 I the Lord have 7c. it Ilns. 11:8 rav repentin?s are k. Luke l-::49 will I, if itbe k.f See ANGER, riBB, KIN RINDLETH. Job 41:21 his breath k. coals Is. 44:15 k. it. and baketh bread Jam. 3:5 how great, a little fire k. KI\DLY. Gen. 21:49 if vou deal k. 47:29 34:3 Shech. spake k. to damsel 5i':21 .Joseph spake 7c. to breth. .Jos. 2:14 deal k. and truly Ruth 1:8 tlie L. deal k. with you 1 ■SWOT. 20:8 deal A', with thy ser. Pom. 12:10 be 7c. one to another RINDiVESS. Gen. 20:13 *. thou shalt show 21:23 the k. I have done to thee 24:12 O L. show 7c. to my master 40: 14 and show A. I pray thee Jos. 2:12 A", to my fa.'s house ■lud. 8:35 nor showed 7c. to Jer. PutTi 2:20 not left off A. to living 3:10 show, more k. in latter end 1 Sam. 15:6 ye showed A. to Isr. 20:14 show me tlie k. of the L. 2 Sam. 2:5 showed k. to your lord 6 I also will requite you this A. 9:3 that I mav show A. to him 10:17 is this thy k. to friend? 1 K. 2:7 k. to sons of Barzillai 3:6 kept for David this great k. 2 Cltr. 24:22 J. remember, not A. Ne7i. 9:17 G. gracious, of great A. Est. 2:9 mai.len obt. A. of him Ps. 31:21 showed me marvel, k. 117:2 for his merciful k. is great 119:76 merciful A. be my comf. 141:5 right, smite, it sh. be a k. Prov. 19:22 desire ofman is his A. 31:26 in her tongue is law of 7c. Is. 54:8 with k. will I have mercy 10 A. shall not depart from thee ■ler. 2:2 I reraem A. of thy youth .Ioel2:\Z he is of gr. A. Jon. 4:2 Acts 28:2 showed us no little A. 2 Cor. 6:6 by long-sufTcring by A. Ep7i. 2:7 in his A. toward us Col. 3: 12 on A. humblen. of mind Tif. 3:4 after the A. of G. our 2 Pet. 1:7 brotherly-A. to k. char. Lovine-RIIVDNESS. Ps. 17:7 show thy l.-7c. 92:2 26:3 thy l.-k. is before mine eyes 36:7 how excellent is thy l.-k. 10 O continue thy l.-k. to them 40:10 not concealed thy l.-k. 11 let thy l.-7c. preserve me 42:8 Lord will command l.-k. 4S:9 we thought of thy ^.-A. O G. 51:1 have mercv accord, to l.-k. 63:3 thy l.-k. is'better than life 69:16 for thy l.-k. is good 88:11 sh. l.-k. be dec. in grave? 89:33 l.-k. will I not takelr. him 92:2 to show forth l.-7c. in morn. 103:4 crowneth thee v,-ith l.-k. ■ 107:43 understand l.-7c. of the L. 110:88 quicken me after l.-k. 159 13S:2 praise thy name for ^.-A. 143:8 cause me to hear thy l.-7c. Jer. 9:24 L. which exercise l.-k. 1(1:5 tak. away peace, even l.-k. 31:3 with l.-k. have I dr. thee :32:18 show. l.-k. unto thousands Hos. 2:19 betro. th. to me in l.-k. Lovliig.K!\DI\"E§SES. Ps. 25:6 remera. mercies and l.-k. 89:49 where are thy former l.-k. Is. 63:7 mention l.-k. of the Lord RliVDRED. Gen. 12:1 get thee fr. A. Acts 7:3 24:4 go to k. and take wife, 38:40 31:3 return to thy k. 13 : 32:9 4:3:7 asked us straitly of our A. Num. 10:30 dep. to own la. and A. Jos. 6:23 brought out all her k. Puth 2:3 of k. of Elimelech, 3:2 Est. 2:10 show, not peo. or A. 20 8:6 end. to see destruction of A. Ezek. 11:15 men of thy A-. said Luke 1:61 none of A:, called Acts 4:0 were of k. of high-priest 7:13 Joseph's A', known to Pha. 19 dealt subtilely with our A. Per. 5:9 redeemed us out of ev. k. 14:6 gospel to preach to ev. A. ' KINDREDS. ai 1 C7ir. 16:28 give to the Lord, ye A. Ps. 96:7 Ps. 22:27 A. of nations worship Acts 3:25 nil k. of earth blessed Pev. 1:7 all A", of earth shall wail 7:9 multitude of A. bef. throne 11:9 A. see dead bodies thr. days 13:7 pow. given him over all A. RINE. Gen,. 32:15 forty k. ten bulls to E, KIN Gen. 41:2 seven well-favored A. 18 3 seven A. out of river, 4, 19, 20 26 seven good A. are sev. years 27 sev. ill-favored A. sev. years Peut. 7:13 bless increa. of thy A. 28:4 blessed be incr. of thy A. 18 cursed be incr. of thy A. .3-2:14 butter of k. milk of sheep 1 Sam. 6:7 ta. two milch A. tie k. 10 took two A. 12 A. took way 2 Sam. 17:29 and cheese of A. Amos 4: 1 hear this, ye A. of Bas. RING. Gen. 14:18 M. A. of Sal. Eeb. 7:1 Ex. 1:8 arose ne^v k. over Egypt Num. 2:3:21 shout of a A. am. th. 24:7 his k. be higher than Agag Deut. 17:14 I will set A. over me 33:5 and he was A. in Jeshurun Jud. 8:18 resem. child, of a k. 9:8 trees went to anoint a k. 17:6 in those days no k. in Isr. 18:1; 19:1; 21:25 1 Sam. 2:10 L. give strength to k. 8:5 go make us a A. to judge us 0 gi. a A. 9 show man. of'A. 11 10 have a A. 22 make th. a k. 20 that our A. may judge us 10:19 nay, but set a A. over us 24 said, G. save the k. 2 Sam. 16:16; 2K. 11:12: 2 C/ir.23:ll 12:1 I have made a k. over you 2 the A. v>alketh before you 12 said. Nay, a A. sh. reign ov. us, when" God Tas your A-. 17 -svicked. great in asking a A. 19 this evil, to ask a A. 25 cons, both you and your A. 15:1 to anoint thee to be k. 23 roj. thee from being A. 26 16:1 1 have provided me a k. 20:5 not fail to sit with A. 22:15 lot not k. imp. any thing 24:20 I know that thoush. be A. 25:36 Nahal held feast like a A. 2 Sam. 5:12 estab. him A. over 1. 11:8 a mess of meat from k. 12:71 anointed thee A. over Is. 14:9 A. and his throne be guild. 17 as an angel of God, so is my lord the A. 19:27 15:2 had controversy, ca. to k. 3 none deputed of A. to hear 10:9 sh. tins dead do^ curse A..? 17:2 I will smite the A. only 18:13 is no matter hid from Jc. 19:9 A. saved us out of hand of 11 speech of Israel come to k. 22 1 know that I am k. over Is. 28 wh. right to cry more to A', f 43 w-e have ten parts in the k. 22:51 tow-er of salv. for his k. 1 K. 1:35 Solomon A. in my stead 3:7 servant A. instead of David 28 heard judg. the A. judged 8:62 A. and all Is. ofl'cr. sacrifice 10:3 not any thing hid from A. 11:;37 thou shalt be A. over Isr. 14:2 who told me I should be A. 14 L. raise up a king over Is. 21:10 didst blaspheme G. and A. 12:13 prophets declare good to the A. 2C'Ar. 18:12 47 no k. in E. a deputy was k. 2 K. 1:11 A. said. Come down, 9 4:13 wouldest be spok. for to A. 7:2 lord on whose hand A. lean. 8:3 to cry to the A. for her hou. 13 L. showed thou shalt be A. 20 E. made A. over themselves 11:8 be with A. as he goeth out 1 Clir. 4:23 they d^\elt w-i, the k. 39:20 worshipped Lord and A. 2 Clir. 2:11 he made thee A. 9:8 10:15 A. hearkened not to peop. 11:22 he thought to make him A. 2-1:21 stoned him at coin, of A. 25:16 thou made of A*, counsel? Ezr. 4:12 be it kn. to A. 13; 5:8 6:10 pray for life of A. and sons 7:27 put in A. heart to beautify 8:22 req. of A. band of soldiers Neli. 1:11 I was the A. cup-bearer 6:7 aayingj There is a A. in Ju. Est. 4:16 will go in unto the A. 6:6 the A. delighteth to honor. 9 1:f word went out of A. mouth ■lob 15:24 as a A. ready to battle 18:14 bring him to A", of terrors 29:25 dwelt as a A. in the army 34:18 say to A. thou art wick.f 41:34 a k. over children of pride Ps. 2:6 set mv A. upon holy hill 5:2 my A. and mv God, 84:3 10:16 Lord is A". 1'or ever, 29:10 IS:.^ deliverance giveth he to A. 20:9 let k. hear us when we call CRUDEN'S CON-CORDANCE. 915 KIN Ps. 21:1 k. shall joy In thy ptren. 7 the k. tru(-ted in the Lord 24:7 k. of glory shall come in, 9 8 who is k. of glory ? tlie Lord 10 L. of hosts, lie is k. of glory S3:lfi DO k. saved by multitude 45:1 things I made touc. the k. 11 so shall the k. greatly dcsi. 14 brought to tliel". in raim. 47:6 praises to /■;. 7 God is k. 61:6 prolong k. life and years 63:11 the k. shall rejoice in God 72:1 give the k. thy judLrments 74:12 God is my k. of old 89:18 H. One of Israel is our /;. 98:6 make a noise bef. L. the k. 99:4 k. also loveth judgment 149:2 children of Z. joyful in k. Prov. 14:28 people is the k. lion.. 35 k. favor toward wise eerv. 20:28 mercy and truth pres. k. 22:11 the k. shall be his friend 24:21 fear the Lord and the k. 25:5 take wicked from bef. k. 30:27 the locusts have no k. 31 k. against wh. no rising up Ec. 2:12 mail do cometh after k. 5:9 k. hims. served liy the tield 8:4 where word of a k. is power 10:16 woe to thee, wh. k. is ch. 37 bles. wh. k. is son of nobles 20 curse not the k. in tjiouglit Cant. 1:4 k. bro. me to chamber 12 while the k. sitteth at table 3:11 k. Solomon with the crown Is. 6:5 mine eyes ha. eeen the k. 8:21 curse their /,-. and their G. 2:3:15 according to days of one k. 80:.3.3 for the k. it is prepared 32:1 k. shall reign in righteous. 33:17 thine eyes shall see the k, 22 L. i^ our'A:. he will save us 43:15 Creator of Israel your k. 57:9 wenlest to k. with oinfm. Jsr. 4:9 heart of /c. shall perish 8:19 is not her k. in hcry 10:10 true God, everlasting k. 23:5 a k. sliall reign and prosper o;l:25 wh. said to k. the A. to Ih. 40:13 k. whoso name is the Lord ofliosts, 4,i:15; 51:.57 49:38 I will dus. /,-. and princes Lam. 2:6 L. d(!<;)ised /.■. and i)ri. Ezek. 17:13 halhtiik. of*, seed 10 k. dwell, that made him k. 26:7 I will bring a k. of kings 37:23 on:4 Da. bro, father to k. of M. 2 K. 3:4 k. of M. a sheep-master 28 /-. of ^loaf) saw battle Jer. 27::j send yokes to /.-. of M. O K!\«. 1 S^tm. 17:55 0 k. I cannot tell 26:17 1 )rd, 0 k. 2 S'tm. 14:9, 22 : 16:1: ]9:':6; 1 A'. 1:13,20,24; 20:4; 2A'. 0:12, 26; 8:5 2Swi. 14:4 wo. said. Help, 0 k. 2 Chr. 25:7 0 k. let not ar. of Is. Ps. 11.5:1 I will extol thee. 0 k. Jer. 10:7 thee. Ok. of nations? Van. 2:4 0 k. live for ever, 3:9; 5:10; 6:21 29 Ok. thy Ihougbfs came into 31 thou, 0 k. sawest an )ina:.;e 37 tliou. Ok. mtak. of kin;'s 3:10 thou, 0 k. h.:st ma. a deer. 17 del. us out of tliy band. Ok. 18 be it known t) ihee, O k. 24 they answered. True, 0 7c. 4:22 it is thou, 0 k. that art gr. 27 0 k. let counsel be accept. 0:7 ask peti. save of thee, O k. a now, 0 k. establish decree 22 0 k. I have do:io no hurt .4c.'.s' 2fi:13 0 k. I i-:iw in way 19 O k. I was not disobedient KII\G of IVrHia. Ezr. 4:']k. rf Pcnia eomnianded 5 relf;n oif Darius k. of P. 9:9 7Bisli. wrote u;ito/,-. r/ y\G:14 See cYitrs. III\G of Syria. 1 K. 21:20 k. of S. CSC. on horse 2 A'. 5:1 cajJt. of host of/-, of S. r.l k. of S. sj:!;; 9 /.. o/' A'-" sent ].;:! be'e. /-. cf S. o;M)re-'s. them 1(::Y out of h'liid of /-. of S-/ria 2 Chr. 16:7 relied on /-. of Syria See UENIIADAII, IIA/Ai:i., liKZIN. Kl'.V, of Tvrp. •iSnm.n-.WW.k.off. 1 Clir. 11:1 1 A'. 5:1 /-. (■•/' v. sent S. servants 2 Clir. 2:1 1 7,'. of T. ans. in writ. k:\'os. (len. 17:0 /-. shall come out of Hue, 16; 35:11 86:31 /-. that reigned in ICdom ./w. 1/1:5 live /,-. of Amorlles to:'. 21 iniM'eet on iieekH of those /-. 12:21 all (heKi. /•. thirty and one Jii. 1:12: 9:22 4:21 Solomon ovir all llie /'. 2/i'. 3:10 called three A-. loirelher 23 the /-, are surely kImIm 10:4 two k, Hluod not but. blin KIN 1 Chr. 16:21 reprov. k. P«.105:14 2 Chr. 9:23 k. sought presence S. 21:20 the sepulchres oik. 24:25 26:2:3 field of burial belong, to k. Ezr. 4:15 city being hurtful to*. 6:12 G. dest. k. alter this house 7:12 Artaxerxes king of k. to E Neh. 9:32 trou. little to us and k. 34 nor have our /-. kept thy law Jb6 3:14 had I been at rest wi. k. 12:18 he looseth the bond of k. 36:7 k. are they on the throne Ps. 2:2 the /-.of the ear. Acts 4:26 10 therefore, O k. be instruct. 45:9 k. daughters among women 48:4 lo, the/c. were assembled 62:12 k. of armies did flee apace 14 the Almighty scat. k. in it 29 sh. /-. bring pi-csents to thee 72:11 k. shall fall down be. him 76:12 terrible to /-. of the earth 89:27 higher than k. of the ear. 102:15/-. of earth sh. fearthyg. 110:5 strike k. in day of wrath 119:46 speak of testim. befo. k. 135:10 smote nations, and si. k. 136:17 which smote great k. 18 138:4 /-. of earth praise th. 148:11 144:10 he that givetb salva. to*. 140:8 bind th"ir /-. with chains Pj'w. 8:15 by me k. reign 16:12 abom" for /-. comhiitwick. 13 right, lips are delight of*. 22:-29 dilig. shall stand before *. 25:2 honor of *. to search mat. 3 heart of*, is unsearchable 30:28 the spider is in *. palaces 31:3 ways to tliat wh. destroy *. 4 it is not for *. to drink Ec. 2:8 peculiar treasure of *. Is. 7:16 land forsaken of both *. 10:8 are not princes altoge. *. .? 14:18 /.-. of nations lie in glory 19:11 I am the son of ancient *. 24:21 L. punish *. of the earth 41:2 who made him ruler over*. 4.5:1 I will loose the loins of *. 49:7 /-. shall see and arise 23 k. sh. be thy nursing fathers .52:15 *. sh. shiit mouths at him 60:3 *. to brisrhtn. of thy rising 10 *. shall minister to ihee 11 that their *. may be broug. 16 thou Shalt suck breast of*. 62:2 all *. shall see thy glory Jer. 2:26 k. and princes ashamed 1.3:13 *. that sit on David's thr. 22:4 *. pitting upon throne of I). 25:18 made Judah and *. drink .34:5 with burnings of former *. 4 1:17 *. and jirinces bu. incense 46:25 iiiinisb thi'ir *. and gods 49:3 their *. shall go to captivi. 50: 11 many *.' slnill be raised up Kam. 4:12 *. of earth not believ. /;:/■*. 27:::5 /-. be sore afra. 32:10 2ri:17 I wiM l:iy thee before *. 4:!:7 *. no nioi-e defile my name Dan. 2:21 removeth *. set. up *. 44 in the d:;ys of these *. 47 that your G. is a Lord of *. 7:17 four <'re:itl)eastsare four*. 21 the te:i horns are ten *. 9:6 spake In thy name to our *. 8 to /-. and jirlnces belong con. 11:2 tliree /'. 27 these *. hearts Ij'os. 7:7 all their*, are fallen K:4 tliev setup *. but not by mo /::'). 1:10 they slnill seotfat *. .Uat. 10:18 brou. before *. for mv sake, Mark 1.3:9; 7,»/v 21:12 11:8 wear soft cloth, in *. lions. ]7:25ofwh.do/-. of earth lake* Luke 10:21 *. have desired to see 22:25 *. of Gentiles exercise 1 Cor. 1:8 ye have reigned as *. 1 Tim. 2:2 i)rav. be made for *. 6:15 King of' *. and Lord of lords, /f,r. 17:11; 19:16 //(*. 7:1 returned from slaug. *. /t'ri'. 1:5.1. Christ prince of*. 6*. anil priest unto God, 5:10 6:15 /■. ofeiirlli hid themselves 10:11 must prophesy bel'ore *. 16:12 way of*, of e.'ist prepared M spirits which go forth lo *. Her. 17:2 *. of enrlh coinnilt. for. 10 seven *. fivi' are fallen 12 ten *. w. receive pow. as *. IH wh. nigu. over *. of earth 18:3*. of larth liaveeoininltled 9*. ofearlli who shall bewail 19:18 eat till' no-liof*. inidcap. 21:24 *. of the earth bring glory KI.VGK iif llii< Amorttva. Deut. 1:17 two *. if Ih,- .1. 31:4; J oe t'liltilled in k.of God 13 not drink until k. of G. co. Joha i:i ho. a;j;. can seei-. of G. 5 cannot enter into k. of God Acts 1:3 tilings pertaining to /;. of Gyd, f(:12; 19:3 14:22 thro' tribal, enter k. of G. 33:23 expou. and testi. k. of G. Jiom. 14:17 k. of G. is not meat 1 Cor. 4:30 k. of God is not in w. 6:9 unright. liot inherit k. of G. 10 nor extortioners inhe. X'. of Gxl, Gal 5:21 ; Eph. 5:5 1S:.)0 desh can. in. k.ofG. 2 Ti'i'<. 1:5 worthy k. of God Heo. 12:10 is come k. of our God KIXGD97.I of heaven. Jilat. 3:2 repent, for k. of heaven is at hand, 4:17 ; 10:7 5:3 theirs is k. of heaven, 10 19 least in k. of h. g. in k. ofh. 20 in no case cut. k of h. 18:3 7:21 s.aith. Lord, sh. ent. k. ofh. 3:11 sit with Abnih. in /,-. ofh. 11:11 least in k. of k. gre. th. he 12 k. of heaven suffer, violence 13:11 know mysteries of /i. of h. 16:19 give thee keys of k. ofh. 18:1 who is great, in k. ofh. f 4 23:13 shut up k. of h. aga. men His Kn'GDOM. Gen. 10:10 begin, of A is i-. was B. Num. 24:7 Aij k. shall be exalted Deut. 17:18 sit. on throne of A. /•. 1 Chr. 11:10 strengthened in ^.A-. 2 Chr. 1:1 S. strengthen, in h. k. Ps. 103:19 h. k. nileth over all 143:12 glorious majesty of A. k. /-■. 9:7 h. k. to order and establi. Dan. 4:3 his k. is an everl. king. 34 h. k. fr. general. 6:26 ; 7:14 11:4 h. k. broken and pluck, up Mat. 12:26 h. k. stand? Lu. 11:18 13:41 gather out of Ai,5 k. all th i:>:28 S. of man coming in A. k. L i^e 1:33 of A. k. sh. be no end 1 T'm. 2:12 called you to A. k. 2 Tim. 4:1 appearing and his k. ZldC. 16:10 Aw k. full of darkness My RIXGDOM. 0';n. 20:9 hrou. on me and m. k. 2 Sam. 3:28 I and m. k. are guil. Dan. 4:;36 glo. ofniy k. in m;/ k. 0:26 in every dominionof 7ny A. 2[ark 6:23 to half of my k. Luke 22:30 drink at my table in 7ny k. John 18:36 my k. not of th. world Thy KIIVGOOitf. 1 Sam. 13:14 t. k. eh. notcoutin. KIS P,-;. 45:6 t. k. ri. sceptre, Ileb. 1:3 145:11 speak of glory of thy k. 13 thy k. is everlasting kingd. Dan. 4:26 t. k. shall be sure 5:11 man in I. k. 26 numb. t. k. 23 1. k. divided to Med. and P. Mat. 6:10 t. k. come, Luke 11:2 20:21 the other on left in t. k. Luke 23:42 thou comest to t. k. RI\GDO>I§. 1 Sam. 10:18 out of hand of all k. 1 K. 4:21 Sol. reigned over all k. •2K. 19:15 God ot all k. of earth 2 C'hr. 12:8 may know serv. oik. 20:6 thou rulest over all the k. 36:23 all k. hath the Lord given me, Ezr. 1:2 P.'!. 48:6 heath, raged, k. moved 79:6 wrath on k. have not called 103:22 k. gathered to serve Lord Is. 10:10 hand found k. of idols 13:4 noise oik. of nations gath. 14:16 is this man did shake k. ? 2-3:11 shook Jc. 37:16 God of k. Jer. 1:10 over k. I have set thee 15:4 rem. to all /■;. 24:9 ; 34:17 25:25 all k. of world shall drink 29:18 make th. a terror to all k. 34:1 k. fought against Jerusal. Ezek. 20:15 be the bas. of the k. 37:23 nor be divided into two i. Dan. 2:44 shall cons, all these k. 7:23 shall be diverse from all A. 8:23 four k. stand nut of nation Nah. 3:5 will show k. thy shame Zep. 3:8 assemble the k. to pour Hut. 2:22 overthrow throne of k. Mat. 4:8 all k. of world, Luke 4:5 Heb. 11:33 thro' faith subdued k. Rev. 11:15 k. of world are A. of L. KIIVGLY. Dan. 5:20 deposed from k. thro. KIXSPOLK, S. 1 K. 16:11 none of Eaasha's k. 2 K. 10:11 Jehu slew Ahab's k. Job 19:14 /t. failed and forgot, me Luke 2:44 sought Jesus among A. 21:16 betrayed by A. and friends KI^SM.W. Num. 5:8 if the man have no k. 27:11 give his inheritance to k. Ruth 3:9 near k. 12 k. nearer 13 perform to thee part of a k. 4:1 behold k. of whomB. spake 14 not left thee without a k. John 18:26 k. whose ear P. cut off Som. 16:11 salute Ilerodi. my k. ki.\s>ie:v. Ruth 2:20 is one of our next k. Ps. 33:11 lovers and k. stood off Luke 14:12 call not breth. nor k. Acts 10:24 Cornelius called his A. Rom. 9:3 my k. according to flesh 16:7 salute k. £1 k. s;ilute you K3\SWO.\I.4\, 5JE\. Lev. 18:12 is my father's near k. 13 she is thy mother's near k, 17 for they are her near k. Prov. 7:4 call understand, thy k. KIR. 2 /r. 16:9 people captive to K. /<. 15:1 K. of M. is laid waste Amos 9:7 bro. Assyrians from K. K!R-HAR.\SETH. 2 K. 3:25 in K. left thev stones /„■. 10:7 foundations of K. shall KmiATH.\IM. Gen. 14:5 smote E. in Shav. K. Jer. 48:1 K. is confounded, 23 R!RJATH-ARBA. Gen. 23:2 6ar. died in K. Jos. 14:15; 20:7; Jud. 1:10 KIRJATH-JEARIM. ■Tos. 9:17 K. a city of Hivites 1 Sam. 7:1 men of K. fetched ark 1 Chr. 13:5 the ark of God fr. K. 2 Chr. 1:4 broug. the ark fr. K. KLRJATn-SEPHER. Jos. 15:15, 40 KISH. 1 Sam. 9:1 man wh. na. K. 14:51 10:11 wh. is come to son of K. ? 'iSam. 21:14 Sa. in sepulchre IC. Acts 13:21 G. gave the sou of K. KIS-S, ES. Prov. 27:6 k. of an enemy deceit. Cant. 1:2 k. me with i. of mouth L^ike 7:15 thou gavest me no k. 22:48 betra. Son of man wi. k.? Rom. 16:16 salute with a holy k. 1 Cor. 16:20 gr. wi. k. 2 C(yr. 13:12 1 Thes. 5:26 greet breth. w. h. k. 1 pg^ 5:14 greet with k, of chari. KIsE KISS, Verb. Gen. 27:26 come near and k. me 31:28 nut sufl'ered to k. my sous i Sam. 20:9 Ama. by beard to k. 1 K. 19:20 k. my father and mot. Ps. 2:12 k. Son, lust he be angry Prov. 24:26 every man k. his lips Cant. 1:2 k. me with kisses of m. 8:1 I would k. thee, yet I should IIo.'. 13:2 men sacrifi. k. thecalv. Mul. 26:48 whomsoever IA-. hold him fast, Mark 14:44 Luke 7:45 not ceased k. my feet 22:47 Judas drew near to J. to k. KISSED. Gen. 27:27 Ja. came and k. him 29:11 Jacob k. Rachel and wept 31:55 La. k. sons and daughters 45:15 J. k. all his brethren 48:10 J. k. Joseph's sons 50:1 Jos. fell on fa.'s ia.cek. him Ex. 4:27 met Moses and k. him 18:7 met father-in-law k. him Ruth 1:9 Na. k. daughters-in-law 1 Sam. 10:1 poured oil and k. S. 20:41 Jonathan and David k. •2 Sam. 14:133 king A'. Absalom 15:5 Ab*i. A', anv man came ni. 1 IC. ]:,:18mouth hath not k. Job ?V.2'( mouth hath A-. hand P'. 85:10 and ptace A", each other P/r'-. 7:13 caught him k. him Mai. 26:49 sa'id. Hail. Master, and A", him. Mark 14:45 Liike 7:3S ;\f . k. feet and anointed 15:20 fell on his neck and A\ him Acts 20:37 fell on P.'s neck k. h. RITE. Lev. 11:14 k. unci. Deut. 14:13 KITTDI. Gen. 10:4; 1 air. 1:7 K^EAD, ED Gen. 13:6 k. it and make cakes 1 Sayn. 28:24 took flour and k. it 2 Saw. 13:8 Tamar took flonr k. Jer. 7:18 women A', their dough Hos. 7:4 the baker k. the dough R\EADIXG. Ex. 8:3 frogs co. into A\-tronghs 12:34 /.-.-troughs bound in cloth. RXEE. Gen. 41:43 they cried. Bow the k. Is. 45:23 unto me every k. sh. bow, Rffm. 14:11 ; Phil. 2:10 Mai. 27:29 bowed the k. bef. him Rom. 11:4 bowed tlie k. to Baal RIVEEL, ED. Gen. 24:11 ma. his camels k. do. 2 Chr. 6:13 Solomon k. on knees Ps. 95:6 let us k. bef(n-e the L. Dan. 6:10 D. k. three times a day Luke 22:41 and Jesus A", down Acts 7:60 Steplien A", and cried 9:40 Peter k. prayed : 20:36 P. 21:5 we k. down on the shore RXEELIXG. 1 K. 8:.54 Solomon rose from A". Mat. 17:14 a man A", to him, say- ing, Mark 10:17 Mark 1:40 came a leper A'. RiVEES. Gen. 30:3 maid sh. bear on my A". 48:12 brou. them fr. between k. 50:23 brought up on Joseph's A'. Deut. 28:.35Lord smite thee in A'. Jud. 7:5 bowed down k. 6 16:19 made Sam. sleep on her k. 1 K. 8:54 arose fr. kneeling on A'. 18:42 Elijah put face bet. his k. 19:18 A-. have not bowed to Bnal 2 K. 1:13 fell on k. before Elijah 4:20 sat on mother's A', till noon 2 Chr. 6:13 Sol. kneeled onhisA. Ezr. 9:5 I fell on my k. Job 3:12 why did k. prevent me 4:4 strengthened the feeble A. Ps. 109:24 A. weak thro' fasting Is. 35:3 confirm the feeble k. 66:12 and be dandled on her A'. Ezek. 7:17 A", weak as water, 21:7 47:4 the waters were to the A'. Dan. 5:6 A. emo. one ag. another 6:10 kneeled on A', three times 10:10 a hand set me upon my A'. Nah. 2:10 the k. smite together Mark 15:19 bowing k. worship. Luke 5:8 Peter fell at Jesus' A. Eph. 3:14 bow my A. to Father Heb. 12:12 hands hang do. fe. k. RIVEW. Gen. 4-1 Adam A. E. his wife, 25 17 Cain k. wife, she conceived 38:26 Jud. A. her again no more Jud. 11:39 daiiffhter k. no man 19:25 A. her and cbuacd her KNE 1 K. 1:4 but the kin^ k. her not Mat. 1:25 Joseph A. her not RiVEW. Gen. 3:7 Adam and Eve k. that 9:24 Noah k. what son had done 38:9 O. A. seed should not be h. 42:7 Joseph saw and A. breth. 8 Num. 24:16 k. knowl. of M. H. Deut. 34:10 wh. L. k. face to face 1 Sam. 3:20 A. Sam. was a prop. 18:28 Saul A. L. was with David 20::39 D. and Jonathan A. mat. 22:17 bee. they k. when he fled 26:17 Saul A. David's voice 2 Sam. 11:16 A. that valiant men 2 -air. 33:13 Manas, k. L. was G. Est. 1:13 that A. law and judgm. Job 23:3 A. where I might find Is. 48:4 I k. thou art obstinate 7 should, say, Behold, I A. th. Jer. 1:5 formed thee, I A. thee 32:8 I A. this was word of Lord 41:4 slain Gedaliah. no man A:. 41:15 A. wives burnt incense Dun. 5:21 he A. Most High ruled 6:10 Daniel A', wri. was signed Jon. 4:2 A', thou art a graci. God Zee. 11:11 A. it was word of L. Mat. 7:23 profess I never A. von 12:25 J. A. thoughts, Lvke 6:8 25:24 1 A", thee, thou art hard m. Mark 1:34 because they k. him Luke 4:41 they A. he was Christ 12:47 servant A. his lord's will 24:31 eyes opened, they A. him John 2:24 because he A. all men 25 for he A. what was in man 6:6 himself A. what he would do 64 Jesus A. from the beginning 11:42 I A. that thou hearcst me 57 if any man A. where he we. 13:1 Jesus A. his hour was co. 11 he A. who should betray h. 28 no man at the table k. for 18:2 Judas A. the place Acts 12:14 Rhoda A. Peter's vol. 22:29 A. that he was a Roman Rom. 1:21 bee. when they A. G. 1 Cor. 2:8 no. of princes of wo. k. 2 Cor. 5:21 sin, who A", no sin 12:2 I A. a man in Christ, 3 Col. 1 :6 since ye k. grace of God 2:1 k. what great conflict I have Jude 5 thou^ ye once A", this Rev. 19:12 name writ, no man it. R\EW not. Gen. 2S:16 place, and A. it not 38:16 Judah A. not she was his E.v. 1:8 king which A. n. Joseph Num. 22::34 1 A. not thou stood. Deut. 8:16 thv fathers A. not 29:20 gods thy fath. A. not. 32:17 Jud. 2:10 generation A. net L. 14:4 A. not that it was of the L. 1 Sam. 2:12 sons of Eli A. n. L. 20:39 the lad k. not any thing 2 Sam. 11:20 A", ye n. th. would 18:29 but I A. not what it was 22:44 peop. I A. n. sh. serve mc Job 2:12 Job's friends A. him not 29:16 cause I A. n. I search, out 42:3 th. I A. n. wonder, for me Ps. 35:11 charge things I A. net Prcm. 24:12 behold, we A', it not Is. 42:16 blind by way they A. n. 25 set him on fire, yet he A", n. 55:5 nations that A. not thee Jer. 2:8 that handle law, h. me n. 11:19 I A', not they had devised 44:3 serve gods W'hom they A. n. Dan. 11:.38 whom fathers A. not Hos. 8:4 made prin. and I k. it n. 11:3 they A. not that I healed Mat. 17:12 E. co. they A. him n. 24:30 A. not till the flood came Luke 2:43 Jos. and mother A", n. 12:48 A. not and did commit th. John 1:10 the world A. him not 31 a:idl A. hiin?(0?, 3:3 20:9 they A. not the scriptures 14 k. not that it was J. 21:4 Acts 13:27 because they A. himn. 19:32 A. 7!. wherefore they came 27:39 when day, they A. n. land 1 Cor. 1:21 by wisdom A. not G. Gal. 4:3 then when ye A. n. God 1 Joliu 3:1 because it k. hmxnot RXEWEST. Deut. 8:3 fed with manna, A. not Ruth 2:11 to people thou A. not Ps. 142:3 then thou A. my path 7^\ 48:8 heardest not, thou A. not Mat. 25:26 thou A. I reaped whera I sowed not, Luke 19:22 Lvke 19:44 A. not time of visit. John 4:10 if then A. gift of God CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 917 KNO KNIFE. Gen. 11:^ Abraham took /•. 10 Jud. I'.lriO took /.-. and liiicl hold J'rov. 2:5:2 put a /;. to thy throat Kzek. 5:1 take th'. • a sliurp k. 2 KSIVES. Jo^. 5:3 make; f\\&v\> k. 3 Josliua made him sharp 1:. 1 K. 13:"v3 cut ihciusc'lvoH with k. Ezr. 1:0 nine niid twenty k. Prov. 33: 11 toot h ua k. dc v. poor K.\IT. Jud. 20:11 1;-, wore k. together 1 fiam. 18:1 Jonathan k. to Da. 1 Ci'ir. 12:17 my heart be k. to y. Acts 10:11 sheet /j. at four corne. Col. 2:21iearts k. torjether in lo. I'J body k. together increaseth K:VOCIi, ED. Mat. 7:7 k. it sh. be op. Lri. 11:0 Znke ]:J:25 bcsiu to k. at door Acts Ti:Vi as Peter k. at the door liee. ?.:20 1 stand at door and k. KXOtlKETJI, ING. Cant. 5:2 voice of beloved that k. Mat. 7:8 Iiim tliat k. shall be opened, I^nke 11:10 Luke 12:.3S when he A. they may Acts 12;1G Peter continued k. R\OP, S. .Ec. 2.'5:31 Iiis k. a:id his flowers, 3.1 U.Si; 37:17, 19,20,22 1 A'. 6:13 cedar carved with /;. 7:24 k. coin|>a,. gave S:/: 4:') k. what it was, and why Job 5:24 k. tliy tabernacle 25 /;. that (hy seed sh. be great 27 and k. thou it for tliy good 7:10 nor shall liis place ^.Tiini 8:9 but of yesterdiiy, /.-. nothing ll:fi k. that God e.-caeteth less 8 what canst thou k. / 13:23 ni;Uceme k. my transgres. Il;:(i k. that G. Iiath overthrown 21:19 G. reward, him, he sh. k. 2::13sayest, How doth QoAk.f 21:1 they that k. him not see y 17 if one k. them, liny a'e in 31:4 k. am. oin-sel. wh.il, is good 87:15 dost/,-, when (Jod dispos. 88:20 i. the oalh.s (o the Ikjiiso Pt. 4:3 /:. I>. halh setapart godly 9:10 that /.:. thy na. trust hi IIkm' 39:4 L. make nie to /.■. mine end 40:10 Sim, and/;, that lamG. Cl:(i in hid. part make nie to k. 59:13 liathejn /;. l!i:il(J. riiletli 7;):ll dolh(;./u Kilhoiitrhttoyt. 89:15 blessed are they that k. 103:10 place shall /■. it no more 139:23 k. my heart, /•. my thou. 142:1 no man would /,-. n'le 143:8/-. way wliereiu 1 sliould J'roih \:ik. wisd.aiid inslniet 4:1 allerid to/', underslaiiding 10:32 rlghleoiis /-. wh. isa(-ee|j|. 27:23 diliu;. lo/,-. slate of Hocks Jir. 1:17 Kuve heart lo /-. wisd. 7:25ap|)llcd heart lo/.:. wisdom 8:17 Iho. a w-ise man think lo/,-. !»:5 Ihe living/,-. Iluy siniil die 11:9/-. Unit (J. will iirlnglo In, Jk. 7:llibi-ron- the child shnll /-. 19:21 Kgvpllans shall /,-. llu^ I,. 41:20 that they may se(> ii:id /-. 49.-2Uull Mesh slmll /(-, 1 nm 50:4 /". how lo speak In si'ason 52:0 my peoi)le sli. /,-. niy mnne 58:2 and dell;'lil lo/-. my ways m-.Wk. (hall the I,, nm lliy'H. ./. /•. 2:19/,-, It In iivll to foruako KNO ■Ter. 9:6 thro' deceit refuse to k. 15:15 k. that for thy .sake Isuf. l(i:21 cause them to /;. my hand, and they sh. k. my name is 17:9 heart deceit, who can /;. it ? 2-1:7 give them a heart to /,'. me 31:34 k. the Lord, for they shall all*, me, a?/). 8:11 .38:19 let no man /•. where j-o be E::ck. 2:5 /;. ha. been a pro. 33::i3 .5:13 /;. I the Lord have spoke;i 25:14 they sh. k. my vengeance 28:19 all that k. thee be aston. 34:30 they /,-. I am with them 37:28 heathen shall /;. 39:2;j rjan. 2:21 know, to them who /;. 4:25 k. that M. High ruleth, 32 7:16 made me /-. interpretation 11:32 peo. that /-. God be strong 7/0.5. 2:-20 thou slialt /;. the Lord 9:7 Israel shall /;, it 13:4 thou sh. /-. no God but mo 14:9 prudent, ar.d he sh. /;. th. Mic. .3:1 for you to /-. judgment Zee. 2:11 k. the L. sent me, 4:9 Mai. 2:4 ye sh. /,-. I liave sent th. Mat. 6:3 let not thy left hand k. 7:11 k. how to give, Luke 11:13 9:30 see no man k. it. Mark 5:43: 7:24; 9:30 13:11 it is given to you to /;. MarkA:n; LnkeSM 24:33 /-. desolation is near, Mark 13:29 ; T.nke 21:20 .loJm 4:42 we /;. that this is Chr. 7:17 he shall k. of l!ie doctrine 10:4 sheep fol. they k. his voice 14 am good Shep. /-. my sheep l;;:7 thou Shalt/-, hereafter 35 men k. ye are my disciples 1fi:21 behold, they k. what I sa. Ac's 1:7 not for you to k. times 22:14 k. his will and see .J. One 20:4 from my youth k. all Jev\-s Horn. 7:1 speak to them that k. 10:19 I s.iy. Did not Israel k. ? 1 Cor. 2:14 neither can he k. th. 8:2 know. noth. as ought to k. Eph. 3:19 k. the love of Christ 1 The!:. 3:5 I sent lo k. your faith 4:4 ev. one sho. /,-. how to pos. 5:12 /;. them who lalior among 1 Tim. 4:3 believe and /-. truth 2 Tim. 3:1 /,-. alsothat in last da. Til. 1:1« profess (liat they k. G. ■Jam. 2:20 wilt thou k. O vain JiiUe 10 what they k. naturally Hip. 2:23 churches sh. /-. 1 ain'he 3:9 make them k. I have loved Sec csnTAiN, certainly, cer- tainty. I KNOW. Gen. 12:11 //-. thou art fair wo. 1.5;S//,-. th.1t I sliall inherit? 18:19 //-. he will com. his chil. 22:12 //,-. that (liou fearesl God 48:19 Ik. it, my son, I /-. it /;'.)'. 3:7 said, //-. their sorrows 4:14 brother-/ //,-. he can speak 18:11 //-. L. grea. than all gods 33:12 //-. thee by thy name, 17 Dent. 31:21 //-. th. imagination 29 Ik. that after my death .Tot. 2:9 / /,-. L. hath given you ./ml. 17:13/-. / L. will do good 1 Sam. 20::;0 //,-. (-ho. sou of J. v 21:20 //,-. thou Shalt surely be 29:9 //-. I lion art good 2 K. 2:3 //.-. it, hold pcaice, 5 5:15 //-. there is no G. in earth 19:27//-. thy abode, /k. 37:28 1 Chr. 29:17 //-. thou triest heart 2 Chr. zy.mik. G. halh detcrm. ./nil '.i:iH I /-. not hold me innoc. i:!:2 ve know, Ihe sarni' do Ik. 18 //-. that I shall be jiiHlllled 19:25 //,-. my lledc-emci- liveth 21:27 //-. your Ihouglils 311:23 //,-. th. bring me lo death 42:2 //-. Ihou cansi doevery lii. I'.i. 20:6 //-. I,, sav. his anoi'iiled 41:11 //-. thou favorest ine 50:11 / /-. all fowls (jf mounlnln 119:75 //-. () I,. Ihv iud-. riidil. i:)5:5//,-. I., is greater above all 110:12//-. I,, will malm, cau-e AV, ;!:I2//-. Ih. no good in Ihein 8:12 //-. It shall l><^ well wllli /.v. 47:8 nor slnill / /,-. lossofchl. 6t;:lH //,-, worksinni IhoutjhlH ./.;-. 10:23 //-. Ih,' way of man 11:18 I,, given nn- kmnvl. / /-. It 29:11 //-. Ihe lhou,,'hlH 1 ihInU 23 //-. and am wllni'ss, sal. I.. 48:30 //-. hlH wrath, sidlh I,. /■::ik. \\::>lk. lhlie;H thai come lloa. 13:5 /did/-, tlieuin wilder. KNO ■Ton. 1:12 //-. for my sake temp. Mat. 28:5 //-. that ye seek Jesus Mark V.'iA I k. who thou art. Luke 4:34 Lu/ce 1:18 whereby sh. Ik. this John 4:25 Ik. that Messias com. 8:37 Ik. ye are Abraham's seed 55 Ik. him ; 9:25 one thi. I k. 10:15 knoweth me, Ik. Father 27 //.-. my sheep, they fol. me 11:22 //;. that what thou ask G. 24 / k. that he shall rise again 13:18 / /-. whom I have chosen Acts 12:11 //,-. for a surety Lord 19:15 Jesus Ik. and Paul / k. 10:25 //-. ye sec my fa. no more Iio//i. 7:18 / k. in me dw. no good 1 Cor. 4:4 / /;. nothing by mvself 13:12 Ik. in part, then shall//.-. Phil. 1:19 Ik. this shall turn 25 Ik. I shall abide w-ith you 4:12 //-. how to be abased, / /;. 2 Tim. 1:12 //;. whom I believed 1 Mu! 2:4 he that saith, Ik. him Heo. 2:2 //;. thy works, 13; 3:8 KNOW not, or not Ki\OW. Gen. 4:9 wliero is Abel Ilk. not 27:2 I /-. vol day of my death Ex. 5:2 I /-. n. L. nor will I let I. 1 Sa7n. 3:7 Sam. did not yet k. L. 1 K. 18:13 Pp. carry thee I /-. not 2 K. 17:26 k. n. manner of God Ezr. 7:25 teach yeth. that /-. not Job 9:21 would I not k. my soul 15:9 know, thou that we /-. )(. ,? 21:29 do ye not k. their tokens 't 24:13 /-. iwt the ways thei-cof 16 dig in dark, they /-. p. lirht .32:22 /-. vol to give flatter, titles 36:26 God great, we /-. him not Pt:. 71:15 /-. n. numbers thereof 82:5 /.-. not neither understand 94:10 teach man, shall not he k. ? 101:4 I will n. k. -wicked person Prov. 4:19 k. v. at what stumble 24:12doth not be /.-. it. ai.d sh. 30:18 four lhinf:s which I k. not Ec. 9:5 dead /-. not anything Is. 1:3 but Israel AaWCnotk. 43:19 yen./.-, it? A\:i,\k.not 47:11 not k. from wh. it arisi-th ,59:8 way of peace they /,-. not J, 6:7 ve hIiiiII /-, that /am Ihe /,. 16:12; 1 A'. 20:28; Ai,/-. 6:7, 13; 7:1. 9; 11:10, 12; 12:20; 13:11, 14. 21. 21; 14:8; 15:7; 20::i8. 42, 41; 23:19; 24:24; 25:5; 35:9; ;10:H; !I7:6, 13; ./or/ 3:17 7:B ICgypllans /-. that lam the /.. 11:4, m 17 Hlinlt / . Hint I am the 1,. 1 A'. 2(1:13; /». 49:2.3; h^itk. 16:G-J; lUi:lU; il5:7; 3S:4, 14 KNO Ex. 29:46 they shall k. tJial lam the L. Ezek. 6:10, 14; 7:S7: 12:1.5, 16; 24:27; 25:11, 17: 26:6; 28:22, 2:}. 24, 2'j; 29:9, 16:21; 30:8. 19, 2.5, 26; 32:15; .33:29; .34:37; 35:15; 36:33; 38:2.3; 39:6, 28 .Ter. 24:7 heart to k. 1. 1 am t. L. Ezek. 20:12 might /;. t. lam I. m-.-iS heath, sh. /-. I cm L. g'.::7 39:23 Is. shall /-. t. lam tlie L. May, niavesf, or might KNOW. Ex. 8:10 thou vmye.it k. there is none like God, 9:14 9:29 m. k. earth is the Lord's 11:7 may k. L. put a dill'erence 33:13 show me way, th. I m. k. JSiim. 23:19 m. k.\\li. L. willsay Ltut. 4:'io in. k. that L. he is G. Jos. 3:4 in. /;. way ye should go 4:24 peojile in. k. hand of theL. 1 Sam. ri:46 in. k. th. is a (4. iu Is. 1 /i'. 8:413, 60 ; 2 A'. 19:19 2 Sam. 24:2 in. k. num. of peop. 1 K. 1S:.37 peojile m. k. th. art G. 3 Chr. 6:33 people «i«>/i-.1byua. Job 19:29 in. k. there is a judg. 31:6 that God ?/(«)/ k.my inlcg. 37:7 all men may k. his worii I's. 9:20 m. k. th. to be but men 39:4 that imi'j k. how- frail I am 8:3:18to. k. thou artJI. High 109:27 m. k. th. this is thy liand 119:125 that I m. k. thy testim. Is. 5:19 draw nigh that we in. k. 7:15 he 7naij k. to refuse the ev. 37:S0 all may k. that thou art L. 41:23 ye niayk. we are gods 43:10 ye may k. and believe me 45:3 tiioii in. k. I am G. of Isr. 6 may k. from rising of sun Ezek. 21:5 all llesli ?/«;y /.-. I luavc 38:16 that heathen may k. me Dan.. S:'.iOm. k. though, of heart 4:17 to intent lliatliving in. k. Jfie. 6:5 in. k. righteousn. of L. John 10:;;8 ye ?«ai//,-. and believe 14:31 the world may k. Vi'.'Ji 17:3 m. k. thco the only true G. Acts 17:19 >n. /,-. wh. th. doctrine 1 Coi: 2:12 J?^. /•. things given 2 Cor. 2:4 m. k. love.I ha. to you 9 that I m. k. the proof of you Ep/i. 1:18 ye m. k. hope of call. 6:22 ve iiiir/ht k. our all'airs Phil. 3:10 tiiat 1 may k. him Col. 4:6 ye m. /;. how to answer 1 Tim. 3:15 m. k. how thou oug. 1 John 5:13 m. k. ye ha. eternal 20 wc in. k. him that is true We K.\OW, or KNOW wc. Gen. 29:5 they said, we k. hi:u /Jeiit. 18.21 how shall ire k. wo. 2 Ch?: 20:12 nor/;. •«•' dwell III lilm ti:2 irek. we lo\e clillil. of (lod 1,5 lie / . that he lieiirelli im, uv k. we have pelllloiH 19 lie k. thai we ureof Oivl au Hal (('< iiiiiy k. liUu Uiat U iruu 918 CRUDEIST'S CO^CORDAT^CE. KNO Ye KXOW, m Ki\OW ye. Gen. 29:5 he said, k. ye Labau ? Ex. 16:6 at even ye shall k. 23:9 ye k. the heart ol' stranger Sum. 14::34 ye k. breach of prom. Jos. 3:10 ye shall k. the livhigG. 2 K. 9:11 ye k. man and his com. Job 13:2 what ye k. same do I kn. Ps. 100:3 Z-. ye that Lord he is G. Is. 51:7 ye that /;. righteousness Ji??\ 48:17 all ye that ^•. his name Ezek. 17:21 i/« k. I have spo. ;37:14 Joel 2:27 ye sh. i. I am iu midst Zee. 2:9 ye sh. A'. L. sent me, 6:15 Mat. 7:16 ?/e shall k. by fruits, 20 20:25 ije k. princes of the Gen- tiles, Mark 10:42 24:32 ye k. summer is nigh, Mark 13:28 ; Luke 21:30 25:13 ye k. neither day nor hour Mark 4:13 k. ye not this parab. ? Luke 21:31 k. ye king, of G. is ni. John 7:28 ye both/:, me. and kn. 8:28 then sh. ye. k. that I am he 32 and ye shall A", the truth 11:49 C. said, k. ye nothing at all 13:12 k. ye what I have done ? 17 if 2/e k. these things, happy 14:4 wh. I go ye k. and way ye k. 7 from henceforth ye t. him. 17 SOye shall k. I am in my Fath. 15:18 ye k. that it hated ma Acts 2:22 as ye yourselves also /,■. 19:25 yek. that by this cratt we 11 Cor. 15:.xS ye k. lab. not in vain 2 Cor. 8:9 ye k. grace of our Lord Gat. 3:7 k. ye they wh. are of fa. Pliit. 2:22 ye k. the proof of him 1 Tlies. 1:5 ye k. wh. man. of men 2:2 shamefully entreat, as ye k. 11 ye k. how we exhorted 2 T/ies. 2:6 ye k. what witholdeth //e6. 12:17 ye k. he wo. ha. inlier. 1 Pet. 1:18 ye k. ye not redeemed 2 Pet. 3:17 j/e A-. these things hef. 1 Jo/tu 2:20 and ye k. all things 21 truth, but because ye k. it 2!) ye k. lie is rig. ye k. ev. one 3:5 ye k. he manifested, 15 4:2 hereby k. ye Spirit of God 3 JoJia 12 ye k. our record is true Ye K\OW not, or RXOW ye iiot. 2 !^am. 3:3S /,-. ye tiot th. is a pri. Jot) 21:29 do ye not k. th. tokens Mat. 20:22 ye k. not what ye ask 94:42 ye k. not wh. hour L. come Mark 4:13 k. ye not this parab. ? 12:24 bee. ye k. «o< scriptures 13::33 ye k. not when time is, 35 Luke 9:.55 ye k. not what manner John 1:26 whom ye k. not. 4:22 ye worship ye k. not what 32 meat to me ye k. not of 7:28 sent me is true, wh. yek. n. 8:19 ye neither k. menor^^athor 9:30 ye k. not from whence he is 2 Cor. 13:5 k. ye not yourselves Jam. 4:14 ye k. not wh. be onm. 1 John 2:21 ye k. not the truth RXOWEST. Gen. 30:26 thou k. service I done 47:6 k. any man of activ. among £■,«. .32:22 k. peo. set on mischief Sum.. 20:14 k. travel hath befal. Deut. 28::i3 a nation thou k. not Jos. 14:6 A:, thing the Lord said 2 Sam. 2:26 X;. thou not th. it w. 7:20 L. /;. thy serv. 1 Chr. 17:18 17:8 said Ilushai. thou k. fatlier 1 K. 2:5 t. also what Joab did 9 k. what tho'u ou^'hte-^t to do 44 k. all thou didst to David 8:39 whose heart thou k. thou only k. 2 Clir. 6::M 2 .ff. 2:3 k. thou L. will take, 5 4:1 k. thy serv. did fear tlie L. Job 10:7 thou k. I am not wicked 1.5:9 wh. k. th. th. we kn. not? 20:4 k. thou not this of old 34:;}:3 theref. sjieak what thou k. 38:5 who laid nieas. if thou k. f 21 A\thou it, because .39:1 k. when goats bri. forth, 2 Ps. 40:9 O L. thou k. Jer. 1,5:15 69:5 O God, thou /.-. my foolish. 139:2 thou k. my dowri-sitting 4 O Lord, thou /.■. it altonrether Pror. 27:1 k. not what a day br. Ec. 11:2 A', not what evil ak. not what is way of Spirit 6 thou k. not whe. sh. prosper Is. 55:5 call a nation th(m k. not Jer. 5:15 nation wh. lang. k. not 12:3 but thou, O Lord, k. me 17:16 nor des. woful day, th. k. 18:2:3 thou /;. their counsel KNO Jer. 33:3 show things thou k. not Dan. 10:20 k. thou wheref. I co. Zee. 4:5 k. not wh. these be. 13 Mark 10:19*. com. Luke 18:20 Luke'ii-.'H thrice deny th. k. me John 1:48 N. said. When. k. me? 3:10 a master, k. not th. things ? 13:7 what I do, tliou k. not now 16::30 thou A.. all things, 21:17 21:15 L. thou k. I love thee, 16 Acts 1:24 k. the hearts of all men Eom. 2:18 k. his will, and appr. 1 Cor. 7:16 what k. thou, O wife 2 Tim. 1:15 k. all they in Asia Per. 3:17 k. not th. art wretched 7:14 said unto him. Sir, thou k. RXOWETH. Gen. 33:13 k. children are tender Deut. 2:7 k. thy walk, thro' wild. .34:6 no man k. Mos. sepulchre .Tos. 22:22 God of gods, he k. Is. 1 Sam. 20:3 father certainly k. 2 Sam. 14:22 serv. k. I found gr. 17:10 Is. k. thy father is mighty ■Job 11:11 he /■. vain men 1.5:23 k. dav of darkness is ro.tdy 2:3:10but lie k. the way I take 2>;:7 there is a path no' fowl k. 23 God nnderstandcth and k. 34:25 therefore he A", their works Ps. 1:6 Lord k. way of righteous 37:18 the L. A', days of the npri. 44:21 he k. the secrets of heart 74:9 nor is there any am. us k. 94:11 L. k. thou, of man vanity 103:14 he k. our frame 104:19 sun k. his going do%vn 13'^:6 the proud he k. afar off 1-39:14 thy works, my soul A'. Ec. 6:8 k. to walk before living 7:22 thy heart k. th. hast cursed 9:1 no man k. eit. love or hatred Is. 1:3 the ox k. his owner ■lev. 9:24 nnderstandcth and A\ Dan. 2:22 he A-. what is in darkn. JVa/i. 1:7 L. k. them trust in him Zep. 3:5 the uniust A', no shame Mat. 6:8 Fa. k. what ve need 32 A-. ye have need, Luke 12:30 11:27 no man A". Son but the Father, nor any k. Father save the Son, Luke 10:22 24:36 that day k. .Mark 13:.32 Luke 16:15 God k. your htarts John 7:15 how A", tills man let. ? 27 no man k. whence he is 10:15 Fa. k. me ; 14:17 nor A-. 19:;35 he k. that he saith true Acts 1.5:8 God which k. hearts Rom. 8:27 A', what is mind of S. 1 Cor. 2:11 what man k. th. of a man, even th. of G. A', nom. 8:2 if any man think he A", any. 2 Cor. 11:11 love von not ? G. A-. 31 God, Fa. of our L. k. a lie 12:2 I cannot tell. God A-. 3 2 Tim. 2:19 L. k. th. that .ire his Jam. 4:17 him that A', to do good 2 Pet. 2:9 L. k. how to de. godly 1 John 3:20 God is greater and k. ■ 4:6 he that k. God heareth us 7thatlov. is bom of God, A. G, i?e!). 2:17 name writ, no man A'. 12:12 A-. he hath but short time Who RXOWETII, or not RXOWETII. Est. 4:14 !('. k. whe. th. art come Job 12:9 who k. not in all these 14:21 come to honor, he k. it n. 18:21 place of him that k. n. G. 28:13 man k. not the price Ps. 39:6 A-. not who shall gather 90:11 who k. power of aiiger? 92:6 a brutish man k. not Prov. 7:23 A', not it is for his life 9:18 he k. not dead are there 24:22 who A", the ruin of them Ec. 2:19 ^(^ k. whe. he be wise 3:21 ((7(0 A', the spirit of man 6:12 who k. what is good for m. 8:7 he A-. not that wh. shall be 9:12 man also k. not his time 10:15 he k. not how to go to city /■;. 29:15 seeth us, who k. us ? IIos. 7:9 gray hairs, yet k. not Joel 2:14 who k. if he will return Mark 4:27 gr. nji, he k. not how Jolni 7:49 peo. w. k. n. the law ]2::35 darkness, k. n. whither 15:15 serv. A-. n. what lorddoeth 1 John 2:11 walk, in dark. k. n. 3:1 therefore the world k. us n. 4:8 A', not God, for God is love RIVOWIXG. Gen. 3:5 as gods k. !rnod and evil 1 A'. 2:32 my father David not k. KNO Mat. 9:4 k. their thoughts, Luke 11:17 22:29 ye err, not k. scriptures Mark 5:30 Jesus k. iu himself 33 woman A', what was done 6:20 k. that he was a just man Z(/A-e9:33 E. not A. what he said John 13:3 Jesus A'. Fa. had given 18:4 Jesus k. all that sho. come 19:28 J. k. all things were acco. 21:12 none ask him, k. it was L. Acts 2:30 k. that God had sworn 5:7 wife not k. what was done 20:22 not A. things shall befall Po?n. 1:.32 k. the judgment of G. 2:4 not k. goodness of God 13:11 k. time, now it is hitrh ti. 2 Cor. 4:14 A", he wh. raised L. J. 5:6 k. that wh. we are at home Eph. 6:8 k. what pood any man Col. 3:24 k. of L. ye rec. reward 1 Tim. 1:9 A. this, law is for la. 2 Tim. :3:14 A:, of wh. thou learn. Heb. 10::34 k. ye have in heaven 11:8 not k. whither he went .lam. 1:3 k. this, trying of y. fai. 1 Pet. 3:9 A:, re are tlicreu. called 2 Pet. 1:14 k'. shortly I must put RXOWLEDGE. Gen. 2:9 tree of k. good and ev. 17 Er. 31:3 filled Be£ in A. 35:31 Lei'. 4:23 if sin come to A. 28 Mnn. 24:16 A. of the Most Hich Pu/h 2:10 should, take k. of me 1 Sam.. 2:3 the L. is a God of A'. 1 A". 9:27 A. of sea ; 2 Chr. 8:18 2 Ch7: 1:11 thou hast asked A-. 12 wisdom and A", is granted Xeh. 10:28 every one havin" A. ,Iob 15:2 wise man nt. vain k. ? 21:14: desire not A. of thy ways 22 shall any teach God k. f 33:3 my lips sh. utter A. clearly 30:3 I will fetch my k. from afar 4 per. in k. is with thee. 37:16 Ps. 19:2 night to night show. k. 73:11 is there k. in Jlost High ? 94:10 he that teacheth man k. 119:66 teach me judgni. and k. 139:6 such A', too wonder, for me 144:3 what is man thou takest A. of? Pror. 1:7 fear of Lord bcgi. of A. 22 fools hate k. 2:3 cri. lifter k. 29 they hated A. did not choose 2:6 out of his mouth cometh k. 10 /■. is pleasant to thy soul 3:20 by A. depths are broken up :"):2 that thy lips may keep A-. 8:10 A. rather thiin choice gold 12 and find out A. of inventions 0:10 A-. of Holy is understanding 19:14 wise men lay up A'. 11:9 thro' A. sh. jitstbedelivcr. 12:23 a prud. man concealeth A. i:3:16 ev. prud. man deal. wi. A. 14:6 k. easy to him that nnders. 7 perceiv. not in him lips of A. 18 prudent are crowned with A. 15:2 tongue of wise useth A. 7 lips of the wise disperse A. 14 hath understanding seek. A-. 17:27 hath A. spareth his words 18:15 heart of prudent getteth A. and ear of wise seeketh A'. 19:25 and he will understand A. 27 cease to err from words of A. 90:15 lips of A', precious jewel 21:11 wise instructed, he rec. A. 22:12 eyes of the L. presene A. 23:19 ai)ply th. ear to words of A'. 24:4 by A."sh. chambers be filled 5 a man of A", increas. strength K':2 bv man of A', state be pro. :30:3 nor have the A. of Holy Ec. 1:16 had exjieriencc of A\ 18 increaseth A. increaseth sor. 2:21 a man whose labor is in A. 26 God givethamau A. and joy 7:12 excellency of A. is wisdom 9:10 nor A. in grave, whi. goest Is. 11:2 A. and fear of the Lord 2^:9 whom shall he teach A. ? 32:4 heart of rash sh. underst. A. 3:3:6 wisd. and A. shall be stabi. 40:14 judgment, and taught k. 44:19 neither is th. A. nor unde. 25 and maketh their A. foolish 47:10 thv A. hath perverted thee 53:11 by A. right, serv. justify Jer. .3:15 shall feed you with k. 10:14 ev. man brutish in his A. Dan. 12:4 A. shall be increased Ilos. 4:6 peo. destroyed for lack of A. thon reiecf. k. 1 rej th. Hah. 2:14 earth fill, with A. of L. J/u/. 2:7 priest's lips sho. keep A. KNO Lnke 1:77 to give A. of salvation 11:. 52 taken away key of A. Acts 4:13 marvelled and took k. 24:22 more perfect A. of th. way Pmn. 1:28 not like to re. G. in A. . 2:20 which hast the form of A. 3:20 for by law is the k. of sin 10:2 a zeal, not according to k. 15:14 are filled with all k. 1 Cor. 1:5 are enriched in all k. 8:1 we all have A. A. putfeth up 10 which hast k. at meat 11 thro" thy k. sh. brother per. 19:8 word of A. by same Spirit 13:2 nnderst. mysteries and A". 8 there be A. it sh. vanish away 14:6 speak by revelation or k. 2 Cor. 2:14 nianif. .savor of his k. 4:6 light of A. of the glory of G. (;:6by A. by long-snfl'ering f :7 as ye abound in faith and Ar. 11:6 nide in speech, not in k. Ejih . 1:17 wisdom in A. of him 3:19 love of C. which passeth k. 4:13 unity of faith, and A. of S. Phil. 1:9 may abound more in k. 3:8 all things loss for A. of Chr. Col. l:9fillecl with A. of his will 2:3 hid treas. of wisdom and i. 3:10 new man renewed in A. 1 Tim. 2:4 come to A. of truth 2 Tim. .3:7 to come to k. of truth Heb. 10:26 if we sin after rec. k. Jam. 3:13 wise man, end. wi. A". / 1 Pet. 3:7 dwell according to A. 2 Pet. 1:5 virtue k. k. temperance 1:8 nor nnfruit. in A. of our L. 3:18 grow in A', of ourLord Je.^j. RXOWLEDGE of God. Pror. 2:5 thou slialt find A. of G. Has. 4:1 nor A. of G. in the land 6:6 A", of G. more thanbn.-ofl'er. i?o»(.]l:.33 of wisd. and A. of G. 1 Cor. 15:.34 have not k. of Cod 2 Coi: 10:5 exalteth ag. A. qf G. Col. 1:10 incieasing in A. of God 2 Pet. 1:2 peace, thro' A. of God RXOWLEDGE of the Lord. 9 Chr. 30:22 taught good k. of L. Is. 11:9 earth full ofl. of the L. 2 Pet. 2:20 esca]>ed thro' A. of L. No RXOWLEDGE. Dent. 1:.39 cliild. that day no k. Ps. 14:4 work, of iniq. nok. tZ:i Is. 5:13 because they have vo k. 4.5:20 have no k. set up images 5S:3 afilieted soul, takest no k. Jer. 4:22 do good, th. have no k. Without RXOWLEDGE. Xum. 15:24 with. A. of congrcga. .7ob 3-5:16 mnltipli. words ii: k. 36:12 perish, and die with. k. 3R:2 counsel by wor. ir. A. 42:3 Prov. 19:2 not good soul be w. k. RXOWX. Gen. 94:16 nor had .any man k. Ev. 2:14 surely this tiling is k. Lev. 4:14 they have sinned is k. Sum. 31:17 kill ev. wo. A-. man Deut. 1:13 A', among tribes, 15 ■Jos. 24:31 A. V oiks of the Lord 1 K. ]S::36 let it be A. thon art G. Ps. 9:16 Lord is A', by judgment 31:7 A. my soul in adversities 4f':3 God is A. in her palaces 6T:2tliy way may be A. on earth 71:1 in Judah isGod A. his na. 77:19 thy footsteps are not k. 79:10 let him be k. among heat. 8'':I2 shall wond. be A. in dark ? 91:14 bee. he hath k. my name 1.39:1 se.irchcd me. and A. me Pror. 12:16 fool's wrath pres. k. 29:11 a child is A', by his doings 31:23 her hnsband is A', in gates Ec. .5:3 lools voice A. by multit. Is. 61:9 seed A", among Gentiles 66:14 Lord bo A. to his servants Jer. 5:5 have A. the way of the L. Ezek. 36::32 saith L. G. he it A". to you, Acts 4:10; ]3:.38: 28:23 38:23 A. in eyes of many nations Dan. 4:26 sh. have A', heav. rule Amos 3:2 yon only liave I k. Zee. 14:7 a dav shall be A. L. Mat. 12:33 tree A. by fr. i(/Ae6:44 24:43 if g. man had A. Luke 12:39 A"Ae 19:42 A. in this thy day 94:.35 A. in breaking of bread John 7:4 himself seeketh to be A". 8:19 if ye had A. me ye should li;ive A. my Fatlicralso. 11:7 10:14 I know 'sheep, am A\ 17:25 thesehaveA. thon sent me Ac's 2:14 he this A- niito you 15:18 A. unto G. are all his wor. CRUDEN'S COj^CORDANCE. 919 EOR Acts 22:30 Tc. the certainty, 23:28 llwn. 1:19 wh. may be k,. of God 11:;J4 who hafli I: the mind of Lord, 1 for. 2:16 1 dor. 13:12 even as I also am k. 14:7 k. wliat is piped or harped 2 Cor. 3:2 epistle Iciiown and read 5:11) have k. Christ after flesh 0:9 uiilinown, and yet well k. Gal. 4:9 k. God or are k. of God Eph. 3:10 mi>,'lit bo k. by church I'!dl. 4:5 moderation k. to all m. 2 Tim. 3:10 tally k. my doctrine 15 fr. a child k. holy scriptures Uoli.n 2:13 bee. ye ha. A. him, 14 2 ,/oA» 1 them that have A. truth Made, or madest KiVOWIV. Gen. 45:1 Joseph m. himself A. Neh. 9:14 m. k. thy holy sabbath Ps. 9S:8 Lord m. k. his salvation 103:7 m. k. his ways to Moses Van. 2:23 »i. k. to us king's m. JIos. 5:9 TO. A. that which sh. be Luke 2:17 m. k. abroad saying John 15:15 all I heard, I m. k. Acts 2:23 m. k. to me ways of life 7:13 Joseph m. k. to brethren Hoin. 10:26 m. k. to all nations JSph. 1:9 m. k. to us mystery 3:3 he m. A. to me mystery P/iil. 4:() requests bo m. k. to G. 2 Pe^. 1:16 ?«. /i. cominij of our L. Malte K'VOW:V. JX'um. 12:6 I will m. mysclt k. 1 Chr. 10:3 m. k. his deeds amo. people, Ps. 105:1 Ps. 89:1 m. k. thy faithfulness 100:8 m. /c. his mighty power 145:12 to m. k. to sons of men Pivu. 1:23 «?!«/.:« k. my words /s. 38:19 fnllier sh. in. k. truth 61:2 in. thy name A. to adversa. Ezek. 35:11 ma. myself /;. among them 30:7 i/i. my holy name k. in Isr. Dan. 2:25 man will 7». k. to king 23 Lord m. k. to the king, 29 llab. 3:2 in midst of years to. k. Pom. 9:22 God will, to 7n. po. i. 23 M. /;. riches of his glory Eph. 6: 19 TO. A:, mystery of gosp. Col. 1:27 to whom G. will m. k. Aot KMOVV^'. Gen. 10:3 two dau. have not k. man, iV'um. 31:18, 35: Jud. 21:12 41:21 n. be /■. they had eaten 31 plenty Kliall n. be k. in land jEe. 6:3 by naine Jehovah I n. k. Veut 11:2 chil. have n. k. 31:13 2-i arter gods ye k. n. 13:6, 13 Jiid. 3: 1 liad not k. wars of Can. 10:9 so his strength was not k. Pntk 3:14 not hek. wo. came in 1 K. 14:2 n. k. to be wife of Jer. Ps. 18:43 1)0(1. whom I have n. k. 77:19 thy footsteps are not k. 79:6 wra. on liealhe:i ha. n. k. 95:10 n. k. my ways, ILb. 3:10 147:20 judgm. they have n. k. JCr. 6:5 not seen sun n. k. any th. /■;. 42: ^6 paths they have not k. 41:18 have n. k. nor understood 45:4 tho' thou hast n. k. me, 5 Jer. 4:22 they have not k. me Ezek. 32:9 count, thou hast n. k. Pan. 2:5 will n. make k. drca 9 4:7 n. make k. interprcta. 5:8 lIo<. 5:4 they have not k. the li. jVn/t. 3:17 place n. k. w. they arc Mat. 10:20 is iiothhig liid that sliall n. be A. i///,-e8:17; 12:2 John 8:.'J5 ye have not k. him 1 1:9 y<'t liast tliou not k. mo )0:3 hive not k. the Father nor 17:25 Ka. world lialh n. /,-. Iheo Pom. 3:17 way of |)e. they 710I k. 7:7 1 had nolk. nlii but by law S J'd. 2:21 )/«/: k. way of i-ighle. 1 ./o//.;i ZM sinner not s ■cii not k. Ilea. 2:21 mil k. the depths of H. KOII\TII. Gen. 40:11 ; A!i:. 6:16; AVm. 3:17, 30; 10:1; 1 d.'ir. 6:2, 22,61 1 Chr. 10:5 of sons of K. Uriel KOIIATIUTIOS. Niim. 4:;14 ; ./(«. 21:4; 2 Chr. 31:12 KOKACI. C/'c/i. Sfi:.^ Aholll)aniJih bare K. 16 H>:. 6:21 Honsof Iz, K. Num. 16:1 /vV//).. 10:6 ceiiHcrK, K. 19,40 20:9 Dalhaii sir. In {■uni]). of K. 27:3 I'm her not In comui. of K. 1 Chr. I;:i5theH..i,M(,fksaii, K. Juda It i)eri.«hcd la /;aliiH. of K. LAB L. LABAIV. Gen. 24:29 Reb. had a brother L. 30:.36 Jac. fed rest of L.'s flocks 31:2 countenance of L. 12, 55 32:4 1 have sojourned with L. LABOR, Substantive. Gen. 31:42 G. seen I. of my hands 35:16 Rachel had hard I. 17 Pent. 20:7 L. heard, looked on I. Neh. 5:13 God sha. ev. man fr. l. Job 39:11 wilt th. leave I. to him Ps. 90:10 their strength /. sorrow 104:23 man goeth to I. till even. 105:44 inherited /. of the people 107:12 bro. down heart with I. 109:11 let stranger spoil his I. 128:2 sh. eat the I. of thy hands Pi'ov. 10:16/. tendeth to life 13:11 gathsreth by I. shall incr. 1 1:23 in all I. there is profit Ec. 1:3 wh. profit hath man of /. 8 all things are full of /. man 2:10 rejoiced. in my portion oil. 18 I hated all /. wh. I had tak. 19 shall he rule over all my I. 21 man whose I. is in wisdom 22 what hath man of all his ;. .? 24 enjoy good in /. 3:13; 5:18 4:8 yet is th. no end of all his I. 9 they have a good rewa. for I. 5:15 nothing of/, he may carry 19 rejoice in /. this is gift of G. 6:7 /. of man is for his mouth 9:9 portion in thy /. under sun 10:15 /. of foolish wearieth Is. 45:14 /. of Egyptcome to thee 55:2 why spend your /. for that Jer. 3:24 devoured /. of fathers 20:18 came I out of wo. to see /. .? E:ek. 29:20 giv. land of Eg. for /. Hub. 3:17 though /. of olive fail llag. 1:11 drought on /. of hands .John 4:38 reap wh. bestow, no/. Rom. 16:6 bestow, much /. on us 1 Cor. 3:8 man rec. accord, to /. 15:53 know your /. is not in vain Gal. 4:11 lest I bestow. /. in vain Phil. 1:22 this is fruit of my /. 1 Thes. 1:3 remember. /. of love 2:9 remember our /. and travail 3:5 and our /. be in vain 2 Thes. 3:8 but wrought with /. neh. 0:10 not for:;et your /. of lo. Rev. 2:3 I kn. thy /. and patience LABOR, Verb. E.r,. 20:9 six days /. Dent. 5:13 ./OS'. 21:13 for wli. he did not /. -Vc/(. 4:22 guard us, and /. on day .Job 9:29 wliy then /. 1 in vain ? Ps. 127:1 cxc. L. build /. in vain 144:14 oxen may be ttrong to /. Prov. 21:25 his hands rel'u.'^o to/. 2.1:4 /. not to be rich, cease from Ee. 4:8 saith, For whom do I /. r 8:17 tlio' a man /. to seek it out /.■>■. 22:4 weep, /. not to comfort 05:23 they shall not /. in vain Jrr. 51:58 the p<'op. sh. /. in vain Lam. 5:5 under iiersecut ion we /. .]n<: 4:10 /. to bring fortli, O 7A. Ifnb. 2:13 people should/, in fire Mat. 11:'28 co. to me all ye th. /. John C:27 /. not for meat th. per. Horn. 16:12 Tryjihosa, who /. 1 C'or.4:ii I. with our own hands 2 Cor. 5:9 we /. to be accepted /'.'ph. 4:28 rather/, wi. his hands Col. 1:29 whcrciinto I/, slriviui' 1 Thes. 5:12 know tliciii wliich /. 1 Tim. 1.10 /. and sufl'cr reproach 5:17 that/, in word and doclrine Ileb. i'.ii I. to enter into that rest L\itoiti':i). Xeh. 4:21 ^o wc /. in the work Job 211:18 he /. for, sh. he rcslore A'f. 2:11 look<>d on labor I /, todo 19 rule over my labor I have /. 5:16 wh. prof. ha. belli./, wind'/ h. 47:15 Willi whom thou hasl /. 49:4 I said, I have /. In vain 62:8 iiotdriiilc, forwhich llioii/, /;««.(): 14 king/, lo dcllv. Daniel .lolin 4::i8 /. and ye are entered Horn. 16:12 sahile I', who /. hi I., 1 Cor. 15:10 I /. more ahiiiidantly I'hil. 2:16 I have not/. In vain 4:3 help IhoHe that /. wllh iiui llev. 2:3 for my name's caUc /. LXBOKKB, K. Mat. 0:;)7 harvchi iileiilrons, but /. few, ;iK; I.nke 10:2 20:1 Weill out lairlv lo hire /. LiikfiW:! t. Is won hvnf his hire 1 Cur. 3:9/. lo(;.-llier with God LAD 1 Tim. 5:18 /. is worthv of rewa. Jam. 5:4 behold the hire of the /. LABORETH. Prov. 16:26 he that /. /. for hims. Ec. .3:9 wh. profit in that he /. .? 1 Cor. 16:16 sub. toev. one that/. 2 Tim. 2:6 the husbandm. that/. LABORIIVG. Ec. 5:12 sleep of/, man sweet Acts 20:35 /. ye ou. to sup. weak Col. 4:12 /. for you in prayer 1 Thes. 2:9 /. night and day LABORS. Ex. 23:16 first-fruits of thy /. Vcvt. 28:a3 thy /. sh. a nation eat Prov. 5:10 /. be in ho. of stranger Is. 58:3 in day of fast ye ex. all /. ,Jer. 20:5 I will deliver all their /. Hos. 12:8 in my /. sh. find no ini. 7/017. 2:17 .smote you in all the /. John 4:38 are entered in their /. 2 Cor. 6:5 in /. in watehings 10:15 boasting of other nien's I. 11:23 /. more abund. in stripes Pev. 14:13 may rest from their /. LACE. Ex. 28:28 sh, bind the breastpla. with/. 37; 39:31 LACHISH. .Tos. 10:32 the Lord delivered L. 2 K. 14:19 and he fled to L. 1S:14 llezek. sent to king to L. 2 Chr. 11:9 Rehoboam built L. 25:27 they sent to L. after him J/zc. 1:13 0 inhabitant of L. bind L.4CK, Substantive. Gen. 18:28 wilt des. all for/.flvo? Ex. 10:18 that gathered little had no /. 2 Cor. 8:15 Job 4:11 lion perish, for /. of prey 38:41 young wand, for /. of meat Bos. 4:6 peo. destroyed for /. kn. Pliil. 2:.'50 life to supply /. of ser. 1 2'hes. 4:12 that ye /. of nothing LACK, Verb. Cren. 18:28 if tJiere shall /. tive Deut. 8:9 shall not/, anything Ps. .34:10 the young lions do I. Prov. 28:27 giv. to poor sh. not /. Fc. 9:8 let thy head /. no ointm. }rnt. 19:20 I kept, wh. /. I yet? Jam. 1:5 any /. wisd. ask of God LAfKED. Devt. 2:7 thou hast /. nothing 1 K. 4:27 provid. victual, /. nolh. Neh. 9:21 sustain th. th. /. noth. Luke 22:;35 /. ye any thing ? Acts 4::!4 any"anio. them that /. 1 Cor. 12:24 honor to which /. Pliil. 4:10 careful, /. opjjortunity LACK EST. il/crA 10:21 but one thing thou /. Luke 18:23 LAi'RETH. Nvm. 31:49 there /. not one man iSam. 3:29 not fail one /. bread I'r(n\ 6::i2 adult. /. understand. l',':9 hoiKU'. himself and /. bread 'iPtt. 1:9 th./. Ih. things is blind LAerf. what is /. LAI), 8. Gen. 21:17 God heard voire of/. 18 lift up/. 19 gave/, drink 20 (i. WHS with /. and he grow 22:5 I and the /. will go yonder 12 lay not thy hand upon /. 44:22 /. caiinoi leave fallii r, ;10 ;l:l abide illsl. of/, lei the/, go :!l his life is buiiiid up in the/. 4.s:l6 .\. redeemed me, bless /, I .SV(»I. 20::i6 .lona, said to /. Itnn John 6:9 /. ha, five barh'y loaves LVDOER. Gen. 2.'^:12 bclmld a /, set up LAI>K, v.n. Gen. 42:2«/.asses wi, corn, 41:13 45:17 /. Iieasis, go to Caiiaiin I A'. 12:11 I'alherdUl/, wllh yoke V./i. 4:17 Ih, /. wroiiglil In work l.iike 11:16/, men with biirdeiin .!(•/.« 2.S:I0/, UK wl, till, iieeessury LAIIICX. Gen. 4.1:2.1/. wllh good Ihliicn Is. 1:4 a people /, with liih|iilly .Mill. ll:2Hiiil Unit are heavy/. '1 'I'ltii. 3:6 women, /. wllh hiim LAM LADETH, I\G. Neh. 13:15 some on .sab. /. asses Ilnb. 2:6 woe to him that /. him. Acts 27:10 damage not only of /. LADV. Is. 47:5 no more be called a /. 7 saidst, I shall be a /. for ever 'i.Jolin 1 the elder to tl:e elect /. 5 /. that we love one another LADIES. Jnrl. 5:29 wise /. answered her Est. 1:18 likew. shall /. of Persia LAID, See after lat. LAISH. .Jvd. 18:14 ; 1 Sam. 25:44; 2*«?«. 3:15; /«. 10:30 LAKE. Lvke 5:1 Jesus stood by /. of G. 2 two ships standing by the /. 8:23 a storm of wind on the /. 3:3 herd ran violently into /. Per. 19:20 both cast in /. fire 20:10 devil cast into /. of fire 14 death and hell cast in /. 15 not in bo. of life, cast into/. 21:8 murderers ha\e part in /. LAMB. Gen. 22:7 /. for a burnt offering ? 8 God will providehimself a 7. Ex. 12:3 they shall take a /. 21 5 /. shall be without blemish 13:13 sh. redeem with a/. 34:20 29:39 one /. th. sh. ofi'er in morn. other /. at even. 41 ; Nu. 28:4 40 a /, a tenth deal of flour. Num. 28:21, 29; 29:4, 10.15 Lev. 9:3 take a /. of first year, 14:10; N^m. 6:12; 7:15,21 14:12 the priest shall take /. 23:12 sh. ofler a /. with, blemish Nmn. 6:14 ewe-/, of first year 15:5 with the sacrifice for one /. 1 Satn. 7:9 Samuel oft", suckin" /. ^Sam. 12:4 took poor man's /. Is. 11:6 wolf shall dwell with /. 16:1 send ye /. to ruler of land 53:7 he was brought as a /. to the slaughter, ./er. 11:19 65:25 wolf and /. sh. feed toget. 66:3 sacrificeth a /. as if he cut Ezek. 45:15 one /. out of a flock IIos. 4:16 L. will feed them as /. .lohn 1:29 behold the L. of G, 36 Acts 8:32 a /. dumb bef shearer 1 Pet. 1:19 as a /. without blem. Per. 5:6 midst of eld. stood a L. 8 four beasts fell down bef L. 12 worthy the L. that was slaiu 0:16 hide I'ls from wrath of L. 7:10 salvation to our (J. and L. 14 made white in blood of L. 17 L. shall feed and lead 12:11 overc. him by blood of I,. 13:8 L. si. 11-om found, of world 11 he had two horns like a /. 11:1 L. stood on the mount Si. 4 these are they that follow L. 10 tormented in presence of L. 15:3 song of 1\I. and song of L. 17:14 war with L. and L. overc. 19:7 for marriage of 1.. is come 21:9 sliow thee bride, L. wife 14 twelve apostles of L. 22 God Aim. and I-, arc teniplo 23 the L. is the light Iheroof 27 writ, in the L. book oflife 22:1 out of thr. of God and L. 3 LAMIIS. Gen. ,30:40 J. did separate the/. Num. 7:S7/. of first veartwelvo Ihul. ;;2:11 with fat of/. 1 .Siiin. 15:9 S. spared the best /. 2 7\'. 3:4 Moab rendered UUl.Ol'O;. 1 /■/()'. 29:21 olVeied to I.. l.OfO/. 2 Chr. 29:22 iniesls killed /. S3 h':r. 7:17 Ihoii niavest biiv /. /'.S-. 37:'20 wicl<. sh, be as fat of/. 114:4 Utile liilN skip. like/. 6 /'ivr. 27:26 /, lor lliv elolbliig /s. 1:11 1 deli, not III bloi.d of/. .5:17 /. fei'd al'Icr their manner ;M:U sword of I,, w ilh blood of/. U):ll gallier the/, with his arm ./,)■. 51:40 like/, toslainrliler I'::tk. 39:IS shall tbiiiU I.I0, of/. 46:4 111 sab. /. 6 new mnoiis /. .Ihkw 6: 1 and eat /, out of Ibuk l.iikf 10:3 as /. among wolvi's Jo/ni SI: 15 .les. Hiillh, Feed my /. iifven LAMBS. Gfn. 5l:'-8 ,\brali, »vl ivi\ ewe /. !.rr. S.'1;1H olVer wllli bread j>ri, /. .\mii. SS:11 ye slnill oU'er s. I. of llrsi \enr. 19, -r; *l:a, H. .311 9 Vhr. 29:21 bnui|;'>l *• '• for of. ferln({ 920 CRUDEN'S CONCORDA!vrCE. LAN Two LAiMBS. Ex. 29:38 two I. of the first year offer. Num. 28:3 Lev. 14:10 ou 8th day take two I. Num. 28:9 and on sabbath two I. LAME. Lev. 21:18 I. man sh. noc appro. Deut. 15:21 if I. ahalt not sacrifl. 2 Sam. 4:4 Jon. had sou, I. 9::J. 13 5:6 exc. take away blind and /. 19:26 becanse thy servant is I. ■Job 29:15 eyes to blind, feet to I. Prov. 26:7 legs of I. are not equal Is. 33:23 the I. take the prey 35:6 I. man leap as a hart Jer. 31:8 brin^ with them the I. 3Ial. 1:8 ye offer I. for sacrifice ? Mat. 11:5 the/, walk, 15:.31 ; 21:14: Luke 7:23 Lvlce 14:13 call poor, I. and blind Acts 3:2 a man, ?. fr. womb, car. 8:7 many th. were/, we. healed Heb. 12:13 /. be turn, out of way LAMECn. Gen. 4:18, 19; 5:25: 1 CAr. 1:3; Lukei-.ZH LAMEXT. Jud. 11:40 dau. of Is. went to /. Is. 19:8 fishers also mourn and /. 32:12 they shall /. for the teats Jer. 16:5 neither go to /. them, 6 22:18 they shall not /. for him 34:5 /. thee, saying. Ah, L. Ezek. 32:16 dauah, of nations /. Jod 1:8/. like virgin with sackc. 13 gird yourselves, /. ye priests jl/lc. 2:4 /". with doleful lamenta. John 16:20 Ye shall weep and /. Eev. 18:9 kings of earth shall /. LAMEIVTED. 1 .Sam. 6:19 people /. because L. 25:1 Israelites I. Samuel, £8:3 a Sam. 1:17 David /. over Saul 3:.33 the kiufj /. over Abner 2 Chr. .35:25 Jeremiah /. for Josi. Jer. 16:4 die and not be /. 2.5:33 Mat. 11:17 but ye have not /. Luke 23:27 a great company /. LAMEXTABLE. Dan. 6:20 king cried wi. /. voice LAMENTATION. Gen. 50:10 mourned with sore /. 2Sajn, 1:17 D. lamented with /. Ps. 78:(>4 widows made no /. Jer. 7:29 /. ou high places 9:10 habitations of wildem. a /. 31:15 in Ramah /. Mat. 2:18 4S::38 there shall be /. generally Lam. 2:5 Lord hath increased /. EZ'k. 19:1 take up a /. for princ. 14 this is a /. and sh. be for a /. 23:12 take up /. on king of Tyr. 32:2 take up a /. for Pharaoh, 16 Am/)S 5:16 such as are skilf. of/. 8:10 turn all your songs into /. Acts 8:2 great /. over Steplieu LAMENTATIONS. 2 CTir. 35:25 of Josiah in their /. Ezek. 2:10 was written therein /. L.4.MP. Gen. 15:17 burning /. that passed Ex. 27:20 cause the /. to burn 1 Sam. 3:3 ere /. went out 2 Sam. 22:29 thou art my /. O L. 1 K. 15:4 6. gave him a /. in Je. Jo!) 12:5 as a /. despised in hini Ps. 119:105 thy word is /. to feet 1.32:17 ordained /. for mine ano. Prov. 6:2:3 commandment is a /. 13:9 /. of wicked sh. be put out 20:20 curs, father, /. be put out Is. 62:1 salva. as/, thatburneth Pev. 8:10 burning as it were /. LAMPS. Ex. 25:.37 light /. thereof, 40:4 30:7 dress. /. burn incense on it 35:14 his /. with oil for the light 40:25 lighted the /. before the Lord, Num. 8:2. 3 Lev. 24:2 /. to burn 2 Chr. 13:11 Jud. 7:16 put/, within pitchers 20 held the /. in their left hand 1 K. 7:49 /. of gold, 2 Chr. 4:21 Job 41:19 out of niou. go burn. /. Ezek. 1:13 like appearance of/. Pan. 10:6 his eyes as /. of fire Mat. 2.3: 1 ten virgins took /. 3, 4 1 virgins arose? trimme 1 th. /, 8 give us oil, our /. ai-e go. out Seven LA:\IPS. Ex. 37:2:3 s. I. of j)»re gold Zee. 4:2 candlestick and seven I. Bev. 4:5 seven I. of fire burning LANCE. Jer. 50:42 they that hold /. cruel LAN LANCETS. 1 K. 18:28 cut themselves with /. LAND. Gen. 2-12 gold of that /. is good 10:11 out of that /. went Ashnr 12:1 into/. I show thee, ^4c/s7:3 13:6 /. not able to bear them 17:8 I will give unto thee and thy seed the /. 28:13; a5:12 20:15 behold, my /. is before th. 24:37 Cauaanlte, in wh. /. I dw. 47:20 brought /. so /. beca. Ph. 22 /. of priests he bought not Ex. 10:15 the /. was darkened 20:12 days may be Jong upon /. Lev. ]R:22 goat bear iniquit. to /. 18:28 /. spue not you out, 20:22 2.5:2 /. keep a sabbath, 26::34 23 /. not be sold, the /. is mine 26:4 /. sh. yield increase, 25:19 38 /. of your cnem. eat you up Num. 13:.32 /. is a /. cateth inha. 14:24 serv. Cal. I will bring to /. 15:2 wh. come into /. of hahita. 18; Deut. 17:14; 18:9; 2fi:l .32:4 country L. sm. /. for cattle 35:33 for blood defileth the /. Devt. 2:20 counted /. of ^ia. 3:13 8:9 /. whose stones are iron 11:12 a /. which L. careth for 29:23 wh. /. brimstone and salt 32:10 found him in a desert /. 43 he will bo merciful to his /. a3:13 blessed of the L. be his /. 84:1 Lord showed him all the /. .fos. 2:1 sent men. sav. View /. 11:16 Joshua took all that /. 23 14:15 the /. had rest from war 24:1.3 a /. for wh. ye did not lab. ■Jud. 3:11 /. rest forty years, 5:31 30 /. had rest fourscore years 13:10 ye shall come to a larire /. 1 Sam. 14:29 father troubled7. 2 Svn. 3:12 sav. Wbose is the /.? 9:7 I restore thee all the /."of S. 21:14 God entreated for /. 24:25 2 K. 8:3 to cry to king for her /. 17:26 manner of G. of the /. 27 l-";::3:3 delivered his /. Is. 30:-!8 21:8 move any more out of the / 2 Chr 3.3'3 S-^lb left poor of /. Jer. 52:10 1 Chr. 4:40 and the /. was wiCe 2 Chr. 7:20 pluck tliem out of/. 31:8 when he had purged the /. Ezr. 9:12 eat good of/. Is. 1:19 Neh. 5:16 nor oought we any /. Job 31:38 my /. cry against me 37:13 correct, or his /. or mercy 39:6 the barren /. his dwellings Ps. 10:16 heathen peri, out of /. 42:6 remember thee fr. /. of Jor. 44:3 got not /. in possession 52:5 root thee out of/, of living 80:9 deep root, and it filled /. 101:6 mine eyes ou faithful of/. 8 I will destroy wick, of the /. 105:16 he called for famine on /. 1&'j:24 they despised pleasant /. 33 /. was polluted with blood 107:34 turn, fruitful /. into bar. 143:6 thi. after thee as thirsty /. 10 lead me into /. of uprightn. Prov. 12:11 tillcth /. 28:19 23:2 for transgression of/. Ec. 10:16 O /. wh. king is child 17 blessed, O /. wh. king is son Is. 5:30 look unto /. behold sor. 7:16 /. thou abhorrest be forsa. 9:19 vTath of Lord /. darkened 18:1 woe to the /. shadowing 19:24 a blessing in midst of/. 21:1 com. fromdesert, terrible/. 24:3 /. shall be utterly emptied 11 the mirth of the /. is gone 30:6 /. of trouble and anguish 32:2 shadow of rock in weary /. 13 ou /. of peo. sh. come thor. 3.3:17/. that is very far off .33:7 thirsty /. springs* of water 49:19 /. of destruction too nar. 53:8 cut off out of/, of living Jer. 2:2 a /. that was not sown 6 led us tlirou^h a /. of deserts 7 entered, ye defiled my /. 3:9 15 vouug lions made /. waste 3: 19 "shall I give thee plea. /. ? 4:20 the whole /. is spoiled 5:19 in a /. that is not yours 0:8 make thee /. not inhabited 8:16 whole/, trembled 9:12 /. perisheth and is burnt 11:19 cut him off from/, of liv. 12:4 how long shall /, mourn ? 15 I will bringev. man to his/. 16:15 bro. fr. /.Df north, 31:15 13 bee. they have defiltid uiy /. LAN Jer. 22:27 /. whereu. they desire 23:15 profanen. gone forth to /. 46:12 thy cry hath filled the /. 50:18 jjunish king of Bab. and /. 38 it is the /. of graven images 51:43 /. wherein no man dwell. Ezek. 7:23/. full of bloody crimes 8:17 have filled /. with violence 9:9 and the land is full of blood 14:17 sword on /. 19 pestilence 17:5 he tookalsoof seedof the/. 13 hath taken mighty of the /. 22:24 the /. is not cleansed 30 stand in gap before me for /. 32:4 then I leave thee up. the /. 33:2 when I bring sw. upon /. 24 /. given us for inheritance 36:5 appointed /. into possess. 13 thou /. devourest up men 38:9 a cloud to cover the /. 16 11 to /. of unwalled villages 39:12 they may cleanse the /. Dan. 11:1() stand in glorious /. 41 IIos. 4:3 therefore shall /. mourn Joel 1:6 a nation come up upon /. 2:3 the /. is as garden of Eden 18 then will L. be jealous for /. 21 O /. be glad ; 3:2 parted /. Amos 5:2 forsaken upon her /. 7:10 /. not able to bear words 8:4 make poor of the /. to fail 8 shall not /. tremble for this ? Zep. 3:19 and fame in every /. Zee. 3:9 remove iniq. of that /. 12:12/. shall mourn, cv. family 13:2 unclean spirit pass out of/. Mai. 3:12 shall be delightsome /. Mat. 9:26 fjime went alir. into /. 10:15 tolerable for /. of S. 11:24 27:45 was darkn. over all the /. Mark 15:33 Mark 6:47 and he alone on the /. Luke 14:;35 neither fie for the /. John 6:21 immed. ship was at /. Acts 4:;37 Barn, having /. sold it 5:8 tell me whether ye sold /. 27:.39 was day, they knew not /. 43 into the sea, and get to /. 44 See BENJAMIN, CHALDEANS, CA- NAAN, DARKNESS, DESO- LATE, DIVIDE, DIVIDED. Dry LAND. Gen. 1:9 and let the d. I. appear 10 God c;illed the dry I. e;n-th 7:22 all that was in dry I. died Ex. 4:9 pour water on dry I. 14:21 Lord made the sea di^y I. 29 Israel walked on dry I. 15:19 on d. I. mi. of sea, Neh. 9:11 ■Jos. 4:18 priests' lifted on d. I. 22 Is. came over Jord. on cl. I. Ps. 6.3:1 long, for thee in a d. I. 66:6 turned the sea into dry I. 68:6 rebellious dwell in dry I. 95:5 his hands formed the d. I. Is. 41:18 make dry I. spriuirs Jer. 50:12 hinderiliost shaU be a dry I. 51:43 cities are d. I. and wilder. Ilos. 2:3 lest I set her as a d. I. ■Ion. 1:9 who made sea and d. I. IT'ig. 2:0 shake sea and dry I. Heb. 11:29 pass. E. seaasbyrf. /. See DWELL, EGYPT, GOOD. In the LAND. Gen. 13:7 Canaanite dw. in the I. 41:31 plenty not be ka. in Vie I. 47:4 to sojourn in the I. come Ex. 8:27 sacrifice to G. in the I. 9:5 L. sh. do this thing in the I. ic». 26:6 1 will give peal-e in the I. Deid. 5:16 go well wi. thee in I. 11:9 that vou may prolong your days in the I. 21; 25:15 2.5:19 given thee rest in the I. 31:13 as long as live in. the I. Jud. 18:7 no'magistr. in the /. 2Sam. 1.5:4 that Iwe. judgeira/. 2 Chr. 6:31 fear th. so long as inl. 32:31 that was done in the I. Job 23:13 nor is it found in the I. Ps. 27:13 good, of the L. in the I. 116:9 walk before L. in the I. 142:5 thou art my port, in the I. Is. 7:22 sh. every one eat in the I. 26:10 in the I. of uprightness .38:11 not see Lord in the I. Ezek. 26:20 set glorv in the I. 32:23 terror in the I. 24::32 37:22 make them one nat. in I. 45:8 in the I. sh. be his posses. IIos. 4:1 there is no truth in thel. Luke 21:23 great distress in the I. Heb. 11:9 by faith he soj. in thel. See INHABITANTS, INUEUIT, IS- RAEL, JTJDAH. LAN Our LAND. Gen. 47:19 buy us and our I. Ps. 85:12 and o. /. sh. yield incr. Mic. 5:5 Assyrian sh. come to o. I. Own LANn. Ex. 18:27 Jethro went into his 0. I. Num. 10:30 1 K. 10:6 he. in my o. /. 2 Chr. 9:5 2 K. 18:32 take you to a land like your own I. Is. 36:17 2 Chr. 32:21 retur. wi. sha. to o. I. Is. 13:14 flee ev. one to his o. /. 14:1 set them in their oiun I. 37:7 fall by sword in his own I. ■Jer. 2:3:8 dw. in their o. /. 27:11 :37:7 Eg. into their own I. 42:12 Ezek. 34:13 bring them to their o.l. .36:24; 37:14,21; 39:23 Amos 7:11 led capt. outtheiro. /. See PEOPLE, POSSESS, posses- sion, STRANGE. Their LAND, 8. Gen. 47:22 priests sold not /. /. Num. 18:20 A. had no inh. in/. /. Deut. 2:5 not give you of /. /. 9 29:28 L. rooted them out of t. I. 1 A'. 8:43 pray to thee tow. /. /. 2 Chr. 7:14 forff. sin and heal /. /. Ps. 105:.32 flaniiug fire in /. /. 1:35:12 gave /. /. for inher. 136:21 Is. 2:7 tJieir I. is full of silver 8 their I. also is full of idols ■ler. 12:14 pluck them out their I. 16:15 I will bri. them ag. to /. /. 51:5 their I. was filled with sin E~ek. 34:27 they sh. be safe in /. /. .39:23 dwelt safely in their I. Amos 9:15 plant them ou t, U Tliis LAND. Gen. 12:7 L. said. Unto thy seed will I give thisl. 15:18; 24:7; 43:4; &. 32:13 31:13 cet thee out from tJiis I. 50:24 tr. will bri. you out of /. /. Num. 14:3 L. bro. us unto this I. 32:5 let /. /. be given to thy ser. 22 this I. eh. be vour possess. Deut. 4:22 I must die in this I. 29:24 the Lord done thus to this I.. P 27; 1 A'. 9:8; 2 Chr. 7:21 ■fud. 2:2nolea£ruewi. inh. of t.l. 2 Chr. 30:9 shall come into /. /. ■Jer. 14:15 sw. sh. not be in /. /. 16:3 fathers that begot in thisl. 6 creat and small sh. die in /. /. 22:12 he shall see /. /. no more 24:6 I will bring them ag. to /. /. 25:9 bring them asainst this I. \\t. whole /. sh."be a desolat. 32:41 I will plant tliem in /. I. 36:29 king of Bab. destroy /. /. 42:10 ye will abide in this I. 13 45:4 I will pluck up /. whole /. Ezek. 11:15 to us is thi.t /. given 47:14 /. /. sh. fall to you for inh. Acts 7:4 removed him into /. /. Thy LAND. Ex. 23:10 six years sh. sow /. /. 26 noth. sh. cast young in /. /. 34:24 nor sh. any man desired. /. Deut. 7:13 will bless fruit of 1. 1. 21:2:3 that thy I. be not delUed 23:12 to give the rain to tlty I. 18 cursed be fruit of thy I. 42 iSam. 24:13 sh.fam. cometo/./. Ps. 85:1 been favorable to th.y I. Is. 8:8 wings fill breadth of /. /. 60:18 viol, no more heard in /. /. 62:4 nor sh, 1. 1, be termed des. L. delight, in thee, and /. /. Ezek. 32:8 set darkness on thy I. Amos 7:17 thy I. sh.ill be divided Nah. 3:13 gates of /. /. sh. be wi. Your LAND. Gen. 47:23 I bought you and y. I. Lev. 9:9 harvest of y. /. 2:3:22 26:25 and dwell in y. I. safely 6 nor shall sw. go through y. I. 20 y. I. sh. not yield her inc. Deut. 11:14 give vou rain of y. I. 1 Sam. 6:5 light, hand fr. off y. I. Jer. 5:19 serv. stran. gods in y. I, 27:10 remove you far from y. I. 44:22 theref. is y. I. a desolation LANDED, ING. Acts 18:22 when we /. at Cesarea 21:3 sailed to Syria and /. at T. 28:12 /. at Syracuse three days LANDMARK, S. Deid. 19:14 not remo. thy neigh- bors/. Prov. 22:28; 2.3:1(3 27:17 cursed that removeth /. Jcj 24:2 bome remove the /. CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 921 LAS LANDS. Gen. 41:.S4 dearth in all I. 57 47:18 not left but bodies and I. Jiid. 11:13 restore those I. again 1 Chr. 14:17 fame of D. went all I. 2 Chr. 17:10 fear fell on all the I. 32:17 gods of other /. have not Ezr. 9:1 not separ. fr. peo. oil. Neh. 5:3 have mortgaged our /. 5 for other men have our I. 11 restore^I pray you, their I. Ps. 49:11 th. I. after own names 66:1 make noise all ye I. 100:1 105:44 give them I. of heathen 106:27 to scatter them in /. 107:3 gathered them out of ;. Jer. 27:6 these l. to Nobuchadn. £ze/c. 20:6 \vh. is glory of all 1. 15 39:27 gather out of enemies' I. Mat. 19:29 hath forsaken houses, I. Mark 10:29 Mark 10:30 rec. hundred-fold, I. Acts 4:34 were possessors of ;. LANES. Luke 14:21 go quickly into the I. LANGUAGE, S. Gen. 11:1 wh. earth was of one I. 0 people is one, have all one^. 7 and there confound their I. 9 2 K. 18:26 speak in the Syrian I. Is. 36:11, 13 Ne!i. 13:24 chil. not speak .Jews' I. but accord, to /. of people Ps. 19:3 no I. wh. voice is heard 81:5 heard a ?. I understood not 114:1 from a people of strange/. Is. 19:18 five cities speak /. Can. Jer. 5:15 wh. I. thou know, not Ezek. 3:5 to a people of hard /. 6 DuH. 3:4 iieoplc, nations and I. 7 all I. fell down and worship. 29 every/, that speaketh amiss 4:1 Xeb. all /. 6:25 D. to all I. 5:19 all l. tremliled and feared 7:14 nations, and/, sho. serve Zcp. 3:9 turn to people a pure I. Zee. 8:23 ton men out of all /. Acts 2:0 heard th. speak in all /. LANGUISH. Is. 16:8 the fields of Heshbon /. 19:8 spread nets on wat. sh. /. 24:4 haughty people of earth /. Jer. 14:2 the gates of Judah /. Uos. 4:3 every one therein sh. /. LANGUISHED, ETH. Is. 24:4 world /. and fad. away 7 the vine /. .33:9 the earth /. Jer. l."):9 tliat hath borne seven /. Lfim. 2:8 wall lament, /. together Joel 1:10 the oil /. 12 fig-tree /. IS'ah. 1:4 Bashan /. and Carniel /. LANGUI.SHING. Ps. 41:3 L. strength, on bed of/. LANTEUNS. John 18:3 .ludas eouieih with /. LAODH'EA. Col. 2:1 for Ihem at L. 4:13,15,10 LAODHEANS. Col. 4:10 in church ofL../?«i'. 3:14 LAP. 2 K. 4:.",9 gathered gom-ds, /. full Xiih. .5:13 I shook my/, and said Prov, U'l-.Zi lot is cast into thu/. LAPPED, ETH. Jv(l. 7:5 I hat I. wiilcr us a dog 6 number/, were three hiind. 7 by them th./. I will save you LAI'\VIN<;. -S'fciiAT. LARGE. Ex. 3:8 111(c) a good and /. land 2 Hunt. ii'.'M he brought mo into . a /. place. Ps. 18: 19 JVW/.. 4:19 the work is gre. and /. i):35 not served thee in /, land ps. 31:8 set my feet in a /. room 118:5 Lord set me ill a /. i)l.'ice Is, 2:;;I8 loss thee in a/, coiiiiirv 30:23 cattle fcMtd in /. past, ;13 Jir. 22:14 I will build?, eliami). Ezek. 23:32 «isl, cii|) dc<-j) imd /. i/fM. 4:l(i L. feed Ihem In a/, pi. Mr//. 2H: 12 gave /. money to sol, Mark ll:l5aii(l he will show yoii :il. ii|i|M'r riioni, /.like 22:12 Gal. 6; II /. letter I hav(^ wrillen Jieo. 21:16 length as/, asbrvudlh LAHGENESH. 1 A'. 4:29 (iod gav(^ S. /. ofhearl lahcivioi;hnesm. Mark l-.Ti oiil of Inarl proceed/. 2 (or. 12:21 nolrepcnli'il oflhe/. Gill. 5:19 works of I1"h1i miinir. /. J'.pk. 4:lUylvuii tlieiuhelve.i to/. LAU 1 Pet. 4:3 when we walked in /. Jude 4 turning grace of G. into /. LAST. Gen. 49:19 Gad sh. overcome at/. Xum. 23:10 my /. end be like his 2 Sam. 2;j:l /. words of David 1 Chr. 23:27 by /. words of David Neh. 8:18 from first day to the /. Prov. 5:11 thou mourn at the /. Is. 41:4 I Lord, first and /. 44:6; 48:12: liev. 1:11, 17: 2:8; 22:13 Zam. l:9remembcreth not/, end Dan. 8:3 the higher came up /. Attics 9:1 will slay the/, of them Mat. 12:45 /. state of that man is worse than first. Luke 11:26 19:30 first shall be /. and /. first. 20:16; J/a?* 10:31; LvkelZ-.SO 20:12 /. have wrought one hour 14 give to /. even as unto thee 27:64 /. en-or worse than the fi. Mark 9:35 first, same sh. be /. Luke 12:59 till th. hast paid /. m. 1 Cor. 4:9 set forth us apostles /. 15:8 /. of all he was seen of me 26 /. enemy is death ; 45 /. Ad. Pev. 2:19 /. works be more th. fi. L.4ST day, b. Gen. 49:1 befall you in /. days John 6:39 should raise it up ag. at the /. d. 40. 44, 54 7:37 in /. d. great day of feast 11:24 he shall rise again at /. d. 2 Tim. 3:1 /. day perilous times Ilcb. 1:2 spoken in /. d. by his S. ■/am. 5:3 heaped treasure for /. d. 2 1'et. 3:3 come in /. d. scott'ers LAST time, a. 1 Pet. 1:5 to be revealed in /. /. 20 manifest in those; /. times 1 John 2:18 children, it is the/. /. Jude 18 should be mockers in /. /. LASTED, ING. Pent. 33:1") i>rccious th. of/, hills Jud. 14:17 wept whilst feast /. LATCHET. Ts. .5:27 /. of their shoos broken Mark 1:7/. of wh. shoes, Lu. 3:1G L.-VTE, LY. Ps. 127:2 vain for you to sit up/. Jfic. 2:8 of/, my peojile ri.-'en up Acts 18:2 Aquila /. come from 1. LATIN. Luke 23:.38 writ, in L. Jb/m 19:20 LATTER. Pent. 11:14 give first and /. rain Jnb 19:25 Redeemer, st. at /. day 29:2:1 open, mouth, as for /. raiii Piav. 16:15 as cloud of/, rain 19:20 mayest be wise in /. end Jer. 3:3 there ha. been no /. rain 5:21 form, and /. rain in season Dan. 8:2:3 /. time of their kiiigd. J/os. 6:3 as /. and former raiw Joel 2:23 /. rain in first month .■iiiws 7:1 in beginning of/, grow. /far/. 2:9 glory of/, house greater Zee. 10:1 rain in time of/, rain 1 U'im. 4:1 in /. times some dop. See DAYS, END. LATTICE. ./ud. 5:28 cried (Ijidugh the /. 2 A'. 1:2 Abaziah loll lliroiigh /. Cant. 2:9 show. Iiimself thro' /. LAUD. Horn.. 15:11 praise L. and /. him LAUGH. Gen. 18:13 wliorof. did Sarah /..f 21:«(1. made mo to/, all will/. Jilt) 5:22 at I'aniino llioii slialt /. 9:23 will /. at liial of iniiooent 22:19 innoeont /. Ilioin to scorn Ps. 2:4 sitlolh in hoavons sh. /. 22:7 that soo me /. nie to scorn .■!7:13tlie Lord shall/, at him .^2:() righteous alM> sh. /. at him 59:8thon, <) L. shall/, at thoiu H).6 oliomios/. am. thomselves /')')('. 1:26/. at your ciilamily 29:9 rage or /. ilioro is no rest /•'(•. 3:1 lime to weep, llim^ to/. y>.//v 11:21 yo Unit woi'p, ve sh. /. 25 woo unto you that /. now LVUGIIED. Gen. 17:17 Abra. /. 1S:12 Sarah 18:15 H, di'iiiod, saving, I /. not 2 A'. 19:21 (laiighlor of ZIoii huth /. /.S-. 37:22 2 /'/()•. 31): 10 Ihov /. Ilioiii to sco. .'.'(/(. 2:19 the) /. iiH 111 soiirn Ji'/i 12:1 iipih'lit iii.'in /. Id worn 29:'il/. on llieiii, (hoy belt, nut LAW Ezek. 23:32 shalt be /. to scorn Mat. 9:24 they /. him to scorn, Mark 5:40; Luke 8:Ki LAUGHETH, ING. Job 8:21 he fill thy mouth with /. 41:29 he /. at shaking of a spear LAUGHTER. Ps. 126:2 mouth filled with /. Prov. 14:13 in /. heart sorrowful Ec. 2:2 I said of/. It is mad 7:3 sorrow is better than /. 6 thorns, so is the /. of fool Jam. 4:9 /. turned to mcurning LAUNCH, ED. Lvke 5:4 Sim. /. out into deep 8:22 go over, and thev /. forth Acts 21:1 after had /. 27:2, 4 LAYER, S. Ex. 30:18 make a /. of braes 28/. and fo. 31:9: 35:16; 39:39 38:8 he made the /. of brass 40:7 thou shalt set the /. 30 Lev. 8:11 anoint, both /. and foot 1 K. 7:.30 under /. were unders. 38 made ten /. of brass ; one /. 40 baths ; and ev. /. 4 cubits 40 and H. made the /. 43 and the ten /. on the bases, 2 Chr. 4:6, 14 2 JT. 16:17 king A. removed /. LAYISH. Is. 46:6 they /. gold out of bag LA^Y. Ge)i. 47:26 made it a /. over land Ex. 12:49 /. to bim home-born Lev. 24:22; Ki'7n. 1.5:16. 29 Deut. 17:11 to sentence of the /. 33:2 fr. right hand wont fiery /. 4 Moses commanded us a /. Jos. 8:32 wrote cojiv of/, to M. 22:5 take heed to the /. 2 K. 17:1.3,-37; 21:8 2 E. 17:34 nor do after the /. 1 Chr. 22:12 mayest keep/, of G. 2 Chr. 19:10 betworn /. and com. 30:16 place according to/, of M. Ezr. 7:6 scribe in {. 12, 21 14 according to /. of thy God 26 not do /. of G. and /. of king Neh. 8:7 cause people nnderst. /. 9 wh. they heard the wo. of/. 10:29 made oath to wf;lk m G. /. 12:44 gather them portions of /. Est. 1:8 drinking according to /. 4:11 /. of his to put him to doa. 16 which is not according to/. Job 22:22 rec. /. from his mouth Ps. 1:2 in his /. he meditates 37:31 /. of his G. is in his heart 78:5 for he a])poinfod a /. in Is. 10 refused to walk in his /. 81:4 wasa /. of the G. of Jacob 105:10 conlirm. same to .7. for /. 119:72/. of mouth l-.ot. than gold I'rov. 1:8 forsakenol the/, of thy niolher, 6:20 6:23 command, lamp, /. is light 13:14/. of wise is fount, of life 28:4 forsake/, praise wick, siu h askeep/. contend with Ihoni 7 keopotli the /. is a wise son 29:18 that keep. /. liapjiv is lie 31:5 lost drink and forgot the /. 26 in her tongue is /. of kiiiihi. /s. 2:3 out of Zion shall go forth the/. .1/;c. 4:2 8:16 seal /. 20 lo /. and teslim. ■l-.':4 llie i.-los sh. wait for his/. 21 Lord will magnify the/. 51:4 n /. shall proooi'd from mo ./,;•. 2:8llioy that liaiidU' llio/. 18:18/. not perish rruni jirii'st 4I:"23 not obey, nor w.'ilU. in /. /.am. 2:9 the /. is no more J:'zek. 7:2li/. ))orisli IVom priosis /)an. (i:5 oonoiTiiing /. of his G. 12acoording to/, of Modes. 15 //us. 4:6 has I'.ngotlon /, of God //lib. 1:1 tlionf. the/, is slacked '/..p. !!;! priosis done \iol. lo/, .!/((/. 2:6/. of Inilh was In mouth 7 i-h. sook Iho/, al Ids mouth 9 have boon ))arllal ill tin' /, ^rat. 5:17 not lo come to d.-.|, /, 15 sh. 111 no wise pii-'s IV. the /. 40 if any man sue th, a I the /, I1:i:l/, pro, lill.lo, /.like 16: If. 2;':;i(l groat coiiiinamliiionl In/. 40 on two command, hang/. 23:23 onilllod weigh, mat, of/. / »A('2:'J7 do nflor cusioiu of/, 5:17 won' iloolurs of/, silting l(;:17oiio lliiloor Iho/, lo lidl •A/.a 1:17/, was given by Moses 7:19 did iinl Mom's ,.|\<-\v,.ii /, r 23/. o( MuHCH eliuuUI not bo LAW Jo/in 7:49 who know, not the /. 51 doth /. judge before it he. ? 10:.34 written in /. Ye are gods ? 12:;j4 hoard out of/, that Christ 18:31 judge him according to /. 19:7 by our /. he ought to die Acts 6:13 blasphe. words aga. /. 7:53 have received /. by angels 13:15 reading of/, and prophets 39 not justified by /. of Jloses 15:5 command to keep /. of Mo. 24 circumcised and keep the /. 18:15 a question of/, look to it 19:38 /. IS open ; 21:20 zeal. of/. 21:28 this man teach, against /. 22:12 devout man accord, to /. 23:3 sittest thou to jud. after /. 25:8 nor against /. of the Jews 28:23 persua. them out of the /. Pom. 2:12 sin. in /. judged by /. 13 not hearers of the /. are just 14 Gentiles have not /. to do things contained in /. these hav. not /. are a /. unto the. 17 called a Jew. and rest, in /. 20 the form of truth in the /. 23 that makest thy boast of the /. through break, the /. 3:20 by deeds of /. no flesh be justified, for by the /. is knowl. of sin, 28; Gal. 2:16 21 righ. of God witnessed by /, 27 by what /, excluded ? by /. 31 do we make void the /. ? 4:14 they which areof /. be hei. 15 /. worketh wrath wh. no /. B:13 until /. sin was in world, but sin not im. wh. is no /. 20 /. entered, oftence might 7:1 speak to them wh. know /. 2 wo. bound by /. to husband 4 ye also become dead to the /. 7 is /. sin, I had not kno. sin, but by /. nor lust, ex. /. said 8 without /. sin was dead 12 the /. is holy, a-ud comman. 14 know th. the /. is spiritual 16 /. that is g-ood 1 Tim. 1:8 22 I delight ni the /. of God 23 I see another /. warring ag. the /. of my mind, to /. of 25 with mind I sene /. of God 8:2 the /. of life made me free 3 for what the /. could not do 4 righteousness of the /. fulfil. 7 carnal mind not subject to /. 9:31 Israel followed /. of rit'Iite. 10:4 Christ is the end of the /. 13:8 loveth another, ftilfillod /. lOloveis thefulHlli. of the/. 1 Cor. 6:1 dare any of you to /. .? 6 brother goeth to /. with bro. 7:39 wife is bound by the /. 15:56 strength of sin Is the /. Oal. 2:16 not just, by works of/. 19 I thro' the /. am do. to the /. 21 if rightcousnc-iscomo bv /. 3:2 rocclved ye Spirit by the /. .f 5 miracles, doom he it by /. .>" 11 no man is^ustiflcd by the/. 12 and the /. is not of faith 13 C. redeem, usfr. cur-^o of/. 19 whorof. then servelh the /. / 21 is the/, aga. the promises f righteous, had been by (ho/. 24 /. was our schoolmaster 5:3 is n debtor to do the who. /. 4 whosoever are just, by the/. 11 all the /, is fulfil, in one w. 23 tomiiira. ag, such is no/. 6:2sol'iiUn tlu;/. of Christ. 13 /:'; h. 2:15 abolished in his lie. /. /'/(//. 3:6 touching righ. in Iho /. 9 mine own righleou. of the /. 1 Tim. 1:7 to bo loacho. of the /. 9 /. is not made for right, man 7'it. 3:9 avoid ctiiilont. iihoul /. //.• In tin innulh 2 A'. 10:31 ii» hood towa. iu /. L. 922 CRUDEN'S COXCORDAXCE. LAW 2 Chr. 12:1 E. forsook I. oft. L. 31:4 encouraged in /. of the L. Ezr. 7:10 heart to seek I. of L. Ps. 1:2 delight is in I. of the L. 19:7 the I. of the L. is perfect 110:1 blessed th. walk in I. ofL. Is. 5:44 cast away the /. of L. 30:9 children not hear /. of L. Jer. 8:8 say, I. of L. is with us Amos 2:4 they have des. /. of L. My LAW. Ex. 16:4 whether walk in my I. 2 Chr. 6:16 childr. walk in my I. P.S. 78:1 my peo. to my I. incline Pror. 3:1 my son. forg. not my I. 4:2 fors. not my I. 7:2 keep my I. Is. 51:7 peo. in wh. heart is 7ny I. Jer. 6:19 not hearken, unto my /. 16:11 forsa. me, not kept my I. 31:33 put my I. in their parts 44:10 nor walked in my I. Ezek. 22:26 priests ha. vio. my I. Hoi. 8:1 they trespass ag. m,y I. 12 writ, to him things of ?hy I. Tliis L.4W. Niim^ .5:30 priests shall exe. t. I. Deut. 1:5 Moses to declare this I 17:18 write him a copy of t. I. 28:58 if th. wilt not observe 1. 1. 31:9 M. wrote t. L 11 read t. I. UA wri. words of /. /. in a book This 19 the LAW. EzeTc. 4:3:12 this is the I. of honsc Mat. 7:12 this is the I. and prop. Thv L.\W. Sent. 33:10 shall teach Isr. thy I. Neh. 9:26 cast t. I. behind backs 34 nor our princes kept thij I. Ps. 40:8 1. 1, is within mv heart 94:12 teachest him out of thy I. 119:18 wondr. things art of t. I. 23 and grant t. I. graciously 31 and I shall keep thy I. 4-1 so shall keep t. I. continu. 51 have I not declined fr. t. I. 55 I rememb. and kept thy I. 61 I have not forgotten tliy I. 70 but I delight m thy I. 77 for 1. 1, is my delight, 92, 174 8.") pits, wh. are not after t. I. 97 love t. I. 109 not forget 1. 1. 113 1. I. I lo%-e. 163; 126 ma. vo. 136 because they keep not t. I. 142 i. I. is truth": 150 far fr. 1. 1. 165 peace have they love t. I. Jc-r. 32:2:3 nor walk in t. I. Dan. 9:11 have transgressed 1. 1. Under the LAW. Rom. 6:14 ye are not under t. I. 15 sho. we sin hec. not u. I. ? 1 Cor. 9:20 as n. t. !. that I might gain them th. that are v. t.l. 21 not without law to G. v. I. Gal. 3:23 kept (/. I. 4:4 made it. I. 4:5 sent Son to red. them un. I. 5:18 led by Sp. are not u. t. I. Without LAW. 2 Chr. 15:3 Is. hath been ipitk. I. Pom. 2:12 many as sinned ic. I. 3:21 righteousness of God ic. I. 7:8 ID. I. sin dead ; 91 was alive 1 Cor. 9:21 w. I. not lo. I. to God Written in the L.4W. 1 K. 2:3 as it is written in the I. of Hoses, 2 C%;'. 23:18; 25:4; 31:3: Ezr. 3:2; Xeh. 10:34, 36; Dan. 9:13; iwfe 2:23 Dan. 9:11 oath is w. in t. I. of Jloses Lnhe 10:20 what is wri. in 1. 1. ? 24:44 all must be ful. if. in t. I. ^cfo 24:14 belie, things ». m <. I. LAWS. Gen. 23:5 Abraham kept my I. Ex. 16:28 how long rcf. my /. ? 18:16 make them know I. of G. 20 teach th. ordinances and?. Neh. 9:13 tliou gavest th. true/. Est. 1:19 among I. of Persians 3:8 their I. are div. from all peo. nei. keep they the king's I. h. 24:5 th. have transgressed /. Dan. 7:25 to change times and I. 9:10 nor obeyed to walk In I. lleb. 8:10 put my /. into th. mind 10:16 put my /.'in their hearts LAWFUL. /-■. 49:24 sh. I. captive he deliv. ? Ezek. 18:5 do that which is?. 21, 27; 33:14, 19 19 son ha. done that is /. 33:16 Mat. 12:2 do what is not /. Mark 2:24; iufce 6:2 4 was not I. for him to eat, iTari 2:26: XuitcU:4 LAY Mat. 12:10 is it I. to hep.l on sab. ? 12; MarkZ:X\ 6:;^; 14:3 14:4 it is not I. for thee to have her, Mark 6:18 19:3 /. to put aw. wife? Mar. 10:2 John 5:10 not I. to carry thy bed 18::31 not I. to put man to death Acts 19:39 deterra. in I. assembly 22:25 is it Z. to scourge a Rom."? 1 Cor. 6:12 all things?. 10:2:3 2 Cor. 12:4 not I. for man to utter LAWFULLY. 1 Tim. 1:8 go. if a man use it /. 2 Tim. 2:5 not crown, except I. LAWGIVER. Gen. 49:10 /. from betw. his feet :Sum. 21:18 digged bvdirec. oil. Deut. 33:21 in a portion of the I. Ps. 60:7 Judah is my I. 10S:8 . Is. 3:3:22 L. is our I. and king Jam. 4:12 one/, is able: to save LAWLESS. 1 Tim. 1:9 law for I. disobedient LAWYER, S. Mat. 22:35 a I. asked, Luke 10:25 Lu\e 7:30 /. reject, counsel of G. 11:46 woe to you I. 52: 14:3 J. LAY. Ex. 5:8 tale of bricks ve shall /. 16:13 ;. round about host, 14 22:25 neither sh. thou I. on him Lev. 1:7 I. the wood on the nre 8 priests sh. I. parts in ord. 12 Xum. 12:11 L. I. not sin upon us Deut. 7:15 I. on them that hate 11:25 Z. fear of you upon land 21:8 1, not innoc. blood to peop ■Tud. 16:3 Sam. I. till midnisht Rvth 3:8 a woman I. at his feet 1 Sam. 3:15 Samuel I. till morn. 26:5 Saul I. in the trench. 7 2 Sam. 4:5 who I. on bed at noon 12:3 ewe-lamb I. in his bosom 16 D. ;. all night on earth. 13:31 1 A'. 13:31 1, my bones beside his 18:23 /. it on wood put no tire 2 K. 4:34 went and I. on the chi. 2 Chr. 36:21 long as she I. desol. Est. 4:3 I. In sackcloth and ashes .Job 29:19 dew I. all ni. on branch 34:2:3 not I. on man more than Ps. 7:5 /. mine honor in the dnst 38:12 seek life, I. snares for me 84:3 a nest, where she /. young Ec. 7:2 living will ;. it to "heart Is. 5:8 woe to them that /. field 13:9 /. land desolate. Ezek. 3:3:28 11 will /. low hau. of terrible 22:22 honse of D. I. on shoulder 25:12 the fortress shall be I. low 28:16 I will I. in Z. a tried stone 17 judgment will 11. to the li. 29:21 /."a snare for him that re. 34:15 there sh. the great owl I. 38:21 and I. it for a plaster 54:11 1, thy stones with colors ,Jer. 6:21 will I. stumbling-blocks before this peop. Ezek. 3:20 Ezek. 4:1 take a tile and I. it be. 4 I. iniquity of house of Israel 25:14 /. vengeance on Edom. 17 32:5 will I. thy flesh on mount 36:29 I will l.'no famine upon ;34 land be tilled, it I. desolate 37:6 I will /. sinews upon you .Ion. \:\il. not on us inno. "blood Mic. 1:7 idols will I ;. desolate Mai. 2:2 if ve will not I. it to he. Mat. 8:20 hath not where to /. his head, Luke 9:58 28:6 see place where the Lord I. Mark 2:4 bed wh. sick of palsy I. Lrike 19:44 1, thee with ground Acts 7:60 L. I. not this sin to th. 15:28 I. on vou no grea. burden Pom. 8:33 /."any thing to God's 9:331 /. in Zion a stumbling-st 1 Cor. 16:2 every one I. by him Heh. 12:1 let us/, aside ev. weig. .Jam. 1:21 /. apart all filthiness 1 Pet. 2:6 /. in Zion a chief cor. See FOUXDATION. L.\Y down. Gen. 19:33 L. per. not she /. d. 35 28:11 Jacob /. d. in place to si. yum. 24:9 he /. d. as a lion Jud. 5:27 he /. down at her feet Puth 3:4 unccv. feet, /. thee d. 1 Sam. 19:24 Saul /. down naked Job 17:3 /. d. put me in surety Ps. 4:8 I will /. me d. in peace 104:22 young lions /. d. in dens Ezek. 19:2 mother/, d. am. lions Amos 2:8 /. thenis. d. on clothe-^ Jolin 10:15 /. d. life for sheep, 17 LAI ■John 10:18 /. it down of mvself 13::37 /. d. mv li. for thv sa'ke. 38 15:13 /. d. his life for his friends 1 John 3:10 /. d. lives for breth. LAY hand. Gen. 22:12 /. n. thy h. on the lad 37:22 no blood, /. no h. on Jos. Ex. 7:4 I may/, my h. on Egypt Lev. 3:2/. A. "on head of offer. 8 4:4 sh. /. h. on bullock's he. 15 29 sh. /. h. on sin-offering. a3 Xum. 27:18 L. said, /. h. on .Jos. ■lud. 18:19 /. h. on thy mouth .7o6 9:33 any days-man to I. h. 21:5 mark me, /. h. on mouth 40:4 will /. my h. on my month 41:8/. h. on him, remem. battle Prov. 30:32 tho' evil, /. h. month Is. 11:14 sh. /. their A. on Edom Jlic. 7:16 sh. /. h. on their mou. Mat. 9:18 come, /. thy h. on her LAY hands. Lev. 1631 A. sh. /. bo. h. on goat Xfm. 8:12 Lev. /. h. on bullocks Xeh. 13:21 again, I. h. on vou Mat. 21:46 they sought to /. h. on him, Luke 20:19 Mark 5:23 come ?. thy h. on her 10: 18 /. h. on sick, thev recover L!/!:e 21:12 they shall /. h. on you 1 Tim. 5:23 /. h. suddenly on no LAY hold. Prov. 3:18 tree of life toth. /. h. Ec. 2:3 I sought to /. h. on folly Is. 5:29 roar, "and /. h. on prey .ler. 6:23 /. A. on bow and spear Zee. 14:13 ev. one /. h. on neigh. Mark 3:21 friends went to /. h. 12:12 souiht to /. hold on him 1 Tim. 6:12 /. h. on eter. life, 19 Sei. 6:18 /. A. on hope set be. tis LAY np. Gen. 41:35 /. vp com under Pha. Ex. 16:'23 /. !/7>ma;ina till morn. 33 /. tip a pot of manna Xtim. 17:4 sh. /. them vp in tab. Dc'/f. 11:13/. "p my words Job 22:22 /. vp his words in heart 24 then shalt/. ?/;jgold as dust Prov. 7:1 /. vpmy commandm. 10:14 wise men /. vp knowledge Mat. 6:19/. not vp for you treas. 20 /. up treasures in heaven 2 Cor. 12:14 children not to /. vp L.4.Y wait. Ezr. 8:31 del. fr. such as /. in ?r. Ps. 71:10 /. wait for my soul Prov. 1:11 let us /. wcit for hlood 18 they /. tc. for their own bl. 24:15 /. not w. against righte. Jer. 5:26 /. w. as ho that sctteth LAY waste. Is. 5:6 I will /. it w. it sh-;ll not Ezek. 35:4 I wiU /. thy cities w. LAY with. Gen. 19:33 /. u: her father 34, 35 30:16 Jacob /. w. L. that night 34:2 Shechem/. wi'h Dinah 35:22 Reuben /. tcHh Bilhah De'it. 22:22 man that /. w. worn. 25 man that /. w. her shall die 29 that /. w. her give 50 shck. 1 Sayn. 2:22 Eli's sons/, w. wom. 2 .sV7»i. 1:3:14 A. fore. T. and/, v.: Ezek. 23:8 in her youth /. v). her LAID. Gen. 22:6 wood, and /. it on Isa. 30:41 Jacob /. rods before cattle 48:14 /. it on Ephraim's head E.v. 2:3 /. it on Hags by river Diut. 20:6 Ecrv. /. on lis bondage .los. 7:23 they"/, them bef. the L. Pvth 4:16 a:id /. it in her bosom 2 Sam. 18:17 /. heap of stones on 1 K. 3:20 /. it in her bosom, and /. her dead child in my bos. 13:29 prophet /. carcass on ass 17:19 and /. him on his own bed 2 K. 9:25 /. this burden on him 20:7 they /. it on the boil Job 6:2 calamity /. in balances 18:10 snares/, forhim in ground 38:6 or who /. the comer-stone Ps. 21:5 m.. 8:9/, Ihem olit of l,;'vpl Jtev. 7:17 l.ainl) feed and /. them LKAI>Eil, H. 1 (7ir. 12:-.'7.lchol, /, of AaronK, 13:1 David consullcd wilh ev, /, 2 <7ir.:i>:'i\ augcd wlii, cut olf/, /■', 9: 16 /, of pcoph' ciiusr to err 5."): I given liliii a/, lo Hie peop. Mat. 15:tlb(! hiiiid/. of Iheblin, LEVIIKKT. A. 80:1 /, .lo,irph IlkiMillock LKADKI'll. Job 12:17 he /. cniinsi'llorH away 19 h(( /. i)riii(i'H awav spoiled I's. 2:1:2/. me liesiih^ s'lill wallers 3/, MK! In pal lis 111 I'Ighleousn. 2'roo. 16:29 (. him lulu wuy LEA !.<:. 48:17 thy God which /. thee JIal. 7:13 wide is way /. to destr. 14 narrow is way that /. to life John 10:3 calleth sheep and/, th. /torn. 2:4 goodn. of God/, to rep. liev. 13:10/. sh. go into captivity LEAF. Gen. 8:11 in her mou. was oli. /. Lev. 26::!6 sound of a sliaken /. .Job 13:25 break /. dr. to and fro? Ps. 1:3 his /. shall not wither Is. I:;j0 be as oak whose/, fadeth 34:4 host fall as /. 64:6 fade as /. Jer. 17:8 but her /. shall be green Hzek. 47:12 the /. shall uot fade LEAVES. Gen. 3:7 sew. flg /. made ajjrons ■Ter. 36:23 when Je. read 3 or 4 /. Ezek. 17:9 sh. wither in all the/. 3IaL 21:19 nothing thereon but/. Mark 11:13 24:32 put. forth /. jMark 13:28 Sev. 23:2 /. for healing of nations LE.AVES, for doors. 1 IC. 6:34 two /. of the one door Ezek. 41:24 doors had two /. api. LEAGUE. Jos. 9:15 made /. wi. Gibeon. 16 Jud. 2:2 make no /. wi. inhabit. 1 Sa7n. 22:8 made /. with David 2 Sam. 5:3 David made /. wi. th. 1 K. 5:12 Hiram and Sol. made /. 15:19 a /, between me and thee 2 67/r. 16:3 break /. with Baasha Job 5:23 in /. with stones of field Ezek. 30:5 num that is in /. sh. f. Ban. 11:23 after /. he work dece. LEAH. Gen. 29:16 daughter was L. 30:19 Euth 4:11 L. make worn, like L. LEA^^ E!). ■lud. 16:26 I may /. on pillars 2 K. 18:21 on which if a man /. go into hand. Is. 36:6 ./^ob 8:15 /. on house, it not stand I'lViK 3:5 /. not to own underst. A?nos 5:19 /. his hand on wall J/i>. 3:11 yet they /. ou the Lord ./o/in 21:20 /. ou his breast at su, LEWETH, Ii\G. 2 Snm. 3:29 one /. on a staff 2 A'. 5:18 /. on my hand in house Caiif. 8:5 cometh up /. on belov. Jo/ill 13:23 was /. on Jesus' bos. Ileb. 11:21 Jacob /. on top of sta. LEAIV, NESS. Gen. 41:3 out of river /.-flesh. 19 4 /.-fleshed eat up sev. fat, 20 2 Sam. i:i:4 beinjj king's son /. /'s. 106:15 sent /. into flieir soul Js. 10:16 L. seiul am. fat oni's /. 17:4 fatness of flesh sh. wa.^ /. 24:16 I said, Jly /. my /. woe Ezek. 34:20 jiulge betw. fat and /. LEAP. Gen. 31:12 rams wh./. on cattle Ler. 11:21 have legs to/, withal JMut. 33:22 Dan sh. /. I'nmi Hash. ./ob 41:19 sparks of fire /. out /'s. 68:16 wliy/, ye, yi'liigh hills Is. ;i5:6 llirn sliail lame man /. ./oel 2:5 like ehaiiols sh, they /. Luke 6:2:1 rejoice ye, /. for joy LEAPED. Gen. 31:10 lanis wii, /, ujioii cat, 2 Sum. 22::i0 /. over wa, /-s. 18:29 /jike 1:41 balie /. in womb, 44 .letn 1 1:10 and he/, and walked 19:16 evil spirit was, /. on Ihem LEAIM.\G. 2 Sam. 6:16 .Miclial saw David/. (■;»;;/. 2:8 heboid, liecomelh/. Avis 3:8 and lie /. up and walked LE\I(\. 7)en/. 4:10 may /. to fear, 14:23 5:1 nmv /, mid keep, and do III. 17:19 read llial he may /, lofear 31:12 hear, aii», 12:11 /, his blood upon liiiii; ,/„,/2:l4/. blessing behind lilm ,1;/I cloud 53/, tliciii safely. 111. fear, not imi;!!/. Ill, thro' "deplhs as lino' wllderiUH-, 136:16; /.v.Bl;I.1 107:7 /, Ihem by Hie ll;;lll way lYor. 1:11 /. I bee 111 rlvlil imlli* Is. 9:16/. of Hiem iiii' ilcslioyiil 4S:2I llilrsled not «li. Ill, /.'ill. ^5, 1'J sliull be /. forth wllli lufl. 6:1:12/. lliein by rli:lit liiiiiil Jir. 2:6 1.. /. UHllini" wllilcriH-KH 17 «lieii lie /, lliee bv Hie wu> a-.VI'J dlelii pl.ice will 'ill. /, lilm )ia:ti L. which /. Uuu»o uf Iwuul 024 CRUDEX'S COXCORDAXCE. LET j LEX I LET i LEY 2 hath /. rae into darkn. ' JTaf. 23:38 yonr house is /. desol. LE\GTHEXrXG. Rei. 2:1 lest wc sh. I. them deep ^:2 sh. not be /. one stone upon 2>an. 4:27 a /. of thv trinqnillitT i^^ it«vt! auoth. Mark 1:3:2 : Lvke 21:6 LEvf ' r pt j 40 oneshallbetak. theoth. ?. i> i.-»..«;7 t'le-DP^'th rnonirpHU. ,- ^, - v f^',.- ^ ^ 26:44 J See bea>-= i -^'%^^ '; ."-:2^ 'f- "i a basket, J.<:.'.>i2:.31soulwasnot/. inhell I TFOP^nn s ,«.,//'" z^* ..^ l^tOPAKU, e. I ichii four comers. 7. d. to earth S fr. mountains of the I. ! 27:30 /. doirn boat into the sea Zam £zci. .33:28 to be I. into capti\i, Ajno^ 2:10 /. 40 Tears thro" wUd. Jfit. 4:1 Jes. /. of Spirit, iv. 4:1 Liie 4:29 7. Jesus to brow of hill 21:24 shall be /. away captive LEDDEST. ^Sam. 5:2 /. out Is. 1 CTir. 11:2 -■ s^t. 9:12 I. ih. by a cloudy p-llor Fj. 77:20 /. thy peo. like a fluck LEDGES. 1 .K. 7:23 borders between the I. Zj I. and borders were tie sa. 3j plates of /. graved cherubim LEESS. 2> um. 11:5 rememb. I. and onio. LEES. ii. 25:0 f;a=t of wine oa the 1. Jar. 43:11 iL h:ith set. on his /. Zep. 1:12 pun. men settled oa I. LEFT. GtTi. 23:.35 Ju^a. /. bear. 30:9 33:12/. gar. ti hand. H, 15, 18 14:17 he /. not without witness i /~„_/ . ^ f, 21:.32 thev /. bcatins of Paul i K „'.c'; ? Tim. 4:i3 I ?. sick at ililettmi h. lie down with kid I LETTER. -^^i-!i- ^hJiZl'f t°755.^^ 2 Sam. 11:14 Dav i^ ■.-a.-.P^i,"^' -v,,- I LEPEK. .'.W<.2:3?.toAs-:keei>erofforest ! &-.. 1 .:?2 1. o,T talking^.th lum : j^ 15.45 /. j^ whom the plaOTe £.-/. 9:29 ^vroie to coimrm this I. j Bsith 2:20 hath noi /. or kiadn. 'Job 32:15 CO more. th. /. oTspe. ' Ps. 3(5:3 he hath X. oy to he wise Jcr. ^27 /. vf speaking^ wi. him 4 5:13 we /. o*f to bsmlncense i Eos. 4:1 J thc-y /. or to take heed LEFT comer. 14:3 if leprosy be healed in I. ^4 the seed of Aaron is a I. J\ um. 5:2 put out of camp ev. I. 2 Sam. 3:29 Joab, one that is a /. 2 A'. 5:1 Xaaman was a /. 11 strike his hand, and reco. /. Jer. 29:1 words of I. Jerem. sait AcU 2:i2o Claud, wrote /. to FeL 34 when governor had read i. Rcrm. 2:27 by I. transgress law 29 ciromicis. of heart, not in I. ':6 not in the oldness of the I. 41:-:3 gathe. till he /. n^-abcria. U^. 11:11 sunrd sicwd to the I. c. ' 4. :i3not aucrht /. hut bodies ' r. _ See TT-.xa LE?T.H.\ADED. ^3 little ouL'S I. th. ia Goshen j^. 2:20 whv have ve I. raan ? 1C:12 aU that the hail 1. 15 1C:23 some /. of it till nomiag 34:25 nor saciiice be ?. tlil m~r. Lit^ 2:10 which is I. of meEt-oiE. 2u:33 are I. cf you si. pi- ? away 43 land also shall be !. of them JTum. -i-tzOS not J. a —•.nn. Jos. Sill-.Jjd. 4:16: Eb-i. 9:12 Deut. 2:.34 /. none to rc:nain. Jas. 10::53. 37. 33. 40 : 11:8. 11. 14 4:27 ve shall be I. few in numb. 23:02: If. 24:6 : Jcr. 4C:2 \ 32:-5S there is none shut up or J. JC'S. 8:17 thL'y /. the city open 11:15 1, notluag uar.one of all 22:3 hrive not /. voar brethren J'ld. 3:15 Bt'-.iani. a man l.-h. 33:16 were 7!X) chosen men I.-h. LEFT pillar. 1 K. 7:21 Uo :s;i cp the /. pUar LEFT side. 2 C^.r. 2>10 wcapoa fr. ru to I. g. Ezek. 1:10 face of an os oa /. tide 4:4 lie cl-^o oa thy 1. 1. 1-y iniq. Zee. 4:3 olive treeupoa /. V. 11 i LEG, 8. ■ Es. 12:9 roast vri. fire hesd ai>d /. 29:17 iawards and I. Lez. 9:14 .Z«r. 4:11 head, and his/, bura , 8:21 washed the inwards and ?. 11:21 wh. have I. above th. feet 27 went from his presence a I. 2 Cor. 3:6 not of/, but of Spirit l'i:5 Ar-ri. was a I. to his death ; 7:3 sorrv with /. I do not repent 2 O.r. 2G:21 Xz. the ki. was a /. Qal. C:ll larce a/. Ihave written £3 for ihev said. Ee is a ?. 2 TheJ^. 2:2 be not shaken bv /. i"":.'. 8:2 th. ca-e a /. J/-rt 1:40 fiii. l3:-» I have written /." a&S house of Sim. /. Mart 14:3 JaS. 2:23 L. I. those nations, 3:1 Deut. S8::35 smite thee in the /. I I1.J\ 1:3 was /. aiid her 2 sons. 5 1 -Sam. 17:6 greaves of brass on/. 13 then she /. spjakine to her ■ iV. 147:10 taketh no pleas, in /. 2:11 1, thv father and cTother Prot. 29:7 /. of latne nor eqiuil 4:14 L. net .'. thee this day j Cant. 1 Szm. 2::^6 every one /. inhonsc I^ 9:;i which is /. sot it bef. thee , 1C:2 father /. care of the asses TOan. 2:3:3 his /. of iro 17:20 /. the sheep Avith a ke -per -ijnog -3:12 mouth of lion two /. 2 Sim. 5:;i there thev /. ima -es -To^n 19:31 besought /. mi. he br, 9:1 ii aav /. of house of Saul 5 ' 32 soldi, carae and bniko the / 1:3:0.3 there is not one of the^ /. ^ t^ey brake not his /. 15:1(5 /. tea concuhlaos. 10:21 ^ LEGIO?*. 17:12 not be /. so m^ach as one ' Mark 5:9 name is L. L-Jce 8:30 LEPERS. ! 2 K. 7:8 /. came to titterm. part ' Mzt. 10:8 cleanse /. raise dc-d \ 11:5 /. are cleansed. Zi hi 7:22 Luke 4:27 many ?. were ia IsraeL 17:12 ten men that were /. LEPROSY. I Z>aaman clea. nnto thee 2 Crr. 2^:13 /. rose in his foreh. r'^i-^V' \- ^ ^' P-^ of marble '^^ e'rihis L was clea />. 3:20 L. take ornaments of/. ; i*"--'- 1--!-")- Xa'e5-13 ^'■- ^^i^,^ h ?°""- ^^^~ Z!/ZiV:':i2nianVa]I cf /.'bes. LETTERS. IK. 21:8 Jezebel wrote /. 9 2 jr. 10:1 Jehu wrote /. and sen; 20:12 kins of Babvlon sent /. 2 CTtr. .30:1 Hez. wTote /. to Eph. 6 posts went with /. from king ■ .32:17 wrote /. to rail on G. of l£ J^eA. 2:7 /. be given to governors ' 6:17 sent /. to Tob. and /. came , Est. 1:22 Ahasnems sent /. '■ 3:13 /. were sent by post. 8:10 ' 9:20 Mordecai sent"/, to Jews. 30 Jer. 29:35 hast /. in thy name ■ Luke i&3S writ, in /. of Hebrew j Jo/in 7:15 how know, this man /. ! Aefi 9:2 desired /. to Damascus I 15:23 the apostles wrote /. ' 22:5 fr. whom also I received /. 25:21 neither received /. out Jn. 1 K. 9:il chillr a /. 2 Chr. 8: lilO cut off him /. 2 K. 9:3 l',-3 /. servant there : 10 1 oa. /. 13 have I. me 7.c;0: 23 /. ox. 2 K. 4:-i4 did eat and /. thereof 7:7 /. tents ; 13 all that are /. 8:6 since day she /. the land l^'ll te /. him none remaining besought ' See rKETTiXG- ! LEPROUS. j Er. 4:6 hand ^^-as /. as snow ' I Lev. 13:44 is a /. man. unclean , 1 -V'-m. 12:10 Miriam became /. ',iK. 7:3 fonr /. men at the sate ' j 2 Car. 2C:3P and Uzziah was /. LESS. ' Er. 30:15 not /. than half shekel J\ >/m. 22:18 boy. word of L . do /. ^ Mark4::il when it is sown it is/. ' LEGIOXS. Jf-/. 20:53 LEISURE. Mark 6:31 they had no /. to eat LEXrUEL. Pror. 31:1, 4 LE.VD. £>. 22:25 if thou /. mor.ev ,, „ , , , - i«r. 25:.37 not /.him thv victuals -EpA. 3:8 am/, than the least Ir':^ ?"' ^"-•' '• ^°'' ^^ ndper jf^^f jj.g =1^ i to manv nations Sei. 7:7 /. is blessed of better l.:16/. commandments of Lord s thou sh. /.him sua! for need LESSER l^^^i^^^^k^eiL : ^?.^^ot/,on_usur^tobro,= ^.,,ie,:^^f™ileni.ht p^„^ 1 Cor. 16:3 sh. approve by your/. 2 Cor. .3:1 nor need we /.'of com. 10:9 1 would terrify you by /. 10 /. are weighty and powerf. 11 in word, by /. when absent LETTEST. Job 15:13 /. su. words out month 41:1 with a cord thou /. down 1 Zuke 2:29 L. /. thou thy ser. dep. LETTETH. 2 K. 10:24 he that /. him so Pr'T, 17:14 as when one /. water 2 Theg. 2:7 only he that iiow /, LEVI. 15:40 >r. mother of James the /. 2 Cor. 12:15 more I love. /. amlo. Gen. 29:34 called L. Ex. 6:16; JCum. 3:17 Xum. 16:7 yon. ye sons of L. Deut. 10:9 L. hath no part 1 K. 12:31 priests were not of L. 1 Chr. 21:6 but L. cotmt. he not P#. 1-35:30 bless L. O house of I_ ^2 rof th'e p^r of the 1^ i J'loVIS^w'^Von? ""^ 1"^" '^^' ^^'^^^'^S of/. ca^Ue E^k. 4b:46 among the sons of L. J^r. .39:10: .52^6 ' ^/}f 'sJ^J^t'^l ^I'^i^^,^ LET. ' Zef. 12:13 the house of L. apart whom ve' Gf"- 4!>:21 Xapht. a hind /. loose ^^'^-.2:^ coj- ^^ ^* L ^- 3:3 jlo / sfc i ^- 3:13 king of Es. will not /. -Mi'r* 2:14 V the son of Alpheus ood and/' yon go. 4:21 : 7: 14 : 8::2 ; 9:7. -t ".?•« 3:24 Matthat son of L. 29 a ^ 4,^r?- "^l 7 V ,, I ^'- t^ou sh. not /. to him *c,r;C-.y-" I-evitc-s /. suburbs ! ^^.^ 6:-34 if /- them of 21:1 . th. was never a son /. hnn jjope to rece. sin. also lf}^^7'-^°'^^^^^^^^^ i a51oveenem:es.dosoodand/. oVi?r-4^,°K?=''-^'"^i-P^^°- i 11:5 sav. Friend. /.me 3 loaves. 32:31 God /. him to rrv hi;a " ' „-._.,_ 31:21 inq. for them /. in Israel LEXDER. 17. .3o; 10:20.27: 11:10 5:27 a publican named L. 5:1 /.inv people go, 7:16: 8:1.20: S^- ''■^ I-. payed tithes in Abr. 9:1. 13:10:3 j Tribe of LEVI. 8:2S I will /. yon go, 9:1S: 13:7 • Xum, 1:49 not num. /. WL. *6 15:27 M. /. father-in-l.'.w depart Deut. 10:8 separat. /. ofL. 18:1 21:26 I. him go free for eve. 27 1 CAr. 23:14 we. nametl of /. ^L. Xeh. 1:2 concern. Jews wh. had /. ' P'^''- ^"^ l'?-'7'3«cr servant to /. ' 3 remnaut /. in great affliction i-"'- 24:2 as with /. so wl borrow. J"o6 2>.21 none ofhis meat be/. ' LEXDETH. i ^ . 26 ill with him /. in tabernacle Px. 37:26 merciful. /. seed bless. Deut. 15:12 ihon sh. /. hiin go fr. Eer. 7:7 t. ofL. sealed 12,00S P*. 106:11 not one of them /. - 112:5 good man show. fav. and/ 13 not /. him go away empty LETI\TH\X Pror. 29:15 a child /. to himself ^Prot. 19:17 pity on poor, /. to L. 2 Sim. 11:12 to-m. /. thee depart j^^ ^^.j faQ^j ,[,(,0 draw out /. LEXGTH, , rr .^..^, ,.u.„„ ■- If. 1:9 L. /. us a rem. Bom. 9:29 I 1:3 /. in Ziou shall be call, holv 11:16 remnant that shall be /. " 24:12 in the city is /. desolation 33:6 nothing be /. saith the L. Jer. 12:7/. heritage; 31:2/. swo. /)c"//. .30:20 and the Job 12:12 /. of davi Pf. 21:4 even /. of davs for ever Pro^. .3:2 /. of days sh. they add 16 /. of davs is in her risht ha fH- Wr^t-^ 'i^T^ °^ '^K?" r^i*^ i^- '*" breakest the heads of/, ? /. of thv davs -^^ C:9 would /. loose his hand ^^^.^ j ^ j^at /. thou hast made s. understand. T'-lT^Y^' ^ V^ ^Z^ '■ ^l"° ^ Is- 27:1 shaU punish /. even /, S^ tr^tSI^lTJ- k"^^"-" ^PA- 3:l« '^Wre- /- of We of c". 50:28 et nothin-of her be /. ^^j.. 21:16 /. as larse as breadth E:rK. 14:22 shall be /. a remnant . , „....S_ :31:12 cut him off and ha. /. him ' -*» LEXGTH. Dor,. 2:44 not be /. to other peo. "^- 29:21 become his son at I. Hag. 2:3 who is /. sawh. in^- 1:10 "' >■ m:iy ha. journey Zrt:. 13:8 third part be /. therein LEXGTHEX, ED. Md. 4:20 /. nets : 22 /. their ships Drut. 25:15 thv davs mav be /. 15:37 took up of meat that was 1 A". 3:14 then will I /. thv davs /. Mark 8:8 Is. 54:2 /. thy cords, strengthen Pom. 1:13 but was /. hitherto 22:25 A wife to bro. Mark 12:20 1 stakes 1 2 TTies. 2:7 now letteth, will /. p.'. 69:6 /. not those be ashamed '"■ "'"' """" P '^ 109:6 /. Sa. stand at risht hand LETITE. Cant. 3:4 would not /. him go Er. 4:14 Aaron the L. thy brot. ? 8:11 /. out \-inevard to keepers Deut. 12:12 rej.bef. the Lord and /.-. 43:13 and who shall /. it ? the L. 18 : 16:11. 14 : 26:11. 13 .ler. 27:11 those will I /. remain Jvd. 17:7 a young man a L. 9 Mai. 21:33 planted a vineyard and /. it out to husbandmen. Mark 12:1 : Luke 20:9 Luke ^6S not answer nor /. go Jo/tn 19:12 if thon /, thi* man so 10 thv victualsT so the L. went 12 Micah consecrated the L, 13 I have a L. to my priest 8:3 knew the voice of the L. 19:1 a certain L. sojourning .irif 27:15 not bear up. !. her dr. 2 Chr. 50:14 Jahaziel the L. came ■ " .... gj.j2 cocon. the L. over thin^ 14 Kore the L. over fr.-will ott LIA Lnke 10:32 likewise a L. came Actsi:36 Barnabas a L. hav. land LEVITES. Ex. 3S:21 counted for serv. of L. Let]. 25:32 cit. of L. may L. rude. iVy/ra. 1:50 sh. appoint L. ov. tab. 51 the L. shall take it down 53 the L. shall pitch round abo. 3:9 shall give L. unto Aaron 12 I have take:i L. the L. mine 41 take the L. for me, 45: 8:14 7:5 thou sh. give wa^o. unto L. 8:6 take L. fr. Is. and cleanse 11 Aaron sh. offer L. bef. the L. 18:6 taken L. to do service, 2:3 24 tithes I have given to the L. 35:2 give unto the L. cities, 8 •Jos. 14:3 to L. he gave none inh. 21:3 Is. gave these cities to L. 8 41 cities of L. were forty-eight 1 Sam. 6:15 L. took down ark 1 Ghr. 15:15 cliild. of L. bare ark 26 G. helped L. that bare ark 2 Chr. 5:12 L. were singers, 7:6 19: 11 also the L. shall be officers 23:6 L. shall comp. the king, 7 29:5 ye L. sanctify yourselves 34:13 of the L. there were scrib. 35:14 L. prep, for themselves, 15 Ezr. 6:18 set L. in their courses Neh. 8:7 L. caused peo. to under. 11 tlie L. stilled the people 12:2T at dedica. th. sought L. 1.3:10 L. were fled every one 29 defiled priesthood of the L. Jer. 33:22 I will multiply the L. Ezek. 44:10 L. are gone bear ini. 48:11 not astray wh. L. went Priests and LEVITES. Deut. 17:9 come lo pries, and L. Joa. .3:3 sue p. a. L. bearing ark 1 K. 8:4 Tf). a. L. brought ark 2 Chr. 2:j:4 p. a. L. sh. be porters 29:34 yjW. and L. more upright 30:15 /w£. and L. -were ashamed 21 L. and pries, praised the L. 27 p. and L. blessed the peop. 31:9 Hez. questioned wi. 75. a. L. 35:8 princes gave t0 7)r. and L. Ezr. GriO pr. and L. were purili. 9:1 p. a. L. have not separated 10:5 Ezra made jrr. a. L. to sw. iV,'/t. 9:.'J8 our princes, L. and p. 10::J4 we cast lots amo. p. a. L. 1:3:.30/). a. L. purified tlienisclv. 7s. 05:21 take of th. for;), and L. Jer. 33:l-i /;. a. L. not want a ma;; 21 Ihj L. the/), my mini -fers John 1:19 Jew.t sent p. and L. LEVITICAL. Ueb. 7:11 were by /. jjrie.-thood LEVY, Substantive. IK. 5:13 Sol. rai.Merl /. of 300,000 14 .\doniram was over thi; I. 9:15 reason ol I. Solomon raised LEVY, Verb. Num. 31:2-i /. a fribute to the L. 1 K. 9:21 on tho.se did Solom. I. LEWD, LV. Ezeh. 16:27 ashani. ofthv /. way 22:11 i. dc'liled his daugiiter 2!:44 went in, unto \\\i:l. wom. Ads 17:5 Jews took I. fellows LEWDNESS. Jiid. 20:6 th. Iiave coiuniittcd /. J-'.r. 11:15 vvrouglit I. with many 1 );27 seen I. of thy whori'doiu Exk. 16:13 sh. iiotcoiiiinit this/, 58 thou hast borm; /, and alio, 22:9 midst of thee th, commit I. 2J:21 rememl)r. /. of Ihy youtli 27 I make thy /, to ceas(;, -IH 29 both tliy I. and whoredoui 35 Wvx-X. bear tliou also thy L 49 hIi .11 ri"',oini)cnsi' your I. 21:13 i:i l!iy llllhluess is/. //■)<. n: 10 will I discover lier;. (l:9pri(^sts murder, commit/. Acli 18:14 muitrr of wrong or /. LI An. .7')') 24:2") who will innke me a/, f t ''■■ti\ U: 1 /, giv, ear to naughty 111:22 ))oor man better than a/. .'M:li anil thou l>e found /. .1 r. 15: 18 wilt th, be lo me as/,/ .hknW.-VM. and IIk! lather ofll 55 say I know him not, \wl. /loin. 3:4 (lod Irui', cv. man a/. 1 ./'ihn 1:10 sinned, rnaUe liirn /. i,':» k('i.pcth not coui. N/. 4:20 22 is lit. but h(' Hint (l(Mih'tli 5:10 b'.'lluv, not (1, inadu UUwl. LI\IIH. ^■"', 33:29 emMuh"! found/. J'J. 110:11 liu itii, uU men urn /. LIE Js. 44:25 fiustrateth tokens of/. Jer. .50:36 a sword is upon the /. 1 Tim. 1:10 law is made for /. Til. 1:12 Cretians are always /. lie-v. 2:2 and bast found them /. 21:8 all /. have th, part in lake LIBERAL, LY. Deiit. 15:14 shalt furnish him /, Prov. 11:25 /, soul sh, be made fat Is. 32:5 vile sh, not be called /. 8 the /, deviseth /. things 2 Cor. 9:13 your /. distribution Jam. 1:5 God giveth all men /. LIBERALITY. 1 Cor. 15:3 bring your I. to Jeru. 2 Cor. 8:2 the riches of their /. L1SERTI\ES. Acts 6:9 called synagogue of/. LIBERTY. Lev. 25:10 proclaim /. thro' land Ps. 119:45 and I will walk at /. Is. 61:1 pi-oclaim /. to captives Jer. 34:8 covenant to proclaim /. 15 done right, in proclaim, /. 17 not heark. to me proclaim- ing /. I proclaim a /. for you Ezek. 40:17 his to the year of/. iMke 4:18 set at /. them bruised ^cAs 24:23 keep P. let him have /. 26:32 man might been set at /. 27:3 gave /. to go to his friends Pom. 8:21 from bondage into /. 1 Cor. 7:39 she is at /. to marry 8:9 take heed lest th. /. of yours 10:29 my /. judged of another 2 Cor. .3:17 Sp. of L. is, there is/. Ga!. 2:4 came priv. to spy our /. 5:1 stand fast in the /. wherew. 13 ye have been called to /. Heb. 13:2:3 brother Tim. set at /. Jam. 1:25 whoso look, to law of /, 2:12 be judged by the law of/, 1 Pef. 2:16 not using/, for a cloak iPet. 2:19 they promise them /. LIB^AIL Num. .33:20 pitch-d in L. 21 ■/OS. 10:29 passed to L. 21:13 2 K. 8:22 L. revolted, 2 Chr. 21:10 LIBYA. Ezek. ZO-.fi ; Acfs 2:10 LIBYANS. Jer. 46:9; Dan. 11:43 LICE. Ex. 8:16 dust became /, 17, 18 Ps. 105:31 /. in all their coasts lice:\se. A'-fs 21:40 when he h:;d giv. P./. 25:16 accused have /. to answer LICK. Ni/m. 22:4 this company /. up all 1 A'. 21:19 shall dogs /. thy blood Ps. 72:9 enemies sh. /. the dust /s. 49:23 /. up dust of thy feet Alio. 7:17 sh. /. dust like a scrp. LICKED, ETH. Num. 22; 1 /. up all, as ox /. grass 1 A'. 18:38 /. up water in trejich 21:19 dogs /. Wood of Nuboth 22::!8 the dogs /. up his blood Luke 16:21 dogs ca, and /. Bores LID. 2 A'. 12:9 bored a hole in the /. lAE, fnlse/innd. Ps. 02:9 men o"f hi, degree are a/, 1 19:69 proiul forged a /, ag, me /•■. 44:21) is not a (. in rig, hand ? Jer. 27:10 i>ro))hesy a/, to you to rem, you fr, land, 14, 15, 16 2'^:15 mak, peo. to trust in a /. 2;i::!l caused von to trust in a /. 7;':,'k. 21:29 divine a/, to thee .l/ic. 1:14 shall be a /. to kings '/,er. 10:2 diviners liave seen a /. ■/ohn 8:44 H])eaketh /. h(! speak. /t'oin. 1:25 changed Irutli unto/. 3:7 through my /. lo bis glory 2 T/ies. 2:11 tbev sh, bclieveii /. 1 John 2:21 no /. is of the truth 27 of all things, and is no /. /iVii. 21:27 wliatho, niaUdli a /. 22:15 whoso, lov, and niakelh/, LI EH. Jnd. 10:10 th, hast told mo I. 13 Jofj 11:3 /, make nnui hold peace ? I'i: 4 ye are forgers of/. /'s. 40:4 Huch as turn asldo lo /, .'>H:3 wicked p> nslray, speak, /, 62:4 deliglit in/, curse Inwardly 63:11 mouth speak, /, Ixi stopp, 101:7 tell. /, not tarry In my si. /'roi\ 6; 19 hates wllness speak,/. 11:5 a false witness will utter/. 25 diM-ellfid wItni'HM speak. /. 19:5 Mp(Mdii4!i /. shall not oseap" U hu that HpeaUi't'i/, sh. ji' ■■:;>'i LIE Pr»v. 29:12 if a ruler heark. to /. .30:8 remove fr. me vanity and /. Is. 9:15 prophet that teacheth /. 28:15 have made /. our refuge 17 sweep away the refuge of/. 59:3 your li])s have spoken /. 4 trust in vanity, and speak /. Jer. 9:3 bend like th. bow for /. 5 tau. their tongue to speak /. 14:14 proph. prophe. /. 23:25, 26 16:19 our fathers have inher. /. 20:6 hast prophesied /. vanity 23:14 commit adult, walk in /. 32 cause peo, to err by their /, 48:.30 his /, shall not so effect It Ezek. 13:8 spoken vanity, seen /. 9 upon prophets that divine /. 22 with /. ye made right, sad 22:28 divining /. unto them 24:12 she wearied herself with?. Dan. 11:27 speak /. at one table Uos. 7:3 princes glad with /. 13 have spoken /. against me 10:13 ye have eaten fruit of/. 11:12 Ephr, comp. about wi, /. 12:1 he increaseth /. and desol. Amos 2:4 /, caused them to err Mic. 0:12 inhabi, have spoken /. Nah. 3:1 city, it is full of/. Ilab. 2:18 and a teacher of/. Zep. 3:13 I-^rael sh. not speak /. Zee. 13:3 speak. /. in name of L. 1 Tim. 4:2 speak. /. in hypocrisy LIE, Verb. Lev. 6:2 if a soul /, to his neieh. 19:11 steal, nor/, one to another Num. 23:19 man, that he sho. /. 1 Sam. 15:29 Str, of Is, will not/. 2 IC 4:16 do not /, to handmaid Job 6:23 it is evident to you if I /. .34:6 should I /. against my right Ps. 89:35 T will not /. to David Pron. 14:5 faith, witn. will not /, Is. 63:8 my peo. that will not /. Mic: 2:11 walk, in falsehood do /. //ab. 2:3 it shall speak and not /. Acts 5:3 hath S. filled heart to/..? Pom. 9:1 I say truth in Christ, I /. not, 1 Ti?n. 2:7 2 Cor. 11:31 L. knoweth. I /. not Oat. 1:20 I wrote, behold I /. not Col. 3:9 /. not one to another Tit. 1:2 life, God that cannot /. promised, Heb. 6:18 Jam. 3:14 /. not against the truth 1 Joh7i 1:6 we /, and do not truth Pev. 3:9 they are Jews, but do /. LIED, ETH. Lev. 6:3 lost, and /. concerning 1 IC 13:18 but he/, unto him Ps. 78:.3H /, unto bim wi, tongues /•.'. 57:11 been afraid, thou hast/. Acts 5:4 th. hast not/, unto men LIE, to recline. Gen. 47:30 I will /. with my fat. Kx. 23:11 let thefrround /. still Deut. 29:20 curses in book/, onh. ■/ud. 19:20 thy wants /, on me Puth 3:4 mark the place he sh. /. 1 A'. 1:2 let her /. in Ihy bosom Ps. .57:4 I /. among them on fire 88:5 like slain that /. in grave Kc. 4:11 two/, together ha. heat Is. 13:21 wild beasts sh. /. there 11:18 kings of nations/, in glory 51:20 sons /. at head of streets /,am. 2:21 young and old /. gro. Ezik. 4:4 /. also upon thy left side 6 /. again on Ihy right side 9 thou sh. lie on Ihy side 390 d. 31:18/, in midst of iincircumc, 32:21 IhcT/, uiieirciimcised. .30 27 tbev shall not /, wi, iiiiglitv 31:11 fliall they/, in a good lot. I Joi'in 5:6 «lun .lesus ri\\\ him /, LIE, ETII down. Lev. 18:2:ilo/. d. tlinvin, 20:16 26:6/. d. and inme iii.mUi" afraid Num. XV.'iA not /, /, alike III the duHl 27: 19 rich man hIuiU /, itoini /'s. 23:2/, (/, 111 giviii paslureH Pror. 3:2 1 /, 1/, Ihv slei-p be sweot S3::i4/, (/, 111 themldsl of sea If. 1 1::i0 blialW. (/. Ill Hafely 17:2 lie for Hock h wlil.di Hli, /, (/, V7:llt^h. llie cilf teed and /, t(. 4 J: 17 iiniiy ii:id jiower 1 h, /. if. LIF Is. 50:11 shall /, down in Forrow 6,5:10 place for the herds to/, d. Jer. 3:25 /, d. in shame and conf. .3:3:12 shep, causing flocks /, d. Ezek. 34:15 1 will cause them/, d. Hos. 2:18 make them /. d. safely Zep. 2:7 sh. /. d. in the evening 14 flocks sh, /, a. 15 beasts /. d. 3:13 remnant of Israel shall/, d. LIE, ETH in wait. Ex. 21:13 if a man /, not in umit Deut. 19:11 hate neighbor. /. lo. Jos. 8:4 sh. /, in w. against city Jud. 9:32 /, in wait in the field 21:20 /. in w. in the vineyards 1 Sam. 22:8 my ser, to /, in w. 13 Ps. 10:9 /, in w. secretly as a lion 59:3 they /. in w. for my soul Pror. 7:12 /, in w. at ev, comer 12:6 wicked are to /, in wait 23:28 she /, i« w. as for a prey Mie. 7:2 they all /, in w. for bl. Acts 23:21 /, in wait for him Eph. 4:14 /, in w. to deceive me LIE, ETH waste. NeJi,. 2:3 fathers' sepulchres/, w. 17 see how Jerusalem /. waste Is. .33:8 the highways /. u'aste 34:10 it sh, /, w. none sh. pas3 Hat/. 1:4 and this house /. waste LIE, ETH with. Gen. 19:32 and we will /. w. him 30:15 he shall /, w. thee to-night 39:7 /. w. me, 12; 2 Sam. 13:11 Ex. 22:16 if a man /, w. a maid 19 whoso /. ivith beast Lev. 15:18 w. whoi". man shall .'. 15:24 if any man /, with her at 18:20 not /, carnally w. neighb. 22 shall not /. with mankiiid 23 neither sh. thou /. w. beast 19:20/. carnally with bondmaid 20:11 man /. 90. his father's wife 12 if a man /. ivith daugh,-iu-l. 13 mankind as /, Jti, woman 15 if a man /. tvith a bea:?t 18 if man /. tu. wom. ha. sick. Num. 5:13 if a man /, with her Deut. 22:2:3 find her. and /. wit/i 25 man force her, and /. w. her 27:20 that /, u'ith father's wife 21 /. w. beast ; 22 sist. 23 mot. 28:.30 betroth a wife, ano. /. w. 2Siim. 11:11 go to /.jc.mv wifeT Cant. 1:13 sh. /. all night betwixt Jlic. 7:5 mouth from her that /. LIERS in wait. Jos. 8:14 wist not th. were /. i. w. Juil. 9:25 men of Sh. set /. in w. 16:12/. in w. abid. in chamber 20;.'53 the /. in wait came forth 37 /. in w. hasted and rushed LI EST. Gen. 28:13 land whereon thou I. Deut. 6:7 V, h. thou /. down, 11:19 Jos. 7:10 wheref, /, on Ihy face? Prov. 3:24 /, down sh, nut be af. LIETII. Gen. 4:7 not well, sin /. at door 49:25 blessings of deep /. under /,(<•. 14:17 that/, in lioiise 15:4 bed whereon he /. is nncl. 20 th. she /. on is unclean, 26 24 bed wbi-reon he/, be uiic. 33 2I):.31 S. as long as /. dcsoliite ./»(/. 16:5 w here bis strength /. ./()/) 40:21 he /. under shady Ireo /'.<■. 41:8 he /. he sh. rise no more 88:7 thy wrath /. luii«l on me Mat. 8:6 servant /, at lioine sick .Mark 5:2:!/. at point of death /,'«/«. 12:18 as iiiiull as /, in von 1 John 5:19 world /, In wiekedu LIKlTEXAXT.-i;. F:r. R:.'i6 king's conimis, to /, A /. 3:12 coiiimandeil king's /. 8:9 Mord. had commaiuhil to 9:3 rulers and /. lulped .lews LIFE. (ln\. 1:20 mov, en atiire halli /. 2:7 :i.d, /, for/, )>,ut. W.n I., -v. 17:11 /. of llesh 111 the blood lS;IHbe-ldes ilie ollnr In /, ll. V.'.)!. l&'-Kt blood la t, lUU unt{. 926 CRUDEl^'S COJfCORDANCE. LIF Devt. 20:19 tree of fie. ismnn'? I. 24:6 taketh man's I. to plcil-.-e 30:15 I have fet before thee, this day, /. 19 ; Jcr. 21:8 32:47 not vain thi. bee. your /. Jos. 2:14 answ. our I. for yours 1 Sam. 2.5:29 bo. up in bun. of A 2 Sam. 15:21 whet, in deatli or I. 1 K. 3:11 not nskeil for thyself Ions: I. 2 Chi: 1:11 2 K. 4:16 time oil. embrace, 17 7:7 left eamp, fled for tlieir /. Ezr. 6:10 pray for I. of kinc; E t. 8:11 Jews to stand for7. Job 3:20 why I. Riven to bit. soul ? 10:12 thou hast granted me /. 24:22 riseth, no man sure of/. 33:4 breatli of Al. given me I. 36:6 prcserveth not I. of wicked 14 their I. is among tlic unci. Ps. 16:11 wilt show me path of/. 21:4 asked /. of thee, thou gav. 30:5 in his favor is /. 34:12 wh. man is he th. desi. /. .? 36:9 with thee is fountain of /. 61:6 wilt prolonir the kincr's /. G3:3 loving-kin. is better th. /. 66:9 bless G. who hold, soul in I. 78:50 gave I. over to pestilence 91:16 with long /. will I satisfy 133:3 blessing, even /. for ever Prov. 1:19 which taketh away /. 2:19 take they hold of paths of/. 3:2 long /. and peace shall they 18 she is a tree of/, to them 22 so sh. they be /. to thy sonl 4:22 /. to those that find them 23 out of heart arc i-sues of/. 5:6 lest thou pon. the path of/. 6:23 reproofs are the way of/. 8:35 whoso findeth me findcth /. 10:11 mou. of ris-ht. is well of/. 11:30 fruit of right, is tree of/. 12:10 right, regardeth /. of bea. 23 in way of righteousness is /. 13:8 ran. of man's /. are riches 12 desire com. it is a tree of/. 14 law of wise is a fount, of /. 14:27 fear of L. is a fount, of /, 30 a sound heart is /. of flesh 15:4 wholes, tongue is tree of /. 24 way of/, is above to wise 31 hc:'.reth reproof of /. abideth 16:15. in king's countenance is/. 18:21 death /. in power of tons. 21:21 followeth mercy, find. /." 22:4 by humil. are riches and /. E",. 7:12 wisdom giveth /. Is. .38:16 in all th. things is the /. 23 sing songs all davs of our /. 57:10 hast found /. of thy hind Jcr. 8:3 death chos. rather th. /. 21:8 set bcf vou the \vav of/. Lam. 2:19 lift up thy hands for /. E%cT{. 13:22 not return bvprom. /. 33:15 wicked walk in stat. of/. Jon. 1:14 not perish for man's /. Mel. 2:5 covenant with him of /. Mat. 2:20 dead wh. sou. child's /. 6'25 ta!:e no thought for your /. L\ir:c 12:22 18:8 enter into /. halt or maim. Mark 9:43 9 better to enter into /. with one eye, Mark 9:45 19:17 enter into /. keep com. Mark 3:4 is it lawful to save /. or to kill? i7/te6:9 Lrikc 1:75 holiness all days of /. 12:15 /. consist, not in abund. 23 /. more than meat, the body John 1:4 in him w. /. and /. w. li. 3:36 belicveth not S. not see /. 5-26 as Fat. hath /. in himself, so hath he given to the S. /. 29 to resuiTection of /. 40 will not come to me that might have/. 10:10 6:33 giveth /. unto the world 35 I am the bread of /. 43 51 which I will give for the /. 53 blood, ye have no /. in you G3 words 1 speak to vou, are /. 8:12 shall have the lirht of/. 11:25 the resurrec. and /. 1-1:0 2.1:31 believing ye might have/. Ac's 2:28 known to me ways of /. 17:25 seeing he giveth to all /. 27:22 no loss of any man's /. Pom. 5:17 sh. rciin'iu /. by one IS all men to justification of/. 6:4 sho. walk in newness of/. 8:2 Spirit of/, in Christ Jesus 6 to be spiritually minded is /. 10 Sp. is /. bee. of righteousn. 11:15 but /. from the d.-ad 1 Cor. 3:22 /. or der.lh all yours 14:7 thi:igs wit'.i. /. giv. Bound LIF 2 Cor. 1:8 we despaired even of /. 2:16 to the other the savor of /. 3:6 letter killeth, Sp. giveth /. 4:10 /. of Jesus be manifested 12 death worketh in us, /. in y. 5:4 mortality swallowed upof /.i Gal. 2:20 /. wh. I now live in fie. 3:21 which could have given /. Eph. 4:18alienatedfr. the/. ofG. PhM. 1:20 wheth. by /. or de;it.h i 2:16 holding forth word of /. \ Col. 3:3 your /. is hid wi. C. in G, 4 when Christ our/, sh. appear 1 Tim. 2:2 m.ay lead a peacea. /. 4:8 having the promise of the /. 2 Tim. 1:1 accord, to prom. of/. 10 brought/, tolisht by gospel 3:10 knov\Ti my manner of /. Heh. 7:3 nei. days, nor end of/. 16 after power of endless /. Jam. 1:12 sh. receive crown of/. 4:14 for what is your /. ? a vap. 1 PH. 3:7 heirs of the grace of/. 10 will love /. and see good d. 2 Pet. 1:3 things pertaining to /. 1 John 1:1 handled of word of/. 2 for the /. was manifested 2:16 pride of/, is not of the Fa. 5:12 he that hath the S. hath /. he that hath not S. of G. n. /. 16 he sh. give him /. for them Per. 2:7 I give to eat of tree of /. 10 I will ci ve thee a crown of /. 11:11 Sp. of/, from G. entered 13:15 power to give /. to beast 21:6 I will give to the thirsty/. 22:1 a pure river of w.ater of/. 2 tree of/, liare 12 man. of fr. 14 have rig'.it to the tree of/. 17 let him' take the water of /. See BOOK, ETERNAL, EVERLAST- rNG. His L5FE. Gen. 44:.30 his I. is bound ut) £";•. 21:30 give for ransom of /*. /, Juel. 9:17 father adventur. h. /. 16:30 which he slew in his I. 1 Sam.. 19:5 put h. I. in his h-.nd 1 K. 80:39 thv life be for In^ I. 43 2 K. 10:24 k. /. be for life of him Job 2:4 hath will he give for /;. /. 0 in thy hand, but'save his /. 33:18 and his /. from perishing 20 h. I. abhor. 22 h. I. to destr. 23 and his I. shall see the light Prov. 7:23 kno. not, for it is h. I. 13:3 keepeth mou. keepeth h. / Ec. 7:15 Vi-icked man prol. ^?"s' /. fs. 15:4 /lis I. shall be cricvous .ler. 21:9 /;. /. to him for pr. 3=!:2 Er:ek. 3:18 to warn, to save Ids I. 7:1.3 nor stren. in iniq. of A. /. 33:10 everv man for his I. Mat. 10:;39'he that find. h. /. sh. lose it ; he t'T't loseth his /. sh. find it, 10:25 : Mirk 8:.35 : Luke 9:24; 17:.33; ./n/'^i 12:25 20:28 to give his I. a ransom for manv. Mark 10: -'5 L"ke 14:26 hate not his own /. ■Tohn 10:11 good Shep. give. h. 1. 15:L3 lay down h. I. for friends Act.<: 8:3.3 his I. is taken fr. earth 29:10 yourselves, h. I. is in him Pon}. 5:10 sh. be saved by his I. Phil. 2:30 not regarding his I. 1 John 3:16 he laid down his I. See DATS. Riy L5FE. Gen. 19:19 mercy in saving mi/l. 27:4fi I am weary oimij I. 32:30 seen G. and my I. is pres. 48:15 G. which fed me all vuj /. Jticl. 12:3 my I. in my h.ands 1 Sam. 18:18 what is'my t. ? 21:1 that he seckcth my I. ? 22:23 that sccketh my I. seckcth 28:9 layest a snare for my I. ? 21 I put my I. in my ha:id 2 Sam. 1:9 my I. is yet whole 16:11 my son seekcth my I. 1 K. 19:4 now, take awtiy my 1. IK. 1:13 let my I. be precious. 14 E t. 7:3 let my I. be given me Jiih 6:11 that 1 sho. prolonir m. /. 7:7 rcmem. my /. is but wind 15 chooseth death than my I. 9:21 yet I would despise my I. 10:1 my soul is weary otiny I. 13:14 put tny I. in my hand? Ps. 7:5 tread do'nm my I. 23:6 mercy sh. fol. me .all my I. 26:9 not my I. with bloody men 27:1 tlie L. is strength of "my /. 4 in ho. of L. all days of my I. 31:10 my I. is spent 'with grief LIF Ps. 38:12 seek after my I. 42:8 prayer to God of my I. 64:1 preserve my I. from enemy 88:3 my I. draw, nigh to grave 14:3:3 smitten my I. to ground Lam. 3:53 cut off my I. fn dung. 58 L. thou hast redeemed m?//. Jon. 2:6 bro. my I. from corrupt. 4:3 O Lord, take my I. from me John 10:15 lay down my I. 17 because I lay down my I. 13:.37 lay do. viy I. for thy sake Acts 20:24 nor count I my I. dear Thi'3 LIFE. Ps. 17:14 have portion in thisl. Ec. 6:12 is good for man in /. /. Acts 5:20 speak all words of /. /. 1 Cor. 6:3 thi. that pertain to/./. 4 of things pertaining to /. /. LIG LIFT hand, s. Gen. 14:22 /. up my li. to Lord Dent. 39:40 I /. up'ravA. and say /".«. 10:12 /. up thy A.'forget not 28:2 /. up my h. toward oracle 03:4 I /. up my h. in thy name 119:48 h. I /. up to command. i:i4:2 /. np hands in sanctuary Is. 49:22 /. up my h. to Gentiles Lam. 2:19 /. up h. towards him Heb. 12:12 /. up h. that hang LIFT voice. ■Job 38:34 canst /. up voice to clouds ? Is. 24:14 shall /. up v. shall sing 40:9 /. up thy r. with strength 42:2 he shall not cry nor /. up v, 11 wilderness andcit. /. up v. 52:8 thy watchmen shall /. up». .58:1 /. iip thy v. like a trumpet 15:19 if in /. /. onlv we hn. hope 1 John 5:11 and /. /. is in his Son Ezek. 21:22 /. np v. with shout, Thv LIFE. LIFTED. Gen. 19:17 escape for thy I. I Oen. 40:20 /. up head of bntler Ex. 4:19 men dead wh. .iou. /. /. ; Lev. 9:22 Aaron /. up hand Devt. 2.8-66 thy I. hang in doubt : -^ "™- 20:11 /. up h,and, sm. rock jKd. 18-25 and thou lose thy I. , Deut. 8:14 heart /. up thou forget .Bi/tt 4:15 be a restorer of //!?//. : 17:20 heart not /. above brethr. 1 Sam. 10:11 save not thy I. 26:24 n-^ thy I. was much set by 2 Sam. 4:8 enemy sought thy /. 1 K. 1:12 thou mayest save /. /. 20:31 peradv. he will save /. /. I ,39 //(?//. for his life, 42 I P-!. 103:4 redeem. /. /. fr. destru. Prov. 4:10 years of thy I. 9:11 13 keen her. for she is thy I. 9:11 yi ars of thy I. be increased A\ 43:4 ivill I give peo. for /. /. Jer. 4:30 thev will seek thy I. 11:21 of the" men that seek thy I. 22:25 ; 38:16 39:18 thy I. for a prey, 45:5 Lvke 16:25 in /. /. rec. good thi. John 13:38 lay down /. /. for my To LIFE. 2 K. 8:1 son he restored to /. 5 Frov. 10:16 right, tendeth to I. 11:19 ricrhteousn, tendeth to I. 19:23 fear of Lord tendeth to I. ^fat. 7:14 narrow way lead, to I. John 5:24 but is passed fr. death to!. \JohnZ:-ii Pom. 7:10 com. ordnined tot. Heb. 11:35 their dead raised to I. LIFT. Gen. 7:17 ark was /. up above 21:18 /. up the lad, hold him 40:13 Pha. sh. /. up thy head, 19 Ex. 7:20 /. rod. smote wat. 14:16 20:25 if thou /. up a tool on it JT'Wi. 6:26 L. /. up his counten. 23:21 /. up hims. as a younglion Deut. 27:5 not /. up an iron tool on them, ./ot. 8:31 ■Tos. 4:18 soles of priests' feet /. 2 Sam. 23:8 /. np spear agai. 800 IS /. up sp. ag. 300, 1 Chr. 11:11 2 K. 9::v2 /. up face to window 19:4/. up thy pr. forrem. Is. 37:4 F-.r. 9:6 I blush to /. np my face Job 10:15 will I not /. up head 11:15 thou /. up thy face, 22:26 P^. 4:6 /. up light of countenance 7:6 in thine anger, /. up thyself 24:7 /. np your heads, ve gate. 9 2":! to thee I /. soul. 86:4; 143:3 2f!:2 hear voice -svh. I /. np han. 9 feed them and /. th. up for e. 41:9 hath /. up his heel ag. me, John 13:18 74:3 /, up feet to perpet. desola. 75:4 to wicked, /. not up horn, 5 93:3 floods have /. up their wav. 9-1:2 /. up thyself, judse of earth 110:7 theref shall he /. up head Ec. 4:10 will /. up his fellow Is. 2:4 nation sh. not /. up swo. against nation, JRc. 4:3 10:15 if staff should /. up itself 24 shall /. up staflr against thee 13:2 /. up banner upon mounta 33:10 now will I /. up myself 59:19 Lord shall /. up standard 6-2:10 /. up standard for the peo, Jer. 7:16 nor /. prayer, 11:14 51:1-4/. np a shout against thee La7n. 3:41 let us /. np~bur hearts Euk. 8:3 Spirit /. me up, 11:1 26:8 shall /. np buckler ag. thee Zee. 1:21 no man did /. up head Mat. 12:11 \vi\\ he not /. out Mark 1:31 took by hand, and /. Luke 13:11 no wise /. up herself 21:28 /. up heads, your rcdemp Jam. 4:10 and he shall /. you up See ETE8. 1 Sam. 24:16/. up voice and we. 30:4 David and peo. /. up voice, 2 Sam. .3:22 2 Sam. 20:21 /. up hand aga. ki. 22:49 thou hast /. me up on high 1 K. 11:26 Jeroboam /. np hand asainst king. 27 2 K. 14:10 heart hath /. thee up 1 Chr. 14:2 kingd. was /. on high 2 Chr. 17:6 /. up in wars of Lord 26:16 /. np to destruction, .32:25 Job 31:21 /. up hand ag. father]. 29 or /. up myself when evil p.-'. 24:4 not /. np soul unto van. 27:6 now shall my head be /. up .30:1 thou hast /. me up. 102:10 83:2 hate thee have /. np head 93:3 floods have /. up their voi. 106:26 /. up his hand ag. them Prov. .30:13 their eyelids are/, np Is. 2:12 on cv. one that is /. np 0:1 sit. on throne high and/, up 26:11 when thy h.and is /. up Jer. 51:9 judgment /. up to skies Ezek. 1:19 creatures /. up fr. ear. 3:14 so the Spirit /. me up 10:16 /. up th. wings, 19 ; 11:23 20:5 /. up h.ind to seed of J. 6 28 land for wh. I/, up my hand to crive them, 42 ; 47:14 2S:2 thy heart /. up, 5:17 : .31:10 Dan. 5:20 heart /. np and hard. 23 /. np thyself against the L. 7:4 first beast was /. np fr. earth Mic. 5:9 hand /. np on adversari. Ha''. 2:4 soul /. np is not upright 3:10 /. up his hands on high Zee. 5:7 /. np a talent of lead 9:16 as stones of a crown, /. up 14:10 sh. be /. np and inhabited Mark 9:27 but Jesns /. him up Luke 6:20 /. up eyes on his disc. 21:50/. up hands and blessed John 3:14 as Moses /. up serpent 8:28 ve have /. up Son of man 12:.3-2 I, if I be /. up, -n-ill draw 34 Son of man must be /. up Ac's 4:24 /. up their voice to G. 14-11 /. voice in speech of Lye. 1 Tim. .3:6 /. up with pride he f. Ecv. 10:5 angel /. up hand LIFTEn. Ps. 3:3 the /. up of my head LIFTEST. Job 30:22 thou /. me up Ps. 9:13 me fr. gates of death 18:48 /. above those rise ag. me Prov. 2:3 /. up voice for unders. LIFTETH. 1 Sam. 2:7 bringeth low, /. up, 8 2 Chr. 2.5:19 heart /. np to boast Ps. 107:25 wind wh. /. up wave 113:7 he /. needy out of dunghill 147:6 the Lord /. up the meek P. 18:3 see wh. he /. np cnsicTi Kah. 3:3 horseman /. up sword LIFTING. 1 Chr. 15:16 /. up voice -n-ith joy A't.V 8:6 amen, witli /. up hands Ps. 141:2 /. up of mv hands Prov. 30:.32 foolishly in /. np. th. Is. 9:18 like /. up of smoke 33:3 /, up of thyself nations are 1 Tim. 2:8 pray,/, up holy hands LIGHT. Gen. 44:3 soon asmomingwns/. Ps. 139:11 even the night sh. be/. Mic. 2:1 mom. /. they practice it Zee. 14:7 even, time it shall be /. CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 927 LIG LIGHT. Nnm. 81:5 soul loatheth I. 'bread Bffiit. 27:16 cursed set. I. by fath. Jvd. 9:4 vain and I. persons 2 .5am. 2:18 A!=ihel was I. of foot Ezek. 22:7 set I. by fath. and mo. Zep. 3:4 prophets I. and treach Mat. 11:30 yoke easy, burden / 22:.5?. of it and went their ways 2 Cor. 4:17 /. affliction worketh LIGHT thing. 1 Sam. 18:23 seemeth it a I. fh. ? 2 .ff'. 20:10 I. t. shadow go down Js. 49:6 /. <. that should, be serv. LIGHT, Suhstantive. Gen.. 1:3 God said. Let tlierebe/. 4 God saw Z. 5 G. called I. day 16 the lesser I. to rule the nig. .Ec. 10:2.3 Is. had I. in dwellings 14:20 the jjillar gave /. by night If Km. 4:16 pertaineth oil for^ 2 /S'«;;j. 21:17 quench not I. of Is. 23:4 shall be as I. of morning 1 K. 7:4 I. was against I. 11:36 David my serv. may ha. I. Nell. 9:19 pillar of fire to show I. E«l. 8:16 J. had i. and gladness Job .3:4 neit. let I. shine upon it 9 lut it look for I. but have no. 3:20 /. given him in misery, 23 10:22 where the I. is as darkness 12:22 bring, to I. shadow of (le. 18:.5 /. of wicked sh. be put out 6 I. shall be dark in hi« labor. 22:28 I. .shall shine on thy wavs 24:13 those that rebel ai'. theV. 14 murderer rising with I. 16 they know not the I. 2.5:3 upon wh. doth not I. arise? 28:11 thing hid bringeth hctol. 33:28 his life shall see the /. 30 enlightened with/, of living 3'l:;i0 spreadeth his /. upon ,it 32 with clouds he covereth I. 37:1.> c:uised/. of cloud to shine 21 sen not briglit I. in clouds 38:15 fr. ^vickcd/. is witliliolden 19 wh. is way where I. dwel. 1 24 by what way is I. parted ? P«. 4:6 lift up I. of countenance 27:1 Lord is my I. and salvation 37:6 liring forth righteous, as I. 38:10 I. of mine eyes, it is gone 49:10 they shall never see the I. 71:16 ])reparod the I. and sun 78:14 all the night with a/. 97:11 /. is sown for the riglite. 104:2 coverest thyself with I. 118:27 L. who hath sliowcd us /. 119:10.5 and a I. to my paths I'lO entra. of thy words giv. ;. l;!:i:12 darkn. and/, alike tr) th. rnin. 4:18 path of .just asshin. /. O-.'Ti conimandm. lamp, law is I. l'!:9 /. of righteous rejoiceth 1.5:.'!0/. of eyes rejoiceth heart ?>,. 11:7 I. is sweet and pleasant 12:2 or the /. bo not darkened /v. .5:20 darkness for/. /. darkn. 30 /. is darkened in heavens 8:20 because there isno?. in th. 9:2 gri'iit /. on th. hath /. shined 10:17/. of Is. s)i:ill be for a lire 13:10 moon sh. not cause her /. to shine, Mut. 24:29; Mark 30:26 i. of moon as /. of sun. /. of sun as the/, of seven (lays r>1:4 judgment rest fur/, to i)ro. r);):9 wait for/, but behold obs. 60:19 h. be to thee evcrlast. /. Jcr. 4:23 beheld heav. had no /. 2.5:10 take from them /. of cand. 31:3.5 L. giv. sun tor /. by day, moon and stars for/, by nig. T>nv. 2:22 i!. dwellcth with liim /Aw. 6:5 iudgm. as/, goetli forth Mir. 7:9 L. bring me forth to/. Ihih. .'!:4 his brightness was us/. 11 at /. of thine arrows '/.(l>. .3:5 morn, bring ludgm. to/. y.cc. 11:6 In that (lay /. not be el. Mat. 4:16 In death, /. sin-ung up Ml /. of world; 15lt givelli /. 16 let your/, so shiiu' be. men 0:22 Ihe /. of tb(^ body Is the eye. I.iiki' ll:;il. .36 17:2 his raiment while as Ihe /. Luke 'i-.Wi I. to lighten (lentlliis 8:1(1 enter In nniv see /. ll::i;! 16:8 wiser than (blldren of/. .lohii 1:4 \\U\ was the/, (ifmen 7 cMino to bear witness of/. 8 9 true /. wh. Ilgliletb everv in. :il9/. Is conn^ Into Ihe wdi'ld '.'O.'v. onedoelh evil liatcth /. 21 thai doulli Irulli com, tu /, LIG John .5:.35 was a bum. and shi. /. 8:12 1 am /. of world, ho that fol. me sh. have /. of life, 9:5 11:9 because he seeth th" /. 10 because th. is no /. in him 12::i5a little wh. is /. with you 36 wh. ye have /. believe in /. 46 am come a I. into world Actx 9:3 shined about him a /. 12:7 a /. shined in the prison 13:47 to be a /. to the Gentiles 16:29 called for a /. and sprang 22:6 there shone a great /. round 9 they with me saw indeed /. 26:13 midday I saw in way a /. 23 /. to people and to Gentiles Bnm,. 2:19 /. of them are in dark. 13:12 put on the armor of/. 1 Cor. 4:.5 bring to /. hid. things 2 (!nr. 4:4 lest /. of gospel shine 6 commanded /. to shine out 11:14 transf. into an angel of/. Ei)h. 5:8 are /. walk as chil. of/. 13 all things made mani, by/. wbntso. doth manifest is /. Ceil. 1:12 inherit, of saints in /. 1 The:'-. 5:5 are all children of/. 1 Tim. 6:16dwelling in /. no man 2 Tim. 1:10 who brought life to/. 1 Pet. 2:9 called you to marvel. / 2 Vet 1:19 a /. shin, in dark place 1 John 1:5 G. is /. in him no da. Her. 18:23 /. of candle sh. no mo. 21:11 /. like a stone most preci. 23 the Lamb is the /. thereof 22:5 they need no /. of the sun See COUNTENANCE, DARKNESS. Give LIGHT. Gen. 1:15 let them be to g. I. Ex. 13:21 pillar of fire to nive I. 2 K. 8:19 (live him a /. 2 Chr. 21:7 Neh. 9:12V/. them /. in tlio way Pg. 10r):.39firo to q. I. in night Is. 1.3:10 stars of heaven not n. I. 42:6 q. for a /. to Gentile-;. 49:0 60:19 moon q. I. E::ek. 3^:7 Mat. 5:15 q. I. to all, Li'ke 11:.3fl 2 Cor. 4:6 q. I. of knowle. of O. Eph. 5:14 Christ shall y. thee/. In the LIGHT. Ps. .56:13 may walk in Ihe I. In. 2:5 let us walk i/i Ihe /. of L. 50:11 walk in Ihe I. of your fire John. 12::i6 light, believe in t. I. 1 Jolin, 1:7 in t. I. as he is in I. 2:9 he that saith be is in Ihe I. 10 lov. brother, abideth in I. I. lieo. 21:24 nations sh. walk i. /. /. Thv LIGHT. Pis. 36:9 in thy I. sh. we sec li'-lit '^3:1 send out 1. I. and thy truth h. 5.'5:8 then sh. /. /. break fortii 10 then sli. /. I. ris(! in obscnri. 60:1 shine, for thy I. is come 3 Gentiles shall come to thy I. 19 tlie sun sh. be no more ). I. 20 L. shall be /. everlasting /. LIGHT, En. Ej'. 2.5:.37sh. /. Ihe lamps, 40:1 P.^. 18:28 thou wilt /. my candh- Mat. 5:15 nor do men /. a C'lndle Luke9,:\V,\K\\\\l. candle. 11::!3 15:8 doth not/, a caiidle Ilev. 7:16 nor sh. sun /. on them LIGHT on. nmh 2:3 to /. on part of R.'s fio. 2 Sum. 17:12 will /. on him LIGHTKO. Om. 81:64 saw I. she /. off camel ■lim. 15:18/. off ass, Jn. and /. on neigh. h. 9:8 word to .lacob It /. on Isr. LIGIITF,\, to illnmlne. 2 Sam. 22:29 I,, will /. my dark. Ai/'. 9:8 (Uir God may /. our eyes I'n. 13:3 /. mine eves, lest 1 sleej) /.'//■«' 2: :!2 a light 'lo/. (ieutlles AVo. 21:2.3 llie/;loryofeo|)le. /. priest 6:7/. men have Iransgre'^sed Mat. l:!:31 /. to a grain of mns. tard-seed, Mark 4:31; Liikx 1:):19 44 /. a treasure ; 45 /. a meroh. 47 /. a net ; .52 /. househol. 20:1 22:2 heav. Is /. toa certain king Acln 14:15 are men of/, passhms //cA. 2:17 made /, his brethren 7:3 made/, to the Son of God Jam. 1:6 that waver. Is/, a wave 2:)/. n nuMi beholdiiiir his face 5-17 K. was sub|eet to/, pasxio. 2 /'.'. 1:1 obtain./, precious lallli 1 John 3:2 we shall be /. liim Iter. 1:13/. the Son of man, 11:11 LIKE ninnnrr, A'.r. 7:11 In /. in. with enchantui. IMv{V.T.\ In/, in. did th. fathers 20:31 In /. in. did the seventh Act.i 1:1 1 In /. WI. ns have seen LHiE-MI\l>EI). Itnin. 1.5:5 (I. gni you lob(>/.-f;i. I'hll. 2:2 l.-iii. 20 no mall /. m, Konc LHiK. /;■.!•. 8: in Iheio It ;■. /. lli« I,, our God. 9:11; /;c"'. .•i:i:aO; a .V.i. 7:22: I Itir. 17:2!) 11:0 II. /. or; oriiUKl urUyypt LIN 1 Sam. 10:24 n. I. S. among peo. 1 K. 3:12 there was n. I. Solomon 21:25 there was n. I. to Ahab. 2 K. 18:5 there was n. I. Hezeki. Ps. 86:8 among the gods n. I. to thee, ./«/-. 10:6. 7 1.1. 46:9 am G. there is n. I. mo Jer. .30:7 day is great, n. I. it Ban. 1:19 among all n. I. Daniel Such LIKE. Dfark 7:8 n. I. things ye do. 1.3 Oal. 5:21 drunkenness, and s. I. LIRE, ED. Deut. 25:7 /. not to take her. 8 1 Chr. 28:4 sons of my fat. /. me Horn. 1:28 did not /. to retain G. LIKE\. Ik 40:18 to whom /. G. ? 25 : 40:5 Lam. 2:13 what sh. I /. to thee ? Mat. 7:24 I will /. him to a man 11:16 whereunto /. this genera- tion ? Luke 7:31 Mark 4:.30 /. kingd. ? Lvke 13:20 L!KE\ED. Ps. 89:6 who am. sons /. to L. ? Jer. 6:2 I /. the daughterof Zion Mat. 7:20 sh. be /. to foolish m. 13:24 heaven is /. 18:23 ; 25:1 LIKE\ESS. Gen. 1:26 make man after ?. 5:1 5:3 A. begat a son in his own /. Ex. 20:4 not make /. of anything Veut. 4:16 the /. of male or fe- male, 17, 18. 23, 25 : 5:8 Ps. 17:15 wh. awake with thy /. Is. 40:18 what /. coinp. to him ? Ezek. 1:5 /. of four liv. creatures 28 /. of the glory of the Lord 10:21 /. of the hands of man Acts 14:11 gods come in /. of men Horn. 0:5 in /. of his death, we shall be in /. of resurrection 8:3 G. sending S(m in /. of flesh Phil. 2:7 was made in/, of men LIKETII. Dent. 23:16 dwell where it /. him Amos 4:5 this /. you, O child, of LIKi:\G. ■Job .39:4 young on. are in good/. Dan. 1:10 why see fiice.s wWse/. LIKEWL^E. Ps. 49:10/. liiut. pers(m perisb 52:5 (iod shall /. destroy theu Kc. 7:22 /. hast cursed others .Vat. 20:5 abo. si.xth hour. did/. 21:;)6 and they did unto thcin /. Luke 6:31 do ye also to them /. 13:3 yo shallall /. perish, 5 16:25 /. Laz. received evil thin. 22:20/. also cup after supjier John 5:19 IhO'-e doeth the Son /. 1 Cor. 7:3 /. the wife to husband IPb. 2:1 1 he himself/, took part I Pet. 4:1 arm yourselves /. .ftide 8/. these'lillhy dreamers Kev. 8:12 day .xhone not, uight /. LILY. Cant. 2:1 I am the/, of the val. 2 as /. am. thorns, so my lovo IIos. 14:5 Is. shall irrow us llio /. LILIES. Cant. 2:16 belov. feed. nm. /. 6:3 4:5 like two roses among the /. 5:13 lips like /. dropping mvrrh 7:2 bellv like wheat set with/. Mat. 6:28 consider the /. how they grow, Luke 12:27 LILY-WOHK. 1 A". 7:19 chapiters were of l.-w. 22 oil top of pillars was l.-w. LI.ME. Is. .3.3:12 peo. beasbnnilnirs of /. Amos 2: 1 bon. of king of K. to /. LnilT, El>. ETII. Ps. 7K:11 /. Ilolv One of Isnel F:,k. 43:12 /. thereof shall be ho. Ikb. 4:7 he /. a cerlalu day LI\K, K. 2 A'. 21:13 over .1. /. of Samaria .hJ) .38:5 stielched /. on earth 1 I's. tli:6 /, fallen in pleas, pliieet 19: 1 their /. Is gone thro' earlii 78:,\5 divided Inheritance liv /. /,v, •.'8:10/. iiiii^l be upon /. 13 17 liidu'in. also will I lay lo/. .31:11 Kirclch on It /. of eoiifu-t. Amos 7:17 land be divided by /. /<<(•. 1:1IW, be stretched on.Tcru. a Cor. 10:16 In iiiiollier iiuin'n/, I.IM':\GK. Liikt 9:-l ho wim of/, of DiivUl l,IXK\. E^. a.8:.19 niuke llieiiW. breiv!u>« 928 CRUDEX'S CONCORDANCE. LIO Lev. 6:10 put on I. garment, 16:4 1 Sam. 2:18 minis, with /. ephod 22:18 slew 83 that did we. I. ep. 2 Sam. 6:14 D. girded wi. I. eph. 1 K 10:28 Solomon had I. yam brought. 2 Chr. 1:16 Jer. i:3:l get thee a /. girdle Mat. 2T:5'9 he wrapped it in a clean I. cloth, John 19:40 Mark 14:51 /. cloth about his bo. 32 left I. cloth and fled naked Luke 24:12 P. beheld I. clothes la. by themselves. -John 20:6 John 20:5 John saw the I. clothes Lev. 19:19 nor shall a garment mingled of ,'. and woollen CO. upon thee. Deut. 22:11 1 Chr. 15:27 D. had on eph. oil. Mark 13:46 wrap. in/. iwAv 2:3:53 Eev. 15:6 angels clothed in t. See rxN'E. LI\GERED, ETH. Gen. 1U:16 Lot /. men laid hold 43:10 except I. we had returned 2 Pet. 2:3 jndg. of a long time I. LIXTEL, S. E.r. 12:22 strike I. and two posts 1 K. 6:31 /. and posts a fifth part Amos^.l smite /. posts shake Zep. 2:14 bittern lodge in upper Z. LINTS. 2 Tim. 4:21 LIO\. Gen. 49:9 Judah couched as a I. X'lm. 24:9 Israel lav down as a /. TM'it. :33:20 Gad dwelleth as a ;. Jiicl. 14:8 turned to see ca-c. of I. bees and honey in care, of I. 1 Sr:m. 17:;34 ca. a.'/, and took la. 2 '^um. 17:10 heart as bea. of a /. 23:20 slew /. in pit. 1 Chr. 11:22 1 K. 13:24 a I. met him by way and slew him. /. also stood 20:36 a ;. sh. slay thee : a I. fou. Jol) 4:10 roaring of/, voice of/. 10:16 huntest me as a fierce /. 2S:S nor the fierce /. passed by 38:39 AN-Ilt th. hunt prey for /. .? Ps. 7:2 lest tear my soul like /. 10:9 lioth in wait secretly as a/. 17:12 like a /. greedy of tiis prey 22:13 they gaped on me as a /. 91:13 thou Shalt tread on the /. Pror. 10:12 king's wra. is as a /. 29:2 fear of king is as roar, of /. 22:13 saith, There is a /. in way 20:13 /. in way, a /. in the street 28:1 righteous are bold as a /. S0::30 a I. strongest am. beasts Ec. 9:4 liv. dog "better th. dc:>.d/. Is. 5:29 th. roaring sh. be like /. 11:7 /. sh. eat str. like ox. 65:25 21:8 he cried, A /. my lord 33:9 no /. there, nor ravenous 33:13 as /. so will ho bre. bones Jer. 2::30 devour, prophets like /. 4:7 /. is come from his thicket 5:6 a /. out of forest sh. si;iy th. 12:8 my heritase is to me as a /. 23:33 forsak. his covert as the /. 40:19 shall come up like /. 50:44 Lam. 3:10 he was to me as a /. Ezek. 1:10 face of/, on right side 10:14 third was the face of a /. 22:25 a conspir. like a roaring /. Pan. 7:4 first like a /. had wings ZTos. 5:14 I will be to Ephr. a /. 11:10 he shall roar like a /. 13:7 to them as /. 8 will devour Joel 1:6 teeth of a /. cheek-teeth Amos 3:4 /. roar hath no prey ? 8/. roared, who will not fear? 12 taketh out of mouth of /. 3fic. 5:8 rem. of Jac. sh. be as /. Sah. 2:12 /. tear in pieces 2 Tim. 4:17 de.outof mouth of /. 1 Pet. 5:8 devil as a /. w.alk. abo. Pev. 4:7 first beast was like a /. 5:5 the /. of the tribe of Judah 10:3 a loud voice as a /. roarcth 13:2 his mouth was as mo. of/. See BEAE. LIOIV-LIRE. 2 Sam. 23:20 slew two /.-/. men ofMoab 1 Chr. 11:22 Old LIOX. /«. .30:6 whence come the old I. ? Ndh. 2:11 even the old I. walked Young LIO\. /«. 11:6 calf and y. I. lie down 31:4 like as the young I. roaring Ezek. 19:3 it became a younr/ I. 6 .?2:2 like a y. I. of the nations 41 :19 face of v. I. towards tree LIP LIOXESS, ES. Ezek. 19:2 wh. is thy moth. ? a /. 2\'ah. 2:12 lion strangled for his /. noxs. 2 Sam. 1:23 S. and Jon. strong. /. 1 K. 10:19 two /. stood beside the stays, 2 Chr. 9:18 2 K. 17:25 L. sent /. among them 1 Chr. 12:8 faces like faces of/. P.^. 22:21 save me from /. mouth 35:17 rescue my darling from /. 57:4 my soul is among /. I lie Cant. 4:8 top of Am. from /. dens Is. 15:9 /. upon him that escap. Jer. 50:17 /. driven Israel away 51:.38 shall roar toaether like /. Ezek. 19:2 she lay down amo. /. Dan. 6:27 D. from power of /. Xah. 2:11 wh. is dwelling of/. .? Zep. 3:3 princes are roaring /. Heb. 11:33 f?ith sto. mouths of/. Eev. 9:8 toeth as the teeth of/. 17 heads of horses as hea. of /. See DEN. LIO\"S whelp, s. Gen. 49:9 Judah is l.'s w. from Deut. 33:22 Dan is a /.■.« whelp Job 4:11 l.'s u\ scattered abroad 28:8 l.'s v.\ have not trodden it Jer. 51:38 sh. yell as l.'s whelps Yonns LIOXS. Ps. .34:10 y. I. sufler hunger E8:6 break outgr. teeth'of w. /. 104:21 y. I. roar^after their prey Jer. 2:li5 ?/. /. roared upon him Ezek. 19:2 nourished among y. I. 3?:13 the y. L shall sav to thee Zee. 11:3 voice of roaring ofy. I. LIP. Ler. 13:45 a coverins on his /. P.--. 22:7 thcv shoot out the /. Proc. 12:19 /. of truth establish. LIPS. ^rr.6:12 of nnc'rcumcised /. 30 1 Sam. 1:13 only her /. moved P.'. 12:2 flat /. do they speak 4 /. own, y.ho is lord over ns? 17:1 goeth not out of feigned /. 31:131yin2'/. be put to silence 59:7 beV.old. svrords are in th. /. 12 wori's of their /. be tr;ken 63:5 praise thee with joyful ?. 120:2 deli, my soul from lying/. 140:3 poison 'is under their /. 9 let mischief of own /. cover Pror. 4:24 pcr\-er5e /. put fr. th. 5:3 /. of a strange woman drop 7:21 flatter, of T she forced him 10:13 in /. of him that hath un. 21 /. of righteous feed many S2 /. of righteous know 12:22 lying"/, abomination to L. 14::3 /. "of wise sh. preserve them 7 not in him /. of knowledge 23 talk of /. tendeth to penury 15:7 /. of v>ise disperse knowl. 16:13 rirhte. /. delight of kincrs 21 sweet, of /. increaseth Irarii. 17:4 wicked rfv. heed to false /. 7 less do ly!:''.g /. bee. a prince 18:0 fools /." enter into conten. 20:15 /. of knov,-I. are a iewel 24:2 their /. talk of mischief 26:23 burning /. like a potsherd Ec. 10:12 /. of fool swnl. himself Cant. 7:9 causing /. of th. asleep 7s. 6:5 a man of uncle. /. I dwell in midst of people of unci. /. 28:11 stammer. /. will he speak 29:13 peo. with /. do honor me 57:19 1 create the fruit of the /. 59:3 vonr /. have spoken lies Ezek'^d-.Z tak. up in /. of talkers Hos. 14:2 render calves of our I. Mic. 3:7 they shall cover their /. Mai. 2:7 priest's /. keep knowl. Mat. 1.5:8 that honoreth me with their/. 3/n?-/;7:6 Pom. 3:13 poison is nnder th. /. 1 Cor. 14:21 other /. I speak to Heb. 13:15 fruit of/, giv. thanks His LIPS. Job 2:10 did not J. sin with hUl. 11:5 G. open hU I. again:it thee 2:3:12 back fr. comman. oihi'' I. j Pi. 21 :2 withholden req. of fits I. 100:33 spake unadvis. with h. I. Pror. 10:19 refrain his I. is wise 12:13 spared by transg. of his I. 16:27 his I. as a burning fire 30 his I. bringeth evil to pass 17:28 shutteth/iw /. as a man of 18:7 his I. are snare of his soul 19:1 that is pen-erse in A; •■ /. 20:19 that flattereth with tiu I. LIT Pror. 22:11 for "race of his I. the 24:26 kiss his T. gives ri. answer Cant. 5:13 hi-i I. fike lilies drop. Is. 11:4 breath of A. /. slav wick. 30:27 his I. full of indignation Mai. 2:6 iniq. not found in his: I. 1 Pet. 3:10 his I. speak no guile My LIPS. Ps. 16:4 their names into my I. 40:9 not refrained my I. O Lord 51:15 O Lord, open thou my I. 03:3 my I. shall praise thee 66:14 vows, which ?/zy/. uttered 89:34 thing gone out of my I. 119:13 vnrmy I. have I declared 171 my I. shall utter thy praise 141:3 Lord, keep door of my I. Prov. 8:6 the opening of my I. 7 ■Ter. 17:16 came out of my I. was Dan. 10:16 sons of men ton. my I. Thv LIPS. 2 K. 19:28 I ^^•ilI put my bridle in thy I. Ts. 37:29 Job 8:21 fill thy I. v>ith rejoicing 15:S /. own /. testify aea. thee P.-. 17:4 word of /. /. I have kept .34:13 keep /. /. from spea. guile 43:2 grace is poured into thy I. Pror. 5:2 thy I. mav keep know. 22:18 thev shall be fitted in /. /. 23:16 when thy I. speak risht 24:28 deceive not with thy I. 27:2 praise thee, not t. own /. Cant. 4:3 thy I. arc like scarlet 11 thy I. drop as honey-comb Is. 6:7 this hath touched thy /. Ezek. 24:17 cover cot thy I. LfQCOR. S. Kr^. 22:29 offer the first of thy /. Xi/m. 6:3 nor drink any /. of gr. Cant. 7:2 goblet wh. want, not /. LISTED. Mai. 17:12 done to him whatso- ever they /. Mark 9:13 liste:v. Is. 4D:1 /. 0 isles, unto me LESTETH. John 3:3 w:-.;-l blo\v. where it /. Jam. 3:4 whithersoever gover. /. LITTERS. Is. 06:20 bring your breth. in /. LITTLE. Oen. 39:30 but /. thou hadst E.T. 12:4 househ. too /. for lamb 1C:18 that gathered /. had no lack, 2 Cor. 8:13 23:30 bv /. and /. drive them out. 'Devt. 7:22 De'jt. 23:38 and gather but /. in Jos. 22:17 is inicf in Peor too /. ? 1 Sam. 15:17 /. in th. own eisht 1 K. 12:10 my /. finger thicker than, 2 Chr. 10:10 17:12 /. oil in cruse : 13 /. cake 18:44/. cloud like a man's hand 20:27 Is. pitch, like two/, flocks 2 K. 5:2 brought captive /. maid Ezr. 9:8 give us a /. reviving yeh. 9:32 let net trouble seem /. ■Job 4:12 car received a /. thereof 26:14/. portion hi-ird of him Ps. 2:12 wrath kindled but a /. 8:5 made b.im a /. Icwer than the angels. Ileb. 2:7 37:16 /. th.it a right, man hath 65:12 /. hills rejoice on ev. side 68:27 /. Benjamin, with th. rul. 72:3 /. hills bv ri:ihteousness 114:4 /. hills skip, like Iambs, 6 Prov. 6:10 a /. sleep, /. slumber, a /. folding. 24:33 10:20 heart of wickedis/. worth 15:16 better is /. with fc:'.r of L. 16:8 better is /. with righteous. 30:24 four things /. on earth Ec. 5:12 whethcT eat /. or much 9:14 a /. city and fiw men in it 10:1 /. folly him is in reputation Catif. 8:8 w"e have a /. sister Is. 26:20 hide thy. for /. moment 28:10 here a/. nV.d there a /. 13 40:15 tak. up isles as a /. thing 54:8 in a/, wrath I hid my face Ezek. 11:16 to them a /. sanctu. 10:47 as if that were very /. th. Dan. 7:8 up another/, horn. 8:9 11:34 be holpen with a /. help 77:. 24 ■Jos. 8::35 before women and /. o. 2 Chr. 20:13 before Lord and /. o. Ezr. 8:21 seek ricfht wav for /. o. Ps. 1.37:9 dashetir/. o. ri:. stones Is. 60:22 /. one bee. a thousand Zee. 13:7 turn mv h;;nd on /. o. Mat. 10:42 dri. to one of th. /. o. 18:6 ofi'end one of these /. ones, Mark 9:42 ; Luke 17:2 10 despise not one of th. /. o. 14 one of these L o. sho. perish LITTLE while. ■Job 24:24 exalted for a /. while Ps. 37:10 a/, w. and the wicked Is. 10:25 /. w. inrlignation cease 63:18 possessed it but a /. tc. Jer. 51:33 a /. w. harvest sh. co. Eos. 1:4 a /. while I will avenge Eay. 2:6 a /. ic. I will sh. heaven Jclin 7:33 /. w. I am with. 13:3-3. 12:35 a /. w. is light with you 11:19 /. w. world seeth me r.o 1j:16/. w. yaJjh. see me. 17. 19t 18 a /. w.'.ile we cannot tell Reb. 10:37 /. u: he that sh. come LIVE. Is. 6:6 hav. a /. coal in his hand See GOAT. LIVE. Gen. 3:22 tree of life /. for ever 19:20 and my soul shall /. 20:7 pray for thee, thou shalt I. 27:40 by'the sword shalt thou /. 31:.32 fin. thv go. let him not /. 42:18 this do. and /. for I fear G. Ex. £3:20 no man sec me and /. Lev. 18:5 he shall /. in them, Keh. 9:29: Ezek. 20:11, 13, 21 Xvm. 21:8 looketh on ser. sh. /. 24:23 shall /. when G. doeth De'jt. 4:10 fear me all days th. I. 33 hear, as thou hast, and /. .? 8:3 by ev. wo. of L. doth man /. 19:5 flee to one of th. cit. and/. •33:6 let Keubcn /. and not die Job 14:14 man die, sh. he /. rg. ? 21:7 do wicked /. become old ? Ps. 22:26 your heart /. for ev; r 49:9 /. and not see corruption 63:4 will I bless thee while I /. 69:32 hearts sh. /. that seek G. 72:15 shall /. 118:17 not die. /. 119:144 understand, and I sh. I. 175 let soul /. it sh.praise thco 146:2 while I /. will I pr.-.ise L. Prov. 4:4 keep my com. /. 7:2 9:6 forsake foolish and /. 15:27 he that hateth gifts sh. /. Ec. 6:3 /. many years.~'6; 11:3 9:9 /. joyfully wi. wife th. lovest Is. 26:19 dead men. sh. /. to.:eth. 38:16 L. by these things men I. 55:3 hear, and vonr soul shall /. Jr. 38:20 and thy soul shall /. Lam. 4:20 under shad, we sh. /. Ezek. 3:21 he shall surely /. 1S:9, 17; .33:13. 15, 16 16:6 when thou wast in blood /. 18:19 kept my statutes shall /. 21. 32: 20:11,25 24 wicked man doeth sh. he /. 32 turn yourselves and /. 3:3:11 33:10 sins" on us, how sh. we /. ? 19 do that wh. is law. he sh. I. 37:3 can these bones /. ? 47:9 ev. thing liveth and moT- eth sh. /. everything shall /. IIos. 6:2 he will rev. us. we sh. /. Amos 5:4 seek me. and ye sh. /. 6 Jon. 4:3 bet. to die than to /. 8 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 929 LIV Hob. 2:4 just sh. /. by his faith, Rom. 1:17 Mat. 4:4 not I. by bread, Lu. 4:4 9:18 she shall /. Mark 5:23 Luke. 10:28 this do, and th. sh. I. 20:38 not G. of dead, all /. unto John 5:25 hear voice of S. and I. 0:57 1 1, by F. so he that eateth me, even he shall I. by me 11:25 tho' he were de. yet sh. I. 14:19 because 1 1, ye sh. I. also Aclfi 17:28 in him we/, and move 22:22 it is not fit that he sho. I. Horn.. 6:2 I. any longer therein ? 8 we believe we sh. I. with him 8:12 debtors not to I. after flesh 13 if ye I. after flesh, ye sh. die, if thro' Sp. mortify bo. ye/. 10:5 doeth these things shall I. by them. Gal. 3:1^ 12:18 I. peaceably with all men 14:8 whether we I. we I. to Lo. whe. we I. or die we are L.'s 1 Co!-. 9:13 /. of things of temple 14 preach gospel sho. I. of gos. 2 Cor. 4:11 1, are deliv. to death 6:9 behold, we I. as chastened 7:3 to die and l. with you 13:4 I. with him by power of G. Gal. 2:14 Gentiles to I. as Jews 19 that I might I. unto God 20 1 1, yet not I, life I now I. in flesh, I ;. by faith of S. ofG. 3:11 just /. by faith, Ileb. 10:38 5:25 if we/, in the Spirit Phil. 1:21 for me to I. is Christ 22ifi;. in the flesh 1 T/ies. 3:8 we I. if sta. fast in L. 5:10 died that we sh. l. wi. him 2 Tim. 2:11 we sh. also /. with 3:12 alU. godly suf. persecution Tl/. 2:12 we should I. soberly IM. 12:9 to P. of spirits mull. 13:18 willing to/, honestly Jam. 4:15 if Lord will we sh. I. 1 Pet. 2:24 we I. to righteousness 4:2 no longer should 1 1, in flesh 6 I. according to God in Spirit 2 Pet. 2:6 to those that I. ungodly 18 escaped from them I. in err. 1 John 4:9 we might I. thro' him Pev. 1.3:14 beast had wound did/. See FOB EVER. As I LIVE. Num. 14:21 as 1 1, earth befill. 28 'Job 2T:6 so long as II. Ps. 104:33 ; 110:2 Is. 40:18 as / /. saith the Lord; Jer. 22:24; Ezek. 5:11; 14:10. 18,20; 16:48; 17:10, 19; 18:3; 20:3, .33 ; .3.3:11, 27 ; 34:8 ; 35:0, 11; Zep. 2:9; Pom. 14:11 Jer. 40:18 as II. saith the king May. iiil{;ht, or mayest LIVE. Deut. 4:1 do to tliem, ye m. I. 5:33; 8:1; .30:0, 16 42 flee, to one of th. citi. m. I. 10:20 what is just fol. that to. /. 30:19 thou and thy seed to. /. Ps. 119:17 bountif. that I m. I. 77 mor. come to me, that I to./. 116 uphold me, tliat I may I Jer. 35:7 that ye to. /. many days Kzek. 37:9 slain, that they to. /. Amos .5:14 seek good, th. ye m. I. liph. 0:3 mayest I. long on earth Not LIVE. Kx. 10:13 touch iiioinilaln noil. Deut. 8:3 man dolh n.l. liy bread only, Mat. 4:1; /,»/,<; 4:4 2 K. 10:19 wanting In^ shall not I. 20:1 thou Shalt >w//. Is. ;)S:1 Jot) 7:16 I would not I. always Ps. 55:23 wick. n. I. half th. days Is. 20:14 are dead, they sh. not I. ICzil;. i:i:19 souls that should /t. /. ]K:13lu!Hlmll?»;//. 7,ec. i;i:3 nay. Thou slwilt not I. Acli 7: 19 to the end they ml. n. I. 2.5:21 ought not to /. any longer 28:4 V(Migi'anco Hufl'i'nitfi n. to /. 2 for. 5:15 sho. n. I. to tliomsul. LIVED. Oen. 2.5:0 from Isaac, while he /. A'lo/j. 1 l:.'iH Joshua hjuI (,'. /. still 21:9 bclK'ld serp. of brass he /. Deut. 5:20 lira, voice of (I. and/. 'i.Sain. llCti If Absalom had/. /V4il;lH while he /. blcMH.vl houI I^'zek. 37:10 Into llii'iii, anil th. /. -4(7«2:!:1 /. hi g(>i>.| coMsch'm-e Col. 3:7 soniiillmi', wh. /. In III. Jam. 5:5/. in iilcasurc on carlli Jl'K. 18:7 lialh/. dcllcioiiHlv, U 20:4 /. with Cliilsl ; B /. luit Uf. 59 LIV LIVELY. Ex. 1:19 Hebrew women are /. Ps. .38:19 but my enemies arc /. Acts 7:38 who received /. oracles 1 Pet. 1:3 begot, us ag. to /. hope 2:5 ye, as /. stones, are built LIVER. Ex. 29:13 the caul above the /. 22 ; Lev. .3:4, 10, 15 ; 4:9 ; 7:4 ; 8:10, 25; 9:10, 19 Prov. 7:23 dart strike through /. La!n. 2:11 /. poured upon earth Ezek. 21:21 he looked in the /. See CAiTL. LIVES. Ex. 1:14 they made th. /. bitter Jos. 2:13 deliver our/, fr. death Jud. 5:18 peo. jeoparded their/. 2 iS'aTO. 1:23 were lovely in th. /. 23:17 that went in jeopardy of their/. 1 Chr. 11:19 P:vv. 1:18 lurk privily for own /. Jer. 19:7 which seek th. /. 46:26 9 seek their /. sh. strait, them Lam. 5:9 gat bread wi. peril of/. Dan. 7:12 /. prolon. for a season Luke 9:.50 to destroy men's /. Acts 15:26 men have hazarded /. 27:10 voy. be with damage of /. 1 John 3:16 lay down /. for breth. Pev. 12:11 they loved not their /. LIVEST. Gal. 2:14 a Jew /. after manner Pev. 3:1 that thou /. and art dead LIVETH. Gen. 9:3 every thine; /. be meat Dent. 5:24 G. talk with man, he /. 1 Sam. 1:28 to L. as long as he /. 20:31 as son of .Jesse /. on grou. 2 Sam. 2:27 as God /. unless th. 22:47 the Lord /. blessed be my rock, Ps. 18:46 1 K. 17:2:j Elijah said. Thy son /. Jof) 19:25 I know my Kedeemer /. 27:2 as G. /. who ha. taken away Ps. 89:48 what man /. not see de.? Jer. 4:2 the Lord /. in truth 5:2 Lord /. they swear fal.sely 12:16 my name, the Lord /. 10:14 the Lord/. 15; 2:5:7,8 44:26 Egypt, saying. The L. /. Ezek. 47:9 every thing that /. IIos. 4:15 nor swear, the Lord /. Amos 8:14 say. Thy G. O Dan, /. and the manner of Beersh. /. John 4:.50 thy way, son /. 51, 53 11:20 whosoever/, and believ. 7?(OT. 6:10in that he /. he /. toG. 7:1 over man as long as he /. 2 3 while husb. /. she be married 14:7 /. or dieth to himself 1 Cor. 7:39 as long as her husb. /. 2 Cor. 13:4 /. by the power of (J. Gal. 2:20 I live, but Cli. /. in me 1 7'2»i. 5:6 /. in pleasure is dead //(*. 7:8 it is witnessed t hat bv I. 25 ever /. to make intcrcc'ssion 9:17 no strength while testa. /. Peo. 1:18 ho that /. and was dead See FOR EVER. As the Lord LIVETH. Jurl. 8:19 as the L. I. if ve have 1 Sayn. 14:.39 as the L. lA'i ; 19:6 ; 20:21; 2.->:20; 26:10, 10; 28:10; 29:0;2.V«m. 4:9; 12:5; 14:11; 1 K. 1:29 20:3 as t. L.l. there is butastep 25:31 God of Is. /. whi. kentnui iSai/i. 1.5:21 as L. I. as mv lord 1 K. 2:21 fw the Lord I. 2 k'. 5:20 ; 2 Chr. 18:13; Jer. 38:10 17:1 as iM-d God of Is. /. 18:15 12 as the iMrd thy God /. 18; 10 2 K. 3:14 as Lord of hosts /. .5:16 Ah thy soul LIVETH. 1 Sam. 1:20 as s. i. I am llie worn. ]7:.55 Abner said, .'\s thy soul t. 25:20 us soul I. seeing Lord hath 'iSam. 11:11 as t. s. /. will not do Liviivc;. (hn. 1:28 doiiiliiioii over/, thliip 2:7 and nian became a /. soul 3:20 shi' was iiiother of all /. 6: 19 lively /. tiling of all flesh 7:4 ev. /. subslaiu-e will I el. dead and/. 1 A'. ;i:22 llie/. Is inv son, 23 25 divide llic/, clillil into two Jot) 12:10 ill his hand rv. /. thing 2H:i;ini,i-fi,niiil Inland oriiie/. 21 II Is hid rriiiii <'yrsof all/. 30:23 house apiiolnted for all /. LOA Jot) 33:30 enlight. wi. light of /. Ps. 27:13 good, of L. in land of/. 52:5 root thee oat of land of/. 50:13 walk in the light of the /. 58:9 sh. take th. away, both /. 69:28 blotted out of book of /. 110:9 walk bef L. in land of/. 142:5 my portion in land of/. 143:2 in thy sight no man /. 14.5:10 satisfiest every /. thing Ec. 4:2 more than /. are alive 15 I considered all /. wh. walk 6:8 knoweth to walk before /. 7:2 the /. ■svill lay it to heart 9:4 that is joined to all the /. 5 the /. know that they sh. die Cant. 4:15 a well of/, water Is. 4:3 written among /. in Jer. 8:19 seek to their God for the /. 38:11 not see L. in land of the/. 19 the /. the /. he sh. prai. thee .5.3:8 cut oflr out of the land of /. Jer. 2:13 forsaken /. waters, 17:13 11:19 cut him ofi"fr. land of/. Lam. 3:.39 wheref doth /. comp. Ezek. 26:20 set glory in land of /. 32:23 terror in land of/. 24-32 Dan. 4:17 that the /. may know Zee. 14:8 /. waters shall go out Mat. 22:32 God is the God of /. Mark 12:27 ; Luke 20:.38 Mark 12:44 cast in even all her/. Luke 8:43 spent /. on physicians 15:12 he divided to them his /. 13 wasted subs, with riot. /. 30 24:5 why seek ye /. among dead John 4:10 given thee /. water 11 fr. whence hast thou /. wat. 6:51 I am the /. bread wh. came 57 the /. Father hath sent me 7:38 sh. flow rivers of/, water Poin. 12:1 bodies a /. sacriflce 14:9 Lord both of dead and /. 1 Cor. 15:45 A. was made /. soul Col. 2:20 /. in world are subject Heh. 10:20 by a new and /. way 1 Pet. 2:4 coming as to a /. stone Pev. 7:17 Lamb lead to /. fount. 10:3 every/, soul died in the sea See BIRD, CREATURE, GOD. LIZARD. Lev. 11:.30 /. snail, mole, unclean LO. Job 9:19 strength, /. he is strong Ps. 37:.36 pas. awav, /. he was not 40:7/. I come; 1.32:6/. heard .52:7 /. the man tliat made not G. 73:27 /. they th. are far sh. peri. 92:9 /. thine enemies sh. perish Cant. 2:11 /. the winter is past Is. 2.5:9 /. this is our God Jer. 4:23 /. it was without form 25 and /. there was no man Haq. 1:9 and /. it came to little Mat. 24:2.3 /. here is Chr. /. there 28:20 /. I am with you always Arts 13:46 /. we turn to Gentiles Ileb. 10:7 /. I co. to do thy will, 9 LOADEIV. Is. 46:1 carriages were heavy /. LOADETH. Ps. 08:19 daily /. us wi. beneflts LOAF. K.r. 29:93 one/, of bread 1 C/ir. 10:3 1). dealt to ev. one a /. Mark 8: M nei. had more th. one/. LO-AMMI. IIos. 1:9 LOAIV. 15am. 2:20/. which is lent to L. LOATHE. Kx. 7:18 Egypt . shall /. to drink Joli 7:li: I /. it, I would not live l<::ik. 0:0 /. Ihriiisclves for evils 20: i:! /. yinirsehes in own sight 80:31 /. yourselves fur inii|Uities LOVTHED. Jer. 14:19 hath thy soul/. Zion? Zee. 11:8 my soul /. Ilieni LOVTHETH. iVHm.21:5 soul /. this light broad l^ror. 27:7 full soul /. lionrv-co. K:ek. 10:15/. liusb. and children LO\ Tlll\«;. Kzek. 10:5 (■a>-l oiil lo/, of person LOVTHSOME. Xmn. 11:20 llll It lie/, loyou ./(/// 7:5 niv sUIn Is broken and /, /',s-.:iH:7 loins Oiled wllha/. din. /Vol'. 13:5 II wicked man Is /. LOWICH. /.(■p. 2;i:niwo/. oflwo leiilh 1 Sam. 2.'.:IH Aliliiall took '.'00 /. I A'. 14:3 take with lliee ten /. LOF 2 K. 4:42 brought man ofG. 20 /. Mat. 14:17 we nave here but 5 /. 19 and he took five /. Mark 6::38; Luke 9:13 15:34 how many /. have ye? 30 took the seven /. Mark 8:6 16:9 nor remem. five /. of 5.000 10 nor the seven /. of the 4,000 Mark 6:44 eat of/, were 5,000 52 consider, not miracles of /. Lvke 11:5 say, Fri. lend me 3 /. John 6:9 lad here hath 5 bariey /. 11 Jesus took /. and distribut. 13 fragments of five barley /. 26 because ye did eat of the /. See BREAD. LOCK, S. Ifym. 6:5 let /. of the hair grow Jvd. 16:13 weavest the seven /. Neh. 3:3 set up doors, and /. thereof, 6, 13, 14, 15 Cant. 4:1 doves' eyes with. thy/. 5:2 my /. are filled with drops 5 myiTh on handles of the /. 11 his /. are bushy, and black 6:7 thy temples within thy /. Is. 47:2 uncov. thy /. make bare Ezek. 8:3 he took me by /. of he. 44:20 nor suffer /. to grow long See BARB. LOCUST Lev. 11:22 /. aft. his kind, bald /. Ps. 78:40 gave th. labor to the /. 109:23 tossed up and down as /. Joel 1:4 hath /. eaten, wh. /. left 2:25 restore years /. hath eaten LOCUSTS. Ex. 10:4 to-morrow I will bri. /. Deut. 28:38 /. shall consume it Ps. 105:;ii4 he spake, and /. came Prov. 30:27 the /. have no kin^ Is. ,33:4 running to and fro of/. Nah. 3:15 make thyself ma. as /. Mat. .3:4 his meat was /. and wild honey, Ma7-k 1:6 Pev. 9:3 th. came out of smoke /. 7 shapes of /. we. like to hors. LODGE. Is. 1:8 daughter of Z. left as a /. LODGE, Verb. Gen,. 24:23 i^th. room forusto/..? Nu7n. 22:8 /. here this niL'ht ■los. 4:3 place where ye shall /. .fud. 19:9 /. here, that thy heart iVeA. 4:22 let every one /. in Jer. 1:3:21 why /. ye about the wall? Job 24:7 naked /. without cloth. 31:;52 stran. did not /. in street Cant. 7:11 let us /. in the villages Is. 21:13 forest in Ara. sh. ye/. 65:4 and /. in monuments ,Ier. 4:14 how long vain thoug. /. Zep. 2:14 beasts sh. /. in lintels Mat. 13:32 birds /. in branches, Mark4::n; Luke 13:W Acts 21:16 with wh. wc should /. LODGED. Gen. 32:13 J. /. there that night 21 /. that night in company Jos. 2:1 ft harlot's house, and /. 4:8 carried them, where they /. Jud. 19:4 eat and drink. /. tlicre 1 A'. 19:9 cauio into a cave and /. 1 f'Ar. 9:27 /. nnind house of (iod Xeh. 1.3:20/. wllhoul Jerusalem Is. 1:21 righleousnesss /. in it Mat. 21:17 went to Petha. and /. .-lets 10:18 wliclhcr Simon /. th. 28:7 /. us three days courteous. 1 Tim. 5:10 if slie h"iivo /. Btrmig. LODGEST. Path 1:K wh. Ih. /. I will lodgo LOD<;!ETil. Acts 10:6 /. with one Si. n tanner LOIXillVG, S. ■fos. 4:3 leave tlicin In the/. 2 A". 19:2!) enter /. of his borders Is. 10:29 taken up their/, at G. .lets 28:2;) came to him Into/. J'hile. 22 wlllial prepare me n /. l.OKT, Y. 1 A'. 17:19 cairicil him Into n /. fs. 131:1 not liaiigli. nor eye^< /. /'for. .30:1:1 I.. Imw /. aif Hi. even Is. 2:11 /. looks be humbled, 5:15 W:t< the /. clly be layelli low 57:7 on/, moiinlnln liasl set bed 15 thus sal. the high and /. oiui Jc/*2«:9 Kiily. lell from third /. I.OI-TII.V. Ps. 73:8 corrupl. Iliiv speak/. 1.0ITI.\KK8. Is, S:17 /. of man i-hall be bowed 930 CRUDEN''S CONCORDANCE. LON Jer. 48:29 the pride of Moab, his 2. LOG. Leo. 14:10 priest take a I. 12, 24 LOIIVS. Gen. 35:11 kings co. out of thy ?. 37:34 J. put sackcloth on his I. 46:26 souls out of his I. Ex. 1:5 E.v. 12:11 eat it, with I. girded 2S:42 breeches reach from the I. Bent. 33:11 smite thro' I. of them 1 K. 2:5 blood in girdle about I. 8:19 son shall come forth of thy I. 2 Chr. 6:9 12:10 thicker than my father's I. 2 Chr. 10:10 20:31 put sackcloth on our I. 2JC 1:8 girdle of leather about his;. Jrat. 3:i; Mark 1:6 4:29 gird up thy ?. 9:1 ; /o638:3 ; 40:7; Jer. 1:17 Jo7) 31:20 if his I. ha. not blessed 40:16 lo, his strength is in his l. F>. 38:7 ray I. fiUecf wi. disease C):li laid, afiliction upon our I. G;t:23 their /. continually shake 1$. n:il neither girdle of I. loosed 11:5 righteousn. girdle of his I, 20:2 loose sackcloth from thy l. 21:3 are my I. filled with pain 32:11 gird sackcl. upon your l. Jer. 13:1 a linen girdle put on I. 30:6 ev. man \rith hands on I. 48:37 upon I. shall be sackcloth Ezek. 1:27 fr. appearance of his /. 8:2 from his I. downward, fire 21:6 with the breaking of thy /. 23:15 with girdles upon their I. 44:18 have linen breeches on I. 47:4 the waters were to the I. Dan. 5:6 joints of I. were loosed 10:5 /. were gird, with fine gold Amos 8:10 bring sack, on your I. 2\ah. 2:1 make thy I. strong 10 and much pain is in all I. L'tke 12:.35 let your I. be girded A''fs 2:30 of his /. he wo. raise C. Efth. 6:14 hav. your?, girt about Ilcb. 7:5 came out of I. of Abrah. 10 he was yet in I. of his father 1 Pet. 1:13 wheref. gird I. of mind LOIS. 2 Tim. 1:5 LONG. Ex. 19:13 trumpet sound. I. 19 20:12 that thy days may be I. Num. 9:19 the cloud tarried I. Dent. 1:6 ye dwelt I. enough, 2:3 19:6 overtake him, way is I. Jos. 6:5 they make a I. blast 1 K. 3:11 not asked I. 2 Chr. 1:11 2 Chr. 15:3 for a I. season Israel Fs. 91:16 wi. I. life will I satisfy 95:10 forty years /. was I grieved 120:6 my soul hath /. dwelt 123:3 plouc;hers made /. fuiTOws 143:3 that nave been I. dead P)'or. 3:2 1, life sh. th. add to thee 7:19 good man is gone a I. jour. 23:30 they that tarry I. at wine 25:15 /. forbearing is a prince Ec. 12:5 man ^o. to his t. home />-. 65:22 elect?, enjoy the work Jer. 29:28 this captivity is I. Lam. 2:20 wo. eat child span I. ? Ezeh. 17:3 great eagle I. winged 44:20 nor sufl'er locks to grow I. Dan. 10:1 time appointed was I. IIos. 13:13 not stay I. in the place Mat. 11:21 repented I. ago 23:14 for pretence make I. pray. Mark 12:40 ; Luke 20:47 Mark 12:.38 who go in /. clothing, Luke 20:46 16:5 clothed in a I. white garm. Luke 18:7 tho' he bear ;. with th. 23:8 to see him of a I. season Acts 20:9 Paul was I. preaching 1 Cor. 11:14 if a man have I. hair 15 worn, have I. hair, it is clo. Eph. 6:3 maycst live I. on earth 1 Tim. 3:15 if I tarry I. that thou Jam. 5:7 husbandm. ha. I. pati. See AGO. As LONG as. Lev. 26:34 as I. as it lieth des. 35 Num. 9:18 as I. as cloud abode Deut. 31:13 as I. as you live 1 Sam. 1:28 lent to L. a? I. as liv. 20:31 as I. as son of Jesse liveth 2 Chr. 26:5 as I. as he sought L. 36:21 as I. as she lay desolate Ps. 72:5 I. as sun and m. endure 17 name continued as I. as sun ]Ot:.3.3 sing to L. as I. as I live ll'.i:2 call up. him ast.asX live LOO Ezek. 42:11 as I. as they, as broad Mat. 9:15 as I. as bridegroom is with them, J/a;* 2:19 ■John 9:5 as I. as I am in world Horn. 7: 1 over man as I. as he liv. 1 Cor. 7:39 bound as I. as husba. Gal. 4:1 heir as I. as he is a child 1 Pet. 3:6 daught. as I. as do well 2 Pet. 1:13 as^l. as I am in taber. See CUBITS, day, houb. So LO.\G. Jud. 5:28 chariot so I. in coming 2 Chr. 6:31 fear thee so I. as live Est. 5:13 so I. as I see Mordecai Job 27:6 not repro. so I. as I live Ps. 72:7 so I. as moon endureth Luke 1:21 marvel, he tarried 6'0 I. Pom. 7:2 her husb. so I. as liveth Heb. 4:7 after so I. a time LONG time. Gen. 26:8 had been there a I. t. Num. 20:15 dwell in Egypt I. t. Deut. 20:19 besiege a city a I. t. Jos. 11:18 Josh, made war a /. t. 23:1 a I. t. after Josh. wax. old 1 Sam. 7:2 wh. ark abode t. was I. Is. 42:14 have I. t. holden peace Lam. 5:20 forsake us so I. time Mat. 25:19 after a 1. 1. the lord of those sen', com. Luke 20:9 Luke 8:27 man had devils a I. t. 20:9 went to far country for I. t. John 5:6 a I. time in that case 14:9 have I been so I. t. wi. you Acts 14:3 I. time abode with dis- ciples, 28 2 Pet. 2:3 judgm. oil. t. lingereth LONG while. Acts 20:11 a /. w. till bre. of day LONG, Verb. ■Job .3:21 1, for death, but com. not 6:8 grant me thing tliat 1 1, for Rom. 1:11 for 1 1, to see you 2 Cor. 9:14prayerwh.;. after you Phil. 1:8 greatly I?, after you all LONGED. 2 Sam. 13:39 David I. to go forth 23:15 David I. and said, O that one, 1 Chr. 11:17 Ps. 119:40 1 1, after thy precepts 131 1 1, for thy commandments 174 I have /. for thy salvation Phil. 2:26 for he I. after you all 4:1 dearly beloved and I. for LONGEDST. Gen. 31:30 I. after father's house LONGER. Ex. 9:28 and ye shall stay no I. Jud. 2:14 could not any t. stand 2/1'. 6:33 should I wait" for L. I. ? Job 11:9 measure is I. than earth Jer. 44:22 the L. could no I. bear Luke 1G:2 may. be no I. steward Ac's 18:20 desired him to tarry /. 25:24 he ought not to live any I. Pom. 6:2 how live anv I. therein 2 Tlies. 3:1 we could no /. forb. 5 1 Pet. 4:2 I. live rest of his time . Eev. 10:6 there sho. be time no? LONGETH. Gen. 34:8 mv son I. for your dan. Deut. 12:20 thv souU. to eat flesh Ps. 63:1 flesh /. for thee &1:2 my soul I. for courts of L. LONGING. Deut. 28:32 eves sh. fail I. for th. Ps. 107:9 he satisfieth the I. soul 119:20 soul break, for I. it hath LONG-SLTFERING. Ex. 34:6 Lo. G. l.-s. Nnn. 14:18 ; p.. 86:15; iPet.Z:^ Jer. 15:15 me not aw. in thy l.-s. Pom. 2:4 despi. riches of his l.-s. 9:22 endured with much l.-s. 2 Cor. 6:6 bvl-«. by kindness Gid. 5:22 fruit of S"p. is love, l.-s. Eph. 4:2 with l.-s. forbearing Col. 1:11 strengthened to all/.-«. 3:12 elect of G. meekness, l.-s. 1 Tim. 1:16 Ch. might show l.-s. 2 Tim. 3:10 kno. my faith, l.-s. 4:2 with all l.-s. and doctrine 1 Pet. 3:20 l.-s. of God waited iPet. 3:15 ?.-s. of L. is salvation LOOK, S. Ps. 18:27 bring down high I. 101:5 a high I. I will not suffer Prox). 6:17 Lord hateth a iiroud I. 21:4 high I. and proud heart Is. 2:11 lofty I. of man humbled 10:12 punish glory of his high?. Ezek. 2:0 nor disraaved at ?. 3:9 Dan. 7:20 1, more stout than fel. LOO LOOK. Gen. 15:5 ?. now towards heaven 19:17 for life, I. not behind thee 41::i3 let Pharaoh I. out a man 42:1 why I. one upon another ? Ex. 25:20 faces I. one to another Deut. 9:27 I. not to stubbornness 28:32 thine eyes shall I. and fail 1 Sam. 16:12 i)av. goodly to I. to 2 K. 14:8 I. one another in face 1 Chr. 12:17 G. of fat. I. thereon Job 3:9 ?. for light, have none 20:21 sh. no man I. for his goods 35:5 I. to the heavens and see Ps. 5:3 prayer to thee and I. up 40:12 that I am not able to?, up 123:2 eyes of serv. I. to masters Prov. 27:23 and ?. well to herds Ec. 12:3 that ?. out at windows Cant. 4:8?. from top of Amana 7s. 5:.30 if one ?. unto the land 8:21 curse king, and ?. upward 22 they shall?, unto the eart'n 17:7 shall a man ?. to his maker 22:4 ?. away fr. me, I will weep 31:1 they I. not to H. One of Is. 42:18 ?. ye blind, th. ye may see 45:22 ?. unto me, and be saved 51: 1 ?. to rock whence are he\vn 56:11 all I. to their own way 69:11 I. for judgment, but none 66:2 but to this man will I ?. Jer. 13:16 while ye ?. for lisht 39:12 take and I. well to him 40:4 and I will I. well to thee 46:5 mighty fled, and I. not back 47:3 fathers not ?. back to chil. Hos. 3:1 who I. to other gods Jon. 2:4 ?. toward holy temple Mic. 7:7 therefore I?, to the Lord Nah. 2:8 but none shall ?. back Mat. 11:3?. forano. ? i(/fe7:19.20 Mark 8:25 and made him ?. up Luke 21:23 thi. begin, then ?. up ■John 7:52 ?. for out of Galilee Acts 6:3 I. ye out seven men l?f:15 quest, of words, ?. ye to it 2 Cor. 3:13 steadfastly ?. to end 4:18 we ?. at things wh. are seen Phil. 3:20 we ?. for the Saviour Ileh. 9:28 to them th. ?. sh. he ap. 1 Pet. 1:12 ansels desire to ?. in. 2 Pet. 3:13 we"?, for new heav. 14 seeing ye ?. for such things 2 .John 8 ?. to yourselves Per. 5:3 no man able to ?. there. 4 to read book nor ?. thereon LOOK down. Deut. 20:15 ?. (?. from holy habi. Ps^ 80:14 ?. d. and visit this vine 85:11 right. ?. d. from heaven Is. 63:157. down from heaven Lam. 3:50 till L. ?. d. and behold LOOK on, or upon. Gen. 12:11 a fair woman to ?. on 24:16 Rebekah fair to ?. on, 20:7 Ex. 3:6 Jloses afraid to I. on G. 39:4:3 ]\[oscs did I. rqmn all work iev. 13:3 priest ?. ii. the plague Num. 15:39 that ye may ?. v. it 2 Sam. 9:8 I. u. such a dead dog 16:12 L. will ?. !/. my afiliction 2 Chr. 24:22 L. ?. w. and require Job 6:28 be content, ?. ?//»;i me 40:12 ?. u. ev. one that is proud Ps. 22:17 bones stare and ?. !, ,')0:9 and say, Wlio is the l,,y Is. .12:21 illil no! I,, lie ag, whom 52:12 the Ij, will go before you LOR ■Ter. 5:10 for they are not the L.'s 23:6 L. our righteousness, .3.3:16 31:34 saying. Know L. Heb. 8:11 Ezek. 35:10 whereas L. was there Dan. 2:47 God is L. of kings 9:17 face to shine, for L.'s sake Hos. 12:14 reproach sh. L. return ■Joel 2:21 L. will do great things Amos 3:6 evil in city L. not done Ob. 21 kingdom shall be L.'s Mic. 2:13 the L. on head of them 3:11 lean on L. say, Is not L. 6:8 what doth L. req. of thee? Zee. 1:5 swear by L. and Match. Zee. 14:3 then sliall L. go forth 9 in that day sh. th. be one L. Mat. 7:21 not ev. one that saith, L. L. shall enter the kingd. 22; ii/te 13:25 15:27 truth L. 25:11 L. L. open 21:3 L. hath necA, Mark 11:3; Li/keW-.m. 34 22.43 how doth D. call him L. ? 45: i/nr/i; 12:37; LukeW-.U 24:42 know not wh. hour L. Co. 46 whom his L. shall find so doing, Luke 12:43, 46 50 L. of that servant sh. come 25:21 enter into joy of thy L. 37 L. wh. saw we th. hun. ? 44 26:22 began to say, L. is it I? 28:6 the place where the L. lay Mark 2:28 L. of Sab. Luke 6:5 5:19 great things L. hath done 10:51 L. that I may rece. sight. Mat. 20:23 16:20 L. worlcing with thom Luke 1:17 ready a peo. for thoL. 6:46 call me L. L. and do not 14:2] show, his L. these things 17:5 said unto L. Incr. our faith 37 wh. L. ? 23:42 L. rem. me 24:.34 saying, the L. is risen ■fofin 6:08 L, to whom sh. we go 0:36 who is he, L. that I might 13:13 ye call me Master and L. 25 L. who is it? 20:25 soon L. 20:2 taken L. out of sepulchre 21:12 knowing it was L. Acts 2:.36 cruci. both L. and Ch. 9:5 Who art thoii, L. 26:15 10:4 and said. What is it, L. ? 14 Peter said, Not so, L. 11:8 36 Jesus Christ, he is L. of all 22:10 V\Tiat shall 1 do, L. ? Horn.. 10:12 the same L, over all 14:9 might be L. of dead and liv. 1 Oor. 2:8 not cruci. L. of glory 3:5 as L. gave to every man 4:4 he that judgeth me is the L. 19 If the L, will, Jam.. 4:15 6:13 for L. 7:10 not L but L. 15:47 sec. man is L. fr, heaven 2 Cor. 5:8 present with the L. 11:17 I speak it not after the L. Eph. 4:5 one L. one faith 5:29 even as the L. the church Phil. 2:11 conf(iss Jesus C. is L. 4:5 bo known, L. is nt hand 1 Thes. 4:17 we ever be with L. 1 Tim. 6:15 K. of kings, L, of 1. 2 Tim. 3:11 out of all L. deliv. Ifeb. 2:3 began to be spok. by T,. 8:11 know L. for all shall know ./«m. 5:15 L. shall raise sick np 2 Pet. 3:8 day Is with L. as thou. .rii'le 9 M. said, L. rebuke thee fff)). 11:15 boe. kingdoms of L. 17:14 for he Is L. of lords, 19:10 Acnlnst the LORD. 1 Sam. 2:25 If a man sin a. t. L. 12:2.') sin a. L. in ceas. to pray Prov. 21:;!0nor counsel a. t. L. is. 3:8 their doings arc a. the L. 32:0 utter error ai/aiiist the L. ,fer. 48:20 magnl. lihnself «. L. 42 Pan. ,5:23 lift, up thyself a. t. L. /fos. 5:7 dealt treach'er. a(/. L. Uah. 1:9 what do ye Imug. a. L. V See T.IVRTII, ANOTNTED, AP- ricAiiici). ilrrorc (lit- LOItD. Gen. 18:22 Abra. slood h. the L, Ex. 16:9 sav, Coini' lu'ar/i. t. T„ 33 lav n\ib.lhr\.. 1 Sum. 10:25 2'):17 lliri'c times In ye. n]). /;. L. 31:21: A"/, 16:16; 1 .SV/;(I,1:21 27:21 order lamps /a /. 1,. 111:25 2H:I2 A. bear their nanirs /). L. fjer. 4:6 spi'iiii liej'orc Ihc L. LOR Num. 27:5 Moses brought cause b. the L. Deuf. 9:18 I fell down b. the L. 12:18 must eat them b. the L. 18:7 his breth. stand there b. L. 19:17 controv. sh. stand b. L. Jud. 18:6 b. the L. is your way 1 Sam. 21:7 day detained 6. L. 2 Sam. 21:9 hang. th. in hill b. L. 2 K. 19:14 Hezekiah spread It b. the L. Is. 37:14 Ps. 90:13 b. L. com. to jud. 98:8 109:15 be b. the L. continually 116:9 walk b. L. in land of liv. Pro^. 15:11 hell and destr. 5. L. Is. 23:18 them that dwell b. L. Mic. 0:6 where, sh. I come *. L. ? Zee. 2:13 be .sil, all flesh 6. t. L. Mai. .3:14 v.-alked mournf, b. L. 2 Tim. 2:14 charir. them b. t. L. 2 Pet. 2:11 no railing accus. b. L. See BLESS, BLESSED, CALLED. CAST out, CHOSEN, CHOOSE, C0M3IANDBD, PEAR, FEARED, REJOICE. From the LbRD. Gen. 4:1 have gotten man/. L. 19:24 fire/, t. L. out of heaven 24:,50 the thing proceed, f. t. L. Num. 11:31 we. forth wind/. L. 16:.35 th. came out a fire/, t. L. 46 wrath gone out /rom the, L. 1 Seim. 10:14 ev. sp. f. t. L. 19:9 26:12 sleep/, t. L. fallen on th. 1 K. 2:15 it was his/ro?re the L. .33 peace for ever from the L. Ps. 24:5 sh. rec. blessing/, t. L. 109:20 reward mineadver./. L. 121:2 my help cometh/. the L. Prov. 10:1 ans. of tonj^ue is/. L. 10:14 a prudent wife is/, t. L. 29:20 man's judgm. cometh/. L. Is. .30:15 to hide counsel/, t. L. 40:27 sayest, Jly way hid/. L. Jer. 7:1 word that came to Jere. from the L. 11:1: 18:1; 21:1; 20:1; 27:1; 30:1; 32:1; 34:1, 8, 12; 3,5:1; 30:1; 40:1 17:5 cursed wh. heart dep./. L. 37:17 is there any word/, t. L, ? 40:14 I have hoard a rumor/. L. Lam. 2:0 jiro. find no vision/. L. 3:18 strength is perished/. L. Ezek. 11:15 get you far/, the L. 33:30 hear what word com.^. L. Tfos. 1:2 whored, departing/. L. Ob. 1 have heard a rumor/ t. L. 3rie. 1:12 evil came down/, t. L. 5:7 remnant sh. be as dew f. L. Zee. 14:13 tumult/. L. am. them Luke 1:45 things told her f. t. L. 2 Cor. 5:6 we are absent/, t. L. See GIVE, on'EN. LORD God. Gen. 2-1:27 bles.^ed be L. G. of A. Kc. 34:0 L. G. merciful and gra. ,rei:\ 22:22 the L. G. of pods 24:2 tlie L. G. of Isr. Jud. 4:0; 1 ,V.w. 8:30 ;17r. 1:30; 1 Chr. 23:25:21:19 1 Sam. 6:2(1 to stand before L. G. 2 Sum. 7:18 who am I, O L. G. 2 K. 8:1 1 wh. is L. (1. of Klijah f E:!ek. 30:28 I am the L. sa. L. G. 89:5 I have spoken it, saith the L. G. 23:34 ; 20:14 ; 28:10 Dan. 0::) I set my face untoT,. G. Ifos. 12:5 I., G, is his memorial J;»ri'.' 3:7 L, 0. will do nothing 8 the !,, G. hath spoken rrab. 3:19 L, O, is my streiiL'lh 1 /', /, 3:15 sanctify L, G, In luvi. Reo. 4:8 holv. Iiotv. T-, God Al- mightv, '11:17; 10:7 18:8 strong Is I,, (1, who hidge, 19:6 I,, (i. omnipotent reli'iirth 21:22 the L. G. and the T.amb 22:5 the L. G. givelh them light See AH, PATIIKUS. LORD IiIh GoiI. Num. 2.3:21 I„ /(. -. 58:14 7 rest in the L. and wait 5fi:10 in t. L. will I praise his C4;10 the riirhtcous shall he gl. in the Lri04:34 ProT. 3:5 trust in the L. wi. hea. Is. 20:4 in t. L. Jehovah is ever. 45:24 in the'L. have I righteous. 25 in the L. seed of Is. justlfl. Zep. 3:2 trusted not in the L. Acts 9:42 many believed 271 1. L. 14:3 speaking lioldly in the L. Bom. 16:2 ye receive her in t. L. 8 Amplias, my helov. in t. L. 12 who labored much in t. L. 13 Eufus chosen in tlie L. 22 Tevtius. salute you in t. L. 1 Cor. 1:31 glorieth, let him glo. in the L. 2 Cor. 10:17 4:17 faith, in L. 7:22 call, in L. 7:39 be married, only in the L. 9:1 my work in the L. ? 2 apostleship are ye in t. L. 11:11 nor woman wi. man in L. 15:5S labor not in vain in t. L. Eph. 2:21 a holy temple in t. L. 4:17 therefore, testify in the L. 5:8 now are ye light in the L. 6:1 obey your parents in the L. 10 brethren, be strong in t. L. 21 a faithful minister m the L. Phil. 1:14 brethren in the L. 2:29 receive him theref. in t. L. 4:1 sta. tiistin. t. L. 1 The.^. 3:8 2 be of the same mind in t. L. 10 I rejoiced in the L. greatly Col 3:18 submit to hush, in t. L. 4:7 Tychicus fellow-ser. in t. L. 17 niinist. th. received in t. L. 1 Thes. 5:12 th. over you in t. L. 2 Thes. 3:4 have confidences L. PJiile. 16 the flesh and in t. L. 20 let me have joy of thee in t. L. refr. my bowels in t. L. Pev. 14:13 bless, are dead in t. L. See KEJOICB, TRUST. LORD is. Gen. 23:16 the L. is in this place Fx. 9:27 the L. is righteous, I wicked, 2 Chr. 12:6 15:2 the L. is my strength 3 L. is man of war. L. is name N'lim. 14:9 the L. is with us 18 the L. is long-sutfering, of great, A'ah. 1::3 42 for the L. is not among you 1 IC. 8:60 know that tlie L. 25 G. 2 C/ir. 13:10 the L. is our God 15:2 li. is wi. yon wh. ye for h. Ps. 10:16 the L. is kin" for ever 34:8 O taste and see L. is good 89:18 L. IS our defence andking 92:15 show that L. is upright 93:1 L. is clothed with stfcnath 94:22 L. is my defence and rock 95:3 the L. is a great G. 96:4; 99:2 ; 1:35:5 100:5 L. U g. 135:3 ; 145:9 ; Jer. 33:11 ; Larn. 3:25 : 2\ah. 1:7 103:8 L. is merciful and gra- cious, 111:4; 145:8 113:4 L. is high ah. all nations 118:6 the L. Is on my side 121:5 L. is keeper, L. is shade 125:2 the L. is round about 129:4 L. is righteous, 145:17: Lam.-i:lS;l>an. 9:14 145:18 L. is nigh to all that call Prov. 15:29 L. is far from wicked Is. 30:18 L. is God of judgment Jer. 10:10 the L. is the true God 17:7 trust in L. who. hope L. is 20:11 L. is with me as tern, one Lam. 3:24 the L. is my portion Eze/c. 48:35 name of city, L. is t. Atiios 5:8 the L. is his name, 9:6 Zcp. .3:5 just L. is in midst, 15 Luke 24:34 the L. is risen indeed 2 Cor. 3:17 the L. is that Spirit Phil. 4:5 the L. is at hand Ileb. 13:6 the L. is my helper 1 Pet. 2:3 tasted the L. is graci. See MADE. My LORD. Gen. 10:18 said, not so, my L. Jiid. 6:13 my L. if L. be wi. us 15 O my L. shall I save Israel Ps. 10:2 said. Thou art my L. 35:23 stir up thyself, my God and 7ny L. John 20:28 110:1 Lord said to my L. Mat. 22:44; Mark 12::36 ; Luke 20:42 ; Acts 2:34 Is. 21:8 my L. I stand on tower Dan. 10:17 serv. of jny L. talk? LOR Zee. 1:9 O my L. wh. are these ? 4:4: 6:4; i:5 no, -my L. 13 Mat. 24:48 my L. delayeth his coming, Luke 12:45 Luke 1:4:3 mother of my L. come ■lohn 20:13 taken away my L. PA«. 3:8 knowledge of Ch. Jes. my L. Kame of the LORD. (?ra. 12:8 A. called on n.off. L. 26:25 Isaac called on n. of i. L. Ex. 20:7 Shalt not take: narne of the L. in vain. Pent. 5:11 33:19 proclaim n. of the L. 34:5 L. proclaimed M. of the L. i«!). 24:11 blasphe. n. of the'L. 16 Z'^'/^. 18:5 minister in n. of L. 7 22 prophet speak, in n. oft. L. 28:10 called bv the n. of the L. 32:3 I will publish n. of the L. ■los. 9:9 serv. come of n". of t. L. 1 Sam. 17:45 come in n. of t.l,. 20:42 sw. both ol us in n. of L. 2 ^^OTO. 6:2 called bv n. of the L. 1 K. 22:16 that which is true in TJame of the L. 2 C%r. 18:15 Jo5 1:21 blessed be the name of the L. Ps. 113:2 Ps. 20:7 will remembern. of?. L. 102:15 heathen fear n. of the L. 21 to declare n of !•. in Zion 113:1 praise the name oft. L. 13.5:1:148:5, 13 ; JbeZ 2:26' 116:4 then called I on n. of L. 118:26 Cometh in n. of the 1,. 12-3:4 give thanks to re. of t. L. 124:8 our help is in n. of t. L. 129:8 we bless j'ou in n. of t. L. Prov. 18:10 n. ofh. strong tower Is. 18:7 to place of n. of (he L. 24:15 glorifv the n. of the L. 30:27 n. oft. L. cometh fr. far 56:6 and to love the n. of the L. 59:19 so sh.- they fear n. oft. L. Jer. 3:17 nations gath. tore. o/L. Mic. 4:5 walk in 7iame of the L. 5:4 in majesty of re. of 'the L. Zep. 3:12 sh. trust in n. of t. L. Mat. 21:9 cometh in n. of the'L. 23:39; Mark 11:9. 10: Lvke i:3:35; 19:;38: ./o/m 12:13 ^c?,s 9:29 spake boldly in n. ofL 10:48 baptized in n. of the L. 10:13 call over them re. of t. L. 21:13 ready to die for re. of t. L. O LORD. Ex. 15:11 who like thee, 0 L. ? 2 Sam. 2:3:17 far from thee, 0 L. 1 CAr. 17:20 0 L. none like thee Ps. 6:3 but thou, 0 L. how long 8:1 0 L. our Lord, how excel. ' 22:19 not far fr. me 0 L. 35:22 115:1 not unto us, 0 L. Eev. 6:10 how long, 0 L. holy Of the LORD. 2 K. 6:33 beh. this evU is o/L. Prm. 20:24 man's goinsrs of t. L. 21:.31 battle, safety is of t. L. Acts 21:14 will of t. L. be done 1 Cor. 11:23 received of (he L. ■Jam. 5:11 seen the end of Wic L. &« ANGER, AKGEL, COMMAND- MENT, CONGREGATION, COL"N- SEL, DAT, ETES, FACE, PEAR, FEAST. GLORT, HANT), HOUSE, KNOWLEDGE, LAW, OFFER- INGS, PRAISE. Saith the LORD. Num. 24:13 what the L. s. 1 K. 22:14 L. s. that willl speak See LITE, SATED. LORD, mth seek. 1 Chr. 16:10 heart rejoice that ,s. L. Ps. 105:3, 4 11 seek the L. and his strength 22:19 set your heart to seek the L. 2 Chr. 11:16 2 :4 if he I. one sheep 8 ten \)'h-ca:h of silver If she/. 17:33 who shall /. his lire i)re8c. John 0:;)9 I should I. nothing 12:25 that lov. his life shall /. it 'iJohn H look that we /. none LOSS. Ek. 21:19 sh. pay for I. of time Acts 27:21 gain, this hnrni and /. 82 hIi. he no I. of any man's 11, 1 dor. 3:15 burned, he sh. snf. /. Phil. 3:7 th(iB(- I counted t. for (;. 8 I countxMl all things /. Un- V.. for wh. I HUlIerod the/, of ull LOST, jiussirfti/. Ex. 22:9 any manner oi' /. thing, Ocut. 2a:3 Lft). (1:3 found that which was/. 4 restore/, tli. wh. he found Num. (I: W days tli. wen^sh. he/. 1 Sam. 9:3 uhmc^h of Klsli were /. UOaHHCH that were/, an- found Ps. 119:17(1 astray like/, shei'p Jir. 50:6 peo. hath l)cen /. shi'ep V'/'mA". 19:5 saw that, hope was /, .'11:1 nor soueht that wh. was /. 16 I will sci^i that which was /. 37:11 they i iiy, Onrhopolu/. LOV Mat. 10:6 rather to the /. sheep 1.5:24 not sent but to /. sheep 18:11 Son is come to save what was /. Luke 19:10 Lvke 15:4 go after that wh. is /. 6 I found my sheep which is /. 24 son was /. 32 brother was /. John 6:12 fragments, noth. be /. 17:12 none is /. but son of perd. 2 Cor. 4:3 gospel hid to th. that /. LOST, actively. Dent. 22:3 thy brother's he ha. /. 1 K. 20:25 army lilce that thou /. Is. 49:20 after thou hast /. other 21 seeing I have /. my children Mat. 5:13 if salt /. savor, Mark 9:50 ; Lvke 14:.34 Luke 15:9 I found piece wh. I /. John 18:9 gav. me, I have /. none LOT. Gen. 11:27 Haran begat L. 31 13:5 L. had flocks, 7, 11 ; 14:12 19:1 L. sat in gate of Sod. 10, 36 Ps. 83:8 holpen children of L. Luke 17::32 remember L. wife 2 Pet. 2:7 deliver just L. vexed LOT. Lev. 16:8 one /. for the L. 9, 10 Num. 26:55 land shall be divided by /. Ezek. 48:29 33:54 he sh. divide the land by /. 36:2; Jos. 13:6; Ezek. 47:22 34:13 the land ye sh. inhe. by /. T)i.ut. 32:9 J. is/, of inheritance .Jos. 15:1 the /. of tribe of Judah 16:1 /. of Joseph; 17:1 Manas. 17:14 hast given me but one /. ? 18:11 the /. of tribe of Benjamin 19:1 second/, came forth to Si. 10 third /. came for Zebulou 17 fourth /. came out to I.>^sac. 19:24 fifth /. to tribe of Asher .32 and the si.\th /. to Nupthali 40 sev. /. came for tribe of Dau 21:4 /. for Kohath. 1 Chr. 0:54 Jud. 1:3 come up with me into my /. to light ag. Canaanites 20:9 we will go up by /. aga. It 1 Sam. 14:41 G. give me perfe. /. 1 Chr. 16:18 Canaan, /. of your inheritance, Ps. 105:11 24:5 tliey were divided by /. Ps. 16:5 thou maintainest my /. 125:3 not rest on /. of righteous Piov. 1:14 east in /. among us 1():.33 the /. is cast into the lap 18:18 /. cans, contentions cease Is. 17:14/. of them that rob us 31:17 hast cast the /. for them 57:6 sm. stones of stream thy?. Jer. 13:25 this is thy /. fi'om me Ezi'k. 21:6 lit no /. fall upon it Dim. 12:13 shall stand in thy /. Mic. 2:5 none th. cast cord ny /. Luke l:!t his /. was to burn ince. Arts 1 :2(; the /. fell on Matthias 8:21 thou hast no /. in matter 13:19 he divided their land by /. LOTft. 1 (SV/TO. 14:42 cast /. bet. me and 1 Clir. 21:31 cast/, ag. brethren Mat. 27;:!5 casting /. Mark 15:24 Acts 1:26 they gave forth their /. See CAST. LOTIIE. See loathe. LOUD. Vs. 83:3 play skillf. wi. /. noise 98:4 iiiaKc^ a /. noise and rejoice 150:5 i)raise him on /. cymbals LOCIK with voice, h. Gen. 39:14 I cried with a/, voice F,.c. 19:16 1'. of trump. I'xceed. /. Ihiit. 27:14 Lev. sjieak with /. v. iSam. 15:23 wept, with/, v. 1 K. 8:55 bo blessed with a /. v. Prop. 27:1 1 bles. IVIcikI wllh /. v. Ezek. 8:18 they cry willi a/, vol. 9:1 he cried with a /. laice Luke 1:42 spake out with a/, v. H:2.Ssp. cried with/, v. ActsH-.n 17:15 wllh a/, v. glorllled (lod 23;'2;{ were instant wllh /. rulivs Arts 14:t(lsiil(l wllh a/, v. Stand 26:21 Keslns said wllli a /. v. I'. !{r. '.Mitl. for Ihenitliiit /. lilm 8:3 If liny muu /. Clud, iuuuu kiuiwn 934 CRUDEN'S COJ^CORDA^CB. LOV Eph. 5:25 husb. I. your wives as C. loved ch. 23, 33; Co/. 3:19 6:24 grace be with th. I. our L. 1 Thes. 4:9 taught to I. one ano. 2 Tim. 4:S theiii that /. his ap. Ti^ 2:4 yonng women to /. hiis. 3:15 greet them that I. us In fa. Jam. 1:12 them that I. him, 2:5 1 Pet. 1:8 whom not seen, ye I. 22 /. one ano. with pure heart 2:17 honor men, I. brotherhood 3:8 as I. brethren ; 10 that I. life 1 John 2:15 I. not the world 3:11 fr. begin, that we should I. one anoth. 4:7, 11 ; 2 John 5 14 because we I. the brethren 23 I. one another, as he gave 4:12 if we /. one another 19 I. him bee. he lirst loved us 20 can he I. G. hath not seen 21 loveth God/. hisl)rother al. 5:2 we /. the children of God I LOVE. Ex. 21:5 sh. say, //. my master Jud. 16:15 canst thou sav, //. 2 Sam. 13:4 1 1. Tamar, my broth. Ps. 116:1 //. L. bee. h» heard 119:97 O how //. thy law ^ 113 but thy law do //. 163 119 theref. 1 1, thy testimonies 127 //. thy commands ab. gold 150 consi. how //. thy precepts 167 thv testimonies It. exce. Prov. 8:17 //. thera that /. me John 14:31 know th. //. the Pa. 21:15 L. kuowest //. thee, 16, 17 2 Cor. 12:15 tho' the more//, you 1 Jo/t;i4:20 if a man say, //. God 2 John 1 7 /. in the truth, 3 John 1 iJey. 3:19 as many as//. I rebuke LOVE me. Gen. 29:32 my husl). will /. tm E-v. 20:6 showing mercy to them that /. me. Sent. 5:10 Prov. 8:17 I love them that /. me 21 that /. me to inh. substance John 8:42 G. your F. ye wo. /. me 10:17 theref. doth Father /. me 14:15 if ye /. me, keep my com. 23 man /. ot€, keep my words LOVE not. Prov. 20:13 /. not sleep 1 Cor. 16:22 if any man /. not L. 2 Cor. 11:11 because I /. you TWt? 1 John 2:15 /. not the world 3:18 n. l. in word nor tongue LOVED. Gen. 24:67 took Rcbe. and /. her 25:28 /. Esau, Rebekah /. Jacob 27:14 made such as his father /. 29:18 Jacob /. Rachel more, 30 34:3 Shechem /. Dinah 37:3 Israel /. Joseph more, 4 Seat. 4:37 bee. he /. thy fathers 7:8 because L. /. you, 2:3:5; 33:3 Jud. 16:4 Samson /. a woman 1 Sam. 1:5 Elkanah /. Hannah 16:21 and Saul /. David 18:1 Jonathan /. David, 3 ; 20:17 16 Israel and Judah /. David 20 Michal Saul's daught. /. D. 2 Sam. 12:^4 the L. /. Solomon 13:1 Amuon son of David /. Ta. 15 love wherewith he /. her 1 K. 3:3 Solomon /. the Lord 10:9 the Lord /. Israel, 2 Chr. 9:8 11:1 Solomon /. many women 2 Chr. 2:11 and the Lord /. his people, Js. 48:14 11:21 Rehoboam /. Maachah 21): 10 Uzziah /. husbandry E-'t. 2:17 king /. Esther abo. all Job 19:19 they whom I /. turned Pa'. 4T:4 excellency of Jacob he/. 78:68 mount of Zion which he /. 10J:17 /. cursing, so let it come Jer. 8:2 host of heaven they /. 14:10 thus ha. they /. to wander Ezek. 10:37 gather th. thou ha. /. lloi. 9:1 thou hast /. a reward 10 abomina. according as th. /. 11:1 when Is. was chikf, I /. him -Jal. 1:2 wherein hast th. /. us ? 2:11 profaned holin. of L. he /. :\['u-k 10:21 J. beholding /. him Lnke 7:47 sins forgiven, /. much John 3:16 God so /. the world 19 /. darkness rather th. light 11:5 Jesus /. Martha, and sister 36 said Jews, Behold how he /. 12:43 they /. the praise of men 13:1 hav. /. his own, he /. them 23 discip. whom Jesus /. 19:26 ; 20:2; 21:7, 20 14:21 he that lov. me shall be /. 23 if ye /. me, ye would rejoice LOV John 15:9 as F. /. me, bo I /. yon 16:27 Father lov. you, ye /. me 17:23 hast /. them, as thou /. me ' 26 love wh. thou hast /. Bom. 8:37 conquer, thro' him /. 2 Cor. 12:15 love you, less I be /. Gal. 2:20 who /. me, gave hims. Eph. 2:4 love wherewith he /. us 5:2 as Christ also hath /. us 25 even as Christ /. the church 2 J7(&s. 2:16 God our F. ha. /. ns 2 Tim. 4:10 Demas /. this world Heb. 1:9 thou hast /. righteonsu. 2 Pet. 2:15 Balaam /. the wages 1 John 4:10 not that we /. God 11 if God so/, us 19 love him, bee. he first /. us Eev. 1:5 to him that /. ns 12:11 /. not their lives to death I have LOVED. Ps. 26:8 I have I. thy house 119:47 commands wh. /A. /. 48 /s. 43:4 I have I. thee, therefore Jer. 2:25 Ihavel. strangers 31:3 Ih. I. with everlasting love Mai. 1:2 I have I. you, yet ye say John 13:34 as I ha. I. you, 15:12 15:9 Father 1. me so III. I. you Rom. 9:13 Jacob Ihave I. but E. Rev. 3:9 make them know Ih. I. LOVEDST. Is. 57:8 thou /. their bed where John 17:24 /. me bef. foundation LOVELY. 2 Sam. 1:23 S. and Jo. /. in lives Cant. 5:16 he is altogether /. Ezek. 33:32 art to'thera as /. song Phil. 4:8 whatsoev. things are /. LOVER. 1 ^. 5:1 Hiram was /. of Da%'id Ps. 88:18 /. and friend hast put Tit. 1:8 /. of hospital!. /. of men LOVERS. Ps. 38:11 /. and friends stand Jer. 3:1 played harlot with ma. /. 4:;30 thy /. will despise thee 22:20 for all thy /. are destroyed 22 thv /. shall go into captiv. 30:14 all thy/, have forgot, thee Lam. 1:2 all her /. none'to comf. 19 called for /. they deceiv. me Ezek. 16:.3:3 giv. gifts to all thy /. :36 nakedn. discover, wi. thy /. 2.3:22 raise np thy /. again, thee Has. 2:5 go after /. 7 follow /. 10 discover lewd, in sight of/. 12 rewards my /, ha. gi\en me 8:9 Ephraim hath hired /. 2 Tim. 3:2 men be /. of own selves 4 /. of pleas, more than /. of G. LOVES. P)-ov. 7:18 solace ourselves wi. /. Cant. 7:13 there I give thee my /. LOVEST. " ■lud. 14:16 hate me. and /. not 2 Sam. 19:6 thou /. thine enemies Ps. 45:7 thou /. righteousness 52:3 thon /. evil more than good 4 thou /. all devouring words Ec. 9:9 live with wife thou /. ■Tohn 11:3 he whom th. /. is sick 21:15 son of Jo. /. th. me? 16:17 LOVETH. Gen. 41:20 and his father /. him Deut. 10:18 Lord /. the stranger Ps. 11:5 him that /. violence 7 Lord /. righteousness, 33:5 34:12 man that /. many davs ? 37:28 Lord /. judgment, 99:4 87:2 the Lord /. gates of Zion 119:140 word is pure, thy ser. /. 146:8 the Lord /. the righteous Prov. 3:12 whom L. /. he correct. 12:1 /. instruction, /. knowledge 13:24 that /. him. chasten, him 15:9 /. him foUoweth aft. right. 12 scorner /. not one th. repro. 17:17 a friend /. at all times 19 /. transgres. that /. strife 19:8 getteth wisdom /. own soul 21:17"he that /. wine and oil 22:11 that /. purencss of heart 29:3 /, wisdom rejoiceth father Ec. 5:10 th. /. silver, th. /. abun. Cant. 1:7 O thou wh. my soul /. 3:2 seek him my soul /. 3, 4 Is. 1:23 every one /. gifts Mat. 10:37 that /. fath. or mother Luke 7:5 for he /. our nation 47 little Is forgiven. /. little John 3:.35 Father /. Son, 5:20 12:25 that /. his life sh. lose it 14:21 hath com. he it is /. me, he that /. me be loved of Fa. 24 /. me not, keep, not sayings LUR .John 16:27 the Fath. hims. /. yoti Rom. 13:8 that /. another Eph. 5:28 that /. wife /. himself Heb. 12:6 whom L. /. he chasten. 1 John 2:10 he that /. his brother 3:10 he that /. not his brother 14 /. not broth, abideth 4:8, 20 4:7 ev. one that /. is born of G. 21 he who/. God./, his brother 5:1 /. him begat. /. him bejrot. Rev. 22:15 /. and maketh a lie LOVIXG. Prov. 5:19 let her be as /. hind 22:1 /. favor rather than silver Is. 56:10 sleeping, /. to slumber 5(°«KIiroNESS, KINDNESSES. LOW. Deut. 23:43 sh. co. downi very /. 1 Sam. 2:7 the Lord bringeth /. 2 Chr. 26:10 cattle in /. country 28:18 invaded cities of /. count. Job 5:11 set on high th. that be/. 40:12 look on proud bring him/. Ps. 49:2 high and /. rich and poor 02:9 men of /. degree are vanity 136:23 remember, ns in /. estate Prov. 29:23 man's pride br. him /. Ec. 10:6 the rich sit in /. place Is. 25:12 high walls sh. he lay /. 26:5 lofty city he lavetli it /. 29:4 speech /. out of the dust 32:19 city sh. be /. in a /. place Lam. 3:55 name out of/, dunge. Etek. 17:6 vine of/, stature 24 know I have exalted /. tree 21:26 e.xalt him that is /. 26:20 set th. in /. parts of earth Luke 1:48 he regardefh /. estate 52 exalted them of/, degree Rom. 12:16 to men of/, estate Jam. 1:9 brother of/, degree 10 rich in that he is made /. See BROUGHT. LOWER. Lev. 13:20 ris. be in sight /. than Seh. 4:13 set in /. places the peo. Ps. 8:5 thou hast made him /. than the angels. Heb. 2:7, 9 63:9 go into /. parts of the earth Prov. 2.5:7 /. in presen. of prince Is. 22:9 gathered wat. of/, pool 44:23 shoat ye /. parts of earth Eph. 4:9 descended into /. parts LOWER IXG. Mat. 16:3 the sky is red and /. LOWEST. De^jt. 32:22 shall burn to /. hell 1 K. 12:31 made priests of /. of people, 13:33 : 2 K. 17:.32 Ps. 86:13 deliv. soul from /. hell 88:6 thou hast laid me in /. pit Luke 14:9 berfn to take /. room 10 and sit down in the /. room LOWETH, I\G. 1 Sam. 6:12 kine went along /. 15:14 what meaneth /. of oxen ? Job 6:5 /. the ox over his fodder ? LOWLY. Ps. 138:6 hath he respect to /. Prov. 3:.34 he giveth grace to /. 11:2 but with /. is wisdom 16:19 be of humble spirit wi. /. Zee. 9:9 /. and riding on an ass Mat. 11:29 for I am meek and /. LOWLINESS. Eph. 4:2 walk with /. and meek. Phil. 2:3 in /. of mind, esteem LrCAS. Phile. 24 LUCIFER. Is. 14:12 LUCIUS. Acts 13:1 ; Rom. 16:2 LUCRE. 1 Sam. 8:3 S. sons turned after /. 1 Tim. 3:3 bishop not greedy of /. 8 Tit. 1:7 not given to filthy /. 11 teach, thingsnot forfilthj-/. 1 Pet. 5:2 flock not for filthy /. LUIiE. Col. 4:14; 2 Tim. 4:11 LUKEWAR.VI. Rev. 3:16 because thou art /. LUMP. 2 IC. 20:7 take /. of figs. Is. 38:21 Rom. 9:21 of same /. one vessel 11:16 first-fruit holy /. is holy 1 Cor. .5:6 leav. whole /. Gal. 5:9 7 old leav. that ye be a new /. LUXATIC. Mat. 4:3i those were /. he healed 17:15 mercy on my son, he /. LURK. Prw}. 1:11 come, let ns /. privily 13 they /. privily for own lives LTI LURRIXG. 1 Sam.. 23:23 kHowl. of /. places Ps. 10:8 in /. places of villages 17:12 yo. lion /. in secret places LUST. Ex. 15:9 mv /. shall be satisfied Ps. 78:18 asking meat for th. /. 30 not estranged from their I. 81:12 up to their ovm hearts' I. Rom. 1:27 burned in their /. one 7:7 had not kno^vn /. except law Gal. 5:16 not fulfil /. of flesh Jam. 1:14 when drawn of his I. 15 when /. hath conceived 2P«/. 1:4 comip. in world thro' I. 2:10 after flesh in /. of unclean. 1 John 2:16 /. of flesh, /. of eye 17 passeth away, and /. thereof LUST, Verb. Prov. 6:25 /. not after beauty Mat. 5:28 look, on woman to I. 1 Cor. 10:6 not /. after evil things Jam. 4:2 ye /. and have not LUSTED, ETH. 2^um. 11:34 buried people that /. Deut. 12:15 what thy soul /. after, 20, 21; 14:26 Ps. 106:14 they /. exceedingly 1 Cor. 10:6 not lust as th. iflso 1. Gal. 5:lTflesh /. against the Sp. ■Jam. 4:5 spirit in ns /. to envv Rev. 18:14 fruits thv soul /. after LUSTIXG. A'ttOT. 11:4 mixed multit. fell a I. LUSTS. Jilark 4:19 /. of things oho. word .John 8:44 /. of father ye will do Rom. 6:12 sho. obey in /. thereof 13:14 no provision, to fulfil /. Gal. 5:24 crucified flesh with I. Eph. 2:3 conversa. in /. of flesh 4:22 corrupt accord, to deceit. I. 1 Tim. 6:9 foolish and hurtful /. 2 Tim. 2:22 flee youthful /. 4:3 after o^vn /. heap teachers Tit. 2:12 that denying worldly?. 3:3 divers /. and pleastu'es .Jam. 4:1 hence, even of j-onr /. ? 3 may consume it on your /. 1 Pet. 1:14 according to former I. 2:11 you abstain fr. fleshly /. 4:2 no longer live to /. of "men 2 Pet. 2:18 allure thro' /. of flesh ■Jude 16 complain, walk, after /. 18 walk after their ungodly /. LUSTY. Jud. 3:29 slew 10,000 men, all /. LUZ. Gen. 28:19 : 48:3 : Jud. 1:23 LYCAONIA. Acts 14:6, 11 LYDDA. Acts 9:32. 35, .38 LYDXA. Ezek. .30:5 ; Acts 16:14,40 LYIXG. Ps. 31:6 I have hated them that regard /. vanities. IS let /. lips be put to silence .52:3 lovest /. rather than right. 59:12 cursing and /. they speak 109:2 spoken with /. tongue 119:29 remove tr. me way of/. 163 I hate and abhor /. but thy 120:2 deliver iny soul fr. /. lips Prov. 6:17 proud look, a /. long. 10:18 hatred with /. lips is fool 12:19 /. tongue is for a moment 22 /. lips abomination to the L. 13:5 a righteous man hateth /. 17:7 do /. lips become a prince 21:6 treas. by /. tongue vanity 26:28/. tongue hat. those afflict. Is. 30:9 rebellious peo. /. childr. 32:7 wicked devices, /. words 59:13 in /. against the Lord ■ler. 7:4 trust ye not in /. words 8 behold, ye trust in /. words 29:23 spo. /. words in my name Ezek. 13:6 vanity and /. divina. 19 /. to my peo. that hear lies Dan. 2:9 ye" have prep. /. words nos. 4:2 swearing,/, and killing .Ton. 2:8 observe/, vanities forsa. Eph. 4:25 put. away /. sp. trutli 2 Thes. 2:9 whose coming is wi. /. LYL\G. Ex. 2.3:5 ass of him hateth th. /. Po. 139:3 my path and /. down Is. Se-.IO /. down, lov. to slumber Luke 2:12 babe /. in manger, 16 .John 13:25 /. on Jesus' breast 20:5 he saw the linen clothes /. 7 napkin not /. \vi. lin. clothes LYI\G spirit. 1 K. 22:22 a /. spi. in the mouth of prophets, 2 air. 18:21 23 Lord hath put a /. spirit in prophets, 2 Chr. 13:22 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 935 MAD LYING in wait. Jud. 10:9 th. were men I. in w. Lam. 3:10 as a bear I. in wait Acts 20:19 by I, in wait of Jews 23:16 heard of their l. in wait LYIIVG with. Gen. 34:7 I. with Jacob's claugh. JVum. 31:17 linown man by I. to. 18 not Icn. /. 35 ; Jud. 21:13 Z>eut. 22:22 man found/, w. worn. LTSANIAS. LuA-e 3:1 LYSIAS. Acis23:-2I^ LYSTRA. Acts 14:6, 8 : 16:1, 2: 2 Tim. 3:11 M. MAACHAH. 9en.2%:2i;%Sam. 8:3; 1 C'Ar. 3:2 MAASEIAH. 2 Chr. 28:7 Zic. slew M. Jer. 21:1 IIAATH. Lvke 3:26 MACEDONIA. ActstlJ:9 into M. 18:5; 19:21 Horn. 15:26 pleased them of M. 2 Cijr. 7:5 were come into M. 8:1 grace of God churches of M. 9:2 I boast of you to them of M. 11:9 l)rcthren from M. supplied 1 T/ies. 1:7 that believe in M. 8 4:10 brethren that are in M. MACniR. Got. 50:23; i\>. 26:29; 27:1; 32:39; .36:1; Jos, 17:1; ./!«;. 5:14; 2 Sam. 9:4; 17:27 MACIIPELAn. Gen. 23:9, 17, 19, 25:9; 49:30; 50:13 MAD. Deut. 28:.34 m. for sight of eyes ISam. 21:13 feigned himself »». 2 K. 0:11 this m. fellow to thee Ps. 102:8 they th. are m. ag. me Ec. 2:2 it is TO. of mirth 7:7oppres. malceth Wiseman »i. Is. 44:25 malceth diviners m. Jer. 25:16 be moved and be m. 23:26 man is m. put in priscm 50:38 they arc m. upon idols 51:7 theref. the nations are m. IIos. 9:7 the spiritual man is tn. John 10:20 he hath devil, is tn. Acts 12:15 said to Rh. Th. artm. 2u:ll bein" exceed, m. ag. th. 24 much learn, malce thee m. 25 I am not ?n. most noble P. 1 Cor. 14:23 not say ye are m. f MADE, meant of God, Lord., Christ. Gen. 1:31 6. saw cv. thing lie m. B:l in liken, of O. m. he him, 9:6 6:6 repent, he had m. man, 7 I have MADE. Gen. 7:4 destroy liv. sub. Ih. m. MADE hastR. Oen. 24:40 Jtebekiih m. haste Jud. 13:10 Maiioali's wife m,. h. 2 Sam. 4:4 Mephib.'s nurse m. h. Ps. 119:60 I m. h. delayed uot Lulu 19:6 Zaccheus m. h. See isnAEL, sin, known. MADE nianiroHt. Lrike 8:17 shall not be m. m. John 1:31 that he sho. be m. m. 3:21 his deeds may bo m. m. 0:3 works of Ood sho. bo in. m. Iio?n. 10:20 I was7n. 7n. to them 10:26 now is tn. ot. to nations 1 Cor. 3:13 work sluill be tn. m. 11:19 a|)i)rov('(l may be; m. m. 14:25 secri^ts of his heart m. m. 2 Cor. 4:10 J. should be m. in. 11 11:6 we have been thoro. m. in. F.ph. 5:13 apjjroved arc in. in. Col. 1:26 m. in. to his saints 2 'Dm. 1:10 nowOT. in. by (-'hrist Ihl). 9:H holiest not yet in. in. 1 .lohii, 2:19 I hey nik^ht be in. m. J!i!V. 15:4 thy jud(,'ni. are j/t. in, M\ni5 pinoo. J'is. 9:15 Joshimm, ;). 10:1,4 1 1:19 nol H elly m. p. wllli Isr. '2 Mam. 10:19 wlieu I lie servants of Iladarezer wen; sniit. th. m. p. Willi fsr. 1 Chr. 19:11) 1 A'. 22: 14 Jelioslwipliat m. peace MADK rrndy. (Int.. 43:25 they in. r. iircHcnt '111:29 .loseph in. rradij chariot 111-. 14:6 I'haraoh in. r. cimrlot Jii'l. 6: 19 (J. wont and TO. r. kid 1 Chr.'JUn lind in.r. for hulkllng /'■■'. 7:12 honl his how and in. r. Il/«. houHeoftlui L. Jot) 1.'):I5 in. mini' own ways /•?. 110:12 L. will TO. iilllleled 7':9 woo to him sirlv. with M. 16 go to confusion to. of lilols M:13ror"'ette»l the L. Ihy M. M:5 thy M. Is Ihy husliaiid ./<;•. .•13:^J lluissaltli the!.. theM. //(\i. 8:14 Is. hath forgot, his M. J/ab. •J:1S what protltetli i^-inven Itniure that hi. hath u-nivi-uf Jlel>. 11:10 builder and hi. Is Hod ^lAKKSr. Alt. 4.vn shall the clav say lo hlltt thai fa-h. II. Wliiil m.thouT Jo/Ill S:M whom hi. thou tliyn. I 10:;)!1 being a man hi. tliyself IJ. M\KKTII. /Vii/. «>:fJ oath which thoL. m. l.s'iiHi.^J:iil.. Kllleih aiulm.nltvo 1 tliu li. m. |>uur Mill m. rich 936 CIIUDEjS"'S coxcordan-ce. IMAN Is. 44:24 1 am L. th. m. all thin. Acts 9:34 Jesus C. 7n. thcc 'n-hole 1 Cor. 4:7 vrho m. thee to differ? 2 Car. 2:2 who is he th. m. plad ? ifec. 21:27 what. m. a lie, 22:15 5I.\KETII haste. Prov. 28:20 to. haste to he rich MAKIXG. Ps. 19:7 the testimony of the L. is sure, ot. wise simple M;. 12:12 of TO. books no end Mark 7:13 to. word of G. none eff. John 5:18 to. hims. equal wi. G. 2 Cor. 6:10 yet m. many rich Rih. 1:16 m. mention of you, lThe.9. 1:2; Phi/e. 4 Phil. 1:4 prayer for you, to. rcq. Jude 22haTe"compassion, m. dif. M.VRIAG, Xoun. ^ce/t. 27:16 wares of thy m. 18 MAEKEDAH. Jos. 10:10, 16, 20.23 ?IALC'nA:M. Zep. 1:5 JIALCnUS. Jb/m 18:10 MALE. Gen. 17:23 cv.to. circ. 34:15, 22, 24 Ex. 13:12 the ??;. shall be Lord's, 34:19: Lukei-.n Lex. 1:3 a to. without blemish, 10; 4:23; 22:19 7:6 every to. am. priests sh. eat Kum. 1:2 every to. by their polls 3: 15 ever}" to. from a month old 31:17 kill ev. to. am. little ones Peut. 20:13 shalt smite every in. Jud. 21:11 ye sh. destroy ev'. to. 1 K. 11:15 smitten every to. 16 ilTa/. 1:14 wh. hath in flock a to. See FE3IAI.E. MALE.CHILDRE\. Jos. 17:2 were m.-c. of Manas. MALEFACTOR, S. Luke 23:32 two to. led ^^•ith him 33 they crucitied him. and to. John 1S:30 if he were not a m. MALES. Gen. 34:25 Si. and Le'ST flew to. ir.r. 12:48 to. be circumcised 13:15 sacri. to L. all beincrTO. 23:17 thv TO. shall appear before the Lord God. Seut. 16:16 Kum. 31:7 Midianites, slew to. Zleu^. 15:19 firstling to. sanctify Jiji*. 5:4 TO. came out of Egypt 2 C'Ar. 31:10 gi. portions toaUw. MALICE. 1 Cor. 5:8 not with leaven of to. l-;:20 howbeit in m. be ye chil. Z7'A.'4:31 put awavfr. youall?;;. Col. 3:8 also put off all these, to. Tit. 3:3 sometimes livin" in to. 1 Pet. 2:1 laying aside all to. MALICIOUS. 3 John 10 ag. us with to. words MALICIOrSXESS. * i?OTO. 1:29 with unrighteous, m. 1 Pet. 2:16 for a cloak of to. M.\LIGMTY. Pom. 1:29 full of envy, mur. to. MALLOWS. Job 30:4 cut up to. by bushes MAMINIOX. J/fT'. 6:24 G. and to. i!/Z:« 16:13 Luke 16:9 frieuds of to. of unr. 11 3IA.MRE. Gen. 13:18 A. dwelt in M. 14:13 14:24 Eshcol, M. let th. portion 23:17 bcf. M. 19; 49:.30; 50:13 MAIV. Gen. 1:26 God said. Let us make TO. in our image, 27; 9:6 2:7 L. G. formed TO. of the dust 18 is not trood to. sho. be alone 25 both naked, to. and his wife 3:22 the m. is bee. as one of us 6:3 Sp. shall not strive with m. 19:8 I have two daughters wh. have not kn. to. Num. .31:35 24:65 what m. is this walketh ? J)e\it. 4:32 since day G. crcat. to. 5:24 God doth talk with to.. 8:3 TO. doth not live by bread onlv. Mat. 4:4; Lvke 4:4 20:19 tree of the field is to. life JoK. 7:14 come to. by m. 17, 18 Jud. 8:21 as m. is, so strength 9:13 wine cheercth G. and m. 16:7 weak as another to. 11. 17 1 Sam. 9:6 TO. of G. honorable to. 1(>:7 Lord seeth not as to. seeth 2 Sam. 12:7 said. Th. art the to. 10:7 come out, thon bloody to. 8 2 K. 9:11 ye know the to. ]yiAN 2 Chr. 19:6 ye judge not for to. Job 4:17 sh. to. be mo. just th. G. 7:17 what is m. that thou sho. ? magnifv liim ? 15:14 ; Ps. 8:4 ; 144:3: Heb.i:^ 9:2 how sh. to. be just wi. G. ? 10:4 or seest thou as to. seeth ? 5 are thy days as days of to. ? 11:12 vain to. would be wise 15:7 art thou first to. born? 14 wh. is m. th. he sh. be cle. ? 25:6 much less to. that is worm 32:13 G. thrusteth down, not to. 3;3:12 God is greater than ni. Ps. 56:11 not afr. wh. to. can do 78:25 TO. did eat angels' food 80:17 thy hand be on the to. 104:23 TO. goeth forth to work 118:6 not fear wh. to. can do Prov. 20:24 m.'s goings are of L. Pc. 6:11 what is to. the better? 12 kno. what is good for to. / Bos. 11:9 I am God, and not to. Mic. 6:8 show. O to. wh. is good Zee. 13:7 ag. to. that is mv fellow Mat. 19:6 what 6. ha. joined, let not TO. put asnn. Mark 10:9 26:72 I do not know the to. 74 ^fark 2:27 sab. was made for to. Luke 5:20 to. thy sins forei\-eu 1S:4 fear not G. nor regard to. 22:53 Peter said, to. I am not 60 m. I kn. not what thou say. 23:53 laid in sepulchre wherein nev. TO. was laid, John 19:41 Joltn 2:25 knew what was in to. 19:5 Pilate said, Behold the to. 1 Cor. 2:11 what 7«. knoweththe things of a 7n. f 10:13 tcmpta. as is com. to to. 11:3 head of the woman is to. 8 the TO. is not of the woman 9 but the woman for the m. 11 nor is the to. with, the wo. nor woman without the TO. 12 even so is to. by woman 15:21 by m. came death, by to. 45 first TO. Adam was made 47 first TO. is of the eai-th ; the second to. is the L. fr. hea. 2 Cor. 4:16 tho' onr outward to. perish, inward to. is renew. Gal. 1:1 not of men. nei. by to. 11 1 preached not after to. E]ih. 2:15 ma. of tw. one new to. 3:16 by his Sp. in the inner to. 4:24 ye have put on new m. Col. 3:10 put on new to. renewed 1 Tlies. 4:8 despi. not to. but G. 1 Tim. 2:5 one Mediator bet. G. and men, the to. Chr. Jesus 1 Pet. 3:4 hidden to. of the heart A MAN. Gen. 4:23 for I have slain a to. 19:.31 not a to. to come in nnto 41:-38 a to. in whom Sp. of G. is 49:6 in their anser slew a vi. 1 Sam. 13:14 L. sought him a to. 14:36 let us not leave a to. 16:17 provide me a to. can play 17:8 choose you a m. for yon 10 give me "a to. we may fight 25:17 a to. cannot speak to him 30:17 there escaped not a to. 2 Sam. 3:34 as a to. falleth before 20:1 there happened to be a tn. 1 iT. 2:2 and show thyself o TO. 4 not fail a TO. on throne, 8:25 20:39 behold, a to. turned aside 2 K. 10:21 th. was not a to. left 1 C7ir. 22:9 shall be a to. of rest 2 Chr. 6:16 not fail th. a to. 7:18 Xeh. 6:11 sho. such a to. flee? Job 2:4 all a to. ha. give for life 3:23 why is light given to a to. 4:17 a TO. be more pure th. M. ? 9:.32 he is not a to. as I am 12:14 behold, he shut, up a m. 14:14 if o TO. die. sh. heliveag. ? 16:21 O that one mi. plead for a TO. with G. as « TO. pleadeth 2-}:2 can a to. be profit, to God ? 34:29 whet. as. nation or a to. .35:8 thy wicked, may hurt a to. .37:20 if a TO. speak 38:3 gird loins like a to. 40:7 P.i. 3S:14 as a to. heareth not 55:13 it was thon, a to. equal 88:4 a to. th. hath no strength 10.5:17 he sent a to. before them 147:10 not ple^is. in lees of (Z to. Pmr. 3:30 strive not with a to. 14:12 seem, right to a to. 16:25 16:2 all ways of a to. are clean 7 when a m.'s ways please L. 27:21 so is a to. to his praise 28:12 wicked rise a to. hidden MAN Prov. 28:23 he that rebtiketh a to. 29:20 seest th. a to. th. is hasty ? Ec. 2:26 God giv. to a m. good 4:4 a m. is envied of neighbor 6:2 a m. wh. G. ha. given rich. 12 who tell a to. what sh. be ? 10:14 a TO. cannot tell wh. sh. Cant. 8:7 if a to. wonld give all Is. 6:5 a TO. of unclean lips 13:12 make a m. more prec. 17:7 at that day shall a rn. look 2S:20 a m. can stretch himself 29:21 make a to. an offender 32:2 a to. shall be a hiding pi. 47:3 I will not meet th. as a to. 53:3 he is a m. of sonows 58:5 day for o to. to afflict soul ? ■Jer. 4:29 not a to. dwell therein 5:1 seek if ye can find a Tn. 15:10 borne me a rn. of strife 16:20 shall a m. make gods ? 22:-30 a TO. that shall not prosp. 2:3:9 am. wine hath overcome .30:6 whether a m. doth travail ? 31:22 woman sh. compass a to. 33:17 D. shall never want a to. 18 nor shall priest want a to. 35:19 Jon. shaU not waufa to. 50:42 array like a to. to battle Lam. 3:26 it is good for a to. 27 good for a in. he bear yoke 39 a TO. for punishment of sins Ezek. 22:30 I sought for a in. 28:2 thou art a rn. and not G. 9 32:2 if people of land take a to. Ban. 2:10 not a to. on earth can 7:4 St. as a rn. and a m.'s heart 10:11 O Daniel, a to. beloved Hos. 9:12 shall not be a to. left 11:4 drew th. wi. cords of a to. Amos 2:7 a to. and fa. go to maid 5:19 as if a in. did flee fr. lion Mic. 2-.5 oppress a to. and house 7:0 o m.'s enemies the men of his o%vn house, 3Iaf. 10:.36 Mai. 3:17 as a to. spareth his son Mat. 8:9 am a to. und. an. Lu. 7:8 10:;i5 to set a to. at variance 12:12 is a TO. better than sheep ? 15:11 out of mouth defileth a m. 19:3 is it lawful for a. to. to put away wife? Jfark 10:2 22:24 if a TO. die. having no ch. 26:18 go into city, to such a TO. Mark 14:3 ; Luke 22:10 L'/ke 1:34 seeing I kn. not a to. 5:8 for I am o sinful to . O Lord John 1:6 a to. sent from God 30 a in. who is pref before me 3:3 exc. a m. be bom again. 5 4 can a TO. be bom when old ? 27 a TO. can receive nothing 4:29 come, see a to. which told 7:23 because I made a to. 8:40 a in. that hath told yon 9:11 a TO. called Jes. made clay 16 can a to. do such miracles"? 10:3:3 being a m. niak. thyself G. 14:23 if a to. love me 16:21 for joy that a to. is bom Act-^ 2:22 J. a to. approved of G. 10:26 I myself am also a to. 13:22 D. a to. after my heart 41 though a TO. declare to you 16:9 there stood a to. of Maced. 21:39 I am a to. who am a Jew Pom. 2:21 a to. sh. not steal 22 a TO. sho. not commit adnl. 3:5 I sp. as a in. 7:1 dominion 1 Cor. 9:8 say I th. thin, as a to. 11:7 a in. otight not cover head 28 let a to. examine himself 13:11 wh. a to. put away child. 2 Cor. 2:6 sufficient to such a to. 8:12 according to that a in. ha. 12:2 I knew a to. in Christ. 3 4 not lawful for a to. to utter Gal. 2:16 a to. not justified 6:1 a TO. be overtaken in fault 3 it am. think himself some Phil. 2:8 found in fash, as a to. 1 Tim. 1:8 if a to. use it lawfully 3:1 if a to. desire office ofbish. 5 if a TO. know not how to rule 2 Tim. 2:5 if a to. strive 21 if (7 TO. theref. purgehimse. Jam. 1:23 like am. beholding 2:2if th. come a to. with rlnsr 14 thou, a TO. say. he hath fai. 18 a TO. say. Thou hast faith 24 bv works a to. is justified 1 /V/. 2:19 if n to. for conscience 2 Pet. 2:19 of wh. a m. is overc. 1 -Tohn 4:20 if a to. say. I love G. Eev. 4:7 beast had a face as a to. Any MAi\. Gen. 24:16 nor had a. m. kn. her MAN E.v. 24:14.if a. to. have matters 34:3 nor let a. to. be seen thro' 24 nor shall any to. desire land Xum. 6:9 if any m. die suddenly 21:9 if serpent had bitten a. to. Deut. 19:11 if any in. hate neigh. 22:8 if any to. fall from thence Jos. 1:5 not a. to. be able to sta. Jud. 4:20 if any to. inquire. Is there any to. here ? 16:17 and be like a. other m. 18:7 no business with a. to. 28 1 Sam. 2:16 a. to. said. Fail not 2 Sam. 15:5 wh. a. to. came nigh 19:22 sh. a. to. be put to death 21:4 nor for ns sh. th. kill a. to. 1 K. 8:38 if supplication be made by any to. 2 Clir. 6:29 2 K. 4:29 meet a. to. salnte h. n. 2 Chr. 6:5 nor chose I anv to. Neh. 2:12 nor told I a. TO.'wh. G. Job 32:21 not accept any m. Pror. 30:2 more brutish th. a. m. Is. 52:14 more marred th. a. m. Jer. 44:26 in mouth of any to. Ezek. 9:6 come not near anym. Pan. 6:7 ask petition of o. m. 12 Mat. 5:40 if any to. sue thee 11:27 nor know. a. to. the Fat. 12:19 nor sh. a. to. hear voice 16:24 if any to. will come after me, Luke 9:23 21:3 if a. TO. sav aught to you Mark 11:3 ; Luke 19:31 22:16 nor carest thou for a. to. 46 nor durst any m. fr. th. day 24:23 if any to. say, Lo here i3 Christ. Mark 13:21 Mark 1:44 say nothing to a. to. 4:23 Ha. TO.hath ears to hear, 7:16; Sei.l3:9 5:4 neit. could a. to. tame him 9:30 not that a. to. sho. know it Luke 14:26 i( a. to. come to me 19:8 taken any thing from a. in. Jolin 4:33 hath «. to. bro. anght 6:46 not th. a. to. hath seeri"P. 51 Many to. eat of this bread 7:17 if a. TO. do his will know 37 a. TO. thirst, let him come 10:9 by me if any to. enter in 11:57 if a. m. knew wh. he were 12:26 if flnv to. serseme 47 if any to. hear my words 16:30 not that a. to. should ask Acts 19:.38 a matter ag. any to. 27:22 be no loss of a. m.'s life Pom 8:9 if a. TO. ha. not S. of C. 1 Cor. 3:12 if a. to. build on fon. 14 a. TO. work ; 15 work burnt 18 if a. TO. am. you seem, wise 8:2 if a. to. among yon think 3 a. TO. love God. 11:34 hunger 10:28 if a. TO. say this is offered 16:22 if a. to. love not the L. J. 2 Cor. 5:17 '\iany to. be in Chr. 10:7 Many to. trust to himself 12:6 lest a. to. sho. think of me Gal. 1:9 if a. to. pre. other gosp. Eph. 2:9 lest any to. should boa. 1 Thes. 5:15 for evil to any to. 2 Thes. 3:8 nor eat a. m.'i bread Ueb. 4:11 a. to. fall after same 10:.38 bnt if any to. draw back 12:15 a. to. fail of grace of God Jam. 1:13 nor tempteth any to. 1 Pet. 4:11 if an!/ to. speak 1 John 2:1 if a. to. sin, ha. advo. 15 if any m. love the world 27 need not that any to. teach Per. .3:20 if a. to. hear mv voice 22:18 if a. to. add to these thin. 19 if an!/ TO. take away words See BEAST. BLESSED. CTKSED. M.\X-CHiLD. Gen. 17:10 TO. -<7. be circumc. 12 14 nncircumc. m.-c. be cut off Lev. 12:2 if wom. ha. borne m.-c. 1 Sam. 1:11 give to handm. m.-c. Job 3:3 it was said. There is a m.-c. conceived, Jer. 20:15 Is. 6ti:7 deliv. of m.-c. Eev. 12:5 Per. 12:13 wom. bro. forth m.-c. See EACH. Every M.41V. Gen. 16:12 his hand be ag. e. to. 45:1 cause e. to. to go out Deut. 16:17 e. TO. give as able 2 Sam. 13:9 they went out e. m. Phil. 2:4 look not e. to. on his See EVTL, FOOLISH. MAN of God. De^tt. a3:l M. to. of G. Jos. 14:6 Jud. 13:6 TO. of G. came to me 1 Sam. 2:27 am. of G. to Eli 9:6 there is in city a to. of G. CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 937 MAN 1 Sam. 9:7 not a pr. to br. m. of G 1 K. 12:22 Shera. the m. of G. 13:1 came m. of G. out Jiidah JiB m. of G. who was disobcd. 17:18 do with thee, O to. of G. ? 24 that thou art m. of G. 20:28 there came a. m. of God 2 K. 1:9 TO. of G. king said. 11 1.3 O m. ofG. let my life be 4:16 thou TO. of God, do not lie 40 O TO. of 0. death in pot 42 brought TO. o/" God bread .5:14 accord, to gaying m. of G. 0:10 to place m. of Q. told liim 7:2 lord answered ?«. of G. 19 17 people trod on to. of G. 18 8:2 after the saying of m. of G. 1m. of God ; to. of God wept 8 and go meet the m. of God 13:19 TO. of G. wroth with him 23:16 to word which to. of God 17 it is sepulchre of to. of God 1 C'Ar. 23:14 concern. M. the m. of G.'i, CAr. .30:16; Ezr. 3:2 2 Clir. 8:14 D. the ot. of G. Neh. 12:24, 36 25:7 came a.m. of G. to Amaz. 'im. of G. answered, the Lord Jer. 35:4 son of Igda. a to. of G. 1 7'iTO. 6:11 Om.ofG. flee these 2 Tim. 3:17 to. gf ff. be perfect. See GOOD. Mighty MAN. Jwti. 6:12 L. is with thee, m. m. 11:1 Jephthah was a to. to. lliith 2:1 N. had kinsman m. m. 1 /Soto. 9:1 Kish a Benj. to. to. 16:18 David to. to. 2 Ham. 17:10 1 A'. 11:28 Jeroboam was to. to. 2 K. 5: 1 Naaman was a to. to. 1 C'hr. 12:4 Ismaiah a to. to. 30 2 67tr. 17:17 Eliada to. to. of val. 28:7Zichri, to. to. of Ephraim Job 22:8 as to. to. he had earth Pii. 3.3:16 TO. TO. not deliv. by str. .52:1 boast, in mischief, to. m. 78:65 L. awaked like a to. to. 127:4 arrows in hand of to. to. Is. 3:2 L. doth take away to. to. 5:15 TO. TO. shall be humbled 31:8 fall wi. sw. not of a to. to. 42:13 L. go forth as a m. to. J«r. 9:23 nor let the to. to. glory 14:9 shouldest be as a to. to. 46:6 to. to. escape; 12 stumbled Zep. 1:14 TO. TO. shall cry l)itterly Zee. 9:13 as sword of a to. to. 10:7 Eph. shall be like a to. to. IVo MAIV. Oen. 31:.50 no m. is with us 41:44 with, thee reo to. lift hand £'j:. 16:19 let iw to. leave of it 29 let no TO. go out of his place 22:10 driv. away, nom. seeing 3;J:20 no to. sh. see me and live 34:3 no to. r1i. come up wi. thee Nam. ,5:19 if /w m. ha. lain with />««(;. 7:24 no to. able to st. 11:25 84:6 no m. know, his sepulchre JoK. 23:9 n/> m. hath been able Jiid. 11:39 .1. daugh. knew vwm. 21:12 virgins th. had kno. nom. 1 A'aTO. 2:9 l)y stre. nxj to. pr(!vall 26:12 no to. saw nor knew it 1 K. 8:46 for there is no m. that Binneth not, 2 (7Ar. 6:i!6 2 /r. 7:5 was no to. in camp, 10 2;3:181et no m. move his 1)oui'H 1 C'hr. 16:21 he; suffered no m. Id do them wrong, Pn. 10.5:14 JF/f/. 5:12 qucciu let no to. come 8:8 nom. reverse : 9:2 withstand Jo/) 1 1:3 /WTO. make theeaslia. J 211:21 nom. look for liis goods 21:22 no m. is sure of liis life 38:26 wli. no to. is, wlier. no m. Ph. 22:6 I am worm, and no to. 142:4 llK^rc was no m. Is. 41:28 ; 59:16 j.Ar. 4:25 Pivv. 1:24 and no m. regarded Kc. 8:8 no m. ha. i>o\v(^r ov<'r sp. 9:1 nom. know, love or lialrcd U. 9:19 no in. slmll span; bro. 21:10 /(« TO. coHK! ; !i;i:8 regnr in. layclh IMo hea. Jer. 12: 1 1 60:15 HO m.. went llirongli thh. 5:6 no to. decei. 2 Thes. 2:3 29 no m. ever hated own flesh 2 Tim. 4:16 first ans. no to. stood Ti(. 3:8 to speak evil of no to. I/efj. 5:4 no m. taketh this honor 12:14 without whi. no to. see L. Jam. 3:8 tongue can no to. tnnu) llcv. 2:17 a mime no m. knoweth 3:7 shutteth, andnoTO. oi)eneth 8 no TO. shut it ; 11 t;ikecrown 5:3 no to. able to open book, 4 13:17 no to. might buy or sell 14:3 110 TO. could learn that song 15:8 110 TO. abk^ to enter temple 19:12 a name writ. iw in. knew or MAIV. 2 Sam. 7:19 is th. mannero/'TO. ? Proi). 30:19 way ofm. wi. maid Kc. 12:13 whole duty ofm. Jtev. 13:18 the number o/" a m. 21:17 according tomeus.Q^am. See OLD. * One MAN. Gen. 42:11 are all o. in. sons, IS A'//TO. 14:15 tlio. kill peo. aso.7«. 31:49 there lacketh not one in. Jo.i. 28:10 o. TO. sh. chase tlious. J lid. 20:1 cong. galtiiT. as o. m. 8 all the ])eoplo arose as o, m. 2 Sum. 19:1'« as heart of o. to. ICc. 7:28 0. TO. am. a Ihou.sand /.v. 4:1 sev. worn, take hold 0. in. John 11:.50 o. TO. dioforp(U). 18:11 Itom. 5:12 by o. in. sin ent. wor. 15 which IS by one. m. Jesus 17 by 0. TO. olii'nee diMilh reig. 19 as by one in. disobi'dieiicc^ 14:5 one in. (•sle<'melli one day 1 Tim. 5:9 huv. l)efm. ha. not where to lay his head, Luke 9:58 9:6 S. ofm. ha. power to forgi. sins, Mark 2:10; Lulce 5:24 10:23 not gone, S. ofm. come 11:19 S. ofm. came, Luke 7::34 12:8 S. of TO. is Lord even of sab. Mark 2:28 ; Lvke 6:5 32 whosoever speaketh against Son ofm. Luke 12:10 40 S. ofm. 3 days and nights 13:37 sow. good seed is S. ofm. 41 S. qfm. send forth angela 16:13 say that I, (S'. ofm. am V 17:9 S. ofm. be risen, Mark 9:9 22 ; Luke 21:21 44 in such hour as ye think not ».«»«. or fool 7:7 oppression mak. «'. tn. mail S:l who is as iiiwm. who kno. 5 a icl.ic in.'s heart diseernelh 17 tlio' a ir. in. tliiiik toknow 9:15 found in it a poor trl,ie m. 10:2 IV. tn.'s heart at right hand 13 words of a nine in. grnoions ./<;•. 9:12 w. in. they may mule. J 23 let not h/.mi in. gl. In wlsd. .l/i(^ 7:21 liken hini loa iv. in. I (or. 6:5 not a iv. in. am. you Jam. 3:13 who Is a iv. in. eiulueil MAN, »'l//i womnn. (I'lii. 3:12 m. mhl, 'I'lie inn 211:3 (lead in. for «'. Is m.'s w Ifo Kc. 'M:ti let no hi. nor ic. work lir. 1,^:18 w. will) wli. hi. hIihII 3:1 an IsHiUMif tile HI. and w. 20:27 HI. or I/', hath niiiillliir Dp. .\'((Hi. ti:2 HI. or u: neparale 31:17 kill icoiniiii fliat liutll kiio. in. Jiiit. 21:11 /Vl<^ 17:5 bring hi. or ir. Kl, Hi. 22:.^ HI. not wear lliiil perlalii. Ill HI. nor nu put oit w."* i^aruiout 938 CRUDE^'S CONCORDANCE. MAN Deut. 22:22 m. found lying with w. both m. th. lay with the w. and w. 1 Sam. 15:3 slay both m. and w. 27:9 left neither ?». nor w. alive 1 C/j)'. 16:3 dealt to m. and t«. 2 CAr. 15:13 not seek L. m. or w. Jcr. 44:T cut off m. w. and child. 51:22 break in pieces 711. and w. 1 Cor. 11:3 head of the w. is in. 7 woman is the glory of the to. 8 TO. is not of ^o.^biit w. of m. 11 nor is m. without w. in L. 12 as w. is of ?/i. so is m. by ?«. 1 y'm. 5:16 any to. orw.'ha. wi. Young MAN. Gen. 4:23 slain y. m. to my hurt 18:7 Abraham gave it to a y. m. 41:13 there was with us a y. m. Num. 11:27 ran y. m. and to. M. Beut. 32:25 des. y. m. and virgin Jud. 17:12 y. m. bee. his priest 1 Sam. 9:2 S. was a choice y. m. 17:58 whose sou art thou, y. m. 30:13 I am yo>in(j m. of Egypt 2 Sam. 1:5 said to young m. 13 14:21 bring y. m. Absal. again 18:5 deal gently with the y. m. 29 is y. m. Absalom safe ? 32 32 enemies of lord be as y. m. 1 K. 11:28 Solomon seeing y. m. 2 K. 6:17 L. opened eyes of y. m. 9:4 the y. m. went to Ramoth 1 Chr. 12:28 Zadok, a young m. 8 Chr. 36:17 no compas. on y. m. Ps. 119:9 sh. y. m. cleanse way ? Piw. 1:4 to y. m. knowledge 7:7 y. m. void of miderstanding M;. 11:9 rcj. O y. m. in youth Is. 62:5 as y. m. marrieth virgin Jer. 51:22 break y. ?n. and maid Mat. 19:20 young m. said Mark 14:51 follow, certain y. m. 16:5 y. OT. sitting on riglit side Luke 7:14 y. m. I say to thee Acts 7:58 clothes at y. jn.'s feet 20:9 there sat in window a y. m. 23:17 bring y. m. to captain, 18 22 captain lot the y. m. depart MANAEN'. Acts 13:1 MAX ASS EH. Gen. 41:51 called first-bom M. 48:5 two sons M. and Eph. 20 2 K. 20:21 M. reign. 2 C7tr. 32:33 21:9 M. seduced th. to do ev. 16 24:3 sins of M. this came upon 2 C7ir. 33:11 M. among thorns 13 M. knew that Lord was G. Fs. 60:7 M. mine, 80:3: 108:8 Is. 9:21 a. shall eat Ephraim Tribe of MAXASSBH. mim. l:;35of tribe o/M. 32,200 Jos. 4:12 the half t. of M. passed 13:7 and half tribe of M. 17:1 lot for M. 20:8; 22:10 1 CTir. 5:18 half t. II. 6:70; 12:.31 26:32 G. ha\t tribe ofM. 27:21 Sev. 7:6 t. o/M. sealed 12,000 MWDRARES. Gen. 30:14 Reuben found m. 15 wouldest take my son's ?n. ? he sh. lie wi. thee fors.'s m,. 16 hired thee with my son's m. Cant. 7:13 m,. give a smell MAJSTEH. EzeTc. 45:12 3IAXGER. Luke 2:7 and laid him in a m. 12 shall find him lying in m. 16 found the babe lying in m. MAiVIFBST. Ec. 3:18 with that God might m. them John\i^:i\ m. myself to him 22 m. thyself to us Acts 4:K miracle m. to all at J. Rom. 1:19 kn. of G. is m. in th. 1 Cor. 4:5 m,. counsels of hearts 15:27 it is m. he is excepted 2 Cor. 2:14 makes m. the savor Gal. 5:19 works of flesh are m. PIdl. 1:13 bonds in Christ are m. Col. 4:4 that I may make it m. 2 T/i£s. 1:5 a m. token of righte. 1 Tim. 3:16 God was ot. in flesh 5:35 good works of some are m. 2 Tim. 3:9 body be m. to all m. Helj. 4:13 no creat. that is not m. 1 Pet. 1:20 was ni. in these times 1 John 3:10 children of G. are m. See MADE. MAIVIFESTATIOIV. Sam. 8:19 for m. of sous of God 1 Cor. 12:7 m. of S. giv. to man 2 Cor. 4:2 m. of truth commend. MAN MAMFESTED. Mark 4:22 hid wh. sh. not be m. John 2:11 and m. forth his glory 17:6 jn. thy name unto men Mom. 3:21 righteous, of G. is m. Tit. 1:3 in due time m. his word 1 John 1:2 life m. we have seen 3:5 tn. to take away our sins 8 for this piu-p. was S. of G. m. 4:9 in this was m. love of God MAMFESTLY. 3 Cor. 3:3 ni. declared to be epi. iMANIFOLD. Ne7i. 9:19 in ?n. mercies forsook. 27 7n. mercies gavest them Ps. 104:24 how m. are works Amos 5:12 I kn. your to. transg. Luke 18:30 not receive m. more Eph. 3:10 knowm m. \visd. of G. 1 Pet. 1:6 through m. temptatio. 4:10 stewards of ?«. grave of G. MAXRIXD. Lev. 18:22 shall not lie with to. 20:13 man lie with to. as worn. Jot) 12:10 in hand breath of ??!.. 1 Tim. 1:10 law of them defile 7». Jam. 3:7 hath been tamed of m. MAXXA. Ex. 16:15 they said, It is m. 35 Israel did eat to. 40 years Num. 11:6 noth. besides this to. 7 m. was as coriander-seed 9 fell on camp. to. foil on it Deut. 8:3 fed thee with m. 16; AWi. 9:20; Ps. 78:24 Jos. 5:12 TO. ceased, no more John 6:31 fathers did eat m. 49 58 not as fathers did eat to. Heb. 9:4 golden pot that had to. Rev. 2:17 to eat of hidden to. MAXXER. Gen. 25:23 two m. of peo. sepa. Ex. 1 :14 bitter in to. of seirice 12:16 no to. of work done in th. 22:9 7». of trespass, to. of lost 31:3 TO. ofworkmansh. 5; 35:.31, 33, 35 ; 36:1 ; 1 Chr. 28:21 Lev. 5:10 ofl'er. ac. to to. Nu. 9:14 33:31 ye shall do no m. of work 24:23 one m. of \a.vi Num. 15:6 Num. 5:13 she be taken with to. 28:18 do no to. of servile work Deut. 4:15 no to. of similitude 15:2 this is to. of the release 27:21 lieth wi. any to. of beast Ruth 4:7 this to. in former time 1 Sam. 8:9 show to. of king. 11 10:25 Samuel told TO. of kingd. 21:5 bread is in a m. common 2 Sam. 7:19 is this to. of man? 3 /r. 1:7 what to. of man ? 11:14 stood by pillar, as m. was 17:26 know not m. of G. of land 1 Chr. 23:29 for all to. of meas. Est. 1:13 king's to. towards all Ps. 107:18 abhor, all to. of meat Ca«(!. 7:13 all to. of pleas, fruits /s. 5:17 lambs feed after their to. Jer. 22:21 this hath been thy ?;i. />«». 6:23 no to. of hurt found .!/«<. 4:23 heal, all to. sickn. 10:1 5:11 say all to. of e\\\ ag. you 8:27 what to. of man is this, Mark 4:41 ; i;/i-« 8:25 12:31 all m. of sin forg. to men Mark 13:1 see what to. of ston. Luke 1:29 what ?«. of salutation 66 what m. of child sh. th. be ? 7:39 what 7?i. of woman this 9:55 know not wh. vi. of spirit 24:17 what to. of communicat. ? John 19:40 as to. of J. is to bury Acts 17:2 Paul, as his to. was 20:18 know wh. to. I have been 22:3 according to perfect to. 25:10 it is not m. of Romans 26:4 my to. of life from youth 2 Cor. 7:9 son-y after godly to. 1 Thes. 1:5 ye kn. what to. of m. 9 what TO. of entering in we 2 Tim. 3:10 kno\ra my to. of life Heb. 10:25 as the to. of some is Jam. 1:34 forge, what to. of man 1 Pet. 1:11 wh. TO. of time the S. 15 holy in all to. of conversa. 2 Pet. 3:11 what to. of persons 1 John 3:1 behold what to. of love i?ey. 11:5 in this to. be killed 22:2 which bare 12 to. of fruits After the MAIVIVER. Gen. 18:11 with S. a. m. of worn. 19:31 come in unto us a. t. to. Jud. 18:7 a. the m. of Zidonians Is. 10:24 a. t. TO. of E. 26; A7n. 4:10 Ezek. 20:.30 polluted a. to. of fat. 23: 15 a. tlie m. of Babylonians MAN Ezek. 23:45 a. <^e to. of adulter. •7o/t)i 2:6 a. them, of purifying J. Acts 15:1 circumcised a. t. to. M. Rom. 6:19 I speak a. the to. of men, 1 Cor. 15:32; Gal. 3:15 1 Cw. 11:25 a. same to. he took Gal. 2:14 a. iAe to. of Gentiles After this MAXXER. Mat. 6:9 c/?e?' i/iis to. pray ye 1 Cor. 7:7 one a. this m. and an. See LIKE. MAXXERS. Lev. 20:23 not waUi in to. of nat. 2 A'. 17:.34 do after former 7n. Ezek. 11:12 after TO. of heathens Acts 13:18 40 years sufi'. their tn. 1 Cor. 15:33 ev. com. co. good 7n. Heb. 1:1 God in divers to. spake MAJSTGAH. Jud. 13:8, CI ; 16:31 MAXSIOXS. Joh)i 14:2 in Fa.'s ho. many to. MAXTLE, S. J;/^. 4:18 Jael cov. Sis. with to. 1 Sam. 28:14 covered with a to. 1 7f. 19:13 Elijah wrapped in m. 19 El. cast his to. upon Elisha 2 if. 2:8 Elijah took to. smote 13 Elisha took Elijah's m. 14 Ezr. 9:3 I he. th. I rent my to. 5 Job 1:20 Job arose and rent to. 2:12 they rent every one his to. Pit. 109:29 confusion, as with 7n. Is. 3:22 1 will take away the to. MANY. Gen. 17:4 thou sh. be a father of TO. nations, 5 ; Rom. 4:17, 18 37:3 a coat of to. colors, 23, 32 Ex. 19:21 gaze, and m. perish Num. 13:18 wlieth. be few or to. 25:56 pos. divided between 7n. 35:8 from them have to. cities Deut. 15:6 to to. nati(ras, 28:12 31:17 TO. evils shall befall, 21 1 Satn. 14:6 save by to. or few 1 K. 4:20 Judah and Is. wcrewi. 7:47 they were exceedinjj to. 2 CAr. 14:11 no. to help with to. A'f A. 7:2 he feared God above m. 13:26 among TO., nations no king Ps. 3:1 TO. are they that rise up 2 be ?n. that say of my soul, 4:6 25:19 mine enemies are 7n. 50:2 32:10 TO. sor. shall be to wicked 34:19 TO. are afllictions of right. 40:3 TO. sh. see it and fear 55:18 for there werewj. with me Prov. 4:10 years of thy life be to. 10:21 lips of.righteous feed to. 14:20 the rich hath to. friends 19-4 wealth maketh ?rt. friends Ec. 11:8 days of darkness be to. Is. 53:12 he bare the sin of to. Jer. 42:3 are left but few of to. 40:16 he made to. to full Lam. 1:22 for my sighs are to. Ezek. 33:24 we are m. land gi\-en Dan. 12:4 TO. sh. run to and fro Mat. 7:13 7n. there be that go 22 TO. wiU say in that daj-, L. 8:11 TO. sh. come from east and 13:58 did not to. mighty works 19::M TO. first be last, Mark 10:31 20:16 TO. called, few chos. 22:14 24:5 TO. sh. co. in my name and sh. dec. TO. Mark 13:0 ; iwic 21:8 12 love of TO. shall was cold 26:28 my blood shed for m. Luke 1:16 to. sh. he turn to Lord 2:34 fall and ris. of 7?j. in Israel 4:25 TO. widows; 27 7n. lepers 7:47 her sins jn. are forgiven John 6:9 are they among so to. .? 60 ?n. of his disciples said, 66 21:11 for all so to. net not brok. Acts 9:13 I have heard by m. 19:19 TO. bro. books and burnt 2():10 7n. of saints did I shut up Rom. 5:15 off. of one to. be dead 19 TO. made sin. »i. made righ. 12:5 be. to. are one body in Ch. 1 Cor. 1:20 not to. wise, not to. 4:15 yet have ye not to. fathers 8:5 there be gods to. lords to. 10:5 with to. G. was not pleased 17 we being to. are one bread a3 profit of TO. that they be sa. 11:30 for this cause to. weak 12:14 not one member, but to. 2 Cor. 1:11 thanks be giv. by to. 6:10 as poor, yet mak. to. rich Gal. 1:14 and profited above m. 3:16 and to seeds, as of to. Phil. 3:18 to. walk of wh. I told Heb. 2:10 bring 7/i. sons to glory MAR Heh. 7:23 they truly were to. pr. 9:28 Christ once bear sins of 7/j. 11:12 sprang of one so in. stars Jam. 3:1 my brethren, be not m. After M.AXY. Ex. 23:2 speak in a cause to de- cline after to. As MAXY as. Jud. 3:1 as to. as had not known 2 Sam. 2:23 as m. as came to pi. 2 CAr. 29:31 a* to. a« of free hea. Jfat. 22:9 as to. a.s ye find bid Mark 6:56 asm. as touched him Luke 11:8 as to. a« he needeth John 1:12 ow to. a« received him Acts 3:.39 to as to. a« L. shall call 3:24 as to. as ha. spoken foreto. 5:11 fear ca. on as to. as heard 36 as TO. as obeyed him, 37 13:48 as m. as ordained to life Rom. 2:12 as to. as have sinned 8:14 as m. as are led by Sp. of Gal. 3:10 as to. as are of works 6:12 as 771. as desire to make 16 as 7n. as walk to this rule Phil. 3:15 let as TO. as be perfect Col. 2:1 as m. as not seen my fa. 1 Tiin. 6:1 asm. servants as are Per. 2:34 os ?». as have not this 3:19 as m. as 1 love I rebuke 13:15 as m. as wo. not worship See BELIEVED, DATS, HOW. MAXY people. Ex. 5:5 p. of the land are m Deut. 2:21^. great and 7n. Jud. 7:2 p. too to. for ; 4 too m. i Sam. 1:4 TO. of the j?. are fallen Ezr. 10:13 p. are to. time of riii.i Est. 8:17 TO. p. of land bee. Jews Is. 2:3 TO. peopU shall go 17:12 woe to multitude of to. p. Ezek. 3:6 not to to. p. of strange 17:9 wither with. to. p. to pluck 32:9 I will vex nearts of to. p. 10 I will make 7n. p. amazed 38:9 and to. p. with thee. 15 Mic. 4:3 he shall judge am. to. p. 13 Shalt beat in pieces tn. j). 5:7 remnantof J. amidst to. p. Zee. 8:22 m. p. come and sei k L. Rev. 10:11 must prop. bef. 7«. jj. M.AXY things. ■Job 23:14 7/1. such i. are wi. him Ec. 6:11 TO. <. that incr. vanity Is. 42:20 seeing 771. t. but obscrv. Mat. 13:3 spake to. <. in parables 10:21 and 6uft"er7?j. thiiir/s, Mark 8:31 : 9:12 ; Luke 9:22 ; 17:25 25:21 ruler over 7/1. things 27:19 I have sulfered m. things Mark 0:20 he did m. t. and heard Luke 10:41 troubled about to. t. John 8:20 have to. <. to say, 10:12 21:25 m. other ^ wh. Jesus did Acts 26:9 that I ought to do m. t. Gal. 3:4 suffer, so m. t. in vain J Heb. 5:11 we have to. <. to say ./a)ft. 3:2 in to. <. we offend all 2 John 12 having to. things to ^\Tite to you,'3 Jb/»i 13 MAXY a time, s. 1 K. 22:10 how to. <. I adj. thee? Nell. 9:28 7?i. times didst thou de- liver them, Ps. 106:43 P.>\ 78:38 7?i. a t. turned anger 129:1 m. a t. they afflicted me, 2 See WATEBS. ai.IXY years. Lev. 25:51 if th. be to. y. behind Ezr. 5:11 house builded to. y. Neh. 9:30 7ti. years didst forbear Ec. 6:3 if a man live 771. 2/tars 11:8 if a man live to. y. and rej. ij;. 32:10 7?!. days and y. troubled Ezek. 38:17 wh. prophesied m. y. Zee. 7:3 weep as I done th. m. y. Luke 12:19 goods laid up m. y. 15:29 these to. y. do I serve Acts 24:10 been to. J(. a judge 17 after to. y. I came to Kring Rom. 15:23 desire m. y. to come MAR. TyCV. 19:27 nor m. com. of heard i?«('A 4:6 lest I to. owu Inherit. 1 Sani,. 6:5 mice that m. the land 2 A'. 3:19 m. good piece of land Job 30:13 they ?«. my path, they Jer. 13:9 thus I m. pride of Jud. MARRED. Is. 52:14 his visage was so m. Jer. 13:7 girdle m. 1S:4 vcs. m. Xah. 2:2 and 771. vine branches Mark 2:22 the bottles will be m. JLVR.V. Ruthl-.W crudejS-'s concordance. 939 MAR MARAH. Ex. 15:23 drink of wat. of M. Num. 33:8 3 days, pitched in M. MARAiV-ATHA. 1 Cot. 16:22 him be anath. to. MARBLE. 1 Chr. 29:2 prepared m. in abun. E^t. 1:6 silver rings, pill, of m. Canl. .'5:15 his legs as pill, of m. Um. 18:13 ves. of to. no man buy. MARCH. Ps. 68:7 didst to. thro' ■wildem. Jer. 46:22 shall to. with army Joel 2:7 shall to. ev. one his ways Sab. 1:6 to. thro' breadthof land 3:12 thou didst m. through land MARCHED, ST. Ex. 14:10 Egypt, to. after them Jud. 5:4 thou to. earth trembled MARCUS. Col. 4:10 M. sister's son to Bam. PhUe. 24 M. saluteth, \Pet. 5:13 MARK. Acts 12:12 John, snmam. M. 25 15:39 took M. sailed to Cyprus 2 Tim. 4:11 take M. bring him MARK, Substantive. Oen. 4:15 L. set a to. upon Cain 1 Sam. 20:20 as tho' I shot at to. Job 7:20 why set me as a in. ag. thee? 16:12; Lam. 3:12 .EfeeS. 9:4 a ?«. on men that sigh Phil. 3:14 press tow. to. for prize Rev. 13:16 caused all to rec. a to. 17 none buy, save that had to. 14:9 any man rec. m. in foreh. 11 whosoever recciveth his to. 15:2 over image, and over his to. 10:2 on them had to. of beast 19:20 deceived them that rec. TO. 20:4 nor his to. they liv. wi. Ch. MARK, Verb. Puth 3:4 thou shalt to. the place \K. 20:7 TO. how this man seek. 22 TO. and see what thou doest Jol) 18:2 TO. and we will speak 21:5 TO. me and be astonished 33:.31 TO. well, O.J. heark. to me Ps. "Al'.'Al TO. the perfect man 48:13 TO. well her bulwarks 56:6 they m. my steps 130:3 if thou sliouldcst to. iniq. Ezek. 44:5 to. entering of house Horn. 16:17 to. th. wlio cause div. Phil. 3:17 m. them who walk so M.\RKED. 1 Sam. 1:12 Eli to. her mouth Jisfi 22:15 hast thou to. old way ? 24:16 they had to. in daytime Jer. 2:22 iniquity is m. bel'o. mo 23:18 TO. his word and heard it Luke 14:7 to. flow they ch. rooms MARKS. Lev. 10:28 not print any to. C'a/. 6:17 I bear in body to. of L. MARKEST, ETH. JoT) 10:14 if I sin, then thou to. 33:11 stocks, he to. all my paths Is. 44:13 TO. it out with compass MARKET, S. Tc-z-;^. 27:13 traded in to. 17, 10,25 Mai. 11:16 children sitting in m. 20:3 others standing idle in to. 23:7 love grix'tings in tho to. X»fo 11:13; 20:46 MarkIA wlicn they comcfr. m. 12:.'J8 love sahilations in to. Xwfe 7:;^2 (-liild. sitting inwi.-jil. John 5:2 a nool by the 8hcei)-TO. Ac.Ih 16:1!) drew thcmi into m.-]). 17:17 disputed in the to. daily. MARRIAGE. Ex. 21:10 duty of to. sli. he not J'h. 7H:63 maid, not given to to. Mai. 22:2 king nuide to. for son 4 rrady, couk' unto the 711. 9 all ye llnd, bid to the to. 30 in r<>Knrn'cti(in not given In TO. Mark 12:25; /.//Av; 2(l::)5 21:38 given in to. until day N. 25:10 rc.idy wcnit wl. hhn torn. Luke 17:27 given in m. 2()::!l Jiih,ii'i:\ a TO. ill Canadf (lalllee 1 Cor. 7::!Hglvelli tier In m. JIdi. V.VA TO. Is honorable In all Jtett. 19:7 m. of l.anil) Is come 9 culled to TO. sii|iper of Lamb MARRIAGES. Clcn. 34:9 niuki: ye m. with us DiHl. 7::)ncl. hIihU IIkiii niaUoTO. Jus. 23:12 If ye mnUi^ in. MVUHY. Oen. 38:8 go to bro. wife, m. her MAR Num. 36:6 only to family of th. father's tribe shall they to. Deut. 25:5 wife of dead sh. not to. Is. 63:5 so shall thy sons to. Mat. 5:33 to. her that is divorced 19:9; MarkW.W 19:10 be so, it is not good to to. 22:24 brother shall to. his wife 30 nei. to. nor given in raarri. Mark 12:25 ; Luke 20:35 1 Cor. 7:9 cannot cont. let them TO. better to to. than to burn 36 he sinneth not, let them to. 1 Tim. 4:3 forbidding to to. and 5:11 wax wanton, they will to. 14 younger worn. to. bear chil. MARRIED. Gen. 19:14 to them th. to. daugh. Ex. 21:3 TO. wife go out wi. him Lev. 22:12 if to. to a stranger Num. 12:1 E. whom he had to. 30:3 if TO. to sons of other tribes Deut. 22:22 lying with wom. to. 1 C'/ir. 2:21 TO. wh. sixty years old Nell. 13:23 to. wives of Ashdod Prov. 30:23 odious wh. she is to. /s. 54:1 more of desolate than to. 62:4 thy land shall be to. ■Jer. 3:14 turn, for I am to. to you Mai. 2:11 to. dau. of strange god Mat. 22:25 first when he had to. i/arft 6:17 for he had to. her 10:12 TO. another com. adultery Luke 14:20 to. a' wife, can. come 17:27 they drank, they to. wives Rom. 7:3 husband liv. she be to. 1 Cor. 7:10 to the to. I command 3:j but he that is to. careth for .34 she that is to. car. for thin. 39 to be TO. to whom she will MARRIETH. Is. 02:5 as young man to. virgin Mat. 19:9 to. her is put awtty, doth com. adult. Luke 16:18 MARRYI^'G. Neh. 13:27 in m. straiigc wives Mat. 24:138 to. giving in marriage MARIiVERS. Ezek. 27:8 inha. of Zidon thy to. 9 ships of sea with their to. 27 TO. fall into midst of seas 29 TO. come do\vn fr. th. ships Jon. 1:5 the m. were afraid MARROW. ■lob 21:24 bones moisten, with to. Ps. 6.3:5 soul satisfled as wi. to. Proih .3:8 health and to. to bones Is. 25:6 feast of things full of to. Ileb. 4:13 divi. asnu. of j. and m. MARSHES. Ezek. 47:11 miry jjlaces and TO. MARS-niLL. Acts 17:22 MART. /«. 23:3 she is a m. of nations MARTHA. Lvke 10:.38 a wonuin named M. 40 M. was cumberc'd, 41 .Tohn 11:1 town of M. 5, 30; 12:2 MARTYR, S. Acts 22:20 blood of thy to. Step. Jlcv. 2:13 Anti. was faithful to. 17:6 drunken with blood of to. MARVEL, S. Ex. 34:10 TO. as have not been 2 Cor. 11:14 no to. Satan trausf. MARVEL. Ec. 5:8 TO. not at the matler Mark 5:20 and all men did to. John. 5:20 that yc; nuiy m. 28 TO. not at this, hour Is oom. 7:21 done one work, and ye m. .'\cts 3:12 Ts. why to. ye at'tliisl' (lal. 1:6 I TO. that ye iin^ so soon 1 .liilin 3:13 TO. not if world Mate Iteo. 17:7 wherif. didst llioum./ MARVELLED. Hen. 43:;!.'! men vi. (mw at anolh. I's. 48:5 saw it, and so llicy to. J/rt^ KilO.Icsiis heard II, he to. 27 liut tli(^ men in. saving 9:8 7«. and glorilled (iod, 33 22:22 they m. at him, Mark 12:17; 7- /Mv 20:20 27:1 1 govern, to. Mark 15:5, 41 Mark 6:6 to. bee iinse of niilii'llef //»Av; 1:21 to. he tarried so long 63 name isifohn, liny m. all 2::)3 .losepli and his niollier m. 7:9 when .). heard, he in. ill lilin Jdhn 4:27 to. Ih' Udked wl. worn 7: 15 .Ii^wH m. Imw Unowclli llii Actn'i.Tin. arenot 111, (iailleiins' 4:13 m. touU kuuwlud. of thmu MAS MARVELLOUS. .lob 5:9 who doeth to. things 10:16 thou showest thyself to. Ps. 17:7 show to. loving-kindn. 31:21 showed me to. kindness 78:12 TO. things did he in sight 98:1 he hath done to. things 118:23 it is to. in our eyes. Mat. 21:42; Markn-.W Dan. 11:36 speak to. things Mic. 7:15 show unto hira to. thi. Zee. 8:6 be to. in mine eyes? .lohn 9:30 herein is a to. thing 1 Pet. 2:9 called you into to. light ifew. 15:1 ano. sign great and to. MARVELLOUS work, s. 1 C7ir. 16:12 reme. his to. loorks, Ps. 105:5 34 declare to. to. amo. nations Ps. 9:1 show forth thy to. ?«. 139:14 great and to. are thy -w. Rev. 15:3 7«. 29:14 I proceed to do to. w. MARVELLOUSLY. 2 C%r. 26:15 he was to. helped Jbi 37:5 thunder, to. with voice Hab. 1:5 beh. regard, wonder to. MARY. 3/a<. 1:16 Joseph husband of M. 13:55 called M. Mark 6:3; 16:1 Lvlce 1:37 virgin's name was M. 2:5 with M. his wife, 16, 19 10:43 M. hath cho. John 11:1, 20 Jo!in. 12:3 M. took poundof oint. 19:25 M. stood by cross, 20:16 Acts 1:14 conti. in prayer, wi. M. 12:12 Peter came tp house of M. Rom. 16:6 greet M. besto. labor MARY Magdalene. Mat. 27:56 amo. wh. were M. M. 61 ; Mark 15:40 ; John 19:25 28:1 came M. M. .lohn 20:1 Mark 16:1 M. M. brought spices, i!//,-e 24:10 Jolm 20:18 M. M. told disciples MASONS. 2jSaTO. 5:11 Iliram sent to David in. 1 Chr. 14:1 2 K. 12:12 gave money to to. and hew. of stone, 22:6 ; Ezr. 3:7 1 Clir. 22:3 set to. to hew stones 2 Chr. 24:12 hired to. to rep. hou. MASSAH. Ex. 17:7 place M. Deut. 33:8 Deut. 6:10 tempted in M. 9:23 MAST, S. Prov. 2.3:34 lieth on top of a to. Is. ;i:j:2:3 could not strength, to. Ezek. 27:5 cedars to make to. MASTER. Gen. .39:20 to,, put Jos. in prison E.r. 21:8 she pleased not her to. 22:8 TO., of the house bebrought Juil, 19:22 spake to in. of house 23 TO. of house went out to th. 1 Sam. 25:17 determined ag. to. 26: 16 you have not kept your to. 2 Sam. 2:7 your to. Saul is dead 1 K. 23:17 the Lord said. These have no to. 2 Chr. 18:10 2 /r. 6:5 alas in. it was borrowed 22 drink, and go to their to. 10:2 seeing your in. sons 6 take heads of your m. sons 19:0 say to your to. Is. 87:0 1 C/rr. 1.5:27 Ohenan. »«. of song Ts. 24:2 as with serv. so with to. Dan. 1:3 king spake to the to. 4:9 O B. TO. of magielans, 5:11 Mai. 1:0 if I be to. wh. fear? 2:12 the Lord will cut oO'to. .Unt. 8:19 TO. I will follow thee 9:11 whv eat. vonrTO. wi. i>ub.? 10:2.'! !f they liave called in. lie. 12:.')8 7H. W(MVould see sign 17:21 (loth not your in. pay tri. ? 22:10 TO. we know that thou art true, Mark 12:11 23:8 Olio Is vourTO. even Ch. 10 26:18 TO. salth, Time Is at hand 25 Judas Huld, in. Is It I ? 49 hall TO. kissed, .yfark 11:45 .]fiirk 5:!)5 why trouM. Iliou to./ 9:5 VI. It Is good for us to be lieri<, /-i/Av (l:.33 10:17 good tn. what Hhall I do? /,i;*(t 10:25 13:.3.5 yo know not wli. m, mm. Luke 7: 10 m. sny ; 8:21 perlsli H:I9 daiigli, dead, liimli. not tn. I.'):'W when tn. of house Is risen .hilin ;i:tOail llioii a hi. of Isr. ? 1 1:"'H tn. Is come and eiill. for 111, 13:1.1 ye cull me in. ye say well 14 I your m. \vut>hod yoiir fuut MAT Acts 27:11 centurion believed to. Eph. 6:9 m. is in heaven. Col. 4:1 His MASTER. Gen. 34:9 hand un. thigh of A. to. 39:2 .Tos. was in house oddsm. Ex. 21:4 if A. to. given him wife Deut. 2.3:15 thou sh. not deliv. to his m. serv. escaped fr. h. to. •Tud. 19:11 serv'ant said to h. to. 1 Sam. 25:10 serv. break h.h.m. 29:4 reconcile himself to his to. 3/i!'. 5:1 Naaman great wi. h. to. 6:.32 sound of A. to. feet behind ? 9:31 had Zi. peace, slew h. to. f 19:4 his in. hath sent to re- proach God. Is. 37:4 1 CJir. 12:19 he will fall to h. to. ■lob 3:19 servant free from A. m. Pro/}]. 27:18 that waiteth on h. to. 30:10 accuse not a sei-v. to A. m. Is. 1:3 ass knoweth his m. crib Mai. 1:6 a serv. honoreth his m. Mat. 10:24 disciple is not above his TO. Luke 6:40 25 that disciple be as A. to. Luke 6:40 ev. one perf as A. to. Rom. 14:4 to A. to. he standeth My MASTER. Gen. ii:12'm>j in. Abrah. 14:65 39:8 my in. wotteth not what is Ex. 21:5 ser. say, I love my to. 1 Sam. 24:0 God forbid I do this to my TO. .30:13 my in. left me bee. I fell 2 K. 5:18 mym. goeth into house 30 my TO. hath spared Naaman 6:15 my to. how shall we do? 10:9 I conspired against my to. 37 hath my m. sent me to thy master? Is. .36:12 Is. 36:8 give pledges to my to. Thy MASTER. Gen. 24:51 be thy in. son's wife 1 Sam. 29:10 ri.iU 1 Stun. 10:16 of the hi. of klntd, 20:2.3 tn. thou and 1 hpokeli of iStiin. 1:4 how went tile hi./ 18:13 no in. hid fhuii kiiiK 8vn. to U. 940 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. MEA 1 Chr. 27:1 served king in any m. 2 Chr. 8:15 departed not from any m. 'iA-.i the m. they hastened not Ezr. 5:5 till m. came to Darins Neh. 6:13 have m. for evU report Est. 2:23 inquisition made of m. Job 19:28 seeing root of the m. 32:18 answer, I am full of m. Ps. 45:1 heart Inditing good m. 64:5 encourage them, in evil m. Provi. 11:13 spirit concealeth m. 16:20 that handleth a m. wisely 17:9 repeat, m. separateth frien. 18:13 answereth to. bef. heareth 25:2 honor of kings to search m. Ec. 10:20 hath wings tell m. 12:13 hear conclusion of m. Jer. 38:27 m. was not perceived Dan. 2:10 not a man can sh. m. 7:28 hitherto is the end of m. 9:2.3 understand m. and consid. Mark 10:10 disci, asked same m. Acts 15:6 elders consider this to. 18:14 said, If it were m. of wro. 19:38 if Demetrius have a m. 24:22 I wiW know utterm. otm. 1 Cor. 6:1 dare any having a m. 2 Cor. 9:5 as a m. of bounty ffoi. 2:6 maketh no m. to me Jam. 3:5 how gr. a m. little fire This MATTER. 7)e?<<. 3:26 speak no more ott.m. 22:26 slay, neighbor so is tt. 7n. 1 5'awj. 30:24 hearken in this in. 2 .SaOT. 19:42 angry for this m. f Ezr. 5:5 concerning this m. 10:4 this m. belongeth to thee 9 people trembling bee. of t. m. Est. 9:26 concerning tliis m. Dan. 1:14 M. consented in t. m. 3:16 not careful to ans. in t. m. Acts 8:21 nei. part nor lot in t. m. 17:.32 hear thee again of this m. 2 Cor. 7:11 yoursel. clear in t. m. MATTERS. Ex. 24:14 if any have m. 1 Sam. 16:18 prudent in m. 2 Sam. 11:19 end of telling m. 15:3 see m. are good and right 19:29 speakest any more aim.? 2 Chr. 19:11 Ama. over you in m. Neh. 11:24 all m. concerning peo. Est. 3:4 Mord.'s m. would stand 9:31 the m. of the fastings, 32 Job 3-3:13 aiv. not account of m. Ps. 35:20 deceitful m. ag. them 131:1 nor exercise myself in m,. Dan. 1:20 in m. of wisd. he found 7:1 and told the sum of the m. Mat. 23:23 omitted weightier m. Acts 18:15 no judge of such m. 19:39 any thin^ cone, other m. 25:20 be judged of these m. 1 Cor. 6:2 judge the smallest m. 1 Pet. 4:15 busybody in men's m. MATTHEW. Mat. 9:9; 10:3; MarkZ:\9i\ Luke 6:15; Acts 1:13 MATTHIAS. Xrfsl:23, 26 MATTOCK, 8. iSam. 13:20 sharpen axe and m. 21 they had a file for the m. 2 Chr. 34:6 did .Josiah with th. m. Is. 7:25 hills be digged with m. MAUL. Pr:5 tlie hills to., like wax 107:26 soul to. bee. of trouble Is. ,31:3 mountains TO. wi. blood Ezek. 22:21 to. in midst tlnTcof 22 aSBilver is to. in furnace MELTETII. Pt. 58:8 as a. Kiiail which m. let 68:2 wax in. so lei wicked |)eri. 119:28 my soul to. for hcaviiuss 147:18 sendeth out word m. tli. Jer. 0:29 the founder ?;i. In vain Nak. 2:10 heart of Nineveh in. MELTING. Jam. C4:3 us when to. llrobunic. MKMIIER. De^it. 2.3:1 his jirlvv in. cut olT 1 Cor. 12:11 body (s not mwrn. 19 all one to. wlicrt! were bo. V 26onewi. HUll'cr, one TO. honor. Jawi. 3:5 Hill tongiin Ihii llltlo TO. MEMllEltN. Joti 17:7 mv in. are iu< a slindow /^. i;,ll:m In book all m. written Mat. r>:2!» one of to. i4i. iicrl;.li,30 Jtinn. 6:13 iiel. your hi. liiNlrum. 7:5 Hiuu did wuik lu uur m. MEN 7?oto. 7:2:3 see ano. law in to. wa. 12:4 many to. in one body 5 every one to. one of another 1 Cor. 6:15 your bodies to. of C. 12:12 the body hath many to. 18 but now hath G. set the to. 20 but now are they many to. 26 all the to. sutfer with it 27 are the body of Ch. and to. Eph. 4:25 are to. one of another 5:;30 we are to. of his body Col. 3:5 mortify your to. on ear. Jam. 3:6 tongue one of our to. 4:1 lusts that war in your to. MEMORIAL. Ex. 3:15 TO. unto all generations 17:14 wri. this for a to. in book 28:12 for stones of to. to Israel 29 for a to. before the L. 39:7 .30:16 money may be for a to. Lev. 23:24 a to. of blowing trum- pets. Num. 10:10 24:7 frankinc. on bread for to. Num. 5:15 it is an offering of to. 18 offering of to. in her hands 16:40 brazen censers a to. to Is. 31:54 gold of captains for to. Jos. 4:7 th. stones sh. be for to. Neh. 2:20 have no portion nor to. Est. 9:28 nor to. of them perish Ps. 9:6 th. TO. perished with th. 1.35:13 TO. through, all generat. Bos. 12:5 L. of hosts; L. is his to. Z«c. 6:14 the crowns be for a to. Mat. 26:13 this be told for a to. of her, Mark 14:9 Acts 10:4 prayers come up for to. MEMORY. Ps. 109:15 cut off to.. of them 145:7 utter to. of thy goodness Prov. 10:7 to. of the jnst blessed Ee. 9:5 m. of them is forgotten Is. 20:14 made their to. to perish 1 Cor. 15:2 keep in in. I preach. MEiMITOAN'. Est. 1:14, 16, 21 MEMPHIS. IIos. 9:0 MEN. (?en. 4:26 began m. to call on L. 6:1 when to. began to multiply 18:2 lo, three to. stood by him 19:4 TO. of the city, to., of Sodom 32:28 power with God and to. 34:21 these to. are peaceable 42:11 true to. 31 ; 43:16 bring 46:32 TO. are shepherds Ex. 1:17 saved to. children, 18 10:11 yc th. to. serve the Lord 31:23 thrice in year to. children Nijvi. 13:32 m. of great stature 16:14 put out eyes of these to. 29 these to. die the death of all Deut. 1:35 not one of these to. shall see good land .33:0 let II. h^t not his to. be few Jud. 6:27 he feared in. of city 9:54 TO. say not of me, A woman 1 Sam. 2:26 favor witli L. and to. 2 Sam. 3:.39 these to. sons of Zer. 10:12 lilay the to. for our peoiile ]i):28 dead m. before the king 2;i:3 rnleth over to. must bo just 20 slew two lion-liko m. of Moab, 1 CTt;-. 11:22 2 Cliv. 6:18 will God dw. wi. to. f Ps. 9:20 kn. thems. to be but m. 17:14 from to. wh. arc thy hand 82:7 but yo shall die like to. Is. 7:13 sm. thing to weary to. t 31 ;.3 now the Egypt ians uro to. 38:16 O L. by th. things to. live 43:4 there, will I gi. to. for thee 46:8 remcmb. show yoursel. m. M\c. 7:6 man's enomfcs arc in. lliib. 1:14 makest TO. as fishes /■/:. 3:8 they are m. wondered at Mat. 7:12 wliatsoe. yo would to. should do to you, Luke 6::il 10:32 conf. mo bef. in. Luke 12:8 13:25 TO. slejil, enemy came 16:13 TO. my I am? Mark 8:27 Mark 8:21 m. as trees walking 10:27 Jesus salth, With to. U Is ImpoKslhle, I.uke 18:27 lAike 2:14 good w 111 toward m. 5:10 hi'iuef. thou sliiill lalrli m. 12: 18 to wh. TO. have commit. 18:11 I am not as other to. aro Arts 2:1:1 IhcNC to. full of wino G: t llioii hast not Ihd niilom. 2!) lo obi'V (iod rather than to. 10:19 beho'ld lliree in. seek theo 1 t:tr> WI' lire m. of like iiunhIohh 21:16 void ofolV. to (loil anil m. Ildin. 1:27 in. with in. wiuKliig 1 I'lir. 4:9 spe. to iiii!;i'N and in, 14:2 fur lio iipuukoih uul to m. MEN 1 Cor. 14:21 with to. of other to. 2 Cor. 8:13 not that other to. be Eph. 6:7 L. not to to. Col. 3:23 1 Thes. 2:4 speak not as plea. to. Heb. 6:16 for to. verily swear 7:8 TO. that die receive tithes 9:27 is appointed I^to. once to 12:23 spir. of just to. made perf. Jam. 3:9 therewith curse we to. 1 Pet. 4:6 judged accordhig to to. 2 Pet. 1:21 holy to. of G. spake Rev. 9:4 only those to. wli. have 21:3 tabernacle of G. is with to. All MEN. Ps. 89:47 made all to. in vain 116:11 I sa. in haste, a. to. liars Ex. 7:2 that is the end of all m. Zee. 8:10 set a. to. ag. neighbor Luke 6:26 woe wh. a. to. speak John 5:23 all to. sh. honor the S. 12:32 will draw all to. unto me Rom. 5:12 death pas. upon a. to. 18 judgment came on all to. to condemnation, the free gift came on all to. to justificat. 12:17 honest in sight ot all to. 18 li\e peaceably with all to. 1 Cor. 7:7 I would all to. were as 9:19 for tho' I be free fr. all to. 15:19 we are of all m. most mis. 2 Cor. 3:2 kn. and read of all to. Gal. 6:10 let us do good to all to. 1 Tlies. 2:15 contrary to all to. 5:15 follow wh. is good to all to. 2 Thes. 3:2 all to. have not faith 1 Tim. 2:1 giving tha. for a. ni. 4 will have all in. to be saved 4:10 trust in God, Sa. of all m. 2 Tim. 2:24 be gentle to all in. 4:16 no man stood, all to. forso. Tit. 2:11 grace of G. ap. to all in. Ileb. 12:14 fol. peace with all in. Jam. 1:5 ask of G. th. giv. allui. 1 Pet. 2:17 honor all in. love bro. 3 John 12 D. good rep. of (.'.V to. See BRETITREN, CHIEF, CIIIL- DllEN, CUOSEN, EVIL, or.BAT. In MEN. 1 Cor. 3:21 no man glory m in. See ISRAEL, JUDAU. Like MEN. 1 Sam. 4:9 your. /. in. 1 Cor. 10:13 Ps. 82:7 yo shall die like to. IIos. 6:7 they I. m. traiisg. cove. Lake 12:36 I. to. that wait for L. Mighty MEN. Gen. 6:4 m. m. whi. were of old Jos- 1:14 in. to. of valor sh. jiass 8:3 Joshua ch. out 30,000 in. in. 1 Sam. 2:4 bows of to. m. broken 2 Sam. 16:6 to. to. on his right 17:8 TO. that they may be m. 23:8 these be names of m. in. Viiinr/hty m. brake host, 17 1 K. 1:8 TO. in. not with Adonij. 10 TO. in. and Sol. he called in t 2 K. 15:20 exact, m. in. of \veall h 24:14 carri. away in. in. of valor 1 Chr. 6:24 and were to. m. of valor, 7:7. 9, 11.40 12:1 they were amongthem. »». 29:24 TO. in. submitted to Solo. 2 Vhr. 13:3 J. set battle against Abijah, being miyhty m. of valor, 14:8; 17:13. 14, 16 25:0 Amaz. hired KX),IX10 m. m. .32:3 H. took counsel with to. to. 21 angel cut otVall the to. to. NeA. 11:14 their brethren m. m. .7(16 .31:21 break in jiieces to. hi. Ec. 7:19 wisdom strength, to. wi. Cant. 4:4 shield.s of miqhlij m. Is. 21:17 TO. TO. sh. he diminish. ./()•. 6:16 they are all miijhty m. 46:9 TO. TO. como; 4S:14 wo iiro 48:41 the hearlsof to. to. of St. 49:22 heart o(ini(/fily in. of Eil. 50:36 n sword Is upon lier hi. uk. 61:30 TO. TO. of Habvlon foibor. 66 her to. to. aro taken 67 drunk caiilalns nml m. f;». I.iini. 1:16 L. Iiiilh trodden hi. »/», /■■--. k. .39:20 at liiblo with to. m. Ihm. 8:2(1 comniandod in. in. Hits. 10:13 trust In iniilhty in ./Or/ 2:7 Ihoy sh. run I'lko in. in. 3:9 piopaio war. wiike hi. to. Ob. U thy m. to. O Teinaii .Vii/i. 8:3 shield of his iiiUjhIym. Zfc. 10:.^ tlioy slmll he as to. m. /i". T. 6:16 TO. HI. hhlo thi'imrlvoa JU:18 yo may oal Uooli of m. wi. MKN-IM-KASKHK. Eph. li:6 ovo-Borvunls as m.-p. Col. 3;!U 942 CRUDE^^'S COT^CORDANCE. MEN Sons of MEN. Ps. 4:2 O ye s. ofm. how 1. 58:1 31:19 trust in thee bef. s. ofm. 33:13 Lord heholdeth s. of m. 57:4 1 lie among the sons' of m. 145:12 to make kno. to s. ofm. Prov. 8:31 del. were wi. s. ofm. Ec. 1:13 hath given to s. ofm. 2:8 delights of the sons ofm. 3:10 God hath given to s. of m. 18 concerning estate of s. of m. 8:11 s. ofm. set to do evil 9:3 heart of «. ofm. full of evil 12 so are s. ofm. snared in ev. Is. 52:14 form more th. s. ofm. Jer. 32:19 eyes are npon s. ofm. Ban. 5:21 dliven from s. ofm. 10:16 like simil. of s. ofm. Jod 1:12 joy withered fr. s. ofm,. Mic. 5:7 nor \vaiteth for s. of m. IlarJc 3:28 sins be forgi. s. ofm. Eph. 3:5 not made kn. to «. of m,. See OLD, RICH, BIGHTEOUS, SING- INQ. MEJV-SERVAIVTS. Gen. 12:16 Abram had m,.-s. 29:14 Abimelech gave m,.-s. 30:43 J. had m.-s. camels, 32:5 E.i:. 21:7 not go out as ot.-s. Deiit. 12:12 bef. L. ye and m.-s. 1 Sam,. 8:16 will take you m.-s. 2 K. 5:26 is time to rec. m,.-s. ? Luke 12:45 begin to beat m.-s. ME1V-STE.4LERS. 1 Tim. 1:10 law is made for m.-s. See TWO. 3IEiV of war. iVi/OT. 31:49 sumofOT. of war Deut. 2:14 till generation of m. of w. came out, 16; Jos. 5:6 1 K. 9:22 they were to. ofw. and his captains, 2 C/ir. '8:9 2 K. 25:4 m. of w. fled. Jer. 52:7 Jer. .38:4 weak, handsof to.o/"m;. 49:26 m. ofw. be cut off, 50:30 51:.32 m. of war are affrighted Ezek. 27:10 P. were thy m. of w. 27 thy m,. of war shall fall Jod 2:7 climb wall like m. ofw. 3:9 let all m,. of war draw near Luke 23:11 H. with his m. ofw. MEN, with wicked. Gen. 13:13 TO. of Soclom were w. Num. 16:26 de. fr. tents of w. m,. 2 Sam. 3:.34 man fall. bef. w. to. 4:11 more wh. w. m. have slain Job 22:15 old way w. m. ha. tro. 34:8 which walketh with w. to. 26 striketh them as wicked m. 36 because of answers of w. m. Ec. 8:14 10. TO. to wh. it happen. Jer. 5:26 am. my peo. fou. xv. in. Mat. 21:41 miser, destroy w. to. 2 Thes. 3:2 delivered from w. m. Wise MEN. Gen. 41:8 Ph. call. w. m. Ex. 7:11 Ex. 36:4 w. m. wrought work Deut. 1:13 take ye wise to. and Joh 15:18 which w. to. have told .34:2 hear my words, O ye w. to. Ps. 49:10 seeth that wise m. die Prov. 10:14 w. to. lay up knowl. 13:20 walketh with w. m. 29:8 w. m. turn away wrath Ec. 9:17 words of w. to. heard Is. 19:12 where are thy loise in. 29:14 \risd. of w. TO. shall perish 44:25 turneth w. to. backward Jer. 8:9 the TO!.s« to. are ashamed 10:7 the wise to. of the nations 51:57 make drunken her w. to. Ezek. 27:8 thy wise to. O Tyrus 9 the w. m. were thy calipers Dan. 2:12 to destroy all wise to. 4:6 decree to bring in all w. to. Ob. 8 destroy w. to. out of Edom Mat. 2:1 canie w. to. from east 1 Cor. 1:26 not many M'ic'fi to. 10:15 I speak as to w. to. ME!V, ?(ij^A women. Deut. 2:34 utterly destroyed the m. and wo?nen, .Tos. 8:25 Jm(«. 9:49 about 1,000 to. and w. 16:27 house full of m. and w. 2 5aTO. 6:19 dealt to the lu. as to. .4rfs 5:14 added to L. to. and ?«. 8:3 Saul, haling ?«. and women 12 baptized, both to. and ?/). 9:2 to. or ?«. bring them bound 22:4 into prisons both TO. and to. MEN, women, and children. See CHLLDREN. Ye MEN. Job 34:10 heark. ye m. of under. -MEP Acts 1:11 ye m. of G. 2:14 of Jud. 5:.35 ye to. of Is. 17:22 of Athens 13:15 ye to. and brethren, if ye 19:35 ye m. of Ephesus Young MEN. Gen. 14:24 wh. y. to. have eaten Ex. 24:5 y. to. which offer, bum. Jos. 6:23 y. to. that were spies ./!?(?. 14:10 so used y. to. to do Suth 3:10 foUowedst not y. to. 1 Soto. 2:17 sin of y. to. very gr. 8:16 take your goodliest y. to. 21:4 ify. to. kept from women 25:8 ask y. to. they will sliow 25 thy handmaid saw not y. to. .30:17 400 y. to. wh. rode on ca. 2 Sam. 2:14 y. to. arise and play 13:32 sup. they slain all y. to. 18:15 ten y. to. bare J.'s armor 1 K. 12:8 Re. consult, with y. to. 14 counsel of y. to. 2 Chr. 10:8 20:14 young to. of the princes 2 .S!". 5:22 two y. to. of prophets 8:12 their y. to. wilt thou slay Job 1:19 fell on y. to. are dead 29:8 j^. TO. saw me, hid themsel. Ps. 78:63 fire consnm. their y. to. 148:12 praise L. y. to. and maid. Pww. 20:29 gl. of y. to. strength Is. 9:17 L. no joy in their y. to. 13:18 bows dash y. to. to pieces 23:4 nei. do I nourish up y. to. 31:8 his y. to. shall be discomfl. 40:.30 the y. to. shall utterly fall Jer. 6:11 fury on assem. of y. to. 9:21 cut off y. to. from streets 11:22 y. to. sh. die by the sword 15:8 brought ag. moth, of y. to. 18:21 let y. to. Ibe slain by swo. 31:13 bothy, to. and old rejoice 48:15 chosen young m. gone to slaughter 49:26 y. to. shall fall in streets 50:.30 theref. y. to. fall in streets 51:3 spare not y. m. des. utterly Lam. 1:15 assem. to crash y. to. 18 virgins and y. to. into capt. 2:21 ?/. TO. and old lie on ground 5:13 they took y. to. to gi-ind 14 y. TO. ceased fr. their mnsic Ezek. 23:6 desirable y. to. 12, 23 ■Joel 2:28 y. to. see vis. Acts 2:17 Amos 2:11 y. to. for Nazarites 4:10 y. TO. slain with the sword 8:13 your y. to. faint for thirst Zee 9:17 make y. to. cheerful Mark 14:51 y. to. laid hold Acts 5:6 2/. to. arose, wound him ri^ 2:6 y. to. exhort to be sober 1 John 2:13 I wr. to you, y. to. 14 MENAHEM. 2 ff. 15:14, 16 MEND, ING. i Chr. 24:12 brass to to. ho. of L. 34:10 workmen to to. house Mat. 4:21 Z. to. nets, 3Iark 1:19 MENE. Dare. 5:25 MENSTRCOUS. Is. 30:22 cast away as to. cloth iflTO. 1:17 Jeru. is as to. woman Ezek. 18:6 come near to to. wo. MENTION, Substantive Gen. 40:14 to. of me unto Phar. Ex. 23:13 make no to. of other gods, Jos. 23:7 1 /Sfem. 4:18 made to. of ark of G. Ps. 71:16 make to. of thyrighte. 87:4 I will make to. of Rahab Is. 12:4 TO. th. his name is e.xalt. 19:17 make to., thereof be afraid 26:13 will make to. of thy name 48:1 make to. of the God of Isr. 49:1 he made to. of my name 62:6 ye that make to. of theL. Jer. 4:16 make ye to., to nations 20:9 I will not make m. of him Amos 6:10 not to. name of Lord Rom. 1:9 to. you alw. in my pra. Eph. 1:16; 1 The.':. 1:2 Phile. 4 TO. of thee in my praye. Heh. 11:22 to. of departing of Is. MENTION, Verb. Is. 63:7 m. loving-kindn. of Lord Jer. 23:36 bur. of L. to. no more MENTIONED. 1 Chr. 4:38 th. to. were princes 2 r/tr. 20:34 J. to.- in b. of kings Ezek. 16:56 Sodom was not m. 18:22 his transgres. not be to. 24 his righteous, sh. not be to. 33:10 none of his sins sh. be TO. MEPHIBO.SHETH. 2 Sam. 4:4 name was M. 9:10 21:7 but the king spared M. MERAB. 1 Sam. 14:49 ; 18:19 MER MERARI. Gen. 40:11 ; Ex. 6:16 ; Num. 3:17; 1 Chr. 6:1, 16 ; 2j:6 Num. 4:42 numbered of M. 10:17 Jos. 21:7 M. 40 ; 1 Chr. 6:63, 77 MERCHANDISE. Deut. 21:14 not make to. of her 24:7 broth, maketh to. of him Prov. 3:14 to. bet. than to. of go. 31:18 pcrceiveth her to. is good iS. 23:18 her TO. sh. be holiness 45:14 TO. of Ethio. come to thee Ezek. 26:12 a prey of thy m. 27:9 ships in thee to occupy to. 15 isles were to. of hands 28:16 multit. of to. have filled Mat. 22:5 farm, another to to. ■John 2:16 F.'s house hou. of to. 2 Pet. 2:3 words make to. of you Rev. 18:11 no man buyeth th. m. MERCHANT. ffen. 33:16 cur. money with to. 37:28 passed by Midian. TO.-m. 1 K. 10:15 he had of TO.-men Prov. 31:14 like the to. -ships 24 delivereth girdles to the to. Cant. 3:6perfum. powders of to. Is. 23:11 command, ag. to. city Ezek. 27:3 art a to. of pc. for isles 12 Tarshish was thy m.. 16 Sj-ria; 18Damas. ; 20Dedan Sos. 12:7 a to. balances of deceit Zep. 1:11 TO. peo. are cut down Mai. 13:45 like a TO.-man seekin, MERCHANTS. 1 K. 10:15 of traffic of spice to. 28 the king's TO. receiv. linen yam, 2 Chr. 1:16 Neh. 3:32 goldsmiths and the to. 13:20 TO. lodged without Jems. .Toh 41:6 shall part him am. to. .? Z?. 23:2 TO. of Zidon replenished 8 city, whose to. are princes 47:15 even thy to. sh. wander Ezek. 17:4 set it in a city of to. 27:13 Javan ; Tubal ; Slesh. to. 15 Dedan; 17 Judahand Israel thy TO. 21 in these were they thy to. 22 m. of Sheba and Raam. 23 36 the TO. shall hiss at thee 38:13 and the to. of Tarshish Nah. 3:16 multip. to. above stars Rev. 18:3 to. of earth waxen rich 11 TO. of earth weep over her 23 TO. were great m. of earth MERCTJRIUS. ^cfe 14:12 MERCY. Gen. 24:27 destitute master of to. 43:14 God give you m. before Ex. 34:7 keeping to. for thou- sands, Dan. 9:4 Num.. 14:18 the Lord is of great TO. Ps. 103:11 ; 145:3 " Deut. 7:9 keep coven, and m. 12 2 Sam. 7:15 to., not depart from him, 1 Chr. 17:13; Ps. 89:-24 15:20 TO. and truth be with thee 1 K. 8:2;} keepest covenant and TO. with serv. Neh. 1:5 : 9:.32 1 Chr. 16:.34 his to. endnreth for ever, 41; 2 CT?-. 5:13;7:.3, 6; 20:21: Ezr. 3:11; P«. 106:1; 107:1; 118:1; 136:1-26; Jer. 33:11 Ezr. 7:28 extended m. to me 9:9 extend, to. to us in sight of Neh. 1:11 to. in sight of man ■Job 37:13 for correction or for to. Ps. 21:7 thro' to. of Most High 2:3:6 goodness and to. follow me 25:10 paths of the Lord are m. 32:10 m. shiill comp. hira about 33:18 them that hope in his m. 52:8 I trnst in the to. of God 57:.3 send forth TO. and trath 59:10 God of to. sh. prev. me, 17 61:7 O prepare to. and truth 62:12 unto thee belongeth to. 66:20 not turned to. from me 77:8 is his to. cl. gone for ever? 85:10 TO. and trutii m. together 86:5 plenteous in to. 15 ; 103:8 89:2 TO. sh. be built up for ever 14 TO. and truth go be. thy face 28 my to. will I keep for him 98:3 remembered to. toward Is. 100:5 L. is good, his to. is everl. 101:1 will sing to. and jndgm. 10.3:17 TO of Lord is everlasting 109:12 none extend to. to him 1:30:7 with the Lord there is m. 147:11 pleas, in those hope to. Prov. 3:3 let not m. forsake thee 14:21 he that hath vi. on poor 22 TO. and truth sh. be to them MER Pro?'. 14:31hethathon.G.ha.TO. 16:6 by to. iniquity is purged 20:28 TO. and truth preserve the kin?, and his tlirone is np- holden by to. Is. 16:5 21:21 foUoweth afterTO. find, life Is. 49:10 that hath to. on them 54:10 Lord that hath to. on thee 60: 10 my favor had to. on thee Jer. 6:23 cruel, and have no m. Eos. 4:1 there is no to. in land 6:6 I desired to. and not sacrif. 10:12 reap in to. 12:6 keep to. 14:3 in thee the father!, find m. Jon. 2:8 forsake their own m. Mic. 6:8 do justlj', and love to. 7:18 because he delight, in to. 20 wilt perform TO. to Abraham Rab. 3:2 L. in wrath remem. to. Mat. 5:7 merciful, sh. obtain m. 23:23 omitted judgment and to. Li'ke 1:50 to. on them fear him 54 Is. in remembran. of his to. 72 to perform the TO. promised 78 through tender to. of God Rojn. 9:23 glory on vessels of to. 11:30 obtained to. thro' unbelief 31 your to. th. also may ob. to. 15:9"might glorify God for m. 1 Cor. 7:25 obtai. to. to be faith. 2 Cor. 4:1 as we have rec^jvedTO. Gal. 6:16 peace and ?«. on Israel Eph. 2:4 God who is rich in to. Phil. 2:27 God had to. on him 1 Tim. 1:2 to. and peace fr. G. 2 Ti7n. 1:2 ; 7"JM:4 ; 2 John 3 13 I obtained to. because, 16 2 Titn. 1:16 Lord give to. tohon. 18 he may find to. of the Lord Tit. 3:5 according to to. he saved Heb. 4:16 that we may obtain to. 10:28 desp. law died without to. Jam. 2:13 judgm. without to. th. showed no TO. to. rejoiccth 3:17 wisd. from above full of to. 5:11 pitiful and of tender m. 1 Pet. 1:3 according to abund. to. 2:10 TO. now have obtained to. Jude 2m. to you, peace, and love 21 lookingfor to. of Lord Jes. Have MERCY. Ps. 4:1 have to. upon me, 6:2; 9:13; 2.5:16; 27:7; 30:10; 31:9; 51:1 ; 80:16 ' 102:13 h. m. on Z. 123:2 on ns, 3 Prov. 28:13 forsak. sins sh. h. to. Is. 9:17 nei. h. to. on fatherless 14:1 Lord will have to. on- Jac. 27:11 th.made th. will not A. to. 30:18 that he may Jiave to. 49:13 God will h. to. on afflicted 5-1:8 vrith kindness will I h. to. 55:7 return, and he will have m. Jer. 13:14 nor have to. 21:7 30:18 I will have to. on dwelling 31:20 I will surely 7j. to. 33:20; Ezek. .39:25; itos. 1:7: 2:23 42:12 that he may /;. to. on you Hos. 1:6 no more h. to. on Is. 2:4 Zee. 1:12 long wilt th. not h. to. 10:6 for I have m. upon them Mat. 9:13 I will have to.. 12:7 27 thou son of David, h. to. on me, 15:22; 20:30, 31; Mark 10:47, 48 : Luke 18:38, 39 Luke 16:24 Abraham, h. to. on m. 17:13 Jesus, JIastor, h. to. on us Rom. 9:15 I will have to. on wh. I will have to. 18 11:32 that he might h. to. on aU MERCY-SEAT. E.r. 25:17 make a m.-s. of gold 22 from above fn.-s. bet. cheru- bim. Lev. 16:2; Num. 7:89 26:.34 put m.-s. on ark, 40:20 Lev. 16:13 incense cover to.^s. MERCY, ivith show, ed, eth, ing. Gen. 39:21 Lord was witb Josep. and showed him m. Ex. 20:6 showing m. to thousan. Det/t. 5:10 .33:19 «. m. on wh. I will s. to. Deut. 7:2 no covenant, nor s. m. ■lud. 1:24 and we will s. thee m. •2 Sam. 22:51 s. to. to his anoint. Ps. 18:50 1 K. 3:6 hast shmoed to D. my father, great m. 2 Chr. 1:8 2 CTr. 6:14 s. to. to thy servants Ps. 37:21 the righteous .'. to. 85:7 «. ns thy m-. O Lord 109:16 remembered not to s. m. Is. 47:6 didst shore them no m. Jer. 50:42 and will not s. to. ' Dan. 4:27 break off sins, s. m. CHUDEX'S CONCORDAN'CE. 943 MER Zee. 7:9 execute judgm. s. m. Lvke 1:58 L. s. great m. on her 10:37 that riliowed m. on him PtOJii. 9:16 but of God that s. m. Jam. 2:13 that hath s. no m. Thy MERCY. Gen. 19:19 hast magnifietl t. m. Ex. 15:13 in t. m. led forth peo. Num. 14:19 greatness of t/uj m. Neh. 13:22 according to thy m. Ps. 5:7 in multitude of thy m,. ■ 6:4 return, O Lord, save me for thy m.'s sake, 31:16 13:5 I have trusted in thy m. 25:7 accor. to lli.y m. remem. me 31:7 I will rejoice in thy m. 33:22 let tliy m. O L. he upon us 36:5 t. m. O L. is in the heavens 44:26 redeem us for t. m.'s sake 57:10 t/iy m. is great to heavens 59:16 I will sing aloud of thy m. 69:13 in multitude of thy m. 85:7 show us t. m,. 86:13 great 90:14 0 satisfy us with thy m. 94:18 t. m,. O Lord, held me up 108:4 thy m. is great above hea. 109:21 because thy m. is good 26 according to thy m. 115:1 for t. m. and truth's sake 119:64 earth is full of thy m. 124 deal wi. servant ac. to t. m. 138:8 thy m. endureth for ever 143:13 oil. m. cut off mine ene. MERCIES. Gen. 32:10 not worthy of thy m. 2Sam. 24:14 for his tn. are great, 1 Chr. 21:13 2 C7i}: 6:42 remember m. of Dav. Neh. 9:19 in m. forsook, th. not 27 accord, to thy m. tliou gav. 31 m. didst not consume them Ps. 51:1 thy m. blot out transg. 69:13 in multitude of thy m. 16 according to thy tender m. 89:1 1 will sing of the m. of L. 106:7 remembered not thy m. 45 repented accord, to his m. 119:41 let thy m,. also come In. 54:7 with ot. will I gather 5">:3 sure m. of D. Act.i 13:34 63:15 where Is thy m. tow. me? Jer. 16:5 taken away my m. 42:12 I will show m. unto you Zam. 3:22 of L.'s m. we are not 32 compassion according to m. San. 2:18 ?n. concerning this 9:9 to the L. our God belong m. 18 not for rij'htoousn. but m. nos. 2:19 I will betr. thee in ?«. Zee. 1:16 am returned with tn. Horn. 12:1 I hes. you by m. of G. 2 Cor. 1:3 Father of to. and C!od Phil. 2:1 if there be any felJow- Bliip, any bowels of TO. Col. 3:12 put on bowels of to. Tender MERCIES. Pn. 2.5:6 romem. thy t. ?«. 51:1 40:1] withhold not thy ten. in. 77:9 in anger sluit uji his I. m. 79:8 tliy tmiler to. prevent us 10.3:4 L. crown, thee with t. m. 119:77 thy t. to. come unto me 1156 great are thy ten. m. O L. 145:9 t. m. over all his works Prov. 12:10 /. TO. of wicked ci-ucl MER(;iFUL,. Oen. 19:16 Lord lieiiig m. to Lot Ex. Zi.i) L. a. m. and gracious Jjeiil. 21:8 be to. O L. to Israel 82: 13 and will be to. to his land main. 22:26 willi to. thou wilt sliow tliysc'ir in. P.i. 18:25 1 K. 20:31 kings of Is. to. kiii'.';a 2 aiir. 30:9 L. G. gracious ami in. Nell. 9:17 ready to pardon and/yi. Pa. 26:11 redeem me, and be to. to mo, 41:4, 10; 56:1; 57:1; 86:3; 1I9:.58, l:)2 37:26 the righteous Is ever to. 59:5 be not to. to any wicked 67:1 (1. bo TO. to US, and bl. ua J03:H Lord Is to. and gnicious 117:2 his TO. kindness is great 119:76 TO. kliidnosH for my com. /Voo. 11:17 TO. man dootli good /«. 67:1 TO. men uro taken away Jer. 3:12 I am to. Hailh tlui Lord duel 2:13 he Is gracious and m. ,hiii. 4:2 kiiew llioii art a //(. (I. Mill. 5:7 III. sliull ol>laln mercy J.iil;e 6::i6 be to. as your 1''. Is to. IK: i:) (!()(! IxjTO. tome a sinner Ihh. 2:17 iHMiTO.. lilgh-prlcHt 8:12 bum. to their uju'lglit. MKItlllAil. Bu. 17:7 called iiuinu ofplucuM, MES Num. 20:13, 24 ; T)eut. .32:51 ; 3.3:8 Ps. 81:7 proved thee at wat. M. MERODACH. .Ter. 50:2 MERODACH-BALADAN. Is. 39" 1 MEROM. Jos. 11:.5, 7 MEEOZ". Jud. 5:23 MERRY. Gen. 43:.34 drank and were TO. JuA. 9:27 trode grapes, made m. 16:25 their hearts were w. 19:6 and let thy heart be to. Ruth 3:7 Boaz's heart was to. 1 Sam,. 2.5::36 Nabal's heart to. 2 Sam. 13:28 when Amnon is to. 1 K. 4:20 Judah and Isr. were m. 21-7 and let thy heart be to. 2 Chr. 7:10 sent people away to. E':t. 1:10 heart of king was m. Prov. 15:13 to. heart ma. cheerf. 15 TO. heart ha. continual feast l'':22 a to. heart doeth good Ec. 8:15 better to eat and be m. 9:7 drink wine with a to. heart 10:19 laughter, wine raaketh to. Is. 24:7 the TO. hearted do sigh Jsr. 30:19 vol. of th. th. make to. 31:4 dances of th. that make m. Luke 12:19 ease, eat and be to. 15:23 and be m. 24; 29 I might 32 it was meet we should be to. ■lam. 5:13 is any to. ? t•in^ psal. Rev. 11:10 rejoice and make to. MERRILY. Est. 5:14 go in to. with king MESCHECH. Gen. 10:2 M. son of Japheth, 1 Chr. 1:5, 17 Ps. 120:5 I sojourn in M. Eze/c. 39:1 ag. chief prince of M. MESOPOT.\MI.\. Gen. ^1:10 Eliezer went to M. Deut. 2.3:4 Bal. of ]\I. ./wrf. 3:8 1 Chr. 19:6 hire chari. out of M. Acts 2:9 dwellers in Sf. we hear 7:2 G. appeared to Abra. iu M. MESS, ES. Gen. 43:34 sent to. to them, Ben- jamin's m. 2 (SteTO. 11:8 Uriah a m. from king MESSAGE. ■Turl. 3:20 I have to. from God 1 A'. 20:12 Benhad. heard this m. Prov. 26:6 sendeth to. by fool Ifaa. 1:13 spake Hag. iu L.'s m. Luke 19:14 citiz. sent to. aft. him 1 Jo/m 1:5 TO. we ha. heard, 3:11 MESSEIVGER. Gen. 50:16 sent a m. to Joseph 1 K. 10:2 .Tezcbel sent m. to Klij. 22:13 the w. went to call Mlca- iah, 2 C'/ir. 18:12 2 .^. 6:32 ere the to. came to him 9:18 the m. came to them, but Job 1:11 there came a ni. to Job 3:3:23 if tlu:re be m. interpreter Proo. 13:17 TO. fall. Into mischief 17:11 cruel to., shall be sent 25:13 faithful to. to them Is. 42:19 as my to. that I sent? ./er. 61:31 one to. run to meet J'Jzek. 2'i: 10 to wh. a to. was sent //rtf/. 1:13 Ilaggai, the Lord's m, Mill. 2:7 ho is m. of L. of hosts 8:1 send m. of covenant, ^fat. 11:10; il/a/*l:2; Luket-.'il 2 rbn 12:7 TO. of Satan to buiret Phil. 2:25 conii)ani(m, your m. MESSE\GERS. Gen. 82:3 .lacol) sent to., to Esau Aum. 22:5 Italak sent m. to I5al. ./OS. C:17 Hahab hid thi! to. 25 ISam. 19:11 Haul sent 7n. to David, 14, 15, 20, 21 2.5:14 IJavid Hv.nl, m. to saluto iSdiii. 2:5 sent m,. to Jaliesh-gil. 3:12 sent 7». to I), on his Ijclialf 5:11 II. sent TO. to I). 1 Chr. 11:1 11:4 Dav. Bcntw. to Ilntlislieba 12:27 Joab sent m. to David 2 A'. 1:3 meet the to. of Aliazlnh 17:4 llosliea had sent to. to So 19:23 7rt. til. Imst reproached L. 1 Cli.r. l!l:2 m. to roiiit'ort llaiiun 2 Clir. 3li:15 L. sent them by m. 16 they mocked the to. of (lod I'mi). 16:14 wnitli of king as m. Is. M:;12 answer to. of mil ion V 1K;2 t'o ye swift in. to n imlhm 37: l( Ict'lcr IVoin in. and rend It 41:26 iierr>iriiielli ciiiiiiHel it( in. r>7:Udhlsl HiMid thy iii. iiliirolV ,li r. 27::i semi by hand ol' I lie hi. E:xk,ia\Vi Hunt m. Into (.'hiiUleii MID Ezek. 30:9 to. go forth from me Nah. 2:13 voice of to. no more Lvke 1:24 m. of John were gone 9:52 and sent to. before his face 2 Cor. 8:23 to. of the churches Jam. 2:25 Rahab liad receiv. to. MESSI.\H. Dan. 9:25 from commandment to build Jems, unto the M. the Prince shall be 7 weeks 26 after 62 weeks M. be cut off John 1:41 fcmnd M. wh. is Christ 4:25 I know that M. cometh MET. Gen. 32:1 angel of God to. him 3:3:8 by this drove I to. .? Ex. 3:18 God of the Hebrews m. with us, 5:3 4:24 L. TO. him, sought to kill 27 Aaron went and m. Moses 5:20 they to. Moses and Aaron Num. 23:4 God to. Balaam, 16 1 Sam. 10:10 prophets to. Saul 1 K. 13:24 was gone, lion to. him Ps. 85:10 mercy and tru. to. tog. Prov. 7:10 to. him a woman Amos 5:19 and a bear to. him. Mat. 8:28 to. him two devils Mark 11:4 place wh. two ways m. Luke 9:;37 much people to. him, Johnli-.IS 17:12 TO. him ten men lepers John 11:20 Martha to. him, 30 Arts 10:25 Cornelius m. him and 27:41 a place where two seas to. Ileb. 7:1 TO. Abraham returning METE, D. Ex. 16:18 TO. it with a homer Ps. C0:6 TO. valley of Sue. 108:7 Is. 18:2 go to a nation to. out, 7 40:12 !?i. out heaven with span Mat. 7:2 measure ye to. be meas. to you, .)/n;*4:24 ; Luke 0:38 METEYARO. Lev. 19:35 no unrighteous, in m. METIIEG-AlNIMAn. 2&(TO. 8:1 METHCSELAH. Gen. 5:27 days of Jt. 909 years 1 C/ir. 1:3 M. Lamech, Luke 3:27 MICAH. .Tud. 17:1 mount Eph. called M. /en 26:18 M. prophes. Mic. 1:1 AnCAL\II. 1 .ff: 22:8, 24; 2 C7ir. 18:8, 23, 25 MICE. 1 Sam. 6:4 five golden to. accord. 5 sh. make images of your m. MICHAEL. Dan. 10:13 M. ch. orince, 21; 12:1 ■fude\) M. contending with dev. Rev. 12:7 M. fought ag. dragon MICHAIAH. 2 Chr. 17:7 Jeho.shaphat sent IM. Nell,. 12:35 son of M. give thanks Jer. 36:11 M. heard Bariich, 13 nnciiAL. 1 Sam. 14:49 S.'s yr. daughter M. 19:13 M. took nn imago and iSam. 3:13 ex. flivt bniig M. 14 G:lfiM. looked thro', H7(r. 1.5:29 MICniNIASII. 1 Sam. 13:3; Is. 10.28 MID-DAY. 1 E'. 18:29 when ?>i.-d. was past iVf/;. 8:3 IVom morning to m.-d. Ads 26:13 m.-d. I saw In way MIDDLE. .Tnd. 16:29 hold of two to. pillars IK. 8:61 the king did hallow TO. court, 2 r/i;'. 7:7 . 2 A'. 20:4 Isaiah gone to to. court ,/rr. 39:3 princes sat In to. gate Eph. 2:1 1 broken down in. wall MlDDLI5>l()sr. E:ck. 42:5 hli;lier than the m. G ItllDIAiV. K.r. 2:15 dwelt in laud of M. A'«m.22:4 M.sald to elders of M. 2.5: 15 duu. of chief house of M . 81:3 avi'iige the L. of M. 8, 9 Juil. 6:1 delivered them to M. 9 7:11 Into hand U. dellvei-ed M. 8:22d.liv. fr.mi M. 2.8; 11:17 Is. 9: 1 bid. yoke, lis Iu day of M. 10:26 iiiior'd. to sliiii!.'liler(ir M. 60:6 dniinediirlfs ofM. cover JIab. 3:7 ciirtidiiM of M. tremblo MIDI VMTKH. (Un. ."I7:2H M. iiieichiiiitiiien, 30 .V»m. 2.VI7 ye\ the M. 31:2 .lint. 6:7 In. cried liecmihi' iil' M. 7:23 two priuui'H of thu M. H: I MID Ps. a3:9 do to them as to M. MIDIANITISH. Num. 2.5:6, 16 MIDNIGHT. Ex. 11:4 TO. I will go into Egypt 12:29 at to. L. smote fir.st-bom ■lud. 16:3 Samson lay till to. Ruth 3:8 at ?«. man was afraid 1 K. 3:20 she arose at to. and ,Iob .34:20 peo. be troubled at to. P«. 119:62 at m. I win give than. Mat. 25:6 at to. there was a cry J/«r/; 13:35 come at even or to. Lvke 11:5 shall go to him at to. ylf/s 16:25 at 771. Paul prayed 20:7 P. continued speech till to. MIDST. Ex. 14:16 sh. go on dry ground through TO. of sea. Num. 33:8; jV«A. 9:11; Ps. 136:14 /)«!/<. 13:5 put evil away from to. 3 Chr. 32:4 ran thr. to. of land f'(2;ii'. 3:10 TO. paved with love /<;. 5S9 from to. of thee the yoke ./er. .30:21 proceed fr. to. of them A'^e^-. 9:4 go through to. of city 14:8 cut him off from to. of pe. 9 15:4 TO. burnt, is it meet 28:16 filled to. of thee with viol. 18 bring forth fire from to. Dan. 3:26 ca. forth of to. of fire Luke 4:.30 passing thro' to. of th. John 7:14 about the to. of feast 8:59 going through to. of them Rev. 8:13 flying thro' to. of heav. In the MIDST. Gen. 2:9 tr. of life in t. m. 3:3 15:10 A. divided them in t. m. Er. 8:22 I am L. in I. to. of earth 14:29 dry land in to. 15:19 33:3 I will not go uj) in m. Num. 2:17 taheni. in m. of camp ;i5:5 shall be in to. Ezek. 48:15 Deut. 11:3 acts he did in to. of E. 23:14 God walketh in t. m. .los. .3:17 in m. of Jordan. 4:10 7:21 hid in the to. of my tent 11 Sam. 18:14 in the to. of oak 2 A'. 6:20 were in to. of Samaria 1 C7ir. 19:4 garments in the to. Nil. 4:11 till we come in the to. Ps. 22;14 in the to. of bowels 22 in t. ni. of the congregation will I praise thee, Heb. 2:13 46:5 God is in the m. of her 102:2^1 take not away i/i to. of d. 110:2 rule in m. of enemies 138:7 I waJk in to. of trouble Prov. 4:21 keep th. in to. heart 5:14 all e\il in to. of coii<;re^a. 8:20 in the m. of paths ol judg. 14::33 is in m. of tools is folly 2;3::34 lietli down in in. of sea /■.■. 6:5 in the to. of a people 7:6 set a kinir in the in. of it 12:6 great is tlie Holy Oneiu the m. of thee, /7o.«. 11:9 19:2-1 blessing in t. to. of land Jir. 14:9 Lord, art in the m. of us 17:11 in to. of his days Lain. 4:13 blood of just in m. Ezek. 5:5 set in in. of nations 6:7 shall fall in m. of vou. 11:7 17:16 in to. of Babylon shall dio 2:3:.39 ill the m. of mv house 43:7 I will dw. (/) I. m. of Is. 9 Dan. 3:25 walking in to. of tiro ,h'el 2:27 I am in the tn. of Israel .Mie. 6:14 cnst. down shall in m. .\(ih. 8:13 ill vi. of thee are wo. /!ab. 8:2 in the in. of the years Zip. 8:5 L. is «;i the tn. thereof 12 leaveJdMfTO. apoorpeoplo 15 Lord Is in the to. of thee, 17 Zee. 2:5glorv in the tn. of her 10 w illdwell in in. of thee, 11 8:3 dwell in the m. of .leriisa. 8 Mai. 10:16 sheep (;i in. of wolves 1 1:24 shij) was in this tn. of tho sea, Mark 6: 17 18:2 little child in m. Mark9:mi 20 th'Teom I In the in. of llieiu I.iike 2:!: IStemplewasriiil in in. 21:36 ilesns himsolf stood in tht in. .John 80:19,26 .lofin 10:18 niul Jesiis in the m. Vi'tr. 4:6 in tn. of thr. four beasts 6:0 In tn. of throne l.amb, ":17 Into lhi< MIDST. F.r. 21: IS Mo^es went into f. tiK ,'til:5 1 will eoiiu' Into the m. /v. 67:6 (. Ml. xyliereof they im» ,lir. 21:4 ilsseiubU' th. I. f/i. of cl. M:«!l oast It (/i^> the in. of river A'.-. A', 6:4 eiir.| them I, in. otttrw •ii:\V 1 will pdher you iitlofn. of Jurumileiu 944 CRUDEN'S CONCOHDAN-CE. MIG Out of the MIDST. Ex. 3:4 0. ofm. of bnsh, 24:16 Deut. i-.ViU. s-pa^eout of them. of fire, 15:33, 36; 5:4, 22, 24 34 take nation out of m. of an. Jos. 4:3 out of m. of Jordan, 8 Is. 24:18 Cometh out ofm. of pit 52:11 depart, go out of the m,. of her, Jer. 50:8; 51:6, 45 Ezek. 11:7 forth out of m. of it 29:4 br. thee out of m. of rivers 32:21 sp. to him o. ofm. of hell Zep. 3:11 away out of m. of thee MIDWIFE, VES. Gen. 35:17 m. said unto Rachel 38:28 m. bound on hand thread Ex. 1:16 when ye do the office of a m. 17, 19, 20, 21 MIGHT, Substantive. Gen. 49:3 Re. first-born, my m. Num. 14:13 this people in thy m. Deut. 3:24 do according to thy m. 6:5 love thy God with alWhy m. 8:17 m. of my hand gotten weal. 28:32 be no m. in thy hand Jud. 5:31 sun goeth forth in m. 6:14 go in thy m. 16:30 bowed 2Sam. 6:14D. danced with allm. 2 K. 23:25 J. turned to L. wi. m. 24:16 king bro. cap. men of ?re. •1 Chr. 12:8 men of TO. came toD. 29:2 I prepared house with m. 12 in thy hand is power and to. 2 Chr. 20:6 2 Chr. 20:12 have no to. ag. this Est. 10:2 Ahasue. power and m. Ps. 76:5 none of the men of to. 145:6 speak of to. of thy acts Ec. 9:10 find, do it with thy to. Js. 11:2 TO. shall rest on him 33:13 ye that acknow. my to. 40:26 call, them by great, of to. 29 to them that have no to. Jer. 9:23 nor let man glory in m. 10:6 thy name is great in to. 16:21 cause th. to know^ my to. 49:35 break chief of their m. 51:30 their to. hath failed Ezek. 32:30 ashamed of their m. Dan. 2:20 wisdom and to. are his 23 0 6. who hast given me to. 4:30 built by to,, of my power Jiric. 3:8 full of judgment and to. 7:16 nations confound, at th. to. Zee. 4:6 not by to. nor by power Eph. 1:21 far above all m. power 3:16 to be strengthened with to. Col. 1:11 6:10 L. and in power of his to. iPet. 2:11 angels greater in to. Pev. 7:12 glo. and to. be unto G. See ruLPiLLED. MIGHTY. Gen. 10:9 to. hunter before L. 18:18 Abraham bee. a m. nation 23:6 thou art a to. prince Ex. 1:7 children of Israel, to. 20 9:28 be no more to. thunderings 10:19 L. turned a 7n. west wind 15:10 sank as lead in to. water Xev. 19:15 nor honor person of to. Num. 22:6 this people are too to. Deut. 4:37 he bro. thee out with TO. power, 9:29 26:5 a nation, to. and populous Jud. .5:13 have dominion over to. 23 came not to help L. ag. to. 1 Sam. 4:8 out of hand of to. gods 2 Sam. 1:19 how are to. fallen ! 25 21 shield of the to. is cast aw. 2 K. 24:15 TO. of the land captive 1 Chr. 1:10 Nira. m. 12:28 Zadok 2 Chr. 26:13 made war with to. 27:6 so Jotham became to. Ezr. 4:20 been to. king over Jer. 7:28 mercy to me bef. to. princes Neh. 3:16 N. repaired to the to. 9:11 threw, stone in to. waters Job 5:15 he saveth poor from m. 6:23 redeem me fr. hand of to. f 9:4 wise in heart, to. in strong. 12:19 he overthroweth the to. 21 weakeneth strength of to. 21:7 wherefore are wicked to. .? 24:22 draweth to. wi. his power 34:20 TO. shall be taken away 35:9 by reason of arm of to. 41:25 raiseth himself, to,, afraid Ps. 24:8 strong and to. in battle 29:1 give to the L. O ye to. glo. 45:3 gird thy sword, O most to. B9:3 TO. ai c gathered against me 68:33 send out voice, to. voice 74:15 thou driedst up to. rivers 82:1 Gk)d In congrega. of the to. 89:6 who am, Bona 7«, like to L, ? MIL Ps. 89:13 thou hast a to. arm 19 I have laid help upon one to. 93:4 L. mightier than to. waves 106:8 make to. power known 112:2 seed shall be to. on earth 135:10 smote nat. slew to. kings Prov. 16:32 better than the to. 18:18 lot parteth betwe. the to. 23:11 their Redeemer is to. 7s. 3:25 thy to. sh. fall in war 5:22 woe to them that are to. 11:15 wi. TO. wind sh. his hand 22:17 carry thee aw. wi. to. cap. 49:24 shall prey be taken fr. m. ? 63:1 in righteousn. to. to save Jer. 5: 15 TO. and ancient nation .32:19 gr. in coirnsel, to. in work 33:3 I will show thee to. things Ezek. 17:13 hath taken TO. of land 32:12 swords of to. make th. fall 21 strong among to. sh. speak 27 not lie wi. m. that are fallen 38:15 come with a to, anny 39:18 ye shall eat flesh of to. Dan. 4:3 m. are his wonders 1 8:24 his power shall be to. 11:3 a TO. king shall stand up Amos 2:14 nei. shall to. deliver 16 courageous am. to. sh. flee 5:12 TO. sins ; 24 to. stream Jon. 1:4 there was a to. tempest Zee. 11:2 howl, to. are spoiled Mat. 11:20 most of to. works 21 if TO. works which were, 23 13:54 hath this man to. works ? 58 he did not many to. works there, Mark 6:5 14:2 John the Bap. therefore to. works do show, Mark 6:14 Mark 6:2 m,. works by his hand Luke 1:49 to. hath done great th. 52 he hath put doum the to. 9:43 amazed at to. power of G. 19:37 praised God for to. works 24:19 was a prophet to. in deed Acts 7:22 Moses was to. in w-ords 18:24 Apol. was to. in script. Bom. 15:19 obed. thro' to. signs 1 Cor. 1:26 not many to. 27 chos. weak, to confound to. 2 Cor. 10:4 warfare to. thro' God 13:3 is not weak, hut to. in you Gal. 2:8 the same was to. in me Eph. 1:19 working of to. power 2 Thes. 1:7 J. with his to. angels Rev. 6:13 when shak. of to. v-ind 10:1 I saw ano. to. angel. 18:21 18:10 TO. city ; 19:6 to. thunder. See ACTS, GOD, hand, man, men. MIGHTY one. Gen. 10:8 N. began to be a to. o. Is. 1:24 Lord of hosts, the to. 0. of Is. 30:29; 49:26; 60:16 10:34 Leb. shall fall by a to. o. 28:2 L. hath a to. and strong o. Jer. 20:11 L. is wi. me as a m. o. Ezek. 31:11 deliver, him to to. o. MIGHTY ones. ■lud. 5:22 broken by their to. o. Is. 13:3 have called my to. ones Jer. 46:5 their to. o. are beaten Joel 3:11 cause to. o. to come MIGHTIER. Gen. 26:16 thon art to. than we Ex. 1:9 child, of Is. to. than we iVi/TO. 14:12 and to. than they, i>«Mt4:.38; 7:1; 9:1,14; 11:23 Ps. 93:4 L. is to. than many wa. Ec. 6:10 nei. contend with to. Mat. 3:11 that com. aft. mais to. than I, j1/«;* 1:7 ; Luke 3:16 MIGHTIES. 1 Chr. 11:12 Ele. was one of 3 to. 19 these thi. did these three to. 24 B. had a name am. three to. MIGHTILY. Dent. 6:3 ye may increase to. Jud. 4:3 Jabin to. oppressed Is. 14:6 Sp. of the L. came to. 15:14 Jer. 25:.30 the Lord shall to. roar ./o«. 3:8 man and beast cry to. Nah. 2:1 fortify thy power to. ylcAs 18:28 to. convinced Jews 10:20 so TO. grew word of God Col. 1:29 worketh in me to. Bcu. 18:3 cried to. saying, Bab. MILCAH. Gen. 11:29 M. daught. of Haran, 22:20; 24:15; JV^wto. 26:33 MILCH. Gen. 32:15 thirty to. camels 1 Sam. 6:7 take two to. kine, 10 MILCOSI. 1 K. 11:5, 33; 3 .T. 23:13 MILDEW. ;Se« BLASTING. MIN MILE. Mat. 5:41 compel thee to go a to. MILETLTM. 2 Tim. 4:20 JIILETUS. ^Cils 20:15. 17 MILR, Substantive. Gen. 18:8 A. took butter and to. 49:12 his teeth be white wi. to. Deut. .32:14 kine, to. of sheep Jud. 4:19 J. opened bottle of to. 5:25 asked water, she gave to. Job 10:10 not pou.meout asTO. .^ 21:24 his breasts are full of to. P?'oi: 27:27 Shalt have goats' to. 30:33 churning to. bring, butter Cant. 4:11 to. under thy tongue 5:1 drunk ^rine with my to. 12 his eyes washed with to. lco. 24 50:37 Bw. onw. peo. Ezfk. 30:5 i!/i'c 13:1 blood Pilat had m. liev. 8:7 hail and fire m. with hi. MliVISH, ED. Ex. 5:19 not tn. auprht of task Ps. 107:39 again they are m. MIMSTER. Ex. 24:13 Moses and his to. Jos. Jos. 1:1 spake to Joshua, M. to. Mat. 20:26 your m. Mark 10:43 i!;ie 4:20 gave hook again to to. Acfs 13:5 had also J. to their to. 20:16 make th. a to. and witn. Pom. 13:4 is to. of G. to thee, 6 15:8 Ch. was to. of circumcision 16 be TO. of Jesus to Gentiles Gal. 2:17 is Ch. the m. of sin ? Eph. 3:7 whereof I was made a TO. Co/. 1:23, 25 6:21 Ty. a faithful to. Col. 4:7 Co?. 1:7 Epaphras, a faithful to. 1 T//es. 3:2 brother and to. of G. 1 Tim. 4:6 a good to. of Christ Zr«6. 8:2 a to. of the sanctuary MIMSTER, Verb. Ex. 28:1 that he may to. to me in the priest's oftirc. 3, 4, 41 ; 29:1,44; 30:.30: 31:10; 35:19; 30:41 ; 40:13, 15 35 it shall bo upon Aar. to to. 29:44 sanctify Aar. to TO. to me lev. 7:35 presented them to 7n. 17vm. 8:26 to. wi. their brethren Dent. 10:8 tribe of L. to m. to h. 21:5 God hath clios. them to to. 1 Snm. 2:11 child did m. to Lord 1 K. 8:11 priest could not stand to TO. 2 Chr. 5:14 1 Chr. 15:2 chosen to to. bef hi. 23:13 to TO. to the Lord and to give thanks, 2 CAr. 31:2 2 CAr. 13:10 pries, to. sons of A. /?«. 9:8 TO. judgment to people 7i?. 00:7 rams of Nebaioth to. 10 their kings shall to. to thee Jer. 3.3:22 multi. Levites that to. j;;;ci-. 40:46 near to to. 44:15, 16 41:11 stand before them to to. Mat. 20:28 to be ministered to, but to m. Mark 10:45 25:41 and did not m. to thee? j4c)'«ai:23 acquaint. tOTO. to him Mom. 15:251 go to to. to saints 27 TO. to them in carnal things 1 Cor. 9:13 TO. about holy things 2 Cor. 9:10 to. bread for your fo. Eph. 4:29 TO. grace to hearers 1 Tim. 1:4 which vi. questions Ileb. 1:14 TO. tohcirsof snlvalhm 6:10 minis, to saints, and dowt. 1 Pet. 1:12 but to us (hey did m. 4:10 TO., the sameonetoaiiother 11 if any man w. let him do it MINISTEREI). Nnm. 3:4 E. and \. to. Dmt. 10:0 1 Sam. 2; 18 Saumel to. bef. L. .3:1 iflam. 13:17 his scirvant that m. 1 A". 1:4 Abishag to. to David, 15 19:21 Elijah, and to. to liim Ezek. 44:12 vi. before Ihelr idols Dan. 7:10 thouBaiidsTO. uiitolihu Mat. 4:11 nngels came and to. to him, Mark 1:13 8:15 slio rose and 7«,. Mark 1:31 //?(A lnat»/i. to my wniits Col. 2:19 having MourJKiimciit to. 2 'Tim. 1:1HnuiMV IIi.to. uiilome /%«. 8:6 the tn. of a man ts i;real l,(ini. 1:7 .Iitrufal. In davs of hi. 3:1U ro, uilnu ulllU'.lluii uiiU m, MOA Pom. 3:16 to. are in their ways Jam. 5:1 howl for your m. MISHAEL. Ex. 6:22; Lev. 10:4; Neh. 8:4 Dan. 1:6 of childr. of Jndah, M. MISS. Jud. 20:16 sling at. and not to. 1 Sam. 20:6 if thy fath. at all to. MISSED, IIV6. 1 Sam. 20:18 thou shalt be to. 25:7 neither was there aught to. 15 neith. to. any thing as long 21 nothing was m. of all 1 K. 20:.39 any means he be to. MIST. Gen. 2:6 th. went a to. fr. earth Acts 13:11 there fell on him a m. 2 Pet. 2:17 m. of darkn. reserved MISTRESS. Gen. 16:4 Sarah her to. despised 8 flee fr. my in. S. 9 return to 1 K. 17:17 son of to. fell sick 2 K. 5:3 said to her to. would G. Ps. 123:2 eyes of maiden to to. Prcn). .30:23 that is heir to her to. Is. 24:2 as with maid so with m. Nah. 3:4 the to. of witchcrafts MISUSED. 2 Chr. 36:16 they to. his prophe. MITE, S. Mark 12:42 a certain poor widow threw in two to. Luke 21:2 Luke 12:59 thou hast paid last to. MITRE. Ex. 28:4 make a to. 39; 39:28 29:6 put the to. upon his head Lev. 8:9 put holy crown on to. 10:4 wi. lin. m. sh. he be attired Zee. 3:5 set fair to. on his head MIXED. Ex. 12:38 to. multitude went up Num. 11:4 to. multi. fell a lusti. Neh. 13:3 separated tr. to. multi. Pron. 23::30 go to seek to. wine Is. 1:22 thy wine to. with water Dan. 2:41 thou saw. the iron to. //OS. 7:8 Ephraim to. am. people //eft. 4:2 not being m. with faith MIXTURE. Ps. 75:8 there is a cup full of m. John 19:39 Nicodemus, and bro. a TO. of myrrh and aloes Bev: 14:10 poured out without to. MIZAR. Ps. 42:6 MIZPAH. Gen. 31:49 na. of heap called M. 1 /r. 1.5:22 Ge. and M. 2 Chr. 16:6 2 K. 25:2:J to Ged. to M. Jer. 41:1 Neh. .3:7 men of fiibeon and M. Jer. 40:10 I will dwell at M. 41:3 slew all J. that were at IM. Has. 5:1 have been a snare ou M. MIZPEH. Tos. 15:.38 Dilean and M. Jud. 10:17 in M. 11:11 ; 21:5 20:1 Israel was gathered In M. 1 Sam. 7:5 all Tsr. to M. 6; 22:3 10:17 Samuel called peo. to M. MTZRATM. Gen. 10:6 MNASON. .4c/.< 21:16 Movn. Gen. lO:.?? daugh.'s son was M. Er. 15:15 tremb. on men of M. Num. 21:20; 22:3; 24:17 ; •»:1 Ihut. 2:18 pass thro' coast of M. 31-5 Moses died in land of M. Jud. ;i:29 they slew of M. about 10:6 Israel serv. the gods of M. 11:15 took not away land of M. Ituth 1:2 ca. Into country of M. 1 Sam. 14:47 Saul fought ag. M. 2 Sam. 8:2 David smote M. 2.3:'J0 1 A'. 11:7 the ahomlnation of M. 2 A'. 1:1 then M. rebelled, 3:7, 2.") 1 Chr. 4:',>2 dominion in M. 18:11 2 Chr. 20:1 tA. came ag. .Teh. 10 iV(7(. 13:23 J. nuirrled wiv. of M. /V 60:8 M. my washiiol, 10H:9 83:6 M. Is confederate ag. theo Is. 11:M lav the. hand upon M. 15:1 burden of M. llVlit; ./oii M. 7.. 2:9 M. shall he as Siulom MOMIITK. fyfut. 2.3:3 M, sh, not, \fh. 13:1 1 Chr. 11:46 lllimu tlio M. a v»L 946 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. MOM SrOABITES. Gen. 19:37 the father of the M. beut. 2:9 said, Distress not M. Jud. 3:28 L. hath delivered M. 2 Sam. 8:2 M. beca. 1 Ckr. 18:2 1 K. 11:1 loved women of the M. 2 K. 3:18 he will deli, the M. 24 13:20 bands of.M. invaded, 24:2 Ezr. 9:1 to abominations of M. MOCK, Sabitantive. Prov. 14:9 fools make a m. at sin Moca. Gen. 39:14 bro. Heb. torn, ns.17 Job 13:9 mocketh, do ye m. him 21:3 after I have spoken, m. on Prov. V.iUm.vi'h. your fear com. Jer. 38:19 and they m. me Lam. 1:7 didm. at her sabbaths Ezek. 22:5 shall m. thee who art ilfaZ. 20:19 deliver to G. to m. h. Mark 10:34 »z. him and scourge Luke 14:iS begin to m,. him MOCKED. Gen. 19:14 one that to. to sons Num. 22:29 bee. thou hast?«. me Jud. IQ-.Wm. me, 13. 15 1 K. 18:27 at noon, Elijah m. th. 2 A". 2:23 little child. 7n..Elisha 2 CAr. 30:10 lau. to scorn and m. 36:16 OT. the messengers of God Neh. 4:1 Sanballat m. the Jews Job 12:4 one m. of his neighbor JbTaJ. 2:16 H. saw that he was m. 27:29 they bowed the knee and m. 31 ; Mark 15:20 Luke 18:32 ?re. spitef. entreated 22:63 men that held J. m. him 2-3:11 Herod m. 36 soldiers m. Acts 17:32 resurrection, some m. Gal. 6:7 not deceiv. G. is not ?n. MOCKER, S. Job 17:2 are th. not m. with me? Pi. 35:16 hypocrit. m. in feasts P^-oi'. 20:1 wine is a m. st. di'ink Is. 28:22 be not m. lest bands be Jer. 15:17 sat not Inassem. of m. Jade 18 sh. be m. latter times MOCKEST, ETH. vOb 11:3 when thou to. sh. nom. 1:3:9 as one to. anoth. do ye so 39:22 TO. at fear, not affrighted ProE. 17:5 to. poor repro. Maker 30:17 that to. at his father Jer. 20:7 derision, ev. one to. me MOCRIiVG. Gen. 21:9 Ba\v son of Hagar to. J/hi. 27:41 priests to. J/a;'A 15:31 ^c<4' 2:13 oth. TO. said, These m. MOCKING, S. Ezek. 22:4 made thee a to. to all Meb. 11:36 had trial of cruel to. MODERATION. PAii. 4:5 let your m. be known MODERATELY. Joel 2:23 gi. you former rain to. MODEST. 1 2^m. 2:9 adorn in m. apparel MOIST. JVmto. 6:3 nor shall he eat to. gr. MOISTENED. Job 21:24 bones ?)i. ^vith man-ow MOISTURE. Ps. 32:4 TO. turned to drought Luke 8:6 because it lacked to. MOLADAH. Jb«. 15:26 MOLE. Lev. 11:30 snail and to. are unci. MOLES. See bats. MOLBCH. Xe». 18:21 pass thro, fire to M. 20:2 of his seed to M. .Jer. :32:35 1 if. 11:7 a high place for M. 2 J^. 23:10 son pass thro' to M. MOLLIFIED. Is. 1:6 nor to. with ointment MOLOCH. Xtoos 5:26 Mete 7:43 MOLTEN. ZSc. 32:4 he had made a to. calf, 8; Z)e!/<. 9:12,16; iVS-A. 9:18 34:17 no TO. gods. Lev. 19:4 1 K. 7:16 chapiters of to. brass 23 a TO. sea ; :30 underset, to. JbA 2S:2 brass is to. out of stone 37:18 sky as a to. looking-glass Ezek. 24:11 filthinessbe 7n. iu it ifjc. 1:4 mountains shall be m. See iMAQE. MOMENT. Ex. 3.3:5 midst of thee in a to. Num. 10:21 consume th. in a to. MON Job 7:18 shonldest try him e. m. 20:5 joy of hypoc. but for a to. 21:13 in a to. go down to grave 34:20 in a to. shall they die Ps. 30:5 his anger end. .but a to. 3:19 into desolation as in a to. Prov. 12:19 ly. tong. but for a to. Is. 26:20 as it were for a to. 27:3 I will water it every to. 47:9 things shall come in a to. 54:7 for a small to. have I forsa. 8 I hid my face fr. th. for a to. Jer. 4:20 my curtains in a to. Lam. 4:6 Sodom overth. in a to. Ezek. 26:16 tremble ev. to. 32:10 i?;t« 4:5 king, of world in a to. 1 Cor. 15:52 be changed in a to. 2 6'or. 4:17 which is but for a m. MONEY. Gen. 23:9 as much m. as worth 131 will give thee to . for field 31:15 quite devoured our m. 42:25 to restore every man's m. 27 espied to. 28 to. restored 43:12 double to. in hand, 15 44:1 ev. man's to. in sack's mo. 47:14 gathered all to. in Egypt 15 TO. faileth ; 18 our to. spent Ex. 21:11 go out free without to. 21 he is his to. 35 divide to. 30 be laid on him a sum of to. 22:7 man deliver to. to neighbor 25 lend to. to any of my people 30:16 take atonement to. of Isr. Lev. 25:37 not give him to. on usury. Pent. 23:19 Num. 3:49 Mos. tookredemp. to. Dtw?. 2:6 and water for to. ^ 14:25 turn into »i. 26 bestow to. 21:14 not sell her at all for to. Jud. 5:19 took no gain of to. 16:18 lords bro. to. to Delilah 17:4 restored to. to his mother 1 K. 21:2 give worth of it in to. 2 Z'. 5:26 is it a time to rec. to. .? 12:4 the m. of dedicated things 7 now receive no more to. 8 10 to. in chest, 2 CKr. 24:11 16 and sin ?n. was not brought 15:20 exacted the to. of Israel 23:.35 Jehoakim gave to. to Ph. Ezr. 3:7 gave to. also to masons 7:17 buy speedily with this to. Neh. 5:4 borrowed m. for king 10 my servants exact of th. to. Est. 4:7 sum of to. H. promised t/bi 31:39 eaten fruits without to. 42:11 ev. man also gave him to. Ps. 15:5 putteth not to. to usury Proi.'. 7:20 taken bag of to. Ec. 7:12 wisd. and tn. a defence 10:19 but TO. answers all things Is. 52:3 be redeemed without to. 55:1 he that hath no to. come 2 wheref. spend ye to. for that Jer. 32:9 wei^h. to. 17 shekels 10 44 men shall buy fields for m. Lam. 5:4 drunk, our wa. for to. Mic. 3:11 prophets divine for ?n. Mat. 17:24 received trib. to. ca. 27 thou Shalt find a place of to. 22:19 show me the tribute to. 25:18 earth, hid his lord's to. 27 m. to exchang. Luke 19:23 28:12 large to. to soldiers, 15 Ma7'k ():8 they took no to. in their purse, Zwfe 9:3 12:41 people cast to. into treas. 14:11 and promised to give him TO. Luke 22:5 Acts 4::37 brought to. and laid it 8:18 Simon oft'ered them to. 20 P. said, to. perish with thee 24:26 hoped to. sho. been given 1 Tim. 6:10 love of to. root of all See BOUGHT. MON-EY-CHANGERS. Mat. 21:12 Jesus overthrew ta- bles of TO.-c. Mark 11:15 John 2:14 found in temple m.-c. MONSTERS. Lam. 4:3 sea to. draw out breast MONTH. Gen. 29:14 wi. La. space of a to. Ex. 13:4 came ye out in to. Ab. 23:15 keep feast in the TO. Abib 34:18 in to. Abib thou ca. fr. E Peut. 16:1 ; Jos. 5:10 Lev. 27:6 ft-om a to. old to 5 years Num. 3:15 ev. male fr. a m. old, 22. 28, 34. 39. 40. 43 ; 26:62 9:22 TO. or year cloud tarried 11:20 eat Uesh, even a wh. to. 21 18:16 from a to. old shalt thou 28:14 burnt-ofl'er. every to. 29:6 Peut. 21:13 iu house fuU m. MOO 1 E. 4:7 his to. made provis. 27 5:14 TO. they were in Lebanon Est. 9:22 TO. turned fr. sorrow Jer. 2:24 her to. they shall find Hos. 5:7 TO. devour th. with por. Zee. 11:8 I cut ofi' in one to. Pev. 9:15 prep, for a day and to. 22:2 yielded her fruit every to. SeeiTBST. Second MONTH. Gen. 7:11 s. to. fount, broken up 8:14 in s. to. was earth dried Ex. 16:1 came to sin in sec. m. Num. 1:1 in s. m. take sum of 9:11 on s. to. shall keep pass- over, 2 Chr. 30:2 10:11 on s. in. cloud was taken Third MONTH. Eh^. 19:1 in t. to. came into Sin. 2 CAr. 31:7 t. to. began to lay fo. Ezek. 31:1 in t to. word of Lord Fourth MONTH. 2 .K". 25:3 /. to. famine prevailed ■Jer. 39:2/. to. city broken up 52:6/. TO. famine sore in city Zee. 8:19 fast of/, to. be joy See prPTH. Sixth MONTH. Sag. 1:1 in s. to. word of L. ca. 15 iu s. TO. did work in hou. of Luke 1:26 in s. to. angel sent 6 s. TO. with her called barren See SEVENTH. Eighth MONTH. Zee. 1:1 e. to. came word to Ze. Ninth MONTH. Ezr. 10:9 n. to. peo. sat tremb. Jer. 36:22 sat in house in n. m. Hag. 2:10 re. to. came word of L. Zee. 7:1 word came to Z. in ti. to. Tenth MONTH. Gen. 8:5 decreased until tenth to. Ezr. 10:10 sat do\vn in tenth to. .Esi. 2:16 taken to king in t. to. Eleventh MONTH. Pe^it. 1:3 e. to. Moses spake to Z«c. 1:7 e. to. came word to Zee. Twelfth MONTH. Est. 3:7 aist lots to twdj'th to. Ezek. 32:1 ^ to. word ot L. came This MONTH. Ex. 12:2 t. m. sh. be beginning 'it. in. take every man a lamo Neh. 9:1 1. in. Israel assembled MONTHLY. Is. 47:13 the ?». prognosticators MONTHS. Num. 10:10 in begin, of your to. 28:11 in beginuinIORB. Est. 2:14 came no in. to kins Job 7:8 see me JiO to. 9 come np 10 shall return nom. to house i?ei). 21:1 no m. sea; 4 death; 22:3 curse MOREOTER- Ps. 19:11 TO. by th. scrv. -warned Is. 39:8 m. the'rc shall be peace Heb. 11:36 to. of bonds and imp. MORI.\H. Gen. 22:2 get th. into land of M. 2 Chr. 3:l''Sol. built house in JI. MORNING. Gen. 19:15 when the to. arose 24:54 Abra. rose up in the TO, 26::31 rose betimes in the to. 29:25 in the TO. behold it was L. 40:6 Jos. came into them in to. 49:27 in to. he sh. devour prey Ex. 7:15 get thee to Phar. in m. 10:13 TO. east wind bro. locusts 14:27 sea returned to stre. in to. 16:7 in in. ye sh. see glory of I* 8 give you in the to. bread, 12 13 iu the m. the dew lay round 29:39 one lamb in to. Num. 28:4 34:2 be ready in the to. 25 nor shall pass, be left to TO. Let. 6S burning all night to to. Lorn. 9:21 cloud taken up in to. Deut. 28:67 in to. would it were Jud. 6:31 put to death whilst to> 16:2 in the to. when it is day 19:37 rose in to. opened doors 20:19 chil. of Israel rose in m. 2 Sam. 23:4 and he shall be as the TO. when the sun riseth, even a to. without clouds 24:11 when D. was up in the m. 1 ST. .3:21 when I consid. it in m. 18:26 called on B. fr. to. to noon A'eh. 4:21 some labored from f/i. 8:3 read from m. until mid-day Job 7:21 thou shalt seek me in TO. 11:17 shine forth, be as the TO. 24:17 TO. to th. as sha. of death 38:12 hast thou commanded m. 41:18 his eyes like eyelids of to. Ps, 5:3 my voice shalt thou hear in the m. O Lord, in the m. MOR Ps. .30:5but joy comethintheTW. 49:14 doimnion over them in »i. 59:16 will siug thy mercy inM. 88:13 in the m. shall ray prayer 90:5 the m. they are like grass 6 in the m. it rtourisheth up 119:147 I prevented dawn, of m. 130:6 they that watch for m. 139:9 if I take wings of the m. 143:8 thy lovinjj-kindness in m. Ec. 10:16 princes eat in the m. 11:6 in the m. sow thy seeu Cant. 6:10 she looketh like m. Is. 14:12 O Lucifer, son of m. 17:14 before the m. he is not 21:12 watchman said, m. com. • 28:19 m. by m. sh. it pass over 50:4 be ■wakenetli 7n. by wj. 58:8 thy light brealc forth as m. Jer. 5:8 were as fed horses m m. 20:16 hear the cry in the m. 21:12 execute jnclgm. in thewi. Ezek. 7:7 the m. is come on thee 10 the TO. is gone forth, the rod 12:8 in the m. came word of L. 24:18 1 spalce to the peo. in the m. at even my wife died. I did in the to. as commanded 33:22 it came to me in the m. Eos. 6:3 his going forth is as to. 4 yoar goodness is as to. cloud 7:6 in the 7n. it burnetii as fire 10:15 in a to. sh. king be cut off Joel 2:2 as to. spread on mount. Amos 4:13 maketh the to. dark. 5:8 turn shad, of death into to. Jon. 4:7 God prepared a worm when the to. rose 2Iic. 2:1 when the to. is light Mat. 16:3 in the to. it will be fo. 27:1 when them, was come Mark 11:20 in m. as they passed 13:35 at cock-crowing, or in to. Early In tlic MORiMNG. Oen. 19:27 Abraham gat up e. in the m. HUH \ 22:3 23:18 Jacob rose up e. in (he to. 31:55 Laljan rose e. in the to. Ex. 8:20 said. Rise e. in to. 9:13 21:4 Moses roncearli/ in to. 34:1 Jos. 3:1 Jo.sliua rose early in the TO. 6:12; 7:16; 8:10 Jtid. 6:28 men of city r. e. in in. 1 Sam. 1:19 tliey rose up e. in t. m. 29:11; 2 K. 3:22; 19::J5 ; 2 Chr. 20:20; Is. 37::56 15:12 Sa. rose*, in to. 17:20 D 2:): 10 wlierefore rise e. in the in. Juh 1:5 Job rose up e. in the m. Prov. 27:14 rising earlijin tlie m. U. 5:11 woe to th. th. rise e. invi. 37:36 arose e. in t. to. all dead Dan. 6:19 Darius rose e. in t. m. Mat. 20:1 went earli/ in the to. Mar/c 16:2 t'arli/ in the m. came to sepulchre, Luke 21:1 Luke 21 :38 (tame e. i. in. John 8:2 Acts 5:21 entered lemi)lc e. in m. See EVENING. Every MORM\0. Kx. 16:21 gath. marina every m. :i;):7 burn sweet incense e. to. Jji-n. 6:12 priest burn wood e. to. 1 <:hr. 9:27 e. to. pertain, lo i)or. *• Chr. 13:11 bum to Lord e. in. .lob 7:18 shouldi'st visit liime. to, /'.<. 73:14 have \w.t>\\ chaste, e. in. /■•■. 3;i:2 be thou our ann e. in. Ijfim. 3:23 L.'s mercies new e. m. K:'.e.k. 46:13 pn-parcMV Ininl) c. in. Aiiwn^:\ \m\v' sacrifices e. in. Xcp. 3:5 e. in. doth lii'iiig jiidgni. Mon\i.\(; iicht. 1 Sam. 14:36 spoil th. luilil to. I. 25:22 pertain to him by in. I. 3(1 Aoi. told nothing until in. I. 2 Sam. 17:22 i)assed J. by m. I. 2 K. 7:9 if wc tarry until to. II. n\|[\(}. Ex. 12:I01(t nolh. of it remain w. them. 16:19; 2:1:18; 29:;i4; Lev. 7:15; A'liin. 9:12 16:20 HouK! of (li, 1,-a w. I m. 23 lay up for you until t/ir in. Lev. 19:13 not iilildev/. /, in. Ihtit. 16:4 any lliwli rem. ii. m. .full. 1!):25 abusi'il her u. t. m.. /iuth ii-.l-.l (hiwu u. I. in. 14 lay 1 Sum. ;i:15 Hannnl liiv ". /. m. 19:2 laku lieedtotliyHclfi/. f. m. MOS 2 E. 10:8 heads of kings u. t. m. Prov. 7:18 our fill of love u. in. Is. 38:13 1 reckoned zfKii; the in. M0R;VI.\G watch. Ex. 14:24 in in. w. h. said to M. 1 Sam. 11:11 mi. of hostiu to. w. iMORROVV. Ex. 8:23 to-TO. shall this sign be 9:5 to-TO. the L. sh. do this thi. 6 L. did thing, on to. cattle di.' 16:23 to-TO. is rest of holy sab. 19:10 sane, them to-day and to. 32:5 to-TO. is a feast to the Lord Lev. 7:16 on to. remain, eat. 19:6 22:30 leave none of it till to. 2:3:15 ye shall count from m. Num. 11:18 sanctify your.selves against to-TO. .Jos. 7:13 16:10 they and A. to-TO. bef. L. 41 on TO. congreg. murmured Jos. 3:5 to-ni. L. will do wond. 5:12 manna ceased on the to. 22:18 to-TO. wroth wi. congreg. .lurl. 19:9 to-m. get early on way 20:28 to-m. I will deliver them 1 Sam. 11:9 to-?;j. by ti. sun hot 20:5 to-TO. is the new raoon, 18 28:19 to-TO. Shalt thou and sons 1 K. 20:6 send ser. to thee to-?«. 2 K. 6:28 will eat my son, to-TO. ~ 15 on TO. he took a thick cloth 2 Chr. 20:16 to-TO. go ye down, 17 Est. 5:8 to-7)i. as king hath said 12 to-m. am I invited to her Prov. 3:28 to-TO I will give 27:1 boast not thyself to-m. Is. 22:13 let us eat, for to-TO. we die, 1 Cor. 15::32 56:12 to-TO. shall be as this day Zf'p. 3:3 gn. not bones till to-TO. Mat. 6:30 to -to. is cast into the oven, Lul^e 12:28 34 take no thought for in. for TO. sh. take thought for itself Li'ke 13:32 to-day, and to-TO. 33 walk to-day and to-?;i. Acts 20:7 P. rea. to depart on to, 25:22 to-TO. thou shall hear him ,/am. 4:13 to-day or to-/)?, will go 14 know not what sh. bo on to. MORSEL. Gen. 18:5 fetch a to. of bread •/(/'/. 19:5 comf. heart with m. Uuth 2:14 dip thy to. in vinegar ■Tolj 31:17 eaten my in. myself Frov. 17:1 bet. dry m. and quiet 2:i;8 m. hast eaten shall vomit Jhb. 12:16 E. for to. sold birthri. See BREAD. IVIORSELS. Ps. 147:17 cast, forth ice like to. MORT.VL. ■Tot) 4:17 TO. man mo. justth. G. ? Itom. 6:12 sin reign in to. body K:ll ([uicken to. bodies by Hpi. 1 Ciir. 15:53 TO. on immortal. 54 2 Cor. 4:11 J. manifrsl, in to. lie. MORTALITY. 2 Cor. 5:4 in. swallow, up of life MORTALLY. Deut. 19:11 smite neighbor TO. MORTAR. (ten. 11:8 slime had they form. A>. 1:14 serve in to. and brick Le.i\ 14:42 take to. and plas(. ho. 45 bntak down in. of llu: liouse /•'■•. 41:25 upon iiriiicesas up. in. lixek. 13:10 diiulied it with un- teinpci-cd //(.It, 11, 15; 22:28 Nah. 3:1 1 clay, and tread the TO. MORTAR. Xum. 11:8 or ln'at ii in a in. Proo. 27:22 bray fnol in to. MORT<;A(;Kn. NcJi. 5:3 we have m. our lands MORTIFY. Itom. 8:13 yt: in. dirdsofbody Col. 3:5 TO. your members iMOSBKOTU. Num. 3;):.30 MOKKK. Ex. 2:10 called his imine M. •los. 1:5 as I was wllh M. 3:7 Ps. 103:7 made lai. ways lo M. 105:26 lie siMil M. niid .\aroii 106:16 I'livled IM. in ciimi), :12 Is. 6:1:12 by righl liand ot M. ■hr. 15:1 lliough AI. Ktniid lie. mo Mat. 4:1 remeinlier law of M, .Uiil. I7;:i llicre aiipiMind M. and Kllas, .Murk'.M; l.uki'.WM 19:7 why did M. i omnmnd. y 2:i:2 I'hiirlHiH's nil III M.'b seal .Mark 10:3 what did M. com, 1 1 MOT Mark 12:19 M. wrote, Luke 20:28 Luke 16:29 M. and prophets 20:37 M. showed at the bush 24:27 beginning at M. and pro. ■lolm 1:17 law given by M. 45 3:14 as M. lifted serpent 5:45M.accuseth; 46believedM. 6:32 M. ga. you not that bread 7:19 M. give you law? 22, 2:3 9:28 M. disciples ; 29 G. spake Acts 3:22 M. said, A prophet 6:11 bias, words against M. 14 7:20 M. bom, 32, 35, 37 13:39 not justified by law of M. 15:1 circumcised after M. 5 21 M. hath in every city them 21:21 teacht^tto forsake M. 26:22 things M. did say, 28:23 2 Cor. 3:13 not as M. who, 15 2 Tim. 3:8 as Jan. withstood M. Ileb. 3:2 M. faithful, 3, 5. 16 9: 19 M. spoken every precept 10:28 despised M. law 11:2:3 by faith M. was hid three 12:21 Jl. said, I fear and quake ,Tude 9 disput. about body of M. Pev. 15:3 sing the song of M. MOST. Prov. 20:6 in. men proclaim Luke 7:42 \\ a. will love him m. ? 43 he to whom he forgave in. Acts 20:38 sorrowiiigTO. of all for 1 Cor. 14:27 two, or at to. three MOTE. Mat. 7:3 to. in brother's eye, Luke 6:41 4 let me pull to. out of th. eye 5 then th. see clear, to cast in. out of broth. 's eye, LukeljAi MOTH. ,Iob 4:19 crushed before the in. 27:18 buildeth his house as nm. Ps. ;39:11 beauty ccmsu. like to. Is. 50:9 m. sliall eat them, 51:8 Ilos. 5:12 I be to Kjihr. as a in. Mat. 6:19 wli. in. and rust corru. 20 iiei. in. nor rust, Luke 12:;)3 MOTH-EATEIV. ■lob 13:28 as garni, that is m.-e. ./am. 5:2 your garments are in.-e. MOTHER. Gen; 3:20 was in. of all living 17:16 shall be a to. of nations 24:60 TO. thousands of millions ;32:11 lest he smite to. with chi. Ex. 2:8 and called cliild's to. Lev. 20:14 hcrm. is wickedness ./ud. 5:7 Deb. arose a to. in Isr. 28 in. of Sisera looked out Puth 1:8 ret. each to m.'s house 2 Sam. 17:25 Zeruiah, Joab's in. 20:19 to destroy a in. in Israel 1 K. 2:19 a seat for the kill's to. 3:27 child, she is the in. thereof 2 K. 21:15 carried away king's to. /'s. 113:9 be ajoyful in. of child. Prov. .30:11 general, notbless in. Cant. 6:9 only one of her in. /<. 50:1 whe. bill of to. divorce? ■ffi: 50:12 to. be sore confounded E.r. 16; 14 as is to. so is daughter 45 your in. was a Ilillile 2:5:2 two, daiighlers of one to. Hon. 2:2 plead with yonr in. 5 th. TO. Iialh playi'd (he harlot 10:11 III. was dai-hed in jneces .Mir. 7:6 daiiirhli'V riselli up air. her in. .!/((/. I0::i5 ; Lu. V2::^l Mat. 8:14 I'.'s wife's m. Lu. 4:;iK 1 1:8 before" instructed of her to. 19:12 so born from m.'s womb 20:20//). of Zebedee's children Luki- 1:13 //I. of L. come loiiie? ./o/,u 2:1 //I. of J. Iheie, Aits 1:11 .lets 12:12 lion, of Mary, to. of J. (foI. 4:26 Jerusaleiii m. of us all //ii'. 17:5 the ///. of harlots and See KATiiKii. iiin mother. Gin. 21:21 h. in. look hi in a wife 2-1:67 comf. aller dealli nf A. »/i. 27:11 Jacob bro. Iliem to his III. 4:i:29 brolb.r IteiiJ. h. f/i.',v hipii 11:20 be iiIdiic Is lel1 of hl.ii/i. 1:19 A. III. iiiaile a III. co, I A'. 15:13 A/.S HI. Ik' icinovi'd 17:2.'! Ulllali ilellv. Iiliii |,i A, m. 22:52 walked In way 7». MOURXED. Gfen. 37:34 Jacob 777. for his son 50:3 Egyptians 7/7. for Jacob, 10 Ex. 33:4 heard th. evil tidings, they 7/7. Num. 14:.39 Num. 20:29 conirega. w,. for A. 1 Sam. 15:35 Samuel m. for Saul 2 Sam. 1:12 777. for Saul and Jon. 11:26 Bath-shebaTn. for Uriah 13:27 Bavid m. for his son Abs. 14:2 one that had 777. for dead 1 A'. 13:30 they 777. over man of G. 14:18 Is. 777. for Jeroboam's son 1 Chi: 7:22 Ephr. their father 777. 2 C7i7-. 3.5:24 Judah 7/7. for Josiah Ezr. 10:6 m. for transgression A'eA. 1:4 sat and 7/1. certain days Zee. 7:5 when ye 777. and fasted Mat. 11:17 w-e have ?7i. nnto yon, Luke 7:32 Ma7'k 16:10 as they m. and wept 1 Cor. 5:2 and have not rather 77». MOURXER, 8. 2 Sam. 14:2 feign thyself a tti. .Job 29:25 one that comforteth m. Ec. 12:5 777. go about the streets /<. 57:18 restore comf. to his tti. Uos. 9:4 sacrifi. be as bread ofm. MOURSnETH. 2 Sam. 19:1 king 777. for Absalom Ps. 35:14 I bowed as one that m. 8S:9 mine eve m. bv affliction 7^. 24:4 eartli m. and fad. 3.3:9 7 new wine m. vine languish. .Jer. 12:11 viney. being desol. m. 14:2 Jud. 777. and gates languish 23:10 bee. of swearing land 77». .Joel 1:10 land m. com'is wasted Zee. 12:10 one that 7/7. first-bom MOURMTJLLY. Mai. 3:14 we have walked m. MOmXIXG. Gen. 27:41 days of 7?7. at hand 50:10 made am. for his father 11 saw 7/7. this is a grievous m. Deut. 26:14 not eaten in 771. 34:8 days of 777. for Mo. ended 2 Sa/n. 11:27 when 777. was past 19:2 victory was turned to 771. E>:t. 4:3 there was 771. am. Jews 9:22 was turned to them fr. 77». Job 3:8 ready to raise their m. CRUDEN'S COI^XORDANCE. 949 MOU Joh 30:31 hai-p also is tum. to m. Ps. 30:11 turned m. to dancing Ec. 7:2 better go to house of /«. 4 heart of wiee in house of 7?i. Is. 22:12 Lord did call to m. 51:11 sor. andm. shall flee away 60:20 days of m. shall be ended 61:3 frive them oil of joy for m. Jer. 6:26 /ft. as for an only son 10:5 enter not into house of m. 31:13 tum their m. into joy Zam. 2:5 daughter of Judah m. 5:15 our dance is turned into ?n. Ezek. 2:10 lamentations, to. woe 24:17 no m. for dead ; 31:15 1 cau. Jb«i 2:12 with weeping and m. Ainosh:Va call husbandm. to to. 8:10 feasts into to. I will make it as the to. of an only son JiRc. 1:11 came not forth m to. Zee. 12:11 to. in Jerusalem as w. of Hadadrimmou Mat. 2:18 great to. Rachel weep. 2 Cor. 7:7 he told us your m. Jam. 4:9 laugh, be turned to m. Hev. 18:8 one day death and to. MOURNING. Gen. 37:35 go down to grave to. 2 Sam. 14:2 put on to. apparel Est. 6:12 II. hasted to house to. Job 30:28 I went TO. without sun P«. 38:6 I go TO. all day long 42:9 why go I to. because of op- pression of enemy ? 43:2 Jer. 9:17 call for the to. women 10:7 7n. to comf. them for dead Ezek. 7:16 to. for their iniquities Dan. 10:2 D. was to. three weelcs Mie. 1:8 will make a to. as owls MOUSE. X«r. 11:29 weasel and to. Tie unc. Is. 06:17 eating abomin. and to. MOUTH. Oca. 8:11 in her m. was olive le. 21:.57 damsel, inquire at her to. 29:2 great stone on well's to. 3 rolled stone fr. well's to. 10 42:27 his money was in sack's OT. 43:12, 21 Ex. 4:11 who made man's to. ? 16 lie shall be to thee in. of to. Num. 12:8 him spealc to. to to. 1C:.30 earth open her to. and sw. 23:5 L. put a word in Bal.'s m. 35:.30 put to death by to. of wit- nesses. Dent. 17:6; 19:15 Jos. 10:18 Bto. to TO. of cave, 27 22 open to. of cave, bring out 1 Sam. 1:12 Eli marked hi^r to. 2 >'a;7t. 14:3 J. put words in to. 19 17:19 a covering over well's to. 1 K. 19:18 every m. not kissctd 22:13 the prophets declare good to the king with one m. 22 lying spirit in to. of his prophets, 23; 2 Clir. 18:21,22 2 Chr. 35:22 heji. not to m. of O. c)(i;21 fullll word of Lord by to. of Jeremiah, 22; TCzr. 1:1 &<. 7:8 word wo. out king's to. Joh .5:16 iniquity stop, her to. 12:11 doth TO. taste meatf 31:3 32:5 tluire was no answer in to. I's. 8:2 out of w.. of babes 22:21 save me IVom the lion's m,. 32:9 TO. must be held with brid. 37:30 TO. of right, speak, wind. 38:14 in wh. m. are no reproofs ():!:11 bul in. that speakcth li<:s 09:15 let iiol Ihe pit shut her 7;i. lOT: 12 ini()uitv shall stop \\mn. W.y.'l in. of wick. m. ofdc'eitf. i;ii:2 in. Illlitd with lauglih^r 1 11:7 bones scat, ut grave's to. 141:8 whose TO. Kp(^aK. vanil. II Prov. 4:2'l put away IVoward m. 5:3 her TO. is smoother (liaii oil 6:12 walk('tli wi. frow. in. 10:32 8:18 the IVoward in. do I li.'ilc! 10:6 violences cov. //(„ of wic. 1 1 14 TO. of fool, near d('-f his m. are iniq. ;W:13 dumb man open, not //,. to. 55:21 words of his m. smoother 105:5 rem. judgments of his m. Pron. 2:6 out of A. in. knowledge 11:9 Ids in. deslroyelh neighb. 12:14 good by fnii't of Ais- to. 1:1:2 eat good by fruit of his in. 3 keepcth his TO. keep, his lilV; 15:2;i halli joy by ans. of A. in. 10: 10 Ai.v III. trmisgres. not judg. 23 h(!art of wise teaclu^th h. m. 2(1 for Ai< TO. cravclh it of him 1H:6 his in. calleth for strokes 20 satisllcd with fruit of hlsm. 1mI;, peace, with A. ill. 20 receivi' IIk^ word of his in, ;!(i:l7wrileall tli. w.ird.-al h.in. 51:11 liringoiil of A. ///. Iliiil wh. I.ain. 3:29 piillclli liis m. in dust ■I: I long, clenv. (o roof of A. to. 7.1'C. 9:7 lake blood out of A/.< TO. Mat. 2:0 law of Irnlli in his m. 7 should seek Ihe law iil li. m. I.vki' \:M and Ids in. wiiB opened ■1:22 graehius words out oi A. to. (1:15 ubund. of lii':u-| A. to. speak 11:54 catch soniew. out of /(.;«. 22:71 liavi' heard of his own in. Jii/iii 19:29 and put 11 to his m. 2 'J'his. 2:H consume wllli sp. of his m. 1 Pel. 8:22 nultlior guile In A. m. MOU Eev. 1:16 out of his to. went a sharp sword, 19:15, 21 12:15 cast out of his to. water 13:2 his to. was as mou. of lion See LORD. My MOUTH. Gen. 45:12 my to. speak to you Num. 22:;j8 put. in my to. 23:13 Deut. 32:1 hear words of my to. 1 Sam. 2:1 my to. is enlarg. over Jot) 7:11 I will not refrain my m. 9:20 my own to. shall cond. me 16:5 strengthen you with my to. 19:16 entreated serv. wi. my to. 2:j:4 fill my in. with arguments 31:27 my to. kissed my hand 30 neither suft'er. my to. to sin 33:2 tongue ha. spok. in my to. 40:4 I lay my hand njion my to. Ps. 17:3 my to. shall not trarisgr. 19:14 words of my m. beiiccept. 34:1 praise continual, in my to. 39:1 keep my to. with a bridle 40:3 put a new song in my to. 49:3 my to. shall speak of wisd. 51:15 my to. sh. forth thy praise 54:2 give ear to words of my to. 63:5 my m. shall praise thee 66:14 my in. hath spoken when I 17 I cried to him with my to. 71:8 my in. be filled with praise 15 m.y TO. show forth righteou. 78:1 incl. ears to wor. of my to. 2 I will open my m. in a para. 89:1 with myni. will I make kn. 109:30 praise the L. with mym. 119:43 word of tr. out of my to. 103 sweet, th. honey to my to. 108 freewill-ofl'erings of my m. 137:6 tongue cl. to roof of to?/ to. 141:3 set a watch before toj/ to. 145:21 my to. sh. speak praise Prov. 4:5 fr. words of my to. 5:7 7:24 attend to words of my to. 8:7 for my in. shall speak truth 8 words of TO?/ TO. in righteous. Is. 6:7 he laid the coal on my to. .30:2 have not asked at my to. 3 1:16 vvjm.. it hath connrlanded 45:2:5 word is gone <>iu-lli. Ps. 3H:i:i dumb mini o. not hlsm. /Vv/r. 21:7 fool (*. not his in. In g, 31:2(1 she«. her in. wllli wisdom TiK'lr MOUTH. ./'/(/. 7:6 put. Iheir hand to f. m. .\iti. 9:2(1 not lliy miiniia IV. t. m. ,/iiti 5:15 Hiivelh poor fidiii t. in. Ill: 10 gaped iipnii nii' with /. nt. 29:9 pilnei's laid hand on /. in, 10 tongue clra. to roof of t. in. P». &:U no I'uillifuliiesH In /. in. MOV Ps. 17:10 with their to. they spe. proudly 58:6 bre. teeth, O God, in t. to. 59:7 they belch out with t. to. 12 sin oft. TO. and words of li. 62:4 bless with t. to. curse inw. 73:9 set t. to. aga. the heavens 78:;« did flatter him with t. m. 149:6 praises of God be in t. m. Is. 29:13 peo. draw near wi. t. to. ■ler. 7:28 truth cut oft' from t. m. 12:2 thou art near in thiir to. Lam. 2:16 enemies opened t. to. Ezek. as-.ai with t. m. they show 34:10 deliver my flock from t. to. Miti. 6:12 tongue deceitf. in t. to. 7:16 sh. lay their hand on t. to. Zep. .3:13 deceit, tongue in t. to. Zee. 14:12 tongue cons, in th. to. Mat. 15:8 draweth nigh wi. t. to. ■lude id t.m. speak, great words Pev, 9:19 power is in t, to. 11:5 fire proceedeth out of i. to. 14:5 in t, to. was found no guile Thv MOUTH. Ex. 4:12 1 will be with thym. 15 13:9 Lord's law may be in t, m. 2;i:13 of other gods out of t. to. Deut. 23:23 promised with t. m. . 30:14 word is nigh to thee, in thym. Pom. 10:8 Jos. 1:8 not depart out of t. m. Jvd. 9:38 where is now thy to. ? 11:.36 opened thym, to the Lord 18:19 h. upon t. to. Prov. 30:33 2vill open t.m,. and th. sh. 16:56 S. not mentioned by I. in. IIos, 8:1 set tnimiiet to thy in. Mic. 7:5 keep doors of thy to. Luke 19:22 out of thine own to. Itoni, 10:9 confess with thi/ m. Itev. 10:9 in t, in, sweet as lioney Your MOUTH. Num. .32:21 in-ocecd. out of y.m. 1 Sam. 2:3 come out of your m. .foil 21:5 lay yn. 17:11 ; 1 K. 4:20 1 Sam. 14:16 the to. melted away 2 Sam. 6:19 dealt among to. of t. 1 K. 8:5 oxen not be told for to. 2 A". 7:13 they are as all the m. 19:23 with to. of my chariots to sides of Lebanon, Is. 37:24 MUR 2 Chr. 1:9 a peo. like dust for to. 14:11 in thy name go aga. to. 20:24 the to. were dead'bodies 30:18 a to. not cleansed theras. 33:7 be not afraid of all the to. Neh. 13:3 separated fr. mixed to. Est. 5:11 Haman told of the to. 10:3 Mordecai accepted of to. Job 11:2 sh. to. of words beans. ? 32:7 TO. of years sh. teach wisd. 35:9 by reason of to. of oppres. .39:7 he scometh to. of the city Ps. 5:7 come in to. of thy mercy 10 cast out in to. of transgres. 33:16 th. is no king saved by to. 43:4 gone with to. to hou. of G. 49:6 boast in to. of their riches 51:1 accord, to to. of thy merci. 63:30 rebuke the to. of bulls 69:13 O God, in to. of mercy 16 accor. to to. of thy mercies 74:19 deliver mo not to the to. 94:19 TO. of my thoughts witliin 106:7 rem. not ni. of thy mere. 45 accor. to to. of his mercies 109:30 I will praise am. the to. Prov. 10:19 in the to. of words 11:14 TO. of counsellors, 2-1:6 14:28 in to. of peo. king's honor 15:22 TO. of counselloi-s establ. 20:15 gold, and a m. of rubies Ec. 5:3 through m. of business, fool's voice by to. of words 7 in TO. of dreams div. vanities 74 1:11 wh. purpose in. of sacri. 5:13 TO. dried up_ with thirst 14 TO. descend into hell 17:12 woe to to. of many people 29:8 TO. of nations that fight Z. 31:4 when m. of shepherds 47:12 stand now with the to. 9 13 wearied in to. of counsels 60:6 TO. of camels shall cover 63:7 TO. of his loving-kindness. Jer. 10:13 to. of waters, 51:16 12:6 called a to. after thee 30:14 wounded for to. of iniq. 46:23 I will punish the to. Lam. 1:5 for to. of transgress. 3:32 accord, to to. of mercies Ezek. 7:12 wrath is on the to. 14 13 ^^5ion touching whole to. 14:4 accord, to to. of his idols 27:12 by to. of riches, 18, 33 16 by the m. of the wares. 18 31:18 Phar. and all his to. 32:32 32:24 Elam and to. 26 Tubal 39:11 bury Gog, and all his m. Dan. 10:6 like voice of a m. 11:13 k. of north set forth a TO. Hos. 9:7 recomp. for to. of inlq. 10:13 thou didst trust in to. Nah. 3:3 there is a to. of slain Mat. 14:5 he feared the to. 21:46 15:.32 compas. on to. Mark 8:2 Murk 5:31 to. throng. Luke 8:45 Luke 2:13 th. was wi. angel a m. 12:1 gath. an innumerable to. 22:6 betr. him in absence of to. 47 while he yet sp. behold to. 23:1 whole to. of them arose ■John 5:13 a to. being in that pi. 21:6 not able for to. of fishes Acts 4:32 the to. that believed 6:5 saying pleased whole to. 16:22 TO. rose up against them 21:22 TO. must come together Jam. 5:20 sh. save a soivl fr. dea. and shall hide a m. of sins 1 Pet. 4:8 charity cov. to. of sins See ORBAT. MULTITUDES. Ezek. 32:20 draw her and her to. ./w^3:14 TO. TO. in val. of decis. Mat. 9:33 and the to. marvelled 36 when he saw to. was mov. 21:9 TO. cried, saying, Ilosanna Acts 5:14 TO. of men and women 13:45 J. saw the to. were filled Rev. 17:15 the waters are to. See GREAT. MUXITION, S. Is. 29:7 fight ag. her and her to. .33:16 defence "sh. be to. of rocks Nah. 2:1 keep to. watch the way MURDER. Ps. 10:8 in secret doth to. inno. 94:0 flay widow, to. fatherless ■ler. 7:9 to. and com. adultery? Hos. 6:9 so priests to. in the way MURDER, S. Mat. 1.5:19 out of the heart pro- ceed TO. Mark 7:21 19:18 said. Thou slialt do no to. Mark 15:7 Barab. committed to. i/M/t« 23:19 for m. cast in pri. 25 MUS Eom. 1:29 envy, to. debate Ga?. 5:21 flesh are envyings, to. i?«w. 9:21 nor repented of th. to. MURDERER. Num. 35:16 to. the to. sh. surely be put to death, 17, 18, 21, 30 19 revenger of blood slay »i. 21 31 no satisfac. for life of a to. 2 K. 6:32 see how th. son a to. ■lob 24:14 to. rising with light Hos. 9:13 Eph. bring chil. torn. John 8:44 a to. from beginning ^cte 3:14 TO. be granted to you 28:4 no doubt this man is a to. 1 Pet. 4:15 let none sufffer as to. 1 John 3:15 whoso hateth broth. is a TO. ye know that no to. MURDERERS. 2 .r. 14:6 child, of to. he slew Is. 1:21 lodged in it, but now m, Jer. 4:31 wearied, because of to. Mat. 22:7 sent and destroyed ?«. Acts 7:52 have been now the m, 21:38 4,000 men that were m. 1 Tim. 1:9 law made for to. i?«B. 21:8 TO. shall have part 22:15 with, are ^^■horc. and to. MURMUR. Ex. 16:7 that ye to. against us ? 8 hear, your to. i\%?/i. 14:27 Num. 14:36 made congrega. to. 16:11 what is Aa. that ye to. .^ 17:5 whereby they to. ag. you ./o/irt 6:43 TO. not am. yourselves 1 Cor. 10:10 neither to. as some aiUR MURED. Ex. 15:24 TO. against Moses, 17:3 16:2 whole congregation of Isr. TO. Num. 14:2; 16:41 Num. 14:29 20 y. old, wh. ha. m. Deut. 1:27 ye m. in your tents ■Tos. 9:18 congre. to. ag. princes P;;. 106:26 but to. in their tents Is. 29:24 that to. sh. learn doctr. Mark 14:5 they to. against her iwfe 5:30 scribes and Phari. to. 15:2 they to. saying. This man 19:7 TO. that he was going to be John 6:41 the Jews to. at him. 61 he knew his disciples m. 7:32 Pharisees heard people m. 1 Cor. 10:10 as some of^them to. MURMURERS. ./K«fe 16 these are »J. complainers MURSIURING, S. Ex. 16:7 he heareth yom' to. 8,9, 12; iVuTO. 14:27 8 your to. are not against us Num. 17:5 make to cease to. of L 10 take away their to. fr. me ■John 7:12 much to. among peo. ^cfe 6:1 a TO. against Hebrews P/iii. 2:14 do all thi. without m. MURRAIN. Ex. 9:3 be a very grievous m. MUSE, ED, ING. Ps. 39:3 I was m. the fire burned 143:5 I TO. on florks of thy han. Luke 3:15 all men m. in th. hear. SniSHI. Ex. 6:13 MUSIC. 1 Sam. 18:6 meet Saul with to. 1 Clir. 15:10 instruments of to. 2C7w. 5:13; 23:13; 34:12 2 Chr. 7:6 m. instruments of »ra. .Efc. 12:4 dan. of to. bro. low Lam. 3:63 rising ; I am their m. Dan. 3:5 kinds of m. 7:10, 15 6:18 instruments of to. brought Amos 6:5 inv. instruments oI'to. Luke 15:25 elder son heard to. MUSICAL. 1 Chr. 16:42 m. lustrum, of God Neh. 12:36 m. instru. of David Ec. 2:8 as in. instruments. MUSICI.\NS. Pev. 18:22 vo. of to. heard no m. MUST. Gen. 29:26 it to. not be so done 30:16 thou to. come in to me 43:11 if it to. be so now, do this Num. 23:12 to. I not take heed 26 Loi-d speaketh that I to. do Deut. 4:22 I to. die in this land 1 Sam. 14:43 and lo I to. die 2 Sam. 23:3 ml. men to. be just Ezr. 10:12 said, so to. we do J/arA 8:31 S. of man to. suff. 9:12 Lvke 22:.37 the things written to. be accomplished, 2-1:44 24:7 Son of man to. be delivered John 3:7 ye m. he bom again Acts 4:13 whereby we to. oe sav. CRUDEN'S COXCORDANCE. 951 NAI Acts 9:6 told th. what th. m. do Bom. 13:5 m, needs be subject 1 Cm: 5:10 then m. ye needs go MUSTARD-SEED. See grain. MUSTERED, ETH. 2 K. 25:19 scribe m. Jer. 52:25 Is. 13:4 Lord m. host of battle MDTTER, ED. la. 8:19 wizards th. peep and m. 59:3 tongue hath m. perversen. MUTUAL. BoTn, 1:12 comforted by m. faith MUZZLE. Deut. 25:4 not m. ox, 1 Cor. 9:9 ; 1 Tim. 5:18 MTBA. Acts^T.5 MYRRH. Gen. 37:25 bearing balm and 7n. 43:11 carry man a pres. »i. nuts ^x. 30:23 pure m. 500 shekels JUst. 2:12 6 months wi. oil of w. Ps. 45:8 m. aloes and cassia Prov. 7:17 perf. my bed with m. Cant. 1:13 bundle of TO. isbclov. 3:6 pert, with m. and frankinc. 4:6 get to moun. of m. and aloes 14 m. and aloes with chief spi. 5:1 gath. my m. with my spice 5 my hands dropped with m. 13 dropping sweet-smelling m. Mat 2:11 presented gold and m. Mark 15:23 mingled with m. John 19:39 bro. a mixture of m. MYRTLE. Neh. 8:15 go forth and fetch to. Is. 41:19 plant in wildern. the m. 55:13 insl. of brier come up to. MYRTLE-TREES. Zee. 1:8 stood am. m.-t. 10, 11 MYSIA. Acts 10:7, 8 MYSTERY. Mark 4:11 given to know m. Bom. 11:25 that ye be ign. of m. 16:25 according to revola. of 7re. 1 Cor. 2:7 speak wis. of G. in m. 15:51 1 show you a to. Eph. 1:9 made known to ns to. 3:3 made known to mo the m. 4 knowledge in the to. of Ch. 0 all see fellowship of to. 5:32 this is a great m. 0:19 to make known to. of the gospel, Col. 1:26, 27; 4:3 Co^. "2:2 r.-knowledgmcnt of to. 2 Tke.s. 2;7 TO. of iniii. doth work 1 Tim. 3:9 holding to. of faith 16 grout is the to. of godliness Bev. 1:20 to. of the seven stars 10:7 TO. of fJod. fiho. be finished 17:5 TO. Babylon ; 7 to. of worn. MYSTERIES. Mat. 13:11 to,, of the kingdom, to them not given, LulceM(i 1 f7f>r. 4:1 stewards of to. of God 13:2 tho' I iiiKlerst;ind all to. 14:2 in the Sp. he speaketh m. N. NAAM \\. 2 K. 5:1 N. was l(;»'r, 11, 20, 27 Luke 4:27 none cleaiiHcd, sav. N. NAASnOX, or NAIIKIION. Num. 1:7 pri. was N. 2::i; 10:M 7:12 he tlmt off. flrst day was N. /?u/A4i20 Amnilnadab liegat N. 1 Chr. 2:10, 11; Mat. 1:4 Luke y:32 Hulinon was Bon of N. IVARAL. 1 Sam. 25:3 was N. 4, 25, .3.9, 39 27:3 A. N. wife, ;i0:.5; 2,S'aOT. 2:2 NAROTIL 1 7i'. 21:1 N. liad vineyard. 7:19 iK. 9:21 In jidriion of N. 25, 26 IVADAfl. Ex. 6:23 Aaron, N. I.rn. 10:1 21:1 come up, N. and Abiliu, 9 Num. 3:1 N. died before 1,. 26:61 1 h'. 1 1:20 N. reigned, 15:25 KAGGE. 7,;/;,y3:25 NAIIAKII. ] !^am. 11:1 N. came up, 12:12 3*j;rt. 10:2 son of N. i Chr. 19:2 IVAHOn. Om. 11:22 He. bcgiit N. 21,26. 29 62:20 brother N. 2:1; 21:15, 'i\ 21:10 servant went to city of N. 81:53 God of Abraliani mid N. 1V\IL. Juii. 4:21 Jiicl lock a n. orient 22 the n, was In Ills teni]ileit NAM Jtid. 5:26 she put her h. to the n. Ezr. 9:8 give us a n. in holy pi. Is. 22:23 a n. in a sure place, 25 Zee. 10:4 out of him came the n. NAILS. Deut. 21:12 eh. head, pare her n. 1 Chr. 22:3 iron in abund. for n. 2 Chr. 3:9 weight of «. fifty she. Ec. 12:11 n. fastened by masters Is. 41:7 his idol with n. Jer. 10:4 Dan. 4:.33 his n. like bird's claws 7:19 beast, wh. n. were of brass John 20:25 finger into print of n. IVAILIiVG. Col. 2:14 he n. it to his cross NAESr. Luke 7:11 IV.\10TH. 1 Sam. 19:18 Da. dwelt at N. 20:1 NAKED. Gen. 2:25 were n. not ashamed 3:7 knew they were n. 10, 11 Ex. 32:25 Moses saw peo. were n. for Aa. had made them n. 1 Sam. 19:24 Saul lay down n. 2 Chr. 23:15 with spoil clothedra. 19 Aliaz made Jutlah n. Job 1:21 n. came I out of womb, and n. shall I return thither 22:6 stripped n. of their clothi. 21:7 cause n. to lodge with. 10 26:6 hell is n. before him Ec. 5:15 n. shall he return /■. 58:7 when thou seest the n. Lam. 4:21 shall make thyself n. Ezek. 18:7 if he covered the n. 16 IIos. 2:3 lest I strip her n. Aynos 2:16 flee away m. Mic. 1:8 I will go stripped and n. 11 having thy shame n. Uab. 3:9 bow was made quite n. Mat. 25:36 n. and ye clothed me 3S when saw we thee n. ? 44 2Iark 14:51 cloth ah. his n. body 52 and fled from them n. ■TohnHUl Peter was n. and cast yle?« 19:16 fled out o houses. 1 Cor. 4:11 to this hour we are n. 2 Cor. 5:3 shall not be found n. IIlM. 4:13 but all things are ii. to ./am. 2:15 if brother or sis. be n. Bev. 3:17 poor, and blind, and /(. li):15 garments, lest he walk 7i. 17:16 make her desolate and re. See BABE. NAKEDNESS. Gen. 9:22 H. saw n. of lather, 23 42:9 see the n. of the land. 12 Ex. 20:26 thy re. not discovered Lei'. 18:6 none sh. uncover th. n. 7 the re. of father or mother, 8, 11, 15; 20:11 9 re. of sister ; 10 of son's dau. 11 n. of father's wile's daugh. 12 not uncover n. of f.'s sister 13 re. of mother's sister, 20:19 11 not uncover n. of I'.'s broth. 15 n. of daughter-in-law 16 re. of thy brother's wife 17 n. of a woman and daiight. 19 re. of wo. put apart. 20:18 20:17 sister's n. she see his n. 20 ha. uncovered his uncle's re. 21 liath uncovered brother's re. /)eut. 28:48 serve thine one. lure. 1 Sam. 20:;J0 confii. of moth. 'h re. A'. 47:3 thy n. sh. be uncovered Lam. 1:8 they have seen her re. Ez/'k. 16:8 I covered thy re. yea ;16 thy II. discovered, 23:18 16:37 (liseover lliy re. to them 22:10 discoverc'd th. father's;). 2.3:10 discovered her re, slew her lios. 2:9 wool and llax to cov. re. .Viih. 3:5 show the nations thy re. //at). 2:15 nuiy<'st look on th. ?i. /i'oin. H:35 shall ii. separate us ? 2 Cor. 1I:'27 In cold and re. Jieo. 3:18 shuiiie of ii. notapjieav NAME. Crn. 2:19 that was n. thereof 5:2 and called Ihclr ii. .\. :il:l 1 I,, whose //. Is .lealous Leu. 18:21 iii'l. profane thi^ re. of thy (!. 19:12; 21:6: 2'J:3, 32 Num. 17:2 write every man's ii. 27:4 why sliimld re. of onr father Diut. 7:21 (lislroy re. under Ilea. !l;1 1 blot out II. "fr. nndiT In'iiv. 22:11 Inliig up an evil re. on tier til ln' bro nil I'vll re. on virgin 25:6 Hiiei 1 In ii. of his broth. 7 raise his briitlnr a i/. In Isr. 20:19 high In n. anil Imnor NAM Deut. 28:58 fear this gj. and fe. n. Jos. 23:7 nor make mention of re. Buth 4:5 raise up re. of dead, 10 17 her neighbors gave it a re. 2 Sam. 6:2 re. called by re. of Lord 7:9 I made th. great n. like n. of gre. men m earth, 1 Chr. 17:8 23 God redeemed to make him a re. 1 Chr. 17:21 8:13 David gat him a n. when 14:7 not leave to my husb. a re. 23:18 Abishai had re. amo. three 22 the n. among three mighty men, 1 Chr. 11:20, 24 1 K. 1:47 G. make n. of Solomon •better than thy re. 14:21 Lord did choose to put his re. there, 2 Chr. 12:13 18:24 call on n, of your gods, 25 21:8 Jezebel wrote in Ahab'sre. 2 K. 14:27 not blot out re. of Isr. Ezr. 2:61 and was called after their re. Neh. T.&i 5:1 prophesied in re. of G. of Is. Neh. 9:10 didst thou get th. a re. E.-:f. 8:8 write for J. in king's re.» ■Tot) 18:17 he shall have no re. Ps. 9:5 put out their re. for ever 20:1 the re. of the God of Jacob 5 in re,, of 6. set up our banue. 44:20 if we forgot, re. of our G. 09:. 30 I will praise the re. of God 83:4 the re. of Israel be no more 18 whose re. alone is Jehovah 99:3 let th. praise thv creat re. 109:13 let th. re. be blotted out 113:3 the L.'s re,, is to be praised Prov. 10:7 re. of wicked shall rot 18:10 re. of Lord is strong tower 22:1 good re,, rather than riches .30:9 lest I take re. of G. in vain Ec. 7:1 good re. bet. than ointm. Is. 14:22 cut oft'fr. Baby, the re. 5.5:13 it sh. be to the L. for a re. .56:5 give a re. an everlasting re. .57:15 re. is holy; 62:2 by new 63:12 make himself everlast. n. 14 to make thyself a glori. re. 65:15 ye shall leave your re. for a curse to my cliosen, and call his servants by anoth. re. 66:22 your seed and re. remain Jer. i:5":ll might be for re. .3.3:9 32:20 which hast made thee a re. 3:5:16 the re. she shall be called 46:18 King, whose re. is the Lord of hosts, 48:15; 51:57 Ezek. 20:29 re. is called Bamah 24:2 son of man, write re. 48:35 the re. of the city shall he Dan. 2:20 blessed be the re. of G. 4:8 according to there, of my Q. I/os. 2:17 no more remem. by re. Amos 5:27 whose re. is G. of hos. Mic. 4:5 in the re. of bis god, we will walk in the ii. of our G. Zep. 1:4 1 will cutoflre. of Ch. 3:201 will make you a re.. y.ei: 6:12 whose re' is Branch Mat. 10:41 reeeiv. prophet in the re. of a iirophet, a righteous 42 cup of wat. in re. of disciph' 28:19 baptizing them in re. of F. Luke 1:61 lume of ki. call, by re. 63 saying, Ills re. is John 6:22 sh. cast out your re. as evil' John 1:6 fr. God. who. re. was J. 3:IS not believed In re. of only 5: 13 am come In my Katli.'s re. 10:25 T do in mv Father's re. Arls'i-.'^S baptized In re. of L. J. .3:6 in re. of Jesiis Christ rise np 4:7 by wh. re. lia. ye done thlsy 12 none otlwr re. under heaven 17 sp. to no man in Ibis re. 18 30 wonders done by re. of Jes. .5:28 sh. not ti'ach in this re. 40 K;12 eonciTiilng the re. of Jesus 9:21 (Irstrov. Ilnin called re. 149:3 praise /(<*■ re. in the dance I'ror. •21:24 hang, scorneris/i. re. Ec. 6:4 hiJin. cov. with darkness Is. 7:14 his re. Imniaii. .Mat. 1:23 !»:6 hl.t re. be called Wonderful 12:4 that hi.i n. Is oxalti'd 47: 1 the Lord of hosts Is his »i. 48:2; 51:15; M:5; Jer. 10:16; .31:.S.5; 82:18: 50:.34 ; 51:19 48:19 A. II. shonld not have been ■/((•. 11:19 h. II. no more reniem. 20:9 not speft. any more li: !i. i>. 2.3:6 this Is h. ti. lie shall bo crt. .lfH(Av4:13 L. (iod of hosts Is A. >». ZtC. 10:12 lip and down In A. H. 14:9 Hhall be one L. and A. /i. o. .Mai. 3:16 them 111. Ilio. on h. n. .Mat. 1:23 sh. call A. re. Kniinan. 25 A. n. Jesus. Liih 1:31; 2:'il 12:21 In A. re. shall Gent, trust }fark 6:1 1 A. re. was siireiul nbi /,i/*v 1:13 llioii sh, call his n. J. 84:17 ivinlssloii of sins In A. it. John 1:12lliHl liellevi-oii hh n. 2:2.3 many believed In Al.* ii. 5: 13 It' alio, come In tits own ». 2l)::ll iiilL'liI have Hie llir.i'A. re. .■lets :l:16 A. II. thro' laltli In A. it. 5: II worthy to siillV'r for fih re. 10:4.3 Ihni'Aij" ii. ii'iiils. orBluH 15:14 lake onl a I>e4> for Al» ii. AViiii. 1:5 am. nil iialloimnir A. >». H,ti. 6:10 love ve show. to. A, tt. 1:1:15 t;l\liik' l^mnli" loA. N. A'cC. 3:5 not blol onl ht.i n. 952 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. NAM Hev. 6:8 k. n. sat on him was de. 13:6 ag. God to blaspheme h. n. 17 the number odds n. 15:2 14:11 receiveth mark of /j. n. 22:4 his n. sh. be in th. forehea. See HOLT, LORD. My NAME. Gen. 32:29 why ask after my n. ? 48:16 let my n. be named Ex. 3:15 this is my n. for ever 9:16 that m,ij n. may be declared 20:24 where I record my n. 2:5:21 prov. not. my n. is in him Lev. 19:12 not swear by my n. 20:3 M. to profane my holy n. Num. 6:27 put my n. on Israel Deut. 18:19 speak in my n. 20 J ltd. 13:18 why ask. after my n. ? 1 Sam. 24:21 not destroy my n. 2 Sam. 7:13 house for my n. 1 K. 5:5; 8:18, 19:1 Chr. 22:10 12:28 city be called after my n. 18:18 no son to keep my n. 1 E. 8:l>i my 71. might be there. 29: 11:36; 2 if. 21:4, 7; 2 CAr. 6:5, 6; 7:16: 33:4, 7 . 9:7 house I hallowed for my n. 1 Chr. 22:8 house to my n. 28:3 2 Chr. 6:8 build house for my n. 7:20 house I ha. sanct. for my n. Neh. 1:9 to set my n. Jer. 7:12 Ps. 89:24 in my n. sh. horn be 91:14 bee. he hath known m,y n. Is. 29:23 shall sanctify m,y n. 41:25 ri. of sun call on my n. 42:8 I am the L. that is my n. 48:9 for my n.'s sake I defer 11 how sho. my n. be pollnt. ? 49:1 he made mention of my n. B2:5 my re. ev. day is blasphem. 6 my people shall know my n. 66:5 cast out for my n.'s sake Jer. 14:14 in my n. 15; 23:25 10:21 they sh. know my n. is L. 23:27 they th. to cause peo. for- get my re. as fa. forgot my 7i. 27:15 lie in my n. 29:9. 21, 23 34:l'i turned and polluted viy n. 44:26 sworn by my great re. my n. no more named. Ezek. 20:9 wro. foi my n. 22:44 36:23 will sanctify my great re. Zee. 13:9 call on my re. Mai. 1:6 priests th. despise Tre?/ re. 11 my n. sh. be great am. Gen. in ev. place incen. off. myn. 14 my n. dreadful am. heathen 2:2 to give glory unto 7ny re. 5 and was afraid before my re. 4:2 you that fear my re. the sun Mat. 10:22 hat. for my n.^s sake, 24:9; Mark 13:l:i Luke 21:11 18:5 receive a child in my re. Mark 9:37 ; Luke 9:43 20 two or three gath. in my n. 19:29 fors. houses (or my n.'s sa. 24:5 many shall come in my n. iV((;*13:6; £«/.•€ 21:8 Mark 5:9 say. My n. is Legion 9::i!9 no man do miracle in ?«;/ re. 41 give water to drink in my re. 16:17 in my n. sh. cast out dev. Luke 21:12 rulers for my n.'s sa. John 14:13 what, ye ask in myn. 14; 15:16; 16:23,24,26 26 Comf. he will send in my n.- 15:21 these thi. do for viy n.'s Acts 9:15 cho. ves. to bear myn. 16 must sufter for my n.'s sake 15:17 on whom my n. is called Eom. 9:17 that myn. be declared 1 Cor. 1:15 I bapt. in mi. own re. Bev. 2:3 for m,y re.'ssake labored 13 boldest fast my re. 3:8 and hast not denied m,y n. See CALLED. Thy N.\ME. Gen. 12:2 make thy n. great 17:5 t. re. Abram, butt. n. be A. 32:27 said, What is thy re. f 29 ; Jud. 13:17 28 thy n. be no more Jacob. but Israel, 35:10; 1 K. 18:31 Ex. 5:23 to P. to speak in thy n. Jos. 7:9 what do to t. great re. f 2 Sam. 7:26 let t. n. be magnifl. 22:50 sing praise to t. n. Ps. 9:2 ; 18:49; 61:8; 66:4; 92:1 1 K. 1:47 Solom. better than t. n. 8:33 turn and confess tliii n. and pray, 2 Chr. 6:24, 20:32 41 but Cometh [or thy n.'s sake 42 they shall hear of t. great re. 43 that all peo. may know thy n. this house is called by thy n. 2 Chr. 6:33, 34, 48 NAM 1 E. 8:44 house I built for thy re. 48' 1 Chr. 17:24 t7i.y re. may be mag. 29:13 and praise t. re. Ps. 44:8 2 Chr. 6:20 wouldest put thy n. 14:11 in thy n. we go ag. multi. 20:8 built thee a sauctu. for t. re. 9 for thy n. is in this house Neh. 1:11 servants who fear t. n. 9:5 blessed be t. glorious n. Ps. 5:11 th. love t. re. be joyful 8:1 how excel, is t. n. in earth, 9 9:10 they that know t. re. trust 22:22 will declare t. n. Heb 2:12 2.5:11 for t. n.'s sake pardon :31:3 for t. n.'s sake lead me 44:5 thro' thy re. tread them 45:17 I will make thy re. be rem. 48:10 accor. to t. n. so is praise 52:9 wait on t. re. 54:1 save me 61:5 heritage of those fear t. n. 63:4 lift my hands in thy re. 74:7 defiled dwelling-pl. of t. re. 10 sh. enemy bla. t. re. for ev. ? 18 fool. peo. blasphemed t. re. 21 poor and needy praise t. re. 75:1 t. n. is near works declare 79:6 not call, on t. n. Jer. 10:25 " 9 help us, O God, for g. of t. n. purge our sins for t. n.'s sa. 80:18 we will call upon thy re. 83:16 that they may seek thy re. OLord 86:9 all nations glorify t. n. 12 ll'nnite my heart to fear t. n. 89:12 Hermon sh. rej. in t. n. 16 109:21 O Lord, for t. n.'s sake 115:1 not to us, but to t. n. 119:55 I rememb. t. re. in night 132 to do to those love thy n. 135:13 t. n. O Lord. en. for ever 138:2 praise t. re. for lov.-lvindn. magnified word above t. n. 139:20 enemies take t. re. in vain 140:13 righ. give thanks to t. re. 142:7 out of pris. I praise t. re. 143:11 qui. me for t. n.'s sake 145:11 will bless tty re. 2 2 I will praise t. n. Is. 25:1 Cant. 1:3 t. re. is as ointment Is. 26:8 des. of our soul to thy re. 13 make mention of thy re. 63:16 0 L. t. re. is from everlas. 64:2 make t. re. kn. to advcrsar. 7 there is none calleth on t. n. Jer. 10:6 thy re. is great in might 11:16 L. called thy re. olive-tree 14:7 do thou it for thy n.'s sake 21 not abhor us for t. n.'s sake 20:25 sent letters in thy n. to J. Layn. 3:55 called on thy n. Dan. 9:6 proph. sjjake in thy re. Mic. 6:9 man of wisd. see thy re. Nah. 1:14 no more oft. n. be so. Mai. 1:6 ha. we despised thyn. ? Mat. 6:9 hal. be t. n. Luke 11:2 7:22 in t. n. have we cast out Mark 5:9 wh. is i. re. ? Luke 8:30 9:;38 out dev. in t. re. Luke 9:49 Luke 10:17 derils subj. thro' t. re. ■lohn 12:28 Father, glorify t. re. 17:6 manifested t. re to men, 20 11 F. keep thro' thi. own re. 12 Acts 9:14 all that call on thy n. Uoin. 15:9 conf. and sing to t. n. Pev. 11:18 rew. th. that fear t. re. 15:4 who not fear and glo. t. re. ? See CALLED. N.4ME, Verb. 1 Sam. 16:3 anoi. to me him I re. 28:8 bring him up wh. I shall re. Is. 62:2 mouth of Lord shall re. NAMED, ETH. Gen. 23:16 A. weigh, silver he re. 27:36 is he not rightly re. Jac. ? 48:16 let my name be re. on th. 2 K. 17:.34 chil. of Jacob he re. I. Ec. 6:10 what hath been, is re. Is. 61:6 shall be n. priests of L. Jer. 44:26 shall no more be re. Amos 6:1 re. chief of the nations Mic. 2:7 O thou that art re. of J. Luke 2:21 J. was re. of the angel Eotn. 15:20 not where Ch. was re. 1 Cor. 5:1 fomi. not n. am. Gen. Eph. 1:21 ab. ev. name that is re. 3:15 fam. in heav. and earth re. 5:3 covetousn. let it not be re. 2 Tim. 2:19 every one that n. C. NAMELY. Ec. 5:13 evil, re. riches kept Is. 7:20 L. shave, re. by Assyria Marjc 12:31 n. this, shall love NAMES. Gen. 2:20 Adam gave re. to cattle 26:18 called re. after re. f. called NAT Ex. 23:13 make no mention of re. of other gods, Deut. 12:3 28:9 grave re. of child, of Isr. 21 12 Aaron bear re. before L. 29 Num. 1:2 numb, of n. by th. poll Ezr. 5:4 what re. make building Ps. 10:4 nor taketh. re. in my lips 49:11 call lands after oxvn re. 147:4 stars cull, by re. Is. 40:26 Hos. 2:17 take away re. of Baalim Zee. 13:2 cut off the re. of idols Luke 10:20 n. written in heaven Acts 1:15 number of re. were 120 18:15 if it be question of re. Phil. 4:3 wh. n. are in book of li. Pel'. 3:4 hast a few re. in Sardis 13:8 whose re. not written, 17:8 17:3 woman full of re. of blasph. 21:12 re. written, re. of 12 tribes 14 in them the re. of 12 apostl. N.40MI. Evth 1:2 Elimelech's wife, N. 20 2:1 N. had a kinsman of husb. 4:5 buy. field of hand of N. 9, 17 NAPKIN. Luke 19:20 I have kept in re.- John 11:44 face bound with a re. 20:7 n. that was about his head NAPHT.AH. Gen. 30:8 Rachel called name N. 35:25 Rachel's handmaid, N. 46:24 s. of N. Nu. 1:42 ; 1 Ch. 7:13 49:21 N. is a hind let loose Deut. 27:13 E. to curse; Dan, N. 33:23 said, O N. satisfied with Jos. 19:32 sixth lot came to N. Jud. 1:33 nor did N. drive out 4:10 Barak called N. to Kedesh 5:18 Zebulun and N. jeoparded 6:35 Gid. sent messengers to N. 7:23 themselves tog. out of N. 1 K. 1.5:20 smote N. 2 Chr. 16:4 %K. 15:29 carried N. cap. to As. Pi. 68:27 there the princes of N. Is. 9:1 he afflicted the land of N. Ezek. 48:3 a portion for N. 34 Mat. 4:13 dw. in borders of N. 15 Tribe of NAPHTAH. Num. 1:43 ott. ofS. 53,400 Jos. 19:39 inheritance of t. ofJS. 1 K. 7:14 widow's son of t. of N. Eev. 7:6 oft. ofS. sealed 12,000 N.\RROW. Num. 22:26 angel of L. sto. in re. Jos. 17:15 if Ephraim be too re. 1 K. 6:4 windows of re. light Prov. 23:27 stra. woman is re. pit Is. 49:19 land of dcstruct. too re. Mat. 7:14 n. is way lead, to life NARROWED, ER. 1 K. 0:0 in wall made re. rests Is. 28:20 re. than he can wrap NARROWLY. Job 13:27 lookest re. to my paths Is. 14:16 shall re. look upon thee NATHAN. 2 Sam. 5:14 son of D!i\-id, N. 7:2 7:17 so did N. speak, 12:1, 25 1 K. 1:10 N. called not, 22, 34 4:5 son of N. was over olBcers 1 Chr. 29:29 writ, in book of N. 2 Chr. 9:29 Sol. in book of N. Ezr. 8:16 I sent fr. Ahava for N. Zee. 12:12 family of house of N. Luke 3:31 llatthata, son of N. NATH.ANAEL. John 1:45 Philip findeth N. 21:2 NATION. Gen. 15:14 re. th. ser\'e will I jnd. 20:4 ■nilt slay a righteous re. ? 21:13 bondwoman I make re. .35:11 a n. kings come of thee Ex. 9:24 in E. since it became re. 19:6 shall be a holy re. 1 Pet. 2:9 21:8 to sell her to a strange re. 33:13 this re. is thy people Lev. 18:26 nor re. commit abomi. 20:23 not walk in manners of re. Num. 14:12 I will make of thee a feat re. Deut. 9:14 4:34 ha. G. assayed to take a re. fr. midst of another n. f 28:33 fruit of land shall re. eat .36 bring thee and king to a re. 49 bring re. ag. thee from far 50 a re. of fierce countenance 32:28 are a re. void of counsel 2 Sam. 7:23 what re. like thy people ? 1 Chr. 17:21 1 K. 18:10 no re. my lord ha. not se. to seek th. took oath of re. 2 A". 17:29 every re. made gods 1 Chr. 16:20 went from re. to re. 2 Chr. 15:6 re. was destroyed of re. NAT 2 Chr. 32: 15 god of any re. was able i/bd 34:29 done ag. a n. or man Ps. 33:12 bless, is re. wh. G. is L. 43:1 0 G. plead ag. ungodly n. 83:4 cut oft" from being a re. 105:13 went from one re. to ano. 106:5 rejoice in gladness of re. 147:20 not dealt so with any n. Prov. 14:34 righteous, exalt, re. Is. 1:4 sinful re. laden with iniq. 2:4 re. sh. not lift sword against re. Mic. 4:3 9:3 thou hast multiplied the re. 10:6 send him aga. hypocrit. re. 14:32 what ans. messeng. of re. * 18:2 messengers to a n. scatter, and peeled, a re. meted, 7 26:2 open that righ. re. many en. 15 thou increas. n. O L. the re. 49:7 sai. L. to him re. abhorreth 55:5 Shalt call n. thou know, not 58:2 seek me as a re. that did ri. 60:12 re. not serve thee perish 22 small one beco. a strong n. 65:1 a n. not called by my name 66:8 or shall n. be bom at once ? Jer. 2:11 hath a re. Chang, gods? 5:9 my soul be avenged on such a re. 29 ; 9:9 15 I will bring a n. on you fr. afar, a mighty n. ancient re. 7:28 a re. that obey, not the L. 12:17 I will utt. destroy that re. 18:7 concern, re. pluck it up, 9 8 re. ag. whom I pronoimccd 25:12 punish re. for iniq. 27:8 32 evil sh. go forth fr. n. to re. 31:36 Israel cease being re. a3:24 49:31 get you up to wealthy n. 36 no re. whith. E. sh. not come 50:3 out of north cometh re. ag. Lam. 4:17 have watched for a re. Ezek. 2:3 send thee to Is. rebe. n 37:22 I will make them one re. Dan. 8:22 four kingd. out of re. 12:1 trou. nev. was since was re. Joel 1:6 a re. come tipon my land Amos 0:14 will raise ag. you a re. Mic. 4:7 will make her strong re. Hab. 1:6 Ch. bitter and hasty re. Zcp. 2:1 gather together, O I'l. 5 woe to the n. of Cherethites Hag. 2:14 this peo. and re. before Mcil. 3:9 this n. have robbed me Mat. 21:43 king, of G. given tore. 24:7 re. sh. rise ajainst n. Mark 13:8; ire^-« 21:10 Luke 7:5 loveth our re. built us ■lohn 11:48 R. shall take our re. 50 one man die. n. perish not 51 prophesied, Jesus die for re. 52 not for that re. only, but th. 18:35 thine own re. hath deliver. Acts 2:5 devout men out of ev. re. 7:7 re. to whom they be in bond 10:22 good rep. am. re. of Jews 28 to come to one of anoth. re. 35 in every re. he that fearcth 24:2 worthy deeds done to th. re. 10 thou hast been judge to re. 20:4 life was at first am. own n. 28:19 aught to accuse my re. Gal. 1:14 profit, ab. equals in re. Phil. 2:15 midst of perverse re. Eev. 5:9 redce. ns out of every n. 14:6 gospel to preach to ev. n See rooLisn. NATIONS. Gen. 10:32 by th. were n. divided 14:1 Ti. king of re. made war, 9 17:4 Shalt be a father of many n. 5; 48:19; i?o?re. 4:17, 18 6 I will make re. of thee, 35:11 16 Sarah sh. be a mother of n. 25:23 L. said. Two re. in thy wo, 27:29 let re. bow down to thee Ex. 34:24 I will cast out the re. before thee, Deut. 4;38 ; 7:22; 8:20 Lev. 18:24 the re. are defiled 28 as it spued out the re. Num. 23:9 not be reckon, am. n. 24:8 Israel shall eat up the n. 20 Amalek was first of the re. Deut. 2:25 I will put fear on re. 4:27 L. shall scatter you among the re. Neh. 1:8 7:1 Lord hath cast out many re. 9:1 re. great, than thyself, 11:23 12:29 God shall cut off re. 19:1 15:6 Shalt lend to many re. 28:12 28:1 L. will set thee abo. all re. 32:8 Most High divid. to the re. 43 rejoice, O ye re. with his pe. Jvd. 2:23 the Lord left those n. 1 K. 11:2 of re. which the L. said 2 K. 17:33 ser. gods aft. man. of re. CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 953 NAT 2K. 18:33 gods of n. deli. lfl:12; iChr. 32:13, 14; Is. 36:18 1 Chr. 16:31 say am. n. L. reign. li:21 driving out n. bef. people Neh. 13:26 am. many n. no king Job 12:2:i tlie n. he enlargeth ra. PS'. 9:20 n. know themselves 22:27 kindreds of «. worsh. thee 28 Lord is governor am. the n. 47:3 shall subdue n. under feet 57:9 sing to thee am. re. 108:3 66:7 liis eyes behold the n. 67:4 let the n. be glad B6:.5 all gods of the n. are idols 106:27 overthrow seed among n. 34 did not destroy re. L. com. Prw). 24:24 re. shall abhor him Is. 2:4 he sh. judge amo. the re. 5:26 will lift up an ensign to re. 10:7 in his heart to cut oft" re. 11:12 shall set up ensign for re. 14:6 ruled the re. in anger 12 wh. didst weak, the re. 23:3 18 kings of the re. lie in glory 33:3 at lifting up re. were scat. 34:1 come near, ye re. Jer. 31:10 40:15 re. areas a drop of bucket 52: 15 so sh. he sprinkle many re. 55:5 re. that knew not thee, run 60:12 those re. shall be wasted 64:2 re. tremble at thy presence 66:19 send th. that escape to re. Jer. 1:5 ordai. thee prophet to re. 10 I have set thee over the re. 4:2 re. shall bless themselves 10:7 not fear thee, King of re. ,? 10 re. not able to abide his ind. 22:8 many re. sh. pass this city 25:14 re. shall serve, 27:7 31 L. had a coutrover. with n. 46:12 n. heard of thy shame 50:12 hindermost of re. a wilder. 46 cry is heard among the re. 51:7 re. have drunken, n. mad 20 wi. thee will I break re. 27 prepare the re. against her 41 Bab. an astonishm. am, re. 44 re. shall not How together Lam. 1:1 city that was gr. am. re. Ezek. 5:6 wickedn. more than re. 14 make thee a reproach am. re. 6:8 remnant shall escape am. re. !» remember me among n. 12:15 I shall scatter th. am. n. 19:4 the re. also heard of him 8 re. set ag. him on every side 26:3 many re. come against thee 5 it shall become a spoil to re. 28:7 bring upon thee the terri- ble of the re. 30:11; 31:12 29:12 scatter Egypt am. n. 30:23 15 sh. no more rule over the v. 31:16 I made n. shake at sound 32:2 thou art like lion of the re. 16 daughters of re. lament, 18 35:10 thcKc two re. shall he mine 3(;:13 land hast bereaved thy re. 37:22 shall be no more two re. 38:8 brought forth out of re. 12 23 be known in eyes of re. 39:27 sancti. in sight of mjmy n. Hos. 8:10 have hind amouLj re. 9:17 shall be wanderers amo. re. Joel 3:2 they scattered among n. AmoH 6:1 woe to th. chief of re. Mic. 4:2 re. shall say. Let us go 3 he shall robuke strong re. 11 muMV re., gathered a", thee 7:16 re. shall see, be conloiinded Nah. 3:4 selleth re. thro' whored. 6 I will show «,. thy iwik(^dness nab. 1:17 sh. not sjian^ to slay re. 2:8 thou hast siwilod many re. 8:6 he drove asunder the re. Zep. 3:6 I have cut oil' tluj n. 8 my d<:termin. is to gather re. Zic. 2:11 many re. joined to Lord K'i'i strong re., come to seek L. 2;) out ol all languages of re. Ltiki' 12:.'i0 these do re. sc^ek iil'ter 'iV.'i') upon earth dlKtr(!s« of re. AcIh 13: lit he dcKt. seven re. In C. Itiiv. 2:20 I give power over re. 10:11 must ijniplicMy before 7t. ll:Ure. shall se(Ml<'a(l Ixxiii's 18 re. were angry, thy wnitli 13:7 power given him over nil n. 16:111 the cltleH of the re. fell 17:15 waters are re. and longnes 2(1:3 shouhl deci'lvc^ ii. no mure 21:21 re. wh. are wived k1i. walk 211 shall bring honor of re. toll 22:2 leaves weru fur heul. of re. nee UUUAT. All NATIONS. J)nit. 4:111 liiilli cllvhi.il [<> all n. 'M.lil bucouio by woril am, ail n. NAT 1 K. 4:31 his fame was in all re. 1 Ckr. 10:21 decl. works am. a. n. 2 C'lu-. 32:23 majr. m sight of a. re. /".«. 67:2 saving health am. all re. 72:11 all re. shall serve him 17 all re. shall call him blessed 82:8 for thou shalt inherit all n. 86:9 all re. shall worsh. bef. thee 113:4 L. is high above all re. 117:1 praise Lord all ye n. 118:10 all re. compassed me ab. Is. 2:2 all n. shall flow unto it 25:7 destroy the vail over all re. 34:2 indignation of L. on all re. 40:17 all re. before him as noth. 66:18 gather a.'l n. Joel 3:2 20 br, your breth. out of all re. ■Jer. 27:7 all n. serve. Ban. 7:14 Amos !):9 house of Is. am. all re. Hab. 2:5 gathereth to him all re,. Hag. 2:7 I will shake all n. and desire ol all re. sliall come Zee. 14:2 I will gather a. re. ag. J. 19 punish. o( all re. come not Mai. 3:12 all re. call you blessed Mai. 24:9 hat. of a. re. for my sa. 14 gospel of kingd. preached to all re. Mark 13:10; Luke 24:47; Horn. 16:26 2.5:32 bef. him sh. be gath. all re. 28:19 go ye, and teach all re. Mark 11:17 called of all re. Luke 21:24 led captive into all re. Ads 14:16 suffered all re. to walk 17:26 made of one blood all re, Horn. 1:5 obed. to faith am. all re. 16:26 made known to all n. Gal. 3:8 shall all re. be blessed Rev. 7:9 a multitude of all re. 12:5 to rule all re. with a rod 14:8 she made all re. drink, 18:3 15:4 all re. sh. come and worsh. 18:23 by thy sor. all re. deceived All the IVATIOIVS. Gen. 18:18 all the re. of the earth be blessed, 22:18 ; 26:4 Dent. 14:2 ab. all the n. on earth 17:14 set a king over me, as all the re. 1 Sam. 8:5, 20 30:1 call them to mind am. all re. 3 L. gather thee firom all t. n. Ps. 9:17 all t. n. that forget G. Is. 14:26 hand stretch. (111 h(4rer's n. 28:48 a yoke of ll^>n on Ihy ri. I Sam. 4*: IS his ri. brake, luul dl. 8 Chr. ,36:13 Zed. still'cncd hlsii. .Vc/L 0:89 (hey hardened llu-lr »t. 954 CRIIDEN-'S CONCORDANCE. NEE Job 15:26 on him, even on his n. 16:12 hath talcen me by the re. 39:19 clothed n. ivith thunder ? 41:22 in his n. remain, strength Fs. 75:5 speak not with a stiff re. Frmy. 1:9 sh. he chains ah. thvn 3:3 bind them about thy n. 6:21 22 life and gi-ace to thy n. Cant. 1:10 thy n. is comely 4:4 thy n. is like the tow. of D. 9 ra\-i. wi. one chain of thy n. 7:4 thy n. is a tower of ivory Is. 8:8 sh. reach even to the re. 10:27 yoke betaken from thv n. 30:28 reach to midst of the re. 48:4 thy re. is an iron sinew 62:2 loose thvself fr. bands of n. 66:3 as if he cut otf a dog's «. Jer. 17:23 they made their «. stiff 27:2 yok. and put th. on thy n. 8 put re. under yoke of king, 11 28:10 took yokefrom Jer. n. 12 14 put a yoke on re., of nations 30:8 break his yoke from off re. Lam. 1:14 trans'gr. are on my re. Sos. 10:11 passed over on her re. Ilab. 3:13 foundation to the re. Mat. 18:6 a millstone hanged ab. his re. Mark 9:42; LuU 17:2 LvJce 15:20 father fell on his re. Ads 15:10 yoke on re. of disciples 26:37 fell on P.'s n. kissed him See HARDEN. NECKS. Jos. 10:24 feet on re. of th. kings Jv.d. 5:30 71. of them take spoil 8:21 ornaments on camels' re.. 26 2 Sam. 22:41 given me re. of ene- mies, Ps. 18:40 Neh. 3:5 J3ut not re. to the work Is. 3:16 with stretched-forth re. Jer. 27:12 br. your re. under yoke Lam. 5:5 re,, under persecution EzL'k. 21:29 br. thee on n. of slain Zlic. 2:3 shall not remove your re. Bom. 10:4 laid down th. own re. IVECROMAIVCER. Deut. 18:11 not be am. you an. KEED. De>it. 15:8 sufficient for his re. 1 Sam. 21:15 ha. I re-, of inadmen 2 Chr. 2:16 as much as shall re. 20:17 shall not re. to fight in bat. Ezr. 6:9 let wh. they re.' be given Prov. 31:11 sh. have no re. of sp. Mat. 3:14 I have re. to be baptiz. 6:8 your P. knoweth what thin, ye have n. of, 32 ; Ln. 12::30 9:12 that be whole re. not a phy- sician, Mark 2:17 ; Luke 5::J1 14:16 they re. not depart, give 21:3 the L. hath re. of th. Mark 11:3 ; Luke 19:31, 34 26:65 what further n. have we ? J/nrA: 14:63 ; Luke2i:n Mark 2:25 D. did «hen he had n. Imke 9:11 hcBled th. that had re. 15:7 just persons re. no repent. John 13:29 things we have re. of Acts 2:45 as ev. man had re. 4:35 Bom. 16:2 assist in what she re. 1 Cor. 7:36 re. so require, let him 12:21 not say, I have no re. 24 our comely parts have no n. 2 Cor. 3:1 or re. we epistles ? PhU. 4:12 I kn. how to suffer n. 19 God sh. supply all your re. 1 Thes. 1:8 that w-e re. not speak 4:9 brotherly love, re. not write 5:1 of the times ye have no re. Eeb. 4:16 to help in time of re. 5:12 re. one teach you ; re. milk 7:11 what re. th. another priest 10:36 ye have re. of patience 1 Pet. 1:6 re. be, ye arc in hcavi. 1 John 2:27 re. not any man teach 3:17 see his brother "have re. Eev. 3:17 I have re. of nothing 21:23 city no re. of sun or moon 22:5 re. no candle, nor light IVEEDED. John 2:25 re. not any sho. testify Acts 17:25 tho' he re. anything IVEEDEST, ETH. Gen. .33:15 Jacob said, What re. Lvke 11:8 as many as he re. Jolin 13:10 re. not save to wash 10:30 and n. not that any man Eph. 4:28 to give him that re. 2 rim. 2:15 workm. n. not to be £"fij. 7:27 who re. not offer sacrif NEEBFtlL. Ezr. 7:20 re. for house of thy G. Ltike 10:42 but one thing is n. Acts 15:5 re. to circumcise them NEI P^i?. 1:24 abide in flesh more n. Jam. 2:16 things re. for the body Jude 3 it was re. for me to ■write NEEDLE. Mat. 19:24 to go thro' eve of a re. Maik 10:25 ; Luke 18:25 NEEDLE-WORK. Ex. 26:36 hanging wrought with n.-iv. 27:16; 36:37; 38:18 28:39 ma. girdle of re.-!0. 39:29 Jud. 5:30 divers colors of re.-w. P,s. 45:14 bro. raiment of n.-zi;. NEEDS. Gen. 17:13 must re. be circnmci. 19:9 this fel. will re. be ajudge 24:5 must I re. bri. thy son ag. ? 2 5a?re. 14:14 for we must re. die Jer. 10:5 must re. be born, beca. Mat. 18:7 re. be that offen. come Mark 13:7 such things must re. Luke 14:18 I must re. "go and see John 4:4 must re. go thro' Sama. Acts 17:3 Christ must re. have 21 :22 multitude must re., come Bom. 13:5 ye must re. be subject 1 Cor. 5:10 "must ye re. go out a Cor. 11:30 if I must re. glory NEEDY. Beut. 15:11 open thy hand to re. 24:14 seiTant that is poor and ra. Job 24:4 they turn re. out of way 14 murderer kill, poor and re. P.9. 9:18 re. not alway be forgot. 12:5 the sighing of re. will arise 35:10 del. poor and n. 72:4, 13 37:14 bent bow to cast down re. 40:17 I am poor and re. 70:5 72:12 he sh. deliver the re. 82:4 13 he sh. spare the poor and re. 74:21 poor and re. praise thy na. 82:3 justice to afflicted and re. 4 del. poor and re. from wicked 86:1 I am poor and re. 109:22 109:16 persecuted poor and re. 113:7 lifteth re. out of dunghill Prov. 30:14 de. n-. from am. men 31:9 plead cause of poor and re. 20 reacheth forth hands to re.. Is. 10:2 turn aside re. fr. judgm. 14:30 re. shall lie down in safety 25:4 been a strength to the re. 26:6 steps of re. shall tread it do. 32:7 even when the re. speaketh 41:17 poor and re. seek water Jer. 5:28 right of re. do they not 22:16 iudg. cause of poor and re. Ezek. 16:49 strength, hands of re. 18:12 oppressed'the poor and re.. 22:29 people vexed poor and re. Amos 4:1 kine of Bash, crush re. 8:4 O ye that swallow up the re. 6 buy the re. for a pair of shoes NEESINGS. Job 41:18 by his re. light doth sh. NEGLECT. Mat. 18:17 if he shall re., to hear them ; re. to hear the church 1 Tim. 4:14 re. not gift in thee Heb. 2:3 how escape, if re. salv. ? NEGLECTED, ING. Acts 6:1 widows re. in ministra. Col. 2:23 re. body, not in honor NEGLIGENT. 2 CJir. 29:11 be not re. for the L. 2 Pet. l:12notbc;re. to put you NEHEMIAH. Ezr. 2:2 N. came with. Neh. 7:7 Neh. 1:1 the words of N. son of 3:16 N. son of Azbuk, repaired 8:9 N. wh. rs the Tirsha. 10:1 12:47 Israel in days of N. gave NEHXJSHTAN. 2 K. 18:4 NEIGHBOR. E^. 3:22 worn, borrow of re. 11:2 1 Sam. 15:28 hath given it to a re. JVot'. 27:10 better is a re., that is Jer. 6:21 re. and friends sh. peri. 9:20 and teach every one her re. Lvke 10:.36 re, to him am. thieves NEIGHBOR, Adjective. Jer. 49:18 overthrow of Sod. and the re. cities tliereof, 50:40 His NEIGHBOR. Ex. 12:4 him and A. re. take lamb 22:8 put ha. to h. n.'s goods, 11 14 borrow ought of his re. 32:27 go slay every man his re.. 2>D. 20:10 with 7ij«re.'«wife sh. be put to death. Dent. 22:24 24:19 man cause blemish in h. n. Dci/t. 4:42 kill his re. unaw. 19:4 15:2 creditor that lend to ?ds re. 19:11 if any hate his n. NEP Dent. 22:26 a man ris. ag. his re. 27:24 curs, he th. smiteth A. re. Buth 4:7 his shoe, gave to his re. 1 K. 8:.31 if man trespa. ag. h, re. 2 Chr. 6:22 if a man sin ag. h. re. Job 12:4 as one mocked of h. n. 16:21 a man pleadeth for h. re. Ps. 12:2 sp. vanity each wi. h. n. 13:3 nor doeth evil to his re. 101:5 whoso slandereth Aisre. Prov. 6:29 goeth to A. re.'s wife 11:9 a hypocrite destroy. A. re. 12 void of wis. desp. A. re. 14:21 12:26 right, more ex. than A. re. 14:20 poor is hated even of A. re. 16:29 a vio. man enticeth his re. 18:17 his re. cometh and search. 19:4 poor is separated fr. Ais n. 21:10 Jiis re. findeth no favor 25:18 bear false witn. ag. his re. 26:19 man that deceiveth his re. 29:5 flattereth A. re. spreadeth Ec. 4:4 a man envied of his re.. Is. 3:5 oppressed ev. one by A. re. 19:2 fight ev. one against A. re. 41:6 helped every one his re. Jer. 5:8neighed after A. n.'s wife 7:5 judgm. bet. man and his re. 9:4 take ye heed ev. oneot A. re. 5 th. will deceive ev. one A. re. 8 speak peaceably to his re. 22:8 say ev. man to his n. 23:35 13 useth Ais re.'« serrice 23:27 drea. tell ev. one to A. re. 30 steal words, ev. one fr. h. re. 31:34 teach no more every man Am re. Heb. 8:11 .34:15 proclaiming li. to A. re. 17 Ezek. 18:6 nei. defi. A. n.'s wi. 15 11 defiled A. re. 22:11 ; .S3;26 Bab. 2:15 giveth A. re. drink Zee. 3:10 call Svery man his n. 8:10 I set men ev. one ag. A. re. 10 speak ev. man truth to A. re. 17 let none imag. e^^l ag. A. re. Mark 12:23 love A. re. as himself Acts 7:27 he that did his re. wro. Bom. 13:10 work, no evil to A. re. 15:2 let eveiy one please Ai* re. Eph. 4:25 speak trulli with A. re. My NEIG^-^OK. Job 31:9 I laid wait .-t »?y re.'sd. iwi'S 10:29 to Je. Who is my re. ? Thy N'EIGHBOR. .Fx. 20:16 thou sh. not bear false witness ag. thTj n. Bet/t. 5:20 Lev. 18:20 not lie wi. t. n.'s wife 19:13 thou sh. not defraud t. re. 15 in lighte. shalt judge thy re. 16 nor stand ag. blood of t. re. 17 in any wise rebuke thy re. 18 thou sh. love t. re., as thyself Dent. 5:21 nor desire t. n.'s wife 19:14 not rem. t. n.'s landmark 1 Sam. 2S:17 given it to thy re. Ptw. 3:28 say not to tby re. Go 29 devise not evil against t. re. 24:28 be not witness ag. thy re. 25:9 debate thy cause with t. re. 17 with, foot fr. /. n.'s house Mat. 5:43 shalt love thyn. 19:19; 22:.39; Mark 12:31; Luke 10:37; Bom. 13:9; Gal. 5:14; Ja7n. 2:8 NEIGHBORS. .los. 9:16 heard th. were their re. Buth 4:17 her re. gave it a name 2 JT. 4:3 borrow vessels of thy re. Ps. 28:3 speak peace to their re. 31:11 I was reproach am. my re. 44:13 makcst usrcpro. to our re. 79:4 are become reproach to re. 12 render to our re. seven-fold 80:6 makest us a strife to our re. 89:41 he is a reproach to his re. Jer. 12:14 saith L. ag. all evil re. Ezek. 22:12 gained of re. by exto. Luke 1:58 her re. heard how Lord 14:12 make sup. call not rich re. 15:6 he called together his re. John 9:8 re. who had seen him NEIGHED. Jer. 5:8 one re. after neigh, wife NEIGHING, S. Jer. 8:16 tremble at re. of strong 13:27 I have seen adult, and re. NEPHBAV, S. Jud. 12:14 A. had 40 sons, 30 re. ■lob 18:19 neither have son nor re. Is. 14:22 I will cut off son and re. 1 Tim. 5:4 if widow have chil- dren or re. NETl. 1 Chr. 8:33 : 9:36, 39 NEKEUS. Bom. 16:15 NEEGAL. 2 K. 17:80 NET NEST. yum. 24:21 put. thy re. in a rock Deut. 22:6 if a re. he before thee 32:11 eagle stirreth up her n. Job 29:181 shall die in my n. 39:27 eagle make n. on high Ps. 84:3 swal. found re. forhersc. Pi-ov. 27:8 bird that wand. fr. re. Is. 10:14 ha. found as re. riches 16:2 wander, bird cast out of re. 34:15 great owl make re. Jer. 22:23 make, thy re. in cedars 43:28 dove makes re. in holes 49:16 make re. as high as eagle Ot>. 4 sot thy re., among stars Had. 2:9 he may set n. on high. N"ESTS. Ps. 104:17 wh. birds make th. n. jl'zck. 31:6 all fowls made their re. Mat. 8:20 birds of air re. Lu. 9^33 NET. Job 18:8 cast into re., by own feet 19:6 God comp. me with his n. Ps. 9:15 in re, they hid 25:15 phi. my feet out of re. 31:4 35:7 hid for me their re. in a pit 8 his re. he hid catch himself 57:6 prepared re, for my steps 66:11 thou bronghtest us into n. 140:5 spread a re. by wayside Prov. 1:17 in vain re. is spread 12:12 wick, desir. re. of evil men 29:5 man that flatter, spread, n. Ec. 9:12 fishes taken in e^il re. Is. 51:20 as a wild bull in a re. Lam. 1:13 spr. are. for mv feet Ezek. 12:13 re. will I spread, 17:20 19:8 nations shall spread n. 32:3 spread my re. over thee Eos. 5:1 ye have been re. on Ta. 7:12 spread my re. on them Mic. 7:2 hunt brother with a n. Hab. 1:15 catch them in their re. 16 thev sacrifice to their re. 17 shall they empty their re. ? Mat. 4:18 cast n. into. Mark 1:16 13:47 kingd. of heaven is like n. Lvke 5:5 I^vill let Aovra the re. 6 multitude of fishes, re. brake ■lohn 21:6 cast n. on right side 11 re. to land ; not re^ broken NETS. 1 K. 7:17 re. of checker work Ps. 140:10 wick, fall into own re. Ec. 7:26 wom, whose heart is re. Is. 19:8 they that sp. re. languish Ezek. 26:5 spreading of re. in sea 14 place to spread re. on. 47:10 Mat. 4:21 James and J. mending their re. Mark 1:19 ; Lu. 5:2 .^Tark 1:18 forsook re. follow, him Luke 5:4 do-ivn re. for a draught N'ETHAN'EEL. A^«m. 1:8 N. the son of Znar 2:5 N. the son of Zuar. shall be . captain, 7:18, 23 ; 10:15 1 Chr. 2:14 N. fourth son of Jes. 15:34 N. and Amasai blew with 24:6 the son of N. the scribe 26:4 sons of Obed-e. J. and X. 2 Chr. 17:7 Jehoshaphat sent N. Ezr. 10:22 N. prie. Neh. 12:21, 36 NETHANIAH. 2 K. 25:23 son ofN. io:Jer. 40:8 1 Chr. 25:2 son of Asaph, N. 12 2 Chr. 17:8 Le. to teach, even N. Jer. 36:14 princes sent son of N. 41:2 Ishmacl, son of N. 15 NETHER. Ex. 19:17 they stood at re. part Deut. 24:6 no man take re. millst. Jos. 15:19 gave her upper springs and re. springs, Jud. 1:15 .Tab 41:24 heart hard as re. millst. Ezek. .31:14 del. to death re. parts 16 conif in re. parts of earth 18 down to re. parts of earth 32:18 cast do, to re, parts of ear. 24 E. gone down to re, pa. of e. NETHERMOST. 1 K. 6:6 re, chamb. 5 cub. broad NETHINIM. 1 Clir. 9:2 first inhabitants N. Ezr. 2:43 N. went with Zenib. j8 the N, were 392, Neh. 7:60 7:7 some of N, went to Jer. 24 8:17 Iddo and breth, the N, 20 Xeh. 3:26 N, dwelt in Op. 11:21 10:38 N. separated from people 11:21 Zi. and Gispa over the I^. NETTLES. .lot) 30:7 under re. th. were gath. Prcn\ 24:31 re. had covered face Is. 34:13 n. and bram. in fortres NEW nos. 9:6 n. possess pleas, places Zep. 2:9 M. shall be breeding n. NETWORK, S. Ex. 27:4 gi-ate of n. brass, 38:4 1 JC. 7:18 two rows round n. 42 41 two n. upon the cliapiters 42 400 pomegranates for two n. Is. 19:9 weave n. be confounded Jer. 52:22 with n. on chapiters 23 pomegranates on n. we. 100 NEVER. Mat. 9:33 it was n. so seen in Is. 27:14 answered him to «.. a word NEW. Ex. 1:8 arose a n. king over Eg. Lev. 20:10 br. fortli old, bee. of n. Num. 16:30 Lord make n. thing Deut. 20:5 built n. house, 22:8 24:5 taken a n. wife, not go 32:17 sacri. to devils, to n. gods Jos. 9:13 bottles of wine were ?t. Jud. 5:8 they chose n. gods 1 Sam. 6:7 make a n. cart 2 -Sam. 6:3 on n. cart, 1 Chr. 13:7 21:16 bcin_g girded with n. sw. 1 .ff". 11:29 J. clad with ?i. gar. :30 Jo6 32:19 to burst like v. bottles Ps. 33:3 sing n. song, 96:1 ; 98:1 ; 144:9; 149:1; /«. 42:10 40:3 put n. song in my mouth Ec. 1:9 no n. thing under sun 10 may be said. This is n. ? Cant. 7:13 pleas, frui. n. and old Is. 42:9 n. things I declare, 48:6 43:19 I will do a n. thing 62:2 be called by a n. name 65:17 n. heavens,?!,, earth, 66:22 Jer. 26:10ra. gate of L.'s ho. 36:10 31:22 Lord luith crcat. n. thing Lam. 3:23 Lord's mercies are n. Ezek. 11:19 a n. spirit, 36:26 18:31 make n. heart and //. spi. 47:12 trees brin" forth n. fmit Mat. 9:l(i 71,. cloth to an old gar. Mark 2:21 ; Luke 5:36 17 put n. wine into n. bottles. J/arft 2:22; i?//i:c .5:. n. ir. Jil(l. 1:11 call, for (Iron, on h. i(<. '/.cr.. 9:17 ». w. iim. nuiids clicci-. Mat. 9:17 n. w. Inlo old hollies, but n. mine into now, Mark 2:22- Luke 5:37 yl6V«2:I8 thesu num full of n. w. NKWI.Y. P'-iil. 32:17 to gods n. came up Jud. 7:19 tlicy had «. »el waLeh NK\Vi\KHH. /'»m. 6:1 Khali walk In n. ofllfe 7:0Mhould Herv(^ In u. of nplrU NEWH. PtW). 8fi:2fl so (;ood 7i. from a far NIG- NEXT. Gen. 17:21 bear at set time n. ye. Ex. 12:4 let him n. take lamb JJeut. 21:3 city whi. is n. slain 6 elders of city n. to slain man 1 Sam. 23:17 I shall be n. to th. .30:17 Dav. smote to ev. of n. day Est. 10:3 Mordecai was n. to A. Mat. 27:02 n. day that followed Mai'k 1:38 go into n. towns ■John 1:29 re. day John see. Jes. Acts 4:3 put th. in liold ton. day 13:42 words preached n. sab. 44 NICANOR. Acts 0:5 NICODEMU8. John 3:1 N. a ruler of the Jews 7:50 N. came to Jesus, 19:39 NICOLAITANS. liev. 2:6, 15 NICOPOLIS. Tit. 3:12 NIGER. Acts 13:1 NIGH. Lev. 21:3 virgin that is re. to him Num. 24:17 beh. him, not n. star Z>«w<. 4:7 hath G. so n. them ? 22:2 if bro. be not n. unto thee 30:14 is re. to thee, Jimi. 10:8 2 Sam. 11:20 wh. appr. s(y n. f 21 1 /r. 8:59 let my words be re. Ps. .34:18 is re. them of bro. hea. 85:9 salva. n. them that fear him 145:18 L. is re. to all that call Joel 2:1 day of L. is n. at hand jl/af*. 24:.32 sum. is re. ii(A-e 21:30 Mark 13:29 know that it is re. i«/i« 21:20 kn. that desola. is re. 31 know that king, of G. rs n. John 0:4 and the passover was re. 11:55 the Jews' passover was re. Eph. 2:13 made re. by blood of C. 17 preach, to th. that were re. PA«. 2:27 sick, re. unto death, 30 Ileb. 0:8 is rejected, re. to cursing ;S'e« CAME, DRAW. NIGHT. Gen. 1:5 the darkness he call. re. 14 lights, to divide day from re. 1:10 lesser light to rule re. 19:2 tarry all re. Num. 22:19; .7wrf. 19:0, 9 33 drink wine that n. 34, 35 24:.54 tarried all re. 28:11 ; 31:54 ; 32:1:3, 21 30:15 shall lie with thee to-re. 10 46:2 O. spake to L><. in vis. of re. 49:27 at re. he shall divide spoil Ex. 12:8 eat the flesh in that re. 42 is a re. to be observed to L. 14:20 not near other all re.. Lev. 0:9 burning on altar all re. 19:13 not abide with thee all re. Num. 14:1 people wei)t that re. 22:8 said. Lodge here this re. 19 Deut. 16:4 1. bread remain all re. 21:23 bodv not remain all re. Jurl. 6:40 God did so that re. 19:25 and abused her all Ihe re. Ituth 1:12 if I have a husb. to-re. 1 Sam. 15:11 S. cried to L. all re. 19:11 if thou save not life to-re. 2H:25 Saul went away that re. 2 Sam. 2:29 Abncr walked all re. 32 .1. and his men went all re. 12:10 David lay all re. on earth 17:1 will pursue after 1). this n. 16 lodge not this n. in plain 2 K. 19:35 th. re. the angel smote 2 Chr. 1:7 that re. did (f. a]), to S, I'M. 6:1 that re. cou. not king si. Jot) 3:3 let re. perish iu which 7 let that re. be solitary 4:13 the visions of the n. 7:4 when shall the re. be gone 1 29:19 dew lay all n. on my bra. 30:20 desire not re. jic'o. elit olT I's. 6:6 all re. make I my bed 19:2 re. unto*;, showetli Unowl. ;!0:5 wi'fp. may rmlurc I'l.r n re. 7H:lt led tliem'all //, with light 92:2sliow I'orlh fnilhful, ev. ;/. 1111:20 nudu Ihi^re. fli. be liixlit I'kiik 7:9 passlii'r In Hie dark n. ;il:15 nrlHi'lh whih^ It is vet re. Cajit. l:i:i lie all n. belw! breas. 5:2 my locUs with ilropsofre. Is. 5:tl ('onllnn(^ until re. 16:3 make lliy shallow as lhi> li. 21:4 II. of pleiiH, turn. Inlo fear 11 walihnmn, what of the re. / 12 morningciinietli, also Iho n. 29:7 shall be as a dream of /(. ./.;•, M:H ninwlh iiHlile lor a ;i. Dim. 2:19 seerel revealed In ;i, fi::iO that, n. was Di'ImIimz. slain 6:IH king piisseil I lie ii. I'lisling llo.H. 7:6 Ihfir tiaker sleep, all ii. NIG Joel. 1:13 lie all re. in sackcloth Amos 5:8 mak. day dark with re. Jon. 4:10 ca. up in re. perish, in re. Mic. 3:6 re. shall be to you Mat. 26:31 sh. be offended beca. of me this re. Mark 14:27 34 this re. thou shalt deny me Luke 5:5 toiled all re. taking not. 6:12 he continued all re. in pray. 12:20 this re. thy soul be requi. 17:34 that re. two sh. be in one John 9:4 re. com. no man work 13:30 he went out, it was re. 21:3 that re. they caught noth. Acts 12:6 same re. Pe. was sleep. 16:33 took them same hour of re. 23:11 re. follow. Lord stood by 27:23 stood by me this re. angel Rom. 1,3:12 re. is spent 1 Cor. 11:23 re., he was betrayed 1 Thes. 5:5 we are not of the re. Eev. 21:25 be no n. there, 22:5 By NIGHT. Gen. 20:3 to Ab. in dream Tiy re. 31:24 G. ca. to La. in dre. by re. 39 whet, stolen by day or liy re.. 40 drou. consu. me, frost by n. Ex. 12:31 called M. and A. by n. 13:21 by re. in pillar of fire, 22; 14:20; 40:38; iVeA. 9:12 Num. 9:16 appear, of fire by re. 21 taken up. by day or by n. Deut. 1:.33 fire by re. to show way 2;j:10 unclean, chanceth by re. 1 Sam. 14:36 go after Phili. by re. 28:8 Saul came to woman by re. 2 Sam. 21:10 nor the beasts 6y re. 1 K. 3:5 Lord appeared to Solo- mon by n. 2 Chr. 7:12 2 K. 6:14 came by n. compassed 25:4 fled by re. Jer. 52:7 Ps. 91:5 sh. not be afraid by re. 121:6 nor moon smite thee by n. 134:1 by re. stand in house of L. 136:9 moon rule by re. Jer. 31::35 Prov. 31:18 goeth not out Ijy re. Cant. 3:1 by re. I sought him Is. 4:5 shining of a fire by n. Jer. 0:5 let us "o by re. destroy 39:4 went form out of city iy re. 49:9 if thieves Ijy re. will destr. Dan. 7:2 I saw in my vision byn. Ob. 5 if thieves, if robbers by re. Mat. 2:14 too chi. and mo. by n. 27:64 disciples come by n. 28:13 Lvke 2:8 watch over flock by re. Jolin 3:2 Nicod. came by re. 19:39 Acts 5:19 angel by re. open. pris. 9:25 took P. by re. let him down See DAY. In the NIGHT. 1 K. 3:19 wom. child died i. t. re. Neh. 2:12 arose i. A re. 15 I went 4:22 in t. re. they may guard us 6:10 in t. n. will they slay thee Job 5:14 in noimday as in the v. 24:14 in t. re., murder, is as thief 27:20 tempest steal, him int. re.. 34:25 o'vertunieth them ire then. 35:10 who giv. songs in the n. t Ps. 10:7 my reins Inst, me i. t. re. 17:3 hast visited me in the re. 22:2 I cry in the «.. season 42:8 in t. n. his song sh. bo wi, 77:2 sore ran ire t. re. ceased not 6 call to rem. my song in I. n. 90:4 1,000 years as watch in t. re. 105:.39 a flfe to give light i. t. n. 119:.55 remem. thy name in t. n. I'A\ 2:2.') taketh not rest in the v. ('(till. 3:8 sw, bee, of fear i.« /. re. Is. \'y.\ in I. re, M. is laid wasto 20:!l soul desired tliei' in the n. ;i(l;29 have a song as in the n. U'.y.W at noonday as /;/ Ihe re. ./.;■, 36;:lO be cast out (re the n. I,(iin. 1:2 weepeth sore in the n. 2:19 arise, eiy out in Ihe re. Ih>i. 4:5 shall fall In Ihe ii. ./iihn 11:10 man walk in Ihe re. .I(7« 10:!) vision U>\'.ln t.n. 1S:9 1 Tilts. 5:2 (lay comelh as thief in Ihe n. 2 /',/, 3:10 7 Hlucp in I. re, drunk in tht n. NIGHTS. Cm. 7:1 rain lOilavs, ,|0 ii, 12 ,hib 7:3 wearisome ;/, apiiolntod Is. 2I;H set In ward wholo n. ■See DAYS. NIGHTH.WVK. I.rr. 11:16/1, mil «al, /i,ul. M:tn NIGII'I'.\V>\T<'HKH. I's. IVI:I1 I iiieill. oil thee III n.-w. I III: I IH previ'iit ri.-W. tu lUudlL NIMIMM. h. 15:0 NOB NI.MROD. Gen. 10:8 C. be^'at N. 1 Chr. 1:10 Mi£. 5:6 land ol Assyria and N. NINE. Deut. 3:11 Og's bedst. re. cubita Neh. 11:1 re. parts dw. in oth. cit. Lvke 17:17 where are the n. f See HTJNDKED. NI\ETEEN. 2 Sam. 2:30 lacked of D. serv. n. NINETEE.\TH. 2 K. 25:8 in the re. year of Nebu- chadnezzar the house of the Lord was burnt, Jer. 52:12 NINETY. Gen. 5:9 Enos lived re. years 17:17 Sa. that is re. y. old. bear? NINETY-SIX. Ezr. 8:35 ofl'er. for Is. re.-s. rams NINETY-EIGHT. 1 Sam. 4:15 Eli was re.-e. ye. old NINETY-NINE. Gen. 17:1 Ab. was re.-re. years old 24 re.-re. years old when circu. Mat. 18: 12 do. he not le. the re.-re. and seek. ? 13 ; Luke 15:4, 7 NINEVEH. Gen. 10:11 Asher builded N. 2 K. 19:30 Sen. at N. Is. .37:.37 Jon. 1:2 go to N. 3:2, 3: 4:11 Nah. 1:1 the burden of N. 2:8 3:7 N. is waste, who will hem. ? Zep. 2:13 make N. a desolation Mat. 12:41 men of N. Luke 11:32 NINEVITES. Luke 11:30 NINTH. Lev. 25:22 eat old fruit till n. ye. 1 Chr. 12:12 Elzabad, re. captain 27:12 re. captain for re. month Mat. 20:5 went out ab. re. hour 27:45 darkness over all the land unto re. hour, Mark 15:33 46 re. hour Jesus gave up jghost Acts 3:1 hour of prayer, being n. 10:3 C. saw. vis. ab. re. hour, 30 Pev. 21:20 re. fouuda. was topaz See DAY, MONTH. NIS.\N. Neh. 2:1 in the month N. Est. 3:7 first month N. NISROCH. 2 K. 19:37 ; Is. 37:C8 NITRE. Prov. 25:20 as vinegar upon n. Jer. 2:22 tho' thou Wash with re. NO. Jer. 46:25 pun. N. Ezek. ,30:14. 10 Nah. 3:8 better th. populous N. NO A 1)1 .VH. Ezr. 8:33 N, the son of Binnui Neh. 0:14 think on prophet. N. NOAH, NOE. Gen. 5:29 called his name N. 80 0:8 N. fonnd grace in eves of L. 9 gen. ofN. 10:1.32; \Cor. 1:4 7:23 N. only remained alive 8:1 God reiiiembered N. Ii:20 9:24 N. ajvoke fl'. hi.s wine. 29 Is. ,'>4:9 this is as waters of N. Ezek. 14:14 N. Daniel, Job, 20 Mat. 21:37 davs of N. Luke 17:26 //(*. 11:7 by faith N. he. wnrned 1 Vet. 3:20 waited In days of N. 2 Pet. 2:5 old world, but saved N. NOAH. Num.. 26:3!); 27:1 : 30:11 ; Jos. 17:3 ■* Non. 1 Sam. 21:1 David camo to N. to 22:9 son of.), coin, lo N. 11, 19 Neh. 11:;12 elil. of Iteii.dw. at N. h. 10:32 shall he remain ut N. NOIII.E. F.zr. '1:10 re. .V-napper brought F.sl. 0:9 one of king's re. prliico^. ./.;•. 2:21 I planted thee a n. vluo I.uk« 19:12 re. man went lo flir John 1:40 n. man whose son ,19 H. man sallh. Come ero rhi. .\els 17:11 Here, more ii. Ilian '1'. 2I:S wo accept It, », l''oll\',%:',;5 1 Cor. I:'JO iiol many "■ are call. NOIII.KH. Kl. S4:lt on ", of Israel laid not Num. 21:18 llio n. of iieo. iIU'>,-.h1 Jud. M3 ilomliilon over the it. 1 K. ai:H.le/.. Hiiil li'ller to (I. 2 Chr. a.'):'JOJeliolaila look tlufi. .VrA. 1:111 nor lind I loUl It lo v.. il;.^ II. iiol put lU'ckH to work 5:7 I roliiikeil Die ii. ami ruleni (1:17 n. of JikIhIi cent lotion* 956 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. KOO Kek. 7:5 G. put in hca. to gath. n. 10:29 they clave to brethren, n. 13:17 I contended with n. of J Job 29:10 the n. held their peace Ps. &3:11 make their?;. like Oreb 149:8 bind ra with fet. of iron Prov. 8:16 prmces rule, n. judg Ec 10:17 wh. king is son of n. Is 13:2 go into gates of the n. 34:12 shall call «. to kingdom 43:14 brought down all their n. Jer. 14:3 ir.'sent their little ones 27:20 Nebuc. carried captive n. 30:21 n. shall be of themselves 39:6 kin^ slew all n. of Judah Jon. 3:7 decree of kin!r and n. yah. 3:18 thy n. dwell in dust NOD. Gen. 4:16 XOISE. Ex. 29:18 heard n. of trumpet 32:17 th. is a n. of war in camp 18 n. of them that sing I hear Jos. 6:10 not shout nor make n. Jud. 5:11 deliv. fr. n. of archers 1 Sam. 4:6 what meancth n. ? 14 1 K. 1:41 wherefore is this n. ? 45 this is the n. ye have heard 2 K. 7:6 )!. of char. n. of horses 11:13 Athali. heard n. of guard, 2 Chr. 2:3:12 \Chr. 15:28 making n. with psal. i^~r. 3:13 re. of joy i'r. n. of weep. Job 36:29 understand n. of taber. 33 /(. thereof sho weth concern. 37:2 hear attentive, n. of voice Ps. 33:3 play skilf. with loud n. 42:7 call, at n. of water-spouts 55:2 I mourn and make a n. 59:6 make a n. like a dog, 14 G5:7 stilleth the n. of the seas 66:1 make a joyful n. to God, all ye lands. 81:1; 95:1, 2; 93:4, 6; 100:1 93:4 L. mightier thann. of wat. Is. 9:5 ev. b"attle is wi. confu. n. 13:4 n. of a multitude in moun- tains, a tumult, n. of kiugd. 14:11 n. of thy viols is down 17:12 a n. like n. of the seas 24:8 n. of them that rej. eudeth 18 he who fieeth from the n. 25:5 Shalt bring n. of strangers 29:6 visited of L. with grea'^t n. 31:4 nor abase himself for n. S3:3 at n. of tumult people fled 66:6 a voice of n. from the city Jer. 4:19 my heart maketh n. 29 the city shall flee for the n. 10:22 the n. of the bruit is come 11:16 n. of gr. tumult he kindl. 25:31 n. sh. co. to ends of earth 46:17 P. king of Egypt is but n. 47:3 at n. of stamping of horses 49:21 earth is moved at the n. of their fall, at the cry the n. 50:46 at n. of taking of Babylon 51:55 n. of th. voice is uttered Lam. 2:7 made n. in house of L. Ezek. 1:24 n. of their wings, like the n. of great waters, 43:2 3:13 n. of wheels, re. of rushing 19:7 land was desolate by n. 26:10 thy walls sh. shake at re. 13 cause re. of son^s to cease 37:7 as I prophesied, th. was re. Jod 2:5 like re. of char. n. of fire Amos 5:23 take fr. man. of songs 3Vic. 2:12 they sh. make great re. JVrtA. 3:2 n. of whip, n. of wheels Zep. 1:10 re. of cry fr. fish-gate Zee. 9:15 drink and make a re. Mat. 9:23 saw peo. making a re. 2 Pet. 3:10 hea. past away'wi. re. Pen. 6:1 1 heard the re. of thund. IVOISED. Jos. 6:27 Joshua, fame was re. ilarki:\ re. he was in the house Luke 1:65 th. sayings re. abroad Acts 2:6 when this was n. abroad IVOISOMB. Ps. 91:3 deli, thee fr. re. pestilen. Ezek. 14:21 send sw. and re. bea. Rev. 16:2 fell a re. grievous sore JThere was IVOIVE. JV;/m. 21:35 <. w. re. left him alive 2 iiam. 22:42 they looked, but th. was n. to save, Ps. 18:41 Ps. 139:16 yet t. w. re. of them NOOiV. Gen. 43:16 sh. dine with me at re. 25 present ag. Jos. came at re. Jud. 19:8 tamed until after re. 2 ,Sam. 4:5 who lay on bed at n. 1 K. 18:26 called on Ba. until re. 27 at re. Elijah mocked them 20:16 and they went out at re. NOR 2 K. 4:20 sat on her knees till re. Ps. 55:17 at re. will I pray Ca7it. 1:7 mak. flock to rest at re. Jer. 6:4 arise, let us go up at re. Amos 8:9 cau. sun go down at re. Acts 22:6 about re. th. shone lig. NOOXOAY. Deut. 28:29 thou sh. grope at n. Job 5:14 they grope in the re. 11:17 th. age DC clearer than re. Ps. 37:6bring forth judgm. as re. 91:6 destruction that wast, at re. Is. 16:3 as night, in midst of re. 58:10 thy daT-kness sh. be as re. 59:10 we stumble at re. as night Jer. 15:8 I have a spoiler at re. Zep. 2:4 di-ive out Ashdod at re. NOOATIDE. Jer. 20:16 hear the shouting at re. NOPH. h. 19:13 princes of N. deceived Jer. 2:16 the children of N. have 4G:14 publish in N. 19 N. shall Ezek. 30:13 ima. cease out N. 16 NORTH. Gen. 28:14 thou sh. spread to re. 1 K. 7:25 three oxen looking toward re. 2 Chr. 4:4 1 Chr. 9:24 porters were tow. re. lob 26:7 he stretched out the re. 37:9 cold Cometh out of the re. 22 fair weather com. out of re. Ps. 48:2 on sides of re. the city 89:12 re. and south, thou created Ec. 1:6 wind turneth about to re. 11:3 if the tree fall toward the re. 7i. 14:13 I wDl sit in sides of re. 43:6 I will say to the re. G. up Jer. 1:13 pot's face toward there. 14 out of the re. an evil break forth, 4:6; 46:20 15 families of kingdoms of re. 3:11 proclaim th. words tow. re. 18 come together out of the n. 6:1 evil appearcth out of the re. 2:3:8 which led Is. out of re. 31:8 25:9 take all the families of re. 26 the kings of re. far and near 46:6 they shall fall toward re. 10 L. hath a sacrifice in the re. 24 delivered to people of the re. 47:2 waters rise up out of the re. 50:3 out of re. cometh a nation Ezek. 1:4 whirlw. came out of re. 8:5 I lifted mine eyes toward re. 20:47 all faces from south to n. 21:4 all flesh from south to re. 32::30 princes of re. all of 40:44 prospect toward the re. 40 41:11 one door toward re. 42:4 42:1 and building toward re. 4 doors re. 11 chambers n. 13 46:19 holy chamb. looked to re. 4S:10holy oblation toward re. Dan. 11:6 come to king of the re. 8 more years than king of re. 11 fight wi. the king of the re. 13 the king of re. shall return 15 k. of the re. cast up a m. 40 44 tidings of re. sh. trouble hi. Zep. 2:13 stretch hand ag. re. Zee. 6:6 black horses go nito re. 8 have quieted my spirit in n. 14:4 mount, sh. remove tow. re.. Eev. 21:13 on re. were three gates NORTH border. Num. 34:7 this sh. be your re. b. 9 From the NORTH. Ps. 107:3 gathered fivm the n. and the south, Is. 49:12 ; Jer. 16:15; 2:3:8 Is. 14:31 come/, t. 7i. a smoke 41:25 1 raised up owc^from t. re. Jer. 4:6 I will bring evil/, the re. 6:22; 10:22; 50:9, 41; 51:48 Ezek. 26:7 king of kings/, t. re. :39:2wlI1 cause th. to come/, re. ^l;reos 8:12 wander f. t. n. to east Zee. 2:6 flee/, the land of t. re. Luke 1:3:29 come/, t. re. sit down NORTH quarter. Jos. 15:5 Judah'i border in re. q. NORTH side. Ex. 26:20 tabernacle on re. s. 35 thou Shalt put table on re. s. Num. 2:25 camp of Dan on n. s. .lud. 21:19 feast re. «. Beth-el 2 K. 16:14 brazen altar on re. s. Ezek. 42:17 he measured the re. s. 48:30 goings out of city on re. s. NORTHERN. Jer. 15:12 break re. iron, and ste. Joel 2:20 I will remove re. army NORTHWARD. Gen. 13:14 look n. Deut. 3:27 NOT Ex. 40:22 tabernacle re, without Lev. 1:11 on side of altar re. Deut. 2:3 ye mount, turn you re. 1 Sam. 14:5 front of one rock n. 1 Clir. 26:14 Zechar.'s lot ca. re. 17 re. were four Levites a day NOSE. Lev. 21:18 a flat re. sh. not ofier 2 K. 19:28 book in thy re. Is. 37:C9 Job 40:24 his re. pierceth through 41:2 canst thou put hook in re. y Prov. 30:33 wringing of the re. Cant. 7:4 thy re. is as tower of L. 8 smell of thy re. like apples Is. 65:5 th. are a smoke in my re. Ezek. 8:17 put branch to their re. 23:25 take away thy re. and ears NOSES. Ps. 115:6 re. have they, smell not Ezek. 39:11 stop re. of passengers NOSE-JEWELS. Is. 3:21 L. take away their n.-j. NOSTRILS. Gen. 2:7 G. breath, into m.'s re. 7:22 in wh. re. was breath of life Ex. 15:8 wi. blast of thy re. wat. Xum. 11:20 eat till it come out re. 2 Sam. 22:9 went a smoke out of his re. Ps. 18:8. 15 16 blast of the breath of his re. Job 4:9 breath of re. consumed 27:3 Spirit of God is in my re. 39:20 glory of his re. is terrible 41:20 out of his re. ^oeth smoke Is. 2:22 whose breatn is in his re. Lam. 4:20 brea. of re. was taken Amos 4:10 sti. of camps unto re. NOTABLE. Dan. 8:5 the goat had a re. horn 8 for it came up four re. ones JIat. 27:16 had then re., prisoner Acts 2:20 before re. day of L. co. 4:16 re. miracle hath been done NOTE, ED. Is. 30:8 WTite it, re. it in book Dan. 10:21 re. in scripture of tru. 2 Thes. 3:14 re. that man NOTE. Mom. 16:7 are of re. am. apostles NOTHING. Gen. 11:6 re. will be restrained 19:8 only unto these men do re. Ex. 12:10 let re. of it remain 16:18 had re. over, 2 Cor. 8:15 22:3 have re. then he sh. be sold Deut. 22:26 damsel thou sh. do re ■lud. 14:6 had re. in his hand •2Sa?n. 24:24 wh. dothcostmere. 1 K. 8:9 there was re. in the ark 11:22 answered re. LiiJce 22:35 ,Iob 6:18 they go to re. and perish 21 for now' ye are n. ye see 8:9 of yesterday, and know re. 24:25 make speech re. worth 26:7 hangeth the earth upon re. 34:9 it profitcth a man re. Ps. 17:3 tried me and sh. find re. 39:5 mine ao-e is as re. bef. thee 49:17 he shall carry re. away 119:165 and re. sh. bfl'end them Prov. 9:13 and knoweth re. 13:4 desir. and hath re. 20:4 7 mak. himself rich, yet ha. re. 22:27 if thou hast n. to pay Ec. 3:14 re. can be put to it 5:15 he sh. take re. of his labor 6:2 he wanteth re. for his soul 7:14 should find re. after him Is. 34:12 her princes shall be. re. 40:17 nations bef. him arc as re. are to him less than re. 41:29 23 bring, princes to re. 41:11, 12 ■ler. 10:24 lest th. bring me to re. 38:14 ask a thing, hide re. fr. me 39:10 left of pooV which had re. 50:26 let re. of her be left Lam. l:^2isit re. to you ? Ezek. 13:3.prop. that ha. seen re. Dan. 4:35 inhabit, of earth as re. Amos 3:4 lion cry if taken re. 5 taken up snare, and taken re. 7 surely Lord God will do re. Rafj. 2:3 in comp. of it as 7>. ? Mat. 17:20 re. shall bo impossible to you, Luke 1:37 26:62 auswercst thou re. f 27:12 he answer, re. Mark 14:60, 61 ; 15:3, 4, 5 19 ha. re. to do with just man Mai-k 5:26 and was re. bettered 9:29 forth by re. but by prayer Luke 5:5 have toiled all night and taken re. Jolin 21:3 7:42 they had re. to pay 10:19 re. "sh. by any jncans hurt NOU Luke 11:6 I ha. re. to set bef. him 2:3:41 this man hath done re. John 3:27 man can receive re. 5:19 S. can do re. of himself, 30 6:12 gather, that re. be lost 39 given me, I should lose n. 63 the flesh profiteth re. 7:26 they say n. 8:28 I do re.. 9:33 could do re. 11:49 know re. 12:19 perc. how- ye prevail re. f 14:30 prince of world hath re. 15:5 without me ye can do re. 16:23 that day ye sh. ask me re. 24 ye asked "re" in my name 18:20 in secret have \ said re. Acts 10:20 doubting re. 11:12 19:36 quiet, and do re. rashly 20:20 kept back re. profitable 2:3:14 eat re. until we ha. slain P. 27:3:3 fasting, having taken re. 1 Cor. 1:19 bang to re. nndersta. 4:4 I know re. by myself 5 judge re. before the time 8:2 knoweth re. yet as he ought 9:16 I have re. to glorv of 13:2 charity, am re. 2 "Cor. 12:11 3 not charity, it profit, me re. 2 Cor. 6:10 baring re. yet posses. 13:8 can do re. against the truth Gal. 5:2 Ch. shall profit you re. Phil. 2:3 let re. be done thro' str. 1 Tim. 4:4 good. re. to be refused 5:21 doing re. by partiality 6:4 he is proud, knowing re. 7 we brought re. carry re. out Tit. 3:13 that re. be wanting Phile. 14 thy mind wou. I do re. Heb. 2:8 left re. that is not put 7:19 for the law made re. perfect Jam. 1:4 and entire, wanting re. 6 him ask in faith, re. wavering 3 John 7 taking re. of the Gcntil. For NOTHING. Ex. 21:2 seventh go free/or re. Lv-ke 6:35 lend, hoping/or re. ag. Phil. 4:6 be careful/w re. but In NOTHING. Acts 17:21 A. spent time ire re. 2 Cor. 12:11 ire re. am I behind Phil. 1:20 in re. I shall be asha. 28 ire re. terrified by adversari. I.s NOTHING. Num. 11:6 is re. besides manna ■lud. 7:14 is re. else save sword 1 Sam. 27:1 there i,« re. bet. than 1 K. 18:43 and said. There is n. 2 K. 20:15 there is re. among my treasure. 7s. 39:4 2 C!ir. 14:11 is re. with th. to help Neh 2:2 is re. else but soitow Est. 6:3 th. is re. done for him Ps. 19:6 th. is re. fr. heat thereof Prov. 6:8 there is re. froward or Ec. 2:24 is re. bet. for man, 3:22 5:14 and there is re. in his band Jer. 32:17 is re. too hard for thee Mat. 10:26 is re. that sh. not be revea. Mark 4:22 ; Lvke 12:2 23:16 swear by temple, it is re. 18 shall swear by altar, it is n. Mark 1:15 th. is re." from without ■John 8:54 my honor re. Pom. 14:14 there is re. unclean 1 Cor. 7:19 circumcision is n. 8:4 an idol is re. in the world Gal. 6:3 is ii. he deceiv. himself Tit. 1:15 that are defiled is re. Of NOTHING. Is. 41:24 behold, ye are of re. 1 T7tes. 4:12 may have lack o/"n. Pev. 3:17 increa! have need of n. NOTWITHSTANDING. Lztke 10:11 re. be sure of this 20 n. in this rejoice not 1 Tim. 2:15 re. shall be saved NOUGHT. See naught. NOURISH. Gen. 45:11 will I re. thee, 50:21 7s. 7:21 m.in sh. ». young cow 23:4 nor do I re. up yoimg men 44:14 an ash, the rain doth re. it NOIRISHED. Gen. 47:12 Joseph re. his father 2 Sam. 12:3 lamb he bought re. Is. 1:2 re. and brought up child. Ezek. 19:2 she re. her whelps Acts 7:20 re. in his father's house 21 Pharaoh's daughter re. him 12:20 re. by the king's country 1 Titn. 4:6 re. up in words of fai. ■lam. 5:5 have re. your hearts as Pev. 12:14 re. for a time, times NOCRISHER, MENT. Puth 4:15 shall be re. of old age Col. 2:19 and bauds having n. CRUDBN'S CONCORDAN'CB. 957 Nu:>r NOURISIIETII, I%0. Dan. 1:5 so n. Uiem three years Eph. 5:29 but n. his llesh. NOVICE. 1 Tim. 3:6 not n. lost lifted NOWADAYS. 1 Sam. 25:10 many servants n. IVUMBER, Substantive. Gen. 34:30 I being few in n. 41:49 for it was without n. Ex. 12:4 according to n. of souls 16:16 according to n. of pers. 23:26 n. of thy days I will fulfil Lev. 25:15 n. of years after jubil. n. of years of fruit, 16, 50 26:22 shall make you few in n. Num. 1:2 n. of names, 18, 22 8:22 n. of males a mo. old, 23-43 48 odd n. to be redeemed 14:29 n. from twenty years old 15:12 according to n. prop, do to ev. one according to their n. 23:10 who can connt n. of Isr. ? 31:36 half of portion was in n. Deut. 4:27 n. am. heathen, 28:62 7:7 more in n. than any people 25:2 to be beaten by a certa. n. 32:8 according to the n. of Isra. Jos. 4:5 a stone according tore. 8 Jurl. 6:5 camels without n. 7:12 7:6 n. that lapped were 3C«) men 1 Sam,. 6:4 ra. of lords of Philist. 18 »i. of cities of the Philistin. 2 Sam. 2:15 and went over by n. 24:2 may Icnow/i. of the peo. 9 gave up sura of n. of people 1 iu 18:31 12 stones accord, ton. 1 Chr. 7:2 n. was indaysof Dav. , 9 n. of th. after genealogy, 40 11:11 n. of mighty men D. had 22:16 gold and silver th. is no n. 23:3 their n. by their polls 23:7 the n. that were instruct. 27:23 David took not n. of tlicm 2 Chr. 12:3 people were with. n. 26:12 n. of chief of the fathers .30:24 n. of priests sanctified th. Ezr. 1:9 this is n. of the vessels 2:2 the n. of the people of Isra. 3:4 daily burnt-oH'onngs by n. 6:17 according to the n. of trib. 8:34 by n. and by weight cv. o. Job 1:5 according to n. of them 3:6 not come into n. of months 6:9 things without n. 9:10 14:5n. of montlis arc with thee 15:20 n. of years hid. to opprcs. 23:3 is th. any n. of his armies? 81:37 doe. to him n. of my steps 34:24 mighty men without n. 36:26?!.. of liis years be search. 88:21 the n. of thy days is gi'eat Pa. 10.3:12 but a few men in n. 34 caterpillars, and without n. 139:18 more in n. than the sand 147:4 he telleth n. of the stars Cant. 0:8 and virgins without n. Is. 21:17 residue of n. of archers 40:26 brinp. out theirhost by «. 03:11 drink-on'crlng to that n. Jer. 2:28 ra. of cili(;s arcs thy gods 32 forgotten me days with. n. 11:13 accord, to n. of thy cities 41:28 small n. that escape sword Ezek. 5:3 shalt take n few in n. J)an. 9:2 I undiTstood n. of yo-ars JIos. 1:10 n. of Israel, Horn. 9:27 Joel 1:6 nation come up with. n. Nah. 3:3 there is great n. of car. Luke 22:3 Judas, Ix'ing of tlie n. John 6:10 sat, n. 5,000,' Actn 4:4 Acln 1:15 n. of names were 120 6:36 to The. a n. of men joiuc'd 6:1 71. of discip. was mullipl. 7 11:21 great n. liel. and turned 16:3 churches wen; incrc;. in n. 2 dor. 10:12 not maki^ ours, of «. 1 Tim. 5:9 lot not whl. be in n. Itev. 5:11 n. was lO.O(K) II. 10.000 7:4 I heard the n. of them wliich 9:16 n. the army < set It up nndrr an o. ./ml. 0:11 angel . 11 wus uUvu in nildsl of tliu o. OBE 1 K. 13:14 found man of G. un. o. 1 Chr. 10:12 buried bones un. o. Is. l:-30 be as o. whose leaf. fad. 6:13 as teil-tree, oro. whose 44:14 eyp. and o. to make a god Ezek. 6:13 idols under every o. OAKS. /;. 1:29 shall be asham. of the o. 2:13 day of Lord on all the o. Ezek. 2T:6 of o. they made oars IIos. 4:13 bum incense under 0. Amos 2:9 Amorite strong as 0. Zee. 11:2 O ye a. of Baslian OAR, S. Is. 3.3:21 sh. go no galley with o. Ezek. 27:6 of oaks of Ba. made o. 29 all that handle o. shall cry OATH. Gen. 24:8 be clear from my o. 41 26:3 I will perfomi the o. which I sware to Abraham, Deut. 7:8; Ps. 10.3:9; Jer. 11:5 28 let there be an o. bctw. us 50:25 J. took o. of childr. of Is. Ex. 22:11 0. of Lord be betw. us Lev. 5:4 pronounce with an o. Num. 5:19 priest char, her by o. 21 L. make thee an o. am. peo. 10:2 if a man swear an o. 10 13 ev. binding o. to afllict soul Deut. 29:12 his o. wh. L. maketh 14 you only do I make this o. ■Jos. 2:17 Blameless of thine o. 9:20 wrath be on us beca. of o. ■Tud. 21:5 Israel made a great o. 1 Sam. 14:26 people feared the o. 37 S. charged them with o. 28 USam. 21:7 spared M. bee. of o. 1 K. 2:43 why hast not kept 0. ? 8:31 0. be laid on him, o. come before thine alt. 2 Chr. 6:22 18:10 he took an o. of kingdom 2 IC 11:4 Jehoiada took o. 1 Chr. 16:16 mindful oio. to Isa. 2 Chr. 15:15 Judah rejoiced at o. Neh. 5:12 Neh. took o. of priests 10:29 an o. to walk in God's law Ec. 8:2 in regard of o. of God 9:2 as he that feareth an o. Ezek. 16:.39 despised o. 17:18, 19 17:13 hath taken an o. of him 16 king, whose o. he despised Dan. 9:11 and o. written in law Zee. 8:17 love no false o. Mat. 14:7 promised with o. 9 for the o.'s sake, Mnj-k 6:26 26:72 deni. with o. I do not kn. Luke 1:73 the o. which ho sware Acts 2:30 God hath swo. with o. 2.3:21 bound themselves with o. Ileb. 0:16 an o. for confli-mation 17 God confirmed it by an o. 7:20 as not without an o. 21 28 0. which was since the law Jatn. 5:12 sw. not by any oth. o. OATHS. Ezek. 21:23 that have sworn o. JIab. 3:9 naked, according to o. Mat. B:3;3 perform to L. thiuo o. OBADIAH. 1 K. 18:3 Ahab called O. 4, 7, 16 2 Chr. 17:7 sent to O. .34:12 Ezr. 8:9 O. son of Ji'h. went up Neh. 10:5 0. seal. 12:25 O. was Ob. 1 vision of O. thus saith OBED. liulh 4:17 called his tiame O. 81 Boaz begat O. 1 Chr. 2:12; Mat. 1:5 1 Clir. 11:47 O. one of D.'s val. m. 2 Chr. 2.3:1 son of (). into coven. Luke 3:32 Jes. wh. was son of O. OBED-KDOM. iSam.. 6:10 carrhd the ark Into the house of O. 11,12; \Chr. J.3:13. 14; 15:25 1 Chr. 15:18 (). ft porter, 21, S-1 OBRDIENCK. rtom. 1:5 0. to faith among all 5:19 by o. of oim numy be nuide 0:10 or of o. unto rlghlconHiM'SM 10:19 your o. Is couu' abroad 26 nuvdc known for <>. to faith 1 Cor. 14:31 wi.men to bo und. o. 2 Ciir. 7:15 renn'mherelli o. of all 10:5 ev. thought too. of Clnlst 6 dinobi'd. when o Is fullllled /'/)//«. 21 coiilhlertc In thy o. llili. 6:8 learned ii. by Itiinp' suf. 1 Ikt. 1:2 Haiictlllca. of Sp. loo. OBEniR!%l. Fir. »1:7 Lord hath saUl, Ilo o. Sinn. ■i7:*l that Urael nuiy bo o. Ihut. 'i:3U be o. tu IiIh vuIcu OBE Devt. 8:20 bee. ye wo. not be o. 2 Sam. 22:45 strangers shall be 0. Prov. 25:12 reprover on o. ear Is. 1:19 if o. je shall eat good 42:24 nei. were th. o. to his law Acts 6:7 priests were o. to faith Ham. 15:18 make Ge. o. by word 2 Cor. 2:9 know whether ye be o. Eph. 6:5 servants be o. Tit. 2:9 Phil. 2:8 Ch. became o. to death Tit. 2:5 wives, be o. to husbands IPet. 1:14 be as o. children OBEY. Gen. 27:8 son, o. my voice, 13, 43 Ex. 5:2 who is Lord that I 0. 19:5 now if ye will o. my voice 23:21 0. iiis voice; 22 indeed o. Devt. 11:27 a blessing if ye o. L. 13:4 o. his voice, 27:10; 30:2,8: ISam. 12:14 30:20 thou mayest o. his voice Jos. 24:24 L.'s voice will we o. 1 Sam. 8:19 peo. refused to o. S. 15:22 to 0. is bet. than sacrifice Neh. 9:17 nnd refused to o. Job .30:11 if they o. and ser%-e P.<. 18:44 as th. hear, they sh. o. Pi'OiK .30:17 despis. to o. mother Is. 11:14 childr. of Am. o. them ■Per. 7:23 o. my voice, 11:4, 7 26:13 amend "your ways, o. voice of the Lord your God, 38:20 ; Zee. 0:15 3.3:14 Rechab. o. their father's 42:6 we will o. the voice of the L. our God, that it may be well with us wh. we o. the L. Dan. 7:27 shall serve and o. him Mat. 8:27 winds and sea o. him. 2 Mark 4:41 ; Luke 8:23 Ma?'k 1:27 unclean spirits o. him i)/A'« 17:6 plucked up, it shall a. Acts 5:29 o. G. rather than mea 32 God hath given to them o. Pom. 2:8 them that o. unright. 0:12 that ye sho. 0. it in ursts 16 servants to o. his servants ye are to whom ye o. Eph. 6:1 0. parents. Col. 3:20 Col. 3:22 servants o. masters Tit. 3:1 put them in mind to o. II(b. 5:9 salvation to all that o. 13:17 0. Iliem th.it have the mie Jam. 3:3 put bits that th. mayo. Not OBEY, OBEY not. Deut. 11:28 curse, if ye will not 0. 28:62- \Sam. 12:12; Job 30:12; Jer. 12:17; 18:10 21:18 not o. voice of his father 1 Sam. 15:19 wh. didst thou ». o.f Jer. 42:13 we will not o. the L. Pan. 9:11 might re. o. thy voice Acts 7::ffl our fathers would n. o. Pom. 2:8 and do not o. the truth Gal. 3:1 who bewitched you, th. you should not o. t 5:7 2 Thes. 1:8 ven. on th. that o. n. 3:14 if any man o. re. our word 1 Pet. 3:1 if any man o. not word 4:17 them that o. not gospel ? OBEYED. Gen. 22:18 bee. thou hast o. 20:5 ] •28:7 Ja. 0. his father and moth. Jos. 22:2 have 0. my voice | 1 A>(»i. 1.3:20 I haveo. voice of L. 24 I feared peo. and o. 111. voice 2'<:21 handmaid o. thv voice 1 Ch '-. 2'l:23 Israel o. f^olomon 2 r/(/-. 11:4 they o. words of L. ./, ;•. 31:10 they o. and let th. go 33:8 we o. voice of Jonadab. 10 18 o. the comm. of your fat her Dan. 9:10 nel. have we o. the L. /Arc/. 1:12 peojile o. voice of L. -Iri**- 5::)G nuiny as o. Tlioud. 87 Pom. 0:17 o. from heart tb. doc. /'////. 2:1'i vo o. not In niv pros. i/,l>. 11:8 % faith Abraham o. I yVA 8:6 Sarah o. Abraham Not OBEYED. .Aw. 6:0 consumi'd, they o. n. Jiiil. 2:2 H. o, mv voice, 0:10 1 l\. 20:.30 hast n. f). voice of L. 2 A'. 18:12 Ihev <). not voice of L. I'rov. 6:13 /lo/o. voice of teach. Jir. .3:13 ve hnvo n. o. iny volco, !»; 4i:ai; i:):4, 7: ll:4S 9:13 «. o. inv voice. 11:8; t7:«J; .'W:'A3; MM; Ai/i. 9:10, 14 Zip. S.'i hIu- (I. «(>^ the voice Jhnn. 10:10 have fi. nil <>. gonpul OBKYKDST, KTII. 1 Sam. "JS:18(i. not volci> of L. /.». 60: 10 who (I. voice of Horv. t Jar. 7:!i8 a ntiduu Ibut o. not the Lord 958 CRUDE^'S CONCORDANCE. OBT Jer. 11:3 cur. be man that o. not 22:21 that thou o. not my voice OBEYIiVG. Ju^. 2:17 fa. o. they did not so 1 Sara. 15:22 as in o. voice of L. 1 Pet. 1:22 purl, souls in o. truth OBEISAIVCB. Gen. 37:7 your sheaves made o. 9 sun, moon, 11 stars made o. 43:28 they made o. to Joseph Ex. 18:7 Moses did o. to father 2 5aTO. 1:2 Amalek. did o. to D. 14:4 woman of Telioah did o. 15:5 when any man ca. to do o. 1 K. 1:16 Bath-sheba did o. to D. 2 CAr. 24:17 princes of J. made o. OBJECT. Acts 24:19 o. if th. had aught ag. OBLATION. Lev. 2:4 o. of a meat-off. 5, 7. 13 12 as for o. of first-fruits offer 3:1 if his o. be a sacri. of peace S2:18 offer his o. for his vows Num. 18:9 o. of theirs be holy 31:50 we have bro. an o. for L. 7s. 19:21 Egj'pt. sh. do o. to L. 40:20 impoverish, he hath no o. 66:3 offereth o. as swine's flesh Jcr. 14:12 when they oiler an o. Ezek. 44:30 ev. o. sh. be priest's 45:1 when ye divide land, off. o. 13 0. ye shall offer, 48:9, 20, 21 16 give this o. for prince in Is. Dan. 2:46 sho. offer an o. to Da. 9:21 time of o. 27 0. to cease OBLATIONS. Lev. 7:38 com. Israel to offer o. 2 Chr. 31:14 distribute o. of Lord If. 1:13 bring no more vain o Ezek. 20:40 require first-fru. of o. OBSCURE. Proo. 20:20 lamp put in o. dark. OBSCURITY. /.-o. Lev. 2;): 15 bro. slieuf of «)«M-o. \Von(i-opFEni;\(;. Nfi. 1(1:31 cmmI Ii.Ih fur iriiiil-n. 13:31 w.-o. al lliiics a|>|)i>lnled OFFEUIXJH. Lev. 1:10 If his 0. buof tliellocUB OFF Lev. 2:13 ■nith all thy o. shall offer salt 1 Sam. 2;29 fat with chief of 0. 2 Sam. 1:21 let th. be no fie. of o. 2 Ohr. 31:12 people brought ino. 35:8 gave priests for passo. o. 9 13 holy 0. sod they in pots Neh. 10:37 first-fruits of o. 12:44 Ps. 20:3 L. rememher all thy o. Jer. 41:5 o. and incense in hands Ezek. 20:40 there will I rcqui. o. IIos. 8:13 sacrifice flesh for o. Amos 5:25 ye off. me o. 40 yrs. ? Mai. 3:4 o. of Judah be pleasant 8 robbed thee ? in tithes and o. Lvke 21:4 of abund. cast in to o. Acts 24:17 to bring alms and o. See BITRNT, DRINK, FREE. Made by fire. Heave-OFFERIXGS. Num. 18:8 given charge of h.-o. Deut. 12:B ye shall bring lieaveo. OFFERIIVGS of the Lord. 1 Sam. 2:17 men abhor, o. of t. L. See 3IEAT. Peace-OFFERIIVGS. Ex. 24:5 sacrifice p-o. of oxen 29:28 a heave-offering of p.-o 32:6 people brought peace-o. Lev. 4:26 shall burn as fat of p.-o. 31,35; 6:12 7:11 law of sacri. of p.-o. 13, 37 17:5 offer them for;9.-o. 23:19 Num. 6:14 lamb_p.-o. 17 a ram 7:17 sacri. of;).-o. two oxen, five lambs, 23, 29, 35, 41 ; 29:39 10:10 blow over sacrifice ofj).-o. Jos. 8:31 Joshua sacrificed p.-o. 22:2;l if oflerp.-o. let L. req. it .7ud. 20:26 Is. offered p.-o. 21:4 1 Sam. 10:8 oSer j)eace-o. 11:15 2Sa?n. 6:17D. offered ^j.-o. 24:25; 1 Chr. 21:26 1 K. 3:15 Sol. offeredp.-o. 8:63 9:25 thrice a year S. offer. j).-o. 2 Chr. 31:2 appo. priests for p.-o. 33:16 Manasseh ofleredp.-o. Prov. 7:14 I have p.-o. with me Ezek. 45:15 p.-o. to make rec. 17 46:2 priest prepare his p.-o. and 12 prince prep, voluntary p.-o. Atnos 5:22 not regard p.-o. of fat gin.OFFERIIVG8. Neh. 10:3:3 siri-o. to make atone. Thank-OFFERIXGS. 2 Chr. 29:31 bring t.-o. to house 33:16 altar, and sacrificed t.-o. Wnve-OFFERINGS. Num.. 18:11 w.-o. I have given WIne-OFFERINGS. Hos. 9:4 not off. w.-o. pleas, to G. OFFICE. Gen. 41:13 me he restored to o. Ex. 1:16 wh. ye do o. of midwife 1 Chr. 0:32 they waited on th. o. 9:22 David did ordain in set o. 267tr. 24:11 chest bro. to king'so. 31:18 in th. set o. they sancti. Neh. 1.3:13 their o. was to distri. Ps. 109:8 let another take his o. Ezek. 44:13 sh. not do o. of priest Uom. 1 1:13 I magnify my o. 12:4 all mem. have not same o. 1 Tim. 8:1 if a man desire o. 10 let them use o. of deacon. 13 neb. 7:5 receive o. of priesthood PrlCHt'H OFFICE. Ex. 28:1 minister to me In the p.Vo. .3,4,41 ; 29:1,44; .30:30; 85:19; 40:i;i, 15; Lev. 7:35; 16:32 ; Num.. 3:3 29:9 ?;.'.« 0. shall be theirs 31:10 minister in p.^so. .39:41 Num.. 3:4 Itha. minis. In p.'so. 18:7 thon and sons keep p. > o. Deut. 10:6 Klea. niln. Inp.'/to. 1 Chr. 0:10 A/.a. executed p.'so. 2 Chr. 11:14 east th. off fr. p.'so. Luke 1:8 Zacharlas exec, p.'so. OFFICER. Gen. 87:36 f oti. o. of Phnr, ,39:1 Juil. 9:28 is not Zebnl his o. / 1 A'. 4:5 Zabiid was i)rlnilpal o. 19 (li'lPiT was only o. In laud 22:9 Ahab called ail o. and suUl 2 A'. 8:6 king appointed 0. 25:19 Nebuzaradiiu look o. Mat. 5:25 di4lv. thee (o «. and 0. cast tulo prlHiiii, 12:.')8 OFFICKIIH. (Un. 40:2 I'hu. wrolh with \\\on. 4l:;ll let I', appoint o. ov. r land Ex. 5:15o. of isruel cried to I'll. OIL Ex. 5:19 0. did see th. we. in ev. Num. 11:16 gather unto me the 0. Deut. ;31:28 Deut. 1:15 made th. o. am. tribes 16:18 judges and o. sh. th. malce 20:5 0. shall speak to people, 8 1 Sam. 8:15 viney. give to his o. 1 JC. 4:5 Azariah over the o. 7 Solomon had 12 o. over Isr. 2 K. 11:15 Jehoiada commau. o. 18 appointed o. over the house, 2 C'hr. 2.3:18 24:12 Jehoia. went out with o. 15 0. and mighty car. he away 1 Chr. 2:3:4 6,000 wereo. and jud. 26:29 Chenaniah and sons for o. 2 Chr. 8:10 Solomon's o. 2.50 bare 19:11 Levites shall be o. bef. y. Est. 9:3 0. of kings helped Jews Is. 60:17 I will make th. o. peace Jer. 29:26 be o. in house of Lord John 7:32 priests sent o. to take 46 0. ausw. Never man spake 18:3 Judas having received o. 12 0. took Je. 22 o. struck Jes. Acts 5:23 the o. found them not OFFICES. 1 Sam. 2:36 put me into prie. o. 1 Chr. 24:3 dis. priests ace. to o. 2Chr. 7:6 priests waited on th. o. Neh. 13:14 not good deeds for a. OFFSCOUBI\G. Lam. 3:15 hast made us as o. 1 Cor. 4:13 o. of all things OFFSPRING. Job 5:25 thy o. as grass of earth 21:8 o. is c'stab. bef. their eyes 27:14 0. not satisfied with bread 31:8 let my o. be rooted out Is. 22:24 sh. hang on him, the o. 44:3 pour blessing on thine 0. 48:19 o. of bowels like gravel Gl:9 their 0. shall be known 65:23 seed of the blessed, ando. Acts 17:28 we are also his o. 29 Mev. 22:16 I am the o. of David OFT. 2 K. 4:8 as o. as he passed by Mat. 9:14 w. do we and P. fast o. ? 17:15 ofttimes he fall, into fire, and 0. into water. Mark 9:22 18:21 howo. sh. my broth, sin? Mark 7:3 exc. th. wash o. eat not 1 Cor. 11:25 as o. as ye drink 2 Cor. 11:23 prisons, in deaths o. OFTE\, ER. Profo. 29:1 thatbein<'0. reproved Mai. 3:10 feared the L. spake o. Mark 5:4 o. bound with fetters Luke 5::33 why do dis. of J. f. o.T Acts 24:26 Felix sent for him o. 1 Cor. 11:26 as o. as ye eat bread 2 Cor. 11:26 in journeyings o. 27 I have been in watehingso. 1 Tim. 5:23 use wine for o. infir. Ileb. 9:25 nor yet offer himself 0. 26 ho must 0. have suflered Rev. 11:0 smite earth aso.aswi. OFTE\TIMES. Job .33:29 th. things work. G. o. Ec. 7:22 0. thy heart knoweth Luke 8:29 n. it had caught him John 18:2 Je. o. resorted thither Horn. 1:13 o. I purposed to come 2 Cw. 8:22 havi; o. i)roved dllig. Ileb. 10:11 0. off. same sacrillces OG. I)iut. .31:4 as he did to O. ■los. 2:10 you did |o O. 1.3:31 1 K. 4:19 was in the count, of O. OIL. Gen. 28:18 Jacob i)oured o. on the topofil, 3,5:14 Ex. 25:6 iJike o. for the light, 3.5:14: 39:.37 29:2 rakes tempered with o. 40 .30:25 nuike It o. for holy olutm. /,<■/'. 2:1 shall ponro. upon It, 0 4 cakes of \\w llnur mingled with o. 5; 11:10. 21 ; 2:1:13; jVmhi. 0:15; 7:13, 19, 25, 31, 87, 43. 49, ^5. 01,67, 73, 79; 8:8; 48:13; 29:,'l, 9, 11 15 thv meal-oll'eiing, jmt o. miiMi It, 0:21 16 priest shall burn pari ofo. 5:11 he shall put no o. upon It, Sum. 5:15 7:10 iiiealotl'erlng mingled with (). 9:1; 11:10 12 iiiliigli'd with 0. Num. Orl5 II: 16 prli'Mt illp right linger liwi, 17 re-l iifri. in Ills hand. 18.29 Xum. 11:M lis till' laKliMiflVeBlu). 2;<:12y. for bullock, i>, for ram OIN Deut. 28:40 sh. not anoint thys. •wi. 0. 2 Sam. 14:2; Mie. 6:15 32:13 suck o. out of rock 33:24 let Asher dip his foot in o. 1 Sam. 10:1 Sa. took a vial of o. 16:1 fill thy horn with o. 13 1 K. 1:;39 Z. took horn of o. 5:11 gave Hir. 20 measures of o. 17:12 0. in cr. 14 nor cr. of o. 16 2 K. 4:2 nothing in house save o. 6 0. stayed ; 7 go sell the o. 9:1 take this box of o. to Ea. 3 6 he poured the o. on his head 1 Chr. 27:28 over the cellars of o. Ezr. 3:7 o. to them of Zidon Est. 2:12 with o. of myrrh Job 24:11 0. within their walls 29:6 poured me out rivers of o. Ps. 2.3:5 anoint my head with o. 55:21 words were softer than o. 104:15 0. to make face to shine 109:118 come like o. into bones 141:5 be a kindness, an excel, o. Prov. 5:3 mouth smoother th. o. 21:20 0. In dwelling of the wise Is. 61:3 give o. of joy for mourn. Jer. 41:8 we have treasures of o. Ezek. 16:13 thou didst eat o. 19 18 set mine o. and incense 27:17 Ju. traded in honey ando. .32:14 cause rivers to run like o. 45:14 ordinance of o. bath of o. 24 a bin of o. for an ephah Hos. 2:5 lovers that give me o. 12:1 0. Is carried into Egypt Mic. 6:7 with 10,000 rivers of o./ Zee. 4:12 empty the golden o. Mat. 25:3 the foolish took no o. 4 wise took o. 8 give us yo. o. Luke 7:46 with 0. didst not ano. 16:6 a hundred measures of o. See ANOINTED, anointing, BEATEN, LOG. .OIL, with wine. Nvm. 18:12 best of o, and w. off. Deut. 7:13 L. will bless w. and o. 11:14 mayest gather w. and o. 12:17 not cat tlie tithe of thy w. and 0. 14:23 18:4 first-fr. w. and o. 2 Chr. 31:5 28:51 leave th. ei. iv. oro. 1 Chr. 9:29 oversee the w. and o. 12:40 were nigh bro. w. and o. 2 Chr. 2:10 baths w. and o. 15 41:11 Rehob. put in o. and w. 35:28 II. storehou. for w. and o. Ezr. 6:9 give w. o. according 7:22 100 baths w. 100 baths o. Neh. 5:11 restore wine and o. 10:37 flrst-lVuits of «'. and o. 39 offer, of com, new ;/•. and o. 13:5 tithes of com, w. and o. 12 Prov. 21:17 loveth %vine and o. Jer. 31:12 flow to L. for 70. ando. 40:10 gather ye w. fruits and o. Iluq. 1:11 drought on iv. and o. 2:i2 w. oro. chall it be holy? Luke 10:.34 pouring ino. and to. Pev. 0:6 see hurt not »'. and o. 18:13 110 man buy. th. w. and o. OILED. Ex. 29:23 one cake of o. bread, i<;«.8:20 OIL-OLIVE. Kx. 27:20 o.-o. beaten for light ,30:24 take thou of o.-o. a bin /,< ('. 21:2 br. unto thee pure o.-o. Ihut. 8:8 laud of o.-o. 2 K. 18:33 OIL-TREE. Is. 41:19 plant In wild. thco.-<. oi\tme;vt. Ex. 30:25 make oil of holv o. 2 A'. 20:13 Ile/.ek. showed them ))reclous o. Is. 39:2 1 Chr. 9:30 the prie. made the o. Job 41:31 iiiakefh sea boll like o. Vs. i:i3:2 it 1h like precious o. Pror. 27:9 o. and iierfii. rej. hea. 16 o. of rlL'lit hand bewrayelU Ec. 7:1 goixl name bel. than o. 9:8 and let lliy head lack im i>. 10:1 dead llle.s cause o. to stink Cant. 1:8 iiiiine Ibhho. iioun'J Is. 1:0 nor niollilled wllli o. 57:9 weiilost to king with 0. Mat. 2A/i 19:8 18 Iwilli poured o. on luy body Murk 14:4 why this wiiKte of o. / /.i./v 7:;W anolii. feet wllli o. 40 John 1 1:2 M. aiioln. the L. wl.o. 12:;i Mary look pmuid of o. Ii>iii'IIVIPOTE\T. Rev. 19:6 Lord God o. reigneth OMRI. 1 K. 16:16 ma. O. king, 21, 25, .30 2 K. 8:26 daugh. of 0."2 Chr. 22:2 Mic. 6:16 statutes of O. are kept ON. Gen. 41:45, 50; 46:10; Num. 16:1 ONAN. e^re. 38:4 called his name O. 9 46:12 of Ju. Er, 0. Num. 26:19 o:vcE. Gen. 18:32 will speak but this o. E.r. 10:17 forgive only this o. 30:10 atonement of incense o. a ye. Lev. 16:.34; .ffeJ. 9:7, 12 ■los. 6:3 go round city o. 11, 14 ■Jud. 6:.39 I will spe. but this o. 2 /r. 6:10 saved himself not o. -VM. 13:20 lodged without Jer. o. ./oJ .33:14 God speak, o. yea twi. 40:5 0. have I spoken, but Ps. 62:11 God hath spoken o. 89:35 0. have I sworn Pro>K 28:18 perv. shall fall at o. Is. 42:14 destroy and dev. at o. 06:8 or sh. a nati. be bom at o. Jer. 10:18 sling out inhabit, ato. 13:27 clean, wh. shall it o. be ? 16:21 1 will this 0. cause them Hag. 2:6 o. it is a little while, Heb. 12:26 Luke 23:18 they cried all at o. TFwft. 6:10 he died unto sin o. 7:9 I w-as alive without law o. 1 Cor. 15:6 seen of 500 bret. at o. 2 Cor. 11:25 thr. beaten, o. ston. (?«?. 1:23 prea. faith ne o. destr. Eph. 5:3 let it not be o. named Phil. 4:16 ye sent o. and again 1 Thes. 2:18 would have come o. HeJ). 7:27 for this he did o. when 9:26 but now o. in end of world 27 appointed to men o. to die 28 o. offered to bear sins, 10:10 10:2 the worshippers o. purged 12:27 yet o. more, signifieth 1 Pet. 3:18 Ch. suffered o. for sins 20 0. long-suffering of God ■lude 3 contend for faith o. deliv. 5 though ye o. knew this. OXE. Gen. 2:24 shall be o. flesh. Mat. 19:5; jl/f«-i- 10:8; 1 Cm: 6:16 27:38 hast thou but o. blessing ? 42:13 with fiither, o. is not, .32 44:28 the o. went out from me Ex. 11:1 1 will bring o. plague 12:46 in o. sh. it be eaten 49 0. law to him is home-bom Lev. 24:22; Man. 15:16, 29 23:29 not drive th. out in o. ye. Num. 16:15 take o. as from them 36:8 of tribe shall be wife to o. Deut. 4:42 fleeing to o. of these cities, 19:5, 11 .32:20 should o. chase a thousa. Jud. 9:2 bet. that o. reign over? 21:8 what o. is there oftribes 1 Sam. 18:21 son-in-law in o. of - 2 5(7m. 7:23 wh. o. nat. like peo. ? 19:7 will not tarry o. with thee 1 K. 1:48 given me o. to sit on Job 9:3 answer him o. of a thou. 21:23 0. dieth in full strength 2.3:13 0. mind, who turn him? 33:23 interpreter o. am, thous. Ps. 49:16 not afr. when o. is rich 89:19 help on o. that is mighty Ec. 3:20 all go unto o. place, 6:6 4:9 two are better than o. 11 how can o. be warm alone? 12 if 0. prevail against him 7:27 counting o. l)y o. to find Cant. 6:9 ray undefiled is but o. /*'. 2.3:15 ace. todays ofo. king 27:12 shall be gathered o. by o. 30:17 0, thou, flee at reb. ofo. ONL Is. 34:16 no o. of these shall fall 41:25 raised up 0. from north 44:5 0. shall say, I am Lord's 45:24 0. say. In L. have I right. Dan. 7:13 o. like Son, 10:16, 18 A7nos. 4:8 wandered to o. city 6:9 remain ten men in o. house Zee. 3:9 on o. stone be seven eyes 14:9 0. Lord, and his name o. Mai. 2:15 make o. f wheref o. f Mat. 5:18 o. jot or o. tit. not pass 17:4 thr. tabernacles, o. for thee, o. for Mo. and o. for Elias, Mark 9:5 ; iwie 9:33 18:16 take with thee o. or two. 19:17 none good but o. Mark 10:18; i!/fe 18:19 25:45 ye did it not to o. of least IMark 14:19 say o. by o. is it I ? £',/i'e 7:8 to o. go, and he goeth 16:30 if 0. went from dead, 31 17:22 to see o. of the days of S. John 10:30 I and my Pa. are o. 17:11 be 0. as we are, 21, 22 Acts 17:7 another king, o. Jesus Eph. 2:14 both o. 15 o. new m. 4:5 o. faith, o. L. o. bapt. 6o. G. 1 John 5:7 three o. 8 agree in o. b 11:5 O that (J. wo. o. his lips 32:20 I will o. my lips and ans. .TjiIO doth Jobo. mouth in vai:i 41:11 who can o. doors of face'/ I's. 49:4 0. my d:irk sayinr^ 78:2 twill o. moutli in i)arable 81:10 o. thy moutli I will 1111 it 118:19 0. to me gates ofriglito. iVo». 31:8 0. thy mouth for du. 9o. thy moiilh, judge righte. Cant. .5:2 0. to me, my sister 5 I rose up too. to my bcdoved III. 22:22 0. noneHliiit, sh.nonco. 20:2 0. gati^s, riglite. may enter 28:24 do. he o. clods of ground 1 41:18 0. rivers in high jiiaces 42:7 0. blind (^yes, hiing out pr. 4.'j:l too. before him tlie gales 8 let earili o. bring forlh salv. Jcr, 13:19 citii^H shut up, none o. 50:20 0. Iii'r storehouses, casl h. Eiek. 2:8 0. tliy mouth and eal 3:27 when 1 spiwiU I will o. thy 10:03 colli', and neviT o. nioulh 21:22 too. miiiilh in slaughter 25:9 I will o. Bld(! of M. fr. eilioH 37:12 I wlllo. vourgrttV(^M 40:12 one shall o. gate tow. east Z«,'. 1l:lo. tliv doors, () Lilian. jiffrf. ;!:l()lf I will not o. In'Mveii Mhn 10:3 to him the jiortero. Rev. 3:7 0. an I no i,iaii fliiitteth, sluitleth and no man o. 02'EXI\0. r.i. 42:20 o. (•ar", hut h'-;ireth not Acln 17:3 0. and alleging (;hri»t OPK\I\<3, H. 1 C/ir. 9:27 o. of houoe of God ./o/t 12:14 sluitleth, tlicre he no o. I'ri/i\ 1:21 in llwo. of the gates 8:0 o, ofmv li]iHslmll be right /-■. 01:1 pi'oclaiiii o. of the prison /•,';-tX'. 29:21 give llieeo. of uiouth OPEM.Y. Cat. ,38:21 wh. Iiiirlnl th. wnt n. ^ I'h. ()H:2'riglltfous. he o. hIihwi'iI Mitt. 6:4 l'\ reward tliei'O. II, IH .\titrk 8:32 spiike that saying o. .lolin. 7: 1 Hei'kilh to he liiiowii o. 10 we. he to I'eiisl, mil o. Hecre. I.'l no mail spake of liliii o, 1 l;,'il .li'Hiis walked no inore o. I ;;'J!),I. ,.:ii.l, I s|.,il>e,. to wor, OPP Acts 10:40 God showed him o. 10:37 they have beaten us o. Col. 2:15 made a show of themo. OPERATION, S. Ps. 28:5 regard not o. of his Is. 5:12 nor consid. o. of hands 1 Cor. 12:6 th. are diversity of o. Col. 2:12 risen thro' o. of faith OPHEL. 2 Chr. 27:3 on wall of O. .3.3:14 Neh. 3:20 Xethin. in 0. 27; 11:21 OPHIR. Gen. 10:29 J. be. O. 1 Chr. 1:23 1 K. 9:28 came to O. 2 Chr. 8:18 10:11 bro. from O. great plenty 22:48 made ships go to O. . 1 Chr. 2;i:4 3,000 ta. of gold of O. Job 22:24 lay up the gold of O. 23:10 not valued wi. gold of O. Ps. 45:9 the queen in gold of O. Is. 13:12 prec. than wedge of O. OPf.MON, S. 1 K. 18:21 h. long halt bet. 2 0. ? Job 33:6 durst not sliow mine 0. 10 I also will show mine o. 17 OPPORTUNITY. Mat. 20:16 o. to bet. Luke 32:6 Cat. 6:10 as we have o. do good Pliil. 4:10 careful, ye lacked 0. Ileb. 11:15 o. to have returned OPPOSE, ED. ^ci'sl8:8o. thems. and blasph. 2 Tim. 2:25 instructing th. th. o. OPPOSEST, ETH. Job 30:21 wi. strontrhand 0. thv. 2 Thes. 2:4 o. and exalt, himself OPPO.SITJONS. 1 Tim. 6:20 avoiding o. of science OPPRESS. Ex. 3:9 the Egyptians o. them 22:21 neither 0. stranger, 2:j:9 Lev. 25:14 sh. not 0. one ano. 17 Deut. 23:10slialt not o. servant 24:14 shidt not 0. a hired serv. Jud. 10:12 Moabites did o. you Job 10:3 is it good thou shou. o. ? Ps. 10:18 m. of earth no more o. 17:9 hide me fr. wicked that o. 119:122 let not the proud 0. mo Prov. 22:22 noro. the afflicted /.{. 49:26 feed them that o. thee Jcr. 7:0 if ye o. not the stranger 39:20 punish all thato. them Ezek. 45:8 princes sh. no moroo. llos. 12:7 merchant loveth to o. Aims 4:1 kino of Raslian o. poor Mic. 2:2 0. a man and his house /ec. 7:10 o. not widow nor falh. Mai. 8:5 witness ag. those thato. Jam. 2:6 do not ri. men o. you '! OPPRE.SSED. Deut. 28:29 Shalt he only o. 33 Jud. 2:18 by reason of th. tluit o. 4:3 -Tallin o. Israel ; 10:8 Pliil. o. 6:9 out of the hand of all that o. you, 1 Sam.. 10:18 1 Sam. 12:3 whom have To. ? 4 hast not defrauded nor o. us 2 rC 13:4 As.syria o. 22 king of 2 Chr. 10:10 Asa o. some of jieo. Job 20:19 o. and forsaken poor 35:9 they make the o. to cry Ps. 9:9 Lord be a refiisre f:li go to war iig. hliiio. />s. 50:1 hellgliliiigdaiK o. me I'riir. 14:31 he Ihaf o. piior, 22:16 28:3 u poor niitii thiil o. (ho poor OPPRESKIIVO. Jcr. 46:10 hi us go Iroiii o. nwo. 50:16 for tear of llie ». swoiil '/.i>ll. 3:1 woe to thcM). elly OIMMIKKHIO!^. J-^j:. 3:0 0. wla-ruwilh ICh'yptluiiii' ORD Devt. 26:7 L. looked on our o. 2 K. 13:4 Lord saw o. of Israel Job :36:15 openeth their ears in o. Ps. 12:5 for o. of poor will I arise 42:9 o. of the enemy, 43:2 ; 55:3 44:24 forget, our o. 62:10 trast 7.3:8 speak wickedly concern, o. 107:39 are brought low thro' o. 119:1:34 deliver me fr. o. of man Ec. 5:8 if thou seest o. of poor 7:7 0. maketh a wise man mad Is. 5:7 behold 0. 30:12 trust 0. 54:14 thou shall be far from o. 59:13 from our G. speaking o. ■Jer. 0:6 wholly o. in midst of h. 22:17 th. eyes and heart for 0. Ezel:. 22:7 by o. with stranger 29 people of the land used o. 46:18 sh. not take inherit, by o. OPPRESSIONS. Job .33:9 by the multitude of o. Ec. 4:1 I considered the o. done Is. 33:15 despiseth the gain of o. OPPRESSOR. Job 3:18 they hear not voice of o. 15:20 number of years hid. to o. Ps. 72:4 shall break in pieces o. P?-ov. 3:31 envy not o. cho. none 28:16 want, understanding is o. /.'■. 9:4 hast broken rod of his o. 14:4 say. How hath o. ceased t I 51 :13 hast feared fury of the o. ./fr. 21:12 out of hand of 0. 22:3 25:38 because of fierceness of o. Zee. 9:8 no o. shall pass through 10:4 out of him came every o. i OPPRESSOR!?. I ■lob 27:13 this is the herita. of o. Ps. .54:3 0. seek after my soul 119:121 leave me not to mine o. Ec. 4:1 side of o. th. was power Is. 3:12 children are their o. 14:2 they shall rule over their n. l(i:4 0. consumed out of the land 19:'20 cry to Lord because of o. ORACLE. 2 Sam. 16:23 inquired at o. of G. | 1 K. 6:16 be built them for the o. ' 8:6 priests bro. ark of L. into o. 2 Chr. 4:20 should burn be. theO. Ps. 2b:2 lift up hands to. holy o. or.4(;les. A cts 7:38 receivetl the lively o. Rcnn. 3:2 to them were com. o, Ilch. 5:12 first princip. of o. of G. 1 Pet. 4:11 si>eak of the o. of God ORATION. Acts 12:21 Herod made o. to th. ORATOR. Is. 3:3 fVom Ju. the eloquent 0. Acts 21:1 0. named Tertullus ORCHARD, S. Cant. 4: 13 an o. of iiomegranates Ec. 25 1 made me gaid. and o. ORDAIN. 1 Chr. 9:22 S. did o. in their ofli. 17:9 I will o. a jiliice for niv pe. Is. 20:12 L. tiiat wilt o. peace 1 Cor. 7:17 so o. 1 in all eluirehe.s Tit. 1:5 thou slioiildest o. elders ORDAINED, ETH. Num. 28:6 olTeriiu: tiial was o. 1 K. 12:32 .leroho. o. a feasl, ;'„3. 2 A". 23:5 put down id. iiriests 'o. 2 Chr. 11:15 Jeroboam o. priests 29:27 iiislnimenis o. hv David Kst. 9:27 Jew s o. feast of Purim /'-■. 7:13 0. arrows ag. perseriit. 8:2 out of moutli of babes 0. 3 moon and stars thou has! o. 81:5 o. in Jcwph for testimony 1.12:17 I have «. n lamp for miiio h. ;!0:!!:! Toiihet iso. of old ■Icr 1:5 1 0. Ihee lo be n prophet Pen. 2:24 kingf). lo destroy men llttb. l:ia O l: thou hasi o." Ihem Mark ."1:14 Jesus (i. 12 to be with .loliH 15:16 I (). ve sho. bri. IViill Acts V.'iio. lo he witlu■^!■ with II): 12 o. of God to he judge 13: 18 as were o. to eli rnal life M:'.'3 when Iliey o. Iliem elders 111:1 decrees were o. of apohlles I7:.'ll Indge by man he hath o. Itoiit. "7:10 conimaiid. o. to life I;l;I powers llial he, areo. of O. I (\ir. 2:7 hlddi'ii wisdom God o, 9:1 1 Lord o, Hint Ihey wlileli pr. ditl .'1:19 law was v. hv angels , A'/ Mark 7:4 many a. thin. th. be, 8 12:.32 and there Is none o. but he Liike 14:.32 o. is yet a gr. way off 18:11 that I am not as o. men John 15:24 works no. o. man did 21:25 there are many o. things Acts 4:12 nei. is salva. in any o. 8:34 himself, or of some o. man? See GOD, GODS, one, side. OTHERS. 3[at. 5:47 wh. do ye more th. o.? Mark 15:31 saved o. Luke 23:35 Phil. 2:4 also on the things of o. 1 Thes. 2:6 not yet of o. sought OTHERWISE. 2 Chr. 30:18 they eat passover o. Ps. .38:16 0. should rej. over mc liom. 11:6 o. ^'race no mo. grace : o. work is no more work Gal. 5:10 will be none o. minded Phil. 3:15 any thing you be o. 1 Tim. 6:3 if any man teach o. OTHIVIEL. .los. Ih-.rt O. took it, Jud. 1:13 Jud. 3:9 raised deliverer, O. 11 OUCHES. Ex. 28:11 o. of gold, 39:6, 13 13 thou shalt make o. of gold 14 fasten chains to theo. ,39:18 25 thou shalt fasten in two o. OUGHT, or rather AUGHT. Gen. 39:6 he knew not o. he had 47:18 there is not o. left Ex. 12:46 not car. forth o. flesh Lev. 11:25 whoso bearetho. car. 19:6 if 0. remain unto third day 25:14 sellest o. or buyest o. Num. 1.5:24 if o. be committed .30:6 or uttered o. out of her lips Dnit. 4:2 not add or diminish o. 26:14 nei. have I taken o. in my mourn, nor given o. for dead .70.5. 21:45 there failed not o. Pivth 1:17 if o. but death part 1 Sam. 12:4 nor hast th. taken o. 5 have not found 0. in my ha. 25:7 neither was th. o. missing .30:22 he will not give them o. 2 Sam. 3:35 if I taste bread or o, 14:10 whoso eaith o. to thee OVE 2 Sam. 14:19 can turn fr.o. mylo. Mat. 5:23 brother hath o. ag. th. 21:3 if any man say o. to you Mark 7: 12 suf him no more do o. 8:23 and asked him if he saw o. 11:25 forgive, if ye have o. ag. John 4:33 brought himo. to eat? Acts 4:32nei. said o. was his own 24:19 if they had o. against me 28:19 had o. to ac. my nation of Phile. 18 if he oweth thee o. OUGHT. Gen. 20:9 o. not be done, 34:7 ; Lev. 4:2, 27 2 Sam. 1:3:12 no such th. o. to be 1 CAr. 12:32 kn. what Is. o. to do .Vat. 23:23 o. ha. done, Lu. 11:42 Acts 24:19 who 0. to have been liojn. 8:26 to pray for as we o. 1 Tim. 5:13 speak, th. they o. not Tit. 1:11 teach, thi. they o. not Jam. 3:10 these thi. o. not to be 4:15 tliat ye o. to say. If the L. UPct. 3:11 what pers. o. ye to be 3 John 8 Me therefore o. to rece. OUGHTEST. 1 K. 2:9 wh. thou o. to do to him Mat. 25:27 0. to put my money Acts 10:6 tell thee what thou o. 1 71m. 3:15 how th. o. to behave OUR. See brotuer, father. LORD. OURS. Gen. 31:16 hath taken that is o. 34:23 shall not ev. beast be o. .? Mark 12:7 the inheritance shall be 0. LukeW:\i 1 Cor. 1:2 Jesus, both th. and o. 2 Cor. 1:14 ye are o. in day of L. OUTCAST, S. Ps. 147:2 gathereth o. of Israel Is. 11:12 shall assemble o. 50:8 16:3 hide o. 4 let my o. dwell 27:13 0. in land of Eg. worship Jer. 30:17 bee. they called theeo. 49:36 0. of Elam shall not come OUTER. Ezek. 46:21 broug. me too. court Mat. 8:12 0. darkn. 22:13; 25:30 OUTGOIiVGS. Jos. 17:9 0. of it at sea, 19:29 18 and the o. it shall he thine 18:19 o. of the border at north 19:14 o. thereof are in the valley 22 0. of border at the Jord. 33 Ps. 65:8 makest o. of morning OUTLAIVDISII. Neh. 13:26 o. women caused Sol. OUTLIVED. Jud. 2:7 elders that o. Joshua OUTRAGEOUS. Prov. 27:4 wrath is cruel, ang. o. OUTRUSf. John 20:4 other disciple o. Peter OUTSIDE. ■Ivd. 7:11 Gideon went to the o. 1 K. 7:9 0. towards great court Ezek. 40:5 beho. a wall on the o. Mat. 23:25 o. of cup, Luke 11:39 26 that 0. of them be clean also OUTSTRETCHED. Deut. 26:8 us out with an o. arm Jer. 21:5 fight you with o. arm 27:5 made earth by my o. arm OUTWARD. 1 Sam. 16:7 lookcth ono. appear. 1 Chr. 20:29 for the o. business Neh. 11:16 Levites foro. business Est. 6:4 Ham. come to o. court .Ezefc. 40:17 brought into o. court Mat. 23:27 appear beautiful o. Rom. 2:28 which is o. in flesh 2 Cor. 4:16 tho' ouro. m.in perish 10:7 things after o. appearance ? 1 Pet. 3:3 not that o. adorning OUTWARDLY. i)/a^ 23:28 o. appear righteous i?om. 2:28 nota Jew wh. is oneo. OUTVVEIVT. Mark 6:33 ran afoot, ando. them OVEiV. Lev. 2:4 off'ering baken in o. 7:9 11:35 whetherit be o. or ranges 26:26 bake your bread in one o. Ps. 21:9 make them as a fiery o. Lam. 5:10 skin was black like o. Has. 7:4 as an o. heated by baker 6 made ready heiirt like an o. 7 Mai. 4:1 thsit shall burn ns an o. J/oi!. 6:30 cast into o. iuie 12:28 OVEN'S. Ex. 8:3 frogs come into thine o. OVE OVER. Num. 27:16 set man o. congrega. Cant. 2:11 winter past, rain is o. OVER against. Num. 8:2 lamps gi. light o. a. 3 2Sam. 5:23 come on them o. ay. mulberry-trees. 1 CAr. 14:14 1 K. 20:29 pitched one o. a. other iVeA. 7:3 ev. one to be o. a. house Ec. 7:14 God set one o. a. o.ner Jer. 31:39 line go forth o. ag. it ySfee ALL, niM, JORDAN, ISRAEL, ME, THEE, THEM, TJ3, TOU. OVERCAME. Acts 19:16 evil spi. was, o. them Pev. 3:21 even as I also o. 12:11 o. him by blood of Lamb OVERCHARGE, D. Luke 21:.34 lest your hearts be o. 2 Cor. 2:5 that I may not o. you OVERCOME. Gen. 49:19 troop shall o. him a;. .32:18 that cry for being o. Num. 13:.30 are well able to o. it 22:11 peradventuro I sh. o. them 2 K. 16:5 Ahaz, could not o. him Can?. 6:5 eyes, they have o. me Is. 28:1 head of them that are o. Jer. 23:9 man whom wine hath o. i!'A'^ 11:22 stronger shall o. him John 16:33 I have o. the world Pom. 3:4 o. wh. thou art jud :cd 12:21 be not o. of evil. o. evil iPet. 2:19 of whom man is o. 20 ag. entangled therein and 0. 1 John 2:13 o. wicked one, 14 4:4 are of God. have o. them Pev. 11:7 beast sh. o. witnesses 13:7 war with saints, o. them 17:14 and Lamb shall o. them OVERCOMETH. 1 Johyi 5:4 bom of God o. world. victory o. world, 5 Bev. 2:7 o. will I give tree of life 11 he that o. shall not be hu- 1 17 him that o. will I gi. to eat 26 him that o. will I give pov7. 3:5 he that o. shall be clothed 12 him that o. will I make jjil. 21 that 0. will I grant to sit 21:7 that o. shall inh. all things OVERDRIVE. Gen. 33:13 if men sho. o. them OVERFLOW. Pevt. 11:4 water of Red sea o. Ps. 69:2 come where floods o. 15 let not waterfloods o. me Is. 8:8 thro' Jud. o. and go over 10:22 consumpti. decreed sh. o. 28:17 waters o. the hiding-place 43:2 rivers they sh. not o. thee ■Jer. 47:2 waters" of north o. land Pan. 11:10 certai. come. o. 26, 40 Joel 2:24 fats o. with wine, 3:13 OVERFLOAVED, ETH. ■los. 3:15 in harvest Jor. o. banks Ps. 78:20 smote rock, stre.Tms o. 2^^/". 3:6 world o. with water OVERFLOWING. ./oft 28:11 bindeth floods from o. 38:25 watercourse for o. of wat. Is. 28:2 flood of mighty wat. o. 15 when o. scourge pass, 18 30:28 his breath as o. -stream ,Ter. 47:2 north sh. be an o. flood Ezek. 1.3:11 be nn o. shower, 13 .38:22 rain o. rain and hailstones Hab. 3:10 the o. of the water OVERFLOWN. 1 Chr. 12:15 Jor. when it had o. ,Tob 22:16 wh. foundation was o. Dan. 11:22 with flood they beo. OVERLAY. Ex. 25:11 0. ark, 24; .30:3 27:2 0. altar with brass, 38:3 OVERLAID. Ex. 26:32 pillars o. -with gold 38:6 0. staves of shittim-wood 1 7r..3:19 died, because she o. it 2 Chr. 4:9 ho o. doors with brass Cant. 5:14 belly as bri. ivory o. See GOLD. OVERLAYING. ^a;. 38:17 the o. of chapiters, 19 OVERLIVED. Jos. 24:31 days of ciders th. o. 3. OVER.MUCH. Ec. 7:16Tighte. o. 17 be not o. 2 Cor. 2:7 swallow, with o. sor. OVERPASS. Jer. 5:28 they o. deeds of wicked CRUDEX'S COT^TCORDANCE. 963 OVE OVERPAST. JPs. 57:1 r(i\n.'(,' until calfim. 1)0 o. Is. 2nn> of llnan be o. 2 (f/ir. 14:13 K.lliloplanM were o. Julj 19:11 know lli. (1. halli o. me OX Ps. 141:6 their judges are o. Prov. 11:11 city is o. by wicked 12:7 wicked o. 14:11 ho. ofwic. Is. 1:7 vour land is desolate aso. ■Ter. 18:23 let them be o. bef. th. Lam. 4:6 S. was o. as in moment Dan. 11:41 many countries be o. Amos 4:11 1 have o. some of you ■Ion. 3:4 40 days Xinev. sh. be 0. 1 Cor, 10:5 were o. in wilderness OVERTOOK. (?<;«. 31:23 o. Jacob in mount 25 Lab. 0. Jacob ; 44:0 steward Ji"l. 18:22 Mieah o. chil. of Dan 20:42 battle o. men of Benjamin 2 A'. 25:5 army of Chaldeans 0. Zedekiah, Jfr. 39:5: 52:8 Lam. 1:3 her persecutors o. her OVERTrR\. ■loh 12:15 waters, they 0. earth Ezek. 21:57 I will o. o. o. it OVERTURNED, ETH. .r>ir7. 7:13 the tent fell and o. it Jir* 9:5 which o. the mountains 2R:9 o. mountains by the roots 34:25 know th. worlcs and o. th. OVERWHELM, ED. .Tbb 6:27 yea, ye o. fatherless Ps. 55:5 and horror hath o. me 61:2 when my heart is o. 77:3 my spirit 0. 142:3 ; 143:4 7S:.")3 the sea o. their enemies 124:4 tlien the waters had o. us OVERWISE. Ec. 7:16 nor make thyself o. OWE. .Boot. 13:8 o. no man any thing OWED. Mat. 18:24 one o. him 10,000 tal. 28 one which 0. him a 100 pen. Luke 7:41 the one o. 500 pence OWEST, ETH. Mat. 18:28 pay me that thou o. Luke 10:5 how much o. thou ? 7 P/«'fe. 18 thee, oro. thee au:,'ht 19 0. to me even thine own OWL. Lev. 11:16 o. and cuckoo, Deut. 14:15. 16: /«. 34:11, 15 17 the little o. and cormorant Ps. 102:6 I am like o. of desert OWLS. In!) .30:29 I am companion to o. Is. 13:21 o. shall dwell there, 34:13; Jer. .50:39 43:20 dragrms and o. honor me Mic. 1:8 make a mourning as a, OW\. 1 CTr. 29:14 o. have we giv. thee 10 we prepared, is all thine o. Mat. 20:15 do wh. I will wi, o. :^ Luke 10:12 yoti that which is o. ? .John 1:11 came to his o. o. rece. 13:1 loved his o. that were 15:19 world would love his o. Arts 5:4 wasitiu)! in tli. o. jiow.? 1 C/or. 6:19 ye are not your o. 10:2-1 let no man se<'k his o. 29 cons, not til. n. bntofoth. 13:5 charity secketh not her o. PMl. 2:21 seek their o. thing's 1 Tim. 5:8 provide not for his o. Set corrNSEL, rorrNTiiT, ktes, IIHAKT, IIOUSK, LAND, I'EOI'I.E, RKI.r, SKI.VES, SOUL, WAV, WAYS, WILL. OAV:VRR. Ex. 21:28 o. of ox shall be (|uit 34 o. of jiit sh. make it good 30 hiso. halh not kept hlui In 22:11 o. of it sh. accept thereof 12 make restitution to o. 15 but ifo. thereof be with it 1 A'. 10:24 Shemer, o. of the hill Is. 1:3 tli(M)\ knoweth hiso. Acts 27:11 believed o. of the ship OW\ERS. .Inl, 31:39 e/nised «. tn lose lives I'fOi'. 1:19 laliclh awav llle ofo. A.V. 5:11 what good Is iliere loo. 13r|elies kepi f.iro. lolli.huil lAike 19:33 o. said, Why loose ye OWXKTH. /,cr. 11:35 lie llial o. Ihohonsn Acts 21:11 l>in. Prov. 10:1 1 a wise man ;). wiiilh 21 :M a irll'l In secrel />. aiu^er /■'c. 10:4 viehlliu; /), gr. olVeiiccM Ezek. U'iMi when 1 am ;i. toward P\nA>l-\H \M. (!rn. S.'i;'.'0 ilmi. «{ llelhuel ofl*. 28:0 Inn. sent .lacoh nwnv In I', 7 Ills falhiT.and «ii"goiu'to IV 31:18 hud golleii III r. PAL Gen. 35:9 J. when he came fr. P. 26 sons born to him In P. 46:15 PADDLE. Devi. 23:13 have ;;. on weapon PAGIEL. Xu7>i. 1:13 y. son of Ocran, 7:72 PAID. See after pat. PAIX. Job 14:22 flesh on him sh. havc/>. 15:20 wicked travaileth with p. .33:19 is chastened also with p. Ps. 25:18 mine affliction and/j. 48:6 p. as a woman in travail. Is. 13:8: 26:17 Is. 21:3 my loins filled with;?. 26:18 child, we have been in p. 66:7 bef. lier p. came, she was ■ler. 6:24 ;;. as wo. in trav. 22:23 12:13 put themselves top. but 15:18 why is my p. perpetual 30:'2:3 with p. on head of wicked 51:8 Babylon, take balm fur/). Ezek. 30:4 great p. in Ethiopia, 9 16 Sin shall have great /). Mic. 4:10 p. and labor to bring Xah. 2:10 much p. is in all loins Pom. 8:22 creation travail, in p. P'en. l(i;10gnawed tongnesforp. 21:4 nor shall th. be any more p. See PANGS. PAIXED. Ps. 55:4 my heart is sore p. Is. 23:5 they shall be sorely p. ■ler. 4:19 I amp. at very heart ■loel 2:6 people shall be much p. Pev. 12:2 and p. to be delivered PAIXS. 1 Sam. 4: 19 p. came upon her Ps. 110:3 p. of hell gat hoid ylc^s 2:24 hav. loosed p. of death Pev. 16:11 blasphem. bee. olp. PAIXFl'L, XESS. Ps. 73:10 it was too p. for me 2 Cor. 11:27 and p. in watchings PAIXTED, ST. 2 K. 9:30 Jezebel p. her face ,Ier. 22:14 and p. with vermilion Ezek. 23:40 thou p. thy eyes PAINTING. Jer. 4:30 thou rentest face wl. p. PAIR. Luke 2:24 ofler p. of tnrtle-doves Pev. 6:5 a p. of balances in hand PALA<'E. 1 K. 16:18 Zimri burnt king's p. 21:1 Naboth had viney. bvp. 2 K. 15:25 smote Pekaiah in p. 20:18 eunuchs in p, of king 1 (■/(/•. 29:1 the p. is not for man 19 perfect heart to build the p. E:r. 4:14 maintenance fr. the p. Aeh. 1:1 was in Shushan the p. 7:2 ruler of p. charge over Jer. Ext. 3:15 in Shushan the p. 8:14 9:12 destroyed 500 men in thop. Ps. 45:15 enter into king's p. 144:12 after similitude of a n. Cant. 8:9 build a p. of silver Is. 2.5:2 made p. of stiangers Dan. 4:4 flourishini: in my /). 0:18 king went lop. pas.night 11:45 he shall plaut p. between seas /\mos 4:3 shrill cast them into p. .Vo/i. 2:6 opened. /). dissolved .Mat. 26:.'>8re. followed Jesus to liiilh-priesl'sp. Mark U::A I.nke 11:21 n strongman keep. p. Phil. 1:13 bonds manifest in p. PALACES. 2 Chr. 80:19 and burnt nil the p. I's. 45:8 myrrh, out of ivory p. 48:3 (i. is'knowii in p. for'rcf;i. 13 murk bulwarks, consider p. 78:69 sancluaiy like high />. 122:7 nrosperliy within lliy p. I'nir. :iO:"28 spider Is in kliu's />. Is. 1.3:22 dnigiMissh. cry In lliy;i. 32:14 the p. shall be forsaken 3l:i;l Ihorns come up In lierp, Jir. 0:5 let UK deslniy her p. !I:2I death Isenlinal liiliioiir /•. 17:'i7 i\rv Hhiill devour p. of ,Ii -. 49:'i7 coUHiune /). of Heiihiulad /.(((/I. 9:.5 halh hwiiIIo«: I nIihII sel Ihelr ;i. In tlii-o Aintts 3:9 publish In p. at A»h- liiid. In p. of KgypI 10 cliire lip rohl'eiy In Iholr ji. 11 ;>. lu'upoMeil: 0:N luilo ;i. .Mir. n:5 he hhail licud 111 \>\u y. \s'. Lero. 2:5 meat-offer, bakcn in^. 6:21 in ^p. it shall be made 7:9 di'essed in p. shall be pries. 1 Sam. 2:14 serv. stuck it into p. 2 Sam. 13:9 Tam. took 7;. poured Ezek. 4:3 take unto thee iron p. PANS. Ex. 27:3 make p. to rec. ashes Num. 11:8 baked manna \np. 1 Clir. 9:31 thi. made in p. 23:29 2 Chr. 35:13 offer, sod they in p. PANGS. Is. 13:8p. sh. take hold of them 21:3/). take hold me as^j. of w. 26:17 worn, crieth out in her?;. Jer. 22:23 gracious whenp. come 48:41 heart of worn, in ». 49:22 50:43^. as of a worn. Mic. 4:9 PAIVNAG. Ezek. 27:17 traded in market, P. PANT, ED, ETH. Ps. 38:10 my heart p. stren. fail. 42:1 as hart p. so p. my soul 119:1.31 open, my mouth and 7). Is. 21:4 at the vision my hearty;. Anws 2:7 that;), after the dust PAPER. Is. 19:77). reeds shall wither 2 John 12 would not write wi. p. PAPHOS. Acts 1.3:6 PAPS. Ezek. 23:21 for the p. of thy you. Luke 11:27 bles. are;), th. suck. 23:29 blessed;;, never gave suck Mev. 1:13 girt p. with gold. gird. PARABLE. Num. 23:7 Balaam took up;), and said, 24:3, 15, 20, 21, 23 .Tob 27:1 J. continued his p. 29:1 Ps. 49:4 I will incline ear to a ;). 78:2 mouth, in a ;;. will I utter Prov. 26:7 p. in mouth of fools, 9 Ezek. 17:2 speak a p. to Israel. 24:3 utter ». to rebellious house .Wr. 2:4 take up a ;;. at'aiust you ilaO, 2:0 these take up 7;. a^;. you 1 PAR Mat. 13:18 hear;;, of the sower 24 ano. p. put he. 31, 33 ; 21:33 34 with. p. sp. not, Mark 4:34 24:.32 learn a ;;. of the fig-tree, ilfe)-A:i;3:28; i»fe 21:29 Mark 4:10 asked him of ;;. 7:17 ; Luke 8:9 12:12 spoken p. ag. th. Lu. 20:19 Luke 5:.36 he suake a p. to them, 6:.39; 8:4: "12:16; 1.3:6; 14:7: 15:3; 18:1, 9; 19:11; 20:9: 21:29; .7o/in 10:6 12:41 L. spak. thou thisj). to us? PARABLES. Ezek. 20:49 doth he not speak 7). ? Mat. 13:3 spake many things to them in p. IZ:U; 22:1 ; Mark 3:2:3; 4:2, 13, .33; 12:1 Mark 4:13 how will ye kn. all p. ? Luke8:Wp. seeing might not see PARADISE. Luke 23:43 to-day with me in;;. 2 Cor. 12:4 was cauirht up into p. Pev. 2:7 in the midst of;;, of G. PARAMOURS. Ezek. 23:20 doted upon their p. PARAN. (?«?i. 21:21 wil.of P. i\^j/m. 10:12; 12:16; 1:3:3, 26; ISnm. 25:1 De'jt. .33:2 forth from mount P. Had. 3:3 Holy One came from P. PAEBAE. 1 Clir. 26:18 PARCEL. Gen. .33:19 J. bought;;, of afield, ■los. 24:;32; John 4:5 Evth 4:3 Na. selleth a p. of land 1 Chr. 11:13;;. of gr. full of bar. 14 PARCHED. Is. 35:7p. ground become pool Jer. 17:6 shall inhabit 7). places See coKN. PARCHMENTS. 2 Tim. 4:13 bri. especially the p. PARDON. Ex. 23:21 not p. your trangres. 34:9;). our iniq. Num. 14:19 1 Sam.. 'i5:2op. my sins 2 K. 5:18 Lord, ;). thy servant 24:4 which Lord woidd not jp. 2 Chr. 30:18 good L. p. ev. one -Ve/i. 9:17 G. ready top. gracious ■lob 7:21 why not p. my transg. ? Ps. 25:11 for name's sake/;, ini. Is. 55:7 he will abundantly 7). ■/er. 5:1 1 will;), it; 7 shall I p. 3-'!:8 I will p. all their iniquities 50:20 I will/;, whom I reserve PARDONED, ETH. Num. 14:20 I have p. ac. to word Is. 40:2 tell her that iniq. is/;. Lam. 3:42 thou hast not p. Mic. 7:18 G. Uke thee, p. iniq. ? PARE. Deut. 21:12 shave head, p. nails PARENTS. Mat. 10:21 children shall rise up against their/). Mark 13:12 Luke 2:27 p. brought in child Je. 8:56 her/;, were astonished, but 18:29 is no man that hath left p. 21:16 ye shall be betrayed hy p. .lohn 9:2 who did sin, man or p. ? 22 these words spake p. 23 Bom. 1:30 diso. to;;. 2 Tim. 3:2 2 Cor. 12:14 chi. not lay up for/;. Eph. 6:1 chil. obey/;. Col. 3:20 1 Tim. 5:4 learn to requite th. p. Heb. 11:23 Mo. was hid of his /;. PARLOR, S. .lud. 3:20 E^. was sitting in/;. 2:3 Ehud shut doors of the;;. 1 Sam. 9:22 S. bro. them to;;. 1 Chr. 28:11 gave S. pattern oip. PAEMENAS. ^c;s6:5 PART. Ex. 19:17 at nether/), of mount. Lev. 2:16 ;;. of beaten com, p. oil Num. 18:20 nei. have p. am. th. Dent. 10:9; 12:12; 14:27,29: 18:1; Jos. 14:4: 18:7; I am thy p. and inherit, in Israel 22:41 utmost/), of people, 2:3:13 ■Jos. 22:25 ye have nop. in L. 27 Ruth 2:3 to light on p. of field 3:13 perf. to thee/), of kinsman 1 Sam-. 2:3:20 our/;, sh. be to del. 30:24 his ;;. is thatgoeth to bat. 2 Sam. 20:1 we have nop. in D. 2 K. K:'Xi if able on thy p. to set riders. Is. 36:8 1 a>r. 12:29 greatest/), kept ho. 2 Chr. 29:16 prie. we. to inner p. PAR Neh. 1:9 cast out to uttermost p. 5:11 rest, hundredth/), of mon. .Job 32:17 I will answer my p. Ps. 5:9 inward/), is wickedness 51:6 in hidden ;;. know wisdom 118:7 L. takes my ;). ^^^th them Prov. 8:26 nor highest/;, of dust 31 rejoic. inhabitable/), of ear. 17:2/;. of inherit, amo. breth. Is. 7:18 hiss for fly in utmost/). 2-1:16 fr. utmost/), heard songs 44:16 he burneth/). in fire, 19 Ezek. 45:17 prince's^, to give Dan. 2:.33/). iron,/;, clay, 41, 42 5:5 king saw/), of the hand, 24 11:31 arms shall stand on his p. Amos. 7:4 it dev. deep, eat up/). Mark 4::38 in hinder;;, of ship 9:40 not against us, is on our/;. Luke 10:42 M. hath chos. good/;. 17:24 lightning lightoneth one p. shining to other/;. John 13:8 wash th. not, ha. nop. 19:23 four parts, ev. soldier a;;. Acts 1:17 obtained p. of ministry 25 may take p. of this minist. 5:2 Ananias kept p. of price, 3 8:21 thou hast neith p. nor lot 14:4p. wi. Jews, p. wi. apostles 19:32p. knew not wheref. came 23:6 the one p. were Sadducees 27:12 more p. advised to depart 1 Cor. 12:24 honor to that p. 15:6 greater p. rem. to this day 16:17 was lacking on your p. 2 Cor. 6:15p. believ. wi. infidel? Tit. 2:8 that he of the contr. p. Heb. 2:14 himself took/), of same \Pet. 4:14 on th.p. he is evilspo. of, on your p. glorifled Bev. 29:6 p. in first resurrection 21:8 liars sh. have/;, in lake 22:19 G. shall take away bis p. PART, Verb. lev. 2:6 shall p. meat-offering Ruth 1:17 if anght but death p. 1 Sam. 30:24 they shall p. alike 2 Sam. 14:6 th. was none top. Job 41:6 shall they p. him among the merchants ? Ps. 22:18 they p. my garments In PART. Rom. 11:25 blindness jrep. to Is. 1 Cor. 13:9 we know in p. and we prophesy in p. 10 that in p. sh. be done away 12 I know in p. but then sh. 1 2 Cor. l:14acknowledgodusirap. 2:5 not grieved me but in p. Third PART. 2 K. 11:5 a t. p. enter on Sabba. 2 Chr. 2:3:4 t. p. of you be port. Neh. 10:;32 charge ours. wi. t.p. Ezek. 5:2 bum with fire a, t.p. a t.p. smite aboitt it, a third p. scatter In the wind, 12 Zee. 13:8 a third p. shall be left 9 I will bring the t. p. thro' fire Rev. 8:7 t. p. of trees was burnt 8 t. p. of sea became blood 9 t. p. of creat. died, t. p. ships 11 t. p. of wat. bee. wormwood 12 t. p. of sun, moon, and stars 9:15 prep, to slay t. p. of men 12:4 his tail drew t. p. of stars Fourth PART. 1 Sam. 9:8 have/, part of shekel 1 K. 6:33 posts of olive-tree f. p. 2 A'. 6:25/. p. cab of doves' fiung Neh. 9:3 read one/ p. ano./. p. Rev 6:8 power given over/, p. Fifth P.ART. Gen. 41:.34 take up f. p. of land 47:24 give f. p. to Pharaoh, 26 Lev. 5:16 acid f. p. thereto, 6:5: 22:14; 27:13,19,27,31; Num.5:l Tenth PART. Ex. 16:36 homer is the tenth p. Lev. 5:11 tenth p. of an ephah of fine flour, 6:20; Num. 28:5 Num. 5:15 t. p. of ephah of meal 18:26 ye shall offer even t. p. Ezek. 45:11 ephah may cont. t. p. Heb. 7:2 Abra. gave a t. p. of all Rev. 11:13 the ?!p. of city fell PARTS. Gen. 47:24 four p. sh. be yo. own Lev. 22:23 any thing lack, in p. Num. 31:27 div. pre>' into two p. Deut. 19:3 divide land into3p. ./os. 16:5 divide into seven p. 6, 9 1 Sam. 5:9 emer. in th. secretp. 2 Sa7n. 19:43 have ten p. in king 1 K. 16:21 Is. divided into two p. 2 A'. 11:7 two p. watch ab. king PAR Neh. 11:1 9 p. dw. in other cities Job 26:14 th. are p. of his ways 41:12 I will not conceal his p. p.?. 2:8 uttermost p. of earth 63:9 go into lower p. of earth 65:8 dwell in utmost p. afraid 139:9 dwell in utmost p. of sea Prov. 18:8 go to innerm. p. 26:22 Is. 3:17 Lord will disc, secret p. 44:23 shout, ye lower p. of earth Jer. ;34:18 between p. thereof, 19 Ezek. 26:20 in the low p. of earth 31:14 to nether _p. of earth. 18 16 comforted m the nether p. of earth, 32:18, 24 37:11 we are cut off for onrp. 38:15 place out of north p. 39:2 Mat. 12:42 she came from utter- most ;;. Luke 11:31 .John 19:23 garments made 4 p. Pom. 15:23 no more place in p. 1 Cor. 12:24 comely p. no need Eph. 4is) descended into low. p. Rev. 16:19 city divided into 3 p. See BACK, HINBER, HTWABD. PARTED. Gen. 2:10 river p. into four heads 2 K. 2:11 chariot p. both asunder 14 waters p. hither and thither Job .38:24 what way is light p. / ■Joel 3:2 scatter, and p. my land Mat. 27:;35 p. his garmen. Mark 5:24; Z>(fe23:*4; /oAn 19:24 Luke 24:51 blessed them, wasp. Acts 2:45 p. them to all men PARTETH. Lev. 11:3 p. hoof, Deut. 14:6 Prov. 18:18 lot p. behv. mighty PARTAKER. Ps. 50:18 been p. with adulterers 1 Cor. 9:10 sho. be p. of his hope 23 I be p. thereof with you 10:-30p. why am I evilspok. of? 1 Tim. 5:22 p. of oth. men's sins 2 Tim. 1:8 be thou p. of afllicti. 2:6 husbandman be p. of fruits 1 Pet. 5:1 I am also p. of the gl. 2 John 11 biddeth G. speed is p. PARTAKERS. Mat. 23-30 not been p. in blood Bo^n. 15:27 if Gentiles have been p. of their spiritual things 1 Cor. 9:13 are p. with the altar 10:17 we are all p. of that bread 18 are not they which eat ;.;. f 21 cannot be p. of Lord's table 2 Cor. 1 :7 you are p. of sufl'erin^s Eph. 3:6 p. of his promise in Ch. 5:7 be not ye there, p. wi. them Phil. 1:7 all are p. of my gi-ace Col. 1:12 to be p. of inheritance 1 Tim. 6:2 they are p. of benefit Heb. 2:14 "children p. of flesh and blood 3:1 p. of the heavenly calling 14 for we are made p. of Christ 6:4 made p. of the Holy Ghost 12:8 chastise, where, all are p. 10 that we be p. of his holiness 1 Pet. 4:13 p. of Christ's suffer. 2 Pet. 1:4 p. of the divine nattire Rev. 18:4 that ye be not p. of her PARTAKEST. Rom. 11:17 with them p. of root PARTHIAJ^S. Acts 2:9 PARTIAL, ITY. Mai. 2:9 but have been p. in law 1 7'im. 5:21 doing nothing hyp. ■lam. 2:4 are ye not p. yoursel. ? 3:17 without p. and hypocrisy PARTICULAR, LY. Act.? 21:19 P. declared p. things 1 Cor. 12:27 of C. members in p. Eph. 5:.33 ev. one in p. love wife Heb. 9:5 we cannot now speak p. PARTIES. Ex. 22:9 both p. come bef. judg. PARTING. Ezek. 21:21 king of B. stood at p. PARTITION. 1 K. 6:21 he made an. of gold Eph. 2:14 bro. middle wall of p. PARTLY. Dan. 2:42 be p. strong, p. broken 1 Cor. 11:18 divisions, Ip. belie. Heb. 10:33 p. gaz.-stock, p. com. PARTNER, S. Prov. 29:24 whoso is p. with a thief 2 Cor. 8:23 Titus, he is my p. Phile. 17 if count me a p. receive Luke 5:7 they beckoned to th. p. 10 James and John were p. CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 9G5 PAS PARTHIDGE. 1 Sam. 20:20 when one hunt a?). Jir. 17:11 asp. sitteth on eggs PASHUR. Neh. 10:3 P. sealed, Jer. 20:6 Jer. 20:1 P. son of Im. smote, 2 3 L. call, not thy name P. 21:1 Zcdekiah sent unto him P. 38:1 Gedal. the son of P. and P. PASS. Gen. 18:5 after that ye shall p. 41:32 will shortly bring it iop. Ex. :J3:19 will make my good p. Num. 27:7 inherit, of fa. to p. 8 Jos. 1:1-1 ye shall p. before breth. I Sam. 16: 10 Jesse made 7 sons p. Neh. 2:14 no place for beast to p. Job 6:15 as stream they /). away 11:16 rem. it as waters that ;j. .31:20 peo. be troubled.;;, away Prm. 16:30 he bringeth evil to?). 22:3 and the simple p. on, 27:12 Is. 30:32 grounded staff shallp. 33:21 no gallant ship shall p. .37:26 have I brought it to p. Jer. 8:13 th. I havegiven shall/;. 15:14 make th. j). with enemies 33:13 flocks sh. p. under hands 51:43 nor doth son of man j). Ezek. 20:37 1 will cause you to p. .32:1B wh. dost th p. in beauty? AiiviH^Y.Ip. ye unto Calneh MiC. 1:11 p. ye away, inhabit, of 2:13 their king shall p. before Zep. 2:2 decree br. forth, day p. Zee. 3:4 have caused iniqu. to;;. Mat. 5:18 heav. and earth sh, p. 26::J9 cup p. fr. me. Mark 14:35 Luke 16:2h wh. would ;). fr. hen. nor can they p. fr. us to you 19:4 he was to p. that way 1 Cor. 7:36 if she p. flower of age 2 Pet. 3:10 heavens sh. p. away P.ASS by. Ex. 33:22 cover thee whi. I p. by Pf. 80:12 all they that p. by 89:41 all that;;, by way spoil Jer. 22:8 many nations sh. p. by Lam. 1:12 ye that p. by behold 2:15 all that;;. Jy clap th. hands Ezek. 5:14 sight of all that;;, by 37:2 caused "me to ;;. by them Amos 7:8 T will not p. by th. 8:2 Mic. 2:8 garm. of them that /;. by Mat. 8:28 no man might p. Ijy Lvkt 18:36 hearing multit. p. by See CAME, COME. IVot PASS. Num. 20-17 will n. p. thro fields IS Edom said. Thou shalt«. ;;. Job ]4:5 his bounds he cannot p. 19:8 fenced my way, cannot p. Ps. 148:R a decree wh. shall n. p. Prov. 8:29 waters should not p. Jer. 5:22 decree that it cannot p. Mat. 24:.34 this gene, shall not p. away. Mark 13:.30; Lvke 21:.32' 35 heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word sh. «. p. away, Mark'n-.ii; iu. 21:33 PARS not. Gen. 18:3 p. not nw.-iy from serv. 2 1{. 0:9 Hum ;; not such a jilace Prov. 4:15 avoid it. p. not by it Amos 5:5 we;;, not lo licc'r-wlicba PASS over. Oer\,. 8:1 Ood made wind p. o. 81:521 will not ;). o. Iliis heap 82:16 n. o. bcf. me. p'lt a space 33:14 lord/;, o. bef. tliy scrvMUt Ex. 12:13 I will /). (irer yim. 23 15:10 1111 thy peoph^ /i.'&n-r Num. 32:27 seiv. will ;;. o. 29:32 30 not ;;. o. with you armed J)eut 2:IS/), o. Ihro' Ar this (lay 3:18 Hliall ;;. in'in. 2;:i hilluwH and wiivcm;;. o, P\HSED throiiKli. C/.7I. 12:6 .Abriiiii/). I. I hi' land Xuvi. 14:7 land wlib !i we /i. t. 2 r//)\ ,'10:10 po'ttf). t. (• iiin;ry .'flc. 2:13 IIkv;). l.':ro' l!uir::l(i /.ec. 7:14 thai no man j>, thro' PAS Acts 12:10 and p. thro' one street 1 Ccn: 10:1 our fathers;;, t. sea Heb. 11:29 they p. thro' Red sea PASSED.ST. Jud. 12:1 why p. thou over PASSEXGEBS. Prov. 9:15 she standeth to call p. Ezek. 39:11 will giveG. val. of;;. 14 bury with p. those that re. 15 when p. see a man's bone PASSEST. Veut. 30:18 on land whi. thou p. iSam. 15::33 if;;, on, thou sh. be 1 K. 2:37 day thou ;;. over brook Is. 43:2 when p. through waters PASSETH. Ex. .30:13 every one that p. 14 33:22 while my glory p. by ,Ios 3:11 Lord p. over before you 2 K. 4:9 man of G. wh. p. by us 12:4 money of every one that p. Job 9:11 he p. on also, but I 14:20 against him, and hep. 37:21 w^indp. and clean, them Ps. 8:8 whatever p. thro' the sea 78:39 are a wind that p, away 103:16 for the wind p. over it 144:4 as a shadow that p. away Prov. 10:25 as whirlwind p. so is 20:17 he th. p. by and meddleth Ec. 1:4 one generation p. away Is. 29:5 as chafl' that ;;. away Jer. 2:6 no man p. through, 9:12 18:16 every one that;;. 19:8 Ezek. .35:7 from it him that p. Has. 13:3 early dew that p. away Mc. 7:18 G. that p. by transgr. Zep. 2:15 ev. one that p. by her 3:6 streets waste, none p. by Zee. 9:8 bee. of him that;;, by Lnke 18:.37 told him th. .1. p. by 1 Cor. 7:31 fashion of this world p. away, 1 John 2:17 Eph. 3:19 love of C. p. knowled. Phil. 4:7 peace of 6. p. underst. PASSIIVG. 2 Sam. 1 :2fi to me p. love of wo. Ps. 84:6 p. through valley Prov. 1:8 p. thro' street near co. Is. 31:5 p. over, preserve Jerus. Ezek. .39:14;;. thro' land to bury Luke 4:.30 /;. through midst Acts 5:15 shadow of Peter p. by PASSION. Acts 1:3 sho. hims. alive after p. PASSIONS. Acts 14:15 we are men of like p. Jam. 5:17 Ellas subject to like p. PASSOVER. Ex. 12:11 it is L.'s p. ye ph. eat, 27: Lev. 23:5; Nu7)i. 28:10 43 this is the ordinance of p. Ni/m. 9:5 kept p. Jos. 5:10 Peut. 16:2 sacrilice ;;. to Lord, 6 2 K. 23:22 not holden such a p. 2 C7ir. .30:15 kill. ;;. in se. month, .35:1, 11; Ezr. 0:20; Mark 14:12; Xwfe 22:7 18 eat p. otherw. than written 85:1 .To. kept ;;. 17, 19 ; E.:r.&.V.) 13 they roast edw. with tire Ezek. 45:21 shall li.ive /;. of 7 da. il/a<. 26:17 wh. wilt we eat p..>- MarkU-.M; Lukeii:S, 11 Lvke 22:5 have desind lo eat /;. John 2:13..TewH' ;;. at hand. 11:55 2:3 \\hon ho was in ,Jer. at p. 11:55 many went to. 1 before;;. 12:1 .T. came six davs before;;. 18:-28 that they might cat ;;. .39 sho. release lo you one at/). 19:14 it was iin'paration of i). 1 Cor. 5:7 Ch, our p. is saitlllced Heb. 11:28 Ihro' liillh ho kept p. See FKAST, ki:ki>. PASSOVERS. 2 Chr. 30:17 I.e. had ehiirge of;). PAST. (7oi. 150:4 mourn, p. 2 Sam. 11:27 Xiim. 21:22 until we be /). bord. Jhut. S:10 K. dwelt In limes/). 1 l::ri ask now of dav.t wh. are ;). 1 Saw. 15:;l2 blltiT. of death 1m/i. 2 S •III. 3:17 HO. David In llnio p \l\:\ I), wasalllllop. lop of lull 1 A'. 18:29 midday p. ini voice I Chr. 9:20 riiln.ruler In lime;). ./(AlhlOdoelli Ihlie-H/). Ilndliij; M:l.'j keep me, until wrath /). 17:11 dMvsiiie/). MV purpose 29:2 O ill. I we, an lninontbH;i. /"•. 3:15 ri'ipilrelh Hint wh. Is;;. ."it. 14:15 llinii Is now p. Heiid Mark 10:1 when «nb, wan;;. Mil. PAT Li/ke 9:36 V0)ce p. .1 was alone Acts 14:16 times p suff. all naii. Pom. 11:30 in times p. not belie, 33 his ways are^. finding out 2 Cor. .5:17 old things p. away Gal. 1:13 conversation 11. time p. .5:21 as I told you in time/;. Eph 2:2 in time p. ye walked 4:19 being p. feeling have given Phile. 11 in time p. unprofitable Heb. 1:1 spake in timep. to fath. 11:11 conceive, when she wasp. 1 Pet. 2:10 in time p. were not 4:3 timep. of our life suffice 1 John 2:8 darkness /;. light slii. Rev. 9:12 one woep. 11:14 woep. PASTOR, S. Jos. 2:8 p. transgr. against me 3:15 p. according to'my heart 10:21 for;;, are become brutish 12:10 p. have destroy, vineyard 17:16 not hastened fr. being ap. 22:22 wind shall eat up thy p. 23-1 woe top. that destr. sheep 2 against p. that feed my sheep Eph. 4:11 gave p. add teachers PASTURE. Gen. 47:4 thy servants ha. nop. 1 Chr. 4:.39 tliey went to seek p. 40 they found fat p. and good 41 there wasp, for their flocks Job :39:8 range of moun. in his p. Ps. 74:1 anger sm. ag. sheep of p. 79:13 sheep of thy p. give than, 95:7 we are peo. of his p. 100:3 Is. 32:14 joy of asses, p. of flocks Jer. 23:1 scatter sheep of my p. 25:36 Lord hath spoiled their p. Lam. 1:6 like harts find nop. Ezek. .34:14 feed in good p. fat p. 18 small th. to ha. eat. good/j, 31 flock of my p. are men, I G. Hos. 13:0 ac. to their p. so filled Joel 1:18 beasts groan, ha. nop, John 10:9 go in and out, liurtp. PA STIR ES. 1 A'. 4:23 S. had 20 ox. out of p. Ps. 23:2 maketli me lie green p. 65:12 drop ujion p. of wildern. 13 p. are clothed with flocks Is. .30:23 cat. sh. feed in large p. 49:9 p. shall be in high places Ezek. 34:18 tread down your;;. 45:15 lamb out of flock of fat p. ■Joel. 1:19 fire hath devour. ;;. 20 2:22 p. of wilderness do spring (•ATAR.A. Acts 21:1 from thence unto P. PATE. Ps. 7:10 sh. come do. on own p. PATH. Oen. 49:17 D. be an adder in ;;. Num. 22:24 angel of L. st. in ;). Job 28:7;;. which no fowl know. 30:13 mar my p. set forward 41::!2 ho maketha;). to shine Ps. 10:11 show me thep. of lifo 27:11 lead me in a plain /). 77:19 way in sea, p. in great wa. 119::35 make nie to go \\\ p. 105 thy word a light to my ;;. l:!9::5 lliou compassest my p. 1 12:3 then thou knewest my p. /')()('. l:15rel'rain foot fr. tluir;;. 2:9 sh. undersliind every good/). 4:15 ent, 19:8 hath set darkness In mv /». 21:13 ml. abide In;). Iher.'of 33:11 feet In slock.*, mar. my ;>. !'.8:'J0 Ihoii sli. keep /I. of lioiifo Vs. 8:8 passi'ili lliro' ;>. of sens 17:4 kept iin" f^. ;>. ol (leKlrii\er MloM mv piliigK in ;>. ^llp not '.'■1:3 leade'lh mo In p. i>rrlglile. a.-.:4 «) Lord, leach me Ihv i). <:\ Ki I.oril, learn me lliv i). 10/). of L. are men y and irulli C5:11 1), drop riines.i'on paslura iVw. B;8 keep. p. of Jndtpm-nl 966 CRUDEN'S CON'CORDANCE. PAY Prov. 2:13 leave p. of nprifrhtn. 15 and they frowardin their y). 18 her 7). incline unto the dead 19 nei. take hold of;;, of life 20 keep p. of the righteous 3:6 direct p. Vt p. are peace 4:11 I have led thee in right ^. 7:25 go not astray in her 7;. 8:2 standeth in places of;;. 20 I lead in p. of judgment Is. 2:3 walk in his p. Mic. 4:2 3:12 they destroy way of thy ^. 42:16 lead th. in p. not kno%vn 58:12 called, the restorer of p. 59:7 destruction are in their j;. 8 have made them crooked^. Jer. 6:16 in way, ask for old 7). 18:15 ancient p. to walk in p. Lam. 3:9 he made myy). crooked Hon. 2:6 she shall not find p. Mat. ;j:3 make his p. straight. Mark 1:3 ; Luke 3:4 Seb. 12:13 made strai. 7;. for feet PATIEXCE. Mat. 18:26 have p. with me, and I win pay th.-e all. 29 Lvl-e 8:15 hr. forth fruit with p. 21:19 inp. possess ye your snuls Mom. 5:3 tribulation worki'th p. 4 p. experience, experi. hope 8:25 do we with 7). wait for it 15:4 we thro' p. miorht ha. liope 5 G.p. grant you be like-min. 2 Cor. 6:4 ministers of God in p. 12:12 sisns we. am. you in all 7;. Col. l:lf strengthened to all;). 1 Tfies. 1:3 remem. your p. in J. 2 Thes. 1:4 gl. in you for vonr;;. 1 Tim. 6:11 follow after love. p. 2 Tim. 3:10 hast knov.-u my^. Tit. 2:2 be found in faith, p. Seb. 6:12 thro' p. inh. promises 10:.36 ye have need of 7). 12:1 run with p. race before lis Jam. 1:3 trying of faith work. p. 4 let JO. have her perfect work 5:7 husbandman hath long p. 10 an example of?), lip. of J. 2 Pet. 1:6 add to temper, p. top. Eev. 1:9 compan. in ;;. of Jesus 2:2 I know thy 7). 19 ; 3 hast;). 3:10 hast kept word of my ;). 13:10 here is 7). of saints, 14:12 PATIE\T. Ec. 7:8 p. in sp. better than pro. Bom. 2:7 p. continu. in well-do. 12:12 in hope, p. in tribulation 1 Th(!<. 5: 14 be p. toAvard all men 2 T!:e.i. 3:5 ;p. waiting for Christ 1 Tim. .3:3 luc. but;). 2 Tim. 2:2! Jam. 5:7 be p. breth. 8 ye alsojj. PATIENTLY. Ps. 37:7 rest in L. and wait;;. 40:1 1 waited p. for the Lord Acts 26:3 I bes. thee hear me p. neb. 6:15 after he had p. endured \Pet. 2:20ifyebebuff. takeit;). ifyedowellandsu.ta.it;). PATMOS. Rev. 1:9 in the isle called P. PATRI.4RCH, S. Ads 2:29 freely speak of p. Dav. 7:8 Jacob begat the twelve ;). 9;j. sold Joseph into EcrvDt Heb. 7:4 p. Abraham paid tithes PATROIOXY. Deiit. 18:8 cometh of sale of;). PATROBAS. Pom. 16:14 PATTERN, S. Ex. 2.5:9 ;;. of all instruments 40 make them after their ;). Jos. 22:28 the p. of altar of Lord a K. 16:10 Ahaz sent;), of altar 1 Chr. 28:11 D. g. S. ;). 12, 18, 19 Ezck. 43:10 let them measure;). 1 Tim. 1:16 in me C. mig. sh. p. Tit. 2:7 show, thyself;), of good jSeb. 8:5 accord, to ;). I showed 9:23 necessary that;j. of things PAUL. Ads 13:9 then Saul, called P. 28:16 but P. was suffered to ( Vide Acts passim.) 1 Cor. 1:12 I am of P. 13 ; 3:4, 5 3:22 whether P. or ApoUos, or 1".:21 saluta. of me P. Col. 4:18 1 T'les. 2:18 ev. I P. 2 Tlies. 3:17 jP,'; He. 9 such a one as P. 2 Pet. 3:15 as our belov. P. wrote PAULUS. Acts 13:7 the deputy Sergius P. P.WED. E"^. 24:10 under fccip. work Cant. 3:10 being;), with love PEA PAA'EMENT. 2 K. 16:17 put seaou ;). of stones 2 Chr. 7:3 all Isr. bowed upon p. Est. 1:6 beds were on;), of red Ezek. 40:17 chambers and a.p. 18 p. by side of gates lower p. 42:3 over against;), was gallery John 19:13 Pil. sat in pla. call. P. PAVILION, S. 2 Sam.. 22:12 ma. dar. p. Ps. 18:11 1 K. 20:12 Ben. drinkingin;j. 16 P.N-. 27:5 he shall hide me in p. 31:20 keep them secretly in ap. ■Jer. 43:10 Nebuch. spread hiap. PAW, S. Lev. 11:27 goeth on p. unclean 1 Sam. 17:37 de. me out of p. of PAWETH. Jbd .39:21 horse p. in the valley PAY. Ex. 21:19 sh. p. for loss of time 36 he shall surely;;, ox for ox 22:7 thief he found, p. double, 9 Mim. 20:19 if I drink I will;;. Deiit. 2:3:21 shall not slack top. 2 Sam. l.'):7 let me go;;, my vow 1 K. 20:39 thou shalt;;. a talent 2 7C. 4:7 sell oil, and ;;. thy debt 2 Chr. 8:8 them did S. make to;;. Ezr. 4:13 will they not;;, toll Est. 3:9 I will;;. 10,000 tal. 4:7 ./06 22:27 and shalt pay thy vows Ps. 22:25;;. vows, 66:1-3: 116:14, 18 50:14^;. thy vows to Most High 76:11 vow, and;), to the Lord Pi'ov. 19:17 giv. will he;;, again 22:27 if hast nothing top. Ec. 5:4 defer not to ;). it, p. that 5 not vow, than vow and not;;. .ron. 2:9 I will p. t)iat I vowed J/r('. 17:24 doth not mas. ;;. tri. ? 18:25 had not to ;;. LuJce 7:42 26;;. thee all ; 23 p. th. owest 30 cnst into prison, till he;;. 31 till hap. all that was due 2';:23 ye p. tithe of mint, anise Rom. i;i:6 for this cause i). trib. P.\ID, PAYETH. Ezr. 4:20 toll and custom;), th. P;. 37:21 wicked borrow. ;;. not Prov. 7:14 this day ha. J p. vows ./in. 1:3 p. fare thereof ^r^it. 5:26;;. utter, far. Luke 12:.59 Heb. 7:9 Levi p. tithes in Abrah. PAYMENT. Mat. 18:25 all sold, p. to be made PEACE. Mark 4:39 said to sea, ;;. be still PEACE. Gen. 41:16 6. give P. answ. of;;. Lei'. 26:6 1 will give p. in land Num.. 6:26 L. give thee;;. 2.'): 12 I give him mv cov. of;;. Dei/f. 2:26 sent to Sihon with p. 23:10 come nigh city, procl. p. 11 if it make th. answ. of p. 12 21:6 thou sh. not seek their p. 29:19 I shall have;), tho. walk Jud. 4:11 p. betw. Jab. and Heb. 1 Sam. 7:14;;. betw. Is. and A. 20:7 servant shall have p. 21 there is p. to thee 1 K. 2:.33 on his thro. sha. be;). 4:24 Solom. had;;, on all sides 5:12;;. betw. Hiram and Solo. 20:18 come for;;, take th. alive 2 K. 9:17 sav. Is it ;;. Jehu ? 18 19 wh. hast th. to do wi. p. .?22 22 what p. so long as witchc. ? 31 had Z. ;;. who slew mast. 1 20:19 p. in mv days ? 7s. 39:8 1 Chr. 22:9 I will give;;, to Isr. 2 Chr. 15:5 th. tim. th. was nop. Ezr. 4:17 rest bey. the river, ;;. 5:7 unto D;irius, ;;. 7:12 unto E. 9:12 not seek their p. or wealth Est. 9:30 Mord. sent words of p. 10:3 Mord. speaking ;;. to all Job 5:23 beasts of field be at ;;. 22:21 acqu. thyself, and be txlp. 25:2 makethp. in high places Ps. 7:4 evil to him thT was at p. 28:3 which speak p. to neigh. 29:11 bless his people ■nith'p. .34:14 good, seek;;. 1 Pet. .3:11 35:20 speak not p. but deWse 37:11 delight in abund. of;;. 37 end of the upright man is p. 55:20 put ag. such as be at p. 72:3 mountains shall bring;;. 7 of p. so long as moon endnr. 85:8 he will speak;), to his peo. 10 righteousness and;;, kissed ]19:1()5 gr. p. have th(n' which 120:6 dw. with him th.'hatethp. PEA Ps. 120:7 I am for p. they for war 122:6 pray for;;, of Jerusalem 125:5 but p. sh. be upon Israel 128:6 thou shalt see p. upon Is. 147:14 maketh p. in thy borders Prov. 3: 17 pleasantness, paths p. 12:20 to counsellors of p. is joy 16:7 maketh enemies to be at;;. ISc. 3:8 time of war, time of p. Is. 9:6 Prince of p. 7 increase p. 26: 12 Lord thou wilt ordain p. 27:5;). with me, he shall ma. p. 32:17 work of righteo. sh. hep. 33:7 ambassadors of p. sh. weep 38:17 or p. I had great bittern. 45:7 make p. and create evil 48:18 had thy p. been as river 22 th. is nop. to wicked, 57:21 52:7publisheth;). Nah. 1:15 53:5 chastisem. of our p. on him 54:10 nor coven, of p. be remov. 13 great shall be p. of thy chil. ,55:12 with joy, ledforth withp. 57:2 enter into p. rest in beds 19 fruit of lips, p. p. to him 59:8 way of p. kn. not, Rom. 3:17 60:17 make thine oiBcersp. 66:12 I will extend p. to her Jer. 4:10 ye sh. have p. whereas 6:14;;. p. when th. is no p. 8:11 8:15 for p. no good came, 14:19 12:5 if in land of p. they weari. 12 sw. devour, no flesh have p. 14:13 I will give you assured p. 16:5 I have taken away my p. 28:9 prophet wh. prophesiedp. 29:7 seek p. of city I caused 11 1 think tow. you thou, of p. .30:5 a voice of fear, not of p. .33:6 reveal to them abund. of p. Lam.. 3:17 rem. my soul from p. Ezek. 7:25 seek p. th. shall be n. 13:10 p. and there was nop. 16 34:25 make a covena. of p. 37:26 Dan. 8:25 hyp. he shall destroy Ob. 7 men at p. deceived thee Mic. 3:5 bite with teeth, cry p. 5:5 this man sh. hep. when A. Eag. 2:9 this place I will give p. Zee. 6:13 counsel of p. betw th. 8:10 nor was th. any;;, to him. 16 execute judgment and p. 19 therefore love truth and p. 9:10 he sh. speak p. to heathen M'al. 2:5 covenant of life and p. Mat. 10:13 worthy, let;;, come .34 th. not I am come to sendp. Mn7-k 9:50 have p. one with ano. Luke 1:79 guide feet to way of p. 2:14 on earth p. good will tow. 19:6 if son ofp. th. your p. rest 12:51 I am come to give p. .? 19:38 p. in heaven, gl, in highe. 42 things belong to thyp. ■lohn 14:27 p. I lea. you, p. I give 1B::33 in me you might have p. Arts 10:36 preaching ;). by Jesus Rom. 1:7 p. from God the Path. 1 Cor. 1:3; 2 Cor. 1:2: Gal. V.Z;Eph. 1:2; Phil. 1:2 2:10 p. to every mau work, cood 5:1 justified, we have p. with G. 8:6 to be spiritually mind, is p. 10:13 that preach gospel of p. 14:17 the kingdom of God is;;. 19 fol. tilings that make for p. 15:13 fill you with all joy and p. 1 Cor. 7:15 G. hath call, us top. 14:.33 author of p. as in church. Gal. 5:22 Spirit is love, joy, p. Eph. 2:14 is our p. 15 making;;. 17 Christ came and preach" p. 4:3 unity of Spirit in bond of p. 6:15 preparation of gospel of p. Phil. 4:7p. of God passeth und. Col. 1:2 grace and;;, from G. our Father, 1 Thef. 1:1; 2 Thes. 1:2 ;1 Tim. 1:2; 2 Tim. 1:2; Tit. V.i: Phile. 3:2JohnS 3:15 p. of God rule in your hea. 1 Thes. 5:3 when they sh. say p. 13 be at p. among yourselves 2 Thes. 3:16 L. of;;, give you p. 2 Tim. 2:22 follow p. Heb. 12:14 /Tfi. 7:2 king of Salem is k. of p. 11:31 Rahab received spies in p. Jam. 3:18p. of them th. ma. p. .? Rev. 1:4 p. from him th:itis. was 6:4 power giv. to him to take p. PEACE be. Jiid. 6:23 L. said, p. le to thee 1 Sam. 25:6;;. be to thee — house 1 Chr. 12:18 p. be to thee, p. be to Ps. 122:7 p. be within thy walls 8 now sav, p. be within thee Da?i. 4:1 p. be mnlti-ilied, 6:25: lPet.l:!i;2Pel.l:Z; JuUea PEL TJfiw. 10:19 p. be to thee, be stro. Luke 10:5 p. be to this house 24::36 he saith unto them, p. be to you, Jo/i;i 20:19, 21,26 Gal. 6:]6p. be on them Eph. 6:23 p. be to brethren, love 1 Pet. 5:14 p. be -nith all in Chr. 3 John lip. be to thee, our frie. God of PEACE. Rom. 15;:i:3 God of p. be vri. yon 16:20 God of p. sh. bruise Satan 2 Cor. 13:11 the God of p. shaU be with you, Phil. 4:9 1 Tlies. 5:23 God of p. sanctify Heb. 13:20 God of p. make you perfect See HELD, HOLD. In PEACE. Gen. 26:29 sent thee away in p. 28:21 1 come to fa.'s house inp. ■lud. 11:31 when I return in p. 2 Sam. 15:27 return to city inp. 19:30 king is come again inp, 1 K. 2:5 Joab shed blood in p. 22:17 man inp. 2 Chr. 18:16, 26 27 in prison, until I come J); p. 2 Chr. 19:1 Jehosh. return, inp. Job 5:24 thy taber. shall be inp. Ps. 4:8 I will lay me down in p. 55:18 he delivered my soul inp. Is. 26:3 wilt keep him" in perf. p. Jer. 29:7 in p. sh. ye have peace 34:5 but thou shalt die inj)- Mai. 2:6 walked with me inp. Luke 2:29 let. serv. depart in p. 1 Cor. 16:11 cond. him forth inp. 2 Cor. 13:11 one mind, live in p. Jam. 2:16 depart in p. be warm. 3:18 righteousness is somi in p. 2 Pet. 3:14 be found of him inp. See GO, MADE, OEFERrNGS. PEACEABLE. Gen. 34:21 these men p. ■nith us 2 Sam. 20:19 one of them th. p. 1 Clir. 4:40 laud was wi. and^. Is. .32:18 peo. dwell in p. habita. Jer. 25:37 p. habitations are cut 1 Tim. 2:2 lead a quiet and p. li. Eeb. 12:11 yieldeth the p. fruit Jam. 3:17 wisd. is pure, p. gent. PEACE.\BLY. Gen. 37:4 could not speak p. Jud. 11:13 restore those lands p. 21:13 send some p. to Benjam. 1 Sam. 16:4 said, Comestthoup. 5 p. I am come, 1 K. 2:13 1 Chr. 12:17 if ye be come p. Jer. 9:8 speakethp. to neighbor Dan. 11:21 shall come inp. 24 Rom. 12:18 live p. with all men PEACEMAKERS. Mat. 5:9 blessed are the p. PEACOCKS. 1 K. 10:22 the naAT came, bring- ing;;. 2 Chr. 9:21 Job 39:13 gav. goodly win. top. ? PEARL. Mat. 13:46 found p. of great price Rev. 21:21 ev. gate, wasof onop. PEARLS. Job 28:18 no menti. of coraT or p. Mat. 7:6 neither cast p. bef. sw. 13:45 like merchant seekin? p. 1 Tim. 2:9 not with p. or costly Rev. 17:4 woman decked with p. 18:12 no man buy. mere, of p. 16 21:21 twelve gates were twe. p. PECULIAR. Ex. 19:5 sh. be p. treasure to me Deut. 14:2 be a p. people unto himself, 26:18 ;lPc^ 2:9 Ps. 1.35:4 chosen Is. for p. treas. Ec. 2:8 I gath. p. treas. of kings Tit. 2:14 purify to himself p. people PEDIGREES. Num. 1:18 they declared their p. PEELED. Jf. ,18:2 nation scatter, and p. 7 Ezek. 29:18 every shoulder wasp. PEEP, ED. Is. 8:19 wizards that p. and mut. 10:14 none opened mouth or p. PEKAH. 2 K. 1.5:25 P. conspired asain. 29 30 conspiracy against P. 16:5 2 Chr. 28:6 P. slew in Judah Is. 7:1 Rezin and P. went towa. PEKAHIAH. 2 K. 15:22, 23 PELATIAH. 1 Chr. 3:21 s^n of nan,ani.ih P. 4:42; Neh. 1^:21; Ezck. 11:13 CRUDEN'S COJ^COHDANCE. 9C7 PEO pelica:?. Lev. ll:]8p. unci. Deut. 14:17 Ps. 102:6 I am like p. of wildem PE!V. Jnd: 5:14 they that handle 7). Job 10:24 graven with an iron^. Ps. 45:1 tonj,'ue 'up. of writer Ix. 8:1 write it with a man's_p. Jer. 8:87). of scribes is in vam 17:1 ein of Jnd. written with^. 3 John 13 not with ink an&p. PENCE. Mat. 18:28 one who owed WO p. Mark 14:.5 have been sold for more than 300 p. .Tohn 12:5 L^ilce 7:41 the one owed 500 7). 10:.35 on mo. he took out two^). PENIEL. Gen. 32:30 PEIVKNIFE. Jer. 36:23 Jehu, cut roll with. p. PEI\\Y. Mat. 20:2 aa;. with laborers for^j. 9 received every man a.p. 13 22:19 they brought unto him p. Mark 12:15 bring;). Lvke 20:24 Jiev. 0:1) meas. of wheat for a ;?. three meas. of barley for a};. PEXXYWORTII. Mark 6:37 buy 200;). of bread Johnd-.l 200;). is not sufficient pe:vtecost. ^c/.s2:l wh. day of P. was come 20:16 hasted to Jerus. day of P. 1 Ccrr. 16:8 tarry at Eph. until P. PEIVUEL. Gen. 32:31 as Ja. passed over P. Jud. 8:8 Old. went up to P. 17 1 K. 12:25 went and built P. PEIVURY. Prov. 14:23 t:dk of lips ten. top. Lulce 21:4 she of her p. cast all PEOPLE. Gen. 27:2!) let;), serve thee 48:19 he sh. become a. p. great Ex. 6:7 take you for a p. JJeut. 4:20; 2 Sam. 7:24 ; .hr. 13:11 Lev. 20:24 separ. you from other p. 26 Ninn 2-2:!ip. come out fr. Eg. 11 /Jei/t. 4::J3did ;). hear voi. of O. ? 7:0 G. ha. chosen thee special;). 14:2 Lord hath cho. thee pec. p. 20:1 p. more than thon, be not 2!-i:32 sons given to another^. 20:13 estab.' thee for p. to hims. 32:21 move them wi. th. not up. 33:29 who is like;), saved by L.? 1 .S'aw. 2:24 make L.'s;). tniusg. .5:10 to slay^us and our;). 11 2 ,Sam. 7:23 wli. G. redeem for p. 22:28 afHictcd;). thou wilt save, Ps. 18:27 4ip. I kn. not, seri'e, P.s-. 18:13 1 /C 22:28 hearken, O ;). ev. one 2 /C. 11:17 be L.'s;). 2 C/ir. 23:16 1 Chr. 16:20 wcnit from one kin. • to another ;)./".%■. 103:13 2 Ohr. 1:9 made me king over;). r.t. 2:10 E. had not showed ;). :M a certain p. scattered abroad .M 36:20 whmp. are cut off j':. 62:8p. pour out your hearts 6'i:8 bless God, ». 95:10 ;). err 11 1:1 went out fr. p. of striingc 14-1:15 happy ;). 11)-i:14/). near Pri/iK .14:31 sin is rejiro. to any ;). 21: )5 wicked ruler over ])oor ;). .30:25 ants ari^ a;), not slroug In. 1:4 a;;, laden with inhjnily 10 give ear to law,;), of Gonio. 7:8 E|)liraini broken, l)enol an. 8:19slio. luilp. seek til. ■IrGod? 27:11 a;), of no undi^rstaiidiiig 30:9 this is a rebellious;). 65:2 43:4 I will give?), for lliy life 8 l)ring forth blind p. ha. I'yes 65:3 a p. that ))rovokc'tli mi! 18 Jems, rejoicing, her;). a.|oy Jar. 0:22;). com. fr, Tiortli, 50:11" 48:12 M. deslroved fr, bring/). L'tm. 1:7)). fell Into band of cue. J/(M. 4:9 sh. be like /;. like iirli'st 9:1 rejoice not, O Is. as uiIut;). Jon. l:8of wliat ;). art tliouV Mlc. 4:1 /). simll How unto It Zw. 8:20 there slmll come /). Luke 1:17 ready y), pi-c|i. for L. J\ •/«15:I4 lake rmt of llii'in up. Horn. 10; 19 llicm Unit are no}). TU. 2: II purify to liliiiH. i)eiii. ;). llih. H;IO slmU'lM^ to me a;;. 1 I'd. 2:9 ye nrc a pi^eiillar ;». 10;;. (ifd. in ll. pa: I w. not 71. J!(i\ 5:9 redei'iii. us out of ev. }). PEO All PEOPLE. Ex. 19:3 treas. above allp. Pent. 7:6, 14; 10:15; Pj}. 99:2 Denit, 7:7 were fewest of aUp. 1 K. 4:34 came of allp. to hear S. 8:43 all p. know name, 2 Chr. 6:.33 Est. 9:2 fear of th. fell on allp. Ps. 96:3 declare wond. am. allp. 117:1 praise L. all yep. for his kindness, 148:11; 7tort. 15:11 Is. 25:6 L. make to all 2}. a feast 56:7 house of prayer for all p. Lam. 1:11 all her;), seek bread 18 hear, a. p. behold, Mic. 1:2 Pan. 5:19 allp. feared bef. him 7:14 allp. and nati. serve him Mic. 4:5 allp. walk, ea. in name Zep. 3:20 praise among allp. Luke 2:10 tidings of joy to all p. 31 prepared before face of a.;). AH the PEOPLE. Ex. 1S:14 all t. p. stand by thee 19:8 a. t.p. answ. togeth. 24:3 11 L. come down in si. of a. t.p. Lev. 10:3 bef. a. t.p. I will beglo. Num. 11:29 a. t. L.'s p. prophets Dent. 13:9 hand of all t. p. 17:7 27:15 all t. p. sav. Amen, 16-21 23:10 all f. p. sh. see that thou ./os. 4:24 a'.l the p. might know 6:5 all the p. shall shout with 7:3 said, Let not all t. p. go up Jud. 20:8 all the p. arose 15a. 10:24 none li. him am. a. t.p. 11:4 all t. p. wept ; 12:18 feared 30:6 sonl vi all the p. grieved 2 Srim. 2:28 a. t. p. stood, pursu. 17:3 br. back all the p. unto th. 10:9 all the p. were at strife 20:22 woman went to all the p. 1 ]C. 8:.j3 separate th. fr. all t. p. 60 a. t. p. of earth may know 2 K. 23:3 a. t. p. stood to coven. 1 Clir. 16:33 a. t. p. said. Amen 2 Chr. 7:4 a. t. p. offer, sacriflces Ezr. 7:25 wh. may judge a. t. p. Neh. 8:5 in sight ot ail the p. Pi. 67:3 let a. t. p. praise thee, 5 97:6 and all the p. see his glory 106:48 all the p. say. Amen Ec. 4:16 th. is no eiid of «« t. p. Jer. 31:8 made cov. wi. a. t. p. 10 43:4 all the p. obeyed not the L. Ezek. 31:12 all the p. are gone Dan. 3:7 when all t. p. heard Zee. 11:10 bre. cov. with a. t. p. 14:12 Lord will smite all the}). M'll. 2:9 ma. you base bef a. Lpt. Luke 13:17 a. t.p. rejoiced 18:43 all the p. gave praise to G. 20:6 all the p. will stone us yl'-'^' 10:41 not a. t. p. but witn. 21:27 stirred np all the p. Anions the PEOPLE. Ln\ 16h29 cut off from a. t. p. F.zek. 28:19 that know thee a.p. Dan. 11:33 that unders. a. the p. ,/oel H'.ii: sho. they say atn. t.p. Zee. 10:9 sow them a. the p. .John 7:43 a division am. tliep. .Acts 3:23 destroyi'cl from a. t. p. 4:17 spread no further a. t.p. 14:14 liarnab. and 1'. ran a. t.p. See coiuroN', rooi.isn. PEOPLE of Ood. Jud. 20:2 assemblv of;), of Clod 2 Sain. 14:13 such "th. ag. p. of (!. Ps. 47:9 even ;;). of (I. of Abrah. Ilih. 4:9 remain. Vest to ;). of (1. 11:25 snf. atllietion wi. 7). of G. 1 Pet. 2:10 but now;), of God See aivBAT. IIlH PEOPLE. Gen. 17:14 iiit olVfrom liis p. E.f. .30:33, 38; 31:14; Lev. 7:20, 21, 2,5, 27; 17:4, 9; 19:8; 23:29; Num. 9:13; 15:30 49:16 Dan shall judge ///.i/j. .33 A'r. 1H:1 for .Moses and Is. his ji. Lev. 17:10 1 uill cut him olV fmm Mwmi'Jihp. 20:3, 6; XV.'.W Dent. 26:18 L. avouch, thee/). /). .32:9 the I.oiiPk portion U his p. .36 sh. judge /■/;, nations, \y\.hhp. he win'bi' meni. Itom. 15:10 ,3.3:7 I„ and bring Jiid, \n his p. Hulk 1:6 tlie Lord vi-ltei! //(,v /), I Sum. Vl-Ml I,, nut lorsaUc li. p. i)lca".'d I,, to imikd you //, /;. 15:1 iiiioiiit ilii-c king ovcr/i, /). •iSam. H:15 David cMciited JiihI, to all A/.*/), 1 Ctir. 18:14 1 A'. 20:12 tin- lie, hI(, go for A. 7), 1 C.'ir. 21::) niake /i. p. too times PEO 1 C%r. 22:18 sub. bef. L. and /;. p. 2:^:25 G. of Is. given rest to /(.;). 2 Chr. 2:11 L. hath loved his p. 31:10 Lord hath blessed his p. .32:14 who could deliv. h. p. '^ 15 36:15 had compassion on hisp. 16 wrath of L. rose Jig. hisp. 23 who of all hisp. Ezr. 1:3 ./oS 18:19 not have son am. h. p. Ps. 14:7 captivity of his p. 5.3:6 29:11 strength to his p. L. will hi. hisp. with peace, 68:33 50:4 that he may judge his p. 7.3:10 theref. his p. return hither 78:20 can he pro. flesh for h.p..^ (i2 he gave his p. over to swo. 71 bro. liim to feed Jacob h. p. 85:8 will speak peace to his p. 94:14 Lord will not cast ofi'h.p. 100:3 are h.p. 105:43 brought 105:24 increased his p. greatly 25 turn. th. heart to hate /(. p. 111:6 he showed hisp. power 9 he sent redemptimi to his p. 113:8 with princes of his p. 116:14 in presence of all hisp. 125:2 so is L. round about h.p. 1.36:16 who led Ai.?7). thro' wild. 7s. .3:14 with ancients ot his p. 7:2 moved, and heart ol hisp. 14:32 poor of his p. trust in him 25:8 rebuke ol hisp. sh. he take 30:26 L. bind, up breach of h.p. 40:13 hath comforted h. p. 52:9 51:22 God plead, cause of A. p. 56:3 L. separated me fr. his p. 63:11 remem. Moses and his p. Jer. 27:12 serve him and hisp. 50:16 return every one to hisp. Ezek. 18: 18 did not good am. h.p. :W:11 he and //. p. sh. brought Joel 2:18 L. jealous and pity h.p. 19 answer and say to his p. 3:16 Lord will be hope of A. p. Zee. 9:16 L. save them as hisp. ifat. 1:21 he shall save his p. Lulce 1:68 and redeemed h. p. 7:16 that God hath visited A. p. Pom. 11:1 ha. G. cast away A. p..** 2 God hath not cast away A. p. Ileb. 10:.30 the L. .sh. judge A. ;). Rev. 21:3 and they shall 1)6 h. p. See HOLT, isn.\EL, mant, men. PEOPLE of »he land. Gen. 2:3:7 A. bow. to ;). 0/ 1. I. 12 Ex. 5:5 the;), of t. I. are many Lev. 20:2/). off. I. sh. stone him 4 \fp. of the I. hide their eyes Nmn. 14:9 nei. fear ye ;). of t. I. •2K. 11:14 all;), oft. rejoiced, 20 15:5 Joth. judge'd;). 2 (/()•. 26:21 21:24;). ni.'ule J. ki. 2 Chr. 33:25 2:3:30 p. of the I. look Jehouhaz Ills son, 2 Chr. 36:1 2.5:3 no bre. for;), of t. Jer. 52:6 1 Chr. 5:25 after gods of;), of 1. 1. Ezr. 10:2 stra. wives of;), oft. I. 11 separate from ;), of the land Neh. 10:30 not gl. dau. \op. of I. 31 if tile ;). of the I. brinj; ware Est. 8:17 maiiy 7). of t. I. bee, J. Jer. 34:19;). . It: 10 111 thy word sh. all »)i;//'. 19:29 111 be giillieri'il 111 int/'p. E.i: .3:7 I have seen mlllcllon of vr/p. .1.7.«7:3I 5:1 H ilth I,, (loil, Lei f/iy/i. go, 7:16: H:l. 20; 9:1, 13; 10:3 H:22 land In wh. in. Lev. 26:12 and ve shall be my p. Jer. 11:4; .30:22 Num. 24:14 I go unto myp. .Jud. 12:2 I and myp. at strife 14:3 never a worn. am. myp. ? Uuth 1:16 tbypeo. shall hvmyp. .3:11 the city of my p. doth kn. 1 Sam. 9:16 to be cap. over myp. ISarn. 3:18by D. wi. I aasemyp. 7:8 ruler over my p. 2 Chr. 6:5 1 K. 22:4 my p>. as thy people, 27(:. 3:7; 2 C'Ar. 18:3 1 Uhr. 17:6 I com. to feed myp, 28:2 Da. said. Hear me, myp. 29:14 and what riiy p. f 2 Chr. 1:11 mayest judge my p. 6:5 since day "I bro. forth myp. 7:14 if my pj. humb. themselves Est. 7:3 let my p. be given me 4 I and my p. to be destroyed Ps. 14:4 eat my p. as bread, 53:4 .50:7 O myp. I will speak, 81:8 59: 11 slay not, lest my p. forget 68:22 I will bring my p. fr. Bas. 78:1 give car, O my p. to law 81:11 my p. would not hearken 144:2 subdueth myp. under me Is. V.Zmyp. doth not consider 3:12 my }}. child, are oppressors 15 that ye beat my p. ? 10:2 take right fr. \>oot of my p. 24 O my p. that dwollest in Z. 19:25 blessed be Egj-pt, my p. .32:18 myp. sh. dwell in peace. 40:1 comfort ye. my p. saith G. 4.3:20 give drink to my 2). 47:6 I was wroth with myp. 51:16 say to Z. Thou art myp. " . . ' ■ Eff. 5 my p. is taken away 52:4 my 21. went down into Eg. 6 my p. shall know my name 58:1 show my p. tli. transgres. 63:8 surely they are my p. chiL 05:10 Sharon a fold for my p. 19 rejoice in Jer. joy in my p. 22 as a tree, are :lays of my p. Jer. 2:13 my }>. have commit, ev. 31 say my p. we are lords 1 32 my p. have forgot, me, 18:15 4:22?)iy7). is foolish, not kn. me 5:2<) am. my p. are wicked mea 31 my p. love, w h. will ye do ? 7:23 obey my voice, be my p. 8:7 my p. kn. not judgm. of L. 9:2 that I might leave my p. 12:16 dilig, leani ways of my p. 15:7 destroy myp. th. retu. not 2:3:2 pastors that feed myp. 22 if they had caused my p. 27 think to cause ?)iy;). forget 24:7 they shall hami/p. 31:1.5.3; 32:38; Ezek. 11:20 1 30:&j; 87:23, 27 : Zee. 8:8 29:32 nor good I will do my p. 31:14 myp. shall be satisllbd 3.3:24 they have despised WJJ/;). ,50:6 »«y;). hath been lost sheip 51:45 my ]>. go ve out of midst of her, Per. 18:1 Ezek. 13:9 not in assem. otmyp. 19 ye pollute nie among my p. b"y lying to my j). 21 deliver ;)iy;i. out of hand, S3 1 1:8 cut him oif fr. nlid^t my p. 11 but that they may be tny p. 21:12 the s\v. sh. be upon viy p. 3I:.30 ev. house of Is. are «ii;;). 37:12 O in. p. I will open gra. 1.1 .38:10 thou shall come ng. my i>. 46:18 that my j). bo not scatter. 77(w. 1:9 yo are not tny p. 10 2:23 to them wh. were not tny p. 4:6 myp. are destroyed for lack 8 they cat np the sin of tny p. 6:11 return. cai>tivity of r)i,v;'. ./()(■/ 2:20 tny p. nev, lie aslia. 27 3:2 plead with thiiii for tny p. 3 tliey have cn^t lots for iny p. .■If)i, eir 6:3 O '"//'. wh. Iiiive I done? S 16 shall lieiirnproach ot inij p. '/.••p. 2:8 they reprtiaehcd mti p. '/.(C. 2:11 iniiny nations vhiill lio »;iy/i. 8:7 save tny p. ttom Iho «>ii»t 13:9 II Is tnii ;>. Iliey slinll N»y /,'i<;)i. !i:D.\ call lliein my ;«. which wi'ie r. I (iiv ;>. 80 was salil, Vo nrr not tny p. 968 CRUDEI^'S CONCORD ANCE. PEO 2 Cor. G:16 they shall be my p. See DAUGHTER. ^ Of the PEOPLE. Gen. 25:2:3 manner ofi>. be sop. 49:10 to him sh. gather, o/'j). be JV»;7i. 26:4 take sum of t. p. fr. 20 Jos. 4:2 take 12 men of the p. iSam. 9:2 higher than any of the p. W-.n 14:24 none of the p. tasted food 26:15 ca. one of t. p. destr. king 2 K. Vi:l nor did he \eix\eoft. p. Ezr. 3:3 of the p. of th. countries 2feh. 5:1 th. was a gre. cry of t. p. 7:73 some of the 2}- dw. in cities JPs. 72:4 sh. judge poor of the ]}. 89:19 exalted one out of the p. Is. 51:4 judg. for a light oft. p. 63:3 of the p. there was none John 7:31 many of t. p. believed 11:42 bee. of t. p. that stand by Ads 4:21 punish, beca. of the p. Set). 9:7 hims. and errors of t. p. Sev. 11:9 they of p. see dead bod. See BAKS, ELDERS. One PEOPLE. Cfen. 25:2.3 one p. sh. be stronger 84:16 dwell wi. you, bee. on4p. 22 dwell \vith us, to be one p. Own PEOPLE. Ex. 5:16 the fault is in thi. o. p. 1 Chr. 17:91 went to redeem o. p. 2 Clir. 25:15 could not deli. o. p. Ps. 45:10 for";et also thy own p. 73:62 made nis o. p. to go forth 7..'. 13:14 ev. man turn to bi^o.p. Jer. 46:16 let us go ag. to ouro.j). The PEOPLE. Gen. 11:6 L. said, Behold the p. Ex. 5:4 why let t. p. from work ? 5 the p. of laud now are many 12:27 and t.p. bowed the head 14:31 the 2>. feared L. believed 15:14 the p. sh. hear and be afr. 16 the p. pass over wh. th. hast 24 the p. murmured, saying 16:30 the p. rest, on seventh day 17:1 th. was no wafer for thep- 2 t. p. did chide Mo. Num. 20:3 6 water out of it, thej). drink 18:19 be th. for thep. God-ward 19:9 t. p. may hear when I spe. 17 Moses brought forth thej). 20:18 when t/ie p. saw it afar, 21 24:8 Moses sprinkled it on t.p. Lev. 9:7 ato. for thyself and t. p. 15 sin-offer, for t/iep. 18; 10:15 ITiim. 11:2 the p. cried to Mosea 13:18 see thep. that dwelleth 34:1 thep. wept; 39 t. p. monr. 21:5 the p. spake against God 23:9 lo, thep. shall dwell alone 24 the p. rise up as a gi-eat lion Deut. 4:10 said. Gather me thep. 18:3 the priest's due from t. p. 33:3 loved thep. 17 push thep. 19 they shall call t.p. to moun. Jos. 4:10 and the p. hasted over 6:20 ;■. p. shout. 24:28 t. p. dep. Jvd. 7:2 t. p. are with thee, 4 1 Sam. 2:13 priests cust. wi. t.p. 4:4 t.p. sent to Sh. to bring ark 8:19 the J), ref. to obey Samuel 14:45 the p. said, Sh. Jonathan die? so the p. rescued Jona. 15:16 ttiep. spared best of sheep 21 the p. took of the spoil oxen 30:6 t. p. spake of stonin" him 2 Sam. 1:4 t. p. liod from battle 15:12 the p. incre. w-ith Absalom IK. 1:40 thep. piped with pipes 16:22 thep. thai, followed Omri prevailed against the p. iK. 4:41 pour out for the p. 43 give L p. that they may eat, 11:17 coven, bet. king and /. p.' 1S:36 but the p. held tneir peace 22:13 inquire of Lord for the p. 2 Chr. 12:3 thep. without numb. 20:.33 thep. had not prepa. 30:3 27:2 and t/iej]. did yet corruptly 30:20 and the Lord healed the p. 32:8 thep. rest on words of II. 36:14 t/iep. trausgr. very much Ezr. 10:13 hut ttte p. are many Neh. 4:6 t. p. had mind to work 6:13 thep. did accord, to prom. 7:4 but the p. were few therein 8:16 thep. bro. palm branches 11:2 t. p. blessed ail that offered Ett. .3:6 showed hira t. p. of Mo. 4:11 tliep. of king's provinces Job 12:2 no doubt but ye are t. p. 34:30 lest the p. be ensnared Ps. 2:1 why do t. p. im. vaiu tli. S PEO Ps. 33:12 bles. t. p. he hath cho. 44:2 how thou didst afflict t. p. 45:17 thep. praise thee for ever 56:7 in th. anger cast down t. p. 67:3 let thej). praise thee, O G. 5 89:15 blessed is t. p. that know 95:7 we are t.p. of his pasture 96:13 he sh. judge t.p. with tru. 9S:9 he sh. judge t. p. with eq. 99:1 L. reign, let thep. tremble 105:1 make kno. deeds am. t. p. Prov. 11:14 no coun. is, t. 2^. fall 29:2 the ]). rejoiced, t. p. mourn 18 wh. is no vision, t. p. perish Is. 9:2 t. p. that walked in dark. 13 t. p. tumeth not to him sra. 14:2 and thep. shall take them 24:2 be with t. p. so with priest 30:19 thep. shall dwell in Zion .33:24 t. p. be forgiven th. iniq. 34:5 my sword sh. come on t. p. 40:7 t.p. is grass, grass wither. 51:7 thep. in wh. heart is my law- OS: 0 will tread t. p. in mi. anger 18 t. p. of thy holi. possess.'it Jer. 31:2 t.p. left of sw. found gr. 37:4 Jeremiah went amo. thep. 39:14 so he dwelt among the 2). 40:5 go back and dw. with t.p. 6 51:58 the 21. shall labor in vain Ezek. 11:17 gather you from t. p. 20:34 br. you out from t.p. 34:13 25:7 I will cut thee off fr. t/ie2). 26:20 bring thee down with t.p. 33:31 come to thee as t. p. com. .30:20 these are thep. of Lord 39:4 thou shalt fall, and thep. 42:14 approa. th. things for t.p. 44:19 shall not sanctify thep. Dan. 9:26 the p. of the prince 11:32 thep. that know their G. Hos. 4:14 t. 21. doth not underst. 10:5 t/ie p. thereof shall mourn 10 t. p. sh. be gath. aga. them ,Ioel 2:6 thep. sh. be much pain. Amos 3:6 sh. t. p. not be afraid ? ■Ion. 3:5 t.p. of Kin. believ. God Hab. 2:13 t. p. shall labor in fire, the p. shall weary themselv. Zep. 2:10 magnifi. ag. t. p. of L. Hag. 1:12 t. p. did fear the Lord Mai. 1:4 thep. against whom L. Mat. 4:16 t. p. in dark, saw light 21:26 we fear t. p. Mark 11:32 Luke 1:21 t. p. waited for Zacha. 3:15 as thep. were in expecta. 4:42 thep. sou. 5:1 t.p. pressed 6:40 thep. gladly received him 9:18 whom say t. ;;. that I am ? 20:19 feared t.p. 22:2; 23:5 stir. 2:3:14 one that perverteth t. p. John 7:12 he decciveth thep. 11:50 man sho. die for t.p. 18:14 Acts 5:13 thep. magnified them 8:6 t. p. wi. one accord ga. heed 14:11 t. p. saw wh. P. had done 19 persuaded t. p. and ston. P. 26:17 delivering thee from t. p. Heb. 5:3 as for t. p. so hims. 7:27 7:11 under it t. p. received law 13:12 he might sanctify thep. .lude 5 Lord having saved t/.^ p. This PEOPLE. Ex. 3:21 1 will give t. p. favor 5:22 why hast evil entrea. t. p.? 17:4 cried, Wh. sh. I do to t.p.? 18:18 wear away, thou and t.p. 32:9 seen t. pi. 21 what did t. p. 31 t. p. have sinned a great sin 33:12 say est, Bring up this p. Num. 11:11 burden of all t.p. 14 I am not able to bear all t. p. 14:11 how lonsj will t. p. prov. ? 15 if thou kill t. p. as one man 16 not able to br. t.]). into land 19 pardon t. p. hast forg. t. p. 22:6 I pray thee, curse t. p. 17 24:14 th. p. shall do to thy peo. Leut. 5:28 heard voice of tli'up. 9:13 saying, I have seen thisp. 27 look n()t to stubborn, of t.p. 31:7 for thou must go with t.j). 16 t. 2>. will go whor. after gods Jud. 2:20 t. p. have transgressed 9:29 would to G. t. p. were und. 38 is not thin the 7). tliou des.? %Sam. 16:18 wh. L. and t. p. ch. 1 K. 12:6 that I mav answer this 7). 9; iChr. 10:6,9 27 if t. p. do eacriflce at Jeru- salem 14:2 I sh(mld be king over t. p. 18:37 that tins p. may know iK. &18 smite t.p. wi. blindn. 2 Chr. 1:10 come in before th.p. Neh. 5:19 all [ have done for t.p. Js. UuO go iiud tell t. 2J. hear ye PEO Is. 6:10 make the heart of t.p. fat. Mat. 13:15; ^efe 28:26, 27 9:16 leaders of t.p. cause th. err 23:13 t. p. was not till A. found 28: 14 scornful men that rule i. y 29:13 t. p. dr. near me wi. mou, 14 a marv. work among t. p. 43:21 t. p. ha. I form, for myself .Icr. 4:10 thou hast deceived t. p. 5:14 my words fire, t. p. wood 6:19 I will bring evil on this p. 21 stumbling-blo. bef. thisp. 7:16 therefore pray not thou for thisp. 11:14; 14:11 8:5 why is thisp. slidden back? 13:10 t. evil p. who ref to hear 13:1 my mind co. not be to. t.p. 16:5 talc, away my peace fr. t. p. 19:11 even so will I break t. p. 23:32 they shall not profit t. p. 28:15 makest t. p. trust in a lie 29:32 a man to dwell amo. t. p. 32:42 bro. great evil upon t. p. 33:24 not what t. p. have spok. 35:16 t. p. have not hearkened 36:7 anger pronounced ag. t. 2>. 3T:18 what have I offend, t. p. ? Mic. 2:11 sh. be prophet of t. 2>. Hag. 2:14 so is t/iis p. before me Zee. 8:6 in eyes of remn. of t. p). 11 1 \n\\ not be to thisp. 12 cau.se rem. of t. p. possess Mat. 15:8 t.p. drawcth nigh Mark 7:6 t. p. hon. me with lips Luke 9:13 sho. buy meat for t. 2>. 21:23 th. sh. be wrath upon t.2). John 7:49 t. p. kuoweth not law Acts 13:17 G. of t. p. chose our 1 Cor. 14:21 1 will speak to t. p. Thy PEOPLE. Ex. 5:23 neither delivered t.p. 15:16 tiU t. p. pass over, O Lord 22:28 ca. ruler oft. p. Acts 23:5 23:11 poor of thy p. may eat 3;3:13 consider this nation t. p. 16 I and t. p. have found grace Num. 5:21 make thee a cm-se and oath among thy p. 27:13 shalt be gathered to t. p. 31:2; Deut. 39:50 Deut. 9:12 t. p. corrupted thems. 26 O Lord, destroy not thy p. 29 yet are they t. p. Neh. 1:10 Puth 1:10 return wi. thee to t. p. 16 thy 2>. shall be my people 2 Sam. 7:23 and what nation is like thy p.? 1 C/ir. 17:21 23 bef. t. p. wh. thonredeeme. 1 K. 3:8 serv. is in midst of t.2>. 8:44 if thy p. go out to battle 50 forgive t. p. 2 Chr. 6:.34, 39 51 they be t. p. 20:42 thy p. his 29:4 my people as t. ?;. ZK.S.l 1 Chr. 21:17 not hand be on t. p. 29:18 thoughts of heart of t. p. Ps. 3:8-blessing is upon thy p. 28:9 save t. ;;. bless, Jer. 31:7 44:12 sellest thy 2). for naught 60:3 showed thy p. hard things 68:7 thou wentest before thy 2}. 79:2 judge t. p. with righteous. 77:20 leddest thy p. as flock 79:13 thy p. will give thee than. 80:4 angry aga. prayer of t. p. ? 83:3 crafty counsel "against t. p. 85:2 forgiven iniquity of thy p. 6 that t. p. may rejoice in thee 94:5 they break in pieces t. %>■ 106:4 favor th. thoubearest t. p. 110:3 tiLyp. shall be willing Is. 2:6 thou hast forsaken tliy p. 7:17 L. bring on thee and t. p. 14:20 destroyed land and thy p. 60:91 t. p. shall be all righteous 6;3:14 lead t. p. 64:9 are thy p. Jer. 22:2 thou and t. p. that ent. 27:13 die, thou and t. 2>. by sw. ? Ezek. 3:11 get to t. p. and speak 13:17 against daughters of t. p. 20:11 he sh. slav t.2>. by sword 3;3:9 speak to child, of t.p. 12 17 vet the children of t. p. say .30 chil. of t. p. still are talking .37:18 chil. of ^ ;). shall speak Dan. 9:16 thy 21. bee. 'a reproach 19 and thy p. are called bv na. 12:1 standeth for chil. of thy p. at that time t. p. sh. be deli. Hos. 4:4 t. p. as they that strive 10:14 a tumult arise among t. p. Joel 2:17 spare t. p. O Lord Mic. 7:14 teed t.p. with thy rod Nah 3:13 thy p. in midst of thee 18 t. p. scattered on mountain Hab. 3:13 for salvation of thy p. To, or unto the PEOPLE. Ex. 4:16 be spokesman to t. p. PER Ex. 19:10 go to t. p. 12 bounds t0 2'. Deut. 20:2 priest speak to thep. 5 oificers shall speak to t/ie p. Jud. 8:5 loaves of bread to thep. Ruth 2:11 to't. p. th. knowestnot 1 Sam. 26:7 Abishai came to t. p. 2 Sam. 24:3 L. thy G. add to t.p. 1 K. 12:15 king heark. not top. 2 K. 4:42 give to p. they may eat 1 Chr. 10:9 carry tidings to i. 2>. 2 Chr. .35:8 gave willingly to t. p. Neh. 4:22 said I to the p. lodge 5:15 govern, chargeable to t. p. Ps. 9:8 ministcrjudgm. to the p. 72:3 shall bring peace to the 2). Is. 42:5 giveth breath to thep. 49:22 set up my standard to t.p. 55:4 given him for witness to t. p. a leader and com. to t. p. Ezek. 24:18 spake to t. p. in mor. Dan. 7:27 kingdom given to t.p. Joel 3:8 sell th'em to t. p. afar oft" Hab. 3:16 cometh to t. p. will in. Zep, 3:9 turn to t. p. pure laugu. Mat. 12:46 yet talked to thep. Acts 5:20 speak in temple to t. p. 10:2 which gave alms to the 2>. 42 comma, us to preach to t. p. 13:31 seen of witnesses to thep. 17:5 J. sought to bring to the p. 19:.33 madehis defence to thep. 21::39 sulTer me to speak to thep. 26:23 Christ show light to thep. PEOPLES. Pev. 10:11 prophesy bef manj- p. 17:13 waters thou'sawest &vap. PE'OE. Num. 23:28 ; 25:18 ; Jos. 22:17 peradve\ti:re. Gen. 18:24;). there be 50 righte. 28 p. there lack five of the tiity 29;). forty; 30;). thirty; Zip. twenty . 32 this once, ;). ten fhall be 24:5 p. wom. not be wiUin", .39 27:12 my father p. will I'eelme 31:31 ;j. take by force thy daug. 32:20;). he will accept of me 42:4 lest;;, mischief befall him 43:12;). it was an oversight 44:.34;). evil come on my father 50:15 Joseph will p. hate ns Ex. 13:17 lest;), people repent 32:30;). I shall make atonement Num. 22:6;). I shall prevail, 11 23:3;). L. will come to meet me 27 p. it please God thou curse •los. 9:7 p. ye dwell among us 1 Sa7n. 6:5 p. he will lighten ha. 9:6;;. he can show us our way 1 K. 18:5 p. we may jind grass 27 ;;. sleep, must be awaked 20:31 ;). he will save thv life 2 K. 2:16 ;;. Spirit hath cast him ■ler. 20:10;;. he will be enticed Pom. h:l ;). for good men so. die 2 Tim. 2:25;;. G. give them rep. PERCEIVE. Deut. 29:4 not given heart to;;. ■Jos. 22:31 we;;. Lord is am. us 1 Sam. 12:17;;. your wickedness 2 Sam. 19:6 Ip. "if A. had lived 2 K. 4:9 I ;;. this is a holv man .Tvb 9:11 p. not ; 28:3 cannot;;. Irov. 1 :2 ;). words of understan. Ec. 3:22 p. there is noth. better Is. 6:9 see ye indeed, but;), not 3.3:19 deeper speech th. canst p. Mat. 13:14 shall see. and sh. not ;;. J/c«*4:12; ^c^s 28:26 Ma7-k 7:18 do ye not p. whatsoe. 8:17;;. ye not, neither unders. ? Luke t(;46 \p. virtue out of me John 4:19 I p. thou art a prophet 12:19;), ye how pre. nothing? Acts 8:23 "p. art in gall of bitter. 10:.34;;. G. is no respect, of per. 17:22 I p. ye are too superstitio. 2 Cor. 7:8 I p. cp. made you sor. 1 Jolin 3:16 here. p. we love of G. PERCEIVED. Gen. 19:.33;;. not wh. she lay, 35 1 Sam. 28:14 S. p. it was Samuel 2 Sam. 5:12 D. p. Lord establish. him king over Is. 1 Chr. 14:2 1 K. 22:33 when captains p. it was not king. 2 Chr. 18:32 Neh. C:12;). G. had not sent him 16 p. this work was wro. of G. 1.3:10 p. portion of L. not given .Job 38:18;). breadth of eartFi ? Ec. 1:17 ip. this also is vi>:at. 2:14 I;), one event happeneth h. M:i nor ;). what God pr<'i>. Jer. 23:18 who hath p. his word CRUDEN'S COXCOHDAXCE. 9G9 PER Jer. 38:27 for matter was not ;;. ihit. 21:4575. he spa. LuWi.'):\'i 22:18 Jesus p. their wickedncps ilnrk 2:8 Jesus p. they reasoned l,ul;e. 1:227?. he had seen vision 5:22 when Jesus/), th. thouprhts 9:4.5 saying hid, they p. it not 20:2.3 hut he;;, their craftiness John 6:1.5 J. •{>. would make him Ads 4:13 ». they were unlearned 2:3:6 Paul p. part were Pharise. Gal. 2:9 James 7). grace giv. me ) ERCEIVEST, ETH. Joh 14:21 low, but he p. it not 3-3:14 G. speaketh, man p. it not ProT. 14:7}). not in him knowl. 31:18/). her merchandi. is good LuIm 6:41 p. notbeam in own eye PERCEIVI\G. Mark 12:28 p. he answered well Luke 9:47 Jesus p. the thought Acti 14:9 p. he had faith to be PERDITIOX. .Tdhn 17:12 no. lost but son of p. Flnl. 1:28 to them a token of?). 2 Tlies:. 2:3 be revealed, son of;). 1 Tim. 6:9 wh. drown men in ;;. Heh. 10:39 who draw back to p. 2 Fat. 3:7 and;), of ungodly men B.ev. 17:8 beast goeth into;). 11 beast is eighth, goeth in. p. PERFECT, Adjective. Cfra.-6:9 N. ;). 17:1 be thou ». JiPA). 22:21 freewill-offering be )). Dent. 18:13 thou shalt be/), with 2.5:1.5 have ;). weight, ;;. measu. 1 finm. 14:41 S. said. Give p. lot 2 Ham. 22:33 he maketh my way p. P-t. 18:.32 Rr. 7:12 Artax. to E. p. peace J(i/> 1:1 that man was ;). 8 ; 2:3 8:20 O. not cast away a p. man 9:20 I am p. 21 tho' i wcrc_;j. 22hedeBtroyeth p. and wicked 22:3 thou makest thy ways ;;. .?, P.i. 37::Wp. man, end is peace C4:4 may shoot in secret at;;. 101:2 behave myself in a p. way 6 he that wallieth in up. way 1.39:22 I hate th. with j>. hatred P)W). 2:21 p. shall remain in it 4:18 path of just shin. top. day 11:5 righteoiisn. of p. sh. direct Is. 20:3 keep him in ;;. peace JSzek. 16:14 ;;. thro' my comelin. 27:.3 thou said. I am of;), beauty 11 made thy beauty p. 28:12 28:15 thou was ;). in thy ways 2fnf. 5:48 be p. even as Fa. inn. 19:21 if thou wilt be p. go sell Li/ke 1:3 hav. had p. understan. John 17:23 be made p. in one ^Ir/.? 3:16 given him ;). souiidn. 22:3 tauglit accor. to p. manner 21:22 having more;), knowledge 7'o?n. 12:2 what in p. will of (Jod 1 Cor. 8:6 among til. tliat arc p. 2 C'nr. 12:9 strength p. in weakn. 13:11 bo p. he of good comfort On/.. 3:3 are ye made ;). by llesli ? I'.'/ih. 4:13 till we come to p. man J'/iil. 8:12 not as tho' already;). 15 as many as he; ;). Col. 1:28 inV'sent everyman 7). ill 4: 12 stand p. in will of God 1 Thes.'A:\^p. which is lacking 2 Tim. 8:17 man of G. may be /;. ITch. 2:10 Captain of salvulioii p. 5:0 being made p. bi'ca. Author 7:10 for law made nothing ;). 0:0 not make him did service p. 11 greater and more p. tabern. 10:1 law n(!V(^r make comers;). 11:10 witliout us not math' p. 12:23 spirits of just nnMi made;). l;i:21 (1. make you p. in every Jam. 1:4 let patlciici^ have lier;). work, that yo may hop. 17 ('Very p. gift is from above 2.51ookefh into;;, law of lihcr. 2:22 by works was fiilh ma, ;). 8:2 oOeiul not, same is/j. man 1 /'(■/. .5:10 after siilVer. make/). 1 .lohii 1:17 herein Is love made i). 18 I), love caslelli out rear, fie tiiat rcarelli is iiol ;). in lovo f!m IlKAitT. Ih PKUFKCT. T)nit. 82:4 his work in p. 2 .Sum. 2.3:;)1 wiiv *»;*. /'■<. 18 30 .Job WfS-.i lie llmt««;). In liii. .'t7:l(l J'". 19:7 law of I,, (x p. rmiverl. In. IH'5 liiirviHl wlii'ii bud Up. 42-linillnd us he lluil iv h. Mat. 5:4H as Kill her In lieaveii is p. PER Luke 6:40 every one that is p. 1 Cor. 13:10 that wh. is p. is co. PERFECT, Verb. Ps. 1.38:8 L. will ;). wh. concern. PERFECTED. 2 Clir. 8:10 so house of G. was p. 24:13 and work was;), by them E::ek. 27:4 builders have;), bea. ifat. 21:16 thou hast n. praise Luke 13:.32 third day I shall be p. Ileb. 10:14 by one offer he ha. p. 1 .Tohn 2:5 in him is love of G. p. 4:12 love one ano. his love is ;). PERFECTING. 2 Cor. 7:1 p. holin. in fear of G. Eph. 4:12 for p. of the saints PERFECTIOIV. Job 11:7 find Almighty top. ? 15:29 nor shall he prolong p. 28:3 he searcheth out all p. Ps. 50:2outof Zion,p. of beauty 119:96 I have seen an end of;). Is. 47:9 come upon thee in th. ;;. Lam. 2:15 men call p. of beauty Luke 8:14 bring no fruit to ;). 2 Cor. 13:0 we wish, even your;). Heb. 6:1 let us go on to p." 7:11 if p. were by Lcvit. priest. PERFECTLY, NESS. ■Ter. 23:20 lat. days consider it p. Mat. 14:36 touch, made p. whole Ad.s 18:26 expound, way of G. p. 23:15 infi. something more p. 20 1 Cor. 1:10 be p. joined together Col. 3:14 charity'is the bond of;). 1 Tkes. 5:2 know p. that day of PERFORMANCE. LvkeV.Vi shall bo /). of th. thin. 2 Cm: 8:11 ;>. out of that ye have PERFORM. Gen. 26:3 I will p. oath, I sware to Ab. Dciit. 9:5; Luke 1:72 He. 18:18 not ahle top. it thys. Num. 4:23 that enter to ;). serv. Deut. 4:13 commanded you to p. 23:23 gone out of thy liijs sh. p. 25:7 not p. duty of husband's brother Pvth 3:13 ?). part of kinsman 1 Sam. 3:12 I will p. against Eli 2 Sam. 14:15 king will p. requ. 1 K. 6:12 then I will p. my word 2 K. 2:5:3 to p. the words of this covenant, 24; 2 Chr. 34:31 Est. 5:8 if please king to p. rcq. ■Job 5:12 cannot;), enterprise P,s. 21:11 a device not able to ;). Gl :8 that I may daily p. vows 119:106 have sworn, I will ?). it 112 inclined heart to ;). statut. Is. 9:7 zeal of Lord will p. this 19:21 iiay a vow to L. and p. it .Jer. 1 :12 for I will hasten to p. it 11:5/). oath which I have sworn 28:6 L. p. words thou hast pro. 29:10 I will p. good word, .33:14 44:25 will surely ;). your vows Ezeic. 12:25 word, and' will p. it M)c. 7:20 wilt ;). tnilli to Jacob Xiili. 1:15 keep feasts, p. vows ^f(lt. 5:.33p. to Lord thine oaths Itnm. 4:21 prom, ahle also to p. 7:18 how to ;). that, wh. is good 2 Ciir. 8:11 now ;). the doing of /'/,;,'. 1:6 p. it until day of J. Ch. PKIl FORMED. 1 Sam. 15:11 S. hath not;), com. 13 I have p. coniiiiandm. of I,. 2 Sam. 21:11 p. all tli, king com. 1 K. 8:20 Lord hath )). his word, 2 Chr. 6:10; K.h. 9:8 E.it. 1:15 Yashtl not ;). comma. 5:6 half of kingdom hep. 7:2 /',,■. i''i:\ unto tliec sli. vow be 7). Is. 10:12 wlnn L. hath p. work Jir. 2;l:20 till p. Ihoiiirlits, .30:21 81:18 not ;). words ofcovenant .35:14 words of Jonml. are i), 16 51:29 purpose of Lord Bh. i)« ». Ezek. 37:14 sjio. and p. It, Bnlth Lord I.iikii 1:20 these things be n. 2::i9 wh. Ilicv hail /<. all thlng« /i'i,r;i, 15:28 wii. I liaveyi. all thin PERFORM El'II. no. yiiin. Vi:'.\ otlerlng in ;). vow. 8 .\Ji. 5;i:i man p. not 1(1, proiiiiHe Jiih'i^VW lie /) lliliig appoliili'd I's. .')7:'i ciy lo (1. that p. all llil. la. 44:26 p. counsel iil" inesHeiiK. PERFI ME, M. Kx. .30:35 shall nialce It a /) 87 IVov. 27:9 n. rejoice 1 lie Iwnrl Is, B7:U dlilBt liicri'ijHn thy /). PER PERFUMED. Prov. 7:17 p. bed with myrrh Cant. 3:6 who is this cometh p. ? PEI?GA. /icf^ 13:13; 14:2.5 PERGAMOS. Rev. 1:11 ; 2:12 PERHAP.S. Phile. 15 p. he depart, for season PERIL, S. Lam. 5:9 got our bread with p. Ildm. 8:.35 shall p. separate ns ? 2 Cor. 11:26;). of waters, of rob. PERILOUS. 2 Tim. 3:1 p. times shall come PERISH. Gen. 41:.36p. not thro' famine E.r.. 19:21 and many of them p. Ntnn. 17:12 die, we p. we all 7). 24:20 latter end be that;). Deut. 11:17 lest ye p. quickly 26:5 ready top. was my father 28:20 thou p. quick. 22; .lo. 2:3:13 Jud. 5:31 let enemies p. O Lord 1 Sam. 20:10 into battle and p Est. 3:13 cause to p. all J. 7:4 4:16 if I p. I;). 8:11 p. power 9:28 nor memorial p. fr. th. seed .lob 3:3 let the day p. I was born 4:9 by the blast of God they p. 20p. for ever, withoutany 6:18 paths go to nothing and p. 29:13 bless, of him ready top. 31:19 ;). for want of clothing Ps. 2:12 lest he be angry, ye p. 9:18 expectation of poor not p. 49:10 fool and brutish person p. 12 like beasts that p. 20 68:2 let wickedp. 83:17 80:16 p. at the rebuke of thy 146:4 very day his thoughts;). Prov. 11:10 wh. wickedp. 28:28 29:18 there is no vision, peo. ;;. .31:6 drink to him ready to p. Ec. 5:14 those riches p. by evil li. 26:14 made th. memory top. 27:13 which were ready top. Jer. 18:18 the law shall not p. 27:10 drive you out, ye;). 15 40:15 remnant in Judah sho. ;). Ezek. 25:7 I will cause thee top. Dan. 2:18 that D. should notp. Jon. 1 :6 that we p. not, 3:9 14 not p. for this man's life Mat. 5:29 one of thy mem. ;). .30 8:25 L, save us, we p. Luke 8:24 9:17 wine runneth out, hot. ;;. 18:14 one of little ones sho. p. Murk 4:38 carest th. not we p, f L'ike 13:33 prophet ;). out of J. 15:17 bread eno. I p. wi. hunger 21:18 not a hair of your head ;). .lolin 3:15 whoso belie, not, p. 16 11:.50 that whole nation ;;. not Arts 8:20 thy money p. with th. 13:41 despi'sers, wonder and p. 2 Cor. 2:15savorof C. in them p. 4:16 tho' outward man ;;, inwa. Col. 2:22 which all are top. 2 Tties. 2:10 unrig, in th. that p. ^Pet. 8:9 not willing anv sho. p. Shall PERISH. T,er. 26:.38 ye s. p. among heath. Deut. 4:20 "ve s. soon utterly p. 8:19, 20; 30:18; Jos. 2;i:l'6 1 Sam. 27:1 I s. one day p. by S. 2 K. 9:8 whole house of A. s. p. Job 8:18 hypocrite's hope .«. /). 18:17 reinem. s. p. 20:7; 36:12 31:15 all llesh s/iiill n. together /'.I. 1:6 way of ungodly .ihall p. 87:20 wicK. .«. ;). 92:9 "enemies p. 73:27 that are far from thee;;.;). 1()2:'i6 Ihev ,v. p. thou endure 112:10 desire of wicked sliullp. I'lar. 10;2.s ex. of wick. s. p. 11:7 19:9 he that speaketh Ih'S s. p. 21:28 a false wit lU'ss *■//((//;). fs. 29:14 wisd. of wise men s. p. 41:11 that strive with thee *. ;). 60:12 king, not serve tlice^. p. ./,)•, I ;9 heart of the king*, p. 6:21 nelghhor and friends, p. 10:11 the gods «. p. 15; 51:18 •18:8 valley also »■. /). and plain K:i'k. 7:26 law s. p. n-om priest .Ihioa 1:8 reninant of Phil. ». p. 2:11 therefore lhi> lllght a. p. :\: 15 Ikiiihcs of Ivory shall p. '/.i-i\ 9:5 king s. p. fliim (hi/.a. Mat. "HWi sliiill p. with swimt l.idv .'.;:I7 Willi- soil, bottles .<, p. 13:8 ye s/iiill all likewise /). 5 .litliii 10:2H till' slieeiiK. iii-ver/i. 5 h'imi. 'i.Vl sIiuumI with law, s p. I Cor. 8:11 s/kiII wnik limlher «. //•■ti. 1:11 thev «. /), thon reninl, ■i l\t. 2:12 */('(;// ;*, tii Ihelr cor. PER PERISHED. N'um. ]6:.33 they p. fr. congreg. ,Ios. 22:20 that man p. not alone 2 Sam. 1:27 weapons of warp. .' ■lob 4:7 who ev. p. being innoc. 30:2 in whom old age was p. Ps. 9:6 memorial is p. with them 10:16 heathen are p. out of land 119:92 I sho. havep. in afllict. Ee. 9:6 envy is p. .Jer. 7:28 trutli Jer. 48:.36 riches he hath got. p. 49:7 in counsel p. from prudent Lam. 3:18 strength and hope p. ■loel 1:11 the harvest of field is p. ■Ion. 4:10 which «ame up and p. Mic. 4:9 why cry ? is conns, p. .? 7:2 good man is p. out of earth Mat. 8:32 h. of swine ran and p. Lu. 11:51 p. bet, altar and temp. Acts 5:37 he also p. and as many 1 Cor. 15:18 fallen asleep in C. p. Meb. 11:31 harlot Eahabp. not 2 Pet. 3:6 overflo. with water p. Jude 11 p. in gainsaying of C. PERISHETH. .lob 4:11 lion p. for lack of prey Prov. 11:7 hope of unjust men p. Ec. 7:15 th. is a just man that p. /■-'. 57:1 righteous p. and no man ■Icr. 9:12 land p. and is burnt up .lohn 6:27 labor not for meat p. Jam. 1:11 grace of fashion of it p. 1 Pel. 1:7 more prec. than gold p. PERISHING. JbJ 33:18 his life fr. p. by sword PERIZZITE. Gen. 1.3:7-; Ex. 3.3:2: .34:11; Jos. 9:1; 11:3 PERIZZITES. r/e/i. 1.5:20; T^r. 3:8, 17; 23:23; Jud. 1:4, 5; 3:5; 'i.Chr. 8:7; Ezr. 9:1 PERJURED. 1 Tim. 1:10 for liars p. persons PERMISSION. 1 Cor. 7:6 I speak this by p. PERMIT. 1 Cor. 16:7 tar'-v awhile, if L. p. Heb. 6:3 this will we do, if G. p, PERMITTED. Acts 26:1 tlion art p. to speak 1 Cor. 14:.3-f notp. wo. to speak PERNICIOIS. iPet. 2:2 shall fol. thcirp. ways PERPETUAL. Gen. 9:12 cov. for;), generations E.r. 29:9 priest's office be for p. 31:16 keep sab. for p. covenant Ler. 3:17 a p. stat. not to oat fat 24:9 be Aaron's by a p. statute 25:.34 it is their p. possession Xum. 19:21 a p. statute Ps. 9:6 destrue. come top. end 71:3 lift up feet top. desolation 78:66 put them to n p. rejiroach Jir. 5:22 hyp. decree, it cannot 8:5 slid, back by p. backsliding ? 15:18 why is niv pain p. and my 1^<:I6 land deso'late, /). hissing 2:!:40 bring upon you p. shame 25:9 make them p. de.solat. 12 49:13 cities thereof be p. wastes .50:5 join Lord in a p. covenant 51::39 may sleep a p. sleep, .57 Ezik. 85:, 5 hast had a p. haired 9;). desolations, 'it p. 2:9 46:14 /). ordinance to the Lord Ilab. 3:6 and the p. hills did bow PER PETl- ALLY. 1 A". 9:8 he there/). 2 T/ r. 7:1(1 Amos 1:11 his anger did tear;?. PERPLEXED. EM. .3:15 cily Shnshan was p. Jixt 1:18 herds of cattle are />. Luke 9:7 II. was ;». 21: 1 they wcn» 2 Cor. 4:8 /). but not in despair PERPLEXITY. Is. 22:5 it Is a dav of;) bv Lonl .!/(<•. I?:! now shall be I heir/). /,M)lv21:25 distress of iiulioii, p. PERSEi'lTK. .hit 19:22 why do ye p. me ns G. 28/). him, seeing root In me" /S-. 7:1 save me U. Ihcm Ihat p. 5 li'l till- (•iieiiiv p. iiiv Hold 10:2 wicked in his pride dolh p. 81:15 del. ine from them Ihat /). ,'1,V8 Hliip way «i;. Iheiii that /). 6 let angel iif I.oril /). them 69:26 ihi'V />, Mm thon hai-t i>ni. 71:11 />. and take him 8.3:1.5 so ;). them wllh Ihv trn<. 11ti:HI jndgm, on iht-ni llinl ;• 8. me « miigftilly. hi 'n Jtr, I7MH coiiftmiided Ihr! /), nn< 970 CnUDEX'S COJ^CORDANCE. PER Jer. 20:18 I ■will p. them vA. sw. Lam. 3:ti6/). and destroy them Mat. 5:11 bles. when men;?, you 44 pray for them which p. you 10:2;3 when they ;;. you in one 23:34 p. them from city to city Zuke 11:49 they shall/). 21:12 John 5:16 the Jews^. Jesus 35:20 they will also p. you Horn. 12:14 bless them which p. PERSECUTED. Veut. 30:7 curses on them th. p. Ps. 109;1S because he p. the poor 119:161 princes p. me wi. cause 14;3:3 enemy hath p. my soul Is. 14:6 rul. nations in anser/). Lam. 3:4:j with anger, and p. us Mat. 5:10 blessed which are/j. 12 so p. they prophets bef. you John 15:20 if they have p. me Acts 7:52 have not your fath. p. 22:4 In. this way unto death 26:11 ip. them to strange cities 1 Cor. 4:12 being /). we suffer it 15:9 Ip. church of G. Gal. 1:13 2 Cor. 4:9 we are p. not forsaken Gal. 1:23 p. us in times past 4:29 bom after flesh p. hiiH 1 T/ies. 2:15 killed L. and;;, us JSev. 12:13 dragon p. woman that PERSECCTEST, 1\G. Acts 9:4 Saul. Saul, why p. thou me? 22:7; 26:14 5 I am Jesus, whom thou /;. 22:8; 26:15 PhU..S:6 concern, zeal, p. church PERSECCTIOX. Lam. 5:5 under/), have no rest ifat. 13:21 wh.p. ari. Mark 4:17 ActsS:l great /3. against church 11:19 were scatter, abroad on p. 13:50 and raised/), against Pa. I}otn. 8:35 sh. p. sep. us fr. C. ? Gal. 5:11 why do I yet suffer/). .? 6:12 lest they should suffer/?. 2 Tim. 3:12 godly shall suffer/). PERSECUTIO;«S. 3fark 10:30 have lands with p. 2 Cor. 12:10 I take pleasure iu p. 2 Thes. 1:4 faith in all your p. 2 Tim. 3:11 kn. my/), at Antioch PERSECUTOR, S. Nell. 9:11 their/), thou threwest Ps. 7:13 ordaineth arrows ag. p. 119:1.57 many/). 142:6 del. from Jer. 15:15 revenge me of my/). 20:11 theref. niy/j. sh. stumble Lam. 1:3 all her p. overtook her 4:19/). are swifter than eagles 1 Tim. 1:13 who was before a p. PERSEVERAIVCE. Eph. 6:18 watching with all/). PERSIA. 2 CJir. 35:20 reign of king, of P. Est. 1:3 to power of P. 14, 18 Ezek. 27:10 P. and Lud, .38:5 Dun. 8:20; 10:13, 20; 11:2 PERSIS. Bom. 16:12 PERSOX. Lev. 19:15 nor honor/), of mighty Num. 35:30 one witness sh. not testify against any p. Deut. 15:22 nnc. and clean p. eat 27:25 reward to slay iunoceut p. 28:50 shall not regard /). of old 1 Sum. 16:18 David a comely/). 25:35 and have accepted thy/). 2 Sam. 4:11 have slain a righ. /). 14:14 nei. doth G. respect any/). 17:11 to battle in thine own/). Joh 22:29 shall save humble /). Ps. 15:4 a vile /). is contemned 49:10 fool and brutish/), perish 101:4 I will not kn. a wicked/;. 105:37 fbeble/). am. their tribes P?w\ 28:17 to the blood of anj'/;. Is. 32:5 vile/), shall be no more 6 the vile/), will speak villany Jer. 43:6 Johanan took ev. p. left 52:25 took seven near king's /). Ezek. 16:5 to loathing of thy/). 33:6 if the sword take any p. 44:25 priests come at no dead/). Dan. 11:21 sh. stand up. a vi. p. Mat. 22:16 rejrardest not p. of men, Mark 12:14 27:24 inno. of blood of this p. 1 Cor. 5:13 put away wicked/). 2 Cor. 2:10 forgave I it in p. of C. Heb. 1:3 express image of his/). 12:16 or profane p. as Esau 2 Pet. 2:5 saved Noah, eighth/). PERSOXS. Gen. 14:21 give me/), takegoode PER Leii. 27:2/). shall be for the L. Num. 19:18 sh. sprinkle it up. p. Deut. 10:17 regardeth not/;. 22 fat. went'iuto Eg. wi. 70/). Jud. 9:2 sons of J. were 70 p. 5 slew threescore and ten p. 18 1 Sam. 9:22 wh. were about 30/). 22:18 Doeg slew eighty-five/). 22 occasion, death of all the/;. 2 K. 10:6 king's sons being 70/;. 7 took king's sons, slew'^70/;. Ps. 26:4 ha. not sat with vain p. Prov. 12:11 follow, vain/;. 28:19 Jer. 52:29 carried from J. 832 p. 30 carried away of Jews 745/). i'jeA;. 17:17 to cut off many/). 27:13 traded the/;, of men Jon. 4:11 more than 120.000/;. Ze/). 3:4 her prophets ti-each. p. Luke 15:7 ninety -nine just/). Acts 17:17 disp. with devout /). 2 Cor. 1:11 by means of many /). 1 Th)!. 1:10 Taw made for perj. p. 2 Pit. 3:11 what/), oug. ye to be ■lude 36 hav. men's/), in admir. See RESPECT. PERSU.4DE. 1 K. 22:20 who shall /;. Ahab 21 I will /;. him ; 22 thou sh. p. 2 Ckr. .32:11 doth not Hezek. p. Is. .36:18 bew. lest Heze. p. you Mat. 28:14 we will/), him, and 3 Cor. 5:11 terrors of L. /;. men Gal. 1:10 do I now/), men? PERSUADED. 2 Chr. 18:2 Ahab/;. Jehosaphat P)-OT. 25:15 forbea. is a prince /). Mat. 27:20 priests/), the multi. Lvke 16:31 will not be/;, of one 20:6 be/). John was a prophet Acts 13:43 p. them to continue 14:19 who/), the people 18:4 Paul/;. Jews and Greeks 19:26 Paul hath/;, much people 21:14 when he would not be/;. 26:26 I am/), none of th. things Rom. 4:21 p. that what he had 8:38 I am /;. that nothing can 14:5 let every man be fully p. 14 I know and am/). 15:14 I myself also am^. of you 2 Tim. 1:51 am/), that m thee 12 I am p. he is able to keep Heb. 6:9 are/), bet. things of you 11:13 hav. seen afar off, were/). PERSUADETH, EST. 2 K. 18:32 when Hezekiahp. you Acts 18:13 P. /;. men to worship 20:28 almost thou/), me to be PERSUADING. Acts 19:8/;. things concerning 28:23/). them concerning Jesus PERSUASION. Gal. 5:8/). cometh not of him PERTAIN. Lev. 7:20 pcace-off'-rings p. to L. 1 Sam. 25:22 all that p. to him Bom. 15:17 things which p. to G. 1 Cor. fi:3 things/;, to this life 2 Pet. 1:3 all things that/;, to life PERTAINED. Num. 31:4:3 half that/;, to thee Jud. 6:11 under oak that/), to J. 1 Sam. 25:21 of all that/;, to N. 2 5aff!. 2:15 which/), to Ish-bos. 6:12 G. blessed all that /;. to O. 9:9 given all that /;. to Saul lfi:4 thine are all that p. to M. 1 K. 7:48 S. made vessels that/). 2 K. 24:7 that/), to king of E. 1 Clir. 9:27 opening ev. morn. p. 2 Chr. 12:4 took tlie cities wh. p. 34:33 Josiah took away abo. p. PERTAINETH. Lev. 14:32 that wh. p. to cleans. Nmn. 4:16 office of Eleaz. p. oil Deut. 22:5 wo. not wear what p. 2 Chr. 26:18 it p. not to Uzziah i?0)n. 9:4 to whom/), adoption Heb. 7:13 he/;, to another tribe PERTAINING. 1 Chr. 26:32 rulers/), to God Act^ 1:3 things p. to kingd. of G. 1 Cor. 6:4 judgm. of thi. p. to life fl«6. 2:17 H. -priest in thi. p. to G. 5:1 ordained iu things/), to G. 9:9 not perf. as p. to conscience PERVERSE. Num. 22:32 thy way is p. bet. me Deut. .32:5 they are a/), general. 1 Sam. 20;.30 son of/), woman Joh 6:30 cannot disc. /). things? 9:20 my mouth sh. prove nic/). Prov. 4:24/;. lips put from thee PET Prnv. 8:8 noth. fro. or /;. in them 12:8 he of a/;, heart sh. bedesp. 14:2 he that is/), despiseth him 17:20 hath a p. tongue falleth 19:1 he that is p. in his lips 2.3:33 heart shall utter p. things 28:6 he that is p. in his ways 18 he that is p. in ways sh' fall Is. 19:14 L. mingled ap. S]nrit Mat. 17:17 O /;. genera. LukeQ:i\ Acts 20:30 men arise speaking /). Pliil. 2:15 blameless in p. nation 1 Tim. G:5p. disputings of men PERVERSELY. 2 Sam. 19:19 what servant did p. 1 K. S:il have sin. and done p. Ps. 119:78 they dealt p. with me PERVERSENESS. Num. 23:21 neither seen p. in Is. Prov. 11:3 p. of trans, shall des. 15:4 p. therein as a breach iu Is. .30:12 ye trust in p. and stay 59:3 your tongues muttered p. Ezek. 9:9 and the ci. is full of p. PERVERT. Deut. 16:19 a gift doth p. words 24:17 thou shalt not p. judgm. Job 8:3 doth God p. judgment or 34:12 nor will the Al. p. judgm. Prov. 17:2;3 top. ways of judgm. .31:5 and p. the judgment of any Mic. 3:9 hear this, ye that p. eq. Acts 13:10 not cease to p. right Gal. 1:7 would p. the gosi of C. PERVERTED. 1 Sam. 8:3 Sa.'s sons p. judgm. Job 33:27 have p. what was right is. 47:10 thy wisdom, it hath p. Jer. 3:21 they have p. their way 23:36 ye have p. the words of G. PERVERTETH. Ej". 23:8 gift/), the righteous Deut. 27:19 cursed be he that p. P-ov. 10:9 he that p. his ways 19:3 foolishness of a man p. way Luke 23:14 man that p. people PERVERTING. Ec. 5:8 violent p. of judgment Luke 23:2 this fellow p. nation PESTILENCE. Ex. 5:3 le.st he fall on us wi. p. 9:15 I may smite thee with p. Lev. 26:25 I will send p. among Num. 14:12 will sm. th. with/;. Dent. 28:21 L. shall make p. cle. 2-Sr7OT. 24:133days'p. 1 CTr.21:]2 15 the Lord sent a p. on Israel, 1 Chr. 21:14 1 K. 8-.37 if there be famine, p. 2 Chr. 6:28; 7:13; 20:9 Ps. 7S:.50 gave th. life over to p. 91:3 deli, thee from noisome p. 6 nor p. that walketh in dark. Jer. 14:12 I will consume ihem hyp. 24:10; 27:8 21:6 inhabitants shall die bv p. 9 abideth in city die by p. 38:2 27:13 why will ye die by p. .? 2S:8 prophets of old prop, of p. 29:17 I will send upon th. p. 18 32:24 city is given bee. of p. 36 34:17 liberty for vou to the p. 42:17 go to E. shall die by p. 22 44:13 as I punished Jeru. by p. Ezek. 5:12 a third p. die with p. 17 p. and blood pass thro' thee 6:11 by sword, famine, and p. 12 7:15 sword without, p. within 12:16 I will leave a few from p. 14:19 if I send p. into land, 21 28:23 will send her p. and blood 33:27 be in caves shall die of p. 38:22 1 will plead ag. him wi, p. Amos 4:10 1 have sent am. youp. Hab. 3:5 before him went p. and PESTILENCES. Mat. 24:7 shall be p. Luke 21:11 PESTILENT. Acts 24:5 found this manap. fel. PESTLE. Prov. 27:22 bray a fool with a p. PETER. Mat. 14:29 when P. was come 16:18 I say to thee thou art P. 23 said to P. get th. Mark 8:33 17:1 taketh P. James and John, 26:27; Mark 5:37; 9:2; 14:33; Z»A-«8:51: 9:28 24 thev rec. tribute, came to P. 26:58 P; follow, to H. P. palace 75 P. re. .1/i7rt-14:72: Lii. 22:61 Mark 16:7 disci, and P. .TohnV.U John 18:26 ear P. cut off, 21:17 Jicts 1:15 in those days P. stood PHE Acts 3:3 see. P. and John. 4:8, 13 5:15 shadow of P. 8:14: 9:40 10:13 P. kill and eat. 44; 11:7 12:3 to take P. also. 6. 7, 13. IS Gal. 1:18 went to see P. 2:7, 8, 14 Sin-on PETER. Mat. 4:18 .1 -sus saw S. called P. 10:2 the fii-st S. who is calledP. Mark 3:16 S. he sumamed P. Luke 5:8 S. P. fell at Jes. knees 6:14 Simon whom he named P. John 1.3:6 cometh to S. P. 20:-l 21:15 Jesus saith to Simon P. Acts 10:5 call for one S. whose surname is P. 32; 11:13 PETITION, S. 1 Sam. 1:17 G. gr. thee thy p. 27 1 K. 2:16 ask one p. deny me not 20 I desire one small p. of thee Est. 5:6 what isjp. .? 7:2: 9:12 8 if it please king to grant p. 7:3 let mv life be given'at my p. Ps. 20:5 Lord fulfirall thy p. Dan. 6:7 whoso, ask p. of any, 12 13 makethp. three times a" day 1 John 5:15 we havep. we desired PHALEC. Luke 3:35 Ragau was son of P. PHARAOH. Gen. 12:17 the Lord plagued P. 40:2 P. WToth against. 13, 14 41:1 P. dream. 4, 7. 16. .34, 55 E.r. 5:2 P. said, who is the-L. ? 14:4 will be honored upon P. 17 1 K. 3:1 made affinity with P. 7:8 Solo, made a house for P. 2 K. 17:7 br. th. out fr. under P. ■ 18:21 P. to that trust. Is. 36:6 2.3:.35 accor. to command, of P. Neh. 9:10 wond. on P. Ps. 13.5:9 Ps. 136:15 overthrew P. in R. sea Is. 19:11 sav ve to P. 30:2. 3 Jer. 25:19 made P. drink. 37:11 46:17 P. a noise ; 47:1 smote G. Ezek. 29:2 face ag. P. 3: 30:22 30:21 brok. arm of P. 25; 31:18 Acts 7:13 kindred known to P. 21 Bom. 9:17 scripture saith to P. Heb. 11:24 to be called son of P. PHARAOH-HOPHRA. Jer. 44:30 PHARAOH-N'ECHO. 2 K. 23:29 P.-N. went up. 3;3-35 Jer. 46:2 word came ag. P.-N. PHAREZ. Gen. .38:29 name was called P. 46:12 sons of Ju. P. 1 Chr. 2:4 ; Mat. 1:3; Luke 3:33; the sons of P. Num. 26:20, 21 ; Biithi-.IS; 1 Chr. 2:5: 9:4 Euth 4:12 be like the house of P. PHARISEE. Mat. 23:26 thon blind P; cleanse Luke 11:37 P. beso. him to dine 18:10 went to pray, one a P. Acts 23:6 I am a P. son of a P. 26:5 after strict, sect I lived a P. Phil. 3:5 touching the law a P. PHARISEE.S. Mat. 5:20 exceed righteou. of P. 9:14 why do P. fast ? Mark 2:18 34 P. said. He cast, out devils 15:12 thou P. were offended 10:6 beware of leaven of the P. 11 ; Mark 8:15 ; Lvke 12:1 19:3 P. also came to him 23:2 scribes and P. sit in M. seat 13 woe to scr. and P. 14, 15. 23, 25.27,29; Lvke IV.ii, 43, U Lvke 5:30 P. murmured, 15:2 6:7 scribes and P. watched him 7:30 P. rejected counsel of God 11:39 P. make cl. outside of cup 16:14 P. who were covet, heard John 1:'24 were Bent were of P. 3:1 a man of the P. named Nic. 7:32 P. sent officers to take him 48 any P. believed on him ? 11 :47 then P. gathered a council 57 P. had given a commandm. Acts 15:5 rose certain sect of P. 23:7 dissension bet. P. and Sad. 8 no resur. P. but confess both PHARPAR. 2 E 5:12 Abana and P. better PHEBE. Bom. 16:1 I com. unto j-ou P. PHENICE. Arts 11:19 travelled as far as P. 15:3 Paul and Barnabas passed through P. 21:2 find, ship sailingoverfoP. 27:12 they might attain to P. CRUDEN'S CONCOHDANCE. 971 PIE PHILADELPHIA. Sev. 1:11 write and Hfiid it to P. 3:7 angel of tlie cliurch iu P. PHII IP Mat. 10:3 P. and Bar'thol. llfar/c 3:18; Luke 6:14; Acts l:Vi 14:3 for liis brottier P. wife, Mark 6:17 ; Luke 3:19 Luke 3:1 his brother P. tetrarch John 1:43 Jesus findeth P. 44, 45 12:21 the same came to P. 23 14:3 hast thou not Icn. me, P. ? Acts 6:5 P. the deacon, 8:29 8:5 P. preached, 6. 12, 13, 30, .39 21:8 jve enter, into house of P. PHILIPPI. Acts 16:12 Neapo. we came to P. 20:6 we sailed away from P. 1 Thes. 2:2 shamef. entreat at P. PHILISTIA. Ps. 60:8 P. triumph thou 87:4 Behold P. and Tyre, this 108:9 over P. will I triumph PHILISTIM. Gen. 10:14 came P. 1 Chr. 1:12 PHILISTIIVE. 1 Sam. 17:8 not I a P. 32, 43, 49 21:9 sw. of Goliath the P. 22:10 iSam. 21:17 Abishai smo. the P PHILISTIIVES. Gen. 21:34 Abraham in P. land 26:14 Isaac had flocks, P. en v. 15 P. stopped wells Abrah. 18 Kv. 1.3:17 led th. not through P. Fs. 83:7 the P. with the 2s. 2:6 soothsayers like the P. 9:12 before, and the P. behind 11:14 fly on shoulders of the P. Zep. 2:5 land of P. I will destroy Zee. 9:6 will cut off pride of P. PHILOLOGITS. Horn. 16:15 salute P. Julia, and PHILOSOPHY. Col. 2:8 lest any spoil you th. 2>- PHILOSOPHERS. Acts 17:18 cer. p. eucounte. him PHI^EHAS. Fx. 6:25 Eleazer's wife bare P. Num. 2.5:11 P. hath turned wra. Jos. 22:13 Israel sent P. 24:33 Jud. 20:28 P. stood before the 1 Sam. 1:3 Ilophni and P. tlie 2:.34 Hophni and P. sh. both die 4:17 Hophni and P. are dead, 1!) 14:3 the son of P. the Lord's Ezr. 7:5 Al)ishua son of P. the 8:2 of the sims of P. Oersho. :}:) p.?. 106:30 then stood up I'. PHILEGO:V. Bom. 16:14 salute Asyncritus, P. PHRYGIA. Acts 16:fi had gone tlirougho. P. 18:23 went over all count, of P. PHURAII. Jud. 7:11 he went down with P. PIIYLACTERIKS. Mat. 23:5 th. make broad tli. p. PIIYSI(;iA\. Jcr. 8:22 is tiiero nop. there? Mat. 9:12 th. that be wh. need not a p. Mark 2: 17; Luke 5:31 lyiike 4:2.3 proverl), p. heal thys. Col. 4:14 Luke, the beloved/^. PI1YSU;IA\S. Gen. .50:2 Joneph i-oni. p. to em- balm father; p. emhalm. Is. 2 Chr. 16:12 Asa sou. mil K. ]i.p. Job 13:4 ye are all p. of no vnlu'' Mark 5:26 sufl'er many things of p. Luke 8:43 PICK. Prov. 80:17 ravens shall ;). ilout pi<;tiire«. Num. 33:.52Hlmll dcslrov nil/). J'roii. 25:11 apples of gold in ;). /■). 2:16 day of L. on i)le«sHuty;. PIECE. Oen. 15:10 one i>. ag. nnolhcr Nu7n. 10:2 tiuinpels of wiioh^;). 1 Sain. 2::i6 crouch to liim f(ir/). i Sam. 6:19 lo (•very one a good ». of Hesh, I Chr. 16:3 2!l:llp. ofgrou. full ofleiidlcH 2 A'. 3:19 inar g.Mid ,,. .if land, 25 Ni-h. W.W IImh, ri'imlnMl (.iImt/;. JVj2) 41:21 hard im p. of nilllsloiH? 42:11 cv. muiignvr/i, of moin'v Prov. (1:26 broil, lo a /). ofbrciiil SH:2I for /I. Iiri'iid iiiiiii lraiiHj;re. Cant. ■\:\ letll. II. of [lOlllr.;. 6:7 Jer. 37:21 flvo lilm dully ;j. bro. PIL Ezek. 24:4 every good p. the thi. 6 bring it out j). by p. let no Anw^ .3:12 mouili of lion p. of e. 4:7 one p. was rained on, and/). Mat. 9:16 no man putt. p. of new cloth, J/(//7,-2:.;i : Lnlc£ 5:36 17:27 thou sh. tind /). of money Lvke 14:18 I bought /). ofgrou. 1.5:8 lose one/), doth li. a cand. 24:42 ga. him p. of broiled fish PIECES. Gen. 15: 17 lamp passed betw. p. 2!J:10 given bro. 1.000/). of «ilv. 3:1:19 bon. for 100/;. .fas. 24:.32 37:28 sold Jos. for 20/). of silver 33 Joseph is rent in p. 44:28 45:22 gave to Benjamin thirty/). Ex. 22:13 if it be torn in p. Len. 2:6 part meat-otrering in p. 9:13 presented burnt-of. with p. .Jud. 9:4 gave A. 70 /). of silver 16:5 give thee 1,100/). of silver 19:29 div. concubine into 12/). 1 Sam. 11:7 S. hewed oxen in/). 15:33 Samuel hewed Agag in p. 1 K. 11:.30 Ahij. rent garm. in/). 19:11 wind brake in /). the rocks 2 7r. 2:12 Eli. rent clothes in/). 5:5 Nam. took 6.000/). of gold 6:25 ass's head sold for eigh. p. 18:4 brake in p. brazen serpent 2 Chr. 23:17 brake the images in /). 31:1; ^1:4; J/!>. 1:7 ■Job 16:12 hath shaken me in p. 40:18 his bones are as p. of brass P.i. 7:2 rending in /). none deliv. 50:22 lest I tear you in p. 68:;iO till ev. one submit with/). 74:14 breakest heads of L. in /). Cant. 8:11 for frnitbringl.OOO/). Is. .3:15 beat my people to p. ? Jer. 5:6 goeth out be torn in /). ? 23:29 hammer break, rock in/). Lam. 3:11 he hath pull, me in/). Ezek. 4:14 not eat. th. torn in/). 1:!:19 pollute me for/), of bread? 2!:4 gather p. thereof into pot Ban. 2:34 brake image in p. 45 6:24 lions brake th.'bones in/). 7:7 ir/m teeth, and bra. in /). 19 Uos. 3:2 bought her for fifteen/), Mic. 3:3 chop my people in /). 4:13 sh. beat in p. many people 5:8 as a lion tearcth in/), Nah. 2:12 lion did tear in p. Zee. 11:12 th. weighed thirtv /). 13 I took the 30 p. Mat. 27:6, 9 Luke 15:8 woman having ten /;. Arts 19:19 found price .50,000/). 23:10 lest P. sho.be pulled in /). 27:44 and some on/), of the ship See BUEAK, BROKEN, CUT, DASH, DASHKl). PIERCE. Num.. 24:8/), them with arrows 2 7r. 18:21 hand.?), it, ft. 36:6 Luke 2:35 sworil sh. /). tllro' soul PIERCER. Job 30:17 my bones arc/). /'.". 22:16;). my bands and feet 'Aec. 12:10 (hey sh. look on me wh. they have /). John 19:37 .John 19:31 one of soldiers ;). siile I Tim. 6:10?). Ih. willi sorrows I'ae. 1:7 tlu'y also which /). him PIERCETII, I\0. ■ M/') 40:21 nehi'inolirs imse/). /'■. 27:1 I., shall jiiiiiijli yi. «<.ri). //('/). 4:12 word of (J. quici; /). PIERCi:VGS. Prov. 12:18 speaUelli lil;e /;. of a PIETY. 1 'I'lm. 5:4 learn to show/). I'KIMON. ,SV(? voirNO. PILATE. .l/^f(/. 27:2 ( hey delivered him to I'onlius I'. 21; Mark 15:1 Mark 15:5 so (hat I', marvel. 41 l,ukeVi:\ Pon. I', being governor 2:i:12 sami' day I', and ller. .52 John 18:33 P. eiilered jiidg. hall 19:8 when I', heard, 12, 19, 38 ,l(7«;):l:l nrcM. of |>. .\:-xi; l.S:2H 1 Tim. 6:13 before P. wItiioHHcd PILE. h. 30:33/). of II lire and wood /','-•<■/■. 21:9 niiiUe /i. for lire great PM.GItlMVGE. Gen. 47:9 days of mv /). 130 vi'a. not aKaln. lo wars of Hi. /). /<:r. fl:4gl. (hem hind of (liejr/). ' Vs. 110:M my iiunjfit In tliu liutiHu , of my p. I PIS PILGRIMS. IJeb. 11:13 we. strangers and/). 1 Pet. 2:11 as/j. abs. from lusts PILLAR. Oen. 19:26 became a/), of salt 28:18 J. set it for/). 22:3.5:14 31:13 where thou anointedst/). 51 behold this p. 52 p. witn. .35:20 .lacob set /). on R.'s grave Ex. 33:9 cloudy /j. descended 10 ./ud. 9:6 A. king by plain of/). 20:40 flame arose with /). 2 Sam. 18: 18 Absa. reared up a p. 1 K. 7:21 set up right p. left p. 2 E. 11:14 the king stood bya/;. 2.3:3; 2 Chr. 2.3:13 ?feh. 9:12 led. them by cloudy/). Ps. 99:7 spake to th. in cloud, p. Is. 19:19 and a/), at the border Jer 1:18 have made thee iron /). 52:21 p. was eighteen cubits 1 Tim. 3:15/). and grou. of truth Pev. .3:12 overcom. I malic a/;. See CLOUD, fire. PILLARS. Ec. 24:4 M. built alt. and 12 p. 26:32 hang veil upon fo»r/j. 27:10/). thereof brass hooks of p. 11; .38:10, 11, 12, 17 16/). four; 38:17 sockets for/). Jud. 10:25 Samson between /). 1 Sam. 2:8/). of earth are Lord's 1 E. 7:15 he cast two/;, of brass 10:12 made of almug-trees /). 2 IC 18:16 Ilez. cut gold front/;. 25:13 Chaldees brake iu pieces p. 16 ; Jer. .52:17. 20 Est. 1:6 fast, to rings and p ■lob 9:6 the p. tremble, 26:11 Ps. 75:3 I bear up the p. of it Pron. 9:1 hath hewn her sev. /). Cant. 3:6 com. like/;, of smo. 10 make/;, thereof of silver 5:15/). of marble set on gold ■loel 2:.30 will show p. of smoke Gat. 2:9 J. and Cephas to be- ;). Pev. 10:1 feet were us/;, of fire PILLED. Gen. .30:37 J. /). whi. strakes, 38 PILLOW, S. Gen. 28:11 Jac. i>ut stones for/). 18 Jacob took the stone, his /;. 1 Sam. 19:13/). of goals'hair, 16 Ezek. 13:18 woe to women sew p. 20 behold, I am acain. your/). Mark 4:;j8 J. was asleep on a/;. PILOTS. Ezek. 27:8 wise men were thv p. 28 shake at the sound of thy /;. PI\. ■Tud. 16:14 Pelil. fast, with a/). Ezek. 1.5:3 take/), of vine-tree? PIXE, ETII, I\G. Lev. 26::19 shall ?). away, in iniq. of their fathers shall they /) Is. 38:12 cut me ofl' with/), sick. Lam. 4:9 these/), away, slrieken Ezek. 24:23;;. away f()r iiiiqu. 33:10 sins on us, we;), away Mark 9:18 gnash, teeth,/), away PI\E. Nth. 8:15 olive and/), branches PI\I%TREE. Is. 41:19 plani p.-l . and box 60:13 /).-<. and box-tn'es sh. co. P!\\ACir.E. Mat. 4:5/). ofleiiiple, /.»/,,t4:9 PIX.*!, /••'r. 27:19 make;), of (abeniacle, 3.5:18 :3,S:20, 31 : 39:10 .V»m. 3:37 under IMerari,/). 4:.32 PIPE, g. 1 Sam. 10:5 com. of ])ropli. wl. /). 1 K. 1:40 the peoph- piped wl. /». Is. 5:12 (he/), are in thi'ir feiisis .30:29 when one goelh wKh ii ;i, ./(/•. 48:36 lieiirt sh. sound like /(. h'.zek. 88:13 workmanship of ;i. '/.tc. 4:2 seven /). lo seven lamps 12 which ihronvh (lu'goM. />. 1 Cor. 14:7 wlielhiT/). or harp PIPED. 1 K. l:40)MM.ple/i with plpe-t Mat. 11:17 /> iinlo von, />i(*.i7:.13 I Vor. 14:7 liow kiio. wh. \iyi.t PIPKHM. , n«V. 18:aU voire of/), ho. HO mo. PIMJ\II. .Vi/m, B.'l;l 1 Hahmni to top of P. lh->!l. 3:27 nil Into lop of V. 31:1 ■1:11) uiidur thuMprlngii of I'. PIT PISIDIA. Acts 13:14 came to Antioch in P. 14:24 had passed throughout P. PISS. 2 K. 18:27 drink ownjp. Is. 36:12 PISSETH. See wall. PIT, S. Gen. 14:10 Siddim full of slime/). 37:20 cast him into some/). 24 E.r.. 21::^4 owner of p. ma. good Lev. 11:36 a p. wherein is water yum. 16:30 go down into/). 33 1 Sam. 13:6 Israelites hide in p. 2 Sam. 17:9 is now hid in so. p. 18:17 cast Absalom in great p. 2:3:20 si. lion in/). 1 Chr. 11:22 2 K. 10:14 Jehu slew them at/). ■lob 17:16 go down to bars of/). ;33:18 keep, back soul from p. .30 24 deliver him from the p. 28 Ps. 9:15 heathen sunk into p. 28:1 like them that go into p. 30:3 I .should not go down top. 9 what profit in my blood, when I go down to the/), f .35:7 hid for me their net in p. f 40:2 br. me out of horrible p. 55:23 br. them \op. of deslruct. ()9:15 let not p. shut her mouth 88:4 counted wi. th. go to/). 6 thou laid me in the lowest /;. 119:85 proud digged p. for me 140:10 let th. be cast in. deep p. 113:7 go down to/). Piov. 1:12 Prov. 22:14 mouth of wo. deepp. 23:27 strange wo. is narrow p. 28:10 fall himself into own p. nheshallflee to the/). Is. 14:15 brought to sides of p. 19 that go down to stones of p. 21:17/). and snare are on thee 18 he thilt Cometh out of midst of the p. .Jer. 48:43, 44 22 prisoiLprs are gathered in p. .30:14 wafer withal out of the p. ;3S:17 deli, from p. of coiniption 18 go down to p. cannot lio]ie 51:14 he should not die in the p. Jer. 2:6 L. led us thro' a la. of p. 1 1:3 came to /). found no water 41:7 cast them into midst of p. 9 ;;. which Asa made for fear Lam. 4:20 auoi. of L. taken in p. Ezek. 19:4 he was taken in p. 8 26:20 descend into p. 28:8; .31:14, 16; 32:18. 24. 2.5, 29. .30 32:2:3 graves set in the side of p. 7.cp. 2:9 of nettles and sail p. Zee. 9:11 sent prisoners out of p. Mat. 12:11 if it fall into a p. on the sabbath, Luke 14:5 S;e BOTTOMLESS, Die, DUiOED. PITCH, SnlLstaiitlve. Gen. 6:14 pitch ll wilhiii with p. Ex. 2:3 she daubed it with /). Is. 31:9 streams be turned to p. and (he land bee. burning/). PITCH, Vorl). Xum. 1:.52 Is. sh. /). by his ramp .53 L. shall /). round lahernaele 2:2 ev. man shall /). by standard Deut. 1:33 search out jilace to p. ./().<. 4:20 Joshua did n. 12 stones Is. 13:20 iieidier sh. .\nibian ]>. ./<)•. 6:3 shepherds shall p. teiils PITCHED. Gn. 12:8 .Xbiam ;i. his tent, niul 1 5:12 l,o( ;). hW tent toward S. 26:17 1. /). In valley of («'mr, 25 31:25 Jacob i>. leiit in mount, I.iilian /I. In (Ulead .■r!:18 Jacob />. his tent heforo /'.r. 17:1 Israel/), in Kejihlilim 19:2 mid had ;>. in wilderness 33:7 M. took (ahemncle ami />. .\'uin. 1:51 when Inbernacle Is p. 2:31 (hey /». by (heir sdimlimfs 12:16 (he peo, p. Ill wllderneM 21:10 and Israel/), in Obolh II nnil p. in I.teiiharlm, In the .'l'l:5aiul Israel;). In Succodi 6;i. Ill Klhiiin. whieli Is in (lie ./'K. 8:11 anibnsli ;). on norCi .' .Viim. 17:'iii l«. and Absjiloiu ;i. 2 A'. •r>:1 Neb. ;i au'. K. Jer. fi2 I I Chr. 1,5:1 |)ii\ Id pn'imrt'd phieo for ark, /). (eii(, 16:1 ; -i Chr. 1:4 Iltb. 8:'J (nbermiile «hleh I., p. PITCHKII. H. (All. 21:1 1 ht (loHii;i I prav (h. 1.5 K'rliekah came «l(b ji '4.% ./ill. "Hi eiiipiv /), liiiiip" III 1). 19 brake /I, (hill wen- In. *l /A'. 1'1:0 or (lio/i. bo bmkru nt 972 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. PLA Lnm. 4:2 esteemed ascartncn^). Mark 14;1.3 bear. a;;. Luke 22:10 PITHOM. Ex.V.W PtTY, Substantive. Dcxd. 7:16 eye shall have nop. 2 Sam. 12:6"becau?e he had no v. Job G:14 to the afflicted p. should 19:21 have;j. on me.p. on me, O Ps. 69:20 looked for some to 'p. Prov. 19:17 that hath 7J. on poor Is. 1-3:18 they shall have no^x on 63:9 in his 7?. he redeemed Jcr. 15:5 shall have p. on thee 21:7 shall not spare, nor have 7). Uzek. 5:11 nor -will I have p. 7:4, 9; 8:18; 9:10 9:5 eye spare, neither have p. 36:21 but I had ?;. formv holy Amosl-.nFA. did cast off all p. Jon. 4:10 thou hast had p. Mat. 18:33 as I had p. on thee PITY, Verb. Deut. 13:8 nor shall thine eye p. him, 19:13, 21 25:12 thine eye shall notp. Prov. 28:8 him that will p. poor Jer. 13:14 I will not;), nor spare Joel 2:18 then the Lord will p. Zee. 11:5 th. shcph. ;;. thcni not 6 1 will no more p. inhabitants PITIED, ETH. Ps. 103:13 as a father p. his chil. so L. p. them th. fear him 106:46 he made them to be ?;. Lara. 2:2 ha. notp. 17, 21 ; 3:43 Ezek. 16:5 none eye p. Iheo 24:21 profane what your soul p. PITIFUL. J,am. 4:10 hands of p. women Jam. 5:11 that the L. is very p. 1 Pet. 3:8 love as brethren, be p. PLACE, Substantive. Ckn. 13:14 L. said. Look from p. 18:24 destroy, and not S])are p. 20:13 kindness show at every p. 22:4 third day Abraham saw p. 30:25 1 may so to my own p. Ex. 3:5 p. where thou standest is holy, Jos. 5:15 18:23 go to their p. in peace 23:20 to bring thee into the p. Lev. 1:16 shall cast it by the p. Num. 10:14 in first p. went out Deut. 11:24 ev. p. whereon your feet tread, .To?. 1:3 • 12:5 p. L. sh. choose, 14 ; 16:16 21 if p. be too far from, 14:24 Jud. 11:19 pass land to my p. 20:36 men of Israel gave p. to Ruth 3:4 markp. where he lieth 1 Sam. 20:25 Da.'s p. empty, 27 2 Sam. 2:23 died in the same p. 15:21 what p. my lord the king 17:9 hid in some pit, or otherp. 18:18 it is called Absalom's p. 1 K. 8:29 eyes be open toward p. 2 K. 5:11 strike hand over the p. 6:1 p. wh. we dwell is too strait 1 Chr. 21:25 Dav. gave for the p. 2 Chr. 30:16 pri. stood in p. 35:10 3.5:15 sons of Asaph, in their p. Keli. 2:3 p. of my father's sepul. 14 there was nop. for beast 13:11 1 set singers in their p. Est. 2:9 Est. and maids best p. 4:14 deliverance fr. anoth. p. Jot) 6:17 consumed ont of the. p. 9:6 shake the earth out of p. 1():18 let my cry have no p. 28:12 where is p. of undcrst. 20 23 he knoweth the p. thereof 36:20 peo. are cut oft in then- p. SS:19 whereisp. thereof? 40:12 tread wicked in their p. • Ps. 26:8p. where thine honor 12 my foot standeth in even p. 32:7 art my hiding p. 119:114 38:14 the p. of his habitation 103:16 p. thereof shall know it Ec. 3:16 the p. of judgment, the p. of righteousness 20 all go to one p. all are, 6:6 Is. 5:8 lay field, till th. be nop. 13:13 earth remove out of p. 14:2 and bring them to theirp. 28:8 so that there is no p. clean 49:20 the p. is too strait for me 54:2 enlarge thep. of thy tent 60:13 will make p. of my feet 66:1 where is the p. of my rest? Jer. 7:12 go to my p. in Shil. .32 17:12 glorious throne is the p. 18:14 waters come from anot.p. 19:11 till there be no p. to bury Ezek. 6:13 th. slain be on the p. 43:7 p. of my throne shall Israel PLA Ban. 2:3d nop. was found for 8:11 thep. of his sanctuary was TIos. 5:15 I will return to ray p. Amos 8:3 dead bodies in ev. p. A'n/j. 3:17 theirp. is not known Zee. 10: 10 p. shall not be found 12:6 inhabit, ag. in her p. 14:10 Mai. 1:11 inc. be offered in ev.p. Mat. 28:6 see the p. where the Lord lay, Mark 16:6 Mark 6:10 in whatp. soever j-e Lake 4:17 found thep. where it 10:1 sent two and two iin. ev. p. 32 when he was at thep. pass. 14:9 and say. Give this man p. .John 4:20 Jerusalem is p. where 8:37 my word hath no p. in you 11:6 abode two days in same p. 48 Rom. shall take away our p. 18:2 Judas wh. betrayed, kn. J5. Acts 2:1 with one acco. in one p. 4:31 prayed, the p. was shaken 7:33 p. wliereon thou standest 49 or what is thep. of my rest 8:32 the p. of scripture wh. he Pom. 12:19 rather gi. p. to wrath 15:23 hav. no more p. in these 1 Cor. 1:2 in every 7;. call on J. 11:20 come together into one p. 14:23 church come into one p. 2 Cor. 2:14 knowledge in ev. p. Gal. 2:5 to whom gavep. by sub. Eph. 4:27 neither give p. to the 1 Thes. 1:8 in every p. your faith Ilib. 5:6 he saith also in ano. p. 8:7 no p. sho. have been sought 12:17 he found no p. of repent. Jam. 3:11 at same p. sweet wat. Rev. 12:8 nor was there p. found 20:11 for them was found nop. PLACE, Verb. Ex. 18:21 p. such to be rulers nevt. 14:23 p. his name there, 16:2, 6, 11 ; 26:2 Ezr. 6:5 p. them in house of G. I<. 46:13 I will p. salvation in Z. Ezek. 37:14 p. j'ou in yo. land, 26 Dan. 11:31 they sh. p. abomina. llos. 11:11 p. them in houses Zee. 10:6 will bring them to p. A PLACE. Ex. 21:13 will appoint thee a p. 33:21 behold, th. is a p. by me Num. 32:1 the place was ap. for Deut. 23:12 thou shalt have a p. Jos. 20:4 give him a p. in city Jud. 18:10 a p. where is no want 1 Sam. 15:12 Saul set him up a p. 27:5 let them give me a p. iSam. 7:10 I will appoint a p. 1 K. 8:21 1 set there a p. for ark 2/r. 6:2 let us make a p. where 8 in such and such a p. sh. be 9 bew. thou pass not such a p. 1 Chr. 15:1 David prepared a p. 2 Chr. 6:2 I have built a p. ■lob 28:1 there is ap. for gold Ps. 132:5 until I find out a p. Prov. 14:26 his childr. have a p. Is. 4:6 shall be for a p. of refuge 33:21 the Lord will be to us a p. 34:14 find for herself «p. of rest 56:5 and within my walls a p. 6.5:10 Achor a p. for the herds Ezek. 26:5 ap. for spread, nets, 14 Zei). 2:15 become a 2}- for beasts Mat. 27:33 that is, a p. of a skull ■John 14:2 I go to prepare a p. 3 19:17 into a p. called Golgotha Ileb. 2:6 one m a certain p. testi. 4:4 he spake in a certain p. 11:8 called to go out into a p. Rev. 12:6 a p. prepared of God 16:16 a p. called Armageddon See CHOOSE, dw-elling. High PLACE. Num. 23:3 Bal. went up toa ^.p. 1 Sam. 9:12 sacri. to-day in A. p. 10:5 prophets coming from h.p. 1 K. 3:4 great h. p. 1 Chr. 16:39 11:7 Solomon built a high p. 2 K. 23:15 high p. that Jeroboam made, Josi. brake down the h. p. and burnt the h. p. 2 Chr, 1:3 Solomon went to h.p. 13 from his journey to high p. Is. 16:12 Moab is weary on h. p. Ezek. 16:24 h. p. in street, 25, 31 20:29 what is h. p. wher. yo go ? His PLACE. Gen. 18;33 Ab. returned to h.p. 31:55 Laban returned to his p. E.r. 10:23 neither rose from h. p. 16:29 abide every man in his p. none go out of his p. Nvm. 2:17 in his p. by th. stan. PLA Deut. 21:19 br. him to gate of h.p. Ruth 4:10 not cut off from his p. 1 Sam. 3:2 Eli was laid in his p. 9 Sam. went and lay in his p. 5:3 set Dagon in his p. again 23:22 his p. where his haunt is iSam. 6:17 set ark of L. in h. p. 1 K. 8:6 the priests brought ark to his p. 2 Chr. 5:7 1 C%r. 15:3 br. ark of L. to his p. 10:27 and gladness are in his p. 2 Clir. 24:11 carried chest to h.p. 34:31 king stood in his p. Ezr. 1:4 let men of his p. help 2;68 for the house of God set it in his p. 5:15; 6:7 Job 2:11 ev. one from his own p. 7:10 nei. shall his p. know him 8:18 if he destroy him fr. his p. 14:18 rock is remo. out of his j}. 18:4 sh. rock be re. out of A. p.? 20:9 nor A. p. any more behold 27:21 hurleth him out of his p. 23 shall hiss him out of his p. 37:1 heart is remo. out of his p. 38:12 day-spring to know !i. p. Ps. 37:10"diligen. consider Azsp. Prov. 27:8 waudercth from Aisp. Ec. 1:5 sun hasteneth to Aisp. Is. 26:21 Lord com. out of his p. 40:7 they set him in Aisp. from A. p. shall he not remove Jer. 4:7 he is gone from his p. 6:3 feed every one from Ai«p. Ezek. 3:12 glory of L. from A. p. Mie. 1:3 L. cometh out of A?.? p. Zep. 2:11 wors. ev. one fr. his p. Zee. 6:12 shall grow out of A. p. Mat. 2G:52 put thy sw. into A. p. Acts 1:25 might go to Aw own p. See HOLY, Most holt. In the PLACE. Gen 50:19 I am in the p. of God Ex. 1.5:17 plant them in the p. ■los. 4:9 J. set 12 stones in thep. 1 K. 21:19 in thep. where dogs 2 Chr. 3:1 in. t. p. D. had prepar. Prov. 25:6 stand not in t. p. Ec. 11:3 in thep. where tree .Jcr. 22:12 die in t. p. .38:9 ; 42:22 Ezek. 17:16 in thep. where king Hos. 13:13 not stay long in the 2). John 19:41 in the 2}. wh. crucified Of the PLACE. Gen. 26:7 men of thep. ask. him, lest men of the 2). kill me 29:22 La. gathered men of thep. 32:30 name of the p. Pen'iel 2&7OT.6:8nameo/'^.p. Perez-uz. 1 Chr. 28:11 of t.p. of mer.-seat Ezek. 41:11 bVea. of thep. 5 cub. Joel 3:7 raise them out of the 21. Kah. 1:8 make utter end of t. p. That PLACE. Devt. 12:3 dest. names out th.p. 17:10 sentence they of that ]i. Mat. 14:.35 men of that 2). had kn. Mai'k 6:10 ye depart from th. p. .John 5:13 a" rnultit. being in t. p. 11:30 in t. p.' Martha met him Acts 21:12 we and they of th. p. This PLACE. Gen. 19:12 bri. them out of th. p. 13 desti-oy t. p. 14 get out t. p. 20:11 fear of 6. is not in this p. 28:16 L. is in t.p. 17 dreadful 38:21 no harlot ni thl'! p. 22 Ex. 13:3 L. brought you fr. t. p. Num. 20:5 bri. us unto t. evil p. Deut. 1:31 God bare thee till ye came to this p. 9:7: 11:5 ■Tvd. 18:3 wh. mak. thou in t.p..? lie. 8:29 hcark. to. thii< p. 30:35; 2 Chr. 6:20,21,26,40; 7:15 iJT. 18:25 without L. ag. ttwp. 2 Chr. 7:12 chosen t.2). to myself Job 18:21 t. p. of him knows not Jer. 7:6 shed not in. bio. in ^p. 20 fury shall be poured on t.p. 14:13 give you peace in this p. 16:2 nei. sous nor dang, in t, p. 9 cause to cease out of tfiisp. 19:3 bring evil upon this p. 12 thus will I do to t. p. 40:2 27:22 restore th. to thU 2). 32:.37 28:3 bring to t. p. all vessels, 6 29:10 cans, you to return to t.p. .33:10 be heard in this p. joy 42:18 shall see this p. no more 44:29 I will punish you in ^A.p. 51:62 L. thou hast spo. ag. /. p. Zep. 1:4 cut off remn. from t. p. Hag. 2:9 in t.p. will I give peace Mat. 12:6 in thiS2>. one greater Lnke 16:28 lest come into this p. Acts 6:14 J. shall destroy ih.p. PLA Ads 7:7 shall serve me in ffi.p. 21:28 teacheth ag. law in th. p. Heb. 4:5 and in this j}- again Thy PLACE. Gen. 40:13 Pharaoh restore t. 7;. Nii7n. 24:11 flee thou to thy p. 'iSam. 15:19 return to thy p. Ee. 10:4 ag. thee, leave not t. p. Ezek. 12:3 remo. from t. p. 38:15 To, or unto the PLACE. Ex. 3:8 bring you u. p. of Cana. .32:34 lead people vnto the p. Num. 10:29 journeying to thep. 1 Sam. 20:19 to thep. wii. th. hide iSam. 2:23 many as cameVo t.p. 1 Chr. 15:12 bring ark to thep. Neh. 1:9 1 will bring th. to thep. Ps. 104:8 to thep. thou founded 7s. 18:7 present brought to t. p. Jer. 7:14 to thep. wh"l gave you. 29:14 will bring you ag. to t. p. Acts 25:23 ent. into p. of hearing PLACED. 1 K. 12:.32 Jeroboam p. priests 2K. 17:6 and p. them in Halah 24 p. them in Samaria, 26 2 Chr. 1:14 wh. hep. in chariot 17:2 he p. forces in fenced cities ■lob 20:4 si. man was p. on earth Ps. 78:60 tent which he had p. Is. 5:8 *hey may be p. alone Jer. 5:22 wh. jj. sand for bound Ezek. 17:5 eagle p. it by waters PLACES. Gen. 28:15 keep thee in all p. Ex. 20:24 p. wh. I rec. my name Jas. 5:8 in p. till th. were whole ■lud. 5:11 deliv. from noise in p. 1 Sam,. 7:16 judged Isr. in th. p. 30:31 Da. sent presents to all p. 2 K. 23:5 put down priests in p. 14 filled theirp. with bones Neh. 4:12 from p. whe. ye return 13 I set the people in lower p. and on higher p. Job 21:28 dwelling p. of wicked .37:8 beasts remain in theirp. Ps. 10:8 he sitteth in lurking p. 16:6 lines are fallen in pleas, p. 18:45 afraid out of their close p. 73:18 set them in slippervp. 74:20 dark p. of earth are full 103:22 bless the Lord in all p. 105:41 they ran in the drv p. 110:6 shall fill the p. with dead Prov. 8:2 she standeth in thep. Cant. 2:14 art in the secret p. Is. 32:18 dw. in qiaiet resting p. 40:4 and rough p. plain 45:2 make crooked p. straight Jer. 4:12 wind fr. thosep. sh. co. 8:3 all p. whither driven, 29:14 17:26 come from p. about Jeru. 24:9 a taunt and curse in all p. 32:44 witnesses iil p. about Jor. 40:12 Jews return, out of all p. 4.5:5 thy life for a prey in all p. lam. 2:6 he hath destroy, his p. Ezek. 34:12 deliver th. out of p. 26 will make p. round my hill 47:11 miry p. sh. not be healed Amos 4:6 want of bread in yo.p. Zee. 3:7 give thee p. to walk Mat. 12:43 thro' dry p. Lu. 11:24 13:5 some fell on stonj'p. 20 Acts 24:3 we accept it m all p. Eph. 1:3 blessed us in heaven, p. 20 at right hand in heavenly p. 2:6 sit together in heavenly p. .3:10 to powers in heavenly p. Phil. 1:13 bonds manif. in all p. Rev.d'.M island moved out th.p. See DESOLATE, HOLT. Hiah PLACES. Lev. 26:30 1 will dest. your A. p. Num.. 21:28 consu. lords of A. p. ,33:52 pluck down all their A. p. Deut. 32:13 ma. him ride on A. p. a3:29 Shalt tread on their A. p. Jud. 5:18 jeop. lives in high p. 1 Sam. 13:6 people hide in A. p. '2 Sam. 1:19 Israel slain in A. p. 25 thou wast slain in thy A. p. 22:34 and setteth me on my high p. P.V. 18:33 1 K. 3:2 people sacrifled in h. p S/f. 17:.32; 2 CA?-. a3:17 3 burnt inc, in A. p. 22:43; ZK. 12:3; 15:4.35; 16:4: 17:11 12:.31 Jeroh. made house of A. p. 32 Beth-el priests of highp. 13:2 shall oft'er priests of h.p. 32 cried against houses of A. p. 33 Jeroboam made of the peo. priests of h. p. 2 K. 17:32 CRUDE^T'S CO^TCORDAN'CE. 973 PLA IK. 15:14 7t. ri. wore not remov, 22:43 : 2 ir. 12:3 ; 14:4 ; 15:4, 35 2 K. 17:29 gods in houses oth.p. 18:4 Hezekiah removed h. p. 22 23:8 defiled fi. p. brake h. p. 13; 2 CAr. 31:1; :«:12; /s. 36:7 20 slew all the priests of A. p. 2 Chr. 11:15 ord. priests for h. p. 14:3 Asa took awav high p. 5 15:17 h. p. not ta. away, 20:33 17:6 Jehoslia. took away h. p. 21:11 J. made h.p. 28:25 Ahaz 34:3 purffe Jerusalem from h. p. Job 25:2 he maketh peace in h.p. Ph. 78:58 provok. hira with h. p. Prcm. 8:2 stand, on top of h.p. 9:14 sitteth on a scat in the A. p. Is. 15:2 he is gone up to h. p. 41:18 I will open rivers in h. p. 49:9 pastures shall he in h.p. 58:14 cause thee to ride on h. p. Jer. 3:3 lift up thiue eyes to h.p. 21 a voice heard on hiqh p. 4:11 dry wind in h. p. of wilder. 7:29 take up a lamenta. in h. p. 12:12 spoilers come on all h. p. 14:6 wild asses didstandin A.^. 17:3 I will give thy li. p. for sin 26:18 mountain shall become as h. p. of the forest, Mic. 3:12 48:35 him that offereth in h. p. Ezeh. 6-3 1 will destroy your h.p. 16:16 deckcdst h. }). divers colo. 39 shall break down thy h. p. 36:2 ancient hir/h p. are ours /To,?. 10:8 h.p. of Aven destroyed A7nos 4:13 and treadeth upon the h. p. of the earth. Mie. 1:3 7:9 h. p. of I.- Kj;. wl. p. .Icr. 19:8 heea. of/;. 49:17; CO: 13 Urn. 13:11 I will be Iliy /;. Mark 3:10 as many asliad p. I, like 7:21 cui'eil many of Ihi'lr;). /Ar. 9:211 rest not killed hy tli.;;. 11:6 to smite earth with j>. 16:9 (1. Iiatli [lower over Hi, p. 18:4 llialy(! re I. not ofluT /;. 8 tlierefo. hIihU her/), come III 22:18 (lod sh. add loliiiu llm ;;. . niaii PLA Pi. 27:11 lead me in&p. path Prov. 8:9 th. are p. to him that 15:19 the way of righteous is p. Is. 28:25 he made p. the face 40:4 and rough places made p. ■Jer. 48:21 judgment come on p. Hab. 2:2 make it;;, upon tables Mark 7:35 loosed, he spake p. PLAIIV, Substantive. Gen. 11:2;;. in land of Shinar 1:3:10 Lot beheld all the p. 11 12 Lot dwelled in cities of p. 19:17 nor stay thou in all the p. 25 he overthr. cities in the ». ■Tos. 11:16 Jos. took valley and ;;. Jud. 9:6 made Ab. king by p. 1 Sam. 10:3 come to p. of Tabor iSam. 2:29 Abncrwalked thr';;. 15:28 I will tarry in the p. until 18:23 Ahimaaz ran by the p. 1 K. 7:46 in p. of Jord. did king 20:23 fight ag. them in the p. 25 2 K. 25:4 went to ;;. Jer. 52:7 Neh. 3:22 after him priests of;;. ■ler. 17:26 shall come from the p. 21:13 against thee, O rock of;;. 48:8 p. shall be destroyed Ezek. 3:22 go forth in the jt). 23 8:4 the vision that I saw in ;^. PLAIIVS. Gen. 18:1 L. appeared in the ;;. Nnm. 22:1 Is. pitched in p. 3:3:48 26:63 numbered Israel in the;;. 31:12 spoil to camp in the ;;. 36:13 L. commanded in the;;. Deut. 34:1 Mo. went from the;;. iSam. 17:16 lodge not in the;). 2/r. 25:5 Chaldees overtook him in the;;. Jer. 39:5; 52:8 1 Chr. 27:28 over trees in low;;. 2 Chr. 9:27 cedar in lower;;. 26:10 Uzziah had cattle in ;;. PLAINLY. Ex. 21:5 if the servant ;). say Deut. 27:8 write this law very ;;. 1 Sam. 2:27 p. appear to house 10:16 told us p. that the asses ICzr. 4:18 let. hath been ;;. read U. 32:4 stammerer sh. speak ;;. .lohii 10:24 if thou be C. tell us;;. 11:14 Jesus said to them;;. 16:25 I shall show you ;;. 29 now speakest thou p. and Ileb. 11:14 such things declare;;. PLAIIVNESS. 2 Cor. .3: 12 we use gr. ;;. of speech PLAITIIVO. 1 Pet. 3:3 let it not be p. of hair PLACES. Is. 44:13 fitteth image with;;. PLAIVKT.S. 2 K. 23:5 burnt ineen. to sun,;;. PLAIVKS. 1 K. G:15 covered floor with;). Ezek. 41:25 wore tliiclv ;;. on face 26 Side of house, and thick ;;. PLAiVT, Sul)8tantive. Oen. 2:5 (Jod made every p. Job 14:9 bring forlh like the p. /■i. 5:7 men of Jud. his pleas, p. 17:11 shall make thy /). grow 53:2 shall grow as a tender p. ./.'/•. 2:21 turned into degener. ;;. Kzak. 31:29 raise for tliem a;;. Mat. 15:13 every p. my l''ather PLAIVTS. 1 Chr. 4:2;) that dwell among;). Pit. 128:3 iUy cliildreii like;). 114:12 our sons may be as ;). Cant. 4:13 thy p. as an orchard /». 16:8 have liroken down ;). 17:10 >halt tlioii plant pleas, ;). .A')'. 48::12 thy /). are gone over Ezek. 31:4 riv. niii, about his p. PLANT, Vrrli. Er. 15:17/), tliem in mount of /)riit. 1i;:21 llioii Shalt not/). 2H::!0 thou shall /). a viiu-v. 39 iS, 82:41 I will//, lliein In (hl-< land 35:7 nor hliall you sow, nor p. PLA Ezek. 17:22;), it on a high, 23 23:26 they shall p. vineyards 36::36 L. build and;;, that Pan. 11:45 he sh.;;. tabernacles Amos 9:14 they sh. p. vineyards 15 I will ;). them upon th. land Ze]). 1:13 they sh. p. vineyards PLAIVTATION. Ezek. 17:7 water It by fur. of;;. PLANTED. Gen. 2:8 God p. a garden eastw. 9:20JSroah;). vine; 21:33 A. n. IVum. 24:6treeswhichL. hatnp. Jos. 24:13 olive-yards ye p. not Ps. 1:3 like a tree p. Jer. 17:8 80:8 cast out heathen, and ;;. 92:13 those that hep. in house 94:9 ;;. ear shall he :iot hear ? 104:16 cedars which he hath;). Ec. 2:4 I ;;. vine. 5 I p. trees 3:2 pluck np that which is p. Is. 5:2;;. it with the choicest 40:24 yea, they shall not be p. Jer. 2:21 I had p. thee a noble 11:17 Lord of hosts that;), thee 12:2 thou hast p. them, they 45:4 what I have ;;. I will pluck Ezek. 17:5 p. it in a fruitful, 8 10 being ;;. shall it prosper? 19:10;;. by the waters, she was /los. 9:13 Ephr. is p. in a place Amos 5:11 ye have ;;. vineyards Mat. 15:13 heavenly Fath. not p. 21:33 householder^;. Mark 12:1 ; Zi'ke 20:9 Lvke 17:6 and be thou p. in sea 28 they sold, they ;;. builded Po/ri. 6:5 have been ;;. together 1 Cor. 3:6 have ;;. Apollos water. PLANTEDST, ETH. Deut. 6:11 trees which thou p. Ps. 44:2 drive out heath, and p. Prov. 31:16 fruit she;;, vineyard Is. 44:14 he p. ash. and the rain 1 Cor. 3:7 neither is he that p. 8 he that;;, and he that wat. 9:7 who ;). a viney. and eateth PLANTERS. ■ler. 31:5;;. shall plant and cat PLANTING, S. Is. 60:21 branch of my p. 61:3 called the;;, of "the Lord Mic. 1:6 make Samaria as;;. PLASTER. Is. 38:21 lay it for a ;;. on boil PLASTER, EO. Lev. 14:12 and shall;), the house 48 plague, after house was ;;. Deut. 27:2;;. them with p. 4 Dan. 5:5 wrote on ;;. of palace PLAT. 2 IC. 9:26 requite thee in this p. cast him into the;;, of PLATE. Ex. 28:36 sh, make n p. of pure ;J!)::10 they made the p. of holy Lev. 8:9 on his forefront put;;. PLATES. &. 39:3 heat gold into thin p. Num. 16:;18 inn. of censers ;;. 39 1 /i'. 7:.30 every base had ;;. of Jer. 10:9 silver spread into;), is PLATTED. .Mat. 27:29 /), crown of thorns, jl/«/7j 1.5:17; ./o/iu 19:2 PLATTER. Mat. 2;S:25 cl. outs. ;). /.HArll:;!9 PLAY. Ex. 32:B rose to p, 1 Cor. 10:7 Oeut. 22:21 /). wIkuv In fa. house 1 Sa7n. 16:16 thai he shall p. wl. 17 now a man that can /). well 2 Sam. 2:1,1 v. men arise and /). 6:21 thcrclore will I p. hef. I,. 10:12 and let us p. the men for .A)/) 10:20 where beasts of field p. 41:5 will thou p. with liim Ps. a'):3/). sUllliilly with a loud 10-1:2(1 whom thoii maile lo /). Is. 11:8 sucking cliihl shall p. Ezek. 33::!2 and can p. well on PLAYED. Juil. 10:8 concubiiu'p. whore 1 Sam. l(l:a;l Da. p. 18:10; 19:9 26:21 I have p. fool, and Inivo •iSam. 0:5 all Is. p. 1 C/ir. i:i:8 2 A'. 3:15 wlii'ii the mliislrel /). Kzck. 16:28 p. whore with Ai»My. .SVO ilAUI.OT. PLAYER, H. 1 Sam. 16:1(1 who Is a cunning p, J's. m-.'it) the ;). on InHfrumenls t>7:7 UB well tlio singers n» p. on PLE PLAYETH, ING. 1 Sam. 16:18 Jesse, cunningin;5. 1 C7tr. 15:29 Da. dancing and p. Ps. 68:25 am. them damsels p. EzeJc. 23:44 as to woman that p. Zee. 8:5 boys and girls p. in the PLEA. Deut. 17:8 hard betw. p. and;). PLEAD. ■lud. 0:31 will ye;;, for Baal? Job 9:19 shall set me a time top. 13:19 who is he that will p. wi. 16:21 O that one might p. for a 19:5 if he will;), against me my 23:6 will he p. against me pow. Is. 1:17 ju(Jgment. p. for widow 3:13 Lord stand up top. and 43:26 let us ;;. together, declare 66:16 by fire will the Lord p. Jer. 2:9 will yet p. with yon, 35 29 whercf. will ye p. with me ? 12:1 righteous, when I;;, with 25:31 Lord will p. with all flcsli Ezek. 17:20 I will ;;. with him .35 and will I p. with vou 38:22 I will p. again.st him with IIos. 2:2;). with your mother. ;;. ,/oel 3:2 and I will p. witli them Mic. 6:2 and the Lord will p. See CAUSE. PLEADED, ETH. 1 Sam. 25:39 blessed be L. th. p. Job 16:21 as a man p. for neigh. Is. 51:22 saith thy God that p. 59:4 justice, nor any p. for tra. Lam. 3:.58 O Lord, thou hast;;. Ezek. 20:36 as I;), with fathers PLE.ADING. Job 13:6 hearken to the p. of my PLEASANT. Gen. 2:9 ev. tree grow that is p. . 3:6;;. to the eyes and a tree 49:15 Issachar saw that it wasp. 2 Satn. 1:23 S. and Jon. were p. 26 p. hast thou been to me 1 A'. 20:6 whatever is p. they 2 K. 2:19 situation of city isp. Ps. 16:6 lines fallen in;;, places 106:24 they despised ;;. land 1.33:1 how p. for brcth. to dwell 1:35:3 sing praises, it is p. 147:1 ge is p. id and p. : 9:17 bread eaten in secret is p. 15:26 words of thi' imrearo;;. 16:24 p. words as honey-eomb 23:18 for it is ;). if thoti keep 24:4 chambers tilled with all p. Ec. 11:7 p. it.is for the eyes to Cant. 1:16 thou art fair, yea, ^. 4:16 come and eat hisp. fruits 7:6 how fair and p. art thou, O 13 at our gates are all p. fruits Is. 5:7 men of Ju. his;;, jjlaut 13:22 dragons shall cry in th. ]x. 17:10 shah thou plaiitp. plants 32:12 they lament for p. fields 5-1:12 thy borders of p. stonea 04:11 and all our p. Ihings are ,/.;•. 3:19 sh. T give th. a p. land ? 12:10 made my p. portion a dcs. 23:10;). jilaees of wilderness 2,5:.3t shall fall like a;), vessel 31:20 Ephr. is ho a /). child ? Lam. 1:7 rernemhered all her p. 10 sjii-ead his hand on her p. 11 have given their/), things 2:4 slew all that were/), to oyo Kzek. 26:12 shall de,~ti-i>v thv /;. .3.3:32 song of one that linth" n. Dan. 8:9 great to« aid ;). land 10:3 I ale no p. bread 11:;18 honor a god wl. p. Ihings //, 21:8 If she /I. not master A'l/m. 23:27 iieriidvcut. It will p. 2 .s>«;«. 7:29 let lip, 1 Chr. 17:27 ,Mt (1:9 even />, tJ. lo destitiy ma 20:1(1 shall si'ek lo »>, (lie ixior /v. 69:31 (his al"o ulnill /), l.oni Pivi'. 1(1:7 nuui's ways p. l.onl rVl/irS:7h>ve(ill he I. ;l;.^; S: I ft. 8:(1 p. IheiiiKclves In ohihiri'ii M:H accotiipllHh IhiK wh. I p. Mi: 1 cliooKo IhliiKO flinl />. int< ^<>A/i [<;29 1 do Ih. IliUit'" tliatp. Prov. 2:10 knowledge is 5:19 the loving hind and p. roc 974 CHUDE^^'S CONCORDANCE. PLE Bom. 8:8 they in flesh cannot jy. 15:1 bear and not p. ourselves 2 let every one;;, his neighbor Cor. 7:32 car. how he may p. L. 33 p. his wife ; 34 she may p. 10:.33 even as Ip. all men Gal. 1:10 do I seek to p. men ? 1 Thes. 2:15 they p. nut G. 4:1 ought to walk and to;;. G. 2 Tim. 2:4 that ye mav;;. hi:n Tit. 2:9 to p. them well in all Heb. 11:6 with, faith impos.;;. G. PLEASED. Gen. 28:8 daugh. of Ca. p. not I. 45:10 it p. Pharaoh well Num. 24:1 Balaam saw it p. L. Jud. 13:23 if the Lord were ;;. 14:7 and she p. Samson well 1 Sam. 12:22 it ;7. L. to m.ike you 18:20 it }}. D. to be the king's iSam. Z-.m what the king did;;. 19:6 if we had died, it had;;. 1 K. 3:10 Solomon's speech;;. L. 2 Chr. 30:4 thing p. the king, Xeh. 2:6; Ed. 1:21: 2:4 Est. 2:9 the maiden ;;. the king 5:14 the thing p. Haman, he Ps. 40:13 be;;. O Lord, to deliver 51:19 then Shalt thou be ;;. with 1'5:3G. hath done whatsoever he;;. 135:6; Jon. 1:14 [s. 53:10 it^. the Lord to bruise Mic. 6:7 will the Lord be;;, with Mai. 1:8 will he be ;;. with tiiee ? Acts 6:5 saying p. the multitude 12:3 bee. Herod saw it ;;. Jews Eom. 15:3 for even Christ;;, not 2G for it hath;;, them of, 27 1 Cor. 1:21 it;;. G. by foolishness 7:12 she;;, to dwell with him lilS God set members as it p. 15:33 G. givcth it a body as it p. Gal. 1:10 for if I yet;;, men, I 15 it p. God to reveal his Son Col. 1:19 p. Father that in him Heb. 11:5 had testimony hep. G. IVell PLEASED. Is. 42:21 Lord is well p. for his Mat. 3:17 in whom I am icrll p. 12:13; 17:5: Mark 1:11; Luke 3:23; % Pet. 1:17 1 Cor. 10:5 Gad was not ^ce^l p. Heb. 13:10 such sacri. G. is w. p. Men-PLE.VSERS. EpJu 6:6 eye-s. as m.-p. Col. 3:32 PLEASETII. G^n. 16:6 do to her as it p. thee Jud. 14:3 get her for me, the ;;. Est. 2:4 maiden which ;;. king Ec. 7:26 whoso p. G. sh. escape 8:3 he doeth whatsoever p. him PLEASIAG. Est. 8:5 if I be;;, in his eyes Mas. 9:4 neither shall they be p. Col. 1:10 worthy of L. to all p. 1 Tkes. 2:4 so we speak, not as p. 1 John 3:22 do things that are p. Well-PLEASIXG. Phil. 4:18 acceptable, ivdl-p. to God Col. 3:20 for this is well-p. to L. Heb. 13:21 work, what is well-j). PLEASURE. Gen. 18:12 old, shall I have p. .? 1 CA)'. 2'.):17 I know thou hast;;. Ezr. 5:17 let king send his p. i\Wt. 9:37 dom. over cattle at p. Est. 1:8 drink to every man's ;;. Job 21:21 what ;;. hath he in ho. ? 25 and never eateth with p. 22:3 is it any p. to Almighty Ps. 5:4 not a God that hath p. 35:27 which hath p. in prosper. 51:18 do good in good p. to Z. 102:14 servants take p. in her 103:21 bless L. ye that do his p. 105:22 bind his princes at his ;;. 111:2 sou. out of all that have p. 147:10 takcth not p. in the legs 11 the Lord takcth p. in thcai 149:4 the Lord takr-th p. in his Prov. 21:17 he that lovcthp. Ec. 2:1 enjoy p. 5:4 no p. in fools 12:1 say. I have nop. in them Is. 21:4 night of my p. turned 41:28 Cyrus shall perform my ;;. 46:10 stand, I will do all my p. 48:14 will do his ;;. on Babylon 53:10 and p. of the Lord shall 58:3 in day of your fast find;;. 13 doing thy p. not finding;;. Jer. 2:24 snufteth wind at her p. 34:16 set at liberty at their;;. 48:38 a vessel wherein is no p. Ezik. 1C:37 wh. thou hast tak. p. PLO Ezek. 1S:2:J have I any p. that wicked should die. 32; 3:J:11 Hos. 8:8 Is. vessel wherein nop. Ha(7. 1:S and I will take;;, in it Mdl. 1:10 I have nop. in j'ou Luke 12::j2 Father's good p. to Acts 24:27 to do the Jews a p. 25:9 Festus to do the Jews a p. Pom. 1:32 but have;;, in them 2 Cor. 12:10 therefore I take ;;. in Epfi. 1:5 according to good ;;. 9 Phil. 2:13 to will and do his ;;. 2 Thes. 1:11 fulfil goodp. of his 2:12 had p. in unrighteousness 1 Ti?n. 5:6 that liv. in p. is dead Heb. 10:6 in sac. thou ha. no p. 8 38 my soul sliall have no ;;. in 12:10 chastened us after own p. Jam. 5:5 ye have lived in ;;. on 2 Pet. 2:13 as th. that count it p. Eev. 4:11 for thy p. they are and PLEASURES. ■Job 36:11 spend their years in p. Ps. 16:11 at thy right hand p. 36:8 drink of the river of thy p. Js. 47:8 thou that art given to;;. Luke 8:14 arechoked with the;;. 2 Tim. 3:4 lovers of;;, more than Tit. :3:3 serv. divers lusts and p. Heb. 11:25 enjoy the;;, of sin PLEDGE. Gen. 38:17 wilt thou give p. .? 18 what p. f 20 sent to rec. p. Ex. 22:26 take raiment to p. Deul. 24:6 no man take millst. to p. hetakethaman'slife top. 12 Shalt not sleep with p. 13 17 not take widow's raim. top. 1 Sam. 17:18 fare, take their ;;. Job 22:6 tak. p. fi-oni thy broth. 24:3 take a widow's ox for a ;;. 9 and they lake a p. of the poor Prov. 20:16 take a p. of him for a strange woman, 27:13 Ezek. 18:7 to debtor his p. 12, 16 .■23:15 if wicked restore the p. he Amos 2:8 on clothes laid to p. by PLEDGES. 2 K. 18:23 give p. to. Is. 36:8 PLEIADES. Ps. 9:9 wh. maketh Orion and P. 38:31 bind the influences of P. ? PLE\TEOlS. Gen. 41:.34 fifth part in p. year Bent. 28:11 L. make theep. 30:9 2 Chr. 1:15 Solo, made gold;;. Ps. 86:5 art ]^. in mercy, 15 103:8 Lord'.s merciful", andp. in 130:7 with him is p. redemption Is. :30:'23 bread shall be fat and p. Hab. 1:16 fat, and their meat ;;. Mat. 9:37 the harvest truly is p. PLEXTEOUSXESS. Gen. 41:.'53 seven years;;, ended Prov. 21:5 of diligent tend top. PLBXTIFUL. Ps. 68:9 thou didst send p. rain Is. 16:10 joy is taken out of;;. .ler. 2:7 and I brought you top. 48:33 gladness is t'aken from p. PLEXTIFULLY. ■Tob 26:3 hast p. declared thing P.?. 31:23 p. rewardeth the proud Luke 12:16 ground bro. forth p. PLEXTY. Gen. 27:28 God give theep. of 41:29 seven years of great ;;. 31 p. shall not be kno. in land Lev. 11::36 wherein there is p. 2 Chr. 31:10 to eat have left p. Job 22:25 shalt have p. of silver 37:2:3 in power andp. of justice Prov. 3:10 barns be filled with j). 28:19 he that tilleth shall ha. p. Jer. 44:17 then had we p. of vict. Joel 2:26 eh. cat in p. and praise PLOTTETH. Ps. 37:12 wicked p. against just PLOUGH. Luke 9:62 having put hand top. PLOUGH. Beut. 22:10 shalt not;;, ^'^^th ox 1 Sam. 14:14 yoke oxen might;;. Job 4:8 they that p. iniquity Prov. 20:4 sluggard will not p. Is. 28:24 doth the ploughman p. Uos. 10:11 Judah sh. p. Jacob Avms 6:12 will one p. there with 1 Cor. 9:10 he plougheth sho. p. PLOUGHED, ETH. .Tud. 14:18 if yo hr.d nut p. Ps. 120:3 plouf^hcrs p. on back Jer. 26:18 shall be p. Mic. 3:12 POL Hon. 10:13 have p. wickedness 1 Cor. 9:10 that p. sh. pi. in hope PLOUGHIXG. 1 K. 19:19 Elisha, who was p. Job 1:14 oxen were p. and the Prov. 21:4 the p. of the wicked Luke 17:7 having a servant p. PLOUGHMAX, MEX. Is. 28:24 doth p. plough all day 61:5 sons of alien sh. be your p. Jer. 14:4 the;;, were ashamed Amos 9:13 the;;, shall overtake PLOUGHSHARES. Is. 2:4 beat sw. into p. jlic. 4:3 Joel 3:10 beat your p. into swo. PLUCK. Lev. 1:16 shall ?;. away his crop yum. .3:3:.52p. down their high Di at. 2:3:25 thou mayest p. ears 2 Chr. 7:'20 then will Ip. them up ■Job 24:9 they p. fatherless from Ps. 25:15 shall p. my feet out 52:5 p. thee out of thy place 74:11 thy right hand. p. it out 80:12 they which pass by p. Ec. 3:2 and a time to p. tip Jer. 12:14 p. the house of Judah "17 utterly p. up and destroy 18:7 a kingdom, p. it up 22:24 would I p. thee thence 24:6 plant, and not p. 42:10 31:28 watched over th. top. np 45:4 wh. I planted I will p. up Ezek. 17:9 people, p. np by roots 2:3:34 thou sh p. off' thine own Mic. 3:2 p. oft" the skin from 5:14 I will p. up thy groves Jlat. 5:29 if right eye oii'end thee p. it out, 18:9 ; Ma)-k 9:47 12:1 beg. to p. corn, Mark 2:23 John 10:28 nor sh. any p. them 29 no man is able to p. them PLUCKED. Gen. 8:11 was an olive leaf p. ofT Ex. 4:7 and he p. his hand out Deut. 28:6.3 shall be p. from land Path 4:7 a man p. olf his shoe 2 Sam. '23:21 p. the spear out of Egyptian's hand, IC'.'i?'. 11:'23 Ezr. 9:3 p. o8' hair of my head yeh. 13:25 andp. oft' their hair Job 29:17 p. spoil out of his teeth Is. 50:6 them that;), off hair Jer. 6:29 wicked are not p. away 12:15 after I have p. them out 31:40 it shall not bep. up Ezek. 19:12 she wasp, np in fury Dan. 7:4 I beh. till wings we. ;;. 8 three of the first horns p. up 11:4 his kingdom sh. be;;, up Amos. 4:11 as a firebrand p. out Zee. 3:2 not this p. out of fire ? Mark 5:4 chains p. asunder Ltike G:l disciples p. cars of com 17:6 be thou p. up by the root Gal. 4:15 p. out your own eyes Jude 12 twice dead, p. up by ro. PLUCRETH. Prov. 14:1 the foolish;;, it down PLUMH-LIXE. Amos. 7:7 L. stood on wall made by a;;.-/, wi. p.-l. in hand, 8 PLrM.>IET. 2 K. 31:13 stretch over Jems. p. /^^ 28:17 lay righteousness to;;. Zee. 4:10 shalPseep. in hand PLUXGE. Job 9:31 sh. thou p. me in ditch POETS. Acts 17:28 certain of your own p. POIXT, S. Gen. 25:.32 I am at the p. to die Ec. 5:16 in all p. as he came Jer. 17:1 WTit. with p. of diamo. Mai-k 5:23 daught. at p. of death ./ohn 4:47 was at the p. of death Heb. 4:15 was in all p. tempted Jam. 2:10 ofl'end in one p. is gu. POIXT. Num. 34:7 p. out for you mount POIXTED. Job 41:30 spread, shai-pp. things POISOX. Sevf. 32:24 with p. of serpents 3:3 their wine is p. of dragons Job 6:4 p. drinketh np my spirit 20:16 he shall suck p. of asps Ps. .58:4 their p. like p. of serp. M0:3 adders' p. nndertheirlips 7h.-m. 3:13 p. of asps under lips Jam. 3:8 tongue is evil, full of p. POLE. yum. 21:8 set onp, 9M, put it POO POLICY. Dan. 8:25 p. cause craft to pros. POLISHED. Ps. 144:12 p. after sim. of palace Is. 49:2 hath made me p. shaft Dan. 10:6 his feet like to p. brass POLISHING. LaTn. 4:7 their p. was of sapph. POLL, S. yum. 1:2 every male bv their p. 18:20,22; 1 CAr. 23"::3. 24 3:47 five shek. a piece by th. p. POLL, ED. >., Sam. 14:26 p. head, ye. end p. Ezek. 44:20 they sh.p. th. heads Mic. 1:16 and p. thee for children POLLUTE. ytim. 18:32 neitherp. holy thin. 3o::33 so shall ye not p. the land Jer. 7:.30 in the" house top. it Ezek. 7:21 p. my secret place, 22 13:19 will yep. am. my people 20:31 vep. vourselveswith your idols. ■23::30 ; 36:18 39 p. holy name no more, 39:7 44:7 in my sanctuary to p. it Dan. 11:31 they sh. p. sanctuary POLLUTED. Ex. a):25 lift tool, thou hast p. 2 K. 23:16 Josiahp. the altar Ps. 106:38 land p. with blood Is. 47:6 I have p. mine inherit. 48:11 how sho. my name bep. Jer. 2:23 canst say, I am not p. ? 3:1 not land be greatly p. ? 2 34:16 ye turned and p. my name Lam. 2:2 he hath p. the kinrfom 4:14p. themselves with blood Ezek. 4:14 soul hath not been p. 14:11 nor bep. with transgres. 16:61 saw theep. in own hi. 22 20:9 it should not be p. 14, '22 13 sabbaths greatly p. 16, 21,24 26 I p. them in their own gifts 30 are ye p. after your fath. ? •23:17 was p. with Babvlonians Hos. 6:8 Gilead a city that is p. 9:4 all that eat thereof sh. bep. A)7ios 7:17 thou sh. die in p. land Mic. 2:10 not rest, because it is p. Zep. .3:1 woe to her that is p. 4 her priests have p. sanctuary JIal. 1 :7 cft'ered p. bread on altar 12 say. The ta. of the L. isp. Acts 21:28 hath p. this holy place POLLUTING. Is. 56:2 keepeth sab. fr.p. it. 6 POLLUTION, S. Ezek. 22:10 that was apart for p. Acts 15:20 that they abs. from p. 2 Pet. 2:20 after having escap. p. POLLUX. Acts 28:11 POMEGRANATE. Ex. 28:34 gold, bell and p. 39:26 1 Sam. 14:2 S. tarried iindej a p. Cant. 4:3 temp, like piece p. 6:7 8:2 cause th. to drink juice of p. Joel 1:12 the p. trees are wither. Hag. 2:19 p. hath not bro. forth POMEGRANATES. Ex. 28:33 make p. 39:24, 25 Xjim. 13:23 they brought of p. 20:5 no pla. of "seed, vines, or p. iJeiit. 8:8 into land of p. oil-olive 1 K. 7:18 chapiters with p. 2 K. 25:17 ; 2 Chr. 3:16 ; Jer. 52:22 Cant. 4:13 orch. of p. with fruits 6:11 see wheth. p. budded, 7:12 POMMELS. 2 Chr. 4:12 p. of the chapiters POMP. Is. 5:14 p. shall descend to hell 14:11 p. is brought to the grave Ezek. 7:24 make p. of strong ce. 30:18 p. of strength cease, 33:28 .32:12 shall spoil the p. of Egypt Acts 25;23 A. and B. come wi. p. POXDER, ED, ETH. Pror. 4:'26 p. the path of thy feet 5:6 lest thou p. the path of life 21 the Lord p. all his goings 21:2 L. p. heart; 24:12 he tlfat ii/Av 2:19 Mary p. them in her heart POXDS. Ex. 7:19 stretch hand on p. 8:5 Is. 19:10 purposes, that make p. PONTUS. Acts 2:9; 18:2; 1 Pet. 1:1 POOL. 2 Sam. 2:13 on one side of the p. 4:12 they hanged them over p. CRUDEJ^'S CONCORDANCE. 975 POO 2 K. 18:17 by the conduit of the uppcrp. /«. 7:3; 3(i:2 Neh. 2:14 1 went to the kin,!,''s p. Is. 22:9 waters of the lower;;. 11 a ditch for wa. of the old p. 35:7 parched {ground bee. a ji. 41:18 I will niakc wilderness -p. Nah. 2:8 Nin. of old is like a p. John 5:2 there is at Jenisal. a p. 7 no man to put me into p. 9:7 wash in p. of Siloam, 11 POOLS. Ex. 7:19 stretch thy hand on p. P.I. 84:B rain also filleth the ;;. • Ec. 2:6 I made me p. of water Js. 14:23 I will make it for p. 42:15 I will dry app. and herbs POOR. Ex. 23:11 71. of thy people eat 30:15 the/), shall not give less Zev. 14:21 if he be p. and cannot 19:10 Shalt leave them for the p. 15 shalt not resp. person of ^. 25:25 if brother be p. 35, 39, 47 Deut. 15:4 when there be no p. U the ;?. shall never cea.sc out Huth 3:10 young men, p. or rich 1 Sam. 2:7 L. make. p. and rich 8 raiseth up the/>. Pi. 113:7 2 Sam. 12:1 one rich, the oth. p. S K. 25:12 captain of gnard left p. Jer. 39:10; 40:7; 52:1.5, 16 Job 5:15 he saveth p. from sword 16/?. hath hope, iniq. stoppeth 20:10 chil. sh. seek to please/). 19 because he oppressed the p. 24:4/). of earth hide themselves 9 they take a pledge of the p. 14 murderer kill. ^j. and needy 29:12 because I delivered the/). 30:25 my soul grieved for /). ? 31:16 if I vvithheld/i. fr. desire 19 haxe seen p. without cover. 34:19 nor reg. rich more than/). 28 they cause cry of 7). to come .S6:15 deliver/). A. 72:12 Vs. 9:18 expecta. of/), not perish 10:2 wicked in pride do pers. p. 8 his eyes are set against /;. 9 he lielh in wait to catch p. W p. may fall by strong ones 14 p. commit, himself to thee 12:5 for the oppression of the /;. 14:6 shamed the counsel o( p. 3.5:10 deliverest the p. from him 37:14 bent bow to cast down p. 40:17 but I am/). 69:29; 70:5: 86:1 ; 109:22 41:1 he that considrreth p. 49:2 low and high, rieli and p. 68:10 i)repared goodness for/). 69::j;j L. heareth /). and des])is. 72:4 he shall judge p. of people 13 spare the /;. 82:3 d('fend p. 74:21 let the /). praise thy name 82:4 deliver the p. and needy 107:41 yet settetli he p. on high 109:31 stand at right handof ;). 1:52:15 satisfy her /). with bread 140:12 maintain rii^lit of the/). P/vv. 10:4 becometh p. dealeth 15 destruction of/), is poverty 13:7 mak. himself/), hath riches 8 the p. heareth luit rebuke 23 much food is in tillage of/). 14:20/). iH hated of neighl)or 21 hath mercy on /). happy 31 opprcs. /). reproach. Maker 17:5 mock. p. reproach. Maker 18:2:5 the/), iisetll entreaties 19:4/). is separ. from neighI)or 7 brethren of/), do hale him 21:13 stoppeth ears at cry of/). 22:2 rich and p. meet togctlier 7 the rich ruleth over (lie;). 16 he that opprcsselh IIk' /). 28:8 for him that will pity/). 11/). tliathalli understanding 15 HO Is wicked ruler over /;. £9:7 considerc'tli iMuse of/;. 13 11 king l':iillirullv jud/;elhj:). 80:9 lest I be p. and stcid 14 leelh as swords, to (lev. /). 31:9 plead the cause of llie/). Ec. 4:14 hlH kingdom beco:;i. /). rj:8 hccmI oi)|)resKlou of llu! ;;. 0:8 what huth the /;. that kno. Is. 3:14 Ihesi.iill of the/). Is In 15 grind llie facert of thi;/). / 10:2 lake the; right from llie/). 30 tol.al^li, ()/). Anathoth 11:4 with rl;li. sh. lu^ )nd;,'e/). 1-1:30 the llr-.l-liorn of lh<^/). ;12/). of Ills peiiphi hliiill ti-ii;:t 26:6 fcia of llie/). shall trend 2,1: 19 even /). among i-ien 1 !iall 3.J;i dcHliuy tho j). wUU l)'ln){ POR />. 41:17 the p. and needy seek .58:7 that thou bring the /). ■7er. 2::il blood of /).'innocents 5:4 I said. Surely these are/). 20:13 delivered soul of the /;. 22:16 judge the cause of the/). Ezek. 16:49 strength, hand of p. 18:12 oppressed /). and needy 17 taken off his hand fr. the/). 22:29 they have vexed the p. Amos 2:6 sold the p. for shoes 7 dust on the head of the p. 4:1 oppress the/;, and crush 5:11 your treading is on the/?. 12 turn aside the /;. in gate 8:4 make /;. of the land to fail . 6 we may buy /). for si 1 ver Uab. 3:14 rejoicing to devour/). Zep. 3:12 the/), sliall trust in L. 2«c. 7:10 oppress not the /J. 11:7 I will feed even yon, O p. V p.o( the flock waited on me 3fat. 5.3 blessed are/), in spirit 11:5 the/;, have go.spel preach. 26:11 ve have the /;. ahvay.s, Mark 14:7; John 1-2:S Mark 12:43 ». widow, Luke 21:3 L'/ke 6:20 blessed be ye /). yours 14:13 call the/), the maimed, 21 John 12:6 not that he car. tor p. Rom. 15:26 make contribu. for p. 2 Cor. 6:10 as/;, yetmaking rich 8:9 for your sakes he became/). Gal. 2:10 should remem. the/;. Jam. 2:5 hath not G. chos. the/). 6 but ye have despised the p. Rrv. 3:17 knowest not th. art/3. 13:16 he causeth rich and/), to Is POOR. Ex. 22:25 of my peo. that in p. Deut. 24:14 op. servant tliat isp. 15 for he isp. and setteth his Jiid. 6:15 my familv up. Prov. 19:1 better i.s the/;. 28:6 22:22 rob not poor bee. he i.t p. Ec. 4:13 better is a p. and wise Is. 66:2 to him that is /). POOR man. Ex. 2.3:3 nor countenance/), m. Deut. 15:7 is a/;, m. harden not 24:12 if a p. man. sleep not wi. 1 Sam. 18:23 seeing I am a /). m. 2 Sam. 12:3 /). man had nothing Ps. 34:6 this /). w. cried, and the 109:16 persecu. /). and needy m. Prw). 19:22 a p. man is better 21:17 loveth pleas, sh. be p. m. 28:3 a/j. man that oiipresseth 29:13/). and deceitful m. mecf Ec. 9:15 found in it /;. wise man 16 /;. man's wisdom is despis-. Jam. 2:2 there come in a /). man To the POOR. Lrr. 23:22 leave them (0 the p. h'st. 9:22 sending gifts to the p. .lot) 29:16 I was a father to the p. .3(i:() he giveth right to the p. Ps. 112:9 giv. to t. p. 2 Cor. 9:9 ProiK 22:9 giveth bread (0 the p. 2K:27 he that giveth to the p. 31:20 streteheth hand to the p. Is. 2."):4 been a strength to the p. Don. 4:27 show, merev to tlie p. Mat. 19:21 gi. to I. p. ^fark 10:21 Luke 4:18 jircach to the p. 7:22 1!i;H half of goods I give to I. p. .loliii V-V.'B give Homet. to the ]>. 1 for. l:!:3 my goods to feed t. p. Jam. 2:3 and say to t. /;. .Stund Thy POOR. A'.i'. 2.'i;6 wrest iiidgment of <. /). Deut. 15:7 hand fr. tinj p. brother 11 given thee/), above breth. Lev. 0:17 given them it for/). Xuyn. 31:47 M. took one/), of 50 Deut. 21:17 giv. him double/). 33:9 the Lord's p. is his people 3:3:21 in a/), of the lawgiver Jos. 17:14 given me but one p. 1 Sam. 1:5 to Hannah he gave^. 1 K. 12:16 what p. have we m David? 2 Chr. 10:16 2 K. 2:9 let a double /). of thy 9:10 eat Jez. in p. of Jcz. .36, .37 21 Jorara met him in p. of Na. 25 cast him in/), of Na."s field 2 Chr. 28:21 Ahaz took/), out of 31:4 to give/;, of the priests, 16 Ezr. 4:10 shalt have no/). Xeli. 2:20 no /). nor right in Jer. 11:23 a certain /). should be Job 20:29 this is /;. of a wicked 24:18 their/), is cursed in earth 20:14 lit. a/;, is heard ? 27:13 31:2 what/;, of G. is ft-, above? Ps. 11:6 this shall be X\icp. of 16:5 L. is the/), of mine inher. 17:14 who have/), in this life 0:!:10 shall he a/;, for foxes 7:3:26 God is my/), for ever 119:57 thou art my/). 142:5 Prov. 31:15 giv. up. to maidens Ec. 2:10 and this was my p. 21 shall he leave it fen- his p. 3:22 for that is his/;. ,5:18 ; 9:9 5:19 G. given power to take/;. 9:6 nor nave they any more/;. 11:2 give a/;, to seven, and also Is. 17:14 this is the/), of them ,';3:12 I will divide him a p. ET:6 stones of stream is thy p. 61:7 they sh. rejoice in their/;. Jer. 10:16 the/;, of Jacob, 51:19 12:10 they have tro. my /). made my /). a desolate wilderness 13:25 (liis is/), of thy measures B2::34 every day a/), until death Lam. 3:2-1 the Lord is my /). I'zek. 45:1 shall oO'er a holy /;. 4 Dan. 1:8 with/), of king's meat 4:15 let his /;. be withlieasts. 23 11:26 feed of the/;, of his meat .?/;<•. 2:1 changed /;. of my peojile H.ib. 1:16 by them tlieir/;. is fat Zee. 2:12 Lord inlierit .In. his/;. Mat. 21:51 apixiiiit him his/). Luke 12:42 to give them their/). 46 his/), with unbeliever.s l.'j:12give me the/), of goods PORTIONS. Deut. 18:8 tlicy shall have like ». ./()■.■. 17:5 fell ten /). to M:inasseli 1 Stm. 1:4 gavelu-r daiiL'hlers /;. 2 ( hr. 31:19 give/), to all males Xeh. 8:10 send/), to them, 12 l:;:4l/). priests; 47/». of sing. i:.ii /). what Che. 1 l\. 21:18 he Ih g'G. Deut. 26:1 come into land and/). Num. .36:8 ev. daughter that p. Luke 12:15 a man's life consKits not in things which hi' /). 2 Cor. 0:16 noth. yet p. in all th. POSSES.SIO.\. Gen. 17:8 I will give land of Can. for everlasting /). 48:4 26:14 Isaac had /). of llock.s 47:11 gave them /). in laud of K. /-()'. l-l:.'34 wh. I irive to you for/i. 2,5:25 if bro. sold some of his /). ;i3 the Levites' /). shall go or.t 4,5 stmngers sh. he your p. 46 27: 16 if nian sane, ifoine of liis p. 21 return to wh. /; did belo:ig Num. 24:18 Edom be p. S. be a /;. 27:4'give us a /;. among breth. 32:5 given to thy se.rv. for/). 22 tills land shiill be your /). .35:2 give to Levites tlieir p. 8 28 slayer shall relurii to Ins/). Deut. 8:h mount Seir to E. for/). 9 have given .\r to L. for p. 19 12 as Isra. did in land of his ;). 11:6 earili swallow, all In Ih. /). 32:49 which I gave Israel for />. Jus. 12:6 Moses gave it for a />. 22:4 get ve unto land of your ;>. 19 if/), ^le unclean, take /) 1 A'. 21:1.5 take /). of vlnevaril Ul hast Ihon killed, taken ;> .' 2 Chr. 80:11 oast us out of tin ;•. .V<'A. 11:.S Ju. dwell ev.oue lii /). /v. 2:8 utierm. parts for thy 71. 41:3 got not liiinl In /). by sxmtiI t'i9:;1.5 dwell ami have II In /'. 8:1:13 lake houses of Cod In ;>. I'nir. 2N: 10 unrl. have g.iod In /). Is. 14:23 1 will iiuiki' ll a/). f.T I'zek. 11:1.5 lliis hiiul given In p. 2.%;4 I will ih4lvor lliiv for ;i. iV'>:'l high places are ourx 111 ;i. 4l:2HL'lve Iheiii no/) In l«i.i<.l lU:lli uihcrlt. uiil ullilii uwii p. 9TC CRUDE!^'S CONCORD AN"CE. POT Arts 5:1 An. 'with Sap. Bold a p. 7:5 would give it tonim I'ora^j. 45 witli Jesus into j>. of (ient. E>jh. 1:14 redemption of the ^. POSSESSJOXa Gfn. 3 1:10 and get you^J. therein 47: 2T and Israel had p. therein K'lm. 3-3::W they shall have p. Jos. 22:4 get to land of your^. 1 Sam. 25:2 whose;;, were in C. 1 Chr. 9:2 inha1)itant3 dw. \np. 2 Vhr. 11:14 Levites left their p. 32:2f) Hezeki. prov.^j. of flocks Ec. 2:7 I had great;;, of great Ob. 17 Jacob shall pos. their;;. Mat. 19:22 had p. Mark 10:22 Acts 2:45 sold;;, and part, them 23:7 same quart. were;j. of P. POSSESSOR, S. Oen. 14:19 high G. p. heaven, 22 Zee. 11:5 whose;), slay them Acts 4:34 many as were;;, lands POSSIBI^E. Mat. 19:26 G. all p. Mark 10:27 24:24 if iJ. dec. elect, Mar. 13:22 2j:39 if ». let this cup pass fr. me, Mark 14:35 Mark 9:23 all things p. to him U-.m all things;;. Luke 18:27 Acts 2:24 not;), he sho. he hold. 20:16 Up. at Jerusal. day of P. Bom. 12:18 if;), live peaceably (rxl. 4:15 if;), ye would have Ileb. 10:4 not ;;. blood of bulls POST, S. 2 Chr. 30:6/). went with letters, Est.Z-.n, 15; 8:10 Ef!t. 8:14 p. rode on mules Job 9:25 days are swifter than p. Jer. 51:31 one;;, run to meetau. POST. 1 .%m. 1:9 E. sat on seat by a p. Esik. 40:16 on each ;;. palm-trees POSTS. Deut. 6:9 shalt write them on ;;. Jad. 16:3 Samson took two;). 1 K. 7:5 doors and;), were square Prm. 8:34 waiting at p. of doors Is. 6:4 the p. of the door moved 57:8 behind the;), thou set up Ezek. 40:10;). had one measure 43:8 setting of their;), by my;). Amos 9:1 that the;;, may shake See DOOK. Side-POSTS. Ex. 12:7 stri. blood on 2 s.-v. 22 1 K. 6:31 s.-p. were a fifth part POSTERJTY. Gen. ^:7 preserve you a p. Xum. 9:10 any of vo. ;). be nncl. 1 K. 16:3 take the ;). of Baasiia 21:21 take away the -p. of Ahab Ps. 49:13 p. approve th. sayings 109:13 let his;;, be cut off D^m. 11:4 not be divid. to his n. Amos 4:2 your p. with fish-iiooks POT. Ex. 16:33 take a p. put manna .J id. 6:19 Gid. put broth in d.p. 2 K. 4:2 not any thing, save ap. 38 on great;;. 40 death in ;;. Job 41:20 as out of a seethingp. 31 raaketh deep to boil llks ;;. Prm. 17:3 fining p. for sil. 27:21 Jer. 1:13 I see a seething p. Ezek. 24:3 saith L. Set on a p. fi woe top. wh. scum is ttier. Mic. 3:3 chop in pieces, as for p. 7.ee. 14:21 every p. in Jerusalem Heb. 9:4 golden;;, with mauua Water-POT, S. Jo^n 2:6 there was set six ?«.-;;. 4:28 woman then left her w.-p. POTS. Ex. 38:3 Bezaleel made the p. Lev. 11:35 oven, or ranges for p. \K. 7:45 p. of brass, 2 Chr. 4:16 2 Chr. 4:11 Huram made the p. Ps. 58:9 before your p. can feel 68:13 ye have lain among thep. 81:6 hands deliver, from the /;. J-r. 35:5 before Rech. p. of wine Mark 7:4 wash, of cups and;;. 8 Sec FLESH. POTENT-VTE. 1 Tim. 0:15 blessed and only P. POTIPH-VR. Gen. 37:35 sold Joseph to P. 39:1 POTI-PHER.iH. Gen. 41:45 the daughter of P. 50 POTSHERn, S. Job 2:8 took;), to scrape himself POU Ps. 22:15 stren. dried up like a p. Pror. 26:23 are like a p. covered Is. 45:9 let;;, strive with the;;. POTT.4GE. Oen. 25:29 Jacob sod;;, and Esau 30 feed me with;;. Zi J. gave 2 K. 4::3S seethe;), for sons, 40 Hag. 2:12 if one touch bre. or p. POTTEa, S. 1 Chr. 4:23 these were the;;. Ps. 2:9 dash in pieces likep.'s Is. 30:14 as breaking of a p.'« vessel, Jer. 19:11 : Rev. 2:27 Jer. 18:2 go down top.V house 19:1 get ap.'s earthen bottle Lam. 4:2 woi-k of han. of thep. Zee. 11:13 said. Cast it unto p. Mat. 27:10 gave th. for;;.'« field See CLAT. , pou:vD, s. 1 K. 10:17 three J), of gold went Ezr. 2:69 treas. 5,000 p. of silver Xeh. 7:71 treas. 2.200 p. of silver 72 rest gave 2.000 p. of silver Luke 19:13 delivered to his ser- vants ten p. 16, 18, 24 John 12:3 M. took;;, of ointmunt 19:39 and of aloes about 100 p. POLR.. Ex. 4:9 p. water on dry land 29:7 p. anointing oil on head 12 p. blood of "bullock beside altar, Lev. 4:7, 18, 25. 30, 34 Lev. 2:1;;. oil on meat-ofl'er. 6 14:15 p. it into palm of hand, 26 41 they shall;), out the dust 17:13 shall p. out blood thereof Xum. 24:7 he shall ;;. water out Deut. 12:16 p. blood, 24; 15:23 1 K. 18:33;;. water on sacrifice 2 K. 4:4;). oil into those vessels 41 p. out for the people Job 36:27;). rain accord, tovapor Ps. 42:4 when I p. out my soul 62:8 p. out your heart bef him 69:24 p. out thine indignation 79:6 ;). out wrath on heathen Prov. 1:23 will p. out my Sp. Is. 44:3; Joel 2:28, 29 ; Ac. 2:17,18 Is. 44:3 I will;), water ou him 45:8 skies ;). down ri^hteousu. Jer. 6:11 I will p. on children 7:18 to ;). out drink-off'erings 10:25 p. out fury on heathen 14:16 I will;), their wickedness 18:21 ;). out their blood by swo. 44:17 p. out drink-off. 18, 19, 25 Lam. 2:19;). out heart like wat. Ezek. 7:8 now will I ;;. out fury, 14:19; 20:8, 13,21; 30:15 21:31 p. out indignati. Zep. 3:8 24:3 set ou,pot and;;, water in IIos. 5:10 ^vill ;). out my wrath Mic. 1:6 I will p. down stones Zee. 12:19 p. on house of D. Mai. 3:10 if I will not p. out liev. 16:1;;. out vials of wrath POURED. Gen. 23:18 Jacob ;). oil on stone 35:14 Jacob;;, a drink-ofi"ering Ex. 9:33 rain not;;, on earth Lei'. 4:12 ashes p. he sh. be burnt 8:12 Mo. ;). oil on Aaron's head 21:10 on whose head oil was p. Num. 28:7 p. to L. for drink-off. Dent. 12:27 sacrifi. sh. be p. out 1 Sam. 1:151 have p. out my soul 7:6 water, p. it out before Lord 10:1 Samuel ». oil on S.'s head ^Saiii. 2:3:16 Da. would not dri. but;;, it, 1 Chr. 11:18 1 K. 13:3 and ashes ;). out, 5 iK. 3:11;;. wat. on hands of E. 4:5 ves. to her, and she p. out 16:13 Ahaz p. his drink-offering 2 Chr. 12:7 wrath not ;;. out on J. 34:21 wrath of Lord p. on us 25 there. WTath shall be p. out Job 3:24 my roarings are p. out 10:10 thou p. me out as milk 29:6 rock p. me out rivers of oil 30:16 now my soul is p. out Ps. 22:14 I amp. out like water 45:2 grace is;), into thy lips 77:17 clouds p. out water, skies 142:2 I;;, out my complaint Cant. 1:3 name is as ointment p. Is. 26:16 p. out a prayer, when 29:10 Lord hath;), on you sleep 32:15 the Spirit be p. out on us 42:25 he halh /). on him the fury .53:12 p. out his soul to death 57:6 hast p. out a drink-offering ■Jer. 7:20 my fury shall bo ;). out 19:13;;. out offerings, 32:29 POVf Jer. 42:18 as f\iry, so sh. it bo p. 44:6 mine anger was;)^ forth 19 wh. we;), drink-offerings Lam. 2:4 p. I'ury like fire. 4:il 11 my liver is p. 12 soul p. 4:1 stones of sanctuary p. out Ezek. 16:bJ thy filthiness was;;. 20:28 p. out their drink-ofl'ering 33 with fury ;). out I rule, 34 22:22 I the Lord p. out my fury 31 therefore, I p. indignation 23:8 they ;;. their whoredom on 24:7 she;), it not on the ground 36: 18 wherefore I ;;. out my fury 39:29 I ;;. out my Spirit on Isr. .^fw. 9:11 there, curse is p. on us 27 determ. sh. be p. on desol. Mic. 1:4 waters p. down a steep Xah. 1:6 fury is p. out like fire Zep. 1:17 their blood be ;). out Mat. 20:7 p. oint. 12; Mark 14:3 John 2:15 hep. out the money Acts 10:45 on Gentil. wasp, gift Pey\ 14:10 wine of wrath of G. p. 16:2;;. out vial, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12 POUREDST, ETH. Job 12:21 p. contempt on prin- ces. Ps. 107:40 16:13 hep. out my gall on gro. 20 mine eye p. tears tmto God Ps. 75:8 wine is red, he p. out Prov. 15:2 fools p. out foolishn. 28 the wicked;;, out evil thi. Ezek. 16:15p. out thy fornicati. ^4))ios5:8;). outwat. on earth. 9:6 John 13:5;;. water into a basin POURING. Ezek. 9:8 destroy all in p. fury Luke 10:34 his wounds, ;;. in oil POVERTY. Gen. 45:11 all th. hast come to p. Pror. 6:11 p. co. as armed, 24:34 10:15 destruction of p. is th.;). 11:24 withhold, but tend. top. 13:18;). be to him that refuseth 20:13 not sleep, lest come top. 23:21 drun. and glut, come top. 28:19 ^■ain persons, sh. have p. 22 considereth not;;, sh. come .30:8 give me ncit. p. nor riches 31:7 drink and fo;-get his;;. 2 Cor. 8:2 their deep p. abounded 9 yc thro' his p. might be rich liev. 2:9 I kn. thy works and p. POWDER, S. Ex. 32:20 Moses burnt calf to;). Deut. 23:24 make rain of land;). 2 K. 2:3:6 stamped the grove to p. 15 stamp, alt. top. 2 Chr. 34:7 07))^. 3:6 perfumed wi. all the;). Mat. 21:44 grind top. Luke 20:18 POWER. Gen. 32:28 as a prince hast th. p. 49:3 dignity, excellency of p. Lev. 26:19 I will break your p. Num. 22:38 have I p. to say? Deut. 4:37 bro. thee with his p. 8:18 it is he that giveth thee p. 32:36 wh. he seeth their ;;. gone 2Sa?n. 22:33 mv strength and p. 2 if. 19:26 inhabitan. of email p. 1 Chr. 20:1 Joab led forth thep. 29:11 thine is thep. Mat. 6:13 12 in thy hand is p. 2 Chr. 20:6 2 Chr. 25:8 God hath p. to help .32:9 and all his ;;. with him Ezr. 4:23 made th. cease by p. . 8:22 his p. ag. all that forsake Xeh. 5:5 nor is it in our p. to red. Est. 1:3 feast top. of Persia 8:11 cause to perish p. of people 9:1 the Jews hoped to have;;. Job 5:20 redeem in war from p. 24:22 draweth mighty with;;. 26:2 him that is without p. ^ 12 divided the sea with his p. 14 his p. who can nnderstaud ? 36:22 God exalteth by his p. 41:12 I will not conceal his;). Ps. 22:20 darling from p. of dog 40:15 redeem soul fr. p. of grave 62:11 p. belongeth unto God 65:6 settoth fast mount, with p. 66:7 ruleth by his;), for ever 68:.35 he giveth p. to his people 78:26 by p. he bro. south wind 90:11 who know. p. of th. ang. f 106:8 his mighty p. be knowii 111:6 showed peoplep. of works 1.50:1 praise in flrma. of his p. Ec. 4:1 side of oppressors was p. 5:19 hath given him;), to eat 6:2 God giveth him not p. to eat 8:4 word of a king is. there is p. 8 no man Imth ;). over spirit Is. 37:27 inhabitants of small p. I POW Is. 40:29 he giv. p. to the faint 4:^:17 bring, forth army and p. 47:14 not deliver fr. p. of flame Jer. 10:12 earth by his p. 51:15 Ezek. 22:6 their;;, to shed blood 30:6 pride of her p. come doxvn Pan. 2:37 God hath given theep. 0:27 delivered D. fr. p. of lions 8:6 fury of his p. 22 not in p. 24 his p. be mighty, not by p. 11:6 sh. not retain p. of his arm 25 shall stir up his p. 43 have;), over treas. of gold 12:7 saitterp. of the holy peop. Eos. 12:3 by stren. had p. wi. G. 4 yea. he had;;, over the angel 13:14 ransom th. from ;;. of gra. Mic. 2:1 it is in p. of their hand 3:8 I am full of p. by the Spirit Hab. 1:11 impu. hisp. to his god 2:9 delivered from thep. of evil 3:4 there was hiding of his p. Zee. 4:6 nor hyp. but my Spirit 9:4 L. will smite hcr-p. in sea Mat. 9:6 hath p. to forgive sins, Mark 2:10 ; Luke 5:24 8 had given such p. to men 10:1 p. ag. unci. spu'. Lvke 9:1 24:30 clouds with p. Luke 21:2T 26:64 ri. hand of p. Mark 14:62 28:18 all p. is given me in heav. Mark 3:15 p. to heal sickness. 9:1 kingd. of God come with p. Lnke 1:35 p. of Highest oversha. 4:6 said. All this p. will I give 32 for his word was with p. 36 with;;, he command, spirits 5:17;;. of the Lord was present 10:19 I give yon p. to tread on Ecrp. and over;;, of enemy 12:5 fear him that ha. p. to cast 20:20 deli, him to p. of governor 22:53 this is thep. of darkness 24:49 until ye be endued withp. John 1:12 tothcm gave hep. 10:18 p. to lay it do^^-n. and p. 17:2 given him p. over all flesh 19:ld'p. to crucify, p. to release Acts 1:7 Fa. hath put in own p. 8 receive p. after Holy Ghost 3:12 by our own p. or holiness 4:7 by what p. ha. ye done this? 5:4 was it hot in thine own p. ? 6:8 Stephen full of faith andp. 8:19 say. Give me also this;;. 10:38 anointed Jesus with ;). 26:18 tuni them fr. p. of Satan. Perm. 1:4 to be Son of G. wi.p. 20 his eternal p. and Godhead 9:21 hath not pot. p. over clay? 13:2 whosoever resistcth thep. 3 wilt thou not be afraid oip.f 15:13 through p. of Holv Ghost 19 by the p. of the Spi. of God 16:25 now to him that is of p. 1 Coi\ 2:4 in demonstration of p. 4:19 not kn. speech, biit thep. 5:4 with p. of our L. J. Christ 6:12 not be bro. under p. of any 14 raise us np by his own p. 7:4 wife and husb. have not p. 9:4 ha. we not p. to cat and dr.? 5 have not we p. to lead wife f 12 if oth. be partak. of this p. over you, we ha. not used p. 11:10 worn, ought to have p. 15:24 ])ut down author, and p. 2 Cor. 4:7 excel, of p. be of God 8:3 top. yea. beyond theirp. 12:9 that thep. of Ch. may rest 13:10 according to p. G. given Eph. 1:19 exceeding ccrcatncss of hisp.work. of hismightyp. 21 above princi. p. and might 2:2 accord, to prince of p. of air 3:7 the effectual work of hisp. 20 accord, top. that worketh Phil. 3:10 know thep_. of resur. Col. 1:11 accord, to his glori. ;). 13 deliv. us from p. of darku. 2:10 head of all princi. and p. 2 I'hes. 1 :9 pun. fr. glory of his p. 11 fulfil work of faitli with p. 2:9 working of Satan wi. all p. 3:9 not because we have not p. 1 Tim. 6:16 wh. be honor andp. 2 Tim. 1:7 G. hath giv. .sp. of p. 3:5 hav. godliness, denying p. Heb. 1:3 by word of his p. 2:14 destroy him that had p. 7:16 after p". of an endless life 2 Pet. 1:3 p. given all things 16 made known p. of our Lord Jude 25 to onr Sav. glory andp. Rev. 2:26 give p. over nations 4:11 worthy to receive p. 5:12 ."i:!? licmor nr.d ;). '^e to h.im I 6:4 p. was given to him CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 977 PRA JJev. 6:8^5. giv. th. over 4th part 7:127). aud might be giv. to G. 9:.3 to them was given p. 10 their p. was to hurt men 19 their p. is in their mouth 11:.3 give p. to my 2 witnesses 6/). to shut heav. p. over wat. 12:10 now is p. of his Ch. come 1.3:2 the clragon gave him p. 4 5 p. was given to continue, 7 IS he exercis. j>- of first beast 15/). give life; 14:18;;. ov. fire 15:8 filled with smoke from p. 1(1:8 p. giv. him to scorcli men 9 blasphemed G. who hath p. 17:12 receive p. as kings 13 give their p. and strength 19:1 glory, honor, aud p. to L. POWER of God. Mat. 22:29 not know, scriptures nor p. nf God, Mark 12:2-1 Lulce 9:43 amazed at p. of God 22:69 sit on right,of p. of God Ads 8:10 man is ^reat p. of God Bom,. l:16gospel is tliep. of God 1 Cor. 1:18 saved, it is p. of God 24 Christ the p. of God 2:5 not stand but hyp. of God 2 Cor. 6:7 of truth, by p. of God 13:4 he liveth by p. of God, we sh. live with him by p. of G. 2 Tim. 1:8 according to p. of G. IPet. 1:5 by p. of G. thro' faith See GREAT. In POWEK. Gen. 31:29 in p. of my h.ind Ex. 15:6 ri. hand glorious in p. Job 21:7 why are wick. mi. in p.f 37:2.3 excellent inp. and judg. Frcyv. 3:27 it is in p. of thy hand 18:21 and life inp. of tonoor and needy p. name 76:10 wrath of man sh. p. thee R'<:IOsli. (lead nrUe and p. th.? H9:5 heavens sh. i). thy wonders !I9:3 let thiin ;). tliy gi-eut luimi' 107:32 /). him In asHt^m. of elders 1l:l:1 /). hIni.Oserv. of L. 1:15:1 115:17 ileinl /). not the Lord 11'.I:I(H seven tl. a ilav I //, then 175 h't niv sonl live! It sli. /.. 1HH:2 I will p. Iliy inune tor thy i kingii uft'iirlli Hhull p. thuu PRA Ps. 142:7 br. out of pris. that I p. 145:4 genera, sh. p. thy works 10 thy works shall p. thee, O 147: 12 p. L. Jeru. p. G. O Zion 148:1 p. ye L. p. him in heights 2 p. him, angels, p. him, host 3 p. .sun and moon, p. ye stars 4 p. him, ye heaven of heavens 149:3 let them p. name in dance 150:1 p. G. in sanctu. p. him in 2 p. him for his acts, p. him 3 p. with trump; 4 p. timbrel 5 p. him on sounding cymbals Prov. 27:2 let anot. man p. thee 28:4 forsake the law p. wicked 31:31 let her own worksp. her Is. .38:18 grave cannot p. thee 19 the living he shall p. thee Jer. 31:7 p. ye and say, O Lord Dan. 2:23 I thank and p. thee 4:37 I p. and extol K. of heaven Joel 2:26 p. the name of the Lord Lvke 19:37 disci, began top. G. 1 Cor. 11:2 p. you, that ye reme. 17 in this I p. you not, 22 Pev. 19:5 saying, p. our God I will, or will I PRAISE. Gen. 29:35 Leah said, I will p. Ps. 7:17 I will p. the Lord 9:1 Iw. p. thee, 111:1 ; 1:38:1 22:22 in congrega. w. I p. thee 28:7 Avith my song j«. Ip. him 35:18 Tw. p. am. much people, 57:9; 108:3; 109:;30 43:4 on harp ?(■!?/ 1 p. thee, OG. .52:9 I will p. thee for ever. 54:6 Iw. p. thy name, 0 Lord 56:4 in G. w. I p. his word. 10 69:.30 Iw. p. the name of God 71:22 /w. p. thee with psalterv 86:12 I w. p. thee, O L. my God 118:19 Iw. go into them, p. L. 21 I IV. p. thee, thou heard me 28 thou art my God, Iw. p. th. 119:7 I IV. p. thee with uprigh. 139:14 I w. p. thee. I am wond. 145:2 /?«. p. thy name for ever Is. 12:1 I XV. p. thee though thou 2.5:1 Irv. p. thy name PRAISE ve the Lord, or PRAISE the Lord. ■Pirl. 5:2 p. ye t. L. for aven. Isr. 1 Chr. 16:4 appoi. Lev. top. /. L. 25:3 with a harp top. the L. 2 Chr. 20:21 p. t. L. for his mer. Ezr. 3:10 cymbals top. t. L. Ps. 22:26 sh.p. t. L. seek him 32:2 p. t. t. with harp 102:18 peo. created shall /;. t. L. 104:35 p. ye the L. 166:1. 48; 111:1; 112:1; 11.3:1, 9; 11.5:1<1; 116:19; 117:2; 1:J.5:1 ; 116:1, 10; 147:20; 148:1. 14; 149:1, 9; 1.50:1, 6; .Jer. 20:13 107:8 O that men would 7;. /. L. 1.5, 21, ,31 109:.30 T will greativ /). t. Lord 118:19 T will /). L. 135:3 p. Lord 146:2 while I live will I p. t. L. 147:1 p. ye the L. for it is good 12/). t. L. O Jerus. praise God 148:7 p. /. L. ftoiu the earth Is. 12:4 p. t. L. call uikui name 62:9 shall eat it, ami/). /. L. .Ter. .3.3:11 p. the lord of hosts Pom. 15:11 p. t. L. all ye Genlil. PRAISED. .Tiid. 16:24 people p. Pagon 2 Srim. 14:25 none to be so m. p. 22:4 worthy to be/). I's. 18:3 1 Chr. 16:25 L. Is greatly to be p. /'.-•. 48:1; 96:4; 115:,3 ,36 all the people n. the Lord 2.3:5 four thousand p. the Lord, 2 Chr. 7:3: Nth. 5:18 2 C!ir. 5:13 with lustrum, p. L. 7:6 David /). bv their ministry .30:21 Levltesn'nd priests/). L. Kzr. 8:11 shout wlu'ii th. p. L. /v. 72:15 dally slmll be be/). li;l:8 from rising' of HUH I,, bop. l'n>r. 81:30 feareth L. sh. bei). AV. 4:2 I /). dead more than llv. Cant. 6:9 cineens an. tolhv naiuo, Ps. 18:49; !I2:1 ; l.'W:')' 2 Chr. 89;.'I0 comnuinded Lev. to sing p. to I.iml, they sntig p. /v. 9:nslngp, to the Lord In Z. !U:!1 U tlioii timl luhubllentp. PRA Ps. 27:6 yea, I will sing p. to 6. 47:6; 68:32; 75:9; 108:3 47:7 sing p. with understanding 56:12 render p. to thee, 144:9 68:4 sing to G. p. to his name 78:4 to genera, to come p. of L. 14(;:2 I will sin^p. to my God 147:1 good to sing p. to "our 6. 149:3 sing p. to hfm with timb. 6 let p. of God be in mouths Is. 60:6 show forth p. of the L. 6.3:7 I will mention/), of Lord Acts 16:25 Paul and Silas sang p. 1 Pet. 2:9 show forth p. of him PR.AISETH. Prov. 31:28 her husb. also,p. her PR.AISIXG. 2 Chr. 5:13 .«ound heard in p. L. 23:12 Athaliah heard people p. Ezr. 3:11 they sane inp. Lord Ps. 84:4 will be still p. thee Luke 2:13 heavenly host p. God 20 shepherds returned p. God 24:53 contin. in temple p. God Acts 2:47 eat with gladn. p. G. 3:8 and leaping, andp. God, 9 PRAlVCIiVG, S. .Iiid. 5:22 broken by means of p. Nah. 3:2 the noise of p. horses PRATIXG. Prov. 10:8 a/), fool shall fall. 10 3 John 10 p. ag. us with malicio. PRAY. Gen. 20:7 he shall p. for thee 1 Snm. 7:5 S. said. I will p. for y. 12:19 p. for thy sei-vants to L. 23 I should sin in ceasing lop. 2 Sam. 7:27 in his heart top. 1 K. 8:30 Miien thev p. 35, 42, 44, 48; 2 Chr. 6:26," .34. 38 13:6/;. th. my hand be restored 2 Chr. 6:24 p. make supplica. 32 37 p. in land of their captivity 7:14 if my people shall p. Ezr. (1:10 p. for life of the king Xeh. 1:6 hear prayer which Ip. Job 21:15 profit if we p. to him ? 33:26 p. to G. he will be fa\-or. 42:8 serv. Job shall /). for you Ps. 5:2 my God, to thee will I p. 55:17 mom. anjl noon will I p. 122:6 p. for peace of .Terusalcra Is. 16:12 come to sanctuary top. 4.5:20 p. to a god cannot save Jer. 7:16 therefore p. not thoa for this iieoiile, 11:14: 14:11 29:7 peace of city. p. to Lord 12/;. to me. and I will hearken ,37:3 p. now to thcL. 42:2. 20 42:4 p. to the L. your God Zee. 7:2 sent mento p. before L. 1:21 siieedily/). before Lord. 22 Mat. 5: 14 /). for them which de- spitefully use. Luke 16:27 6:5 for they love to p. standing 6/). to Father whicli is in see. 9 after this manner/), ve n::!8)). L. of harvest, l/ike 10:8 14:2:i he went to a mount, to n. Markrn]; Z)^v 6:12; 9:28 19:13 put hands on them andp. 24:20 /). your tli::ht be not ux winter. Murk Vi:W 56:.3fi go p. vonder, Mark 14:33 41 watch and /). Mark 18:.33. 14::!8; Zi/f,' 21 :.36; 22:40, lU 53 think. Ihoii that 1 cannot p. Murk 5:17 and they beirnn to /). 11:24 what ye desire when ye p. Luke 11:1 Lord, tench us to/). 2 he said to them. When yep. l.>':1 men ought always to p. 10 two nu'ii went to teiu. to p. John 11:16 I will/). Falli. 16:26 17:9 I /). for th. /). not for world 15 I /). not that thou lake tholU 20 nor p. 1 for these alono .■\cts 8:22 /). God If peril, thought 21 Simon said, )), ye to the Xi. 10:9 V. went on iioiise top to n. Itom. 8:26 kii. not what we p. mr 1 Cor. 11:13 worn. /). uncovered? 14:8 let blin/), that he lulerpr, 14 If 1 /), In nnknowM toni:iio 15/). with sp. /). with ninlor.~t, 3 Cor. 5:20 amllll•<^.j^, fur (', we;». l:l:7 I/>, loG, that ve ilo no ev. /'/)//, 1:9 this I /), that your lovo Col. 1:11 we do not cenho lo 11. 1 Thrs. B:I7/). wllhoiil ren«liie S3 I /). (). your sp. beproserv. 85 brethren, />. for lif, a Thtt. .1:1; /M. 18:18 4 Thrs. 1:1 ; we 11. nlwovn forvou 1 Tim. 8:M I will llial nieii/i." 3 T.m. 4:10 1 p. Gud it bo not 1. 978 CRUDE^'S COXCORDANCE. PRA Jam. 5:13 any afflicted? let hi.p. 14 and let them/), over him 16 confess your faults, and p. 1 John 5:16 I do not say he sh. p. PRAYED. Gen. 20:17 Abraham ;j. God Xum. 11:2 Mo. p. fire quenched 21:7 M. p. for people, Deut. fl:26 Deul. 9:30 \p. for Aa. same time 1 Sam. 1:10 Hannah p. to L. 21 27 for this child I p. 8:6 Sam. 2 K. 4:3:3 Elisha;). L. 6:17, 13 19:15 Hezekiah p. before Lord 20:2:2 Chr. :30:18; .32:24 2 Chr. 32:20 Isaiah p. ;i3:13 Ma. Job 42:10 captivity when Job p. Jer. 32:16 Jeremiah p. unto L. Dan. 6:10 D. p. 3 ti. a day, 9:4 Jo?!. 2:1 Jonah p. to L. 4:2 Mat. 26:.39 Je. fell and p. 42:44; Mark 14:35, 39 ; Luke 22:41 Mark 1:35 solitary place and p. Luke 5:3 Jesus p. him he would 16 withdrew into wilde. and/i 9:29 as hep. countenance alter. 18:11 the Pharisee stood and p. ^:32 I p. that thy faith fail not 44 agony he p. more eamestly JoAn 4:31 his disciples p. hira Acts 1:24 the disciples j). andsa. 4:31 when they had p. the place 8:15 Peter and John p. for them 9:40 Peter J9. 10:2 CorneL p. 30 10:48 then they p. him to tarry 13:3 had fasted and p. 14:23 16:9 p. him, saying. Come to M. 25 at midnight Paul and S. p. 20:36 Paul kneeled down and p. 21:5 we kneeled on shore audp. 22:17 while \p. in the temple 23:8 to whom P. entered and 7?. Jam. 5:17 E. p. it mi. not rain, 18 PRAYER. 2 Sam. 7:27 pray this p. to thee 1 K. 8:28 respect p. of thy serv. 45 hear thou in heaven their ^. 49 ; 2 Chr. 6::35, 39. 40 54 made end of praving this p. 2 K. n-.ip. for remnant, /;;. 37:4 2 Chr. 7:15 ears be attent to p. 30:27 their p. came to dwelling 33:18 ilanasseh'sp. how G. 19 Xeh. 1:6 thou mayest hear the p. 4:9 nevertheless we made our ^. Job 15:4 yea. thou restrainest v. 22:27 Shalt make thy p. to him Ps. 65:2 O thou thathearest p. 72:15 p. shall be made for him 80:4 how long be angry a?, p. ? 102:17 he will regard p. of-desti. 109:4 but I gave myself nnto^. 9 and let his p. become sin Frov. 15:8 p. of uprl. is delight 29heareth the p. of righteous 28:9 his p. shall be abomination Is. 28:16 poured out a p. 56:7 joyfully in my house of p. for my house shall be called a house of p. Mat. 21:13; Mark 11:17 ; LuU 19:46 Jer. 7:16 lift up cry nor p. 11:14 Lam. 3:44 p. should not pass Ban. 9:3 set face to L. seek by p. 17 God, hear p. of thy sen-aut Hah. 3:1 ap. of Ha. the prophet Mat. 17:21 not out but by p. and fasting, Mark 9:29 Luke 1:1.3 Zacharias. tby p. hea. Ads 3:1 temple at hour of p. 6:4 we mil give ourselves top. 10:31 Cornelius, thy p. is heard 12:5 p. made without ceasing 16:13 p. was wont be made 1 Cor. 7:5 give yourselves to p. 3 Cor. l:ll'helping by p. for us 9:14 by their p. for you, which Eflh. 6:18 praying with all p. Phil. 1:4 in every p. of mine 19 turn to my salvat. thro' p. 4:6 by 7). let requests be known 1 Tim. 4:5 it is sanctified by p. Jam. 5:15p. of faitli shall save 16 p. of a righteous man avail. 1 Pet. 4:7 be sober, watch un. v. SeesEJiSD. In PRAYEB. Neh. 11:17 Mattan. began in. p. Dan. 9:21 1 was epeAk'ing in p. Mat. 21:22 whate. ye ask in p. Ldke 6:12 contin. all night inp. Acts 1:14 they continued in p. Horn. 12:12 contin. instant i,ip. Col. 4:2 continue inp. watch My PRAYER. Job 16:17 in mine haads: also my p. is pure PRE Ps. 4.1 have mercv, hear my p. 17:1;:39:12;54':2 5:3 in morn, will I direct my p. 6:9 the Lord will receive my p. 35:13 my p. returned to bosom 42:8 my p. to God of my life 55:1 give ear onto my p. O God 61:1 attend tomy p. 64:1 ; 84:8; 86:6; 102:1; 143:1 66:19 attended to voice of TOy p. 20 God hath not turned my p. 69:13 my p. is to thee 88:2 let my p. come before th. 13 in mom. sh. m,y p. prev. th. 141:2 let my p. be set bef. thee 5 my p. shall be in their calam. Lam. 3:8 he shutteth out my p. ■Ton. 2:7 my p. came to thee P07n. 10:1 my p. to G. for Is. is PRAYERS. Ps. 72:20 p. of David are ended i>. 1:15 when ye make many ^. Mat. 23:14 for pretence making long ^. Mark 12:40; Lu/x 20:47 Z«i«2:.S7 Anna continned inp. 5:.33 disciples of John make ^. ? Acts 2:42 breaking bread, andp. 10:4 thy p. are come up bef. G. Som. 1:9 I make mention of vou in my p. Eph. 1:16; 1 Thes. 1:2; 2 Tim. 1:3; Phile.4. 15:30 strive with me in your p. Col. 4:12 Epaphras labor, inp. 1 Tim. 2:1 I exh. that p. be made 5:5 widow indeed continu. in p. Phile. 22 thro' your p. be given 3eb. 5:7 when he had offered p. 1 Pet. 3:7 that your p. be not 12 his ear is open to their p. Rev. 5:8 which are p. of saints 8:3 offer it with p. of saints, 4 PR.\YEST. Mat. 6:5 when thou p. be not, 6. PR.\YETH, rVG. 1 Sam. 1:12 as Hannah contin. p. 1 K. 8:28 hearken to praver wh. thy servant p. 2 C^r."6:19, 20 Is. 44: i7 he worshippeth it, p. Dan. 6:11 these found Daniel^. 9:20 I was speaking, and p. Mark 11:25 when ye stand p. Luke 1:10 people were j). with. 3:21 Jes. p. the heaven opened 9:18 as he was alone p. 11:1 he wasp, in certain place Acts 9:11 beh. hep. 11:51 wasp. 12:12 many were together p. 1 Cor. 11:4 every man p. with his 14:14 mv spirit p. but my nnd. 2 Cor. 8:4 p. ns to rec. the gift Ejih. 6:18 p. always in the Spirit Col. 1:3 p. for yon; 4:3 p. for us 1 Thes. 3:10 night and day p. Jude 20 yep. in the Holy Ghost PREACH. Neh. 0:7 appoint, prophets top. li. 01:1 hath anointed me top. Jon. 3:2 p. to it preaching I bid Mat. 4:17 fr. that Je. began top. 10:27 what ye hear, that p. upon 11:1 he departed thence top. Mark 1:4 John did p. baptism 3:14 send th. forth top. Luke9:2 Luke 4:18 top. deliverance, 19 9:60 go and p. kingdom of God Ac's 5:42 ceased not to p. J. C. 10:42 he commanded us top. 15:21 in every city them that p. 16:6 forbidden by'H. Ghost top. 17:3 Je. whom I p. to you is C. Pom. 10:8 word of faith vvh.wep. 15 how shall they p. exc. sent ? 1 Cor. 1:23 we p. Christ crucified 9:16 tho' I p. the gospel, I have noth. to glor}-, woe if I p. not 15:11 so wep. so ye believed 2 Cor. 4:5 wep. not ourselves Gal. 2:2 the gospel which Ip. 5:11 breth, if I yet p. circmnci. Eph. 3:8 I Bhouldp. am. Gent. Phil. 1:15 some indeed p. Christ 16 one p. Christ of contention Col. 1:28 wep. warning every 2 Tim. 4:2p. the word, be inst. PREACHED. Ps. 40:9 I have p. righteousness Mat. 11:5 poor havethegospelp. Mark 1:7 John p. saying. There 39 hep. in their synagogues 2:2 hep. the word "to them 6:12 p. that men should repent 10:20 wont andp. every where Luke 3:18 many others thi. p. he 10:16 the kingdom of God is p. 24:47 remission of sin sho. bep. PRE Acts 3:20 J. C. who before wasp. 4:2 p. thro' J. the resurrection 8:5 p. C. to Samaria; 35 p. Jes. 25 p. the word of L. p. gospel 40 Philip p. in aU cities till he 9:20 Saulp. 0. in synagogues 10:37 baptism which John p. 13:5 they p. the word of God 24 when John had first p. bef. 38 p. to you forgiveness of sins 42 that th. words might bep. 15:.36 let us ■sisit wh. we ha. p. 17:13 word of G. wasp, of Paul 18 he 7;. J. and the resurrect. 20:7 Paul p. ready to depart 1 Cor. 9:27 lest wh. I p. to others 15:2 keep in memory what I p. 12 if C. bep. that he rose 2 Cor. 1:19 J. who was p. am. you 11:4 Jes. whom we have not p. Gal. 1:8 oth. gospel th. we ha. p. Eph. 2:17 andp. peace to you Phil. 1:18 Christ p. and I rejoice Col. 1:23 wasp, to every creature 1 Ti?n. 3:1 p. unto the Gentiles Heb. 4:2 word p. did not profit 6 they to whom it was first p. 1 Pet. 3: 19 p. to spirits in prison See GOSPEL PREACHER. Ec. 1:1 words ofp. son of David 12 I the p. was king over Isr. 12:9 because p. was Avise 10 the p. sought to find words Som. 10:14 hear without a p. .? 1 Tim. 2:7 ord. a p. 2 Tim. 1:11 2 Pet. 2:5 Xoah, p. of righteous. PREACHEST, ETH, 1\G. Jon. 3:2 preach to it the p. I bid Mat. 3:1 came John p. Luke 3:3 12:41 at p. of Jonas, Luke ll:-32 Lvke 8:1 p. and showing .tidings 9:6 through towns p. thegosp"el Acts 8:4 w"ent every where p. 12 p. concern, kingdom of G. 10:36 p. peace by Jesus Christ ll:19p. word to "none but Jews 19:1-3 by Jesus, whom Paul p. 20:9 as P. was long p. Eutychns 25 among wh. I have gone p. 28:.31 p. the kincrdom of God Pojn. 2:21 p. a man sho. not steal 16:25 according top. of Jesus 1 Cor. 1:18 p. of cross is foolish. 21 by foolishness ofp. to save 2:4 my p. was not with enticing 1.5:14 if C. not risen, our p. vain 2 Cor. 10:14 come to you p. gos. ■ 11:4 Cometh p. another Jesus Gal. 1:23 hep. faith he destroyed 2 Tim. 4:17 by me p. might be Tit. 1:3 manif. his word thro' v. PRECEPT, S. Xeh. 9:14 commandedst them p. Ps. 119:4 com. us to keep thy p. 15 I will meditate in thy p. 78 27 make me to understand p. 40 I have longed after thy p. 45 seek p. 87 forsook not p. 56 bee. I kept thy p. 100. 108 63 I will keep thy p. 69, 134 93 I will never forget thy p 94 I have sought thy p. 104 thro' thy p. I get uuderst. 110 vet I erred not from thy^j. 128 theref I esteem all thy p. 141 yet do not I forget thy p. 159 consider how I love thyyj. 173 I have chosen thy p. Is. 2S:10p. upon p. p. on p. 13 29:13 fear taught by p. of men .ler. 35:18 ye kept all Jonad. p. Dan. 9:5 rebelled, dep. fr. thy p. Mark 10:5 he wrote yon this p. Mei. 9:19 Moses hadspok. ev. p. PRECIOCS. Gen. 24:53 to K.'s mother p. thi. Deut. 33:13 for p. things of heav. 14 for p. fruits brought forth 15 for the p. things of the hills 16 for p. things of the earth 1 Sam. 3:1 word of Lord wasp. 26:21 my soul p. in thine eyes 2 K. 1:13 let my life be p. 14 20:13 Hezekiah shewed them p. thintrs. Is. 39:2 2 Chr. 20:25 andp. jewels, which 21:3 Jehoshaphat gave p. thin Ezr. 1:6 streng. with p. things .fob 2'3:10 secth every p. thing IC cannot be val. with p. onyx Ps. 49:8 redemption of sou! is p. 72:14 and p. shall their blood be 116:15 p. in sight of L. is death 125:6 goeth forth bear. p. seed 133:2 It is like the o. ointment PRE Ps. 139:17 how p. thy thoughts Prov. 1:13 sh. find p. substance 3:15 wis. is more p. than rabies 6:26 adulteress hunt for p. life 12:27 subst. of a dili. man is p. 20:15 lips of knowl. a p. jewel 24:4 cham. filled with p. riches Ec. 7:1 a g. name bet. th. p. oin. Is. 13:12 man more p. than gold 28:16 I lav in Zion a p. comer- stonv"l Pet. 2:6 43:4 thou wast p. in my sight Jer. 15:19 take p. from the vile 20:5 I will dehver the p. things Lain. 4:2 the p. sons of Zion Ezek. 22:25 ha. taken p. things 27:20 merchant in p. clothes Dan. 11:8 carrj- away th. p. yes. 43 power over all p. things ■lam. 5:7 waiteth for the p. fruit 1 Pet. 1:7 more p. than gold 19 but with p. blood of Christ 2:4 stone chosen of God, andp. 7 to yon whfch believe he is p. 2 Pet. 1:1 obtained like p. fruit 4 exceed, great andp. prom. Per. 18:12 no man buyethp. ves. 21:11 light was like a stone p. PREDESTIXATE, ED. Bom. 8:29 did foreknow, did p. 30 wh. he did p. them he call. Eph. 1:5 hav. p. ns to adoption lip. according to purpose PRE-EMI.\EXCE. Ec. 3:19 man hath no p. abore Col. 1:18 that he might have p. 3 John 9 Diot. lovelh to have p. PREFER, ED, I\G. Est. 2:9 p. her and her maidens Ps. 1.37:0 if I p. not J. above joy Dan. 6:3 Daniel wasp. ab. pres. John 1:15 com. after me isp. 27 30 who isp. before me Pom. 12:10 in honor p. one ano. 1 Tim. 5:21 without p. one befl, PREMEDITATE. Mark 13:11 neither p. whatsoer. PREPAR.\TIO.\, S. 1 Chr. 22:5 I will make p. for it P)-ov. 10:1 p. of heart of man Xah. 2:3 torches in day ofp. Mat. 27:02 day that followed the day of p. Mark 15:42 ; Luke Zi.M; Jo/i» 19:14. 31, 42 Eph. 6:15 shod withp. of gospel PREPARE. Ex. 15:2 1 will p. him a habitat. Xum. 1.5:5 a drink-offering p. 12 accor. to number ye sli.p. 23:1 B. said. p. me seven oxen 29 build altars, p. 7 bullocks Deut. 19:3 shalt p. thee a way Jos. 1:11 p. your victuals 22:26 let us" p. to build altar 1 Sam. 1:^p. your hearts to L. 1 Chr. 9:32 top. show-bread 29:18 O L. God, p. their heart 2 Chr. 2:9p. timber in abund. .35:6 sanctify yourselves, andp. Job 8:8 p. thyself to the search 11:13 p. thy' heart toward him 27: 10 p. raiment; 17mayp.it Ps. 10:17 thou wilt p. their heart 59:4 p. themselves with, fault 01:7 O p. mercy and truth 107:36 that they may p. a city Prov. 24:27 p. thy work without 30:25 p. their meat in summer Is. 14:21 p. slaugh. for children 21:5 p. table, watch in tower 40:3 p. ye the way of the Lord ; Mai. 3:1; Mat. 3:3; Mark 1:2.3; Luke US 20 workman to p. grav. Image 57:14 say. Cast ye up, p. way 62:10 p. ye way of the people 65:11 p. a table for that troop ■Icr. 6:4 p. ye war against her 12:3 p. them for day of slaugh. 22:7 I will p. destroyers 46:14 say ye. Stand "fast and p. 51:12 set watchm. p. ambusl.es Ezek. 4:15 th. shalt p. thy bread 12:3 p. thee stuff for removing 35:6 I will p. thee to blood 38:7 p. for thyself, thou and all 4.^-17 prince sh. p. sin-offering 24 p. a meat-offering. 40:7. 14 40:15 p. lamb and mcat-offermg JoelZ:^p. war; ^»!««4:12p.meet Mic. 3:5 they p. war against him Mat. 11:10 shallp. way bef. thee 20:17 where wilt thou th. wep. J/«r/t 14:12; Lukeii.'i.^ Lvke 3:4 p. ye way of L. 7:27 John 14:2 1 go top. place, 3 PRE 1 Cor. 14:8 who shall v. to bat. ? Phile. Up. me aleo a lodging PREPARED. Gen. 24:31 Ip. house and room Ex. 12:39 neither p. any victual 23:20 br. thee to place I have p. Num. 23:4 I have p. seven altars ZSam. 15:1 Absalom p. chariots 1 K. 6:19 the oracle he p. in ho. 1 Chr. 15:1 Da. p. a place for ark of God, .3, 12; 2 Chr. 1:4;. 3:1 22:3 David p. iron in abundance 5 Dav. p. abund. bef. 14 ; 29:2 2 Car. 8:16 work of Solo. wasp. 12:14 Reho. p. not his heart 19:3 Jehoshaphat/). his heart 20:33 peo. had not p. th. heart 26:14 Uz. p. shields and spears 27:6 Jotham/). his ways bef. L. 29:19 vessels A. cast away we p. 36 rejoiced G. had p. the peo. 31:11 p. chamb. in house of L. 35:20 when Josiah had p. tem. Ezr. 7:10 Ezra had 7). his heart Nefi. 5:18 which was 7). for me 8:10 them for wh. nothing is p. Est. 5:4 bauq. I have p. 12; 6:14 6'4 Mordeeai on gallows/). 7:10 Job 28:27 he p. it and searched it 29:7 when I p. my seat in street Ps. 7:13 he p. instrum. of death 9:7 hath ». his throne for judg. 57:6 they p. a net for my steps 68:10 thou hast/), "ood. for poor 74:16 thou hast;;. Tight and sun 103:19 the L. hath /). his throne Prov. 8:27 when he p. heavens 19:29 jndg. are p. for scorners 21:31 horse ». ag. day of battle /«. 30:33 Tophet, for king it is p. 64:4 neit. eye seen what he p. Ezek. 23:41 a table p. before it 28:13 workmanship of pipes/). 38:7 be thou/?, and pre. thyself Dan. 2:9 ye have /). lyin^^ words 7/0.5. 2:8 silver and gold they /;. 6:3 going forth/), as morning Jon. 1:17 the L. p. <;reat fish 4:6 God/9, a gourd; 1 p. worm 8 God p. a vehement east wind Nah. 2:5 the defence shall be /;. Z7). 1:7 Lord hath/), a sacrifice Mat. 20:23 it sh. be given to th, for whom it is p. Mark 10:40 22:4 I have p. my dinner 25:.34 kingdom p. 41 into fire?). Mark 14:15 a large upp. room p. Luke 1:17 people p. for tlie Lord 2:31 p. before face of all people 12:47 knew L.'s will, but/), not 23:56 they p. spices, 24:1 Horn. 9:23 v(«. of mercy afore/), 1 Cnr. 2:9 tilings God /). for thcrn 2 Tim. 2:21 p. to ev. good work heb. 10:5 a body hast thou p. mc 11:7 Noah ». ark to the saving 16 he hath p. for them a city Bun. 8:6 seven angels/;, to sound 9:7 locusts like hors. /). for bat. 15 which were p. for an hour 12:6 the woman li.ith a i)lace p. 10:12 kings of cast may hap. 21:2holy city /). as a bride PREPAREDST. Ps. 80:9 tliou /;. room before it PREP A REST, ETII. Nmn. 15:8 wli. thou p. a bullock 2 Clir. .30:19/). hc:irl to seek G. Job 15:3.") their belly /). deceit P^. 2;J:5/). a table before mo 65:9 thou /;. them corn for it 147:8 who/), rain for the eai'tli PREPARI\G. Nell. 13:7/;. him a cliainbcr 1 iW. 3:20 Noah, wh. ark wast/). PRKHBYTERY. 2 jTim. 4:14 laying Oil haiidsof/). PREH<;RinED, IIVG. Ezr. T.'l'i and nalt wlHioul /). ■h. 10:1 grli'VouKu. Ihcy have/;. prkheiv<;e. Oen. 8:8 hid frmii /). of the Lord 4:16 Culn went from /;. of Lord 27:30 Jacob was scarce from /;. 45:3 Joseph's brut, troub. iil )). 47:15 why sho. we die in thy /). Er,. 10:11 drlvc^u from I'har. /). 83:14 my p. sh. go with lliee, 15 !15:!«) Israel depart. Ir. ». ofM. Lev. 22:3 sliall be cut oil I'r. my /). Num. 20:6 Mokc^h went Iroiii;;. 1 Sam. 18:11 Duvid avoided ». 19:10 ho HllppcMloutorSiiul'K;). iHdm. lli;IUlM lliy fiiUier'u /). no will 1 bo In ihyp. PRE 1 K. 12:2 Jer. fled fr. p. of Solo. 2 K. .3:14 regard p. of Jehoshap. 5:27 and he went out fr. his p. 13:23 nei. cast he them fr. his p. 24:20 cast them out from his /;. 1 Chr. 16:27 glory and honor in/). 33 shall trees sing at p. of G. 2 Chr. 9:23 kings sought/), of S. 20:9 stand bef house in thy/). Neh. 2:1 not been sad in his p. Est. 7:6 Ilaman was afraid at p. Job 1:12 Sa. went fr. p. of L. 2:7 2,3:15 I am troubled at his/). Ps. 9:3 shall perish at thy p. 16:11 in thy /;. fulness of joy 17:2 sentence come from thy p. 31:20 hide th. in secret of thy p. 51:11 castme notaway fr. thy p. 68:2 wicked perish at/), of G. 8 Sinai moved at the p. of G. 95:2 come bef p. with thanks. 97-5 hills melted at the/;, of G. 100:2 come bef /). with singing 114:7 tremble at p. of the Lord 1.39:7 whither flee from thy p. ? 140:13 upright sh. dw. in thy p. Prov. 14:7 go fr. p. of a fool, man Is. 1:7 strangers dev. land in p. 19:1 idols of Eg. be moved at p. 63:9 angel of his/), saved them 64:1 moun. might flow at thy/). 2 nations tremble at thy /;. 3 mountains flowed at thy/;. Jer. 4:26 cities broken at p. of L. 5:22 will yc not tremble at/;. 23:.39 cast out of my p. 52:3 Ezek. 38:20 shall shake at my p. Jon. 1:3 Jonah rose to flee fr. p. 10 men knew he fled fr. /). of L. Nah. 1:5 earth is burnt at his p. Zep. 1:7 hold peace at p. of Lord Luke 13,26 eat. and drunk in/). Ar.t.'i 3:19 refreshing come fr. p. 5:41 departed from /). of council 1 Chr. 1:29 no flesh sho. gl. in p. 2 Cor. 10:1 who in p. am base 10 but his bodily/), is weak Phil. 2:12 not as in my p. only 1 Thes. 2:17 taken from you in p. 2 Thos. 1:9 dcstruct. fr./;. of L. Jude 24 faultless before/;. In the PRESE\CE. Gen. 16:12 dwell in t. p. of bret. 23:11 in the p. of my people 25:18 Ish. died in t. p. of brcth. 2 Sam.. 16:19 I not serve in the p. \K. 8:22 Solomon stuoiinthep. 1 CAr.24::31 cast lotsi/ii'. ;).of D. Ps. 23:5 a table in t. p. of enem. 110:14 in the p. of all his peo. 18 Prov. 17:18 i)i tliep. of friend 25:6 put not thyself i)j the p. Jer. 28:1 Ilanau. spake in the p. Lnke 1:19 stand in the p. of God 34:10 worshi]) in the p. ef them 1.5:10 joy in tliep. of ang. of G. Jotni, 20:30 signs did J. in the p. Ads 3:13 deal, him in t. p. of P. 10 given him soundness in p. 27:35 gave thanks to G. in t. p. 1 Tlies. 2:19 are not yc in the p. IJi'b. 9:24 appear in tliep. of G. Rev. 14:10j)1/;. of ang. inp. of L. PRESENT, SiihstaiUlve. Gen.. .32:13 he took a/), for E. 18 21 so went/), over before lilm ,33:10 receive my /). at my hand 43:11 said, Carry Ihe man a/;. 2() brought him the/), in hand Jiul. 3:15 Is. sent a/), lo Kglon 6:18 dejjart not, till I bring/). 1 Sam. 9:7 th. is not/), for man .30:26 a/), of spoil of enemies 1 A". 9:16 for a/;, to his daughter 10:25 bro. ev. man p. 2 CItr. 9:24 15:19 I have sent tlieo a;;. 2 A'. 8:8 the king said. Take a/;. 17:4 bro. no/;, toklngof Assyr. 1H::!1 agnuim. by tip. Is. 36:10 20:12 sent a/), to Ur/.. /s. ;19:1 /.v. 18:7 a/), brought to the Lord h'zek. 27:15 brought up. horns //().«. 10:6 for a/;, to king Jareb PRESENT, Ailjccllvp. 1 S(i/ii. 13:15 .S. numi). people/) 2 Nam. 20:4 and bc^ thou In re /). 1 7i'. 20:27 IsniiO numbered all /). 1 t.'hr. 29:17 seen thy people/). 2 ('hr. 30:21 Israel /). at .lerusal. 3t:,32 caused all />. lo stand to il Ezr. H:25 all IsraiO /). ollered h'st. 4:l6gathi'r all the Jews ;>. /'.(. 46:1 <1, Is/), help in Iroiible J, like 5:17 powerof Ihe L. was/;. 13:1 were/;, at that Hi'auon 18::iU I'uc. moru In thlit/). lifo PRE .John 14:25 I have spok. being/). Acts 10:.33 are we all p. bef God 21:18 all the elders were/). Pom. 7:18 to v.'ill is/;, with me 21 do good, evil is p. with me 8:18 sufferings of this/;, time ,38 nor things p. able to separ. 11:5 even at this/), time 1 Cor. 3:22 things/;, or to come 4:11 to this/), hour we thirst 5:3 /). in spirit, as tho' I were p. 7:26 this is good for p. distress 15:6 greater part rem, to this/;. 2 Cor. 5:8 willing to he p. wi. L. 9 that whether p. or absent 10:2 I may not be bold when/;. 11:9 wlien 1 was/), with j'ou 1.3:2 if I were p. second time 10 I write, lest being/;. Gal. 1:4 deliver us fr. p. world 4:18 not only when I am p. 20 I desire to be p. \^ith you 2 Tim. 4:10 hav. loved p. world Tit. 2:12 live godly inp. world Ileb. 9:9 figure for time then p. 12:11 no chastening for the p. 2 Pel. 1:12 establish, in p. truth PRESEIVT, ED. Gen. 46:29 Jos. p. himself to fa. 47:2/), 5 b:-ethren to Pharaoh Ex. 34:2 and p. thyself there Lev. 2:8 when it is p. to priest 9:12 Aaron's sons p. blood, 18 14:11 priest shall p. the man 16:10 the scape-goat shall be p. 27:8 bef priest shall p. himself Ni/m. 3:6 and/;, the tribe of Le. Peuf. 31:14/;. yours, before tab. Jos. 24:1 /;. themselves bef God Jtid. 6:19 Gid. brought and p. it 20:2 tribes of Is. p. themselves 1 Sam. 10:19 p. yourselves be. L. 17:16 Goliath the Phil. p. hims. Job 1:6 sous of G. ca. to p. them. 2:1 Satan came top. himself Jer. .36:7 will p. their suppliait. 38:26 I p. supplication bef. king 42:9 yc sent top. your supplie. Ezek. 20:28 they p. provocation Pan. 9:18 we do not /;, supplica. Mat. 2:11 they p. to him gifts Litke 2:22 bro. him to p. to Lord Aefs 9:41 call, saints, p. her alive /lorn. 12:1 that yep. your bodies 2 Cor. 4:14 raise by Jesus, p. us 11:2 that I may p. you to Christ Eph. 5:27 might p. it to himself Col. 1:22 p. you holy unblamable 28 ye may p. ev. man perfect Jude'2l him that is able to p. y. PRESE\TIXG. Dan. 9:20/). my supplica. be. L. PRESENTLY. 1 Sam. 2:16 not fa. to bum fat p. P/ov. 12:16 fool's wrath/;, kno. Ml!/. 21:19 p. fig-tree withered 2(J:53 ;). give more than 12 legi. Phil. 2:23 him I hope to send/;. PRESENTS. 1 Sam. 10:27 brought him nop. 1 K. 4:21 they brought/), and 2 A'. 17:3 llos. gave Shalmau. p. Ps. 68:29 kings shall bring/). 72:10 and tlie isjcs shall hri. p. 76:11 let all bring/), to liim Mic. 1:14 give/;, to Morsheth-g. PRESERVE. Gen. 19:32 we may /), seed, 34 4.5:5 send me before you to p. 7 G, sent to /). you a posterity /)eit/. 6:21 lie miLrlitp. us alive /'s. 12:7 thou shall /», them 16:1 ». me, () (i. in thee I trust 25:21 let uprightness /). me 32:7 sliall /). me from trouble 40:11 let thy loving-kind, », inc 41:2 L. will/), and keei)alivt< 61 ;7 prepare truth whieli may /). (Vl:l liear ine, /), my life ft', fear 79:11 /). th, those 111. are to dio 86:2/), mv soul, lor I am holy 121:7 L. /), Ihei', he sh. /), Houl 8 Lord t'hall /), thy going out 1 10:1 0 L. /). mr fr, vio. man, 4 /'/r/i', 2:11 discretion iihnll /). 111. 4:6 forsake her not, bIiiiII /), th. 1 l::l lips of wIhc shall /). Iliem 20:'JH mercy uiul I ruth />. kins; '.'■.': 12 eves of Lord /». knowledge Is. 31:5 In- will /), Jeru-^alem 49:H I will II. lliecinid i;l. Iheo Jr. 49:11 ililld, I will/), alive /.tikr 17:!1.3 l.ixe his Wfr sh, /). It 2 Tim. 4:18 I., w ill />, lo hlx king PItKSKKVKI). KTII. Oen. 'Ja-.'M Gud and my life Ih p. PRE Jos. 24:17 and p. us in the waj 1 Sam. 30:23 Lord who hath p. 2 Sam. 8:6 L. p. D. 1 €%. 18:0, 13 Job 10:12 visitation p. my spirit 29:2 in days when God p. me 36:6 hep. not the life of wicked Ps. 31:23 the Lord p. the faithful .37:28 his saints are/;, forever 97:10 hep. the soul of his saints 110:6 the Lord p. the simple 145:20 L. p. them that love him 140:9 the Lordp, the strangers Prov. 2:8 he/;, way of his saints 10:17 keep, his way p. his soul Is. 49:6 to restore thep. of Israel IIos. 12:13 by a proph. was hep. Mat. 9:17 both are p. Luke 5:38 1 7'/i««. 5:23 sp, soul, and body p. Jude 1 sanctified, and p. in J. C. PRESERVER. Job 7:20 0 thou P. of men ? PRE.SERVEST. , Neh. 9:6 L, made and/), them all Ps. 30:6 O L. p. man and beast PRESIDENTS. Dan. 0:2 over three p. Dan. first 3 Daniel was prefer, above/;. 6p. and princes assembled, 7 PRESS. Mark 2:4 could not come nigh for thep. Luke 8:19 5:27 came in the p. behind him 30 Jesus turn, about in the/;. Luke 19:3 Zacch. not see J. forp. PRESS, ES. Prov. 3:10 /;. burst with wine Is. 16:10 tread no wne in th.p. Joel 3:13 for the p. is full IIa(/. 2:16 fifty vessels out of p. See WINE. PRESS-FAT. Hag. 2:16 came top. to draw PRESS, ED, ETH. Gen. 19:3 Lot/), on two angels 9 they p. sore on Lot. near do. 40:11 1 took grapes and/;, them Jvd. 16:16 Delilah p. wi. words 2 Sam. 13:25 Absalom p. him, 27 Est. 8:14 posts/;, on by coin. Ps. 38:2 thy hand/;, me sore Ezek. 23:3 "their breasts p. bruis. Amos 2:13 I amp. as a cart isp. Mark 3:10/;. on to touch him Luke 5:1 as the people/;, to hear 6::18 good measure p. down 8:15 multit. throng and p. thee 16:16 every man/;, into it Ads 18:5 Paul was p. in spirit 2 Cor. 1:8 were/), above measuro I'/'cil. 3:14 Ip. toward the mark PRESUME, ED. Deu^. 18:20 prophet who shall p. A'm', 7:5 is he that durst/;. Num. 14:tl but they p. to go up PRESIMPTI'OIS. Ps. 19:13 keep. serv. fr. p. sins 2 Pet. 2:10 p. are they, self- will. PR Esr :»i PTiorsL Y. E.r.. 21:14 if a man come p. .Vum. 15:30 aiiirht p. Diut. 17:13 Dmf. 1:,43 went »). U]) into hill 17:13 hear and do no mure/). 18:22 prophet hall^spokeii it p. PRETENCE. Mat. 23:14 for a /), mnku long pravers, Mark 12:40 P/iil. 1:18 whether in p. or trnth PREVVIL. Gen. 7:20 15 cubits did wafers p. Ahm. 22:0 peradventure I sh. p. Jiiil. 16:5 by what means we p. 1 Siim. 2:9 liy sir, sh, no man p. 17:9 if I /). against him 2<1:'25 great Ihliigs and still i). 1 A', 22:22/), also. 2 Chr. 18:'5l 2 (■/()•. 14:11 O L, lei not man p. Est. 6:13 shall not 11. ag, him Jiifi I.V24 they shall/), ag. him 18:9 robber shall />. a!.'aTnsl him /V, 9:19 O L, let not man />. 12: 1 wl, our tongues will wop. 65:3 iniqiiltieH/). agalm-l mn A'r. 4:12 If one/), against him /s. 7:1 could not />. against It 16:12 M, shall come, hill not /). 42:13 shall /). nttilnst eiiemled 47:13 If so he tlioii majesl ;». Jr. l:19lhevsh. not />. ag, thro, sallh the Lord, l.'i:*); 20:11 5:22 waves Uw", can lln-y not p. 80:10 wo shall />, iigalnxl' lilii\ l>iii>. 11:7 thai at;, him mid p. Mat. 10: It) (;»U'H uf hell «h. uot^ 980 CRUDEI^'S CONCOELD A^-CE. PRE iTaf. 27:24 Pi. saw he co'.iM p. John 12:19 perceive ye how ye^j. PREVAILED. Gen. 7:18 waters^), and inc. 19 24 waters p. on earth 150 days 30:8 I have wrestled and p. 32:25 when he saw he p. not 28 po. wi. G. and men, hast p. 47:20 the famine ?;. over tliem 49:26 bless, of thy fath. hath p. Ex. 17:11 Israel;;. Amalek p. Jud. 1:35 hand of house of J. p. i'Sam. 11:23 men p. against ns 24:4 king's word p. against J. 2 K. 25:3 the famine p. in the ci. 1 Cfir. 5:2 Jadnhp. above breth. 2 Chr. 1.3:18 J. p. bee. th. relied Ps. 13:4 I have p. against thee 129:2 have not p. against me Jer. 20:7 stronger than I, and. p. 38:22 friends j9. against thee ioOT. 1:16 weep bee. enemy j). Dan. •21 sa. horn p. ag. saints Hos. 12:4 power over angel p. Ob. 7 men deceived thee and/;. Zuke 23:23 voices of chief pr. p. Acts 19:16 in whom evil spirit jj. 20 mig. grew word of G. and^. Sev. 5:5 root of David hath p. 12:3 dragon and his angels p. PREVAILEST, ETII. Job 14:20 p. for ever against him Zatn. 1:13 fire in bones, and it p. PREVEIVT. Job 3:12 why did kneos p. me? Pt. 59:10 G. of mercy shall yj. me 79:8 let thy tender mercies p. 83:13 in morn. sh. my prayer p. 119:148 mine eyesp. ni. -watches Amoi 9:10 evil "shall not ]). us 1 Thes. 4:15 shall not;;, them PREVENTED, EST. 2 Sam. 22:8 the snares of death p. me. Ps. 18:5 19 p. me in day of ca. Ps. 18:18 Job 30:27 days of afflict, p. me 41:11 who p. that I sho. repay? Ps. 21:3;). him with blessin.gs 119:147 I p. dawning of morn. Zs. 21:14 they;;, with. th. bread iJat. 17:25 Jesus ;;. him, saying, Simon PREY. Gen. 49:9 from the;;, my son 27 in morning he shall dev. p. Num. 14:3 our wives and childr. sh.be a;)..? 31; Beut. 1:.39 23:24 not lie down till eat of p. 31:12 captives and p. to Moses 27 divide the p. in two parts Pent. 2:.35 cattle we took for a p. 3:7; J"o«. 8:2, 27; 11:14 Jud. 5:.30 div. p. a p. of divers 8:24 give me the car-rings of his p. 2 K. 21:14 Judah sh. become a ;;. xseh. 4:4 give them for a;). Est.&:\% spoil of th. for p. 8:11 9:l5"on M. laid not hand, 16 Job 4:11 lion peris, for lack of p. 9:26 as ea.^le that hasteth top. 24:5 as wild asses rising for p. 38:39 wilt th. hunt p. for lion ? 39:29 from thence she seek. p. Ps. 17:12 a lion greedy of p. 76:4 more ex. than mount, of;;. 104:21 young lions roar after p. 124:6 hath not given us for p. Prov. 23:28 lieth in wait as for p. Is. 5:29 roar and lay hold of p. 10:2 widows may be their;;. 6 take?), of a hypocrit. nation 31:4 young lion roaring on p. 33:23 the p. of a great spoil 42:22 for a p. none delivereth 49:24 sh. p. be taken fr. mighty ? 59:15 from evil mak. hims. a p. Jer. 21:9 his life shall be to him for ap. 33:2; 39:18; 4.5:5 30:16 and all that p. on thee \Yi\\ I give for a p. Ezek. 7:21 give to stran. for a p. 19:3 yo. lion, learned to catch p. 22:27" princes like wol. raven. ;;. 26:12 make a p. of merchandise 29:19 shall take her spoil and p. 34:8 bee. my flock became a p. 22 flock sh, ]io more be a p. 28 30:4 to the cities that bee. a p. 38:12 go take spoil and p. 13 Pan. 11:24 scatter am. them p. Amos 3:4 lion roar hath nop..? Nah. 2:12 lions filled holes wi. p. 13 I will cut off thy p. fl-. earth 3:1 bloody city, p. departeth not Zep. 3:8 till day I rise up top,. PRI PRICE, S. Lev. 25:16 accordins; to years In. p. to fe«mess. diminish p. 50 52 shall give him again the p. Pent. 23:18' not bring ;;. of a d. 2 Sam. ^-.'24 I will buv it of thee at a p. 1 Chr. 21:22, 24 Job 28:13 man knoweth not p. 15 18 ;;. of wisdom is above rubi. Ps. 44:12 not incr. wealth bv p. PrmK 17:16 p. in hand of fool? 27:26 goats are the p. of field 31:10 her p. is far above ru1)ies Is. 45:13 shall let so not for p. 55:1 wine and millc ^i-ithout p. Jer. 15:13 give to spoil witho.p. Zee. 11:12 give me p. weighed 13 a goodly p. I was prized at JInf. 13:46 found one pearl of;;. 27:6 beca. it is the p. of blond Acts 4:34 brought p. of the thin. .5:2 kept back part of thep. 3 19:19 counted p. of books burnt 1 Cor. 0:20 boucht with a p. 7:23 1 Pet. 3:4 meek spirit of great p. PRICKED, i:VG. Ps. 73:21 I was p. in my reins Ezel\ 2'5:24 be no more a p. briar Acts 2:37 th. were p. in th. heart PRICKS. Num. 33:.55 th. that remain be p. Acts 9:5 kick against the;;. 26:14 PRIDE. Lei'. 26:19 break p. of your pow. 1 Sam. 17:28 p. and naus-htiucss 2 Chr. 32:26 Hez. humbled for p. Job .33:17 he may hide p. fr. man 35:12 because of p. of evil men 41:15 scales are his p. shut up 34 king over all children of p. Ps. 10:2 wicked in p. doth pers. 4 thro' p. of his countenance 31:20 hide them from p. of man 36:11 let not the foot of p. come 59:12 taken in their p. 73:6 thercf. p. compasseth them Prop. 8:13;;. I hate; 11:2 p. com. 13:10 by p. cometh contention 14:3 mouth of fool, is rod of p. 16: 18 p. goeth before dcstructi. 29:23 a man's p. bring him low Is. 9:9 say in p. of their hearts 10:6 have heard of p. of M. his haughtiness and p. Jer. 48:29 23:9 to'stain;;. of gloi-y 25:11 shall bring down their p. 23:1 woe to the'crown of p. 3 Jer. 13:9 I will mar p. of Judah 17 slial! weep for yourp. 49:16;). of thy heart received Ezei. 7:10 rod'blos. p. budded 16:49 iniqu. of thy sister Sod. p. 56 not mentione'd in day ofp. 30:6 p. of power sh. come dov.-n Pan. 4:37 those that wal'ic in p. 5:20 mind was hardened in ;;. Hos. 5:5p. of Israel testify, 7:10 Ob. 3 ;;. of thy heart deceived Zep. 2:10 shall they have for p. 3:11 take away th. rejoice in;;. Zee. 9:6 cut off p. of Philistines 10:11 p. of Assyria bro. down 11:3 thep. of Jordan is spoiled Marf: 7:22 out of heart proce.p. 1 Tim. 3:6 being lifted up M-i. p. 1 John 2:16 p. of life, not of Fa. PRIEST. Gen. 14:18 p. of M. High, Eeb. 7:1 E.V. 2:16 p. of ]M. had seven dan. Lev. 1:9 p. sh. bum it all on the altar, 1.3, 17; 2:2.9, 16; 3:11, 16; 4:10; 31:35; 7:d, 31 4:6 thep. shall dip his finger, 17 29;). shall make atonement for them, 26; 5:0; 6:7; 12:8; 15:1.5, 30 ; 61 :30 ; 19:22 7:8 p. shall have skin of off'ering 13:3 p. sh. look on plague, 5, fi'. 17. 20, 21, 2.5, 26. 27. .30, 31, .32 14:10 p. dip his right finger in 21:9 if daughter of a p. profane 22:11 if;;, buy any soul 2.3:11 p. shall wave it before L. 27:8 p. shall value him, accord. Ninn. 5:8 tre. recompensed to p. 30 p. execute on her this law 35:.32 not dw. till death of h.-p. Pei/t. 20:2 thep. shall approach Jud. 17:5 one of sons became p. 131 have Levite to mvp. 13:4 Micah hired me, a"m his p. 1 Snm. 2:14 thep. took himself 28 did I choosehim to be p. .? 35 raise me up a faithful p. 14:36 flien said;;. Praw to God 21:4 the p. answered, no bread PRI 1 Sam. 21:6 p. gave him h. bread 1 K. 2:27 Abiathar from being p. 2 Chr. 13:9 the same may be a p. 15:3 Israel without teachinsp. Ezr. 2:63 stood up p. Neh. 7:65 Ps. 110:4 a ;). for ever after order ofMelch. ffeb. 5:6; 7:17.21 Is. 8:2 Itonk witnesses. Uriah p. 24:2 as with people, so with p. 28:7 the p. and prophet erred Jer. 6:13 to the p. every one dealeth falsely. 8:10 14:18 p. go to a land they k. not 18:13 law sh. not perish ft'om p. 23:11 prophet and p. are profa. 33 wlieu a p. sh. ask thee, 34 29:26 Lord made thee p. Lam. 2:6 despis. the king and p. 20 the p. and prophet be slain Ezek. 7:26 law shall perish fr. p. 44:21 nor sh. any p. drink wine 31 p. sh. not eat any thing to. Hos. 4:4 they that strive with p. 6 thou Shalt be no p. to me 9 shall belike people like p. Amos 7:10 the p. of Bethel sent Zee. 6:13 shall b.e p. on throne Jfat. 1:1 p. lips sho. keep knowl. Mat. 8:4 go. show thvself to the p. ilark V.ii: Luke 5:14 L^(ke 1:5 a certain;;. Zacharias 10:31 came down a certain ;). Acts 14:13 p. of Jupiter br. oxen Jleb. 7:3 abideth a p. continually 11 what need another;), rise 15 after Melchizedek aris. a p. 20 without an oath was ma. p. 8:4 he should not be a p. 10:11 ev. p. staudeth minister. See CHTEP. High-PR lEST. Lev. 21:10 h.-p. not uncover head Num. 35:25 in city of refuge till death of h.-p. Jos. 20:6 2 K. 12:10 mouev in chest, h.-p. put it in ba^s. 2 Chr. 24:11 Z''c. 3:1 Joshua .7) .-p. 8; 6:11 .W«?. 20:3 pal. oth.-p. Luke 22:54 57 led him to C'aiaphas, the h.-p. John 18:24 26:05 Ji.-j). rent clothes, Mark 1-1 :a3 -l/(7ri"2:2fi davs of Abiathar. h.-p. .lohn 11:49 Caia. h.-p. 51 : 18:13 18:15 disciple waskn. to h.-p. A<'/.s4:6 were of kindred of h.-p. 9:1 Saul went to the h.-p. 22:5 also the h.-p. doth witness 23:4 re^^lest thou God's h.-p. .? Hb. 2:17 be a faithful h.-p. 3:1 consider apostle ^.-p. of 4:14have great h.-p. in heaven 15 h.-p. wh. cannot be touched 5:1 h.-p. taken from anio. men 5 C. glo. nothimselftobe^.-p. 10 called a ^. -p. after Me. 6:30 7:26 such a h.-p. became us 8:1 we have such a h.-p. on thr. 3 every h.-p. ordained to oft'er 9:7 second, went h.-p .alone 11 a h.-p. of good things 25 the.A.-p entcreth h'oly place 10:21 having &h.-p. over house 13:11 bro. into sanctu. by h.-p See omcE. PRIESTS. Gen. 47:22 land of p. bought not 26 except land of the p." only Ex. 19:6 to me a kingdom ofp. Lev. 1:11 p. sprinkle blood, 3:2 22:10 a sojourner of the ;;. 23:20 holy to the Lord for the p. Deut. 18:3 this shall bep. due Jos. 3:17 p. that bare the ark 6:4 p. bare seven trumpets, 13 Jud. 18:30 he and sons were p. 1 Sam.. 5:5 nor the ;;. of Dacron 6:2 Philistines called for the p. 22:17 turn and slay p. of Lord 18 turn thou, and fall on thep. 1 K. 8:3 and p. took up the arli 12:31 Jeroboam- made p. 13::33 13:2 on thee sh. he offer thep. 2 E. 10:11 Jehu slew Ahab'sp. 19 call me all Baal's p. 12:6 p. had not repaired breach. 23:5 he put down idolatrous p. 2 Chr. 4:6 the sea was for the p. 5:12 120 p. sounding trumpets 14 p. could not min. for cloud 6:41 let;;, be clothed with salv. 8:14 appointed courses of the p. 13:9 not cast out p. of Lord ? 12 p. with trump, to cry alarm 23:6 came to house of L. save p. 20:19 Uzziah was wroth with p. PRI 2 Chr. 29:.34 but thep. were too 30:3 p. had not sancti. themsel. 34:5 Josiah burnt bones of p. 35:8 gave it to p. for offerings Ezr. 6:18 set p. m diiisions 20 p. killed the passover for p. 9:7 p. been delivered to kings Neh. 2:16 nor had I told it to p. 3:22 after him repaired thep. 9:32 trouble that come on p. 34 we nor our p. kept thy law Ps. 78:64 their p. fell by sword 99:6 Moses and Aaron "amons p. 132:9 let thy p. be clothed with 15 clothe her p. with salvation Is. 37:2 he sent elders ofp. 61:6 named thep. of the Lord Jer. 1:18 against the p. thereof 2:8 p. said not. Where is Lord? 26 p. ashamed; 4:9 p. aston. 5:31 p. bare rule by th. means 8:1 bones of;), they shall bring 13:13 fill p. with drunkenness 31:14 satiate souls ofp. 32::22 provoke to anger, their p. 48:7 into captivity with p. 49:3 Lam. 1:4 her p. sigh, her virgins 19 my p. giive up the ghost 4:13 iniq. of herp. shed blood 16 they respected not the p. Ezek. 22:26 herp. viola, my law 40:45 this chamber is forp. 7/0'. 5:1 hear this. 0 p. hearken 6:9 comp. ofp. murder in way ■loel 1:9 thep. mourn, 13: 2:17 3Iic. 3:11 thep. teach for hire Zep. 1:4 cut ofTnamesof thep. 3:4 p. polluted the sanctuary Harji. 2:11 as p. concerning law Mai. 1:6 you. Op. that despise 2:1 p. this command, is for you 2Iaf. 12:4 lawf. only for p. to eat 5 p. profane sabbath, Mark 2:26 :. Luke 6:4 Mark 2:26is not la wful but for p. Luke 17:14 show yonrseh'cs top. Ads 4:1 thep. came upon them 6:7 a comp. ofp. were obedient Heb. 7:21 p. made without oath 23 p. not suffered to continue 8:4 seeing there are p. that offer 9:6p. went into first tabernacle Pev. 1:6 made us p. to God. 5:10 20:6 sh. bep. of God and Chi-ist See cmEF, levites, office. High-PRIESTS. L^/ke 3:2 An. and Ca. were h.-p. Ilfb. 7:27 not daily as h.-p. 23 the law maketh men h.-p. PRIESTHOOD, Ex. 40:15 everl. p. throughout generations. Num. 25:13 Nvm. 16:10 and seek ye thep. 18:1 shall bear iniquity ofp. Jos. 18:7 p. ofL. is their inherit. Ezr. 2:62 pollu. fr. p. Neh. 7:64 Neh. 13:29 defiled p. coven, ofp. Ileb. 7:5 Levi, who receive thep. 11 if perfection were by Le. p. 12 for the p. being changed 14 M. spake notHing coiic. p» 24 hath an unchangeable p. 1 Pet. 2:5 a holy p. 9'a royal p. PRFVCE. Gen. 23:6 thou art a mighty p. 32:28 asp. hast thou po. wi. G. 34:2 wh. Shechemp. of country Ex. 2:14 who made thee a p. Nu7n. 16:13 make thyself p. 17:6 for each p. a rod. twelve 34:18 take one p. of every tiibe ■Los. 22:14 each chief house a p. 2 Sa?n. 3:38 kn. ye not p. fallen ? 1 A'. 11:34 his days make him p. 14:7 made thee^;. over peo. 16:3 Job 21:28 where is house ofp. / 31::37 as a p. wo. I go near him Prov. 14:28 want is dest. of a p. 17:7 less do lying lips bee. a p. 2o:7 lower in presence of thep. 15 forbearing is a p. persuaded ' 2S:10p. that want, understand. Cant. 7:1 beautif. thy feet. Op. Is. 9:6 called the P. of peace ■ler. 51:59 Seraiah was a quiet p. Ezek. 7:27 thep. shall be clothed 12:10 concemeth p. in Jemsal. 12 and p. shall bear on should. 21:25 profane, wicked p. of Is. 28:2 say to the p. of Tyrus 30:13 be no more ap. of Egypt 34:24 my senant David, a p. 37:25 David sh. be fh. p. forev. 38:2 thep. of Meshoch. 3: 39:1 44:3 gate for p. p. shall sit in it 45:17 it sh. be the p. part to givo CRUDEN'S CONCORD AN-QE. 981 PRI Ezek. 46:2 the/), sli. enter bypor. 4 offering that the p. shall offer 12 when^j. prepares an offer! . 10 ifp. give a gift to any sons 18 ;?. shall not take people's in. 48:21 residue ehall be for Vac p. Dan. 1:7 to whom p. gave names 8 he requested of ^;. of eunuchs 9 Daniel in favor with the p. 8:11 ma'j:nili. himself even to^. 25 shall stand up against the^p. 9:i5 build unto Messiah the P. 26 people of;;, tliat shall come 10:i;j the/), of Persia witiistood 20 p. of Persia, p. of Gre. come 21 none hold, but Michael p. 11:18 but a p. for his own beha. 22 also thep. of the covenant 12:1 Michael stand up, great/). Hos. .3:4 shall abide without a.p. Mic. 7:3 n. and judge ask reward Mat, 9:34 ca.steth out dcv. by y. of devils, 12:24; MarkZ-.'li John 12:31 the p. of this world 1 1:30 for the ^. of world conieth 13:11;;. of this world is judged Acln 3:15 killed the P. of life 5::51 him God exalted to be a P. rph. 2:2 according to;;, of air 2(ev. 1:5 Jesus Christ P. of kings PRIiVCES. Gen. 12:15;;. also of Pharaoh 17:20 p. shall Ishm. beget, 2."):1G Nvm. 7:3 for two;;. 10;;. offer. 16:2 rose up 2.50 ;x 21:18;;. dig. 22:8 and;;, abode with Balaam 16 Ba. sent p. more honorable Jos. 9:15;;. of congrega. sware 13:21 M. emote with;;, of Mid. 22:14 P. ten;;, sent to Reuben Jud. 5:3 give ear, O ye;;. 15 p. of Issachar were with D. 7:25 two ». of the Jlidianites 1 Sam. 2:8 to set them amongp. 29:4;;. of Philisti. were wroth 1 K. 20:14 by young men of;j. 1 CJhr. 4:38 these;;, in families 28:21 p. will be at thy command 2 Chr. 28:14 left spoil before;;. 30:12 do commandments of;;. 35:8;;. gave willingly to people 36:18 treas. of his p. to Babylon Ezr. 7:28 bef. king's mighty^;. 9:2 hand of;;, hath been cliief 10:8 according to counsel of p. Neh. 9:134 nei. have;;, kept law Est. 1:3 feast to all his;;. 2:18 6:9 of one of the king s noble;;. Job 3:15 had heenatrest with ;;. 12:19 leadeth ;;. away spoiled 21 ho poureth contempt on p. 29:9 the p. refrained talkinj' 34:18 say top. ye arc ungodly? 19 him that accepteth not^. Ps. 45: 16 p. in all the earth 47:9 p. of people are gathered 68:27p. of Zebulon, p. of Nap. 31 p. shall come out of Egyi)t 76: 12 he shall cut off spirit of;;. 82:7 and full like one of the;;. 105:22 hind his p. at his j)!eas. 107:40 poureth contempt on ;;. 113:8 s(!t him wi. p. even wi. ;;. 118:9 tru. ill L. than coiill. in p. 119:2:3 p. also did sjieak ag. nie 161 p. perse, me williout cause 146:3 put not your trust in p. 148:11 /). and judges of earth Prov. 8: 15 p. decree; 16 p. rule 17:26 it is not good to strike p. 19:10 much less a ser. to rule p. 28:2 many are the p. thereof 81:4 not for;;, t^o drink strong Ec. 10:7 p. walking as servaiUs 16 when thy p. eat in the inor. 17 hlessedart thou, wli. p. eat Is. l:2'i thy ». are rebellious 8:4 I will give children to Ih. p. 14 \j. enter into judgm. wi. p. 10:8 are not my p. alto, kings? 19:11 p. ofZoaii, p. of Noph, 13 21:5 ye;;, anoint theshiehl 23:8 whose intTcliunts are p. ;)0:'l Ills )). wen; at Zoan, aiiiha. 31:9/). slinll bi' afraid of eiisli;ii 32:1 /). shall rule In judgment 31:12 all In^rp. hIuiII be iiolhliig 'l«:23lhat bringethp. lo nothi. 41:25 and he shall eoiiin upon p. 4.3:281 jirofaiuril p. of saneluary 49:7 w. shall worshlii hec. of I.. Jir. 1:18 brazen walls ag. tln^ p, 2:26 Ih. kings and )). asliainccf 4:9 heart of/), sh, ln' aslimlsh. 8:1 shall biiiigoul Ik h of p. 17:2.'i/). hIIIIm;; on Ihioiieori). 26:16;). said, 1'IjIs man Is not PRI Jer. 32:32 kin^s and p. pro. me 34:21 ;;. I will give to enemies 33:17 if thou go to k. of B. ;;. 48:7 Ch. and ;;. go to capt. 49:3 4!):3S I will destroy from the p. 50:35 sword on p. and wise men 51:57 I \vill make drunk her;;. Lam. l:(>p. become like harts 2:9 kings and;;, am. Gentiles 5:12 p. are hanged by th. hand E::ek. 22:27;;. like wolves raven. 23:15 dyed attire, all of them;;. 32:29 Edom and her p. 30 the p. of the north 39:18 ye shall drink blood of p. i'y.S my ;;. no more opp. people Ban. 3:2 king sent to gather;;. 6:1 to set over kingdom, 120 ;;. 4 p. souir'nt occasion ag. Dani. 8:25 stand ag. the Prince ofp. 9:8 confusion of face to ourp. lo:13 Michael one of p. came 11:5 one of his;;, sh. be. strong Hos. 7:3 they make ;;. glad 5 thep. have made him sick 16 their;;, shall fall by sword 8:4 made;;, and I knew it not 10 shall sorrow for kin^ of p. 9:15 all their;;, are revcilters l;3:10 Give mc a king and;;. Amos. 1:15 intocaptiv. he and;;. ^^tc. 3:1 hear, p. of house of Is. 9 Ilab. 1:10 the p. shall be a scorn Zep. 1:8 I will punish the p. 3:3 p. within her are roar, lions 3Iat. 20:25 p. of Gent, exercise 1 Co?: 2:6 nor wisdom of the;;. 8 none of;;, of this world All the PRINCES. 2 K. 24:llcaiTied away all thep. 1 Chr. 29:31 alljy. submit, them. 2 Chr. 24:23 destroyed all the}}. Ed. 1:16 done wro. to all ihejt. 3:1 set his seat above all the p. Ps. 83:11 all th. p. as Zebah ami Jer. 36:;21 it in ears of all the p. EzeJc. 26:16 all the p. of the sea Amos 2:3 will slay all the p. See ISRAEL. PRIiVCES of Jiidah. Neh. 12:31 I brought up ;;. ofju. Ps. 68:27 there is;;, of Jiiduh Jer. 52:10 slew all the;), of Jud. Mat. 2:6 not least am. ;;. of Jud. PRIIVCESS, E8. 1 K. 11:3 Solom. had 700 wiv. p. Lam. 1: 1 p. among provinces PRIIVCIP.\L. Ex. 30:23 take th. also/), spices Lev. 6:5 shall restore it in the;). Num. 5:7 recoinp. trcsp. willi ;;. 1 K. 4:5 son of Nathan p. officer 2 K. 25:19 the p. scribe of the host, Jer. 52:25 1 Chr. 24:6 one;;, household 31 even p. fathers cast lots Neh. 11:17 Mattaniah ;;. to begin Prov. 4:7 wisdom is the p. thing Is. 16:8 broken down p. plants 28:25 east in ;;. wheat and barl. Jer. 25:34 in ashes, p. of Hock :V> nor the ;;. of the (lock escape M/e. 5:5 raise ag. Iiini 8?;. me. Acts 25:23;;. of the city entered PUINCIPALITY, lES. ./(■;•. 13:18 ymir p. sh. comedown /'om. 8::i8";;. nor powers able A'/ A. 1:21 far above all p. power 3: 10 to p. might be kii. wisdom 6:12 wrestle ag. ;;. and power f.'ol. 1:16 p. were created by liini 2: 10 head of all p. and power 15 having spoiled;), he made Tit. 3:1 iiiliid to be subject top. PRINCIPLES. If/'h. r):12oiu^ leach you flrst ;). 6:1 p. of llie doelrliK! of Clir. PHINT, Kl). Lev. 19:28 shall nol ;). anv mar. ./()/; li):'i) () that ui> words were p. in a hook PIUNT. .foh 13:27 set lest a p. on heels yo/t)t 20:25 exe. I see p. ofiuillH, and put my linger into p. PUISCA. 2 rim. 4:19 l'l{IS('ll,Ii.\. .-li-ts 18:9, art; Pom. 16:3; 1 Cor. 16:19 PUIKO-V. C;.;).;m:2n I'nllpb. imt .Iim. In //. 40:3 put buller and baUer In p. 12:19 iKiuiid ill liouse of vmirp. I A'. 22:27 put IliU fellow In p. 2 Chr. 18:20 PRI 2 K. 17:4 bound Hoshea in p. 25:29 changed his p. garment, Jer. 52:31, 33 Neh. 3:25 Palal repaired by;;. Ps. 142:7 bring my soul out of;;. Ec. 4:14 for out ot'p. he eometli Is. 24:22 they sh. be shut up in p. 42:7 bring out prisoners from p. 22 all of them hid in ;;. .53:8 he was taken from;;. 61:1 proclaim opening of the;;. ■Jer. 32:2 Jeremiah was shut in;;. 12 before Jews in court of;;. 33:1 word came to Jerem. v,iiile in p. 37:21; 38:0, 28; 39:15 37:4 had not put him into;;. 15 put him in p. in Jon. house .39:14 took Jeremiah out of;;. 52:11 put Zedekiah i:i p. j)raf. 4:12 John was cast into ;;. 5:25 be cast into p. Li/Ke 12:li 11:2 J. heard in p. works of C. 14:3 Ilerod put him in p. 18:30 he cast him into ;;. 25:36 I was in ;;. ye came to me 39 \\licn saw we thee in p. .? 44 Mark 1:14 after J. was put in ;;. 6:17 Her. had bound John in;;. Luke 3:20 ho shut up John in ;;. 22:33 go with thee both into;;. 23:19 for murder cast iiip. 25 .John 3:24 John not yet cast in p. Acts 5:18 put apostles in com. p. 19 angel by night op. ;;. doors 8:3 men and women, cimi. to ;;. 12:4 Peter in;;. 5 kept in;;. 7 light in p. 17 L. br. out of p. lfi:2:i Paul and Silas cast in p. 24 inner p. 27 p. doors opou 26:10 saints did I shut in ;;. 1 Pet. 3:19preaeh. tospirits inp. Prv. 2:10 shall cast some into p. 20:7 S. shall be loosed out his;;. See GATE. PRIfiON-HOUSE. ■/ud. 16:21 S. did grind in ;;.-/(. 2 Chr. 16:10 Asa put 11. in;;. -A. Is. 42:7 in darkness out of p.-h. PRISONER. Ps. 79:11 let sighing of 7;. come 102:20 hear groaning of the p. Mat. 27:15 release to people a p. Acts 23:18 P. ;;. called me to him 2.5:27 unreasonable to send a p. 28:17 yet was I delivered;; Eph. 3:1 IP. the ;;. of Jesus, 4:l;P/;i'7<'. 1:9 2 Tim. 1:8 not ashamed of his p. See FELLOW. PRISONERS, Oen. 39:20 where king's p. were Num. 21:1 took somcof Israel ;;. Job 3: IS there the ;). rest toge. Ps. 69::i3 L. despiseth not his p. 116:7 the Lord looseth the p. Is. 10:4 bow down under the ;;. 14:17 oiiened not house of;). 20:4 As.xyria shall lead Egyp. p. 21:22 be "gathered togetheras;;. 42:7 bring out ;;. from iirisoii 49:9 mayest say top. Go forlli Lam. 3:34 crusli under feet llu';;. Zee. 9:11 have sent forth thv ;;. 13 turn to str.-hold ;). of hope Act.t 16:25 praises, p. iieard I hem 27 suiniosin" p. had been lUil 27:1 delivered Paulandother p. 42 soldiers' conn, was to kill ;;. PR ISONS. Tjike 21:12 delivering ycm in. p. .■\cts 22: 1 del. in ;;. men and wo. 3 Cor. Il:'i3 in;;, more ft-enuent PRIVATE, LY. Mat. 24:3 disciples came to C. />. Mark 0:32 Jesus went into a ship p. Luke'i:\0 9:2^ J. and And. ask him p. 13::t Luke 10:'i3 turned lodisciplenp. .lets '23:19 with Paul's kliism. ;). (I(U. 2:2 p. 10 Ihemof reputalloii 2 IH. 1:'20 any p. Inlerprelallou PRIVII-Y. Jud. 11:31 be Hint inesseiigers p. I Sum. "2-1: 1 Dii. oul Saul's sk. p. I's. 10:8 eyes p. sel agaliiKl |>oor ll:3miiv/i. shoot iil upright 31:4 out" of net laid p. 142:3 (il;R eoiiiinuiie of lay. snares p. 101:5 wlioxti p. sliiiiileiMnelglib. /'/111'. 1:11 link p. for liiiioceiit IH lurk /). for their own lives Mill. 1:19 lo pill her iivvay p. 2:7 Her. wbeii be liiiil ;i. enlleil 4(7.1 16::i7 now «U) lliry Uirur.t us out/;./ PRO Gal. 2:4 camo in p. to spy out 2 Pet. 2:1 p. bring damna. here. PRIVY. Deut. 23:1 p. member cut off 1 K. 2:44 wickedness heart p. to Ezek. 21:14 enters ;;. chamber Acts 5:2 wife also being p. to it PRIZE. 1 Cor. 9:24 but one receiveth;;. Pldl. 3:14 I press toward the^ PRIZED. Zee. 11:13 price that I was p. at PROCEED. Jos. 6:10 word;;, out of mouth 2 Sayn. 7:12 seed wh. shall p. ■Job 40:5 but I willp. no further /;. 29:14 I p. to do marvel, work 51:4 for a law shall;;, from me ■Jr. 9:3 they ;;. from evil to evil 30:21 governor shall ;;. fr. midst Il.'ib. 1:7 judi;in. and dign»sh. p. Met. 15:18prout Of mouth delilo 19 hc.'irtp. murders, ,l.''o;7i;7:21 Eph. 4:29 no corrupt commn. p. 2 Tim. 3:0 they shall;;, no furt. PROCEEDED. Num. 30:12 what. p. out of lips ■hid. 11::36 do that which p. out ■lub 36:1 Elihu also p. and said Luke 4:23 gracious words wh. ;;. ■John 8:42 for I ;;. forth from God Acts 12:3 he ;;. to take Peter also Pev. 19:21 sword p. out of mouth PROCEEDETH, ING. Gen. 24:.50 tiling p. from the L. Num. 30: 2 according to all th. ;; Deut. 8:3 by e\ery word that p out of mouth of G. Mat. 4:4 1 Sam,. 24:13 wick. ;;. fr. wicked E.c. 10:5 error whienp. fr. ruler Lr.m. 3:38 out of M. Iligh p. not Ilab. 1:4 wroii"; judgment p. John 15:26 ^\n. of truth p. fr. F. ■Jam. 3:10 out of the same mo. p. Per. 11:5 fire p. out of th. mouth 22:1 water of life ;;. out of Ihr PROCESS. Gen. 4:3 in;;, of time C. brought 3>S:12 in^;. of time Shuah died A>. 2:23 ill ;;. of time ki. of Eg. .hid. 11:4 in;), chil. of Amnion 2 Chr. 21:19 in;;. Jehor.'s bowo. PROCIIORI'S. Acts 6:5 PROCL.VIM. E.v. 33:19 I will p. name of Lord Liv. 2!:2 feast of L. ;;. 4, 21, 37 25:10;;. lib. /)<>«/. 20: 10;;. pe.ico Jud. 7:3 top. in ears of people 1 A'. 21:9 p. a fast, set Naboth on 2 K. 10:20 Jehu said, p. assemb. Nih. 8:15p. they fetch branches Est. 6:9;;. before him. Thus sh. Prox'. 20:6 men ;;. own goodness Is. 61:1 ho sent me to;;, liberty 2p. the acceptable j'ear of L. J,/-. 3:12/). th. words, 11:6; 19:2 7:2 stand in gate of L. p. thero 34:8 made a coven, to;;, liberty 17 I p. a liberty for you to sw. .Jod 3:9 p. this among the Gent. .imos i:5 p. the free-oll'eriugs PROCLAI.MKD. F.i\ 81:5 p. name of Lord, 6 36:6 tbev caused it (o bo ;;. 1 A'. 21: l5 they p. a fast, set 2 K. 10:20 soleiun nssi in. and p. a'i:16iiian of G. r, whop. 17 2 Chr. 20:3 Jebosliapluit p. a fast Kzr. 8:21 I ;;. a fast at .Miava Pst.IKTIl. INO. Pnn\ I'.'. .'3 I.eiM of fouls;). * .l,r. 31:1.^;). liberty ev, man, 17 Hi V. 6:2 I saw a strong angel p. PHO('I,\MVTION. h',r. .32:'i .Naioii nmde p. 1 A'. 15:'J2 king .Asa made a p. 22:36 went /». (biougluuil host 2 ('hr. 24:9.1. made a i>. lliitiilKh 36:'.22('vrus niiido;>. r'sr. 1:1 F:r. W:i K. made ;>. Ibn«' .Iiulnli l)ai>. '1:29 III Ihbii/./.ar iiuitlu p. PROCIRK. Kl). KTII. /Vvic. 1 1:27 seek, good p. ftivor ./•)'. 2:17 luiHl lliiiii nut 11. IbU 4:IH IhydiilngH/i. III. things '.'li;19 iiilglil WW p. greiil evil aa:U lur all poxterlly 1 p. to ll 982 CRUDEN'S COITCOIIDANCE. PRO PRODUCE. Is. 41:21p. your cause, saitU L. PROFANE, Adjective. Zev. 21:7 not ta. wife th. is p. 14 Jer. 23:11 proph. and priests p. Ezek. 21:25 thusp. prince of I 28:16 cast asp. out of mount. 42:20 sanctuary and p. place 44:23 differe. batw. holy and p. 48:15 sh. be &p. place for city 1 Tim. 1:9 law is made for p. 4:7 ref. p. and old wives' fables 6:20 avoid ^j. babbl. 2 Tim. 2:16 Heb. 12:16 lest th. be any p. per. PROPANE, Verb. Lev. 18:21 neit. shalt thou p. G. 10:12; 20:3; 21:6; 22:2, 32 21:12 shall not^J. sanctuary, 23 15 nor shall p. his seed among 22:9 if they p. my ordinance 15 shall not^. holy things Neh. 13:17 evil do, ^j. sabbath Ezek. 23:39 came to sanctu. top. 24:21 1 willp. my sanctuary A)nos 2:7 to^j. my holy name itat. 12:5 priests in temple p. Acts 24:6 gone about to p. temp. PROFANED. hen. 19:8 hep. hallowed things Ps. 89:39 thou hast p. his crown Is. 43:28 I have p. the princes of Ezek. 22:8 thou p. my sab. 23:.38 28 p. my holy things, I am p. 25:3 sanctuary when it wasp 36:20 they p. my holy name 21 my name Is. had p. 22, 23 Mai. 1:12 ye have p. it, ye say 2:11 Jud. hath p. holiness of L. PROFANEIVESS. Jer. 23:15 prophets of Jeru. is p. PROFANETH, ING. Lev. 21:9 she p. her father, she Neh. 13:18 bring A\Tath by p. sab. Mai. 2:10 by p. covenant of fath. PROFESS. Deut. 2fi:3 I p. this day to the L. Mat. 7:23 I p. I never knew you Tit. 1:16 they p. they know God PROFESSED, ING. Horn,. 1:22 p. themscl. to be mse 2 Cor. 9:13 glori. God for yourp. 1 Tim. 2:10 becometh women p. 6:12 hastp. a good profession 21 some p. have erred PROFESSION. 2 Tim. 6:12 professed a goodp Seh. 3:1 the High-priest of ourp. 4:14 let us hold fast ourp. 10:23 PROFIT, Substantive. Gin. 25:32 what p. sh. birthright 37:26 what p. if we slay broth. ? Est. 3:8 it is not for king's p. Job 21:15 what p. if we pray 30:2 whereto strength p. me? 35:3 what p. if I be cleansed Fs. 30:9 what p. is in my blood? Frov. 14:23 in all labor th. is p. Ec. 1:3 what p. hath a man of all his labor? 3:9; 5:16 2:11 there was nop. under sun 5:9 the p. of the earth is for all 7:11 by wisdom there is p. to Is. 30:5 help nor p. but shame Jir. 16:19 things where, is nop. MaJt. 3:14 what p. that we kept Itom,. 3:1 what p. of circumcis. ? 1 Cor. 7:35 I sp. for your oww p. 10:33 not seeking mine own p. 2 Tim. 2:14 about words to nop. Seb. 12:10 chasteneth us for p. PROFIT, Verb. tSam,. 12:21 thi. wh. cannot p. Job 35:8 thy righteousn. may p. Prov. 10:2wickediiessp. nothing , 11:4 riches p. not in dayof wra. Is. 30:5 peo. that could not p. 6 44:9 delectable things sh. not p. 47:12 thou shalt be able to p. 57:12 works, shall not p. thee Jer. 2:8 things that do not p. 11 for that'which doth not p. 7:8 lying words that cannot p. 12:13 put to pain, but sh. not p. 23:.32 they sh. not p. this peop. Mark 8:36 what p. if gain world 1 Cor. 12:7 ev. man to p. withal 14:6 what shall I p. you ? Gal. 5:2 Ch. shall p. you nothing Heb. 4:2 word preach, did not p. Jam. 2:14 what doth it p. breth. 16 give not thi. needf. wh. p. .? PROFIT.4BLE. Job 22:2 can a man be p. to God ? Ec. 10:10 wisdom is p. to direct PRO Is. 44:10 image is p. for nothing Jer. 13:7 girdle wasp, for noth. Mat. 5:29 p. members perish, 30 Acts 20:20 I kept noth. p. to you 1 Tim. 4:8 godliness is p. to all • 2 Tim. 3:16 all Scripture is p. 4:11 M. is p. to me for ministry Tit. 3:8 th. things are p. to men Phile. 11 but now p. to thee PROFITED, ETH. Job .33:27 I have sinned, it p. not 34:9 it p. noth. to delight in G. Hob. 2:18 what p. graven image Mat. 15:5 it is a gift whatever thou might, be p. MarkT.ll 16:26 what is man p. if he gain John 6:63 quicken, flesh p. noth. Bom. 2:25 circumcision p. if th. 1 Cor. 13:3 not char, it p. noth. Gal. 1:14 I p. in Jews' religion 1 Tim. 4:8 bodily exerci. p. little Heb. 13:9 notp. "them that occu. PROFITING. 1 Tim,. 4:15 thy p. may appear PROFOUND. Hos. 5:3 the revolters are p. PROGENITORS. Gen. 40:26 above bless, of my p. PROGNOSTICATORS. Is. 47:13 let monthly p. stand up PROLONG, ED Dent. 4:26 not p. your days, .30:18 40 that thou mayest p. days on earth, 5:16, 33; 6:2; 11:9; 17:20; 22:7 ,32:47 ye shall p. your days Job 6:11 that I should p. life ? 15:29 wicked sh. notp. perfect. Ps. 01:6 thou will p. king's life Prov. 28:2 by knowl. shall be p. 16 he that hateth covet, sh. p. Ec. 8:12 a sinner's days be p. 13 nei. shall wicked p. his days Is. 13:22 her days shall not be p. 53:10 seed, he shall p. his days Ezek. 12:22 the days are p. and 25 to pass, it sh. be no morop. 28 none of my words bcp. more Dan. 7:12 thc'ir lives were p. for PROLONGETII. Prav. 10:27 fear of Lordp. days PROMISE, Substantive. Nti?n. 14:34 kn. my breach of p. 1 K. 8:56 not failed of tjoodp. 2 6%r.l:91etp. toDavidbeesta. JSleh. 5:12 do according to this p. 13 perform, not p. accor. to p. P.t. 77:8 doth p. fail evermore ? 105:42 remembered his holy p Luke 24:49 send p. of my Fath Acts 1:4 wait for p. of the Father 2:33'receivedp. of Holy Ghost 39 thep. is to you and children 7:17 time of thep. drew nigh 13:23 his p. ha. raised a Saviour ;32p. made to fathers 23:21 looking for a p. from thee 26:6 hope of thep. made of G. 7 Pom. 4: 13 p. that he sh. be heir 14 the p. is made of none effect 16 the p. might be sure to seed 20 he staggered not at thep. 9:8 chil. of p. counted for seed 9 this is word of p. I will come Gal. 3:14 receive p. of the Spirit 17 sho. make p. of none effect 18 it is no more of p. but God gave it to Abraham by 7). 19 to whom the p. was made 22 that the p. by faith of J. C. 29 ye are heirs according to p. 4:23 he of free woman was by p. 28 we, as Isaac, children of;;. Eph. 1:13 with Holy Spirit of p. 2:12 strangers from coven, of p. 3:6 partakers of his p. in Clirist 6:2 first commandment with p. 1 7'im. 4:8 hav. thep. of the life 2 Tim. 1:1 according top. of life Heb. 4:1 fear, lest a;), being left 6:13 God made p. to Abraham 15 after he endured he obtai.p. 17 will, to show to heirs of p. 9:15p. of eternal life, 10:36 11:9 sojourned in laud of p. heirs wi. him of the same p. 39 these all received not thep. 2 Pet. .3:4 wh. is p. of his coming 9 Lord not slack concer. hisp, 13 according to hisp. we look 1 John 2:25 this is thep. he hath PROMISE, Verb. 2 P«<. 2:19 while they p. liberty, they servants of corruption PRO PROMISED. Ex. 12:25 give according as hep. Num. 14:40 go to place Lord J). Deut. 1:11 L. bless as hep. 15:6 p:3 increase as the Lord 7;. thee 10:9 L. is his inherit, as hep. 12:20 L. enlarge border, as hep. 19:8 give thee land hep. 27:3 26:18"to be his people as hep. Jb.s. 23:5 possess th. land as L.p. kSam. 7:28 p. goodness to serv. 1 K. 2:24 made me house he p. 5:12 L. gave S. wisdom as hep. 8:20 I sit on thro, of Is. as L. p. 56 given rest to people as he p. 9:5 as I p. to David, thy father 27r. 8:19p. togi. light, 2CAr. 21:7 1 Chr. 17:26 th. hast p. goodness 2 Chr. 6:10 set on throne as L. p. Keh. 9:23 concern, whi. thou 7;. Jer. 32:43 all good I p. 3:3:14 Mat. 14:7 Ilerodp. with oath Mark 14:11 p. to give money Luke 1:72 mercy p. to oar fath. 22:6 hep. to betray him Acts 7:5 hep. to give it to him Pcrni. 1:2 gospel wh. he hadp. 4:21 what hep. he was able Tit. 1:2 7>. before world began Ileb. 10:23 he is faithful that p. 11:11 him faithful that hadp. 12:26 hath p. saying. Yet once Jam. 1:12 L. p. to them love, 2:5 1 John 2:25 liathp. us eter. life PROMISEDST. 1 K. 8:34 David that thou p. 25 Neh. 9:15 p. they sho. go to land PROMISES. Bom. 9:4 to whom pertain p. 15:8 to confirm p. made to fath. 2 Cor. 1:20 all p. of God in him 7:1 having therefore these p. Gal. 3:16 to Abra. were p. made 21 is law against p. of God? Heb. 6:12 thro' foith inherit p. 7:6 M. blessed him that hadp. 8:6 established upon better p. 11:13 notliaving received p. 17 he that received p. off. son 33 through faith obtained p. 2 Pet. 1:4 given to us precious p. PROMISING. Ezek. 13:22 wick, way by p. life PROMOTE, ED. Nvm. 22:17 p. to honor, 24:11 37 am I not able top. tliee to ■Tud. 0:9 go to be p. over. 11, 13 Est. 5:11 where, king had p. him Prm. 4:8 exalt her, she sh. p. th. Dan. 3:30 the king p. Shadrach PROMOTION. Ps. 75:6 p. Cometh not from east Prov. 3:35 shame be p. of fools PRONOUNCE. Lev. 5:4 man sh. p. with an oath 59 this is the law, p. it clean Jud. 12:6 not frame to p. right PRONOUNCED. Nell. 6:12 hep. this prophecy Jer. 11:17 the Lord hath p. evil 16:10 p. this great evil agai. us ? 19:15; 35:17; 40:2 20:13 Lord will rep. of evil hep. 19 Lord repented of evil hep. 34:5 for I have p. the word 36:7 L. hath p. ag. this people PRONOr.NClNG. Lev. 5:4 if a soul sware.p. to do PROOF, S. Ads 1:3 hims. alive by many p. 2 Cor. 2:9 might know the p. 8:24 show to'them thep. of love 1.3:3 since ye seek a p. of Christ Phil. 2:22 ye know thep. of him 2 2'im. 4: 5 p. of thy ministry PROPER. 1 Chr. 20:3 mine own p. good Acts 1:19 in p. tongue, Aceldama 1 Cor. 7:7 every man hath p. gift Heb. 11:23 saw he was ap. child PROPHECY. 2 Clir. 9:29 Sol.'s acts in p. of A. 15:8 when Asa heard p. of Oded Neh. 6:12 he pronounced this p. Prov. 30:1 p. man spake to Ithiel 31:1 p. that his mother tau. him Mat. 13:14 fulfilled p. of Esaias 1 Cor. 12:10 ano. p. by same Sp. 13:2 though I have the gift of p. 1 Tim. 4:l4 gift given tliee by p. 2 Pat. 1:19 a more sure word of p. 20 nop. of script, is of private 21 p. came not by will of man Bev. 1:3 bless, they that hear p. PRO Bev. 11:6 rain not in da. of th.p. 19:10 testimony of J. is sp. of p. 22:7 blessed that keepeth th. p. 10 seal not the say. of the p. 19 if any man take from this p. PROPHECIES. 1 Cor. 13:8 whether p. they cease 1 Tim. 1:18 according to p. befo. PROPHESY, Verb. Num. 11:27 Eldad and Me. do p. 1 K. 22:8 he doth notp. good 18 notp. good. 2 Chr. 18:17 1 Chr. 25:1 should p. with harps Is. 30:10 p. not right. ^. deceits Jer. 5:31 the prophets p. falsely 11:21 p. not m name of the L. 14:14 prophets p. lies, p. false 16 people to whom they p. cast 23:16 lieark. not to proph. th. p. 25 p. lies in my name, 26, 32; 27:10, 14, 15, 16 ; 29:9, 21 25:30 p. against inhab. of earth 26:12 Lord sent me top. aMinst Ezek. 4:7 p. against Jerusalem 6:2 p. ag. mount, of Israel, 36:1 11:4 p. against Jaaz. and Pel. p. 13:2 p. against proph. that p. 17 20:46 p. aga. the forest of south 21:2p. against Israel : 9 Jernsa. 14 Son of man p. smite hands ^ p. concerning Aramon. 25:2 28:21 Son of man p. against Zid. 29:2 p. aga. Pharaoh, king Eg. 30:2 p. against Egj-pt and say 34:2 p. against shepherds of Is. 35:2 p. against mount Seir 36:6 p. concerning land of Isra. 37:4 p. on th. bones; 9 p. wind ;38:2p. against Gog, 14; 39:1 ■loel 2:28 sons sh. p. Acts 2:17, 18 Arnos 2:12 say. p. not, Mic. 2:6 3:8 L. spoken, who can but p..? 7:12 eat bread, and p. there 13 p. not any more at Beth-el 15 L. said. Go. p. to my pe. Is. 16 p. not against honse of Isa. Mic. 2:11 1 \n\\ p. to thee of wine Zee. 13:3 when any sh. p. then Mat. 15:7 well did Es. p. of yon 26:68 p. unto us. thou Ch. Mark 14:65; Luke W-.&i Acts 21:9 had virgins wh. did p. Bom. 12:6 whetherp. let us p. to 1 Cor. 13:9 part, and p. in part 14:1 rather p. 39 covet top. 24 if all p. 31 we may all p. Bev. 10:11 thou must p. before 11:3 witnesses sh. p. 1,260 days PROPHESIED. Nvm. 11:25 they p. did notcea.se \Sam. 10:10 Spirit of God came on Saul, and he did p. 11 ; 18:10 ; 19:23, 24 1 K. 18:29 they p. until evening 22:10 prophets p. 12; 2 air. 18:9 1 Clir. 25:2 the sons of Asaph p. 2 Chr. 20:37 Eliezerp. against J. Ezr. 5:1 Zechariah p. to the J. Jer. 2:8 the prophets p. by Baal 20:1 Pashur heard that Jere. p. 23:13 the prophets of Samar. p. 21 I have not spok. yet they p. 26:9 why hast thou p. in name 18 Micah p. in days of Hezek. 20 ITrijah p. 28:8 p. against 29:31 Shem. hath p. to'yon a lie 37:19 where prophets which p..? Ezek. 11:13 when I p. Pelat. died 37:7 I p. as I was com. I p. 10 3S:17 who p. I would bring theo Zee. 13:4 proph. asha. when p. Mat. 7:22 Lord, have we not p. 11:13 the proph. p. nntil John Mark 7:6 well hath Es. p. of you Luke 1:67 his father Zacharias p. ■John 11:51 Caiaphasp. that Jcs. Acts 19:6 sp, with tongues and p. 1 Cor. 14:5 I would rather yep. Jude 14 Enoch p. of these things PROPHESIETH. 2 Chr. 18:7 he nev. p. good to me ■Ter. 28:9 prophet wh. p. of peace Ezek. 12:27 he p. of times far off Zee. 13:3 thrust him when he p. 1 Cor. 11:5 p. with head uncov. 14:" he that p. speak, unto men 4 he that p. edifieth church 5 greater he that p. than he PROPHESYING, S. 1 Sam. 10:13 made an end of p. 19:20 saw comp. of prophets p. Ezr. 6:14 they prospered thro' p. 1 Cor. 11:4 p. having head cover. 14:6 exce. I sjieak to you by p. 22 but ;). serveth not for them 1 Hies. 5:20 desp. not p. prove all CRUDE^-'S CON'CORDANCE. 983 PRO PROPHET. Ex. 7:1 Aaron shall be thy 7). 1 8(lm. 22:5 the p. Gad said to D. 1 K. 1:32 call me Nathau the p- 11:29 Ahijah the;j. found Jcro. 13:11 dwelt an old;j. in B. 25 29 n. took up car. of man of G. the old 7). came to bury him 18:36 Elij. the p. came and said 2 K. 5:3 would G. my lord wi. -p. 13 if;?, had bid do some great C:12 Elisha the p. telleth what 23:18 with bones of;;, that came 2 Chr. 12:5 came Shcmai. thejo. 13:22 written in story of the p. 15:8 wh. Asa heard proph. of p. 21:12 a writing from Eli. the p. 32:20 p. Isaiah prayed to heaven 35:18 from days of Samu. the p. 30:12 humbl. not himself bcf. p. Ezr. 6:14 prophesying of Ha. p. Ps. 74:9 there is no p. amo. you Is. 3:2 Lord doth away the;). 9:15 the 7). that teacheth lies 28:7 p. erred thro' strong drink Jer. C:13 from p. to priests, 8:10 18:18 nor sh. word perish fr. 7). 2.3:11 p. and priests are profane 28 the p. that hath a dream 28:6 the p. Jeremi. said. Amen 9 7). wh. prophcsieth of peace, word otp. CO. to pass J3. kn. 17 Ilananiah p. died same year 37:2 nor servants hearken to 7). L'lm. 2:20 shall p. be slain ? Ezek. 7:26 then seek a vis. of p. 14:4 come. tnp. I will ans. him 9 it p. bo deceived, I have dec. 10 punishm. of;?, sh. be even Hon. 4:5 the p. sh. fall with thee 9:7 the p. is a fool; 8p. a snare Amo.s 7:14 I was no p. nor p. son Zee. 13:5 I am no p. husbandman JIfal. 4:5 I will send Elijah the ;;. Mat. 1:22 which wag spoken by the p. Isaiah, 2:15; 3:3; 4:14; 8:17; 21:4; Luke 3:4; John 1:23; 12::38: ylrfs 28:25 2:5 for thus it is written by p. 17 spoken by Jeremy j). 27:9 12:39 the sign of the p. Jonas, iwfe 11:29 13:.35 spoken by the p. Da. 27:.35 21:11 this is Jesus j;. of Nazar. 21:15 sp. of by D. ». Mark 13:14 L'ike 1:76 thou child be called p. 4:17 delivered book of 7). Esai. 24 no p. is accept, in his coun. 7:28 not a greater p. than John John 7:40 of a truth this is the p. ■52 out of Galilee arisct^ no p. Ads 2:16 spoken by the;). Joel 8:28 he read Esaias the ;). 30 34 of whom speaketh ?). this ? 13:20 gave judges until Sam. ;). 2 Pet. 2: 16 ass forb. madness of j). See pisrasT. \ PBOPIII5T. Gen. 20:7 restore wife, he is a p. IJeut. 13:1 if there arise a p. or 18:15 I will raise a p. from am. brethren, 18; Acts ^-.ii ; t-.m 34:10 arose not a p. in Israel Jvd. 0:8 L. sent a p. to children 1 Sam. 3:20 Sam. esta. to l)e a p. 9:9 now called a p. called se(T 1 IC. 13:18 I am « ;). as thou art 18:221 only remain a p. of L. 22:7 Is tlu^re not liere a p. of Lord? 2 /r. 3:11; iChr. 18:6 2 TT. 5:8 know there is a p. In Is. 2 Chr. 25:15 L. sentn ?). to .\n\iiz. 28:9 a p. of the Lord was there Jer. 1:5 T ordained thee a p. 29:20 muketh hitnself rt ;). 27 Ezele. 2:5 a p. among them, ;!:!:33 11:7 comctli to a p. to inc|. aho. J/us. l'J:13bv a l>. L. lirought Is. out of l5g. by a p. ijreserved Mic. 2:11 be an. of his people Mat. 10: II he that reeelv. a p.- In name of a p. ree. a p. reward 11:9 what went ye to see V a p. 13:57 a p. Is not without honor, Mark 6:4 ; John 4:41 14:5 accounted hhn a p. 21:20; Mark 11:32; AwAv 20:6 21:46 nnilll. look him for a p. Mark 6:1.') a p. or as onc^ of pro. Luke 7:16 a great /». among us 89 If ho wen? a n. wiuild have 18:88 11 cannot lie a p. perish 24:10 J«. who was a p. mighty John 4:19 I perceive Ih. art a p. 9:17 blind man said, lli' Im a p. Acta 2:;i0 Davhl '/ /). liiiowlng i"/, 21:10 a cert, ;), nami'd Agahus PRO 1 Cor. 14:.37 man think to be a p. Tit. 1:12 a p. of their own land False PROPHET. Acts 13:0 f. p. a Jew named Bar. liev. 16:13 like frogs out of/, p. 10:20 beast taken, wi. him/, p. 20:10 cast wh. beast and/.;;, are See LORD. That PROPHET. Devt. 13:5 t. p. shall die, 18:20 Ezek. 14:9 I the L. deceived t. p. John 1:21 ask. Art thou t. p.? 25 6:14 this is of a truth that p. Acts 3:23 wh. will not hear t. p. PROPHETS. Nvm. 11:29 L.'s people were p. 1 Sam. 10:5 meet a company otp. 12 is Saul among the p. ? 19:24 28:6 L. answ. him not by;). 15 1 K. 18:4 Obad. hid 100;). by 50 13 slew p. 19 p. of Baal 450, 22 40 take p. of B. let none esca. 19:10 Ls. slain;). 14; Neh. 9:26 22:22 lying spirit, in p. 2 Chr. 18:21 2 /r. 3:13;). of father,;), of mot. 2 Chr. 20:20 believep. ye sh. pr. 24:19 sent;). .36:16 misused p. Ezr. 5:2 with th. were p. of God Neh. 6:7 appointed;), to preach 9:30 testifiedst by thy Spi. tn ;;. ,32 trouble that ha. come on p. !,.Indas and Silas being p. 21:14 believing all written In p. 26:'J2 none other 111. than p. siiy 27 Agrlppil, bellev. Ihoii/). T' l!o]n. 1:2 pronils. afore by Ills ;). !I:'.M wIlncHH. by Ihe law'and;). 11;3 L. Ili.y hav.. killed;). 1 Cur. I2;2H seiondarllv. p. tlilr. 29 are all ;;. / 1 1:21) li-i ;;, upeak PRO Eph. 2:20 on the foundation otp. 3:5 as now revealed to his p. 4:11 gave some p. and teachers 1 Then. 2:15 killed L. and the. p. Ileb. 1:1 spake to fathers by p. Jarn. 5:10 take p. who have spo. 1 Pet. 1:10 of salvation p. inquir. Per. 11:10 th. p. tormented them 18:20 rejoice, ye apostles and p. 24 in her was found blood of p. 22:9 I am of thy brethren the p. All the PROPHETS. 1 K. 19:1 how he had sla. a. f. p. ^2:10 and all the p. prophesied, 12; 2 Chr. 18:9, 11 2 E. 10:19 call to me a. t. p. of B. 17:13 testified ag. Is. by a. t. p. Mat. 11:13 a. the p. prophesied Lvke 11:50 blood of o. t. p. req. 13:28 wh. ye see a. t. p. in king. 24:27 and beginning at a. t. p. ^cA?3:24 all the p. from Samuel 10:43 to him give all t. p. witn. False PROPHETS. Mat. 7:15 beware of false p. 24:11 many false p. shall rise, 24; il/ori 13:22 Lvke 6:26 so did th. fath. to/, p. 2 Pet. 2:1 were/ p. among them~ 1 John 4:1 many/ p. gone out My PROPHETS. 1 Chr. 16:22 do my p. no harm, Ps. 105:15 Of the PROPHETS. 1 Sam. 10:10 comp. of p. met h. 1 K. 20:.35 cert, men of sons of p. 41 king discern, he was oft. p. 22:13 words of t. p. decla. good. 2Chr. 18:12 2 IC 2:3 eons of t. p. at B"th-el, 5 the »onnof thep. at Jericho 15 sonaoft.p. said, spirit of E. 4:;58 pottage for sons of the p. Xeh. 6:14 thi. th. of rest oft. p. Jer. 23:9 bee. of the p. boiies sh. 16 hea. not to words of p. 27:14 26 sh. this be in heart o/V. p. .? iros. 12:10 simil. by minist. of p. Zee. 8:9 hear by mouth of the ]). Mat. 16:14 Elias or one of the p. Mark fi:\5;R:2S 2.3:29 tombs 0/ ^ p. L'lke 11:47 30 partakers in blood of t. p. 20:.50 scrip, of t. p. be fn'lfilled Li/ke 9:8 one of the p. risen, 19 .4<"/.s' 3:25 ye are children of t. p. 7:.52 wh. of t. p. not persecut. ? 13:15 reading <)/■ law and t. p. 27 they know not voice of t. p. 15:15 to th. agree words o/" f. p. 28:23 persuad. them out of t. p. Pom. 16:26 manif. by scrip. 0^ p. 1 Cor. 14:32 spirits 0/"^ p. siibi. Eph. 2:20 built on founda. of p. ffef). 11:32 fail me to tell of't.p. Pfv. 10:6 shed the blood of t. p. 22:6 L. God of t. p. s<'nt iingel S. /. p. 21:2 /Czr. 9:11 commanded by s. t. p. Jer. 7:25 sent you myserr. the p. 25:4; 29:19; 3.5:15 Fzek. 38:17 in old tim. by s. t. p. Dan. 9:6 nel. hearken. to«. t. p. 10 laws set be. us by his s. t p. .Amos 3:7reveal. secret to s. t. p. Zee. 1:6 commanded mv s. t. p. Iter. 10:7 declared to his s. t. p. 11:18 give reward to s. the jy. PROPHETESS. E.r. 1.5:20 Miriam p. took timb. JikI. 4:4 Deborah a p. iud^'cd Is. 2 K. 22:11 went to llnldah a p. 2 Chr. 31:22 AV//. fi:14 think on p. Noadlah A'. 8:3 wrni to p. she conceived I.iike 2::)H Ih. was one .\nnHa p. A'(l'. 2:20 .le/. called herself ap. PHOPITIVTIOX. liovi. 3:25 (iod set to lie a p. 1 ./<)//» 2:2;). for our sins, 4:10 PROPORTION!. 1 K. 7:36 to llii' ;i. of every one ./r)//41:l2 mil eoneeal eoinelv p. Itom. 12:11 accord, to /). of faith PROHELYTF,, S. Mai. 23:15 sea and la. lo nui. p. .\i-ts 2:10 Jews and p. we hear 6:5 NIclmhiH n p. of Anlloch 13:43 Jews and rellelnns 11. bil- lowed Taiil and IlarnaiiaM PRO PROSPECT. Ezek. 40:44 p. was to the south 46p. north; 42:15 p. east, 4.3:4 PROSPER. Gen. 24:40 G. send angel, p. thee 42 if now thou do p. my way .39:3 Lord made Joseph to p. 23 Num. 14:41 transgress, not p. Deut. 28:29 sh. not p. in thy wa. 29:9 that ve may ;;. in all ye do, Jos. 1:7; 1 /f. 2:3 1 K. 22:12 go to Ramoth-gilead and p. 15; 2 Chr. 18:11,14 1 Chr. 22:11 my son. L. p. thee 13 Shalt p. if thou takest heed 2 Chr. 13:12 fight not, sh. not p. 20:20 believe proph. so sh. ye p. 24:20 why transg. ye can. p. ? 26:5 Lord God made him to p. Neh. 1:11 p. I pray thee, thy ser. 2:20 G. of heaven, he will p. us ■Trjib 12:6 tabeniac. of robbers p. Ps. 1:3 what, he doeth shall p. 73:12 ungodly p. in the world 122:6 they sh. p. that love thee Pram. 28:13 cover, his sins not p. Ec. 11:6 know, not whether p. Is. .53:10 pleas, of L. p. in hands 54:17 no weapon ag. thee eh. p. .55:11 it shall p. in'thing I sent Jer. 2:37 thou sh. not ;;."in them 5:28 th. p. 10:21 not p. 20:11 12:1 doth way of wicked^.,' 22:.30 man that sh. not p. in his days, man of his seed sh.p. 2.3:5 a king shall reign and p. 32:5 tho' ye fight, ye sh. notp. Lam. 1:5 adversa. enemies p. Ezek. 16:13 and thou didst p. 17:9 saith Lord, Shall it p. f 10 15 .shall hep..?sh. he escape? Dan. 8:24 he sh. destroy and p. 25 he shall cause craft top. 11:27 speak lies, sh. notp. 36 3 John 2 I wish th. thou may p. PROSPERED, ETH. Oen, 24:56 seeing L. p. mv way Jud. 4:24 hand of Is. p. ag. Jab. 2 Sam. 11:7 dernan. how warp. 2 K. 18:7 Hczek. p. 2 Chr. 31:21 ; 32:30; 2 r^r. 14:7 Asap. 1 Clir. 20:23 Solomon p. Ezr. 5:8 work p. in their hands 0:14;). thro' prophesying of II. ./o* 9:4 harden, ag. him and p. .' Ps. 37:7 because of him that p. Pror. 17:8 whi. it turneth it p. Dan. 0:28 Dan. p. in reign of D. 8:12 cast down truth, and it p. 1 Cor. 16:2 as Ood hath ;;. him 3 John 2 in health, ev. as soul p. PROSPERITY. Vent. 2.3:0 th. sh. not seek th.p. 1 Sam. 25:6 say to him liv. in p. 1 K. 10:7 thy wisdom and p. Jot) 15:21 in p. destr. shall como :56:11 sh. spend their days lup. Ps. 30:6 in my p. I said 35:27 L. liath plea, in p. of per. 73:.3 I saw the p. of the wicked 118:25 O L. I bes. thee, send p. 122:7 peace wi. walls, p. in pal. Pror. 1:;!2 p. of fools deift 8:6 habllatloii of rlghte. p. h. 48:15 shall make his way p. y.fC. 8:12 the seed shall be p. Itom. 1:10 I mi. have ;), Journey PROSTITI TE. /v«ut. 33:3,8 rise up ami be yo. ;i. PROTK,ST, EI>, n«J. Ofn. 43:3 man did solemnly ;>. I Sinn. 8:9 p. Boleninlv unln Ih. 1 A'. 9:42 and I p. nolo lliee Jer. 11:7 Ip. lo your l>illn'r», rln. eiirlv and /I, Bnvlm;, iMiey ZfC. 3:«'lhe iingel of the 1,. p. \ Cor. l^:31 1 p. by rejolc. Ill C. PHOin. Joh 0:1,3 the ;i, lielpern do nlonji 26:12 snillelli lliroiigli the p. i 984 CRUDEN'S CON-COHDANCE. PRO Joh 38:11 thy p. waves bo stayed 40:11 behold every one th. is 7;. 12 look ou every one that is p. Fs. 12:3 totogue speak, p. things 3i:23 and rewardeth the p. doer 40:4 blessed, respecteth not p. 8G:14^. are risen against me 94:2 render a reward to thep. 101:5 him that hath a p. heart 119:21 thou hast rebuked the p. 51 p. have had me in derision 69;;. have forged a lie ag. me 78 let p. be ashamed, they de. 85 fhep. digged pits for me 122 let not the ;). oppress me 12:3:4 filled with contempt of p. 124:5 7;. waters had gone over 1:38:6 the p. he kuoweth afiir off 140:5;>. have hid a snare for me Prov. 6:17 Lord hateth a;7. look 15:25 L. will destroy house of p. 10:5 X)- in heart abomina. to L. 19 to divide spoil with the p. 21:4 a;). heart is sin 24 p. scorner, deals in p. wra. 28:25 p. heart stirreth up strife Ec. 7:8 better than p. in spirit Is. 2:12 day of L. on ev. one p. 13:11 arrogancy of ». to cease 18:6 we heard of JI. he is ve. p. Jer. 13:15 be not;;. L. hath spo. 43:2 all^. men answ. Jeremiah 48:29 pride of Moab, exceed, p. 50:29 hath been;;. 31 0 most p. 32 most p. sh. stumble and fa. Hab. 2:5 he is a, p. man, neither 3Iat. 3:15;;. happy ; 4:1 n. stub. Litke 1:51 hath scattered the p. Bom. 1:30 unrighte. p. boasters 1 Tim. 6:4 he is p. know. noth. 2 Tim. 3:2 lov. of themselves, ;;. Jam. 4:6 G. resisteth ;;. 1 Pet. 5:5 PROUDLY. Ex. 18:11 ;;. he was above them 1 Sam. 2:3 talk no more so p. yeh. 9:10 they dealt p. 16:29 P?. 17:10 with mouth speak;;. 31:18 S])eak grievous things jp. Zs'. 3:5 shall behave himself ;;. Ob. 12 neither have spoken;;. PROVE. E.r. 16:4 I may p. th. Seut. 8:16 20:20 for God is come to;;, you Seut. 8:2 humble thee, p. thee 33:8 holy one, wh. thou didst p. Jud. 2:22 I may ;;. Isr. 3:1, 4 6:-39 let me;;, thee but th. once 1 K. 10:1 came to;;. S. 2 Chr. 9:1 Job 9:20 it shall p. me perverse Ps. 26:2 exam, me, O L. ;;. me Ec. 2:1 1 will;;, th. with mirth Dan. V.l'ip. thy ser\'. I beseech Mai. 3:10;;. me now herewith Ltike 14:19 oxen, I go to;;, them John 6:6 this he said to;;, him Acts 24:13 uei. can they ;j. 25:7 Pom. 12:2;;. what is that good 2 Co7: 8:8 to;;, sincerity of love 13:5;;. your own selves, know Gal. 6:4"let ev. man ;;: his work 1 Thes. 5:21 ;;. all things PROVED. Gen. 42:15 sh. be ;;. by life of Ph. 26 that your wcn-ds may be;;. E.V. 15:25 made stat. and ;j. them 1 Sam. 17:;39 I have not ;;. them P$. 17:3 thou hast p. my heart 66:10 thon, O God, hast p. us 81:7 I p. thee at waters of M. 95:9 when your fathers p. me Ec. 7:23 this have I ;;. by wisd. San. 1:14 and p. them ten days Pom. 3:9 we p. Jews and Genti. 2 Cor. 8:22 wh. we have often p. 1 Tim. 3:10 let th. also be first p. Jleb. 3:9 your fathers p. me PROVETH, IXG. Sent. 1-3:3 Lord your G. p. yon Ac/s 9:22 Saul p. that this is Ch. Eph. 5:10 ;;. what is accept, to L. PROVE\DER. Gen. 21:25 we have straw and p. 32 gave straw and p. to cam. 43:37 opened sack to give ass p. 43:24 man gave their asses p. Ji'd. 10:19 th. is straw and p. 21 Is. 30:24 asses shall eat clean p. PROVERB. Set/!. 28:37 and ye shall be a p. 1 Sa7n. 10:12 ;;. is Saul am. iprop. 24:13 as saithp. of the ancients 1 K. 9:7 Israel shall be a p. 2 C/ir. 7:20 house will I ma. a p. Ps. 69:11 I became a p. to them Prov. 1:6 to understand a p. and Is. 14:4 p. ag. king of Babylon PRO Jer. 24:9 to be ap. and a curse Ezek. 12:23 I wifl make;;, cease, no more use p. inls. 18:2, 3 14:8 make him a sign and p. ffab. 2:6 take up a;;, ag. him Luke i-.iiS p. phys. heal thyself John 16:29 spea. plain, and nop. 2 Pet. 2:22 happ. according to;;. PROVERBS. 2fum. 21:27 thev that speak in p. 1 A'. 4:.32 Solomon spake 3:000 p. Pi-ov. 1:1 p. of Solo. 10:1 ; 25:1 Ec. 12:9 preacher set in order p. Ezek. 16:44 ev. one that nsethp. John 16:25 sp. in p. no more in p. PROVIDE. Gen. 22:8 G. will;;, hims. lamb 30:.30 shall I p. for own house? Ex. 18:21 thou sh. p. able men 1 Sam. 16:17;;. mo man can play 2 Chr. 2:7 men whom Da. did;;. Ps. 78:20 can hep. flesh for pe. ? Mat. 10:9 p. nei. gold'nor silver Luke 12:3.3 p. bags wax not old Ac's 23:24 p. beasts to set P. on Pom. 12:17 p. things honest 1 Tim. 5:8 any p. not for house PROVIDED. Deut. 33:21 p. first part himself 1 Sam. 16:1 1 have p. mo a king 2 Sam. 19:32 p. king of susten. 1 IC 4:7;;. victuals for king, 27 Ps. 65:9 when thou hast;;. Luke 12:20 things th. hast p. ? Seb. 11:40 having p. bet. things PROVIDENCE. Acts 24:2 done to nation by p. PROVIDETH, IXG. ■lob 38:41 p. for the raven food Prov. 6:8p. meat in summer 2 Cor. 8:21 p. for honest things PROVINCE , S. 1 K. 20:14 princes of p. 15, 17, 19 Ezr. 4:15 this city hurtful top. 6:2 found in p. of the Medes 7:16 gold thou canst find in p. J\Wi. 11:3 thesearechief of thep. fe/. 1:1 Ahasu. reigned 127 p. • 16 wrong to people in p. 22 2:3 king appoint officers in p. 3:8 people scattered in all;;. 4:11 all peo. of king's p. know 9:4 Mord.'s fame went thro' p. 28 these days sh. be kept in ;;. Ec. 2:8 I gathered treas. of p. 5:8 if thou seest oppres. in a p. Lam. 1:1 she was princess am. p. Ezek. 19:8 against him from p. Dan. 2:48 made D. ruler over;;. 3::30 promoted Shad, in the p. 8:2Shushan, in p. of Elam 11:24 enter fattest places of p. Acts 23:34 he asked of what p. 25:1 when Fes. was come top. PROVISION. Gen. 42:25 give them;;, for way 45:21 Jos. gave them ;;. for way Jos. 9:5 bread of th. p. was dry 12 bread v,'e took hot for ourp. 1 K. 4:7 in his month made p. 22 Solomon's p. was .30 meas. 2 K. 6:23 he prepared great p. 1 Chr. 29:19 for which I madejp. Ps. l;32:15 I will bless her p. San. 1:5 king appoint, daily p. Pom. 13:14 ma. not p. for flesh PROVOCATIOIV. 1 K. 15:30 Jer. made Is. sin by p. 21:22 for the p. wherewith Ah. 2 fC. 2.3:26 bee. of p. Manasseh Xeh. 9:18 wrought great p. 26 ■Job 17:2 eye continue in th. p. .? Ps. 95:8 harden not your hearts as in;;. Heb. 3:8, 15 ■Ter. 32:31 this city ha. been a p. Ezek. 20:28 th. they presented;;. PROVOKE. Ex. 23:21 obey, and p. him not Num. 14:11 how long p.eople p. f Seut. 31:20 if ye p. aiid'break Job 12:6 that p. God are secure Ps. 78:40 how oft did th. p. him Is. .3:8 doings against L. top. .Jer. 7:19 they p. me to anger? 44:8 in that ye p. me to wrath ii/A'«ll:.53 began to urge and p. Pom. 10:19 I «-ill p. to jealousy 11:11 top. them to jealousy, 14 1 Cor. 10:22 do we p. L. to jeal. ? Enh. 6:4 p. not your chil. to wr. lleh. :3:16 wh. they heard, did;;. 10:24 p. to love and good works PROVOKED. Num. 14:23 nor sh. any that p. PUB 2fvm. 16:30 these men have ;;. L. Seut. 9:8 in Horeb ye p. the L. 22 at Tab. and JIassah yep. L. 1 Sam. 1:6 adversaries p. sore 7 so she ;;. her, theref. she we. 1 K. 14:23 Judahp. to jealousy 2 K. 23:26 Manasseh had p. him 1 Chr. 21:1 Satan p. David Ezr. 5:12 our fathers had p. God Ps. 78:56 tempted and p. God 106:7 but p. him at the sea 29 they p. him with invent. 33 they p. spirit of Moses, 43 Zee. 8:14 your fathers p. me 1 Cor. 13:5 char, is not easily p. 2 Cor. 9:2 your zeal p. very many PROVOKEDST, ETH. Settt. 9:7 forget not how p. Lord Prov. 20:2 whoso p. him to ang. Is. 65:3 peo. that p. me to anger Ezek. 8:3 image which p. jeal. See ANGER. PROVOKING. Dent. 32:19 because of p. sons 1 K. 14:15 made groves,;;. Lord 16:7 ag. Baasha in p. Lord, 13 Ps. 78:17 by p. the Most H. Gal. 5:26 vain glory, p. one ano. PRUDENCE. 2 Chr. 2:12 son endued with p. Prov. 8:12 I wisd. dwell with p. Eph. 1:8 abound, in wis. and p. PRUDENT. 1 Sam. 16:18 Dav. p. in matters Prov. 12:16;;. man cover, shame 23 a p. man conceal, knowl. 13:16 every p. man dealeth with 14:8 wisdom of p. to understand 15 the;;, looketh to his goings 18 p. are crowned with knowl. 15:5 he that regar. p. repr. is p. 16:21 the wise shall be called;;. 18:15 heart of p. getteth knowl. 19:14 a;;, wife is from the Lord 22:3 a p. man forese. evil, 27:12 Is. 3:2 take away p. and ancient 5:21 woe top. in their own sig. 10:13 I have done it, for I am p. 29:14 understanding of p. men Jei: 49:7 is counsel perish, fr.p. ? libs. 14:9 who is p. and he shall ? Amos 5:13 p. shall keep silence Mat. 11:25 hid these things from the wise and;;. Luke 10:21 Acts 13:7 Serg. Paulus, a p. man 1 Cor. 1:19 understanding of p. PRUDENTLY. Is. 52:13 my servant sh. deal p. PRUNE, ED. Lev. 25:3 six years shalt thou p. 4 sev. year hot sow field nor p. Is. 5:6 it shall not hep. PRUNING. Is. 2:4 beat spears intop. hooks 18:5 cut off sprigs with;;, hooks ■loel 3:10 beat;;, nooks into spe. Mic. 4:3 beat speai's into p. hoo. PSALM. 1 Chr. 16:7 David deliver, this p. Ps. 81:2 take p. 98:5 voice of;;. Acts 13:33 as writ, in second ;;. 35 saith in ano. p. Thou shalt 1 Co?: 14:26 every one hath a p. ,? PSALMIST. 2 Sam. 23:1 David sweet p. of Is. PSALMS. 1 Chr. 16:9 sing p. Ps. 105:2 Ps. 95:2 joyful noise with p. Luke 20:42 D. saith in book of p. 24:44 which were written in p. Act^ 1:20 written in book of P. Eph. 5:19 speak, to yours, in p. Col. 3:16 admonish, other in p. Jam. 5:13 is any merry ? sing p. PSALTERY. 1 Sam. 10:5 meet prop, with a p. Ps. 3:3:2 sing with the p. 144:9 57:8 awake p. and harp, 108:2 71:22 I will praise with p. 92:3 81:2 bring hither harp with p. 150:3 praise him with p. harp San. 3:5 sound of;;. 7, 10, 15 PSALTERIES. See ctjibais. PUBLIC, LY. Mat. 1:19 make her a p. example Acts 18:28 p. convinced the Jews 20:20 but have taught youp PUBLICAN, S. Mat. 5:46 do not p. same ? 47 9:10 many p. sat with him, Mark '2:15: Luke 5:-29 11 why eat. your masterivi. p. 10:3 Thomas, and Matthew p. PLTSr Mat. 11:19 a friend ofp. i«fe7:.34 18:17 let him be as hea. and p. 21:31 p. go into kingdom of G. 32 p. and harlots beli. on him Lnke 3:12 came p. to be baptized 5:27 he saw a p. named Levi 7:29p. justi. G. being baptized 15:1 then drew near to him p. 18:10 the one Pharisee, other p. 11 God. I than'ic thee, not as^. 13;;. standing afar off, said 19:2 Zaccheus chief among p. PUBLISH. Deut. 32:3 I will p. name of L. 1 Sam. 31:9 p. it in house of idols 2 Sam. 1:20 ;;. it not in Askelon Neh. 8:15 p. that they bring pine Ps. 26:7 may p. with the voice ■Icr. 4:5p. in Jcrn. 16p. against 5:30 declare this, p. it in Judah 31:7p. ye and say. O Lord save 46:14 p. in Migdol, p. in Noph 50:2 p. and conceal not Amos 3:9;;. in palaces of Ashdod 4:5 proclaim and p. fr. offerings Mark 1:45 he began to;;, it, 5:20 PUBLISHED. Est. 1:20 dec. p. thro' empire, 22 3:14 Haman's decree;;. 8:13 Ps. 68:11 great coihpauyp. it .Ion. 3:7 he caused it to hep. Mark 7:36 more a gre. deal th. ;;. 13:10 the gospel must first be p. Luke 8:39 p. through whole city Acts 10:37 that word Wh. wasp. 13:49 word of the Lord was p. PUBLISHETH. Is. 52:7 that p. peace, p. salvat. ■lev. 4:15 voice p. affliction Nah. 1:15 feet of him p. peace Pl'BLIUS. Acts 28:8 the father of P. lay sick PUDENS. 2 Ttm. 4:21 greeteth theeand P. PUFFED np 1 Cor. 4:6 no one of you hep. zip 18 some are p. vp. as though! 19 not speech of th. arep.V;; 5:2 are p. ?/;; and not mourned 13:4 charity is not ;;. vp Col. 2:18 vainly;;, lip PUFFETH at, up. Ps. 10:5 enemies, he p. at them 12:5 safety fr. him th. p. at him 1 Cor. 8:1 knowl. p. vp, charity PUL. 2 K. 15:19 P. king of Assyria 1 C/ir. -5:26 stirred up spirit of P. Is. 66:19 those that escape to P. PULL, ED. Gen. 8:9 Noah p. the dove to hirti 19:10 the men p. Lot into house 1 K. 13:4 Jerob. could not p. it -E>r. 6:11 let timber be p. down Ps. 31:4p. me out of net Is. 22:19 fr. thy statep. th. down .Icr. 1:10 set th. top. domi. 18:7 12:3 p. them like sheep for sla. 24:6 build, not p. down, 42:10 Lam. 3:11;;. me in pieces Ezek. 17:9 sh. he not p. uproots? Amos 9:15 shall no more be p. up Jiie. 2:8 p. oft' robe with garm. Zee. 7:11 p. away shoulder Mat. 7:4;;. out mote, Luke6:4Z Luke 13:18p. down my barns 14:5 not;), him out on sab. f Acts 23:10 lest Paul sho. been p. PULLING. 2 Cor. 10:4 mighty to p. down Jude 23 with fear p. out of fire PULPIT. Neh. 8:4 Ezra stood upon a. p. PULSE. 2 Sa?n. 17:28 and parched p. Dan. 1:12 let them give p. PUNISH. Lev. 26:18;;. you sev. times, 24 Prov. 17:26 to p. just not good Is. 10:12;;. stout heart of king 13:11 I will p. world for e^•il 24:21 Lord shall p. the host 26:31 L. Cometh top. inhabit. 27:1 L. with strong sw. sh. p. Jer. 9:25p. them are circumcised 11:32 p. men of Anathoth 13:21 what say when he sh. p. .' 21:14;;. accord, to your doings 2;3::34 I will p. man ; 25:12 p. king, 50:18 27:8 p. nation; 29:.32p. Shem. 30:20 I will p. all th. oppress th. 36:31 1 will p. Jehoiakim CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 985 PUR Jer. 44:13 p. them in E. as I p. J. 29 a sign that I will p. you 46:25 I will p. the multitude 5i:441 will/;. Bel in Babylon Bos. 4:9;;. them for their ways 14 I will not p. yovtx dau;,'hters 12:2/;. J. according to his ways Amos 3:2 I wiWp. you for iniq. Zep. 1:8 in day I will/;, princes 9 I will p. all those that leap 12/;. men that are settled Zee. 8:14 as I thoug. to/;, them Ads i:21 how th. might/;, them PUi\ISHED. Ex. 21:20 shall surely be p. 22 21 not be /;. he is his money Ezr. 9:13^. less than iniq. des. Job 31:11 it is iniq. to be /;. 28 Frov. 21:11 when scorner is p. 22:3 simple are/;. 27:13 Je?: 44:13 as I have /;. Jerusa. 50:18 punish as I have/;, king Zep. 3:7 not cut off, how I /;. Zee. 10:3 shepherds, I /;. goats Acts 22:5 br. them bou. to be/;. 26:11 I p. them in every synag. 2 Thes. 1:9/;. with destruction 2 Pet. 2:9 day of judgm. to hep. PCNISHiMErVT. Gen. 4:13/). great. Ih. I can bear Lev. 26:41 accept/;, of iniq. 43 1 Sam. 2S:10 no/;, shall hap. th. Job 31:3 a strange p. to workers Prov. 19:19 man of wrath suf. p. Lam. 3:39 (or p. of his sins 4:6 p. of my people is greater than the p. of Sodom 22/). of thine iniq, is accomp. Ji'ze/c. 14:10 bear p. of their iniq. p. of prophets as /;. of him Amos 1:3 I will not turn away p. thereof, 6,9, 11, 13: 2:1,4, 0 Zee. 14:19 this shall hap. of Eg. Mat. 25:48 go into everlasting/;. 2 Cor. 2:6 such a man is this/;. Meb. 10:29 how much sorer ;;. 1 Pet. 2:14 for p. of evil-doers PUIVI.SHMEi\TS. Job 19:29 bringeth /;. of sword Ps. 149:7 execute /;. upon people PUNON. iVwOT. 33:42, 43 PUR. Sst. 3:7 cast P. that is, the lot 9:24 for Haman had cast P. 2(i Purim, after the name of P. See PUitiM. PURCHASE, Substantive. Gen. 49:32 /;. of field and cave Jei: 32:11 1 took evidence of/;. 12 I gave evidence of/;. 14, 16 PURCHASE, EO. Gen. 25:10 Abra. /;. of sons of II. Ex. 15:16 over wh. thou hast/;. Lev. 25:33 if a man /;. of Levites /{^llh 4:10 K. I p. to l)e my wife Ps. 74:2 congrej^ati. tliou hast/;. 78:54 wh. his right hand had/;. Acts 1:18 this man /;. a held 8:20 gift of Ood may be ;;. 20:28 ». with his own blood Ep/i. 1:14 redemption of /a pos. 1 2'im. 3:13 oltlce of dea. well, /;. PURE. Ex. 27:20 br. /;. oil. Lev. 24:2 81:8 p. candles. 39:37 : Leo. 24:4 Deut. 32:14 /;. blood ol grape i Sam. 'i-i-.il with p. thou wilt show thyself ;;. Ps. 18:26 Ezr. 6:20 all ;;. killed jiassoviir Job ■\:\'l shall a man be more; /;. ;" 8:6 lliou werty). and upright 11:1 Wum said. My doctrine is;;. ](i:l7 iiijiistici;, my jirayer Is p. 25:.') sliDH are not /). In his slglit Px. 12:6 words of I lie. Lord are/;. l',):H commiuidment of \i. Is/;. 119:1)0 lliy word is very /;. Pron. 15:20 words of /;. i\w plea. 20:9 wlio can say, lam/;, fr. sinV 11 wlicrtln^r his work lie/;. 21:8 as (mp. Ills work is light 80:5 (;very word of Ood Is /;. 12 a gciieralloii /;. In own eyes Dan. 7:9 hair of licad like /;. wool Mlc. 0:11 kIiiiH I i-diiiil liiem/;. / Zep. 3:9 (uni to pi-nplc y;. liingii. Mai. 1:11 In cv. |)lac-e n ;;. oiler. AetH'in-.'iiSj). fioin blood (if men Pom. M:2l) nil th. Indeed are/;. I'IM. 4:8 wh«tKoi!v. IhliigH arc;;. 1 Tim. 3:9 I'lillh In a ;;. coiimcI. 5:22 part Ilk, of hIhh, keep thy./;. 2 'I'Im. l::i with/;, iiiiisrleiini Tit. 1:15 to llie /;. all till, arc /;. to tile dellled nolliliig Up. PUR TIeb. 10:22 bodies washed with/;. Jam. V.Tl p. relig. and undeliled 3:17 wisdom fr. above is first/;. 2 Pet. 3:1 I stir up your p. minds 1 .John 3:3 purifleth as he is^. Pev. 15:6 ang. clothed in p. linen 22:1 showed a p. river of water See HEART, GOLD. PURELY. Is. 1:25 I will /;. purge away PUREIVESS. Job 22:.30 deliv. by p. of hands Piov. 22:11 he loved/;, of heart 2 Cor. 6:6 appro, ourselves by/). PURER. Lam. 4:7 Naza riles/;, than snow Ilab. 1:13 thou art of/), eyes PURGE, ETH. 2 Chr. 34::i JosiaU began top. J. Ps. 51:7/;. me with hyssop 65:3 transgressions thou sh. p. Is. 1:25 p. away thy dross Ezek. 20:.38 I will p. fr. am. you 43:26 seven days shall they /;. Dan. 1]::35 some of th. /;. them Mai. 3:3 /;. as gold and silver Mat. 3:12/;. his floor, Luke 3:17 ■John 15:2 branch that bea. he p. 1 Cor. 5:7 /;. out the old leaven 2 Tim. 2:21 if a man p. himself Ileb. 9:14/;. your conscience PURGED. 1 Sam. 3:14 Eli'shousenotbe/). 2 C/ir. 34:8 when he had/;, land Prov. 16:6 by mercy iniq. is p. Is. 4:4 p. blood of Jerusalem C:7 iniq. taken away, sin is p. 22:14 this iniq. shall not be/;. 27:9 by this iniq. of Jacob bo/). Ezek. 24:13 beca. I have p. thee, and thou was not /;. Ileb. 1:3 when he had/;, our sins 9:22 almost all thi. are by law/;. 10:2 bee. worshippers once p. 2 Pet. 1:9 forgotten he was/;. PURGING. Mark 7:19 the draught, p. meats PURIFICATION, S. N'i(m. 19:9 it is a/;, for siu 17 ashes of burnt heifer/;. 2 Chr. 30:19/). of the sanctuary JVeh. 12:45 port, kept ward of/). Est. 2:3 the things of their/). 12 so were the days of their/). Lvke 2:22 days of her/). Acts 21:26 accomp. of days of/;. PURIFY. iVwOT. 19:12 shall ;;. himself, 19 20 unclean, and not/;, himself 31:19/;. yourselves third day 20 /). all your raiment Job 41:25 by rea. of break, th. /), Is. 66:17/;. themselves in garden Ezek. 43:20 seven days/), altar Mai. 3:3 he shall/), sons of Levi John 11:.55 went to Jeriis. to p. Acls2l:'ZI take and/), thyself Tit. 2:14 /). a peculiur people Jam. 4:8/;. your hearts PURIFIED, ETH. Lev. 8:15 and/), the altar A'um. 8:21 Le. were/). Ezclc. 6:20 19:13 touch dead body, /). not 31:2.3/;, with water of sejiarat. 2 Sam. 11:4 Bathsheba wasy;. /'.v. 12:6 jmre words, as silver/;. JJiui. 12:10 many shall be /;, Acts 2-1:18 certain J. foiiml mop. //(*. 9:2.3 things in heavens/;. 1 /'at. 1:22 yey;, your souls 1 John 3:3 this hope /;. himself PURIFIER. J/oi. 2:3 he shall sit as ap. PUniFVIIMG. Lev. 12:'1 continue in blood of/;. .Viim. H:7 s|)rinkle wat<'r ofy;. I Chr. 2:i:2Hinp. holy tilings h'sl. 2:12 Ihiiigs for /;. of wonuiii John 2:6 niiiniier of/;, of .lews 3:25 til, arof^eiiueHlloii alioill /), Ads 15:9 y;, llieir hearts by t'altll 21:26 th(! next diiv /;. himself Heb. 9:13Maiutill,'top. of Uosli PUItlM. Est. 0:26 called lliesiMlavH P. 28dHyHori'. Him, not fall, 29, .11 ya do'creu of lOstlnu' coiillrui. V. PUIIITY. 1 71m. 'UM exam. In fiilth, In p. 5:2 rebnUc yoiiii;,'i'r with all p. PI'IU.OIIVING. 'JIC. 2:10 not /), (ihowliii; lUlellly PUR PURPLE. Ex. 25:4 the offering, p. 26:1 39:3 gold cut to work in the p.. Num. 4:13 take ashes, spread p. ■lud. 8:26 p. raiment on kings 2 Chr. 2:7 a man to work p. 14 3:14 made veil of blue, andp. Est. 1:6 fast, with cords of p. 8:15 Mord. went with gar. of p. Piov. 31:22 clothing is silk, p. Cant. 3:10 made covering of p. 7:5 the hair of thy head like p. Jer. 10:9 andp. is their clothing Ezek. 21:7 p. which covered thee 16 Syria occup. fairs with p. Mark'lo-.n clothed him with p. 20 they took off the p. fr. him Lvke 16:19 a rich man clo. in /;. John 19:2 soldiers put on him/). 5 then came Jesus, wearing/;. Acts 16:14 Lydia, a seller of p. Pev. 17:4 woman arrayed in p. 18:12 buyeth merchandise of p. 16 great city, clothed in p. ' PURPOSE. Puth 2:16 liandfnls of/;, for her Ezr. 4:5 counsellors to frustr. p. A''eh. 8:4 a jjulpit made for the/;. Job 33:17 withd. man from his/;. P/ov. 20:18 ev. p. is established Ec. 3:1 time to ev.p. 17; 8:0 Is. 1:11 to what/;, sacrifices? 14:26 this is p. that is purposed 30:7 Egypti. shall help to no /;. Jer. 49::30 Nebu. conceived a p. .51:29 ev. p. of L. be performed Ban. 6:17 that/;, be not chang. Acts 11:23 that with p. of heart 27:13 suppos. obtained their p. 43 centurion kept them fr. /;. Pom. 8:28 called according top. 9:11 that the/;, of (Jod stand 17 for this p. I raised thee up Eph. 1:11 according top. of him 3:11 accord, to eternal/;, in C. 6:22 for same p. Co/. 4:8 2 Tim. 1:9 called us accor. top. 3:10 hast fully known my p. 1 John 3:8 for this/;. Son ot God PURPOSES. Job 17:11 days past, /;. broken Prov. 15:22 with, counsel p. are Is. 19:10 shall be broken in /;. Jer. 49:20 counsel of L. p. 50:45 PURPOSE, EO. 1 K. 5:5 I /;. to build house to L. 2 Chr. 28:10/;. to keep under Ju. .32:2 Sennacherib p. to fight J. Ps. 17:3/;. mouth sh. not trans. 140:4 who have/;, to overthrow Is. 14:24 I ha. /;. so sh. it stand 20 the jnirposep. on earth 27 L. hath p. who disannul itf 23:9 Lord hath p. to stain jiride 46:11 I have^). it, will do it Jer. 4:28 I p. it, will not repent 26:3 repent me of evil wh. I p. 36:3 will hear all evil wh. I p. 49:20 purposes that hey). .50:45 Lam. 2:8 Lord p. to destroy wall Dan. 1:8 lJuiiiL4y). not to defUo Acts 19:21 Paul p. to go to Jeru. 20:3 Pauly;. to return thro' M. /iV;;)i. 1:13 ol'tent. 1 y;. to come 2 Cor. 1:17 I y). accord, to flesh? Ejih. 1:9 his will wh. he hath p. 3:11 purp. which hep. in C. J. PURPOSETII, INO. Gen. 27:12 Esau y;. to kill theo 2 Cor. 9:7 as he /;. in heart PUHSE, H. /Vow. 1:14 let us have one/). Mat. 10:9 silver nor brass in p. jI/((;'/- li:H no money in their y;. Liikc 111:1 iieitliery;, nor scrip 22:25 I sent you \\illu)Ut/;. ;i6 he that hath a /;. let him PIUHI E. Gen. .35:5 did not /;. sous of ,T. /'.'x. 15:9 enemy said, 1 willy;. Ihiit. 19:6 Hvi'ngc>r /;. ./<«. 20:5 ./OS. 2:5 p. (hem quickly, 10:19 1 Sam. 25:29 n man Is rlMcii to /). 30:8 slmll I y;. / lieuns\vered,y;. 2 Sam. 17:1 iirlso and /;. after I). 20:6 Hcrviiiils, yi. alter Slieliii, 7 24:13 t\rv while eiieml<'s ;;. / Jiiti 13:25 wilt thou y;, ilry ^tuh.y 30:15 ler. /;. my mini us wind /V, ;il:M seek iieace, mid /;, It /«. !IO;l«lliey llnil y;. lieKulfl ./(T. 48:2 Madnii'ii, swurd sh. p. A>cA-. ."l.VIl blood Himll />, line //(W. K:3 iHniel, eiiemv Hliiillyi. Amon 1:11 IC. dhl /;. liU liii.iher .\'ith. 1:8 daikness ;;. hU eiieml. PUT PURSUED, Gen. 14:14 Abram /;. to Dan, 15 31:23 and Laban p. Jacob, 36 Ex. 14:8 Pharaoh p. Israel, 9, 23; Devt.n-A; Jos. 24:6 J>/d. 1:6 p. after Adoni-bezek im Gideon p. Mid. 25; 8:12 1 &;m.7:lllsraelp. Phil. 17:52 a .S«m.-2:19 Asahelp. Abner 22:38 I p. enemies, Ps. 18:37 1 K. 20:20 Syrians fled. Lsraelp. 2 E. 25:5 army of Chaldees p. the king. .ler. .39:5; 52:8 2 Chr. 14:13 Asa p. Ethiop. to G. Is. 41:3 hep. them and passed Lam. 4;19 they p. us on mount. PURSUER, S. Jos. 2:16 mount, lest p. meet 8:20 people turned upon the p. Lam. 1:6 are gone before the p. PURSUETH, IXG. Lev. 26:17 shall flee wh. none p. 36 shall fall when none p. 37 ■Ind. 8:4 .300 men, faint, yet p. 1 Sam,. 2;j:28 S. returned from p. 2 Scmi. 3:22 J. came from p. tro. 18:16 people returned from p. I. 1 K. 18:27 your god p. on jour. Prov. 11:19 he th. p. evil, p. dea. 13:21 evil p. sinners, to ri^hte. 19:7 hep. them with words 28:1 wick, flee when no man p. PURTEiVANCE. Ex. 12:9 roast :vi. fire legs andp. PUSH. Ex. 21:29 if ox were top. 36 Deut. 33:17 with them ho shall p. 1 IC 22:11 with these Shalt thou p. the Syrians, 2 Chr. 18:10 .rob 30:12 they p. away my feet Ps. 41:5 thro' thee we p. enem. Dan. 11:40 shall king p. at him PUSHED, IXG. Ezek. 34:21/;. diseased with hor. Dan. 8:4 I saw ramp, westward PUT. Gen. 2:8 there G. /;. the man, 15 3:15 I will p. enmity bet. thee 27:15 p. th. upon Jacob her son 29:3 p. stone ag. on well's niou. 30:42 feeble, he p. not the rods 32:16 p. space between drove .39:4 all he p. into Joseph's ha. 40:15 should/;, me into dunge. 42:17 he p. altogether in ward 46:4 Josejih /;. hand on th. eyes 48:18 p. right hand upon head Ex. 3:22 shall p. thorn on sons 4:6 L. said, /;. thy hand in boa. 15/;. words in his mouiU 8:23 I will p. division bet. my 15:26 I will/;, none of diseases 22:5/;. beast iiiano. man's Held 11 oath he hath not p. his ha. 23:1 p. not thy hand wi. wicked 29:24 shall p. all In hands of A. 33:5 now p. oft' thy ornaments Ler. 8:27 he p. all on A.'s hands 26:8 p. 10,000 to fli. Deii/. 32:30 Xiim. 6:27 sh. p. my name on Is. 11:17 spirit on thee, p, on Ihem 29 L. would/;, his Spi. on Ih. 23:5 L. p. word In Ba.'s nioiuU Diiit. 10:2 shall p. Ihem in ark 5 I y;, tables In the ark I niado 12:5 place he sh.y). his name, 21 7 rej. in all ye y;. your hand to 18:18/). my words'iu his mouth ./ml. 12:3 I'y). my life In my ha. 1 Sam. 2:;16y;. me in priest b olM. 11:26 no man y;. hand to his m. 17:.S9 David p. then\ olVliim 19:5 did y;. his lite in his hand 28:21 1 i>. my life In my liniul 1 li. 9:3 to p. my niuiie thoits 11:36; 14:21 12:29 oIluT calves p. ho In Pun 18:23 on wood. p. no lire nnilor 22:27 kingy;. fellow in prison 2 A'. 4:.3lp. mouth upon mouth 11:12 they y;, llu> crown on him I.'l: 16 yi, hand on bow, he/), h.'i. 21:7 III Jer. will 1 /;. mv immo, 8 C/ir. (1:20; 12:13; 33:7 1 Chr. 11:19 y;. lives In Jeoi«inlv 13: to lieciiuse ho y". hand lo aiic a Chr. 6:11 III luiuso 1 ;;. Uio ark A';r. 7:27 yi. thin. In klnit's heart AV/i. S:I2wh«l 11, y>. In mv hcirt 3:5 nobles yi. not necks to work •J:2.'l that every one/i Ihem oft" H:ll 'I' would yi, me In fear. 10 ./(i/i I:1S he yi no Inisl III his nor. 13:11 I yi, iin life In my InuulT lti:l.'l yi. mv 1iri'llu>-n fiir Fr. mo S:t:i> ho would/;. Kln'iijrih In mo 986 CRUDE^'S CONCORDANCE. PUT Job 41:2 can. p. hook in. his no. ? Ps. 4:7 p. eladuess in my heart 8:6 thon hast p. all things un- der his feet, 1 Cor. 15:25, 27 ; ^i^A. 1:22; Eeb. 2:8 fl;20 p. in fear. O L. that nation 31:18 let lying lips be/), to sile. 40:3 p. new song in my mouth 14 let them be p. to shame that wish me evil. 44:7 ; 53:5 44:9 thou hast p. us to shame 78:66)9. them to perp. reproach 88:18 lover and friend p. fr. me 118:8 tr. L. than p. con. in man 9 tr. L. than put confl. in prin. 119:.31 O L. ]). me not to shame Prov. 25:8 nci. }). thee to shame 10 heareth it p. thee to shame JEc. 10:10 p. to more strength Cant. 5:3 p. off coat, how p. on? Is. 5:20 that p. darkn. for light 10:13 I ha. p. down inhabitants 42:1 1 have p. my Spirit upon him, JiTat. 12:18 47:11 not be able to p. it off 51:16 p. words in mou. Jei'. 1:9 23 p. into hand that afflict th. 53:10 he hath^). him to grief 59:21 words Ip. in thy mouth 63:11 where is he that p. his H. Spirit within him ? Jer. 3:19 how shall Iji. thee am. 8:14 Lord our G. p. us to silence 12:13 they p. themselves to pain 31:33 77. my law in inward parts 32:40 will p. my fear in hearts Ezek. 8:17 p. branch to th. nose 11:19 I ■\\'ill put a new spirit within you. 36:26, 27: 37:14 16:14 comei. I had 77. upon thee 29:4 p. hooks in thy jaws. 33:4 30:13 p. a fear in land of Egypt 37:67). breath in you. ye shall Pan. 5:19 and whom hep. down URc. 2:12 I will 7). them together 7:5 p. not confidence in a guide Zep. 3:19 ha. been p. to shame Mat. 5:15 candle p. under bushel 19:6 no man p. asnn. Mark 10:9 26:52 p. up thy swo. John 18:11 Mark 10:16 p. his hands on them Luke 1:52 hath p. down mighty 15:22 p. it on him and ji. a ring John 5:7 none top. me into pool Acts 1:7 Fa. p. in his own power 4:3 they p. the apostles in hold 5:25 men whom ye p. in prison 13:46 p. word of "God from 5-011 15:9 p. no differencebetweenns 1 Cor. 10:247;. do%^-n authority 25 p. his enemies under his fe. 2 Cor. 8:16 6. p. same care in T. Eph. 4:22 p. off old man. Col. 3:9 Col. 3:8 ye also p. off these, an;. 2 Tiyn. 1:6 I p. thoein rcmembr. Tit. 3:1 p. them in mind to be subject Phile. 18 p. that on my account Ileb. 2:5 hath he not p. in subj. 6:6 p. him to an open shame 8:10 I will pi. my laws in mind 10:16 p. my laws into th. hearts Jam. 3:3 77. bits in horses' mou. 1 Pet. 2:15 p. to silence isnoran. 2 Pet. 1:14 I must p. off this tab. Jude 5 will p. you in reraembr. Mev. 2:24 p. on you none other 17:17 God hatlip. in th. hearts PUT away. Gen. 35:2 p. au'oy strange gods Lev. 21:7 nor take a woman 7). a. Dent. 19:13 p. a. guilt of in. 21:9 22:19 he may not 77. her a. 29 Jos. 24:14 p. a. strange gods, 23; Jud. 10:16: 1 5o/«. 7:3 1 Sam. 1:14 Eli said, p. a. wine 2 Sam. 7:15 Saul whom I p. a. 12:13 Lord hath p. a. thv sin 2 Chr. 15:8 Asa 77. a. abom. idols Mev. 10:3 a cove, to 77. a. wives 19 save hands to p. a. wives Fs. 18:22 I did not p. aicay his statutes 27:9 p. not thy serv. a. in anger Prov. 4:24 p. a. a froward mou. Is. 50:1 whom I have p. away Jer. 3:1 if a man 77. a. his wife 8p a. given her a bill of di v. Szek. 44:22 nor pr. take her p. a. Hos. 2:2 let her p. a. whoredoms Amos 6:3 that p. far a. e^^l day Mat. 1:19 J. minded top. her a. Mark 10:2 lawful to p. <7. wife ? 12 if a woman p. a. her husb. 1 Cor. 5:13 p. a. wicked person 7:11 let not husb. p. a. wife, 12 Eph. 4:31 evil speaking be^. a. PUT 1 7im. 1:19 some having^, aic. Heb. 9:26p. a. sin by sacrifice See DEATH, EVIL. PUT forth. Gen. 3:22 lest hep./, take tree S:9 X. p.f. his hand and took 19:10 men p. forth their hand Ex. 4:4 p.f. thy hand and take Deut. 33:14 precious things p./. ■Tud. 15:15 Samson p./. took 1 Sam. 14:27 Jonathan p./. rod 22:17 sers'antsnot p.f. to slay 24:10 not p. f. my hand ac L. 2 Sam. 6:6 tzzia'h p. forth his hand to ark, 1 Chr. 13:9 18:12notp./. my hand against 1 K. 13:4 Jeroboam p. f. his ha. Job 1:11 77./. hand and ton. 2:5 12 on himself^p. not/, hand Ps. 55:20 p./. his hands ag. him 125:3 lest righteous p./. hands Prov. 8:1 understan. 77. /. voice? 25:6 p. not/, thyself in presen. Jer. 1:9 Lord p./. his hand Ezek. 8:3 he77./ form of a hand Mat. 9:25 when peop. were p.f. 13:24 para. p. he/. 31 ; i?/. 14:7 ^rfs5::34 top. the apostles forth 9:40 but Peter77. them &\\}'orth PUT on. Gen. 28:20 raiment top. on Lev. 6:10 priest sh. p. on linen 11 he sh. p. on other garments 16:4 shall 77. on holy linen coat Pent. 22:5 nor man p. on. wom.'s 2 Sam. 1:24 S. p. on ornaments 14:277. on. mourning apparel 1 E. 22:30 but p. thou on. thy robes, 2 Chr. 18:29 2 K. 3:21 all able to p. on armor Job 27:17 the jnst sliall77. it on Cant. 5:3 how shall I p. it on.^ Is. 51:9 p. o« strength. 52:1 ■ler. 13:1 take girdle, p. it on, 2 Ezek. 24:17 and p. on thy shoes 42:14 p. on other garni. 44:19 Mat. 6:25 norwhafveshallp. on, Luke 12:22 21:7p. on the ass their clothes Mark 6:9 not p. on two coats Luke 15:22 77. on. him best robe Pom. 13:14p. ye on the L. J. C. Gal. 3:27 baptized, have p. on C. Eph. 4:24 p. o« new m. Col. 3:10 CoZ. 3:12 p. on bowels of mercies 14 p. on charity, which is bo. PUT out. Gen. 38:28 one p. out his hand Lev. 6:12 fire of altar not be p. 0. Sum. 5:2 77. o;/^ of camp leper, 4 3 male and fem. shall ye p. 0. 16:14 wilt thou 77. out the eyes? i^f^/f. 7:22 L. -n-illp. 0. tho. nati. 25:6 that his name be not p. 0. ./wrf. 16:21 PhiUs.^p. 0. S."s eyes 2 Sam. 13:17 p. this woman out 2 CAr. 20:7 have p. o. lamps ■lob 18:5 light of wicked be p. 0. 6 his candle be p. out. 21:17 ; Prov. 13:9: 20:20; 24:20 Ps. 9:5 p. 0. their name for ever Ezek. .32:7 when I p. thee out Mark 5:40 when he had p. them all out. Luke 8:54 .70^77 9:22 be p. o. of synagogues 16:2 p. you out of synagogues PUT trust. Jud. 9:15 p. t. in mv shadow 2 K. 1S:24 p. t. on Eg. /s. 36:9 1 Chr. 5:20 they p. th. t. in him P-!. 4:5 p. yonr trust in the Lord 5:11 all that p. t. in thee rejoice 7:1 O L. God in thee I p. trust, 16:1; 25:20: 71:1 9:10 know thy name, p. trust in them 11:1 iuL. p. Imy ?. 31:1; 71:1 17:7 which 77. their t. in thee 36:7^. their /. nnder thy wings 56:4 in God I have p. my trust 73:28 I have p. my t. in" the L. 146:3 p. not yonrV. in princes Prov. 30:5 p. their trust in him Jer. 39:18 hast p. thy t. in thee 1 Tiies. 2:4 p. in t. with gospel Beb. 2:13 1 will 77. my t. in him PrT, Participle. Ler. ll:.38if water hep. on seed 15:19 shall hep. apart sev. days 18:19 not as long as she is p. 1 K. 22:10 kincrsp. on their rob. 2 K. 14:12 Judah wasp, to worse 1 Chr. 19:16 SjTi. 77. to worse, 19 2 Chr. 2:14 ev. derice shall hep. 6:24 if Israel be p. to the worse 25:22 Jud. was^. to the worse QUE Ps. .35:4 be p. to shame, 83:17 71:1 let me never be p. to con. Prov. 25:7 shouldest be p. lower Ec. 3:14 nothing can be 77. to it Is. 54:4 Shalt not be77. to shame ■ler. 50:42 every one 77. in array Zep. 3:19 have been p. to shame Mat. 9:16 for that p. in to fill up Mark 1:14 John was 77. in prison ■lohn 13:2 devil p. into hea, of J. Ileb. 2:8 noth. not p. under him Pev. 11:9 not bo. hep. in graves PUTEOLI. Acts 28:13 came next day to P. PUTIEL. Ex. 6:25 PUTXEST Devt. 12:18 p. thy hands, 15:10 2 K. 18:14 that thou p. on me Ps. 119:119 thou p. away wicked PrXTETH. Ex. 30:33 p. any on a stranger Xum. 22-38 God p. in my rnouth Deut. 25:11 woman p. forth hand Job 15:15 hep. no trust in saints 28:9 p. for. his hand upon rock .33:11 hep. my feet in the stoc. Ps. 15:5 he that p. not his money 75:7 p. do^vn one and set. up Prov. 2S:25p. his trust in Lord 29:25p. his trust in L. be safe 7s. 57:13 p. trust in me pos. land Lam. 3:29 p. his mouth in dust Mic. 3:5 p. not into their months Mat. 9: 16 p. new cloth. Lu. 5:36 Luke 8:16 no man p. ligh. candle 16:18 whoso p. away his wife John 10:4 p. forth his own sheep PCTTIXG. Zei'. 16:21 p. them upon head ■Jud. 7:6 p. their hand to mouth Is. ^:9 p. forth of the finser Mai. 2:16 God hatethp. away Acts 9:12 Anan. p. his hand, 17 19:33 Ales. J. 7). him forward Pom. 15:15 sort, as p. in mind Eph. 4:25 77. away lying Col. 2:11 in p. oft'body of sins 1 Tim. 1:12 p. me into ministry 2 Tun. 1:6 bvp. on mv hands 1 Pet. 3:21 not p. a. I'.ifh offlesh PUTREFVI\G. Is. 1:6 wounds, bruises, p. sores Q. QUAILS. Ex. 16:13 at eveu rj. came np. Xum. 11:31 a wind fr. L. bro. q. 32 the people stood, gather, q. Ps. 105:40 asked, he brought q. QUAKE, ED. Ex. 19:18 the mount q. greatly 1 Sam. 14:15 trembled, earth q. ■Joel 2:10 earth shall q. bef. them Xah. 1:5 the mountains q. at hi. Mat. 27:51 earth q. the rocks re. Heb. 12:21 M. said, I fear and q. QUAKIXG. Ezek. 12:18 eat thy bread with q. Dan. 10:7 great q. feD on them QUAiVTITY. Is. 22:24 hang vessels of small q. QUARREL. Lev. 26:25 a sword sh. avenge q. 2 K. 5:7 see how he secketh a q. Mark 6:19 Her. had q. ag. John Col. 3:13 if any have //Ac8:24 rebuked r. of water Jutle 18 r. of waves of Bca foam. RAGS. Prov. 23:21 clollni man with r. Is. 04:6rlglite. ar<' iix llllhy ;■. Jer. 38:11 Kbcd. look n.lten r. 12 r. under tlilue aniiliolrH RMIVB. .Am. 2:1 hou>'f of l(. 6:17, 25 Ps. 87:1 I TiiaUr m.'Mtion ipf R. 89:10 IIhiii hast bniUi'U l(. In /v. 51:9 not It tlial lialli I'lil K. Mat. 1:5 Salmon bc-al I!, of U lli't. Il::)l by failli ballot U Jam. %:•£> witii nut U. Juitlllud f EAI RAIL, ED. 1 Sam. 25:14 Nabal r. on David's 2 Chr. 32:17 Sen. wrote let. tor. Mark. 15:29 that passed r. on J. Luke 23:39 one of malefactors r. RAILER. 1 Cor. 5:11 keep not com. wi. r. RAILIXG. 1 Tim. 6:4 whereof co. strife, r. 1 Pet. .3:9 not rendering r. for r. 2 Pet. 2:11 angels br. not r. accu. Jude 9 durst iiot bring r. accus. RAIMEXT. Gen. 24:.53 s.tv. gave r. to Eeb. 27:15 Rebekah took goodly r. 27 Isaac smelled r. and blessed 28:20 if L. give me r. to put on 41:14 Joseph shaved, chang. r. 45:22 each man changes of?'. Ex. 3:22 borrow of Eg. r. 12:35 21:10 her r. sh. he not diminish 22:9 trespass for sheep, for r. 26 thou take neighbor's r. 27 Lev. 11:.32 unci, beasts fall onr. Nvm. 31:20 purify all your r. Deut. 8:4 thy r. waxed not old 10:18 L. loveth str.inger, giv. r. 21:13 put r. of captivity fr. her 22:3 lost r. restore 24:13 he may sleep in his r. 17 Shalt not take a widow's r. Jos. 22:8 return with much r. .Jud. 3:16 E. a dagger under r. 8:26 ])urple r. that \vas on kings Puth 3:3 and put thy r. on thee 1 Sam. 28:8 Saul disg. put on r. 2 K. 5:5 Naam. took chang. of n 2 Chr. 9:24 Solomon, |;old7and r. Est. 4:4 sent r. to clothe Morde. Job 27:16 tho' he prep. r. as clay Ps. 45:11 brought to king in r. Is. 14:19 cast out asr. of slain 63:3 and I will stain all my r. Ezek. 16:13 r. was of fine linen Zee. 3:4 clothe thee with r. Mat. 3:4 J. had r. of camel's hair 6:25 body more th. r. Lvke 12:23 28 why take ye thought forr. ? 11:8 clothed in soft r. Lu. 7:25 17:2 his r. white as light, Mark 9:3; Luke%:Vi 27:31 put his own r. on him 28:3 and his r. white as snow Liike 10:.30 thieves stri. him of r. 2:3:34 parted his r. .lohn. 19:24 Arts 18:6 Paul shook his r. 22:20 I keiit r. of them that sic. 1 Tim. 6:8 having food and r. Jam. 2:2 a poor man in vile r. liei). .3:5 be clothed in white r. 18 buy w'hite r. that tlioii ma. 4:4 I saw 24 elders in white r. R.AIiV, Substantive. Gen. 7:12 r. was ujion earth 8:2 r. from heaven was restrain. Er. 9:33 the r. was not poured 34 Pharaoh saw the r. ceased Lev. 26:4 will give vou r. in due season. Dent. 11:14; 28:12 Dent. 11 drinlc. of r. of heaven 17 shut heaven that th. be no r. 1 K. fi::i5:2 TAr. 6:26; 7:13 28:21 Lord sli:ill make r. of land .32:2 my doelrine sh. drop as r. 1 Sam. 12:17 call on L. to send r. 18 Lord sent thunder and r. 2 .sV(;/i. 1:21 let there be no r. 2:1: 1 bv dear shining after r. 1 A'. 8:30 hear, give r. 2 Chr. 6:27 17:1 lb. shall be no dew nor r. 7 14 till day that Lord send r. 1.-^:1 I will Hind r. iiiion earth 41 a sound of abinidaiu'e of r. 1 1 r. hId]) thee not ; 45 great r. 2 A". 3:17 not see wind, nor see r. Ezr. 10:9 trembling for great r. 13 and It is a time of much r. Job 5:10givclli r. ii|ion tin' earth 28:26 lie made a dicree for r. 29:'i:l waited for ineaH for the r. 36:27 clou. |)i>ur down r. aeeoril. 37:6 to small r. nnd to great r. ;18:!!8 liuth r. a fallier? Ps. (W:9dldM| send pli'iitlfnl r. 7J:I1 he shall cnnii' dowii like r. 81:6 the r. iiN.> lllli'lh the pools 1(W::W III' giivii Ibein hall for r. i:ri:7 iniikflli llubtiilngs for r. 1 17:8 I,, jirep.'irelb r. for earth Pr«i\ 'ixU like elonils with. r. 23 north w hid drlvelh away r. 'H\\\ Hiiow In Hiininier. and r, In lt<;3 o|ipr<'Hnelli poor U like 11 /• A'.'. ll;«irelonclsb,. shall r. hini up RAIKKI). AV. 0:1(1 1 c. lino up to uliowmy power, Iii'iii. 9:17 .Aw. ri:7 I'liil. lie r. up In Klond 7:'Jtl »•. over blin Ileal) of Klonet ./»: thy sous, O Zion Mat. 11:5 dead?', up, L^jke 7:22 16:21 r. again, 17:2:3; LiiJc^ 9:22 Luke 1:69 r. up horn of salvation 20:37 dead are ?: Moses showed Joh?i 12:1 Laz. whom he r. 9, 17 Acts 2:24 whom God hath ?: up, 32; 3:15, 26; 4:10; 5::30; 10:40; 13:30, 3:3, 34; 17:31; I?o?h. 10:9; 1 Cor. 6:14; 2 C07\ 4:14; Gal.V.\\ Eph. 1:20 12:7 angel r. Peter ; 13:22 r. Da. 13:23 G. r. Israel a Saviour- J. Som. 4:24 bel. on him that r. J. 25 r. again for our justification 6:4 C. was r. fr. dead by Father 9 Ch. r. fr. dead, dieth no mo. 7:4 to him who is r. from dead 8:11 if Sp. of him that r. Jesus 1 Cor. 15:15 r. .up C. wh. he r. n. 16 dead rise not, C. is not r. 17 if C. be not r. faith is vain 35 men say. How are dead ;■. ? 42 sown in cor. r. in incorru. 52 43 it is r. in glory, r. in power 44 sown natu. body, r. sjiirit. Eph. 2:6 ;•. us together in Ch. J. Col. 2:12 through G. who '/■. him 1 Thes. 1:10 Son, he ri from dea. 2 Tim. 2:8 Je. seed of Da. wasr. Seb. 11:35 wom. received dead r. 1 Pet. 1:21 bel. in G. that r. him RAISER. Dan. 11:20 stand up r. of taxes R.VISETH. 1 Sam. 2:8 he r. poor, Ps. 113:7 Job 41:25 r. himself, mighty Ps. 107:25 commands, r. winds 145:14 he r. those bowed, 146:8 John 5:21 the Father r. up dead 2 Cor. 1:9 trust in G. wh. r. dead RAISi:VG. Hos. 7:4 baker who ceaseth fr. r. Acts 24:12 found me r. up people RAISINS. 1 Sam. 25:18 Ab. took 100 clus. r. 30:12 gave Egyp. two clusters r. 2 Sam. 16:1 met D. 100 bunch, r. 1 Chr. 12:40 brought bunch, of r. RAM. Bvth 4:19 : 1 Chr. 2:0, 10, 25, 27 Job 32:2 EUhu of kindred of R. RAM. Gen. 15:9 take a r. 3 years old 22:13 a r. caught in a thicket Ex. 29:15 take one r. 16 slay r. 22 r. of conse. 27, 31 ; Lev. 8:22 Lev. 9:2 take r. for burnt-offcri. 4 r. peace-offer. 19:21 trespass Nvm. 5:8besi. r. for atonement Ezr. 10:19 they offered r. Ezek. 43:2:3 they sh. offer a r. 25 45:24 ephah for a r. 46:.5, 7, 11 46:6 in day of new moon a r. Dan. 8:3 I saw r. had two horns 4 I saw r. pushing westward 6 goat ran to r. had two horns 7 no power in r. to deliver r. RAMS. Gen. 31:10 r. leaped riug-stre. 12 38 r. of flock have I not eaten 32:14 Jacob sent Esau twenty ?'. Dent. 32:14 with r. breed of Bas. 1 Sam. 15:22 hearken th. fat of r. 2 K. 3:4 Moab rendered 100.000 r. 1 Chr. 29:21 sacrifi. to L. 1,000 r. 2 Clir. 17:11 Ar. brought 7,700 r. Ezr. 6:17 off. at dedication 200 r. 7:17 buy with this money r. 8:35 offered ninetv-six r. for sin Ps. 66:15 with fat of r. Is. 34:6 114:4 mount, skipped like r. 6 Is. 1:11 fall of bumt-offeri. of r. 34:6 filled with fat of kidn. of r 60:7 r. of Nebaioth sh. minister Jer. 51:40 br. to slaughter like r Ezek. 27:21 Ketlar occupied in r. 31:17 I judge betw. /■. aud goats RAN Ezek. 30:18 ye sh. dr. blood of r. Mic. 6:7 L. be pleased with r. ? See BATTERING, SEVEN. RAMS' horns. Jos. 6:4 seven priests shall bear before ark r. horns, 5, 6, 8, 13 RAMS' skins. Ex.'i5:or. sk. dyed red, 26:14; 35:7; 30:19; 39:34 RAMAH, RAMA. Jos. 18:25 R. a city of tribe of ./!?(/. 4:5 Deborah dwelt betw. R. 1 Sa?n. 1:19 his house in R. 2:11 7:17 return to R. 15:34; 16:13 8:4 elders came to S. unto R. 19:18 Dav. came to Sa. to R. 22 25:1 buried in house at R. 2S:3 1 K. 15:17 built R. 2 Chr. 16:1 2 K. 8:29 woun. at R. 2 Ch?: 22:6 yeh. 11:33 chil. of B. dwell at R. Is. 10:29 R. is afraid, Gibeah of ./«•. 31:15 heard in R. jllat. 2:18 Ezek. 27:22 the merchants of R. IIos. 5:8 blow ye trumpet in R. RAMOTH-GILEAD. Dent. 4:43 : Jos. 20:8; 21:38 1 K. 4:13 Geber oflicer in R. 22:3 that R. is ours, 4. 6, 12. 15 2 K. 8:28 against Hazacl in R. 9:1 take box of oil, go to R. 14 2 Chr. 18:3, 11, 14; 22:5 RAMPART. Lam. 2:8 he made r. to lament A"ffiA. 3:8 whose r. was the sea RAIV. Gen. 18:2 Abr. r. from tent-door 7 7: to herd ; 24:17 r. meet R. 24:20 Rebek. r. to well to draw 29:12 Rachel ?•. and told father 13 Laban r. to meet Jacob and 33:4 Esau ?: aud embraced him E.i^. 9:23 fire ?: along the ground ytim. 11:27 r. man and told JIo. 16:47 Aaron r. into congregat. ■los. 7:22 messen. r. to A^s tent ■Iiid. 7:21 host of Jlidian r. fled 13:10 Manoah's wife r. showed 1 Sam.'S:5 Samuel r. to Eli, said 10:23 they r. and fetched Saul 17:22 D. r. aud saluted brethren 51 D. r. stood upon Philistine 20:36 as lad r. he shot an arrow 2 Sam. 18:23 Ahimaaz r. by plain 1 A'. 2:.39 serv. of Shimei r. away 18:35 water r. about the altar 46 Eli.iah r. before Ahab to Je. 19:20 Elisha r. after Elijah 22:35 blood r. in midst of char. Ps. 77:2 my sore r. in the night 105:41 waters r. in dry plac'es 1.33:2 ointment r. down on bea. ■Jer. 23:21 1 have not sent, they?-. Ezek. 1:14 the living creatures ?-. 47:2 th. r. out waters onri. side Dan. 8:6 the goat ?-. to the ram JIat. 8:32 herd of swine r. into sea, JIark5:n; Luke 8:^ Mark 6:33 and r. afoot thither Luke 15:20 father ?-. fell on neck 19:4 Zacch. r. and climbed tree John 20:4 they ?-. both together Acts 3:11 the people ?-. unto th. 7:.57 they ?-. upon Stephen with 8:30 Philip r. to the chariot and 12:14 know Peter's voice she r. 14:14 Paul and Barnabas ?-. in 21:;30 people r. and took Paul 32 captain took soldiers and r. 27:41 they r. the ship aground Jude 11 r. after error of Balaam RANG. 1 Sam.. 4:5 shouted, the earth r. 1 E. 1:45 Is. shouted, the city r. RANGE. Job 39:8 r. of mountains pasture RANGES. Lei\ 11:35 ?-. for pots, be broken 2 K. 11:8 Cometh in r. be slain 15 ha. her forth, ?-. 2 Chr. 23:14 RANGING. Prov. 28:15 roar, liou and r. bear RANK. Gen. 41:5 on one stock, r. good 7 seven thin ears dev. r. ears Num. 2:16 set forth in second r. 24 shall go forward in third r. 1 air. 12:33 of Ze. 50,000 keep r. 38 men that keep r. came to H. RANTIS. 1 K. 7:4 against light three r. 5 Joel 2:7 .shall not break their r. Mark 6:40 sat down in r. by hundi-eds. REA RANSOM, Substantive. Ex. 21:30 shall give for r. of life 30:12 give ev. man )-. for his so. Job 33:24 del. from pit, I found r. 36:18 great r. cannot deliv. thee Ps. 49:7 nor can they give G. a r. ProB. 6:35 will not regard any r. 13:8 r. of man's life are riches 21:18 wicked be r. for righteous Is. 43:3 I gave Egypt for thy r. Mat. 20:28 even as the Son of man ga. life a r. Mark 10:45 1 Tim. 2:6 who gave himself r. RANSOJI. Eos. 13:14 -ivill r. them fr. grave RANSOMED. Is. 35:10 r. of the L. shall return 51:10 made sea a way for the r. Jer. 31:11 L. redeemed J. and r. RAPHA and RAPHU. Num. 13:9 Benj. Palti, son of R. 1 Chr. 8:37 R. Eleasah, Azel RARE. Dan. 2:11 ?-. thing king reqnireth RASE. Ps. 137:7 r. it. r. it to foundat. RASH, LY. Ec. 5:2 be not ?-. with mouth Acts 19:36 be quiet, do nothi. ?-. RATE. Ex. 16:4 peo. gather certain r. 1 K. 10:25 mules at?-. 2 Chr. 9:24 2 K. 25:30 daily r. for every day 2 Chr. 8:13 even after a certain"?-. RATHER. ■Tos. 22:24 we have not r. done 2 K. 5:13 ?-. when he saith to th. Mat. 25:9 go ye r. to th. th. sell Mark. 5:26 but ?-. grew worse Bom. 8:34 yea, r. tliat is risen a. 1 Cor. 7:21 be made free, use it?-. Gal. 4:9 or r. known of God Seb. 13:19 I beseech you r. do RATTLETH. Jot) 39:23 quiver r. against him RATTLING. ' Nah. 3:2 noise of r. of wheels RAVEN, S. Gen. 8:7 Noah sent forth a r. Lev. 11:15 r. unclean, Deut. 14:14 1 IC. 17:4 comma, r. to feed thee 6 the r. brought Elijah bread .lob 38:41 prov. ?-. food. Ps. 147:9 Prov. 30:17 ?-. of val. shall pick Cant. 5:11 bushv, black as ?-. Is. 34:11 the ?-. shall dwell in it Luke 12:24 consider ?-. uel. sow RAVENING. Ps. 22:13 gaped as ?-. lion Ezek. 22:25 like a roaring lion r. 27 princes are like wolves ?-. ^fat. 7:15 they are r. wolves Luke 11:30 inw. part is full of r. RAVENOUS. Ps. 35:9 nor any r. beast sh. go 46:11 callinsr a r. bird from cast Ezek. 39:4 give thee to r. birds RAVIN, Verb. Gen. 49:27 Benjamin r. as wolf R.4.VI.\. Nah. 2:12 lion filled dens with r. RAVISHED. i^-ow. 5:19 be thou r. with love 20 why be ?-. with st. woman ? Cant. 4:9 thou hast ?-. my heart Is. 13:16 wives of Bab. sh. be ?-. Lam. 5:11 r. the women in Zion Zee. 14:2 women in Jerus. be ?-. RAW. Ex. 12:9 eat not it ?-. nor sodden Lev. 13:10 if th. be quick ?-. flesh 15 priest see r. flesh, r. flesh 1 Sam. 2:15 not sod. flesh, but ?-. RAZOR. A")/??!. 6:5 nor r. upon head. . 43; 9:2,3 1 K. 12:19 Uehobo. fled, so Is. r. ag. house of Da. 2 Chr. 10:19 2 K. 1:1 Moal) r. ag. Israel, 3, 5, 7 18:7 llezek. r. ag. Assyria 21:1 Jeholakiin r. ngaliist Neb. 20 Ze. /•. 2 Chr. 36:13 ; ./(■/•. 52:3 2 Chr. 18:6 rferob. r. ag. liis lord Neh. 9:26 disobo. and r. ag. thee Ps. 5:10 for they T. against thee 105:28 they r. not against word 107:11 they r. ag. words of Ood Is. 1:2 nourish, children, thcv r. (i:!:10 ;•. and vc^xed llolv HplHt lAtm. 1:18 have /•. 20 grlev. /•. 3: 12 we have r. has not pardon. I'b.ck. 2:!i H(!iid th. to nation th. r. 17:15 lie /•. In si^ndliig to Kgypt 2():H they r. against nni, l.'t, 21 Dan. 9:5V. by departing fr. thee 9 to (Jod mercy, though wu have r. llos. 13: lU Hniimrlnr. nKatuBt Q. REBKLLRHT. 'i K. 18:20(111 wliiiin dost thou trust, that thou r. t la. 30:6 REB REBELLION. Deut. 31:27 know thy r. and stiff ■Jos. 22:22 sh. know If it be In r. 1 Sam. 15:23 r. is as witchcraft Ezr. 4:19 that r. made therein Neh. 9:17 in r. appointed a capt. Job 34:37 addeth r. unto his sin Prov. 17:11 evil man secketh r. Jer. 28:16 hast taught r. 29:3^ REBELLIOUS. Deut. 9:7 r. against L. 21; 31:27 21:18 a stubborn and r. son 1 Sam. 20:30 son of the r. woman Ezr. 4:12 building the r. city, 15 Ps. 66:7 let not r. exalt themsel. 68:6 the r. dwell in a dry land 18 for r. 78:8 r. generation /«.. 1:23 princes ?'. companions 30:1 woe to ?'. chil. saith Lord 9 a r. people ; 50:5 I was not r. 65:2 spread hands to a r. people Jer. 4:17 she ha. been r. saith L. 5:23 this' people hath a r. heart Ezck. 2:3 send thee to a r. nation 5 they are a r. house, 6, 7; 3:9, 26, 27 ; 12:2, 3 8 be not r. like that r. house 12:2 dwell, in midst of r. house 17:12 s"!iy to r. house, 44:6 24:3 utter parable to r. house REBELS. Num. 17:10 A. rod token ag. r. 20:10 M. and A. said. Hear, r. Ezek. 20:38 I will purge out r. REBUKE, Substantive. Deut. 28:20 Lord send on thee r. 2 K. 19:3 this is day of?'. Is. 37:3 Ps. 18:15 at thy r. blast of nost. 76:6 at r. horse cast into sleep 80:16 per. at r. of countenance 104:7 at thy r. they fled away Prov. 13:1 a scorner hear, not r. 8 but the poor heareth not r. 27:5 open r. bet. than secret love Ec. 7:5 better to hear r. of wise Is. 25:8 r. of his peo. take away 30:17 thousand flee at r. of one at the r. of five shall ye flee 50:2 at thy r. I dry up the sea 51:20 thy sons lie full of?-, of G. 66:15 render his r. with flames Jer. 15:15 for thy sake I suft'. r. Hos. 5:9 Ep. sh. be des. day of r. Phil. 2:15 without r. in per. nat. REBUKE, Verb. Lev. 19:17 in any wi^e r. neigh. Ruth 2:16 glean them, r. liciMiot 1 Chr. 12:17 God look thereon,?-. Ps. 6:1 O Lord, ?■. me not, 38:1 68:.30 r. the spearmen, the bulls Prov. 9:8 ?•. wise man 2-1:25 them that?', him Is. 2:4 shall ?•. nations, Mic. 4:3 17:13 nations rush, G. ?'. them 54:9 I wou. not be wroth, nor r. Zee. 3:2 Lord r. thee, even Lord that hath chosen Jer. r. thee Mai. 3:11 r. devo. for yoursakes Mat. 16:22 P. ?'. him, Mark 8:;J2 Luke 17:3 if brot. trespass?', him 19:39 said. Master, r. thy disc. 1 Tim. 5:1 ?'. not elder, entri-at 20 them that sin, r. before all 2 Tim. 4:2 r. with long-suffering Tit. 1:13 wheref. r. sharply, 2:15 .Tucla 9 Mich, said, T\w L. ?'. thee Rev. 3:19 as many as I lovo I r. REBUKED. Gen. 31:42 hath seen and r. thee ;37:10 his father r. him, and said Neh. 5:7 1 /'. the nohles and nil. Ps. 9:5 hast ?'. the heiilheii, hast 106:9 he r. Red sea. It was dry 119:21 thou hast?', the proud Mat. 8:26 he r. \\w wind and the sea, Marki-.n'i; Luk, »:-i\ 17:18 J. ?'. devil, and he diiiarl. 19:l:l his disci, r. them. Murk 10:i:i; Luke 18:15 20:31 mullltiuli' r. Mind men Mark 1:25 he /•, the devil, U:'J5; Luke -V.X, • 9:12 8:3:!.IesuH ;', reter, Oct behind /!//•<■ 1::^) stood, and r. the fever It:.^ J. turned, ;■. Jainen and .1. lH::iil went before, r. blind man 2.'):ll) Ihli'f iinHwerliig, r. him ll,h. 12:.'> nor liiint wh. /'. of lihu 2 I'il. 2: Hi ilidaani was r. for Inl. REBUKER. ITod. B:2 I have been a r. of all REBCKEH. Ps. .'19:11 with )'. iliii"! ror. man l<,i: 9:20 let your ear r. tho word /'':ik. 3:10 r. all my words Ifiis. 11:2 snv, r. nsgraclouslv .^^(^ 19:I2lHaliUilel him r. fl /.»Xv 18: 19 )'. Hlghl, .Ms 2'.':13 .hhn 20:'J'J he sallh, r. Holy Gh. .-Ii'/,i 7:.5!t I.. Jesus. )'. my spirit /*)»!. 14:1 him weak In fnilh r. 1.5:7 »'. Olio ano. as C'h. received 2 (\ir. 7:2 /'. IIS, wronged luimuii 11:16 as a fool r. nu', I lumsi /■//(/. 2:29 r. Iiliii In I,. wlthKlnrt. Col. 4:111 Mar. If ho oonii'. r. him IViItt-. 12 ('. him III. Ih mliio own 17 count me partner, r. Iiliu UECEiVE, »<-M'liv/j/. 9 A'. 5:111 Kllslia wild, I r. inino Ml '.MO wo r. t;i>M\, nut r. uvllf 990 CRUDEN"'S COl^CORDA^^CB. EEC Jer. 35:13 will ye not r. instrac. Ezek. 36:30 ye shall r. no more Mark 10:15 whosoever sh. not r. kingdom of G. Luke 18:17 Luke 9:53 they did not r. him 10:10 they r. you not, go into 18:30 who shall not r. manifold John 3:11 ye r. not onr witness 27 a man can r. noth. except 5:41 I r. not honor from men 43 come in F.'s na. ye r. me not 14:17 Sp. whom world cannot r. Acts 22:18 will not r. testimony 1 Cor. 4:7 wh. hast thou, not r. ? 2 Cor. 6:1 r. not grace of G. in v. Jam. 4:3 ye ask and r. not 2 John 10 r. him not into house 3 John 10 nei. doth he r. hreth. RECEIVE, wflnitively. Gen. 4:11 earth op.mouth to r. Deut. 9:9 gone up to r. tables 1 K. 8:64hraz. altar was too little to r. burnt-offer. 2 Chr. 7:7 2 K. 5:26 time to r. money, to r. 12:8 priest to r. no more money Prov. 1:3 r. instruction of wisd. Jer. 5:3 refused to r. correction Mai. 3:10 not room enougli to r. Mat. 19:12 to r. it, let him r. it Mark 2:2 no room to r. them Luke 6:34 of whom ye hope to r. Acts 8:27 ex. disciples to r. him 20:35 more bles. to give than r. 3 John 8 we ought to r. such Eev. 4:11 thou worthy to r. glo. 5:12 worthy is L. to r. power 13:16 causeth to r. mark in ha. RECEIVED. Ben. 26:12 Isaac r. hundred-fold Ex. 32:4 Aaron r. at th. hand Num. 12:14 let Miriam be r. in 2.3:20 I r. commandm. to bless Jos. 13:8 Gadites r. inheritance 1 Sam. 12:3 of wh. hand ha. I r. 2 K. 19:14 Hezekiah r. the letter, Is. 37:14 1 Chr. 12:18 David r. them Job 4:12 mine ear r. little thereof Ps. 68:18 hast r. gifts for men JVoii. 24:32 I looked and r. inst. Is. 40:2 she hath r. of L.'s hand ^2f^. 18:17 hath notr. usury nor Zep. 3:2 she r. not correction Mat. 10:8 freely ye ?•. freely give 13:20 r. into stony gr. 22 thorns 23 r. seed into good ground 20:9 r. every man a penny, 10 .34 immedi. their eyes r. sight Mark 7:4 many things they r. 10:52 he immediately r. sight, iwfe 18:43; Acts%:\i 1£:19 was r. into heav. Acts 1:9 i^^fe 6:24 ye have r. consolation 8:40 the people gladly r. him 9:11 r. them, spake of kingdom 51 time come he sho. be r. up 10:.38 Martha r. him into house 15:27 r. him safe and sound 19:6 Zacclieus r. him joyfully 15 returned, having r. kingd. John 1:11 ca. to his own, own r. 12 as many as r. him he gave 16 of fulness r. grace for grace 3:33 he that hath r. testimony 4:45 when come, Galil. r. him 6:21 willingly r. him in ship 9:11 washed, and I r. sight 15 Pharis. asked how r. sight 10:18 comman. r. of my Father 17:8 given thy words, r. them 18:3 Ju. having r. band of men Acts 1:9 cloud r. him out of sig. 2:33 hav. r. of Father promise 41 they r. word were baptized 7:53 who have r. law by angels 8:14 Samaria r. word of God 17 hands on them r. Holy Gh. 9:19 r. meat was strengthened 10:47 which have r. Holy Gh. 11:1 heard Genti. r. word of G. 15:4 they were r. of the church 17:7 whom Jason hath r. 11 Bereans r. word with readi. 19:2 have ye r. the Holy Ghost ? 20:24 ministry which I r. of L. 21:17 the brethren r. us gladly 22:5 from whom I r. letters to" 28:7 Publius r. us ; Paul r. all 21 nei. r. letters out of Judea Horn. 1:5 by whom we r. grace 5:11 by whom we r. atonement 8:15 have not r. spirit of bond. 14:3 him that eateth, G. r. him 15:7 rec. one another as C. r. us 1 Cor. 2:12 r. not spirit of world 4:7 glory, as if thou hadst not r. 11:23 I r. of Lord that which REC 1 Cor. 15:1 which ye r. 3 wh. I r. 2 Cor. 4:1 as we r. mercy 11:4 spirit which ye have not r. Gal. 1:9 anot. gospel than ye r. 12 I r. it not of man, neither 3:2 r. ye Sp. by works of law ? 4:14 r. me as an angel of God Phil. 4:9 thi. ye have r. and seen Col. 2:6 as ye r. Christ, so walk 4: 10 whom ye r. comraandm. 17 take heed to minis, thou r. 1 Thes. 1:6 r. word ia affliction 2: 13 when y e r. the word, ye r. 4:1 as ye r. of us how to walk 2 TJies. 2:10 they r. not the truth 1 Tim. 3:16 believed, r. into gl. 4:3 meats God created to be r. 4 crea. good, if?-, with thanks. Heb. 7:11 under it people r. law 10:26 if sin after r. knowledge 11:13 not having r. promises 17 r. promises offered only son 19 whence he r. him in a figure .35 women r. dead raised to life 39 these r. not the promise 1 Pet. 4:10 every one hath r. gift 2 Pet. 1:17 he r. from God honor 2 John 4 we have r. a command Rev. 2:27 power, as r. of Father 3:3 remember how thou hast r. 19:20 that had r. mark of beast 20:4 nor r. mark reigned wi. C. RECEIVEDST. Luke 16:25 in lifetime r. good th. RECEIVER. Is. 33:18 scribe ? where is r. f RECEIVETH. Jud. 19:18 no man r. to house Job 35:7 what r. he of thy hand ? Prcv. 21:11 when wise r. know. 29:4 he that r. gifts, overthr. Jer. 7:28 nation r. not correction Mai. 2:13 r. offer, with good- will Mat. 7:8 that asketh r. Luke 11:10 10:40 that r. you, r. me; r. me, r. him sent me, John 13:20 41 he that r. a prophet, right. 13:20 heareth word, anon r. it 18:5 one such little child, r. me Mark 9:37 r. not me, but him that sent me, Lvke 9:48 Luke 15:2 this man r. sinners John 3:32 no man r. his testim. 12:48 he that r. not my words 1 Ccrr. 9:24 run all, one r. prize Ileh. 6:7 earth r. blessing fr. Gfod 7:9 L. who r. tithes, paid tithes Rev. 2:17 know, saving he r. it 14:11 whoso, r. mark of name RECEn'ETH not. 1 Cor. 2:14 r. not things of God 3 John 9 but Diotrephes r. us n. RECEIVING. 2 K. 5:20 in not r. at his hands Acts 17:15 r. a comman. to Silas Rom. 11:15 wh. sh. r. of th. be? Phil. 4:15 concern, giving and r. Heb. 12:28 wheref. we r. a king. 1 Pet. 1:9 r. the end of your faith RECH.\B. 2 K. 10:15 Jehonadab son of R. 1 Chr. 2:55 father of house of R. Jer. 35:6 Jonadab the son of R. RECHABITES. Jer. 35:2 go to house of the R. RECKON, ETH. Lev. 25:50 he shall r. with him 27:18 priest shall r. to him, 23 Num. 4:32 by name r. instrum. Ezek. 44:26 shall r. to him 7 days Mat. 18:24 when he began to r. 25:19 lord of those servants r. Rom,. 6:11 r. yours, to be dead 8:18 I r. suffer, of present time RECKONED. Num. 23:9 people shall not be r. 2 Sam. 4:2 Beeroth r. to Benj. 2 K. 12:15 they r. not with men 1 Chr. 5:1 not be r. by birthrig. 7 genealogy of generations r. 17 r. by genealogies, 7:5, 7 ; 9:1, 22; 2"CAr. 31:19; Ezr. 2:62; 8:3 ; Neh. 7:5, 64 Ps. 40:5 thy tho' cannot be r. 7s. .38:13 I r. till morning Luke 22:37 r. am. transgressors Rom. 4:4 reward is notV. of gra. 9 r. to Abra. 10 how was it r. f RECKONING. 2 K. 22:7 tliere was no r. made 1 Chr. 23:11 they were in one r. RECOMMENDED. Acts 14:26 whe. they had been r, 15:40 being r. to grace of God REC RECOMPENSE. Deut. 32::j5 belong, veng. and r. Job 15:31 vanity shall be his r. Prov. 12:14 r. shall be rendered Is. 35:4 God will come with a r. 59:18 repay r. to his enemies 60:6 voice of L. that render, r. Jer. 51:6 will render to her a r. Lam. 3:64 render to them a r. IIos. 9:7 the days of r. are come Joel 3:4 will ye render me r. ? 7 I will return r. on your head Luke 14: 12 a r. be made thee Eom. 1:27 rec. r. of their error 11:9 let their table be made a r. 2 Cor. 6:13 for a r. in the same Heb. 2:2 trangr. received a r. 10:35 hath great r. of reward 11:26 he had respect to the r. RECOMPENSES. Is. 34:8 a year of r. for Zion Jer. 51:56 L. God of r. sh. requ. RECOMPENSE, Verb. Num. 5:7 he shall r. his trespass 8 if he have no kinsman to r. Ruth 2:12 the Lord r. thy work 2 Sam. 19:36 sho. king r. me? ■lob 34:33 r. it whe. thoii refuse Prov. 20:22 say not, I wi. r. evil Is. 65:6 I will r. into th. bosom Jer. 16:18 I will r. their iniquity 25:14 I will r. them, Hos. 12:2 50:29 r. her according to work Ezek. 7:3 will r. abominations, 8 4 will r. thy ways upon thee, 9; 9:10; 11:21; 16:43 17:19 my covenant I will r. 23:49 shall r. your lewdness Joel 3:4 if ye r. me, will I return Luke 14:14 they cannot r. thee Rom. 12:17 r. no man evil for evil 2 Thes. 1:6 r. tribulation to them Heb. 10:30 hath said, I will r. RECOMPENSED. Num. 5:8 let trespass be r. to L. 2 Sam. 23:21 accord, to cleanness hath he 7'. 25; Ps. 18:20,24 Prov. 11:31 righteous shall be r. ■Jer. 18:20 sh. evil be r. for good ? Ezek. 22:31 th. own way ha. I r. Luke 14:14 be r. at resurrection Rom. 11:35 it shall be r. to him RECOMPENSEST, ING. 2 Chr. 6:23 r. way upon his head Jer. 32:18 r. iniquity of fathers RECONCILE. Lev. 6:30 blood is brought to r. 1 Sam.. 29:4 wherew. he r. hims. Ezek. 45:20 so shall he r. house Eph. 2:16 he might r. both to G. Col. 1:20 to r. all things to him. RECONCILED. Mat. 5:24 first be r. to brother Rom. 5:10 when enem. r. to God 1 Cw. 7:11 let her be r. to husb. 2 Cfer. 5:18 hath r. us to himself 20 in Ch. stead, be ye r. to God Col. 1:21 were enemies, yet he r. RECONCILIATION. Lev. 8: 15 to make a r. upon it 2 Chr. 29:24 made r. with blood .£"26*. 45:15 make r. for them, 17 Dan. 9:24 to make r. for iniquity 2 6'o)'. 5:18 given us minist. of r. 19 committed to us word of r. Beb. 2:17 r. for the sins of people RECONCILING. Lev. 16:20 he made end of r. Rom. 1 ; 15 if casting away be r. 2 Cor. 5:19 God in Chr. r. world RECORD, Substantive. Ezr. 6:2 therein was r. written Job 10:19 behold, r. is on high John 1:19 this is the r. of John 32 John bare r. saying, 34 8:13 thou bearest r. .of thyself, thy r. is not true, 14 12:17 the pco. with him, bare r. 19:35 he saw bare r. his r. true Rom. 10:2 bear r. they have zeal 2 Cor. 1:23 I caU God for a r. 8:3 to their power I bear r. Gal: 4:15 I bear you r. Phil. 1:8 God is my r. Col. 4:13 I bear r. he hath zeal 1 John 5:7 th. are 3 that bear r. 10 7\ God gave of his Son, 11 3 John 12 we bear r. our r. is true Rev. 1:2 who barer, of word of G. RECORDS. Ezr. 4:15 search be made in r. Est. 6:1 command, to bring r. RECORD, Verb. Ex. 20:2i where I r. my name RED Deut. 39:19 I call heaven and earth to r. 31:28 1 Chr. 16:4 appoint. Levites to r. Is. 8:2 took faithful witnes. to r. Acts 20:26 1 take yon to r. RECORDED. Neh. 12:22 Levites were r. chief RECORDER. • 2 Sam. 8:16 Jehosh. was r. 20:24 ; 1.^.4:3; 1 C%r. 18:15 iK. 18:18 and Joah the son of Asaph r. Is. 36:3, 22 2 Chr. 34:8 Joah eon of Joahaz r. RECOUNT. Nah. 2:5 he shall r. his worthies RECOVER. J2id. 11:26 did ye not r. them 1 Sam. 30:8 shalt without fail r. 2 Sam. 8:3 went to r. his border 2 K. 1:2 inquire whether I sh. r. 5:3 the prophet would r. him 11 strike his hand, and r. leper 8:8 shall I r. of this disease ? 9 2 C7ir. 13:20 nor did Jeroboam r. 14:13 could not r. themselves Ps. 39:13 that I may r. strength Is. 11:11 r. remn. of his people 38:16 r. me and make me live 21 for a plaster, and he shall r. Hos. 2:9 and I will r. my wool Mai'k 16:18 hands on sick, th. r. 3 Tim. 2:26 may r. themselves RECOVERED. 1 Sam. 30:18 r. all Am. took, 19 22 not give aught of spoil we r. 2 K. 13:2o and r. cities of Israel 14:28 warred, and r. Damascus 16:6 Rez. king of Syria r. Elath 20:7 laid it on the boil, he r. Is. 38:9 Hezekiah sick, r. .39:1 Jer. 8:22 why is not my peo. r.f 41:16 Johanan took people her. RECOVERING. Luke 4:18 r. of sight to the blind RED. Gen. 25:25 came out r. all over 30 feed me with that r. pottage 49:12 eyes shall be r. with wine Ex. 25:5 rams' skins dyed i: 26:14; 35:7; 36:19; 39:34 35:23 wi. wh. was found r. skins Num. 19:2 bring thee a r. heifer 2 K. 3:22 Moabites saw water r. Est. 1:6 a pavement of r. blue Ps. 75:8 wine is r. full of raixtm. P)W. 23:31 look not on wine r. Is. 1:18 though your sins be r. 27:2 sing, aVineyard of r. wine 63:2 art thou r. in apparel ? Nah. 2:3 shield of mighty men r. Zee. 1:8 a man on a r. horse 6:2 in first chariot we. r. horses Mat. 16:2 fair weather, sky r. 3 Rev. 6:4 anot. horse that was r. 12:3 great r. dragon, sev. heads RED sea. Ex. 10:19 cast locnsts into R. ». 13:18 G. led them by the R. sea 15:4 captains drowned in R. g. 22 Moses bro. Israel from R. 8. 23:31 set thy bounds from R. s. Num. 14:25 into wilder, by R. s. 21:14 what he did in the R. s. ? Deut. 1:40 take journey by R. s. 11:4 he made R. sea overflow Jos. 2:10 the L. dried up S. sea 4:23 as L. your G. did to R. sea 24:6 Egypt, pursu. after to R. s. Neh. 9:9 heard, their cry by R. 8. Ps. 106:7 provoked him at R. g. 9 rebuked R. s. it was dried up 22 done terrible things by R. s. 136:13 him who divided R. sea 15 overthrew Pharaoh in R. s. Jer. 49:21 noise was heard in R.s. Acts 7:36 showed wond. in if. sea Heb. 11:29 by faith passed R. 8. REDDISH. Lev. 13:19 somewhat r. 24, 43 42 a white r. sore, a leprosy 49 if plague be r. in garment 14:37 if plag. be with streaks, r. REDEEM. Ex 6:6 1 will r. you with arm 13:13 firstl. of ass shalt r. 34:20 15 first-b. of my chil. r. 34:20 Lev. 25:25 if any of his kin r. it 32 the cities may the Levit. r. 49 or any of kin may r. him 27:15 house will r. it, 19, 20, 31 Num. 18:15 first-bom sh. thou r. 17 firstling of a goat sh. not r. Ruth 4:4 r. it, if not, I will r. it 6 I cannot r. it for mys. r. th. CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 991 BED 2 Sam. 7:23 wh. nation is like Is. God went to rj 1 Chr. 17:21 Neh. 5:5 is it in our power to r. Job 5:20 in famine he sh. r. thee (j:23 r. rae from hand of mighty Fs. 25:22 r. Is. O G. out of troub. 26:11 r. me and be merciful 41:26 r. us for thy mercies' sake 4'J:7 none of th. can r. his brot. 15 6. will r. my soul fr. grave 69:18 draw ni. to my soul, r. it 72:14 r. their soul from deceit 1:30:8 r. Isr. from all iniquities Is. 50:2 short, that it cannot r.f Jer. 1.5:21 I will r. thee Has. 13:14 I will r. them fr. death iRc. 4:10 L. sh. r. thee fr. Baby. Gal. 4:5 r. them wore under law Tit. 2:14 he miglit r. us fr. ;niq. REDEEMED. Gen. 48:16 the angel which r. me Ex. 15:1.3 people whom thou r. 21:8 then shall he let her be r. Lev. 19:20 with bondmaid not r. 25:.30 if house in city be not r. 43 broth, sold may be r. again 54 if he be not r. then go out 27:20 sold field, it eh. not be r. 27 an unci, beast not r. be sold 28 no devot. thing sh. be r. 29 3:3 tithe and change not be r. Nam. 3:46 those r. more th. Lev. Deut. 7:8 L. hath r. you fr. king of Egypt. 1.5:15; 24:18 9:26 thy people thou hast r. 13:5 L. r. you out of bondage 21:8 merciful to Is. thou hast r. 2 Sam. 4:9 L. r. soul, 1 K. 1:29 1 Chr. 17:21 whom thou r. out of Egypt, Neh. 1:10; Ps. 77:15 Neh. 5:8 we have r. the Jews Ps. 31:5 thou hast r. me, O L. G. 71:2:3 my soul rejo. thou hast r. 74:2 thine inherit, thou hast r. 106:10 he r. them from enemy 10r:2 let r. of the Lord say so 13i;:24 hath r. us from enemies Is. 1:27 Xion be r. with judgm. 29:22 saith L. who r. Abraham 35:9 but the r. shall walk there 43:1 fear not, I have r. thee 44:22 ret. to rae, I have r. thee 23Lord?-. J. 48:20; Jer.SUll 01:11 r. of the L. shall return 52:3 ye sh. be r. without money 0 r. Jer. 62:12 holy people r. C3:4 r. is come ; 9 he r. them Lam. 3:.58 thou hast r. my life Iloii. 7:13 tho' I r. them, yet they Mlc. 6:4 I r. thee out of house Zee. 10:8 hiss, I have ?■. them L''ke 1:68 visited and r. his peo. 21:21 who should have r. Israel Oal. 3:13 Christ r. us from ciir.se 1 i'ef,. 1:18 not r. with corrupti. 7fc». 5:9 thou hast r. us to God 14:3 the 144,000 which were r. 4 these were r. from um. men UEDEEMEDST. 2 Sam. 7:23 r. to thei; from Egy. ItEDEE.MER. Job 19:25 I know tliat my R. liv. J'n. V.y.U O h. my stren. and It. 78::35 the high G. wan Du-ir K. Proi). 2:3:11 their R. is mighty In. 41:14 thy K. Holy One, 51:5 43:14 saith L. your U. H. One 44:0 saith L. his H. L. of hosts 24 sal. thy U. 48:17; 49:7; 51:H 47:4 as for our 1{. Lord of hosts 49:26 1 the L. am thy K. 60: 1 (i .19:20 the K. shall come to Zlon (i3:l() art our Father, our 1{. Jer. .50:31 th(Mr K. is strong KEDKKiVlETII. Ps. 31:22 L. r. souls of Ills serv. 103:4 wlio ?'. life fr. destruction nKDEEMINd. I!ii/h 4:7 manner in Isr. cone. r. /iJ/ih. 6:16 /•. Ihr. time, Cul. 4:5 REDEiVIPTIOIV. Lev. 25:24 ye shall grant a r. lit he hIi. glV(! \>n(;r of his r. 62 Num. 3:49 Moses took /•. money Ps. 49:8 r. of their soul Is prec. 111:0 he sent r. to his pcciple l;!0:7 with I., th. Is picntco. r. J^r. 82:7 right ofr. is llilne, 8 Litkr 2:.'t8 thai looki'd for ;•. 21:2H your r. drawelli nigh P(mi..:):'M lUHlllli'd thro' /•. In C. 8:23 roriulopllon, r. of our body 1 Vor. 1:30 (!lir. is juade to um /■. JCiik. 1:7 In whom we Imvy r. Ihro' hU l)liiod, Ci/t. J:lt REF Eph. 1:14 r. of purchased poss. 4:30 sealed unto the day of r. Keb. 9:12 obtai. eternal r. for us 15 the r. of the transgressions RED\ES.S. Prov. 23:29 who hath r. of eyes? REDOL\D. 2 Cor. 4:15 grace r. to glo. of G. REED. 1 K. 14:15 L. sh. smite Isr. as r. 2 A'. 18:21 thou trustest upon the stafi'of bruised r. Is. 30:6 Is. 42:3 a bruised r. shall he not break. Mat. 12:20 Ezek. 29:6 been staff of a r. to Is. 40:3 a man with a measuring r. Mat. 11:7 a r. shaken, Luke 7:24 27:29 put a r. in his right hand 30 sm. him with r. Mark 15:19 48 sponge on a r. Mark 15:36 Bev. 11:1 there was giv. me a r. 21:15 golden r. to meas. city, 10 REEDS. ■lob 40:21 lieth in the covert of r. Is. 19:6 r. and flags sh. wither, 7 35:7 in habita. of dragons be r. ■ler. 51:32 the r. they have burnt Ezek. 42:16 measured east side, five hundred r. 17, 18, 19 45:1 shall be length of 25,000 r. REEL. Ps. 107:27 r. to and fro, and stag. Is. 24:20 earth shall r. to and fro REFIiVE. Zee. 13:9 I will r. them as silver REFI!VED. 1 Chr. 28:18 for the altar r. gold 29:4 7,000 talents ofr. silver Is. 2.5:6 wines on lees well r. 48:10 I have v. th. not with silv. Zee. 13:9 refine th. as silver is r. REFINER. Mai. 3:2 for he is like a r.'s fire 3 he sh. sit as a r. and purifier REFORiMATIIOIV. Ileb. 9:10 on th. until time ofr. REFORMED. Lev. 20:23 if ye will not be r. REFRAIIV. Gen. 4.5:1 J. could not r. himself Job 7:11 I will not r. my mouth Prov. 1:15 r. thy foot frpm path Ec. 3:5 a tinu; to r. fr. embracing Is. 48:9 for my praise I will r. 64:12 wilt thour. thyself, O L.? Jer. 31:16 r. voice from weeping Acts 5:38 I say, r. from th. men 1 Pel. 3:10 r. his tong. from evil REFRAI\ED. (?c». 43:31 and .Joseph r himself Est. .5:10 Ilaman r. himself Job 29:9 the princes r. talking Ps. 40:9 I have not r. my lips 119:101 I have r. my feet fr. evil Is. 42:14 been still, r. myself Jer. 14:10 have not r. their feet REFRAI\ETII. Prov. 10:19 that r. lips is wise REFRESH. 1 K. 13:7 come home r. thyself Acts 27:3 J. suflV'rcd P. to r. him. PkUe. 20 r. my bowels in the L. REFItE8IIED, ETII. Ex. 23:12 stranger may be r. 31:17 sev. day rested and was r. I Sam. 111:2.') so Saul was r. •ISdiii. 16:11 David and peoplor. .lob :12:'J0 spciik that I may bo r. I'riiiK 'Xt:\:\ he /•. soul of masters Itom. 15:32 1 iriay with you be r. 1 Cor. 16:18 r. my spl. and yonrs 2 Cor. 7:13 Titus, his spir. wasr. 2 Tim. 1:16 for he olti-n r. me PUile. 7 bow. of saints /•. hy th. I'om Is. t>:\'i thi'y r. not work of L. l'l:17 M. who will not r. silver 1.(1111. 4:16 L. will no nn>re r. th. Dun. 11:37 r. God, norr. any god .{ini>s tf.'i'i norr. peace-oll'erinL;s l/iib. 1:5 r. wonder marvellonxly ,\liU. 1:9 will tio r, yo. pirsonsy Liikv IH;4 lour uol tiod nor r. man Jiom. M:U Lord lie doth nut r. REI REGARDED. ^■x. 9:21 r. not the word of Lord 1 JC. 18:29 no voice, nor any r. 1 Chr. 17:17 thou hast r. me Pd'. 106: 14 he r. their atfliction P;ot'. 1:24 stret. hand, no man r. IJan. .3:12 O king, have not r. iyfe 1:48 he r. his handmaid 18:2 feared not G. nei. r. man Ileb. 8:9 I r. them not, saith L. REGARDEST. 2 Sam. 19:6 thou r. not princes Job 30:20 I stand up, r. me not jl/a<. 22:16 thou r. not the per- sons of men, Ma?Ic 12:14 REGARDETH. Dent. 10:17 r. not persons ■lob 34:19 nor r. rich mo. th. poor 39:7 neither r. crying of driver Prov. 12:10 right, r. life of beast 18:18 that r. reproof be honored 15:5 that r. reproof is prudent 29:7 wicked r. not cause of poor Ec. 5:8 higher than highest r. 11:4 he that r. clouds not reap 7*. -3:3:8 desp. cities, r. no man IJan. 6:13 Daniel r. not thee Mai. 2:13 r. not offer, any more Horn. 14:6 that r. day, r. it to L. REGARDING. ■lob 4:20 perish without any r. it PAW. 2:30 not r. life to sup. lack REGEJI-MELECH. Zee. T.Z REGEXERATION. Mat. 19:28 wh. followed me In r. Tit. 3:5 saved us by wash, of r. REGIOIV. Deut. 3:4 all the r. of Argob, 13 1 A'. 4:24 dominion overall the r. Mat. 3:5 went to him r. round J. 4:16 which sat in r. of death Mark 1:28 fame spread through- out r. of G. X/iAc4:14; 7:17 6:55 ran thro' whole r. round Acts 13:49 word of L. pub. thro" r. 14:6 they fled to r round about 16:6 gone thro' the r. of Galalia REGIONS. Acts 8:1 scattered thro' r. of Ju. 2 Cor. 10:16 preach in ?•. beyond 11:10 stop me in r. of Achaia Gal. 1:21 1 came into r. of Syria REGISTER. Ezr. 2:62 sought r. AWt. 7:64 AWj. 7:5 found a >•. of genealogy REHABIAn. 1 air. 23:17 REHEARSE, ED. Ex. 17:14 r. in ears of Joshua Jud. 5:11 r. righteous acts of L. 1 Sam. 8:21 he ;•. in ears of Lord 17:31 r. David's words bef. Saul Acts 11:4 Peter r. the matter 14:27 r. all G. done with them RBHOUOAM. 1 IC. 11:43 R. son of Solo. 14:21 12:6 R. consulted men, 17, 21. 2J 1 1:30 was war between R. 15:6 2 6'/tr. 9:31; 10:6, 17; 11:1 11:17 made R. strong, 21, 82 13:7 against R. wlien 14. waa HEilOnOTII. Gen. 10:11 builded NIn. and R. 26:22 Isaac called the well 1{. 311:37 S. of R. reigned, 1 C/ir. 1:48 Ezr. 2:2 R. came with, Nfh. 18:8 1:8 R. the ehnneellor, 17, 23 .WA 3:17 U. the son ofllanl 10:25 R. of chief of the i)eopl8 REIGN, SiibHtnnllve. 1 A'. 6:1 Solonion'sr. over Israel 1 Chr. 4:31 cities to r of Duv Id 2;i:;)0 David's acts with r. writ. 2 <'Ar. 36:20 r. of king. Persia Luit' 3:1 year of r of Tihcrlus HKIGN, Verb. drit. 37:8 shult thou r. over nsT A'.r. 15:18 the Lord shall r. lor ever, /N. 14t>:IO Uv. 26:17 Ihey thai hule slmll r. Dtiit. IA:U r. over many nut lout ./ml. lt:2 Hoventv r. over von H r. thou over ns, 10. 13, 11 1 .sV//;l. H:9 k. that shall r. II 9:17 this hunie r. over my peon. 11:12 said. Shall S. r. over nnf 12:I'J » king shiill r. over uk 8 .S(/f;i. 3:'.M Ihoti niavrnt r. over 1 A'. 1:11 hennl 111 Adonl.lnh r .f l,i Si>l. shull r. ufler mo, 17,30 2:15 Hot fucoH on mo, I xhini. r. 1(1:15 Zluirl r. 7 Uuyii In TIrub 992 CRUDEN'S COXCORDA^^CE. REJ 2 Chr. 1:8 made me r. in his ste. 23:3 said, The king's son sh. r. Job 34:30 the hypocrite r. not Prot. 8:15 by nie' kings r. Ec. 4:11 out prison he com. to r. Is. 24:2:3 L. of hosts shall r. in Z. 32:1 king shall r. in righteous. Jer. 22:15 shall thou r. Dec. thou 2^3:5 a king shall r. and prosper 33:21 D. sho. not have sou to r. Mic. 4:7 L. shall r. over th. in Z. Mat. 2:22 heard Archelaus did r. Luke 1::33 he shall 7\ over Jacob 19:14 not have this man to r. 2T enemies would not I sho. r. Som. 5:17 sh. r. in life by J. C. 21 so might grace >: by J. C. 6:12 let not sin ?: in yo. bodies 15:12 shall rise to r. "over Genti. 2 T^m. 2:12 if we suff. we sh. r. Rev. 5:10 we shall r. on earth 11:15 he shall r. for ever 20:6 sh. r. wi. him 1,000 years 22:5 shall ;■. for ever and ever See BEGAN. KEIG\ED. Gen. 36:31 the kings that r. in land of Edom, 1 Chr. 1:43 1 Sam. 13:1 Saul r. one yr. he r. 2 Sam. 2:10Ish-bosh. r. two yea. 5:4 Dax-id r. 40 years over Jud. 5 Da. r. seven yea. in Hebron, thirty-three in Jerusa. 1 K. 2:11; 1 CA?'. 3:4;29:2T 10:1 Ha. r. in stead, 1 Chr. 19:1 1 K. 4:21 and Solomon r. over all the kingd. 11:42; 1 Chr. 29:23:2 C7A/-. 9:26, .30 Est. 1:1 Ahasnerus r. from Ind. Jer. 22:11 Shall, r. instead of Jo. Rom. 5:14 death r. fr. Ad. to M. 17 by one man's off. death r. 21 as sin r. to death, grace r. 1 Cor. 4:8 r. as kings without us Rev. 11:17 great power and r. 20:4 r. with Ch. a thousand y. REIGXEST. 1 Chr. 29:12 thnu r. over all, and REIGXETH. 1 S'liOT. 12:14 king that r. over y. 2 Sam. 15:10 Absalom r. in Heb. 1 K. 1:18 behold Adonijah r. 1 CAr. 16:31 the L. r. Pi. 96:10 : 97:1 ; 99:1 P.t. 47:8 God r. over heathen 9:3:1 L. r. he is clothed vA. maj. Proi'. 30:22 a servant when he /'. 76'. 52:7 saith unto Z. Thy G. r. Rev. 17:18 r. over kin^s of earth 19:6 Lord God omnipotent r. REIGMXG. 1 Sam. 16:1 1 rejected him fro. r. REI\S. Job 16:13 he cleaveth my r. asu. 19:27 tho. my r. be consumed Ps. 7:9 God trieth heart and ;•. 16:7 my r. also instr. me in ni. 26:2 0 L. try my r. my heart 73:21 was I pricked in my r. .139:13 thou hast possess, my r. Prov. 23:16 my r. shall rejoice Is. 11:5 faithfiiln. girdle of his r. Jer. 11:20 O L. that triest the r. 1'2:2 thou art far from their r. 17:101 try thy r. 90:12 seest r. Lam. 3:13 aiTOws to enter my r. Rev. 2:2:3 he who searcheth r. REJECT, ETH. Hos. 4:6 I will r. thee Mark 6:'26 oath's sake wo. not r. 7:9 ye r. commandment of G. John. 12:48 he that r. me, receiv. Tit. 3:10 after second admoni. r. REJECTED. 1 Sam. 8:7 they have notr. thee, but they have /•. me 10:19 ve have this day r. vour G. 15:23 thou hast r. word (if L. he also r. thee fr. being kin. 26 16:1 I r. hini from being king 2 K. 17:15 they r. his statutes 20 Lord r. all the seed of Isra. Is. 5:3:3 he is despised, r. of men Jer. 2:37 Lord r. thv confidence 6:19 r. my law; 39 L. r. them 7:29 Lord hath r. generation of 8:9 thev have r. word of Lord 14:19 hast thou utterly r. Jud. ? Lain. 5:22 thou hast utterly r. us Hos. 4:6 thou hast r. knowledge Mat. 21:42 stone which builders r. Mark 12:10 ; Luke 20:17 Mark 8:31 and he shall be r. of the elders, Lvke 9:-22 lAtke 7:30 law. r. counsel of God REJ Lnke 17:25 be r. of this general. Gal. 4:14 tempt, in flesh r. not Heb. 6:8 that beareth thorns is r. 12:17 have Inherit, bless, was r. REJOICE. Deut. 12:7 ye sh. r. in all, 14:26 16:14 thoii Shalt r. in thy feast 15 God sh. bless thee, th. sh. r. 26:11 Shalt r. In ev. good thing 28:63 L. will r. over yon, 30:9 32:4-3 r. O nations,- with his pe. 33:18 he said. r. Zebulun Jud. 9:19 r. ye in Abimelech 1 Sam. 2:1 bee. I r. in thy salva. 19:5 thou sawest it. and didst r. 1 Chr. 16:10 let the h >art of them r. that seek the L. Ps. 105:3 32 let fields r. and all therein 2 Chr. 6:41 and let thy saints r. 20:27 L. made th. r. Neh. 12:43 ./o6 20:18 he shall not r. therein Ps. 2:11 serve L. r. ^vith tremb. 5:11 all that put trust in thee r. 9:14 I will r. in thy salvation 13:4 those that trouble me r. 5 my heart shall r. in thy salv. 14:7 Ja. shall r. and Is. be glad 20:5 we ■^lill r. in thy salvation 21:1 in thy salvation shall he r. 30:1 made foes to r. over me 32:21 our heart shall r. in him 35:9 my soul sh. r. in his salva. 19 let not mine enemies r. ov. 24 O Lord, let them not r. over 26 let them be ashamed that r. 38:16 lest they sho. r. over nie 48:11 let Zionr. let Jud. be glad 51:8 bones th. hast brok. may ;■. 58:10 righteous r. wh. he seeth 60:6 G. ha. spok. I will r. 108:7 63:7 in shad, of thy wings I )•. 11 but the kins shall r.~in God 65:12 hills r. 66:6 did we r. 63:3 let righteous r. exceed, r. 4 r. bef. liim ; 71:23 lips sh. r. 85:6 that thy people may r. 86:4 r. the sonl of thy servant 89:12 Tabor and Herraon sh. r. 16 in thy name shall they ?: 42 hast made enemies to r. 96:11 let heavens r. 12 trees r. 97:1 let earth ?•. isles be glad 93:4 make noise, r. sing praise 101:31 L. shall r. in his -works 106:5 that I may r. in gladness 107:42 righte. shall see'it and r. 109:23 be ashamed, let ser\-a. r. 119:162 I r. at thy word 149:2 let Is. r. in him that made Prov. 2:14 who r. to do evil 5:18 r. vrite of thy youth 23:15 my heart shall r. 16 yea, my reins shall r. 24 father of righteous shall r. 25 she that bare thee shall r. 24:17 r. not wh. enemy falleth 28:12 wh. righteous irien do r. 29:2 right, in authority, peo. r. 6 righteous doth sing and r. 31:25 shall r. in time to come Ec. 3:12 a man to r. do good 22 that a man should r. 5:19 4:16 that come after shall not r. 11:8 live many years, and r. 9 r. O yon. man, in thy youth Is. 8:6 r. in Rezin and R.'s son 9:3 as men r. when divide spoil 13:3 that r. in my highness 14:29 r. not thou', whole Pales. 23:12 thou shall no more r. 24:8 noise of them that r. 29:19 poor among men shall r. .35:1 desert sh. r. 2blosso. and r. 61:7 for confusion they shall r. 65:13 behold, my ser. shall r. 19 I will r. in Jerusalem 6'i:10 r. ^vith Jerusalem 14 when ye see this, heart r. Jer. 31:13 then shall virgin r. 32:41 will r. over them 51:39 they may r. and sleep Lam. 2:17 caused enemy to r. Ezek. 7:12 let not the buyer r. 35:15 r. at inheritance of Israel Hos. 9:1 r. not, O Israel, foj ioy Amos 6:13 ye wh. r. in naught Mic. 7:8 r. not ag. me, 0 enemy Zep. 3:11 take away th. thatr. 17 the Lord will r. over thee Zee. 2:10 sing and r. O daughter 9:9 r. greatly, O daughter of Z. 10:7 and their heart shall r. Lukel-.li shall r. at his birth 6:23 r. ye in that day, and leap 10:"20 in this r. not, rather r. 15:6 r. with me. I have found 19:37 the disciples began to r. REJ John 4:36 he that reapetumayr. 5:35 willing for a sea. to r. 14:28 if ye loved me. ye wou. r. 16:20 weep, the world shall r. 22 see you, vom- heart shall r. Acts 2:26 theref. did my heart r. Rom. 5:2 r. in hope of gl. of God 12:15 r. with them that do r. 15:10 he eaith, r. ye Gentiles 1 Cor. 7:.30 r. as tho' they rej. n. 12:26 all the members r. ■n-ith it 2 Cor. 2:3 of whom I ought to r. 7:9 I r. not that ye were sorry 16 I r. I have confidence in you Gal. 4:27 r. barren that boar, "not Phil. 1:18 I do r. yea. and will r. 2: 16 I may r. in day of Christ 17 I joy and r. with you all 18 for the same cause do ye r. 28 when see him ag. ye may r. 3:3 we worship God. r. in C. J. Col. 1:24 r. in my suffer, for you 1 TTies. 5:16 r. evermore, pray Jam. 1:9 let broth, of low deg. r. 4:16 ye r. in your boastinss 1 Pet. 1:6 wherein ye greatly r. 8 ye r. with joy unspeakable 4:13 r. inasm. as ye are partak. Rev. 11:10 th. thatdw. on ear. r. 12:12 therefore r. ye heavens. 18:20 r. over her, thou heaven See GLAD. REJOICE before the Lord. Lev. 23:40 r. lef. t. Lord 7 days Deut. 12:12 r. bef. t. L. your God 18 and thou shall r. before the L. thy God, 16:11 ; 27:7 REJOICE in the Lord. Ps. .33:1 r. in the L. riL-hte. 97:12 /*. 41:16 r. in L. glorv "in H. One 61:10 I will greatlv r. in the L. Joel 2:23 chil. of Zi'on, r. in t. L. Hab. 3:18 I will r. in the Lord Zee. 10:7 heart shall r. in the L. Phil. 3:1 brethren ;■. in the Lord 4:4 r. in the Lord alway REJOICED. Ex. 18:9 Jothro r. for goodness Beut. 28:63 as Lord r. over you 30:9 as he r. over thy fathers 1 Sam. 11:15 S. and men of Is. r. 1 K. 1:40 people r. so earth rent 2 K. 11:14 the people r. and blew 1 Chr. 29;9 people r. and Dav. r. 2 Chr. 15:15 all Judah r. at oath 24:10 all princes and people r. 29:.36 Hezekiah r. and all peop. 30:25 strangers of Is. and Ju. r. Xeh. 12:43 and r. the ^ives also, and the children r. Est. 8:15 the city of Shushan r. Job 31:25 if I r. bee. my wealth 29 if I r. at destruction of him Ps. 35:15 in mine advers. they r. 97:8 the daughters of Judah" r. 119:14 ha. r. m way of thy test. Ec. 2:10 my heart r. in labor Jer. 15:17 I r. not in assembly 50:11 ye r. O destroyers of my Esek. 25:6 Aramon. /•. ag. Israel Hos. 10:5 priests that r. mourn Ob. 12 nor should, thou have r. Mat. 2:10 saw star, they r. Luke 1:47 my sp. hath r. in God 10:'21 in that hour J. r. in spir. 1-3:17 people r. for the things John 8:56 your fiither AbralT. r. Acts 7:41 r. in works of th. hands 15:31 they r. for tho consolation 16::34 jailer r. believing in God 1 Cor. 7::30 as though they r. not 2 Cor. 7:7 told us. so I r. the mo. Phil. 4:10 I r. in the Lord great. 2 John 4 I /•. greatly. 3 John 3 REJOICETH. 1 Sam. 2:1 Han. said. Mv hoa. r. Job 39:21 horse r. in strength Ps. 16:9 heart is glad, glory r. 19:5 which r. as a strong man 28:7 theref. my heart greatly r. Prov. 11:10 well wi. right, citvr. 13:9 the light of the rishteo. r. 15:.30 light of the eyes r. heart 29:.3 whoso loveth wisdom r. Is. 5:14 he that r. shall descend 62:5ashridegroom r. over bride 64:5 thou meetest him that r. Euk. 35:14 when whole earth r. Mat. 18:13 r. more of that sheep John 3:29 friend of bridegroom r. 1 Cor. 13:6 r. not in ini. r. in tr. Jam. 2:13 mercy r. against judg. REJOICEST. Jer. 11:15 when thou doest evil, then thou r. RE^r REJOICING. 1 K. 1:45 come up from thence r. 2 Chr. 23:18 burnt-offer, with r. ■Job 8:21 he fill thy lips with r. Ps. 19:8 statutes right, r. heart 45:15 with r. sh. they be broug. 107:22 declare his works with r. 118:15 voice of r. is in tabcm. 119:111 they are r. of my heart 126:6 sh. come again with r. Prov. 8:30 r. always before him 31 r. in habitable part of earth Is. 65:18 I create Jerusalem a r. Jer. 15:16 thy word was to me r. Hab. 3:14 their ?■. was to devour Zep. 2:15 this is r. city th. said Lvke 15:5 layeth it on should, r. Actsa:i\ r. counted worthy to s. S:-39 eunuch went on his way r. Rom. 12:12 r. in hope, patient in 1 Cor. 15:31 1 protest by your r. 2 Cor. 1:12 ova r. is testimony of 14 we are your r. ye are ours 6:10 as sorrowful, yet always r. Gal. 6:4 sh. he haver, in himself PhU. 1:26 your r. be more abnn. 1 Tkes. 2:19 wh. our crown of r. ? Heb. 3:6 r. of hope firm to end Jam. 4:16 boastinss. such ;•. evil KELE.isE. Dent. 15:1 end of 7 years make r. 9 the year of r. is at hand .31:10 solemnity of year of r. Est. 2:18 he made a"r. to prov. RELEASE, Verb. Deut. 15:2 creditor that lend. r. Mat. 27:15 gover. was wont to r. pris. Luke 23:17; John 18:39 17 w. will ye I r. 21 ; Mark 15:9 Mark 15:11 moved people, sho. rather r. Barab. Lv. 23:18 Lvkf. 2.3:16 I will chastise and r. 20 Pilate willing to r. Jesus John 19:10 I have^power to r. 12 RELEASED. Mat. 27:26 then r. he Barabbas Mark 15:15 ; L^tke 2.3:C5 Mark 15:6 at feast he r. prisoner RELIEF. Acts 11:29 determined to send r. RELIEVE. Lev. 25:35 if brother poor. r. him Is. 1:17 and r. the oppressed Lam. 1:11 thi. formeat to r. sonl 16 comforter that should r. far 19 they sought meat to r. souls 1 Tim. 5:16 if^any have wido. r. RELIEVED, ETH. Ps. 146:9 hi' r. fatherless, widow 1 Tnn. 5:10 if she have r. afflicts RELIGION. Acts 26:5 straitest sect of our r. Gal. 1:13 conversati. in Jews' r. 14 profited in the Jews' r. Jam. 1:21) this man's r. is vain 27 pure r. and nndefiled bef. G. RELIGIOUS. Acts 13:43 r. proselytes follow. P. Jam. l:26if any ani. you seemr. RELY, lED. 2 Chr. 13:18 becau. they r. on L. 16:7 r. on Syr. hast not r. on L. 8 because thou didst r. on L. RE.MAEV. E.r. 12:10 let noth. r. till mom. 23:18 fat of sacri. r. till morni. Lev. 19:6 if aught r. till 3d day 27:18 according to years that r. Num. 33:55 those ye let r. Deut. 2:34 destroyed all. none r. 16:4 nor any flesh r. till morn. 19:'20 thoseWhich r. shall hear 21:23 his body sh. not r. on tree Jos. 1:14 vour little ones shall r. 8:22 let none of th- r. 10:28, 30 23:4 I divided nations that r. Jud. 5:17 did Dan r. in ships ? 21:7 ^\-ives for them that r. 16 1 K. 18:22 I only r. a proph. of L. Ezr. 9:15 for we r. yet escaped ■lob 21::32 shall he r. in the tomb 27:15 those that r. sh. be buried Ps. 55:7 would I r. in wilderness Prov. 2:21 perfect sh. r. in land Cl:16 shall r. in congregation Is. 10:32 yet shall he r. at Nob 32:16 righteousn. shall r. in fie. 65:4 which r. among the graves 66:22 heavens and new earth r. Jer. 8:3 residue that r. of family 17:25 this citv shall r. for ever 27:11 th. will'l let r. in own la. 30:18 the palace shall r. 38:4 weak, hands of men that r. CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. 993 REM Jer. 42:17 no. of th. r. 44:14 ; 51:C2 44:7 com. evil, leave none to r. Ezek. 7:11 violence risen, no. r. 17:21 they that r. shall be scat. 39:14 men to bury those that r. Amos 6:9 if there r. ten men Ob. 14 delivered those that r. Zee. 12:14 families that r. Ltilce 10:7 in same house r. eat. John 6:12 gather fragm. that r. 15:11 my joy might r. in you 16 chosen that your fruit sh. r. 10::31 bodies sho. not r. on cross 1 Cor. 15:6 of \vh. greater part r. 1 Tim. 4:15 r. till coming of L. 17 we which are alive and r. Heb. 12:27 cannot be shaken r. 1 John 2:24 that ye have heard r. liev. 3:2 strengthen things wh. r. REiVI\Ii\DER. Ex. 29:34 thou shalt burn the r. Lev. 6:16 the r. shall Aaron cat 7:17 r. on third day sh. be bnr. 2 Bam. 14:7 leave nei. name, r. Ps. 76:10 r. of wrath sh. restrain REM.4IiVED. Gen. 7:23 Noah only r. alive 14:10 they that r. fled to moun. Ex. 14:28 th. r. not one chariot Sum. 11:26 there r. two men 3.5:28 he should r. in city of ref. 36:12 inh. r. in house of father Deut. 3:11 kingof Bas. r. fjiants Jos. 10:20 rest r. entered cities 11:22 in Ashdod there r. Anak. 18:2 there r. of Is. seven tribes Jud. 7:3 there r. with G. 10,000 1 Sam. 11:11 they which r. scat. 2 K. 10:llJehu slew all that r. 17 25:22 people r. set G. over them 1 Chr. 13:14 ark r. in fami. of O. Ec. 2:9 my wisdom r. with me Jer. 37:10 there r. wounded men 21 r. in court of prison, 33:13 41:10 Ishm. cari-iedcapt. that r. 48:11 his taster, in him 51:30 mighty men r. inth. holds Lam. 2:22 L.'s anger none r. Dan. 10:8 r. no stren. in me, 17 13 I r. there with kings of Pe. Hat. 11:23 done in S. it would r. 14:20 took up fragments that r. Liike\):\l;.Tohnli:lZ Luke 1:22 beckoned, r. speech!. Acts 5:4 wh. it r. was it not thi. REMAI.\EST. Lam. 5:19 t.hou 0 L. r. lie!}. 1:11 REMAI'VETII. Gen. 8:22 while carfli r. sced-ti. and harvest shall not cease Ex. 12:10 which r. ye shall burn Lev. 8:32 r. of flesh and bread 16:16 80 do for taberaa. that r. Num. 24:19 destroy him that r. Jos. 8:29 heap of stones that r. 13:1 there r. land to bo i)Ossess. Jud. 5:13 him that r. have dom. 1 Sam. 0:18 stone r. to this day 16:11 J. said, Tliero r. youngest Job 19:4 my error r. with myself 41:22 in his neck r. strength Is. 4:3 he that r. in J. call, holy Jer. .38:2 he that r. in city sh. die Ezeh\ 6:12 he thatr. besieged die l(a(j. 2:5 so my Hp. r. am. tliem Zen. 9:7 he that r. shall be for CJ. John 9:41 therefore your sin r. 1 Cor. 7:29 it r. they tluit ha. wl. 2 Cor. 3:11 that which r. glorio. 9:9 his righteousness r. for ev. Ileb. 4:6 it >•. some must enter in 9 there r. a rest to jx'op. of O. 10:26 there r. no sucri/lce for sin 1 John 3:9 for seed r. in him REMAIlVliXK. Num.. 9:22 cloud r. on tabernacle Deut. 'A:.\ till none was left r. Jos. 10::j3 Hiiil he left none r. 37, 39, 40 ; 11 :8 2 Snm. 21:5 d(!st. fr. r. in coasts 2 K. 10:11 Jehu h'ft Aliab no. r. 1 6'Ar. 9:33 who ;•. In chambers Joli 1H:19 nor any r. in (hvelling 0/j. 18 shall not lie any r. of lOsuu ./o/i« 1:.'J3 on wli. shall see Sji. r. REM AM All. I«. 7:4 anger of son i.f R. 5, 9 8:0 rejoice i]i Uc/.ln and It. son HEtlKUY. 2 67m\ 36:16 urulli aidsc, no ;■. /"/■OH. (1:15 be broken wllhout r. 29:1 be deslroyi^d, \vllliout /•. REMKMIIEIl. ^cn. 40:2:i did mil huller r. Joh. Ex. 13:3 Mo;ieK said lo iieoplci r. (■,:) REM Ex. 20:8 r. sab. -day to keep holy Num. 11:5 we r. fish eat in Egypt 15:.39 r. all commandm. of Lord Deut. 5:15 r. thou wastaserv. in Eg. 15:15; 16:12; 24:18,22 7:18 r. what L. did to Pharaoh 8:18 r. L. gi. pow. toget wealth 9:7 r. thou provokest L. thy G. 16:3 r. day camest out of Egypt 24:9 r. what Lord did to Miriam 25:17 r. what Amal. did to thee 32:7 r. days of old, consider Jos. 1:13 r. word wh. Moses com. Jud. 9:2 r. I am your bone 1 Sam. 25:31 Ab. said, r. handm. 2 Sam. 14:11 let the king r. Lord 2 K. 9:25 r. when I rode after A. 20:3 r. I walk. bef. thee. Is. 38:3 1 Chr. 16:12 r. works, Ps. 105:5 2 C'Ar. 6:42 n mercies of David Xeh. 1:8 r. word thou com. Mos 4:14 r. L. wh. is great and terri 13:29 r. th. that defiled priesth, Job 4:7 r. who perished 7:7 O r. my life is wind 10:9 r. thou hast made me 11:16 r. it as waters that pass .36:24 r. thou magnify his work 41:8 hand upon him, r. battle Ps. 20:3 r. thy offerings, accept 7 we will r. name of the Lord 22:27 ends of world r. turn to L. 25:0 r. thy mercies ever of old 7 r. not sins of my you_r. me 74:2 r. congreg. thou purchased IS r. this, enemy reproached 22 r. how foolish man reproa. 79:8 O r. not former iniquities 89:47 r. how short my time is .50 r. L. reproach of thy serv. 103:18 th. that r. his command. 119:49 r. word unto thy servant 1:32:1 L. r. D. and his afflictions 137:7 r. O Lord, child, of Edom Prov. 31:7 r. misery no more Ec. 5:20 he sh. not r. days of life 11:8 let him r. days of darkness 12:1 r. Creator in days of youth Cant. 1:4 r. love more than wine Is. 43:18 r. not former th. ? 46:9 25 I will not r. sins 44:21 r. these, O Jacob, and Is. 46:8 r. this, show yoursel. men 47:7 neither didst r. latter end .54:4 not r. reproach of widowh. 64:5 meetost those that r. thee 9 neither r. iniquity for ever Jam. 3:16 neither shall they r. it 14:10 he will now r. their iniq. 21 r. break not thy covenant 17:2 their children?', their altars 18:20 r. I stood to speak good 31:20 I do earnestly r. him still 44:21 did not the Lord?', them? 51:.50 ye that have escaped, r. L. Lam. 5:1 ?■. O L. what is come Ezek. 16:61 thensh. r. thy ways, 20:43; 36:31 2.3:27 thou shalt not r. Egypt IIos. 8:13 now will her th. iniq. 9:9 therefore he will r. iniquity 3[ic. 6:5 r. now what Ba. C(uisul. Ifali. 3:2 O I,, in wrath r. mercy Mat. 4:4 r. the law of Moses Afal. Wy.9r. loaves, Mark i:\9i Luke 1:72 r. his holy covenant 16:25 r. that th. in thy lifetime n:;i2r, Lot's wife; 2-<:6 ?•. how Jitlin 15:20 r. word that I said 16:4 lime shall come, ye may r. Ads 20:31 r. that by three years 35 r. words of the Lord Jesus Gal. 2:10 we should r. the poor Enh. 2:11 /•. that in time past Col. 4:18 r. my bonds 1 Thes. 2:9 ye r. brelh. ourlabor 2 Thes. 2:5 r. ye not 1 told vou t 2 Tim. 2;H )•. that J. Ch. raised III). l:!:3 )'. them are in bonds 7 r. them which liavi' theruhi Jude Mr. words spoken of apos. Rev. 2:5 )•. fr. wh. (houart fallen 3:3 r. how Ihon hiist received I HEMKMIIEIt. (Sen. 41:9 / do r. n\v faults I Sail). l.'):2 /;•. Ihiil wlii<'h Am. Jot) 2t:6 wlien / ;•. 1 am afraid t's. 42:1 when / ;'. tliesi', I pour 6:):6 wli. / /'. tlii-e upon mv Ix'd 1:17;6 If /do not r. tln'e, let my ll:i:5 I r. the days of nld .A'/'. 2:2 //■. Iliei', the kindness //(«. 7:2 consider not that / ;■. all I will ItEMK.MIIKil. (liH. 9:15 / ivUl r. my coven. 16 Lev. 26; 12 / ii'. r. coven, with A. 45 / »'. for their sakes ;•. cove. REM Ps. 42:C therefore zi'ill Ir. thee 77:10 I will r. the years of. 11 Jer. 31:34 7 will r. their sin no more, Heb. 8:12; 10:17 Ezek. 16:60 I will r. my covenant 3 John 10 Iwillr. deeds he doeth REMEMBER me. ■lud. 16:23 r. me that I may be 1 Sam. 1:11 look on hand. r. me Neh. 13:14 r. me, O God, 22, 31 ■lob 14:13 appoint me, and r. me Ps. 25:7 r. 7««, for thy sake, O L. 106:4 r. me with the favor that ,Ier. 15:15 O L. thou know. r. me Ezek. 6:9 escape of you sh. r. me Zee. 10:9 sh. r. me in far countr. Luke 23:42 L. r. me when comest 1 Cor. 11:2 ye r. me in all things REMEMBERED. Gen. 8:1 G. r. Noah ; 19:29 Abr. .30:22 G. r. Rachel ; 49:2 Jose. r. Ex. 2:24 God r. his covenant, 6:5 Num. 10:9 ve shall be r. bef. L. ■Tud. 8:.34 child, of Isr. r. not L. 1 Sam. 1:19 the Lord r. Hannah Est. 9:28 days of Pur. sho. be r. Job 24:20 sin. shall be no more r. Ps. 45:17 make thy name be r. 77:3 I r. God and was troubled 7S:.35 they r. G. was their Sav. .39 r. that they were but flesh 42 they r. not his hand, when 98:3 ho r. his mercy tow. house 105:8 ?'. his covenant for ever 42 for he r. his holy promise 106:7 they r. not the multitude 45 he ?'. for them his covenant 109:14 iniq. of his fathers be r. 16 he r. not to show mercy 111:4 wonderful works to be r. 119:52 I r. thy judgments of old 55 I have r. thy name, O Lord 1.36:23 r. us in our low estate 137:1 we wept, when we r. Zion Ec. 9:15 no man r. poor man />'. 23:16 thou mayest bo r. 57:11 thou hast not r. mo 63:11 then he r. days of old 65:17 former hcav. sh. not bo r. Jer. 11:19 may be no more r. Lam. 1:7 Jerusalem r. in days 2:1 r. not his footstool in anger Ezek. 3:20 his righteousness sh. not be r. 33:13 16:22 not r. days of youth, 43 21:24 made your iniq. to be r. 25:10 Ammonites may not be r. IIos. 2:17 no more r. 'Zee. 13:2 Amos 1:9 r. not the covenant Jon. 2:7 soul fainted, I r. Lord Mai. 26:75 Peter ;•. the words of Jesus, Luke 22:61 Luke 24:8 they r. his words Jobn'2:17 dLsciples r. it was wr. 22 when he was risen they r. 12:16 wh. J. was glorified th. r. Acts 11:16 then r. I word of L. Pev. 18:5 God hath r. heriniqui. REME.MBEREST, ETH. Ps. 9:12 mak. inqui.-ltioii, he r. 88:5 like slain wlioui tliou r. 103:14 he r. we are but dust LaJH. 1:9 she r. not her last end Mat. 5:23 th. r. that thy brother John 16:21 r. no more anguish 2 Cor. 7:15 whi. be r. obedience REMEMBERIAG. Lam. 3:19 r. minealUiciion and 1 Thes. 1:3 r. your woik of faith RE.ME.MnRA^<•^:. Ex. 17:14 put out r. of .•\nialek Xuut. 5:t5 bring ini(iuity to /•. IJan. 25:19 blot out r. of Amalek .32:26 make r. of I hem ceaso 2 S(tm. 18:18 no son lo keep r. 1 A'. 17:18 to call mv sin to r. .' .lob 18:17 his ;•. iierfsh fr. earth I's. 6:5 In death then- Is no r. ;)0:4 thanks at r. of boll. 97:19 ;M:16 to cut olVthe r. of then\ 38:1 psuhn of Da. br. to r. 70:1 77:6 call to ;•. my si>ng in night K3:l Israel lie no more In r. 102:12 /■. unto all generatlon.i 112:6 rlghtei'lis shall be in ;'. /•.'•. 1:11 it no /•. of former things 2:16 tin re h no r. of the wise h. 2i'i:8 (U». uf our soni ;•. of thee 43:26 put me In ;•. let lis plead ,57:8 beblmldiinrs set up tliv r. Lain. 3:21) niv snul hath Ih. In /'. Ezek. 31:2.3 call to ;•. the Inlqully 21 ln'c. that ye are come lo /•, 2.3:19 lo r. ilavs of her youth, SI 29:111 brlni;etli their li.tq. to r. .Mil!. ."1:111 book of r. was wrllloii REM Mark 11:21 Peter calling to r. Luke 1:54 hath holpen U. in r. 22:19 do in r. of me, 1 Cor. 11:3-1 John 14:26 bring things to yo. r. Acts 10:31 thine alms had in r. 1 Cor. 4:17 sh. brin^ you into r. 11:25 as ye dri. of it. inr.ofme Phil. 1:3 I thank God upon ev. r. 1 Thes. 3:6 that ye. have good r. 1 Tim. 4:6 if thou put breth. in r. 2 Tim. 1:3 that I have r. of thee 5 I call to r. unfeigned faith 6 wherefore I put thee in r. 2:14 of th. things put them in r. Heb. 10:3 there is a r. of sins 32 call to r. the former days 2 Pet. 1:12 always in r. Jude 5 13 putting yon in r. 15 have th. things always in r. 3:1 pure minds by way of r. Pev. 16:19 Babylon came in ;•. REMEMBRA-VCErJ. Job 13:12 your r. like to ashes REMISSION Mat. 20:28 bio. shed for r. of sins Mark 1:4 baptism of repentance for r. Luke 3:3 Luke 1:77 salvation by r. of sins 24:47 that r. should be preached Acts 2:.38 baptized for r. of sins 10:43 whoso belie, sh. receive r. Pom. 3:25 r. of sins th. are past Heb. 9:22 without shed bl. no r. 10:18 where r. is, th. is no olTe. REMIT, TED. John 20:23 sins ye r. they are?-. REM\AXT. Lev. 2:3 the r. of meat-ofi"erin<» 5:13 r. sh. be priest's as otVcring 14:18 r. of oil in priest's hand Pent. 28:.54 eye evil toward the r. ■los. 23:12 if ye cleave to the r. 2 Sam. 21:2 Gibeonites r. of Am. 1 K. 14:10 I will lakeawav the?-. 2 K. 19:4 lift up thv prayer for the?-. Is. 37:4, ;Vl.;i2 30 r. escaped shall take root 31 out of Je. shall go forth a r. 21:14 forsa. ?•. of mine inherita. 25:11 r. did Nebuzar-adan carry 2 C/ir. .30:6 retu. to the r. of you Ezr. 3:8 the ?•. of their brelhrea. 9:8 grace fr. L. lo lea\e us a r. 14 so that there should be nor. Neh. 1:3 r. left of the captivity ■Lob 22:20?'. of th. lire consumed fs. 1:9 unless L. left ns small r. 11:11 to recover ?•. of his people 16 there sh. be a highwav for r. 14:22 cut olV fr. Babvlon 'the r. no kill thy root, he sh. si. thy?'. 15:9 I will brinj; lions on the r. 16:14 the r. shall be very small ]T:3 kingdom shall cease fl'om r. 46:3 hearken r. of house of Isr. ./er. 6:9 they sh. glean r. of Isr. 11:23 there sh. be no r. of them 1.5:11 it shall be well with thy r. 23:3 I will gather r. of mv tloek 25:20 the?-, of Ashdod did driiilc 31:7 O L. save thy peo. r. of Is^ 40:11 kingof Babyhm lel'l a ;•. 15 Jews'scat. ;•. of Judali perl. 41:16 Joha. took r. of peo. 43:5 42:15 hear the Lord, ye /'. of Ju. 19 O ve ?•. of Judah. go ve not 41:12 Iwlll takethor of.ludati. 28 r. sh. kn. wh. words j-tanil 47:1 Lord will spoil /•. of co;int. h'Zt'k. 5:10 whole ;•. will scatter 6:8 vet will 1 leave a r. that ve 11:13 L. wilt make end t>f r .1* 14:22 behold, therein sh. be a r. 23:'25 r. shall fall by the swonl 25:1H destroy the ;•. of se.'i-coast ./(x7 2::i2 r. whom the L. sh, call .imos 1:8 r. of I'hilist. sh. perisU 5:15 (ioil will be gracious to /'. 9:12 tli.'il Ihi'V may posses" ;■. .\li,: 2:12 I will gather r. of Isra. 4:7 make her that halted, a r. 5:3 y. • ■' biH>threii return 'o Isr. 7 r. 01 Ja. Ill midst of people, IJ 7:18 li . isgres. of r oiluritagj l/. }filt. 22.ll the f. took lllH fcnan. lioin. 9:27 Kf. crIetU, r. bofjival 99 i CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE. re:m Bom. 11:5 at preseut time there is a r. J!ev. 11:13 the r. ■were nlirighted 12:17 dragon we. to ^var witli r. 19:21 ?: were elain with sword REMOVE. Gen. 48:17 father's liand to ?•. it Ahim. 3t):7 inheritance of Is. r. 9 Peut. 19:14 not r. neigh. 's land. Jos. 3:.3 ye sh. r. from your place 2 jSawi. ti:10 Da. would not r. ark 2 .ff". 23:27 L. said, I willr. Judah 24:3 Ju. to r. them out of sight 2 Chr. 33:8 neither will I r. Isr. Job 24:2 some r. landmarks, they 27:5 I will not r. mine integrity T's. 3C:11 let not wicked r. me 39:10 r. thy stroke a%\ay fr. me 119:22 r. from me reproach and 29 r. from me the way of lying Prov. 4:27 r. thy foot &-om evil 5:8 r. thy way far from her 22:28-r. not the landmarks, 2-3:10 30:8 r. from me vanity and lies £!o. 11:10 ?'. sorrow from heart Is. 13:13 earth n out of her place 46:7 from his place sh. he not r. Jer. 4:1 return, thou shalt not r. 27:10 prophesy lie, r. from land 50:3 they shall r. shall depart 8 r. out of the midst of Babyl. Ezek. 12:3 r. by day, thou sh. r. 45:9 O princes, r. violence and Eos. 5:10 like them that r. bound Joel 2:20 I will ?•. northern army 3:6 ye might r. them from bor. Mic. 2:3 fr. wh. sh. not r. necks Zee. 3:9 I will r. iniqiiity of land 14:4 mountain r. toward north Mat. 17:20 say, r. hence, sh. be 7: Luke 22:42 if willing, r. this cup 1 Cor. 13:2 that I could r. mount. Beo. 2:5 else I will r. candlestick REMOVED. Gen. 8:13 Noah r. covering of ark 47:21 Joseph r. people to cities Ex. 14:19 angel of God r. and 20:18 people saw it and r. afar Num. 21:12 r. pitched, a3:7-21 Deut. 28:25 r. into all kingdoms Jos. 3:1 they r. from Shittiui 1 Sam. 6:3 why his ha. is not r. a Sam. 20:12 he r. Amasa out of 1 K. 15:12 Asa r. the idols 13 r. fr. bei. queen, 2 Chr. 15:16 14 high pla. not r. 2 K. 15:4, 35 2 K. 17:18 the Lord r. Israel out of his sight, 23; 2-3:27 20 nations wh. th. r. know not 18:4 Hezekiah r. the high places 2 Chr. 35:12 th.r. burnt-offerings Job 14:18 rock is r. out of place 18:4 sh. rock be r. out of place? 19:10 hope hath he r. like a tree 36:16 jvould have r. out of stra. Ps. 46:2 not fear tho' earth be r. 81:6 r. his shoulder from burden 103:12 so far her. transgressions 104:5 earth, it should not be r. 125:1 as Zion which cannot be r. Prov. 10:30 righteous never be r. Is. 6:12 till L. hath r. men away 10:13 I have r. bounds of people 31 Madmenah is r. itihabitants 22:25 the sure place shall be r. 24:20 earth sh. be r. like cottage 26:15 hast r. it to ends of earth 29:13 r. their heart from me .30:20 yet sh. not teachers be r. 33:20 hot one of stakes be r. 33:12 mine age r. fr. me as tent 54:10 the hills shall be r. coven. of my peace shall not be r. Jer. 15:4 cause to be r. to kingd. 24:9 deliv. to be r. 29:18 ; .34:17 Lam,. 1:8 Jerusalem sinned, is r. 3:17 thou hast r. my soul Ezek. 7:19 their gold shall be r. 23:46 I will give them to be r. 36:17 way unci, of a r. woman Amos 6:7 banq. of them sh. be r. ilic. 2:4 how hath he r. it fr. me 7:11 in that day sh. decree be r. Mat. 21:21 Be r. Mark 11:2;? Acts 7:4 he r. Abraham into land 1.3:22 he r. Saul, raised David Gal. 1:6 marvel ye are so soonr. REMOVETH. Dent. 27:17 cursed, th. r. I.indm. Job 9:5 wh. r. the mountains 12:20 he r. speech of the trusty Eo. 10:9 whoso r. stones be hurt Dan. 2:21 chan. seasons, r. kings REMOVIXG. Gen. 30:32 r. from flock speckled /*. 49:21 1 am a captive r. to and REN" Ezek. 12:3 prepare stuff for r. 4 Heb. 12:27 signifieth r. of things RE.MPHAX. Acts 7:43 the star of your god K. REXD. Ex. 39:23 ephod should not r. Lev. 10:6^neither r. your clothes 13:56 priest r. plague out of gar. 1 K. 11:11 I will r. kingd. 12, 31 13 I will not r. away Kingdom 2 Chr. 24:27 didst r. clothes, we. Ec. 3:7 a time to r. time to sew Is. 64:1 thou wouldest r. heavens Ezek. 13:11 stormy wind r. it, 13 29:7 and r. all their shoulder Hos. 13:8 I will r. caul of heart ■Joel 2:13 r. your heart, not gar. Mat. 7:6 lest they turn and r. JbA;i 19:24 not r. it, but cast lots READER. Num. 18:9 offering they r. holy Deut. 32:41 1 will r. vengeance 43 r. vengeance to adversaries Jud. 9:57 evil of men of S. G. r. 1 Sam. 26:23 L. r. to man faithf. 2 Chr. 6:30 r. to ev. man accord. Job -33:26 will r. to man ri